Reverend CL Bryant, author of The Race for Freedom and Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks, talks about the Biden administration which he believes will set back the nation as a whole. The advancements and progress made for minority communities will be wiped away and replaced with socialist ideals that help no one of any group.
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All right, happy Friday if you want to say that. Not exactly an easy week for us here, but glad you're with us. Told free it's eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program, Well, look, I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this program saying I tried to warn everybody, but it is frustrating. I tried to warn everybody with the urgency that all the urgency I had in me that I could muster. I literally saw what would happen coming, which is why after ten years, I don't like writing books. It's too much work and too hard. I'm being honest. But I felt the moment called for it, because I sensed a moment, a pivotal tipping point moment for the country, because of the radical agenda that now represents this new democratic, socialist left wing government. And it is, unfortunately everything I suspected and more interesting. The White House Propaganda Secretary Jensaki, by the way, media fawning over, the only one that has asked any tough questions is Peter Doocey, the only one good for him, who she called Steve Doocey. That would be his father, He's Peter. His name Steve is the guy in the morning. Shouldn't be hard to figure out unless this forgetfulness thing is all throughout the Biden administration, all these truths to be self attlemen and women are created equal doubt by the thing you you know, oh, oh thing, We all be truth to be self evidue, Oh, men and women creative by go you know the you know, the thing, the thing, the thing, God, the creator everything anyway, announcing confirming that Joe Biden's support for the for designating the District of Columbia, d C. As the fifty first state, while refusing to offer a timeline. Oh yeah, DC statehood was an issue that was raised in previous press prefincts. I don't know, I don't remember this being a big issue in the campaign except for the people that the left wants to cancel and silence and shut down and put a muzzle on conservative talk radio and a couple of us at Fox and of other people out there, you know, Damn Mangino and others. Wasn't a whole lot of us. But we told you this was coming. Now, what was that mean? And maybe Puerto Rico's next We haven't gotten an opinion on that yet. What does that mean, Well, that would be two Democratic senators in perpetuity pretty much, considering the DC. Considering the DC is the swamp and where the bureaucracy is. That's just a reality, and that's the goal, and that's the power play, and that Schumer. Everything is on the list. And just as another side note, and I'm not gonna do it. I told you so up, but I tried to warn the country. I know most of you understand this, and the seventy five million of us certainly understood it. Record record breaking numbers for any Republican candidate in history. But now Democrats signaling that Mitch McConnell's effort to protect the legislative filibuster, they rejected that too. Joe Mansion has said he wouldn't go along with it, But then we have people like Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski and Ben Sass. He can be an ass anyway. He turned out to be the biggest disappointment in the world anyway, saying they have little interest in bowing to his demands. Hours into the new Senate majority, Wow, here we go. The games begin. McConnell publicly privately pressed Chucky Schumer, the guy who said you watch out. You hear me, Kevanaugh, you hear me, Gorcich, You'll you'll regret it, and it'll be held to was the zach Liner forgot many Democrats arguing that you know, well, okay, what that means is they just need the majority, and that means their radical leftist agenda is gonna now be thrown down our throat and basically take it like it eight year procoli, whether you know we do or not. Now there is something that should outrage every American. How did this happen? Thousands of National Guard troops forced to leave capital grounds and they're now sleeping in parking garages where it's freezing. Anyway, Twenty five thousand Guard troops been deployed in and around the Capital, which by the way, they should have been there on the sixth, considering CNN and the Washington Post and now telling us investigators believe that this was all pre planned and orchestrated, which contradicts the impeachment article. In the narrative of their own networks and their own papers, and every Democrat, which we'll get to in a second, this is sad twenty five thousand troops. Now, I want to protect the capital, our institutions, and every elected official. I've been clear. I've been clear on this going back to Obama and even before that. We got to protect it. It's not a liberal Democrat. There has nothing to do with Republican Democrat. Nothing. It has to do with you know, you cannot let crazy people, you know, literally, and that's why I want a nine to eleven style commission report get to the bottom of this. How would we ever do this? It's disgraceful to our National Guard. We should be honored that after what happened in the capital that they're they're there to protect us on the front lines. And yet you know where's Nancy Pelosi. Well, she's the one that worked with the sergeant arms. And how many warnings were there that they beforehand that they needed the National Guard called up and is rejected. We need to get to the bottom of it. I mean, this is just wrong. Should be corrected immediately. And I don't even know why. And I saw Jill Biden out there today, Jill, not Joe, I don't know, handing out I look like Halloween candy. I'm not sure cookies there were cookies. I didn't see. I couldn't see on the TV anyway. By the way, they gave them cookies, So she gave them cookies. Oh, this is what Schumer said on the Supreme Court steps. I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won't want. I want to tell you Van, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you. If you won't know what you're gonna be say a price. Imagine if any Republicans said that about Joe Biden. Now interesting side note, I saw Naulty over at Breitbart wrote an article The Geneva Conventions expressly forbid forcing prisoners of war from sleeping on concrete or in garages. Every picture I've seen is our National Guard in garages, asleep on concrete floors. In other words, yes, the ever weak, frail, cognitively struggling Joe the commander in chief, has already treated his own troops this way violates the Geneva Conventions. Wow, I didn't know that until I read that one. Well, what are they gonna do to rectify it? And when because I haven't heard anything that that rectified the situation. Texas Governor Abbott, New Hampshire Governor Senunu ripping all of this and even the vetting of the National Guard, and you know what they're gonna do. They're gonna recall their their troops back to their states, which they would is I understand it, have the have the power to do, and I'd like to see him do it. The potus offered a solution because I saw multiple reports today that he said they can stay at the Trump Hotel instead of having as being a basement on a concrete floor, sleeping on a concrete floor, freezing with no heat. Unbelievable, unbelievable, credible times we're living in here and this this is gonna be a rocky time. And this is why I say, you've got to engage the American people have got to got to engage and understand that you can be in touch with your elected officials, tell them how you feel, of course peacefully. Um anyway, so you know, it's really amazing, Um, the media attacking me already. Hannity said, there's a horrible week for Biden. He's only been there full day, Like, well, what he's what he's done in a full day. Are these are dramatic? What from the Keystone XL pipeline? I know, Pete Buddha Judge said, but we want them to get good union paying jobs. They had good union paying jobs, and I don't believe their numbers either. There are estimates out there. State Department study commissioned during the Obama years when Joe was sleeping through his VP literally determined that the Keystone XL pipeline would create least thirty two hundred construction jobs, forty two thousand additional jobs, and generate two billion dollars in wages. Well, excuse me, and easy for Buddha Judge. We want to get another job, Well, he just got a new job with his extensive background and experience as mayor of South Beend. I particularly love people I know in South Bend. Well, what about you know? I thought liberals cared and had compassion and there were the leaders in healthcare. What about Biden freezing you know the executive order of Donald Trump on insulin and epinephrin that was in place until March. Oh, well, we'll do get rid of that this mask mandate. Good question by Peter Doocey. Well, why did he go to the Lincoln Memorial and he didn't have his mask on federal property? That was his mandate. You can't even say that. You know what about the impact billions of dollars in the economy by cutting back on energy production. Now we'll be dependent on countries that hate our guts. Again, that's stupid. It's not good for national security. Look look at now at a time when we need American jobs and we're going to open up the borders and we're going to offer amnesty. That's that's competition for jobs that'll lower wages for hard working Americans. Unbelievable. You know, this whole thing on unity is a force too. That's just not his legislative proposals. It's all talk and bs. He wouldn't have the courage to stand up to his radical base. You know, by the way, even rescues and out of pole double digit margin of people oppose Biden's decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. The American people get it. What the president did you know with the Twitter handle and account of the US Ambassador to Israel adding West Bank and Gaza, Well, that's a message to Israel. Well, the support you got from the Trump ears now officially over. We'll get to that too. The economic impact is devastating. It is the single dumbest economic decision that you could ever make in this economy. That also gives a huge geopolitical economic advantage to the Chinese because as a matter of that accord, they're not held to the same standards as the US. Our carbon emissions have been going down in the Trump years. This is have been going through the roof. They're the number one polluter, but according to the Paris Climate Accords, they get to have the status of a developing nation. Let me translate, USA pays through the nose. They pay nothing. We're a bunch of suckers. To go along with that. And by the way, Trump, Wow, Biden's goal of a one hundred million doses a day, we were hitting a million doses a day. Sorry, that's not exactly the big breakthrough that you'd been promising, Joe, that's not what you said you were going to do. Unbelievable. Now, Amnesty, that's going to be great on the American taxpayers, Energy dependence on the American taxpayers, Radical agenda, environmental agenda, American taxpayers. Losing our competitiveness literally also becomes eventually a national security threat. We're now dependent on countries that hate us for the life blood of our economy. No matter what they tell you, it's still oil, gas and coal because they haven't come up with a with an alternative that work. Chick oh, find one. I want to hear it, but it's not windmills. I like the line of Senator Steve Danes Montana basically saying that killing the Keystone XL pipeline shows Biden's putting Saudi Arabia first, not American workers. Looks like he cares more about workers in Saudi Arabia than workers in America. By the way, over in Canada, they're really ticked off there. I mean they're they're livid, they're apoplectic, they're furious, even some suggesting that Trudeau offer retaliation. Can you blame them? You know, it's incalculable between the Paris Accords and rejoining that which that that literally puts first ahead of us, gives them a geopolitical advantage and Russia first. How is China characterized or categorized as a as a developing nation. You know, then you look at well, their own study in the Obama administration two billion dollars in wages Keystone Xcel pipeline alone. Then you add to that the direct jobs. Now the irony here, there are over a thousand workers already on the job, in spite of what some medium mom people tell you, they're mostly union jobs. Then you've got all the even the forty two thousand additional jobs that the Obama administration said in their State Department Commission study about Keystone. The Association of Oil Pipelines complain, The United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipe Fitters complained, Hey, that union endorsed Joe in August after he promised to kill the pipeline in May, that it was pretty dumb. Guys. I don't think your rank and file should be too happy with you guys today. Now you add the Paris Accords, you add Keystone Xcel pipeline. Then you add, oh, stop building the border wall. Okay, projections for jobs there's somewhat unclear. One analysis in twenty seventeen said if they'd continue construction of the wall, it could impact as many as ten five hundred jobs. It's incalculable. And now that you're offering amnesty now, displaced workers from COVID, and these three policies alone. Now you've got wages that are going to be driven lower and lower and lower. And that's why I said yesterday this is a disastrous first week for Biden. He just doesn't know it yet. The Mob hasn't figured it out yet, and they won't figure it out ever because they're just running interference for all things democratic radical socialist anyway, and are basically just propaganda wings for Biden and social We'll continue, all right, for a moment of humor, Chucky Schumer announced that the unconstitutional post presidency impeachment shift show is moving forward. You said it in a very unique way. Listen closely. There will be a trial, and when that trial ends, senators will have to decide if they believe Donald Donald John Trump incited the erection insurrection against the United States. I just hear this correctly, that Donald J. Trump incited the erection. Played again. There will be a trial, and when that trial ends, senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Donald John Trump incited the erection insurrection against the United States. I'm sorry, I can't help but laugh. Oh, you just can't make this. I know it's serious. These are tough times. I know, I get it. I'm paying attention. Let me I explained yesterday. I'll give you a smaller synopsis today, not to rehash it, but we do have, you know, interesting things that are developing. So what's happening now is I guess they're gonna give They're gonna send the article over to from the House to the Senate, walk it in somberly, you know, ano those quickie snap impeachment that they hang onto, and then the Senate has to deal with it. And now I have my own views on it, but I'm just telling you what the reality is going to be and how this is all going to go down. And so they'll receive it, the President's attorneys, and I think this is actually the right thing to do. They have time to build their case week or two and about February tenth ish, they'll take this up in the Senate. Now here's what's happening behind the scenes. Democrats they know it's a lost cause. They know they're gonna come out looking petty, that this is all vengeance. Their base. Of course, the crazy leftist, radical socialist base will love it. They have to appease that base that is who keeps them in power. Nancy Pelosi is totally beholden. When I say speaker in name only, I'm not kidding. Chuck Schumer even afraid of a of you know, being outflanked on the left in New York for his Senate seat with Congresswoman Accio Cortez, who's left open the possibilities you would challenge Schumer. And remember all these politicians and this goes for a lot of Republicans too. Their number one goal is to keep and maintain power and that's it. They go there even with the best intentions, and I don't know what happens, but the swamp changes them. They enjoy being called senator, congressman, woman, governor whatever you happen to be, whatever elected position. It's all crap, it's all pretense, it's all bologny. It's meaningless, and but they like it. They they want to hang onto it, and you know, they wink and not all these deals anyway. Democrats they see this as a loser. Now it's pretty much within their ranks. They're like why, And there's for a lot of reasons. You know, we now are setting a precedent here, but the Senate did not dismiss this. Democrats and Republicans just outright dismiss it. So they don't they don't put their seal of approval, they don't validate what the crap that happened in the House by the radicals over there, which is a snap impeachment, no hearings, nothing, let's go vote on impeachment in a week, okay. So them taking it up, they're they're lending their credibility and validating what will now be something a new low standard for impeachment. And I can pretty much assure you at some point in time that the powers ructure in DC there's always the EBB and the flow. I watched it my entire career started out in radio Reagan was president. I've seen the Republican, Republican, Democrat eight years, Republican eight years, Democrat eight years, Republican four years, and here we go we have the week frail, cognitively struggling Joe. So that that's issue one. The number of constitutional attorneys that are a against what the House did with their snap judgment is growing, and it's getting louder and it makes them look bad. The other thing is in any trial don't think that the Republicans are that's stupid. I'll remind them, and so there won't be any excuses. They'll have the power and the ability to bring up all of the devices and based on liberal Democrat definition media mob, a definition of their inciting language and citing to insurrection. I won't play it all now, Maxie Waters, I'll take Trump out to night. You'll listen up, you Gorsets and Kavanaugh on this, by the way, on the steps of the US Supreme Court. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you, Kavanaugh, tell you Gorsets, you have released a whirlwind. You will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful actions. Donald Trump said, many of you will peacefully, patriotically march to the Capitol to let your voices be heard. So the whole argument again, you're now validating a snap impeachment. That low is the bar to a standard solo. It's just gonna happen again and again and again, and it's gonna be never ending. Okay, that's the way they want it. Republicans need to play by their rules as they go forward, and they're setting the precedent. But then you got the whole constitutional argument. This is an unconstitutional post presidency impeachment. I've gone through that chapter in verse on both my programs. Now, the other big problem that is emerging is how the media is now beginning to report all of this. I have the Washington Post in front of me self style militia members planned on storming the US Capitol days in advance of the January sixth attack. According to court documents, Fake news CNN investigators are pursuing signs the US Capitol riot was planned. Well, that takes the entire impeachment article that this was a spontaneous riot as a result direct result of the words of Donald Trump at the rally on January sixth, and frankly, we can now say that the Washington Post and fake news CNN, although they don't even listen and other parts of the day parts to their own news reporting. I mean, you can't make this up. I mean, I've got the Washington Post article right here in front of me. Self styled militia members from Virginia and Ohio and other states made plans to storm the US capital days in advance of the January sixth attack, and then communicated in real time as they breached the building on opposite sides. That sounds planned to me, and talked about hunting lawmakers, according to court documents. Now this is on top of everything we've already discovered, which is there were numerous intelligence reports that in fact, there was planning in advance. Hence the Capitol police chief that since resigned frankly was a hero here begging for the guard to be called up in advance of this and being denied in total at the end of the day six separate times. Again, we needed nine to eleven style commissioner report because this can't happen in our country. We've got to protect our institutions and our elected officials. That transcends any politics anyway. It goes on to say, so they breached the building opposite sides, talked about hunting lawmakers, according to the court documents filed. While authorities have charged more than a hundred individuals in the riot, details in the new allegations against three US military veterans offer a disturbing look at what they allegedly said to one another before, enduring and after the attack, statements that indicate a degree of preparation and determination to rush deep into the halls and tunnels of Congress to make citizens arrests on elected officials. Well, Donald Trump didn't do that, had no knowledge of that anyway. US authorities charged in an apparent an apparent leader of bath keepers at some extremist group I had not heard of, and they give the guy's name in the attack, alleging the Navy ved helped organize a ring of dozens of coordinated their movements storm the castle to disrupt the confirmation of President elect Joe Biden's electoral college victory. We have about thirty or forty of us were sticking together, sticking to the plan. According to one person said while the breach was underway, according to court documents, you are executing citizens arrests. This is a this is all in the Washington Post. Rest the Assembly. We have probable cause for acts of treason election for am and replied, according to audio recordings and communications, we are in the main dome. Now we are rocking it. They are throwing grenades, they are frigging shooting people with paintballs. But we are in here. A woman believed a court documents and the arrest of these people, you know, go forward, so literally it undermines the entire case. It contradicts their own narrative in their own newspaper for their own fake news channel. I mean, it's sad. You can't even make this up. I'll go to fake news CNN headline. Investigators are pursuing signs the US Capitol riot was planned well that contradicts the impeachment article that this was a spontaneous riot incited by Donald Trump, who said, many of you will peacefully, patriotically march to the Capitol, so your voices will be heard from CNN fake news. Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance videos, suggests a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the attack on the US Capitol was not just a protest that spiraled out of control. Federal law enforcement officials say among the evidence, the FBI is examining our indicators or indications that some participants at the Trump rally out by the Washington Monument left the event early, perhaps to retrieve items used on the assault in the Capital, and apparently there was intel that was completely and totally ignored. I mean, the mob and the media is is literally they're contradicting everything that all of their fake news people are saying. So Republicans, they're going to reject this on constitutional grounds. They're not going to validate this ridiculous process, no due process in the House. There is low bar, you know, John Thune said in an interview, concerns about constitution. Now, they're gonna they're gonna use the constitutional path because that's the right path. They're also going to use the They're not going to validate a snap impeachment, especially when we haven't had an investigation of any kind into this. And if it was pre planned, that means that Donald Trump couldn't have incited a spontane is insurrection, as they say their favorite new word. And if a president already left office, the Senate can't remove them Under the constitution, removal from the office is the primary purpose of impeachment, so they can no longer exercise the power of the presidency. He doesn't have those powers. He can't exercise powers he doesn't possess. It was a great column by Greg Jarrett on this, another great one by Alan Dershowitz on this, And you know, Republican senators that this is not going to be hard. I don't have a worry now but you know they are Republicans can't really put a lot of faith, hope, confidence in all of that. Whither way, By the way, Maxie Waters declares, you know she's the one that said I'm gonna go and take Trump out tonight. Was she inciting an insurrection? Anyway, She's gonna do everything she can, and she intended to continue investigating Trump. We've not stopped. Will continue. They have subpoenas we've issued recently. We'll continue our work. Here we go never ending. I mean scary times we're living in and all things that I told you, we're going to hamp it. Political pro impeachment Republicans are already on the chopping block. Liz Cheney ready as a primary challenge. I don't think that's going to work out or any Republican. The real threat of a fracture to the Republican party that I don't think. Look, if you want, wait a minute, Pelosi to send impeachment. Now there's Nadler and Schiff, it's going to be the shift shows you can't even take it seriously on one level, you have to take it seriously on another. Anyway, So they're rejected on constitutional grounds, and you know This is now going to blow up in Democrats' faces. Where's Joe Biden? Joe Biden? Remember we allays talked in to Clinton ears the Sister Soldier moment. Joe will never stand up to his radical base. Forget it. You know, they will drop him like a hot potato. It's unbelievable. What did Schumer say again today that it's definitely gonna happen. Right, let's put it. There will be a trial, and when that trial ends, senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Donald John Trump incited the erection insurrection against the United States. This is not okay, did Donald John Trump incite the erection? Okay? All right? Our two Sean Hannity showed gladual with US toll free telephone numbers eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, I want to As we now head into what will be the second hypocritical shift show, let's see unconstitutional post presidency impeachment trial, if you want to call it hoax, it's all sides now are getting very skittish Democrats, so skittish Republicans now clearly are going to argue that it's not constitutional, can't happen, shouldn't happen, and nor do they want to give validity to the process of these radical democrats. And then on top of it, then we have other important issues here, like now we're beginning to know in the Washington Post and fake news CNN among others, are reporting, oh, a lot of this was planned. And here's the court filing which we talked about that shows that there was a plan in place, which then renders the impeachment article completely moot and contradicts it. That's why you don't have snap impeachments. And then just juxtapose all of this madness and these flagrant this flagrant hippocr see and double standard too well, in the final day of the administration of Donald Trump, be declassified and released documents explained why I didn't do it earlier. So we'll play the media Russia mash up, and then we'll play the president under explaining why, and then we'll talk to John Solomon and Greg Jarrett. You fall out tonight in the Russia investigation. Russian Russians, Russian Russians, Russians, Russia, Russia, Russia for Russia, Russia, Russian, Russian, Russia and Russia and Russia, the Russian, Russia, Russia, Russians, the Russian, Russia, Russia, Russians, Russia, Russia, the Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russians, the Russian, Russia and the Russia, the Russian, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russian and Russian. No, but at the right time, we will be absolutely released. Again. I did the right thing by not doing it so far. But you understand they would call it something that it wouldn't be. It's the only time you'd be transparent where they'd say are bad things about transparency. And there was the President rightly saying what his lawyers were telling him, but also pointing out something that shouldn't be in America, because the truth is actually a real defense anyway. Greg Jarrett is with us, the host of the podcast The Brief and also two New York Times bestseller just thenews dot com editor in chief author of the bestseller fall Out John Solomon. John, lets you have more than anybody else been doing this dig deep, dig dive on the declassified information that we got, and you've really gone through every single page of it. Now, what have you found. Listen. I'm pretty certain Sean that when we're done, these will be the civil liberty and judicial integrity what the Pentagon Papers were to the Vietnam War. There is extraordinary revelations that not even the members of Congress who investigated this over the last three four years were aware of. As I start to call members who had access to this information when it's classified, some of the things didn't here, they didn't even know about. And I think, when you're done and you pull up thirty thousand feet, what are the big issues that are going to make Americans upset? It is clear that from the inning, I mean in July of twenty sixteen, the FBI and the CIA were aware and President Obama was aware that Hillary Clinton was in the process of carrying out a dirty trick to dirty up Donald Trump falsely on Russian because she was worried her email scandal was gonna bite her in the fall election. So that is one of the really clear things. The second thing is it is abundantly clear the FBI knew much of the evidence they were submitting to the courts and to Congress was distorted, wrong, debunked. And the third is we're going to see a lot more people expressing political bias than we saw. We've already seen the Smellie Walmart comments from Peter Struck and Lisa Pages, text messages, more and now we've learned from the declassification that we broke last week or this past week of Christopher Steele that his motive was he wanted to stop Trump from being president because it was bad for Great Britain. He wanted to help Hillary couldn't get over her email scandal distrack the country. You're going to find out other players in the process had made comments on official government documents and official text messages and official emails in tuning President Trump for the possibility that Trump could be president, all the way up to the top of the FBI. So what's higher than Struck and Page? These are remarkable. You have political bias, bad evidence, and a political dirty trick in the FBI helps carry it out for three years and sustain it. It's a really remarkable discovery. When all these documents are out, unbelievable and Greg Jared, obviously you've been pouring over them as well. You two bestsellers related to this whole thing, And boy, what a sad day when a president says, we can't be transparent and show you real documents that exist that are exculpatory to towards me, because the witch hunters and remember we had four separate investigations, would use it against them and claim somehow that is obstruction when the truth is supposed to be a defense at America, that's true. And there's so many shocking revel elations, Sean, and these long classified FBI documents no wonder James Comey, Andrew and Kay Peter struck in others never wanted you to see them, and the current FBI director, Christopher Ray fought like how to prevent their release and cover it all up. A Trump in the end, at the end of his administration would have none of it, and he essentially told Ray and the FBI to stuff it. You're not going to be able to deceive Americans about how your agency, the FBI, politicized law enforcement and weaponized your investigative powers to destroy a presidency. And thankfully, you know John Durham has certainly was the first have access to these documents and the evil just named him. My judgment should be behind bars. But you know Durham has meticulously been gathering the incriminating evidence, and I'm pretty confident that there will be indicts soon to follow because these documents that John has identified, I've gone through. I had a podcast that came out today on this. I mean, they are such a smoking gun of criminality that I think it's inevitable that some people will be prosecuted for their abuse of power and engaged in criminal acts. Let me go to fake news CNN and a Washington Post. Now, this is why you don't have snap impeachments. All of us agree, and the mob is and the Democrats insurrection that the president's language incited what happened at the Capitol on the six The president's words contradict that many of you will peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol so your voices may be heard. They have fake news CNN. Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactus scene on surveillance video, suggest a level of planning that has led investigators to believe that the attack on the Capitol was not just the protest that spiraled out of control, according to federal law enforcement officials, and now, by the way, court documents and the fbis examined in an indications that some participants at the Trump rally outside the White House left the event early to retrieve items to be used on the assault on the Capitol. Now go to the Washington Post. They talk about self styled militia members from Virginia, Ohio and other states. They made plans to storm the Capitol days in advance of the January sixth attack, and then communicated in real time as they breached the building on opposite sides and talked about hunting for lawmakers. You know my whole point, we need an nine eleven commission. But putting that aside, authorities have charged more than a hundred individuals and new allegations against three US military veterans, etc. Etc. And apparently there were plans made a degree of preparation and determination to rush deep into the halls and tunnels of Congress to make citizens arrest of elected officials. Now, Greg Jarrett, from a legal perspective, now that you look at the article of impeachment, does that not contradicts? Can you even say that the reports on CNN and in the Washington Post basically are exculpatory to the charge that the president and cited a spontaneous insurrection at the Capitol. If it was all planned in advance, that's right. And the key word there is spontaneous and imminent. That's the definition of incitement. It has to be words that are very specific that direct imminent acts of violence. And hear you. First of all, the president's wars didn't do that, as you point out, peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard, not take action, but make your voices heard and do it peacefully. The second of all, the president didn't incite something which was pre planned. That's an impossibility. So that will si be part of the defense. And also the fact that private citizen is not subject to an impeachment trial, because under the constitution, removal from office is the primary purpose of impeachment. Trump is no longer in office, and therefore this is invalid and unconstitutional. Someone said, well, we want to prevent him from holding further office. That under the Constitution is a secondary purpose that can only happen after the Senate decides unremoval. But if the president is no longer president not subject your removal, that too is constitutionally invalid. John Solomon. When you look at those reports and then you compare it to the impeachment article the snap impeachment boy, and then the commentary on these networks they're they're like ignoring their own quote news reports. Well, we've seen this show before, right. One of the things we're going to see next week, Sean and the documents I'm going to release, is the FBI monitoring the most hysterical stories in the Washington Post, the New York Times, in CNN during Russia and in real time saying they are way off, they don't know anything, They're wrong about everything on this They're making a mockery of journalism. That's what Peter Struck and Lisa Page and others, and Andy McCabe we're talking about. Behind the scenes, when America gets to see how stupid the FBI thought the news media was and pushing the Russia collusion narrative, we ought to go back and say, well, they did it in Ukraine. Remember it was a bad phone call, until it wasn't a bad phone call, and they did it in the Capitol. They immediately jumped to the conclusion that Trump incited this riot, and now as the evidence comes out that the riot was underway before a speech ended, the planning goes all the way back to late December according to some of these court documents, they're going to be embarrassed again. The problem with impeachments lately, they've been relying on a bad news medium. The news media are co conspirators in these drive by impeachments. I mean, it's really unbelievable if you really take the same standards applied by the Democrats Greig Jarrett, and we apply it to the quid pro quo with zero experience. Hunter, Well, that's the first impeachment. If you look at the rhetoric of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi coursage Kavanaugh, We're coming to get you, and so on and so forth, and and Joe Biden I want to take I want to beat the hell out of him in the back of the gym. That's the president, or Kamala Harris. You know, two weeks after Minneapolis and the police precinct burned to the ground and rioting going on. It's not going to stop. We're not going to stop. They shouldn't stop. We shouldn't stop. And I can go on from there. And then you've got you know, so many Maxine Waters, you know, getting their faces. I'll take I'm gonna take Donald Trump out tonight. Yeah, you know, matching waters inflammatory speech to people, encouraging them to essentially attack anybody who works for Donald Trump is far closer to incitement than what the President said on the Nation's mall on January sixth. But there's a huge difference shown between rousing passions in a speech before demonstrators and marchers, which all politicians do at some point in time, and inciting specific and imminent violence or destruction of property. And so Jonah's right, this is a drive by impeachment. I compared it to sort of instant rice. You know, they did it without any evidence. And the most egregious part of it all is that they abandoned a fundamental right to due process, which the House of Representatives created for all impeachments, and they've simply thrown it out the window. They abandoned their own rules. They're supposed but this is the new all right? If this STA Republicans will have their shot too. At the insanity last question, John, I know you're following the story about how as the hours after Joe Biden gives his Unity Unity Unity inaugural address, they began a politically a charged attack on who is a highly respected newly appointed career intelligence official over fears he would be insufficiently loyal to Democratic partisans. This guy actually worked for Adam Schiff. And you know, I know, you know it's NSA placed General Counsel Michael Ellis on administrative leave because they don't like this guy. No specified claim of mishandling classified information seems totally manufactured from the sources I've talked to. What are you hearing? And he's a trained classification official as a military officer and civilian. Well, it's kind of funny. The tables have been turned. Remember when as in Trump was trying to get rid of people that Democrats were angry and upset in calling it, you know, a witch hunt in an enemy's list, and the Democrats were and the Republicans saying, listen and everybody serves at the pleasure of president. President gets to serve really wants. The tables have been flipped, and now the Democrats are on. There were the victims and in the president Biden has the right to remove. Some of the truth of matter is all presidents have the right to have who they want to serve. The character assassination of Michaelis is not warranted by if you don't want it to serve to say, listen, I want my own guy there. But this is a career guy who had impeccable credentials. He doesn't deserve the political torture that he's being put through. What we do in Washington now is, rather than just say the obvious the president can have, we have the character destroy people to justify a president's actions. We had to just go back from real life. The president had the right to do this. Let's stop ruining good people's reputations. Well, we're going to stay on that story and get into it more deeply as time allows. John Solomon, thank you, Greg, Jared, thank you. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour. You know, it's fascinating because Joe Biden's campaign was to hide in the basement with the help of the mob, big tech, no vetting, no scrutiny whatsoever, and scared the living hell out of people about COVID. We're giving about about a million doses a day, and by the way, ongoing battle. I said, when my number comes, I would not ask to get ahead of the line. As you know, people just think the worst of people. I don't know anyway, I would take it. Half my friends think I'm nuts. The other half agree with me. Linda thinks I'm nuts, and I won't even tell you the rest of what she says. But anyway, this was his whole thing. We're gonna give away, We're gonna have a million doses a day, one hundred million and one hundred days. Well, Trump's already been doing a million a day at operation warp speed. We're even getting more more vaccines online. There's different versions of the vaccine. But anyway, as one hundred and ninety eight page government and spared no effort to ensure Americans can get vaccinated quickly and equitably. That's when he got asked the one question yesterday about it. Give me a break. Come on, man, you're a junkie. Come on, man, you're a junkie. Anyway, one hundred million vaccines, and that's what as Betsy McCoy said, you know, Trump's already doing. She actually thinks you need one point eight million people vaccinated a day to have her immunity. But that's a separate issue. But well, it's a it's a goal, it's not a it's not an edged in stone. Well, I thought That's what was their main promise. Now the latest talking point from liberals and the Democrats is, well, we're starting from scratch. Listen to this. The sun not even up on the first full day of the Biden administration, and already we have breaking news. As President Biden wakes up for the first time in the White House, we're getting war from officials about the staggering lack of a coronavirus vaccination plan left behind. This morning, we are told they have to start from scratch. One source says the Biden team are quote going to have to build everything from scratch. One source telling CNN, as you said, there is nothing for us to rework. We are going to have to build everything from scratch. As we hear that Biden today has to start from scratch, Biden sources tell CNN that the Trump administration essentially had no comprehensive distribution strategy at all. So the Biden team says they will have to start from square one and quote from scratch, so much worse than we could have imagined. That is how the new White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Ziens, as Jeremy was pointing out, is describing what his team is inheriting from the Trump administration. Sources are describing it to CNN this way, that there's not a single vaccine distribution plan to speak of from the Trump administration. One Biden official telling CNN quote, we are going to have to build everything from scratch, so there was no plan striking news this. More sources tell CNN the President Biden's team will begin a vaccine rollout plan from scratch. Sources say the coronavirus vaccine distribution plan that was inherited by from the Trump administration to the Biden team was non existent. They're basically starting from scratch. They're starting from scratch as it relates to the the vaccine distribution. Okay, anyway, Faucci addressed the talking point, which is starting from scratch even though we now know liberal. Fauci said, this another thing that I don't buy comes out of our reporting. I have two new pieces of reporting. The first one is that people within the administration say they're starting from scratch with a vaccine. No, they're not. You have an infrastructure out there that you're well aware of. It has to be improved. But they shouldn't get any benefit of a low bar here either. You know, there's a lot going on already. Are they going to scrap it or are they going to build on it make it better? No, No, they're not going to scrap it, Chris, They're going to I mean I was involved in the development of that stuff. They were not going to scrap that. There are a lot of good things that when that happened, with the development of the vaccine program and an operation Warp Speed had a lot of successes. There were some missteps, but a lot of successes there. Now we're going to be building on things. We're not going to be destroying it, putting aside, saying it's useless. We're going to take the good parts and amplify them, make them better, and we're going to go for the goal, and that is to get as many people vaccinated as you possibly can, as expetitiously as you can. That's the goal. We're not going to trash anything. Peter Doocey of Fox News asked, well, why didn't he follow his mask mandate when I was at the Link of Memorial. Well, apparently, I guess he has bigger things to worry about. And remember the fast the face masks rule is on federal property, and they ditched it when they went to the link of Memorial and when I asked a question about it, well, he was celebrating it was a historic day in our country, all right. Joining us now to respond to this and the other issues of the day. The Reverend cl Bryant, he's the author of the Race for Freedom and senior fellow Freedom Works and cl Reverend, welcome back to the program. I hope, I hope you're keeping me in your prayers. I hope you're keeping this great country in your prayers because we need a little of both. Both of us need it absolutely, Sean, and you certainly in my prayers. And our nation is always in our prayers, as well as our President Donald John Trump, even though he is in exile at this time. But this is what I say about that, Sean. The lies, innuendos, and the hypocrisy that has come from Joe Biden will continue for forty six years, most of our lifetime. Sean, do you realize Joe Biden hasn't done anything notable on his own in forty six years in Washington, d C. Except right on the coattails of those who could use him. And he's being used as a Patsy as a pond now and the lies and the plagiarism and everything that he's been known for in the past should come to bear in our president here in America, now that he's been actually given the oath of office to sit in behind the desk of the President. That is one thing, Sean, that I believe that we as Americans must understand that we are on our way back to Obama Land with Joe Biden and this crew of people that he has brought to Washington, DC, and Americans need to understand if they need to stand up and still be heard, that's not inciting riots or anything of that nature. And I'm certain to tell you that the President did not incite anything. Well, I mean we now know the Washington Times and even fake news CNN all investigators now looking deeply at the reality and the possibility that I remember this was the whole impeachment deal that the president's words incited this, Well, no, it's actually turning quite differently, you know. And they published an article in the Washington Post on I think it was Tuesday, the day before the inauguration. Self style militia members planned on storming the Capitol days in advance of the January sixth attack, court documents say, and it goes on to say self style militia members from Virginia, Ohio and other states made plans to storm the capitol. Now the President said that many of you will peacefully, patriotically march to the Capitol so your voices may be heard. I'm not sure how that's inciting an insurrection, but does it not debunk the narrative within the impeachment articles the Democrats, the mob in the media that in fact the words incited the insurrection if it was well planned in advance. And now even these fake news networks are reporting it themselves, although they still go along with the impeachment madness, it absolutely debunks at Sean and I have to say this to all of us who consider ourselves conservatives. You and I have known each other a lot of years now, and I'm a conservative just like you are. I happen to vote Republican. But I'm saying this to the Republican Party that I've been loyal to for the last twenty five years. If in fact they do not stand with this president against this phony, fallacious impeachment charge, they are going to find themselves on a desert island by themselves, the people who put them where they have been, and they squandered it. They squandered everything that we have given to them as grassroots workers and grassroots people. And if they do not stand with this president, we're going to see something in this country we hadn't seen a long time, and that is the rise of something else replacing those do nothing Republicans that are now in the minority. I have no doubt, you know, if given a choice, Conservatives, let's see America first. The Trump agenda, which by the way, is very simple, as I've outlined all this week on this program, versus weak Republicanism, establishment Republicanism. They're not going to win over eighty percent of the Republican Party and that is a risk that they're never going to take. That's why I'm not sitting here wringing my hands at all worried about this phony impeachment. The other thing is my sources are very clear cl is that Democrats are extremely skittish about this. They know that it defies their unity meeting. They also know that investigators are now saying they believe they found the organizers of this thing, and they're getting more information every day. Nor do they want to validate the process, which was no process in the House of Representatives, so they don't want any part of it, and Republicans want no part of it either. I do think there'll be an early motion to dismiss it. It's got a shot, and if it doesn't pass, they'll spend two three days and this thing's over. There'll quit by the overwhelming majority of Republicans for sure. Most likely You're absolutely right, because they see the common sense the Republicans need Donald John Trump, and the Democrats, of course, are terrified. They are absolutely terrified of Donald John Trump. Why because he did more legitimately for this nation in three and a half years than Joe Biden has done in your lifetime. In my lifetime, Sean, I have to reiterate, in our lifetime, I was a teenager when Joe Biden went to Washington. You were probably about eight years old. But let me tell you something. In our lifetime, Sean, this man is the best example as to why we need term limit in Washington at this point in time. Listen. I've always said it's a bad idea whose time, unfortunate is come. I would like, but the problem is is all these guys, they they all of a sudden they become enthralled with being called senator, congressman, governeah, you know, and they like it. And then all of a sudden they might go there with the purest of intentions. And I've seen Ben's sass. The ass is an imperfect example. I mean, we listen to this guy, Linda, right, we promoted him, we helped him, and I mean he just went off the rails and he I think he forgot where he came from, and um, you know, forgot who he was. And I think he likes he's kind of enamored with his own power, and he's not that remarkable in my mind, not remarkable at all. But Sean, I'd like to put the focus as well, what happened to Joe's little boy Hunter? What happens to him? What happens to that that that that that collusion with with all of the Chinese and all the what happened to that? What happens to Joe? I don't know if you heard the repair shop owner on my TV show last night, we taped it just before the show. Where do you hear the stuff tonight about videos on this laptop. Nobody else has talked about it, and Sean, I saw part one. I can't wait to see part two telling all of America. Tune into Handy tonight and let's see what this is. What he's talking about here. And you have stood on the front line. You've never wavered, and I certainly do appreciate your friendship. Listen, see, Oh you're a special guy. You're you love this country, you and still good values. You remind us that you know the important things of life, our spiritual side. And you know, I know a lot of people have been really struggling the last year, and I think guys like you that that help people in troubled times are just a voice in the wilderness and much needed. Thank you, sir, God bless you man. Talk to you too. Appreciate it. Thank you, Reverend. All right, as we roll along, eight hundred nine fold one, Sean toll free telephone number. You know if you missed it earlier. Now, what did I tell you before this election? Everything's on the table, Chucky Schumer said, Right, what did I say? What did that mean? We're going to end the legislative filibuster? Well, Chuck Schumer wouldn't make a deal to stop that yesterday. Okay, check, they're going to move forward with that. What did I say, DC? Maybe Puerto Rico as well? Statehood? Anyone in the mob the media ever asked Biden about these issues. No, because they were protecting him. He was in the media mob, big tech liberal Democrat protection program, and they all went out there. They let him hide in the basement, didn't have to answer any questions. And now we have the Biden camp. White House Press Secretary Jensaki confirming that President Biden does support statehood for the District of Columbia's the fifty first state, while refusing to offer a timeline. DC statehood was an issue that was raised in previous press briefings. The President has supported DC statehood in the past. That certainly remains his position, but I don't have any information on a timeline. Well what does that mean? Well, if you add DC, you got two more Democratic Senate seats. If you add Puerto Rico, they think you get two more Democratic seats in both places in perpetuity as far as the eye can see. What would that mean now would be a permanent majority for Democrats, at least in their minds. Now, these are the things we warned you about. How far does it go from here? In other words, do we get to the point where, well, maybe we'll end the electoral college and let in New York, in California, New Jersey, and Illinois decide every election. Is that well, Chuck says, everything's on the table. Told you I tried my hardest to warn everybody. Now, what are the What can the Republicans do about it? I don't know at this time. We'll continue all right, news round up, information, overload our You know, I got criticized for saying yesterday it's been a disastrous week. Masters well, I guess good if you're a liberal Democrat and a radical socialist. But I've been also going looking at the impact of these insane policies and what it means for we, the American people. And that's where things that's where things kind of go off the rails for Joe Biden, because it's not going to end well for him in the end. In terms of once the American people understand the depth of this radical agenda and the impact directly on them, then I think the country is going to say, are you kidding me? By the way, there is a Rassmusem polled double digit margin. Voters opposed Biden's decision blocking the Keystone XL pipeline. Voters were a little shocked to see the change of names immediately to the ambassador US ambassador at Israel on the Twitter account, in other words, to include the West Bank and Gaza. H. That was a that was a message to Israel on day one, UH, the devastating economic impact and jobs impact on the country by rejoining the insane Paris Climate Accord, which by the way, countries like China don't have to abide by. Then of course the disastrous rollout of what is you know, I think a big deal of the vaccine. Then of course open borders as yes, we now have another caravan coming, and the plan to stop building the wall, and a path towards UH legalization. They're going to legalize those illegal immigrants. Never mind the Caesar Chavez bust taking over for Winston Churchill's a side note of nothing. Um. So you know, if you look at this and you listen to the media and the mob and what do you mean, Hannity, this has been a great week. That's because you agree with this insanity. But I'm going to tell you something, all of these moves Paris Agreement, Keystone Pipeline, open borders, amnesty, all of it together, I am telling you right now, is going to end up in Americans losing jobs, lower wages, and it's it's going to be a huge financial burden in terms of the travel, in terms of the Paris Accords, We're talking about billions of dollars. I mean, this is a disaster um and I just can't believe this is where they're taking the country. Now, we have Biden and Kamala wanting to end fracking. If you look at all the jobs that ultimately will be lost, it's a massive number. Never said I, you said tape. I did show the tape. Put it on your website. Put it on put it on the website. Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden administration. No, we would, We would work it out, we would make sure it's eliminated. I guarantee you we're gonna end fossil fuel, no more, no new fraki I gradually move away from frackie and I think it's critically important on day one that we end any fossil fuel leases on public LANs, Like, what about they want to do the same thing I want to do. They want to phase out fossil fuels, and we're gonna phase out fossil There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking, all right. Joining us now Daniel Turner, founder executive director of Power the Future, outlining this big, massive mistake getting away from energy and dependence and the Keystone Excel pipeline. You know, Okay, uh, these radical green groups and the Powers accords. Uh. Now, this article about me just takes me to Hannity says the Disaster Week. What is he talking about? I'm like, Yeah, if I worked for the Keystone Xcel pipeline, I think I'd be a little ticked off anyway, Daniel, thank you for being with us. Thank you for having me on SUN and also with a Steve Moore, economists, author of Trump Anonomics, Inside the America First Planner, Revive Our Economy. Daniel, you said something that really fascinated. He said, what's fascinating about the Keystone is how unfascinating the project actually is. And you talked about its marvel of engineering, an extraordinary accomplishment of human mechanical skill, twelve hundred mile pipeline from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf Coast carrying crew to be refined. An incredible infrastructure project that created a lot of jobs. Now, I know, you know Biden's claiming, oh, there's going to be very few jobs that are lost here in Pete Buddhajad say no, these jobs, you know, we want them replaced with good union jobs. It's easy for him to say he just got a new job. Yeah. It is remarkable to see the lack of empathy that Joe Biden and Pete Buddha Judge have showed for the thousands of people who have lost their jobs overnight. Right there are married couples right now who are figuring out how to move forward because they have lost their sole source of employment. And they're in these red states states like moved Nebraska and the Dakotas, states that Joe Biden quite frankly doesn't care about it and would only visit if he needed their electoral votes. Mayor Pete said the priority is fulfilling the president's promise on climate change. There is a plan for the Guatemalan immigrants who were crossing the border. There is a plan for everybody, But there is no plan for these thousands of American energy workers who are losing their job. They are just told to go pound sand and that is absolutely immoral that this president is doing that to these people. And by the way, the estimates are, you know, thousands of temporary jobs, additional jobs directly in indirect jobs associated with it, about two billion dollars in wages. We're talking about Stephen Moore. I even noticed the Canadians. It was a Bloomberg piece out today that the leader of Canada's oil heartland calling this decision to cancel Keystone Excel an insult. They're urging the Prime Minister Trudeau to consider retaliation in this case. And anyway, their premier, Jason Kennedy said in a press conference, it's an insult, and said Trudeau she can demand the US administration sit down and discuss the project in the context of environmental climate security policy and if that fails, Canada should be willing to impose meaningful punitive measures against his biggest trading partner. Well, we can see they're reasserting their muscle against America. Well, you know, Sean was struck by that quote from the Biden administration saying what we want is good paying union jobs. That's exactly what these are. You know, I've spent a lot of time in the old patch in the United States and the Dakotas and Texas and even up in Canada, and these are not fifteen dollars an hour jobs. These aren't fifteen dollars jobs. These are jobs to pay, you know, for the truckers, the pipe fitters, the construction workers. They're hard at jobs that pay many times over one hundred thousand dollars a year. So these are exactly the kind of uh, you know, good paying union jobs that Biden promised that he would create rather than take away. By the way, shame, I'm you know some of these unions, if unions actually endorsed Biden, did you know that chun? I mean, is that? How crazy is that? I mean, I mean the Cavalier basically it was. It was Buddha, Judge and Biden to to workers on Keystone XL drop dead. I mean, this just don't care. And when you think about our relationship with Canada, they pretty much told Canada to shove it and that's going to impact their economy. But he's giving into the environmental extremists, as we all said he would. What is the impact of the Climate accords, the Plan Paris Climate Accord, which actually says that China is a developing nation. They don't put the same restrictions on China, the biggest polluter. And it is remarkable that China is exempt from this. And what the United States has done under this administration has surpassed the goals of the Climate Accords without being in it under the Trump administration. So now that we are joining it for no apparent reason, we're also on the hook now for billions of dollars that will go to a UN climate slush fund. Who was who was spending this money? What are their projects? What oversight is there? Do I trust the UN with billions of taxpayer American dollars? So again it's this globalist cabal that punishes America, will impose false functions of false mandates on America. When we've achieved the spirit of the accords, which is lower our missions. We did that under President Frump and that was never celebrated by the environmental left. Well, sorry, it's just going to make another point. You know, you talk about Canada being a you know, loser here, clearly they are because Canada, Yeah, the United State, Canada, the United States have moral on gas and call than just about any other you know, region of the world. We have more than you know, Saudi Arabia. We have more of this than than Russia and all these other countries. But the big winner here from both United States entering the re entering the worst treaty in the history of the United States, the Paris Climate Accord, and uh IN discontinuing these infrastructure projects like the pipelines is right now, I mentioned this on your show, I think last month. Right now, as we're sitting here, there's a twelve billion dollar pipeline that's being built from Siberia and Russia to China. And so, I mean, what's wrong with this picture? Shoun So Russia and China are two big enemies. Are building a pipeline so they can get all of the energy that China needs at low prices, and we can't build pipelines here in the United States. Meanwhile, while they're doing pipelines, the other thing people have to realize is China right now is building we don't know exactly, but somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty to two hundred new coal plants. So every time we shut down a coal plant United States, China builds ten of them. How is that reducing climate change? I mean, that's such a great point. And by the way, have it our carbon emissions level has gone down in recent years way out. Wait. Wait, absolutely the countries that are in the that are in the you know, that are in the terst climate and none of them, by the way, of the thirty major countries they've been in that Climate Change of agreement, twenty eight of them haven't reached their targets. Yeah, and you're gonna say, Daniel, the remarkable thing about what President Trump achieved and got very little credit for on the global community, or especially in the environmental community, is lowering our missions while also making America the world's largest oil and gas producer. We did not discover any new oil field, We did not invent any new any new technology. What President Trump did is he allowed the free markets to do what it does best. That means that potential was always in America. First, every single president going back in history, all that potential of America was there, and they wouldn't let it come to the market. President from unleashed the power of the flea market, and it does what it always does, which is produced more for less while improving the status of the average person. I just I've found the statement of Buddha Judge in particular at this hearing with Ted Cruz. I mean it literally, I'm like, oh my gosh, you really don't care. I mean he put, he put. Look, if you're working, and we know that there are how many, how many millions of people that have been displaced in terms of jobs as a result of you know, rigid government shutdowns, especially in places like New York and California and elsewhere as a result of COVID nineteen. Okay, now we're gonna have illegal immigrants coming in and they're gonna they're gonna be made legal, and they'll be the their path to legalization. No more building the border wall, putting handcuffs on ice. They can't even do their job anymore. And the laws of the land, as per Biden. So we're gonna have more competition for the jobs that do become available, as hopefully one day we get to the point where the country opens up completely, maybe late spring and early summer. Steve Moore, Look, there is one constant theme of every single person who has been appointed to a high level job in the administration. You know what that is, shun. They are climate change fanatics. They care more about climate change than health of the American citizens and jobs and COVID. It's all climate change. So I am going to predict, Sean, this is the tip of the iceberg. You're going to see multiple more kinds of regulations like this on the American economy. And it is dan is right. These are these have very negative effects on America's ability to produce energy. And the big winners are our biggest enemies. And one other thing, Russia and China in particular, and countries that hey, those in the Middle East. Real quick. Yeah, look, people say, oh, we're not going to need oil anymore, We're gonna use electric cars. Okay, fine, maybe maybe twenty years from now, A bready going to have a testbot. How are you going to charge the batteries without natural gas, without electricity which comes from natural gas? And call, I mean, people don't even camp into this stuff out. Natural gas reduce this pollution, It doesn't increase pollution. That's why I need we need the pipelines. Well and everybody better get ready. Your heating bills are gonna sore, Your gas prices are gonna sore. It's inevitable. It's a simple supplied demand crisscross dictating price and we'll be artificially reducing the supply and that means you pay more, which is exactly what they want, which is said, all right, Steve Moore, thank you, Daniel Turner, thank you. All right, Martin and Florida. We have one minute this segment. Can you do it in a minute? Martin sean so great to speak with you. You are a great American to see. I'll alluded to. I'll get right to the point. There are seventy five million great Americans have voted for President Trump, not because they idolize a man, because they we're voting for the American ideal that he represented. He's a great president because he not only stood up for the American way, he led the way. He got things done. And imagine what he could have gotten done with the support of those on the other side of the aisle. It's a disgrace. My question to you is what sort of recourse does President Trump, former President Trump at this time have in the event that they botched this impeachment. Does he have legal recourse to really stick it in their faces on behalf of everybody that there, I think there's certainly Listen, there are enough constitutional scholars that have been very outspoken about the constitutionality of it. We don't want to get there because as we learned, I'll quote the chief Justice in Wisconsin that if you continued to be the other four justices on this court, he was three leading the dissent and don't deal with these issues. It's going to keep happening. It's not going to go away. And you can't have judicial show activism by inaction. This is a significant, serious constitutional challenge. Republicans in the Senate. They need to do their job, so we don't have to go to your plan. But you raised great points, Martin, and you did it in a minute. You're unbelievable. Quick break right back and we'll continue on the other side. Your calls coming up. We want to make sure that all those votes are counted, because at the end of the day, we know that we're all counted. Algor will be president United States of America. Since election day, we have had a single fundamental goal to ensure a complete count of all of the votes cast in Florida. What is its stake is more important than who wins the presidency. What is it stake is the integrity of our democracy. All we are asking for is that the rule of law be respected and upheld, and that all the votes be counted in a way that is consistent with Florida law. There is no question, a very little question, that al Gore won the votes cast in the state of Florida. The question is will he win of us counted? Do you think Donald Trump's win was legitimate election? Legit the election is by this intrusion, I don't see it. Is president elect as a legitimate president? You do not consider an a legitimate president. Does he think that Democrats should put this away? This whole idea of legitimate illegitimate president's not going to get in the middle of this right now. I get it, But you didn't answer the question is Donald Trump legitimate? I think there's a cloud of questions around what happened, clouds of questions, and we disagree on things. But but honestly, I mean yes or no? Is he the legitimately elected president United States? When he raises his hand, we're counting on our law enforcement community to get to the the bottom of these questions. He also won't. Do you agree with John Lewis? Do you agree that Donald Trump is in effect not a legitimate president. I think that there's no question that the process that elected him was not legitimate. Point elect, although legally elected, it is not legitimate for all the reason I think that Donald Trump will legitimate legitimacy question of the legitimacy questions come up. You say he will be president of the United States, but you're you're at least reluctant to say he will be the legitimate president of the United States. Is that right? He is going to be president, But isn't it more difficult now to work together when you've said flatly he's not even a legitimate president. I don't recognize this legitimacy. John Lewis said that you believe he's a legitimate president. Well, he was elected on the fact that Donald Trump can't stand out he's not a legitimate president that he can bear to tell him the truth. Now the legitimization of the presidency is taking hold within the country. Do you think it was a legitimate election. I think that there are lots of questions about its legitimacy. The twenty sixteen election wasn't legitimate. What does it mean to say it's not legitimate? He was not a legitimate election. But do you think it was a legitimate election? The time here Donal might question you this was it a legitimate election? Does it count? My personal view is that it was not a legitimate elect so it doesn't count. There you go. You hear it again and again and again. But you would think this is only the first time in the history of this country that people had a problem with election results. It's not sad, you know, with the United States of America. Do we have the ability to have a free, fair election that we can have integrity and confidence in the results? And yeah, of course we do. We send people to the moon and we bring them home. We do other amazing things as well. Can a system, such a system be designed, Yeah, I ken. But the hypocrisy is what this is all about. It is breathtaking, and this is you know, then you get to the Then you get to the rhetoric of the left, the rhetoric of Maxim Waters, the rhetoric of Chuck Schumer and Kamala Harris. I'm gonna take Trump out to night. The rhetoric of so many Democrats over the years. I'm gonna take them behind the jim beat the hell out of them. What if any Republican ever said that about Joel Um it wouldn't work very well, wouldn't go over. If you know when they're we're gonna fight. When they're down, we kick them. We kick them, but they go low, we kick them. Oh pretty amazing that ted Low. He promised and threatened widespread civil unrest if Trump fired Mueller. Look, if the President does go ahead and fire Robert Muller, we would have people take to the streets. I believe there would be widespread civil unrest because Americans understand that the rule of law is paramount. And you think there would be civil unrest, widespread civil unrest, I do, yeah, widespread, So I do, I do yeah. Cory Booker get up in the face of some congress people. Maxie would get in their face. Did not want it anywhere. Anytime you create a crowd, well, you can't be civil with the political party that wants to destroy what you stand for. Hillary Clinton Joaquin Castro twenty nineteen. Trump considering declaring a national emergency over the government shut down, said Democrats would fight him in those streets, and it goes on. You know, when you're in the arena, Nancy Pelosi said, you have to be ready to take a punch and throw a punch. John Tester, in order to take on Trump, you have to punch him in the face. Squad member Pressley, this is as much about public outcry, organizing, mobilizing, applying pressure, making phone calls, emails, showing up. You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. No pretty amazing list, isn't it. I don't hear Mitch McConnell never heard him at the time, you know, talking about that language provoking any things. And look at Kamala Harris's statements. You know this is you know, they're not going to stop. This is after what happened in Minnesota this summer, burning a police station to the ground, the rioting that took place there. They're not going to stop after election day. Everyone should take note on both levels. They're not going to stop, and they should not and we should not. Is that well Mitch McConnell is saying, does that provoke people? Did that provoke people in the summer. You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. But I like to debate this, gentleman, and I said no. I said, if we're in high school, I'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. Take a punch, punch. You can't keep playing them all day. We may have him down, pap All right, let's get to some calls here. Let's say hi to Rogers in Nebraska, Roger Sean Hannity Show, How are you hi, Sean. It's great to speak to you. My question is that pop scandal and the Biden family corruption be swept under the carpet. It's only just beginning. The guy that had the laptop, guess what. He has a copy of the hard drive. He knows, and he's been harassed, and he's thinking of a lot of lawsuits. And he's seen the hard drive. I've been briefed on its contents, and what is in there is only the tip of the iceberg. Both about the Biden family, foreign syndicate corruption scandal. That's only the tip of the iceberg. The stuff about Hunter. He's going to scare the living daylights out of people when it's ultimately revealed. All right, my friend, I'm on it. We don't stop working, we don't stop the battle for liberty and freedom, the cause of conservatism, and this great country never ends. Vinnie is in Long Island, New York. What's up, Vinny? How are you hi, Sean? How are you? I'm good, sir. Why why is it always the Republicans that come out against each other. Democrats are like the Chinese military. They march in line without beating missing a step. Here you have Rodney and Langford and Shaney, everybody comes out. They turned it back on Trump right away, and now they'll be just like you say, the weak Republicans that they've always been, always are now that Trump is gone. And I can't imagine what's going to happen in the next few years and what Democrats are going to try and push through. Jock. I think Republicans need new leadership in the Senate, and I think the Republican Party needs a gut check. What is important to them? What is their agenda going to be? And I think those people that are willing to lay down the agent it's very simple. This is not complicated Vinnie. Let me ask you this. If I was running for office and I said, I'm going to put America first. I want to cut everybody's taxes. Government is too big, too blow to, too bureaucratic, and out of control. I want to end the burdensome bureaucracy on business. If I said I will secure America's borders and that will have merit based immigration. If I said we going to again be energy independent. If I said I would only put constitutionalists on the Supreme Court, not liberal judicial activists. If I would expand fracking and natural gas production on top of all the energy that we would be producing elsewhere, and if I literally negotiated much better free affair or trade deals, kept us out of foreign conflicts, but built up our military so that we have the biggest, meanest, toughest military on the face of the earth. In case some at some point, we need to defend liberty and freedom, we have the ability to do so, and nobody would ever want to mess with us. Would you say that that's a pretty simple but yet profound thing, and it's worth fighting for that agenda. Absolutely, that's worth fighting forward to words voting for us. That's what I mean I want leaders that will stand up in the well of the House and Senate and in the in the arena of ideas win. That's what I want. Georgia. How is Georgia. Democrats would have never allowed what happened in Georgia. We lost two seats. We should have won the first seat on election night. I love Doug Collins. He's the guy I would have wanted Kemp to select to fill the Senate speed me too. He picked Loffler. He picked Kelly Lossler. Okay, she did actually a pretty good job while she was there, But Doug Collins that night takes a million votes away from Kelly Loffler. We lose that election. Now on the runoffs, she would have won that that seat on election night, John, this is the things that Republicans do that Democrats do not. You would have the Democratler has never allowed him to run. And look, I thought what Kemp did on so many different levels was wrong for the state. Same with the Secretary of State. And I'll tell you what I would predict right now. Kemp is up for re election in twenty twenty two, and I don't think he's going to be voted back in. Although the alternative might be a Stacey Abrams as governor issue. I don't know. I think somebody will challenge Kemp and you might have the same situation unfold because of the way that they have their primary system down in Georgia with runoffs, etc. You got to get fifty percent of the vote total. But with all of that said, I mean, I just don't want to elect Republicans that, if they make promises, aren't going to go on our behalf and do everything in their power to make that happen, and spend less time worrying if they're going to go back the next term. And I think that's the problem, and that's probably the biggest argument for term limits. Oh, no doubt about that. All right, Vinna, You're a good man. Thank you, my friend. I appreciate it. Deborah in Texas, Hey, Deborah, Hello, it's such a pleasure to talk to you, mister Hannity. I have admired you for telling the truth and taking the heat, and I love your sign off letting not your heart be troubled. That versus mean a lot to me personally over the years, so thank you. It means a lot to me too. Amazing job. Thank you. It actually heard that the very first time at my brother's funeral, and when I was ten years old. He was sixteen. He died of a brain tumor. And there's been a precious verse to me my whole life. I am sixty eight. Wow, you sound like a young sixty eight. Well, thank you, thank you. I have a lot of energy. Uh yeah, So what's on your mind? Energized? Well, I feel like there's so much fear, the fear on both sides. I watch, you know, Alexandria Housio Cortez crying on television and expressing the fear that she has. She needs to get a grip. Somebody needs to call her up and say, nobody's coming to kill you. You know, it's it's you know, pull yourself together. You have a very important job. You have to think straight. When people get this fearful, they don't think well, they get sick physically, and on both sides, people people need to calm down and get a grip and understand, you know, re rank themselves to the situation, and then figure out how you're going to move forward calmly, rationally. Listen. I think that's a good admonition for everybody. And thank you for the call, Deber and I wish all the best, and that is yes, I'm absolutely fine with people peacefully protesting expressing their views. We've got to protect our capital. We've got to protect our streets, our cities, in our towns too. And I find the duplicity and the double standard in all of this. It's, as usual, breathtaking. And when we talk about fighting, it's in the arena of ideas. It's the legislative process, it's the electoral process. That's why we need a free, fair election system that we have confidence in with the results integrity in the election, and that would be voter ID. You know, these are not complicated things. The very things you need to get into the Democratic National Convention. You need some type of picture ID. Can't have voting for months on end, you know, it's all the standards and laws must be followed. It's not that complicated, and we can do it if we wanted to. There are people that don't want to do it. That's why hr One by Pelosi. They want to lock in all these changes, especially on mail in voting, because they think it gives them an advantage. And that's why immigration is so important to liberal Democrats, but Republicans do need to stand on principle and if they're elected to do a job, do your job to the best your ability, and don't cower in a corner either. That's going to wrap things up at today Tonight Hannity Ninetiestern DVR, Part two of my interview with the computer repair shop owner John Paul mac Isaac. This time he talks about videos that he saw on Hunter's laptop. Also, how do you stop the unconstitutional post presidential impeachment impeachment? Also how do you stop the post presidential unconstituted chel impeachment? Shift Show Rampaul, Tom Cotton, Kevin McCarthy. Also Leo Terrell joins us, Greg Abbott joins us, the Governor of Texas and Representative Madison Hawthorne. All coming up nine Eastern. We'll see you tonight and back here on Monday. I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for being will us