U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. of Kansas, is here to talk about our withdrawal in Afghanistan, the outrageous cost of the infrastructure bill and the unconstitutional mandate being handed down to the American people by Biden the dictator.
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Sean Hannity's show Toll free. Our number is eight hundred nine for one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. Day thirty three Americans held hostage, abandoned by Joe Biden behind enemy lines. We have the very latest out of Afghanistan, the Taliban conducting public executions in broad daylight, reported by the BBC. The Taliban is now even beheading children. New York Post has a report today. Eighty second airborne vet working to rescue Americans says the Taliban cut off the heads of two boys that were ages around nine and ten. This is all the things we've told you would start happening are happening, and it's getting worse. And we still don't have a full accounting of how many Americans are caught behind enemy lines. But Lincoln, Blincoln asleep at the wheel, does acknowledge there are thousands of American Green card holders that they abandoned behind enemy lines. Never mind our Afghan allies. We've seen now beheadings of them and women being beaten, and women go from wearing Western clothes to full on covered burker's faces covered in a month. This is, you know, Joe Biden's great withdrawal one of the biggest foreign policy debacles ever, but not according to Nancy Pelosi. Now Biden's perfect. He knows his foreign policy. Listen, how mean you say about our president, President Biden. President Biden is we're so fortunate that he did not win for president before when he ran, it's because we needed him. Now he's perfect for now. He knows his foreign policy. He was chair of the Foreign Policy Committee. He's been extends the hands of friendship to friend and foe like in order to have communication. He understands the value of that is he knows and is known by most leaders and coming up leaders in the world. I don't know what world she's living in, because the world is aghast at what Biden did in Afghanistan. They are shocked, they are horrified, mortified. Our allies are field rudderless here with a weekend of a week frail, cognitive mess of a president. And then you add to that everything now with General Milly that we're trying to sort through joining us as US Senator Roger Marshall, you also a medical doctor. We'll ask him about these vaccine mandates. In a minute. He's from Kansas talking about the horrific withdrawal and General Milly, Sir, welcome to the program. Well I wish, and I even said on this program, I pray that I'm wrong, but I predicted that people, you know, that we'd see beheadings. I predicted the beatings. I predicting that life for women in Afghanistan would never be normal again. It would go right back to the way it used to be twenty years ago. I predicted that Americans will die Afghan allies they're tracking them down daily and killing them. I didn't anticipate nine and ten year old boys being killed, but add that to the list your thoughts. Well, so I'm great to join you. Certainly your concerns about humanity in Afghanistan are all I'm afraid going to come true. And I think we knew this. If this debacle of a retreat from Afghanistan isn't the greatest military blunder since I don't know, Pearl Harbor, maybe you'd have to go back to the Little Big Horn. But we're seeing it right before our eyes, and now we have Now they're trying to evacuate refugees with measles. I'm worried about polio and tuberculosis as well coming over to this country, let alone the national security issue. So these are our worst nightmares coming true. You know, I'm looking at this and I don't see an answer. What frustrates me the most, Senator is that we saw this coming. You know, I mean to listen to this idiot Blincoln say, well, we had no idea this would happen in eleven days. That's become like their mantra, their talking point, when in reality, we saw the Taliban on the move in March and April and May and June and July, and even when they had sixty percent of the geographic territories that they had conquered, because they would you know, the Afghan military Joe Biden was bragging about was faltering everywhere. Still, Joe Biden did nothing to a push them back with drone strikes which would have been effective, and b you know, he let them continue their march, stuck with his artificial withdrawal date had didn't consider conditions on the ground, and when we had full control of Cobble, did not safely evacuate Americans, Americans Green card holders, their families, Afghan allies that we made a pledge in a promise to take out if in fact this they ever came, and then leave eighty billion dollars worth of military equipment, So now they're the best armed terrorist country in the in the world. Yeah, Shan, it sounds like you've been to my town halls. We did seven town halls last week. We're going to do a couple more here soon. And that's exactly what people want to are asking me. And they are so angry and frustrated. They asked a question, what was President Biden thinking when? And you feeling the rest of the blank? And they really do expect me to have an answer, but it is totally inexplicable. I've never seen anything like this. There seems to be a consistent problem between our national security and what and how the White House is interpreting these things. Is what is the CIA telling him that the White House doesn't understand. And this is not just going on just in Afghanistan. You know, I think we had some of the same failures with COVID, and we're continuing to see the same story play out, you know, General Mille situation right now. They're just a lot of inconsistencies we're hearing through that administration right now, you know, it's just incredible to me. What are your thoughts on General Milly if in fact he tipped off and his counterpart in China and or said he would tip them off, if in fact we attacked, if he colluded in some way with Nancy Pelosi to break the chain of command, constitutional chain of command and assert the constitutional authority of the commander in chief and the President of the United States, what words adjectives would you use to describe that behavior. Yeah, Sean, you know, I obviously a General Milly if if those things are true, he has to resign. At a minimum, he needs to be placed on leave. If there's a hint of truth, there needs to be an Article thirty two court martial hearing. But you know your show last night having Secretary Pompeio on it as well as John Racliffe, Joe kind of shot some holes in some of that story, so we see there's more details to be had there. I don't trust the authors of this book. A mister Costa is somebody that I've not had, never trusted. I don't know mister Woodward, but I think that obviously there needs to be more of an official military hearing to see if the chain of command was broken, did they usurp power from civilians? All those things? And we have more questions than answers. But before you form a mob, before we get a rope and hang General Milly, he deserves to be heard. He deserves a fair trial and a fair hearing. You know, I do agree with that part, and I believe in the presumption of innocence. But these are serious charges. I believe he should be put on an administrative lead pending the results of this investigation, because of the severity of the charges. Is that a reasonable thing to do? You know? Absolutely? You know, I go back to my experiences as a medical physician. What would we do with a fellow doctor in a similar situation. We would put them on leave a nurse, the most any business you know, someone in your in your area, with journalism, if there was an issue that of integrity, you all would put them on some type of administrative leave as well until we get the facts. And really, I would ask Jenner Milly to come forward. I don't know if that he needs to wait until September twenty eighth for a formal hearing, but the America sure wants to know the truth. Let me ask you as a medical doctor. Democrats have now steadfastly as they put mandates, vaccination mandates on the American people. We're on track now to have a twenty five or thirty year record shattered in terms of the illegal immigrants coming into the country, a high rate of COVID positivity, Joe Biden's overcrowded cages in the middle of the pandemic, no vaccine mandate, very very little testing even going on, and then dispersing people all over the country. That sounds like the superspreader of all superspreader events. Senator, Yes, sir, you know, my dad didn't care any thing for liars, and the only thing he cared less for was hypocrites. Our president has lied to us and his administration is very hypocritical. Sean, is there anything more sacred to you than your medical privacy, that sacred relationship between a physician and their patient. If we're asking people to inject themselves with a vaccine that it's been a formal approval, but it's not been around that long, and I still have you know, we all have some concerns about it yet, especially for our youngsters. I just don't see how a mandate is appropriate. I think is unconstitutional, but it shouldn't surprise us. This is the new Marxist Democrat Party, and you've covered all these things in the past. But think about the assault on our constitution by this president in the White House, assault on our freedom of speech, freedom of religion. They want to federalize the election process. The president he ignored an eviction moratorium, they've disregarded to remain in Mexico policy, and hour of vaccine mandate as well. So this is the trail. It's no longer even a slippery slope. We are following down a heel with grief, and I'm afraid we're in pre fall. And we appreciate your voice standing up trying to stop it. And we're going to be doing everything we can on the Senate to stop this. All right, we'll take a break, we'll come back. We'll continue your calls at the bottom of this half hour. Eight hundred nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Kansas senator also a medical doctor, Roger Marshall. More with him on the other side than your call. Straight ahead, as we continue, we're gonna see of governmental lies. He's a beacon of truth. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, as we can, a new US Senator from the great state of Kansas, also a medical doctor, Senator Roger Marshall, is with us. Now that we have, you know, these breakthrough cases, and we don't know what the future variants are going to bring, like lambda and MEW or MU whatever people are calling it, and then the other variants that will be behind that. But now we have fully vaccinated people contracting COVID. At this point, it shows that the vaccination lessens the odds that you'll go to a hospital or die. That's good news, I guess. But you even have Feizer and Maderna both recognizing and saying publicly that in fact, their vaccine efficacy is weakening over time. With that said, I would my mind turns to therapeutics like monoclonal antibodies like Regeneron the first time Joe Biden mentioned it was last week. Your thoughts on that you're a medical doctor, I'm not. Yeah, Sean, you know, I don't know why this emphasis have been and if there's only one policy that works, and that's the getting the vaccine, and you have said publicly that you don't want to play doctor. That's the decision between the patient and the doctor. We've encouraged people to get their vaccinations, but there are great therapeutics out there, and the monoquono antibodies are one of them. We also understand that natural immunity is much better than the vaccine, so if you've had the virus before, it provides better protection than the vaccines do, especially going up against these variants. So that's the problem. And what else I'm really frustrated with the CDC is no one even began to mention We've had eighteen months to improve our own amuse systems, and my dad I can simply you know, diet, exercise, This particular virus just really hurts type two diabetic folks. I did the work in an ICU in Southwest Kansas back in March of twenty and twenty as a volunteer. Eleven of thirteen patients in the ICU where in their fifties with type two diabetes. So we use Americans need to do a better job at taking care of ourselves. We've tried very hard to get those monoclonal antibodies out to the emergency room so they can be given sooner than later as well. And again, until this White House acknowledges that natural immunity works, we're just going to be in a stalemate with this mandate because half of the people that have not had the vaccine have natural immunity, and I just don't see anything. Let's talk about that because the creator and I quoted him from the Epic Times the other day, that a medical doctor that created the mRNA you know technology behind the Fiser Maderna vaccines, and again you're the doctor, not me, says that natural immunity and that even results in a study in Israel show is far more effective than even the technology that he himself founded. And now fis Maderna is saying, yeah, the efficacy dropsificantly over time, which means what booster shots in perpetuity for people to get the vaccine? Right, Sean. And here's what's still frustrating. So I am begging for my parents eighty two years of age to get their booster shot. They need it, but young healthy people do not, and the White House even messed this up. They can't. I've been fighting for three or four months to get to get that booster shot available for those who want it to senior citizens that have folks in the nursing home, the big risk groups. But the White House came out what three weeks ago, trying to deflect tension away from Afghanistan to say everyone should get a booster shot. And now the CDC and the FDA are in a huge argument with the White House over this. And I think what you're going to see is the FDA say, look, senior citizens probably could benefit from the booster shot, but we don't know that there's evidence out there for younger staying under the age of sixty to get it. So what about Robert Malone. He came up with the technology for mRNA antibodies, FISA and MADERNA. You know that they're now saying that the efficacy drops significantly over time. You're saying that T cell antibodies last forever. Is that understanding you correctly? Well, forever the long time. But if you would go back to the Spanish flu of nineteen seventeen, we were doing antibody test T cell antibody test on them when those folks are in their nineties and they still have them, so forever the long time. But there's a good chance you'll have this T cell immunity. These mr Anda vaccines are very specific just for the protein spike, and as the variant spike changes, these vaccines that we have now are not going to work as well as traditional vaccines. All right, thank you appreciated. Senator Roger Marshall eight hundred ninety four one. Shaun is our number. If you want to be a part of the program. Look job Joe Biden can't spell it and he can't keep him for the American people. Check out the Sean Hannity jobs for him today. Now, Hannity's on coast to coast. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls here in a second. Remember Hillary Clinton running in twenty sixteen, and not only did she like fall down at the at the site of the World Trade Center, but remember all the coughing fits and the weird twitches, and it's just it was bizarre and it made me think, what the hell is going on here? Now we already know Joseph mess So, but remember if this is what Hillary are coughing fits, you might remember these our great senates, a decent progressive human being, Hillary Rodman Clinton, Thank you all. Wow, oh I think we could go home right now. Too much to say thank you, Cincinnati. I am really delighted to have this opportunity to be here at the Jewish Federation of Greater des Moines. Use me just one second here, a lass, I have one wha. Thank you all so much. I am so happy to be back here in Youngstown and went on President, with your help, I could use the water. Water would be good. How Joe Biden is having the same thing he had it today, He had it in the last speech he gave it just it was a mess. Listen to him. I'm not sure you know it, but if you didn't know what you should because the decision you're about to make, isn't this going to happen, and that's going to have a huge impact on California. Meanwhile, meanwhile, we see something else in parts of America's hitting about public health. Children are required to be vaccinating. We're doing now in the midst of this pandemic. Look, folks, we don't need politicsness battle against COVID. Who lead and I apologize, Gavin will be a governor who will help us finish the job. I'm gonna make this as simple as I can. I'm beginning to think. I wonder I don't I'm just wondering thinking out loud. Maybe it's because when you lie, it's triggers something in your brain. The closest coughing fits. I don't know. I mean, maybe it's just a coincidence, but it is. It's getting bizarre with Joe, just like it got bizarre with Hillary. Anyway, Let's go to poor people throughout there. They're struggling. Remember Ray of Royal the other night his Philadelphia Laura Ingram had no voice, so we needed a fill in host in the middle of the show for a fill in host, but filling him for the vacation in Laura Ingram. It was pretty funny. Casey, Well, no, let's go to Clayton. First, to North Carolina. Clayton. How are you glad you called doing good? Sean? Thanks for taking my call. This whole Biden administration it's like the world's biggest whackamole game, this latest thing about Millie, the border crisis, the vaccine mandates from Biden, and as patience is wearing thin, it's all like they keep throwing up little shiny things like look over here, no, look here, don't look there, look here, and you said every time, every time you focus on something, it's always focusing on a failure. It's a failed administer. Joe Briden wants to talk about anything and everything except leaving and abandoning Americans behind enemy lines and all the horrific news that I brought you earlier in the program, which is beheadings and death and the treatment of women, uh and missing people, you know, all the things that we predicted. They'll talk about COVID, they'll talk about vaccine mandates, uh, they'll talk about the economy that they'll talk about the temperature instead of mentioning even mentioning the fact that these Americans were abandoned and blanket looked like a complete nutter fool this week, which we abandoned over there? That I mean, that was that was uncalled for, It was unjust. It was just it was a travesy. It was the worst. But then't you got the open borders down there? Now we've got Afkans in here. That's got measles. You know, it's think which which one is? You know, every time I turn around, it's just something about a failed a failed policy or failed fail You're in something with this administration. It's frustrating. It's like I can't name a single thing. I can't name a single thing. We're the successful. Just sum it up that way. By the way, Joe couldn't even remember the name of the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. Not a hard name to remember. Thank you, Borson, And I want to thank that fellow down under. Thank you very much, bout thank you that that fellow down under, the Prime Minister of Australia. How about mister Prime Minister Marrison, thank you for being one of us. I don't know of a little old fashioned Casey is in Ohio, Casey, how are you? Hey? How are you? Thank you Sean for having me on your show. And I just want to ask, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being the voice of the assault of the earth common people. To be honest with you, you know, I it's not going to be about me, but I am. I scraped my way and I currently work for the federal government, so I need to be very careful. UM. But I can tell you this, this situation that we're in right now, it absolutely is a hypocrisy. UM. I I was in the military, I was in UM law enforcement, so leaving people behind, leaving American leaving allies behind, leaving people. I'm trying to figure out what the heck we're doing here. Um, there is a double standard when it comes to you know, how they are treating um, General Millie. And if I would have done anything, or if I were to do anything like that, you can guarantee I would be I would be out of the out of a job. Um. They are currently making mandatory for people in the federal government to do the vaccine um, to take the vaccine um, and they're using the word progressive discipline if in fact, we don't do this, and it's just we're we're losing our country. We are losing our country. And I'm a success story in this country and for our country, and I don't I don't know where we're going to be in the next ten fifteen years. I can only tell you I share obviously your concern. Um. There's nothing we can immediately do to fix it. The most important task I believe right now is to insist that your state legislatures put in measures that have elected integrity measures there I mean, don't put those measures in place, and they adopt them as law and make sure that they're they're rock solid and bulletproof legally, and I would say then the next thing is, is everybody better pay attention to November next year. Look, if Republicans take the House and or Senate, it's over for Biden. Nothing can get done, and we can stop it right in its tracks. So then the next step would be to keep the House and Senate and then get the presidency back, and then we can get this country on the road to recovery. It's a it's a three step process, and it takes time. And I think that there is a way to recover from this. Look, we've lived through world wars and depressions and civil wars, and I believe in the greatness of this country. I am. I'm very concerned though, that a lot of Americans seem to be seduced by the false promises and the false hope of socialism, and you know, all this New Green Deal madness, spending and Joe Biden's fear mongering as we've got to do it now, and AOC's fear mongering, and we only have twelve years left now, I guess we're down to ten. We only have ten years left. I say, you know, the hell was it all. Let's just have a big party and live out the last ten years of our life and make it one big, giant, nationwide block party. But they're just lying, and the science is not what they're saying it is, and it's not certain as they say it is, and all these policies have nothing to do with the science behind global warming anyway. It's it's it's the guys under which they're ramming socialism, redistributionism, authoritarianism, womb to the tomb, cradled to grave, socialism that always fails down our throat. And American people, some Americans are seduced by it all that, you know, free college, free healthcare, free daycare, free government, everything. And they're seduced by it. Sad because it's never gonna. It's never gonna. It's been tried many names, many forms, many manifestations, and the outcome is always the same, unfulfilled promises, more poverty, and a loss of freedom. It's a matter of what degree you lose your freedom. And Americans, the same people give why did they deserve our trust? They bankrupted social security and medicare. There was no lockbox like they promised. Looked at the promises of Obamacare. They didn't fulfill those. They can't even maintain simple law in order and keep everyone safe and secure in their cities and towns. But we're going to empower them with even more no thank you, the biggest stories of the day in solutions to help move America forward. This is the Sean Show. Who Are I'm telling everyone that listens to this program, I want everyone to really hear and understand me. And Linda can weigh in here, because I give this speech to everybody on my team often. You know, Mom, I'm a little bit older, I've lived a little longer. Hopefully you've gained a little bit more wisdom, Linda, with what level of intensity do I remind everybody on my team that they have got to save money, live within their means, not accumulate debt, that they've got to save for a rainy day, not to depend on the federal government or anybody for anything. Ultimately, in life, you've got to take care of yourself first and assume that their promises or lies. How often do I tell people? I would say it's a daily or every other day kind of thing. Yeah, And what do I say when I give out Christmas bonuses money, what equals freedom? Freedom, freedom to make choices in your life. By the way, when I give this speech to my kids, dad, are we going to hear that you wash dishes again? Do we have to hear that part? Or that you uphill both ways to school? That was? That was the one with my parents. That's kind of fare footing in the snow. You know what. I know. My latest line to my kids is, Okay, watch one day, when I'm long dead and gone, You're gonna be talking to your children and you're gonna all of a sudden stop and pause and realize, oh my gosh, I sound exactly like my father. I already sound like my mother already already I look at myself and I'm like, oh my god. I mean literally, it's it's uncanny. But honestly, Sean all kidding aside, you're a much better businessman than you are anything else. So I think most of us listen to you. A lot of people don't, and I wish people would. Um and I really meet it because the American dream is alive and well even under these these difficult circumstances. You know, there's ways, creative ways that people can fend for themselves and creative ways people can create goods and services that people want, needed and a desire um. And I see entrepreneurs succeeding in so many different ways, every field imaginable. You know. You know my I don't play golf, well, I can't. You know, I'm just getting up baby, able to walk again, So I guess that's a good thing. But um my golf is just doing business deals and and even advising on business deals. Linda, how many times do I give you advice on how to run businesses? A lot. I make a lot of good deals on the golf course, I gotta say, I make some of my best deals there. You know why, because I'm not playing. Go on the golf course. You don't play. I go on the golf course. I just don't play. You know, we don't even know what a golf course is? Okay, what do you call it? Okay? What's par? When you're even? When you're even? How do you get a par? You know you play well? How do you get a par? What do you need to do to get a par? Swing club? You see? I know enough to get don't achieving a par? I don't know, Sean, You know I don't know. I have no LinkedIn. What does a par five mean? I don't know even plus five? I have no idea what does a par three mean? Are we done here? Can we get back to the original conversation? What is a bogie? I don't know? What is a double bogie? A bad rock band? I don't know what is a mulligan? That's a bad Irish drink. I don't have no idea. I don't not thinking about golf absolutely, man, but I will say there is there's opportunity, and you know, opportunity means I make a lot of deals on the golf course I do or golf. First of all, the way I say it is not important, that's not it is to this audience, because they're laughing their ass off that the way. No, they agree with me. It doesn't matter how I pronounce. They're hearing you say that. Then you're basically like Joe Biden lying. You say you take that back right now. No, I'm not gonna take it back. But that's a bridge too. Is on a golf course. You have never been on a golf course. I have certainly been on a golf course in Gold for a wedding. You went yes, and you sang for a wedding, did you? And for business deals and for business deals. I have never played golf now in my life whatever golf. Actually, I played miniature golf for the first time with my son this summer. Me and him did it for the first time. Okay, what kind of driver does one use to put one that gets me to the golf course very quickly? I don't know. You don't use the driver to put Thank God, it's time for your read make this end. Oh my gosh. Eight hundred nine for one, Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program.