Bullying Breyer - January 27th, Hour 3

Published Jan 27, 2022, 11:00 PM

 Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust, has done all the research on liberal groups and how they bullied Breyer into retiring. Plus who's on Biden's shortlist.

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Day number one sixty six. Coming up next, our final News round Up and Information Overload hour. Fright News Round Up, Information Overload hours, Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Let me go back to this issue because it keeps coming up and everybody's talking about it, because Jensaki just refused to outright deny that Kamala Harris might be considered as a Supreme Court nominee. Now, Jen Saki, the chief propagandist of the White House, was asked about this by Peter Alexander and Peter Doocey, and here's her response. Is there any scenario in which the President would select his vice president Kamala Harris for the Supreme Court? Again, I'm not going to speak to any considerations, preparations lists. And as we've stated earlier, and you heard the President say it is there's a long history of Supreme Court justices determining when they may retire, if they retire, and announcing that and we're going to that remains the case today. Thank you. When you were asked about the place President possibly being selected as a Supreme Court nominee, he said, you're not going to speak to any considerations. Does that mean she is being considered? Again, Peter, I'm not going to speak to the reports of a Supreme Court justice retirement that hasn't been announced. So theoretically would someone who theoretically, I do like that you preface it. I appreciate just wondering hypothetically, theoretically, would someone who was an attorney general of a large state and who served with many key Senate votes be unattractive Kennedy to the president for an open Supreme Court. I see what you did there, Peter. But the President has every intention, as he said before, of running free reelection, and for running for reelection with Vice President Harris on the ticket as his partner. But again, I will just reiterate that I have nothing more to offer in terms of specifics or information on the reports this morning. All right with response. Now we're joined by Caitlin the Lend, executive director of Americans for Public Trust. And by the way, they have done all the research on all these groups that were bullying Brier into retiring. Remember reports yesterday he was furious that he did not get to announce himself his own retirement anyway, Americans for Public Trust. Demand Justice a radical liberal dark money group intent on overhauling the federal court system, as many alumni, including Jensaki and the Biden administration. So there there's an underbelly to the story. And anyway, Foxnews dot Com had an article about it and it is inside biden whitehouses ties to dark money group seeking to pack the Supreme Court. Here with us is Caitlin and Southerland. Kaylin, you want to break this all down for us, Hi, Sean, thanks for having me on. Yes, you know, Demand Justice, as you said, is a massive dark money group that just spent the last year bullying Justice Bryer into retiring and as we know know their efforts finally paid off. And before that they spent months bullying Diane Feinstein and just stepping down from judiciary and guess what she did. And before that, they spent tens of millions of dollars opposing Trump's fix for the Supreme Court. So this group is going to be a major player Demand Justice that we all need to be on the lookout for over the next few months over this Supreme Court vacancy, well is going to be well, how is it possible that Briar didn't get to make the announcement himself. Who jumped the gun? Do we know? You know, that's a great question, but you know, we don't know necessarily where came from. But we do know that Demand Justice has insiders in the White House. As you just stated, Jensaki is a Demand Justice alum. She is now the White House Press Secretary and the point person for judicial nomination that is shepherding this process with President Biden also worked for Demand Justice. So when you have two key alums of Demand Justice now working in the White House whose former employer just spent the last year bowling Justice Bryer into retiring, you know, it does race some questions, well raise a lot of questions. Now what about this whole issue that race and gender will be the two factors as promised in the campaign by Joe Biden and selecting a replacement for Brier? You know, I think that's also something that you know, we need to be, you know, on the lookout for, particularly as who is driving selection of who's going to be on the Supreme Court. Is it going to be something that outside groups are demanding that President Biden or is he going to make this pick independently. You know, we already know that Demand Justice has a shortlist of who they want to see on the Supreme Court, and with insiders in the White House, you know, Demand Justice that is driving the pick when it should be the other way around. We know that they want to overhaul the Supreme Court and radically change the judicial branch, so we need to be concerned about who they want to be on the Supreme Court. Well, we're gonna seem Do you see any names that pop out of you as as likely potential top picks by Biden? Well, yeah, I think that, you know, we have seen several names circulating. Uh, you know, I think the front runner that everyone has been speaking about in the news is Judge Jackson. Will be very interesting to watch, but I would definitely always take a look at the shortlist that Demand Justice has prepared of who they'd like to see and if you can see the revolving door between who Demand Justice wants to see on the Supreme Court and then who Joe Biden ultimately selects, you know, that's just not the way that this process is supposed to work. And when we have insiders in the White House leading point on judicial nominations, you know they are doing the bidding other former employer, so you rightly pointed out I saw a comment that you had made it in a Fox News interview that they want to obviously pack the court. You said, add seats to the Supreme Court. We know that they want to add term limits for justices. They want to overhaul it and swing not just the Supreme Court but every level of the judiciary, so it would be more progressive and anyway, So and Jensaki worked as a communications consultant for Demand Justice. Why should people be nervous of this group. I've never heard of them. Well, they should be nervous because they are a massive dark money group that has shown they have been very effective into getting what they want. As I said, they just spent the last year bowling Justice Bryor into retiring and it worked. They spent months bowling Diane Feinstein to step down from the judiciary and it worked. If they get their way, and who they select on the next Supreme Court for a lifetime appointment, that person could be doing a lifetime appointment of this group's bidding. And they only want liberal and left wing judges on the Supreme Court for something that's a lifetime appointment. We need to be concerned. Well, I agree. I don't see a strategy for Republicans with a fifty fifty sploit, do you. You know, it certainly is going to be challenging. But the more that we can raise awareness to what Demand Justice is doing and the insiders in the White House who are leading point, you know, we need to be aware of what this group is mobilizing to do. As I said, they bully Justice Bryer into retiring. Now they are mobilizing to get their way in the Supreme Court vacancy. All right, Well, we really appreciate your insight. Caitlin Sutherland, Thank you, Executive director of Americans for Public Trust eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Kim is in Idaho, Kim, what's going on? Glad you called? Hi? Sean. I just want to let you know that I just love you and thanks for taking my call. I have a couple questions. I am curious as to why Biden isn't being tested for his cognitive capacity and who, if anyone, is in charge of initiating that test. Well, I mean you're asking a really good question. Obviously, I think the public at some point is I see now what we were way ahead of the curve. Let me start there. We've seen this from the beginning. More and more people plurality of people now see what we see. And the bottom line is very, very simple, and that is that if more and more people see and feel that he's not mentally up to the job, doesn't have the mental awareness, cognitive strength, ability, but the hardest job in the world arguably, then I think people are going to start thinking it's time for him to step aside. And do I want that to happen? No? It is there any chance that you know, potentially he can start recovering getting better. Yeah, of course I believe in that um But to me, he's getting progressively worse, as we've seen now in the last two weeks alone. So the answer is no. Now what happens if he does step aside or as pressured to step aside, well, then Kamala Harris as the president, she'll pick you know, the vice president. We're still in the same position in terms of the mid terms. We've got to win them to stop this radical agenda. And in twenty twenty four its anybody's guess which way this is going to go right. And then also, um, like when he made his big blunder on the news, you know, when he was doing his little speech and he gave Russia basically the green light that said, you know, if they only do a minor incursion, that's okay. I mean, isn't that inciting war for the most part um in a sense, it's given his blessing towards it. Um. You know, it's interesting because people are trying to say that somehow conservatives are upset that he's not being tougher with Russia. And the response was, well, let me, let me put eighty five hundred troops on a higher state of preparedness, which is laughable to me. I mean, you know, Putin's got anywhere between one hundred and fifty two hundred thousand troops already on the border with Ukraine. He's got ships at sea, he's got land, sea and air all dominating of Ukraine. He can go in at a moment's notice and he will take over. There's no way the Ukrainians can really fight back effectively. Now, is Joe Biden or the United States? Are they going to take Ukraine's side and get involved in a military conflict with Russia. No do I want them to, absolutely not. But I do think the most effective thing that Joe Biden can do he's incapable of doing because he is literally at the mercy of the radical left that runs his party. The best thing to do would be to compete in the world market and outproduce Russia in terms of energy and provide that energy to all of our NATO and Western Europe and allies. If we do that, that will then prevent Russia from getting rich again and putin from having even the wherewithal to think about any type of minor incursion or military effort into Ukraine or anywhere else. Now some might say, Searan, what do we give a flying rip? It's Ukraine and it's Russia. Well, if if you don't understand the geopolitical consequences and potential consequences of allowing a hostile regime to just run rough shot and take over this country and then this other country, China takes over Taiwan, and you know you've got yourself a prescription for a potential down the line where it becomes more like a World war situation. And then you have new alliances built the countries that are now taking over sovereign countries. They aligned together, and then free countries of the world begin to realize we may be next. And then you got yourself a potential for real conflict, which is possible now. If you don't believe me, go back look at the history of the last century where a hundred million human souls are dead in the name of government, wars, oppression, communism, fascism, Nazism, you name it. It all happened. And don't think it can happen in our time. Sadly, I think it can anyway, Glad you called. All right, back to our busy phones. Let's get to Bob and Texas. Bob, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called, Oh, thank you, Sean. And I teach government in politics here the Friday Night Lights School, you know, the Mojo of Bermion in West Texas. And we've got some great students, as the most schools do, and they're mostly seniors and they're pretty smart. And yesterday we were discussing because I always opened up the class with the current event, you know, and we were discussing the United Nations, the UN, and it occurred to me that I haven't heard anything about from the UN, you know, on the Russia Ukraine crisis. So we look at their web page, and what do I see on their splash page. It's articles about you know, digital currency, can abandon Afghanistan, love and condoms, you know, sustainability, everything but the crisis. And I looked at their mission statement again because you know, maybe it changed since I studied the UN many years ago. No, maintain international peace and security, Uphold international law. So sean last time I looked, an aggression from one country against another, Well, that's not too kosher for international law, that's against international law. So I think that they ought to, you know, get off their stuff there at the UN, at least the Security Council members. Of course, the five permanent ones include China and Russia, so you know, there's no there's no surprise that they're probably not talking about this. But in order to put some teeth into their organization, they're going to have to come to aggression. It this sooner or later. Well, you know, I just don't trust countries world organizations. I'm not a fan of the UN. I'm not a fan of the who. I think everybody's got their agenda. I think the fact that we end up paying the bulk of moneys even for NATO, way more than we should be paying. Other countries needs to step up. You know, it's it's in their backyard. It impacts them the most, you know, Vladimir Putin. You know there's estimates that came out a barrel of oil might cost one hundred and fifty bucks of barrel. Well, that's going to have a dramatic impact on the world economy. And if you think inplation is bad, now, well if the price of oil doubles again or triples, you're going to be paying eight dollars a gallon just to fill up your tank. And Americans can't afford that. Yeah, listen, I'd love to be in isolationists and I do not want any foreign conflict of wars. And let me be clear, We're not gonna go to war with Russia, and we shouldn't, but there are things that we could do that would be highly effective. The single most effective thing we could do is we can rip out, you know, the underbelly of the Russian economy and outproduce energy and make sure it gets in the hands of those people that need it. The most that, so they won't people holding to the likes of Vladimir Putin anyway. Eight nine our number. We'll get to your calls next half hour, holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. All right, eight hundred for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. So much to talk about today, so much going on anyway, A lot of good callers today and a lot of good callers always. Let's go to Pamazon, Ohio. Pam, I'm reading on my screen that you are a farmer. Is that true? Well, my husband's the farmer, but yes, and I'm sure you probably help them. How big a farm you have? He has several couple hundred acres and he also raises cattle. Okay, that's really cool, that's awesome. Do you like that life? We love it. It's just the best. It couldn't get any better. All right, let me ask you, because there are days when I'm you know, in a total atom shift storm of some kind, I wonder to myself, you know what, maybe I should have a farm, Maybe I should be have a beer rancher. Maybe I've watched too much Yellowstone. I have no idea would I get bored or would I get used to it? You know what, you would not get bored at all because every day, you know, you've got to keep going. You've got livestock to take care of. They've got to be feds. You've got to make sure if they need any help from the vets. You know, when it comes to your crops, you worked daily, you know, and between after you plant, of course you have some downtime you have to you know, maybe go and do some things in between you get to harvest, so you have a full blown schedule again. But my husband is the entire firm, the job he had thirty years, so he worked at a company, plus he farmed, and even being retired, he's he's not bored. I mean, there's always something to take care of. Well, you know, I just tell you it's just as an amazing life. You know, it's it's kind of funny for those of us that grew up. I grew up in suburbia, and I grew up and I went to the grocery store, and you know, you see all these incredible fruits and vegetables and products, and you know, anything you want you can buy and that's in the store. Most of us don't spend a lot of time thinking about all the hard work that goes into producing all of that food that we love to consume, because I like to eat and it is a lot of hard work. And it's amazing how technologically advanced farming has become and ranching has become, and how efficient farmers can be. And I have farmers call this program. For example, everyone's telling me the price of fertilizers through the roof and they're wondering why they're paying more at the grocery store. And I'm like, well, the price of fertilizers much higher. And I'm like, number two costs more to ship everything because of Joe Biden's economic and energy policies. Well, you ben't believe it. My husband is already starting to buy some fertilizers that cost me on because of the increases we've been for warm that could come and there seems like there's no end in sight. There's also the possibility that a lot of these chemicals they will not even be able to purchase, they will not make it to the States evidently success I think it's it's kind of odd how all of this is happening. Um. Of course with a green New Deal and the background of everything that they want to accomplish. UM. It really makes you wonder if if all of this isn't part of their plan, what do you mean by plan? Well, I honestly think that. Okay, let me give you an example. We have a farm there. There's a farm near a town close to US, seven hundred plus acres. It was bought by what we were told, Bill Gates in the beginning, and then then to a firm that purchased it later on. It's they came in, they wiped down all of the trees, the houses, they cleared to land, and we've been told it's going to go into um a solar farm. And so I believe that part of them, part of what they're doing, I think, is trying to take down the American farmer who um, it doesn't look at the green deals being part of their daily life. It's almost impossible that we we see it as almost impossible to get to assault. In other words, if you don't have the energy to do the things you need to do that. In other words, there's a there's an art, there's a science. I mean there are agricultural colleges that that teach the most efficient farming technologies and methods that are out there and available in the equipment. By the way that they have over the years developed is actually amazing to make your job not only easier, but enables you to produce so much more food than in prior years and decades. Um, So I think that that this would be more burdensome regulation that would impact farmers. Yeah, it could. It could absolutely destroy the farming exactly. Well, I believe that will. Yeah, of course it could. I think it's um my husband will ask, how do they think we're going to charge that factor out in the middle of the field when the batteries you know, are drained and there are they're going to put us charging stations out in the middle of the fields. You know, it's just crazy. We just we don't understand it. Unt we don't know why they want to take the American farmer down. But I think that's all part of it. But I think that the Biden administration is doing anything they can do to take anybody down that loves this country. And we see it in all kinds of aspects. And the border open borders two plus million is what we've heard so far. Thank god for foxes drones that are out there showing us the truth about what's going on. When you have young men that look like they could get it in the ring and box with you seriously, and they're calling them children and they're releasing them in the different cities in the middle of the night, why what are they up to? You know, what are they planning to use those immigrants? Form and Nancy Pelosi, she'll say, it's all about the children. Well, what are they doing with those people? Children that came over the border unsupervised? Some of the stories were horrible. Is our government promoting, you know, child sex. I don't understand. Oh, I don't think that. I think they want they support illegal immigrants. I think there is a calculation that has been made that, you know, if they offer something of great value to people, it doesn't matter where they come from, it's called amnesty and citizenship, that they'll be rewarded potentially for generations to come. I believe in immigration. I'm the product of immigration. My grandparents came from Ireland. I don't care where people come from, but I want them to do it legally, and that's all there is to it. And you know, to have open borders and pick and choose what laws you're going to obey and what laws you choose not to obey and to aid in a bet and law breaking, which Joe Biden's been doing is something I never thought i'd see in my life. It's an enormous cost on the American people. People need food and shelter and healthcare and kids need the education. When they hear they won't even allow allow us to deport in sanctuary states and cities, illegal immigrants that spend time in jail, when they get out of jail, they're protected, they're not handed over as the law requires to law enforcement for deportation. So it's uh, you know, once you get to this is what Livinois would call the postconstitutional America and the rule of laws meaningless, and that would include, you know, a dual justice under the law. We don't have equal application of our laws. We don't have equal justice under the law. We don't enforce the laws that we don't like. All of this is it's very, very dangerous to this republic. You know, they talked about all the danger of Donald Trump. What they're doing is extraordinarily dangerous. If they don't like immigration laws, they ought to change it. They're not gonna pam God, bless you and your husband. You feed us all. We don't say thank you enough. You don't get enough credit for all you do. And um, it's an amazing, amazing service that you provide the rest of humanity and we thank you for it. Well, we thank you, all right, thank you, all right? Ben? And Georgia has a disagreement with me. What's up? Ben? How are you? Hey? Son? Love the show? Agree with you almost every time, get to the butt, but I disagree with you on Governor Kemp in Georgia. I think he's the best candidate to beat Stacey Abrahams this year. I think he's the most conservative governor we've had, maybe ever, and has been incredibly effective in everything that that he's done, whether it's you look at protecting life or the elections reform that he did last year. He's kept business open during the pandemic, tax refunds, going after critical race theory. I think, oh, listen, I like David Purdue for that position. Um, I didn't like and I'll be very specific vic the consent agreement after the Georgia Democratic Party, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. They sued the state of Georgia. This is you know, I believe groups involved with Stacey Abrams were involved in this, and they got this consent agreement, and it created the dual standard, for example, on signature verification. I know the legislature has strengthened the election integrity laws in Georgia. I don't think they've gone far enough. I think they've got to have that database applied equally to voting in person and mail on voting in Georgia that does not exist yet today. Nor do I feel that they handled the election right and on a lot of fronts. Like a lot of states, Georgia has a law that says partisan observers get to watch the vote counts start to finish. That didn't happen. Nobody seemed to care in the governor's office or in the Secretary of State's office. That's my observation. UM. I know David Purdue, and I think he and herschel Walker are two phenomenal candidates, but we can sometimes agree to disagree. It's not a problem for me now not same here. I just uh, I want to see her United Republican Party in Georgia in twenty two, and i'll after the primary, everybody can unite around the winner, whoever it happens to be. The poll yesterday showed Kemp was ahead, so that probably makes you happy. Whoever's the best candidate to beat Stacy Ablams And I think it's it's Kemp, especially in the polls right now. But he's got the best I'll see. I think I think Herschel has a phenomenal chance to beat Raphael Warnock in that race. I think it's gonna be a hard race. Um. I think I think Georgia, like other states, has shifted more blue than in the past. Um. I kind of agree Republican in fighting is an ideal. But I think there's some justified reasons for David Purdue primary Kemp, some of which I explain. There are others that I have nothing against Kemp personally, and I don't even know the guy. I talked to him. I think maybe at once, I don't know him. I've never spoken of Rassemburger and I don't know him. But we'll see. It's going to be interesting. Amanda, Wisconsin, what's up, Amanda? How are you? John just some comments about Ukraine and Russia from experience of me actually going there, and I do have a very good friend of mine who's an American citizen who is married to a Ukrainian man and they currently live in Ukraine and they have for seventeen years or so, and just some input from the time that I've spent there and talking to them, they feel that the American media is really blowing up, in their words, the border crisis with royth Russia. They said that Putin has done this many times for and it hasn't been quote advertised, and they said that they feel that Biden perhaps is trying to bring himself out to be a savior of Look, I beat Putin, I did it. They feel that there's a huge divide between Eastern and Western Ukraine, and that was very evident. And I've been there five times from since twenty fifteen, and it's completely evident East versus West. And they've had this war going on since twenty fourteen, and I don't think that some people understand that there's still a war going on there. It hasn't stopped, and Putin is after resources. Eastern Ukraine has a tremendous amount of natural resources, and if he can get the eastern part of it, eventually he probably could get the western part of it. But at this point, my friends, they aren't leaving. They have no intention to leave. They're in the western part. I've been to two places in the eastern part of Ukraine seeing the difference between east and west, and I don't necessarily agree with them as far as Putin's plans, because frankly, I think he's just evil and he has a plan and there's always something that he's up to. M I do think he could definitely be doing this as a means of extracting m concession from the West, NATO America, you name it. That that definitely can be part of it. I agree with that. It could be a head fake, um and um. As far as money goes, I can tell you I highly doubt that any money that the US has given to Ukraine has actually gone towards anything meaningful to the Ukrainian people. It's highly corrupt. I know. That was one of the first things that many Ukrainians told us when we my husband and I went there the first time in twenty fifteen. They were it's corrupt, I mean, and that's the joke. We go there and like corrupt, you know, we just say it because they know that it's corrupt. And if they can get and like I said, if Putin can get you know, stepped in on the east side, and I mean he wants a clear path the seat. I mean, that's that's huge, that's humongous. And the western side of Ukraine is very nationalistic and they are going to put put up more of a fight than the eastern side has. And if you go back in history and look at Ukraine, they have always been I'm sorry, they've done weak. They've been weak, and they have rolled over. They'll roll over again. They don't have the military might to fight back in my view. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today a big Hannity Tonight nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News Channel, Don and Junior joined us Pete hegseth Leo two pointz Terrell. This entire issue of the NCAA what to do with trans athletes is it is the NCAA and their leadership turning a blind eye to injustices in women's sports. Caitlin General will join us, Tammy Bruce, Adam Carollo, and much much more. Nine Eastern City DVR, Hannity, Fox News see it tonight, back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible. H

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