There are two major events that have happened to the Democrats this past week that really shows there are cracks in their ranks. Is Speaker Pelosi having trouble with her new radical left-wing socialist members? Next, look at the 2020 candidates clamoring to be the voice to raise taxes!
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All right, glad you with us, and a happy Monday too. You're right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extvaganza. You know, there was an article today that made me laugh a little bit eat popcorn. It was from town Hall, as the Democrats eat themselves, And in many ways, that's exactly what I've been saying. They're digging holes. And when they're digging, let them dig and dig and dig and dig and dig, because as they dig, they're just digging bigger holes for themselves, and there's nothing that they're going to be able to do, I think as time goes on, to get them out of the list of crazy stuff that they're locking themselves into, you know. And then add to that the intramural fighting between Pelosi and AOC and I mean Alcastio Cortes. She denied it later, but I mean when you say, oh, it seems like she's only picking on people of color. And what was fascinating there is she had just got done saying to Donald Trump two days earlier, keep America white again. But Pelosi has lost any and all control of her party, and I'm not sure how this is all going to work out. And then now the way they have the rules set up in the House that they've kind of designed it that they can't change speakers midway. But that's according to the rules, it's not according to what reality begins to emerge. Because if you get enough people in the Democratic Caucus beginning to say Pelosi needs to go, I think ultimately at some point she's gonna go. And she's now she's done everything she can do to call out Alexandria Cossio Cortez as you want to talk to me, talk to me, talk directly to my face, don't go out there and tweet it. And that's what a Cossio Cortez says that, oh, it seems like you're only going after women of color in the caucus. And there are some people that have rallied around Nancy Pelosi at all of this. But if you if you want to take you know who's winning this fight in terms of the radical liberal base, which is a big part of the Democratic Party, which is why all of these twenty twenty candidates have bought into some insane version of radical tax increases, the radical Green New Deal, why they've all doubled down on medicare for all and free healthcare for illegal immigrants and all for open borders and everything else in between. Why have they locked into that because they've determined and probably a lot of it is based on polling of the Democratic base that will determine the nominee. It makes at least like less likely every day that Biden gets it, although he's trying his best to be everything he hasn't been his entire political career. But you know, they have what's called this net roots nation, which is like a progressive gathering that attracts thousands of people every year. And you know, so it is believed that they are rising in influence on the in terms of the Democratic Party and more specifically, who the twenty twenty presidential kendidate for the Democrats is going to be. But now at the net roots, Um, remember Nancy Pelosi. You know she was She was it in terms of San Francisco liberalism and leftism and socialism and redistributionism. She was the person, she was at the top of the pyramid for everybody in these radical progressive circles. Um, she doesn't act this way when blue dogs say stupid stuff about Democrats and the party and constantly criticized the party. Marcus Malitas, I haven't heard his name in a long time. He ran Daily Costs. I assume he probably does. He was the founder of the Daily Cost cost years ago. And referring to a group of conservative House Democrats for some reason, she's singling out these four for a special brand of conflict and it doesn't make any sense, but they're angry at what they're doing now. The four we're talking about her, well, the leader is Alexandriacasio Cortez. Then second in charge of this group probably would be Omar. But we're going to get to in a second Ayana Pressley of Massachusetts and Congresswoman to Leave of Michigan. And they're the ones that have been most outspoken about Joe Biden, most outspoken about Nancy Pelosi, and they're the ones that have pushed the hardest this radical green New Deal, which everything is free and we're going to get rid of gas and oil in ten years and the combustion engine and at some point planes and cows, and I don't know how we're going to travel. I don't know how an economy that is based it's lifeblood is based on oil and gas. How does that ever survive? And these four women believe that a House measure to provide a merger agency funding for the crisis at the border didn't provide sufficient restrictions on how Trump could spend the money. And you know, but with their opposition, who cares. They're now they're literally now at each other's throats. You get a tweet from one official account of the Caucus criticizing the top aide to Alexandria Cossio Cortez. Remember that top aide is saying that, yeah, we want to, you know, forever alter the economy through this new Green deal. It's always banned about an agenda. It's not it's not about the environment. It's always ban about the economics of it. And and look at where the Democrats are. They want to go as high as as seventy percent top personal income marginal rate and a ninety percent top marginal corporate rate. Anyway, so the tweet that came out late Friday night, you know, took aim at the chief of staff of Acastio Cortes. And this acrimony among House Democrat rats is you know, all over the place. And this happened on the heels of Pelosi in that caucus meeting, saying look in my face, look at my eye, and don't say it on Twitter. But there's a good article that I'm looking at from the Wall Street Journal points out the Twitter account represents the full House Democratic caucus. Meanwhile Thecasio Cortez gets more play, more attention than the rest of the caucus combined. You know, there is a group I think there's forty six of them Democrats that were elected from districts that Trump won. Then this new sort of new person of the group, I haven't heard a whole lot about her, Ayanna Pressley, no more black faces that don't want to be a black voice. Now she is tied in apparently with talib and Omar and Alexandria Cossio Cortez, and she's claiming that Democrats claim that the target of this racist attack by the president told left wing bloggers, we don't need any more black faces that don't want to be a black voice. And she's one of the four left wing Democrats out there disparaging England. Nancy Pelosi and anyways, she put out I guess in response, appeared at the you know, it's appeared to blast members of the Congressional Black Caucus. This was in the Washington Post. An all out racially charged fight within House Democratic Caucus escalated Saturday when an African American freshman lawmaker said that the party doesn't need any more black faces that don't want to be a black voice. And she made those comments at a speech at the net Roots convention, where of course Omar and herself and to Leave appeared after a week long clash with Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi was like Perisana and on Grada there and this is a time to shake the table. We don't need any more brown faces that don't want to be a brown voice again, taking what seems like a shot at the CBC, which is allied with anti Pelosi. And on Sunday, this group of four congresswomen in this fight with Pelosi, you know, separately they're saying Omar is saying told the high school audience that the United States had failed to become a just society and seeing Trump also trading bars last week. Look, this is it's getting interesting. It's not what the media is portraying it to be. And as we get started, I want you to understand a couple of things here this extremism, this radicalism is not helping the Democratic Party. This is now an all out public civil war, and Pelosi's right to try and stop it. But they're not stoppable. And in a sense, I kind of admire the fact they they're going to go their own way and they're not gonna give in to the pressure of the leadership to do it they say they want them to do. Anyway, there's a poll out that was released, this one by Axios. Acacio is now recognized by seventy four percent of voters. That's a pretty high number for a freshman congresswoman. The only problem is her approval rating is twenty two percent. Omar is recognized by fifty three percent of voters. Her approval rating is in single digits. It's only nine percent, and voters this is not good for where the Democratic Party is headed. They understand what socialism is and sixty nine percent of them view it unfavorably. And if all voters here about is AOC, it could put the House majority were at risk here and twenty twenty at risk. Socialism is toxic to these voters anyway. The poll is significant, according to Axios, because it shows Democrats are sounding the alarm that swing voters know and dislike socialism, or how do they back off from everything they've said aroundy? How do they all? They can't back off. This is what they want, This is who they are, this is what they believe, you know. And over the years, you know, Omar has said a lot of dumb stuff, you know, especially remember we were going through the issue Pelosi was agonizing how to treat the the virulent anti Semitic comments of Omar, you know, saying, you know, even comparing Israel, you know, their evil, you know, is all I can think of at the time of the tweet. What she pedals in conspiracy theories all the time, the US favors Israel over Palestine, compares Israel to Iran and Saudi Arabia. There couldn't be a worst comparison. Ever, if she had any knowledge of what truth is in this particular case of foreign policy. You know, she peddled a conspiracy theory that Lindsay Graham is compromised. Really, where's your evidence? You just get to say that about another member of Congress. She compared Israel to not only the Saudis, but also Venezuela. She blamed the US involvement in other people's affairs, basically blaming the US for the al Shabab attacking Kenya. I'll play some of these cuts later in the show. She talks about political influence that says it's okay for people to rush to push an allegiance to a foreign country. She said, we're labeled anti Semitic because we are Muslim, meaning her and Talib. Obama's a pretty face who got away with murder. She has aligned herself with the group CARE, pretty radical group. Remember unindicted co conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation case because nine to eleven, Well, some people did something. CARE was founded after nine eleven because they recognize that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our liberties. Okay, and then she literally goes on to explain and I don't have time to play it now, joking about people saying al Qaeda and Hezbollah after nine to eleven. I mean, that's pretty pretty devastating now, you know, so the presidents saying, won't go back to your country when you fix your country and you'll learn how to fix that, comeback and teach us how to do it here. Well, if you look at Somalia laws, they're pretty vicious. Women who consent to abortion or cause one are punished to one to five years in jail. If you say anything that's anti Islam, that brings the religion of Islam into contempt, or bringing into contempt persons professing their faith in Islam or objects to dedicated to worship, they're punished by two years. If you happen to be gay and you engage in intercourse, well that is punishable by three months to three years. If you look at the Somalia penal code and you have the controversy, I don't know what the issue is about her marriage to a brother, whether that's true or not. I'm looking and reading all the articles. I don't have a definitive answer for you yet. We'll keep looking, but you know there are a lot of questions about it. She makes anti American comments, questions the patriotism of American born citizens. She blames our involvement in other people's affairs. After the al Shabab attack and the Kenya Mali told you that claims US force has killed thousands of Somalis during black Hawk Down and Omar's empathy for Islamic extremists. And that's when she jokes about people saying al Qaeda in a menacing tone, Well, how else would you say it? And she knites a debate on Israel and anti Semitism, and you know when she talked about it's all about the Benjamin's you remember that comment. You know, she says, she chuckles when Israel is called the democracy, compares Israel to Iran. Really, none of this seems to bother any of them, as they keep going more extreme by the hour. All right, lest we roll along Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, and everyone wants to look there is There's always been a blame America first crowd. You know, I keep going back to my buddy Barry Farber, who deserves all the credit. Has never been a country in the history of man that has accumulated more power and abused it less. And I add, there's never been a country in the history of man that has been a country that has accumulated more power and used it for the advancement of the human condition than the United States of America. Anyway, So you've got this intramural fighting, and the president gets involved a little bit with this thing. On Omar nine to eleven. Oh, some people did things. I'm like what. She blasts the New york A Rabbi blast om Are for pushing the claim that Jesus was Palestinian and not Jewish. That was another controversy, criticized for retweeting a claim about such and it's like I can go on all day. She faced scrutiny over a past effort to win leniency for nine men accused of trying to join ISIS. That's on Google. Go take a look at it, and in a bizarre clip, jokes about people saying al Qaeda in a menacing tone. How should we say it? All right? As we continue twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, listen, I think it's the biggest deal. Two big events in the last week for the Democrats. One is that Acasio Cortez and company her her you know, BFFs, And that would be Talib and Omar and the group of four Ayanna Pressley you know, hauled out regularly now by the Speaker of the House. That's interesting, Speaker of the House says, say it to my face. The same day, within hours, Acastio Cortez goes out publicly and basically says she's attacking women of color. And then now you've got groups of people now beginning to pair off. Who are they supporting. On the one hand, I kind of admire the courage of Alexandria Costio Cortez. I just think that her opinions are off the wall. I have invited her for three hours on those radio shows so we can go into great depth with her. If she ever wants the opportunity to be heard and to have a friendly exchange, and the same with TV, I'd be glad to give her an hour because I think that this is representative of this is the new radical left wing socialist Democratic Party that I've been telling you about. There are there are I can't think of a moderate conservative voice that speaks out in this new Democratic party. And then the next thing you just have to do is just look at the twenty twenty candidates. All right, on taxes, they want to raise them, I mean seventy percent for individuals, ninety percent corporations. Then a wealth tax. I didn't realize this till recently New York. You know, if you a wealth tax means that after you've been taxed, if you if you're lucky enough to have saved any money, and if you saved a certain amount of money, then they want another bite at the apple. After the fact, there's money you've already made and pay taxes on. And then if you die. You know, I love my accountant says this every year. Don't die in New York. I'm like, I'll try hard not to. I really tax the rich. We did. Now God forbid the rich leave. The rich left. They're leaving New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California in droves. My only fear is that they're leaving because the states have been destroyed by the politicians that they have selected. Andrew Cuomo, more than any other governor that I can think of, has an opportunity to save his state. He really does. Would be an amazing accomplishment if he would open up natural gas tracking and upstate New York, which you know the last fifteen governors have said they're going to help fix the economy and upstate New that would fix it. That's why Pennsylvania is doing as well as they are doing. That's why Pennsylvania that you got to know that that's going to be a big state in play at swing state for twenty twenty. Whoever wins Pennsylvania could very likely he's going to be president. Pennsylvania is going to be key, assuming a couple of things. I think the President will win Florida and Ohio and North Carolina. But I'm never arrogant or cocky about it because we don't know what specific issues will be in front of the public in late October and early November of twenty twenty. A lot of things can change between now and then, but the economy the way it's working. Foreign policy, I think most people are pleased with the president's foreign policy positions, and I think they're pleased with what it kept keeping his promises to Israel defeating Isis. I think people like the fact that we have been paying the overwhelming share of NATO, and he's told these other NATO allied countries to pay their fair share. I mean, there was an agreement that we pay x percent of our GDP I think it was three to percent or whatever it happened to be, and we pay like three point five and countries that benefit most directly from that alliance. You know, they're paying one percent, one and a half percent, two percent. President saying no, that's not good enough. Same thing on trade deals, same thing. President kept his promises on judges and tax cuts and eliminating the bureaucracy, and on energy, and he's fighting like hell on the issue of building the border walls, and he's now doing so successfully. It was not a good weekend for comrade build the Blasio. I don't know if there's certain irony here, but it was in Waterloo, Iowa's I understand it that the moment the blackout hit parts of the Upper West Side of New York a little scary for a period of time, and we'll see what happens. We still don't really have answers. They say a transformer may have gone on fire, but they don't know for sure, and con Ed, which is the company responsible. The governor is furious about it, and I don't blame him. Linda is whispering in mind. Oh, I was just saying that we had the Blasio trying to explain himself, and the most ridiculous thing about the whole dang explanation is in Iowa explaining it. Oh, yeah, I'm in Iowa. But I was able to do everything you needed me to do here from Iowa because I have an awesome team. I was like, yeah, that's code for I didn't do anything and my WDA mare did. Well, why didn't he, in this day and age, get in an airplane and fly home. Now he only does that to get to the gym. It takes too long to get to Brooklyn. Well, yeah, he takes his big suv and all his bodyguards to the gym every morning in Brooklyn and leaves New York City. That's not a long drive. But everybody, look at every one of these candidates supports a version of the Green New Deal. Every one of them wants to raise taxes dramatically. Every one of them buys into this New Green Deal climate change nonsense. That is a job's killer. Everyone supports getting off oil and gas. They have different time periods. Every one of them has said that they want medicare for all in ten years. It'll eat up the entire basically the entire budget of the United States just to pay for that. And then they don't want us to even have the option of private insurance, so you won't even have a way out of keeping your doctor your plan and saving money. There will be no way out, none at all. And on foreign policy, okay, well what do they want? They don't like Trump's foreign policy? Why what's Trump's farm? He defeated Isis from the first city in Syria Isis started, and then their expansion. We pushed them back and drove them completely out. That's successful. And I think the president's, you know, commitment to building the next generation of weaponry is a great idea because we won't have to send our national treasure, our kids to go banging door to door in Iraq and Afghanistan, you know, so that we can we can win the war that way. That we can't fight wars that way anymore. Number One, the public doesn't have the patience for it. Washington will politicize it. We have to we have to fight these wars with an understanding that we have to have a military that is so awesome. We have to have weaponry that is so amazing that we can fight it from Tampa, Florida at the push of a button. And we now know we have that capability, and we got to make it even better. With the defensive system and defensive considerations as well. And one of the other things we have to consider is preventing radical states like Iran from ever getting a nuclear weapon. We cannot allow that to happen at some point. I mean this Biden Obama deal one hundred and fifty billion. It's not just that we don't even get the inspections that we need to see if they are in full compliance. The next part of it is in what four years, you know, in ten years they were allowed to go ahead and make nuclear weapons. That's a dumb idea. And if the Russians are helping, we need greater sanctions on them. They're going to try and disrupt our elections and they're going to try and help the Iranians get nuclear weapons. That's not a good idea. And I think there's a moment of time that is now building right before our eyes where you're going to see a unique alliance fully formed, which will include the United States and Israel, the Jordanians, Egyptians, the Saudis, all against Iranian hegemony and all in favor of taking out those nuclear sites. That's gonna have to happen, and we've got none of the contenders Biden, Buddha, Judge, or Booker were responding to the question. They were asked by a Jewish anti antioccupation activists, the if Not Now organization over the weekend, and they were all hit with the question, which I think is a one, a legitimate one that said, as they started with Joe Biden, he told the member of the group If Not Now Jewish anti occupation movement that the occupation is a human rights crisis called for a two state solution. Nobody has ever fulfilled their promises to Israel but for Donald Trump. Nobody has fulfilled the promise of beating ices but for Donald Trump. Nobody has put greater sanctions on the Iranians than Donald Trump. And that's the way it should be. And unless the Iranians one day say that they'll recognize Israel's right to exist and they'll give up all their nuclear weapons with any place, anytime inspections, I wouldn't talk to the radical Mullahs that chant death to America, death to Israel. Ever, by the way, Beto O'Rourke revealing that his own family owns slaves, I wonder how the media might react to that if it was President Trump During his campaign anyway, instead of tweeting yesterday morning about other things, the media would be calling for his removal of office as we speak. Yeah, I see all the stories on the Blaze, and I don't know what to make of them about Kamala Harris's father. I'm just holding off on it because there's no there's not any rush on any of these things. And I can just wait and corroborate and make more phone calls until we get the information that we think. We're happy and we feel as vetted because we don't like to get things wrong. We don't need to be first. We usually are, but we're off in ahead of the curve. We often lead with our nose. I mean, there's a lot of people now on the oh, there is a deep state pandwagon. They weren't there in the beginning, trust me. But anyway, they're welcome aboard. Anyway, We're glad to have them, and we welcome to the party. And so I always believe the first one on, the last one on is going to be the first one off. That's kind of always been my take on people that just don't have the stomach to step out and take the positions offensively on their own We have a lot of Epstein news. One victim says this sex recruiter invoked Bill Clinton's name to keep her quiet. This was in the Daily Call her and Bill Clinton. By putting, you know, a tie the number of times he was on the Lolita Express and the number of times he was on Org Island, I think might have backed himself into a position that is not going to be tenable for him anyway. A member of Jeffrey Epstein's entourage tried to stop a model from fleeing his home by bringing up the finance seers friendship with former President Bill Clinton. According to The New York Post on Sunday, it's a former Italian model and she said in an interview that she secured a meeting at Epstein's Manhattan mansion in two thousand and four after being told it might lead to a modeling career. She's twenty one at the time, goes in the door instead of the modeling career. Epstein quote handed her a vibrator when she arrived at the massage table. She said she took it from him, threw it at his head, and then fled the room as fast as she could. She said she was accosted on her way out of the mansion by a woman with short black hair. This woman Maxwell there was one report I saw on social media this weekend that she might have flipped. I have nothing to confirm that. What's that? Yeah, I said, I just didn't. I just disclaim that. I said I saw one report on social media this weekend. Any other disclaimers you want me to give. I just man, because it's three o'clock and there might be little kids in the car. I'm just saying something that disclaimer. Yeah, you know, of all people being told to listen, I'm not saying I'm not a party mouth, but I have a three year old and I'm just sensitive to these things, you know. Right. One piece of good news now that Sydney Powell is signed on to represent General Michael Flynn. Glad to hear this. Powell's more assertive legal representation now threatens to torpedo Muller's case against Flynn's business partner, because, as we saw in the finally last week, General Flynn wouldn't take a plea deal because he wasn't gonna lie about his partner. We've got to stop this practice where people manifort Flynn two examples. They're offered something of great value to them, their life, their freedom, if only they'll say what these prosecutors want. It's not good. It's it's like bribery. Anyway. The Epstein has a phony passport, apparently Art's Diamonds on Earth and apparently arguing today that he should be allowed to stay in his seventy seven million dollar mansion while this he's being charged. I don't think it's gonna work for him in this case. I just don't go there, but I don't think they want to. Probably is then to take it over. The hard part about any of these sex cases. You're you have to now ask people to be willing to now relive that these horrible evil moments in their life and the trauma, and relive the trauma associated with it. That's a big ask, and that makes it hard on many levels to prosecute these cases. That's a lot to ask somebody, especially if the person was a minor at the time. Don't you think I think it's trustating. I think there's a lot of women out there who want to tell this story and then they realize it's how hard it is. It's gonna be hard. It's gonna be terrible. All right, News Round Up, Information Overload on a Monday, eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, let me go back to our top story where we began the program today. A lot of interesting development surrounding this battle, this conflict, this war both internally within the Democratic Party. Everybody's now picked up on what I've been saying is Nancy Pelosi is speaker in name only, and it was not any more, you know, blatant. And then last week, because they have a caucus meeting with the Democrats, and Pelosi says, you got something to say to me, say it to my face, don't say it on Twitter. And the next thing that happens is Acasio Cortez goes out there and talks about, well, it seems that she, meaning Pelosi, is only picking on women of color. And by the way, the President even defended in that particular case Pelosi saying, oh, she's not a racist. These freshmen should be a little more respectful. But I don't know why he did that, because two days earlier Pelosi was accusing the President of wanting to make America white again. It's sort of like that cycle that I've always discussed every two four years, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, that Republicans want dirty air, water, killed children, throw Granny over the cliff. It's like now's now, It's in perpetual motion. Whatever they can say is they're just saying it constantly because they don't have ideas that are going to make the country a better place. You know these polls, though, We got an internal Democratic survey showing the sentiment in crucial swing states or revealing that Congresswoman Alexandria Cossio Cortez and Congresswoman Omar are extremely unpopular and likely to cause Democrats both their House majority and the presidency in twenty twenty. This is an Axios poll, and Acasio Cortes is now recognized by seventy four percent of voters and approval rating of twenty two percent. Omar recognized by fifty three percent of voters. Our approval rating is in single digits. He's at nine percent approval. And voters understand what socialism is, sixty nine percent of them view it unfavorably. Capitalism, meanwhile, is viewed favorably fifty six thirty two. I don't know who these thirty two are, but that's that number is frightening. And if all the voters here about AOC is that it could put the house at risk. All right. I'm sure they're using that behind the scenes. But a nine percent approval rating is a nine percent approval rating, all right. So anyway, the president tweets out this weekend, so interesting to see progressive Democrat at a congresswoman who originally came from countries he's talking about Omar, whose government is our governments are complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt inapt in the world, if they have a functioning government at all, and now viciously and loudly telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on this earth, how our government is to be run. Why they don't, Why don't they just go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came, and then come back and show us how he did add to then come back and show us how after you fix the mess of the country that you came from, in the case of Congresswoman Omar, and you know, show us how it's done. These places need your help badly. You can't leave fast enough. And I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements. And of course the media went goes insane. Did you hear what he said? But the President said, oh my gosh, I can't believe it. President just said that when you look at the background, and I don't think there's going to be many in the media that do. But I'll go over some of this again. You know some of her positions, omar. You know an abortion women who can sent to an abortion or cause one themselves shall be punished by one to five years in jail. That's not exactly in mainstream thinking of a Democratic party that has now moved towards during birth and even post birth abortion. I never thought we'd have these bills. You know, that there'd be no restrictions on abortion, even if the woman has been begun, dilating, or in the case of the governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Well, first the baby will be born, then we'll make the baby comfortable, and then after we make the baby comfortable, we'll let the mother decide. Or for example, she talks about whoever publicly brings the religion of Islam, and to contempt or insults it by bringing into attempt persons professing it or objects dedicated to worship shall be punished by up to two years. Well, that doesn't sound compatible with freedom of speech values that we hold dearly. Maybe you don't like what people say a lot of people. I don't like what a lot of liberals say. Oh, you live in a country where you can say it. Her views on homosexuality. Whoever has quote carnal intercourse where a person of the same sex shall be punished where the act does not constitute a more serious crime with imprisonment from three months to three years. And the law states that quote where the act committed is an act of lust different from carnal intercourse, the punishment imposed shall be reduced by one third and defines such carnal intercourse as penetration of the male sex organ. And then we have this whole controversy about her alleged marriage to her brother. And if you haven't been following that too closely anyway, it has been now numerous reports about this. I We've not confirmed it ourselves, but apparently the name of the brother, code name of the brother, the user name of the brother, and despite Omar's insistence in twenty seventeen that she had no way to contact him, he has for years maintain profiles on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn, and according to Facebook pages, he resides in Nairobi, Kenya, the same city in which Nor lives and operates. You know Grit Partners, which is that's the website where people think that that first came up. I don't know if any of that's true, but new documents revisit that question. Certainly the mainstream media may want to look into it. I have made no judgments on it at all. We're looking into it. We also have the issue that goes further with her, the comments that she's made, and she questioned, for example, the patriotism of American born citizens, saying something that I get criticized all the time for is it's not what you think, so don't gasp, it's not what. It's not that I'm anti American because I criticize the US that I believe, as an immigrant, I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born, and because I am ashamed of it continuing to live in its hypocrisy that I work so hard to make sure that others who have had that like just be Americans, And why don't you, you know, why don't you be more like an American? Can you explain that? Why can't you be more like an American? Because it used to be a very positive thing. We export, export American exceptionalism, the great America, the land of liberty and justice. But if you ask anybody walking on a side street somewhere in the middle of the world, they're going to tell you America the great. But we don't live those values here. That's what she's saying about America. So I guess this is why the President said, Well, if you think you're where you came from is so much better, maybe a should go back there that and then tell us what to do. She once described acts of terrorism as a reaction to our involvement in other people's affairs. That was in the wake of the abab attack on the Kenya shopping mall in twenty thirteen. She made the comments during a local television appearance just weeks after four armed Al Shabab jihadas stormed the Westgate Mall in Nairobian twenty thirteen, killing nearly seventy people and wounding two hundred others. When don't we going to decide or realize that terrorism is a reaction, it's an ideology, it's a means of things. It's not an entity, it's not a place people, It's a reaction to a situation. She actually said that on a show in Minneapolis back at the time and during a discussion about the experience of the Somali community in the US following the attack in Kenya. Yes, she agreed, when you're insinuating, what you're insinuating is nobody wants to face. Nobody wants to face how the actions of other people that are involved in the world have contributed to the rise of radicalization and the rise of terrorist acts. Well, that sounds like she's blaming us. I just happened to believe that the United States is that country. You know, were it not for the US, what would Europe have looked like today? If it were not for the United States. The blood, the sweat, the tears, the toil, the price our national treasure, our finances are advanced weaponry, beating back Nazism, fascism, communism, radical Islamist Today, Amar claimed US forces killed thousands of Somalis during the Black hawk Down mission, and those tweets have resurfaced where she's blaming the United States. Remember in that particular case, how many Americans were killed. And for example, at another point, omar after nine to eleven, some people did some things she said, and then bizarre clip is seems like she's joking about people saying al Qaeda in a menacing tone. When I was in college, I took a terrorism class. The thing that was interesting in the class was that every time the professor said al Qaida, his shoulders went up. She said that during an interview in twenty thirteen when she was an activist with the Somali community, chuckling as she imitated the professor saying al Qaeda and his bolah. The thing that was interesting in the class was every time the professor said al Qaeda, he sort of like his shoulders went up. And you know a Kaeda, you know hospital experts, and he was you know his name, You probably get to see him on Yeah, of course I love those guys. But you know, but but but it is, it is that you don't say America with an intensity. You don't say England with the intensity you know, you don't you don't say um the army with an intensity. But you say these these names because you you want that that word to carry weight, You want it to leave something doing exactly. So it's it's you know, it's it's said with a deeper voice. You know, there's been a lot of controversies about her, you know, saying Israel is evil in a tweet that you know, on saying Israel's evil doing a twitter. She said, I could think of that at the time, That's all she could think of. Listen what she says. You know, you're part of a new wave of democrats not afraid to be critical of the government of Israel. And during the twenty twelve military offensive in Gaza, you tweeted, Israel has hypnotized the world. May Allah awakened the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. How do you put that into context now? And what do you say to American Jews? So I remember when when that was happening, watching TV and really feeling as if no other life was being impacted in this war, and that really those unfortunate words were the only words I could think about um expressing that moment she went after and I won't play it now she's peddling a conspiracy theory that Lindsey Graham has compromised, which is ridiculous. She said the US favors Israel over Palestine. She compared Israel to Iran and Saudi Arabia, which is so outrageous and unbelievable. Then compared Israel to the Saudis in Venezuela. Speak up when something is wrong, and she blamed US involvement in other people's affairs. After the Al Shabab attacking Kenya, here's her blaming America. That's cut five. When are we gonna decide realize that terrorism is a reaction. It's not it's an ideology, it's it's a means of things. It's not entity, it's not a place, it's not people. It's just it's a it's a reaction to a situation. I mean, we didn't have terrorism before invasion and before Wall. And you see most of a terrorism or virus act happen in a political conflict. Yeah, I mean, And what I think what you're asking is what everybody does away from right, Okay, So what you're insinuating is what nobody wants to face. Nobody wants to face. How the actions of the other people that are involved in the world have contributed to the rise of the radicalization and the you know, the rise of terrorist acts. So usually most people want to not look internal and see what, you know, what faces about their actions that makes another react. You know, for us, it's always I must have not done anything. You know, why is this happening to me? And nobody wants to take accountability of how these are byproducts of the actions of you know, our involvement in other parts affairs. And then remember when she was there was a threat by Kevin McCarthy in the House was going to punish her, and the Democrats backed out with a generic you can't ever say anything bad because they didn't want to go after her and hold her accountable. Then she writes back, oh, it's all about the Benjamin's Baby, which is from a Puff Daddy song that you know. Critics jumped on the tweet and said Omar was calling up negative, harmful, stereotypical comments of Jewish Americans. Another tweet after that, Omar named the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee APACK, a mainstream group, saying it was funding Republican support for Israel. There was a lot of backlash to that, and she was accused of anti Semitism for that. She apologized when and said she was learning about the painful history of anti Semitic tropes, but then held on to her criticism of APAC. You know, she was slammed for saying with the chuckles when israel Is called the democracy and went on to compare Israel to Iran. I mean, this is who she had we even we've had rabbis blasting her for pushing the claims that Jesus was Palestinian and not Jewish. I gotta take a break. We'll come back. We'll hit the phones. Final half hour of the program today, just pretty despicable. We'll have all this on Hannity tonight at nine as we continue eight hundred nine for one, Shan is our number, all right, as we continue twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Man, the speed of news now is faster than it's ever been. I mean, Linda, we talk about this all the time. We can't get through a show without something shifting changing. I mean it just as it's every second of the day absolutely. We've never had a news pace such as it is, and especially when you're actually doing real work and getting into the deep dive that we've taken into the deep state and the abuse of power and corruption. It's so funny because everybody, you know, what people wanted to talk to me. The first issue. They always want to know these people are going to be held accountable. I believe the answers yes, And we did a special on that on Friday. Now, the next question is about that bagel guy from Friday. I want to remind everybody will play those tape. So the other this guy's in a bagel store and he has a total and complete meltdown for no apparent reason except he says that the girls behind the counter and the bagel shop were giggling. That he doesn't know what they were giggling about, but they were giggling, and he got mad, and this is what happened. Why is it okay for we're going to say, oh, your five feet are dating sites, you should be dead. That's okay? Who said that's you here? Nobody the women in general have said it on dating site? You tink I'm making up everywhere I go. I get to see it smirked with the fighting list. Shut your mouth. You're not God or my father or my fourth dude. Want to step outside, you want to step outside. I'm not standing. I'm not you shut up to Oh my god. All right, So this guy comes up at it. No way he gets the reason that he was. There was a takedown here, and nobody, by the way, has been charged in the incident. Is he goes up to these two guys. One of the guys, he the only description that I can really give you is it was like a belly bump where he took his belly and he you know, talk about the belly bump. Let's talk about he bumped his The appropriate term, it's a belly bump. Well, what else would you call it? I don't know. He knocked into him, No, he didn't knock it into him. He took his stomach as belly and he bumped it into the other guy's belly, maybe a little below the belly because the guy kind of you know, I'm not saying I don't care how tall anybody is, he was kind of shorter. And he's obviously hung up about that, No doubt he's hung up about that. So he did, he does the belly bump. The guy next to the guy they got belly bumped, leaps out with a kick straight to his private parts, takes him right down to the ground. It didn't seem like any more damage was done there and anyway, inside Edition caught up with him and this is what he had to say before he got mad there and walked away from that interview. I'm tired of women using me, abusing me, lying to my face, tell me you like me on dates, and then you and then you take my money, you cut me off, and you say I'm too short when you're about my height. It's ridiculous. And when you add all that up, I snap. I'm your modern day profit. I'm your monitor day Martin Luther King. You don't like it. You want to put a bullet in my head with John Lennon's head or his head for one and piece. Too bad, because I'm not changing. What do you mean when you say modern day profit meaning I'm basically taking what they were believing in and try to get across the world and I'm bringing it to a heightened level. What do you mean take it out and you're actel like I committed Miss shooting or something, that guy twice my size, that women love the bullies attack me. He was quickly done talking. You know what, I don't really no offense. I don't really like you that much. So this interview is over and I this guy's like a raging lunatic. Now I read this weekend as a little bit of a follow up that he's pretty well known. There's a store where they allow him to use the bathroom and shower. He lives in a van. I think he cleans up offices and homes and things like that. I'm not sure i'd want somebody with that kind of temper around any officer home that I own. But apparently has some work and he has some van and he lives in that van. And I guess he got somebody or is renting the ability to use a bathroom and shower, and so I guess that's how he's cleaning himself. Not the best existence for anybody. And I guess he recently said too that he was went through a divorce. And now he's claiming did you hear the updates? That all these women are now hitting on him? They want to date him? Wait, so here's the best pay? So there's two updates. Actually. The first is that now he's casanova and he can't beat him off with a stick. It's just insane. He's so popular, it's fantastic. He's got more women than he knows what to do with. I find this hard to believe, but okay. The second one is that the bagel shop is giving away quote mini bagels in his honor. So if you come into the bagel shop and you mentioned the video, well you got to give the location of the bagel shop so we'd know where people so people can go get it for free. It's in Bay, Short Long Island, Bay, Short Long Island. I'm looking for the name. I don't know the name. I just don't know the name of the bagel shop. All right, Ethan knows that he's familiar with. It's called Bagel Boss. Bagel Boss. Okay, that's it. That's my whole update. I don't know. I don't know what you are looking for. That's all I got. So apparently now all these women are hitting according to him, they're now hitting on him. They're there. You know. I am glad about one thing, and I don't think people are gonna understand this or agree with me on this, you know. Although he did say in an article that at some point later down the road he might sue the guy that attacked him, I don't think he's got a good lawsuit because once he got aggressive towards the one individual and the way he well, he puffed up first, he came over to him, he did the belly bumping. The belly bumping was instigated. Listen, you can't get in somebody's face and touch somebody else. Soon as you touch somebody else in an aggressive manner, that person has every rare belly aggressively touches my belly. It's on um. But if you belly bumps somebody, that's an active aggression, then you have a right to defend yourself. But I am glad at least up to this point. I mean, it probably will become a lawsuit at some point, charges, maybe file. I guess I can't see the police taken this seriously, though. I don't think that anyone can take him seriously. Though. In that other interview, he talked about how he was so angry about the situation he went off into the woods with a miniature Yankees bat and started whacking trees and ended up bruising himself by hitting the bat into his leg, and he was showing the reporter of the stuff. This guy is a lunatic. Look. Maybe some people I'm I'm six feet tall exactly. Maybe some people, you know, maybe maybe they don't like the fact that they're not tall. I don't know. I don't think it matters one bit. I mean, don't we really want to know who the person is, what's in their heart, mind and soul. Are we really that shallow? Yes, you're that shallow, I believe so. You wouldn't date a guy like him, that is because I dated him, very short man, for a very long time. There you go, So it's not a fact. However, checkmate, Hannity. Okay, first of all, slow your roll there, belly bump. What I was saying was, it's a good one, right, it's a good one. I don't you know, with the extra guests, it does add with the laugh factor. It's not a real laugh track. We have visitors today, honestly, But no, in all seriousness that you know, when I met my ex, who was very short, you know, he had others, he was very what shut shut, very short, very short. But I will tell you know, he was very good looking. So I was like, okay, let's take a minute here. I'll have to talk to him, YadA, YadA. But all of that to say, But this guy, you know, I think part of the problem is that he might be a little shorter, but he also has such a bad attitude that women are like, oh, forget about it. You know, I got no time for this. You know, nobody wants to ride that ride. That's ridiculous, right, ridiculous. So anyways, so that's what you're thinking. Nobody wants to ride that ride. Who's gonna buy a ticket to get on a ride that goes nowhere and go or goes too fast or rocks you around or has it been you know, nobody wants to do that. You want to have fun in life, exactly. All right, now, let's get to our phones here, I see some people want to talk about it. Hank is in Texas. Hank, Hi, How are you glad you called? Hi? How are y'all? We're good? What's going on? Oh? Not much? That bagel guy, he just Okay. So I'm five foot two and my wife is five foot nine. Wait wait, wait five two and a half and my wife is five ninety. We met on a dating site. So it's not that it's not that tall girls are just girls in general don't like short guys. They just don't like dudes with bad attitudes. Yeah, look, I think what I think a lot of things you got to look for in people. I mean, you could you could be dating the hottest girl, the hottest guy, whatever, and they could be the most selfish, narcissistic egotists that you've ever met in your life and be shallow and they have no depth, they have no appreciation of anything, and you know, they're just only consumed about one thing themselves. And I would I'd rather date somebody that was thoughtful, had a good heart, beautiful mind, good spirit, nice than somebody who maybe looks attractive on the outside but has nothing else going for them. Absolutely, nobody wants to be angry all the time or be with somebody who's angry all the time. That takes all the joy in the sun out of life. Well, I agree, I think that's a good observation. Good point. Hank Jim in Florida. What's up, Jim? Oh? Yeah, how are you doing, sir? Good sir. I just wanted to say, you guys got a great show accent, and I'm gonna get back to the big old bozo. Thank you, Jim. Jim is the same. The reason Jim saying that because he has the same accent he literally Indiana. Actually Jim does not have, first of all. Second of all, Jim has a wonderful voice, it's nice, indeed, I agree, a great set of pipes. But he still has a New York accent. Yeah, I'm in Florida. I'm originally from Niagarapa, New York. Exactly, thank you. I know my accent is this like belly bump day all day. We're just gonna check me each other through the whole day. No, I'm not belly bumping for Jim. I'm just saying he said he liked your accent, and I said, well, he may not know it, but he's got the same one. Right. Hey, I just want to say that, you know the guy. To me, when I heard the whole interview with you guys, you know, the tape and everything, to me, he sounded like you wanted to be like a Joe Peesh. You want to be you know. Yeah, that's true. You think you could probably double for him? Do you think I'm funny like yah haha, funny that you think remember that that was a great scene and good Fellas that was really really good. That's a guy kind of reference to And I just want to stay also showing before I go. Um, you know, God blessed America, God bless your show, and somebody keep where in America? Where in Florida are you? Palm Coach? Nice beautiful area. We've been down there. Nice nice place, the Panhandle, right, Relax, isn't that the Panhandle? No, it's a east coast between Saint Augustine and Ormond Beach. Okay, now I know we are. Sorry. I was thinking about Fort Walton, Deston, and I think there's a palm something there. What do I know? Well, lucky you and you don't have to pay New York taxes anymore. You know it's sixteen percent now the death tax in New York just because of the taxes in New York. Oh, so smart, and you saved so much, you'd probably saved millions. Good for you. Thanks. Jim. Jeff is in Indiana. Jeff, Hey, how are you glad you called? Sir Well Sean, Thanks for taking my call. I just wanted me to say that I have to disagree with hink there because in my experience, I've found that a lot of women judge men on their height, just there's a lot of men like the judge women on their weight. Well, I look, I there's no doubt. I don't think there's anything wrong and unnatural about being attracted to somebody on their look. So I mean to deny that, you just denying reality. But what you know, some people are attracted to a certain look. Some people are attracted to skinny people. Some people are more attracted to heavy people. Some people want tall people, some people want short people. It doesn't matter. I do believe that there's somebody out there for everybody, and I think that it's a matter whatever your type is, the type of person you like or that you would want to be attracted to them. It's unique and it's individual, and I think that that's what you should pursue. To me. You know, once you see that they might be physically attracted or you might find them physically attracted. Maybe other people don't, but you do. And it's a person you want to get to know. Then you're gonna ask questions, all right, does this person smart? Does this person have a good heart. Does this person you know, are we compatible? Is this person self absorbed? Does this person come with a lot of baggage? What problems does this person have? You know? Over time, I mean everybody, I guess you start dating, everyone puts their best face forward, you know, but you spend enough time with that person, you're going to see their warts and their faults and everything else in between. Then you realize there's a famous philosopher that one said that you know, at the end of the day, it comes down to whether or not you know how much of another person's deep can you take? That philosopher is very very wise. Yeah, by the way, that's Linda. That's right. That's my love advice to America. It's not about who you love, right, It's about whose crap you can put up with for life. Because you can love a lot of people, but you can't put up with their crap. But if you could put up with their crap, it's eighty twenty the twenty percent, you can deal with it. You all right, You'll do it. It's always going to be something about someone I guess that you don't like, right, Yeah, I mean that's not my case. I think everybody loves everything about me, which we know is not true. But eight hundred ninety four one Sean, if you want to join us, eight eight hundred nine four one Shawn is a top free telephone number. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. By the way, breaking, the new Ukrainian president has fired the Ukrainian ambassador to the US who was accused of colluding with the DNC to help Hillary Clinton. Where has Robert Mueller on that one? Anyway, We have full covers the latest developments on the deep state, end a look at twenty twenty and the circular firing squad amongst them and the Democrats in general. Newt Devin Newness, Jason Chaffitz, Larry Elder, We have Greg Jared, Sarah Carter, Alan Dershowitz, nine Eastern Set, DVR, Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you tonight, Big Show, and back here tomorrow