Bloomberg's Troubles Are Just Starting

Published Feb 17, 2020, 11:00 PM

John McLaughlin, Pollster and Strategist and Retired Syndicated Columnist and Attorney and Pollster, Matt Towery are here to discuss the Bloomberg debacle that has become the former Mayor’s reality. Tapes have surfaced that give a good example of his racist rants, and now there is a news of his sexist and abrasive behavior toward female employees. One claim states that he told a staffer to ‘kill it,’ referring to her unborn child. With South Carolina and Nevada around the corner, the Democrat candidates are racing to make their voice heard.

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All right, Happy President's Day, Happy Monday. Yes I'm here, I'm working. Let not your heart be troubled eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Well, Bloomberg and his campaign is I guess we'd say Bloomberg has always been, at least in his own mind, plan B for when well quid pro quote Joe collapses, which he's in the middle of a full collapse, he will be the more moderate to Bernie Sanders. They desperately hate Bernie Sanders all over the liberal media. Even they hate him because he's too honest. They all this radical, extreme crop of Democrats. They're all Bernie Sanders, but they just hide it. So you got Michael Bloomberg. Nobody seems to understand what he's trying to do here. Let me explain it to you. Well, number one, it's never been done before. He's waiting till Super Tuesday, hoping that he can create enough of an image or perception of him being an alternative to quid pro quote Joe that he's He's just he's running a slick marketing and ad campaign. He's already spent according to the Washington Examiner four hundred and seventeen point seven million dollars. All it is is one big infomercial on Mike. But nobody's been examining his record. It's like even the Huffing and Post kind of nailed it when they said it's like a Wizard of Oz campaign. That is, his record is hiding behind the curtain. There is now so much tape beginning to come out on him. It's bad. The Washington Post has a long investigative report about Bloomberg. I mean a who's who of things that you don't say in life. Alien eighty again. If we're gonna look at the Republican Party as a coalition party, the Democratic Party is a coalition party. The base of the Democratic Party, they would like to tell you as African Americans, the gay and lesbian community, Hispanic Americans, and for example women, I would be a part of their coalition. And well, if that's true, it all started last week when this tape started emerging. A Bloomberg started well, okay, says, murderers and murder victims fit one m O modus operendie. You just take the description. There's only one, not two. You take the description use xerox the description. You pass it out to all the cops. They are male minorities sixteen to twenty five. That's true in New York and virtually every city. And he's talked about yeah, we take these young kids, the police throw them up against the wall, like really okay. At one point he said, well, so you know, people say to me, well, oh my gosh, you're arresting kids from marijuana and they're all minorities. His answer, yes, that's true, all minorities, not some, All minorities. Why because we put all, not some, all the cops of minority communities. He said, yeah, that's true because that's where all the crime is. Well, that's not true, and I know for a fact, but that's what he said. Now we got I don't even know what to make of this. So all right, African Americans, if all of these comments turn out to be true about him, I mean, it's so despicable. He's attacking members of the game lesbian community using words that well, and he's never apologized for. Apparently, at his forty eighth birthday, they had his book put together, thirty two pages of the Wit and Wisdom of Michael Bloomberg Washington Post ran with this whole weekend, and so of other media outlets. Then we have apparently some of the details emerging from many of the lawsuits. Apparently there's a ton of lawsuits about Michael Bloomberg, and at one point, in one case it's called the Garrison complaint that you know, apparently he was yet a group of salespeople out of New York University Business School students. Anyway, Bloomberg noticed that this individual was standing nearby. Why didn't you, uh, why didn't they ask you to be in the picture? I guess they saw your face? Wow, And apparently asked the plaintiff in this case, how's married life? You're married, and the person response said, yeah, no, I'm it's going really great and I'm gonna even gonna get better in the next few months, you know, saying that she's expecting her child. And he was responds and confirmed by others. Kill it. I'm reading verbatim now from the Washington Post. Kill it. Plaintive asked Bloomberg to repeat himself, and again he said kill it, and then muttered great number sixteen, suggesting to the plaintiff his unhappiness that sixteen women in his company had maternity related status. I don't think that's gonna go over particularly well with that part of the coalition. So this is going to be very interesting to watch how this happens. He got torn apart by Zorlina Maxwell, who we know. I've had her on this program, I've had her on TV and she used to work for Hillary Clinton. And the idea that they were floating this trial balloon that he's considering Hillary as his vice presidential running mate, like getting Bloomberg to a defective product. I mean, they were furious about this. Right now, he's blanketting the airways with classy advertisements and if millions of dollars behind the advertisements don't work to sell products, even defective ones, they wouldn't spend so much on advertising. Then she went on and said, I don't think by accepting it deeply flawed candidate, particularly one that hasn't debated any of the other candidates. I think we're jumping ahead before black and brown people have an opportunity to weigh in at the ballot box. I think she was referring to the comments that came out last week, and if you're got to do this at the same time, you throw in quote black children up against the wall and then defending it until weeks before you're announcing your run. Than people I think have a right to be skeptical about whether or not you really care about these communities. So and it just goes on from there. But I mean, we have new video. Now we have another part of the coalition. Democrats have always played the fear card as it relates to Republicans want dirty air and water, and Republicans, now, think of what they're doing here when I always tell you every two years, every four years, that's the same playbook that Republicans are racist, they are sexist, they're misogynistic. Why do they do this every two or four years, because they're playing to the base of their party and they're trying to portray remember Al Gore, Republicans don't even want to count you in the census before a predominantly African American group. And why because they're racist. We're not. Now I can argue it's these are pretty fascinating times when you look at any of these big cities, and we've been doing a pretty deep dive on TV or twenty twenty correspondent Lawrence Jones out in San Francisco, one mile from Nancy Pelosi's house in one district, one mile from her office in the other district. What do you see? People needles everywhere, all over the streets, drug addicts everywhere. They don't have any facilities, so they're defecating in the streets. That urinating in the streets. Why didn't Nancy picks the problem? One mile from her house, one mile from her office? Raises great questions? Doesn't it same in La Same in Chicago? How our fellow Americans? You know, I think I'm the only one in TV that ever scrolled the names of all of these people shot and murdered in Chicago, and still the violence continues. What are these What's the one commonality here? And that is Democratic Party rule for decades. Look at Baltimore. President got attacked because of what he said about Baltimore. Well, in Baltimore, there are thirteen public high schools where there's not one kid, not one proficient in reading or math. Well, that would mean Democratic Party rule is failing the kids in these cities. That's our American family and no responsibility. Now we got Bloomberg in one piece of tape. He actually is you want now another part of the coalition. He's in favor of cutting off medical treatment to the elderly. One of my arguments has always been, if you want to know how great socialized medicine is and a single payer system in Canada, look at all the politicians and wealthy Canadians when they need real medical care. They fly to the US to get treated the National Health Services in Great Britain. You know that they literally will say to you, well, you need a new hip, you need a new knee, whatever it happens to be. But you've already exceeded your life expectancy. You're not getting it, and it's denied more often than you would think. Yeah, but tape and now a Bloomberg saying he's in favor of cutting off medical treatment to the elderly. They can't fix right away, and if you're bleeding, i'll possible. If you need an extra you're gonna have to wait. That's just and all of these costs you're going on, Nobody wants to pay any more money. And at the rate we're going healthcare is going to bankrupts. So not only do we have a problem, he's gonna We've got to sit here and say which things are going to do and which things were not. Nobody wants to do that. You know, you show up with pristate cancer, you're ninety five years older, we should say, go and enjoy, have a nice cream, leave a long life. It's no cure and he can't do it. If you're on a person, we should do something or not. Oh, if you're ninety five you have prostate cancer, yeah, go enjoy yourself. You've had a long life. No cure for you. We can't do anything for you. Now do you think Bloomberg's going to do that in his own life. No, He's gonna hire every doctor imaginable and pay whatever it costs to extend his life as long as he possibly care. But to the rest of us, no, that's not going to happen. And then you know, quintessentially democratic, right, we have the revealing remarks of Peter Struck, smelly Trump supporters, Walmart shoppers, and Hillary called us irredeemable deplorables, and Obama said, we're bitter Americans that cling to God, our Constitution, our Bibles, and religion. Well, now we got Michael Bloomberg. He thinks that the farmers. Now you got to think about this. There are people that go to college study farming and the chemical process and soil and how to maximize the success and hybrids in this. And I mean, it's amazing, how great these But we have the greatest farmers in the world. We feed the world. It's incredible, but not according to mine. You just dig a hole in the ground, you drop in a seat. Listen to this. The agrarian society lasted three thousand years more. And we teach processes. I could teach anybody, even people in this. So no offense intended to be a farmer. It's a processing. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, I ad water up comes the corn. Then we had three hundred you could learn that. You have three hundred years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal in the leath, you turn the crank and the direction of the arrow, and you can have a job. And we created a lot of jobs. One point ninety eight percent of the world worked in agriculture. Today it's two percent in the United States. Now comes the information economy, and the information economy is fundamentally different because it's built around replacing people with technology and the skill sets that you have to learn are how to think and analyze, and that is a whole degree level different. You have to have a different skill set. You have to have a lot more gray matter. It's not clear that teachers can teach or the students can learn. And so the challenge for society to find jobs for the people who we can take care of, giving them a roof over their head and a meal in their stomach, and a cell phone and a car and that sort of thing. But the thing that's the most important, that will stop them from setting up the guillotines someday is the dignity of a job. That's it. That's how we're gonna We're just gonna dismiss farmers as needing more gray matter. That's easy. I can teach any of you to be a farmer. Come on, seriously, you know you dig a hole, you put a seat, and you throw dirt on top, you add water and up pops the corn. What an idiot? How arrogant can you be? Do you have any clue? I mean, it's like he's saying, oh, well, mother, mama, I mean, and the whoever the I guess nanny and the scrabble and the nanny let you win. I'm like, who thinks like this? And that's just the tip of the iceberg with this guy. You talk about condescension, you know, really he has prostate cancer at ninety five. He's not going to spend his money to get Well, that's a croc too. Now he's insulting minorities, gays and lesbians, women and saying, oh, yeah, well, I support killing you if you don't have enough money like I do. Too bad. I just wish my mother had lived long enough to see a crowd like this. She would have what you would say to me is don't let it go to your head. And she every day I'd say what'd you do? And she'd say, well, I've played scrabble today, And I said, who'd you play with the housekeeper? Did you win? Yes, of course, And I said, mother, the housekeeper works with, so it's throwing the game to you. She said, that's an outrage, and then she finished by saying, and if you learn to play scrabble, you'd learn how to spell unbelievable. He's it's all coming out. This is gonna be interesting to watch the mob try and protect him. Here, all right, as we roll along Sean Hannity shows. Now he's gonna just dismiss farmers. We have the greatest farmers in the world. He knows nothing. I just I can't even believe. I just dig a hole, you put a seat in it, you throw dirt on top, aad water, up comes the corn dope. It's so condescending. I mean, it's unbelievable. Now there is some pushback here, Elizabeth Warren Bloomberg should be able to run, but not use his own money. I disagree. It's his money. We live in a free country. Amy Klovitch are saying that Bloomberg shouldn't be able to hide behind the airwaves with huge boys. The guy spent four hundred and seventeen million dollars and all this now coming out. Are they gonna go after Are they going to give him the same scrutiny as they would give any republic And the answers no, because the mob is so corrupt. The latest example of that is, you know, oh, look what happened to their beloved Avanadi, which we'll talk about, and it was facing now forty two years in prison. Well what did he do? I guess a shakedown, A Nike of some kind, Valerie Jarrett saying Bloomberg is a lot more to do than just apologize. Even Reverend now saying he's got to repair the damage. But it's not just that he's attacked engage in lesbians. He's so rude and condescending to women. I can't even say ninety nine percent of the stuff that he's saying. I mean, it's like, it's not like funny stuff. It's like, Okay, you're really weird. You're you're kind of creepy, sort of like the creeps that work at fake news CNN. A lot of creepy people over there too. Um, we'll get to all of this today. I just think their Plan B is blowing up in their face. And now Bloomberg has got a lot of explaining to do. Love it. Oh and by the way, you're a golfer, right, Well, who's gonna cut our greens? And who's gonna care for our greens? That's a science? And cut our fairways. We have to have illegal immigrants do that, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, two and sixty days till election day. You we the American people, We are the ultimate jury. You get to ultimately decide now you've got Bloomberg Plan B blowing up, I mean in a spectacular fashion, and it's gonna you know, I just can't imagine all this coming out, especially the comments about women and gays and lesbians and old people and African Americans, is gonna go over well with the with the party bass. And then you've got like it's the man behind the curtain. Nobody knows this guy. We know him in New York. We know that. Oh and he's even an insulting teachers unions. I'm like, they look great. Why don't you go after everybody that you're gonna be asking to vote for you. Now he's tried to change his opinions. I mean, that's the spectacular fail of Bloomberg coming out and saying, you know, well, he supported stopping frisk for twelve years, and you had five years of Comrade de Blasio as mayor and he said nothing about, oh, hating stopping frisk for seventeen years. But he decides he's going to run for president. I mean, it's so transparently phony. It's everything we hate about politicians. It's not real. There was a story about him apparently when he was mayor, he left all of these exclusive golf clubs. I guess he was a member of. Then he's done being mayor and didn't think he was going to run for office again, so he joined them all up again. It was something Lloyd Benson did. So did he really leave because he wanted diversity at the golf clubs? No, he didn't leave at all. Another golf comment he made to a mutual friend guy that I know, great broadcaster John Gambling, and said, you like golf, John, I don't like golf. We don't have illegal immigrants. Who's gonna care for our greens and cut our fairways? And he spoke to Spanish Spanish language network last week. Oh, I'm gonna make every illegal immigrant legal, and we're not going to control the borders an immigration like, oh great, keep running, sort of like the Bernie plan. We're gonna lose jobs and I'm gonna raise your taxes through the roof. It's a good plan. That's very appealing watching how the Mob And now we're telling grandma and Grandma, you're sick at ninety five, you had a good life, go home, you're gonna die anyway. Well, we're all in the process. I guess of dying. We're all gonna die at some point. I'm pretty certain if Bloomberg as prostate cancer at ninety five, he's probably gonna hire the best doctors to try and stay as long alive as long as possible. I'm not in any rush to get leave this world either. But if you don't have the money, too bad. We got to tell old people, too bad, life expectancy, you're done, you're out. You don't have enough enough money like I do, too bad, that's what he's saying. It's it's really odd on the level that I can't even believe it. So um, I kind of got bored, I guess, or maybe a little sick of it. I don't know either way. We've watched now this love affair with Michael Avanadi for years and it's gone on to the point where they turned him into a deity. Now, why did the media take to you know, fake news CNN and conspiracy TV, state run television for the Radical Democratic Party MSDNC. Why why was there this love of Avanadi you know a hundred times on this network. It's you know, one hundred times on this network. He was on every second of every day. Why because they he hated Trump, and then he took it a step brother it started thinking about running for president, and many were, Yeah, you could be the savior the Democratic Party. You're so good because you hate Trump the most. He's representing Stormy Daniels at the time, and at one point I ran into him, Linda, remember this like two years ago, three years ago. At that media part wasn't no. I think it was like I was on a list of something. It's one of like I go to like one event a year, that's it. And I'm literally pushed and screaming and dragged there by Well Fox News, to be honest, not in a bad way. They want me to go and I try, and I try and be a good host. I try to be a good colleague and co worker. But I saw him there and he's like, oh, I want to come on your show. I said, you're on. You got to earn the number one show. And he's going on Twitter and he's trying to get me to bite, and I finally tweeted him back and said, you're on every other show. You haven't earned the right to be on the number one rated show because you just repeat yourself you hate Donald Trump. There you go said, if you have any expertise in any other topic, let me know. Never heard back from him, but I never put him on the air for that reason. He's everywhere else. So anyway, then he comes out with this woman, Julie Sweatnecks, and she was the one that had made one of the allegations against Justice Cavanaugh. And if you recall when allegations, not only in this matter with Nike that he was found guilty of, what does he face forty two years in prison? I read, not good for him. But first there were allegations of some type of domestic altercation he was involved. And I said, I'm going to give Avananti that which he never gave Justice Kavanaugh, which is the presumption of innocence, a belief in due process, benefit of the doubt, and something he should have given Justice Kavanaugh didn't. No, now we don't have to say it because now he was convicted in this case against Nike, shakedown a Nike what was it four counts? Three or four counts. But he's loved by the media, and anyway, so I guess I'm looking at media ite over the weekend, and there I see Humpty dumpty. This guy cracks me up, because they actually don't even I think there is a such a bifurcation of their brains that they actually believe, or have convinced themselves of a couple of things. That Donald Trump is the embodiment of evil, and they have convinced themselves that they are fair and balanced and that they're real journalists. They're not. I mean, fake news. CNN is hate Trump and all things Trump and all things Fox News. Every second, every minute, and every hour of every day they hate, and it's ninety five hate Trumps, a little bit of we'll splash in a little hate Hannity in there, or hate you know, well whoever. So it's a joke that they take themselves that seriously. And I'm watching they're trying to ask act serious and humpty dumpty. Just so you know, I guess he's in charge of He's really just Jeff Zucker stenographer, because Jeff Zucker hates he can't stand Donald Trump. I don't know, but it's personal for him. And anyway, so I see that there's this montage put together. I don't know who put it out originally. Maybe it was the Washington Free Beacon. It was a beacon and I saw it on media eight and anyway, let's play the media love fest of with Avanadi. And I'm making a point here. He's Donald Trump's worse mayor. Michael join us once again. It's Michael Abanati that's bringing Michael Aavanati, Michabati, Michael Alabanati, Michael Aabanati, thank you very much. He's out there saving the country. Micham says he may be the savior of the republic. If you are something of a folk hero. Now I owe Michael Abanatti an apology. I've been saying enough for reading. Michael. I've seen you everywhere. What do you like to say? I was wrong? Brother, you have a lot to say. I am just dying to hear what you think because people all like you. I'm the only person right here Donald Trump fears more than Robert Miller. We think you guys are the tip of this beer that's going to take down Donald Trump. Michael Labanati is a beast. Okay, that's true. And he's a beast's and Michael Abanati, and he has a great, bigger calling here that being a lawyer is minimal compared to what he's doing. No one has talked tougher directly to Donald Trump on TV than Michael Labanati. And Donald Trump is afraid to mention his name. That's fascinating. Donald Trump is terrified of Michael Avanati. Now this Trumper run for his money man than anybody else. Michael Abanati existential threats to the Trump presidency. The Democrats could learn something for you. You are messing with Trump a lot more than they are. He has no doubt, created sheer panic and Donald Trump's very fragile mind. Michael Abanati is laying down the law as guest co host. I'm you're really thinking about running for president. One reason why I'm taking you seriously as a contender is because of your presence on cable news. If you look at the field of Democrats right now, and Abanati's the one who stands out. If they decide they value a fighter, most yes, people would be foolish to underestimate Michael Avanati. I have always said that they need a fighter. Look, I mean we're going to continue to use the media. I think we've used it with great success. All of my sexual fantasies involve handcuffs. O handcuffs. Oh that's great, so so I see this the story, all of these appearances, all of them, and he was only on these networks constantly for one reason is that he hated hated Donald Trump. You know, was it stupid on my part to think he was a presidential contender? Was that stupid that we I'm like, okay, I can't take it anymore. And so you've got these media guys. And here's the thing they got, like this media show. And the only reason I know it exists because I do read media ite and I see these things that are said constantly in these constant lies, in attacks by fake news CNN, and it's like they're stalkers. They get that nobody watches their show. I mean, I even won't even say his name because I'll just say humpty dumpty, because that's I mean. But they've convinced themselves. They're so sick that they are holier than now. They're so sanctimonious, self righteous that they think they're journalists, they think they're newspeople. They are not journalists, they're not news people. Their agenda driven propaganda, state run TV for everything radical extreme socialist democrat. They it's such a disconnect that they can't even see their own hypocrisy, and I was thinking about it. So anyway, so I tweeted out there and so I guess he has this assistant guy who now on two separate occasions, and apparently he's been emailing a lot anybody that works for me. His name is Oliver, emailing a real lot, wanted to get drinks with everybody. Kind of creepy and nobody knows who he is. Ali comes up to me twice. I'm like, do I know you? I don't know who you are. It's Oliver, Oliver who and me Oliver Her? You know, I'm like, oh my gosh, who is. It's like a stalker. So that's why I don't go out to these things. I can't stand these people anyway. For the most part. A couple of people I like very few, and I go on this thing because they think that they are so great and so superior. Now they're either attacking the president or they're fixated with Fox News. Now, we don't hide who we are. What do I do for a living. I'm a radio talk show host. I'm a TV talk show host. What does that mean? What does your job entail? Well? I could produce thousands of hours of radio and thousands of hours of TV of me just doing straight up reporting news, news of the day. What's happening. Okay, let's go to job BISTARTI we have a weather situation and in this location that location, or okay, let's go to our war correspondence, God forbid, or let's go to you know, a natural disaster, something that's happened, plane's gone down, God forbid. And thousands of hours. I as a talk show host, it's my job to just do news. We also do investigative reporting. Media wouldn't vet Barack Obama. It was all hope and change and yes we can and led by the media. The only question that Obama ever got about Bill Ayres and Bernadine, his good friends where he started his political career in their home members of the Weather Underground. Of All Days nine to eleven, two thousand and one, Bill Ayres quoted in The New York Times wishing he had done more. Meanwhile, the Weather Underground bond the Pentagon and the Capitol and New York City Police headquarters. We wished we did more of All Days. They never learned about Frank Marshall Davis, the Chum Gang. What a community organizer was Acorn, Black liberation theology, Reverend Wright airs Endorn, and the radicalism of Obama. So we did the job for them because they, for example, they supported the most radical candidate and they were enthusiastic about it. But they think they're fair and balanced the investigations we've done into the deep state. I'm extremely proud of the fact that there's no doubt Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act eighteen us C. Seven ninety three. There's no doubt to me. It's a slam dunk case about Hillary Clinton, Deletians, and Bleach Bitten Hammers. We were right when everybody else was doing Russia Russia about the dirty dossier with funnel money through a law firm to an research firm to a foreign national. We were right that the bulk of information and the FISA applications was from the unverifiable, now debunk dirty dossier that Hillary Clinton paid for. We were right that it was premeditated fraud on the court because they were worn numerous occasions. Yeah, we broke all those stories too, and even now the Attorney General has admitted yep, those FIS applications were obtained wrongly. The mob see at fake news CNN so we do investigative reporting, we do straight news. We do opinion obviously, and I'm straight up I'm a conservative. We also do sports and we do culture. They think they do news, they do none of it. They have an agenda, and their agenda is everything anti Trump, anti Fox News, and that's their full obsession. Now I finished. They always say when you tweet like three or four times, it's a tweet storm and angry tweet storm. No that angry. I didn't embrace Avanadi. They did. How many times have we been right? I tell the story about what I learned when I was in Atlanta. I was the only person that said, just because he lives with his mother and father doesn't make Richard Jewel a terrorist. Changed my life. But we were right on let's see Cambridge police when the media was wrong. We were right on Fergus and Missouri. Why because my sources told me they had eyewitnesses. I knew early on. Same thing with Freddie Gray Baltimore. Those cops are all going down. No, they weren't. My sources. Then will write dead on accurate. You know the idea that Trump could win, None of the media people thought he could win. I was right about the deep state. I'm going to be proven even further right down the road. They've gotten everything wrong. It just is. It's amazing to me. They embraced this guy, wanted this guy to run for president. Where had their love for Avanadi come from? Came from the fact that he was an outspoken Trump hater and they wanted to do as much damage as they could do to Trump. Same with Fox. But they're not newspeople that there's a reason why their ratings are so low, which is why I concluded this, don't change a thing. Keep doing what you're doing, because hating Fox and hating Trump is not gonna get any type of audience. Ever, it's not gonna work. Your grarian society lasted three thousand years, and we could teach processes. I could teach anybody, even people in this room. So no offense intended to be a farmer. It's a processing. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top. I had water up comes the corn. Then we had three hundred You could learn that. Then you have three hundred years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal on the leath, you turn the crank in the direction of the arrow, and you can have a job, and we created a lot of jobs. One point ninety eight percent of the world worked in agriculture. Today it's two percent in the United States. Now comes the information economy, and the information economy is fundamentally different because it's built around replacing people with technology. And the skill sets that you have to learn are how to think and analyze, and that is a whole degree level different. You have to have a different skill set, you have to have a lot more gray matter. It's not clear that teachers can teach or the students can learn. And so the challenge for society to find jobs for these people who we can take care of, giving them a roof over their head and a meal in their stomach, and a cell phone and a car and that sort of thing. But the thing that's the most important, that will stop them from setting up the guillotines someday, is the dignity of a job. I was stunned you didn't do as well in Manchester and Dubuque. Your middle class, Joel, you're the guy of these working classes, didn't do well into Buke and Manchester. Well, I did better in Dubuque, but I got outspent overwhelming lady in both places. I think Bernie spent twenty five million dollars. And this is what has your supporters anxious. You're the former vice president. How are you gonna outspent? How are you gonn outspent by Burnie and by Bud? Should No, I shouldn't be because but I haven't. I haven't spent the time and starting to happen now. I haven't spent the time going out, doing the fundraisers and moving the way I have. Well though, now online we're raising about four hundred thousand bucks a day, and we have a lot of fundraisers that are online, and we got a lot of union support now. So but I think you're right that my being outspent has had an impact. We're not going We're going to be able to compete from here on in, including these two. All right, hour to Sean Hannity Show, there's Bloomberg. Yeah, Well, come on, I could teach you to be a farmer. I mean, it's easy to be a farmer. What you gotta do is you dig a hole, you put a seat in it, and you put dirt on top of it and water and boom up pops the corn. What a what a condescending jackass. Even worse his comments if you get cancer at ninety five, Oh, we're just gonna tell you he lived a long life. We can't do anything. You're on your own, So you're gonna do that in his own life. Intend to doubt it. The billionaire, the man behind the curtain now is spent four hundred and seventeen million dollars slick marketing ad campaign only. That's all this has been. Now now we're beginning to pay attention. And you know this is a guy murders, murder, murderers, murder victims fit one m O. Take the description one xerox it. You pass it out to all cops. They're all male minorities at sixteen to twenty five. That's true in New York, in virtually every city in America. That's where the real crime is. And by the way, you you gotta you know, you put cops, you throw young kids up against the wall. Really, okay, that's your thought process behind stopping frisk. That's worse. I mean, this isn't this, this isn't even profiling. This is complete one thousand percent. Only go after minorities is what he's saying. People say to me, oh my god, you're asking you're resting kids for marijuana and they're all minorities. All that's true. Why because we put all the cops in minority neighborhoods. Why do we do it? Because that's where all the crime is. You can't make this up. And again you get ninety five, you get cancer. We can't get out of here. We can't. We're not spending any money on you. Wow. And we, by the way, if we get rid of illegal immigrants, and he said last week he wants every illegal immigrant to become legal. Well, who's gonna who's gonna take care of our greens and our fairways? I hate to tell you, but like farming, not putting together a golf course and maintaining it and doing it. It's a science. How much these group, real top notch Greeden's creek keepers get fortunes because it's so easy to do, Just like farming, it so doesn't drop a seed in the ground anyway. What is the impact on all of this Plan B seems to be collapsing rather quickly. We bring in our posters, John McLaughlin and Matt Towery back with us all right. Well, I don't know if we know the full impact of the Bloomberg disaster, but the marketing campaign isn't gonna work now because even the Democrats are sick and tired of his crep. Your take, John McLaughlin, Well, as we've talked about before, Biden's in the process of collapsing. So the Democrat frontrunner is the unintended He's done. Let's be honest. I think he's done. All right, So, so Bloomberg was going to be planned b Bloomberg. Now it's getting worse by the hour. Yeah, but play he's not playing in Nevada, whose caucus is next, because Bernie's ahead and he's afraid of losing to Bernie. And in South Carolina, Biden is starting to lose his lead to Bernie, so he's afraid of losing to Bernie in South Carolina because then he loses his African American vote. So, and it's mixed in the states that he's playing in, like like Texas, he's in third place, still behind Sanders and Biden. So the first the first real look we're going to get at Bloomberg is going to be on the March third Super Tuesday States that he's trying to buy Hill has spent over four Let's assume for a second, Matt Towery that the Republican Party coalition party around issues, etc. And demographics. So we are told the same with the Democrats. So now that we have these comments, there's big piece by the Washington Post about horrific comments about women. I mean, so over the top I can't even explain them on air, and there's a lot of them. So now women is a big part of the coalition. Attacks on gays and lesbians, African Americans and telling old people we're not going to help you. You live past your prime, You're gonna die, good luck, get out of my office. How does this That's a big part of the Democratic Party, isn't it, or at least their base is. It is? And the real question, Sean is will there be enough money out there from the candidates who are running against Bloomberg to really tattoo in with these issues. That's the critical part because we know a good percentage of the voters don't pay attention to what they see on the news every days. It's a different sort of world. They watch regular TV shows and enjoy themselves and have real lives and so they don't worry about politics. You have to bring it in front of them in terms of it. But the base of the Democratic Party is gonna turn out to vote. I mean the people that would know are the people that will vote in the primary. Correct, So yes, and I would I would suspect that if if Bloomberg starts to fade because of these attacks, it's going into a newer to the benefit of someone like mayor Peat. There's got to be a middle in their middle. It's way left the center, but their middle quote unquote, there's got to be some alternative to Bernie that's going to continue to happen. And I think that if in fact, we don't see Bloomberg performed well on Super Tuesday, then all the money in the world will not safe and he will not be that alternative, all right, So then it's Bernie's to lose. Basically, What are your thoughts, John McLaughlin, I think I think Bernie's definitely got the most committed I mean, he's going to rack up the delegates, and he's got the most committed people within the Democrat Party in their wing, and that social the winner of the Socialist primary as Elizabeth Warren collapses and he rises it's likely to be the nominee. Now, I just get you missed. The biggest negative on Mayor Bloomberg that came up over the weekend. He said he would take Hillary Clinton had advice as his vice president. Well, Hillary Clinton, some people that work for Hillary Clinton are really ticked off and saying that you can't fix a defective product, and then blasted him. I mean, he's getting blasted by a lot of people now. By the way, I looked at it, like please please pick r please. I'm kind of with you. I'm like, pretty please with sugar on top. It's sort of like fake news CNN. I'm like, don't change what you're doing. Just keep up, just keep up the great work attacking Trump and Hannity and Fox. I love it. The other thing that once you start talking about Hillary Clinton as a running mate, you really get on the radar screen of the Bernie supporters who are not wild about Hillary Clinton in the first place. So the idea that it looks like it's an inside job, another one of these inside jobs is beginning to develop. That's going to sell trouble for when they get down the road, and even if Sanders doesn't have the nomination locked up, those people are going to really be upset at Mike bloom Here's where we are with the Real Clear Politics average, the generic twenty twenty Democratic presidential nomination. You've got Sanders one twenty three point six. Biden is still in second, nineteen point two Bloomberg Again, nobody's really seen or heard from him. It's just four and seventeen million in a slick marketing campaign. He's a fourteen two Warren and twelve four Buddha Judge ten six. Nevada, you've got again Real Clear average twenty one point five percent, Bernie eighteen point five, Biden, twelve Warren, and Bloomberg doesn't even show up. He's not even on the ballot there. I don't think. I don't, but I guess it's a caucus, all right. Now you've got South Carolina. South Carolina has Biden still in the lead at twenty six point five, Bernie twenty. That's his firewall. But you know we've seen that firewall die for a lot of candidates over the years. Right, It's a lot more volatile than you think. And Styron in both Nevada and in South Carolina has double digits too, because he spent over two hundred million. I guess most of it there. But the other part is go back to the Hillary Clinton thing. You know, as the Washington Post, you know, started revealing all these stories that you won't see in Bloomberg News, but about him making the comments about women and what he's done in his company to be so tone deaf to say I want Hillary Clinton as a vice president so she could the unwritten message was maybe she can enable him the way she had enabled Bill all those years. And then you know, I mean, this is this is just starting on Bloomberg right now. And those states you mentioned, well, what about this case where he says to this woman who happens to be expecting your child, she's happy as canby will kill it? Right? I'm my whoa exactly right? And I'm scary because I mean, here's a guy who could go from telling you what soda to drink and what to do as mayor in New York City the all of a sudden, it's like, I'm going to tell you your personal life, whether I have that baby or not. I mean, do we want that as president? We know he wants to take away guns retroactively from law abiding citizens. But in the meantime in New York City, he's not even mentioning anything about careseless bail. Cassele's bail. You have a crisis in New York State where people are being let go, people who are who are felons, and violent criminals who are being let go under careless bail put back on the streets to commit more crimes. By the way, let me just tell people what you're talking about, because you got a guy in New York City thanking Democrats. He's been arrested one hundred and thirty nine times and he doesn't stop. He says, you can't stop me because he just gets let out on bail every time. And another problem is out in California, sanctuary state. I mean, they have all of these violent illegal immigrants. And this was on bright part. I couldn't believe it. One after another, they won't give out information about violent felonies that are committed first degree robbery, arm robbery, a battery of a spouse, imprisonment, drug dealing, one particular case, assault child cruelty, battering the spouse. They still won't, you know, let these people get arrested by Ice. It's like unbelievable, right, So let's let's so so In a fact, here's the Republican, former Republican mayor of New York, planners convenient for him to be the successor Ruder Giuliani, saying, let's throw these guys up against the wall to go from a place there that he's agreeing with Alexandrio Casio Cortez and these and these sanctuary cities where we're not even gonna arrest him anymore. We're gonna let the violent criminals loosen. And I want to take a break on this. We'll come back our posters, Matt Terry, John McLaughlin and whether or not what the what the fallout for my guess Plan B Bloomberg is going to be all right as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, our posters, Matt Terwory, John McLaughlin. All right, now that all of this it said, we're being deluge with these insane things that are said by Michael Bloomberg. What is the fallout for their Plan B. Matt Towery, I don't know the fallout for it except for one thing, Sean, because he has so many problems now if he ends up becoming plan deeds Bernie. People will never accept it and there will be a complete divide in the Democratic Party. Well, I mean a big part of the Democratic Party. And I was amazing trump Brand the last time said what have you got to lose the minority communities? And now he's got a track record of record low unemployment for every demographic and I've got to imagine that's going to factor into things. What do you think happens, John McLaughlin, I think I think that's out of something here. Where As as Bernie builds momentum and delegate through Nevada, through South Carolina through Super Tuesday, as that happens, it makes it very hard for the Democrats to steal the nomination the way they did four years ago. From oh they're trying to change the rules back on super delegates voting on the first ballot, right. And the other part is Bloomberg has not even been in primary of caucus and he said hasn't stood up in a debate with Bernie and Bloomberg debating is gonna be like a Seinfeld episode. It's gonna be great. But then you got his positions he's anti Gunn. Then you got his positions. He's now open borders. Then you got all the comments about women and African Americans and minorities, attacking the gay and lesbian community. I don't think any of this goes over well with the Democratic base. No, and a lot of those positions he took us a Republican mayor, Well, he was never a Republican. That's a myth too. The only reason he said I'll dear a Republican is because there were four hundred people running in the Democratic primary, and he quickly he never was a Republican. That's it. I mean, it just was his sneaky way, like he's trying to do here. Well, his problem this don Sean, is that the money was trust me. I believe the money works to some extent. I think he's pushing his way up, for example here in Florida where I am, he's coming up in the polls a little bit. But the issue is you still got Biden out there. Biden, it's not through yet. And you know where all these attacks are coming from. A lot of them are coming from the traditional Democratic center because they are the people who support and they think that this is their chance that they that can knock Mike Bloomberg off and I gotta leave it there, but thank you both when we come back. I actually agree with Bill Barr and President Trump. Here with James Collmey. His new book, A Higher Loyalty is out today. This is his first live interview since the book's been released. And thank you for coming back, folks. Of all the people to be fired by Donald Trump, my guest tonight is definitely one of them. His new book is A Higher Loyalty, Truth, Lies, and Leadership. Please welcome former FBI Director James collme My first guest tonight is the former deputy director of the FBI who was fired after launching investigations into President Trump's ties to Russia. His new book is The Threat. Please welcome former Deputy Director of the FBI Jel McCain. Let's bring in James Baker, former General Council for the FBI. Let me bring in now on set, John Brennan. He served as CIA Director under President Obama and acting Director of the National Counterterrorism Center under President George W. Bush. He is now an MSNBC Senior National security and intelligence analyst. Let's bring in former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, now c ANN contributor. Good to see you here. Joining us now is James Clapper. He served as the Director of National Intelligence for seven years under President Obama and is now a CNN National Security Analyst. Director Clapper, it is so good to have you here. FBI agents descended on Paul Manafort's Alexandria, Virginia apartment in an unannounced pre don't read the President's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort just sentenced to forty seven months that is one month shy of four years for running a global scheme. Judge has sentence former Trump campaign advisor George Papadopolis to fourteen days in prison. Papadopoulis was convicted of lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russians. Prosecutors wanted to sentence him six months. Paul Manaford guilty convicted on eight count Exclusive footage you're looking at right now from CNN as the FBI arrives at Roger Stone's residence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, taking him into custody tonight. Roger Stone is a convicted felon. A jury found him guilty on all seven counts, including witness tampering and making false statements to Congress. He's Donald Drum's words. Nightmare. Michael join us once again. It's Michael Abanadi's bringing, Michael Avanatiati, Michael Aabanati, Michael Aabanadi, thank you very much. He's out there saving the country. Donecham says he may be the savior of the Republic if you are something of a folk hero. Now, I oh, Michael Abanati, an apology I've been saying, not for reading, Michael. I've seen you everywhere. What do you love to say? I was wrong? Brother, you have a lot to say. I am just dying to hear what you think because people all like you. I'm the only person right here. Donald Trump fears more than Robert mill We think you guys are the tip of this beer that's going to take down Donald Trump. Michael Abanati is a beast. Okay, that's true. And he's a beast, Michael Abanati. And he has a great, bigger calling here that being a lawyer is minimal compared to what he's doing. No one has talked tougher directly to Donald Trump on TV than Michael Abanati. And Donald Trump is afraid to mention his name. That's fascinating. Donald Trump is terrified of Michael Abanati. Now this Trumper run for his money than anybody else. Michael Abanati's existential threat to the Trump presidency. The Democrats could learn something for you. You are messing with Trump a lot more than they are. He has no doubt created sheer Pannock and Donald Trump's very fragile mind. Michael Abanati is laying down the law as guest co host. I really thinking about running for president. One reason why I'm taking you seriously as a contender is because of your presence on cable news. You look at the field of Democrats right now, and avanadis the understands out. If they decide they value a fighter. Most yes, people would be foolish to underestimate Michael Havnati. I have always said that they need a fighter. Look, I mean we're going to continue to use the media. I think we've used it with great success. All of my sexual fantasies involve handcuffs. Isn't that sweet and lovely and kind? Twenty four till the top of the hour on this President's Day, gladuate with us two hundred and sixty days to the ultimate jury. You we the American people decide you get to shock the world again. You notice the one thing that is the commonality here. If you hate Trump, if you hate Donald Trump, even if you're a deep state operative that has been pointed out as somebody lacking candor all of these times. If you're somebody that we now know signed off on a warrant using as the fundamental core of the application unverifiable, debunked Russian dossier put together by Hillary Clinton, and you sign off on it three times, no problem, Just go on fake NEUCNA, Just write about a higher honor. And whether you be an former CIA director or James Clapper, can't wait to find out what went on in Italy and Great Britain and Australia outsourcing spying on Americans for the sake of what circumventing American law. And then, of course we do know the spying that occurred on a campaign, the Trump campaign, then transition team, and then deep into the presidency. Those words are the words of the Attorney general. But if you're Michael Lavanati and you bring in Julie sweat Nick and she makes these incredible allegations how almost every weekend, almost not some almost every other weekend the kids would would these high school boys would get the girls drunk and they'd put stuff in their their drinks and the girls would pass out, and they'd line up in the halls and they would rape them every weekend other weekend. Anyone ever care? No, he just kept getting more airtime and more airtime. Where was the apology from Avanadi or Julie Sweatnick. When do we ever go after people that make false claims? Anyway? A lot to sort through here. One thing. Andrew Weissman, he was the pit bowl of Robert Muller in the Russia Russia Russia hysteria period of time. He's weighed in on the issue, and I think he sees the declination announcement of McCabe been not being charged with having well lacked candor four separate times, three of those four lying under oath. As you know, that's not a get out of jail free card, because even he is saying, now what I've been saying, that's the low hanging fruit. And that would have been in the Washington D C. Circuit Court, which is difficult because it tends to be very left leaning. And now I think the bigger, the bigger shoe eventually is going to drop here, and I believe it's going to be a massive shoe. And he said that as it relates to what happened. Okay, McCabe didn't get charged Friday for lying and lack of candor, but he says all they did was swapped out a loser case for starting an investigation that is going to be of come McCabe and Struck. And I think it's deeper than that. I think it's Brennan and Clapper and everybody in between. Anyway, here for his take, Jordan Seculo ACLJ executive director. He was on the president's defense team during the impeachment trial. How are you, sir me, I actually think Weissman is correct. I think that was the low hanging fruit, and I think that the investigation if you look at all the crumbs. Bar has actually said the president was spied on deep into his presidency. The Department of Justice has said those warrants were obtained the illegally, the FISA warrants. We know Barr has said, yes, the candidate and president was spied on, and he used that word. Then you see the position that he took. Well, you only get four point two years on average median times fent in jail for rape Stone asking for nine years for process crimes of lying under oath or ridiculous nine years for that, And then I think what he's doing with General Flynn is also another crumb that he's really getting to the bottom of everything. Yeah, and I think that when it comes to Attorney General bar he's made no mistake about it. No one's telling him what to do. And he even made it clear he said, even with the tweets from the President, he said, the President's never called me to do anything about a criminal investigation. And Sean, I think that that was against something that liberal media wanted to pass by. Clearly he said he'll testify before these committees about that. But by the way, I know nobody wants to hear the nuance of this. But in reality, the chief law enforcement officer in the country is the president, and the president it is his constitutional sure within his powers to tell the Department of Justice what to do to investigator not investigator. Is that correct? Like that they don't like that theory. But even with that power, the president, who I think it does realize kind of assault he's under. I mean, it's just NonStop from these actors, has not tried to call Bill barrn Bill barr would not never have said that to the media if it wasn't true that the President has not called him to try and intervene in criminal investigations. I think it was weird timing the tweet that came out about the Stone and already at DJ they were reviewing this and looking at how absurd this sentencing guidelines and how it violated their guidelines. And then I go back to even what you played the beginning with one of how the liberal media spun McKay being fired for investigating the presence ties to Russia. That's not why he got fired from the FBI. He got fired from the FBI because the Office of Personnel there decided that he lacked candor in those interviews and they recommended his firing, even though it would occur right before his pensions would have invested. That was the FBI bureaucrats that said he should be fired. Now, that was the initial investigation. They were looking at Sean about the lying and it actually involved lying about Hillary Clinton the investigation and being the leak to that source that was reported in the New York Times about the New information on Anthony Leener's computer that turned out not to be new, and there was that strange back and forth. I think that's part of the why this case wasn't the strongest, was that there was a confusion between McCabe and Kobe on whether Kobe did give the green light to McCabe to share this information as a source to The New York Times. That's what McCabe's position was. Kobe said he basically he couldn't remember or didn't think he said that. So again, as you said, that's that's why you don't see. But I actually see both sides of this because we've been three years. We've pointed out, Yeah, Hillary Clinton, the Espionage Act, nothing's happened, Hillary Clinton's subpoena at emails and Bleach Bittenhammers, nothing's happened, the dirty Dossier, nothing's happened. Funnel money to a law firm, to an oper research firm, to a foreign national, then the pre meditated fraud on the court. Everybody warned Come and company, you can't use the dossier. Dossier does end up being as Devin Nunez had told us and many others, and we've told the public, the bulk of information and the FISA application it says at the top of a FISA warrant that something is verified. None of it was verifiable, and they used it anyway, and they used it because he's a deep state actor that hated Donald Trump and he thought he knew better than the rest of the country. So all of that's true. So the President's frustrations are real because if you're gonna go after Michael Flynn even though he didn't lie, and you're gonna go after Roger Stone with twenty nine men and tactical gear and frogmen, and you're gonna have a pre dawn raids from Manaphort, and you're gonna put Cone in jail for lying, how come all these other people don't get put in jail. Yeah, And see, I think where we're at a point now is that we've got you've got John Durham investigating the Russia probe. That's not what this was about with McCay. McCay. This was about leaking information about the Hillary the Wall Street Journal, right, and so okay, So that was the McCabe issue number one. And as Weissman is pointing out, I'm sure he's unhappy about now They've got this new investigation looking at the whole Flynn case, and that involves Komy, McCabe, and Strok with a different US attorney that is Jeffrey Jensen. He's out of the Eastern District of Missouri. So now you've got Durham looking at the origins of Russia still with the FAISA info andel and the Steel dossier. He's doing his investigation work. And remember that's criminal investigations. And now you've got a new US attorney we now know about Jeffrey Jensen out of the Eastern District of Missouri, who's been appointed by Attorney General bar to investigate the circumstances involving the Flynn case, including the interview with the FBI investigators like Strock, and that investigation. Again, you don't use US Attorney Sean unless it's criminal. So it's a criminal investigation, and it involves Jim Komey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strock. So Peter and so I understand Barr's desire. Guys, it's not over for these guys. And I understand all that, and I think that I understand the Attorney General wanting and he's got to remain independent, free of any political influence, and as you pointed out, he said that, but when the President does weigh in on it, I understand why he thinks his job gets more complicated. But on the other hand, I understand I feel the frustration of the president. Stay right there at Jordan's seculo. All right, as we continue with Jordan's seculo. Looking at this battle now, I can understand I want to go to this issue. The Attorney General wants to remain independent. He expressed his frustration that the president is weighing in on matters that involve investigation. President, on the other hand, I think rightly sees everybody else be in charge with things that we know these people are guilty of. Now, the question is why has it taken so long on one side when everything happened so quickly on the other. But it's honestly, I understand the president's frustration the way the people that have been associated with him, it's like your criminal until you're proven innocent, and that hasn't worked out for a lot of the people that have been associated with him. And uh, and let me just say for the Attorney General it's the same way. I mean that they you've got a thousand plus x DOJ folks signing a letter saying he needs to resign, even though he's made clear by the way, ninety seven percent of we're going to be honest here, Yeah, leven XJ employees, ninety seven percent of DOJ employees or Democrats pointing the mds. Yeah, I mean, it's like most of the bureaucracy, but even worse at some of these kind of agencies like the Department of Justice and the Attorney General. Made clear though it would make his life easier without the tweets, Okay, great, whatever, the fact is, he was already in the process. I think that's what was frustrating to him. He was already in the process of doing this. He knew what the right thing to do was here. That's why he's a great attorney general. That's why I hope he remains as Attorney General and that doesn't fall down this kind of pressure and pull like the Jeff Sessions I've got, you know, I got a step away, and he's been through this before when he served as Attorney general for George HW. Bush. This is a tough ag He speaks truth to power, and he speaks truth to the media. He's not afraid of members of Congress, and he's not afraid of bureaucrats and the Department of Justice. He wants to get into the truth. And what do we now know? Sean, We've got two US attorneys with criminal investigations into Kobe McCabe and Strock. All right, Jordan Seculo, We'll keep updating as we'll have more tonight at nine on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. We'll take a quick break. We'll come back eight hundred and nine four one, sewn. You want to be a part of the program as we continue unbelievable two hundred and sixty days. You're the ultimate jury. Will you shop the world again? Straight ahead? Say right here for our final news round up and information overload, Please welcome this year's Grand Marshall, the forty fifth Presidents of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, accompanied by a First Lady of the United States, Milannia Trump Daytona International Speedway. We love our country and it's truly an honor to be with all of you at the Great American Race. Gentlemen, start your engines for driver. But I gotta imagine there's a lot of American flags waving out in the linfield right now as we get ready to take the green flag here. And if you're a fan of professional cars, limousines and the like, there is a great exhibit of presidential limousines of the past at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. And a big roar from the crowd as they come past. The green and American flags are waving from the flagstand less a site for the ages right there, A very special moment. Four hour sport. After all, what sporting event would not want to have the President of the United States. It's in attendance much less to get the party starting. It's like a Tale of Two Americas again, because oh, then you have Bear Bloomberg dismissing farmers because he's such an elitist. I mean, this is an amazing piece of tape. Was it of the agrarian society? Lasted three thousand years? And we could teach processes. I could teach anybody, even people in this room. So no fence intended to be a farmer. It's a processing. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top. I had water up comes the corn. Then we had three hundred you could learn that. Then then you have three hundred years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal on the leath, you turn the crank and the direction of the arrow, and you can have a job. And we created a lot of jobs. One point ninety eight percent of the world worked in agriculture. Today it's two percent in the United States. Now comes the information economy, and the information economy is fundamentally different because it's built around replacing people with technology. And the skill sets that you have to learn are how to think and analyze, and that is a whole degree level different. You have to have a different skill set, you have to have a lot more gray matter. It's not clear the teachers can teach or the students can learn. And so the challenge for society to find jobs for these people who we can take care of giving them a roof over their head and a meal in their stomach, and a cell phone and a car and that sort of thing. But the thing that's the most important, that will stop them from setting up the guillotine someday is the dignity of a job. Unbelievable disconnect. You know, there's so many examples now of either the deep state, the Democratic Party, the media mob elite is like Bloomberg. I mean, you just think a whole you put a you know, seed in it, that sucker pops up. But you know, you need more gray matter in your brain than you know to be able to do all the real stuff that real people do. I'd like to see Bloomberg try and outwit and outmatch the brilliance and genius that is American farmers today. And it's so dismissive and insulting. So they're like, wow, they're a bunch of I could smell them from here. They are Trump supporters that shop at Walmart. Okay, I like Walmart. I shop at Walmart. You know, I shop at Walmart because you get everything at Walmart. You get everything at Walmart at a good price, and then you go to a super Walmart. You can even do your grocery shopping. I like Costcos too. I like Target. I like when my Kmart near me closed down. And I guess, you know, listen to CNN, don lemon, Wow what I am there a lot day drinking and one of them lines Ukraine and they think they're funny and then oh, irredeemable, deplorable Trump supporters or those bitter Americans, as Obama said, that cling to their God. Okay, I'm guilty. I need God in my life. I admit it. I'm guilty, and their constitution guilty. I believe in all our constitutional rights, their Bibles and religion. Does that make us bad people? I think that makes us people that want to be better people. Anyway. My buddy John Rich is now in the Foxnation dot Com family, and John Rich kicks off his brand new show at Foxnation on demand anytime you want, Foxnation dot Com today. A longtime friend of the program obviously from Big and Rich and a good friend of mine personally. How are you, my brother? Hey, I'm doing good, Sean, thanks for having me on and speaking of God, Gun's Bible religion. Your dad was a preacher and he's like a fire and brimstone guy, right, Yeah, he still is a preacher. And actually and we all grew up on farms out in West Texas, Amarilla, Texas, the grain belt. You know, I heard that comment about basically any any numb skull can be a farmer. You know, farmers are also chemists, they're also soil experts. They have to be weather guys. I mean, and the gambling that goes along with being a farmer with drought or too much rain. I mean, you know, the biggest problem is I had to go out once to the San Joaquin Valley in California. I was doing a story. The story was that farmers didn't have enough water because the government cut off water to save not even an endangered species, something called the delta smelt. You know, it looks like a little minto fish, that's all it is. And then I walk all the farmers couldn't do that. They couldn't farm anymore. They have no water and they wouldn't release the water to the farmers. So the farmers then go bankrupt. There's government for you. Well, I'm pretty sure that farmers can survive without Bloomberg. But I don't think Bloomberg can survive without farmers. How about that? Well, I agree with that too. Tell me about their pursuit. I did see an ad for it on the channel. I haven't watched it yet. I do have my account at Foxnation dot com. I'm gonna watch it. So tell me about John and Rich now become a television star on top of everything else. Well, you are on the Apprentice yea, and you won the whole thing, yes, sir. Yeah. The seal is called the Pursuit with John Rich, and it feels from something that I've said for a long time, and that is our country doesn't guarantee us the right to be happy. It guarantees us the right to pursue happiness. There's a big difference between those two things. So this show focuses on great Americans have accomplished incredible things through their pursuit of happiness. And of course we both know nothing big happens easily. There's obstructions and there's lots of trials that you go through to get what we call the American dream. But it can be done. And so the show meant to be entertaining and also inspiring and really puts a spotlight on some people that you know, why not a Judd, Gretchen Wilson, But then other people you might not have heard of that have stories that are absolutely mind boggling. That's what my show is all about. You know, I'd bring on maybe we should do it like a town hall with farmers and find out how easy it is. You know, there's a period in my life in my early twenties and I lived in Rhode Island, and anyway there was like the gas company or the lecture company. I forget, They've given out these big parcels of land if you wanted to, you know, not do not be a farmer, but you could grow vegetables and corn and cucumbers and you know, bell peppers and tomatoes. I did all of it. How much work it is. It's so much work doing a little And this was not, you know, the biggest plot in the world, but I really wanted to see. I wanted to do it, just to try it and see if I could be any good at it. And then what I realized is after a couple of years, I did it. And then it's like you go down the block and you can buy a dozen corn at the time for like two bucks, and I'm like, man, if a lot of work goes into that, doesn't you know? Ears of corn? Well, did you know people go to universities to specialize in agriculturalis they're great people that go out and run the really big farms and cattle operations and all that. So it's just another example of like you said, elitist that don't understand who it is. They're talking to they'd be little, those people. And guess what if it wasn't for those people, their life would be. They would be they would be scrooge on. They wouldn't know what to do. They they're not self sustaining. They can't defend themselves, they can't feed themselves. They would be totally at a loss if it weren't for the working men and women of this country. Sort of like Hank William's song, A country boy can survive, will survive Now think about it, you know, I mean it's really you know, we I had to fish, i'd had to grow food. I know how to make my own wine. I know how to do everything on my own. And it's just a different mentality. Big small town. But there's a lot of small towns in America. And what's really sick is how politicians. It's a great song by the way politicians and then the medium mob and others look down on you know. Yeah, let's play a little bit of the course here. I can flow a field all day along. I can catch catfish from dust till dawn. Big our own whiskey, in our own smoke too. Ain't too many things you do. Boys came to broke, Good Old Maids and homade wine and country boy can provide, Country books can provide. I mean, he makes a comparison in the song about his friend in New York City, and I mean it's kind of true that. I think a lot of people in cities they don't have any clue where their food comes from. It comes from the grocery store. Okay, somebody grew that. And it's I remember at one point I was driving and I was so annoyed with tractors. Play was a heavy rain and every time you pass the tractor, you can't see for like till you pass the tractor, and I'm like complaining. I'm like, you know, without truckers, man, we don't have anything in art in any store any place anywhere. It's amazing how important they are. You're right, and I think I think President Trump going to the day ten of five hundred. You know, NASCAR is not just something in the South. NASCAR Dover Delaware, Dover Down is one of the coolest tracks out there. I've been to that one too. I think for him to go out where the people are at, where the work hard, play hard. It's the number one spectator sport in the world, John Rich, Of course it is. And he went out there and walked right in the middle of him and patted him on the back and recognized our American heroes. And you know that's what's different. You know, he is a man of the people in a lot of ways. He cares about what they think, what they do. He wants to make sure they get they get jobs, that they have lower taxes. And that comes through when you see him standing on a NASCAR track. And I think that drives people like Bloomberg crazy because he will never stand on a NASCAR track because guess why, they all know he's not legit if he stands down there, because he says that people that grow crops have less gray matter than somebody that can program a computer. It's this, isn't that insulting or smelly Walmart choppers or irredeemable deplorables or you know, bitter Americans that cling to God their Bibles and religion. Really wow, I thought that. I thought that was what made America great. Whether going to smart alect their way right into another loss is what I think is going to happen, and America's not gonna put up with it. By the way. Yeah, I gotta meet your your preacher dad, because man, you must have given this poor guy a hell of a time. I mean, you are a hell raiser your whole life. You still are a hell raiser. There was a little prodigal sign, no doubt. All right, John Rich love you. I know you got a run. It's called the pursuit starts anytime you want. Let's go to Foxnation dot com. When we come back, we hit the phones for the final segment here and after the half hour break and the other news of the day, Hannity, I know it's President's there. Know many of you have off not me. I have to work. All right, Let's hit our phones. Let's say hi to Billy Is in Dallas. Billy, Hi, how are you glad you called sir on the answer? What's going on? So? Thank you for having me on today. Thank you, sir. I was wanting to call you and let you guys know that you're doing a tremendous job. I want to tell you personally thank you. I'm a pastor here in the Dallas, Texas area of African American pastor, and I understand the challenges that you have been facing to get this message out, But keep on doing what you're doing. You're not in it by yourself. You have a tremendous back back ink from the people that I know. We just need more. That's the key, you know, pastor, I know, like poles, break every everything down demographically. First of all, thanks for what you do, because you're you're in a much more important business and that's saving souls. You're a fisher of men, if you will, to quote the Bible. But one thing that has happened, I don't like every two and four years that race card has played and what I see are results. I mean, it's kind of a strange time when a guy running for president says, what have you got to lose? Because democratic big cities, democratic rule has not helped minority communities as they claim, it's hurt them. And here Donald Trump is setting record after record. He's the one that passed criminal justice reform. Is numbers with minorities are going through the roof? Does that translate into votes? In your view? Exactly? It does. It does. My thing is shun my personal perspective, and with historical account. Of course, President Trump is the best pastor. I mean passed, I caught him passed all the time. He's the best president that African Americans have had since Abraham Lincoln. And I'm telling you this is this message is not resonating as it should because of course we know the fake news and all of that. But that's my quest to get this message out to as many as we can. Have you ever met the president? Do you know Pastor Darryl Scott only by seeing on TV? No personal connection. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do because I'm about a break here. I'm gonna put you on hold. I'm gonna make sure that we get your information. And Pastor Scott is the head of the President's Diversity Coalition, and you sound like somebody that can do a lot of good helping the country and your ministry. And we appreciate your kind words and your prayers, Pastor, and God speed to you and your congregation. Well, thank you, Sean. One more thing for you go. I've written the President four times and he has responded to me all four times. He's far from a racist. See I'm from the era where Jim Crow was on life support. But yet a line. I know what that's aboutd know what racism is about. You know what I will use that race card, and they use that race card because there's a life. It controls them. Know what's amazing the president he ends his rallies, what does he say, We're one glorious nation under God, and we are one family, we are one people. Pastor stay on the line, quick break right back your calls on the other side, and what things they can fix right away. You know, if you're bleeding, I'll bleed. If you need an actually you're gonna have to wait. That's just all of these costs keep going on. Nobody wants to pay any more money. And at the rate we're going, healthcare is going to bankrupts. So not only do we have a problem, it's gonna be we've got to sit here and say which things you're going to do and which things were not. Nobody wants to do that. You know, you show up, let's price they cancer and you're ninety five years older. We should say go and enjoy, have a nice cream, leave a long life. It's not true, and you can't do it if you're a young person. We should do something in a society's not going to do that yet, So we're gonna bankrupt us and we're not looking at those costs. We are the crimes that you my oria neighborhoods. So it's the only hunh in fact, and it cost suppleases. Is you will say, oh my god, you are arresting kids from our juana. They're an art. Yes that's true. Why because we put all the costs and mine our haighborhood. Yes, that's true. Why we do it. That's all resignment. And on the way you have a donned other kids hands is to throw the guests the law present, because then they started they say, oh, I don't want that. I don't want to get caught. So they don't blame the gun. They still have the guns that they leave got at home. Although they broke the law by illegally crossing our borders or overstaying their visas, and our businesses broke the law by employing them. Our city's economy would be a shell of itself had they not, and it would collapse if they were deported in the same Hole's true for our nation. I'll tell you where I'm going. First, Iowa, then New Hampship. Maybe I can get the whole country to behave don't here we got snapping, then we got the big box don't here, where's nicking? Troublers up there? Runs taking drugs, the previous people, the cops on there. It's true, by this teacher, we got heroes everywhere, all right. The problems of Bloomberg getting worse by the minute. Now, it's gonna be interesting to watch the mob. The mob doesn't think Bernie can win. That's why, you know, even Area fifty one Roswold Rachel Maddow's Conspiracy Theory channel, they're they're being tough on Bernie because they don't think Bernie can win. But I'm telling you there's not really a lot of difference at all between any of these Democratic candidates. They're all radical, they're all extreme, they're all social. Now the thing is, so we go from you know what were his comments last week on brace murder murderers, murder victims, fit one not two, m O motus upper and die. You just take the description, he xerox it, you pass it out to all the cops. They're all male minorities sixteen to twenty five. That's true in New York and virtually every city. Oh really, and didn't I did not know that. Then he goes on to say, so, oh, people say to me, Oh my god, you're arresting kids for marijuana. It's all minorities. And he writes, yeah, that's true. Why because we put all, not some, all the cops in minority neighborhoods. And why why do we do it? Because that's where all the crime is, not some, all of it. And just you know, talking about young kids and they just you know, cops have to throw them up against the wall. Throw them up against the wall. That was bad. Now you know what's happened with Bloomberg as he's gotten to pass Bloomberg. Now there's a report he spent over four hundred million dollars already in terms of ads spending alone, according to the Washington Examine, a four hundred million, four hundred and seventeen point seven million dollars as of Sunday morning. That's an awful lot of money. And there was a piece even the Huving and Post called him like the Wizard of Oz. He doesn't sit down with anybody, he doesn't get interviewed by anybody, he doesn't want to get interviewed by anybody, and he wants to try and buy his way into the presidency. So Plan B Bloomberg is now blowing up in their faces. But the media so acts feigned so much outrage over the things that Trump says, everything, single things. Oh they're shocked. Hey, they're finding it appalling. Now, even the well, we're gonna have Hillary maybe as our running mate? What was that? That was a wizarder of ours. Let's stay in the news, Let's be relevant, let's row out a name, let's see how people react. But the Clinton people are furious about it, and I don't, and now they're having a downplay. No, no, we're focused on the primary and the debate, not VP speculation. He goes on to say the things that he has said, it's pretty unbelievable about you know, in the lawsuit that he was involved in where he told a female employee she alleges to kill it it being a baby because she's pregnant, and insinuating she should get an abortion, and then complaining, oh, great, seventeen in other words, there were sixteen other employees that worked for him that happened to be pregnant at the time. Now the Washington Post of many other places are printing on putting out there all of these things that they allege that he says, and part of it, they claim comes from this booklet that was put together for him, And I guess that his forty eighth birthday, which means a long time ago, and the wit and wisdom of Michael Bloomberg and all these, you know, pretty horrific things are said here on top of the lawsuits, which I guess now that's pretty much standard knowledge of people. It's all over the place. But and this goes on, the list of stuff that he said goes on and on and on, calling an opponent fellow business person a cokeed womanizing and then a well, let's just say a word that wouldn't be used to get derogatory terms against gay people, and pretty pretty hardcore. He had his Uh, he got presented with a booklet of all of his profane and sexist quotes attributed to him. You know, good salesperson is like a guy who tries to pick up a woman at the bar. Do you want to beep? He gets turned down a lot, but he gets beep a lot too. That's him. And then a booklet that's quoting him is saying that his company's financial information computer computer people, financial information people will do everything including give you beep vernacular for oral sex. I guess that puts a lot of you girls out of business. He goes on to say, now all of a sudden, the Democrats are paying attention to the guy that's been hiding the entire time as he's making his run for the presidency and trying to buy the presidency. I mean, his track record is atrocious. I can't believe if Donald Trump, on the race stuff alone, had ever said any of this, it's game over. Now if all of these stories and come out to be true. Now you're looking at, okay, break down the demographics because you have coalitions of both parties. That's why you always split out in polling African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the vote. Okay, Now he's alienated the African American community, a big part of the Democratic Party base. Now all these things, if true, seems like they might be about women. That's another big part of the Democratic Party base. And then if you take it a step further, I think he's pretty much ticked off everybody. The gay and loves being community's part of the Democratic Party base. When all this hits the fan, are the same people that get outraged at anything that Donald Trump says. Are they going to be outraged in the media mob. I tend to doubt it. As long as he's not Trump, he'll probably get a pass from the mob. But I don't think he's going to get a pass from the people. I don't think so. All right, let's get to our phones as we say hi to William North Carolina Tuner. In sixty days, William, we're going to be watching North Carolina early in the evening as always. Hey, Sean, how you doing. I'm good, sir. What's going on? We're trying to reach it for about a week, Sean, I'm a healthcare profession of working in rehabilitation nucle medicine for about twenty some odd years. Last week, when the President said he's gonna cut the budget, which would include cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, some of my patients between the ages of fifty and one hundred have been going absolutely crazy saying they may not be able to support the president. Sean, it's a quick fix. All you gotta do is tell President Trump change the message. Please tell the President to say we are going to strengthen Medicare and Medicare by cutting waste fraud and abuse for all. This is the same thing that. Look, this is what you get every anytime you have a reduction in the rate of increase. That's what they say that they want. Granny and Grandpa that are on medicare to eat dog food, cat food until Donald Trump look alike, Paul Ryan look alike, Kevin McCarthy look alike, Mitch McConnell look like, throws Granny over the cliff and says, you're done. It's not true. The same with pre existing conditions. The President has been clear on that, and the President's been clear that there are so many other innovative alternatives. And the same with drug prices. He wants to negotiate down the drug prices, as he said in a State of the Union address, because a lot of the manufacturers charge us, we, the American people, more than the charging other countries. Why should we have to pay more? Doesn't make sense, does it? You know, we love our friend doctor Josh Umberts, MD, Wichita, Kansas and his healthcare cooperative fifty bucks a month unlimited care. He negotiates directly with pharmaceutical companies, and you walk out of his office with your blood pressure medicine, your cholesterol medicine at a discount. Well, we can institutionalize that around the country. Now. It is a very long, expensive, difficult, arduous process to get a drug from the research phase into you know, your pharmacy, local or whatever it's. It takes forever. We need to That's why I like when the president, you know, you get to decide the right to choose, meaning if you want to try experimental drugs and you're not going to make it unless you do, you should have the right to try anything you want. I agree with that completely. My friend Michelle Malkin, I mean, she convinced me about the medicinal benefits of marijuana whim. You know, she told me about people very close to her. She'd been very outspoken about it, and she said to me, and I've known her for all these years, convince me, I think. But I don't like people becoming drug addicts either. And I do believe you know, when you legalize pot, what happens. It leads to the use of other medications. And frankly, anybody I've ever known that smokes pot regularly is you know, kind of worthless every day? That what's lot man? And I don't think it's a particularly good drug, and I do think you can get addicted, at least psychologically to anything. But if we can get some good health benefits out of hemp, I'm all for it. That's why we have CB Distillery CEO on this program. Because there are other alternative medicines and cures out there, and I think we ought to have the ability to try them. I don't think it should be that difficult for people to get medicines that show hope and promise, but it's going to take another ten years for the Food and Drug Administration to ever sign off on it. I think people ought to be given all the facts, whatever they are, all the data, and they ought to be able to make up their own minds. That's freedom, it's your life. I mean, if I had if I was going to die and somebody told me, well, you have promising results from this, I think I'd probably want to try it. I'm not ready to go yet, anyway. William well thought out well said, let's say hi to John in Pennsylvania. Boy, do we need Pennsylvania in two hundred and sixty days. What's up, John? How are you? I'm doing good, mister Hannity, just let you know I'm on my way back. I surprised my sister in law and my nephew. They both got baptized this weekend, and I want to do a big shout out to them first, Oh good for you, big shout out to all of them, and tell him thanks for listening. We'll do sir, all right. So I got two points I want to get to Trump. He has an enormous political capital right now. What would be the best way for him to utilize it? And I think I think the answer is just keep doing what he's doing, keep the economy on the current track we're on. I think that one improvement I'd like to see in the second term is get a bigger control of the budget. He's starting now to try that process. But have you reduced the rate of growth? You're not cutting anything, just the rate of growth. Slow it down. I mean, Democrats go nuts. I mean I did ask him when he was running about the Penny plan. He talked about a Nickel plan. You know, at some point we got to get this budget back in balance because it means something. But with that said, he he had a military that was depleted, he had a dramatically increase the amount of money for our military, and it's now paying dividends as we saw with the Caliphate and bag Daddy and Solomany and this guy al Qaeda leadering yem and he got them all, every one of them he got as an active duty member of the Navy. I do appreciate it. Yeah, anyway, And that's one point, all right. Second point, Congressman Crenshaw. He has an answer to this crazy green new deal. It's called the New erergy Frontier. It actually looks promising. It deals with carbon recapture and Ellen, I hate to say it. I mean we're leading the world and reducing carbon emissions. You know that. I mean this Paris accord madness. And it's funny. Get watching Bernie. You know he's using his private jet every day. Elizabeth Warren is using hers, Bloomberg has his, and they're gonna lecture us on carbon emissions. I really don't want to hear it from any of them. They're all phony. But I will say this. You know, the lifeblood of our economies oil and gas, and in lesson until you have a cheaper, better source of energy that we could replace oil and gas, you know what, we don't have any other option. We're also, we're not going to be able to live and compete and thrive and survive even all right, that's gonna wrap things up at today handed it. Yes, I'm working. I know it's President's stay. Too much news out there were loaded up the absolute disaster plan B Bloomberg falling apart with all these discoveries, well, full coverage of that. I agree with both Bill Barr and Donald Trump. What does Lindsey Graham say, We'll get to the bottom of that. The latest on the battle within Democratic ranks to screw Bernie Sanders, Charlie Hurt. Just as we have a great show ninety Eastern, Set your DVR and we will see you back here tomorrow tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. Thanks as always for being with us.

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