Bill O'Reilly: The World Is Watching

Published Aug 18, 2021, 10:01 PM

 Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of 15 instant #1 books including the #1 “Killing” series of histories, and his new bestseller, “Killing the Mob,” discusses the tragic situation in Afghanistan. This is very dangerous to know the world is watching and they see a very weak America right now...

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All right, there's nothing simple about what has going on in Afghanistan. There's nothing simple about you know, how is it even possible we do not know how many thousands of Americans are in peril. How is it possible that we're sending out notes to people in Afghanistan. Yeah, we can't guarantee your safety as you make your way to Karzai International Airport for hopeful departure. How is it possible that our intelligence community and the President of the United States could be so wrong just in the last week. Oh, there's the greatest army, three hundred thousand strong, one of the best trained armies in the world. But they even have an air force and there's only seventy five thousand Taliban. And how did they see sixty percent of the country by last week? And nobody said, oh, this is not going well and stop that. Stop it dead in its tracks there while we had a chance. Who would pull out the military before you evacuate every American citizen. There's no simple solution that I see in terms of the only way to get Americans out at this point will require some type of agreement, compassion, if there's such a thing within inside the hearts of the Taliban, you know, the terrorist supporting group. I don't see a simple solution here, Bill O'Reilly all things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. You know, I wish more than I wish more than anything else. You and I could do one of our fund segments just just screwing around, but that's not today, sir Well. I agree, there are a lot of things going on that will have implications for Americans in the future. That's what I'm concentrating my reporting on today. So you noticed yesterday that the Chinese communist newspaper mocked Joe Biden. He's saying, if we invade Taiwan, don't expect Biden to help you that you know what the exact words were. He will abandon Taiwan, just as he abandoned Afghanistan. But Bill, they've been threatening our military, the Japanese military. They're lecturing us in Anchorage, Alaska on human rights, and they had a fit and lectured us for landing our airplane in Taiwan, our ally, not theirs. And they're talking about reunification or basically the takeover of Taiwan, and not a peep out of Joe. But Joe's gonna have to. He would not be able to stand by and not defend Taiwan. That would be the end of Joe Biden. He may be impeached over that. To just keep that in mind, the Chinese push it, then we're into a world war, and the odds of them pushing it are much greater today they were a week ago because of the debacle in Afghanistan. It's a very important point. This doesn't have to do with Afghanistan. This is a world wide situation. And now our enemies China, Russia, and Iran, they know that Joe Biden is weak. Now. When I talked to Donald Trump, and I know you did as well, he made the point that no doubt he wanted out of there. But they never they the Taliban never would have done this because he told them faith to faith on the phone. So I don't know whether it was a zoom or not. That if you don't participate in the coalition government and you heard any Americans that we're going to kill you can add a little add a little little behind this because what you're saying is profound. You asked the important question because Joe Biden's trying to blame well, I inherited this from from Donald Trump. He also inherited secure borders and energy independence, and that didn't stop him from changing pol So that's a cop out. But what there were many people on this call. I would actually like the transcript released because apparently on the call, Donald Trump says, you need to understand me, very very clearly. If you do not abide by every comma and period in any agreement we make, and if one American gets hurt, this is what will happen to you. And he said what we did to the Caliphate in Syria is nothing in comparison to what I have planned for you, and then interestingly told the leader of the Taliban exactly where he was at that moment. And that guy didn't think, and that guy didn't know that Trump knew. And that's why after Trump announced to May first departure that the Taliban did not do what it did in the last ten days. So you didn't see you from gathering. You saw planning because they knew in November that Trump wasn't going to be president. But you didn't see a mobilization until Biden took over, and then they had their plan. They see, unlike the United States government the Taliban had a plan, and I had a lot of letters about, you know, the micro of this. How does the Taliban operate? You know, they control the opium in Afghanistan. They make millions and millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars doing that. They have more money than you could possibly ask. And they buy weapons from Russia, from China, you know, on the black market. But they were very well armed and their discipline, whereas the Afghan government was corrupt, totally corrupt, and the armed forces of Afghanistan knew that, they knew that they were corrupt, and they weren't going to fight unless there were as an American presence back them up. So anybody and petrayas, who's the best at this? General Petreya's former CIA director, He's the best, he's the best analyst. You want to get him on the TV side. I think he'd come on with you. He said, I have been telling them for years, them being the federal government, you have to leave a residual force in Bagram to have the spectaur of air strikes. You have to do that, and that's not hard. If that's not by no, we have to get out, No, no, and everybody knows we have troops in Okinawa and South Korea and Germany. It's not hard to do that. And you're not putting Americans at risk either, because you have a treaty that says the Taliban is not the harm Americans and if they break it, then we killed them. But what people have to understand is how weak a president Joe Biden is. And the second thing that all Americans have to understand, and it's never been boarded, is that this is the second humanitarian disaster that Biden has presided over. The first is the border. So we don't see the pictures of the cartels raping, assaulting, murdering poor migrants trying to get into the United States. We don't see those pictures, and therefore the press, to corrupt corporate media doesn't report it. But we're talking tens of thousands of migrants being you know, many more than in Afghanistan. At this point, the Taliban is gonna wipe out. You believe, waited to see what happens in that rain of terror. But this is the second massive Here's what I want to focus you though. Bill. This is what we now have. The New York Post reports and Afghan woman shot to death by the Taliban for not wearing a burka. A woman and a child beaten bloody by the Taliban, a Cobbo airport. Photos that we have that are out there, will show them tonight on Hannity. Senior Taliban officials ordering all Afghan women, this is in the Wall Street Journal between the ages of fifteen and forty to become sex slaves for Taliban fighters. We have New York Post again women blinded by the Taliban shooting says other victims were fed to dogs. Another headline, Wall Street Journal, Afghan troops are being executed after they surrender to the Taliban. The White House is not sure how much of their US military equipment was left behind, but we have videos showing it was beyond extensive. Now things are so bad. There's a desperate woman that was throwing a baby over a razor wire at a compound, begging British soldiers to take their children because they feel the life is over for them. Now, the question is, Bill, give me a solution short of the being at the mercy of the Taliban to get the untold thousands of Americans the hell out of there. Because Joe didn't know this was coming, and he told us just the opposite. Remember, he's watching it very closely, Hannity, Yeah, okay. And Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor, who looks like, you know, he's out of some kind of left wing club in darkness, they're they're watching it very closely. So that, oh, that's got to be comforting to the people who are being slaughtered and will be. So the question is what do you do now? Well, the answer is that privately, you tell the leaders of the Taliban, there's about twelve of them, that they are going to be killed by drones and possibly their whole family because if they're in the house having supper, the drone's not going to separate them from the other people in the house, that they will be killed by. Bill. They got thousands of Americans that they're going to use them as shields. Bill. Okay, But Danny, I'm giving you a solution. You ask me a question. I'm listening. I'm dude, I'm listening. Okay. So the top dude, that would be Joe Biden, commander in chief, send a message through CARSI, who's a traitor by the way, through the Taliban saying if you do not allow the people who want to leave to go to the airport uninhibited. We are going to kill you with Trumps. You'll never know when it's coming, but it will come. And put the names gives cars out of the names. These are the people who we will kill. That is the only solution. I have just given it to you. The President of the United States can absolutely do that. But is Biden going to do it? You know, come on? Would Trump do it? In two seconds? The difference as Trump wouldn't have put us in this position, Bill would not the Americans in Africa, and it wouldn't have happened this way if you had been reelected. It wouldn't happen this way because the Taliban don't want to die, so they would have worked out some kind of coalition government. They would have run the country. Islamic fundamentalism is ingrained in Afghanistan. It's always going to be that way. As I said, the government that we supported there was corrupt. Soldiers were shaking down villagers, opium traffic all over the place. But it wouldn't have been this way because Trump would have made it personal like he always does. Well, that was what the plan is, That's what the plan was, that's not the plan is executed. For the life of me, Bill, I mean, I'm really scratching my head. I don't like the position that we're in. I don't like you see China Russia both racing in to exploit it and recognize the new Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. We don't even know how many thousands of American citizens that exist here. And Bill, I'm not I'm really worried about him. I don't care. These are our fellow Americas. I just gave you the solution having not only I'm not sure it works because I think Phil when you have, when you have thousands of Americans that you're going to use as human shields or even more barbaric, which we know the Taliban is capable of. Um, they will start executing, beheading, hanging, whatever, beating Americans and they'll put it out viral on social media somewhere. Apparently they're still up on Twitter, but Donald Trump is canceled. Explain that to me, Well, that's what I f that's where my fear lies. The Twitter people really have a problem now allowing Taliban propaganda to go out with the ban. Donald Trump, I mean, you can't justify it. But I'm just going to get back. As you know, my next book is Killing Killers, and we walk you through how the United States wiped out Ices, wiped out Solomani, wiped out most of the terror leaders. I know what I'm talking about. The only solution to keeping the Taliban from a holocaust in Afghanistan is to tell them directly we will execute you you and if you do that, now they believe Trump. But I don't think Biden would ever do it. Maybe I'm wrong, but there is no other way. We're not going to send US troops back. DATO is not going to send troops in. That's not going to happen. So Biden has presided over two humanitarian disasses, one on the border, one in Afghanistan. He's only been in office seven months. It's really really something that all Americans, particularly those who voted for Joe Biden, should sit down and take fifteen to twenty minutes to think about. Got to pray for these these people. Bill. We need them home alive. We don't need we don't need a mass slaughter. My greatest fear at the moment, Bill O'Reilly all things, Bill, O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. Thank you sir for being well. Let's appreciate it. Eight hundred and nine for one sean. If you want to be a part of the program, we'll get to your calls. I know a lot of you have a lot to weigh in on here. We'll do very fast calls, get your comments. And I just sense this feeling of you know, the Biden administration is trusting the Taliband to ensure safe passage for Americans fleeing for their lives. That was your jobs, Joe. If they managed to get out, it'll be a miracle. Quick break. We'll continue a twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one sean. If you want to be a part of the program, all right, so many of you. We're going to race through calls because I know a lot of you who have been trying to get in today, and I know you have a lot to offer it, a lot to say. We'll start with Christine. She's in the great state of Texas, by the way, praying for your governor. Governor Abbott, I know he got COVID. He had by the way, he was fully vaccinated. He was a breakthrough case. I was very happy. I send him a note and he had apparently was just getting his regenera on infusion. And we are praying for your governor as a good man. Thank you so much, Sean, and thank you for letting me a voice some perspective on your show. And then I echo your sentiments of that Governor Abbot's He's just fantastic, but just a little bit perspective. So I am a product of the Vietnam evacuation. My father was an intelligence operative as well as an interpreter, and he worked side by side with the CIA his counterparts, and he was involved in the evacuation of Canto, which was about one hundred miles south of Saigon. And you know, he was retelling me the story at he's watching what's going on in Afghanistan and he is just a pall because he thought it was bad what happened in Vietnam. This was just like a whole level of dumpster fire. But I guess one of the key messages I want to put it out is that, yeah, I mean, it was by the grace, by the generosity and the kindness of Americans that saved us and got us out of Vietnam. That we weren't floggered and left behind, you know. And my father was involved in a lot of those evacuations. He would fly missions in and get people out of safe houses and um, you know they safe houses recently have you know so many people, But word would get out and there would be hundreds, and they would cram everyone they could, and they choppers to fly them out. And so it's just heartbreaking to see the disaster in Afghanistan unfold. And I just want, you know, the listeners to want to hear perspective from someone who lived through something like that and just grateful for Americans who didn't leave us behind. So I hope we don't do the same for the Afghan people. Well we can't, um. But the problem that we now face, the biggest problem, Christine, is that we don't control the destiny of our fellow Americans there. That is that is the most appalling aspect to this. And well the Biden administration their trust to the Taliban to ensure safe passage. This is the biggest military debacle and rudderless leadership as Cobble is falling, not one, not two, not three, four days missing in action and by the time Joe got engaged him back from vacation, gave a ten minute speech, went right back to vacation with no plan whatsoever to evacuate Americans. When do you ever pull the military out before you get every last single American out, identify all of them. How do you send out a State Department memo saying, yeah, you might want to now go make your way to Krzi International Airport. We cannot guarantee your safe passage to the airport. How does it come to that? And the idea that any Americans that get out of their alive will not be because of anything Joe Biden did to help them, to save them, because he has He's got nothing in his arsenal. And it's the worst case scenario. I can't even talk about because I know all about evil. Did a whole book on evil in two thousand and four, Deliver Us from Evil, talking about the last century, one hundred million human being slaughtered Mao in China, stalin Russia, Nazi Germany, fascism Tojo Japan, the killing fields Cambodia. Oh, he can't happen in our lifetime. Unfortunately. I wish I could report that, but I am too rooted in truth and reality. They people, our fellow Americans are at the mercy of the Taliban right now, and they didn't see this coming. And when they did see this coming, they didn't lift a finger to help a single American. They were left deserted to fend for themselves. Now what do we do? Thank you for the call, George and Florida next, George. Yes, hey, thanks for taking my call. You know, there's a lot of a comparison right now with Vietnam and uh and Afghanistan. But I want to the PTSD that's involved, um, the the just chronic PTSD that's going to develop in the long term. There is a psychologist up in the Upstate New York with the Veterans Improvement Program in the nineties. He said, the common denominator for PTSD is a is the portrayal or the preceived portrayal by those who hope you they hold your your life in check under lethal danger. And that is what's happening right now. Our commander in chief as asleep, and he is inflicted injury, long term injury on our forces and in when when it's just over the over the next decades. That is this He's real. He's writing people's history of their heroics in Afghanistan in the last twenty years, when you have you, when you have UH people getting injured and they're saving lives or helping UH this UH for women and running's rights, and they've lost a loved one. But now that has been squandered, and that is going to have a sail effect on our country for decades. And this is this I just want to point that out and hopefully what I just said at the beginning is people feel like they've been betrayed that they they'll at least recognize that common don aminator of PTSD and that's what it is. When they Taliban began their their move in Afghanistan, why did we let them? Why weren't they stopped in their tracks? We have the military capability of doing it, and we know because we watched Donald Trump. For all you want to say, oh, Donald Trump's tweets so offended me. I'll take offensive tweets and I'll take military might and strength and resolve in action any day over this. But he beat the Caliphate in Syria, which emerged, of course under Biden and Obama, by bombing the living daylights out of them using modern military warfare and technology, and he literally systematically went city by city by city and defeated and wiped out and destroyed and defeated the caliphate. That could have happened when the Taliban began their march. The Taliban was warned by Donald Trump that is what will happen and worse if the deal that he had struck with was followed through. I inherited this deal. Will you inherited secure borders and energy independence? Yeah, the country's going to have collective PTSD. This is not a strong United States of America under this, you know, cognitively of cognitive mess. Joe Biden, Florida. We stay there with Jade. Jade, welcome to the program. Thank you for taking my call. You know, it's amazing to me. No one brought this up yet. But we as the Republican Party, we have a problem. We are all talk, no action. I mean, look at the Democratic Party. For four years, we watched Nancy Pelosi and her men in tights and peach Trump twice go after him. Make Republicans enemy number one, have the media in their pocket and they're incredibly organized. And yet now with Biden in office, what are the Republicans doing we have Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, kem McCarthy, Lindsay Graham. You see at least one of them doing an interview a day, and what do they say, Oh, we're outraged by Biden, but you know we're not going to do anything about it. Well, in fairness, there there are some people that have been warning this would happen. Marc Arubia was on two nights ago and said, everybody on the Intelligence Committee saw that this was the wrong time, the wrong way. It won't work, it's gonna fail. Don't do it. And with all the leak reports, why won't they go after him? Why? Because he's the good jade, He's the commander in chief. This is his call. All they can do Intelligence agencies, military leaders, um Intel Committee members, they can they don't. They're not the commander in chief. That's Biden's decisions. They have the power to impeach him. Take a listen, this man does not belong in office. He's not up to the job one hundred percent. I've been pointing it out more than anybody. I'm with you, he we can't have this level of incompetence and incoherence and supidity and naivete. Uh, it's breathtaking. I never thought in my life I would see something unfold like this. I'm with you, But we gotta get our fellow Americans and do everything in our power to get our fellow Americans home, every last one of them. That's where my head's at today. I'll get there, trust me, I've been there a long time. He's not he's not fit to serve period, end of sentence. And frankly, if the same corruption happened with the Trump family, everything from crack cocaine to hookers and no experience payments and millions and millions of dollars that compromise the Biden syndicate with Hunter, and that means Ukraine and Kazakhstan and Russia and China. Uh yeah, I would think that if it was Trump or any kid with the last name Trump, it would be a much bigger deal. But of course, we have media corre option and the great enablers, the Blue Check you know, Joe Biden media protection program cult on Twitter. But right now our focus has to be on getting every American out of there safely and alive. And if it happens, it's not going to be because of anything Joe Biden did. Everybody saw this was coming, everybody spoke loudly, everybody warned him, and he, you know, he let them take the take the country over, bit by bit by bit, told us something that was never true, that this army was s trained and the entire world is and and they're three hundred thousand strong and I have an air force bologny. Um, I'll believe me. We America deserves better. America deserves better. Cindy's in California, Cindy, glad you called. Hey, thanks for taking my call, and thanks for all you do. Thank you. Um. It's a great voice in the in the in the wilderness. Really, you're a guiding a guiding force for so many. A couple of things on my mind. One is, you know, we're supposed to reach out to our representatives for voting reform and all these other things that are urgent and pressing. But what do you do when your representatives are all Democrats? And then the second question is Convention of States effort? Is it still relevant? And are there any any updates on it? On that effort, there's not. There are a lot of states that's signed on to it. I forget the exact number that we need. I don't know if it's I forget the exact number, like sixty seventy percent of it. It's just not been the forefront of my mind. Yeah, it's real. But there are I'll be very honest and frank, there are too many blue states. And the only way to change that is to elect Republican governors and Republican legislatures. And the Convention of States is an option, and it's one that I've supported for a long time, and I think we should continue down that road and try and make that happen. That's a long term plan, and you know, right now we're obviously dealing with a short term, you know, humanitarian problem, and that is our fellow Americans trap behind enemy lines. I never thought i'd see that. Horrible Yep, you're right, You're right, You're right. It's horrible. It's embarrassing. It was unnecessary. Joe in lj Hey, Joe, how are you my friends? You ever think all the years you've called me, You've been calling me since nineteen With President Trump last night and I've had calls from all over the count are He's saying, boy, we need to get sean interview in Trump more, and do you think he's gonna run Sean, Well, I think he gave the answer last night when he said, well, because of campaign finance laws, I really can't answer that question right now. That sounded like a pretty strong leaning towards yes. That's what I guess. I didn't want to press him further. We have we have more pressing issues at the time. Twenty twenty four is you know, let's get through twenty Let's get these people home. That's my immediate concern. My next concern is, you know, to get election law so we have integrity and confidence and results. My next focus will be on the election in mid term in twenty twenty two. That's going to be one of the most important in our lifetime. In twenty twenty four will determine America's fate. Moving in the future is a lot at stake. Chine, You're exactly right. I think we're gonna have huge landslide wins in the House and Senates, and with all you're doing with Trump, I feel great about the future. I don't feel great about the present, but I do believe in the hope that is America, and I believe in the goodness of the American people that I can tell you, thank you. You're doing a fantastic job. Joe from La j Joe's called this show since nineteen ninety two, That's how long I've known him. Great American, great guy, always friendly, always loves this country. Passion is amazing. Quick break. We'll come back more on the other side, and we'll talk to Sean Arnell dan Hoffman about the situation options if there really are any in our control. Next coop, Next, our final roundup and information overload. Our

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