Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of 15 instant #1 books including the #1 “Killing” series of histories, and his new bestseller, “Killing the Mob,” join today completely disgusted by the mountain of misinformation from the Biden crew on COVID-19. The NIH Director is now telling people that we need to wear masks at home with our children. And of course, now the Delta variant is already predicted to be a problem come the 2022 midterm elections.
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Alright. He claims he's a simple man, not simple man by Leonard skinnerd But I argue he's anything but simple, maybe one of the most complicated people that we have on the program. We welcome back, of course, Bill O'Reilly all things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. Um, mister o'reiley, sir, how are you you know I'm the same handity, which is a tragedy everyone. By the way, you know one hundred thousand weeks at like number one, although Levin knocked you off. I think you're at ten weeks, you know what. That's true. And I got Levin on the No Spin News and I and on Dell O'Reilly dot com. That's awesome. Really Yeah, So I'm gonna you know, I got a few things to say to Levin for knocking me out of the number one start And does that have You're basically saying he's gonna get a non h this is not going to be a cupcake interview for Levin. Well, I'm gonna have to give him a warning that some of the mob fives and killing the mob actually like the fact that we were number one, and he better watch himself here. Uh, you know, it's actually what people need to understand is I don't care if it's you or Mark or me or anybody. If a conservative makes it to number one in the New York Times, that means you probably had to outsell whatever liberal book is on the market by at least fifty or one hundred thousand more copies. Am I wrong? No, you have to really have overwhelming numbers to get up that list. And because it's not based on what most of the other bestsell lists are in the Nielsen tally, which is a reporting tally that, by the way, that's actual books sold, but it doesn't represent every book store. So I think about sixty five seventy, which doesn't go into Costco in Walmart, which it should be a great, big big books. Oh my gosh, they're great. But don't you love those stores? Do you let me ask phill O'Reilly simple man in this question. I love to shop at Walmart. I love to shop at Target. I love to shop at Costco's. I don't know why people make fun of people that shop there. I meet the nicest people, and you get everything you want. When I had no money in my life, I used to even get furniture there. That's why I bought my furniture bill. So let me get this straight, Hannity Um, you are in aisle number seven getting corn flakes bulk at Costco? Is that is that what I'm okay? I don't need. I don't need. I prefer frosty flakes, Tony the tiger Um. But to be honest, I can't eat it because I'll blow up like a balloon. But it's one of my favorite cereals of all time. But I go shopping every single solitary week. Yes, I do. I do my own shopping. Do you No, I have a nice woman here. We go that for me because I'm I'm very frightened to go into What do you mean you're very frightened to go in? I don't know what I'm buying and there's so many Oh my gosh, you're like you're like George Bush Senior. Have you ever used the the scanned? In other words, have you ever scanned your own groceries at a grocery store? I don't believe I have, but maybe, Oh my gosh, you are not a simple man. No, I go to seven eleven because but what do you you's safer in seven eleven for you? Is that it? Meanwhile, you're like six foot ten tall. I mean, it's not like people can't recognize you. Which there's only four seven eleven and and you can protect yourself in four miles but not thirty isles. Is that what you're telling me? Um? All right? No, I don't. I hate even transitioning into a serious topic, but it's it's real. Let me play probably one of the dumbest human beings on the first face of the earth. That's the mayor of the City of New York. My affectionate name for him as Comrade build the Blasio. Listen to what he says. Unless we want freedom taken away, we need a vaccine mandate, am I huh, you just contradicted yourself. Listen right now, we have to fight COVID like never before. The delta variant has changed the game unless we want to run the risk of going back to restrictions and having our freedom taken away and people losing their jobs again. It's really clear what we have to do. People have to get vaccinated. And we had a long period where it was voluntary, there were incentives, it was compact, snit and kind. But now it's time to get a little blunter about the fact that everyone needs to get vaccinated for the good of their family, their community, their country. And a lot of people I think are close to that point, but they needed a little more of a push. So here's a clear message. We're saying, you want to go and enjoy great restaurants. Amen. You want to go to movie theaters, to go to the gym, that's great. We want all that. You gotta get vackstage. You want to work in those places. You gotta get vaccinated for the good and the health of everyone around you as well. I have four specific questions that I'm going to give you the floor. What about people with rare medical conditions whose doctors say you really can't get this vaccine. What about the Cleveland Clinic, prestigious medical institution saying if you had COVID, you don't need any vaccine following the science. What about medical privacy and what about doctor patient confidentiality? All those things matter or to me thoughts? Well, remember one, what the blisia is doing is racist. Did you know that thirty three percent there's only a New York City is when you break down demographically, thirty three percent of African Americans are are vaccinated, which is a small number, which means two thirds of African Americans in New York City would have every door closed to them. Yes, you can't go inside. And the number is sixty nine percent in the Bronx. Wow, so does comrade the blous, he'll know he's a racist by the way, he Well, that's you. I know what you're doing. You're you're using the woke left definition of systemic racism. But the the you know, one thing, the one false charge that has been out there is that conservatives are creating vaccine hesitancy. Well, there's percent of them that won't take it. I think you have to be fair and say that the thirty percent of the far right doesn't trust the government, and they're libertarians anyway. They don't want to be told what to do, so they're not going to take it. But African Americans have the lowest ethnic vaccinate in the country and in New York. That is exacerbated by the fact that a lot of them live in very crowded situations in neighborhoods where there are tenements and they're on top of one another, and that spreads COVID. So I know why the Blasia is doing what he's doing, I unfortunately believe this is going to catch on all over the United States. So in a state like Texas, you're not going to have a state mandate, but certainly Houston and Dallas are going to follow what New York City is doing. And so you have to have a vaccination passport of some kind to show if you want to come into a restaurant or go to a movie. It sounds like you may support it, Am I wrong? No? I don't support it in the sense that I think you make a very good point about there are people who cannot medically take the vaccine scene, and there are people who are shielded against it because they've already had COVID. So what the municipalities must do is allow those documents to go into the application for the app. So you get how this is done. Is you you apply, you show a vaccination card, or your physician says the person has said COVID that has to be taken into consideration. All medical privacy then goes out the window. Patient doctor confidentiality goes out the window. And these are the same group of radical left wing new Green Deal socialist democrats that don't want to voter ID card bill. Does that make sense? No, of course it doesn't make sense. But if you're looking at a public health crisis, which COVID is, then you have to go all the way back to polio. That's the best comparison. So the federal government of the United States did not mandate that all Americans had to have a polio vaccine. And remember in the nineteen fifties, I mean that was crippling people all over the place. FDR hit polio. Okay, but what happened there was all fifty states to warn't fifty back then, but all fifty states passed their own law that you have to be vaccinated against polio in order to attend public school. Today the child has to get vaccinated against measles. So I understand and support the public health shield, and I do it reluctantly because you're right. I mean, who wants their personal medical record to be known by Bill de Blasio. No one. But if it's just you know, if it's just a situation where you have to make a decision to protect yourself and your fellow citizens, I think you do it all right, quick break, we'll come back more things. A simple man Bill O'Reilly All Things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. We'll get to your calls next half hour eight hundred and nine for one seawn our number. You want to be a part of the program as we continue, Hey ten couple, the king of edited fake news says Sey is bad par America. John Hannity on seven to ten w All Clerk simone tomorrow from ten till noon on seven to ten wo R all right more with Bill O'Reilly All things O'Reilly, simpleman at Bill O'Reilly dot com. I am not willing to give up my medical privacy or my doctor patient confidentiality. I'm not I'm just not willing to do it now. One thing that has not been discussed, and by the way, this is just one of one, you know, the millions and one reason why you know we're idiots for staying in New York State period. One thing that I have been highlighting that very few people seem to focus on at all, is now that we have these breakthrough cases, I really do want an investigation into Province Town and all acknowledge that is an anomaly as of now, and I hope it doesn't duplicate itself. Where seventy four percent of five hundred people testing positive had been fully vaccinated. We know what happened with Lindsay Graham, and one of my best friends was diagnosed and he was fully vaccinated this Saturday. But there are therapeutics like regeneron which it seems the medical community has underutilized all throughout since since they developed this. Remember Donald Trump got one of the first infusions and he said it it changed him instantly. He almost called it a cure that day because he felt so much better within a very short period of time. And I think that's going to be the way to go down the road um marketing drugs like that to mitigate the effects of covid um. But there is a ten percent chance if you get maderna afiser that you'll get covid Now. I don't know whether you know Provincetown, Massachusetts, Okay, so you know it's a party town, big time bill everywhere you hang out, some party town hang out. I actually did a I'll talk about this some other time, but when I was at CBS News, I did an amazing story about Provincetown. That is a really big party town, Provincetown, and I don't think it is reflective of the rest of Massachusetts for the country. It could be wrong, but at this point, if even if you get Maderna, I mean, Lindsey Graham is a great example. He got the X, but he did get COVID. I have apparently he went to a party in closed quarters, but he said it was just basically a sinus infection, which what the VAX does. It doesn't one hundred percent protect you. But if you get COVID, then it's very very How do you feel about bringing back mask mandates? How do you I'm not that now. Now, now you got me in my wheel zone, Hannity. Now, I'm not wearing the gd mask. I'm not wow wearing it. Okay, I find your transformation here now all of a sudden, the mask is your tipping point. I'll take mask over tipping point for me. I got I'll get the VAX passport. Um, I'll get it, all right, I got the vaccination. I'm not getting it a person, but I'm not wearing a mask. That is that is not happening here. And if the if my priest tells me I got to wear a mask to go to masks, I'll stand outside in the parking lot and praying mombayself. I am not doing it. That is so funny. I mean, I can't believe you'd be open to the passport but not open to wearing a mask. I'm not because I remember bothered me. Your problem is as your six foot ten and you can't not be recognized. You know, I'm just six foot tall, and you know I can blend in better than you. But it's one other big problem with me in the mask. You know I'm so good looking. Why do good grief? Oh jeesus, stop, just stop while you're ahead. I was pretty good. They give me, I'll stop it. How about vaccine mandates? Do you support that? No, that's unconstitutional, I agreed, But if you But just like I said with polio vaccine, the states have a right to pass that. If you want to go to school or you want to use a state facility, you have to be vaccinated. They have a right to do it. Right, if they're going to force people and they make the decision not to do it, they have to accommodate kids with school and at least offer at home learning options for them. You have to offer the at home I'm doing a big investigation. I hope it's done by Monday. On the Nosepin News on Bill O'Reilly dot com about American children and COVID because we have we can't get a straight story out of the CDC, which drives me blank and nuts. Bill O'Reilly all things O'Reilly at at Bill O'Reilly dot com eight hundred nine four one Sean a toll free telephone number. All right, we're watching defund dismantle Nobel laws. This insanity that's going on all around the country. When fake news gives you lies, Hannity supplies the truth. Sean Hannity is on right now, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls in a second. I think there are a lot of interesting angles to the Olympics, which I'm really not watching and I'm not interested in in large part because of what's happening in every other professional sport, and that is politics being inserted into the game. But I gotta say something. There was a moment where the US wrestler women's wrestling team Tamara Mensa stock is her name, was asked a question by a reporter. She won gold at the Tokyo Olympics and anyway. She anyway, She was asked, well, how do you how does it feel to represent your country like this? And this is what she said, question for you, that American flying around your shoulders looks pretty good. How does that feel to represent your country like this? It feels amazing. I love every day in the less I'm freaking love living there. I love it and I'm so happy I get to represent you. He's not the Greece of God and able to even move my feet like I just leave it in his hands and I pray that all the practice that the hell that my freaking coaches Cimier pays off, and every single time it does. What does this mean for the popularity of the supporting for all the young girls out there that are going to see you and feel inspiration, It means that they see someone like themselves on that podium, Felle like Helen on that podium showing them. Just because you're Emaale, it doesn't mean you can't accomplish the biggest of gold and of being an Olympic champ. It's one of the hardest things I have ever done in my entire life, one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. I want that was the only thing so far that really grabbed my attention and my interest in the Olympic Games in Tokyo. And and I was so happy for her to be a top athlete in any sport. I know from personal experience, my kids were, you know, both both athletes, and all their friends were, and they all worked so hard. I mean, it's so competitive. It's the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, and getting up every day and training and practicing. It's you sacrifice so much of your life to get there. And I heard that it just it was sort of like when the Islanders started it, and then Tampa Bay followed up with it, you know in the Stanley Cup semifinals and finals where they were the crowd took over the singing of the national anthem. And I keep saying, you're taking the most unifying moment of a shared passion for a sport, a shared passion for a home team, or in the case of the Olympics, a home country. When you see that people you know are making a statement that no, I'm proud of this country, I'm proud to represent this country. I'm proud to sing loudly and proudly and unapologetically our anthem, like we might remembers. You see, it's whatso her hands so I mean, it's it's just that doesn't give me goosebumps. I don't know what will she played every day, I guess and I'm not. I'm meant. I was so into the Stanley Cup playoffs this year. I would DVR every single game and watch every single game and love every second of them. I love I've always loved hockey. I played hockey as a kid and it was the only one of my friends not to lose my teeth. I lost those when I fell off a roof three stories on my face. But there's a forty plus percent drop in viewership at the Olympics. Do you think it's connected to these political statements that people are making. I mean people, they're not going to sporting events to get lectured on politics. I can tell you that's just a fact, and I'll tell you it's going to end up getting hurt of the athletes because they're not going to get the big salaries that they thought they might get when you know they're working so hard to get to these high positions. Linda, I couldn't. But did you see in Norway? I think they call volleyball handball there, but it's really I think it's really volleyball. Anyway, that team decided they didn't want to wear bikini bottoms, which I guess was the standard uniform of volleyball players. I guess it's beach volleyball. But and they just decided to wear regular old shorts and they created a controversy. They were getting in trouble for wearing I'm like, what century these people living in? That was that? But they're fine, they were fined, I know. I mean, it's just insane. I'm like, what does the outfit they're wearing have to do with their ability to play the sport? I'm not want to talk about sports, but I'm just saying, by the way, that's true. You're not wanting to talk about sports, but fashion, you know, I think you can weigh in on pretty yeah, But I'm just like, nothing, nothing. Listen, how about they wear whatever the hell they want. But bikinis are like, you know, it's for the pool, it's for the beach when you're lounging. It's not like something it's not active where you know, like exactly. I'm sorry. There's a lot of aspects of bikinis that are not the most comfortable thing in the world. So I'm just saying, the last place I ever want to be is sitting on a beach. I don't know how people serious. They thought you were just going to say the last place I ever want to be a bikini. You know, It's like, how do people sit on a beach all day? All day? I know people friends of mine can sit on the beach all day. Yeah, And I'm like, are you First of all, I'll get sunburn in ten minutes anyway, and it's gonna hurt. And I don't feel like I'm just I'm not. I have no appetite for it anymore. No, I hear you. It's very It's that's a special thing. I'm coming out of my skin in five minutes, and I know I should be enjoying God's majesty and I can. I can do that for a period of time, and then the waves sound beautiful and it's nice. I gotta be honest. I really liked the beach at night, Like I love to go to the beach at sunset when everybody else is gone home and you walk along the beach. I took my little guy. Look at it. I took my little guy to the beach last week, just for a day. And it's I just I laughed because I was like, oh my god, I'm raising a mini me. Because we were on the beach in the morning, got the very early eight thirty nine o'clock in the morning, nobody's there. We're doing our sandcastles for about now. He looks at me, goes, so how long are we doing this? Mom? And I just looked at him and I was like, oh, you are You are my child. He's like, aren't other things to do? We built the castles, we saw the water and were ready, and I was like, yes, baby, we're ready. And I just laughed because I was like, you know, he's five and he thinks this. You know, it's just classic. All right, quick, we'll come back more of our little discussion here. Will also get to your calls on promise in the next hour. And is it possible that Andrew Cuomo is facing criminal prosecution? Our legal team weighs in next as we continue. All right, as we continue a little discussion here about the Olympics and others other things I mentioned this yesterday on radio and TV about so this tennis pro she's so talented, she's so gifted, Naomi Osaka and I I forgot it was Wimbledon wherever it was. She pulled out of the tournament, and she had great anxiety about being forced to do press conferences, which I guess is part of the players contract and they have to do a press conference. I mean, people were so harsh against her, and I'm I think she's twenty three, she's very young, just like you know, by the way, I couldn't even stand on a balance beam. Could you imagine doing like ac flips and twists and hearns and I don't know. I mean, these gymnasts just dazzled me with their athleticism, and Simone Biles, you know, was struggling. And I'm and I'm reading these comments of everybody, and I'm like, you know, first of all, you know, all these jackasses, armchair quarterbacks, um, you know, stuff in their face with popcorn at home, with an opinion on everything. They seem to have no understanding of the amount of their own lives they've dedicated to be the best at their sports, and did they not consider at all that there might be something that they don't know about that has caused them great anxiety that they can't do it. You know. I know, for one fact, I read that Simone Biles Andta died. Um that could shake anybody to their core. Um, what if she's so close to her end and it just devastated her. Have you not been stated at the loss of the loss of a loved one? By the way, people's number one fear is speaking publicly, Katie, I'm sorry that that that is most people's biggest fear. And I know because I've coached people on how to do it. But when they tell me, how do you do this? And I said, I have to give a presentation and I don't know what to do and how to say it and where do I put my hands and all, you know, people get very heavy about it. And I've spent a lot of time trying to, you know, coach people how to relax. Um, just little techniques that you can use to just slow down and calm yourself down and focus on the material that you're presenting and don't get caught in you know, thoughts creating anxious feelings, and those feelings create more thoughts, and your mind is spinning and then all of a sudden, you're nauseous. I mean, you're ready to throw up. And I just thought, does anybody really know what's going on in either one of these young women's lives? Do you have any idea what? Maybe maybe something happened and that we don't know about. And I just found a lot of the comments harsh. Now, do I want people to ever quit? No? Do I want people to fight through fear and adversity always. But maybe is this something that's so traumatizing in their life that you don't know about. Yeah, that's a possibility. And in both cases, these are young women and we're expecting them to be perfect and problem free, and rather than showing an ounce of compassion, people were immerciful to them. Did you notice that? I find that we're in a very strange place in our society, which is that we're very quick to judge, and then the second that the judgment is faced on yourself or somebody you care about or something, then it's like, oh, you're too judgy, And I'm like, you know, I just think everybody just needs to mind their business for a little while and stop being so concerned about other people. And maybe hear the whole story, you know, it's the whole idea of like the old you know cliche of you know, a mile in my shoes, You have no idea what happened in that person's day. Even when someone say in your life, yeah, if people knew your personal story or aspects of it, they would be stunned. They would understand why I don't like sports. They would say, yes that they would understand why you a lot listen I'm doing. You know, I don't curse in front of my son. So that's an improvement right there, you know. But see, there's one point you're missing, if I may, which is that these girls they're not even reacting to what has happened. They are reacting to the anxiety in the anticipation of what might happen. Because they're young and they have grown. They have grown up with social media. So if you like, for example, like you know, social media for a lot of us, happened when we were in our teenage years, right or in our twenties. A lot of these girls, this is all they know. Like my son already knows what Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, iPhone, iPad, kindle, you know, this is their world. They're at school, so you give him your six year old son. Actually I do not. I do not, but school does. You don't give you boss access to his own account's great? Listen, I'm telling you you should. You're gonna thank me for that one day already. I mean, it's it's it's they're not missing anything, trust me, you know, but this is what they're growing up with. You know, my son goes into school, they give him an iPad or a chrome book, and he's sitting there and he's navigating around this thing, and I'm like, oh my god, I'm like, can we go back to pencil and paper? Because now they have access to YouTube. Now they have access to ABC Mouse, which is a good program, don't get me wrong. But they're learning how to navigate around. And once they get on YouTube and these other places, then they can look at other things. And I'm like, even the YouTube kids, it's it's filled with disgustingness. I'm like, it's it's crazy. And now these girls are doing things that could affect their futures, their careers, and they're being judged by an entire world of online you know, warriors who think that they know better than them. I mean sanity to the last thing. I can guarantee you if you dedicated, you know, over a decade of your life, trading hours every day. It's sacrifice, really your childhood to get to be a top athlete, Olympic athlete, tennis player, or any individual sport for that matter, or any sport for that matter. And the last thing they would want is to have anything interfere with their dream and their goal. Totally right. It's devastating for them. And I'm just thinking, there's got to be an underlying reason that we don't know about here, and you know, calling people quitters and all sorts of horrific judgments, and I'm thinking, what do you know about their personal life? You know nothing about their life. You know nothing about what might be the underlying cause of all of this. And the funny thing is, even when they do have all the facts in front of them and it's plain as day, if it doesn't fit their narrative, they say nothing. It's easy to attack these girls. We got to take a break here. When we come back top of the hour, We're going to look at the legal issues that Governor Andrew cuomo Is is facing now that the ag of New York said, yeah, these actions were criminal on a state and a federal level. Albany Prosecutors now has an open investigation into this. We'll talk to Greg Jarrett and David Shone about it. We'll continue