Biden's Family Business - January 13th, Hour 3

Published Jan 14, 2025, 3:12 AM

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman Congressman James Comer is here with his new book, out tomorrow,  ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MONEY: Investigating the Secret Foreign Schemes That Made the Biden Family Rich, a meticulously researched look at the Biden family’s shady finances. 

Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload.

All Right, News Roundup and Information Overload. Our toll free our number is eight hundred and nine point one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. It's going to be very interesting to see whether these quote preemptive pardons come in this final week of Joe's presidency, a presidency that has been marred by corruption and failure in so many different regards. When you look at the Biden family, it is very very interesting. We're going to talk to James Comer and Amenity as a new book out it's called All the President's Money, Investigating the secret foreign schemes that made the Biden family rich. It's meticulously researched. Now, if Republicans were like Democrats and they believed in a weaponized system of justice, Joe Biden would have massive legal issues facing him on the other side of his presidency, unless he offered himself a preemptive pardon, which, by the way, I'm not going to rule out. I would imagine his brother Jim will get one on the way out the door. Michael Cohene was begging for one over the weekend. Names that have been floated Benny Thompson, Liz Cheney, Anthony Fauci among the list of people. Just to remind yourself, the Laptop from Hell did have numerous references that, in spite of Joe proclaiming over and over again he never once spoke to his son, his brother, or anybody for that matter about their farm business dealings, well, there are numerous references in the Laptop that contradict that, like Hunter saying and suggesting that half his income goes to Pops, or that he would be talking to the same financial advisor that they shared. You know which account should I be taking the money out of to pay for Pops' home repairs? By the way, did he pay taxes on that money? Because I'm sure if it was me, they'd be all over me. And remember what's message. I'm sitting here next to my father in between everybody. He knows of my ability to hold a grudge. This is to the one of the top executives at the energy giant out of China CEFC, You're going to regret not keeping your end of the bargain, and whila, millions of dollars days later showed up in one of their accounts and you know, go back in time. You have an evolving story about Joe's involvement with his son and their business dealings, first denying that he ever talked to him about it. Then photos began to emerge. Just in the last week and a half, the National Archives. How convenient after the election released photos of Joe and Hunter and other business partners, foreign business partners.

But here's the evolving story.

Vice President, how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings.

I've never spoken my son about his overseas series.

Treis of the White House, and the President still stand behind his comment that has never been involved and has never even spoken to his son.

About his So I've been asked this question a million times. The answer is not going to change. The answer remains the same. The President was never in business with his son.

Hunter may have put his father on the phone with any number of different people, and they never once spoke about any business dealings. It was all casual conversation, niceties, the weather.

Why you interacted with so many of your son and brothers or business associates.

I'm not going to comment. I did not, and I was just a bunch of lies. Inact either of theis I did not there lies.

My father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of Parisma, not in my partnership with a Chinese private businessman, not in my investments at home nor abroad. It's certainly not as an artist.

So Joe Biden, for nearly fifty years, made less than two hundred thousand dollars a year most of his life. As soon as he leaves a left office, he bought a second multimillion dollar mansion. He shared a bookkeeper with Hunter Biden. You have all of the damning evidence on that laptop from Hell that we just referred to a law firm with several Biden family members that manage their money. Hunter, who hasn't had a real job in decades, was making all of this money, or a lot of it at a time where they admit that he was addicted to hard drugs. And Joe Biden met with many of the foreigners that were writing the checks, and clearly access was given. And anyway, James Comer in this new book all the President's money, investigating the secret foreign schemes that made the Biden family rich He's come up with a lot of information and it delves deep into the allegation of corruption, influence, pedaling, money laundering. You can decide for yourself when you read the book. We have a link on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores now across the country. And you know, maybe nobody will go to prison here, Maybe maybe this issue of lawfair against former presidents will end. But it doesn't mean that this all didn't happen. You know, if the Bidens have been involved in all of this, well, you know, why weren't the banks notified? You know that, you know, we're were the What about the scores of suspicious activity reports? And anyway, James Comer joins us. Now it's an important book. It's important, I think for everybody to understand what really went on. Donald Trump was never even accused as such. And look at how they treated him. Look at how they lied for three years about the Russia hoax. Look at Faiza abuse, you know, look at the Ukraine impeachment farce that came about. Look at this ridiculous case out of New York he had to deal with, He had to deal with top secret classified information in his home being rated. But Joden had four separate locations where he had it. Hillary Clinton had it all over his servers. He just deleted them. And the double standard in our Justice Department couldn't be any more clear.

What did you find?

Well, the book goes into great detail about who the people were that sent the Biden money, how they took it and would launder it through various shell companies, and then it would end up in the hands of ten different Biden family members through incremental payments. This was a very organized, detailed scheme. A lot of people don't know the fact that Hunter Biden's first real job was he worked for a credit card company in Delaware as a credit card fraud investigator, and I think he learned a lot of the tricks that he used in financial deception. These are the tricks that the two Iris whistleblowers outlined when they were talking about the money laundering and the shell companies and the tax of asion and and things like that. It also details all the government agencies that knew about this, all the deep state agency SEAN that had ongoing investigations. We learned in our investigation that the FBI, the Department of Justice, in several different offices, the I R S, and the Securities and Exchange Commission all had separate investigations of the Bidens for financial crimes, but they were all told to stand down by various different deep state bureaucrats. So there was a massive cover up. And it's hard to explain when when I was going on your show and I put you in the Bookshean, I acknowledge how how good you were. You were one of the few people in the in the media that understood this and that that talked about it correctly. It's very difficult to explain these complex transactions when I would be on fire, you know, in a two minute equip But at the end of the day, the important thing to remember is there's no legitimate business the Bidens. Never did. When we brought Jim Biden for his transcribed interview and Hunter Biden for their deposition, and all the quote business associates, they never could explain what business the Bidens were in. But yet they took in twenty seven million dollars from our adversaries around the world, and they had eight million dollars in loans that they've never repaid, So you know, it's you're talking about real money. Thirty five million.

How do you get an unforgivable a loan. Isn't that called a gift? And isn't a gift taxable?

Yes, And the Irish whistle blowers, who were tremendous witnesses along with Tony Babolenski, they said that they didn't pay any taxes on this. And in fact, a lot of the tax evasion that Hunter got charged on Sean was for his Barisma board seat where he got a W two. It was really even though Barisma was a corrupt energy company, and in my opinion, the Hunter was only hired to to get the Ukrainian prosecutor off their back because they were getting assets seized all over Europe. And that was a good deal because Joe did get the federal prosecutor fired, as you mentioned, But it was the only legitimate business that he was a part of. He got a W two, he was listed as a director. All these shell companies, they never could say what they did. They didn't have they didn't have, you know, a website, they didn't have assets, they didn't have a you know, they didn't have they didn't manufacture anything, they didn't produce a good, They weren't registered as lobbyists, So what did they do? And you know, at the end of the day, what they did was they sold access to Joe. And that's what the That's what Devin Archer testified, That's what Tony Babolenski testified. And then we saw, you know, Joe had a two hundred and fifty two hundred and forty thousand dollars wired into his count in one of the incremental payments, and then that Joe allowed Hunter's bookkeeper to do all his book keeping. I mean, I spend thousands of dollars a year on bookkeeping and I can't imagine the book keeping he would have to have, you know, for financial disclosures and all the things like that. Never paid for it, never paid for it was all you know, Hunter's guy did that. And there were a lot of other services they shared, like law firm. Even though Joe said many times that there was a wall and he didn't know who any of these people were, we find out where they were his people too. So the book goes into detail, and I think anyone that kept up with the investigation would would enjoy it because it answers a lot of questions that are just hard to answer. In a brief clip on a TV interview.

Have they attempted in any way to threaten you or sue you, or sent you preservation letters?

They threatened to sue HarperCollins in the beginning. And if you'll see in that political book, Sean, I bet you've read more political books than anyone. I've read many in my lifetime. There are more footnotes and endnotes in my book, all the present of That's money, than probably any political book I've ever read. And it was to cover the tracks to where they can't They can't too, because every everything we write that I wrote in the book that that would be liable, there's a footn on EndNote. Okay, we've got the bank records to prove this, We've got this, uh, this email to prove that, this picture to prove this. I mean, everything in the book is backed up with respect to the financial misgivings of the Biden family. So that's why I think it's just it's really substantive. And the fact that thing, Sean, is all the people that sent money to the Bidens, they were either in prison, later went to prison, or under investigation and possibly going to prison. I mean, these were bad people. In bad countries that sent money to the Bidens while Joe Biden was vice president. And that was another narrative when we started the investigation. Then it was none of this money ever happened while Joe was vice president. What we faoiund Sean was almost all of it happened while Joe was vist president.

All right, quick break, we'll come right back more with Congressman James Comer. His new book is out, All the President's Money, Investigating the secret foreign schemes that made the bidenfamily rich. It's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com bookstores around the country. As we continue, your calls also coming up eight hundred and ninety four one sewn as we continue. All right, we continue now. James Comer is with us. He's just released a brand new book. It's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com bookstores around the country. It's called All the President's Money, Investigating the Secret Foreign Schemes that made the Biden Family rich. We have a link on Hannity dot com. What do you expect in this last week of Joe's presidency? Do you expect Jim to get an unconditional pardon and others as well.

I think you'll have to pardon Jim because in our investigation, we gave criminal referrals to the Department Justice, and they don't expire. You know, the statute of limitations is five years, so they're good for the Trump administration for Pam Bondy. Uh So that's why he pardoned We We gave criminal referrals for Hunter Biden and Jim Biden, and that's why he did that unconditional pardon on Hunter Biden because he knew that that.

What about what about himself? Should he do one for himself?

Well, I mean he should, uh if the if if he thinks the Trump administration is going to to prosecute him. And you know, right now the media is just sending all the liberal media sending one and says, oh, it's going to be retaliation. Trump's Department Justice is retaliation. It's it's about accountability. There have been crimes committed. There's a huge government government cover up. And I certainly hope, and I'm meeting with Cash Battel later this week. I hope we can hold people accountable in the government that that covered this up. If you you know, just to write a letter and and be a former intelligence official and say that the laptop'sto information when you know it was not. That is election interference. That is an abuse of power. When you tell the Irish agents to stand down and allow the statue to limitations to expire on millions and millions of dollars of unpaid taxes, that is an abuse of power. And I hope that we can get these Trump appointees confirmed, and I hope they'll they'll prosecute them. I mean, they can say we're going to move forward, we're not going to look back. But I certainly hope that they prosecute them.

Sean, Oh, we appreciate it.

The book is called All the President's Money, Investigating the Secret Foreign Schemes that made the Biden Family Rich. It's on Amazon dot Comhannity dot com, bookstores around the country.

And we appreciate you being with us. James Comer, Thank you, Sean.

Eight hundred ninety four one, Shawn. If you want to be a part of the program, Hi twenty five now til the top of the hour. We're going to get to your calls in mere moments. Eight hundred nine one Shawn is on number. If you want to be a part of the program. We love our new sponsor, Rapid Radios dot Com.

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All right.

Let's Ron DeSantis was great by the way. He was at Mara Lago and he was talking about Newsom and the wildfires. And I thought it was a great debate when when Governor DeSantis went up against Gavin Newsom. I thought it was it was it was healthy, it was informative, it was good all the way around.


So he was there and he just pointed out something that should be obvious to everybody, and that is that if these wild were happening in my free state of Florida and the respine, we had hydrants that didn't work, and they cut the fire department's budget in Florida and they didn't do basic forest management and they had empty reservoirs and twelve thousand homes were lost and twenty four people were dead. What do you think the media would be doing every single day? They'd be they'd be obliterating any Republican governor or Republican official.

It's not happening.

And this is why I don't care if you're watching ABCNBCCBS, MSDNZ, fake News, CNN, reading the New York Times, LA Times, reading USA Today, reading any local paper. I mean, they're not worth the paper that they're printed on. And this is why the American people for nine years heard nothing but Trump is evil, and they didn't listen to any of them. They listened to all the lies, all the conspiracy theories, peddled, all the misinformation. They rejected it, and they went with Donald Trump. But what the governor's saying here, Governor DeSantis, my governor saying, is right on, dead on accurate.

As an elect or a president, to be criticized.

Apropriated for people in your industry to try to create division and to try to create narratives anytime these things happen. Now you're not as interested in doing that because Newsom is a d If Newsom was a Republican, you guys would go try that. You would have been nailed to the wall for what they're doing over there. And I know we don't. We just assume in Florida. Anytime something happens, it's going to be politicized by the media. So you guys sitting in judgment of Donald Trump, I mean.

Excuse me.

I think your track record of politicizing these things is very.

Very bad, unbelievable, and he's one hundred percent right. All right, let's get to our busy phones. Eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you would like to join us. Sylvia is in the great state of Tennessee.

Sylvia. How are you glad you called?

I'm great, I'm glad to talk to you. I'm really excited. Firstly, I just want to say that you have educated me and that I had never voted, and because I've been listening to you, I went out and voted. So thank you very much.

Let me thank you.

Let me thank you because we need we need your vote. We needed everybody's vote, and we need everybody to remain engaged because you'll we'll begin to see this tomorrow as these nominees go through this process. Watch the Democrats will be true to form. They will try to bork they will try to Clarence Thomas, Justice Kavanaugh, everyone of Trump's picks in the hopes that they can smear them out of existence, and you'll it'll be an interesting display. They have not changed, They're not They didn't learn a thing from this election, I promise you.

Yeah, you're very informative. I even went out and bought a radio, a hotter re operated radio to have in my kitchen to listen to you and mark through the night.

So thank you.

Voted a listener. But my two questions, actually one is being everything that's going on in California, the homeless, the fires, all these rich people are losing their million dollar houses. When are they going to wake up and realize that the governor is not doing the right thing and that the state is becoming accessful and it's not going anywhere. Is it going to become Republican or people change their minds and be like, wow, we made you know, we made a mistake. And then my other question is why do they hate Trump so much? Why are they scared? Like why are they so scared? If they weren't so dirty, they're they're terrified of Trump coming into office. And it just I don't know, I'm old, and I look at everything you can just say, my gosh, what is going on in this world? In America. It just doesn't make sense to me.

But I know, Sylvia, you're bringing up so many good points. Do I think they've changed.


Do I think that if Gavin Newsom ran for a re election tomorrow, he'd probably win out in California?


I think a large part is so many people with common sense had had enough for a long time and they left. You know, go back to my former state, New York. Right, they just implemented a Questian tax that is going to be fifteen dollars every time you go in the city. That's going to hurt workers, that's going to hurt the poor middle class more than anybody else, and there's no reason for it. Then there's a big story in the New York Post today. I still get the hard addition, even down in Florida, and they're now trying to implement rules, environmental rules that will force restaurants in New York that use char broilers, you know, to make cheeseburgers, etc.

Whatever they're making mistakes.

They have to figure out a new way to cook the meat eat and restaurants that char broil more than eight hundred and seventy five pounds a met a week are going to be barred legally from operating unless they install an emissions controlled device to curb the pollutants in their char broilers. That if they were installed before May sixth of twenty sixteen. Now it may sound like a small issue. I've been in the restaurant business. I was there for ten years. Do you know what the margin on food is in a restaurant? It is tiny. It is There's only so much you can charge people for a cheeseburger, and there's only so much money to be made there. And then you've got to pay you know, your rent or your mortgage, and then you've got to pay your employees, and so on and so forth, and the list goes on and on. Most most people don't realize that most restaurants make their money off alcohol. They don't really make it on the food, you know, unless you're a very high end restaurant.

I'm from New York. I left New York right after nine to eleven and went to Arizona. And my son's in the military, and I moved to Tennessee because he said, hey, Mom, come with us. And I see such a difference from one side of the country to the other, and it just I just I'm sixty three years old, and I don't understand why the Democrats want to destroy the United States, and it just doesn't make well.

Let me tell you, this is on the heels of New York cracking down on wood and coal, oven, pizza, reaz and you know restaurant you know, restaurant owners, they're going to have to go out of business. You know, one guy was quoted in the article. We've been doing this for almost seventy five years. But think about this. This is the same Democratic Party that, if they had their way, we would put a moratorium on fracking and drilling, and we just keep accumulating debt and putting that on our children and grandchildren in perpetuity. And we could be the most energy rich nation on earth with all the energy resources we have. They want no part of that. The same people that allowed in terrorists and cartel members, murderers, rapists, gang members. It's the same people that want you want to tell you to get a new air conditioner and a new refrigerator and a new stove and a new washer and dryer. They don't care, you know. They claim that they care about the working class in this country. They don't because otherwise they wouldn't burden us with that. The same people that reject the science of forestry and they don't do controlled burns because oh, it's bad for the environment. Well, well, what's the air quality in California like these days? It's not too good. And yet they're going after small business people and these and I'll be frank, these businesses will end up going out of business. You know, then we have you know, it's it's look, if you're asking if they learned anything from the last election, look at California, Look at New York. You know, Governor Hokel in New York is expected to announce an anti pollution and push in her state that will send home heating prices and gas prices up by twenty two cents a gallon. You know, I pay in Florida a little just slightly over, like three dollars and three cents a gallon for gasoline, and my friends in California paying close to six dollars a gallon, and it's going higher. They have sixty eight cents on every gallon of tax for just for California, on top of on top of the thirteen and a half percent income tax, and they don't even have water in their fire hydrants, and they don't have reservoirs that are filled. And they had eleven years to build reservoirs that was approved by taxpayers and they didn't do it. And they're cutting back on firefighters' salaries, but they're going to spend billions on wind turbines. And they offered six hundred and fifty million federal and state dollars to the Port of La to go green. I mean, these states are messed. No reasonable person is ever going to want to live there. And you know, people ask me all the time, do I regret moving? The answers no, I don't. It was the best decision I made. I got out in the nick of time, and and you know, I fully expect that New York will still try to come after me. But I hired an army of accountants and lawyers, you know, for the very purpose of doing it legally and dotting every I and crossing every T, you know, And that's just the way it is. It's sad. What they've done is unconscionable. So I appreciate the call, oh go ahead, Yeah.

Why would they re elect him being that he did such a crappy job with this whole fire, Like with these fires, I mean, I don't understand.

I have no idea.

Well, explain why Democratic Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey claimed the LA fires a result of climate change disaster stoked by Donald Trump and his embrace of big oil, you know, or or why you know global warming is the you know, Bernie Sanders is claiming dates, you know. And meanwhile, you know, Gavin Newsen spending more time rather than making building a relationship with Donald Trump, which would be smart.

You know, he's going to spend fifty million.

Dollars in build a budget so that they can challenge Trump in court every step of the way while he while he's president. It's insane. I appreciated. Sylvia James is in Utah. Hey James, how are you glad you called?


Hey, Sean, one more week.

One more one more week, Yes, sir, Hey.

Hey, I'm calling regards to the young lady that talked to you last week about why she had water. You had water for your hoses and your house and he didn't have water for you know, the fire hunters. Most public utilities have got two lines of fire line and a domestic line, so that's the reason something seems to be a miss there, because why would the domestic pumps work and the fire pumps not work?

You know, So there's no excuse, especially in light of what we learned from the fire chief and what we learned about everybody knowing the hydrants were not designed to put out wildfires number one, and they had no plan. They warned the mayor that they only had half the personnel that they would need for a wildfire. All of these homes could have been saved. They don't practice the science of forestry, they don't have enough firefighters, they have hydrants that don't work, they have empty reservoirs, and they want to blame Donald Trump. I mean, you can't make it up anyway. Appreciate the call, Kevin, my free state of Florida. We have about a minute, Kevin, It's all yours.

Hi Sean. First of all, a couple of comments and then a question to congratulations to you and Angeley. You guys make go.

Thank you well looking couple.

Number two, Thank you for reuniting our country with your common sense reporting and patriotism. And third, I've got a question, what are they going to do with all the displaced people that lost their homes in that fire. Are they going to give them fifteen hundred dollars debit cards to use and put them up in a nice hotel room like they did all the people that violated our border laws to get into this country and treat them better than they treated us.

You know what, you raise a great point because they have plenty of room for illegal immigrants. Remember, California is a sanctuary state. LA's a sanctuary city. You know, they're paying for They're paying for food, housing, healthcare, education. You're putting that burden on the taxpayers at California and frankly the country. New York doing the same thing.

You know.

Meanwhile, they were trying to kick out thirty five hundred victims of Hurricane Helene. I think we got a stay of execution last minute because of local politicians reaching out. But there's still that pressure on people to you know, comply with whatever FEMA is demanding, just to stay warm in the middle of the coldest time of the year. You're in the middle of a cold snap. Anyway, good call my friend. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity Tonight on the Fox News Channel A preview of one week from today, which is inauguration Day for Donald Trump. We've got Nu king Rich, We've got Steven Miller, we got Laura Trump.

Coming up.

James Comer on the Biden Family Syndicate. He lays it all out for all lives to see and to decide. We'll talk about the devastation. Three more days of Santa Ana wins out in California, Governor Mike Huckabee, Katie Pavlich, Robert Dave, a lot of Hollywood people losing their homes. All coming up to ADVR Hannity tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. We'll see you tonight. We'll be back here tomorrow. Thank you for making the show possible.

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