Bizarre Trip to Central America

Published Jun 10, 2021, 10:00 PM

Senator Steve Daines of Montana, joins to discuss the bizarre trip to Central America is horrified by the ridiculous behavior, and answers, by former California Senator Kamala Harris. Of course, Joe Biden’s appearance in England wasn’t much better. And of course here at home his administration is killing jobs and the economy.

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What do we get wrong when we cover the Biden administration? Anyway, Thanks Scott Shannon, thanks to all of you for being with us eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Still struggling, So I'm gonna go easy on the vocal cords a little bit today and hopefully get this thing knocked out eventually. We got a little ground to get to today. I want to start with zero experience Hunter. Now, I've been saying to both my radio and TV team, I want you to monitor heavily what's going on on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fake News, CNN, MSDNC, The New York Times, The Washington Post. How many times do you think that these so called news outlets mentioned Hunter Biden's repeated use of the N word? How many times? How many times do you think they would have mentioned it had it been Donald Trump Junior, or Eric Trump himself, or Ivanka Trump or Jared Kushner or anybody with the last name Trump. Because we did a thorough search, and what we have found is all of these news outlets, none of them mentioned Hunter Biden and his repeated use of the N word. What else is there left to say about how corrupt the mob in the media is. I talked about the candidate protection program, and now it's the presidential protection program. You know, it is unbelieve you know, look at the New York Times, for example, as an article on Breitbart about this. Last year, New York Times ran a front page story on a young cheerleader who said the N word. It went viral. Today the paper's silent about the voluminous use of the same word by Hunter Biden. How is it possible? But it explains a lot, doesn't it. What was Ukraine's impeachment about a call with President Trump and President Zealinski with a million people on the line listening. You know, was there a quit in a pro and a quo? Well, the only one person ever talked to Trump about it was said, no, he didn't want to quit pro quo. Everybody else was hearsay witness, an opinion witness, only one fact witness. Here's say witness. It was an anonymous hearsay whistle blower. Wasn't even a real whistle blower. There's an article on that also came out. I was I think it was on foxnews dot com or bright Park. All the names of people that have been canceled for using the N word, just like Hunter Biden with you know, country music star Morgan Wallen, who's been like a big star. You know, I can go name all of them because they did this, and why the double standard? It is a fair question, you know. Look, you know, you look at how is it Joe got the past? Why why do I bring up all the time? Does nobody else will do it? Frankly, you know, Joe Biden wants to talk about the issue of race. A guy that praised the former clansmen that Philip busted the Civil Rights Act A sixty four. Joe partnered with this guy to stop integration of our public schools and school busing, and he didn't want public schools to be racial jungles. And only one time besides me, did I hear it being brought up, and that was Kamala Harris. And then she quickly forgot it once she became got on the shortlist to be vice president. You know, you know, September twenty twenty, Joe, while some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf, what does that mean? You know you ain't black? Telling radio host Charlemagne the God poor kids. They're just as fred as white kids. Huh, predators, the comments when he did the crime Bill, the kid you know wearing a hoodie. You know. Biden touts his work with segregation as senators like. He brought up names like and his ability to work with people like Senator Eastland and Mississippi Talmadge of Georgia. And then, of course the person he praised the most, the former Klansmen, the guy that said they're gonna put you all back in chains, the guy that said about Obama, you have the first mainstream the first first think about that, the first mainstream African American who is articulate, bright and clean, a storybook man can go to a seven eleven or Nunkondownants without a slight Indian accent. I mean, it is unbelievable. It was a very good investigative report on in just thenews dot com. I mean the extent of Hunter and his associates using Joe Biden is a former crack addict. Here's a guy with no experience making money off his father's name and position as vice president. Last week we got pictures that prove that Joe Biden lied on at least three occasions. We played the tape over and over denying he's ever even had a discussion with zero experience Hunter about his foreign business dealings. Now, no, okay, but he was going to dinner with his foreign business partners while he was vice president. The whole Ukraine thing, how do you ignore. You're not getting the billionaire I'm leaving, I'm leaving in six hours. You're not getting the billion taxpayer dollars unless you fire that prosecutor investigating his son who goes on GMA and says he has no experience in oil, gas, energy or Ukraine. Why did he get millions of dollars? Why do you think you got it? I don't know. Maybe because your dad was vice president in charge of Ukraine, probably China, Russia. I mean, it's unbelievable. By the way, Florida has now banned critical race theory from being taught in those schools. Sure, liberals heads will explode any many minute. Now, you know it's Donald Trump that signed the bill providing the most money to historically black colleges two hundred and fifty million dollars a year that had never been done before. It was Donald Trump that, you know, put criminal justice reform in place because of disparate sentencing that targeted minorities in this country. To help make us a more perfect union. It was Donald Trump that brought the that set record low after record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asia, and Americans women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. Donald Trump did that, the first step back. Donald Trump did that. You know, it is an amazing thing. And every two years, every four years, what happens. The race card gets played. Now it's every day now Democrats are using it against you know, somebody like Joe Manson because he won't go along with you know, SR one. How does Joe Biden get away with saying Jim Crow two point zero about George's election law when his state is far more restrictive. Seventeen days early in person voting in Georgia. None in Delaware, no excuse, absentee voting, mail in voting in Georgia, you need an excuse in Delaware. No drop boxes at all in Delaware, in every precinct in Georgia, and both states require voter ID. He never lifted a finger to make you know, voting more accessible for the people of Delaware. But he's gonna lecture Georgia, which has far more accessibility for voting than his state that he's represented five thousand years. So Joe shows up in Europe and he says, I don't want to go home, And I'm thinking, that's okay, Joe, you know what, you can stay there. I don't really care. Stay as long as you like. He declares when he gets there. The United States is back, and I'm like, back to what apologizing for America, back to the policies of weakness and appeasement. We're going to give the communist Chinese, you know, lift the restriction on TikTok, even though we suspect they're spying on us. We're going to give putin a waiver when it comes to building his pipeline, while simultaneously with the stroke of a pen, eliminating high paying career jobs on the Keystone XL pipeline. By the way, that developer just said, I'm out. Keystone XL pipeline is now dead, and the jobs associated with it are dead too, you know. Biden says to the troops that global warming is the greatest threat to America. Last week, he said white supremacy was the greatest threat to America. Last year, he said Russia was the greatest threat to America. Joe, You've got to make up your mind. By the way, Axis is reporting of half the pandemics unemployment money may have been stolen. You can't make this ump states are rejecting it. I think more states now won't take the money because because people are all going back to work. This government chose. Government's incentivizing people not to Many Democrats are now even willing to admit they may have gotten it wrong on unemployment benefits. Whoopsie days that you think wasn't that hard to figure out? I mean, it's unbelievable. Oh, we've found out the meat company JBS paid eleven million dollars in ransomware, two Russian hacks, and he gives putin a pipeline waiver while simultaneously removing high paying career jobs from Americans. You know, he claiming that global warming is America's biggest national security threat, not China, not Russia, not Iran, not radical Islamic terrorism, not Kim Jong un. Global warming. Now, by the way, we have new numbers out today. Remember last month Biden told us not to worry about skyrocketing inflation numbers. It's only temporary. Things will settle down next month and we can spend and spend and spend six trillion dollars. We've only taken three point nine four trillion more money spent now since World War Two. Not going to impact the economy one bit. Well, it did. It did in April when with the four point two percent increase rise in prices that was the biggest since August to two thousand and eight. Now the main numbers are in and consumer prices are going up and accelerating upwards at the fastest pace in more than twelve years. As the economy now is emerging or trying to emerge from the pandemic Labor Departments consumer Price Index that measures the basket of goods and services and energy and food costs. It's up five percent in May from last year. April was up four point two percent from last April. And it's not good, I mean, and this is insanity. You know, the idea that you're not going to pay more. We're all paying on average sixty five cents more per gallon since this guy has become president. And Jensaki is saying, oh, no, no, it's still lower than usual. No, it's not. And we've given up a huge national security issue by no longer being energy independent, which Trump caught us to for the first time in seventy five years. Now, the Biden administration is pushing a twenty one percent global corporate minimum tax on American businesses. At the same time they're pushing this global agreement foreign countries. And that's a global tax corporate minimum tax of fifteen percent. It's a horrific We would be surrendering sovereignty to what China, Russia, the European Union. And by the way, you know, countries like Ireland said count us out, no way in hell. But they know they need to do this internationally because companies will leave this country and build their business as abroad because they know, you know, Yelling is pushing a narrative that we need the Global agreement locking in high taxes to end the race to the bottom, making all citizens fairly share the burden of financing the government. And why are they doing this because they know our high tax rates well, you know, make America less competitive. That's right, It's a bad idea. And just as a side, corporations don't pay taxes. They don't pay any taxes. You know why they passed the cost on to us, We the people, higher cost of energy, You pay more for everything you buy in every grocery store, at every lows, at every home depot, at every pharmacy you go to, right as you roll along Sean Hannady Show, eight hundred nine one, Shaun a number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza anyway. So that's our biggest threat because global warming. Now we want this global tax, corporate tax, corporate minimum tax. Okay, well, why why are we pushing other countries to get a tax? Why would we ever do that? Because Biden knows, Yelling knows, every business knows that it makes America less competitive. And look, we've watched a mass exodus out of Blue states. Why because a high taxes? You know, insane bureaucracy, horrific management, waste, fraud and abuse, the worst infrastructure in like a state like New York and New Jersey and California, same story. People leaving first time in California's history one hundred and seventy one years, they had more people leaving than staying. California is perfect weather. Why are they leaving. They're leaving because they can't take it anymore. Now. My only fear for the people that are leaving is they're going to bring their stupid liberal voting record with them and then ruin other states like Arizona and Nevada and Texas and Florida and the Carolinas and Tennessee and every state in between. I'm not trying any places better Montana. Steve Danes has joined on this later. So they want this, and they're hoping that this will lock in high taxes to mitigate the damage of what is trillions of dollars in new corporate taxes, all of which will be put on you, the American people, because corporations do not pay taxes. It's a big lie. Energy prices go up, that's good. People will use less energy. No they won't. People are going to use the amount of energy that they're going to use, So you'll pay more to heat cool your home and more to fill up your tank. And every business now that gets a corporate tax, and they're going to raise taxes and you're going to pay the extra tax. We all will pay the extra tax. I mean, this is not complicated economics here. And they know it. It's a tacit admission that they know what they're doing is wrong. We'll continue HI twenty five to the top of the rc Fake news. CNN has lifted the suspension of zoom call exhibitionist Jeffrey Tubin. You remember that. I don't even don't. I don't even want to talk about it. I really don't. It's just typical of fake Newsy. And then, um, so, remember when the Minneapolis police station was burned to the ground last summer and something called the riot that no Democrat would call a riot. There's like three hundred of them last summer, but none of them were riots. Um Anyway, a federal judge in Minnesota gave a light sentence of only what was it, two years and three months behind bars to one of the men that pled guilty in torching the Minneapolis police station, and the judge called him a good person, A good person, m a left wing cop hating, rioting arsonist. He calls a good person former college I guess basketball players, social media influencer, and supposedly ordered to pay twelve million and rest of should I wouldn't hold your breathing, and that money's coming in anytime soon. But I don't know the person's wealth, and the judge, yeah said, a good person made a terrible mistake. I don't know why. Not only are high taxes and burden some bureaucracy, quality of life issues in blue states are out of control. New York violence is out of control, and it's it's just getting worse. Last year was a record in all of these cities, and almost all of these cities are shattering last year's record. It's not getting any better, you know. And then this goes to the heart of I don't know why there are so many people that are inclined to trust the promises of you're gonna get free day care, and you're gonna get free childcare, and you're gonna get guaranteed government college and government guaranteed government job, and guaranteed government pay, and guaranteed government healthcare. How did Obamacare workout, guaranteed government retirement, healthy food, you know the list, that's all new Green Deal, socialism, redistributionism, and all of these states have squandered these dollars. But there's also you know, these are the states now where they're not holding people throwing bricks, rocks, molotov cocktails. You know at police officers using knives guns. You know, we saw it last weekend, jumping on top of cars, twerking on top of cars, doing whatever on top of cars. And people are leaving to states where they do support law and order. California, Yeah, they swarmed a Louis Vaton store. One hundred thousand dollars in handbags stolen. Why is Louis vatan On to stay open? You probably have insurance, but that's not the point. At a six year old boy in Michigan threatened with a sledgehammer, shot in the arm over the weekend by a neighbor trying to retrieve his bicycle, is it? I mean, this is what we're shooting people over six year olds. You have a San Francisco market owner losing his eye in a stabbing attack, and the daughter says, seventy the daughter of a seventy two year old businessman lost his eye a knife attack because there's no policing anymore. And now this whole rethink the police madness, reimagine the police. Okay, what we're gonna send psychiatrists to domestic disputes. I'm not gonna end well, nobody has any fear of the police. You know, we'll take away liability protection for cops. Well, every criminal that gets arrested will sue the cop and nobody can be a police officer. At that point, there won't be any policing. Miami man chases you know, he sees his two hundred thousand dollars Lamborghini, stone, jumps on a scooter, try to chase the guy. It's lawlessness in every major city. Innocent father of two of two kids, thirty four years old, shot after a New York City judge set a gang member free after his third gun arrest in four months. He's leaving young kids behind. Anybody seem to care. Do you know the names of these victims? Or we only hear the names of victims when it involves police and it could be used as a political wedge and a racial issue. We mean, we don't know the names of people shot in New York, Chicago, LA every weekend because it's not politicized by the Democrats, by the squad, by the group Black Lives Matter. You know, people are scared gang activity is fueling Portland violence is still going on there. Man twenty five shot outside of his Chelsea Dream Hotel. We're shooting people left and right. Nobody's getting any jail time. Now, you remember AOC supports this defund the police. Candidate to replace Comrade de Blasio, Maya Wiley is her name. I guess she's now rising in the polls. Lenient New York City judge. Let's have a gang member free to kill an innocent dad. Three gun violations in four months, and why is this guy on the street Because New York has no bell and they cut the police budget by a billion dollars twenty twenty one. Violent crime in Los Angeles outpacing recent years, and last year was a record year, a twenty two percent increase from last year. Six hundred people already struck by gunfire and shooting so far this year, fifty nine percent increase over last year. I mean, when is it that same thing is happening in Baltimore, Same thing is happening in every big city in the country, but we don't want police, Let's defund them. Let's reimagine police departments. One police officer responds alone to a shots fired call and then mobs swarm around him, and you know, starts attacking the cop. What cop is gonna bother? Who wants that I could not in good conscience recommend being a police officer or a law enforcement officer, one of the most noble professions ever. Every cop I know wanted to be a cop since they're a kid. Every pilot I know wanted to be a pilot since they're a kid. Every nurse I know wanted to be a nurse since they're a kid. Every doctor, same thing. These are callings for people. Seattle police. They're furious because the city finance department sent and then defended an all staff email calling all cops white supremacists. I love what Christy Nome did. She said, yeah, come work in South Dakota, we love and respect you. And Florida De Santis offered bonuses to everyone that works in law enforcement. Now, I didn't get to the point I wanted to get to yesterday. Now, I know a lot of people think this is a big deal. You know, Warren Buffett and Michael Bloomberg and all these really wealthy people. They don't pay very tiny percentages of their income in taxes. And well, first of all, how did Pro Publica get this information? Because that would be illegal my understanding of the law. That's number one, number two. When you get into the article, you know it. All of this pushes forward the idea that the rich don't pay their fair share. Now okay, what they really ultimately want to do here is say no, no, no, we gotta not tax income because they don't pay income taxes. Well, if if you own, say a whole bunch of property, let's just take your own one house, it's worth a half a million dollars. If you get your house and praise, it's worth a half a million. Okay, now you expect and maybe you paid three hundred and fifty thousand for ten years ago. Now it's worth a half a million, all right. The biggest investment most people make as their house. Right now, every year you could get an appraisal of your house, and that appraisal is going to fluctuate. But when you actually sell the house, maybe the market, depending on what the market is at the time, if it's really hot, maybe you'll get more than five hundred thousand, maybe you'll get less. So these rich billionaires that they want us all to hate, And I always say, I never got a job from a poor person, never got paid for from a poor person. When it was a contractor, I worked in restaurants because poor people can't afford to go to restaurants. Poor people can't afford to higher contractors. Anyway, the pro public is story. You know, they're they're trying. The Wall Street Journal put it nicely. You know, they're trying to push this rich don't pay now. When they sell off their assets, they will pay taxes or they will go to jail. Because I'm pretty sure my taxes are pulled every year, and I'm not anywhere near as rich as them, but I just assume and I pay it all. I keep saying, pay pay, pay, pay pay, because I know that. You know, if there's one COMMA out of line, one period not in the right place, I'm in deep trouble. And anyway it is. They want to then say, well, well well we're gonna have a wealth tax. Okay, Well that means let's say you own a million dollar home. Okay, well, your home is appraised that a million dollars, but maybe five years when you go to sell it you can only get seven fifty for it. But that's your investment, and when you cash out, then you pay the taxes on it. If that makes any sense to you, I think it does. But that's what they want. They there's this divide that the left always wants. By the way, this was an interesting comment. I've not been a fan of Christopher Ray. I don't think he's shown any urgency to clean up the greatest law enforcement agency in the world and the deep state. I don't think he followed Michael Harrowitz the Inspector General's report. I think he did a poor job getting to the bottom of it. God only knows where mister Durham is. If you know wherever he's hiding, if there's a sighting, please let me know. But he testified before Congress today that January six Now, the same Democrats that wouldn't say the riots were riots all summer last summer, and they were. We're very quick to condemn the rioting in the summer and very quick to condemn what happened on January sixth. We cannot allow our institutions to be breached the way they were breached in the capital on January sixth. You just can't. I don't care if you're a Democrat, Republican, liberal, or conservative. We've got to protect our elected officials, just one on one. I said it all the time times that Obama was president, got to protect people that we elect a public office. Sadly that some of them are targets. Anyway, he testified and said that no, as Democrats are out there doing, you can't compare January six. This is Christopher Rays words to the horror of nine to eleven as Democrats are doing, which killed three thousand people. Congressman Steve Kona, Tennessee Democrat, brought up the topic. Ray testified and telling the FBI chief, while you've compared ransomware to nine to eleven, ransomware is awful and it's a problem. Nine to eleven was awful, but the insurrection on our capitol, unlike anything we've known since the Civil War is also Where would you compare the insurrection and would you admit that it was an insurrection on our capitol with the assault on our country. I just found Ray's answer interesting. He acknowledge the violence is wrong and is being prosecuted, and he's but he flatly rejected the nine to eleven comparison. Let me just say, I don't think any attack, ransomware or January six fairly be compared to the horror of nine to eleven. We just need law and order. And this is the fallacy of the New Green Deal because the ones that are promising you everything is going to be free. When you look at Blue States and you look at their track record, well, Congress has bankrupted social Security and medicare. The lockbox doesn't exist, which they said they were putting your social Security retirement money and it's gone. They squandered it, they put it in the general fund. Then, of course, then you look at the same with Medicare. They're headed for insolvency. Then you look at education in Blue States in particular, it's atrocious. We spent more per capital for student. We're fortieth worldwide. You can't you can't do a worse job. And that's because of the unholy Allianced teachers unions, the big money donations they give Democrats every election season. Simple to figure out, how did those mcare promises work out? Millions lost their doctors, millions lost their plans, and we're all paying on average two hundred and fifty percent more. Didn't work out, did it? They're promising you the moon. Now I want to confiscate everybody's wealth. We need how they doing on law and order in big cities, how they do it on safety and security. By the way, another new study has come out that shows hydroxy chloroquin increased the survival rate of severely ill coronavirus patients. Yep. Harvey Reich, professor of epidemiology at Yale's University's School of Public Health. Oh, we can't listen to him. Fouci under fire. Another of Biden's COVID team is abandoned ship. I'm not surprised House Republicans oppressing Fauci on discrepancies in his congressional testimony. These emails show that he knew about gaining a function, and he knew NIH money was being used in the Wuhan virology lab. It's unbelievable anyone seemed to care I do acting. Omb Head won't say if Biden's budget will still fund the Wuhan lap. I couldn't believe it. You think they'd learned something. Top Republicans call for a probe into You know a lot of this, but I don't know how far it's going to go. Fauci says, at tax on me or a tax on science. Now that they're not doctor Fauci, you knew more about gain of function and the Wuhan Institute of Virology than you let on, and you had a palpable fear in your emails about the moneys the NAH gave under your watch and the pressure. You were told on January thirty first that it looks like gain of function manipulation of COVID nineteen. You knew on ten days after the first identified case Black Marsha, Blackburn Mark or Rubio Tom Cotton. They're demanding he resigned or be fired. House Republicans want the emails between zucker Burg in Fauci and why was Joe wearing a mask while visiting American troops in the UK? More here we go, more vaccine hesitation caused by Joe coming to your city, seeing you a conste little be desire a little jail And if you want a little banging, you ain't come along. I was fourteen. If you please at ease, I keep forgetting I'm president. This whole thing about the border. We've been to the border. We've been to the border. You haven't been to the border, and I haven't been to Europe. And I mean, I don't know, I don't understand the point that you're making. I'm not discounting the importance of the border. What does the press get wrong when covering Biden's agenda? When you watch the news, when you read the news, what do you think we get wrong? Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution, coming to you s you want to play a conscious Sean Hannity Show, I'm the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America Right hour two Sean Hannity Show. Thanks for being with us eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I mean it is It is almost impossible to imagine or envision a scenario where, oh, Don Junior, or Eric Trump or Ivanka Trump or anyone with the last name Trump ever using and getting caught in multiple emails using the N word. What do you think the coverage would be? It would be never ending, It would be NonStop. Remember the whole Charlotte's Ville. There were some good people, Yeah, but there were a lot of bad people, and the media went out of their way to refer to Donald Trump as a racist, and they purposely selectively edited his comments that day. We've played them in context all the time. We did a full background search and since this information about zero experience Hunter using the N word repeatedly. Not one major media outlet ABC, CBS, NBC's Fake News, CNN, MSDNC, the New York Times, Washington Post no mentions at all of Hunter and the N word. They've basically erased it as if it never happened. Now, Barack Obama's weighed in on the issue of race, and well, let's just put it this way. I decided to put together his comments with some of the comments of Joe. There's always been a division along lines of race. Madam President, we have predators on our streets. We have four hundred years of whites and black's not being able to have shared experiences because of slavery and segregation and so forth. You don't know my state. My state was a slave state. This terrible stuff happened, and that the vestiges of that linger go. Put you all back in chase right wing media venues, for example, that monetize and capitalize on stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a changing America. The first sort of who is articulate and brave, clean, I mean sure, lo and behold the single most important issues of them apparently right now is critical race theory. Who knew if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or trauma and you ain't block Um. Wow, for the first time, you've got a mainstream African American for the first time who's clean and articulate and bright for the first time. And man, that's storybook. Man, that was Biden talking about Barack Obama. Unbelievable. Anyway, here to wig in on all this, Kathy Barnett is with us. We've got to know Kathy, she's now a candidate and what's becoming a crowded race of amazing potential Republican candidates in the great state of Pennsylvania for twenty twenty two. And our friend Congressman Burgess Owens out of Utah, thank you both for being with us. Kathy will begin with you. If Donald Trump's son, or any Trump member ever had said and written the things that Hunter has said and written, or had the track record of Joe, what would the media reaction be and what is your reaction to the media's non reaction? They the media would be, I mean, had anyone, any member of the Trump family said what Hunter Biden has said, the media would be setting their hair on fire, running through glass pane windows right now. They will be clutching their pearls and fay any moral outrage. You will even have those on the Republican Party doing the exact thing, clutching pearls, say any moral outrage, you know. I mean, I'm sure a Congressman Burgessones would agree with me. I do not use that word. I have never used that word. I hate that word. I find it to be very demeaning, very insulting. There's a whole history that is poured into that word. I don't use the word. I don't hang around people who use the word. I don't listen to the music of those who want to use the word, because I find it to be very degraded. But in complete honesty, we do not need the left to tell us that Joe Biden and his son are racist. We already know that. For those who have their eyes wide open, we're very much aware that we have somehow placed in the White House the last remaining segregationists in politics who have now been billed as the white man, as the white hope to the black people. So we don't need the left to tell us what we already know, and that is that they're racist. But what is very disconcerting to me, whether we're looking at the Hunter Biden laptop or the leaks that's coming off there where we're looking at you know, Now, all of a sudden, the media is wide eyed and bushytails that perhaps the Wuhan virus actually came out of a lab in Wuhan, China. Now they're looking bright eyed and bushytail over the fact that oh, hydroxy core quinn could actually cure or assist in the recovery of individuals. Now, all of a sudden, they're very interested in doing their job. This is a problem. There's a reason why the media has been given such a prominent position and our Constitution to be right up there in the first Amendment. It is their job to make sure that the American people are not ignorant, and that the American people are informed and capable of making good decision. That the American people knew half the stuff that all of a sudden is brand new to these leftist journalists. Last year, President Trump will still be our president. But because they selectively go about picking and choosing which stories they want to cover, they have left the American people ignorant, and as a result, we have this lane duck individual who is weak And now these desperate regimes recognize that we have weakness leading this country and they are beginning to feel themselves out and beginning to inflict harm on the American people. Congressman Owens, I'd love your reaction to all this and so far, how do you like it in Congress? I love being in Congress at this point in such an important time for us. But interesties were quickly going up in the Deep South. At the age of six, team I was able to define what type of races they're out there. There's a type that is in your face. They let you know how much they hate you, and of course you can put up your guard and you can deal with them. Then the worst time are the ones that give you a big smile or give you a big hug and then they stabbing the back and you get all thrilled with your demise. That's what we're seeing now now in the White House and cross this country with elitists, and I say this black and white elitists who care less about the Black community. They don't care the fact that the last four years we had tremendous success with black communities and black entrepreneurs and and and then in wage grows, all those good things. What they care about more is their power. And this is a good example. You're not gonna hear You're gonna hear crickets from the left because it's not about calling out the true racist, because they are part of that process. And I just want Americas to recognize that. Just because people smile at us and tell us that they're gonna love us and do great things, look at their policies, look at their actions. See what they're really doing. When you see death, destruction, misery in literacy, all those the things that come from these votes on the left. You know, they're not our friends. They're the worst, the worst races, the smiling faces to have the back. I think there's three things that the Republican Party needs to now do moving forward. One is stopping HRSR one and putting in integrity and confidence measures in our voting system. And that would include the five things I've mentioned often, Kathy, and that is we need picture ID, voter ID, you need signature verification, chain of custody, control, safety controls. You've got to always clean up the voter rolls before every election in my view, and the law states and most states like yours, that partisan observers have the right to watch the vote counting start to finish. That seems basic. The next thing is, it's writing itself the disaster of Joe's foreign policy weakness and appeasement and his economic policies. Now we have inflation at five percent. Now he wants to raise taxes over three trillion dollars. We're paying more for everything with higher gas prices. And then the last thing is is lay out that America First, make America great again conservative agenda that was working son, you know, and everything that you're saying, I mean, even as I'm listening once again, I mean, this is very disconcerting. Our nation is in trouble, and it's the very reason why I'm running for the Senate. We need good people. We need people who will walk in with a backbone, people who have lived a life, who have some journeys, who have some stories of how they've come through some formidable as myself growing up underneath the rock, growing up in the very deep South on a pig farm in southern Alabama. And yet although my family had reasons to complain growing up in the Deep South. They never once looked at me and told me I was a victim. We need people who understand the goodness of this country, the greatness of this country America's well, what would you do first, though? What would you what would your top agenda items be? Oh, my goodness, there's so many right, I mean, I believe China has to pay for what they have done. They consciously released a virus onto the American people. They knew what was going on by the time, I mean whether it was an accident initially, but they knew. They had time to know about it, They had time to alert the world community, and they did nothing. They sat on their hands, and they began to feed propaganda and call us racist if we said, if we dare to say that the virus actually came out of Wuhan, China, all of a sudden, we were racists. They continue to do that, But then we have look at what just happened with Israel and Hamas and the weakness that this administration is showing now all of a sudden, I wake up this morning to reading Knews that Biden wants to wants to talk out of both sides of his mouth. He wants to figure out a way to give Palestinians what it is that they're requesting at the same time staying in the Abraham. Of course, you can't do both. We need people who are walking into Congress who have a backbone were up in the air figuring out which way the wind is blowing. All right, quick break, we'll come back more with Kathy Barnett. She's a candidate for the Republican nomination in the US Senate in Pennsylvania and Utah Congressman Burgess Owens. Right as we continue, Congressman Burgess Owens of Utah, first term congressman, and Kathy Barnett is running for the nomination to be the Republican Senator in Pennsylvania. It's a very tight majority financy Pelosi, very slim majority for her, and she's, you know, she's unwilling to criticize the Squad, and as Joe Biden's been unwilling to take on the Squad. He's just adopted their new Green Deal socialist agenda, and the same with Schumer. They seem afraid of these Squad members. Although there were twelve Jewish Democratic lawmakers slamming Congresswoman Omar. But you know, the silence has been deafening in my view, Congressman Owens, And I'm just curious where you see this party moving forward, because if Republicans don't win in twenty twenty two, I'm not very confident about the country's future. Hang on a second, Congressman Owens. Yeah, yeah, let me just say this, uh Sean, don't don't never share never um short. Now, the American people, we're going to do the right thing and mean just just give an idea we're moving forward. HR one is not going to happen. Packing, the Court's not gonna happen. The Extra State's not going to happen. CRT H CRT now is being shown and parents are standing up. We are already we already have momentum. We're already or showing that we the people start coming together and talking, we're going to win this. So I would say that be be excited about where we are now because we're seeing contrast, and be excited about the fact that American people are waking up. And once we do that, there's no stronger power than we the people. So I'm very hopeful. I'm excited to be where I am to see what's going on and to see that the other side is losing momentum as we are gaining momentum, as we the people will compete to fight and win our freedom back. So I'm looking forward. What has surprised you the most that maybe you didn't expect going into DC. I guess I kind of thought I understood the power of Pelosi, but I just never saw this how well she can keep her side and line. There's no there's no h no sense of of of thought outside the box. And in that case, she has on our fists. So everything that she's doing so far, it's going to keep them in control. But here's the other piece of it. There are those models go we have this close margins five five votes now that are beginning to peel away. Keep an eye on that, because those folks want to be elected in twenty twenty two. They cannot do that on the far left. You have to start coming back towards the middle. We now see a way to not only slow them down, but educated with the people, hold outline and most importantly that we'll see again that that what the people American people did in twenty twenty the real miracle was making sure that we slipped fifteen seats, held on to our combers, and we're in a position now we're going to show the contrast and still at the same time, slow these guys down a little bit. You know, if you get you gotta I know you're getting into the Senate primary for Republicans in Pennsylvania, Kathy, Pennsylvania has been a hard state for Republicans historically, very very tight. How do you win by one of the things that we're doing, We're seeing so much, so many people come behind our campaign, and your listeners can go to Kathy Barnett and come behind us as well and make us for a middle bow. And it's simply me walking out and telling my story. My story is nothing less than the American story. It is upward mobility. It is everything that got me off that pig farm is being attacked today. Everything that allowed me to be able to call my way from underneath that row in southern Alabama as a very poor little girl there, but I was loved, but we were very poor. Everything that allowed me to get out of that situation is being attacked by the socialist Democrats today. And let me just also say there is nothing more important than voter integrity. I spent ten years in the US Army reasons I was accepted and to officer Candidacy school. I was never deployed overseas. But I have a lot of friends who came out of Afghanistan, and they have told me time and time again that the elections in Afghanistan are more secure than the election that took place here. And as a candidate last year in the Congressional fourth District, I had first I had I had an up close and personal view of what went wrong. I was the first candidate throughout the nation to file the lawsuit. They gave me access to my to the to the mel and ballast that we're being held two days before the election. I'm running of everything we knew. It was crazy. I'm running at a time. By the way, you know, African American Congressman Byron Daniels wanted to join the Congressional Black Caucus, he said, and he's been denied. They're blocking him. I mean, that makes no sense to make. We'll pick this up another day. I want to wish you both the best. Kathy. We're gonna watch your race very closely. Congressman, you're doing a great job of somebody. Everything everything you told us to urin the campaign you would do, you're doing. Thank you, Because that doesn't happen, they'll just say that I'll be in fithday with cath of this week looking forward to sporting or Candide and make sure that terrible you've seen him in Hrgan's finis. I'm looking forward to that process. Become appreciate you both being Willis as always quick break right back at twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program, So Josephbroad this is going to be a very interesting week on the heels of the disastrous trip that Kamala Harris just took. And as Joe is leaving, he tells our military global warming is the greatest threat to America. It's not a rand it's not China, it's not Russia, it's not radical Islamic terrorists, it's not Kim Jong un. It's global warming. By the way, he's a flashback. Last week Biden said white supremacy was the biggest threat to America. Now we've been laying out for you everything that Biden is now doing with the economy, the reckless amount of spending, the impact it's having on states and their ability to We have more jobs available than ever before, but people aren't taking them because of Joe's extra unemployment benefits. We now watched inflation in April at four point two percent. Well this month just came in May and it is even higher, at a whopping five point zero percent. That's not good everything now. The average price of a gallon of gasoline has gone up almost sixty five cents. A price to heat and cool your homes. That's going up. Everything you purchase and every store is delivered by an eighteen wheeler price a diesels up. That means every good you purchase that's going up through the roof as well. You know, Biden declaring overseas, I don't want to go back. I'm like, okay, you can stay. Biden, you know, declaring the US is back? What back to being the week the United States of America. The suckers that bribe dictatorships and drop you know, billions in cash on a tarmac for mullahs and irand the same people that give money to North Korea and get nothing in return. The same people that never stand up to China or the hostile regime of Russia. Another apology tour anyway, So a couple of developments have happened. One we saw just this week, Biden is as lifted the ban on TikTok that President Trump put in place because they believe that Chinese communists were spying on us through that app Now Joe says it's fine, just like Joe approved Vladimir Putin's pipeline to our allies in Western Europe while simultaneously killing career, high paying career jobs in the oil industry with the Keystone XL pipeline. And the news out today is the Keystone XL pipeline project has now been abandoned by the developer because there's no point with Joe being president even pursuing such a thing. None of this is good for the country. Now. A couple of Senators John Tester Montana and Steve John Tester and Steve Danes of Montana have put out statements regarding this, Steve Danes saying today that the company backing the Keystone XL pipeline is now forced to officially pull the plug, and he says it's devastating for our economy, for jobs, for the environment, for national security, and it's entirely Biden's fault. The Senator from the great state of Montana, Steve Daines, joins us, how are you, sir, Hey, I'm doing well. Sean, thanks. Well, that's not good news that the developer pulled out, but the developer, my view, had no choice. Well, they did. It's devastating news. But let's be very very clear, this is entirely present Biden's faults. He signed that executive order killing the pipeline six hours after you've sworn in. PC Energy didn't want to do this. That's the company was going to install the pipeline. They were forced by Biden. PC Energy was getting ready to bury the pipeline. There were literally pipes pre staged, the workers are there on the job site. We're going to get it ready to go and to create montanage. But instead Biden buried PC Energy, He buried the Montana jobs that came with it. This is a five billion dollars plus infrastructure projects, Sean, that's funded by the private sector, no cost of taxpayers, and Biden killed it really six hours into his administration. And finally, PC Energy could not afford to continue it with this uncertainty. And I don't blame him. They had to pull the plug. But they killed these jobs, the president anyway, and we've lost tens of millions of taxes. I've interviewed these guys, Senator. These jobs pay one hundred in some cases two hundred plus grand a year. These are great, high paying career and in most cases union jobs. And you know the cavalier statements of Buddha Judge and other administration officials. No, no, no no, we'll go well, we want you to have another high paying union job. Well, this very this is a very skills specific. If you're working in the energy sector, you just it doesn't translate necessarily into solar panels that maybe five years down the road. Well, remember, Sean, a pipeline is the most it's the safest way and the most environmentally sound way to transmit an oil product. If they don't do it by a pipeline, they do it by either trains or by trust, that will put more stress on the infrastructure, it'll create more carbon emissions. So it makes absolutely no sense, Sean Best, I can tell this was simply a payback to the radical environmentalist coming off the election. He said, you know what, I'm going to put a greater value on the radical environmentalist than I am on the jobs in Montana and across this country and energy security. I'll tell the folks who are cheering right now, the folks who are cheering this decision are the Chinese, the Iranians, and the Russians. We're importing more oil and liquids from Russia than we are from Saudi Arabia as we speak right now. Sean, all right, so we were energy independent though for the first time in seventy five years. We now have been watching even before this decision, well, not this decision, other energy decisions like Anmar. You know, energy prices are going through the roof. It's not good for our national security because we're dependent on countries that in many cases are hostile to us and hate us. It's the lifeblood of the world's economy. We're allowing Putin and Russia to get rich again. They're forming new alliances with our allies in Western Europe because they're now going to be dependent on Putin and Russia. And you know, then one has to ask, well, why would you make exemptions for Putin and President She and China and TikTok. Frankly, I'm of a suspicious mind that maybe Biden feels there's compromising information they might have on his zero experience son that made millions of dollars cashing in on his name. Well, there's no explanation, at least on the surface, Sean around why you would green light a natural gas pipeline from Russia and North dream too. That's going to make Europe more dependent now on Russia, create Russian jobs, put more hard currency into the Russian economy to prop up Putin, at the same time killing American jobs and killing our pipeline. Yet it makes absolutely no sense. Let me play for you. Let's take a trip down memory lane. And this was during one of the debates for President Trump. President Trump, he had to do the real question in because the mob and the media, you know, put Joe Biden in the candidate protection program. Now he's in the presidential protection program. Never gets asked a tough question. Not one person in the media mentioned that Hunter Biden used the N word so many times. Imagine if it was a Trump kid. But I digress. But Trump asked specifically Joe Biden in this debate about oil and energy and this is what happened. Would you close down the other would transition from their own industry? Yes, transition. It is a big statement because I would stop. Why would you do that? Because the oil industry pollutes significantly. I said, here's the deal, but if you let me finish the statement, because it has to be replaced by renewable energy over time, over time, And I'd stopped giving to the oil industry, I'd stopped giving them federal subsidies. You won't give federal subsidies to the to the gas, I would excuse me, to the solar and wind? Yeah, why are we giving it to oil industry? We actually do to win. That's maybe the biggest statement in terms of business. That's the biggest statement because basically, what is going to destroy the oil industry? Will you remember that Texas? We remember that, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma. I made a great exchange. And the people that were laid off by the stroke of that pen Keystone XL pipeline, other people in the energy sector, they didn't get high paying career jobs that replace the jobs they just lost. Senator Well, I'll day what President Trump was right, and I know there's a lot of voter remorse at the moment seeing what's going on President by you know, and when I look at the comments made earlier about the threats to the world thrust of this country, frankly, it's the philosophy and the actions of the Biden administration and the socialist Democrats right here in Washington, DC. They are frankly a big threat to the future of this country. In the future, the free will look what they have done emboldening Iran, and that of course triggers Hamas and Hezbollah. Again, our adversaries are cheering these actions, Shawn, and it's hard working Americans who are bearing the brunt of higher energy prices, lost jobs, loss of national security. It's the American worker that is feeling the pain from these decisions by present Biden. And there are adversaries that are literally standing on their chairs and cheering right now. I mean that's that I agree with you completely. And we've given up probably one of the defining top five success stories of the Trump administration, which is for the first time in seventy five years, achieving energy and dependence and the benefits. We had energy cheaper than we've ever had it. Now those prices are going up. It has a ripple effect a negative one. We paid more for all the goods we buy in every pharmacy, every every drug store, every grocery store, every home depot, and lows that we go into. Look at the price a lumber, you know, look at the hacking by Russians. And I just raised the question, why is he giving exemptions to putin to build his pipeline while taking away simultaneously American jobs. That doesn't make sense to me, Senator, it makes no sense at all. And to tell you, we were in a strong position in this country coming off a present from the administration with our economy, energy security, and we're it's just befuddled all of us here to see what this administration is doing to unilaterally disarm our country, at least to energy security. This is a very dangerous threatned fact, this is one of our key advantages we have to be China long term. We are free, they're not. We are the rule law, they don't. We have an abundant supply of energy and they don't. Those are amazing advantage we have. You see what's going on here with the Democrats who many have gone so far left it's hard to even walks them anymore. In present Biden. They're the one that a weekend this country. And this is the fight we've got right now in washing in DC. Quick break. The Labor Department's Consumer Price Index, which measures a basket of goods and services as well as energy and food cost it went up five percent from May last year. That's higher than April's four point two percent year over year rise in prices, the biggest twelve month rise since August of two thousand and eight. And we all know what happened then. And the core consumer Price Index, which excludes volatile food and energy costs, that one up four percent from a year ago. And I'm looking at these numbers. This is impacting every single American in every way. Now, add to that the six trillion dollars that Joe is spending, add to that the three tra ollion that he wants to add in new taxes. I think you would agree with me, Senator. Corporations tend not to pay taxes. They'll pass the cost on to consumers, won't they They will. There's no there's no free lunch er. You raise taxes, you raise prices. Sean I worked in a private taxes for twenty eight years. Most of the time with publicly traded companies, that's exactly what happens. And remember inflation. Inflation is one of the greatest threats to the American people's paycheck because it shrinks the paycheck. You go back to what happened back in the nineteen seventies, and we were dependent on the Middle East for oil the War of yam Kipur, oil prices quadrupled and we saw a thirty year fixed mortgage for our home at eighteen point six percent in nineteen eighty one. That was because of high energy prices and inflationary shock on the economy, and of course the Fed raised rates. Listen, you know we were living in a time of unpresident of prosperity under President Trump and President Biden. Now is putting at risk this economy, killing jobs, inflation, interest rates are going out Sean. That's just that's just a fact. As the seas, inflation and pressors hit in the economy. Let me get your take on this Biden proposal of a global a global control of US taxes. Now, you know they want this twenty one percent or fifteen percent global corporate minimum tax on American businesses. Now, I think by pushing hard for this. There's an admission here. It's a terrible idea. And I think what they're trying to do is they recognize it is such a disincentive to business. They're trying to get every other country to join in with their stupidity to justify it because they know that businesses will take their business to other countries. Is that a fair assumption? Absolutely? I mean, sean, each one of us that serves here in the United States Congress, the Senate, in including the President presidency as well as the chemists, we swore an owe to the Constitution of the United States of America, not to the EU, not to our European allies. I mean, I don't I don't disagree what shouldn to work with our allies, but for Heaven's sakes, we've got to put pauses in place the United States to protect our businesses. Prior to the taxes we cut back in two thou seventeen, we were having inversions going on. That's where companies would send their businesses overseas because of tax reasons. Once we passed the tax cuts to twenty and seventeen with President Trump, you know what, that came to an immediate halt that's why you've got Secretary Yellen going overseas wanting to get our European allies to essentially raise their taxes because they've been lowering tax in place like Ireland. Why to attract more businesses. It's not that complicated. You raise taxes in the the United States, you're going to see businesses leave our country and the jobs well, that's why they leave in states like New York, California, New Jersey, Michigan, etc. But not leave in Montana. And people like me need to go to Montown. I get the hell out of here, Senator. We always love having you. Thank you, sir John. We've got we've got. We've got a great governor in Greg Gain four day of the public, first Republican in sixteen years East, cutting taxes, lowering spending, making government run more efficiently. Montana's open for business. You know what, that's great news. I'm glad the people of Montana are not suffering the way we are. I really mean that. Going up next, our final news round Up and Information Overload hour. All Right, News round Up, Information Overload Hours Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, If you want to be a part of the program. I love Joe Bideney, he gushes in Europe, I don't want to go home. I'm like, it's okay, Joe, you can stay. We're perfectly fine with that. Stay there for as long as you want, although it's gonna get very embarrassing, very fast. And Kamala Harris sits down with Lester Holt hardly a tough interview, and he asked, well, you're going to go to the border, and this turned into a disaster with the nervous laugh included. Americans don't see a lot of them a daily basis. What they do see it they're at their own border, children being lowered over fences, children coming in with you know, phone numbers stenciled on their hand. And so the question has come up, and you heard it here and you'll hear it again. I'm sure it's why not visit the border? Why not see what Americans are seeing in this crisis. Well, we are going to the border. We have to deal with what's happening at the border. There's no question about that. That's not a debatable point. But we have to understand that there's a reason people are arriving at our border and ask what is that reason and then identify the problem so we can fix it. Just quickly put a button. Do you have any plans to visit the border at some point? You know we are going to the border. We've been to the border. So this whole, this whole, this whole thing about the border. We've been to the border. We've been to the border. You haven't been to the border, and I haven't been to Europe, And I mean, I don't I don't understand the point that you're making. I'm not discounting the importance of the border. Well, okay, and I but she hasn't been to the moon either, But there's a crisis at the border. Lester Holt, to his credit, I guess he might have actually been why the Hannity program because I don't know many programs that have been showing the images of Joe and Kamala's cages that they've been building down at the border in the middle of a pandemic. Overcrowded is as much as possible, there's no room to even walk around, kids piled on top of each other, COVID running rampant, and then being sent out and shipped out to other states as Joe and Kamala and the stay in Mexico policy stopped border wall construction, and catch and release basically becomes a process and release you don't even get a court date. And then the States they're prohibited from deporting people, and they're just burdened with the financial cost of food and water and shelter and healthcare and education and everything else because they failed to enforce the laws of this land. And you know, if I did it, if you did it, that would be eighty in a betting in a crime, and that would probably mean time in jail. But you only a time in jail if you're a conservative or a Republican, not a Democrat. We have with us to respond to this and much much more. We've gotten very impressed with the Arizona Attorney General. He has a big announcement he's making today. We now have been putting him on the program a lot because he's been on the front lines telling us the truth what's really going on at the border, and he actually has the legal background and fighting the Biden Harris administration, and he's done a phenomenal job. He's impressed everyone here on this program, and many of you have given us a lot of positive feedback on him. Why don't we start with your announcement and then we'll move towards your reaction to Kamala Harris. Thank you Sean for having me on. There's so much to talk about it. But as you've talked about the importance of the rule lawn federalism and protecting our borders, supporting hardworking taxpayers, ensuring that we have good judges to understand the rule laws, standing up to China, protecting our religious Livia Second memor rights, all the stuff you and I've talked about. It's important that we have a senator in Arizona that represents Arizona values and not Washington, DC values. And so you were one of the very first people that ever even kind of planning to see in my mind about Hey, Burnovitch, why don't you run through the Senate? And I'll tell you what I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna now I'm now seeing today right now on your show for the first time, I'm going to run through the Senate. I'm jumping in the race. I'm need a lot of help from a lot of people. You know, I am a public school kid, a first generation American, and I'm need a lot of help. People can go to Burno for easy dot com to help out. But it's time we have senators that understand about Berno. By the way, be just the way it's not now it's basin boy ours in Romeo and as in November, os An Oscar for flrasy dot com Berno. So we got the burnover game. I'm gonna need help supporting you know, the rule of law, helping secure our border, and we got to put pressure on the Biden administration. John, You're doing it, but a lot of other people in the media aren't. To make sure that they're not content. We need to take this country in this radical left direction, whether it's centralized the election of DC, whether it's overwhelming the border law enforcement communities, you know, or whether it's undermining you know, the rule at We got to have folks that we stand up and fight. And that's what I've done my entire career. I would imagine because when I did the town hall in Nashville with some of the most prominent governors, Governor Doocey was on that show told me he is not running against Mark Kelly. I do think this is a seat that is winnable. I think Mark Kelly is out of touch with the people of Arizona on issues like the border, like the Second Amendment, and he pretty much has been towing the Chuck Schumer radical left democratic socialist New Green Deal line, and he's become a reliable leftist vote for the country for the Democratic Party. And I would think there's a vulnerability there absolutely if the look, I grew up in Arizona, and we need a center that has Arizona values. In Arizona of values are traditional conservative libertarian values. To understand that, you know, the role of the government is not to give us our rights, but the states created the federal government and the governments are instituted to ensure liberty and the rule of law. And he doesn't understand that. And as you just said, John, he is all about taking orders from Chuck and Nancy. He is a weak politician. He votes ninety percent of the time but the hardcore left party line, and so he really frankly doesn't care about Arizona or own values. He cares about being a Washington Duci politician. And it frustrates me because they said public school kid that grew up here in Arizona the home of Barry Goldwater and all these you know, great folks that understand, understood federalism. And then we don't want to centralize powered Washington, DC. Tell he doesn't get it. And when we we as conservatives, and I know you've talked about this too, when we articulate and defend our values, we focus on, you know, securing the border, upholding the rule of law, ensuring that you know, a light low tax as light regulatory touch, ensure me of judges that don't make the law, that enforce the law, protecting our Second Amendment rights. All these things that are so fundamental to liberty and freedom. He doesn't understand. And you know, Sean, this is what the left doing, all the stuff you know, you mentioned, you know Biden even you know europe mound stuff. You know, they want to radically shift power to Washington. Do you see. And whether it's you know hr one, you know sp one nationalizing election, whether it's undermining our Second Amendment rights, whether it'supporting judges, they're implement a radical agenda. They want to fundamentally offer this country. And you just said a second ago you alluded to Joe Biden saying the generals were saying that climate change is the biggest problem. Look, when the Soviet Union collapsed, communism didn't die. All those people just ended up in the environmental movement. And the environmental movement is all about centralizing power with global elites and controlling all of our lives. You know, there's so much there. Let me go specifically though. Um Look, I think Putin's gonna eat Joe Biden's lunch. Whether it's in public or private, it doesn't matter. We know that Joe Biden and his Secretary of State Blincoln, literally go to Anchorage and got lectures on human rights from the communist Chinese, and they took it. They got a verbal public beatdown. Now, Kamala Harris, you know, is given an education and literally, you know, a knockdown punch from the president of Guatemala, Mexico. You're causing the problem. We're not causing the problem. You're causing the problem. And then she can't even do a simple interview with Lester Holt and answer a question. You're going to the border. Now you know this because you've been on the program before, mister Attorney General. I've I've been to that border. I've been in Arizona on the border. I've been from Rio grand to San Diego twelve thirteen, fourteen times. I've stopped counting. I've been on helicopters and boats. I've been on altar vehicles. I've been on horseback. I've been on foot. I've been there when gang members are arrested. I've watched families in the middle of interviewing Governor Rick Perry at the time. I've watched entire families from El Salvador just crossed the border. The governor of the state is right there. I was there for that. I've been to the drug warehouses floor to ceiling, the biggest warehouse I've ever seen, with the worst stench in the world. And this is where ninety percent of heroin and fentnall is making its way into this country. And I haven't been to Europe either. What kind of answer that I got an education every time I went to the border. I saw the tunnels that were dug from Mexico up into an office building in San Diego. Maybe she can learn a thing or two, Sean. Without a doubt, the border crisis is not only a national security issue, it's a public health and safety issue, and you know, you and I talked about this too, that the cartels make money off every single human being and all the drugs that are going across the border. By the Biden administration's lack of interaction, they are enriching and empowering the cartels. And we've seen this. We know that settin al numbers are record numbers, are the way above what they were last year. The cartels are using this the small little more drugs in our countries. That's going to plute the neighborhoods. We know that as a result of the Biden administration's failure to deport people that have deportation orders, we're pending the federal judges order right now. She asked the tough questions the Biden administration, and we hope we're going to win because we're writing the law, because the law requires for people to report it. But literally, Sean, you have people that are being released from prisons in Arizona, Texas, in every places, people that have been convicted of serious crimes, assaults, rapes, all these crimes that ICE will not pick up because the Biden administration is cutting our undercutting the agents from Border Patrol and ICE. They can't do their jobs. These people are being released into our communities. And I would say this to Kamala Harris. You know I've invited to the border if she the root causes of immigration. By the way, have you ever heard back, not even a letter a note? They tell us the pound San Sean. It's ridiculous. We've we reached out and it shows that they care more about people living in Central America than they do about the American taxpayers. We're on pace to have more than two million people illegally crossed the border. I know that they in the dark a night are shipping illegal immigrants into forty eight states. But you know a lot of the financial burden, a lot of people end up staying in Arizona. What does that mean for Arizona taxpayers? Don't they have to pay for food and shelter and water and healthcare and education? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, everything you just said. That's the problem is that there's consequences. We know the Biden administration has signed at least eighty seven million dollars in contracts to house people that have illegally crossed our southern border, and we know that there's more. In fact, we've asked for a contract that they just signed for a hotel, a nice, really nice area and Phoenix, Scottsdale in shape people know, Scottsdales or Purdise Valley. They're going to house up to two thousand people in a detention center. They have not coordinated with us, They haven't told us any information. We tried to figure out, like, well, what happens if you know people are released. There's a school, right either, there's a senior center right either. The Biden administration is implemented a policy that says that in certain areas they're not going to enforce immigration law and arrest people. So does that means if someone leaves that they have a criminal records, they're gonna be able to go into the senior center or the school or anywhere else. We know that. We do know that the Biden administration has reached out to local school officials to tour that asasillity, not law enforcement, you know, not anybody like that, the school officials. And that means I think what it means because they won't tell us, but we think that means that they're preparing so they can have a bunch of kids attend the Scottsdale Public schools. So you know, this affects taxpayer seat on so many different levels. You know, now you're gonna have a district having to hire you teachers English language teachers, and you're creating incentive or not you, but the Biden administration is creating these incentives. And so we're paying for this. Whether it's in a law enforcement with a record number of chases now where you have local sheriffs having to get more pursuits and chases which endangerous public safety, we're gonna pay for it. And more drugs coming into our country and not polluting our neighborhoods, We're gonna pay for it when the crimes of the cartels become more powerful and more wealthy and powerful to intimidate folks. And then you know, you just talked about the cost as federal and state taxpayers when it comes to healthcare, when it comes to education, I mean, we literally now are paying to be you know, are housing folks that have come across the border legally, We're paying for their childcare. We're gonna pay for their healthcare. We're gonnay for education and all these benefits. And it's not fair to taxpayers. And if we want to have a same policy when it comes intigration. What the Biden administration has done is exactly the antifesis to it. And I'm going to say, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden three ten million dollars a taxpayer money if they want to know if the root causes of integration are it's because America is the greatest country in the world. People want to come here, but we have to have an orderly system. You can't just create incentives financially and non enforced the law, because you're gonna end up with exactly what we have through now, where the system is getting overwhelmed on so many levels. Well, we're gonna watch this race very very closely. I think there is a Bellweather Senate election. I mean, we have Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, we have New Hampshire, we have Wisconsin, we have Ohio, we have Arizona, we have Alaska. A lot of a lot of interesting races that are gonna that mean a lot for twenty twenty two Attorney General Mark Bernovich, thank you for being with us. If people wanted to find you again, how do they find you? It's Berno for az dot Com it's pr n OWA. That's how you spell it for short. Yes, yes, berno, yes b r n f O R easy dot com berno forasy dot com. We follow this race, and that would be a seat that I'd love the Republicans to pick up. We need it desperately. We need that seat. We need that seat desperately. Anyway, sir, thank you. We appreciate you being with us. Quick break right back, your calls on the other side straight ahead, and you'll hear what everyone really thinks in DC. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Let's get to our busy phones. Karen is in the beautiful sunshine state of Florida where they have no state income tax and they have no tax. How are you? It is a beautiful play. Sean, Thank you, thank you. I wanted to say regarding Hunter's emails using the N word, Okay, I am not surprised in the least. He is his father's son. He was raised by Joe Bidens and will probably suffer no consequences because of it. It's that double standard you've been speaking of for the last few months, and when you talk about the systemic and coordinated. Those are my words injustices against Trump in particular and conservatives in general, that that double standard is very clear. And I just wanted to ask, or just say, the same playbook used against Trump and conservatives right now and some Republicans is the exact playbook that blacks have been complaining about for a hundreds of years in America. And this but I pointed this out. I don't mean interrupt. I've been pointing this out for years, every two years, every four years. You know, this is the Democratic playbook. You know, nineteen ninety eight radio ad if you elect Republicans, black churches will burn, you know, Republicans and Al Gore going into his African America preacher voice, I'm the wrong agenda for African Americans. I don't even want to count you in the census or put you all back in chains. And I can go on and on, and you know, it's like my father was killed all over again in two thousand that ad. But now it's worse. Now it's like almost every issue you know now, Democrats are so angry that Joe Mansion is not going along with this unconstitutional hr SR one that would not bring any integrity to future elections. They're calling him a racist, and yet every major media outlet has ignored Hunter's use of the N word. Every major media outlet ignored Joe's partnership with Robert Byrd, guy that filibustered the sixty four Civil Rights Act to stop integration of schools because he didn't want public schools to be racial jungles. It's Karen, you take it from here. It's they don't want to tell the truth that only when they can turn this into a political issue does it become an issue. So it leads me to one question for you, Sean. I've been dying to ask you that you have a remarkable library of videos and audios of a lot of these flip flops from Biden and others, and when he's speaking about the racial jungles, and when he's saying all of these things, and you know there are millions of people who don't believe it's true when you say it. When will you provide for us so we can purchase I don't care if you put it on your website, but we need a nice thirty minute video of clips of the flip flops of every single aspect of what Biden has said showing the flip flop, we would love it. Other people can see it for themselves, and you don't have to keep beating a course. I give it away for free. I just haven't made a library or compilation available. But you know, it's certainly a signature of both our radio show and the TV show, and that is we show you what they said before and what they show what they're saying now. Like this week, a Barack Obama was weighing in on racial issues and I just interspersed Joe Biden to his comments. And that's not anything that anyone else that I know of in the media mob does. And the only thing I have to do is we need you three hours a day on radio, one hour a night on TV. That's not that much to ask among friends, right, Karen, Absolutely, Except many of the people we're trying to get that information too, are not. It's like your I do like your idea. Maybe we'll do montages radio, montagees TV. Won't put them up on Hannity dot Com. Linda, that would that would probably be a lot of work, right. Are you asking me to do it? Are you telling me I'm not asking I'm asking you know how how big a project would I be putting on everybody? A big because we're busy all day. All right, we're gonna I like your idea and principle. Let me see. Let me talk with my team after. I don't want to put him on the spot on live radio. Okay, wonderful, Please, Linda, you guys are doing a great job. Thank you, all right, thank you way. It's easy for me to say, yeah, get that done. Everyone's like rolling their eyes. What in ten minutes? You know if these things take time? Oh? Big time? Aj Houston, Texas? What's going on? Baby? How are you big job shy? I can't scream it out. I'm trying. I'm trying to go easier on the vocal cord. I got you back, I got you back. Hey, but I gotta do it Linda. First of all, the biggest threat we got. No, no, no, no no, AJJ. If you're gonna do Linda, you gotta do it right, fist of a all. No, he's gonna do it his Way's got his own thing. Thank you. I can't imitate a JU festival. Well, let me let me help you out first, say the word. I'll teach you a couple of words. Say coffee, coffee, say talk radio, talk radio. Come on, no, no, no, it's gotta be talk, it's gotta be twalk radio. Let me hear it, talk radio. Oh you man, you're helpless, you know. Wait minute, wait, festival, but wait a minute. First of all, you talk me to a white guy on the radio. Come on, oh man, hey, And third of a friend of the serious of it all the America. I'm sick of the race game. I'm tired. I'm tired of these white liberals bamboos in the black volts. I'm tired of the black liberals bamboos in the black volts to hate people. All we see is videos of black running around, knocking people down, walking people out, and they call it white supremacists. People. We are tired, and we need Republicans. Don't come on, Sean, don't come on. Everybody showing just talk talk talk. We need you to start doing some walking because the Democrats don't care who they hurt, how they hurt. And y'all sit back and take the medicine. Sean can do it all, joke and do it all, and God bless us, he did it. But don't go if Republicans don't we send you to work for us. We gotta work every day. We can't be doing. That's what we send y'all up there, food the faith for us. And if y'all can't do it, get out of there so we can get somebody in there that's willing to take the licks and keep on taking life bad. Donald Trump, does I mean chan it's a joking word. Joe biting you. I'm gonna change it, hey, people, rappers, everybody. Instead of using that word that Al Sharp is supposed to and bury, just use big time. That's all you got to do. Man. I got tape of Al Sharpton saying that that word about David Dinkins, the first African American mayor of New York. Come home, and I got that tape Telepi. Don't little push you got golden put you know, Black Ben next to you seeing you for the hall. And that's part of the archives. And that's what of the lies that they told and were quick, Sean Red quick. Ain't parents get on these teachers, get on them, dalk on unions and stop letting him in doctor needing our kids from college to preschool, from everywhere. We tied Sean. We tied in. If twenty two of you can't get tired, you gotta stay in the fight. I'm telling everybody now engaged. Now we're tired of what they're doing. All hands, all hands on deck, period, All right, big time. We love you, We love you. You're the best. Julians in Kansas. Hey, Julie, how are you. Hi, Sean, I'm doing great, Thanks for having me today. Thank you. UM. I called in because I wanted to talk about the issue of the vaccine vaccines with service members, especially with what has come to light with natural immunity, and how natural immunity is very effective and long lasting. Many service members already have natural immunity because they already had coronavirus. They didn't get to just stay at home, you know, when everybody else did. They were still working, they were on the front lines, and they've already recovered from COVID and now they are facing massive amounts of pressure and coercion to take what is supposed to be a voluntary vaccine because it is not fully FDA approved. And when I say they're facing coercion and pressure, what I'm talking about is the fact that people who have declined the voluntary vaccine. They're being told that they can't use fitness facilities, that they can't use certain dining facilities, that they're not allowed to take I mean, but that they're not using the science. Well you're a discription priest. Yeah, yeah, the vaccinated Joe yesterday wearing a mask while visiting American troops in the UK. And I'm like, well, if you want to know where vaccine hesitancy is coming from, we'll look at the mixed messages of Joe yes And that's another thing, is the masking. You know, service members who have taken the voluntary vaccine, they no longer have to wear the mask, but those who have declined, even if they have natural immunity, are still required to mask and they don't. Who do we not trust the science from the Cleveland clinic that we discussed yesterday. No, because it's not about immunity. It's about control. That's it, the bottom line. It's about control, and they have proven that they do not care about the mental and physical wellness of our service members. There are deployed service members overseas right now defending our nation who cannot use the gym's overseas because they have declined a voluntary vaccine. And I would just like to point out this quick fact that to date, to date, only twenty six service members across all branches, active duty, National Garden Reserves, only twenty six have died with COVID, not necessarily from COVID, just COVID positives. And when you compare that to the numbers of suicides in twenty twenty, there were over six hundred service members suicides just in the quarter of twenty Just in the fourth quarter of twenty twenty, there was a twenty five increase when compared to twenty nineteen. And they keep our soldiers from using the fitness facilities that help them with their physical and mental wellness. It's just wrong. I don't disagree. It's sad, listen. I don't believe in mandatory vaccinations. It's happening in the NFL too. I don't believe that. I believe in medical privacy. Every American now has been told that the vaccine works. Every American now has an opportunity to get vaccinated. Now, if you choose not to, you're doing so knowing the risk. And if other people make the same decision and you transmit the virus to each other, then that is a risk that you have assumed, and you've got to live with your decision. I actually have faith in people and their ability to discern what is best for them. I urge people to take it seriously. I urge people to research extensively. I urge people to take their nique medical condition into account, talk to their doctor, their doctors, medical professionals they trust, and then make your decision from a position of you know, look, if I han't been telling everybody, and a lot of pressure was brought to bear on me to tell everybody what to do, I'm telling everyone to take it seriously and do what I just said. But I can't. I don't know anybody's medical condition. I don't know anything about anybody's medical I have no idea if you have any comorbidities Julie, or pre existing conditions, or any compromised immune issues. I don't know. I'm not a doctor if you had COVID, And now the Cleveland Clinic is saying vaccinations don't do a damn playing to add protection for you. Well, is that science? Are we supposed to listen to that science? I mean, I just I refuse to go down that road and play doctor just like you know, I'm not going to tell people how to invest their money. I talk about things that interest me. I've never been a somebody that trusts the stock market, you know, But I just everybody's got to inform themselves. I believe in the power of individuals to make good decisions. Everybody knows about masks, everybody knows about social distancing. Everybody knows there are three vaccines available. Not everybody knows there's a difference between say, Maderna and Fiser and the science behind that vaccine versus Johnson and Johnson. I prefer the Johnson and Johnson old fashioned way of vaccinations. I believe in science. I believe in vaccinations. You know, people have saying, well, you need to tell us did you get your vaccine. I'm not telling you. There's none of your business. It's none of your business. It's up to us, we the people, We get to decide. And you know what, think of how important that mistake is. Rand Paul was right. He had COVID. He didn't get vaccinated, but he got excoriated, and now the science is proving it was right. That's gonna wrap things up at today Hannity Tonight, nineties turn on Fox. The mob, double standards with Hunter, the N word, the double standard on oh riots, the double standard on pretty much everything, And why is the Congressional Black Caucus blocking an African American Republican that wants to join? Also the media mob that is out there and their report, Oh if Donald Trump was redeemed on the Lafayette Square parkins and oh but we we'll just make fun of it. Unbelievable. And the disastrous border policies will update you what's going on there. Joe Biden calls Russia the biggest threat to the US. Oh no, now it's climate change. I changed my mind. I forgot what I had said in the past, all of that critical race theory, double standard on riots, A much more nineties turn Hannity on Fox. Will see then back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.

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