Border Patrol in Portland

Published Jul 23, 2020, 10:00 PM

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan, is prepared and ready to help the President restore safety to its cities across the country with the help of Borders and Customs Protection. In a recent interview with TIME magazine, Morgan explained why CBP officers are in cities like Portland. The reason? Commissioner Morgan explains...

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All right, Thanks Scott Shannon, welcome aboard all of you, Thank you for being with us. You will be the ultimate jury of one hundred and three days from now. This is the biggest tipping point choice election that you'll probably will ever face in your life, the consequences of which, if we get it wrong, our dire i you know, start playing Bye Bye American Pie if it goes the wrong way. Only you will make that decision, not the mob in the media, the biggest donors to all things radical extreme socialist Democrats. You'll make that choice. One hundred and three days will the media have to choke on the words? We can now project that Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth President of the United States. The people decide, You decide. Florida decides, Georgia decides, North Carolina decides, Ohio decides, Pennsylvania, Iowa decide, Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota will decide. Our Zona will decide, as will Nevada, as well New Mexico, as will New Hampshire, as will the second congressional district in Maine decide. Every vote matters. Hannity dot Com. We have it up there. Interactive map Early voting times, absentee voting, who's running in your district. It's all there. You can get the information at your leisure. Can we please just go back to starting the show and somebody maybe can interpret this from me. What Joe Biden was saying about the nurses and Walter Reid and whispering in his ear and breathing in his nostrils. I'm not quite understanding this. And I had a nurse at at nurses at Walter read Hospital who had been down and whispering my year and go home and get me pullos. They would make sure they'd actually probably nothing ever taught in you can't do it in the COVID time, but they'd actually to my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving. This is not okay. Nurses would bend down, they'd whisper in my ear. They'd even go home and bring me pillows and then they would can't do it during COVID, but they'd breathe into my nostrils. I've never heard of that kind of nursing. Nobody knows what the hell he's talking about, especially him. You know, I want to warn everybody what's happening, and unfortunately, well look, I can't complain. This is the life that I have chosen. If you decide to be a public figure, you've got to accept that you're especially in this environment. It's never been this bad. I started my radio journey thirty three years ago. My TV journey is now. I'm in my twenty fifth year at Fox. I give my opinion, strong opinions. I take people on four hours a day every day. I don't mind getting hit. I get hit often. You get led, smears, slanders, besmirchment, character assassin and character assassination and libel, and you know everything in between. It goes with the territory. I understand it. It's just I'm warning you Democrats are now getting desperate. When you start hearing words like stormtroopers, and you start hearing gestop all like tactics and so on and so forth, and the fear mong room which we will go through today. Just no, this is now the insanity season. It's gonna get worse, it's gonna build, it's gonna get bad, it's gonna be ugly because the forces that exist that are against all things that President Donald Trump, they are desperate. They will say anything, they will do anything to ensure that Donald Trump loses. They don't want to choke on the words and the mob that Donald Trumps we can project has been reelected. What's happening, though, and what is its stake is literally liberty and freedom and capitalism versus the failure of socialism. I get it. I understand the appeal of socialism in terms of On paper, it sounds great. I haven't lived free or die an entire chapter about this, you know, chapter and verse Venezuela, Cuba, East Germany, former Soviet Union, you name it. They tried it. It never works, a history of failure. It sounds great that all of your human fears, natural fears. You know, everybody struggles. They want to make sure that they're they're going to have a roof over their head and food on their table. And most people want to know that they're going to be safe and secure and have a secure job, and they want to know that they're going to get a secure education. They don't I don't know about government guaranteed vacations, government guaranteed jobs for life. You know, whether you want to work or don't want to work. I know that people, You know, it sounds great. My retirement is going to be taken care of. My healthcare is going to be taken care of. Everything is taken care of. My school is going to be taken care of. My vacations are guaranteed. This is guaranteed. The only problem is this is not anything that they will ever come close to being able to fill fulfill. Medicare is going broke, Social Security is going broke. How did that Obamacare Biden Care thing work out? Because the promises were clear, keep your doctor, keep your plan, and on average family will save twenty five hundred dollars per family per year. Millions lost their doctor, millions lost their care their healthcare plan, and everybody's paying a round two hundred percent more. Almost forty percent of the population of this country is now they only have one Obama Biden Care option, only one take it or leave it now. The mandate's gone because of President Trump. The whole thing should have been scrapped. There's so many creative ideas. I blame Republicans in some sense because they had all the show votes, sixty five of them, and then when it mattered, they didn't do it. To send it the same thing. But that's in the rear view mirror at this particular point in time. And you know, now we even have the basic and most fundamental responsibility of government, and that's safety and security at risk you have in Portland. Now we're going on two months of violence and chaos and vandalism and police under fire being you know, literally hurled, people pelting them with rocks and bottles and bricks and molotov cocktails. Guns are being shot at them, Knives are being stuck in their necks in some cases. Thirteen fourteen hundred cops now injured. Now, the Portland City Council has banned local police from ever working with federal troops. In Pennsylvania, they literally have a prosecutor saying any federal troops by the way protecting federal buildings, that those federal troops will be prosecuted. San Francisco their priority safety security Nope, ordering police to display black Lives Matter posters, okay. Anti cop radicals attacked the Oakland mayor's home to scare that mayor into defunding the police. New York City census numbers. I told you this was gonna happen now, plunging because New Yorkers are leaving. They're going to leave in droves. The real estate market in New York is about to hit record lows because people want to get the hell out. Their census numbers well, this year's fifty three percent participation rate well below the sixty two percent from ten years ago. We had our local station, our affiliate, New York war Am seven ten They man on the street interviews and what a New York City residents saying they're begging the president to send in the troops of people. And that's happening across the country. We now have fifteen Democratic mayors asking federal troops to leave cities. Now. The President when he announced all of this, he's only protecting federal property. Right now, now the FBI is in every one of these cities. They will be doing their job. They're looking for the leadership. The President is vowing to do his part. He's begging these mayors and these governors, He'll offer the help to restore order, law and order, to keep residents safe and secured. They keep rejecting it. As a result, you know, we just keep seeing the violence spiral out of control because criminals know they're going to get away with it. President's right saying the bloodshed, the violence has got to end. We know how to end it. The police need reinforcements. The President's offering it to them now short of invoking the Insurrection Act of eighteen oh seven. Well, there's very little the president can do. The president does have the right, as a matter of fact, responsibility of protecting federal buildings, and that he is doing that which he can do. You know, he's started Operation Legend, the namesake, you know it's done, a which recently launched in Kansas City, Missouri, very successfully, named after Legend Taliferro, who's a four year old little little boy that got shot America's treasure. You have Legend's mother on wanting to fight against violence and justice. You know these you hear the residents of all these cities scared to death. They can't pursue happiness when they're not safe and secure. The President offering begging, pleading, and all he gets his rejection threats to arrest federal agents that are doing their job. Everyone in Chicago has the right to live in safety and not year. You know, then you got Mayor Laurie Lightfoot, lightweight, you know, asking Chicago for help. Okay, none of what she's doing is working. No other way to describe Chicago other than a war zone at this particular point in time. You know, she's saying, what's happening in Portland. You know, that's not democracy unfolding there. That's what that's what we call tyranny and dictatorship. President's only protecting federal buildings. Those those liberals and these these idiotic you know, hacks and the mob and the media that they're just lying to you. Um and they're saying, call call, we want calls to nine one one to go after federal agents. Well, why didn't she prevent the mass shooting? Fifteen people wounded this week? You know, the President blasting the mayor for not asking for federal help. By the way, Chicago's not gonna likely vote for Trump, nor in New York City, nor Portland or Seattle, but he still wants to protect American citizens. You know, the President reached out to the mayor to confirm he had plans to send federal resources. She doesn't want them. They're not welcome. Have a Democratic congressman accusing the President of trying to quote instigate a race war. Congressman Bobby Rush of Illinois saying that and the president wants a race war in Chicago. You look at you know notes, residents in Chicago have been asking for help for years, and they put it out that, Yeah, people want to be safe and secure. You know, now we have dead children and dead moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas. You know. Donald Trump, Leo Terrell said last night, has done more for black American three years than Biden Obama did in eight He's right, and that'll all become part of the campaign. If I never can put utter two sentences and speak coherently, and there's no substitute for police. This is the job of the mayors and the governors. The one thing all these mayors have in common is that they're democratic, they're liberal, and they've now run these cities into the ground. You know, look, if if if government's the answer, are they keeping their cities run by liberal mayors and governors for decades? Are they? Are they fulfilling their most basic role of safety and security? No, these are the same cities with the worst records and education government schools, and all these cities have failed at a spectacular level. Social security, bankrupt, Medicare, bankrupt, Obamacare, lies and failure. Why wouldn't you try something new at this point. I mean, it's a fascinating question to people. But you're going to see a mass migration, and you're going to see Unfortunately, these numbers are going to keep on happening. You know, the medium, you know, the Portland mayor attending literally attending, you know, joining up with the anarchists that have taken over the city of Portland. He just he peeped through his support behind them. Meanwhile, federal officers in Portland may have been permanently blinded by lasers. You know, you have a Federal Protective Service Deputy directors saying federal officers might might now be permanently blind because of these lasers. And the Oregon officials seek a restraining order against Portland federal agents that are there protecting federal property, which is part of their mandate and job. And by the way, the law backs all of that up. Why wouldn't you want that? And now the leader of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, is saying the police of the enemies not said one good word about the ninety nine percent that serve, protect and put their lives on the line. And of course it doesn't use the word defund where they focus group that it's better to say reallocate that means defund. It is amazing the way that they're now politicizing the president wanting to restore safety, security, law and order. I've never saying anything like it. Oh, this is all about the election. Why aren't the mayors and governors? Where's the sense of urgent? Everything in my life is urgent, and it's why my blood pressures through the roof. You know, I'm just living a constant state of tacharcardia, urgency, urgency, urgency. And maybe maybe I'm the idiot here in the end, but you know, the the average police response, you know, they're not responding, they're retiring, they feel like they have demoralized, they feel like they don't have any support of anybody, you know, and you know, then they're threatening to sue the president arrest federal agents that are trying to keep people safe and secure. I mean, it's it's stunning to me. And it's every one of these same cities where you have you know, they've been running to the ground by democratic governors and mayors for decades. You know, you know President Trump member famously saying, well, what have you got to lose? If you're an African American or a minority to vote for me. That's a hell of a statement. But in the sense that we now, I'll see that there's a lot to lose because now the whole Democratic Party is rallying behind a guy that has called the police says they've now become the enemy. I mean, when cities don't handle their own business and they're not protecting their citizens, there is a role for the federal government. That's just a fact. And the President saying, oliver store order and keep people safe. Oh, we can't have that. Why not? Portland is banning their police from working with federal law enforcement. You're seeing a slower police response, more burglaries, more crime, more protests. Why because all the anarchists have been emboldened by these so called leaders. We'll continue, all right, Thanks Scott Channanhannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores, everywhere. We all have announcements coming shortly. Fun stuff, great stuff, regional stuff, national stuff. I just can't get very specific. Right now. I'll tell you if you want to look into the future, where is this going when all of these states. If I'm right, and if New York sees the continuation the dramatic exodus from New York State as even wealthier and wealthier people say they've had enough, enough enough, and it's not worth it, worth or worth it, and they're finding places where they can get more in terms of land, less bureaucracy to run their business, lower taxes, dramatically lower taxes, less burdensome regulation, less violence, less crime. You know, live in a state that can actually manage its affairs and not send COVID patients into nursing homes and long term care facilities. That will protect in us, in people where you're safer and more secure in the better environment to raise your kids. If I'm right, and if I'm right, that that will continue out of California as well. It will, and if I'm right, it's gonna spread places like Seattle and Washington State. And if I'm right that it will happen probably in states like Oregon and cities like Portland, for example, rural Oregonians are now they're leaving for Idaho for after nearly two months of daily protesting. They're selling their homes and they're getting out Idaho. I would assume property values will begin to go up there. This is the beginning of an exodus. The level of incompetence, the level of government control and life, the confiscation of wealth is literally driving people out of the big cities and these liberal states. And you're going to see massive growth in red state America. And I think it's gonna I think there's gonna be predictable areas where people go. Florida, Texas are probably the top two, but you can't discount Tennessee in Nashville. You can't discount places like the Carolinas North and South. I think you're going to see those states now begin to thrive with economic you know, opportunity. Then at some point down the line, when you know, let's listen to Andrew Cuomo, tax the richs, tax the richs, tax the rich. Well, soon enough, listen to what he says, tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. We did. Now, God forbid, the rich leave. The rich are leaving. They're leave in California. They're gonna leave all of these liberal states and all of these liberal cities Chicago to Illinois as well. Now, what's going to happen as a result of people leaving. They're gonna take their money, their businesses with them. And then the tax revenue of these states are going to plummet. If you think a billion dollars cut to the NYPD is is where it ends, I would argue that's where it begins. People are not going to put up with it. Look, and I don't know people that are what we call trust fund kids. I know that I've told my kids, you're not getting a trust fund from Dad, because life is meant to be lived. I don't believe you give people everything, and I'm like, you gotta go out and earn it. That's it. You know. You can give little things to people and help people along and have emergency funds for everybody and stuff like that. But I'm like, I'm not. I'm not handing over massive amounts of money that I've saved to my kids. Am I going to do it? Why? Because they have their own life and their own gifts from God, and they've got to find them. They've got to live their own life. They've got they've got to dig, they've got to feel the stress of life. Otherwise, if you give everything to everybody, you're robbing them in the opportunity to be who they just need to unfold to be. You know, I love how the mob and the media. You know, Joy last night was laughing about rising crime as quote a fairy tale. But they now fear a dh S invasion. I mean there is cucko. You know, this crazy stuff going on, this crazy stuff you have. Look at Michigan, you have you know, shut down whitber, defunding the police, cutting one hundred and fifteen million from state cops. And I'm like, Okay, how's that going to end? If you don't think cities can deteriorate and lose half the population, I would point to exhibit A. It would be called Motown, the great City of Detroit, the once great city of Detroit. Remember they were selling homes on eBay for a buck because they entire neighborhoods were abandoned, and then they eventually bulldozed a lot of them to consolidate services because they didn't have the money to pay for services as widespread out when they actually did have a big population. You know, the cleanup in New York I'm telling you right now is is taking weeks. They're trying to get Lower Manhattan back to normal. The other thing that's happening as a result of COVID people are learning, tele medicine works, Tell a working works, Tell a school education works as well. By the way, young attackers were pummeling a twelve year old boy in a Brooklyn Delhi. Saint Louis prosecutors they've ordered the crime lab to reassemble the McCluskey's gun. I mean, just madness, And I'm just telling you that this is just the beginning. There's going to be massive ramifications of all of this. And if you know, if the net result is liberalism, it's not going to work. Its failed everywhere it's been tried. And you know, I'm watching the mayor of Portland, you know, out there with those people, the anarchists for two months. Oh but he got tear gassed. Well, he was out there with the people protesting and getting violent with the police. What do you expect them to do? The President's not sending in a massive presence of police. And if I had his ear, I would, And he's on Hannity tonight, I will ask him because as soon as he goes in. Now you've got the mayors and the governors in fifteen states not wanting him. Fifteen democratic mayors. No, get out, We'll sue you. We'll arrest your officers if you're even protecting federal buildings. Oh, didn't work well in Chicago this week. I mean the mayor's making a big mistake. They're all making big mistakes. Comrade de Blasio, the dumbest idiot in the world. You know, what is he doing. He's not protecting the city of New York and Philadelphia swat police officers charged. What did he do? He used pepper spray on some protesters that were less than peaceful. You're charging the police, Okay, if you're in the police department, my advice is, reconsider your career. If you can retire, retire. If you're close to retirement, hang in there and don't take stupid chances. And if you're young in your career, it might be the time to reconsider, you know, another profession, even though you might have been dreaming about it your entire adult life. I know that's sad to say, but you might have to. My advice to you know, I'm I'm an idiot. I'm still in New York. I gotta get the hell out of here because, let me tell you, the massive taxation is about to follow. It's going to be confiscatory, It's you know Joe Biden really okay, Joe, what's he's taken the side of the lunatics? You know, Oh, Donald Trump is the first racist elected president. Well, I'm going through in chapter and verse last night about Joe Biden. We've gone over Joe Biden's history on these issues for years. You know, it's pretty disgusting, pretty despicable. You know, if you want to talk about, for example, you know, all the stuff that's been happening. You know, forget the Democrats every two four years, this is their go to racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. They want dirty air water and Donald Trump looked alike. At some point it's going to be, you know, pushing a grandmother and grandfather in a wheelchair over a cliff. That's what they do, you know. But if you want the record, I know there's a lot of symbolism and by the Democrats, but if you want to look at what matters, and that would be called action. What it was Donald Trump that took the action on the coronavirus and the travel ban and the subsequent travel ban and the quarantines, and Joe called it xenophobic and hysterical, and fear mongering. How many, how many, hundreds of thousands of Americans likely would have contracted the disease, and how many others would have died. You know who passed criminal justice reform? It wasn't Barack, And it wasn't Joe. You know who did prison reform wasn't Barack. It wasn't Joe. You know who did police reform. It wasn't Barack or Joe. It was Trump. It was Trump who ushered in record low after record low after record low, unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplays, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. You know, Leo Terrell said the last the President Trump has done more but minorities in this country than Joe, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer than they did combine for one hundred and twenty five years. You know, the idea that that Biden's going to get away with, you know where they're gonna put you all back in Shanes again, which is you know, or Al Gore screaming they don't even want to count you in the census. As he changes as cadence and when addressing a predominantly African American audience, which I think is condescending and insulting. Or Hillary, I don't feel in no ways tired. I mean, what is this Because Hillary and Joe and Bill and Pelosi and Schumer, they heat praise on the former clansmen Robert KKK Bird. Biden called him the Dean of the Senate, a close friend and a mentor. Well, it was He's the guy that was filibustering the Civil Rights Act in sixty four in the Voting Rights Act, and it was eighty percent of the Republicans in the House and Senate that got that done. For Lyndon Johnson, historic strides made with the Civil Rights Act and Vooning Rights Act. It was people like Al Gore's father and Joe Biden's mentor that were fighting against it. Oh, it was Donald Trump. I bet the medium mob would be talking about it. He was actively working with Robert Bird and you know, to slow integration, opposing school busing. He led the charge on an issue that kept black students away from classrooms of white students. He worried out loud that he didn't want his children as it relates to integration, of integration has not done in an orderly way. He didn't want his children to grow up in a racial jungle. Joe Biden said that. Joe Biden said, you know, inner city youth are predators U and you know who did opportunity zones. You know who who is who's signed off on the most money in the longest years of commitment for historically black colleges. That's all Donald Trump. You know what, what did Joe Biden say, you know in two thousand and six, Well, yeah, you know, you have to have a slight Indian accent to work at a seven eleven or dunkin Donuts. I'm serious. He said, my slaves a slave state. I still can't get over that. Barack Obama he called wow. He says, the first first sort of a stream crical American who is articulate and bright, clean Bice guy, I mean that's a storybook, the first mainstream African American, the first one who's articulate, who's bright, who's clean. It's storybook, man, or just last year, poor kids could be just as bright as white kids. Like what, you ain't black if you support Donald Trump. We'll imagine if in fact, this was said by Donald J. Trump it's a long way. Intel November, we got more questions. You got more questions if you have a problem figuring out whether you're fremire Trump and you ain't black. So he right ratchets up. It happens every two or four years. It's it's just a par for the course. You know, I expect it. Um, But if you look at the numbers, their their track record and helping minorities as atrocious compared to Donald Trump's. It's just a fact at this point, you know, what, what what did they do? What's the record? Um? This race is now a new race, by the way, and it's now seen in the rast Musin survey where it's now a two point race. There has been a major, a major dramatic shift that has taken place because Joe Biden and is embracing of the police of the enemy, defunding the police, Bolshevic Berney's economic policies, he's using word for word. Then of course AOC's New Green Deal, and then add to that the rest of it, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden failure at a spectacular level. That's all. But this was a whole new race going on. Now. The President just explaining on coronavirus. That's all good news too. As the President talked about therapeutics, talked about the National Guard, talked about the progress on vaccines, talked about all the ppe that is there. He just you know, the president with his Operation Warp Speed, they're gonna have one hundred million doses of vaccine. The President himself volunteered to take the coronavirus first or last. Good for him. And you know, so the President volunteer to do, what did Joe volunteer to do? You know? Paul Rope pointed this out on TV last night that when I guess Biden was on Joy Reid's new show that he was asked, well, what would you do differently on Corona? And he mentioned seven things, All seven things Donald Trump already did. Who's benefiting a Yell professor? By the way, Yell hydroxy chloric wind could save a hundred thousand lives, but it's stifled by a propaganda war. How sad is that that we politicized medicine to this extent that that shouldn't happen in America, But but it's happened, and it's happening, and it's you know, apparently I guess just par for the course, and this is now the environment in which we're trying to, you know, save the country and get the country back on track. We wish it would stop, and we're glad the federal troops I he in Chicando because the violence is literally just because worse. So we need more cops and federal troops because it's literally like we in Irat or something. Yes, isn't it feels like I follow at a war? Yeah, twice. I want to be very very clear that we will not allow this to happen in our city, and this could only make things worse. And I've sent this letter today to the Attorney General and to the acting Homeland Security Homeland Security Secretary making clear formally that the presence of these federal officials, these federal officers is not welcome here and city and is not needed here. We will not be intimidated, and if we see these federal officers on our streets, then we will see the Trump administration in court. The citizens of Chicago or citizens of America, and they have the same right as every other American to live in safety, dignity, and peace. No mother should ever have to cradle her dead child in her arm simply because politicians refuse to do what is necessary to secure their neighborhood and to secure their city. Every American, no matter their income, their race, or their zip code, should be able to walk their city streets free from violence and free from fear. For this reason, today I am announcing that the Department of Justice will immediately surge federal law enforcement to the city of Chicago. The FBI, atf d EA, US Marshal Service, and Homeland Security will together be sending hundreds of skilled law enforcement officers to Chicago to help drive down violent crime. Right, that was the President yesterday. Anyway, gladuate with us our two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. The President talking about this surgeon of federal agents Chicago other cities. And again, this is not to take over what local police ought to be doing and handling on their own. It's not that in any way, any shape, any manner, or any form. You know, Portland is banning from police from working with federal law enforcement. Prosecutor in Philly is saying that they will arrest any federal law enforcement officials will they have the right to protect federal buildings. That's not going to work out well for them. Comrade Deblasio, I will see you in court. And meanwhile, the death toll continues. It just gets worse and worse and worse. You know, you hear the shooting, We keep playing it. The funeral, the witnesses calling for federal help. People in the city, moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas, they all want help. So the President announcing the surge of law enforcement to help the cities protect the cities. In large part, the federal role could could be to find the agitators, those that might be leading efforts of the anarchists playing Ami Horowitz in Portland. It's it's getting scarier by the day, and it goes on from there. Anyway. Joining us right now is US Customs Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan. He's prepared and ready to help the President restore safety in the cities in this country and offering to US send Customs Border Patrol officers to protect federal buildings. Our primary role is to support the federal protective services, and one of their primary missions is to protect federal buildings. Anyway, Thank you, Mark, Morgan, the Custom and Border Patrol Protection Commissioner, Sir, always good to have you back. Absolutely, thanks for having Sean. One good thing before we get started on this problem is the borders now have been really we've made so much progress. I hear we've now hit the two hundred and fifty mile mark in terms of new wall that has been built. I know the President was talking about over four hundred miles being built by election day, that's one hundred and three days from now. Do you believe that goal will be achieved? Absolutely? In fact, I was at a meeting of the White House just this afternoon Sean, and Jared Kushner was leaving that meeting, and he's been an absolute critical part of this and absolutely, by the end of this year, I have no doubt we're going to meet that four hundred and fifty miles of wall system build along our southwest border. Sean. In fact, you know, I think this is a great example of the very much complex mission that we do. And so as we're navigating through COVID, what we're helping with civil unrest as you just describe, but we're also doing other things we need to do, like build miles of wall to help safeguard this country and proud of them in a Winnimus CBP. How many miles in total are we talking about maybe by the end of the year, do you think I think we're going to reach that four hundred and fifty mile mark and kind of knock on wood, I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I think it's possible we're going to exceed that mile mark. In fact, we're company just just even during COVID this past week we hit our milestone of two miles per day and we hit the highest per week a number of miles to almost ten miles in one week, and then we're getting better and we think we're going to get to three hundred miles by the end of August, so that that four hundred and fifty by end of this year. I think we're going to hit that and then some that's spectacular. Right. Let's talk specifically about what the role is in terms of the Federal Protective Services, and one of the primary missions is to protect federal buildings, which is what is happening, for example, in Portland and some of these other cities, and that would also include the United States. Marshall's ice they have deployed law enforcement personnel to support supplement fps personnel to safeguard federal buildings. That's that's already in the code, Title forty us C thirteen fifteen of US Code. That's where the statutory authority and responsibility comes in to be able to do that for the president. That doesn't mean they protect the whole city though, So that's exactly right, and so all your listeners and a lot of these mayors, I mean, it's pure ignorance and politics. And look, that's a non political statement for me to say, because if you look at Title forty two USC thirteen fifteen, you just describe it directs the secretary. It doesn't ask him if he wants to or if it's okay with you. It directs him that he must protect federal property. We have a little under nine thousand federal properties in the United States, and that code you just describe that, you know, well, mandates that we protect those federal buildings. And as a secretary saying I agree, I mean, think about Federal Corehouse. It's the seat of American justice. So of course we're going to go. We have his statutory authority and responsibility to protect subtle poppy, especially a courthouse, and I just the ignorance that's outdoor on TV, questioning on authority to be there. It's just reckless and irresponsible. I totally agree. Now when you hear the mayor of New York and I'm calling her now, Mayor lightweight, because you know, you look at this violence, you look at this carnage, you look at this death, you look at no safety, no security. You know, I keep saying, it's a preview of coming attractions. Portland is another case. We saw the tragedy that happened, which was the Seattle Chop Summer of Love Zone, and these mayors. You know, I was watching last night the mayor in Portland is out there marching with the anarchists, those that are involved in the violence, those that are involved in the vandalism, those that are involved with conflicts with the police. And I'm like, wow, I mean, why don't they're just joining in now at this point, not only just giving them a license to be lawless, but now joining in sort of like the sanctuary city state battle you've been fighting for years. So that's absolutely right. And what you saw in the mayor in Portland, he's actually encouraging the acts of violence. And let's make no mistake, here's another false narrative. He wants to actually blame law enforcement. Actually just the mere presence of law enforcement doing their statutory responsibility. The un listeners need to fully understand the violence in Portland started weeks before we put additional resources there. In addition to that, then we got additional credible information and intelligence that these criminals were going to target the federal building. That is what precipitated us given additional resources there. And guess what. The first night that we did have additional resources, we were inside the federal courthouse. And guess what they did. They did exactly as they threatened. They attacked the courthouse. They broke down windows, they smashed in the doors, and they tried to enter the courthouse and assault federal officers who are inside. That's the first night, and every day for the last forty days, they've been doing that, every single night. Can come together, coordinating, planning, and organizing with willful intent to destroy federal property and intentionally harm federal officers. Those are protesters shots, those are criminals. Well, they're criminals. But what do you make of Why won't mayors and governors restore law and order. Well, you know, I mean we're now we're talking about significant numbers of people shot and Americans dying, and you know what, are we heading up to fifteen hundred law enforcement now injured in the course of all of this, and rocks and bricks and bottles and molotov cocktails, guns and knives, and they do nothing, and they break up nothing, and innocent people are harmed and other innocent people die, and they don't want help, nor will they take action to restore safety and security. I'm you know, to me, it's like a preview of coming attractions what I've been arguing politically, and you don't have to get into a political debate, is okay if you want to know what Joe Biden, Bolshevik, Berney aoc but Bozo O'Rourke, Pelosi and Schumer's America is going to look like. Take a look at New York, Take a look at Chicago, take a look at New Jersey, take a look at these varying cities. Take a look at Oregon, and take a look at Portland, Seattle, Washington. Take a look there California. Because they're little microcosms. What do we see, we see lack of safety and security, lawlessness, we see in educational systems, and all these big cities have been disastrous. They have failed at a spectacular level. If you want to know what a preview of coming attractions of this radical leftism and socialism, well you need not look further than social security being bankrupt, medicare being bankrupt, and Obamacare millions lost their doctors and plans everybody's paying around two hundred percent more in nearly forty percent of the country has only one Obama Biden Care exchange option. So that's the false promise of socialism. Well, Sean, I'll tell you again, you're right. I don't want to get into pokal around, but I don't need to here. Thirty years of law force can be experience in this country. And what I can tell you is what I'm seeing in those cities you just subscribe, is they're absolutely putting politics above public safety. There is no other explanation. Again, Let's take Portland for example. So you haven't local leaders who are absolutely encouraging the violence. They're actually blaming the violence on the law enforcement presence there instead of the criminals, and they're doing nothing there. Again, they're actually encouraging. I mean, there's a couple of easy things they could do, like like institute curfews. What a straightforward, simple example they can do. Because we know these individuals every night about ten eleven o'clock, that's what they're doing, and they're standing out thill four in the morning. They've actually shout has actually gone further. The mayor there has actually kicked federal law enforcement out of the law enforcement local command center. Those city council a pass resolution that forbids them to share any information intelligence with federal agents that are there that could jeopardize their lives. I want to pick up on the other side we have with US US Customs Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan is with us, his group are standing by ready and helping restore safety and security, especially federal buildings all across the country that are now onto fire and threats to be burned to the ground, etc. I want to get his take on what he thinks of the comments of the vice of former Vice President Biden presidential candidate Biden. And as we continue with the US Custom and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan, and by the way, he and his group, by the way, they have a primary role in part of their mission is to protect federal buildings. They're helping the president do that in these lawless cities we keep talking about. You heard Joe Biden say police have now become the enemy. Joe Biden has not said one word in defense of the ninety nine percent of good police officers. Now what thirteen fourteen hundred hurt since all of those rioting and anarchy began. And then he said that of course he'll real allocaid funds. He prefers the word reallocate rather than defund. They've Democrats have now changed their verbiage, but they mean the same thing. Your thoughts on what he said, You know, Sean, I along with a lot of dedicated men and women who put the badge on every single day to protect the citizens that where they live and they have families, I'm disgusted by those comments. I'm disgusted by that we have a presidential Look, I gotta said a politics, but but look, it's very frustrating for me when any political leader actually attacks the men and women of law enforcement. I know their hearts, I know their character. I know that every single day they get up grown to sacrifice at all including their lives, for the defense of those that they're protecting. And so it's outrageous now that that though, that that group of law personal professionals have become the problem. Now. Of course, I've been talked to a single law enforcement a professional that says, for example, what happened to George Floyd wasn't tragic, and those officers should be hell accountable. Of course, we should have meaningful dialogue to get better, to increase the public trust of those we serve. Of course, those are all righteous things. We should be moving forward to be united. But you articulately, that's not what's happening here. It's lawlessness throughout the country. And they want to talk about defunding, reallocated your upswer. It's the same thing at the Saint at the very time. That's not the answer. We should be putting more money into police department, getting better training, better resources, and I could go on and on and right now the violence going on the cities and the uptick of violent crime across major cities clearly indicates that's not the answer. That's a reckless, reckless way of handling this. All right, Mark Morgan, thank you for being with us. He is the US Custom and Border Protection Commissioners. Sir as always, thank you for your good work. We'll take a quick break. We'll come back. Your calls are coming up next twenty five now to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. I never thought i'd see in my lifetime this level of radicalism. I always believed, and Linda and I were discussing this yesterday. I always believe that the left wing was the fringe, it was never the majority. For some reason, this new modern Democratic Socialist Anarchists supporting party seems to have Dave at least concluded it's more mainstream than it is now. People keep asking Linda, you keep getting asked the question. I keep getting asked the question, what's going to happen in one hundred and three days. I can't answer that question. Nobody can. We don't know if I answer that question every time. Yeah, you're gonna say Donald Trump's gonna win. I do not. Donald Trump is going to win. Okay, now listen, In fairness to you, I kept saying he can win, but I don't count on anything until I hear the magic words. Now this year, it would be the medium mob choking on the words, having to say, we can now project that Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president of the United States. But which would be worth the price of admission, Let's be honest, just to watch their liberal faces collapse in there, you know there, I mean the dark cloud that will cover their heads, all of their work for four consecutive, five consecutive years, down the tubes of smearing and slandering and besmirching. I use my football analogy, never gonna take get rid of it, which is you got to act from now for the next one hundred and three days because it's all on the line that you are six points down, you have no timeouts, you're on your own twenty You got to march down the field that's a football field, eighty yards. The football has to cross the plane that would be the goal line, and then you gotta pick. You gotta kick the extra point to win. That's how I'm viewing this election, because every any Republican to win must run the table. You don't think your states important. I'll name the most important states, the ones that are always close, and that would be for example, Florida. We know demographics, Georgia, North Carolina. Things are a little tighter than they once were. According to everything that I read, you have to you have to win Ohio. No, no Republican has been elected president without the Buckeye State. Iowa. Gotta win Iowa, it's a must win. You similarly have to win Arizona. Then you have to pick off Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan. Maybe Minnesota's in play this year, that would not surprise me. You gotta look at Nevada that should hopefully be in play, then New Mexico, then New Hampshire, then the second congressional district. Believe it or not, that one electoral vote can make the difference between winning and losing. That's how important that district is in this election. You know what I think would be an important point to make here, And I don't disagree with anything you're saying, but I also I feel very strong that there's a lot of people that have not been pulled. And I always say this to John McLaughlin and Matt Towery when we're talking at Scott Rass Music. I'm like, where are these polls coming from? Because no one's ever called me that's a two point rass Mus and reports today, which is different than Scott Rasmus, but they have it a two point race. Look, there are certain candidates we know. Wait wait, wait, let me finish this point because you're gonna like this point. So I think, you know, a big part of what we're seeing right now in America is a complete lack of information, an overabundance of misinformation and conjecture and opinion from a media mob that has hated this president from twenty fifteen when he came down the escalator. And in your book, Live for Your Diet, you know you have this chapter and you know it. Really the title is amazing. It's welcome to Fantasyland the Democrats twenty twenty agenda. You know, we're looking at the new ad today with Biden and Obama. I mean, Biden is still going back to Obama to try to in an election. I mean, the guy doesn't know what cities he's in, so he's got to bring in, you know, Obama to help him out. In the Newest Dad. I don't even I can't even imagine how they convinced Obama to do this, quite frankly, because you know, he didn't at the times that Obama has spoken out for Joe has been the least enthusiastic team would I've ever seen It's it's you could tell it's painful for him, and he feels like, wow, you know why am I stuck doing this? Doesn't want to be there. It's very obvious he doesn't want to be there. But the fact is, and these are just observations now thirty three years in radio twenty five at Fox that I can bring to the table with all this experience, and that is that you've never seen this before where you have an open embrace of anarchists, an open embrace of radical socialism Bolshevik Berney. You know that he's we now have Biden now talking about ten trillion dollars with the you know, New Green Deal, Moneies, etc. Aoc Bezo bozo or roork he wants. He's running on raising taxes, He's running on amnesty. He's running on the United Sanctuary States of America. He's running on killing off jobs in the energy sector. Not just a few, It'll wipe out tens of millions of jobs. Ultimately, he's running on the government is going to give every single thing away for free. You know, there was always the subset of the Democratic Party. You know, we used to talk about the Scoop Jackson wing of the Democratic Party, or even now more and more modern terms say that Joe Lieberman, Joe Lieberman was rejected many years ago by the Democratic Party. This was that's probably the first bit of anecdotal evidence where the party was headed. And but you've never seen an embrace of these radical views. I mean, they're not even Look for all the people that might be convinced that everything free, free, free is a good thing, just ask yourself, how did they do with Obamacare? Ask yourself all of these liberal cities run by liberal Democratic mayors for decades, liberal Democratic governors for decades, how well have they done with your child's education. There are some good school districts in every state, but in most cities in America you have seen epic failure because of the unholy alliance with these liberal democratic socialists and the teachers unions that help them get elected every two four years. So it's that we've never had a bigger choice election. You're absolutely right, all of these promises are unfulfilled. It sounds great on paper that everything's going to be for free, but none of it is ever going to be fulfilled. If their socialism work, social Security wouldn't be bankrupt, Medicare wouldn't be bankrupt, the school system wouldn't be as decimated as it is, and they would be able to restore law in order and safety and security. Those are the most fundamental things that any government should do, and they're not doing any of them. And my observation anecdotally is that America is watching very closely, and I don't think most Americans are gonna like what they see and what they hear and what they're watching every day and night. That's my guess. But I can't guarantee the outcome if I could, But I also i'd go best none of us, None of us. I mean, we can bet, suh. But I actually would have to bet on this election, and I would bet on Trump. I would, okay, But if if if I do, this is what will happen? Sean Hannity he he literally said this and this and this on radio and TV to help his chances of winning money and betting on the presidential race. By the way, it is legal, right. I think you can do it in Vegas, can't you. I mean Listen, at the end of the day, if we make a friendly wager amongst friends, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I'm not making bets because I'm telling you how it'll play out. I'd rather I am so hyper careful on everything in terms of especially finances, taxes, and the likes, because listen, I think they'd love to put me in jail tomorrow if they could. Of course, that would be their ultimate. There would be nothing better than to have the ultimate ultimate whatever I mean. But but to hark listen, let's let's get back full circle now to where we start it, which is you know your book, the reason why you wrote it, what it means, and what you're trying to communicate, which is you know you very simply are trying to make people understand that Democrats are all talk. Joe has been in office for fifty years. He has done nothing. Why would we reward nothing for the highest God? It makes no sense. This is like Paul Revere and I'm not comparing myself. Please, you know the mob and the media would take everything in the wrong way. This is a hello, wake up. Do you realize you could say the alphabet and they would take it the wrong way. That's true in that which, by the way they've done. This is a moment, This is a cry to my country. And if I could, I get on my hands and knees and beg every American to really think deeply about what's going to happen here. If these stated plans for the country are implemented, we will lose the country. And this is why I quote Reagan in the book. Reagan said freedom is but one generation away from extinction. Every government program that guarantees your security supposedly promises that mathematically can never be fulfilled. You're giving up your freedom, and you're handing it over to federal bureaucrats. They can't keep their city safe, they can't balance their budgets, they can't educate your kids, they can't deliver the healthcare they promised, and all the things they're promising now will fail on a spectacular level. And then if you're talking about re idolizing America, rebuilding America, they're going to take the greatest economic system that has created the most innovation, the most wealth, the greatest prosperity, the most innovation in terms of advancement of the human condition that we've shared with the world, and you will gut it, you will destroy it, and I don't think it'll be irreparable damage. You will never be able to fiction. And America will go down as an asterisk. It'll go down as yet another failed governmental system because we got away from original principles liberty and freedom, the idea that you know, we're endowed by God, not government, with natural rights, among which are life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. You can't rewrite history, Sean. They are rewriting a history that fits their own narrative. They're not reminding people about the Bolsheviks and Stalin and the moments in Venezuela and what we saw in Cuba, you know, all these you know, Castro moments. They're not teaching this anymore. So they're they're marching in the streets asking for something that they know nothing about. And so now we have a candidate like Joe Biden who's flip flopped on more issues than I've I've ever seen in my life, and today he's coming out and saying, oh, Donald Trump's a racist. I'm like, I'm sorry. Can we take a walk down memory lane with you? Joe? Oh, that's right. We can't because you can't remember where you are today, but that maybe we should. It's a very very scary prospect that the American people are that misinformed, and it's willful and that's why it's our job. And you know, your book lived for your diet. I mean it should be you know, required reading. Yeah, well, you know, we launch it in now twelve days. All right, let's get a quick call on Robert Long Island. Robert, how are you good? How are you doing today? Yeah, we need to get the hell out of here. I'm just warning you. I don't know where to go, honestly, but anywhere but here. Some nice spots to go to. Yeah. So, you know, going up on social media and seeing you know, all the writing that's going on, it is it's heartbreaking to see what's going on in these in these cities. I don't understand how people think that violence is going to attract voters to their cause. I don't think. I don't think violence has ever been the answer. In fact, when I get into a debate with somebody, if they start, if they go off debate and start saying things you know, about me personally and about attacking me personally, I've realized that I've wanted me want the debate again. There's there's a lot of truth in that. But but I'm gonna tell you something. Are you going to be hanging out in New York City anytime soon? Not me? No? Fortunately not you know so fortunately not. Yeah, And we'll watch what happens. Mass exodus is on its way. I can't. I gotta roll up. But listen, Robert, Thank you, God bless you. And one hundred and three days or maybe our vote won't mean as much as these swing states, but I'm still voting. I let's swing back to our busy phones. Eight hundred and nine for one. Sean Sharon is in Pennsylvania. Hey, Sharon, how are you? We'll be watching Pennsylvania closely in just one hundred and three days. Glad you're called Hi. How are you doing there? I'm good man, Thank you so much for calling good I just want you to know, first of all, I'm a born again Christian. Second of all, I'm a black female. Third of all, I'm a veteran. So the fun police is dumb. We all know that. But the only thing how are you going to reach the black community is get in the community. It's not gonna be TV. It's not going to be a book. It's gonna be someone talking, having meetings, with neighborhood watches, with all of those things, because that's how they are. You're gonna teach people that way, You're not going to reach them. Well, here's the message I would bring If I was Donald Trump and I wish I could talk to you for an hour. The message I would bring is do you feel safe and secure in your home, in your neighborhood and your town, in your city. If not, I would like to help fix it for you. Uh. The record low unemployment we've had for every demographic group my goal. I've shattered every record before and I'm gonna shatter him again. There's my message anyway, Sharon, So the honor to talk to you. Thank you for all you do. All praise of course. Uh, thank you for being with us when we come back. Austin Gulsby, Well he's in Chicago. How's he feeling about all the violence there? Straight ahead? We wish it would stop. We're glad the federal troops I here in Chicago because the violence is literally just because worse is so, I mean, we need more cops and federal troops because it's literally like we in Irat for something. Yes, it feels like at a wart a war, and we've got an unhinged leader of the Fraternal Order of a Police who is craven and trying to get generate attention. We're not going to have people that don't know our streets, don't know our neighborhoods, and then are engaging and clearly unconstitutional conduct operating at will in our city. All right, there it is, Well, I'm calling her now, mayor lightweight. I mean, I just go through the list again and again, and I just can't believe this is where we are as a country. I can't believe that keeping people safe and secure is a controversial issue. There shouldn't be a democratic issue or Republican issue it is. I mean, the surge of pederal agents. Oh don't we don't want the president here. These are gestapo tactics. These are stormtroopers. You hear again and again. Now you hear the people in the cities like Chicago, New York, Seattle, Portland and elsewhere begging the president that to please help save lives. Are lightfoot asking Chicago for help? Okay, she rejected federal law enforcements help. President's not going to go in to places where they are literally now all of these cities and all of these areas, fifteen democratic mayors now telling the President you better not come into our city threatening to prosecute the federal troops that have every right statutorially, by matter of law to protect federal buildings. For example, what's happening in Portland is tyranny. Why because the Feds are protecting federal property. That's actually part of their job. Now you get to the telling citizens call nine one one on federal agents. Then you have federal agents attacked. Then you've got the other night. Fifteen people wounded, mass shooting in Chicago. Average weekend anywhere between sixty seventy eighty people shot, ten fifteen, twenty people dying. We're losing one year olds in these cities, eight year olds, seven year olds last weekend. You know, we lost this little girl, beautiful little girl in Chicago, seven years old. Seven last weekend at ten an eleven year old were shot in Chicago, Seattle. You see what's happening there. Portland, you see what is happening there. And mayor lightweight over there is Trump is making a big mistake if he thinks he's going to come into our city. We're not allowing the president into our city. Well, one person that's from that city is our old friend, Austin Gulsby, professor at Chicago's Boot School of Economics, former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors for Obama. I'll make one political statement all of these shootings, and I spend time when you're a good buddy. Barack was president and Joe was vice president. They barely mentioned the violence in Chicago, never mind fix it. And I would scroll the names of people shot, the names of people shot and killed, names Americans never heard of. And they didn't lift a finger to fix anything there. I've got to believe, Auston Gulsby, that you would like to see law in order and safety and security brought back to your city. I'm just guessing, though, Yeah, look I do. And Sean, I'm gonna get you out here. We're gonna go to Bears game if the NFL ever gets going again. I'll pay for the masks and I'll pay for the beer. Whether you whether you think they're doing a good job, a bad job, or what have you. You still got to respect the Constitution. You can't have federal agents with no insignia and no uniforms going out not just defending federal property, but in unmarked vans grabbing pop Excuse me, excuse me. Can't do that. What the President is doing is protecting federal buildings. I will cite if you're interested, titled forty USC thirteen fifteen another word section thirteen fifty of forty of the US Code that yes, in fact allows federal troops to protect federal buildings. The President's only sending a hundred people to Chicago. We also have FBI bureaus and every one of these cities that we're talking about, and hopefully they can root out maybe some of the leading agitators in the city. The President, though, is offering help to your city. Don't you think that your city has now become a war zone because I see it as a war zone, Austin Goulsby. You should come out here and see me again, Sean, because it's definitely not a war zone. Well, let me play this. Let me play the sounds of just hang out. Let me play. Let me play sounds from your city from two nights ago, and you tell me on this show that this doesn't sound like a war zone. Seventy people shot last weekend, twelve died, sixty four people shot the weekend before twelve died, fifteen shot on a single night during during a work week, just this two days ago. That doesn't sound like a war zone to you, mister Gulsby, Sir, well, look, there was my understanding of that event. If there was some gang fight. That's different than saying the entire city is a war zone. On the point of does the president have the right to do this? I didn't ask you that question. Yet we can get to that question. I'm asking you. You're no, You're not facing of truth here. That's bothering me. We have here, on any given weekend, fifty sixty seventy eighty people in your city shot. That's every single solitary weekend. Buston. You know what I'm not hearing in your voice. You know what I'm not hearing in your voice. I don't hear urgency. I don't hear concern. I don't even hear you admitting that there's a problems. I've had great concern. We have until this year, gotten been able in the last three years to get the gun violence rate down pretty substantially now either yes, that's not true. Yes you're still having On a good weekend, it's only thirty or forty people shot in Austin. Well, the number of gun murders was down almost forty percent. Now it's going back up. We have a tremendous problem of illegal guns coming in from Indiana, where it's a lot easier to get access, and we share a border with Indiana, so we've got we've got gangs in some parts of the city with access to illegal guns that they're getting, often from Indiana, some from Missouri, and that's a tremendous violence problem. My point is that doesn't the president is allowed to defend federal buildings. He's publicly saying something far greater that he aspires to than defend federal buildings. He's saying he's going to send agents in to try to go out and weed out crime. In general, that would be called the Department of Justice and the FBI, And that was addressed by Bill Barr yesterday. Did you not listen to Bill Barr the Attorney General. Didn't listen to Bill Barr the Attorney General? You should. You can tell me what he said in Portland. You got unmarked vehicles and people going out clearly violating the Constitution, and they just needed tone it. Well, first of all, let me educate, because if the President really wants to it, I would advise him against it, because I think that this is the responsibility of the liberal mayors that have ruled cities like Chicago for decades, the liberal governors, all your friends that have that have governed your state for decades. Uh, your friend Barack, your friend Joe, both of them, over four thousand people in Chicago shot and killed while Barack was president and Joe was vice president. They barely mentioned it, and you're sitting here minimizing it. Well, the rate is down significantly. That is a thing that's the biggest that's the biggest problem facing Chicago. Why didn't Why didn't Barack and Joe do anything? Why? Rate in red states is extremely high. If you look throughout the South, in places where there is poverty, you don't care, there is also violence. Truth doesn't matter. Your friend Barack, it's his own home city. Four thousand shot and killed. Well, he was pressed shot over four thousand. You're my friend, So my question is, why didn't your friend Barack why didn't Joe do anything well, for the same reason we're talking about. The federal government is not in charge of local law enforcement. They did give speeches, they came multiple times and spoke here. They worked with very few. I'm in with the new mayor trying to reduce guntrack. You can count it on one hand. That's not true. They barely mentioned it. And by the way, authoritatively, if the President, if he enacts the Insurrection Act, he would have the authority, based on every legal standard, to in fact take over the safety and security King. And he's not that he's not He's not done it. But you would rather the carnage continue. I'm hearing you loud and clear. You don't seem to care much. No, I can don't seem to care at all. I care. You don't seem to care that federal agents in unmarked uniforms and unmarked vans, okay, helping people off the including Navy, have a hundred We're talking about a hundred people. So cut the bull. You're you're trying to turn this into Donald Trump is sending an army. He has not. Donald Trump is offering help. Your mayor is rejecting it, and you won't even identify that it's a war zone in your city. That is very troubling to me. Austin Well, I said, this is a critical issue. I'm object since I live here. You haven't been here in months. It is not a war zone if I have no intention of visiting soon. By the way, town, we have a gun violence problem in some neighborhoods of the city because we've got gangs and we have a flow of illegal guns coming in from Indiana. Why wouldn't you want the president and true, why wouldn't you want trained federal officials to go in and end the violence and create safety and security for every mother, father, grandma, grandpa, young child in your city. Why would you reject that assistance. Well, they didn't reject if it's coming from the FBI, they welcome the assistance. No, no, your mayor lightweight actually didn't reject any help from President Trump. No, no, wait a second. President Trump's own declaration is not just oh, we're coming to help you. He's sending from Austin, Austin unmarked vehicles, Austin military. Sell this to some liberal network that'll have you on as a guest. The President sending in a hundred people to protect federal buildings, and the president is offered your failed mayor. You know, it seems like you know what it seems like to me, And I hate to say this too, It sounds to me like you're more interested in beating up on Trump than you care about the safety and security of people at your own city that are being shot and dying every weekend. I don't hear the proper level of concern that I would expect from you, to be honest, I'll let you answer on the other side, all right, as we continue with Austin Goulds, be professor at Chicago's Boot School of Economics, former Chairman Council of Economic advisor for Barack Obama, my question is this, every time I talk about the President's only sending a hundred troops to protect federal buildings, but he's offering your city help. You're getting every weekend sixty seventy or plus people shot, over a dozen killed every weekend. To me, sounds like a war zone. You seem more interested and attacking Donald Trump than you do about solving the out of controlled violence that is hurting our fellow Americans. And I'm having a hard time dealing with your lack of empathy. I don't understand you keep this that I don't have empathy and I don't care about that issue. I don't hear it. Completely false, and I don't hear it. For years, you have been highlighting the amount of gun violence in Chicago, and I have always when we've talked about it, I have always said, that's the biggest problem facing the city. Every time I ask you, you won't even acknowledge it's a war zone. And you talk about the hundred federal agents. Donald Trump, send again, a hundred agents can solve your problem. Why don't you orge your mayor to bring in the federal help that will protect lives? Why wouldn't you want that. I'm totally for federal assistance. What I'm opposed to is politicized federal assistance of the form of these hundred agents. This isn't a normal law enforcement thing. And Donald Trump's own words may collect you're lost on your fixation of Trump hate. Go here's the thing. Let me tell you what's going to happen. Are you ready, Austin? Okay? Your fellow Chicago residents are going to be shot and they're gonna die and the numbers every Monday, tune into the show. And I'm not gonna like the numbers I have to give out. Your plan is going to result in less safety, left security for your fellow Chicago residence. And you know what you want to turn this into. I hate Trump and Trump's idea and Trump's one hundred troops. Go ahead, but guess what, Mom's little bait. Now our little kids are dying. A seven year old girl was shot and killed. Stop that, and we have to stop that in a way that doesn't violate the constitution. That's okay. Why didn't Barack do it? It was his home city, because there because why not under the control of the federal government. If Barack would have offered the help, he didn't even offer the help. Trump offer the help. Trump is offering to help in a way that violates the Constitution. Read the Insurrection Act eighteen o seven, Read Title forty US Code thirteen fifty. Why do I have to educate you on the economics and the constitution? Not a lawyer, you know more about this legal stuff. I know about economy. How about you just have the heart. Doesn't it make sense to send in personnel to stop the violence and save lives. I'm what's so hard about that? What personnel you're sending in? If it's like these people, federal trained agents on federal trained agents, that's what he's offering. Unasked professional professional law enforcement. That's what he's offering. Federal law enforcement agents, trained offering. That's not what he's publicly offest. He is no, he said, he wants to send these agents unmarked vehicles and no insignia to go here. You know what, next time we're together, you're paying for the tickets, you're paying for the hot dogs, and I'm I'll drink the beer. You are so frustrating. You know what, I'm gonna I'm gonna give your wife another present because she has to put up with your crap. Austin Goldsbury, thank you eight hundred nine for one. Sean. When we come back, John solid him in WOU big report on doctor Fauci, pretty hard hitting. That's next, all right, that's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, and we have announcements coming. We're gonna probably announce things next week, plans that we have hopefully see some of you at much much more Amazon dot com, Hannity dot Com hopefully bookstores if yours are open around the country. I know there's been a lot of a lot of controversy over doctor Faucium over the years. I've watched he spent decades and decades of his life working on issues involving public health and safety, pandemics and AIDS and saving lives, and I you know, look, was he wrong about what he said? Sure, it's fine in March if you're young and healthy to go on a cruise ship. Yeah, he was wrong his comments about masks not needing masks in March, that was probably wrong too. A lot of people are planning cruises over the spring break. Do you recommended anybody, even a healthy person, you get on board. I think if you're a healthy young person that there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship to go on a cruship. Are you satisfied with what is happening here in the United States in order to prevent the spread? Yeah, THEHO has issued, as you know, of a public Health Emergency of International Concern declaration. If you put all these things together, I underscore what Bob said, we still have a low risk to the American public. I think the American people I know, the American people should really take the following attitude. The risk right now in the United States is really low, so it's difficult to present. I mean, looking at what we're seeing now, you know, I would say between one hundred and two hundred thousand cases, but I don't want to be held to that because it's it's excuse me, deaths. I mean, we're going to have millions of cases. We were all lied to by China, and I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt to everybody and anybody. On the other hand, I think he's you know, we have articles out today that are very very clear as it relates to, for example, the use of hydroxy chloroquine. And I'm not telling people what to do. I'm just telling you what the information tells us. It's the president, by the way, volunteer to take the first coronavirus vaccine first or last, he said, defending Burke's in an interview. By the way, the President's the one that started Operation Warp Speed to get us to a vaccine faster than anybody else. You see the President very very clearly, you know, has been willing to take the lead. You have the Harvard School of public form, you know, literally, you know, if you listen to the science, you can reopen the schools. You have other people saying, excuse me, hydroxy chloroquine can save lives, and it doesn't matter because now everything's been politicized. Unfortunately, that all things Trump are. I was a little shocked by John Solomon by the way. He has his new book out of bestseller Nuclear Bribes, Russian spies and the Washington lies that have enriched the Clinton and Biden dynasties. It's an unbelievable read of investigated reporting, which John, of course is known for, and I've read his pieces on doctor Fauci and a little shocked at some of it. We're talking about misappropriation of funds for example, very strong words, and about AIDS, drug trials, fostered children, well, I don't know why that would ever occur, or drug trials, and Africa being plagued by safety reporting lapses, you know, whistleblowers fired, reinstated. You know a lot of allegations in here that nobody ever wants to talk about. And maybe we just put him on a pedestal too much. Ethics violations, failing to report out side activities and much much more. I do think maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I always thought that his heart was in helping people to get well. I think I have a little more doubt today as a result of reading this than I had yesterday. And just the News dot COM's John Solomon joins us, how are you, sir. I'm doing well, so I'm great to join you, and congrats in your book. I can't wait to read it. Well twelve days for me, but also on your as a bestseller. Congratulations, incredible research. I was a little shocked by what I read. I don't you know. I mean, there's so much negative and false things written about me sometimes that I guess maybe I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, but there are there are controversies that I never knew involving doctor Fauci. What is your conclusion overall, then we'll get to the specifics. Yeah, listen, I think overall, doctor Fauci is a man who really wants to make medicine better, who wants to help the American public. But as a manager, because we remember, not just a researcher. He runs a very large, multi billion dollar agency that leads on infectious diseases. He's had a troubled record as a manager. He's missed, there have been violations of federal law related to contracts. They've admitted to it. These are things that are not in dispute. Everything in this story nih has admitted to after internal investigations. He fired a whistlebar, or his team fired a whistle bar that had to be reinstated because the guy really did do safety things that were highlight safety problems that needed to be brought to the public attention. So, you know, as his heart's in the right place, he's a brilliant researcher, he may not be the best manager. And the reason we looked at this last week, he gave an interview and said people should trust my judgment because of my records. So we went back through the record and gathered inspector general reports, audited safety findings, whistlebler complaints, and we find a pretty systemic record of problems on patient safety, ethical conflicts, and bad contracting practices. Some of them had violated what's known as the anti deficiency laws. All of science got this wrong. Let's be honest here, every model was wrong, so many The person that ended up being most right nobody will ever believe this, And most ahead of the curve was Donald Trump. The first known case of coronavirus in the US January twenty first, January thirty first to travel band, then the subsequent travel bands, then the quarantine the first and what fifty sixty years. Nobody gives them credit for that, And the models were wrong the prediction. China lied to the world. So you got to give everybody a little bit of slack on this. So my question is is he just a better scientist, is he better than and he has no business being the manager of any of this because he was wrong a lot too. And it's not to criticize him. I think a lot of it's based on the fact that China lied to the world. Yeah, no doubt. Listen, that put us behind the eight ball. But you have people at the top of government because they're supposed to be at the top of their game. And you know, when you look at his record, there are three things that and out one he made some inventions of his own. One of them called interluking. It's a it's a thing that's being used in AIDS research, and he did so at the taxpayer's expense. And then he took the patent for that interlucing. This is not in dispute. When I originally reported on this in two thousand and four and five, he said, you know it was wronging me to take collect the royalties. I'm going to donate my royalties to charity. But that only happened because at the time I shine a light on that and it came into controversy. When you look at patient safety, being a good researcher means abiding by the research rules that protect patient safety. It's always risky when you test drugs on new people. These vaccine tests of these brave people are taking the test. Now, you know there's a risk to it. Everybody knows it. You mitigate that risk by giving the proper safety protocols and ensuring that those happening. By the way, there are thirty thousand people now that are starting in three days the Maderna vaccine. Thirty thousand, and they're all volunteers, and there is a risk to all of them, absolutely, And that's why you want to have the best safety procedures in place, just like we have for our police in our fire department, to do the same for patients. The most the one that stands out among all the things that are in doctor Fauchi's background is an experiment that occurred from the late nineteen eighties to about two thousand and In that case, they were testing age drugs, which have very powerful side effects on HIV positive foster children. So these are children already vulnerable because they don't have their parents right they're separated from their parents. And the NIS and doctor Fauchi specific agency committed we're going to give every one of those children a patient advocate to monitor their health in real time like they were the substitute parent. And that's how we'll do this study. And the study gets approved and then they don't. In most of the cases three quarters of the cases, I believe it was, they didn't provide that patients safety advocate. Well, what happened. There were a lot of adverse reactions for these children, as you would expect with age drugs. Ten of the children died in the study and they're still unexplained. They're cited as a large number unexplained. But at the end of the day, the FAY are to produce those patient advocates. Violated the promise it all so in some states where they did the testing violated the state law. So doctor Focci had a big blind spot there. There was a woman who died in Tennessee. She was getting a drug in the rapine to try to protect her child from having the transmission of HIV to the child. Good intention, but the woman the drug is known to have liver problems. Let me ask a follow up to this though, sure, go ahead. Yeah, at the time, wasn't aids a death sentence in other words, were point we were past that point in other words, so they were looking for me. Yeah, okaygick Johnson at that point. Now it's at the same point he's trying to listen. No one doubts doctor Fauci's intention. It's the question of whether he complies with the best practices as a manager. I think that's when it comes down to. We interviewed a whistleblower who got fired by his team, and he said doctor Fauci seems to be more interested in the line might the giving the speeches going on television than managing his division. And this, you know, this is a guy that got fired a whistleblower, and then they had to reinstate him because they want they proved he had been recall yet it again and the safety issues he'd raised were very real. So you know, these are people that would worked with him. Again. His intentions are not a doubt. His management record is a little more checkered than he makes out to be when he's on the television set when we look at for example, and doctor Rozz and I have talked a lot about this. You know now that we have these studies now supporting you know, the mortality rate being cut in half the Ford study as it relates to hydroxy chloroquim and when used early in treatment. It's so frustrating because whenever there's an intersection between politics and medicine, politics is always going to win. I didn't coin that phrase, doctor Oz did, and that that's a sad reality for me. And you know, this is more art than science, as we've all learned here. I think that what has frustrated many of my listeners and viewers as they feel that doctor Fauci shows a political bias. I seem to think that I see it as well, and that's frustrating to me. Yeah, I mean also, one of the things about great researchers, they have a high degree of confidence in themselves and so it's hard for them. And you know he's saying they have big egos. Is that what you're saying. Yeah, that's a nice way of saying it with big egos. They have big egos, and you know what, they deserve it. By the way, most of the dopey people that we know in TV are even worse. That's true. That's a good point. Well, listen, in this case, he has a lot of confidence in his judgment. But you know, good people know that when they're wrong, the bright thing to do is the backtrack. And I think that on hydroxychorquine. And there's a lot of medical researchers that thought it was a Trump gig and they got out against it, thinking, well, Trump's playing politics. It turns out Donald Trump was right. The studies have proven if you have early COVID, the combination of hydroxychorquin and asister Mayason saves lives, cuts deaths in half. And that's not Donald Trump's saying. That's an official by the way, and the combination of adding zinc to it. Doctor Roles was very clear about that this week. I mean, that can do that. But you know, one of the things the President outline we have National Guard troops in California, Texas, Arizona, and Florida. He has top representatives from the administration in over nine states. There's nothing that any state needs that is not provided expeditiously. There's nothing that's not being given by the federal government. We never ran out of ventilators, None of those ever happened, and so it's frustrating that I don't think the President ever gets, you know, any credit for it. Yeah, listen, one of the things we learned after Russia, and thanks to you and all the attention you gave it on your shows, is that we have the ability in America tay to create false realities that people will believe for a long time when do you unravel it? And I think some of the narratives that the media have created about COVID and Donald Trump's response are just like the early narratives in Russia, overhyped, under lacking in facts, and over time, I think the history will look back and find out, you know, this COVID thing was really China's fault as its core, and the president is the best you have. While also getting a lot of conflicting advices from people like doctor Fauci in the head of the CDC and others. You go back over the months. I mean, the flip flops are amazing. And here's the president trying to listen to the medical experts and make the best decisions. There's no doubt the best decision made to protect America, no doubt empirically experts closing down the travel from China when he did. If he let it go a few more weeks, god knows what would have happened to this country. And then that's just the fact that nobody wants to ever give the President of any credit for We have less than a minute. We're now getting close to Durham and bar And do you now see and I love your new book, Fallout, nuclear bribes, Russian spies, the Washington lies that enriched the Clinton and Biden dynasties. Do you now believe as I do, that there are going to be prominent people indicted. Yes, a small number, but it's going to send shockwaves through the Washington establishment. Because John Durham is so thorough, the narrative of the indictments or the criminal plea bargains are going to knock people socks off. This is one of the best prosecutors the Justice Department has ever had. How soon would you expect it? I hear it may be closer. Yeah, I think it's around that Labor daytime frame, the thing we've been talking about in the show, somewhere just before just after Labor Day. It's getting closer. They're making great progress. All right, John Solomon, congrats on the book. It's up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores anywhere everywhere. The president is on Hannity tonight, nine eastern on the Fox News Channel Quick Break. We'll come back and we'll continue on the other side straight ahead, all right, Hannity Tonight, ninety eastern on the Fox News Channel. President Donald J. Trump will be joining us. We'll have the latest news on the violence, the chaos city spiraling out of control, fifteen mayors, Democrats democratic run cities rejecting help of the President, more interested in playing politics with him than protecting their own citizens. I'll update you on Corona and all the other news you need to know, and the President, as I said of the United States, nine eastern, Hannity, I'm Fox set you DVR. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

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