Bill O'Reilly returns to TV tonight on 'Hannity' and he sits down with Sean this afternoon to discuss the NFL controversy. "The voices on the left are destroying this country," offered O'Reilly, "This whole controversy is not about Trump, it's about whether you think that America is noble or not." Sean also discusses Media Matters and their efforts to attack The Hannity Show. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code. Hannity, you will love this pillow. I'm so excited today because we have NFL Super Bowl champion Burgess Owen is actually coming in studio with us, and he's gonna be part of this big debate with the NFL. We've got the Attorney General of the United States, Jeff Sessions, is going to join us. Among other things we'll talk about is the lack of freedom of speech on college campuses, which is different than what happens on a football field. Bill O'Reilly is gonna join us today as a preview of tonight's big well appearance that he's gonna make. I've been reading his book. It's really good. And the thing he said the last time that really stuck with me is that all these people that want to get rid of America's history and America's monuments in America, this in America, that, and what they really want to do is they want to start over, and they love another constitution written in in pure modern day PC liberalism, and that will make us happen by the way we can. Servatives will do great in that environment, I can tell you right now. Uh so we got that so much coming up today, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. The more and more I think about this, I analyze this, I examined this, the more angry I'm just getting every day. You know, I think the final the final thing for me really had to do is you know what I was thinking about this and I remember I didn't even mention it yesterday, is go back to the game that took place on Sunday, that took place in England. You know, England is now doing the NFL games, and they're doing really really well there. They're certainly doing better with with NFL football and Great Britain, and they're doing with soccer here in the United States. I'll tell you that. And that's for sure. Anyway. So I'm I'm watching and I'm like, really, NFL players, you had the in this case, the Baltimore Ravens the Jacksonville Jaguars, and they take a knee for the national and them they take a knee, but when God saves the Queens has played there up on their feet. I'm like you you cannot make this up. At this point, there was a great column that was written today by what's his name the I think Secretary of State Cobach of Kansas, whatever his name is, and he's a really the attorney general of the state of Kansas. And what's so frustrating to me is if you watch anybody else in this corrupt media environment in which we live, you would have no doubt that this is only and solely and from the get go about race in America. It would have nothing to do with anything else. And when I watched last night, I only watched the beginning. And I actually think the only thing people tuned into the Dallas Cowboys last night and Monday night football. I think the only reason they tuned in to see was what what are they gonna do now? Oup? And how bad is this gonna get? And I'm not a I'm not a boycott guy. And there are liberals, you know, liberal groups trying to boycott me. Oh, you can't let Bill O'Reilly talk. Ever, I'm like, well, excuse me. I let people of all different points of view talk. It's called liberty and freedom. And the people in this country that want to silence opposition voices come solidly from the left. They have no patience, no tolerance for any of you that is opposite of their own view. So you've got all these players, it goes viral and you got now you got. I was I was disappointed in Jerry Jones last night. All right, Now, they did stand for the anthem, but they're they're desperately trying to thread this needle and they're missing the bigger points here, and that the NFL cannot be this hypocritical and tell people that they can't twerk, and tell people that they can't act like they're firing a oh an arrow, which I think is kind of pretty cool when you're in the end zone. Wowsh you know, it's make pretend it's not a real bow and arrow. There's no bow and arrow. But you can't do that. You can't taunt another player. You can't use abusive language towards a rat or another player or another team. You can't use insulting language. You can't use insulting gestures and the stuff that Jason told me about yesterday in terms of gestures. I guess, I guess, uh, what's his name, doll Beckham? Yeah, I didn't, I don't even remember. He played amazing. You see that one handed catchy man. I'll come on. That was why don't you like Odell Beckham because your hair is just like his. You have the same mohawk. I thought you were copying it looks better. But at this point I used to stand up for him. I'm completely disgusted with him. I mean, he made the gesture that was so bad thoughts wouldn't replay it. And then after the game he says, I'm a dog, so I acted like a dog. And but you can't do you can't even know that. These are all restrictions in the NFL. You've got players, you know, they're not allowed to remove their helmet in the field, the player in the end zone. That's the illegal. Players have been fired. I'm sorry enough fire fined for wearing special cleats to raise awareness for mental health issues or domestic violence issues, which I thought the NFL cared so much about. You know, then the league refused to let the player honor his own mother who has breast cancer breast cancer survivor because he wanted to do it the weekend after the October month. That they always wear a little bit of pink on their uniforms. You can't do it only on approved days. And then I think the worst thing that they did is when these five cops were slaughtered in Dallas during that shooting rampage in well, the Dallas Cowboys wanted to put a put a memorial and honor the cops on their helmets. That's illegal, by the way, all violating freedom of speech, isn't it. There wasn't any outrage. There weren't any protests, you know, where were the so called displays of unity in this particular case. And I'm not to be cynical here, but the NFL threatened to find Avery Williams. He's a Titan. He wanted to wear the nine eleven oh one cleats. He wanted to put it on his cleats. How many people are gonna hone in on a guy's cleats for crying out loud on the fifteenth anniversary. And he wanted to also put never Forget on the fifteenth anniversary of nine eleven and two thousand and one. And I said it yesterday, I'll say it again. I love r. G. Three. It was one of him and his injuries was so disappointing, but it was one of the greatest potential players ever. But I really loved watching him because I thought he was gonna emerge as one of the best NFL quarterbacks anyway, and it wasn't meant to be, and he got a lot of injuries anyway. Remember he got in trouble for wearing a no Jesus No Peace T shirt. They made him turn it inside out, and then he got fined ten grand for wearing a Reebok T shirt because it's not Nike, and Nike sponsors the NFL. Oh, oh, the shame of it all. He wore a Rebok T shirt. And then some NFL players got fine for wearing Beats headphones. I don't even know what Beats headphones are. I know people my kids have them. That's all I know. But you see that goes against their other sponsorship, which is Bow's headphones and and Bow's equipment, so that some teams can cheat and try and listen into the signal calling that goes back and forth forth if they can break the transmission, you know the end of what this is all they care about. I'm like, you guys are such phony hypocrites. And I'll tell you I was yesterday praising Alejandro Villa Nueva and now he's saying, oh, I threw my teammates under the bus. I was so disappointed. And now Ben Roethlisberger is now he's saying, I wish we didn't do it with this way. Well, Ben, with all due respect, you had your moment. Everybody knows what's at stake here. Everybody understands the issues here. And now I'm telling you what's happening is that go Let's go to last night the Dallas Cowboys arm in arm, Jerry Jones, the whole team. That's a pretty loud boom. I don't hear anyone clapping, you know. Look at what the statement that NASCAR put out. I love this statement. Sports or a unifying influence in our society, bringing people of different backgrounds and beliefs together. Our respect for the national anthem has always been a hallmark of our pre race events. Thanks to the sacrifices of many, we live in a country of unparalleled freedoms and countless liberties, including the right to peacefully express one's opinion. Okay, but you're part of an organization, an organization that bans a lot of freedom of speech, a ton of freedom of speech. And by the way, on top of the cost, now the average NFL player makes two point a million. Some of them go on with long careers and they make millions and millions and millions of dollars. And to the credit of some of the players, they go into the inner cities and their towns and their neighborhoods, and and they do a lot of good. And I give all those guys credit and their role models for people. And then some aren't perfect role models either, But no one's perfect. I'm not. I'm not, you know, casting aspersions on the NFL or the players. A lot of these guys are young. A lot of these guys, you know, fall into money, and a lot of these guys have no clue on how to deal with fame and money. It's very difficult. I've always said fame isn't healthy. Having fame and money is dangerous, especially if you don't have good people surrounding you that are helping you out, that don't want to milk you dry. How many times have we heard about really wealthy athletes that end up being broke. It's sad when that happens anyway, But you know something, to the average person, the average tickets just a little under a hundred bucks. Then you get four tickets a family of four, and then you pay for parking, and then you pay for you know, the kids want a jersey. What's that a hundred bucks? Then you pay for a couple of beers, and then you pay for a couple of hot dogs. Then you pay for a couple of cokes. Then the kids want, you know, some cotton candy or popcorn at the game. And then by the time you walk out of there, you spent seven hundred bucks for a family of four. And it's the same thing with baseball, and these guys get compensated. Well, you know, we're watching the best of the best, the most gifted, the most talented. I get it. I'm a capitalist on for it. I pay the money I pay. I've taken my kid to the super Bowl all these years as his Christmas gift. That's it. My son likes to go to the Super Bowl. He's dying to see the Cowboys in the super Bowl. That's all he wants to see. His life will be complete if the Cowboys ever make the Super Bowl. Um. But the point is, and we pay more money on top of it. You know, over the last twenty years, you the American people have spent more than seven billion dollars building or renovating NFL stadiums, and you the taxpayers have taken on a whopping fort of the total cost of those projects. The numbers are staggering. Five teams have gotten more than four hundred million dollars in public funding to build or renovate their stadiums. And I'm not even saying it's it's necessarily bad. But you know, the NFL. You know, I get in trouble on TV if God forbid, I run a clip that I shouldn't have run. They're all over my ass about something like that. I'm like, this is ridiculous. Anyway, four million, and I've I've not been one that's disparaged the NFL. I don't think they fully completely knew about the dangers of of concussions and some of these other issues. I don't think they they're responsible because there's a couple of irresponsible players that do things that that bring the team into disrepute. I mean, in many cases their kids just out of college. And as I said, money and fame, it doesn't go well. But anyway, and then I read one story in the Business and iter in the New Jersey Ledger, UH Star Ledger where the Pentagon signed contracts with fourteen NFL teams. And guess what they paid fourteen NFL teams five point four million dollars, you know what for to salute the troops. Why would we be paying the NFL to salute the troops? Good grief. So it really ticks me off the whole thing. It's not about race, you know what it's about. It's about respect. It's about respect for your anthem, your country, your flag, and respect for the six hundred and fifty plus thousand brave Americans who have given their lives in defense of this country, in defense of our constitution, our freedoms, our liberties, and the justice at all represents. And guess what, you have the right to do whatever you want. But the people have a right to be piste off too, and that's what's happening. And don't see a good way out for them at this point, and they keep digging in deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. Oh for now, I'm just a Saturday football guy. I'll watch college football and if they go this way, I'll just, I don't know, I'll go throw the football around in the backyard and act like I'm Joe Namath. I don't have no idea. All right, eight one Sean, we'll load it up today. Bill O'Reilly is gonna check in with us. He'll be joining us tonight his first appearance on the Fox News channel on New Times. Set your DVR nine Eastern tonight. Uh. We'll check in with the Attorney General Jeff Sessions later in the program today. And I'm just so excited Burgess Owens. He's written this book and I honestly just got the copy today. I'm like, Linda, why didn't you give me a copy of this? Where have you been? And it's called liberalism? How to turn good men into winer's weenies and whimps. I'm like, why have you never given me this book before? I'm not gonna put that book down? And why are you looking at me like, well, it's not my fault. Do you never take anything that I saved? Seriously slack and slacking on the job? And why are you slacking on the job? I mean I saw him the other day on over the weekend. He was amazing on television, So I'm really excited to have him And uh, and why didn't you give me the book? Sooner. Well, I was reading it. You know, it's my turn. This is the Sean Hannity Show. But sometimes I do think first time, by the way, did you see the uh Sheila Jackson lee she got on her knees on the house floor. Now it's took a knee on the house floor. And so you cannot abridge by standing up with tweets, and you cannot abridge without law and regulation. And there is no regulation that says that these young men cannot stand against the dishonoring of their mothers by you calling them for the son of a beat. You tell me which of those children's mothers or a son of a beat? That is racism. You cannot deny it. You can't run for it. And I kneel in honor of them. I am gonna lay out I'm not gonna do it today on radio because we've we've done it more on radio than TV. I am gonna lay out how in the world of a liberal Democrat they play the race card so often, so regularly, they actually, I think, believe it. They cannot fathom how many of us feel watching people take a knee and put their fist up as a protest against our flag, our anthem, our country, and those that fought, bled and died for all our liberties, freedom, our constitutional way of life. They think they can't fathom that we have sincere love and appreciation of this country that transcends any other topic. That's how offbeat their head is. Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to take a second to hear the immortal Bob Grant's thoughts about the world today. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, is sick and it's getting sicker. Now back to the Sean Hannity Show, to the top of the hour, told free telephone numbers eight nine one Shaw and you want to be a part of the program. Um. So, uh, Anthony Weiner is back in the news. And poor Anthony Weiner um already got twenty one months in prison and he was having chats. Do you know that? Finally it got revealed that this was beyond explicit. Andy knew it was a fifteen year old girl. I have no sympathy for him none, And I'm not sitting here and judge leave how about a simple rule, leave the children alone, Leave the children alone? How about that? How about a girl's fifteen years old? Anyway, So it was standing before the federal judge yesterday sobbing, facing the sentencing for sexty with a fifteen year old I focus on how I live my new, smaller, healthier life, one day at a time. I was a very sick man for a long time. I have a disease, but no excuse, what does that mean? I have a disease? Does everything a disease? I've never fully completely And I want to be very careful with what I'm saying here because I've known too many people that have had real, real, honest to goodness, legitimate struggling with drugs and alcohol and all sorts of things. I absolutely believe that human beings have a propensity, like for example, of my my family. I have a number of people in my family that were alcoholics, and I believe, Yeah, it's real. But here's the thing. If you can stop, it means you never had to get there. Does that make sense? If you can say if a heroin addict can stop after ten or fifteen years, if you're if you survive that long doing that crap, then that means you didn't have to go there in the beginning. So everybody, at the end of the day, if you really take responsibility. We all have choices, but I I do get it. You know, under very innocent circumstances. I know people we these doctors will prescribe drugs at like the maximum level every time for a freaking toothache, and then all of a sudden person takes these pain medicine. I'm scared to death of these things. When when you know doctors and lawyers and and professional people, they get addicted to all these these narcotics basically that they give them and is it any wonder? Then they take it away and they're like looking for it wherever they can find it, and fi sickly. The body does become dependent, which is why a lot of people go to rehab. You know, you watch all these shows about addiction and all these young kids getting addicted to heroin now because they find pain pills and grandma or grandpa or mommy or daddy's medicine closet and then they start taking him and they like him and oh I feel great, and the next thing, you know, they have a physical addiction of these things. I believe this physical. Otherwise, if you're an alcoholic and you go through the d t S, I don't think there's a there's an addiction though, that it has to be a fifteen year old. He could have you know that. I'm sure there were plenty of twenty year olds that were available, Anthony and um, you know, it's just sad in the end. You know, I never liked them, never did thought he was obnoxious. I just can't wish it. I know, I just can't. I just it's you know what it is. It's a tragedy. At the end of the day, this is another human tragedy. And I hope that while he's away, I hope he gets the help that he needs so that he doesn't go back to this. You never know, Why are you looking at me like I shouldn't you just looking at me with scorn? Why am I getting the contempt hate list back thing? I don't have a hate list, so I don't know to what you absolutely you absolutely have not, but I think, I mean I have you said you're a new person now and you don't have a hate list. You had a hate list a mile long. I could just mention specific names, and you Bubble and Fizz likes to mention away. Let's bring them on the show. In fact, I'll interview them for you and you can just sit and watch and be entertained. No, I just know who's on the hate list. No one. Okay, it's empty. Hate and contempt are the same thing. It's just you found a nice award for it. I don't hate the way you do you hate. I don't have any hate. No, you do hate. You don't. You're deluding yourself, but you have. You have a contempt list of people. I don't even have a contempt list. Did that go away just in the last Yeah, you're building one. I may build one. I guess who maybe number one on the contempt I don't know who's gonna be number one. Jayson. By the way, I'm the one that should have contempt after getting a crap beat out of me by somebody after somebody had one drink. I have no idea, and it was more than one drink. Give me more credit than that. I'm an Irish woman. Okay, two and a half drinks and watch out the arms go flying, bam bam bam. Training with ninjas for a year, you could take it. I'm training now five days a week straight on heads up. I'm going all over the place. By the way, a couple of programming notes, We are headed to Washington, d C. And we're gonna try an hold Washington accountable, and Paul Ryan is going to be on the show, and we I just are we gonna get an economic plan done? Do we have any chance to go back to healthcare? We gonna fund the wall? You know what what is going to be in this budget that they're releasing. I think they're re leasing it finally tomorrow. You know, how consistent is his budget ideas with what the president's budget ideas are? So and then we're really excited because after we finished tomorrow night, we'll be doing the show from Washington, d C. Remember our New Time nine o'clock. Bill O'Reilly's on tonight. Paul Ryan tomorrow night, and we're really excited because he doesn't really like to do a lot of interviews, but he's great on TV, is Rush Limbaugh. And so Russia is coming on the program in our debut week at our new hour, and we're really excited about him joining us. Anyway, Oh, do you know Colin Kaepernick never registered to vote? This was in the Washington Time Surprise Surprise, the Great Agent of Social Change, and cops depicted his pigs and big supporter of the murdering thug dictator Fidel Castro. Anyway, he credited uh, He's credited by some as the the face of this resistance that's going on in the NFL. He's never been registered to vote in any election, according to the Sacramento b And Kaepernick turned eighteen in two thousand and five, never registered in his home state of California Nevada, where he attended the University of Nevada Reno from two thousand and six, and that means he would have missed the presidential elections of Barack Obama. In both cases, he openly admitted two reporters that he didn't vote for either Trump or Hillary Clinton because he thought it would be hypocritical of him to submit to an oppressive system. This is where it's all gotten started. And um, you know one thing that we've pointed out on the program. Remember we played the tape of Obama White Folks, Creed runs a World in need. Nobody ever paid attention to that, Nobody ever paid attention to black liberation theology. It's like we're sitting here as a soul, lone voice, frankly, and we we get excoriated for it. I mean, we've had more people try to shut down this show and my career on TV in the last couple of years then I thought I'd ever seen in a lifetime. And the only reason I'm still behind this microphone is because all of you supporting the show. Is this world? A world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Porto prints see in a year where white folks greed runs, a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere. That's the world on which now, if you remember to refresh your memory, that quote is from Obama's first book, Dreams from My Father. It's a chapter where he explains how he joined the Reverend g d America and America's chickens have come home to roost Reverend Wright, and it reveals that the sermon sealed the deal for him, and it was Right's audacity of Hope, which Obama likes so much that he borrowed the title for a second book. And that's where you know, reading from the sermon Obama found so inspiring inspiring, he personally delivers the line and I guess he didn't know he was running for president at the time. Here's how sad, you know. Do you remember Tim Russett And what was the name of his book? And he wrote a book about his father, and his father is like a lot of our our fathers, and his father in his particular case, he grew up in Buffalo, New York, and he was the the biggest Buffalo Bills fan that you'd ever imagine. And and he wrote this book Big Russe and Me, father and son and I and I had him on this program and then he did a follow up where people wrote him about their father's and they really were the greatest generation. And he'd beyond go Bills, Go Bills, Go Bill loved loved the Buffalo Bills. And I don't know why we became friendly, but we became friendly, and like a couple of months before he had this horrible heart attack. And I'm actually he'd be so proud of his son, Luke. I don't know him. I don't think he agrees with me politically, but I've seen him and talked to him as a great kid. He'd be so proud of his son. Anyway, So he writes this book. His father, you know, would remind him as a kid. Oh uh, the men, you know, make sure you wrap that up if you have broken glass, because garbagemen pick up bags and they got broken glass and they cut themselves wide open. It's acts. That's a pretty common problem in New York. It's a bigger problem. You know. You have to kick the bags because a thousand rats come flying out of it before you pick up the garbage, and you know want them coming out and jumping on your face. But anyway, here's a story. A longtime employee of the Buffalo Bills had to quit and discuss after watching several teams protest the national anthem. Now, these are the people that make America great, the people that are livid and burning, and we'll show you the videos tonight and people burning their NFL memorabilia and their jerseys that they paid a fortune for. You know, this is this was a fun part of their lives. Tailgating is fun. Going on a football game is fun. I remember being caught in traffic once up in Buffalo. My kids were playing a tennis tournament up there and the Buffalo Bills were playing. We got caught right in the middle of traffic, and I'm like calling the tennis director all right, we're gonna be late. How many games are my kids losing? Is it worth it? Should I come? And I just remember and people are having a blast, they're happy in traffic. But anyway, this was a stadium worker that worked three decades for the NFL. He quit his job on Sunday. Say it was pushed to the limit when Buffalo Bills, several of them took a knee during the national anthem, and the guy said he's putting the few good years and a lot of the bad ones and a new era field behind them. After several Bills took the knee and I was finally pushed to my limit and I had to quit, he put on Facebook in response to the Bills protests. I can't work in a place where millionaires, multi millionaires cry that they're oppressed and a lot of people. You look at the prices, I said, of a football game. It's expensive for a lot of people. And I don't think and you know, it's sort of like, don't do people even appreciate what does it cost to go to an NBA game and get a decent ticket. You know, I am proud of myself in this sense, and you might say, yeah, right, unity I'm like Stubhub's best customer because I refuse to make a phone call even when Fox Sports has the NFL Super Bowl. I don't go calling Fox Sports and saying could I please have tickets, which I probably could get you. I'll never forget. The Yankees were playing the World Series one year and I'm on this radio program and Randy Levine calls me and said, yeah, I went on StubHub. I got good seats, and uh. That's when I ran into Keith Oberman that was it was actually fine, and he goes, well, all you have to do is call me. You know I I have access to tickets, and you could just pay face value. I said, I don't want I don't want any favors. It ended up that that was the same game that the Governor of New York, Patterson, got free tickets for and gotten so much trouble for. But my attitude is just because my job is public, I'm not any different than anybody else, and I hate people that take advantage of whatever fame they may have. It's it's kind of gross to me. So I paid for my stupid tickets, paid for the Super Bowl, paid a fortune for Super Bowl tickets because my son's just not content anymore just to go with his dad. And you know, now he has to bring Johnny and Tommy and Susie who doesn't even know what a touchdown is. And you know, of course she has to go to the super Bowl and never an A, B and C has to go to the super Bowl. Is it's all right, dad? Right? You can get him a room and everything. Right, you can handle that, right, Dad? Please, it's it's the only gift I want for Christmas when I buy him on StubHub. And it's expensive, and the NFL is expensive and the NBA is expensive. It's got a quick call in here. Uh, let's say hi to Walton, New Jersey. What's up, Walt? How are you good? I have a I have a simple solution to make a statement to the NFL players, and that would be to go to the game, but not where players Jersey at all. Uh, you know, no sense of not having fun in a game. You've already paid for your season tickets, and you know no sense of burning your jersey. Just leave it at home. Let the players look into the stands, see all of the fans who vastly outnumber them and want to Stanford, the anthem, not wearing any of their jersey, not wearing an any NFL gear. Look, I'm not gonna tell anybody what to do. But until this is resolved and ends my football day now is Saturday, I just can't. And I'm not boycotting. I'm not urging boycotts. I'm not saying don't go to games. I'm not saying to burn your jersey. I'm not saying anything. I want the flag, the anthem, and i want the honor to the servicemen and women given appropriately. That's it. And if any of these players want to come to me in partner with me in any cause that can help people in their community, I'll donate. I'll give money. We give how we donate money all the time to causes on this program. We don't talk about it because that seems arrogant too. The Bible actually says, don't do the matching thing. We're not just donating. Let's have them put their money where their mouth is, where their knees are. Listen, I looked Robert Kraft brought his players to the worst neighborhoods around Foxborough, and he said, I'll match you dollar for dollar. But match match. You know what we should do with Spencer Tilma or maybe you know, we'll check in with our buddy. Burgess Owens is on the program. We're way behind, all right. The Attorney General Jeff Sessions next. Also in the next hour, Bill o'reiley, he's gonna make his return appearance on Hannity tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News channel. Rush Limbaugh's coming up later this week. We're really excited Rush is going to do the show. Alright. As we roll along Sean Hannity Show, the Attorney Generals of the Attorney General of the United States, Jeff Sessions, Bill O'Riley checks in his return to Fox News tonight on Hannity nine Eastern. Burgess Owens joins, us, I can't wait to meet him. Imagine his book. Oh it's so good. I'll tell you about it straight ahead and much more. Freedom of thought and speech on American campus are under attack. The American university was once the center of academic freedom, a place of robust debate, a forum for the competition of ideas, but it is transforming into an echo chamber of political correctness and homogeneous thought, a shelter for fragile egos and seventeen, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education surveyed four hundred and fifty colleges and universities across the country and found that maintained speech codes that substantially infringe on constitutionally protected speech. All right, that was the Attorney General giving an address on the importance of freedom of speech on college campuses. Eight one sean is a toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. It doesn't exist today. Just look at all the things that have been happening, you know, in Berkeley and in other universities around the country. This has been going on for years. Conservatives are rarely allowed to give their opinion in some of these left wing campuses. The Attorney General of the United States of America, Jeff Sessions, former senator, joins us, by the way, on a day that they're actually battling it out to take over your seat in Alabama today, Any thoughts what's gonna happen there? Well, who knows, you know, falling is never something you can totally rely on. But it's an important election. I think people are giving in attention, and uh, the beetled Alabama will speak well. I think so but you know the state as well as anybody. Let me ask you about this and what does it mean? You know, it's for example, there's all sorts of freedom of speech issues that the NFL players have to deal with. For example, they can't put nine eleven remember nine eleven, two thousand and one on their cleats a breast cancer players mothers buy breast cancer. Can't wear pe if it's not the appropriate time. You can't wear headphones that aren't bowls. You can't wear a shirt like r G three that's not nikee. Uh. They couldn't put on the Dallas Cowboys helmet. They couldn't put on a remembrance of the five cops that were slaughtered down in Texas. So my question to you is, you know, in that environment, that's not a free speech that's not a government issue, that is a league issue. In the league would have the right to enforce rules that they deem appropriate for their league, right, that's correct. Uh, there's no federal offense. They're could be charged for people who show disrespect to the national anthem or to the flying of the Nine States. So there's not a crime on that. But they do are employed by a employer who normally sets those kinds of rules that businesses don't let people wear political buttons while they're serving customers normally, so that's all their business. Nobody has had their speech blocked. None of the football players have, uh, the federal government. Um, but I would say one more thing. The president also has free speech. And and I think we've just lost sight of the importance, bipartisan, non political importance of recognizing and venerating our nation at the time of the national anthem or the presentation of colors. Don't you think so? I mean, so why the president is perfectly correct to say to be critical of people who refused to do that because somehow lost sight of how to protest and how to make a statement and actually end up detigrating even on a foreign soul of the United States of America. If schools are going to allow liberal speech, they would have to allow conservative speech, would they not. Absolutely speech is to be protected, particularly for those who may be in a minority and who want to speak out against something they're concerned about. That's the whole purpose of the count situational protection. Well, I think that which is so important. Mr. You know, there's a lot going on in in the world today, and there's so much as it relates to these investigations going on. Is there anything that bothers you about where we are in terms of the constant narrative that has been pushed by some people in terms of setting up a special council, the special Council being set up. You had recused yourself, Rod Rosenstein now is being questioned by the special Council the appointed. Is anything seemed out of whack from your perspective as both the Attorney General and as somebody that knows the law so well. You're a top there, the top lawyer in the country right now, you know, Seohn, I'm not able to come in on this investigation. I would say this. I do feel like often that uh, the actions that are perfectly normal and natural are being projected by the media in lights that are just not justifiable and in it's really painful to see that happening. And good people are a lot of them. Things Um said in ways are not good. But I can't comment on the details of the matter. Show I understand Um there can you comment on this? And I'm not trying to. I just I don't get very often to talk to you. I saw the Republicans in the House Judiciary Committee did draft a letter to you and the Deputy Attorney General asking for the appointment of a second special counsel to investigate the sixteen elections, and that would be come and Hillary Clinton and Loretta Lynch and all those matters. In light of the fact that James Comey apparently had already had a predetermined outcome before he even interviewed the key witnesses in the case, would that be a reason, generally speaking to reopen it? Well, what I will say he is that we've got a request from the United States Congress, who get a lot of ours, a lot of different angles, and it is going to be properly responded to by the Department of Justice. The members are entitled a certain responses are consistent with the laws of our country, and uh, we will we will do that. I have one last question on this issue and then we'll get back to the student issue. Julian Assange and Wiki leaks. I want to ask you about them, and I know that there are many people that have strong opinions about Julian Assang. He's somebody that I've interviewed. Mr Attorney General five times, and he's the one person that would know where the d n C emails but US emails came from because he's the one to publish them. He claims that he has in an interviews with me at least four of them, he said it was not a state party, it was not Russia, and he now says he has evidence that could prove such if the one person that knows for sure who put you know, who gave him that information and is saying that he has proof that it wasn't Russia, which goes to the heart of a ten month distraction in my opinion and discussion in this country, wouldn't law enforcement and in this case, the Special Counsel and Congress have an obligation to talk to him and find out what he knows. Well. He certainly has the ability to communicate um un to law enforcement and Department of Justice at any time he desires that he hasn't UM. I don't know um and I'm just, you know, not able to comment on the existence lack of investigations in various manners. I think we just need to be disciplined about that. And when you get off of that tactic, uh, you weighed in the deeper and deeper war and end up with the problems you shouldn't create. You know what, Mr Attorney Geremal, And I've known you for many years, I just feel like I feel like the truth is out there and evidence is out there, and I think that nobody has even approached the guy that would absolutely know. And for me, look, I'm not the lawyer that you are. I don't understand these things. But to me, if somebody I would think knows assuredly that it that he has evidence that would prove one thing that when not hearing, I would just think that it would be wise for anybody investigating the matter to at least interview the guy, talk to the guy and find out what he knows, because I think the country is suffering as a result of the NonStop leaking in allegations and conspiracy theories that we almost have on a daily basis. And I know you've been in politics a long time. I bet this has probably been the worst you've seen it. It is actually really frustrating and I think damaging to the country. But the country is stronger than a lot of people give us credit for, so hopefully we can work our way through this. Sean and I hear your concerns. Yeah, all right, I won't I won't put you in this position. What else can you tell us about what what your job is and how you see your job and and I applaud you for standing up for freedom of speech on college campuses and how the relationship with the president is. It got a little rocky there for a little bit, but things seem to have calmed down and everything seems to be going pretty well. Tell us, I think the American people want to know, you know exactly what it is, the types of things that you're working on, uh, and enforcing laws that maybe weren't enforced from the Obama years, and and maybe just you know, to address just the things that I know you can talk about selling their number of things. We feel like I talked to a lot of great young lawyers here at the Department of Justice who um shared I think the classical understanding of how law should be interpreted, the hostility they faced in college and in law school. So we believe that this is a civil rights man. You're part of your civil rights is to be able to speak and be able to be heard and not be shut down. So one of the things that we like to do is make sure that on colleges above maybe any other place that people have the right to speak out and be heard and not be punished are are shut down. That's important. One of the things that just happened was the FBI released their crime statistics for of the year, and murder rate is up another eight percent in the last two years. And a lot of this is because of a diminished run and the meaning of our police officers lawsuits that are constricted their ability to do their job, and and moving away from the kind of effective police tactics that we're done in New York, for example on the Rudy Giuliani and the years sent and they're highly sophisticated, they have a low crime rate, where as you look at places like Baltimore and Chicago for murder rates are continuing to search. So we've had the highest last year was the highest increase in murder since nineteen sixty eight, and this year will be another eight percent on top of that twelve percent. And so we mean this department is committed to working with our state and local officers who represent eighty five percent of all law officers in America, respecting them, working with them helping them be better, supporting them, not undermining them. And if we all work together, maybe we can stop this rise, get this kind of this prim rate under control. Because you have three or four or five years of these kind of increases all of a sudden, the whole safety of the average Americans has been undermined. All right, Mr Attorney Generald, I know you've got a very tough job. We've known you for a long time. It's going to be very interesting to watch the race down in Alabama and the results tonight. And uh, Attorney General, I'm not able to make any comments about that. And that's kind of you know, I kind of like, I kind of like questions. I kind of like our old relationship because you're free as a bird, and now you know, I have to adjust to the I have to adjust to the new role because we talk about everything. But I understand and I want to respect your position. I know that that you're a man of honor and law in order, and I know that, uh it's a very hard, difficult time and job that you're doing. We wish you the best. Thank you, thank you very very much. Okay you two nine one, Shawn told free telephone number Bill O'Reilly at the bottom of the hour, he'll be joining us his first appearance since leaving the Fox News Channel. That's tonight at ten on the Fox News Channel. I hope you'll say you d v r oh. I just said tonight at ten again, what is wrong with me? Tonight at nine Sean Hannity, You're on at nine nine. I know it shows out what a robot I am. I can't remember anyway, tonight at nine on Hannity or New Time on the Fox News Channel. And I know the media is pulling for me to get my ass kicked and uh wants me to lose. But with your help every day, that's not gonna happen. All right, when we come back, your calls and Bill O'Reilly at the bottom of the hour. Then the one and only Burgess Owen is going to join us and discuss the latest with the NFL. Don't miss that, all right, As we continue Sean Hannity's show eight nine one Shaw and our number, let's get to our busy telephones as we say how to. Deborah is in Prescott, Arizona, and we heard the fans booing last night, did you capture the booze Jason or no, I mean it was loud. Didn't you think it was loud? I couldn't believe you didn't turn it on. You know, Listen, I gotta tell you a lot of my friends were saying the same thing. I'll tell you what people did last night. They tuned in to see what would happen, and then they saw Jerry Jones kneeling with all those players they did stand for the anthem. They're trying to thread a needle. Here is what they're now trying to do, and they're playing catch up. They frankly don't know what to do because the crowd. Because people respect their flag, they respect their anthem, they respect their country, and they know the sacrifice of so many that allows the freedom we have. Let me tell you something. I'm a third generation Steelers fan. I'm a native Arizonan. My father was from Pittsburgh. He was also a World War Two veteran, as is my brother a veteran, and many other family members and friends. And when I watched a football game, sometimes it's alone in my living room and I stand and put my hand over my heart when they do the star stangled Danner and I'm done with the Steelers now after they're the only time I watched and I'm done. I saw Ben Roethlisberger actually went out and said he regretted the fact that he was involved in this, that it's not the way to go. And I'm like, you know, Ben, I mean, you're a great quarterback. It's it's a day late and a dollar short. Let me let me play the booing from last night. Hey, here's the boy. I don't hear anybody clapping sounds like, you know, supposed to be in a way about he's he's my hero and all the other beats that had risked their lives for our country, you know. I mean, that's the thing. The cost of freedom and liberty has been high. These men died fighting under that flag. Men from hundreds. I don't see what it has to do with any other type of protests. Plus it's against the NFL policy anyway, so they can't pick and choose what they want to. I'll tell you. And until this goes away, I'm like a Saturday football guy now, and I'm really enjoying college football more than ever and it's a lot of fun and I'm just hoping that colleges are smart enough not to not to get into this mess. Well, I saw some some just Oakland School District band Neil to play the Star Spangled banner yesterday or today. Yeah, sad. You know what, maybe it's our job. We're gonna have to educate a lot of these people. We appreciate you being with us. Thank you so much, Deba. All right, when we come back, Bill O'Reilly. He'll be joining us tonight at nine our new time on the Fox News channel. And I have a lot to say about how everything with Democrats gets turned into race and the proof that nobody will ever show you in the media that's nineties from tonight. We hope you'll join us in our new time because the media wants me to fall out on my face, and with your help, I won't. We'll continue alright till the top of the hour. Toll free telephone numbers eight D nine for one seawn if you want to be a part of the program. Obviously, NFL is taking the news of the day, and there's there's so much out here, and I am tired. I'm sick and tired of everybody running to race. The President said nothing about race, nothing at all, and and it could it be as simple as all these people burning their jersey, their NFL memorabilia. Could it just be as simple as this that Americans love their flag, love their country, respect the anthem, and respect the millions of people that fought, bled and died for their country. Could it be that simple? I think it ken all right? Joining us now, Bill o'reiley. Bill O'Reilly will make his first appearance on the Fox News Channel tonight on my program Hannity, and it's brand new time. I'm nine o'clock, and we're really excited about having him. His book, Killing England, The Brutal Struggle for American Independence Now has been number one on Amazon for the better part of at least what a week now, right, I do it really well? I mean I'm very surprised, so I don't have that perch. But at first, I gotta tell all your listeners that you crush in your first night at nine o'clock Eastern time last night, you crush matt Out, just absolutely wiped her off the face of the earth. In the ratings, it's you weren't you were? Now? You know, here's why, here's why, Here's why that happened. Here's why that happened because most Americans I put I put the number at six. No, this whole NFL thing is bogus. It's garbage. And why it's garbage is because this is generated not by um Colin Kaepernick, who I believe a sincere man. By the way, I believe he feels that his country is not worthy. That's what he believes. But this thing is a Trump thing. Now it's morphed into an anti Trump protest. But six Americans, as you just said, love their country, love their flag, love their anthem. They're not gonna They're not gonna handle insulting the anthem and the flag very well. So that's what's happening. They knew, the folks knew last not on TV, that you would put it in that perspective, whereas MSNBC and CNN would take the opposite tack and say, oh no, the dissenters are right, and you guys really believe your country's noble. You're wrong. That's why this is happening. Tell me about your comments. I like your comments over Roger Goodell. Well, I think has lost total control over this, and I don't think he recovers. You know what. I know him, and he's married to a former colleague of ours who I like very much. Um, but they're being hypocritical. They have told the New York team's time and Scan, you cannot put anything on your uniform that signifies support for nine eleven families. You can't do it. Okay, Well, all right, if that's your rule, then why are you allowing a political descent on the field during the game? Build my my blood boil? It made my Listen. There was one player that wanted to honor his his mother suffering from breast cancer with with pink on his uniform. Then you have the case. You remember the five cops that were slaughtered in Dallas last year, Well, the Dallas Cowboys respectfully wanted to honor the police officers that was slain in the in the line of duty, and they were prohibited from doing it. And so you know, either you're gonna allow political statements to be made or you're not going to and you can't arbitrarily. You know, very very simple. It's so simple. But I'm not giving up on this. I'm not giving up because you know something, Bill, Look, the NFL is gonna cave. They're gonna cave. I predict right here on the Sean any program, they're gonna cave because they don't they're not on the right side of the argument quality of dissent. Kaepernick and the others think America is a bad country. Uh, they think it it actively keeps blacks on other minorities down. That's what they leave. What is that based on? What? Can you Can you point to a general law that does that? Can you point to anything in the constitution that does that? No, it's intovid Well, this happened in Ferguson War, this happened in death. Come on, come on. If you're gonna dissent and you're gonna insult the flag, you gotta know something. I I pribly submit to you killing England about the Revolutionary War. I can give a quiz to the NFL players and they'd all flunk maybe ten percent, maybe ten percent. With you know how many men on the street interviews. I'd send people out and we'd ask people who the vice president of the country is, and and nine out of ten don't don't know. I mean, it's funny, it's entertaining. But fine, Waters World, did you show everybody that? But but I'm not I'm not being Uh, by the way, Can I just say something talking down to the NFL? Can I just say this is pretty thing? I mean all this time, and you said, I don't know if I want to get back in the swamp panty, I don't know if I want to I don't know if I want to get back in the sewer of cable news. You're sitting on the beach and you're dying to get back because I can hear the passion in your voice. I'm yelling on the beach. I'm scaring the beach goers. I'm frightening. But look, this is this is Look, that's why you did so well last night in the ratings because people want rational voices, all right, and and the voices of the far left are destroying the country. I think we're gonna get into that tonight on television, all right. They're destroying it and and there are very few rational voices left it to be heard. So when something like this comes along, it's not about Trump. Trump injected himself into it, yes, yes, but it's about whether you believe the USA is noble or not. And if you don't, I want you to back that up. But they can't. Every Look, we're all imperfect people. Um like, I'm not the greatest Christian in the world, but I I believe with all my heart, mind, and soul. We've all sin Bill, We've all fallen short. You know, Barry Farber was one of the great founders of talk radio. So there's never been a country like the United States of America that accumulated more power and abused it less and accumulated more power to advance the human condition than this country. You know, there's a great column earlier today that was at six d and Cobac wrote it, the the Attorney General, I forget, where is he from? I forget? And he actually pointed out Kansas. Right. So more than six dred and fifty thousand plus Americans have given their lives in defense of this country, our constitution, our freedom, and our liberty. But by the way, I want to stop you right there, because I'm not letting you talk anymore about issues, because we're gonna do this tonight. I do want to talk to you about something else, and and I want you to bring all that passion on TV tonight, which I know you will, and I agree with you. Do you know I am being threatened today again. I am my show is being threatened by these liberal fascists that monitor everything that we do, conservatives and talk radio and television, and they pay people to sit in their basements in their underwear and take notes and monitor every word and record every word. Do you realize I'm being threatened with another boycott effort just because I am allowing you to talk as an American citizen, right and and this is media matters. They are the most dangerous organization in America. They are totalitarians, liars across the board. But they lose. They lose because again, people want rational thought and they don't build bill In all fairnesses, they don't always lose. They went after Dr Lord. They've gone after Yearning. But but but they've gone after They've gone after Rush and Back and Me and everybody and don Imus and and Jeffrey Lord for crying out, I really do. I think the tide is turning and people are going to understand the danger of these people threatening and that's the word threatening speech. They're threatening speech. They're trying to silence opposition voices, Bill and and voices. They don't like the most amazing thing, and I don't want to interrupt you, The most amazing thing is that it's the conservatives that are tolerant, not the left. You don't have an organized cabal on the right trying to shut down free speech. Sometimes they get nasty on the right, sometimes they attacked, but they're not going to sponsors saying if you don't pull out, we're gonna organize a boycott and demonstrate in front of your building. That's anti American. That's what's happening. You know. Look, this is exactly what happened back in seventeen seventy four when the King of England basically told everybody here in America, all right, if you say one word against the crown, we're going to put you in prison. Okay. This is exactly the same thing. And we fought and died for eight years in the Revolutionary War, okay to get that out of here. And now these far left cranks, these haters have brought it back and it's being accepted by some in the mainstream media. Think about how dangerous this is. So I'm you know, I'm as passionate as you are because I got caught up in this thing. You were gutsy enough to hit it straight on and beat it back. But they're not going away anytime soon. You know, it's you know, it's so sad about all this and where we are. I my heart broke when the Jaguars were playing the Ravens in London and they stood. They stood for God saved the Queen Bill, not for the national anthem. You know what? And here's what it what makes it worse when I went over to Afghanistan and O seven and Iraq and O six, the military people over there who were fighting, fighting every day, they're one of their few relaxations is watching NFL games. You can imagine over there today what they're thinking, watching what's happening here? Why are we in Afghanistan? Why we're there so that the poor people there can have some kind of freedom and some kind of life in addition to not allowing us sanctuary for terrorists who attack us. We're good guys in Afghanistan, okay. And these people are kneeling in London. So all of these idiots who don't know anything about the USA acreds. So you see, told you is a bad country. I mean, they are so misguided. I wish you could go to every NFL locker room and give out killing England to every single player. We can read this, learn something. You know what you said the last time. That's frustrating. I listen, we're fighting for the soul. We're fighting for the soul of the country. We really are the culture battles. More than that, we're fighting against corruption. Corruption goes with it. You know, you have a media, mainstream media, the major newspapers, and two out of the three cable networks and all the broadcast networks who basically say, hey, media matters, go ahead, smear everybody you want. We're not going to investigate you. We're not going to tell the folks what you're doing. That's corruption. But they're happening on the right. They nailow the conservatives to the cross. I mean, it's just crazy with liberal post on any of those liberal networks, the real champions of freedom of speech stood up for any conservative that that was being boycotted or they're attempting to silence their voices. Nobody and they won't even listen when I came out and said one of those women was arrested in Detroit for filing a false police report, all right, we'll take a break. Fired up Bill O'Reilly is with us. His book is out. It's called Killing England The Brutal Struggle for American Independence, And don't forget he will be joining us his first appearance since leaving the Fox News Channel tonight ten Eastern. And we hope you'll sit up tonight nine Eastern. We hope you'll set your DVR and join us tonight on the Fox News Channel. You don't want to miss it. Quick break more with Bill O'Reilly on the other side. Straight ahead, right as we continue, Bill O'Reilly is with us. He has his latest best seller out, Killing England, The Brutal Struggle for American Independence. Last time, you said something pretty profound. I want to go back to because I do think this is a fight when we looked, we were talking the last time about all the memorials and all the statues and all the things they want to take down, and they want to basically a race history. It's like George Orwell four come into real life. And now we've got the NFL and now that's the next battle in this But you said something that I thought was really profound. Ultimately, it's the Constitution itself that they want to say is corrupt and not acknowledge the you know, the beauty of our founders and framers are simple. They weren't perfect men. This isn't a perfect country. I'll go back to the quote I gave you on Barry Farber, and I can tell you this that no country has done more for the advancement of human kind, but the beauty of that documents. We correct wrongs, we correct evil, we correct injustices and bill History has proven their wisdom, their insight, their intuition was right. If if you give it to the people, they will eventually, albeit slowly, get it right. Well, you know, killing him. I wrote this book so that people would be armed and dangerous with facts about how this country was founded, who Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin, what they went through as men, and as you rightly pointed out, we don't gloss it all. They had bad things as well as good things. But I think Americans today take their freedoms for granted, and they shouldn't because they're under assault. The goal of the far left is to reright that constitution, and that's why they're using the the words white supremacist. That's why they want to knock down the statues of Jefferson, change the names of the schools at Washington, and Franklin are on because they consider those bad men. We have to redo it in the socialistic um point of view and get it too into the American people's heads that we're not a good country. We need a complete overhaul. Let's that's the end game. All four of my grandparents came from Ireland and they came here with nothing. And my grandparents and my parents, I stand on their shoulders as I know you do, with the hope that we'd have a better lives than they had. And this will be the first generation where that may not happen because of what's happening. You're excited to be on tonight and we're looking forward to, haven't you. Yeah, it's gonna be good. I mean, I'm uh, I am in bad deck f n C since April. I'm looking forward to seeing the cruise, the floor cruise and everybody. And I really appreciate you having the guts to invite me on. It's not an easy thing. And you know what actually it is dot com. We we do talking points every day and uh, and I like the book to the Killing England, The Brutal Struggle for American Independence number one bestseller again and we'll have you on the Well, we saved a lot for tonight. I didn't get into one fifth the one I want to talk to you about, so we'll do that tonight on Hannity. Eastern Man. I appreciate you being one of us eight hundred nine for one Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Burgess Owen, NFL Super Bowl champion is gonna join us next While the debate on what's going on in the NFL, Well, I wasn't preoccupied with the NFL. I was ashamed of what was taking place. I don't think you can disrespect our country, our flag, our national anthem. Many people have died, many many people. Many people are so horribly injured. I was at Walter Reed Hospital recently and I saw so many great young people and the missing legs and the missing arms, and they've been so badly injured. And they were fighting for our country. They were fighting for a flag, they were fighting for our national anthem. And for people to di respect that by kneeling during the playing of our national anthem, I think is disgraceful. All right, glad you with US News Roundup and Information Overload hour. This is the Sean Hannity Show eight d nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. You know, one of the things that I think really got to me this weekend. It was when there was the game going on in London this weekend, the Jacksonville Jaguars versus the Baltimore Ravens. And I'm watching, and I'm watching Americans and I watch it Americans kneel for the national anthem and standing for God Save the Queen. And I'm thinking something has gone really awry here and something is wrong. Now I'm gonna lay out on TV tonight on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Not everything in this country is about race. There are people that look at this flag and they remember, you know, we've lost six hundred and fifty thousand brave Americans that have given their lives in defense of this country, fighting for our constitution under that flag, for the principles of freedom and liberty and justice and all it represents. No. Look, we've all sinned and fallen short. Guilty is charged. You know what, I'm more guilty than everybody. I'm guilty, I admit it. Our framers are founders. They were imperfect but they designed a system in their wisdom to over come the wrongs, evils injustices in life. And we have a history of of Americans bravely standing up arm in arm and fighting for these things. So the question is where is it going from here? What what is going to be the net result of all of this. It really is an honor and a real privilege to me to have a Super Bowl champion. Burgess Owens is with us, author of the brand new book Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Winer's Weenies and Whimps is a book I'm gonna I just got ahold of it. I can't wait to read it. And we're also joined by Bert Hubbock is with us, and he's a freelance sportswriter formerly I'm sorry, Bart Hubbock is with us, freelance sports right. I know who you are, by the way, and here here to discuss this. I know you're probably like me. I mean, I'm you're probably a big fan of Burgess as well, right, Oh, yeah, absolutely that when I was I was growing up seventies and early eighties. I mean, first of all, you are you look amazing. I know a lot of people that played in the NFL and had great careers like you did that they didn't do so well, and you look like you're in great shape. You don't seem to have any lasting injuries of any kind. I was very blessed, and uh, I think I was telling before, okay, is that better? Okay? I happen to be. My position was free safety, so I was the hit turn instead of the hitt and that plays a big part. And I think I came out of the game at the right time. Ten years and I was beginning to kind of figure it, I need to do other things, an entrepreneurs process, So the time was perfect. I'm just really blessed to uh do to be in a position to an eternity in the NFL. It is it is. The average NFL player makes about two point four million a year, and they lifespans three three and a half years in the NFL is not a long lifespan. There. The average per some the average ticket cost is just a little under Hunter Bucks. Take a family of four, You buy a couple of beers, you buy a hot dog, you buy a coke, and and maybe this your son or daughter wants a jersey. You leave their seven hundred Bucks and why are people turning this into race? The President never mentioned Rice. He talked about respect for the anthem, the flag, and the country and those that served under that flag. What did you say? I think we have to look at the big picture. And that is because I know my history. I know the the greatness of the Black race, what we did here, I know how that's been hidden. I also know where we started going wrong. Um, there's an ideology out there. Liberalism, socialism, atheism, Marxism, all the same of the same cloth, and they're are They're all against the Judeo Christian badgers we have in this country. This country has been the greatest place in his history of man kind for all races. And what they've done to the Black race starting back in early nine. First of all, you take away God. You then take away the family system, the family unit, to take away the fabric that really makes our country what it is. Then take away out history. We have such a great history that many many Americans be totally shocked to hear about. When I talk about us leading the country in terms of the black middle class, leading country in terms of percentage of me and committed to marriage, all those things were going on during the days of segregation, Jim Crow, because we were just like a really other culture, determined to win. A matter of fact, the more racist we went after, the more we're determined to beat them. And so what do we have left after all that? What we have left, basically the left is a takeaway pride in our country, the one thing that unites us all. We have such a diverse country. That's what I love about this this America. Diversity. We can debate all kind of issues, all kind of backgrounds. The one thing we've always come together on is our flag O the pride and being an American, and that's what the flag represents. Have you taken heat for taking this possession? Yeah? I mean obviously. And if you're gonna stand off anything, really you're gonna have the nephsayers and be honest with you, John, I don't mean I've been. I don't care. I've been a little disappointed. It's taking me this long define to give some attention because my goal is I would you would have been a regular program. I look at this way. If you're going to be um a fighter, if you're going to if you really love this country, um love I love my race I'm proud of who we are ill all the other stuff doesn't matter what people say. It makes no difference to me because the people I respect respect what I respect, and so I'm excited about it. I'm just loving the optune to have these discussions. My goal is be able to, like other black conservatives, get into the black community. We need to get back and fight for those kids that we've been losing over the last few decades. I think I'm the only person nationally when all those violence record numbers of murders and shootings in Chicago. One night, I decided I'm gonna name the names. Because everyone talks about George Zimmerman, Tray Vaughan, they talk about Michael Brown and Ferguson, they talk about Freddie Gray and Baltimore. Like, Okay, look at the list. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of human souls destroyed. All that God given talent and potential is gone evaporate, and you don't hear anybody talking about it. We don't hear it because those who control the messaging of those who don't care. You see what happened with the black community, particularly in the seventies. I saw available study realized that's when we lost our middle class of squeezed in the middle so we didn't have more elitis and more dependence elite us. The last thing they care about the people of their race. They care about their themselves and their group. So yes, we we have a fight to fight and the biggest thing for me is to get back the empathy, caring serving middle class. We get that done and uh and everything else will take care of yourself. Let me bring in bart um, Bart, with all due respect, if you're on with Burgess Owen, you're not getting as much time. Um, because I'm sitting here in Mesbrandes. What rot your reaction to what he's saying in light of what's happening with the NFL. I mean, when I saw this from England on Sunday, I'm like, you know what, Saturday is my game day for a while. And I'm not a boycotter. I don't believe in Boycott's people trying silence me through boycotts. It's not who I am. Uh, you know, I'm a little confused where he's going. Uh, you know, I don't understand. You know, this country was founded on descent, and are you saying that? I mean, are you guys saying that there should not be allowed to uh, you know, to protest. No. Now, what we're saying is this, every generation, what we was made our country great. It's it's been in the American DNA that every generation leads more hope to the following generation. The minute we have a country that begins to not give our kids hope that they can overcome, they can succeed by but going through the process we all go through, then we lose the culture and we lose our position as being real men. So what I'm saying is this, there's no problem with with debate. Let's not demean the country and the theme of what America is all about, which is you could overcome anything, and if I can do it, you can do it. It leads a really good at this I can do it, but you can. And unfortunately, we have a lot too many Black Americans believing in that, and so they start off already thinking believing that they already behind the ball game because someone told them they're not gonna make it happen. So my goal very simply, uh, let's have this debate. Let's having a very friendly, respectful way, and we win if we do it. That way because facts are on outside. I just feel that, you know, just like I said, this is people exercising their First Amendment right, their freedom of speech. You know, can I can I just add one thing and that you know, how can you tell somebody what they're what they're allowed to protest, how they're allowed to protest? Well, you can't work in the NFL. You can't shoot a bow and arrow or or mimic shooting a bow and arrow. When five officers were killed during a shooting rampage in Dallas, the cowboys weren't allowed to put a little insignia on their helmet to honor them. Are they not all violations of free speech? Or there was one player that whose mother was suffering from breast cancer wanted to keep a little pink on his uniform and remembrance of his mother. Uh, he wasn't allowed to do that. Players look at r G three, Well, I just happened to be the biggest fan of and I thought he was one of the most amazing, talented, gifted players ever. He got fined for wearing Reebok instead of Nike. Some players that fine, okay, but but but you want them to be fired? Wants them to lose their jobs, lose their profession because of a protest. Let burgess respect. Are you hearing from a businessman and understand in the business setting, that's what that's what leaders do. Um go to go to the NFL corporate offices, or let's say I'm working there and I decided to my left breaker and go down and start demonstrating. Guess what's gonna happen. I come back to my desk, I won't have one, Because that's what business people do. They protect their brand, to protect their business, to protect their profits. So they have they have a right to find anyone they want to. And it's actually in the rule books exactly how teams are supposed to react or in the anthem, which is stand tall, be quiet, be on the field for the anthem, and and put your helmet on your left hand and your left arms. The players weren't even on the field. But but I mean, you're you're the sportswriter, the NFL patriotism, You're you're you're the sportswriter. Why do you not know? Why do I know more than you? Because they're supposed to be, as a matter of league rules, on the field for the anthem. No, no, this is yeah. Can I can I can I take it to a different level. Okay, I mean we can talk about rules, we can talk about rights to protest. Uh. Personally, I watched my race, uh go down to tubes in a big way. I grew up in the community of segretated community. Talent has the floor with proud patriotic. My dad had come back from the war. His last thoughts in his on his life was in his lifetime was that he was proud to come back as a proud patriot. And he kicked But when he came back, Um, when guy's PhD at ohiuse state during the times of segregation and and and Jim Crow, we had a race that was winning because they understood everything that other racists understand. We now have a racist not So let's talk about why that's happening. And it comes down to hope. And we started taking away the hope of our young kids. And and they think they can't make it anymore than the the wrong side is winning. That's not the American way. So aside from all of the rules, let's talk about what we leave in these kids that want to look they don't have das number one. The dancing on went at home. So they look at the guys on football fields their mentors, and the mentors are telling them, guess what, guys, I can make it. I can make five million, twenty five millions a year. But you can't because the white man's gonna stop you. And that's not the message we should be giving any Yeah, I understand, what what does that have to do with the flag protest? Well? Okay, are you not hearing him? I mean you have in trouble with your filist. Do you not understanding what does what does the disappearing black middle class have to do with the When we come back. When we come back, we'll give Burgess another opportunity to help raise your consciousness. Burgess, Owens and bart you buck Is with us, take a break, we'll come back and we'll continue. It's the Shawan Hannity Show. Your calls and comments and Einsley Earhart from the Fox News Channel coming up next. All right, as we continue the latest on the NFL controversy. As we continue with Burgess, Owen is with us, former Super Bowl champion and author of the book Liberalism Or How to Turn Good Men Into Winers? Weenies and whimps and bark hu Buck is with us, and he's a freelance sportswriter formerly with the New York Post. All right, well, I'll give you another chance, Burgess to explain to him, because he keeps every time you answer, he says, what does that mean? Okay, let me let me kind of give you a little again. Well I didn't say. I'm saying, what does it have to do with the anthem protests? Okay, here, here's what has to do with it. I was fortunate to grow up in a time when my my black community, seregted community was very very proud of being Americans, very proud of our country, and they knew the promises of this country was that we work hard, and they had the faith it would become better. I remember going to uh seventh grade, walking too to school and raising the flag, lording the flag with a friend of mine, and being taught never to let it touch the ground because we desecrated. So guess what happens when you understand that there's a promise this country gives us that there's a First of all, jadea Christian values is a god in heaven that says this is the This is the place to make it happen. Fall short, fail if you want to, but you can make it happen. What happens when I failed, as I said, you know what I can do it. That's That's the one thing I knew I had over my my my next door neighbor. When I had to move to Brooklyn, New York and Inner City bankrupt because of business I went through. I remember be thinking the advantage the point in your life was up after the NFL. Wow, you went bankrupt, bankrupt, that's tough. And I remember being in a basement department with four kids and his gunshots outside. Is humbling as it was, I remember seeing the advantage of having my next door neighbor. I know it's temporary. I know that this is gonna be a life lesson and I'll bathe at some point, at some point tell people why this is such a point. At point are you look? I don't understand Bart's point to a certain extent. I want to understand the liberal mind as much as I can, and and there is truth there there this society, the evils of racism and hatred and animosity and antipathy. I get so angry. I'm gonna deal with this tonight on my TV show, that the race card is used by Democrats every two and four years during elections. The President never mentioned race. I see this as a respect and an understanding for those who fought bled died for this country for the right to play a great game and be a champion and give back to the community. So and I think just for the simple reason of honoring those that died for us, that's enough for me to stand and the anthem. If people want to protest, there are there are a lot of reasons to protest. You know. For Colin Kaepernick to have socks that depict police as pigs and praising for Theel Castro is not on my list. Well, I m I think the key to it is a lot of And I'm gonna tell you what. The way I look at the Democratic Party makes it basically four simple words, uh, slavery, segregation, secession, and socialism. Now that is and I say this from a person who used to be a Democrat, who realized that my race from the time I was growing up was going in the wrong direction. We need to understand it's a there's a there's a message of division, and it's a message of harmony. Whenever you start calling people racist because they might be a different color or because they have a different view of viewpoint, you're dividing. You're not You're not having a conversation. It's not about a conversation. It's about demeaning and trying to bully people to stop. I gotta break. Um. Are you a pastor? No, I'm not really do speeches, motivational speeches. You're really good, Uh, Bart, I know that when I listen. It's just a rule. If you're on with Burgess Owen, you're gonna get less time. But you're very generous. Um, I hope you're not about it. But we'd love to have you back. It's been one of my honors to meet you. I grew up watching you and I'm just a huge fan and God bless you, and we'll have you back on if you'll come with for your book. I'd love to just talk about the book, all right, God bless you appreciate it when we come back. Ainsley Earhart, Fox News and your call straight ahead, all right, as we roll along, Sean Hannity Show, Toll free telephone numbers eight one. Sean Ainsley Earhart of Fox and Friends in the Fox News Channel. We'll be joining us in a minute. First, if you missed a lot of what's been happening with our top story today, and that is the NFL. We do we do? You hear my monologue tonight and Bill O'Reilly will be joining us tonight, his first appearance since leaving Fox. Uh. Here is a recap and just how intense this battle is now getting. I've watched him quite closely. So let's take what you just said. Um, he clearly doesn't want to talk about Puerto Rico. Uh. You know what, more than three and a half million American citizens along with the US Virgin Islands not interested. Doesn't say a word about it. Now FEMA is down there. I've called on him to send the Navy, particularly the naval hospital ship called US Comfort. I really think that would be a big help. We don't hear a word, and we don't hear anybody high up in the administration. You don't hear from the Vice president or anybody else. So he doesn't think that has any political relevance and it's certainly not personally important. He attacks black athletes as he did, uh, starting with his rally in Alabama continued on Twitter, and he attacks them for protesting peacefully, for equality, for standing up for what they believe. And he does it once again to dog whistle to his base and to try to detract attention from other things that are going on. But it's quite telling that he is willing to attack black athletes. He never says anything of an insulting manner toward white supremacists or neo Nazis or Kuklux slanners or the Vladimir Putin right, I've never said anything about race. This has nothing to do with race or anything else. It says to do with respect for our country and respect for up. You have Hillary who's called black teens or black kids super predators. You have Donald Trump who's openly racist. So was this country really standing for? But it makes a different feeling them now, don't take a knee, don't sit down. I'm gonna do anything like that. I don't want to be here. Leave. I don't think it's American at all. What are you going to do that? Don't play in America? For them to not come out, that soulds er Field. It's dedicated for the military, and for them to be that disrespectful and I'll come out on soldiers Field Donald. There's other ways that you couldn't give a stance and give us say. And I don't think it should be through our nationally in them. I think it's shameful and I would like to see those cults players leave the country and leave the team. Well, I wasn't preoccupied with the NFL. I was ashamed of what was taking place because to me, that was a very important moment. I don't think you can disrespect our country, our flag, our national anthem. To me, the NFL situation is a very important situation. I've heard that before about was I preoccupied? Not at all, Not at all. I have plenty of time in my hands. All I do is work, and to be honest with you, that's an important function of working. It's called respect for our country. Many people have died, many many people. Many people are so horribly injured. I was at Walter Reed Hospital recently and I saw so many great young people and then miss legs and the missing arms, and they've been so badly injured. And they were fighting for our country, they were fighting for a flag, they were fighting for our national anthem, and for people to disrespect that by kneeling during the playing of our national anthem, I think is disgraceful. Well, that's exactly what I've been saying. This. This is now a battle for the heart and soul of this country. Do we honor respect our flag, our anthem, our country and those that fault blood and died. That's it's that's simple, It's not more complicated anyway. Joining us, she is a friend and colleague from a Fox News channel. Our last book, Take Heart My Child, went to number one on the New York Times best seller list, and uh now Ainsley is coming out with a new book, and a couple of weeks we wanted to have her on because she, like a lot of us have, Fox has come under fire for anything we do or say. Anybody in this country that dares to like or be fair to Donald Trump is subject to getting the crap beat out of him, and Angeli joins us, Now, how are you, hey, son? I'm great, How are you good? So? What is where's you? Guys? Now? Are coming under fire? And I saw Brian kill me the other day and you know, Brian has been at this a long time and I was surprised. You like, I don't understand why people are coming after us, And I kind of laughed because I don't think there's a day that goes by that I don't have, you know, somebody firing something at my head. Yeah, I mean, we are getting it from every angle. But I will say I'm from the South. I grew up in a Christian home. Both of my grandfather's fault in World War Two. My father gave twenty years of service to the Army Reserves, drove two hours one week and out of every month to go and serve our country, and then gave up two weeks every summer to go and train, and was always ready to go and fight for our country if called. So I come in a place. I represent the South, I represent the fly over States, the Midwest, and I feel like this president is the voice for so many people. And you know, it's easy for us as journalists who live in New York City or journalists that live in Hollywood to put it down, but they don't know the rest of the country. I have so many friends here Sean that grew up in New York that have never left this city, and they think that the rest of the world is like them, and they're not. I mean, I have so many friends that have said, I'm glad President Trump said what he said. That's what I wanted to say, but I can't say it because we're shut down. We're called racist even though we're not racist. I feel like these are some of my friends that say, I'm not racist at all. I love everybody. I what is wrong with standing for the national anthem? What is wrong for standing for the red, white, and blue. America represents all of us, the flag represents all of us, the national anthem. I just can't believe. I don't understand why individuals would want to take a knee for then. I understand if you want to take it before, if you want to take it after, you have the right to do that. But so many people have died for this country, and like you said, by not standing for those individuals, for people who have sacrificed everything, who made twenty dollars a year, where you've got these players that are playing on the gridiron that have never done anything for our country other than through the football. And many of them are amazing people. They have done things for the inner cities, they have done things for their families. They're very generous with their millions of dollars, but they need to remember the reason they have the right to play football, and the reason that we can pack those stands and not worry about a bomb going off like you do in other countries is because men and women are fighting hard on the front line for all of us, and they need to show them respect. It's really well said, and I and it's totally and completely and utterly true. You know, the sty tho people that have died fighting for our constitution, our way of life, for our liberties are freedoms. And to me that ought to be reason enough. And by the way, I make my living with the First Amendment, I'm all in favor of people speaking out on any issue they want. I don't have any problems with it, and even that even for those people that hate me. And by the way, I know this may shock you, but there are a lot of people that actually hate me. And oh, I'm glad that I'm think you care. I really don't. I really don't give a flying rip if you want to know the truth. The first do you remember when I came to Fox News. It was ten and a half years ago, and people were saying negative things about me and I had never dealt with that because this is the first time I was at the national level and I saw you when you're getting ready for your show, and you said, Aly, don't worry about it. Just google my name. The first thing that comes up is Sean Hannity's an idiot. I thought it was great. Well I didn't. Yeah, I just if I cared, I couldn't speak the truth. If I cared, I would not be able to say what I what I want to say every day. I mean, we've got Bill O'Reilly's going to be on for the first time since he's left the channel tonight. That's exciting. Are you ready for some amazing ratings? You already get great ratings, beating Rachel Matt already, but my goodness, everybody loves the ratings ratio. Yeah, well, you know what, and there are people that actually trying for the four million times starting boycotts. Oh, you can't let anybody else talk, And this is like the left is that way? You know. One of the things I know that um As, I've gotten to know you and you worked on Hannity's America. I think the best assignment we ever gave you, though, was going down to spring Break. Um and you were down there with my brother in law who was producing the whole thing, which was hilarious. I didn't remember this, but but he had reminded me that at the time you were ready to have your first child, and you have a little girl, right. I don't know how old is she. Hayden will be two in November. What happened is you sent me down there for a few years in a row. I did, and the security was getting that the easiest assignment. That's fun, No, it was fun. It was fun. The last year though, we went down in March, obviously spring break, and the last year Tom was saying, all right, we're done for the day. The best thing is when you're done for the day, because then you can go have a bite to eat and have a glass of wine or whatever. So we were done for the day, and Tim said, well, in my case, vape and VAPNISSI apparently is big news. But go ahead. Oh gosh, so what for not smoking anymore? That I gave up my cigars? That's correct. I know. I'm proud of you. So but we were there, and you sent me down there, not knowing how I was pregnant. So I told him he's like, let's go for beers. I said, I gave it up for lent. I gave up alcohol for lent. So that was my excuse not to drink that. I announced a few like a month later that I was pregnant. Right, I'm sure he was suspicious, but so. But so you write this first book, and and it's called Take Heart My Child. It races two number one on the New York Times best seller list. And now I think you've done a follow up, which is I guess coming out about what two weeks now, and it's called My Child's Gift to Me Through Your Eyes. Explain what that means. Well, it's called through your Eyes, my Child's Gift to Me, and it just means my first book I wrote because my dad left notes, you know, scripture or quotes, Bible versus next to my serial every morning or pretty much every morning. And so I was telling the publishers about that story after I had written this other little book, and they said, that's your book. That's what you need to do because I was pregnant, and they said, you need to pass on all of these words of wisdom to your child. So that was the first book, and it's just like a lyrical lullaby of all of the all the things that my dad and mom taught me that I thought were important for me to pass on. So this book once you have a child, as you know, Sean, it's amazing because we can I recommend one thing. I told you this before. Don't teach your children to talk, because then they're gonna get become six and they're gonna talk back and eventually, you know, my daughter is now sixteen, and I'm like, I'm shoeing everybody away. It's so infuriating. But um well, I mean it is amazing. I think what you're really saying here, and I think I get lost because I'm so busy every single day. My there's not a second of my day that I'm not consumed. And I think when I guess a child is either eating or playing with their toys or or what butterfly is new to them. And I don't mean while I don't see anything, I'm like walking head down, moving fast, texting as I walk, calling as I walk. I mean, we don't stop like kids and see the beauty and majesty of this life. No, that's all of us. And I wrote about her seeing rain for the first time, and how and all she was. We walked out of the apartment. Thankfully, we had scaffolding outside of our apartment. And if you're guys are probably not in New York, most of your most of your listeners, But in New York, if they do work on your apartment, they put up scaffolding so that an e fall that doesn't fall on top of the sidewalk where people are walking. So we walked out and there was rain pouring down. I didn't know it was raining. I didn't have an umbrella. We stand there under the scaffolding and she's just like her eyes just were so wide. She was in awe of rain. And I thought, you know what, this is such a great lesson because we walk outside when it's raining, We're like, I've gotta go get my umbrella. I've gotta get you know, I've got to get different shoes. This is such a nightmare. It's going to ruin me. That's the first thing. I think, I gotta get different shoes. First thing when I go into the no But you know what there is there is the wonderment, the amazement, the the awe that they have. Everything is fresh and everything is new, and um so, anyway, we'll have you back when the book comes out. I think you need to write a book that says about growing up in the South and living in the city. Is I'm sure that there's a culture shock. I mean, at one point in my career I lived in Alabama and another point I lived in Georgia, and for me it was a culture shock. Yeah, Alabama. Speaking of Alabama, there's a big race there today. Um No, I know there is a big culture shock. But for me, New York represents all of my dreams coming true. God blessing me in a mighty way. I wanted to be here so badly when I was growing up, and I feel so fortunate. I have one foot in South Carolina and one in New York, and I love those and I want to get the hell out of here. That makes us on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Uh, I don't know why the city is so vibrant. There's I don't even live in the city. I'm like, hardly ever here. Well, all right, you should. You should enjoy the city more often. Sean, it's a wonderful fight. Well, congrats on the success of the show. Uh. Fox and Friends co host quickly proceeds. Some of the proceeds go to Folds of Honor, military organization that gives scholarship money to are the children of our fallen soldiers. So Um, that organization is amazing and you can find out more information about it at Ainsley Earhart books dot com and you can preorder it now. All right, we'll put it up on our website, Hannity dot com. Through your Eyes my child's gift to me, Um, seeing life through your kid's eyes. Ainsley always good to talk to you. My best to Brian and Steve. Tell Brian, Tell Brian, Tell Brian to chill. Everything's gonna be okay. Alright, sn is our number, quick break right back. We'll continue, all right, Hannity tonight, ten Eastern. Now we have fans burning their memorabilia, their jerseys, anything known as NFL. How bad will this get? Also the latest out of Washington end the triumphant return Bill O'Reilly is first appearance since leaving the Fox News Channel. Hannity our brand new time. We hope you'll set your DVR and tell your friends because the media wants me to fail in a huge and big way. Nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow