Biden Sounding More Like Trump

Published Jul 16, 2020, 10:00 PM

Newt Gingrich, author of the new book "Trump and the American Future", talks about Joe Biden’s new messaging, which sounds an awful lot like President Trump’s message over the past 5 years. 

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All right, clatch it with us one hundred and ten days until you are the ultimate jury. And this is the biggest single choice election in the history of this country, and everything is on the line. I've never seen this before. To me, it is a sign of great weakness. But I am you know, frankly, the way I view elections, and especially this one with such a dramatic difference between the two candidates, I have a five alarm fire going off in my head. Almost twenty four seven, I have a five alarm fire. I release nineteen days, Live Free or Die America and the world on the brink. In Latin, I have Live Free or America dies. What does that mean? Now? The weakness of Biden is obvious. Well, first of all, does he have the mental alertness? That that is a fair question. Uh does he have the strength and stamina? I think, well, if you think Arizona is a city, if you don't know what city you're actually in, if you don't know what day of the week it is, and you don't know what office you're running for, and if you're you know, making one blunder after another, we all these truths to be self having, and all men women created equal down by the oh oh, what is it? The thing? You you know, af evingue all men and women creative by go you know the you know the thing the thing. Yeah, I'm well I got tested off of for cognitive decline. All right, But here's what it comes down to now the issue, and we're going to go through this in great specificity and detail. Live free or die in nineteen days is the defining full case of what is on the line. This is about, well, do you believe in law and order as a prerequisite if you're going going to allow people endowed by their creator to pursue life liberty and the person to have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Are you going if you because you need safety and security first. That's now on the ballot, because well, the police have now become the enemy. What okay, the one percent get rid of them, just like the one percent in the deep state and the FBI. We know who they are, not the ninety nine percent, not the ninety nine percent in the intel community, but the one percent that are corrupt and abuse power, or police that abuse power and have no business being on the police force. You need more money for more training, You need more money for more non lethal alternatives. You know, this idea is that the well, they've now become the enemy, and of course we'll reallocate funds. Let me translate deep on the police, although Joe's trying to walk that back, and this is now on the line, are very safety and security and the President, to his credit, has now spoken up about this. And the President is very very clear that this is now a big issue in this election. And this is the issue of you know, safety and security of every American and the right for them to live in a town, in a community and to be safe and to be secure so they can raise their families, they can pursue happiness, their life, their dreams, etc. It is now that that makes everything. You can't even start a pursuit of happiness otherwise it doesn't happen. And I'll tell you see a lot of things happening here that are meaningful, you know, And if you want to look at a track record, you know, look at what the president's done. I mean, you know, the President is now out there saying he is going to send people into these war zones. We have video. I don't know if you saw the video we showed it a lot last night on TV of the protesters. They had a cop with his back turned, one of the top ranking officials in the NYPD, and they literally Now we have video showing violent anti cop protesters being supplied with baseball bats. Surveillance video outside city Hall shows protesters receiving a shipment of bats before anti cop activists clash with the police on that Brooklyn Bridge. The guy winds up, the cop is not looking at him, he's faced in the other direction, takes the bat and literally smashes it as hard as he possibly can on the head of the officer. That would be the officer with all the blood running down his face. What is Comrade Deblasio doing about any of this? Not a thing. President is rightly calling these cities a war zone, and he's promising to restore order and safety and security as somebody has to and needs to and must do. Now, Comrade Deblasio said, oh, we now have fewer people in our jails since anytime since World War Two, when we are safer for it and better for it. You are the dumbest human being on the face of this earth, Comrade de Blasio, Just like that, dopey, dumb governor of New York. It's not safe for your police, and you don't seem to give a rip. When I confronted him on Hannity one night, this was during the dousing of police with water and big, huge, massive buckets and police cars were being literally, you know, beaten up and vandalized. He didn't. I said, we have video. You going to arrest every one of those people that we now see on tape. Now we have the video of all the people that were blasting these cops with their bats. Are you gonna do anything? And for Biden to go to this, well, they've now become the enemy and you're gonna I'm gonna reallocate money's he's now supporting the defund effort. You know why is Biden supporting policies that we know, beyond any doubt, will cause police to pull back and let the crime rate skyrocket. Because I can tell you a couple of things here. The police have just recently released a report three hundred percent New York City shootings have gone up the NYPD last week. Ninety nine percent of those shooting victims have been minority. They've been African Americans, they've been Hispanic Americans, He got a one year old baby shot to death in a stroller, an eight year old young young girl down in Atlanta, gunned down playing in her yard, a seven year old in Chicago shot playing on the fourth of July in her grandmother's backyard. And then of course, a nineteen year old young man out in the chop Chaz autonomous spaghetti pot luck dinner Summer of love zone. And I interviewed his father, devastated, How do you ever recover from any of this? And you know what has Joe Biden done and Pelosi and Schumer done? Because criminal justice reform was Trump, police reforms was Trump. It wasn't them. You know what, where's Joe Biden? Why didn't they act? For example? We saw for example, you know, we have to ask Joe Biden fifty one year, Schumer, Biden, Pelosi one hundred and twenty five years a swamp experience. You know, we have to ask them why why he's now saying these things at this point? You know, we saw when Biden Obama were president, they barely mentioned Chicago and it was a war zone. Nd and I remember scrolling the names of people we've never heard before, shot and killed, people shot and injured, and the thousands of people shot while they're president vice pres they didn't do anything. You know, we saw the cops demonized after the phony Ferguson hands Up, Don't shootcase that didn't turn out as as Barack Obama and Joe Biden told us, it wouldn't order to Baltimore. Obama just this department even determined hands Up, Don't Shoot was a hoax. The damage was done. We saw what happened, and we watched the police pull back and a national homicide rates soar twenty percent, the CDC pointed out after a stable period homicide rate they point out increased what from twenty from the year twenty fourteen, you know, eighteen percent. That's a lot of innocent people. If you look at the FBI's uniform crime report, forty five percent of homicide victims or African American, they represent thirteen percent of the population. It's unfair. It's unfair what these the cities run by liberal Democrats have done for decades and they seem to get away with it, and they just get reelected for what. You know, this ought not be rewarded. But it's all on the line, and for the first time you see a candidate that is, he hasn't said a single word Biden about defense ending our police heroes in most of these cities. It's majority minority officers in most of them, if not all of them, and they've been coming under attack, and now twelve are dead and now some injured permanently rocks, bottles, bricks, molotov cocktails, guns and knives. I mean it's like this and now baseball bats and they've done nothing. Okay, So now he's joined that radical movement. And then on the economy, he actually plagiarized and took on all of Bolshevik Bernie's socialist radical extremism. Why, because he's so weak, he doesn't have the Bernie base. He's got to shore it up. That's what makes him so radical. Then, of course AOC's radical Green New Deal, trillions of dollars he's pledging to this. This is madness. It is unsustainable, getting rid of oil and gas, safety and security, tax, massive tax increases versus Trump tax cuts. It's amnesty versus secure borders. It's the United Sanctuary States of America versus law and order and no amnesty. I mean, you can't get any more about energy independence versus energy dependence. And then this insanity that we're going to get rid of ten million jobs and oil and gas and fracking because of environmental extremist policies. And then we're gonna, you know, tell people don't worry. You don't have to worry about anything. Everything's free. Your education is free, your healthcare is free, your job is guaranteed, your vacation is guaranteed, your food is going to be healthy guaranteed, your retirement guaranteed. It is unsustainable. And you know, just how did Obamacare work out? That did not work out very well. All of this is on the line in one hundred and ten days, all of it. And I will tell you as I as I watched this, it infuriates me. You know. Now there are changes happening we saw after backing Obama and Biden in eight and twenty twelve. National Association of Police have now endorsed Donald Trump. State Police Chief Union is now threatened to yank State troopers over New York City has expanded chokehold restrictions. I'll just think if as long as if there are other options, I'll give you a case. George Floyd, you manipulate two fingers. He was in handcuffs. You'll get full compliance. It's not that hard. That's a matter of training. Fort Worth, Texas least there's some common sense there. They rejected a measure to defund the police by whopping two to one margin. Thank goodness. The President is now planning to send federal authorities into these cities where liberal Democrats have run them into the ground for decades and break up the war zone of violence that is there. Portland now they now have their autonomous zone, pitching tents, rebuilding barricades removed by police. Portland police off sort of spouse calling the treatment of officers disgraceful. This is happening all across the country. The Portland mayor is putting anarchists and agitators over safety. According to Kerry Kubick of the Department of Justice, you have officers in downtown Portland. It's it's literally a total power play. The protesters are saying, you know, national organization police organizations. Yeah, this is important and important endorsement at this point NYPD, Now we have the pictures of the video suspect in the Brooklyn Bridge. Are we going to go out and arrest them? You know? At what point do we not understand? This is simple, This is basic, This is fundamental. This is about you do not have any pursuit of happiness if you do not have safety, security, and law and order. It is that simple, It is that profound, It is that deep. And this now is the choice election, and I argue, the biggest choice election in American history. All Right, we gotta to get to tonight. We're gonna have a big debate on this. Leo Terrell, Sergeant Dimitrick Penny is going to join us New gingrich Or one hundred and ten days away from this pivotal election. Fewer people in our jails than any time since World War Two, and we are safer for it and better for it. Ah. Okay, well, the no bail stupidity. Look, I know this is probably hard for most people to comprehend and understand, especially people with just basic, simple, fundamental common sense. The no bail stupidity that was Governor Cuomo. The billion dollars cut to the police, dismantling of its most effective street crime unit has now resulted, as I said, in this massive three hundred percent increase in New York City alone of shootings ninety nine percent of shooting victims happen to be minority, African American and Hispanic, and it is an innocent people are dying one year old, seven year olds, eighteen year olds, nineteen year olds, their whole lives ahead of them, and it is now gone nationwide in all of these big cities. It is now the President is like, I have to step in and stop the war zones because as I always say that child, aren't they are national treasure. Those numbers we give every Monday lately from Chicago, New York. Every one of those numbers behind it is a real person, a real fellow human being, a real American that have real families. This has real repercussions. There are parents that will never see children again, Moms and dad's never see kids again, Grandmas and grandpas that will never see their grandkids grow up. This carnage has to stop. And you know Nobil, that's another Biden, you know radical, He's got Bolshevik Berney, aoc Bezo Bozo and now the Radical Defund and Reallocate movement and the police have become the enemy insanity. This is a defining moment in one hundred and ten days. If you don't feel the urgency, I feel and care about these lives. Then you don't have a heart and you don't have a soul. We can stop it. Where the United States of America we're capable of stopping this. We see these guys now, those are felony assaults against our bravest, and those folks are being arrested. Who did that? All right? So I want this promise from me. I Pope will agree on this. I want every video gone over with a fine tooth call and every one of those people that assaulted your officers, our officers that put a gun on because their jobs are dangerous every day that protect and serve. I want to promise from you that you're going to identify every one of those people that attack those guys. That's what we do. That is what that hasn't happened. Now, come on, you haven't arrested every one of them by a stitch. How many have been identified and arrested consistently the NYPD does its job? How many have been arrested? Wait? Wait, wait, wait, are you saying, look at the vide look at these videos? Well, I'm asking you a question the end. Are you saying the NYPD is not doing their job. Let me give you some news. I am saying that those safe ends are better than they deserve, the very best, and we are arresting each and everyone who did any assaults. You can look right here and will you look you are wait wait, wait, every single guy, every single face we see, will you arrest those on? Anybody the NYPD deems to commit a crime will be arrested. Every Listen. I'm I want to say, respect the professionalism, no, respect the professionalism the NYPD that they are going to follow the law and go after anyone one that did any Why do you make it so hard because you're playing a game. I'm not playing again. This is a serious thing. Look at that guy, will see that? Will this business? Will you promise this is incredible? That's not a good enough statement for you that everyone who commits a crime will be brought to justice. That's is everyone, That is everyone in that video. Believe our professionals who are police officers know who commits a crime and they will bring this that video evidence to you of it. So why do you not respect the MYPD enough to believe they know it. That's a silly state. We're not my PD hat and shirt. Every day. So then why don't you respect them to do their jobs? Crime or sean, You either respect them, they don't. Don't play a game here want I want a game. This is ridiculous. These are professionals. I'm not going to personally arrest them. The NYPD will arrest them, and they know what they're doing. And you promise to try to arrest everyone. Of course, anyone who commits you a crime of any kind, we're going to arrest. Hallelujah, I've got a gold top. But you're playing a game, man. Wow. That was my exchange with Comrade de Blasio on my TV show. I couldn't believe it. I'm sitting there. We got the video, you know, all these incidences we forget after Baltimore, after Ferguson, all these incidents. We have all of this video of people committing crime yesterday in New York. We have all the video. We have the ability to enhance video, We have the ability to identify people based on video. We have the ability to do investigations because you identify every person involved in the beating of these police officers and we can arrest them all. We usually never do the follow through, almost never. That just encourages further crime. You know, with all the talk, can we please remember the brave Capitol police that walked across that field, that baseball field where Steve Scalise was shot, and they did it. I mean, there are no odds. Most of you know that. I'm a big Second Amendment guy. In an open field with pistols at a distance against the rifle hidden in the bushes, they still charged across the field to protect innocent people. That's the police. That's the nine though, guys on nine to eleven going up like the fireman and the e mts and the first responders. That's the defund them, trash them, offered no support for them, put handcuffs on them, rushed to judgment. And I'm not the George Floyd case. We're not talking about that. It's like they have now. Police don't want to do their job. They're retiring in mass Pete. There's not even academies that are being set up. Nobody wants the job at this point. And I can't blame them. And it's funny because everybody I know that's in the in law enforcement, it is their calling. God gave them a calling. Every single person that I know that's a nurse and a doctor, and a teacher and a pilot. These are callings passions that people have. These are dreams that they've had. They don't go into any of these professions because they think they're gonna make a lot of money. I could tell you I absolutely never went into radio. I was running on us over with Linda. I can't actually believe because I started in nineteen eighty seven. I've been saying thirty one. It's actually thirty three years. I just the mic went on and something happened. It just changed my life. I was terrible at it in the beginning. Actually for a long time, I was pretty terrible. But you know, eventually I found my voice, my style, who I am. And you know, the great thing I think about radio is you hear somebody's heart. It is a heart medium. It's a warmth medium versus say television. You know, you can do a lot more on TV because you got the images here. I gotta paint the images. You can't fake it for three hours a day. That's just a fact. And every single host that I know, you listen to the great one, thank me, God bless us. I'll say it. Nobody else will say it the great Mark Levin or you know Sean Hannity dropped my golden eb microphone, which is a true story or Rush story. We should we should talk about that story now. I don't want to talk about the story now, No, you don't want to talk about that. I don't want to talk about that. The day, the first day I filled in for Rush, and I'm in the middle of the monologue, don't play it. I'm not kidding. Why not? And the mic fell down because we've played. You told me a while ago that I had opened mic privileges. No, I never said that either that you are lying. No, noo uch. I want to do this though. Now these very people like the Blasio cutting a billion from the YPD and cutting out the most effective crime unit in the NYPD. Now minorities in New York are begging because of victims. Now are minorities in New York City, and they're begging for that unit to come back. Why to protect moms and dads, grandma's, grandpa's and you know, our national treasure, our children. They need protection so they can be free. And then you know the next thing I would argue is I was thinking about this the other day. How do you fix the broken educational system that this unholy alliance with teachers unions in the Democratic Party. And I may not be a genius, but I think I've come up with a pretty creative, good idea. Linda, I'll let you run by it. Then we're gonna play the Blasio on the gun issue when I debated him. But tell A medicine is now the future? Tell a working we learned during COVID. You know what it works. I mean both radio and TV staffs, they, I would argue, they actually get more work done from home because they don't have to waste that time. Community. Yeah and right, Linda, I mean we measure it. It's like you can see it on TV, for example, I can see how long people are at their computer online working every day. You can actually measure it. I don't go check it, well, I want it. It's NonStop for you. So there's no reason to doe like I have two seconds to pull my head out of you. There's just there's just no time. There's My life is madness. I'm just not gonna lie gulping water. I'd say a fire hose down my throat every day, which I don't think a lot of people care or understand what do you care? Well, you know, but back to the calling. I never got into radio for a calling. I just changed my life and I made less money when I dumped my business and contracting and made nineteen thousand dollars a year in Huntsville, Alabama. But I found a passion like police do this for a passion. And you know, I can tell you that this, this is what, this is why they need our respect and our help and our support and yes, more non lethal alternatives. I've mentioned them before on this program. Let me let me just bypass this and go to this and that is very simply, very very simply I want to play. This is the moment where de Blasio, these very same people that defund the police like him and take away the best crime fighting unit and bragging now that the lowest incarceration rate. That's stupid. No bail provision that allows bank robbers to rob a bank, get out, rob another bank, get out, get caught, get out, get caught, get out, get caught, and they just they thank you, is to get out of jail free card every time, no bail, and they want this nationally. Now, this is sick there's like amnesty for everybody. Well, immediately you're going to get free healthcare, free education. But I was thinking about the educational system, and then I went to de Blasio, lost by the trend of thought, if these cities won't fix their schools, maybe we can use tell education, and that would be reading, writing, math, and history, those four basics, and get a curriculum K through twelve and put it online and make it available for free that parents can sit with their kids and if their public schools are failing their children, they can get the curriculum that will guarantee proficiency in these fundamental areas. And it's all for free, and it's all online, and it's all available. I guarantee you you'd get volunteers and teachers that would teach classes. And then once you have the class taught, you could rerun it every year and stick to the basics. And that would be active activism by parents. Okay, we're gonna do reading tonight for two hours. We're gonna do math tomorrow night for two hours. We're gonna do science or whatever. Reading, writing and arithmetic, writing for two hours, history for two hours. And you do that every week and to guarantee that the parents can now choose to help their children and bypass the corrupt system that's failing their kids. That's if you have safety and security, then you need an education. Then the ladders that are ripped out of the rungs of the ladder, that are ripped away from so many will be put back in. Do you like that idea, Linda, I mean, I think we're kind of already doing that right I mean, I'm not schooling Liam right now. I have a virtual WebEx classroom that they set up, and I think that there are pros and cons to it. I think there's a lot of people who homeschool right now where they're kind of implementing a lot of those ideas. And I think when we're not, is it available for the kids in the worst districts, For example, Baltimore third highest per capita spending per student than every other industrialized nation, the most in the world, and they don't have one kid proficient in math? Couldn't online classes that start at kindergarten and go through twelfth grade available for free for parents and they just follow the curriculum at home, and the curriculum goes through the calendar year maybe even through the summer a couple hours a day. So I love the idea that you're saying, and in theory here instead it's cheap, it's not cheap. So a lot of these families in these improverished communities don't have iPads, don't have computers, don't have desktops. Their local libraries are underfunded, there's not enough rooms. So we really have to get to the heart of the situation here and say, Okay, we have all of this money going to all of these school districts that are superfunded, and our kids are still failing, and so that's a misappropriation of the funds. Again, democratic run cities and states. Well, I think that a certain amount of federal funds can be then transferred for this very program because for the cities that are have the worst scores and the worst track records. So give the parents a choice, right, But also it would be to give computers in libraries, and the choice would be, you know, to offer maybe we can get Apple to offer, you know, cheap computers, old computers. How about Americans donate their old computers. I think that that's a fabulous idea. But again, my devil's advocate argument is we need those parents and those communities to get on board. And with the struggle of the nuclear family, with people running things like the sixteen nineteen project and fighting us every step of the way of trying to get good education out to our kids, we've got an uphill battle here all right. Now, let me go to Comrade da Blazio. Now, Hollywood stars have security. They can afford it, so do Let's see, politicians, I don't have any. We now know that the Minneapolis City Council of the voted to defund the police private hired their own private security, paying taxpayer of dollars. Of course, here's my exchange with him about his security versus the right of New Yorkers to have a gun in their home. Should every New Yorker have the same protection you haveave people have rights I believe we need. Should they have the right tone We have a police department and I've had two thousand officers on patrol in the city in the last few years. Great, that is making it safe for all the time. She was the best way to protect. Should every New Yorker that has a perfect mental hold on you have a perfect mental health record and have a background check would you agree that they have a right half safe? Do you agree they have a right to have a gun in their house? Right to be safe? Great? Do they have a right to a gun? Telling you what I think? Yes or no? I've answered you the safest way to don You're not answering a police department that is supported. By the time you call the cops, even if it's a great response time, you might be dead. Again. We just have a difference. You're protected, you have a you have a team around you. Does every New Yorker if somebody breaks into their house. They're good people. The wall a biting people, pay their taxes, obey the rules, pass the background check. Should they have a right to a gun in their house? Yes? Or no? I aim buying what you're selling. You know, but so the answer is no, but you're afraid to say. Answer is my answer. You don't get to tell Other people with their answers should question have they write to a gun? In their question? Here is how do we make people safe? It is yes. It is the only question. I would have asked you to to get guns out of this society. They're everywhere. They can't be everywhere. They're threatening our officers and The answer to your question is New Yorkers that have perfect mental health records and willing to go through background checks should not be allowed to have a gun in their home. I just don't play by your rules. Should they be allowed to? You know you do this with everyone. Let people define themselves. You want to hear the truth. They have a gun is a simple question. If they're law abiding, can they have a gun? You are trying to set up a reality where you get to paint a picture on your own terms. It doesn't work that way. Mister mayor those guys over there, what did I say to you guys? I said, thank you for what you do every day. They protect you. You deserve to be protected. You're the mayor of the biggest city and the biggest one everyone. Wow, the answer was humbvious. There are four guys they are protecting you. There were two Sean Hannity Show Gladu with us eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza joining us now former Speaker of the House, New king Rich mister speaker Hopeball as well. I know you're you're kind of locked down in Italy, but my understanding is is that you've changed your schedules, so you're kind of on the state's schedule with one hundred and ten days to go. My assessment is the following, And I want to know if you agree or disagree with me. Now that Joe Biden has comment about the police have become the enemy, and yes, he supports reallocating funds, even plagiarizing now and adopting Bernie's radical extreme socialist agenda on the economy and redistribution and wealth confiscation and you know, nationalizing industry even and eliminating oil and gas, and taking on the New Green Deal aspects of AOC, and bringing in Beto O'Rourke as his guns are who said, yeah, I'll confiscate your gun to me, having to shore up his base as a sign of weakness. But all of these decisions now have created a new race, and that is the biggest choice election in the history of this country. And if those plans that they're stating are ever adopted America, the free market, capitalist wealth creating system will be destroyed. Well, I think that's exactly right. And if you if you just say Biden, Schumer, Polosi, then you have a real sense of what's up. This is a machine. It's a machine in which Biden is the weakest of the three, and it is a devastating threat to everything that has historically been considered America. And what's really amazing is it's a threat which we see every day doesn't work. I mean, if you go out and look, I look at the number of killings in New York, look at the number of killings in Chicago. Look at what happened already. I think one hundred and thirty five percent increase in killings in Minneapolis. These people represent a value system which is not only wrong theoretically, but it just doesn't work in the real world. And I think that's what this race is going to be aboutledly, you know, and I look at it. Okay, so let's break this down into the basics. This is going to be a plan of Joe Biden, Bolshevik Berney's economic plan of massive tax increases. This is going to be massive redistribution. This is going to be massive new entitlements. This is now. These are promises. Everything's free, school is free, no student loan forgiveness, some version of Obamacare on steroids or Medicare for all, estimates fifty two trillion dollars. A new Green deal was starting out at five trillion dollars, and then we go from there. Then it's about law and order, of safety and security. Well, we see New York, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, and cities in California anarchists rain. Then Biden says amnesty. Biden says the sanctuary state, the United Sanctuary States of America. Oil and gas will lose millions and millions of jobs, will lose energy independence, We'll lose the lifeblood of the world's economy. This is all their stated plan, activist justices and a foreign policy of appeasement, as evidenced by what Biden Obama did with the Mullos in Iran. I can't think of a bigger choice. No, I think the last time you've had a choice of this scale was eighteen sixteen, eighteen sixty four, when the choice was Lincoln and preserving the Union and in slavery versus Democrats who would have caved into the slave owners and found some compromise to allow the confederers to leave. And there's that gigantic when I think of just when you just say to yourself, Biden Pelosie Schumer or Trump and McConnell and McCarthy, and you look at how wide the gap is in the country they would create. You know, the President wants to create a national Statue of Garden because we want to build statues. Biden's people want to destroy them. I mean, how how much bigger can the gap get than that? We want to recognize America's greatness. They want to destroy America and condemn America. It's just to me, this is the most Frankly, if you would ask me two years ago, I couldn't have imagined the circumstance where it would become this big a gap and where the left would be this crazy. I mean, I knew they would gradually getting but somehow I think we just lost the speaker can't hear him? Is that the line maybe from Italy? Or do we have to reconnect? Okay, We're going to reconnect, you know it. Look, it doesn't take a lot defund defend. The policing debate poses an incredible moment of clarity of how deep the divide is. Massive redistribution, massive tax increases versus tax cuts. The President is now about to speak about the economy. He's about to talk about deregulation again. He has allowed companies. Why do you think these manufacturing jobs came back because he's gotten rid of all the burdens and regulation in the high taxes. You know, Biden, he you know, he's even trying to steal part of Trump's message with words. But we've had one hundred and twenty five years of words with Pelosi, Schumer and Biden, and all it is is one hundred and twenty five years of phony promises and yet no results is evidenced by the eight years that he was vice president. Mister speaker, I'm glad you're back. Sorry, I think we cast us sell the Look, here's the problem we face those of us who really fear for the future of the country. The propaganda media is going to be so intensely committed to destroy Trump and to protect Biden. I think what they're doing to deliberately lie about what's happening with COVID is a good example. They want the country afraid, they want the country panicked. I'm getting all sorts of reports from people around the country of absolute falsehoods on reporting, for example, and there's this desperate effort by the elite media to whip up the country and they are totally committed for them. This is sort of a holy war, if you can use that term for people who aren't holy. But I think that the President has to cut through all that and he has to be committed to a big program for next year that people see what he would do to get us back to where we were in February. And then he asked to us calmly and methodically tie Biden, Pelosi and Schumer together. You know, Pelosi passed a bill. Two hundred and seven Democrats voted for a Pelosi bill that would create a Pelosi bonus of twelve hundred dollars for every illegal immigrant. So if he got to the US illegally, you get twelve hundred bucks courtesy of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in the House. Now, I don't think there are ten districts in the country that have a majority that would favor that. And you can take issue after issue after issue, but the truth is we have to do it because NBC and CBS and ABC and the US they're never going to cover this stuff. Doesn't deliberately hide it and hope that they can get their people elected and they can defeat Trump because they're so desperate to do so, that's my view. Well, I just you know, if you were telling the president, let's say, forget you're talking to me and this is a conversation with President Trump. We have one hundred and ten days to go. These are the differences. These are the distinctions. You know, we've seen a lot of radical candidates and you know over the years, and Obama was one of them. This makes Obama look like a conservative in my view, this agenda, what would you tell the president. I would tell the president to look at how Ronald Reagan dealt with a hostile news media. Drop all of the external tweets that don't matter, drop every fight that doesn't matter, focus in on this tone only two big things, What are you going to do to lead America in the next four years? And defining vividly what Pelosi, Schumer and Biden stand for? And also what's also bolshevik Bernie. We're going to add him to the list. How many years has Bernie been there? Now we have now we're up to like, well, but let listen if you can, if you can convince people to think of Biden, Pelosian, Schumer is one word you don't need Bernie. I mean that'll think in that this is the most radical team ever to try to run the United States. But I but my advice, the pleasident, would be slow your campaign down, focus on those two things. Quit picking fights the don't matter, and quit sending out tweets the don't matter because the news media is your mortal enemy and every time you give them a chance, they're going to attack you. So don't give them any chances. Well, I don't disagree on fighting Jim acosta. Um. You know the president now has just gone out of the White House. He now speaking about deregulation and by the way, we need deil and that's what works so well. That created you know, record low unemployment numbers for every single solitary demographic in the country. Right, So if you would stop and stay on that, Jim Accostas is mortalinary. Why would you dance with your mortalinity? You ignore them? I mean Reagan's ability to ignore those guys was unbelievable. I mean he used to pertend he couldn't hear he put his hand hand up by his ear and goal I couldn't quite hear that, and just keep moving. Trump has a winning hand if he focuses on it. But because the elite media hates him, they will do anything they can to elect Biden. And that's just that. I mean, anybody wants to help design this campaign, you got to start with the idea. The other team has ninety three percent of the news media, and so you got to overcome I hate to tell you, but it's about ninety nine. But go ahead, well by bokay, I'll let you say ninety nine. I'm not gonna argue between ninety three and ninety nine. But the point is it's like playing a football game where every single referees on the other side, and also, by the way, half of the stadium has now emptied their seats and there on the other side, and you've got to design a campaign that takes that's a fact. It's not a problem. What you do about it is the problem. And the only way that works in the long run is you pick really big issues that I come back to some that I think are devastating. Sample. I gave you your two hundred and seven Democrats out there who voted for a twelve hundred dollar bonus for every illegal immigrant the United States. Now every one of those two hundred and seven has got to be vulnerable, not issue. None of them represent a district group. People are, Oh, thank god, you're gonna give my money away to illegal immigrants. I've really been hoping you would do that. And you can take issue after issues you're pointing out with Biden. Biden's positions are going crazier and crazier and crazier. It's as though when they locked him up in that basement, he just gradually vegetated to the left. And so there'll be plenty of issue choices. But the question is how do you drive that past the news media so the country sees them. And the second part is the administration is going to have to figure out how to get the truth out about about what's happening with the virus, because I think at least sixty or seventy percent of Cambridges a lie designed to frighten people. I tweeted this morning about Franklin Dolno Roosevelt's great first inaugural where he said, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. When I hear all this to the current fears about kids going back to school, we have study after study, the kids don't get the disease. It's not a problem. Well, we see that, and we see that in Europe, all over Europe, and it's case after case. It's not just one isolated case. All right, stay right, Their former Speaker of the House, New Gingrich is with us. All right, as we continue the New King ridges with us. Your calls coming up next the eight hundred nine for one showing them all of a debate with Leo Terrell and a sergeant Dmitric Penny is going to join us. You sell the attack on the cops in Brooklyn, New York on the Brooklyn Bridge. Didn't you see this guy hit with the baseball bat. We now have video of the bats being delivered to the guys that we're swinging at the cops, going back to the sixties when the last time we faced instant we had two thousand, five hundred bombings. In the end, you lock them up. So if you've got a guy on video swinging a bat, you hunt him down and you lock him up, and you do that over and over and presently people be in the figure out. But there's a real consequence for being destruct even hateful and trying to destroy America. But until we're prepared. For example, in Portland, where they had six straight weeks of Antifa demonstrators chairing the city up and the radical left wing democratic mayor doesn't want the US government to come out. But the point the president should make is we have a constitutional obligation to protect Americans. And in Mississippi in the nineteen sixties, when civil rights workers were being killed, often by local police, and when nobody in the Mississippi system would in fact prosecute them, they sent in the FBI. They hunted them down, and they've eventually found every single one of the killers, and they all went to jail for a very long time, and suddenly it became too expensive, and we're going to have to do the same thing. You look at this country right now because of radical left wing mayors. They're Democrats, and they're all Democrats us to be clear about this, but people like de Blasio, who may be the man who destroys New York at the rate he's currently going, I mean, New York may not recover from the de Blasio administration by the time he's done. And you look at Chicago. All these people are following policies that don't work, and as a result, of Americans are being killed, and I don't think you can expect the President I stage to stand to one side. Well, he's gonna step in, he said so yesterday. It's a war zone. He's gonna fix a mister speaker. Thank you, Hi. Twenty five till the top of the hour. Thank you, Scot set in nineteen days looking forward. Will be announcing some plans next week. Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere, and we're very excited to get out on the road. This is now the defining election of our lifetime. We have a debate Leo Terrell, Sergeant Penny coming up at the top of the next hour. We have a great Hannity nine Eastern tonight, Fox News. Hope you'll join us, Hope you'll set your DVR. Let's get back to our phones. In the meantime, let's go to Terry Is, Implorida. Terry, Hi, how are you glad you called? Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Hi, San, thanks for taking my call. Hey, I would just like to tell people that the polls are not accurate. I wear my Trump stuff everywhere when I'm not working, and I get a minimum of probably a dozen people a week saying you know, I love your shirt, I love your hat. I got a Trump phone cover, and a lot of people come up to me quietly and they say, you know, we are fully behind Trump, but we lie to the pulsers when they call because we don't know who they are, and we don't want to get docks or we don't want people showing up at our house. And we don't wear our Trump stuff because we don't want to be in a restaurant or a Walmart or something and get hassled. So how would you like to be me for twenty four hours? I wouldn't, But let me tell you something. Linda's laughing, she's cracking up. She's like, yeah, I've been there, done that. Yeah. People have to start being the vocal majority. And one thing I would like to say to the Trump supporters, please, if you are wearing your Trump stuff, be respectful and be honorable and be dignified because you maintain someone's mind. That's fast. I stopped about four months ago, nine thirty at night, I saw somebody broke down in the porking lot trying to change the tire. I'm wearing my make America Grade Again shirt. I'm wearing my Trump hat. I stopped at the young African American man about twenty four. I said, young man, you look like you could use some light on the subject. And he said, just man, I could. He had no clue how to change the tire. I showed him how to do the jack, where to put it. Spent twenty minutes with this kid changing his tire. Said God bless you, you have a good day. He said, thank you very much for stopping. You know, it didn't matter to him that I was a white Trump supporter, and it didn't matter to me that he was a young black man who needed his tire changed. That's how I get lost in all of this. That's our common humanity, our common goodness, isn't it. But I can tell you, Sean, I went to Trump's inauguration, the first one. I actually got my picture taken with you. At W's second inauguration, after you interviewed Senator John McCain. We found out where you were broadcasting trom got my picture taken with you. And do you throw darts on my side? Just try and hit me right in the nose. It's not hard to hit. Yeah. Well, I am so confident Trump's to get reelected. I don't make a lot of money, but I booked my hotel room March fifth for the next inauguration, so I'm going to be there. People need to start wearing their Trump stuff standing up. I really believe it's going to be a landside for President Trump because I believe God put him where he is and this country's never going to be the same if he does not get reelected. I fear for my grandkids. That's what Live, Free or Die is all about. And Latin I actually have at the bottom of the book, and I'm not here to just sell the book. This is a roadmap, and this is the stakes are high, and I'm trying to lay out the case of how bad this will be if you take on and I mean this, Terry Bolshevik Berney's radical socialism and you part that with AOC's radical Green New Deal and Beto Bozo O'Rourkes a ridiculous you know, confiscation of guns. The guns are of Joe. Then you add the failure, the one hundred and twenty five years of failure that is Biden, Pelosi and Schumer. Then the failure of eight years of Burbock and Joe, and I'm telling you it is a prescription those policies will destroy this country, that those policies will end everything. You know. It's about law and order and safety and security, about amnesty versus secure borders, the United Sanctuary States of America. Everything is free, radicals appointed to the courts, the end of energy independence as we know it, and a foray into socialism the likes of which this country has never witnessed or seen. That will destroy the greatest economy on the face of the earth. And that's what's at stake, never mind the policy. I mean, I can go on all day. And that's why I lay it out. That's why I've decided to lay it out in a book so that people can see it. They can read it, they can understand it, they can absorb it, they can tell their friends about it. And it's up on Hannity dot Com and we're you know, I'm proud of it. And you know, I got to tell you something. It's nineteen days of the book and it is one hundred and ten days till you vote. I cannot control what everyone does. I like to I don't like to say it's a landslide Terry makes a good point. Maybe she's right. I don't know. I do believe that there are people that won't wear a red make America Great Again hat because they get harassed. I understand that people maybe even this trepidation to put a bumper sticker on or you know, to put up of you know, lawn sign. I have no such trepidation. I'm just that's not how I'm going I'm not going to live my life like that in fear and it is sad. So there's this percentage of people. There was an article actually that came out of Pennsylvania which I found really fascinating today because it went into you know, this whole. It was a poll of majority of Pennsylvania voters believe secret Trump voters are in their communities, and I thought that was interesting. According to a Monmouth University poll. Now, I don't believe the polls are right right now, but I do believe Rasmussen's getting closer to it is that they have it at a three point race. But I like to act like we're behind and to win the election, you've got to thread the needle. I keep reminding people for a Republican to be president must win States, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio Republicans. They got to carry all those red states in the middle and then the South. Then they got to pick off Pennsylvania. They got to pick off Wisconsin, Michigan. Maybe Minnesota will be in play this year. Hold Arizona, go for Nevada, Go for New Mexico, go for New Hand I'm sure, go for the second congressional district of Maine. They've got to win Iowa. There's a lot of must win states here and it's never easy. The only way you can guarantee is you play like you're behind. You have two minutes, no timeouts, You're on your own twenty yard line. You got to march down the field, you got to cross the plane, and you got to kick the extra point to win. You're down by six. That's how I view it, and that's how that is the urgency that I have for this. And if all you do is vote, I'll take it. It's all hands on deck right now, all right back to our phones. Let's say hi to Moses in New Jersey. Moses, how are you? Hey? Hi? You doing Sean? Thank you so much for thinking might call my friend. Oh, thank you sir. I'm glad you called yes, sir, So Sean, it's a couple of things that I want to like, just get your feedback on and do you want to say, because the one thing about President Sean that I do like is the fact that he is a fighter, you know, and him being a fighter shows how inept and how weak the rest of the GOP has been. Like they have been punching bags for the last thirty years, and right now the entire media and the Democrats, they're just shocked that somebody's actually finally throwing back punches. And one needs to happen, Sean, is that the GOP they need to just at least defend themselves with at least half the vigor that these Democrats are going after them by. Because you have Adam Schiff releasing phone records of Devin Nunez launching an unconstitutional impeachment. Look at what they're doing with the media, how they collude with each other, and what are Republicans doing. It cannot be President Trump just fighting by himself. I think for me, the most important other votes that will take place, and this is important is, you know, unless you want more impeachment or never ending impeachment. I think he kind of consider you know, Colorado, that's another state that's I would love to see him play. Corey Gardner's in the fight for his life there. Martha McSally's in a fight for her life losing Collins. You know, I don't always agree with her, but you know the alternative is, you know, we wouldn't have had Justice Kavanaugh. She was a key vote and gave such We played her speech live for an hour. It blew me away, how she went methodically through the truth and she was right, which Kavanaugh was a little more conservative. But that's a separate issue. So this, Yeah, I mean, look, there's a lot at stake here, Moses, and yeah, I think the president he can't be he literally can't be forced to do this all on his own. And if he's got to deal with Pelosian Schumer, it just is it renders everything he wants to do to make this country great and remain great that much more difficult. These other votes, down ballot, congressional and Senate votes matter as much as the vote at the top. Anyway, thank you for the call. Let me play. Angela Davis, Marxist activist, former black panther says she supports Biden because he's the candidate who can be most effectively pressured. Listen to this. I don't see this election as being about choosing a candidate who will be who will be able to lead us in the right direction. It will be about choosing a candidate who can be most effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti racist movement. Biden is far more likely to take mass demands. Seriously, Wow, the guy that can be pressured the most. Holy Moly, All right, big time, j Houston, Texas. Not a lot of time, big time. How are you, sir? Time sure that voice. Congratulations on the book, Make daddy hey. And as a black man, all lives matter, We'll whire they always using the black lives matter after we see in all the blacks getting killed in Chicago, Detroit back in the day, Sean, I was in the right when we used that four police in the car. We u the murder capital the world in the sixties and seventies. Now, what when is the media gonna wake up and come and start going after the blackstead killed them black children and red quick Sean, how I see is white and Tiefer white liberals out there hurting the black folks calls and the black folks being so bamboozle by the so called black leaders that they're letting them happen and letting them mess up their neighborhoods. I'm so proud of Leo, and I'm grateful for the sergeant and boy, I tell you we will win this election, Sean, So you get ready. It's gonna happen again, and we're going to take this country back and the Trump will go week getting it. I like my analogy. You gotta you're two minutes in the game, you're down by six, no timeouts, you're on your own twenty. You gotta march down the field, you gotta cross the plane, you gotta kick the extra point. That's just how I roll big time. If people don't have the urgency that is needed for this moment, we will get the government we frankly don't deserve, but I guess the government that the country will deserve. And you know, this is now our moment, and to you know, it'll all be worth it if in one hundred and ten days or if it takes into the next day one hundred and eleven, you get to hear them choking the mob and the media on the words we can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president of the United States. Just think of how great that feeling would be. There's a lot at stake. If you love our kids, if you like freedom, if you like capitalism, if you like law and order, safety and security, if you believe in secure borders and lower taxes and energy independence and constitutionalists on the bench, a foreign policy of peace through strength, not a peacement and bribery. Then there's only one candidate. And that's it. It's all on the line. These policies of aoc Bolshevicburney, Beto Bozo and the rest of them will destroy the country. That's it. Got to take a quick Breakhannity dot Com nineteen days Limprey or Die, America and the world on the brink. A lot more coming next week on that as well. Straight a hut. When you have a system where even the people who are convicted of those cases, which is only seventeen percent of our disposed of cases, meaning it went to trial, there was a guilty plea, it ended. Only seventeen percent of our cases are getting disposed of and in those cases where there's a mandatory minimum of one to three years, people are doing an average of nine months. That's really sending a message to the people in the street. A the likelihood is I'm not going to get stopped, I'm not gonna be arrested. If I am arrested, I have an eighty percent chance in some places and a fifty percent chance and others that I'm getting out right that and if I even plead guilty or get convicted, I'm only going away for nine months. That is not a formula that discourages gun violence, which is markedly unfair. The thing that's unfair about the gun violence is, and the irony of the time that we're talking about this in is you know, in our June July numbers, ninety five to one hundred percent of our shooting victims were minorities, that's flacks and Hispanics, and one month one hundred percent of our murder victims were This is having a disparate effect on certain communities. The vast majority of the victims of this violence are in New York's communities of color, in some cases one hundred percent. Depending on what period and numbers you look at, that's devastating, and we're not having the same pitch and tone of outrage from our politicians or frankly our media about those about those woundings and deaths that that we are about all the other issues that are at the forefront here. I'm not saying that we need to have one conversation and not the other, but it's very hard to separate these conversations when you see the effect that's having on Live all right. That was the NYPD Deputy Commissioner John Miller, and I think it explains it all. There's going to be an announcement, by the way News round up information overload our one hundred and ten days till you are the ultimate jury. The President planning to send federal authorities into cities to break up war zones of violence, and he will direct federal law enforcement help for these democratic run cities that have seen this rise in violence. President rightly, I think using the term it's a war zone. You know in sixty four, eighty four, twenty eight, thirty forty two people shot every single weekend. You got to stop it. You don't have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness if you don't have law and order, in safety and secure. It's just the fact you got Portland protesters now creating their own autonomous zone, pitching tents, rebuilding barricades removed by police and the police officer. There's a spouse calling the treatment of officers disgraceful. There now we have the Democratic presidential candidate. Oh yeah, the police have now become the enemy. We'll reallocate funds, defund the police. You know, autonomous summer of love zones and people are dying in them. The dj spokesperson Kerry Kupick actually told Bill Hammer that Portland mayor's putting anarchists and agitators over the safety. We look, we saw this all unfold with Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior who lost his namesake, Junior Boy I interviewed on Hannity. We've interviewed the father and the grandmother of a one year old kid shot in Brooklyn, an eight year old killed in Atlanta, a seven year old Lawrence Jones interviews. You know the family of this seven year old kid murdered in a grandmother's backyard, a beautiful young girl. It's got to stop. And the National Association for Police Organizations, Yeah, they've ditched Joe Biden. They've endorsed the president. It's this is now paramount if you're going to have a country, you know, it's it is bizarre. Now we're vandalizing churches and arson is escalating, and white PD releasing pictures and videos of suspects in the Brooklyn Bridge attack, which we covered last night, and you know, the protesters getting a shipment of bats before that brawl broke out. You know, you have some of New York City's most influential African American politicians calling for the NYPD's gun hunting unit to be reinstated, a month after Comrade the Blasio disbanded it and also cut a billion dollars because bad guys know they can now do whatever they want. You know, NBC hides the defund the police mob beating the NYPD, cops in the head, ABC, CBS and others. They just that they don't even want to show you the truth. You know, mass gunman jumping out of car, shooting a man on our Brooklyn street as a finally a probe into de Blasio's old charity. By the way, Atlanta police have finally charged the suspect in the shooting of that eight year old down in Atlanta, little girl down there shot. I mean, these are our kids. This is our national treasurer. As I always say, Berkeley moves to stop police from conducting any traffic stops they want to use. Now social workers and civilian city workers. You know that's going to work out really well. I'm sure that the criminals will listen to them. You know, Seattle is hiring social justice advocates. What does this mean? The prison population is down to eight percent. Minneapolis police bodycam footage of George Floyd's arrest has been released. But it's getting dangerous. We have an obligation and this is simple safety and security now paramount issue in this campaign. At the Leo Terrell on Twitter and Sergeant Sergeant Dmitrich Penny is back with US Dallas Police Force, by the way, running for the Texas thirtieth Congressional District. Welcome both of you back to the program. I don't know, Leo. I mean, I feel like I'm banging my head up against the wall here and I'm trying to, you know, say wake up. We're losing children, We're losing grandmas, We're losing grandpa's and these these cities have now become war zones, and this has now been allowed to go on and continue for decades. You know, Sean, I really feel ashamed of myself be defending the Democratic Party up. I'm listening to you. I feel like I feel shameful because this is crazy. We're talking about Democratic lawmakers in these Democratic cities who are sitting on their hands people of color, saying to themselves, Oh, I don't care, I'm just gonna let this happen because I just don't want Trump in the White House. And they're doing nothing at the expense of all this crime and carnage, and I just can't believe it. Democrats are going to vote in large numbers for Trump because they want law and order. But there's a mindset that these Democratic lawmakers who were helped on the cd Trump, they think this is good for the party. It is disastrous. You're destroying the Democratic Party and I just I can never be part of this. This is crazy. I mean, you know, Leo, I mean this shouldn't even be conservative, liberal, Republican or Democrat. And I'll say this, you know, the Democratic Party that you're talking about, they've allowed this now to go on for decades. The only reprieve we got were from the two Republican mayors that I know. I've been critical of Bloomberg, but Bloomberg at least kept the policies of Rudy in place. Now you go back to a Democratic mayor in a second term, and then it is an unmitigated disaster. It's like undoing everything that Rudy and Bloomberg had maintained. And Sergeant you know, Penny, you know we just lost two officers when hour up to twelve officers dead and all of this eleven hundred now injured. We saw the baseball bats delivered. You know, with this Brooklyn Bridge incident, cops are under assault rocks, bricks, knives, guns, molotov cocktails. I mean, I've never seen anything like it. It's like open warfare on cops. Now, yeah, absolutely absolutely, And and to hit on that first point you just came on, Yes, this is adversely and this fairly impacted our minority communities. You remember, once you start you start shutting down police, you're not going to have that same level of coverage that you have in the in the urban and minority community. So yeah, they are going to be victimized at a higher rate. And also important in how our police officers have been then with this is despicable. I cannot believe that in this country our law enforcement officers have been this. Say it be more alive if you look at this same train after what happened in twenty sixteen when we lost officers here Dallas. At this same point in time, we had sixty four officers killed in a line of duty. There was twenty one of them that were ambushed, stall attack. You compare that to where we are now. We have thirty officers to be killing a lot of duties by gunfire, telling gunfire now and ten of them have been abuished, stall attacked. All of them have been in line with this same radical lives narrative that we have never been able to get control over. We have to do a better job. And I say this, and I'm gonna see it. And this is one thing I'm gonna hark on that hate crime laws in this country offer race, color, sex, and creed and it leaves an opening, and it talks about any other designation where or groups are identifiable. I'm gonna I'm gonna see it right here, right now. I want our law enforcement officers to be added to that list because of an individual attacks are offered just because of the uniforms that they wear, they need to be prosecuted by federal laws, especially when the statement prosecute. You know, I just think, Leo, at this point, the president's right, do you I can't use any of the words than war zone. And you know what shocks me is I listen to Biden talk about, well, now the police have become the enemy. And while you're going to you know, remove funds, yeah, I'm gonna reallocate them. So he's bought into that Bolshevik Bernie is we affectionately call him on this program. Well, you know that Bolshevik Bernie. You know, in his particular case, you know, he's taken on the defund the police. He's taken on Leo Terrell Bolshevik Bernie's agenda, AOC's agenda. Then you got Pelosi and Schumer, and then you got Beto O'Rourke who wants to knock on your door and take away your guns. Well, like I said, again, this is a situation where these are police officers either mother it's father's uncles, and Black Lives Matter have hijacked the Democratic Party and the Democrats won't say anything. It is up to the President of the United States Donald JA. Trump to use federal action to clean up these democratic cities. And I'll tell you right now, he's going to get kudos for this because Americans want law in order. And these people that they're they're attacking police officers. Remember their mothers, their fathers, your uncles on who put on a uniform and protect us at night twenty fourth seven. This is crazy, Sean. I'm doing everything I can to tell Democrats vote Republicans this year. It's critical, you know. I go back to the point you were making Sergeant Penny about the police and about neighborhoods and about what's going to happen and what is happening. Look, I'm in one of them. I'm actually running for Congress in one of these districts. One of these neighborhoods were predominantly majority minority district where the crowd raided Scott Rocking, the murder raided Scott Rocking. Right now, it all comes down to the Thank God that we are in Texas, because Texas is that your Texas is protecting our police. All right. But what I will say is when you start changing the rules of engagement with dealing with law offcemen, you start taking resources away from them. What you end up doing is you start making it easier for individuals to attack these offers. So when these officers know that they're gonna get get attacked, yes they're gonna do They're gonna do what they're doing another sting. And I've been talking about I've been talking to police officers across the country this past week. These officers are laying down. Why because they know that they're being attacked. They know that they don't want to take the chance of going out here and and and and and forcing the laws and allowing the individual to attack them. And didn't they respond And then it's the end of it. They know they're gonna be faced the federal a time in prison. No what. So we gotta we gotta get ahold of this, this narrative. But we already we already see sickouts, we already see mass retirement, we already see you know, I've got to be honest, after what I saw yesterday with the bats being handed out, I mean literally, we have video showing the anti cop protests. We saw this. The cop had his back turned and the guy reaches over and with a full force of that bat, a direct strike to this officer's head. This could have healed this man. That tells that tells you that they feel like they're not going to face any type of criminal retribution. These criminals out here in this freests who have the liberty to hit a police officer. They don't fear going to jail. They don't feel fear fear the criminal course system. And that's frightening. We have to put fear of these criminals as a deterrent on the political side that you know, you said you're you are running a minority district. Uh, sergeant, Um, people are watching this. Almost ninety seven percent of the people that were shot in New York City in June ward minorities. Um. How important is this issue and how is it resonating where you are? Yeah? Absolutely, you you're you're absolutely correct. Look, the people, the real people in the community that are not being manipulated by this, by this radicalized agenda, right, the people that just want want the kids to have fair that have a fair opportunity of education. They want the communities deal with up, they want they want crime eradicated from the community. So I can go into it doesn't matter where I'm at, John, I'm going too everybody's community, don't matter where I'm at, and I and I engage the people directly because I know the issues that are impact to these communities. I say that everyone's an advocate until they become a victim. And I was like one of those young advocates, like like you your earlier, Your earlier speaker said, with being a young advocate and out here um protesting and pushing against the police as a young juvenile, it took me becoming a victim myself for me to say I need we need police, not communities. And so many families are going through that right now. I'm actually participating in a walk this this upcoming weekend with a group called No More Violence. I didn't have that is because so many of our young kids have being and you know, I know there's been a lot of racist associated with but the most of these cities have a majority minority police force. We'll get back to this. We'll also add your calls in the final half hour with Terrell Sergeant Demitrick Penny. He's running for the thirtieth congressional district in Texas. Quick Break right back, an amazing Hannity Say you DVR ninet Eastern Tonight, Fox News, Hannity dot Com, Amazon dot Com getting it very excited. We got a lot of news who're gonna be telling you about probably sometime early next week as it relates to Live Free or die America in the world on the brink, and it's never been truer. One hundred and ten days, the most pivotal choice election in our lifetime. Before we get back to our guests, I want to, you know, look at this, through this election we have Joe Biden has yet to say that I have heard a single word in defense of the ninety nine percent of police heroes. You know, the guys that Member Steve Scalise, the two officers Capitol Police walking across a wide open field against a guy in the bushes with a rifle. That is a death sentence. This guy knows how to use that rifle. It's over. There's no there is no winning that situation. They did it anyway. Did we forget the cops on nine to eleven and the fireman and the first responders and the EMTs that were going up the stairs while everyone's racing down the towers. Why are we forgetting that part? You know why? For example? You know why why why? You know when you look at Joe Biden and his recent comments will all remind you of in a second here, you know, you've got to ask yourself a question, why is he supporting policies that we or anyone with half a brain defund the police. Police have become the enemy is not going to work. You know, we saw what happened with Biden and Obama, and you know they demonize rush to judgment. Ferguson Baltimore, hands up, don't shoot, you know, always a rush to judgment. Even the Obama Justice Department eventually determined that hands up, don't shoot didn't happen. The damage was done, you know, the results of police pulled back. We saw as a result of that, the homicide rates store nearly twenty percent the CDC, I'll quote from them. After a stable period to two thousand and two thousand and seven, the homicide rate among persons ten to twenty four and declined twenty three percent. From two thousand and seven to twenty fourteen. It increased eighteen percent through twenty seventeen. Okay, Now, in the three years after Ferguson twenty fourteen onwards, the Obama Biden Justice Department used consent decrees to you know, handcuff cops. The national homicide rate skyrocketed twenty percent. FBI's uniform crime report, forty five percent of the homicide victims were African American, but the thirteen percent of the population, and that's what we now see. Shootings in New York are up three hundred percent. And why PD reporting last week ninety nine percent of the shooting victims happened to be African American or Hispanic, you know. And so why is there not an understanding of simple, basic, fundamental common sense and truth here, Because this is what Biden said about the police. They've that'll become the enemy, sir. Plus military equipment for law enforcement. They don't need that. The last thing you need is an up armer in HUMV coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody to become the enemy. They're supposed to be protecting these people. So my jineering point is that we agree that we can redirect some of the funding, Yes, absolutely, One of the things that we also need to be doing is fundamentally changing the way and I've been pushing it for years, changing the way we deal with our prison system. That would be criminal justice reform that they didn't get down, that Donald Trump got done. That would be police reforms that Donald Trump caught down, that they never got done. Unbelievable. So this and now he's in now Bolshevik Berney AOC the most radical agenda ever by any any presidential candidate in our lifetime. You know, and the mob in the media. Let me play Don Lemon, for example, fake news CNN. I'm going to play a comment of what he said in twenty thirteen and then what he just said more recently, and you decide why has this changed? And is there are things now being viewed through a political prism. You decide. Listen, the reason there is so much violence in chaos in the black precincts is the disintegration of the African American family. He's got a point. In fact, he's got more than a point. Bill raised without much structure. Young Black men often reject education and gravitate towards the street culture, drugs, hustling gangs. Nobody forces them to do that. Again, it is a personal decision. He is right about that too, but in my estimation, he doesn't go far enough because black people, if you really want to fix the problem, here's just five things that you should think about doing. Here's number five. And if this doesn't apply to you, if you're not doing this, then it doesn't apply to you. I'm not talking about you. Here's number five. Pull up your pants. Number four now is the n word. Now. Number three respect where you live. Start small by not dropping trash littering in your own communities. I've lived in several predominantly white neighborhoods in my life. I rarely, if ever witness people littering. I live in Harlewe now it's an historically black neighborhood. Every single day I see adults and children dropping their trash on the ground when a garbage can is just feed away. Just being honest here. Number two, finish school. You want to break the cycle of poverty. Stop telling kids are acting white because they go to school or they speak proper English. Over the course of a career, a college grad will make nearly a million dollars more than a high school graduate. That's a lot of money. And Number one, and probably the most important, just because you can have a baby, it doesn't mean you should, especially without planning for one or getting married first. More than seventy two of children in the African American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers, and the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison. Because I even questioned and Warren Kate Terry, I became as Terry. If you're a high profile person, you're writing things out there, you know you're going to get backlash. You know people are going to respond to what you're saying on Twitter. So I just I don't think you should be surprised by that. I you know, I have a skin as tough as an armadillo because of what I do, and I think maybe you should adapt that. But here's here's what I have to say. The Black Lives Matter movement was started because it was talking about police brutality. If you want an all Black Lives Matter movement that talks about gun violence in communities, including you know, black communities, then start that movement with that name. But that's not what Black Lives Matter is about. It's not an all encompassing So if you're talking about if someone started moving that said cancer matters, and then someone comes in and said, why aren't you talking about HIV? It's not the same thing. We're talking about cancer. So the Black Lives Matter movement is about police brutality and injustice in that manner, not about what's happening in black neighborhoods. If there are people who are working on that issue, and if you want to start that issue, why don't you started? I mean, what a spectacular change, you know, Leo terrell Um Okay, does the one year old little boy in Brooklyn killed, Okay, happens to be African American? That life matter and that's separated as to be a separate movement. Or the eight year old girl I know they arrested suspects in that case in Atlanta, or the seven year old little girl in Chicago. Lawrence Jones interviewed the family or the nineteen year old young man that was killed, and I interviewed the father, Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior, his son in the Chop Chaz Autonomous Summer of Love Zone, Sean, let me just give me forty seconds because I've been chomping the biss while you played that whole money law. Don Lemont was right in two thirteen. Don limit is absolutely wrong in twenty twenty. It is a simple fact. Joe Biden cannot talk about law and order. The issue is because of black lives matter. Let me be very clear. If you take what Don Limitt said in two thirty and apply right now, blacks will leave the Democratic Party. You want to know why they're not talking about the crimine activity because they want blacks in the Democratic Party to believe your institutional racism. The police is all white and they're out to get to black man. Sean Hennedy. Everyone listening to Sean Hennedy's show, If people listen to what Don Lemon said five years ago, if people are listening to me, they would leave the Democratic Party and join the Republican Party. So they have to pander. They have to play the race card. The Democratic Party has to play the race card to black people, or the black people will leave the Democratic Party and become Republicans and the Democratic Party will be no more. That is the reason why they played this game. Sergeant. I'm running for the interest of the people, and this is why those those those politicians, they have no real life conceptualization of what's happening out here. Okay, lad I'm gonna tell you. In twenty nineteen, this is what got me saying that I want to run Sean look at listen to this. In twenty nineteen, I had to go to a call where a nine year old got killed. Brandon Nya being it go look it up. The nine year old got killed in a drive by man. That that hurt me so bad. Man. That got me saying I saw the cause for saying, hey, we need we need the police, we need the police. And this is after everybody said they didn't love the police. But keep in mind, these communities they love their police. I see them. I said, then, I would never ever allow another baby to get killed on my watch because something I can do about it. I laid on my life when any of these kids. And that meant those people, those politicians just they have no real life experiences. They don't know what's happening in the inner city. So get on get on the news and say there's kind of nothing that it doesn't work. It doesn't work. And the people out here in the community, they realize they not even you know, the partising thing, the particing divide that we continuedly talk about is the Republican Party. The Republican Party that you know, they'll they'll throw that out there, you know about about the Democrats, Titty's felling and the Democrats to get out here and they'll they'll talk about how the Republican Party's are on here. But guess what, it's a it's a it's a It's an issue that's been going on for years. It's not like this is just something that just popped up overnight. And as a large and conrea, we should be church is a promise? Is the Democratic Party keeps talking about institutionalized racism and democratic city and it does not exist. It does not exist. They're run by people of color. And that's the cool age that the Democrats fell Black people. Black people need to wake up. That's not true. Listen, I ain't go to In twenty fifteen, I was the one that that first brought the lawsuit against Black Lives Matter. I exposed that their agenda was black liberation. It had nothing to do with improving the black community. I'm not gonna give me death face. Look I faced the death I faced a whole lot of death threats on my own. I was on the island by myself, because if you were black, you wasn't gonna come out and say you didn't sup to support Black Lives Matter, because you were gonna be a trade of it. And if you were white, were gonna do it. Didn you didn't were gonna come out and say that because they're gonna say you were the racist. I stood on that island by myself, and I did it for years, and I'm gonna keep doing that for these people, if that matter, getting it, getting into that into the into the mud and talking about what the Democrat Party, what men. Look, the bottom line is these people, these people want protection. They want people that don't get out here and fight for them. And that's what I'm out here doing. What I'm doing the law enforcement, whether I'm doing in the political arena, I'm gonna keep fighting for these people. These are real These are real people. These are real people that are going through real things, and these communes, you know, this is I have been saying this, and I thank god there's there's passion because these are lives. This is America's treasure. I've been screaming it on the radio and screaming it on TV. Leo, You've been a part of many of these shows. Sergeant Penny, you too. Let me go to Chris and Oklahoma. Chris say hi to Leo Terrell and Sergeant Dimitrich Penny. Hi there. How are y'all good? How are you sir? What are you doing? Doing good? I'll be quick um back on June twenty nine, twenty twenty. Just last month, there was an officer involved shooting here in Tulsa. It was a routine traffic stop where two officers ended up getting shot by the suspect. One of them passed away the day after the hospital where he passed away from right across the street. KRMG Dan Potter did a fundraiser for the two fallen officers. Within three days, they raised over five hundred and sixty thousand dollars by just the local residence. So for the narratives that everybody says, as far as the Democrats and the local medias and just all medias saying that everyone's for defunding the police, it's kind of hard to believe that in three days they can raise that amount of money for just two officers, and that's by just the local residence. Listen, I could tell you that I know some of these families that have lost children, they don't have money to bury their own kits. But I can't talk too much about it. It is I'm glad the community steps up. I'm glad that Pete, that the goodness and greatness of the American people shines through. But the sad thing is is that they have to. This is preventable. It's called law and order, it's called more training. There's things absolutely we can do. We can get more non lethal options for police, better training for police that takes more money, not defunding the police, and weeding out the one percent of bad apples that have no business being either in the FBI, in the intelligence community, or on a police department. Well, we're gonna have to let you guys go. Sergeant, thank you, Congressional District thirty. I appreciate you being one of us. Leo Terrell always a pleasure. Thank you both. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. But what we're loaded up tonight, Yes, chaos now in an autonomous zone emerging in Portland, Oregon will have full coverage the acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf Kevin M. Hearthy how to get the Republican Congress back from Pelosi with all of this madness, and the President now saying he will take control of the big cities, and Governor Mike Parson in Missouri. On this couple that appears, this prosecutor wants to, you know, with defending their home. Put in jail nine Eastern DVR Hannity tonight, see then one hundred and nine days back here tomorrow

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