Breakdown of the Europe Trip - March 29th, Hour 1

Published Mar 29, 2022, 10:02 PM

Sean breaks down President Biden's visit to Europe including some of the scripting his handlers managed.

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Why where We're coming to y'all city, saying you an, We'll all be there jail and if you want a little banging again, you ain't come along. Time is flying by. But look at the havoc and look at the destruction that they've done to our country in such a short period of time. Ukraine will never be a victory for a Russia. For God's sink, this man cannot remain power. So let's give this peace project the focus and the commitment and the resources of a wartime effort. Our Marshal Plan. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution. Where I'm coming to your city? Don't play gets a conscious new Sean Show. More behind the scenes information on breaking news, and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show, America Trapped behind Enemy Linesday number two twenty seven. Day two twenty seven. That's right, nobody in the media seems to care. They never talk about it. They've turned the page. Joey, you're president. He turned the page. And yes, we abandoned Americans and thousands of Green card holders and even military family members and our Afghan allies in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, which has now adopted the policy that girls cannot go to high school. Isn't that grant? Why aren't women's rights gay rights groups joining with Sean Hannity on this and standing with me against the Taliban? I don't know. It makes no sense, but we'll continue to countdown. We're never gonna forget these people. I can't believe our country did this, but I can't believe a lot of things that are going on, and they are which brings America to this inflection point and this tipping point mid term election and followed by the most important presidential election I will have ever covered in my lifetime. That's twenty twenty four. So we've got a lot of work to do between now and then, and every one of you listening to this program will pay will play a pivotal role in the future of our country. And it's it's it's now all hands on deck. It's everyone needs to be a spoken the wheel. No one's bigger, more important than anyone else, and you gotta get engaged. You have to start with election integrity measures on the state level, and then we'll move from there. I don't even know what to say, except the utter embarrassment that I feel after this trip with Joe Biden and our allies in Europe. I mean, there are photos now that we have. I saw this first on Foxnews dot com. They have great stories on there all the time. If you don't use it, you should. It's a great website. Biden had his Q carts just talking points, so it literally says, and they got pictures of them. It says tough putin Q and A talking points. I actually says that if you weren't absolutely for regime change, what did you mean? Can you clarify? To actually have the question written that he's likely going to be asked. It says, I was expressing my outrage that I felt towards his actions, etc. Etc. And then I can't read all of it from here, but you get the point. You know, the Wall Street Journal, what they said yesterday was so deep and so profound. We're looking at a president that is so cognitively weak. We cannot ever allow this guy to go off teleprompter, off script, and he's horrible at reading the teleprompter. Now, I happen to think reading a teleprompter is easy. If you worked on my TV show. The hardest job on my TV show is working my teleprompter because I don't stay on script. I go off script all the time. And I'm giving Thomas as my teleprompter Operator's a cool guy. He's got a great family FDNY. You know NYPD folks, there's wonderful people. And I'm saying you probably won't pick it up at home. But there's certain ways I signal to him I'm going off script. I will look off camera and that means stop, and then I'll just look back in the camera and I'll add lib whatever it is that I want to add lib. And my staff usually leaves around five to seven minutes of the monologue to be ad libbed, because no matter what. And then I have the points that I definitely need to get in to make the point, or different videos that I want to show you the audience, and I do it that way. Joe can't do that. Donald Trump comes on, whether it's a phone interview with him or on camera interview, he doesn't have notes. I've never seen him with a single note in an interview that I've done with him. And he can talk about any topic, any subject, at length, with great knowledge and specificity and go on for forty straight minutes. Joe can't do that. And the Wall Street Journal is even saying if he if they we don't adopt the policy of stopping him from doing it, we're creating a dangerous situation from for the entire world. They're right, you know, the Wall Street Journal. Okay, there might be a little conservative, but they're not talk show hosts, and they are seeing the real danger in this. You know, New York Post points out Biden spent a quarter of his first year as president in Delaware. Why does he keep going to Delaware because he's recovering, he's resting, he's sleeping, he's made whatever medical caring that he might be needing he's getting and we're not hearing about it. Everybody around him knows, but nobody says it now. The majority of the American people. We've cited numerous polls at this point show that Americans do not think he's cognitively up to the job. He's not. And that's not opinion, that's a simple truth. He's not the same guy that he was in oh seven, oh eight, twenty twelve, twenty sixteen, even he's just not the same guy, and I feel in the sense, you know, this happens to older people. It's not uncommon that they get weaker and more frail and they struggle cognitively. But when you're the president it matters. So he goes on this trip. He's asked, well, what about a possible chemical weapons attacked by Putin and Russia? And his answers, well, it would trigger a responsing kind Well, what does that mean? That means we'll use chemical weapons back against him? Okay, danger, danger, You're the president of the United States. That's not good. And then Jake Sullivan had to clean up that Shift show Adams Shift Show. I mean, it's unreal. And then it gets horse. Then he's speaking to our troops in Poland. I can think it was on Friday. He's speaking of the troops and says, well, you'll see it for yourself when you're in Ukraine. And I'm like, what is he sending troops into Ukraine? Are they going to be on the ground in Ukraine? Because I will not support that effort, as I have been saying over and over and over again, although some people, for whatever reason, no matter how many times I say, he rants to send troops, No, he does not I believe in the Reagan and Trump doctrines anyway, and it got worse from there. I had to clean up that mess. And then on Saturday he really went off script. He went and Dave Acknowledge, he went off script and then he basically calls for regime change against Putin. Okay, now we got the French president mcrome. We gotta get lectured by him. Great, I love that, and great Britain and the rest of the world saying what is wrong with this guy? But then they try to clean it up again. Now, the media for a minute, for the first ten minutes, was like giddy wow, Joe. See, he really is tough. He's taken on Vladimir. He's taken on Russia. He's calling for Vladimir to be taken out. Well, I'm the first person that I know of on air that called for him to be taken out. I don't other people followed. Lindsey Graham followed pretty quickly. He wasn't far behind. I don't know what other people are saying. And the Hannity doctrine is, if you invade a sovereign, innocent country and you kill innocent men, women, and children, like they've leveled marya pole in Ukraine. I mean of the city's gone, it is wiped out, and they're doing it in other parts of Ukraine as well. You give up in forfeit your right to be a leader of any nation, Your forfeit your right to live. You killed children, you kill women, you bomb in discriminately, you have a mass grave scenes. What is it going to take for some people to understand, Okay, this needs to stop here because we don't know the extent of Vladimir's territorial ambitions, and I'm not sure I ever will trust ur Dowan. He's a bad actor, he's a hostile actor. He's never been really friendly to the US, and he's a member of NATO. I don't even know why. But he's brokering, supposedly this deal, and I don't know what Zelinski's willing to give up, maybe the two regions that originally with a preteen for Putin to go in there in the first place. We can't have a president that is this messed up. But the reality is we do, and that's where the danger is in all of this. Now, Biden's calling for regime change. He has now handed the Kremlin a propaganda Bonanza. Uk Son had a good point on this. You know, Russia has demanded that sick Joe Biden faced a psychiatric exam after he said that Putin cannot remain in power. White House frantically backtracking, insisting the president was not calling for regime change, and then after they cleaned up his mess, he said it again in yesterday's pressor you want to be you want to run the communications department of the White House, forget it. It's impossible. Nobody knows what he thinks at any given moment of time, what he's gonna say at any given moment of time. That's why I'm not allowed to answer questions, because they're gonna get mad and everything, and they get mad at me. They m or let me answer the question of and from NBC News. Oh that an from NBC News is the reason she's on the list. As she gave the question to Jensaki, I don't know. I'm a little suspicious because no other president has ever acted that way in my lifetime that I can remember. Anyway, his behavior is. You know, there's saying in the uk Son the president's behavior might be professionally explained by psychiatrists, but from our point of view, the weak behave this way. Speaker of the Russian Parliament, Brandon Biden a week sick man. This is embarrassing. Beyond it's humiliating to me as an American to see this weakness. It is embarrassing. And more importantly, and how we might feel about it is the real danger associated with this. And now that we know he has the cheat sheet and he had a prescript and answer, but the questions he knows are coming. You know, tell me. You know, people say, well, Hannity talked to Donald Trump. Nobody knows the nature of my relationship with Donald Trump. And as a member of the press, I'm a talk show host. I don't claim to be a journalist, but I do journalism. I do investigative journalism. I give opinion. We do sports, we do culture. We talk about the Oscars. We'll get back to that later today, a little bit later. By the way, two thirds of people want Will Smith thinks he should be arrested and charged. Okay, you people need to get over this. Where I grew up, that was a daily occurrence. But anyway, so are these prescripted questions? Cheat? Cheat question? If you weren't advocating for a regime change. Then what did you mean? Can you clarify? And then they have the answer. And the question that actually came out was when you say that you're not walking anything back, And this was Peter Ducey's question, do you feel Vladimir Putin should be removed from power? Is that what you're saying? And the cheat seat says, as I was expressing the moral outrage I felt towards the actions of this man. And then Biden actually gave word for word what was on his cheat sheet. I was expressing just what I said, expressing the moral outrage I felt towards this man. I wasn't articulating policy change, okay, but it was all on the cheat sheet and we got a picture of it. I'll show you tonight on TV. The fact that he needs the cheat sheet is scary. This guy can never go off script. The Wall Street Journal is correct. It is beyond embarrassing, you know, just like minor incursion, just like oh, the chemical attack, Well it depends how severe the chemical attacked is. Oh, we're responding kind they use chemical weapon, We're gonna use chemical weapons. Okay, let's escalate everything here. I mean, so embarrassing and then he lies about what we never said we were going to deter Poutin from invading Ukraine with these sanctions, and then I play a whole montage of everybody, including him, saying, yeah, these sanctions will deter Putin from going in. It's unbelieved ninety percent by the way, that if Europe I'll say it again, can do two things. If they get the drones, anti missile defense systems, anti aircraft defense systems, If they get the javelins, the stingers munitions to the Ukrainians, I believe they can win the war. Ninety percent of Russian tanks, according to Metro UK are said to be defective. Russia says they will drastically reduce the military operations in Ukraine, especially around Key. But guess what, their bombings have increased dramatically, So I'm not buying. Every time Putin causes for a pause, it's only to rearm and reset for the next round of indiscriminate bombings. So I'm not I don't believe a word this guy says. And ask yourself this question, if you're if you're Zolinsky, or if we're you know, I mean, we willing to give up one one square inch of property. No lenity is on right now. For more information about contests on war, go to war seven ten dot com slash rules. Let me give you an example of media mob biased by omission. Linda, you heard the story about this judge that pronounced that Trump was likely guilty as it relates I guess to what January sixth, etcetera, etcetera. All right, so it turns out the judge here is a guy by the name of David Carter. Apparently as a long history of let's call it judicial lunacy. Even fake news CNN had to cover it. He once ordered defendants in his courtroom to have their mouths duct tape to shut, duct tape shut. He put duct tape on people in the courtroom over their mouth to prevent them from using profanity. Also accused the state of California of deliberately murdering homeless black people for his reviewing the reviewing of the antics in his case. A federal court of appeals accused the judge of quote abuse of discretion vacated his ruling, So we're not exactly dealing with Judge Scalia here um frowned upon duct tape on people that you don't agree with I thought, is that a new rule? Well, I mean to work for both sides. I might, I might be okay with that. Then I'm just saying the only conservatives get prosecuted. And he makes this whole thing up. By the way, this outburst is that he's a Trump paiter. And by the way, he drew the ire of even the ACL you in in nineteen ninety for doing all of these antics, and everyone runs with it. Well, I said he's more than likely guilty. No, not true. Didn't the i RS scandal and the NSA atrocities convince you you need a watchdog on Washington with insiders sources. You need Hannity every day, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, toll free. It's eight hundred and nine for one, Sean if you want to be a part of the program. So the media now is obsessed with Clarence Thomas. But by the way, I heard he's out of the hospital. I heard he's film better. I'm a fan of Clarence Thomas. If you've not read his book, My Grandfather's Son, you need to read it. It's a it's a terrific book. Um, it's a phenomenal book. It is a book, it just as an inspiration. I was talking about Will the Will Smith and Chris Rockton the other day and I said, the hero at the Academy Awards was Denzel Washington, who happens to be like my most favorite, one of my most favorite actors of all time. Love Denzel Washington. And he said, you know, when you're at your highest point, you know, that's when the devil comes in and does his best work or something to that effect. Um. And what does the Bible say the devil comes to you know, kill, steal and destroy. And as a Christian, I believe that um and everyone has to be on guard um and and that's the importance of vir Christian. You you cling to your faith and you you know, everyone thinks Christians should be perfect. I don't understand that because it's just the opposite. Christians are admitting that they're they have failed, that they have sinned, that they are flawed, and that they're asking God to forgive them and change their hearts. The Latin derivative of repentance is to change one's heart. But people just love to attack religious you know, religion, religious institutions, etc. Whatever, anyway, But I digress. Can I jump in on one thing about Clarence Thomas. We did point out yet, but you can, yes, don't. We have to remind people to see Created Equal the documentary. It's amazing. It's Clarence Thomas in his own words, unbelievable. It is unbelievable. I wish I did that, by the way, with him. Anyway, So Jenny Thomas apparently was texting Mark Meadows. They're doing this big investigation. But of course, Nancy Pelosi, remember we have now four people I am told I've by sources that four of the five people in the room with Donald Trump on January fourth, have all said that Donald Trump, as required by law, authorized twenty thousand troops to be called up. He doesn't have the authority to do that. We learned that in Portland, you might recall, in the summer we're five hundred seventy four riots took place, dozens of Americans died, thousands of cops injured, billions of property damage. In other words, the writing that they don't care about that, they're not investigating that there's no committee for But anyway, I digress again. But anyway, so she had written, I guess text messages to Mark Meadows. Okay. Now the media takes that and say, oh, Clarence Thomas needs to recuse himself, and then another group of he needs to be impeached. I'm like, this is madness. Okay, So she sent these text messages apparently to Mark Meadows. All but one are from November in twenty twenty. In the early days after the election, in the first couple of weeks, a lot of people had a lot of questions about what had happened, including yours truly, and we were very public in our Nobody wanted to hear from the whistleblowers. Nobody wanted to look into Pennsylvania and the fact that they did not go through the process of amending their constitution, their state constitution, but just tried to bypass it the easy way and pass legislation, which makes it unconstitutional. Nobody wanted to talk about, you know, all the you know, thousands of people under the threat of perjury that signed Affi David's about things that they saw that they believe were unethical. Nobody cared. Nobody cared that laws weren't followed in states that allow partisan observers to watch the vote counting from start to finish, up close and personal. We've covered all of this ad Nauthew. But the point is they're trying to say Clarence Thomas must recused himself because of something that his wife texted. Okay, if that's the standard, then Joe Biden should get the same treatment as it relates to Hunter. Biden laptop that Linda does not not make sense. I think that makes right. So Joe Biden, Okay, he if if we're gonna hold Clarence Thomas responsible for text messages that his wife sent out and I'm sure probably Clarence has no knowledge of, then we'll do the same thing with Joe Biden. Because we know Joe Biden lied when he said he never discussed the foreign business dealings of Hunter, because we now have the emails to prove them, and that the big guy was going to get a big cut of it all. It's just you see the level of hypocrisy. It's it's just so disgusting. The medium mob is just repugnant, repulsive in every way. Uh. You know, if they really wanted to, if you want to stop rioting in cities, you can do it. We know how to do it. You call up the National Guard. They might might, I'd be pretty they're going to use non lethal methods like tear gas to disperse crowds and sewing such and such. But after X number of nights of dispersing the crowds, the crowds are going to dissipate and go away. They're not gonna like it. And the same thing. It should never happen at the Capitol again, what happened there? Now? The question is why didn't they use the twenty thousand troops that Donald Trump authorized two days prior to January sixth, knowing that there were going to be huge crowds, knowing that there's always bad actors and huge crowds, knowing that we just came off a summer of rioting where five hundred and seventy four riots took place. I want that committee to one day come up and ask maybe the people that made the decision not to call up the authorized Guard troops, the anti Pelosia Muriel Bowser, why did you make that decision? Why didn't you call them up? Where are your text messages? Where are your emails? Where are your phone records? Where's the sergeant at arms records? Where's Muriel Bowser actually put it in writing. She said no, but they have no interest or the Capitol Police chief that requested six separate occasions that have been reported, maybe more. Why why aren't they bringing him in because they have an agenda. It's obvious. Let me go to the economy because this is bad news. By the way, Nancy Pelosi is now warning that she fears for the future of this democracy. It's a Republican Nancy. But anyway, if Republicans win in November, Hill says that Pelosi in an interview published yesterday, she fears American democracy, for American democracy if Republicans win the House and this year's midterm elections. Okay, she framed the stakes for the fight for the House in existential terms. Given January six, it's absolutely essential for our democracy that we win. I fear our democracy if the Republicans were ever to get the gavel. We can't let that happen. And anyway, She's interviewed by Time Magazine's Mo Ball and goes on from there. Now, Kevin McCarthy is predicting Republicans will win a sizeable majority. Um, and I would say that he's probably gonna end up being proven right, But I take nothing for granted. What's my analogy, Linda. You gotta act like you're behind. It's twenty down on the field, go long a hundred yards, um, throw it to the other guy on your team, and run super fast. That's it, right, Okay, it's two minutes left in the game. You have no timeouts left. You're on your own twenty. You got to march down the field eighty yards, cross the plane and kick the extra point to win. That's how we look at elections. All. That's exactly what I just said. Exactly. Okay, that is nothing like what you just said, because you still don't know. It's it's mine numbing to me or Anthony, good grief, God, bless Anthonys, God bless Anthony is right. Good thing. You can make nice cookies with field goal posts on him anyway, bidenail, what is a five point eight trillion dollar budget proposal? I pray to God this is dead on arrival. And in this thing, he says, he claims it's to reduce the nation's deficit over the next decade. By the way, it'll raise the debt to forty five trillion. With his money, we can never pay back this will bankrupt this country forever. And by the way, they didn't not even funding defense to the extent that they needed Ukrainian military equipment and helping our own defense systems that we're not even including all of that anyway. So as part of the plan, he wants new taxes. I told you this part yesterday on the wealthy. They says billionaires, but it's really millionaires. They just say it because it's it's only billionaires. It's only one point whatever, zero point what percent of the population. Okay, And he's gonna increase taxes on corporations. Corporations don't pay taxes. That means you will pay that increase seven percent increase in spending without even adjusting the defense budget, which needs it the most. Anyway, it's tax the rich for tax corporations they don't pay. Time climate is a big theme throughout the budget, all across every agency. New dedication to reducing the definite. That's a talking point. It's a lie anyway. Even Romney called it unserious. Even Mitt Romney, well, I'm not particularly fond of And by the way, Mitt Romney won't even offer support to Senator Mike Lee. I fully completely endorse Senator Mike Lee, he's done a great job. He's a constitutionalist anyway. Then there's Biden's video. He says he's a capitalist. We all know he's not. And it's always the class warfare, it's always identity politics. Billionaires need to pay their fair share. When you get to the nitty gritty, it's like when he lied and said if you make less than four hundred thousand, you're not gonna pay a penny. Okay, but now with Biden's inflation, you're paying more for gas, more heat and cool your home, and for every eye, to me buying every store, who's getting hurt the most, to poor in the middle class. Anyway, Fifty seven percent of Americans last year paid no income tax. That we are ready tax the rich because they're the only ones that pay. I promise you, even this twenty percent minimum, I was laughing at it, like I wish I could only pay twenty percent because I pay a lot more, and it's all taken out of my chain by pay every single penny I am not. I have the best accountants that I hand it to my lawyers, and they're accounting office, you know, double checks it. Anyway, So he goes into this budget, there's billionaire million minimum tax. Turns out it's really for millionaires and even the word. Then it gets to the worst part of this that he's going to eliminate tax breaks for oil and gas production at this moment in history. How stupid is he. Then they have all these varying complications, complicated accounting techniques, and what they're going to do is actually tax income you haven't even acquired yet. In other words, they're going to project what your tax bill will be. In other words, if you invest in something, they're going to tax you as though it's worth X. Let's say you have a home and your home at one moment is estimated to be X number of dollars. You're going to get taxed on what they say your home is worth. But when you try to sell the home, maybe you get a lot less. That's happened to me in my life. You know, you think your home's worth X, and it turns out it's not worth as it's worth. It's worth why? And it is the largest tax cut. I want you to hear this part loudly in the history of this country. If if you want, if you hate billionaires, you might love it because it would America's ten richard richest people, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos would pay up to two hundred and fifteen billion dollars in taxes because they're taxing quote unrealized stock gains. Now, I don't play the stock market. I hate the stock market. I don't trust the stock market. I dabble in crypto, but I'm safe about it. I don't recommend it unless you really have play money to go into it. But but you got to understand here. You invest in a property, invest in a business, invest in something, and one day it's valued at x, but when you finally sell the stock, maybe they value it at forty bucks to stock. You're gonna pay taxes on forty bucks for each share that you have, But then when you actually sell it, it's only we're twenty bucks. So they're taxing money you don't have. It's like they're making this atom shift up at a thin air, and we're doing it going into a recession. Meaning corporations are only gonna make it worse when you tax them because they're gonna charge more for every product and service. And then billionaires, millionaires, they're gonna stop investing money in companies and that's gonna hurt job creation, and that's going to hurt the overall budget on top of it. One thing I've learned about rich people, by the way, I never got a job from a poor person. And all the jobs I've had, washing dishes, cooking, bussing tables, waiting tables, tending bar painting houses, hanging wallpaper, reconstruction, remodeling, roofing, all those jobs, I never got hired by anybody that didn't have any money. So you think this is a great deal. Fifty seven percent of Americans do not pay any federal income tax. Now we're going to tax people with money that doesn't even exist. They have not sold whatever it is that they have invested in, and by the time they sell it it might be worth a lot less. Are they going to give it back? I doubt it. I doubt it. You know what it's This is what the new Green Deal socialism looks like. Complete total redistribution of wealth, wealth, confiscation and equity for all. You know what that results in? Vaults, unfulfilled promises, more poverty, and a total, complete utter breakdown of the greatest system of wealth creation that God ever gave man. And that's called capitalism. That's the result. Now do I think it's going to pass? I hope not, but who knows. See why November is important, See why twenty twenty four is important. I guess some of those people that were mad at Donald Trump's tweets aren't, so I had any more

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