Biggs and Zeldin

Published Jan 23, 2020, 11:00 PM

Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona, Chairman of the Freedom Caucus and Congressman Lee Zeldin of New York who is part of the congressional advisory team to President Trump,he is an attorney and an army veteran, and he has been very vocal after a day of testimony in the #ShamSchiffShow.

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You know, there's some things I'm telling you. What's going on today is I mean, it's still dull, boring, repetitive regurgitation. You're learning nothing new, but it is a fascinating thing to watch in this way because what they're now doing is they it's so hilarious. All right, let me let me backtrack. So over the years I've been in talk radio. I got into talk radio because I love talk radio. I would stay up late at night. The great pioneers of talk radio. I mean, if you looked in Boston, it was a guy by the name of David Brudnoy and Gen Burns and w RKO and Jerry Williams and all these great broadcasters. In New York, it was Barry Gray and John Shower, your money man, he did a money show back in the day, and Good Guy Radio WMCA. I know this doesn't mean a lot to a whole lot of people. My buddy Barry Farber, I quote them all the time. Barry Farber speaks like thirty three languages. I was a kid, and he'd say, go get go, get your globe, go get your map, and I go get it. And he says, let me go through every country, and what communism has done. I'd get an education. It's so smart, speaks like thirty some other languages. You know. He's the one that always said, there's never been a country in the history of mankind that has ever accumulated this much power and abused it less. And I very very humbly add and used that power more for the advancement of the world's the human condition than the United States. Humulate power, abuse it less, and use that power to advance the human condition. That's what that's what America has provided the world because our system of governance, you know, predicated on a declaration that points out that, you know, we hold certain truths to be self evident. All men are created equal, We're all endowed by our creators, come from God, not from men, with certain inalienable rights life, liberty to pursue the happiness doesn't mean equal results. We're not a perfect country, but in the wisdom of our framers, our founders, they designed a system where we will right wrongs and correct injustices and then and we do all the time, thank God, become a better, a more perfect union of you will and I love when the President ends his rally speeches, we are one glorious nation under God. We are one family. We are one America, you know. And we're gonna make America strong again, and we're gonna make America prosperous a man and then make America great again. And boom, up comes the music, the Rolling Stones, And it can't always get what you want. Um amazing crescendo to his rallies. I think well done, And it's frankly what I want for every American do we want every American family member to do well. Isn't it great that we're creating jobs, you know, eight million? Isn't it great that we didn't, you know, put thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation. Right now, we have the record record low unemployment in over half a century. Wow, that's a big deal. Every demographic group in America setting record after record after record. I know the media mob never talks about it. They're never gonna talk about it at all. They're just not anyway. But I backtracked, So I love talk radio and I just I remember when I was a painting contract. Well, first, I remember my parents. It wasn't turned the television set off. They'd come in my room, and I mean, my father was pissed, he was angry, he was annoyed, turn that thing off. I think one time he might have taken it and smashed the radio. I'm just guessing. You know, it's a pretty tough guy. And I would argue, I know, you can't do it in this day and age. And I never hit my own kids. I just wasn't in me. I just I didn't think it was effective. You take their take their stuff, their phone, they're there, xbox or PlayStation away and forget it. They're they're begging, you know, today, to get out of jail in seconds. But you know, he'd hit me with the belt, different place, different time, and I would argue, right now, didn't hurt me at all, and i'd I deserved it. Every single time I deserved it. I was wrong, he was right, he didn't want it, and he'd say, I don't this hurts me more than it hurts you. It wasn't a cliche, it was all true. But that was a particularly annoying thing. And then, you know, we lived in a kind of small house. My parents room right next to my little tiny bedroom, and every time my father was coming into the room. I'd be a whole house would shake, and I'd be like, okay, turn the radio off. Act like I'm sleeping, all right. He go back in his room. I hear, get back to his bed and go to sleep, and then I put it back on again. I know it's terrible, but I did. And but i'd hear these great pioneers of radio. Now, why am I bringing this up? Because I'm watching the Schumer Shift Sham show today, and what are they doing. They're just it's they're they're out of things to say. They're they're literally just repeating, repeating, repeating, repeating, repeating. We're not getting any new information. They even they're so desperate they've gone back now to replaying the opinion witnesses that they handpicked, cherry picked out of the audition hearings behind closed doors. Were even Republicans were kicked out of they that I mean, and they imagine this. They were playing the opinion witnesses, you know, even the one guy that said that once before he was brought in as an opinion witness, that Trump should be impeached because he tweeted out the words fake news. That's that's where they've gone here another point. They're putting up the Mueller Report, and I'm like, you mean the one that exonerated Donald Trump, that Mueller Report. That's how desperate they are. They've got twenty four hours, They've got all day to the day and all day tomorrow to fill. They're filling time. They have nothing to add to this, not a thing. Everything we know stays the same, and they'll have a big show. Like when they got started, they knew the witness battle would come after each side got the twenty four hours, after sixteen hours of questions, then they get to fight over witnesses. And I assume that will also deal with the issue of executive privilege, which the courts ultimately should and would be brought in to decide. And if they make a decision, great, If they don't, well, I think the cases slammed dunk. But you never know, we have a lot of liberal justices. So where's the connection, Hannity, you're talking in circles. No, I'm not. I all my life as talk radio got started Rush Syndicate. I know I started in nineteen eighty seven, it was and then I remember being when I first heard about Rush was in nineteen eighty eight and I was in this radio station University of California, Santa Barbara. They ran me out of town, but now they bragged that I started my career there, and they put me down as an alumni. I'm like, no, I'm not an alumnium and anyway, but but I was terrible. I'll be the first two. It's it's humiliating. But anybody that starts in radio, it's awful. I think the person that captured that the best is Howard Stern. You know, you go to I watch his movie Private Parts and moving around the city after city. That was me. And you start out in radio, welcome, we have now hope the weather and here, you know, and you want to sound like a big broadcaster and you have no clue what you're doing. And you know, I had listened to all these guys like Bob Grant later in New York, Hey, get off, I phooed you creep, And so I tried that for a while. It didn't exactly work out well for me, And eventually you start realizing you just gotta be yourself. You just have to. You just have to. You know, you can't fake it for three hours a day. I'm just telling Then your heart comes out, who you are comes out. You can't fake it. I know because I know people that have tried this. Everyone think this is easy. It's not. And as Stern would describe, not only do you go through that process, and then you go through the moving process. Then you deal with these stupid program directors, oh my gosh that couldn't broadcast an hour or second in their life, and you gotta deal with that aspect of it all, and then eventually you find your voice. But there's another thing that's similar that I noticed in this movie is like, I don't know what happened. Maybe I heard him say this in an interview. Is the first time I was on radio, it just started flying out of me. Hey, I don't know where it came from. You know, my kids would come up to my radio studio and they'd say, Dad, why are you screaming? The first time the light went on, I kind of like projected. And then the answer I gave him was, well, I'm not really screaming. I'm just like, well, should I do the show like MPa, Hi, Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Just it didn't feel right. It feels like your radio. It's theater of the mind. I gotta get your attention. Don't touch that radio dial. That's the point, and you gotta I don't have the ability TV. I can roll my eyes, I can throw to a sot, you can take a look. You can do this and that. You know you can't do that on radio. So my point is so I would listen as I traveled the country, and I remember one fourth of July, I was doing a three hour show and it didn't have any commercials in it in Huntsville, Alabama, my first professional job. Fourth of July, I had to work. Only had two weeks vacation, and that included holidays. I didn't have off. I worked. By the time I left, I was doing the afternoon show and the morning show and for like nineteen twenty grand a year, and I loved it. I was happy. I found my place in life. I didn't think I'd ever make money doing this. I just wanted to do it. My sister called me a loser. She said, you're gonna fail. When you failed, you gotta promise me you're gonna go back and become a lawyer or something. So, but i'd hear other hosts I remember I'd always when I'm traveling, I always put on the radio AM radio at the time. Now I would say AM on FM, and I'd be listening and I hear hosts struggling, they cannot get phone calls. They're begging or right, have one open line though, one eight hundred and nine foot one, Shawn, if you want to call in with one open line, stool And they go on and they run out of words to say. It's sort of like the Alec Baldwin tape. That's interesting, interesting, play the whole thing, and the point is what I'm here. And by the way, it gets awkward as a listener. You know that they're out of stuff to say, you know they're done, you know that they're trying it. And then what they usually end up doing is they'll start getting more extreme, and they'll start saying more provocative things and more provocative things, and then they'll just go over the line a million times over just to get a phone call. And I remember what one Saturday, three hour, fourth of July show. And by the way, it's so funny. I've talked about this before. People said, well, I was listening that day it got so bad. I think I remember picking up in the newspaper because you didn't even have the internet back then. For information, I'm limited to magazines and the newspapers, the local newspapers in USA today and I'm oh, let me give you a movie reviews. Let's started doing movie reviews on movies I never saw, just to have something to say. I was out of it. I'm like, nobody called. I think I got a call like it just at the end of the three hours, somebody bell me on three straight hours? Not stop talking. Now I can talk four hundred hours and never stop. But it's that's what I see in this hearing today. It's hilarious. And when I listen to these local hosts dying on the air, they're dying. You keep listening. It's painful. You know they're in pain. Oh we got some time? Oh great, well we're gonna when can we take some calls ivan whenever we want? Do we have calls that are on there now? Cast calls? Yet? What number do people call to get on the air? I mean, do we have that number? It's right there? Do I have the cool number in front of me? Oh? I'm so sorry. That's interesting. Interesting. At twelve ten at pht of course. Any other questions you have, any other comments you have, call us to the what else? Call us please at twelve ten. Now, if you don't call, we're gonna keep reading from the Scientology Manual. You might not feel it. You might not feel the energy right now, you might not feel the swell of what's happening here. Everybody calls you out there, Ivan, no calls, Let's read some more about scientology. Is Sean Hannity a scientologist? Alec Baldwin posing the big questions tonight? Here? Do we have any calls here yet? Ivan? None? Boy, it's just incredible, unbelievable. Well, if you leave us no choice listeners, that was real. He couldn't do it. Sean Hannerty, former construction work hack Ken. It's so funny. But that's the point all I've seen today. They regurgitate. They're now going back to the Mueller report. They're now playing, replaying the opinion witnesses that think Trump should be impeached for tweeting out the words fake news. It is a spectacular fan. It's like the poor local radio guy that can't get one single phone call, or Alec Baldwin, he never got a call on that show at the Andies, he called his mother to be a guest. That's what's going on in Washington. They've got nothing left to say, and they've got two days to fill and I'm loving it. By the way, MSNBC hosts, you know, crazy area fifty one, Roswald, Rachel Maddow and company. Their outrage. Democrats are so bored. They're saying fake it for the sake of your country because they're leaving and can't stand listening to themselves. You can't make it up. Fake news. CNN is canceled. Next psioa town halls with the candidates. Yes, impeachment is way more important. You know. I'm all right, So I would live in a business thankfully, and I mean this sincerely. I can't do this job. Nobody in radio can do it without you listening, and without something called ratings, and without great advertisers that we have in the same in TV. And the numbers are in again. Do you realize the network coverage yesterday? It's almost like a cable access channel. These are broadcast networks. One point two million, NBC, ABC, that's it, two hundred thousand in the demo. This is a broadcast channel. I know this is a little inside baseball. That is a spectacular fail. And thanks to all of you, we had by far, you know, four and a half million people last night, no other show, even these liberal fake news cable news networks. You know, they're averaging what fake news CNN like one five and you know, less than two million at the Conspiracy Theory channel. And they're so upset over there. You got Area fifty one Roswald Rachel manaw and their fellow hosts that Democrats are bored by the impeachment trial, and they're urging them for the sake of your country. They're out there saying, you know, it's odd senators are falling asleep walking out of the trial prematurely. It's terrible to look to the public to the extent that the news reports are getting out. These are people are supposed to be listening, hearing, making a decision on what's being presented all day long. We've also heard a lot of people have made up their minds already and not actually taking their oath seriously. For the sake of your country, stay awake and stop walking out. You can't make this up. It's that spectacular a fail. Guess who they're helping Donald Trump. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred ninety four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, I am telling you I can spot it. I see it. It's painful. What you know, we now have the compromise corrupt congenital liar Adam schiffback out there and all he's now talking about Russia. He's like filling time on his show. He's got nothing left to say, and they've got all day to hey, and then they got all day tomorrow. And I'm just using the example because this is a profession. And I used to always say everyone's got one talk show in them. Apparently Alec Bolden doesn't even have a half hour in them. Based on the two appearances that he was trying to audition to get a real radio talk show. And there's the one incident where he literally walked out of his own audition when me and Mark Levin called in and the great One and we tagged teamed him, and in all fairness it was really Mark, I'm gonna say anto, you know, and he's going after me. He called me a former construction worker hack like Hannity and Johnny Whitman. Hi, Sean, all right, I don't want to play the whole day. We've got time. So anyway, he ends up walking out. If you want to get up to the point where he says, I'm Maddie here and Brian's going Alex, I think we should just play the whole thing. No, I don't play the whole thing. Pull up, just go up context people don't just way No, it's way too long. Just go to the point I want. When he's walking out and Brian saying he's getting dressed putting his no, please don't leave. I beg of you. Go ahead and take your headphone. I beg of you. Not off the folks, Thank you very much. Stay right there. We're gonna be back with the stare at there with the no talent and you are a no talent ignorant fool from long on. You should go back to building houses out luck. Okay, listen, Sean, come back, come back, Alec, come back. They're gone, Alec. Alec has walked out of the studio. Alec, please come please come back. He is uh in the other room. Alec Baldwin has put on his jacket and he has left. I just went into the station lobby to the elevator bank to see if I could find Alec Baldwin and ask him to please return to the radio show. But he is gone, gone. I missed Brian Whitman. He was a great guy. We didn't agree politically, but I remember when I did eleven to two. When I first came to New York at eleven at night till two in the morning, he would follow me do the two to what five or six am show, and I got to know him. He's a great guy. We don't agree politically, but he was fun. He deep, his grated voices entertaining. But that night that was Alex's first four ray into talk radio. Well, me and Levin tag teamed him and he walked. He walked out. He couldn't handle it. And then he tried the one I played in the last half hour, begging for calls. So here's Adam Schiff. What's he talking about? Now? This is just potted up for a second. Let's see what he's regurgitating in this anounce. These two political investigations that would benefit his reelection, Oh my gosh, and just looking at how baseless and fabricated the allegations behind us were made plane his corrupt motive all that there's not a single new thing that you don't know here. Nothing they got twenty four hours to fill. This is the just beginning day two. I mean, it is that spectacular of fail and it's the equivalent I am saying of a radio talk show host. And I know I experienced it. I told you it was one fourth of July, Huntsville, Alabama. I'm on two to five or whatever our three hours I'm on and I got no commercials that day. None. I think I got a five minute break at the top of the hour ABC News. I think that and that was it, and I'd catch my breath and I'd be like, Okay, here's the number. And finally I remember at some point, so I'm not gonna beg for phone calls. I'm just gonna figure it out because I thought, you know, I always had phone calls in Huntsville, always never had problems getting calls. Lines with fall all the time. I never lived for whatever reason, I've been luck but I'd hear these talk shows host when I travel around the country, and you know, some of them were good, but not really that good, and they were trying hard and it just is you're just compelled to watch because it's so hard. You know that they're dying. It's like a stage act. They're dying, and you're not supposed to watch, but you can't stop watching, and you just want to keep listening, and you keep listening, and they keep begging and begging for phone calls. It's this is what the Schumershift sham show is now. It's the same exact thing. And where it gets very amusing to me. I mean, I can go over all the facts again, but I don't really have any new facts to give you. So what's the point except you know, they go through this effort of futility anyway, I don't think anyone in the Democratic Party ever thought through exactly what this means for them. And now think of it this way. Eventually, this president's getting acquitted. We know how the movie he's gonna end. But then you've got these fake news networks that have been raising expectations. They've done this for three long years. We've played the impeachment montages twenty sixteen. Even two days after the president's elected, they're all talking about impeachment twenty twenty seventeen, and Peach forty five and Peach forty five and Peach forty five. Then you got the four investigations, you got the FBI nine month investigation Trump Russia collusion. Nothing, there's no there there, Peter Struck, Lisa Page, we've found nothing in nine months. Then you had the House Intel Investigation nothing, no Trump Russia collusion. Then we've had the Bipartisan Senate Committee, no Trump Russia collusion, ending, culminating, crescendoing with the spectacular fail of all fails. Because they thought it was gonna be the in the Muller report, We're gonna impeach him here and they put all their eggs in that basket and nothing there. And on obstruction, bar Rob Rosenstein, guy who signed the fourth five application, the third renewal, nothing, no obstruction. Now today I'm watching these guys, not only they regurgitating right now, right now, they are putting on one of their witnesses, hearsay witnesses. They're putting on opinion witnesses. There's only one fact witness that they had, and that was Ambassador Solomon. What did the presidents say? I want nothing, no quid pro or quote like Joe. And of course in the whole process of this, they have to ignore quid pro quote Joe and zero experienced Hunter. What company on the face of the earth would ever pay any one individual millions and millions of dollars with zero experience? But they're not gonna ever talk about that with the new evidence that the congenital compromised, liar corrupt Adam Shift put out there. Yeah, he says, Joe and Hunter are innocent. Really, you're not getting the billion. You're not getting it unless you fire that prosecutor is investigating my zero experience on being paid millions. It's on tape. Then you got Hunter on tape on good More America. What do you know about oil gas Ukraine? Nothing? No, nothing. Why do you think of you? What experience did you have? Well it was once on the MTRUK board, So a forty nine year old adult, he's not a kid. Oh on the end, Well, there's a lot of experience. Uh. And and why do you think you got the job? I don't know what it's a good question. Why they paid me millions? A little? No? Do you think maybe because your father's the vice president and he's in charge of Ukraine? Yeah, that's probably okay. Why else? Would you pay him millions millions of dollars a year. Now, no company would spend millions unless they won't getting something in return. This is called good old fashioned intellectual honesty, reasoning, common sense. God gave us a brain. We're supposed to use it. Every Democrat, every person in the medium mob is lying out there. Oh no, no serious person has ever considered anything inappropriate wrong here, No, you're crazy. And now you got even the even the liberal common haters. They're furious at everybody. If the trial goes on a long time and they don't collect their paycheck and they're given a meager amount of money, Well, these people's jobs is to do this, they're saying over at Area fifty one, Roswell Rachel Maddow's conspiracy TV channel, what's gonna happen? After they lied about Russia Trump, Trump, Russia, Russia, Trump and Peach and Peach and Peach, and they didn't get what they wanted. That's what the audience did. Will you set us up? You've lied to us. They left them. Now they're setting them up to think that they're gonna get a conviction. They're not getting a conviction. And then it's another spectacular fail. Now Democrats will be stuck running on their record. What's their record? Nothing except hating Trump every second minute hour of every twenty freaking four hour minute day. That's all they do is hate Trump. Now they're saying it's they need to fake being interested for the sake of your country. Wow, I mean, you can't make this story up. Everything they try to do to Trump, themerangs back right in their face. And I'm looking at the ratings here from yesterday and it's like Network Television is getting one point two million viewers and two hundred thousand in the demo. It's a disaster. If there was public interest and belief in this, then they would be paying attention. But the American people know when they're listening to a host that is repeating themselves, regurgitating old information, and has nothing new to offer. The facts never change. Quoting Jim Jordan four facts never changed, and that was facts result in an acquittal. Now Schumer saying, we don't get witnesses, it will make the value of an acquittal zero. Oh, okay, okay, Chuck, you keep telling yourself that they've gone out on the deep end and they have no idea what they're doing. It's it's pathetic, and the saddest part is it hurts the country. Now we get a little serious for a second. None of this is good for the country. They haven't done a thing to help with peace, prosperity of the American people. They haven't created a job. We know how horrific the Biden Obama record is. I won't regurgitate that, but you know, Trump is going to become the first president in history to speak at the March for Life. We saw what the President did with China last week, and we saw what he did at Davos this week. President has kept every promise. I won't list them, you know them my name. At this point, he's kept all those promises. Americans or prospering, we're all doing better as a country. And this is where they are. Now. What's fascinating is you have both Bidens are now scared to death about Okay, well, we'll have reciprocity. We're gonna have guests. What's the reciprocity We're gonna bring in Joe and Hunter? Whoops? Now Joe Biden is saying and Hunter's saying it desperately scrambling to avoid having to be called to testify, and Yesterday's Washington Post Joe Biden angrily rejecting the prospect of a witness deal. Now the Democrats have backed off about even Lisa Murkowski is complaining about the democrats impeachment presentation. H three days of this, you know, Schumer, Schiff, Sham show, you know Key voting this never know what Murkowski is gonna do, and you know telling reporters she's offended by a claim of a House impeachment managers that Republicans are engaged in a cover up or in the trial. I took it as very offensive, she said. I was offended by the way Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Burkowski, all those phony votes they were they were all done for political purposes. Lisa, wake up. They hate all Republicans and in twenty twenty two they're gonna go after you. That's this is the game they played. Not that they deserve it, but that's what they're gonna do. By the way, it was two years ago today, January twenty third, twenty eighteen, that quid pro quo Joe made his you're not getting the billion, lets you buy the prosecutor. You got six hours. We're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You're not the president, the president said, I said, calling him, I said, I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. And I think it was what six hours? I look, I said, leaving six hours. If the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money. O son of him. I got fired. Today's the two year anniversary of quid pro quo Joe admitting at all. Remember the State Department had that official. George Cannid raised concerns over Hunter Biden's work, telling lawmakers he was worried about Biden's Hunter Biden's employment with Barissma. Regardless of whether anything is wrong, it looks terrible. Even the ambassador Ivanovitch I knew nothing about who thinks that I was after her. I'm like, you're crazy. I couldn't even say her name in the beginning. Who is it? I don't know? We go back. Her name was mentioned in passing twice on my show in terms of preparation for the hearings. There was a question about that and a select answer in the firm that Biden's employment with Burieseman raised questions. I think it could raise the appearance of conflict of interest. I don't see the compromise corrupt congenital liar playing that tape back. That's a tape that they could play back for years, you know, years, Rand Paul, forty five senators now ready to vote to dismiss the charges. Well, where's Mitt Romney mint for the sake of the constitution. I know you may hate Trump, you don't like his style, but he's doing pretty much everything you said you would do if your elected president. These arguments are putting senators to sleep. I mean, Fox News observed a Democrat in the back row leaned on his right arm, covered his eyes, stayed that way for nearly a half hour. Other lawmakers openly snickering when Chiff said he'd speak for only ten minutes. Rand Paul passed the time by working on a crossword puzzle and Elizabeth Warren playing a game on paper during the proceeding. I guess they're playing a Hangman or something or tik tak toe. Any one gop center has walked out during his lunatic rant. The Schumer Shift Show claims that Trump pause in aid risk world War three with Russia. That's how insane this has gotten, or really world War three with Russia. And by the way, of course he got did it again, he made up another fake Trump quote meaning the congenital liar yesterday, mischaracterizing evidence again yesterday hammering he miss in his new evidence Zelinsky was really Joe Lefkowski whips he got the wrong. Give this to mister z warning of a warning, warning of a Russia attack on the US mainland yesterday. That's how messed up his head is. By the way, he's losing it. He's like in a stat of psychosis. He just I mean, he's losing it. And but these are the people that are doing it. Why would we ever give them power back in two hundred and eighty five days? The thought of that scares the hell out of me? Really does? They say, Well, Trump scares me, scare you for you know the world's afraid of him. That's a good thing. A very very powerful and forceful speech two and almost two and a half hours by Adam Schiff for the lead house manager and Jake if the President of the United States, who was a born Air Force one now flying back to Washington from Davos, Switzerland. If he was listening, he heard a very very strong case from Adam Schiff why he, the President of the United States, should be convicted and removed from office. It was just a very factually based argument, very long two and a half hours, but really it didn't leave much to the imagination. I mean, Claire, what is the state of Adam Shift's sort of reputation and relationships in the US Senate. They are admiring him, even if they will never admit it publicly. Wow, he is a really good lawyer, period. End of discussion, and what we're looking at. What I really thought was this amazing about shifts presentation. He was speaking not just to the one hundred people in the room, he was speaking to one hundred years in the future. This is a speech that kids are going to be given in twenty sixty, you know, at university projects and things like that. He was saying, this is our democracy. If we cannot have functional impeachments, we don't have a government anymore. So this reminds me of quote from the Space to Be Lincoln who said to sin by silence when they should protest makes a coward of men and that's the people who are thinking it's better to stay silent, and I can do better by trying to do the right thing. You know, this is really an I Am Spartacus moment where you know, people really need to stand up. And I do think I wrote the same thing, which was that this was a speech really aimed at the better angels. And I think Godam Shift did a really great job. I thought it was dazzling. I thought the way he wove through both the facts of the case and the historical context was really remarkable. It was the second best court room address, since it's like a courtroom that I ever heard, after a prosecutor named Jonathan Benedict in the Michael Skagel case in Connecticut was the best I ever heard, and it's still the best. But that was you when you consider the volume of information he covered using the video, as I think Jake mentioned earlier, the you know, the witness testimony, the documents. It's very persuasive stuff. It was meticulous and well organized. It was grounded in evidence which he recited and arranged, as you said, in a comprehensive narrative. At times he tried to rise to a level of eloquence and stir a sense of responsibility for the Senate. Here is an argument made by Adam Schiff in a classic legal fashion, even rising to the level of senatorial eloquence. If there is such a thing, all right, I don't know how much I can even just laugh at this man. The medium mob is fawning over all of this garbage. You know, I spend time yesterday and I want to go back to what I said. I've now been in radio thirty one years, in my twenty fourth year at Fox. The only way I get to continue this job is because you give this microphone, you give that camera to me every night, and it's a tough business. No complaints here, I've I've been blessed beyond measure. I want to be in this fight every day. There's a lot at stake. In two hundred and eighty five days. What the Democrats, the radical leftist socialists, what they have done to this country over this three year period, you know, a three plus year, never ending temper tantrum culminating in their abuse of power and this unconstitutional display. They have done nothing for we the people. And the only reason I bring this up is I am looking before me at yesterday impeachment ratings, I have them right before me. Networks. Now, I know most of you probably don't understand. What will somebody get on the super Bowl? How many viewers are on the super Bowl? Like Super Bowl Sunday, I mean election nights, you're gonna get close to fifty million people, maybe sixty eighty. Whatever it is the networks like ABC and NBC one point two million. Now, it is so spectacularly low. I can't even explain it may sound inside baseball in the key demographic everyone likes to break out demographics. They're in the two hundreds meeting two hundred thousand. That is exactly the biggest barometer of what a flop. And then you look at these left leaning fake news networks, and you know in prime time they're averaging slightly higher. Fake News CNN is usually below a million, they're like a million million, four you know, ms DNC, you know under two million. Okay, they're up a few hundred thousand. That's it. Even their own base is not energized by this madness. Anecdotal sure is it a barometer? Does it speak volumes? Absolutely? Because I've been doing this twenty four years on what are considered big news nights. The audience is there in massive numbers, and I think this tells a very big story and where this is all heading and the way I interpreted is this is a disaster and what's going to happen is that they when the acquittal comes, and it will and then we're back into the election mode two hundred and eighty five days. You are the ultimate jury and you get to decide if you're going to reward this three year temper tantrum of the Democrats with their allies state run propaganda DNC, radical socialist, state run television news. It's not news, it's fake. Anyway. Here are two people that have been working really hard to help the president. The new chairman of the Freedom Caucus, Our friend Andy Biggs is with US Congressman Lee Zelden of New York. Thank you both for being with us. Congressman Zelden is part of the Congressional advisory team of the President. And by the way, he is an attorney and an Army veteran. And by the way, he tweeted out last night, Adam Shift's trying to write the world's greatest parody. Connecting dots not actually connected relying on really bad presumptions, lies, hearsay, and he's putting America asleep with his uninspiring fairy tale on the floor of the US Senate. Well, numbers don't lie, Congressman. You know, I have to live and die by these numbers. I gotta do work hard to put on the best show to get an audience. And by the way, thankfully to this audience with all their low numbers. You know they were one two, we were four to three. That's that is a big story to me. Yeah, congratulations, Sean. And your viewers when they get to tune in, they get the backs, they get the full story, and you're just playing clips of different people who should be wearing skirts and with Pom Pom Pom's cheerleading. They're listening to Adam Schiff and they're getting talking points. They aren't critical thinkers. So why would someone who actually wants to know what happened that day tune into some of these other shows when they know that they're not going to get the news, They're just going to get one side of it. And as you just you pointed out and what I had weighed in on Adam Schiff, it's a groundhogs Day, And it's happening again right now on the floor of the Senate where these House Impeacher managers are not telling us anything that we haven't heard already. Yesterday was groundhogs Day, and they're stretching it out. And I don't know if you caught it, but at the middle, did you notice they're replaying their hearsay and opinion witnesses video back. I'm like, we already saw this movie. Is that all you got? Ye? They don't give you the full context either. So if they want to say Ambassador Silence said there's a quid pro quo, they won't say that Ambassador Silon said it was a guess. They won't say that. Ambassador Siloon admitted no one on the planet told him that there was quit pro quol and when he talked to the President about it, the President told him that he didn't want anything. He didn't want to quit pro quel. They'll talk about Ambassador Taylor, but they won't mention. They won't put it in the context of Morrison told Taylor that Solon told Morrison that Solon heard Zelinsky tell Pence, are you kidding me? That's that's your case? And the last thing I would share is this the last words on the House side before they sent the impeachment articles over, Jerry Nadler said, they proved their case quote beyond a doubt. It was uncontested, it was indisputable. And then they spent their first day for eleven hours over on the Senate side arguing procedure where they were talking about item after item after item after item that they don't have yet that they say they need in order to prove their case. So they've totally undermined their credibility. Where now they're spending up to twenty four hours and they're going to use all of it. And I don't know if you called it, but at the beginning of the day today Adam Schiff, if he was cracking a joke, it was one of the worst jokes I've ever heard. He was talking about the senators being imprisoned for if they get up and they walk out of the chamber. I mean, I'm talking about either not being able to read a crowd or tell a good joke. I think that's why people are tuning out, whether they're in the Senate, they're in the media, or they're the American public. Look I mean, I call Adam Schiff. They compromise because he's compromised in this case, corrupt because he is corrupt. We know that. Oh, we'd love to hear from the whistleblower. Yeah, no, we haven't heard. Well, I didn't quite tell the truth there, But three years of lying about Russia, Russia, Russia, and we've got all the evidence. We now have his report versus Devin Nunes's report, and Devin Newnes told us the complete truth. He lied about the dirty dossier, He lied about premeditated fraud on a FISA court. He lied about the bulk of information being the Clinton bought and paid for dirty dossier that the New York Times recognizes now as likely USHO misinformation from the get go. Andy Biggs, you guys work with him. From my political perspective, as he and Nataler are drone on twenty four hours of this garbage where gurgetation, repetition, It's crazy. I'm thinking this is the biggest gift in a really weird way for Donald Trump because it is a tale of two America's one guy in Davos, one guy getting a deal with China, one guy keeping promises, and them obsessing over hating Trump. Yeah, Sean, that's exactly right. I mean, what you see is a dichotomy that I don't know we've ever seen in American politics. The fixation that these guys have had is a basically an adulterated view of the world, and they think everything revolves around them. And so they are still bringing up Russia. I mean, how many times did a shift bring up Russia. They're still focused on Russia. They still believe there was collusion in despite the fact that there was proved wrong. And while they're they're running in this maze over here, this rat trap, President Trump is running circles around them, actually producing incredible results for the American people. And I'm talking everything from where you mentioned the trade deals, the USMCA, the China trade deal. Of the speech he gave in Douglas, by the way, is probably his best speech ever. It's the most optimistic speech you will find. He's done incredible things with the federal judiciary. Look, he's got he's a point more than a third federal judges now and I'm in the Ninth Circuit, and the Ninth Circuit is by far the craziest. And I thought we'd never see this but we now have a majority of the judges in that circuit that have been implicily is that is that now confirmed? Now? Is it a full complete switch? Because we all often talk on this program, Congressman, about how the left goes judge shopping, and that means they'll bring a case in California before a liberal judge or maybe Seattle or Portland or maybe even Hawaii, knowing that when the appeal takes place, it goes to the Ninth Circuit, which has been reliably left liberal for a long time. Well, Sean, there's still some meat on that bone. Because the Ninth Circuit is lopsided. We're more than three times as big as the next closest circuit, So we have literally dozens of judges. So if you want an un bond hearing, which is technical term for a full panel, you don't get it. They will pull names out of the hat and you can still get stuck with nine or ten liberal judges reviewing your case, even though you might have a majority of Trump appointees on that bench. Now, we've still got to take care of the Ninth Circuit. But but I mean, I never thought we'd get a majority on there, and this is fantastic. All right, good news moving forward. A big part of the president's promise kept which again nobody in the mob and the media state run TV's ever even discussed any of it. What's going to be unbelievable is, remember when the Muller report was a dud, that was now the fourth investigation Trump Prussia collusion. All of a sudden, liberals that love their fake news networks recognize they'd been too and they went away, and many of them still haven't come back. Now when this becomes a spectacular fail, what does that do? How do you ever trust these people? Again, we've been right for three years and the IG report the full vindication. Right as we continue, Congressman Andy Biggs, chairman of the Freedom caucas Congressman Lee's Elden in New York. Okay, I'll start with you, Congressman Andy Biggs, How does all of this play out, because we have to look at every event now through the prism of the election November third, in two hundred and eighty five days. How do you think or do you think it even impacts the race? I think this has a tremendous impact on the race. In fact, a shift kind of let the cat out of the bag when he started talking about the twenty twenty election. I think President Trump is stronger than he's ever been, and I think he's going to have some tremendous coattails and that's necessary for us to take back the House. There's no I mean it, we'll do. We'll have the same frustrations we have now if President Trump is elected and we don't take the House back. And I think we're in getting stronger and stronger taking the House back because simply what you've what you've discussed. People are disgusted with this process. Even my Democrat friends and my own district will tell me they're discussed with this. This is really uh, they've overplayed their hands. The whole thing has been awful for the country too. I mean, Congress been Zelden, how do you think this impacts the twenty twenty race? We got about thirty seconds? And why can't you talk Pete King into staying into Congress because I've been trying. Oh man, he's been there for almost thirty years, he's ready to move on. He's got grandkids and and Okay, I really don't want to hear it. Okay, he still needs to serve his country. That's it. Force him to do it. Will you do me a favor? Yeah, you got it. I would say, we got to hold that seat you're familiar with exactly Falshore of Long railand voted for him for a while, and we got to make sure we carry and the president carried that district by nine points. Well, very very important. I think all of this is gonna impact the twenty twenty race. This is the biggest This is America on the brink here the world with it, because as America goes, so goes to the rest of the world. Congressman Zelden, thank you. Congressman Andy Biggs has always thank you. When we come back, more details, more that you won't get from the media. MOBE will also get a lot of your calls in and the other news of the day that we've got to begin to start hitting. And our friend Vince Ellison and Daryl Parks, how real is this new large support with the African American community for the president. We'll get to that straight a hut. Within a month of being given the Ukrainian portfolio, the Vice President's son is hired by Barisma, one of the most corrupt companies in the Ukraine at a fairly exorbitant salary. They also Bisma hires John Kerry's step son, and on and on and on. The point is that the prosecutor, who I think was corrupt, opened up a case in May of twenty fourteen against Bearisma, raided the president's home Berezma's presidents home in February of twenty sixteen, and six weeks later, seven weeks later, was fired. In twenty fifteen, the president of Barizma, Socheka was named by our ambassador as somebody Ukrainian prosecutors should look at for corruption. The person who followed the fired prosecutor dropped the case against Barizma. I don't know, doesn't pass the smell testimony. Why are you paying Hunter Biden? You can say they're corrupt, but they're not stupid. Does it make sense to hire the son of the guy in charge of the portfolio for the American government. And from the time they raided the president's home, Joe Biden called the President of the Ukraine four times, got on a plane and said, if you don't fire this guy, you don't get the billion dollars. I love Joe Biden, but I can tell you if the name was Trump, there'd be a lot of questions. Ask So what I want out of all this? I want the public to understand that the claims they're making that there's no there there in Biden's Nobody's looked. Somebody should, and I've looked, and I've got a lot of questions. Were they buying insurance by hiring Hunter Biden, because says sure as hell, wouldn't buying expertise? If the House Manager's case is based on the allegations of corruption concerning Hunter Biden and Joe Biden being a sham, that it is directly relevant. And I got to say, the need for the Senate to hear the testimony of Hunter Biden, and the need for the Senate to grant the White House lawyers the ability to take that testimony has become all the more relevant. In the list that you gave me of the reasons why you're on that board, you did not list the fact that you were the son of the Of course, yeah no, what ruled you exact? Lay? I think that it is impossible for me to be on any of the boards that I just mentioned without saying that I'm the son of the Vice President of the United States. You're paid fifty thousand dollars a month for your position. Look, I'm a private citizen. One thing that I don't have to do is sit here and open my kimono as it relates to how much money I make or make er deer didn't, but it's all been reported. If your last name wasn't Biden, do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of Barisma. I don't know. I don't know, probably not. I don't think that there's a lot of things that would have happened in my life that if my last name wasn't Biden. I mean, I can't get over at twenty four now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, is there a demographic shift our minority Americans now moving towards Trump? Every indication as there is, will debate that with Vince Ellison, he's such a powerful speaker, and Daryl Parks coming up, Linda drives her crazy. I cannot get over this. I can't get over this spect acular, this, this incredible, a breathtaking hypocrisy of the left, as it relates to quid pro quo Joe and zero experience Hunter. I mean, look at what Hunter just said. I'm not going to get into how much I'm getting paid, and it's all made part. I didn't take a penny from China, lying he's got all and his lawyer asked to come to his rescue. Well, he hasn't cashed in his equity share yet. Oh okay, how much is the equity share? I think Peter Schwitz what we asked him. I think he said like twenty million dollars. The press has repeatedly said that you received one point five billion dollars from China despite no experience and for no apparent reason. Obviously, fact checkers have said that that is not true, has no basis in fact in any way. Have you received any money from on business dealing? No money, but he got the deal and apparently there's an equity share. Okay, follow up question, how much is your equity share worth it this moment, I'm not going to answer. I don't need to sit here and answer this. Well, do you have any experience and energy? No oil, no gas? No? Why do you think you were chosen? I don't know. I worked at the Amtrak once and aboard. Okay, And why would any company ever pay millions and millions and millions of dollars to somebody with zero experience? This does get to the heart of it, now, doesn't it. And then how does a vice president take a billion of your tax dollars and prag on tape saying you're not getting the billion. You're not getting the billion unless you're fire the prosecutor that he knew the New York Times told him was investigating his zero experience on being paid millions. You're not getting the billion, ask Obama. But which, by the way, raises a whole other question. Oh so Obama was going to back up the shakedown of Ukraine? What did Obama agree to that he was so confident when he said it. And but if you're a liberal and you're talking about quids, pros and quothes and and all this crap they were gurgitating. They're so desperate to fill time today, as I've been saying, they're now putting up the Special Council Report. Okay, the Special Council Report. The president we know is exonerated for the fourth time. And then they're actually replaying their opinion witnesses, not Jonathan Turley, though they're replaying the opinion witnesses, you know, like the one opinion witness that thought Donald Trump should have been impeached because Donald Trump once tweeted out the words fake news. Wow, there's a real reason for impeachment. There's a real expert that we really need to rely on as somebody that's had an absolute genius. The whole thing is so sick. It's so upside down. It is so nineteen eighty four George orwell Ish. It is so incomprehensible to me. It defies any intellectual honesty. It defies a willingness to take on breathtaking hypocrisy. They've got to know somewhere inside their brains. I usually know, and I'm being a jerk or wrong, or I do something stupid. I'm usually my brain lets me know I'm wrong, and if I need to, I even apologize. But it's sort of like a mass hypnosis. Their hatred of Trump is so deep it justifies them being the biggest phony hypocrites on the face of the earth. It I can't get over it. My staff is looking at me. You know, I'm making the right point here because I know in your brains you can't get over it either. And I think that that's how much they hate Trump. They hate Trump so much they you so shocked the world four years ago. In two hundred and eighty five days, you have you become the ultimate juror you get to shock the world again, by the way, or at the price of admission that that they're willing to do this. And for three plus years, the the conspiring, the conniving, the lying, the slanders, the smears, the besmirchmen, the never ending We got him, we got him, we got him, We got him again. We're gonna a Rushua Rusher Trump Trump, Stormy Stormy s Oh my gosh, I am I a faint outrage. Now what did I say yesterday? Now? Why do I have hope that in two hundred and eighty five days things are going to work out? Well? Well, I don't have a crystal ball. I don't know. I think I was relating this to the comments that at least Jordan and uh, you know, liberal Joe made on his show, and I read about him, and I didn't see them. I didn't see the segment. I think it was on Mediaite, and I'm just looking at it, and oh, they're all living in a Fox News bubble if they don't, if they think Trump could ever win again, And maybe I'm in that bubble. I guess. Try not to be in a bubble. I try to really look at things objectively. And so my intellect, the intellectual side of my brain, where there's any intelligence whatsoever, a minor bit that might exist in there, says to me, Okay, well, what usually drives elections, Peace and prosperity. That's do you want to cut it down to just the bare bones here? Peace prosperity traditionally historically governed what happens during elections. Okay, Now Trump has now just begun his fourth year. Now are you better off than you were three years ago? Now? The question will be in two hundred and eighty five days. Are you better off than you were four years ago when you first voted to give me this opportunity to serve you as president? By every measure, I won't regurgitate them all. By every measure, I would argue, yes, armed policy, caliphate, Bagdaddian associate, solomany, no bribing of mullahs and dictators. Even I think I think he made a ton of progress with little rocket Man. You know, he was excoriated for saying the words, oh, I'll sit down with anybody. I never thought that it was a bad thing. As long as he doesn't bribe them, as long as he doesn't allow them to get nuclear weapons, as long as he's saying, hey, look, you want to join the free world, we can have a better world for you. I'm happy with that. Let's see the remains of Americans killed in Korea from the fifties. Back, rockets stop being fired every other second over Japan and creating instability in the entire region and threatening the entire region. That stop, we got hostages back. You know what, what did the president give Kim Jong un time? All right, he said, I'll talk to Putin, I'll talk to the Mullah's, I'll talk to the Taliban, and I'll talk to anybody. Not going to give you what you're used to getting. But let's talk, and maybe by talking, maybe we won't have endless wars, which the president has kept that promise. Everything economically, I've gone through that, all the other promises to presidents kept, So okay, we are better off. I would argue by every measure I can't think of when we're not better off. Then the next question is the president maintaining the support that he had in twenty sixteen? Now I would argue that that support is stronger. Why do I say that because I think what they're doing and what they have done for three years to this president duly elected everything from deep state gait and FIS abuse and dirty dossiers and spying on a candidate, a transition team and a presidency and four investigations. No Trump Russia collusion, now this Ukraine nothing, with total hypocrisy of quid pro quote Joe and Hunter. I think the president's base, I think they're like me. The more they attack him, the more I like him. More he fights back, the more I like it. Because they deserve it. They don't deserve the power that they're asking to get. So I don't think he's lost much support. I think, if anything, I think the president's base is and shall remain, and I hope it remains energized. Rightly, so, a great injustice has occurred here his entire presidency. Maybe it may end up being the only modern day president with a better second term than a first term. Usually all of this crap happens in a president's second term. I think it might be different from him at least I got a hope, or they're just going to keep impeaching him endlessly, which is why you need the House and the Senate back in Republican hands. Then I look at other things. All right, did those poll numbers that we talk about, and we're gonna have a debate about this. Eight polls, not outliers, real polls. President's support in the African American community thirty four and a half percent, thirty four, thirty three, thirty twenty eight, twenty two. The lowest sixteen sixteen would be twice the number of African American votes the president got in twenty sixteen. If he got those votes in twenty twenty. Yeah, I think that the people in that are now setting records for with unemployment and they're doing better. The eight million Americans that now have new jobs, the eight million fewer Americans on food stamps, the ten million out of poverty. Yeah, I think all of those those things will factor in. And I think that he's kept his promises and kept his work. I think that means something. So the bottom line for me is we are living in very, very very strange times. And that is we now have a tale of two Americas. You got the one impeachment, hate rage, psychosis, do nothing democrats that want to institute the New Green Deal and Medicare for all and no choice totally can't afford any of it. Then you got the president and his record feel good about it. I think it's you know, but it's a tipping point. This is America on the brink. I shudder to think if they get rewarded for this, what this country will turn into. You are the ultimature two and eighty five days. You have a chance to shop the world again. I'll hope you'll take advantage of it. We'll continue I see here's Chucky Schumer again. Well, McConnell and Trump. What they wanted to do is it never even half of their trial and never even consider witnesses. They wanted to dismiss it originally because of the pressure you're talking about, because even in one poll sixty four percent and one pole plurality forty eight to forty even Republicans and you know, rank and file Republicans almost alwayside with Trump, but they wanted witnesses. It pushed they had to kick the can down the road. And delay the issues of witnesses. I think we made progress the last few days in the focus on witnesses. Yesterday when I offered those amendments and the Republicans had to vote on them, and their constituents saw exactly where they were. We made more progress today, and it's going to be a process tom I certain will succeed far from it. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. The unemployment rate is now less than three find five percent, and at three point five percent, that's a number that is the lowest in more than fifty years. The average unemployment rate for my administration is the lowest for any US president in recorded history. We started off with reasonably high rate for the first time in decades. We are no longer simply concentrating wealth in the hands of a few. We're concentrating and creating the most inclusive economy ever to exist. We are lifting up Americans of every race, color, religion, and creed. Unemployment rates among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans have all reached record lows. African American youth unemployment has reached the lowest it's ever been in the history of our country. African American poverty has plummeted to the lowest rate ever recorded. The unemployment rate for women reached the lowest level since nineteen fifty three, and women now comprise a majority of the American workforce. That's for the first time. All right. That was the President in Davos as the world and worldly leaders and business leaders convene this week, while the Schumer shift sham show was going on solemnly and prayerfully in the US Senate, regurgitating over and over and over and over again the same dull, boring lies and talking points. It is a pretty spectacular example illustration of the two Americas were describing. You know, they had their shot. I've given these statistics all the time. Thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more Americans in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, worst economy, worst recovery since the forties, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years. And yep, took on more dead Obama and Biden than every other president all forty three presidents before them combined. And now what do we have, Well, the President on January twenty, it just began his fourth year. Three years in office. We have the best employment situation since nineteen sixty nine. We have record low unemployment for every demographic in America, and that would be African Americans, one record after another. Hispanic American, same thing, Asian Americans, women in the workforce, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. And add to that, the promise is made. Trade deal China two hundred and twenty billion, two years, helps farmers, our service industry, our auto industry, our energy sector, and our manufacturers. Wow, American workers two years, two twenty billion and no more stealing intellectual property. Then Japan trade deal, then Canada trade deal, bigger trade deal with Mexico. Oh, I guess we could spend the extra money now on the wall than our European partners energy Independence. The President's building the wall. He reappropriated the funds now, the court ruled he can use it, and he's building, and he's building, and they expect four hundred miles new wall by the election day, November the third, in two hundred and eighty five days, Conservative justices biggest tax cut in history, and yeah, the biggest amount of deregulation ending burdensome regulation in the last century. Wow, pretty good record, I'd say anyway. Joining us now, Vince Ellison is with US columnist, lecturer, author of the book The Iron Triangle. Darryl Parks, managing partner Parks and Crump. He also was the former attorney from Michael Brown and Traymon Martin's family. Welcome both of you. Let me start with you, Darryl Parks. I'm gonna ask a very simple question, just looking at the data. Three years Donald Trump in the books, and now we see African Americans Now eight separate polls show support in the African American community for the president at thirty four and a half percent, thirty four percent, thirty three percent, thirty percent, twenty eight percent, twenty two percent, sixteen percent. He only got eight in the twenty sixteen election. That is, these are not outliers, is a mainstream polls. They're all showing a story. Something's going on. Do you think that the African American vote can go to Donald Trump? These numbers a preview of coming attractions in two hundred and eighty five days. You know, Sean, up until yesterday, I probably wouldn't have had an answer for you. Right. But I had the most interesting experience in a barbershop in suburban Atlanta, and I asked some guys who are they supporting? And they expressed great support for President Trump. Now let me tell you what their reasonably was. Though they like his style, they like his brashes, they'd like the fantas he stands up and fight some aspects about government. Now let me say I didn't agree with them, but it was interesting to hear their viewpoints of what made President Trump appealing to them. And let me ask you, did they know who you were? I mean, you're pretty famous guy, even on TV a lot. They you know, in fact, they didn't know who I was. In the fact that the barber who cut my hair, I was sure, I'm actually in the Quamboden NFL commercial that that's eared right now Sunday, Right, Yeah, I am and um, but they didn't recognize it from them. And then, as you know, I don't brag about who I am, but they didn't recognize who I was and didn't know who I was. But I was just getting their perspective because I do think it's important when you're out in the world in certain situations to ask people what they're thinking. And for that brother to give me it money effective about what made President Trump's appealing to him was very eye opening for me. You know, I'm I'm fascinating by saying this. And so I go to these two guys and say, as in Russian immigrants, the greatest guys in the world. And they've got the best barber shop I've ever been to. And when I go see these guys who have the greatest discussions. But it's a barometer, you know, events. When you go there, it's pretty amazing. You do pick up a lot. You know, there's a song by Sarah Evans, biddies in the beauty shop, gossip going NonStop. It's not much different than the barber shop. Yeah, you're exactly right, and the brothers correct. I was. I do what he does. I go to the real world and I talk to people every day every day. Yesterday I had the two young black men come to my at home. They were putting in like cable and we said down, had the great conversation and they were the same exact way I asked him about Trump asked them what was going on. They were supporters, They liked the fact that they were working. They liked the fact that the economy was doing well. They lacked the fact that they could say care of their families. And something is happening out here, Sean, and it's very very good. Now. The people that are I'm happy about this are some of those people on the left, because what's good for Black America usually it's pretty bad for them. They have to keep black people afraid, they have to keep them make them feel that they are under attacked by the right, and this is how they're going to get their votes. Be very cautious now, because something's going to start happening very very soon. They're gonna start digging, and they're gonna start digging. I remember this episode from House of Cards when Frank Underwood and I was trying to break that teacher strike and they wouldn't and they just wouldn't budge. Yeah, remember something, You had to get something started, so he said, and waited, and he waited to buy his phone, and the ring is to know and ring again no, And then finally he got the call he wanted, and he showed it up in a black ghetto beside a black mother, and he said that in a black child has just been killed, and he stood there with the mother and he said, see if this child had then in school, this would ever happened. This strike has to end, and they broke the strike. So he set aside his phone and waited for a black child to die. And in America, this is what the liberal left press will do. They're gonna wait, and they're gonna wait, and they're gonna look from that magic bullet, and the magic bullet is going to be a white person telling a black person, and then they're gonna put it on everything and say, see, white people hate black people, black people feel white America, go back to the heados and throat Democrats. We'll protect you, we'll make sure that you're okay. That's always a trap. They do it every single solitary time, and look out for it. It's coming. Well, listen, I have chronicled, Vince. You know you can go back to ninety eight of Democratic Party ad in Missouri if you like Republicans. Black churches are gonna burn, or crosses are gonna burn, the two thousand James Bird ad. But it was like my father was killed all over again because George Bush didn't support hate crime legislation. No he didn't, but he supported the death penalty for the evil perpetrators that dragged this innocent man to his death. He supported the death penalty. That was dishonest or al Gore going out there in front of predominantly black audiences and changing his tone as pitch as cadence and and I guess doing his best to sound like he's a preacher. And Republicans are the wrong agenda for African Americans. I don't even want to count you in the census, Okay, I don't want to ever be friends with anybody that's racist. And I don't know these people that he's talking about. And that lie happens over every two four years. Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobics. Eating the phobic is homophobic. They want dirty air water, They want to kill grandma and grandpa, but first they let them live a couple of years eating dog and cat food. It's just a lie. And the question here, there's a purpose here because but now here's the question, though, every big city that has been run by liberal Democrats for decades, what don't we see, Vince oh Man. You're seeing crime, you're seeing murder, you're seeing poverty. And here's the thing, The plenty thing is that every time we show up and say, hey, these schools are still they've been falling for the last twenty years. Let's find a way to get these shouldern out. The Democrats are the one that block it. If we say, hey, the job they're leaving here that they are the people aren't getting jobs. Let's run the illegals out so that these empty level jobs can begin them to the people in the community. The liberals are the ones that stop it. When we say, hey, let's bring the family back together. Let's find a way to set up program so that the father can be in the house. The liberal the other one to stop that stopped it. It was interesting to read the book and the law King came jumping down by Ralph Ralph Abernasti. Ralph said that when he went to the black hawkers to try to get them to get black people of welfare, he found something very they curious. He said, they wanted them on welfare. They wanted three or fourth generations of black people stuck in government program so they could control them. This is from Ralph Abernasti. This is not from a Luva. This is what let me Martin Luther King he said it. I think President Trump was on to something with creating the opportunity zones, but I want to see him expand that. I think the major need we're seeing right now in africaner communities on two fronts housing. We have a major housing issue that we really could use his help on. The secondly, I think on educational opportunities. I was almost encouraged when I saw him go to the Historical Black College in Columbia, South Carolina as part of his outreach. I thought that would have been a great opportunity for him to really launch a major HBCU effort to help HBCUs and the students who are there who are struggling. And so I hope would love to hear something from him that deals with some real sincere health. Well, let me ask you this question, when we look at the African American unemployment, right, and then there's another issue. All these presidents that had promised prison reform, because you know what, there has been a disparity in sentencing in this country. And I'll never forget the day Alice Marie Johnson came out and the President gave her a pardon at the request of Kanye and Kim Kardashian. But then the president didn't stop there. Then he put in prison reform specifically to eliminate disparity or racial disparity in sentencing that has occurred in this country and right, some wrongs here. Nobody else ever did that. Will you acknowledge, Daryl Parks, are African Americans better are off under the presidency of Donald Trump or a better off under the presidency of Barack Obama with Joe Biden. Let me say this here. I love what the presidents Donald from. This is what he's gonna do. This is what he's gonna not answer my question, but go ahead, Daryl, let me say guys, guys, listen, listen, listen. I think that's a great start. However, shun, when the president has made his legacy, he's going to appoint super conservative judges. Right, you and I know both know that most judges tend to be super conservative, tend to be very heavy and sentencing. And so yes, we're doing good in the left hand, but if we're appointed judges that we know we're going to be heavy handed in the sentencing, then where does that go? Well, what I mean when we're talking about now right now, are black people better on the front than they were on the Obama Biden. It's a very simple question with a very very simple answer. I don't know why you want to answer it, because I tell we'll pick it up on the other side. I hate when people don't answer questions they continue vincels and Daryl Parks. All right, Vince stay your question simply. Darrel, you have a minute and a half to answer. Oh, Daryl, please that I just want to answer you. Are African Americans better under Donald Trump than they were under Biden and Obama? Playing this side? Agree? No, I disagree. I think an unemployment felt more on Obama and that the economy quotes than we experienced. Right, that's the same as that was an Obama And that's my interpretation of it. Now, this is this. Shall you know you're doing well when somebody's trying to take credit for your work? Right, Yes, Donald Trump's work. Donald Trump put the work, and he's cloud of it. And even though ninety two percent of black people voted against him, he's working every day and he stands up every day and tells us what you've done for us? Obama said, punish the enemy. Donald Trump would Obama would have seen black people as the enemies that they able to ninety two against him. Donald Trump still season as Americans. He said he will be a president for all Americans, and he's doing that. He's caught a better educational system by trying to get school choice. He's loring the unemployment rate. U income has gone up. He's letting people out of prisons that have been there too long. Every time he does. I mean, he's doing something for black people. And they're gonna call donal Couple racist if Don trumps dust One, none of black children, Trill Sickle Feller in Ninia and made Angela Davis. They're gonna call them racist tomorrow. That's the only thing they have. And it's something I'm not calling the racist. That's that's not what I'm on this show doing to day. That's not all right. I gotta but I gotta, I gotta let it go here, guys, I wish I had more time, But thank you both Vincellis and his book The Iron Triangle. Darryl Parks eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program quick break when we come back. By the way, have you've been watching this Weinstein trial taking all these weird twists and turns. Uh, it's the things that people are saying is so repulsive, it's incomprehensible to me. At twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program, Linda, have you been following. I mean, there's a huge, big, long, like six pages in the New York Post today on this whole Harvey Weinstein thing. So the trial started yesterday and the prosecutor, I mean, I'm watching this. This is how it started. They described as a sex fiend exploiting his power, being a movie mogul, quote the casting couchhole issue, needing a boost from an erectile dysfunction drug, apparently a needle of some kind, which I know, not what they're talking about. Sixty seven years old. You know, the district attorney in this case, there's an assistant DA named Megan Hast opening comments for brutal, a sexual predator, and a rapist. The man seated on that side of the courtroom, despite what your eyes are looking at, is not a Harmo's old man, and he tells the seven man, five women jury displays photos of Weinstein with Bill Clinton at a fundraising event, described him as a powerbroker in Hollywood who manipulated naive and experienced women that he chose to target, and she graphically describes a series of attacks of six women, including three whose claims form the basis of rape, criminal sex acts, predatory sexual assault charges that will send this guy to prison for the rest of his life. The other three women are slated to boast of the case by testifying about his alleged m earliest incident dates all the way back to the Winner of ninety three, when she said he violently and forcibly raped and orally assaulted one particular woman, a Brooklyn native who was known for her best role in The Sopranos And anyway, apparently, and it just describes in detail. Now the attorneys are saying, Oh, we've got tons of these emails. I guess that they got from I don't know if I guess from the women. I guess over time it's that we're loving e mails. They're claiming. Um, I just don't know how this plays out, except that when there's this much smoke, I how is there not fire? You know what I mean? And I'm the due process guy. I'm the presumption of innocence guy always. But I'm reading this, I get sick to my stomach to think that they really are in life people like that. I'm not I'm not pleading he's guilty here. It doesn't look good for him in any way, does it, except that they're saying, well, we have these emails from some of the people that are making these allegations, you know, professing their love for him. Is it? Do we know if it's everyone now it's supposed to be, like, does it? Literally? There's an ABC News report on this and it says dozens and dozens and dozens, So I would say, if it's that many dozens, we know there's at least thirty six of them, right, But I think at the end of the day, there's eighty people that have accused him. So even if they have dozens and dozens of letters, that does not make him not guilty, that's for sure. Yeah, I mean that's the point. I mean, is it possible because what they're trying to do in this case, and what the headline is saying they're trying to do in this case is used the accusers own words against them that's what they're basically saying here and in other words that these letters quote, and there's a whole article in the New York Post. Harvey Weinstein will use accusers own words and everything from emails to interviews to counter allegations that they're victims of sexual assault instead portray the relationships as consensual. During the opening statements, his lawyer detailed a series of communications between him and I don't want to mention the women in this case either, that he allegedly raped in twenty thirteen. Six months later, she sent Weinstein an email, including her saying miss you, big guy. An email in twenty seventeen, the contents of which they displayed I love you. I always do, but I hate feeling like a booty call, smiley face and stuff like that. It definitely muddies the waters. I mean, it's strange. So there's eighty there's like eighty women that are, you know, accusing him of sexual assault in varying degree. Then there's six women. What makes me say, smoke fire, no, no no, listen, there's eighty women. It's a lot. I mean, clearly, this man has a problem and something has happened, and you know, there's evidence of these things, and there are people that are could have present their cases, and that's why we have a court of law so we can hear both sides and make an educated, informed decision. But I think it's just it's just hard as a father to know that there are creepy men out there everywhere. Oh just take the sub boy, my friend, We'll find them every night. You know the story about Remember I don't want to mention. Remember the girl that worked on my shows. Yeah, but that wasn't That didn't just happen to her. That happened to everybody on this shope she was just the only one that made a scene out of it. I mean, and you read about this stuff all the time. And the worst part is that let these people out of jail. Oh no bail in New York. You don't have to pay, but you don't get put put in jail. You don't get bail, you just get out. It's nuts, all right. Let's get to our phones. A lot of you have a lot of questions here. I just hope whatever the truth is, that we get to the truth. And if he victimized these people this way, never let this person out again. And I know where my gut is on this. There's so much smoke. Here's something just stinks to high heaven in every way. And to think that there are predators out there that would do this to our daughters and our wives, and our moms and our grand moms are just you know, it's horrible. It's the stuff in life you never ever want to even think about. All right, let's get to our phones. The important swing state Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania will be looking very hard at what you do in two and eighty five days. Keith, Hi, how are you glad you called? Sir Sean? Ay, We're ready for the battle. Two quick things. Obama knowingly lied to the world about Benghazi. He knowingly lied to this country about Obamacare, he had fast and Furious, etc. Not one Republican ever uttered the word impeach him. The second point I want to make is you talked about Biden's brother and all the money that we're given to these foreign countries, billions and billions. We are borrowing that money. The interest on that debt, we don't even know what it is, but I'd love to see that debt clock on Fox behind you and Tucker and everybody else. So we have a constant reminder, it's crazy to borrow billions and billions of dollars a million dollars a minute, we're borrowing and then give all this money away free that we don't have, and we're saddled with the interest in that increased debt. Listen, we have got to at some point, and I know the presidents address this. Now we had this massive military deficit. We do need to build the next generation of weaponry. It's not cheap to be able to take out the Caliphate the way we did in Syria, or pinpoint a guy like Solomoney and bag that airport and take them out. It's a dangerous, evil world, as I was discussing, and so we've got to kind of balance that. But one thing that is happening with a growing prospering economy, and I think the real answer is probably in the energy sector. Now that we're energy independent and a net exporter, we have so many resources available to us now even the Chinese are going to be buying from our energy sector that I think that is the path to prosperity and the end of bankruptcy and deficit spending. And no, the President has not been able to tackle it in his first term. He has said, I know I talked about the Penny Plan. I heard him not that long ago mentioned in the Nickel Plan. I'd love to see that happen, because we've got some other obligations. Forget the New Green Deal ninety four trillion in which we can't afford in ten years, or Medicare for all fifty two trillion in ten years. We can't afford any of this. The best hope we have is energy, and we have enough of it. Thank you, Keith. We're looking out for you. In two hundred and eighty five days. Big Time AJ Houston, Texas. What's going on, baby, Big Time? Sean Lenity, what's going on, Big Daddy? What's going on? My friend? Hey, come on, hey, what we got is a ball of confusion, and the confusion is all on the Democrat side. I mean, it's a joke what we're watching. And what Obama did Martin Luther King turning in his grade? What about content of character? What about when Martin Luther King was bringing everybody together and then they set back and watch Obama destroy and divide the country and now want to blame Donald Trump for me? Sean big Time Trump had brung God back. He didn't brung jobs back. And really, if it wasn't for that fake news, the country wouldn't be divided anymore because we would have healed everything Obama got under him, Police's chart getting killed. I mean, you can go on and on and on. Everybody knows. And then we got Obama running around bowling to everybody. Look what Trump did, brung everything back in the Middle East, got people wanted to do business with the United States. That means jobs. I mean, come on, Sean, we I mean, and the Democrats not helping at all. President Trump did this by hisself, and we waited, we did. Republicans better come on with it because we were watching big time, Sean, and we just think about like the debate we had the last hour. I mean, do you see that now? You know, decades of democratic liberals, socialist rule in the America's biggest cities not exactly worked out for minorities in America? Has it? Now? All of a sudden, Donald Trump's president. Conservative policies are working and he set a record after record after record helping every demographic group in America. And thank God, because we're one big, happy, hopefully American family and We want everybody to have a chance of success and happiness and living in a nice home and a nice neighborhood with safety and security, good schools, good car to drive, take your trip, your vacation wherever you go every year and have a good time, a good life exactly and big time shan or a way that's going to happen. All American people. Vote these Democrats out because they not help in the country at all. We got an election coming up and it's a big hime election. We gotta get the house back for shore and we can cut because you know they're gonna keep all trying. Sean, they got I mean, maxine what it said. Even if we get don't get reelected, they gonna keep on doing it. So let's get that house back so we can have the power to collect the Democrats leagues album up under the big time because we this country is thriving big Daddy at all. Races are doing great. But you won't hear from the fake news. You notice they won't never tell how great the economy is. When you look at the news and guests where one glorious where one glorious American family, one glorious nation under God and together what we'll make America safer again, prosperous again, great again. You know, I mean the way the President closes out as rallies. What I want that? Does everybody else want that? That's what I want? I want that for everybody. You know, as a former dishwasher and uh you know, short order cook and house painter. I want everybody to have the shot that I've had in life. Everybody to have the dreams come true. And it doesn't have to come by empowering a group of power hung people to take from one group of people and redistribute it basically crumbs to another group of people. And those, all of those promises are unsustainable. All right, big time, you're the best. We're counting on you getting Houston out for the big vote in two d and eighty five days. North Carolina, another swing state, we have Rick standing by. What's up? Rick? How are you glad you called? Sir? Hey? Good after morning are mister Hannity. You appreciate what you do, Thank you, and I can't do it without you. God bless you, and we're gonna need you in North Carolina. You a matter of fact, first up on an election night in two hundred and eighty five days. The first state we'll be paying attention to is North Carolina. I don't worry about it. We got we got our backs here, We've got a covered But anyway, appreciate you living your American dream. It does benefit us. I was listening to that kid you were talking about to the other day. It was a couple of days ago that kid's pretty impressive. I hope he follows in your footsteps. Yeah, I know he wants my job. I'm not even I don't even have a foot in the grave yet this kid wants me, you know, he wants pushed me out of the way, throw me in the grave, and take over my whole you know, everything I do in life. I'm like, thanks a lot, kid, I'll give me a couple more years about the same age something. These kids are gonna have to take over first anyway. So if they're a good kids like that, let's do it. Man. Yeah, that's true. It's you know what, when you get to the point in life if you're the same age as me where it really doesn't matter about you anymore. It just doesn't. And I know I'm I'm not giving you a cliche at some point it does become about your kids. I don't. I don't have grandkids, but you think, all right, maybe one I'll have grandkids, future generations. The country that we grew up in an opportunity society, you know, based on liberty and freedom and self evident truths, that all men are created equal, we're all endowed by our creator, that this is providential, that this is God's hand over America. And we've been blessed beyond measure. We've we've made the world a better place because of our prosperity. I don't know, just at some point doesn't it shift, well, it needs to, And and you know, especially if we're for godly people. You know, I'm a pastor down here, and and uh, you know, I was reading a morning and devotion here and I just couldn't help a Trump and you know, his comportment throughout all this measure that what's been going on has just been you know, it's just been impressive. And for my fellow Christians out there, you know, let me give you some advice for those of you that struggle with Trump. And you know, in Proverbs twenty eight, the you know, it opens up. It says the wicked run when no one is chasing them. But an honest person is as brave as a lion. And I gotta tell you Trump has been as brave as a lion through all of this, and he has comported himself in such a way. Greg Gutfield the other day he kind of stole my words, but he was right on. He says, you know, we don't deserve this president. You know we didn't. We did not hire a pastor. Um. You know, let us as a pastors be pastors, but let those that are, you know, in position of leadership be strong and brave as a lion. And that's the kind of stuff that he's been doing. Man. I mean, you know, he's he's out there talking and I don't know if it was Milwaukee or Minneapolis, and he's up there talking about shower heads for crying out loud that we need better shower heads. I mean he's you know, he's, well, you know why because they put in all these by the way, and I've taken the washers out of shower our heads because you get you know, you got a trickle. I'm like, come on, I call my plumber friend up. I'm like, buddy, I'm like, can you come over and fix this piece of crap you put in here? Oh, get me a real shower head, Give me one that actually gives me a little water. I can't even get the soap out of my hair. Oh man. You know then you have the low flow toilets. You have good luck flushing your low flow toilet. That's unbelievable. But you're right, this is all that's all government crap that they pile on us, burdens of you know, this is living. Of course, we're going to be good stewards of our air and water and resources. But jeez, these people are nuts. No more cars, no more combustion engine, internal combustion engine, no more, no more planes, no more cows. Cows have flatulence. It's hurting the environment. I'm like, oh my gosh, what's happening to these people. They've all lost their minds. I loaded up tonight full complete coverage of the Schumer ship sham show and the utter disaster. It's blowing up in their face. Lindsey Graham, We'll check in with a great one, Mark Levin, Trey Goudy tonight, Pam Mondi and Alan Dershowitz from the President's teams, all those details, nine Eastern on Fox, See you then at nine. Back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us.

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