Biden vs Voters

Published Dec 6, 2019, 11:00 PM

Joe Concha, Host of WOR tonight and opinion columnist for The Hill, and Mark Simone, host of the morning show on WOR talk about the craziness of the week from naming of the President’s son in an open hearing to the testimony of people who are not fact witnesses. Of course we can’t forget Joe Biden calling a voter fat and jack or Nancy Pelosi invoking Catholicism when getting criticized by Sinclair’s James Rosen. 

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All right, glad you with us, all right, before we get to wow, great job numbers. The Democrat impeachment meltdown. We had a Pensacola attack where literally we had people killed at this airbase in Pensacola. The president is now with a cabinet, and let's go right to his remarks just recently, just this morning in Pensacola, Florida, the King said that the Sony people are greatly angered by the barbaric actions of the shooter and that this person, in no way, shape or form represents the feelings of the Sony people who love the American people so much. So that was just given to me by the King of Saudi Arabia. And I can tell you it's a horrible thing that took place, and we're getting to the bottom of it. All of the investigators are there now and they're studying it very closely, and terrible things, and our condolences go to the family and to everybody involved, including the wounded. We have some badly wounded people also, and we have to extend our condolences to them, and we'll be working with them all very closely. So I just wanted to let you know that it was from King Salomon, and today we're here to talk to some of the very hard working citizens who are benefiting from our historic record setting campaign to eliminate job killing regulations. I will tell you the market is up three twenty five points today on great job numbers. The numbers have been phenomenal. Actually, some people said so spot on, so good that they've actually never seen anything like it. It's a long way from when people were rooting for a recession because they thought they could maybe win an election. But we don't root for a recession. We root for success, and we're having tremendous success. I want to thank Vice President Mike Pence, who's here right here. Mike, thank you, as well as Secretary Jean Scalia, Secretary Lane Chaw, Acting Omb Director Russ' Vote, and Acting Administrator Chris Polkington. Thank you all very much for being here. Appreciated, Appreciate it very much. It's been an incredible period of time economically for our country, probably the best ever. We have the best unemployment numbers in over fifty four years. We have the best numbers for African American. This came out today again African American, Hispanic Asian American, the best numbers we've ever had. Numbers for women are at a record number. We think that it will probably if he keeps going like this very shortly, be totally historic. But they're at numbers that nobody ever believed possible. Nobody would have believed it. Frankly, in the campaign, I would have never said it, but I felt we were going to do very well. That's despite the fact that we're paying interest to people that have their money in the bank and other countries they are not, so they have a great competitive advantage. And yet we're by far and away the most successful economy anywhere in the world. We're doing better than any other economy in the world. And you know, we've created many trillions of dollars of wealth since the election. Other countries have lost many trillions of dollars. We're by far the largest economy in the world, and that was going to change. For many years, they were saying that was going to change. We were going to go to number two during this presidency. It was years ago, and I guess that the wrong president got elected. From the standpoint that there are a lot of people very unhappy about it, so they wish They certainly think it was the wrong president. They would have rather had somebody else because they're not number one. We're number one, and we're so far ahead that people can't even believe it. So we've had tremendous success. We've had it together. This has been a great group of cabinet members and the people in the administration have done a really good job. It was just reported that we added at a two hundred and sixty six thousand jobs in November, and we've also had very favorable numbers outside of the two hundred and sixty sixth including some of the past numbers have been corrected in a very positive way also, So we have two hundred and sixty six thousand jobs, plus we've created seven million jobs since my election. Unemployment is at the lowest rate, as I told you in many years. In many ways. I think we can probably very soon say historically a record one hundred and fifty eight million Americans are now working. That's the largest number in the history of our country. We've never had one hundred and fifty eight million people working, and we should be breaking the one hundred and sixty million magic mark fairly soon. The stock market today, as you know, it's up three hundred and twenty five, you've hit another record high. I believe that's one hundred and twenty eight times something like that. That we've broken the record, the old time record for stock market highs. And think of that about one hundred and twenty eight times. And we've been here for list than three years. And that I can tell you as a record. Two point five million Americans have been lifted out of poverty. African American, Hispanic American, Asian American poverties, poverty levels in the positive sense have hit record lows. It's something that nobody thought was going to be possible in a short period of time either, so they've all hit record lows. Our regulatory reform efforts are delivering prosperity to forgotten men, women and children. At America. We are seeing a middle class boom led by blue collar jobs. And that's one of the things that's so great. The blue collar workers, great workers of our country. They're really benefiting tremendously from what we've done with the tax cuts and all of the other things that we've done. And very big, I think is the regulation cuts. Because even before we were able to get the tax cuts so successfully from Congress, we started cutting regulations immediately and that had a big impact, and that's why we went up so much between the election victory. So you'd say, really from November ninth, the day after the election, up until January twenty eighth, inauguration, the stock markets and jobs literally went through the roof. And if the election were lost, it would have gone right through the floor. It would have been a disaster. The story stock market is boosting pensions, four or one kse in college savings accounts at record levels. We've added ten trillion dollars in value to the economy, helping these small businesses that create two out of three new jobs. Nearly every single state has seen record numbers. Almost every state. I can tell you every state I've been to in the last three months is having the best year they've ever had, and that's because of the federal policy. And they're very thankful. The governors are very thankful, the senators are very thankful. They're all very thankful. So things have happened that nobody thought would be possible. But literally every state I go to a setting a record for their state. Individual states, and one of the states have just reported and it's because of our actions not because of their actions, as I can tell you, because their actions are very negative. California is doing much better than anyone anticipated because of what we've done at the federal level. So I'm very happy about that. Next year we will continue our bold de regulatory campaign, will remove costly burdens to make cars safer and more affordable. I don't know if you know what's going on. We're in a dispute with California. California in order to save a tiny amount of fuel, of which we have plenty. We have numbers nobody ever would have believed possible. We're the largest energy producer now in the world, and we're an export of energy for the first time in our history. Really, but we can make cars much less expensive, much better, much stronger, and about the same from an environmental standpoint, very close. But then when you realize that many old cars will be taken off the road because they don't want to get rid of them, because they don't want to buy the new cars because frankly they don't work very well. That little good like this you take that sometimes it's about that much gasoline. It's a difference between three thousand and five hundred dollars, extra computers put on the engines and all of the other things that you have to do. But the cars are much safer. Our cars are much safer and much cheaper and much better. And the reason they're safer is because they can be heavier, because right now the cars are made out of paper machee and ours are actually we allow steel content, and so people are getting very excited about it. We have some good support with the auto companies. The only ones that don't support of the car companies that want to be politically correct. But we'll end up in some litigation with California. But just remember, our cars are safer, and they are much safer, by the way, and they're better, they operate better, and in every way. We think it's going to be terrific. And we have a lot of support from the car industry. And you're talking about a saving a three thousand, five hundred dollars on average per car. That's a tremendous saving. And one of the other things from an environmental standpoint, many of the old gas guzzlers are that they're spewing out bad things are going to be coming off the road. Cars that are ten years old and older people will be going to the new cars because the pricing is better. And the net result of what happens environmentally is a very possible result because a lot of old cars are going to come off the road. They will come off the road with the California standard, but they'll come off the road with our standards, so you have a better car for less money and it will be safer. Will end the regulatory assault on franchise small businesses, which a lot of the people around the table want to do because they're very, very strongly affected. Will provide greater financial freedom and flexibility for US truckers. The trucking industry has gotten right to lay out of control. You might want to say a few words about that in a minute, but it's gotten out of control and we're doing other things. The light bulb they got rid of the light bulb that people got used to. The new bulb is many times more expensive, and I hate to say it, it doesn't they can look as good. Of course, being a vain person, that's very important to me, Like it gives you an orange look. One an orange look, says anyone noticed. So we'll have to change those bulbs that at least a couple of rooms where I am in the white ass. But we're going back to the Devil Center. We have a standard of the new bulbs and we have the old bulbs, and they're already making the old bulbs. Many people were complaining that the new bulbs were much much more expensive, many times in some cases more expensive. And the other thing, they're considered a hazardous waste that because it's largely a guess technology. When the bulb is disposed of, you're supposed to bring it to a hazardous waste site. I said, how many people do that? Nobody does it, and you know it's a bad thing. So you probably heard about it. You probably read about it. And you'll be able to buy light bulbs that actually are better lighting in the opinion of many, and I tell you, in my opinion, and for a lot less money. And so we're doing that. But you'll also be able, if you want, you can buy the other bulbs also, and I'll tell you even the bulb companies are very happy about that. But together, we're defending the American workers. We're using common sense. We have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where you turn the faucet on in areas where there's tremendous amounts of water where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it and you don't get any water. You turn on the faucet, you don't get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out, is cripping out, very quietly, dripping out. People are flushing toilets ten times fifteen times as opposed to once. They end up using more water very strongly. At my suggestion, you go into a new building or a new house or a new home, and they have standards on where you don't get water, you can't wash your hands. Practically, this older water comes out of the faucet and the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands. You end up using the same amount of water. So we're looking at very seriously at opening up the standard. And there may be some areas where we'll go the other route, desert areas, But for the most part, you have many states where they have so much water that it comes down it's cool rain that they don't know, they don't know what to do with it. So we're going to be opening up that, I believe, and we're looking at changing the standards very soon. And that's a little bit like the light bulb, where you get a boat that's better for much less money. We go back, but you have the other alternative, and you'll keep the other alternative with sinks and showers, etc. But that's been a big problem. So a lot of the things we do are based on common sense. Somebody said, is that a conservative Is it a liberal thing? Is it? What is it? What are we doing? Said, it's a common sense thing. And so many, so many of the things that we do, it's based on common sense. Like the car. The car will end up with that net tremendous saving environmentally when you think of all the cars, the old cars that will come off the road, all right, amazing numbers of the president will get to all of it. I just thought it was worth hearing it from him. All of those wishing for a recession. Now even fake news CNN and CNBC are all admitting, oh, he's really successful. This is not going to be good for us. Quick break right back, We'll continue CNN, MSN, what do they cover the number sixteenth sixteenth is positive economic news. All the rest of them are negative. So you know what's going on here in Joel. People don't want to say good things. And this is the best time I've ever seen in my life. Is it gonna? I said this earlier? And is it? Can it last forever? Jim? How can it last forever unless it's a participation rate? And if you know, I think it has to go up, Joe, because when we win the trade war, which you know we're going to win now because we have the better numbers, then they're gonna have to put jobs here. That's what they're gonna have to do. Weren't even talking about that yet. In the end of Chinese you have to put jobs here because this thing is the president can walk away from the table with the number. You are so anti normal knee jerk thinking of the MSF. So we could actually have more jobs coming back if we win the tradeward. No, they won't see that written or said anywhere. Well, you know, sometimes the truth sets people free. Yeah, these are I'm not gonna say it. He can't. He can't contradict that these are the best numbers of our lives. We can't I mean, we had guns and butter when we were doing these fifty years ago, and that fall with inflation and recession. I don't see inflation. I don't see recession. Fifty years ago, that number was a curse. Now it's a blessing. And you know something, Joe, it doesn't I can't. It doesn't matter when you hate them and like them. These are real numbers. They're real numbers. Wow. Could you imagine an NBC guy actually saying the truthful ones? I was Jim Kramer. Uh, he say today that these job numbers are the best numbers of our lives. That's what he said. And he said, no matter what you think of the president, is no denying we are living in the best labor market in more than a generation. Well, we already know that we've never had a better employment situation in the country than we do now. Never, he said, you can't contradict that these are the best numbers of our lives. You can't. His words, not mine, As we now had a better than expected by the experts. Again, it's always better than expected. They all they're all like hoping it goes down. It's like Bill Maher wishing for a you know, you know, a recession. Oh, great, millionaire Bill Maher is not going to be hurt. But the forgotten men and women, the Americans that make this country great every day and do most of the working and living and breathing and dying, as they say, and it's a wonderful life. Don't they deserve to have a nice save home and a nice neighborhood, a decent car to drive or truck if you prefer, a good school district for their kids, right, Josh, isn't the Fed cutting rates now just going to make the next economic downturn worse? What's your prediction. I've been hoping for a recession. People hate me for it, but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn't hate me for it. I mean, recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and nine, and we shouldn't wish well it's worth it. What a jackass, I mean, on top of everything else. But I support his right to be a jackass. I do. We've defended his freedom of speech more times than I care to count, you know, and he goes on, you know literally now, unemployment three point five percent, that's a fifty year low. Economists, Oh, they expected the job will is rate to hold steady at three point six. No, it's down another record. People don't want to say good things about the economy, Kramer says, And you know, then going on to say, don't tell the armageddness, the negativeness, the hucksters. Don't let them scare you away from owning stock, and then referring to the president. You know, it doesn't matter if you hate him or like him. These are real numbers. This is the best number I've seen in my life, he said, zeroing in on the unemployment rate. Fifty years ago, that number was a curse. Now it's a blessing. I don't see inflation, I don't see recession. And he went on to say, why am I quoting because you know, look, the President pointed out one hundred and twenty eight stock market records. Now, most of you don't invest in the stock market. But you gotta remember your pensions are in the stock market. Four or one kaiser in the stock market, ten trillion dollars in added value to the economy. That impacts every single solitary one of us. And it's not just Kramer saying it either, you know, even a fake news CNN Chris. Uh, what's his name? Salisa? I forget how to say his name, Jelisa. Yeah, latest economic numbers two sixty six, two hundred and sixty six thousand. Thank god. You know why? Because Americans are working. You know what does the President say in the close of his speech, We are one glorious nation under God, one one American family. Well for Americans, you know what, we want every American to succeed. Oh, I got mine. You know you can go pound sand I've never looked at life that way. This was bonus week for everybody that works for me in TV and radio. And I said, everybody when they get a check, money equals freedom. I give Linda. How many times do you hear me say that this week money equals freedom? Eighty seven times? At least? Why do I say that? So that gave out eighty seven checks? No, I think more than that. It wasn't eighty. You counted them, didn't you? I didn't. It probably was around that. It was about seven eighty eight. I can't believe you. I have no idea. I didn't. I didn't count them. It's about that though, I've got Oh. I hear from like the guy who the security at the front desk at the Fox Network here, you know, at our net work, I mean everybody. But I know why to Hannity's so generous, Mister Hannity, he gives, No, I'm not. That's not about me. That's not what I'm saying. I am saying it because I do know what it's like not to be able to pay my rent. I don't know what it's like to only have two hundred bucks in the bank. I do know what it's like when I have a busted arm and no job and I have to go to work in a shipyard called Blount Marine. And when the foreman hires me, it doesn't know my arms busted from the week before. He sees me three days into the job. He's like, what but but and I need, I gotta, I gotta watch the Cinderella Man moment. It was. This guy's name was Mac That's all I know. Blount Marine in warm Rhode Island. Then if they called me, right, they contacted us and they checked them. Then they checked the records to see if a Sean Hannity ever worked there. They didn't believe it. He goes, that's not the same Sean Hannity's the same Sean. How many Sean Hanys are there? He couldn't believe it. He goes, that guy on the TV is the Shawn Hanny. They worked on my marina. I said it was his father's I think the So Matt goes to me. He's apoplectic because I didn't tell him I had a busted R. I said, I promise I can do I can do the job. I'm m I'm gonna make it work. I promise. He's like, oh, like he wanted to punch me in the face, and then he kind of had pity on me. He really did. I gotta pay him my rent. I gotta I gotta work, and I begged the guy basically, and he's goes he points to and oh, I don't want to get this guy in trow. He points to the owner's house, which was on the shipyard property. Blount Marine. They used to make these dinner party ship boats. Dinner party. I don't know. And I while I was like, you know, I was like, I worked in the painting department. That's all I know. And he goes, you see that house over there, goes, Okay, mister Blount lives there. Don't let him see you with your busted arm. You see that the ship, there's a hole down in the bottom. It's called the hole. Stay there, got two weeks and then get to work. He was. I'm like, okay, And actually I was better started working, you know, because I didn't the doctor wanted to take out the radio head because my arm dislocated when I hit the ground from falling two and a half stories. I'm frozen ground. And seriously, it was on frozen ground in Rhode Island on a winter and it was a hailstorm. Start. They were putting on the tar paper or trying to get it on to cover the plywood. And it's like the last nail of the day and it's now getting slippery up there, and I literally I got to get off this roof. I put the last nail and my feet they slid out. I literally had a straight claw hammer. I threw it, tried to hit the dormer so I could hang on, missed by like a quarter of an inch, and now I'm going down head first. And then I literally and it's so real, by the way, when you have an accident like this, now in reality, I could have died. It's two and a half stories God, thank you. I'm serial. I mean, I could have died now. I'm going down head first, but in my brain it's like it takes an eternity before you hit the ground. It's not that fast, you know, one hundred sixty five pounds naked and wet. So I hit the ground and so from my elbow down literally was separate and apart from the rest of my arm. That's what I remember doing it freaking out. I somehow took it and jammed it right back. In this true story. Now, my teeth were all busted out. I didn't care about my teeth. I was like because I thought, I'm like, I'm gonna lose my arm. I thought, that's it. My arm's done. And my sister, who happened to be a nurse. I raced over to her emergency room like at a dock in the box place. But the doctor was amazing. I didn't have any insurance. I think, you let me do some painting and do little chorese for him. But he said, look, I really should take out the radial head. I said, do you really need to out? I'm like, no, I'm not doing any I'm not doing any operation thing. Yo, all right, we'll try it, and like I had, it wasn't a full cast. It was like a half cast. So that's how I was able to hide it when I went in for the interview with this guy Mac, and that guy saved me at that point in my life. And you know the rest, I guess is history. I didn't work there very long. I got another then I started to bit my own business. But that's the story. I basically cheated poor Blount Marine out of like two weeks where of the work. I probably should send him a check to like that favorite charity. I feel guilty. You just do it all that promotion. Well that's probably true. But the guy was like, I just remember. It's like a big burly guy, cool guy, and he's a tough, forming guy. His job is to keep everybody in line. Let me tell you, we only got a half hour lunch and one person had the job of going to this place where we got these little chili hot dogs and everybody else and literally somebody raced to the beverage store. We all get in quarts of beer. This was every single solitary lunch. It wasn't a day and everybody had a quart of beer. In twenty minutes, four hot dogs and you're race back. Some people would smoke things. I never went near that stuff, but and that's that's what they did every day. We did get a lot of overtime. I remember I would work like Saturdays and Sundays, whatever I could, my boring people anyway, so that so you can get these job numbers today. And that's the point. You know, the President talks about record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the worklay, one glorious, beautiful country under God, one united family. It's the way it's supposed to be. And then you have a group of people that this is bad news. You know, it's a record low unemployment, fifty year record low. That's great for every American. And you know it's by the way, the Washington Examine, we actually put it up on Hannity dot com. They identified two and eighty nine accomplishments of the president in twenty months, including all these records. You know, we got two and a half million people already out of poverty, seven million new jobs, about seven million Americans off of food stamps back in the workplace, like almost a million five new jobs for African Americans one month after the record low unemployment. You know it is more Americans now employed than ever in our history. How cool is that for our country? You got the jobless claims at the lowest level in five decades. That saves money. And by the way, you know what, I can't think of anything more miserable, honestly in life than having nothing to do when you wake up in the morning. Can you just think about I know we all wind bitch complain about our jobs, but you know what would you do if you didn't have it? After a week, You'd be bored out of your mind. It'd be crazy small business. Every the jobs that weren't coming back, they're back, according to Obama. You know, you look at this. This is record breaking stuff. I know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna have in the next years. There's gonna be one slow month. See it's over, That's what they're gonna say. But you stand back and you look at what's happened. It's stupendous. We have shattered records and expectations go lore Wage growth continues to grow, Unemployment historic glows, job creations, you know, smashing expectations literally and then, by the way, September and October jobs were revised upwards forty one thousand jobs. They underestimated it. I mean, it's insane. And you know, we have seven thirteen thousand construction jobs. That's twenty thousand construction jobs a month. Fifty four thousand manufacturing jobs added in November alone. Those are the jobs. Obama said, hey, then they're not coming back, you know. And then the President starts talking about light bulbs. I'm like, what he's right, We're paying a fortune for light bulbs. Nobody I throw my light bulb in the garbage can like everybody else. Oh, you're admitting to a crime in New York, Nnedy. They're gonna come arrest me. Like if I say illegal alien or immigrant, I'm gonna get arrested. He talks about all these environmental regulations. We're paying a fortune to make these lighter cars that are less safe because of environmental bureaucracy and burden. Some bureaucracy said, it'll be thousands of dollars cheaper if we stop this madness. Why when now, for the first time in seventy five years, a net exporter of oil and energy, We're the largest producing country in the world in terms of energy. Now we're a net exporter. Every single demographic is doing better. Why does the president have set even polls now that we've identified these are not outliers at this point. The president's approval rating with the African American community because he keeps smashing record lows. Biden and Obama put thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies. That's all flipped in three years. I want to know what's at stake this election. All of that and okay, oh, criminal justice reform. How many liberals have said they get that done? Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Alice Murray, Johnson, and now anybody that has been any disparate sentencing that's taken place. You're sewing access. That's true, said I hear that. I'm you see it. You no, I know you do it. By the way, That's why I'm not said there, you don't. I get up and let go, Let go. But the reason I'm running is because I've been around a long time and I know more than most people about and I hadn't get things done that's why I'm running and you want to check my shape on. Let's do pushed up together. Man, Let's do that run, Let's do whatever you want to do. Let's do No one has said my son has done anything wrong, and I did not in any occasion, and no one has ever said it. Now, one day you were going wrong. You said I set up my son to work on an oil company. And now what you said, I get your word straight, Jack, but I here on that line. You don't hear that INSNBC looks a dos A do you was like, you don't have any a back bold and come to any impressions. Yeah, I hope for it. Why do it work? I do you think I understand it? Would hope for your tool before? Why don't you just get out of here for me? What? Okay? So we see things you got to do. We have to move immediately back to Rea sadly sold those stays and had to begin with when we left off us. It's significantly add to me. And the way you do it is, for example, you are in staying upon which you're stay id after trying to do to stay oh side which and then we have another program that the court rolls that we were not able to under our thought, and you do by executive order. But I'm going to try to push and it was there's a there's a dream of story, and there's also program and separate families and then a lot of families. So together, while I go from the costage and the course of seventy six and two thousand and when was I vice president nineteen seventy six? Uh let me let me hang on, let me back up. I'll get the year right at some point, oh two thousand and I'm gonna get there, I promise. Uh there it is, uh sleepy creepy crazy uncle Joe three h three three. Oh yeah. That's a really great way to endear yourself to people, just by calling them a damn liar fat and uh oh hemen, you knew you know you set up, so I news it up myself. Know what you did as you protected your son. So it allowed him to continue his zero experience job of getting millions for doing nothing that we know of, because he has no experience in anything. It's the most revealing thing. You didn't see this on ms DNC. He's admitting their state run TV and they'd never dare tell people the truth. But they're all feigning outrage over Donald Trump with not one fact, well, one fact witness, everyone else's opinion. Witness here say, witness one fact witness. Well, what would you like them to do to get the money? Nothing? No quit or pro or quo like Joe nothing, Hey Jack, Amen, new men, you wan do push up cundus? Men? Come on, do push up cundus. Um. You can't even believe it. It's it's so it's so insane. We have that story. We have the congenital liar and compromise corrupt shift that we'll get to. Two. We welcome back to the program. Two friends of the program. Uh. Mark Simone is with us, the host of the nine and noon slot on our New York affiliate. Don't overwork whatever you know? I should have known you only do two hours a day. Uh that's tough. Joe Concho hosted WR tonight follows this program in New York. Uh, markree hours. By the way, Sean, all right, so I've challenged Simone not only do a push up contest, but another hour of radio. Good luck with that. He's not gonna do it. I know Simone's he's richer than Honestly, this guy has more money than anybody I know. Hey Jack, Hey Jack, Hey hey man, Come on a man, you know. Uh so he tweets out today simone does. Joe Biden attacked an audience member, called them fat by the way, then they deny it, then called them hey fat, then called them too old to vote. Nobody in the fake news industry covers it, and that was the big takeaway mark for me. It's like, oh, he's admitting msd nc's not going to cover real quid and pro and quo. I remember Donald Trump said to the guy, go back to Univision. He said, go back to mommy. That was breaking news for six days. You called somebody fat, somebody old. This doesn't get mentioned by anybody. I just want to be a little careful. You calling me fat and old is though you just said to me no, And I don't want to take on Joe Biden. This is the guy that stood up the Cornpop and bad Bad Leroy Brown and whoever else he fought. Oh yeah, no, the normal larky tour. Does anyone remember what a larky is? Joe Kanta, I asked my great great grandfather and he said that back in the thirties that that was a pretty effective word. But that's not exactly woke for twenty nineteen. Back in the thirties push up contest, I thought about don't you do arm wrestling? I mean, don't you guys do that? I mean, that's the way I settle things. Yeah, well, i'd kick your ass on that too, but you know, oh my goodness, No, I'm kidding. I mean, Joe, I was joking. Why are you you think it still taking me serious? At kid? No, I figure you would just you know, chop me to dad. I thought that was your You have no idea how insulting it is to say karate. No, that's not what we do. What we do is as an eclectic blend of the arts, and that would include kavmagaw, Kempo, Brazilian jiu jitsu, boxing, situational street fighting, firearms, blade stick training. That's what we did. That's how we roll. Listen, Jack, That's how we roll. Jack. I hope you about numb chucks with you, Mark, because that's pretty dangerous. Hey, Linda, would they be smart not to mess with me or not? I want to mess with me. He's seeing the videos of my training with my sun, say Glenn, all right, enough about me? All right, So where does this go? Mark, what's gonna happen? Well, for all the joking, he called this person fat, and he said you're too old to vote. Now, that's an important demographic for voters, because senior citizens vote in enormous numbers. And don't think that didn't register with a lot of people. The spider who says anything or lets it go or Chuck Todd or those kind of people let it pass. Senior citizens heard him insult this guy in and say, yeah, you're too old to vote. You're old and you're sedentary. He's just attacked his base big time. Joe Concha. You know, I gotta tell you something. One of the things people, if you look at Donald Trump, but he tweets out, he hits who does he hit? He hits the swamp creatures, he hits the do nothing Democrats, he hits weak Republicans, he hits again, more swamp people. Then he hits the mob in the media, fake news. He's not attacking we the people. He's fighting for we the people. He doesn't go to the Washington Correspondence dinner. No, he usually goes amongst we the Smellie Walmart choppers, irredeemable deplorables. Yeah, alex Sean. The bottom line is that Joe Biden is the front runner for the Democratic nomination right now. He is way past the field in terms of because Elizabeth Lawrence fall back so much and Bernie Sanders always stays around the same amount. He only had a heart attack two months ago, so that's something that probably is Now, why are you bringing that up? You're calling him old. That's so mean of you to point out that he had a health issue. I'm sure you did that part attacks when you're young too. I mean that that happens as well, But I'm just saying that that's obviously well, you're giving me a attack. You know, you're scaring me with all this powered attack talk. No, but sorry about that. But that's why Michael Bloomberg is stepped in because he saw that Joe Biden clearly doesn't have his faculties about him. He's just simply not a good candidate, right, I mean, every day we're playing some crazy thing that he says that you just say, how is that even coherent? So the Democratic Party has some serious problems for starters. The far left is very angry because there's only white rich guys basically left right. I mean, it's crazy billionaires right, Styre and Bloomberg. And then you have the Russian asset Tulcy Gabbert taking out Kamala Harris. So the left blank of the party is angry. And then obviously the candidates that are left clearly aren't very good candidates. So for Donald Trump, you're just going to sit back and watch this goal all the way. I say, save the tape to a brokered convention, because no one seems to be able to get a stranglehold on this nomination that there's no clear front runner, because there really aren't many good candidates, so they all have big flaws. What do you make Mark Simone on this whole issue, And we've been reporting on it about the anault compromised lawyer known as Adam Schiff because Democrats on the House Indoll Committee were claiming their impeachment inquiry report this week, the Trump's personal lawyer, former New York City mayor America's Mayor Rudy Giuliani, apparently had contact with a phone number for the White House Budget Office, where military a to Ukrane was temporarily being withheld. However, well, we're now finding out NYA the wrong number. Yeah, whoopsie day And look at it this way. Are they really allowed to get the records and report the records of a journalist. No. First of all, nobody has ever called the White House Budget Office. Nobody went it's a bunch of boring accountants. The President wouldn't talk to the White House Budget Office. You've known Rudy Giuliani. I haven't known him for years. He is absolutely fanatical about the law. He's the former Deputy Attorney general US attorney knows every law backwards and forwards. Whatever he's doing doesn't violate laws. The idea of why is a personal attorney over there doing Every president had that, Hillary and Bill Clinton had that, Sydney Blueman all over there. You can go back to fdr at Harry Hopkins running around the world doing backdoor stuff for him. So it's perfectly normal, and you're right shift getting these phone records. You know, if you're a journalist, you've got anonymous sources. You got Joe Conti. You know, that's the most protected thing in the world. If they get your phone records, they identify your aunonymous sources. That's the first way to identify any whistleblower, get phone records. The fact that AT and T handed it right over AT and T that owned CNN, by the way, that's a major major breakthrough. So I think it's a huge bag. Now I'm getting mixed messages because I didn't even see it that somebody said there might have been a Hannity call for thirty six seconds? Was there found out? Yeah? The way you app get your phone records. You called this pizza place. You called it exactly. That's all I got. I don't even I don't even have access to any of my social media and I haven't feel like a year and a half. And uh. And the funny thing is, you know, I'm like, oh, it's five o'clock on a Friday. Oh, all of your text messages from twenty seventeen will Paul Man for just hit the wire? You do you have any comment? I'm like, you think I'll remember what I said yesterday? Joe Concha, Yeah, thirty six seconds. That sounds I mark you on the head. That sounds like a pizza call. Anyone else takes thirty six seconds, honestly, So well, I call Marios, I give a lot of detail about how I want my califlower cross pizza. Well, there you go. That's good to hear. Yeah, look, I don't see any outrage over this as far as Adam Schiff and with John Solomon for instance, you know, what are his First Amendment rights? As far as being a reporter? Why are his calls being pulled? And we saw this with the Obama administration when they pulled thousands of phone records from the Associated Press, They spied on James Rosen, called him a flight risk, spied on his parents. So I keep hearing how horrible President Trump is to the press, But all I know is he's more accessible to the press than any president in history in terms of just doing straight question and answer. He circumvinces press secretary. That's fine. Let's hear from the horse's mouth anyway. And then when you go back to the horrible treatment of the press, you gotta look at Obama way that he treated reporters. And now we're seeing the same thing with Adam Shiff, And as usual, we're not hearing how this is a threat to the fourth of State because it's a Democrat doing it. Well, you know, I gotta tell you, Mark, I think that's all a good point, but the idea that we're going to go after. For example, we're talk show hosts, all three of us. All right, so what we do straight news? Right, how many hours can you produce of straight news, breaking story? We're giving you the facts, that's it. Then we do investigated reporting, you know, vetting Obama or the deep state, right, we do. Then we do opinion, We're very upfront about it. Then we do sports. Some days you do a lot of sports. And then we do culture. But we're like the whole newspaper. We are the press. And the fact that they do this to John Solomon means that we're dead. I mean, people, if you don't like what a talk shows is saying, what we're going to now subpoena your phone records and go to these phone companies and steal it. Somebody's got to really bring this up and take this to court because this is a way to out every whistleblower ever. And Adam Shipp pretends to be the defender of whistleblowers when he has committed the most serious violation. A first step of whistleblower takes us to pick up the phone. If that's not going to work anymore. That's the end of it. It's a non whistleblower. Here's ay whistleblower anyway, eight hundred nine for one Seawan. We'll get to your calls coming up, quick break, we'll come back. We'll continue news, round up, Information overload. Joe Concha, Mark Simone straight ahead, right as we continue, Joe Concha and our good friend Mark Simone, both fellow colleagues at our New York affiliate, wore all right, So is it a foregone conclusion They're going to impeach him in the House, it dies in the Senate, and then in three hundred and thirty three days he gets reelected. Yeah. Listen, when the Ken Star finishing report front cover letter, here's the three charges. They're pretty obvious in this case. Eleven in this case, they don't know what the charges and nothing sounds like an impeachable offense. So you bring in four Harvard idiots with bow ties to tell you you're wrong. I thought Jonathan Turley was smart. He is smart, He's fine, And now the other three Ivory Tower. You know, I want to impeach Trump for saying fake news and attacking Baron. If there was anything impeachable it would be pretty obvious. You wouldn't need these experts for twelve hours to try to explain it to you. It was so bad Joe Concho that I think blows. He said, well, this is killing us. Well, let's impeach now quick before we ever call another non witness exactly, And look, I agree with Mark. It goes to the Senate, he is acquitted. Maybe they peel off two Republican votes, really one, it'll be Mitt Romney and Pierre de Lecto. That that's it right, and they only count as one. And then when it's all over, voters are going to say, Okay, Democrats, you took back the House in twenty eighteen. What have you got done USMCA? Have you attacked the tackled the opioid crisis, have you tackled the border crisis? For scription drug prices? What have you done for you know? In term? What are your ideas in the economy? This one's going so well, what would you do differently? Why would you change anything? They've done nothing to that. You don't vote out an incumbent almost ever, when you see the economic numbers we saw today, John, all right, predictions, both of you have ten seconds each How does this go down, Joe Concha. It goes down with the President's numbers going up, and it probably sends them to reelection unless the Democrats coy get their act together and put forth a candidate that actually do they impeach? Yes or no? Yes, impeach a quit reelection. What do you think, Mark, definitely impeach. It could go the Senate. It's possible the Senate will reject it, not even accept it. To look at just saying these are not I don't think that. I think they got to put on a trial, you know what, because otherwise they're gonna people say, oh see the fixes in they put on a trial. The senators all have to be there, which means Elizabeth Warren standers come off the campaign trail. It's got to be quick. Well, that leaves the whole thing to Biden and Bloomberg to have a push up content well, and don't forget daval Patrick. Right all right, Mark Simone and Joe Conscent thank you over there, you're so yes, Just so that's not true. No one I know you do. By the way, That's why I'm not sent I get up and look. The reason I'm running is because I've been around a long time, and I don't know more than most people about and I didn't get things done. That's why I'm running. And you want to check my shape on, Let's do pushed up together, man, let's do, let's wrung, Let's do what ever you want to. Let's do. No one has said my son has done anything wrong, and I did not have any occasion, and no one has ever said. Now one day you were going wrong. You said I set up my son to work in an oil company. Didn't know what you said. It's your word, straight jack, But I here on that all. You don't hear that of that scok. Look, here's ad, here's a Do you look like you don't have anybo? Back bold and come down? Yeah? I thought, let thought any other questions? I know, well, I knew anymore. Man, you think I r t. Yeah, you're too old, you're too fat? Fat? Uh No, no, I said, fact, I heard fat? What did everyone else here look fat? And then he already check you want to do push ups and everything? Well, I'm like, wow, this guy can't handle anything. Wow, unbelievable. So he calls the guy a damn liar fat and challenges him to a foot push up contest and he doesn't know he's in Iowa. He thinks he's in Ohio. Immediately back to again, which all in one meeting. Now there's poor voter by the way, so apparel at the TV show, we got it. We finally got a hold of the guy and he's like, I hate him, I hate Fox. You lie, And I'm like, I still like the guy. But he got confronted after all of this. And to this guy's credit, he's a feisty eighty three year old guy. And you know, a guy tries to do a hit and run on him, which I've had done on me many times, excuse me, And I'm like, you know me, I'm like, uh, you don't get to do a hit and run. Never forget. I'm with my kids at a diner once and two guys, you know, they tried the the F word hit and run. My daughter's like seven years old. I'm like, okay, I literally dove out of the chair. Excuse me, excuse me, and uh, you know, people that hit and run are cowards. They want to take their cheap shot and then they want to run. So what I'm like. When we were in Britain, the guy tried to, you know, push me, and he ran so fast. I'm like, well wait, keep back here. Wanted to see the guy anyway. So this is the confrontation afterwards by a I guess a Biden supporter. Listen to this, why here all right? Eight hundred and nine four one sewn? You want to be a part of the program. I kind of like that guy. I think, you know what, good for him? He stood up for himself. Oh. In medium mob news that we have out there, I didn't know that Area fifty one Roswell Rachel Manow apparently is being sued and this is pretty interesting. It's I guess it's ten million dollar lawsuit or lawyer over there at MSDNC. I guess um it was filed by one American News, the own network, and they could basically they're filing is they're admitting, Oh, she never means what she says. Remember there was so much press. I guess it was Alex Jones admitting that it's hyperbole or whatever. Anyway, Um, it was an outrageous lie, Owns said, because you know, they had their on air politics reporter apparently had done I guess some freelance work for sput Nick News. She was never employed by Sputnick. She didn't do any work for Sputnick after going to work for her own. And you know, Roswell Rachel Mann I was saying, Oh, that's paid Russia propaganda. I mean, that's kind of their problem over there. They just see Russia, Russia, Russia everywhere. And you know, they pedaled these lies for two and a half years anyway, So there's that they finally had to respond. I guess through area fifty one, Roswell Rachel Maddow's attorney MSDNC, you know, pretty much like admitting that she, I guess is lying all the time. Maddow's lawyer, guy by the name of Theodore J. Boutros Junior, arguing that the liberal host was quote clearly opening a offering up her own unique expression of her views to capture what she saw as the ridiculous nature of the undisputed facts. Quote. Her comment therefore, is a quintessential statement of rhetorical hyperbolely incapable of being proved true or false. Oh okay, so what is rhetorical hyperbole incapable of being proved true or false? I thought she was their big star. I mean, she says she's left to Mow, and she's advanced all these conspiracy theories and we've chronicled some of them here, and she gets away with it, and then she gets to be one of the moderators during a democratic debate, as if she's, you know, an objective reporter, which he's not. And anyway, so Maddow's attorney now has literally gone into this corner where, hey, what Rachel Mattow says isn't factual, it's just hyperbolely her own unique expression racle hyperbole. That's that's a pretty amazing admission. And anyway, so in response to Madow's kind of defense here, if you want to call it that, Own offered written analysis from a UC Santa Barbara linguist professor who argues that there's no possible way to interpret what Matdows said as anything other than an expression of fact. Quote. Madou did not use any typical opinion markers when she stated that Own really literally is paid Russia propaganda. Russian propaganda and a guy Siegel, I guess who did all this said. Matdows not the sort of person an audience would expect to misuse literally. She is a graduate of Stanford and Oxford University, a Rhodes scholar. In fact, on the show, Matto regularly uses literally in its primary meaning, as she did in these examples. And meanwhile, today the Trump administration tried to push through one of the most controversial judicial cominees of Trump's time in office. They literally nominated him to the job two days ago. So they go through the times that she says literally, it's literally an emergency, a formally declared emergency. The US military apparently diverting C seventeen cargo ships to stop at President Trump's golf course in Scotland literally to have US airmen stay at his golf resort. They are literally defunding the daycare center at Andrew's Air Force Base. So the use of literally is consistent, which they point out and quote her audience would not have understood her assertion that owned really literally is paid Russian propaganda as metaphorical hyperbole. That's a pretty big emission. But you know what, they ignore everything about Mattow in the Mob. They like Matto because Mattow is you know, on the front lines of you know, basically being state TV. And I'll say this, literally all they do is propagandies there's more lies, distortions, propaganda, misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories. Trump is a gateway drug. To David Duke KKK, Trump wants to kill the press. I wonder if she said literally there Venice whalens are rioting over donations to Trump inauguration. Trump firing Comy unprecedented, and then cites Clinton and the Trump inaugural funds go missing. Trump says immigrants are vicious, murdering, blah blah blah. Pence wanted to cure gay and not AIDS, I mean. And it goes on making fun of a protester missing a finger, promoted the Boston bomber conspiracies, not Muslim, just another big lie. All right, let's say hi to Jason Is in Maryland. Jason, how are you welcome to the program. What's going on? I'm doing I'm doing great. Thanks so much for the honor of talking to you. And I want to thank you and Linda and your entire staff for your service to your country. Thank you for get you know, you give this to us, and our job is to serve you. That's what we do. Well. I appreciate that, man, I really do. And my little bit of time in the army was very humble, but the service that you provide to this nation is beyond approach, and I appreciate it greatly. Remember one thing, though, we're all spokes in a wheel, and amen, and I'll tell you it matters. Your spoke matters in three thirty three days. Well, thank you, sir. I appreciate that very and I'm looking forward to it. I want to bring up something that I haven't heard anybody talk about yet, and that is the fact that Professor Carlin perjured herself. In her opening statement to the Judiciary Committee. She said that Trump withheld aid to Ukraine until quote his political opponent was painted as a criminal end quote. I know that didn't happen. You know that didn't happen. She knows that didn't happen. And as a law professor at a prestigious university, she knows that if she provides destinary to Congress that is false. She has perjured herself, and she's just another liar in the course of this that's trying to overthrow a duly elected president of the United States. Look, I'm just gonna tell you something. There's nothing but unhinged, insane, radical madness. I mean it goes back to Russia. Russia, Russia, Russian interference. We care about Russian, but you ignored the dossier. They totally ignored the Russian dossier paid for by Hillary with Russian lies. You know, it's the same about obstruction. They're so wired and jacked up over we've got we've got him on obstruction, but they ignore the server and the subpoena emails and bleach bit and hammers and deletions. It's like, we care about election and inference. Yeah, Russia did do it, but we have a political article in January twenty seventeen that says Ukraine did it and Ukraine court determining they did it. They don't care about that either. They care about quitting and pro and quo, but they ignore Joe. I mean, it's breathtaking hypocrisy. It's like, you know, I believe, but we don't believe the credible allegations against the Lieutenant governor or the Commonwealth of Virginia. We ignore that part. You know, Linda hates the phrase, I'm using bifurcated brains and compartmentalizing your brains to basically live in a state of utter denial of what hypocrites you are, And that's that's who they are. This is Donald Trump lives in their brains. They can't get them out. Donald Trump is alive and well and they cannot get rid of him. And when he wins, they're going to feast off him for another four years. And when he's not president, they're gonna miss the hell out of them. How's that absolutely true? And the damagement they're going to the office of the presidency is what really scares me. They're not going to bring Trump down, we understand that. But the next Democrat president that's elected is going to face this same thing. Republicans are going to go after him NonStop or her NonStop, solely because they don't like them. And every president for the rest of history until we have something that turned this around and gets us back on the right track, every president is going to face this. Honey, should be able to deal with world issues and domestic issues and all of those things that but that's the president. He's actually four We actually put up on my website, Hannity dot com the list of all the president's accomplishments. What are they? Two hundred and eighty two hundred and eighty nine nearly two hundred and ninety and the beauty of his go to Hannity dot Com read them. He's still governing. The one thing democrats have not done is governed. And if you don't serve the people, we the people, you don't I'm anything. Really at that point, you're just hating the president. That's that's not an agenda. That's going to get you very far in my view. All right, let's get back to our busy phones. Gladuate with us eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program, as we say hi to Carol Is in Florida. Carol, Hi, how are you? Glad you called? Hello? Hello, I am so excited to talk to you. I'm a long time listener, first time caller, so this is fun. Well, thank you for being with us, Thank you for giving us his microphone every day. And I hope you're having a great day. I am. So here's my question, if we can try to impeach a president on hearsay, in innu windows and opinion and conjecture, right, go ahead, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay. And then on the other hand, you have a gentleman who has already done it. There's audio and everything else on him. Why isn't he disqualified from even running for an officer? Listen, my attitude is let everybody run and then let we the people decide. You know, look, the Democrats are going to do this by all indications. Let him do it, and then the Senate is going to acquit him as they should the rules of evidence. You rightly point out, there won't be hearsay evidence, or opinion evidence, or conjecture evidence, or my uncle's cousins grand other's, stepson's third cousin's niece said, that's not going to exist. The only fact witness Gordon Sunlin. What did he say? I want nothing, no quid pro or quo like Joe. It's that simple. And then you get to decide in three and thirty three days. That's the beauty. At the end of the day, we you, the people. You get to shock the world again. Can you imagine CNN can now project that Donald Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president of the United States of America. They will choke on those words, as will every other network. Quick break right back, We'll continue straight ahead. When did you realize that the Epstein family needed help. Well, I was asked by the brother the next of Ken to be at the autopsy. And at the autopsy on day one, they were findings that were unusual for suicidal hanging and more consistent with literature homoidal strangulation, which included and he was suggested at the time that he committed suicide by doing what by hanging At the time he was found allegedly hanging by a homemade ligature of sheets. Are you saying you don't think it was suicidal? I think that the evidence points to a homicide rather than suicide because there are multiple three fractures in the hyoid bone the flavroid cartilage that are very unusual for suicide and more indicative of strangulation, homicidal strangulation. All right, that was our friend, doctor Michael Boden. He was there hired by the Epstein family to observe the autopsy of Jeffrey Epstein. Now, I'm not an expert in forensics or pathology or autopsies. You know, I've watched I've watched all those shows. I'm fascinated by it. I mean, it was the former New York Medical Examine for all these years, he's been involved in a lot of high profile cases. I know Boden to be a very honorable, honest guy who's great at what he does. The only thing that gives me a little pause is that they say there was one camera that did work because the other two didn't apparently, and then we have the records that you know these guys. I guess prison guards are supposed to check on these guys every half hour. Maybe I'm sympathetic because I know my mother, as a prison guard for twenty five years, had to work sixteen hour shifts every day and you had no choice. You would lose your job if you didn't do sixteen hour shifts and this would go on for sixty days in a row before you get a day off. I mean literally, I'm sure you're standing and falling asleep, but you know so not. I feel bad for those guys because they got charged in this, caught up in this. I don't think they did anything wrong in this is no indication at all, but there are a lot of questions here that really are scary anyway. Dylan Howard is an investigative journalist author and he's written a brand new book and its eye opening. It's called Epstein dead Men, tell no Tells, Spies, lies, and betrayal. Wow. And anyway, I'm reading your book and you've got a lot of details in here that make me ask a lot of questions. Well, sure, I've been investigating this case for five years, long before Jeffrey Epstein either committed suicide or was murdered. So I'm stacked with document after document after document that he's a meticulously researched look at Jeffrey Epstein's life and how he was able to get away with the crimes that he did for so very long. In fact, I'm actually suing the FBI under freedom of information laws for them to release their full case file on Epstein so that this cover up can no longer. Can you tell us the give us the general premise of your investigative work, and you've been doing this for five years, start with the basics. We hear Lolita Express Orgy Island as it's been done by the New York Cowboys. Is that true? Absolutely? Jeffrey Epstein had the largest time. He was a pedophile. He was a pedophile, convicted, convicted in Florida in two thousand and five and sentenced to a sweetheart deal. Sweetheart deal? How did he get away with that question? That is the first of the questions. Answer that question, well, in typical scenarios like this, the FBI when they investigate, it's a federal crime, which means the FBI director at the time was none other than James Comy. Instead, the matter was deferred to local authorities, and he got a sweetheart deal one year with probation that allowed him to be able to exit jail and actually continue work with prison guards. So he'd lead leave every day, continued his office with his and he was home one weeker correct, the absolute most sweetheart of deals, which begs the question, why did federal authorities turn this over to the state authorities who gave him the sweetheart deal? Or can you believe In the course of my investigation, I came up with a document that actually suggested, and Epstein rejected this, that he would get away with serving no jail time. So that asked you the question, why was he being protected? Why was he being given all of these benefits that someone who had abused more than thirty two young women, Why was he able to get these sweetheart deals? Well, I mean, I think that's a great point because in that case he pled to this. That was a plea deal. He pled to this, okay, and he pled to abusing miners. Correct, he was under state law then. Of course, in twenty nineteen, on return from Paris, where he had another residence, he was arrested at Teterborough Air on federal crimes. His legal team had attempted to argue that double jeopardy would apply, but there is a difference between state and federal, so the Feds then went after him. That of course led to the latest controversy and ultimately his death. We watched the disaster that was Prince Andrew's press conference. Others obviously are caught up in this net Bill Clinton probably chief among them. How accurate is the reporting that they were involved in all of this? Well, first of all, with Prince Andrew, let me tell you he's lying through his teeth. Well, we caught him in seven lies already. So he does sweat, he does touch women, even though he's a royal. So we actually spoke to somebody who worked at the New Mexico ranch who said that another young woman was specifically told to service Prince Andrew at the Santa Fe New Mexico Ranch. This woman had never spoken until this book, and she says that Prince Andrew had to be given twenty four seven concierge service if you like, at the behest of Jeffrey Epstein. Now you've got an instance where he's trying to plead away his innocence by saying he had to come to New York to break up the bromance if you like, with Jeffrey Epstein, which is just an inconceivable thought. So the depth of depravity with Prince Andrew goes far deeper. Is that why he was reluctant to say pedophile? Oh, I didn't want to use a borish term. I mean, it's like really absolutely, there's no doubt about that. Now, with regards to the Clintons, the Clintons have tried to fend away their association with Jeffrey Epstein. But what everybody ought to know is that Gislaine Maxwell, who was the woman who was his ex girlfriend and supposedly one of the individuals who helped procure these young women for Jeffrey Epstein, attended Chelsea Clinton's wedding in two thousand and nine. This is the madam. She obviously denies that she was a madam, but has certainly accused madam. But certainly her relationship to the Clintons was well known and she was involved in the Clinton Foundation. One of the more interesting things, however, is the Low Leader Express that you mentioned earlier. This was a plane that I've seen on board. This is a planet. Did you get on board that I didn't get on board? I saw photos? Okay, just check it. I just checking, Dylan. It looks enough to put you on the cover of one of your tow boys. It looks more like an adult film set than it does a private jet. This is plush lounges. That not the type of private jet service. It with real seats you know. No, No, that like cordoned off areas with beds. Correct. So it lived up to its status A is the Low Leader Express. It In fact, in the book we actually print some of the images from inside that. By the way, people need to see it because it's pretty shocking. It is shocking. But but nevertheless, let me tell you about the Low Leader Express. Bill Clinton has insisted that he only went on a handful of trips with Jeffrey Epstein. Well, that's an out and outlie. Do we know the number because it's reads anywhere between three and twenty six. What I can tell you is that Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's jet thirteen times during an eight day overseas outing. They were routinely joined by other controversial characters, including the Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey, and many others flying right around the world. Now this is not to say that in any way Bill Clinton did anything wrong. In all, I believe he did twenty seven trips on the Low Leader Express. Wow. But here is the premise of the new book, and the truth is often stranger than fiction. There is a shocking story behind Jeffrey Epstein, and one that he's backed up by interviews that I conducted with various individuals as part of this book, including a former Israeli spy. They say that Jeffrey Epstein was worked for hire the International Espionage Organization. I heard the MASSAD would I don't believe that. Well. Robert Maxwell Gislaine Maxwell's father was a media mogul who ran the Mirror newspaper group and was assassinated to the back of his boat. Yes, indeed, he also owned the New York Daily News. I believe at one point, according to Ari Ben Mashali, who is a former Israeli spy. He was Robert Maxwell's handler, and in the late nineteen eighties, Jeffrey Epstein inherited the business. I've also seen photos. Well, let me just because people have wondered, where did he get all this money? Is one of the fascinating questions. How does a guy amass the six hundred million dollar fortune without a job. He admitted to people that he was a bounty hunter, that he worked for Adnan Kashogi, who was an international arms dealer, and many others collecting big bounty debts. When did he admit that he and he would tell people in private circles that this is what he would do. I've seen photos inside. I've seen photos inside the New York townhouse. Not only is it littered with these weird and odd photos of Bill Clinton in a blue dress wearing high heels. Let me tell you the artwork is creepy, disembodied and a mobile woman. Then you got the pictures of the bathroom, you got the I guess it's just frightening. This guy was the island and you have a picture of what you call a massage chain three women and he's getting massage as he sits there. Every room in that house had a camera. I've looked it over two hundred images of inside that home. Every room had a camera and was recording into a central Another room that was like a security facility. Next to that was an office with multiple xerox machines. So everything that was being recorded was being printed. Why will do you believe that exists today? I believe it exists in the home of it hasn't been dismantled. Well, how could they not have gone through a plan? Now we know that we have images of the FBI all over Org Island. Absolutely, and that is the question. The FBI in Florida. Florida has what's called the Sunshine Law state they release every piece of evidence. In the Jeffrey Epstein case, they haven't released any piece of evidence. They haven't released the cachet of documents or DVDs or anything like that that they established. And that's why I've been in a three year legal battle with the FBI to release this information because if there was a cover up, we want to know who's involved. All right, stay right there, we continue. Dylan Howard is with US investigative journalist Dead Men Tell No Tells, Epstein, Spies, Lies and Blackmail. It's on Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere, Hannity dot com if you want to link to it. There. Right, as we continue, Dylan Howard in studio with us, he'll also join us on TV. We're gonna show some of the Epstein photos exclusive that he has in his book. It's called Epstein Dead Men, Tell No Tells, Spies, Lies and Blackmail. We've got his brand new book on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. All Right, we'll get into this more tonight on TV. But I want to ask you this we heard from Michael Boden. We know, look, it's kind of hard to hang yourself when you're not actually hanging. Now. I know that's possible, that is scientifically proven. But when Boden has suspicions, I trust him. He didn't say one hundred percent. It's so maybe eighty percent. He doesn't think he killed that he thinks he killed He does not think he killed himself. Sorry, what do you think most victims rights advocates in this case do not believe that he committed suicide, that it was murder. Now, there's no definitive proof but there is suspicious circumstances and intrigue around this. Why would camera's not working? Why did they miss certain checks during the course of the night. Nothing ad missed a lot of checks. Two of the cameras, as I understand it, Correct me if I'm wrong, We're out. What about the one camera supposedly that was dead on that would have shown somebody entering the cell? Well, this is the whole thing. We don't know. The DOJ insists this was a simple case of suicide, but we don't trust anybody anymore. After all, the Russia crop doing. The hardest place to kill yourself is prison because the sheets are so small and the sheets are so light. How do you know so much about prison? But I've interviewed far too many people behind prison. Yeah, behind prison walls. So it begs the question did he have the means and motives to kill himself? Was he able to be given the chance to kill himself? That's clear. I think that part's been established. The question I want to note is there in existence tape? The other thing I want to know is he said all these bedrooms at you know, org Island or videotaped. I want to know if they found that information. Well, the government has not released any details of their raid of Little Saint John Island in the US Virgin org Island. It's easier to say or what they found inside the New York penthouse or Santa Fe. So we have two months for the FBI to respond to my freedom of information lawsuit, and what is critical to that is determining what took place, how did he get a sweetheart deal? And could this have been prevented, because that's the great tragedy of all of this. Young women were abused, a sex trafficking ring was able to operate, Why, how and who allowed that to happen. I share your passion, you know what. I'm kind of libertarian and people adults lives, leave children alone, absolutely all right, Dylan Howard fascinating read Epstein, Dead Men, Tell No Tel's Spies Lies, Blackmail will be interesting to see. Comeback when you're a Freedom of Information Act request is acted on quick break, we'll come back wide open telephones. His book is on Amazon, on dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores, everywhere. We'll get to your calls on this Friday. That's next on The Sean Hannity Show. Right twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred ninety four one. Sean, all right, we had amazing audio this week, and we do this on Fridays. It's sort of like the best of audio of the week. And wow, what a week this has been. By the way, Monday, Yes, the Horowitz fights the report. Here's the audio of the week. Immediately back to again from ash and it was times said the separate families and a lot of families who say together while from the passage and the course, you can have Executive six and but on the evidence presented so far, is it your view that there is no credible evidence that any crime was committed by President tram Yes. I've gone through all of the crimes mentioned. They do not meet any reasonable interpretation of those crimes that I'm relying on express statements from the federal courts. I understand that the language and the statutes are often broad. That's not the controlling language, it's the language of the interpretation of federal courts. And I think that all of those decisions stand idly in the way of these theories. And if you can't make out those crimes, then don't call it that crime. If it doesn't matter then what's the point. Call it treason, call it endangered species violations if none of this matters. But I do think the aha moment for the country was the action taken by the President Trump appointee, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, who said that there was a credible report from a whistleblower of great concern and that Kindress should be aware of that. And that is the facts of the Ukraine situation just changed everything. The polls went from fifty nine opposed to impeachment, thirty four in favor to it bad. Even you don't hate anybody, Representative, you don't hate anybody, not anybody in the world. I did not accuse you, I asked the question. Representative College yesterday suggested that the Democrats are doing this simply because they don't like the guy. I think it's an important President is a coward when it comes to helping our kids who are afraid of gun violence. I think he is cool when he doesn't deal with helping our dreamers, of which we're very proud. I think he's in denial about the Constitute, about the climate crisis. However, that's about the election. This is about the elect Take it up in the election. This is about the Constitution of the United States and the facts that leads to the president's violation of zoth of office. And as a Catholic, I resent you're using the work hate in a sentence that addresses me. I don't hate any one. I was raised in a way that is full heart, full of love, and always pray for the president, and I still pray for the president. I pray for the president all the time, So don't mess with me when it comes towards like that. We all sat and listened to mister Muller's state unequivocally that there was no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. So that didn't work for the Democrats, so they then changed their talking points to move to the obstruction of justice theory that the president obstructed justice. Then that fizzled. Then, after coordinating with Chairmanshift's staff, a whistleblower filed a complaint based completely on hearsay and overhearing other people that weren't on a phone call talk about a phone call between two world leaders, which led to the Intel Committee so called impeachment inquiry, which violated all past historical president denied the president basic due process rights in fundamental fairness by conducting the so called inquiry in secret, without the minority's ability to call witnesses, and denied the president the ability to have his lawyer's examined witnesses, a right afforded to President Clinton and every defendant in our justice system, including rapists and murderers. The Republicans on this committee have repeatedly requested all evidence collected by the Intel Committee. As we sit here today, we still don't have the underlying evidence that we've been requesting, again, a right afforded every criminal defendant in the United States. So instead we sit here getting lectures from law professors about their opinions. Their opinions not facts. I guess the Democrats needed a constitutional law refresher course, the Republicans don't. Mister Chairman, you have acknowledged and I quote the House is quote power of impeachment demands a rigorous level of due process. Due process means the right to confront witnesses against you, to call your own witnesses, and to have the assistance of counsel. Those are your words, mister Chairman, not mine. What are you afraid of? Let the minority call witnesses. Let the president call witnesses. Clinton alone called fourteen witnesses to testify. Let the President's Council cross examined the whistle blower, but the President's Council cross examined the Intel staff who colluded with the whistleblower. In your own words, those are the rights that should be afforded to the president. Rights every criminal defendant is afforded. Even terrorists in Iraq were afforded more due process than you and the Democratic Majority have afforded the President. I know because I served in Iraq and I prosecuted terrorists in Iraq, and we provided terrorists in Iraq more rights in due process in the Central Criminal Court of Iraq, and you and Chairman Shift have afforded the President of the United States. First we had Muller, and we had before, we had before I even got elected. This was going on. Now. The IG report, which is coming out will be very very interesting. We'll see what that's all about. And then, of course, as you know, the big one that's going to come out as a Durham Report. And I don't know mister Durham. I've never spoken to him, but he's one of the most respected law enforcement or US attorneys anywhere in the company's a tough guy. He's had an incredible track record. He's actually sort of nonpartisan, I guess from what I hear. But the big one that everyone's waiting for is that and the IG report. So the IG report they say is coming out on Monday, Tuesday, maybe whatever, but they say Monday. I think it's going to be a very big thing and we'll see what happens. But this should never happen to a president again. For me, it's okay, but this should never happen to a president again. What's happened here? All right? Before we get to your phone, calls eight hundred nine one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. So you know that we have now aligned ourselves with our good friends at nine Line Apparel. Now that's a veteran owned operated company. If you want to get your quid no quid or get hashtag quid pro quote Joe. Those T shirts are up there on Hannity dot com. They're amazing. And by the way, they got involved very early to help Eddie Gallagher. If you remember, the Navy seal one of three men pardoned recently by President Trump after Thanksgiving. Anyway, So Eddie and Tyler and Tyler Merritt is the CEO and founder of nine Line Apparel. They've teamed up and literally are here to tell us about Eddie's retirement from the military, the next phase of his career working with our friends, our partners at nine Line. By the way, if you want to see the great gear, great Christmas gifts, just go to Hannity dot com and they have their brand new Salty Frog gear line. And by the way, their charity work which is amazing. Anyway, Eddie met Tyler once on deployment, but it wasn't until Eddie's case became public that the two men were fully acquainted and become friends. And during the course of the case, nine Line was there to help and speak up for him when frankly, very few people would. I got to give a shout out to people like Bernie Carrick and Pete Hegseth and a bunch of others too. Anyway, quote they treated us like gold. That he said. It opened my eyes that the brotherhood goes on. And there was a big fight even after the President set Eddie free in this case. Oh, then they want to take his rank away then they want to take his retirement away. So we welcome back to the program Eddie Gallagher and the CEO co founder of nine Line Apparel, Tyler Merritt. All right, so your case is now fully resolved. Did you get your full retirement with the proper rank? I did, shan, Yeah, thanks for having me on. Yeah, so I officially retired the other day and retire with all the benefits that I earned over the past twenty years, which it was a huge classing. I couldn't believe that there were people fighting to take that from you. I couldn't believe it. I'm like, yeah, it's like, you know, liberals don't just want Paul Maniford in jail for tax evasion and lying on a loan application. No, they want him dying in jail. They want a death sentence. It's like, man, there's like zero compassion anyway. So Taylor, you met Eddie in the course of all of this, and now you guys have partnered together. Tell us about it. Yeah, this case kind of exemplifies why this president is the commander in chief. Our country needs that. The fact that it came this far, the fact that we put Eddie through this hell after serving our country for almost twenty years, putting him in prison for almost nine months, and putting his family through the uncertainty of he survives multiple combat deployments, but he might could have sailed for the rest of his life, and without the President's intervention, that would have happened. Without the intervention of Pete Hegseth and other individuals that were very vocal, Eddie, who is an absolute hero, could have paid the ultimate price for just being caught in a crossfire between the left and the right. And the left has a very clear agenda. They want to villainize people like Eddie, and they want to promote companies, say like Nike, who who pick their brand ambassadors as people like Colin Kaepernick, a person I like consider a man child. You know, we like to pick our brand ambassadors at of heroes. You know, we have Eddie Gallagher, we have Mark guys, most survivors from Nazi Those are the people that we like to work with. And I'm so excited for this next chapter in Eddie's life where he can literally drive across the country and be reunited with the Familey, but then also start this new venture of ours and SFG. This is going to be a really amazing product. We're going to be competing against Columbia's PFG for that coastal lifestyle brand with an edge, and I couldn't think of a better brand ambassador than Eddie Gallagher. Well, I'm glad that it all worked out for both of you, seriously, and you know, look, I guess this is probably the greatest Christmas you're going to have, Eddie Gallagher. It's sad that we send brave men to go fight wars. We star wars with all the best of intentions, all the confidence and rigor and commitment, and then the wars keep getting politicized. And I'll be honest, I've just gotten to the point where we cannot do this anymore. We can't put handcuffs on guys in battle and second guess them and say, well, you you can't shoot unless you've been fired at first. If you wait that long, you may be dead. And then they're gonna try you if you do shoot first. So I'm I'm merging everybody that I can to get the next generation of weaponry, both offensive and defensive, so that we fight our wars from Tampa, Florida and push buttons the way the president pretty much beat back the Caliphate in Syria without handcuffs because we can't do this to people like you anymore. We can't claytlo Rance and how many others exactly. And I think that's you know, the message that the President sent by getting involved. It was this pretty strong message saying he's going to stand shoulder to shoulder with our warfighters and not you know, show the people that were not disposable. We can't be treated this way. You know, we've been fighting a war for almost two decades now, and uh, you know you can't. Once politics and all the other pre actually gets involved in war, I mean, we see what happens. And I think the President is showing a a strong message saying that he has our warfighters backs. Well. I appreciate it. And Tyler last point. If people want to get ahold of your apparel beyond my website Hannity dot com, how can they do it? Yeah, obviously on your site, but also at Nineline apparel dot com. By the way, how's my quid pro quote Joe T shirt selling It's then the message is very clear, and I think it seems to be resonating very well with all of you You can get that if you go to Hannity dot com hashtag quid pro quote Joe. He apparently hates it. We saw the meltdown yesterday, yep, yep. And We've got many more in the hopper that I'm sure he will also not like. But that's that's one of the great things about living in this country. We get to speak her mind without being stoned to death. So I'm a big fan. All right, Thank you, Tyler. Everything's linked to Hannity dot com. Eddie. I would imagine this is going to be the best Christmas you've had in many years. And thank you for your service to your country. Thank you, Sean. I appreciate it, and thank you for advocating for me this whole time. And yes, I will be joined. You can thank Bernie Kerrick is the one that I'm like. Bernie, I read this article. It doesn't look good, and he goes, you gotta trust me. He's screaming at me, screaming. Yea, he got in my face. Oh, Bernie is our new godfather. That's awesome. All right, guys, all right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern. We are loaded up Yeah, the crazy liberal Joe, the impeachment disaster. Yeah, a preview of Faiza coming out Monday. Ryan's previous Jason Chavez. He knows a lot about Harwitz's earlier referrals. We'll get into that tonight. News you won't get elsewhere, Matt Gates, Pam Bondi, and also Lindsey Grahamin's studio tonight and much much more. It's all happening, the news you won't get from the mobs at e DVR. We got great information tonight nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you on Faiser Report Day Monday. We'll see you tonight at nine. Have a great weekend.

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