Blinken Is An Embarrassment - September 15th, Hour 2

Published Sep 15, 2021, 10:01 PM

Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of 15 instant #1 books including the #1 “Killing” series of histories, and his new bestseller, “Killing the Mob, is here to discuss the news of the day from Blinken to Biden, the administration is an embarrassment. 

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Where we are coming to your city, saying you a conscien will, I'll be desire and if you want a little banging, you come along. How meticulous was the planning for the Trump administration declared May first withdraw? Thank you, Congressman. We uh we inherited a deadline. We did not inherit a plan. I can still go on plane to Boston or California and nobody's going to check me. Do you think that needs to change? Well, that's only consideration. Turn it back to you, man, I guess that's when I turned it back to her. I don't know who anyway, whoever used to do, but the freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, where I'm coming to your city, going to play our ancis and saying you a concert. The New Sean Hannity Show more behind the scenes information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trapped Behind Enemy Lines some Day number thirty two two. And if it's simple man, if it's Leonard skinnerd and it's Wednesday, that means all things. Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly dot Com for all things. O'Reilly. You know, I've come to the conclusion that I am by far a more simple guy than you are. That you are very complicated, and I'm the simple guy here. So really it would be more, that would be more, That would be a more appropriate song for introducing me your well, I don't know if simple is the right word. I don't know if simple might work for you. I think there are other words we might apply to you. Okay, you want to do today? What letters did they begin with? Bill? We can go through the alphabet. Nah, you're not gonna draw me into that. When I say, when I say I'm a simple man, it's it's very well defined. I go from A to B to C. When you were in high school, I think it was pious right on Long Island. That's correct, same pious, the tenth prep seminary, right, so you were you were taught as I was a shamanad that you start with a premise and then logically you go to another premise. You're assuming I showed up at school, but go ahead, yeah, right, And one of the reasons that you didn't show up at school was that was too complicated for you. No, the pill the complicated part, especially in my eleventh and twelfth grade, was that I was tending bar and last call was four am, and I didn't leave till four thirty am. And then the choice was go to a diner, read the newspapers, go to school, or go home and go to sleep. I think you can figure out which one one out a lot. Yes, And I mean and if you can be a successful commentator on radio and television with your background, that proves America is the best country, it's a miracle. I'm listening. I'm not disagreeing with you. Let me play for you something here, mister O'Reilly, because I'm very I'm very concerned about these charges as it relates to General Millie. You know the deep, profound respect that I know you share with me for our military, lover our military. But we now have this book coming out by Bob Woodward and Robert costav the Washington Post, and you know what it's like. You you've sold more best sellers than anybody I know, especially your Killing series number one bestsellers, and so they by the time you finished the book and you get it to be printed, it's months that passed by. What they are describing is an insurrection, an attempted coup, undermining constitutional order, direct contact with the enemy, aid in comfort to an enemy. That what Woodward is describing in this book would be that Millie is a traitor. Now, either they're lying or Millie did these things, and if he did, it should have profound consequences. He's the chairman of the Joint Chiefs if he'd be tipping off American allies, in this case a hostile regime like China, if in fact we needed to use military action, or Donald Trump did and assert the constitutional authority of a president. Let me play Ram Paul's comments on it. If you're calling up our adversaries and saying we think the president is such a loose cannon that he might bother that actually puts him on red alert. And actually if there happens to be which there are instances where there are false warnings of attacks and we have to talk to each other. If we have a general calling China and say our president is liable to unleash nuclear weapons on you or attack on you, that makes any kind of accidental war even more likely. By him geting up the game, it's a terrible thing, very dangerous, but just by defying the chain of command. It gets outside of what we have as a constitutional republic. Should be immediately ordered into a room for an interview, not just a press interview, for an interview with Polygraph, which we do often for our intelligences. And he needs to be asked, did you call the Chinese government in defiance to your command? Did you warn them or insinuate to them that the president might attack them? That's incredibly dangerous to the country, to the world. And if true, and if true, treason us. We need a commission to investigate his role. I want to know Nancy Pelosi's role. And I also if in fact it's not accurate and Woodward and Costa have it wrong, how could the Washington Post sit on that story for months so that they can make money's when it's an issue of that importance for national security. Well, it's a lot of questions there you're asking, So let me take it one by one. The Woodward book, like his last book, is almost anonymous sources. And how it works is that you go into a publisher or the publisher comes to you, You give them an outline of what you want to do, and then you execute it. And obviously Woodward has made a lot of money, millions of dollars in bashing Donald Trump. That's what he does. That's what he's done for years now. As far as Millie is concerned, the General put out a statement today said he didn't do anything wrong, that he was conducting his duties as the top military person in the USA by reassuring other countries that there would be a peaceful transition and no madness after the January sixth incident in DC. That's what Millie's story on the record is. It's clear to me, because I know Woodward very well, that Woodward and Costa have some kind of transcript leaked to them by the Pentagon by Millie's people that documents the calls. Now in what detail, I don't know, but they're going to be able to document that Millie made the calls to China. They have that, and it was a leaked to them. So they were told by of course, in artemous sources, this is what the call was, that Milly was telling them that Trump is unhinged, but don't worry, nothing's going to happen because I'm in command. Kind of like the Alexander Haig thing with Ronald Reagan way way back. I'm in charge here, Yeah, I remember. Yeah. Okay, So this is this is very different and far more nefarious than an off the cuff comment. And this occurred in the direct aftermath after President Reagan was shot. Right, but what Millie this wasn't off the cuff, Haigs was. You're correct. So what Milly was doing really was that he knew that he only had two weeks left in his job, and he wanted to keep that job with Biden as Biden got inaugurated. That's what prompted Milly to make these calls so that he could go back to Biden and say, listen, I told everybody overseas just to wait until you get in and everything's going to be okay. That's why Milly did it to keep his job. That's your belief is. Let me be clear that I understand this. Your belief is is that you think it's very likely that they have evidence, meaning Woodward and Costa, that would corroborate what they wrote in the book. I know that evidence that the calls happened, You're never going to be able to corroborate what was said. Well, the transcripts of these calls wouldn't we need to know that. Wouldn't a commission need to be set up to determine that. I'm not sure whether the transcripts of the calls or not. I mean, if there are, a congressional committee can easily subpoena that. So, but as far as Woodward and Costa in that zone, their process is they got the leak, then they all some people who don't like Millie or Trump or whoever, and they gave him the story and they printed it. And so you would have to agree with me that we need a full investigation that if in fact he was making these assurances to an enemy state, a hostile regime like China, if he was colluding to his word, doing that, he was subverting the protest. So what should happen is the Senate Armed Services Committee tomorrow should issue a subpoena or the transcripts of any and all falls General Millie made to China from December first to February first, if you want to do it that way, and that's how we will get to the truth. Let me ask you this on a matter of such national security importance, what are your thoughts on the Washington Post? Because Costa and Woodward worked for them, holding such an important national security story for a book rather than reporting it. You know, again, they're in the news business, holding this story to make money and capitalize on the story, rather than warn the American people because he's still the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, that this guy might have gone rogue and usurped the constitutional order in the country. Because that's what the accusation is. And Bill, I want to be very fair here. I'm the due process presumption. I'm innocent person always. But it's such a severe allegation. Why did they hold it? Okay, I can only surmise, but I believe they didn't know about it the Washington Post editors because Costa and Woodward both took leaves of absence I understand, so they weren't saying that's true, but now they know they sat on it for the book. Is should there be consequences for that? Costa? If Woodward and Costa are independently writing a book from the Washington Post, they're now working to the Post at that point, and they can withhold anything they want. Now that being said, I don't have any regard to the Washington Post at all. I'm going to tell you something I never told anybody that back when I left Box News, the Washington Post killed a story about me that had all kinds of exculpatory stuff in it that their own reporters came up with. They wouldn't print it. So I despise the Washington Post. But in this case, probably the editors didn't know what Woodward and Costa had, And Woodward and Costa now have to answer to the editors of the Washington Post, which they won't because the Post really doesn't care. It's raises a lot of questions. It's such a severe allegation that if we don't get to the bottom of it, it is to me a very very scary scenario for this country. And get to the bottom of it, Annity, and you could do this to Night on TV, and I hope you do by demanding that the Senate Armed Services Committee is you as a penut for the transcripts of the calls. I am. I've done that already on this program in the first hour. You should have been listening. If you were, you would have known that. Um. Okay, because I'm putting together my newscasts for tonight. Okay, what's more important? My show of yours my show by far. So you made a bad decision today. You're infinitely more important than anything, rightly, you know, quick break, We'll come back more with simple Man, all things Bill O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com than your calls eight hundred and nine four one sean. You want to be a part of the program. Schools back in sessions already, tons of reports and videos now showing up everywhere of activist teachers and doctrinating your kids, your grandkids. One teacher actually telling your students turn off Fox News and that their parents are dumb. Wow. All right, as we continue, simple Man, Bill O'Reilly is with us. This is what Marco Rubio said. I write with grave concern regarding recent reporting the General Mark Millie, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, worked to actively undermine the sitting commander in chief of the United States Armed Forces we only have one commander in chief, and contemplated a treasonous leak of classified information to the Chinese Communist Party in advance of a potential armed conflict with the People's Republic of China. These actions by General Milly demonstrate a clear lack of sound judgment and I urge you to dismiss him immediately. That's not due procst So, with all due respect to the senator from Florida, you've got to give Milly the benefit of the doubt until you get documentation, which and you know when you told me. But is it of such importance that he should be put on ice hold on when you told me you did that in the first segment. I that is a patriotic thing for you to do, because this is so serious that you can't go on the view and start spouting garbage that you don't know that the senators have the power to subpoena transcripts that will prove one way or the other what the deuce happened. So all Americans should say, Okay, let's get that done forthwith. And though we all know that's how we should be conducting ourselves in the federal government. Of it so serious, though, Bill, this is an important question. Is it so serious he should be put on administrative leave pending the results of an investigation? I would say yes, because I believe that Millie was motivated by venal pursuits to try to keep his job in the Biden administration. I don't believe he was no mobile motivated by patriotism for his country. I think this was a self serving move, So I would say, yeah, why don't why don't we put him on administrative leave until we can clear it up. What's wrong with that? Because if it ends up being true in the interim, god knows what else he's capable of. Now there's this other factor that he looked every person in the eye in this January I believe it was eighth meeting and made sure that they understood that he was going to undermine normal constitutional order and that everything had to go through him. They all, they all apparently said yes, and the affirmative should they all be investigated to about day? The other Joint chief Yes, the other, the other, the other high ranking military people. We have about fifteen seconds. Okay, Well, if the transcripts of those meetings show that, then the commander in chief, President Biden, has got to do something. What are the odds of that? Zero? All right, All things simple man, bill, O'Reilly, All things O'Reilly bill, O'Reilly dot com. This is not a simple topic. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean Tolfree telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We'll get to your calls on this on the other side of this break twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one Sean, We'll get to get your calls in here in a second. I don't know what it is about these ms DNC, NBC News former Republicans, And this is Nicole Wallace talking about the lack of masculinity in these male Republican candidates. And I'm thinking, Linda, correct me if I'm wrong. Having all these woke universities been teaching classes against toxic masculinity, Am I wrong on that? No, you're not at all. I mean it literally was like it's like a whole new study. They've been doing it for the last five years, talking about now we want masculinity and men must man up and accept the results of elections. That was the contact. I mean, it's completely insane. I'm like, is this woman serious right now? I don't know. Let's play And I wonder, Jason Johnson, if you can speak to the lack of masculinity in these male Republican candidates who can't take a punch politically, They can't win on the merits, they're too weak. And I'm popular, so they cry foul, they cry rig. It really goes counter to all the other bogus, ma cheesemo coming out of the sort of sikest, most toxic elements of the political right. And you know, I think I don't know what to do anymore. Listen, we could flip the script and say, well, how would you like it if somebody said, oh, she didn't act like a lady? I mean the entire You're not saying that. Just to be clear, I mean, no, I'm not. What I'm saying is that if something come on my show, we got along great. But my point is people would freak out if something like that was said. Do you know what I mean? Her to see the exact thing to her male counterparts or people who disagree, you attack them and you attack their masculinity because they're asking a question. But I don't understand those for all of the never Trump is the Lincoln Project people, all of all those hardcore they say we're the real conservatives, and I'm like, you just elected the guy that's supporting New Green Deal, radical socialism, the guy that abandoned Americans behind enemy lines, that gave us open borders that ended energy and dependence tell me, tell me what part of this is conservative? The Biden agenda that you helped us you're in And tell me are you more offended by Donald Trump's tweeting sometimes he said outragers things. The beating has become the enemy of the people. They don't tell the truth. Oh my gosh, I get the vapors. I feigned outrage every single second, minute hour of every twenty four hour day, every week, every month, every year. That's all they did. Are you not more embarrassed that we abandoned Americans behind enemy lines? Because I am. I'm embarrassed. Do you not see Joe's cognitive decline? Or are you just unwilling to admit the truth that I know see greatly? You see it, but you just, you know, defend it politically. I don't know how you go from saying that you're a Reagan Republican to this. I really just I'm having a hard time understanding that part of it. But you know, everyone's entitled. It's a free country, all right, eight hundred and nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, all right, we got I love our truck I love America's truckers. This country doesn't survive without trucking. Everything you buy and every store got there thanks to these great truckers that keep our economy moving during COVID when at the worst of this, you know farmers, farm packers, packed truckers, truck that they kept the rest of us alive. Anyway, we have Let's see Jay is with us. He's driving an eighteen wheeler. What's up, Jay? How are you, sir? I am just you are? Oh, you're way what more than I am? Maybe Jay, hang on a second. We gotta get you off that Sports Illustrated Football phone. We'll get you. We get right back to I promise we'll call you right back. Lisa and Texas. In the meantime, Hey, Lisa, how are you? Glad you called? Hi? Hell are you? I'm good? Thanks for checking in. I'm calling because I'm an emergency room nurse. And one of the things that we've been seeing is a lot of the patients who are coming in with COVID have actually been vaccinated. We ask everybody who comes through, have you been vaccinated? Yes, I've been vaccinated, And then they come back for COVID and they are saying in the mainstream media, well they're being overwhelmed by COVID patient. We saw maybe nine yesterday, but we are being overwhelmed by people that the mainstream media scared into not coming into the hospital. And these people are very sick. Now you're talking about breakthrough cases. That's the majority of what you're seeing. Now, what percentage would you say? Eighty? Okay? So it's interesting you say that because anecdotally, I had one of my best friends fully vaccinated and he got a breakthrough case. Um, and if people are interested in how he found out he wasn't feeling good, he went to his local drug store, got the Abbot home COVID test kit. Now it's it's still it's not fully approved by the FDA. But then he went to his doctor and he got it confirmed that he did have it. So the test was accurate in his case. And I'm told it's like accurate anyway. And so when he went to the dock in the box, so wherever he went through emergency room, they said, he asked that question. He said, well, how many cases that you're seeing or breakthrough cases? And he goes pretty much pretty much all of them. And the next step he took was he went to a local hospital there was only one that we were able to find, that hat that uses regeneron as a therapeutic. Why Joe Biden hasn't mentioned it more than once. He mentioned it only last week for the first time, and again I urged people to talk to the doctors. I'm not giving to fencing medical advice without a license. But anyway, he got the infusion, he felt great, and then the next ten days of his life he spent fishing, and he sent his family to Florida so they wouldn't, you know, because it was so contagious, the delta variant. So that's what I'm hearing. But I am hearing also that it's less severe, less need for ventilators, hospitalizations, and viewer people dying. Is that part true too to an extent. But I'll tell you the best thing you can do to protect yourself and lose weight, because even vaccinated, the people that we're seeing are the people not the slightly fluffi or overweight, but the people who are morbidly obese. And it doesn't matter if you've had the vaccine or not. It will kill you. Because it puts such a thing. Nobody wants to talk about it because I guess that term fat shaming or whatever they call it. I don't even know what it means because I've had I've battled with diets my entire adult life, so just I'm speaking from my own experience. But what they have discovered is people that are severely overweight about seventy five percent of those that are the tougher cases. Now, I'm only giving factual information that I've read, and it's just in your best interest. I know, dieting is a pain in the ass. I hate it. I do it all the time, but just try, just try every day. You know. I come up with the quirkiest diets in the world and I and then I do use NJ when I'm really desperate. And that's what we're seeing is, you know, regardless of whether you have other health conditions, the people that are dying are just either heavy and and they are vaccinated. And that's the scariest part. Yeah, it's coming up to five o'clock in the afternoon Eastern Standard time, and I can tell you how many calories I had so far today. Take a guess how many. I'm gonna say twelve, No, two hundred, Oh my goodness. M yep, I know but I'll have more after the show, I promise you, all right. But then we got our buddy Jay the trucker back. Thank you, Lisa, Jay back with us. Yeah, not much, man, What I got do? I gotta buy you? Like an iPhone? What do you gotta sports illustrated football phone for crying out loud? Nah? Actually has a scare foot phone for horizon. Man, you got an old flip phone. We gotta update you. What's going on? My friend? I'll let you talk real quick. Curious. Like I said, my dad was at too that in the navy, same as yours, And I was warning what you think your father might have said about mister Millie, because I have a pretty good idea to what would have said. Well, my dad was in the Navy. He served four years in the Pacific. Um like your dad and um, I think my father he was very quiet about He didn't like to talk about his war experiences. He lost close friends in that war, and he just never liked to talk about I used to ask him all the time. He had his World War two knife. It's now in my possession and it's the one thing I have that I kind of hold and cherished because I know he did this for his country, and he sacrificed, and I have great pictures of him, and I have all his discharge papers and things like that, and anyway, I think he would be a ghast. I think he'd be a gas. That possible. Now we're giving him the benefit of the doubt, you know. But in the meantime, I'm sorry. These charges are so serious. I think he needs to be put on immediate administrative leave pending the results of this investigation. We need to find out. We can't risk this. I'm pretty sure my reacted this way when he first heard it. He had probably said some poor lad explatives and that man did to hang for what he did. Now, when Don Trump said that it was fake news this that or the other day, like he did, I believed from might have backed off and then giving him the benefit of the doubt. But his initial reaction, I don't think he'd like that very much. Well, I we have to. It's who I am, It's in my DNA, and it served me well throughout my entire career, and that is to give people due process, the benefit of the doubt. Believe in the presumption of innocence. But these charges are so serious. We need an immediate commission form. We need to look into his role, the other general's roles, Pelosi's role, because if it's true, he would be a traitor. If it's false, that means these guys lied at an incredible level and should own the Washington Post and probably Amazon also. That's how severe these charges are. So anyway, I gotta I gotta run, only because your phone sucks. But you know we're gonna buy you a better phone one of these days. All right, thank you? All right? So, uh, you know, do they still say break one? I have to just tell you that guy was a riot and when he called up, he's like, my name is truck driver. I'm like, listen, think about it. Is there anything you buy for Liam or yourself that you didn't get there? By Tucker? I mean, this guy is you know, these people are the backbone of America and they are working and hustling and busting their ass for us. People. People that are close to me, you know, have a little truck in business and they tell me how great these people are. Amazing. People work their ass off. Eight hundred nine one Sun is on our number. Quick break, We'll come back and we'll continue more your call straight Ahead eight hundred and nine for one sea. You want to be a part of the program. Day thirty two Americans held hostage behind enemy lines will give you an update. I've been telling you all about Balance of Nature and Balance of Nature dot com, and I gotta tell you I'm now using it because I can't possibly eat with my diet ten servings of fruits and vegetables every day, which is recommended. I don't know how people do it, but it's their mission at Balance of Nature to help get all of us the right amount of daily nutrition that we need so we can boost our immune system that helps fight off disease. Linda, your mom's been using it five years. She doesn't even get colds. She's got more energy than both of us put together, which is nearly a mathematical impossibility. She's doing great. You know. She was the one that turned me onto this and when we first started working with these guys, and I said, my mom used you guys. Every day. She doesn't get sick anymore. She feels great, she feels healthy, and yeah, she's keeping up with the best of us. Balance of Nature. They use thirty one different one hundred percent natural hole ripe and fruits and vegetables. They grind in the capsules. They keep all the nutrients intact, which helps your body get the nutrition in the needs. It's that simple. Now you can call them toll free. You'll get thirty five percent off your first preferred order in free shipping. If you mentioned my name, Hannity, it's eight hundred two four six eighty seven fifty one. Eight hundred two four six eighty seven fifty one. Or just use the web it's Balance of Nature dot com and mentioned my name, Hannity. The final hour roundup is next. You do not want to miss it, and stay tuned for the final hour free for all on the Sean Hannity Show. Right back for busy telephones, Let's say hi to Jesse's in Florida. Jesse has more brains than I do, paying sixty two cents of every dollar I make and taxes in New York. Jesse, how are you? I'm great, Sean, good afternoon, and thank you for taking my call. Well, thank you, sir. What's going on today? Oh? Not a whole lot. First, I wanted to offer my condolesis on your loss too. For Charlie Chali Daniel's rushing they'll rest in peace, great people. Well, I appreciate it, I really do. You know, Charlie Daniels is a legend. Rush a legend. You know, these are not people you could ever replace. And uh, you know it's sad to me when you think of it, and it's actually even I still have not wrapped my arms around it. Fully, I have a very hard time dealing with death. I don't know why. I'm just messed up about it. And I believe in paradise. I believe there's a heaven. I believe in the promises in the Bible. That's my own personal belief. And I believe you'll be reunited with your loved ones. Amen to that. What's on your mind today? Well, I called we have the border fiasco, among other things for this administration, and it caught my eye that Kamala she doesn't have time to visit the border where the problems are, but yet she clies to California to support this other idiot out there and then invited us the same thing one day after the other. And with all the stuff going on, they should be concentrating all the problems, the issues that are more of a problem for the American people, silly governor out there in California. That's why I was you know, look, I kind of knew in my heart from the very beginning that this was not going to be an easy lift. If I kind of felt it was impossible to be very blunt with you. And because I see the demographics, we see the shift, we see the chains. It is a deep, deep blue state like New York. It is a socialist utopia. And it comes down a simple math at this point, and the fact that anybody that might have considered removing gavinus, they've all been leaving California. They've been leaving right. They've come to the conclusion they can't fix it. I've come to the conclusion I can't fix New York. I admire Curtis Sleewa running from mayor. I'm supporting them. I like the guys running for governor, Julianni and rob Astino and Lee's Eldon. I admire all three of them. But it's the same situation to me. It's sad, it just is. But anyway, I appreciate the call, my friend eight hundred nine one, Sean, you want to be part of the program, We'll I'm more on General Millie and the disaster. Now day thirty two Americans held hostage behind enemy lines. No one of the media seems to even talk about it anymore. We're not going to stop

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