Leo Terrell, American civil rights attorney and talk radio host, find him at @TheLeoTerrell on Twitter and Chris Hahn, host of the Chris Hahn Show, and Jehmu Greene, Democratic Strategist and Fox News Contributor, are here to talk about the elections, Joe Biden’s inability/unwillingness to take on Trump on the debate stage and the continued violence around the country.
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All right here, it is ninety two days until you're the ultimate jury. Anybody that tells you they know the outcome does not know what they are talking about. Democrat desperately trying to get Joe Biden not to have to debate Donald Trump. Joe Lockhart, No, no no, no, he shouldn't debate Trump, and Trump's gonna listen. There's two there's an upside in the downside to this because you know, look, I'm sure if I had to guess my educated guests following presidential politics as long as I've been following presidential politics, my strong belief and guess is is that Joe Biden is prepping probably every single day in his bunker basement. He didn't have much else to do. What he said two press conferences in what one hundred and thirty days, like, okay, he's not exactly out there leading anything. And the strategy is, I'm fine with him in the bunker. Let him stay in the monker basement. He only sees two guys a day's body man, that's it. So and then the podcast, as we all know, have been a disaster. But we now know, well, we've learned so much in the last two weeks alone that Joe Biden has yet to say a good word about the ninety nine percent of good men and women that serve and protect their communities and put their lives on the line for us every day. When he used the words they've become the enemy of the people, Joe Biden said that we've learned that Joe Biden feels so weak about Democratic base support that he's done something that very few presidential candidates ever do in a general election. That is, he goes way farther left than he even did during the primary, now lifting almost verbatim, well actually in cases lifting verbatim Bernie Sanders economic agenda, so Bernie botha vic Bernie's the economics are and AOC's New Green Deal insanity. He's now pledged trillions of tax payer dollars for and I'm gonna make you my guns are Leader of guns in America, Bozo O'Rourke. Yeah, the guy that wants to confiscate guns. You add to that Schumer and Pelosi one hundred and twenty five years combined experience, those two and Biden. Here's a question the mob will never ask. I'll ask it. Can anyone all of you listening to this program, and you're gonna ask your liberal friends when you're you know, wrapping up your summers heading into Labor Day weekend, people then begin to engage more in presidential politics. And I think that I think the American people will engage and the you know we're gonna have We're gonna have real debates about what's happening here. And I'm just telling you this is this is a tipping point election. By the way, I didn't say the downside. Well, the expectations now for Joe Biden, if he doesn't stumble and just totally get confounded and confused as he has so many times, he won, he survived, he won, he won, He won won't matter what the substance is, the radicalism of it, no candidate in history has ever done what Joe is doing. Go he that proves he's a week candid. He didn't think he could get Bolshevik Berney's base unless he went further left or AOC obviously has increasing influence in the Democratic Party. I've been saying forever that Nancy Pelosi speaker in name only, that AOC in the squad. They've controlling everything, and Nancy Pelosi will do and say anything to cling to power as long as he possibly can. There's so much at stake for this country. Want to also start with a thank you today. So we've launched Live Free or Die America and the world on the Brink officially. We did Mark Levin's life Liberty Levin last night, and rather than me talk about the book all day long today, I just decided to were. I really enjoyed doing the show, and it got phenomenal response. Mark has always been a dear friend. Why I call him the great one. I have interesting tales to tell about Mark in terms of oh I had to beg him, plead with him to do radio and TV sometimes, but he's done so well, and he's such a good friend, and he himself, you know, he's just a brilliant author and constitutionalist and you know Liberty and Tyranny and all these other great books Men in Black that he wrote Rescuing Sprite, a book you'd never maybe expect from Mark Levin, a huge bestseller anyway. But the launch now and I want to start with a thank you, is now number one on Amazon nonfiction in the country, and I'm like, I'm blown away. I'm very appreciative. The only thing I'll say about this, and we'll run this later in the program, is that I've been thinking about this a lot all weekend. And in this book, what I've tried to do is lay out a history of our founding and what has made America the country that not perfect, accumulated more powers Barry Farbers had abused it less, but used it to advance the human condition than this country. There is none. Yeah, And how do we become a more perfect union? Because the Constitution allows us to make course corrections, right wrongs and right injustices, and our history has proven we've made a ton of progress, always have a ton more progress to make. We always want to become that more perfect union. But they gave us the mechanism to do it. And that's the beauty of our constitutional republic. I'm arguing in this book, live free or die America in the world on the brink. It's it's tipping in the balance. The danger, the five alarm fire I have literally every waking hour of every day now is that God forbid America makes the wrong choice in ninety two days. And that to me is if you, if you implement the stated plans, of the Democrats from Bolshevik, Bernie aoc Boza, Rourke. You know, then you then you go, oh, let's stack the Supreme Court, let's get you know, I mean, it's we're gonna have statehood here, statehood there, whatever else, United Sanctuary States of America, amnesty for everybody, all these promises that mathematically will never ever be fulfilled. And if you think government can fulfill those promises, how are they doing on safety and security? How are they doing on education? In all of these liberal cities run by liberals into the ground for decades and blue states run by liberal governors for decades? How are they doing? They're not fulfilling any of those promises. How are they doing? How do that Obamacare thing work out? Millions lost their doctors, millions lost their plan and all of us are paying on average two hundred percent more and almost forty percent of the country as but one Obamacare exchange options, just one. But on the other hand, there's the other side of what could happen in ninety two days. Now, By the way, remember this is actually earlier than ninety two days because early voting starts in September in some states. Kevin McCarthy was telling us, I think it was radio or TV last week, that they've actually allowed votes to be counted and cast seventeen days after election day in California. That to me sounds like, oh, how many do you know? How many votes do you need? That's I'm cynical though we've we've experienced voter fraud before in this country, haven't We could happen again, can it? And But on the other hand, I have to put my faith in we the people, You, the American people. You want to know what really makes America great? It's not Sean Hannity, It's not. It's you know, we're all basically a spoken a wheel, and we're going to choose our collective values because all of it's on the line. This is the biggest choice election I've ever seen, because I've never seen a candidate go this far left. But I have hope and I have optimism and that the American people, And that's what this book is about. I am laying out what made us great, the rise of radicalism, who this Democratic Party is today, and what is their agenda which they're promising higher taxes, open borders, you know, ending fracking and energy independence and the largest producer energy world that will all go away. They're promising socialist utopia, cradle to grave, womb to the tomb, Weakness and foreign policy I e. Mullah's one hundred and fifty billion dollars cash of the currency. That's Biden and Barack Obama and piece through strength destroying the Caliphate but not getting entangled in foreign wars using the new military technology that the President has invested in more than any president in our lifetime. So but I think when when people start really engaging, And that's that's why I've wrote this book to compare and contrast their agenda and then also compare it to socialism, because which is that's what they're running on. Taken over industry, which results in literally taking away your freedoms every time you give up, give every time you believe in the false promise of security by government bureau crats that can't keep cities secure, schools are a disaster that can't function on the most basic things that they're responsible for, and Obamacare the latest example. What makes you think they're gonna fulfill the Green New Deal promises that mathematically won't ever have the money to pay for. But every time you give up in the name of security. You're giving up your freedom, You're giving up your liberty, and that will then ultimately destroy the very principles that made this country great. And it's real simple, our original document, our declaration, that we hold these truths to be self evident. All men are created equal, endowed by their creator, not the thing, you know, the thing by the Creator, the God, creator of everything, among which life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. You can't pursue happiness when you're not safe. When you're not secure, you don't have law, you don't have water, and you can't do it without a solid education. I was telling us to Dennis Prager today, my friend, he hit me on his program today, and so I'm just hoping and I believe in the American people, but we've made mistakes before. I tried to warn America. I mean, I was out there on a limb New Gingrich and he did a podcast with him yesterday, and I gotta tell you, he remember him calling me in the middle of the two thousand and eight election cycles saying you gotta stop it goes. You push him too hard, meaning Airs dorn Right, Black Liberation Theology community organizer ACORN a Lynsky radicalism, Frank Marshall Davis the whole thing and said, well, somebody's got to tell the truth. I can't think of myself here. There's too much at stake. And the economic record was a disaster. I've stated it many times, just an utter disaster. I mean, nobody in the media will tell that story about Joe and Barrock because that hurts Joe's chances. At two is in the book about state run media, conspiracy TV, media propaganda television. That's pretty much the ninety nine percent of media, the mob in this country today. They just lie. They never retract, they never apologize, they never correct the record and the stories they choose to cover, the phony conspiracy theories like Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, and what they don't cover, like quid pro quo Joe and zero experience Hunter, or the fact that Hillary did violate the law and she paid for the dirty Russian misinformation dossier that was then used to spy on a presidential candidate. Deep into the presidency of Donald Trump, they avoided that one. So my hope is you and we we crescendo out with the truth about the president's agenda. So you now have a comparison. Anyway, I'm very happy to announce Amazon put it at a third discount right now, which is really cool. Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. But I'm gonna let Mark. I'm gonna run some of this interview with him. Last night, so many people wrote me about it. I was very flattered and thankful and grateful to Mark. Will also be on his radio show in a second hour tonight. But thank you for your support. But more importantly, I want this to happen. You can shock the world in ninety two days and watch the mob in the media choke on the words. We can now project that Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president of the United States. I can't do that on my own. I'm laying out the case because I have a five alarm fire in my head and I believe that can absolutely happen. I'm confident, hopefully it will happen, because I believe the consequences of this radical agenda will destroy what made us great. And as we roll along, eight hundred and nine f one, Sean's hopefully telephone number finally released here Live Free or Die Amazon huge discount today at Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com number one non fiction Amazon right now. Um, by the way, you want to know what another danger, and this becomes difficult for any Republican that ever wants to be elected president. One thing is you have to run the table because the Democrats start out with California, Illinois, they start out with Washington State, Oregon, New York, New joy Zy usually, and so the Republican has to run the table. But that's that, you know, on top of everything. Now, the latest thing is over if fake news CNN, April Ryant saying on fake News CNN, more conspiracy theories, as if Russia wasn't bad enough, and the and the Ukrainian witch hunt was a bad If Biden wins, we'll watch him inaugurated on a split screen with police and armed forces trying to pull Trump from the White House, and it goes on. I mean, this is now being red agitated by almost everybody on the medium. Up and oh, conspiracy theorists on steroids in human growth hormone. They may actually surpass Area fifty one. Roswell Rachel Maddow's conspiracy Theory channel. It's getting that insane. Ninety two days you decide you're the Ultimate Jury. It's finally here live for your diet. I'm very honored, and I you know, I don't have this job. But for those of you that tune into this radio show daily, watch Hannity at night, those of you that you've already made the book number one on Amazon, I'm fiction right now and I'm very grateful. And it's not by the and I'm also grateful they've just cut the price by a third, which I think, I think I know why they do it. It's usually like, Okay, get there by this book and then they you know, whatever it's it is. But I'm just grateful because it's not about the book. My last book, I donated penny and profit after expenses, every one penny to charity. It's about the message. I worry about where we're headed, and I didn't finish. You know, if April Ryan's gonna start with if Biden, Well, let's just play Abril Ryan so you can hear it for yourself. The President has said before in many tweets that he wasn't going He said it months ago. Joe Biden even acknowledged it at threel. So there's going to be a split screen on January twenty, twenty twenty one. If Joe Biden is now going to be the forty sixth President of the United States, you will have him being inaugurated and watching police and armed forces trying to pull Donald Trump out of the White House. I cannot wait for that spreet screen. I cannot wait for that split screen. You know, President Trump has no intention of peacefully transisid In Bloomberg transferring power if he loses the November election, according to House Majority with James Kleber, remember, you know stormtroopers. I think what wasn't that Nancy Pelosi's gestapo tactic. No gestopo tactics, I think were hers and stormtroopers whatever. I mean. They're making Nazi comparisons here. And you know, he literally said, I believe he plans to install himself in some kind of emergency way to continue to hold onto office. And that's why the American people had better wake up. Do you really think Donald Trump is comparable to Adolf Hitler? What I said starting about two and a half maybe three years ago, after one he stated of the unions that I feel very strongly if this man has taken on strong arm tactics, and I feel very strongly that he is Mussolini. Putin is Hitler. I said that back then, and I believe that. I believe very strongly this guy never had any idea about being one to peacefully transfer power. I don't think he plans to lead of our house. He doesn't plan to have an unset elections. I believe that he was classed to installed himself in some kind of emergency way to continue the hold long to office. And that's why the American people had better wake up. I knew a little bit about history, and I knew how country is find their demise. He is Mussolini. So we have fashions, but Putin's Hitler. But he's the one that used the Nazi analogy. And here we go with the conspiracy theories. And I won't I won't play it. But I mean Trump killed Herman Kane written on a street outside of Trump National unbelievable. You have the democratic representative of Raskin. GOP has turned into a Trump cult. Well does any cult, any psychosis, any madness? It's it's this. I mean, we heard Barack Obama last week. I mean he's given the eulogy at the memorial for John Lewis. We saw what that became. I mean, it's unbelievable, but you know it shouldn't be surprising. If you are a regular listener to this program, I tell you that's going to happen every two and four years. You know, you've got other unhinged fake news. CNN claims that Trump is trying to intentionally crash America. Okay, really that was Humpty dumpty. You know somebody wrote a NewsBusters residents soothsayer Humpty. I was reading in the tea leaves at the you know, picture all of us Americans in a car together, presidents, the driver, President Trumps trying to drive us off the road. He's trying to crash the car, he said, and proclaiming he if he knew what he was talking about. In this analogy, the car is our democracy. It is all. It's got a lot of miles on it, but it's still running strong. It's been well maintained. It stays humming along, it stays on the road, voting through elections. Going further with the again talk about hyperbolee. He goes, something's going on with the driver. He's intentionally trying to kill his passengers. Yes, that's why I put the travel ban in effect. Uh wow, you know there was an interesting comment we told you about. Barry Weiss is not a conservative, but she wrote this huge resignation letter that became public about the New York Times. She said something I want to play here where and this this is all part of the media mob, and she nails it now. She ended up getting, you know, harassed to death. And at the New York Times, I thought they were considerate of an open minded liberals. Liberals aren't open minded. The mob in the media echoing these crazy conspiracy theories that shouldn't surprise you either in fake news C and NMSDNC, the three networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, or the New York toilet paper Times a Washington Post. This is all they've done since Donald Trump came down the escalator a Trump tower. They're now they're a maximum you know, foot on the gas, crazy extreme radical fear mongering of the American people, just like the Russia conspiracy theories. Ignoring hillaries. Oh, let's see violation of the Espionage Act eighteen USC. Seven ninety three, ignoring heart obstruction with the emails deleted, subpoena, etc. You know, ignoring the dirty Russian dossier of Russian misinformation that she paid for, and that people in the highest levels within the FBI and the intelligence the only one percent, not the ninety nine percent, That they literally spied on a candidate, a transition team and deep into the presidency with information they knew was false, that they were warned is not true, premeditated fraud on a fires accord. And I think we're getting close to, you know, Ron Johnson suggesting he thinks not only subpoenas, but others are really looking at the comments recently made by the Attorney General another saying, yeah, there's something really deep going on here. But listen to Barry Weiss say they're shutting out half the country. Now keep this in mind as you hear of this. I've always said it's not just Donald Trump they hate they you know, what does Joe Biden say, Well, they're fifteen percent of Trump voters, blah blah blah, they're incorrigible, whatever the word was. He believes that, you know, Peter Struck, we're just a bunch of smelly Walmart shopping Trump supporters, or Hillary is irredeemable deplorables, or Barack Obama you know, bitter Americans that cling to God, their Second Amendment rights, their Bibles, their religion. Wow, there's contempt for us. Barry Weiss is picked up on it. She's not a conservative. Listen. The reason that Twitter is the assigning editor of the New York Times is because the printing press isn't the printing press anymore. It's because the publishing the printing press is in each one of our pockets. These technologies have severed our relationships with the you know, the editors and the newspapers. We used to rely on. What I meant in that letter when I wrote that Twitter's the assigning editor. What I mean by that is that in order to do our job well, writers and editors, we need to have a level of bravery and thick skin and fearlessness. And when you are living in fear of an online mob, you know, all it takes is a dozen people to repeat a lie about you, the you're a racist, that you're a transpot, but you're a bigot for that lie to become true. And that's extremely dangerous. Now. The thing that insulates it is that when you have leaders at the top who say we don't care about that outside noise. We're going to stand by you and the truth that you're pursuing, no matter what. The problem that happened at the Times, and that's referenced in the letter, the Harper's letter that Tom has helped shape is that my boss got fired for running an op ed by a sitting US senator. Now you might say that Tom Cotton is detestable, that you disagree with him, but I don't want to live in a world where the views of half of the country can't be heard in the paper of record. And that's I fear where we're headed. Well, we're already there. That's the only part I disagree with. You know, it's an interesting comment, Billy bush Well. I actually he's interviewed me a number of times for Access Hollywood and he's a great host. And remember he got caught up in that Access Hollywood whole thing. And he once worked for fake news NBC or conspiracy TV M as well. I guess you worked for NBC, same thing. And anyway he was asking, he said, you know, as you look out across the landscape. He was asked in an email interview by a former CNN producer, Steve Kraukauer as his name. You know, um, what would you like to see more of? And as you look at the landscape, you know of things where they stand for twenty twenty, what do you see that's missing? He actually knocked his former bosses at NBC, a network that despises him the most, is the one that built him in their laboratory obviously talking about the Apprentice. And that's fairly interesting. And you know, another sad thing is not only are they now advancing these conspiracy theories, they're just ignoring simple basic truths. I don't know how many of you know this or don't know this, but a nine year old little boy, jennar Ris is his name, playing outside in Chicago over the weekend six pm. Someone walked up fired shots toward a group of people nearby. He was struck in the chest by a stray bullet, and he went to Laurie Children's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead one hour later. Police Department Chief of Operations Brian McDermot said Ricks was an unintended target and we don't know who the intended target was. Now. Lawrence Jones went an interviewed, Remember we lost a seven year old beautiful girl. Fourth of July weekend Chicago last weekend, by the way, there was a ten and eleven year old shot, both shot. They survived, but the seven year old girl lost her life in Chicago. And by the way, the likes of Jerry Nadler, you know, it's a myth or Joe Biden to police, that's become the enemy. Of course, we'll reallocate moneies, etc. And you got these, Oh, it's it's the it's the Summer of Love zone. Tell that to Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior, which is Mayor Durkin never had the decency to call. I was the first to call him, and he and father to father, he does this, How do you recover it when you lose your nineteen year old son? How do you recover now that we lost this nine year old again America's national treasure in Chicago, or the seven year old little girl that we lost in Chicago, or the eight year old little girl that we lost in Atlanta because her mom accident only made a wrong turn into the chop Chass autonomous Zone Summer of Love zone there at the time where the Wendy's was and was taken over by men with long rifles. And you know, that went on we had reported on a week and a half earlier. Nobody had a media reported on it. Imagine if they were conservatives that created a conservative chop chad zone Summer of Love's hone, we'd have a very different reaction then the false, lying narrative that know what we see with our very eyes. For example, I'm always a you know, way to all the facts come in, don't rush to judgment, presumption of innocence. You couldn't deny immediately nine straight minutes of what happened to George Floyd. You can't deny the sixty some odd days that it's gone on in Portland. And then say when Donald Trump, after you know, the graffitis everywhere, they're attacking and trying to burn to the ground federal buildings. The president not only has a right, but he has a duty of an obligation to protect federal property. Hundred federal troops going to protect that property only because these mayors and governors reject any in all attempts by the president to help restore law and order and safety insecurity. And Donald Trump caused all of this. Forget that it's been going on sixty some one days. Now, I had my sources tell me at the time, and the President confirmed it for me. He was about to go fix the autonomous Summer of Love zone, which is the only reason that mayor and governor finally acted. Sad Now we're literally look at what happened all over the weekend New York. Guess what? So over the weekend that's the end of July. Right, today is the third of August. Right, yeah, I guess what? In New York they have now surpassed the amount of shootings and victims in twenty twenty and in terms of all of twenty nineteen, let's see, we have August, September, October, November, December. We have five months to go. In eight months. I'm sorry, my math is sort of like Joe Biden. In just seven short months, seven months, they surpassed. And this should shock you the amount of shootings and victims that happened the entire last year. But they're denying that a billion dollar cut is a disaster. I mean it is. It is so sick and twisted in ugly. This is an important election year, all right, We're gonna have a debate. Leo Terrell, Chris Han, Jebou Green in the next hour. Let's see how that goes. But anyway, again, thank you for your help. You support making Live Free or Die now number one Amazon dot com, and you made that happen. They now have at a third discount. Last I checked, Linda actually checked, and I'm excited about it. But it lays out the roadmaps so we can ensure that the blessings of liberty are passed on to every regeneration. Reagan said, freedom is but one generation away from extinction. Let's not make it this One Sunday afternoon, police collected evidence from a drive by shooting a Longfellow Avenue in the South Bronx. A twenty seven year old man was shot in the thigh. A few hours earlier, in the Weeksville section of Brooklyn, a bullet grazes the head of a sixteen year old boy, while both survived. The escalation of gun violence across New York City is unsettling for many like David Harden, who call it home. It's very disturbing if somebody crosses him wrong. I mean, let's say you bumped them by accident. They're gonna pull it out the shoot you because they can do. You'd feel safe on the streets now goes west in the house. The number of shootings in the five boroughs this year to date has now surpassed the total number of shootings in all of twenty nineteen. Last year, there were seven hundred seventy six total shootings with nine hundred twenty two victims. Over the weekend, the totals surpassed that with at least nine hundred forty two victims, including innocent children like seventeen year old Bronx basketball star Brandon Hendrix killed by a stray bullet in June and one year old de Velle Gardner shot dead in his stroller last month. Many struggled to make sense of this shooting spike. Maybe it was part of the pandemic. Maybe it was a part of the homelessness. Maybe it's a part of the aggravation, jobless frustration and anger. As you mentioned the tragic death of a child now Jennari Andrea Ricks was hit multiple times by bullets in the nine hundred block of North Cambridge Avenue at around six o'clock on Friday night. Police say a shooter approached the child and several other people outside, opening fire in their direction. Police say Jennari was an unintended target who was playing in a parking lot not far from his home at the time of the shooting. Police say they don't know who the intended target was and that the investigation is ongoing. A four thousand dollars reward is being offered for information in that shooting. Jennari's family and are heartbroken, and they joined too many families of young, innocent children who have lost their lives to gun violence this summer. Jannari was the first reported shooting of the weekend, where nine people were killed and more than thirty were wounded in shootings across Chicago. The weekend closed out of July that saw a one hundred and thirty nine percent jump and citywide murders compared to the same month last year. And we expect to hear much more about that from the Chicago Police Superintendent. The Stuffather came up to me and say, put in a car, get it to the hospital. I said, skiming what's going on? He said, get it to the hospital. It was her child that has been sucking. What can I tell it? What can I say to her? You can't bring the chwel back, can't get the screens out till here. You know what I'm saying. For eight minutes coming down to the hospital, I had to hear screaming because the mother came out of nine. You'll go outside to play? Did you just listen to those two reports? New York now surpassing the amount of shooting and victims in all of twenty twenty combined. It's only August third. You see what's happening now. I know that's a myth, Jerry Nadler tells us. Joe Biden says police become the enemy. Actually said all of that. What do we have in Chicago this weekend? What do we have there? A precious nine year old boy, Jannari Ricks shot and killed. What we had our friend Lawrence Jones, he did the report. He actually interviewed the family of this beautiful seven year old girl that was killed. In Atlanta, we had an eight year old girl killed just because a mom happened to make a wrong turn into the two block or whatever it was, autonomous zone there, I guess, summer of love zone. A seven year old little girl. This is our national treasure, our children. So many people everywhere I go now commenting about Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior, who lost his nineteen year old son Junior in the autonomous Chop Chaz spaghetti potluck dinner and of course festive and Summer of Love zone. He wasn't the only person killed in that zone. Police had to beg to even get in to get a medical attention. But yet we've had two thousand cops now injured. We have fourteen cops around the country dead. But the Democrats, this is this is a myth. Now, I think the president's right calling it a war zone. Now, what does government's fundamental job, safety and security? What's their next most important job? I would argue education for our children. What do all of these cities that we're watching all of this unfold and have in common? The cities have been run by liberal Democrats four decades, and the president offers help. They rejected it, rejected. Well, he's causing this. On Day sixty three when he sent in a hundred troops in Portland to protect buildings, federal buildings that they were trying to burn down, which, by the way, is not only their right, the President's right, but it's also as responsibility not to let that happen, especially considering the mayors of these cities have failed so miserably at restoring order and creating a safe zone. We're gonna have zones. How about we make it a safe zone so every kid can pursue happiness. How about we have an education zone where kids can learn to read, write, and do math. But I call it a preview of coming attractions, because that's now the new radical extreme socialist left. That is the party led by Joe Biden, who has now anointed and even plagiarized Bernie's Bolshevik, Bernie's Economic Plan, AOC's New Green Deal. He's pledging trillions of taxpayer dollars on that. Then we have Bozo Beto Rourkes un confiscation plan, He's the guns are and then he got Pelosi, Schumer and Biden one hundred and twenty five years of failure. We're not going to rush through the three guests that we have. We're going to keep them for the hour we have back with us. Leo Terrell at the Leo Terrell on Twitter. Chris Han, host of the Growing by Leaps and Bound Chris Hancho Jamu Green is back with us. Democratic Strategists, fellow colleague Fox News contributor, thank you all for being with us, thanks for having us. Let me ask you, Chris and Jamus, the same question. I don't want to long answer because we'll get to the We'll get to the depth of it later. Do you or do you not agree that these cities now that the most basic function of government to keep their citizens safe and secure, has spiraled out of control and they're not safe and secure. Chris will start with you. So I am not happy when I see cities allowing zones that are sold by people other than the didn't ask you are these cities safe or is it? Is it a myth as Democrat leaders are saying. I think most of the cities are safe. I think really want to you want to raise your kid in New York City right now? Or Chicago? I mean, I still go into New York City. Would you like to raise your children in Chicago or New York City where all those violence is happening. That's a simple question. I would raise my kid in New York City. About Chicago? Would you would you raise your kid where all those gun violence is happening? I would? I. You know, look, I think we've got to get a control. Last weekend and a ten and eleven year old was shot. Now we have a nine year old dead. Jamo, I'll ask you the same question, Is it a myth that these cities are having an experiencing unprecedented violence? Are you denying that truth in reality? Absolutely not, Sean, thanks for having me on. And I think there's no doubt in anyone's mind that the streets, the park that Jari Ricks was in and Chicago was not safe for him. And I don't think there's any way to deny that. By the way, I forgot about the one year old in New York, a one year old little boy that was killed, and Lawrence Jones interviewed the father and the grandmother. They don't think it's safe either, because it's not. Yes, And I don't think there's any denying that gun violence is a serious public health crisis in this country. And so the question I think we should be answering is what are the best tools to tackle gun violence, to tackle the fact that a mother of a nine year old doesn't feel safe sending her kid out to the park right outside of her home. And there are some solutions that we should be talking about. All right, well, we're going to get into all of that if you want, But the reality is it's worse than ever. They've let it deteriorate, and they're not restoring law and order, and they keep rejecting the president's offer for help. Now he could invoke constitutionally, Leo Terrell, your civil rights attorney, the Insurrection Act. There's no ambiguity about that law, and even the Attorney General agrees with the president. But to do so, he's trying to say to the mayors. And most of these states have another thing in common. They've been run by Democrats for decades. Leo, is it safe and secure in all the cities I'm talking about? No, absolutely not. You know what, it's so embarrassing for those two Democrats loyalists who are probably bucking for a job. If Biden winning, he's not gonna win to deny job. All right, guys, guys, whoa, guys, we have you for the full hour. Let's talk one at the times where audience can hear. Lives are at stake here, okay. And you have Democratic Democrats in these major cities for the last forty or fifty years who have controlled the government. And when you hear them play the race card, it is funny because there is no systematic discrimination in Chicago when the cities being run by black people and black police officers. This is not nineteen sixty nineteen sixty like Barack Obama's there. But what you will not here is define systemic discrimination because it does not exist. This is black on black crime and panury, and the Democrats of Loudbees well to you know. Look, I can't wait to argue with you guys. Can I know the area of law? Here's the thing, don't play games. Yeah, here's the thing. We all know that the economy is very much tied to crime, and Trump has destroyed the economy and now crime is up as a result. So let's not put all the blame on the cities. Okay. I've got to stop you, Chris Han, because hey, Chris, we have to be factual. Obama and Biden left thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, worse recovery since the forties, and accumulated more debt than forty three presidents before them combined. Donald Trump creative record after record after record after record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, and African American youth unemployment. So stop with the crap. You know, Yeah, we shut down the economy for a quarter, but every indicator we've seen since shows that we're having a robust recovery. So let's stop playing politics with the judge on what was you get judged on? What is? You're just being still? I mean, okay, So Biden and Obama failed miserably, probably worse than a great depression in many quarters. So I think that we have a real a lot to do, and Trump's really not the guy to lead it. He has no aptitude for actually getting in the weeds and doing it. And I've heard these arguments you're all making about Joe Biden. I thought you were more creative. I have a question, why why didn't Obama and Biden create record low after record low unemployment? Why did they leave thirteen million more Americans on food stamps at eight million more in poverty? Son? You know the reality, you said, let's steal in facts. You know that the fact is that under press in Obama, under Vice President Biden, the unemployment rate dropped more dramatically than what President Trump has been able to accomplish. You know that, that's he said in eight years, they said, no record low unemployment for any demographic group in this country. But let's right, let you move finish your point, Jamal, go ahead. The fact is President Trump was handed a gift and he meddled with a little bit and accomplished a little bit of success, but nothing compared to what under Obama and Biden were able to do after the Great Recession and before now the great depression that President Trump has gotten us into. But I think it's really important because lives are on the line, and we didn't finish the conversation about gun violence, and Leo wanted to point to what democrats are doing. Clearly, what President Trump has tried to do in these cities are actions that would actually increase the distrust between communities and the police. President Trump's non solution is to actually take actions that will increase the violence. And that's unacceptable when you have such critical issues that need to be dealt with with gun virus, by the way, pre coronavirus, which came to the United States. Leo Terrell January twenty first of this year. Record low after record low after record low and Biden Obama, I'll repeat it, thirteen million more Americans food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the worst recovery since the forties. You go, you know, Sean if so, thank you for having me go up against these democrats are talking democrats talking point. They don't want to talk about Donald Trump funding historical black colleges like he has not not in Obama. They don't want to talk about the First Step Act in which Biden incarcerated African Americans. They don't want to talk about the Executive Order on Police Reform. They don't want to talk about the bill that Tim Scott was introduced in the Senate but was there railed by black Democrats Corey Book and Kamala Harris. They didn't talk about they want to get away from the crime in Chicago because they cannot handle that. Let me just be very clear, when you have black leadership black in Chicago, we have a black mayor and a black pie, please don't play the race car please because they controlled the government, so don't play systemic discrimination. Finally, when you have a presidential nomintee who says, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black, final should just be honest a pair and let me when you have why don't you just say it? Just say it, let me take a break. What we're gonna try and do it. It's hard because I love my old friend Chris Han, but Chris gets a lot of things wrong and we have very passionate disagreements. But I'm gonna try and let Leo. We'll have try and have a discussion slash debate without killing each other and totally stepping on each other. Well, it's here, and by the way, if you go on to Amazon dot com, it's already a top best seller thanks to all of you. But anyway, we continue our discussion, our debate, safety cities, the election, tying it all together with at the Leo Turell Twitter, Chris Han, host of The Chris Hans Show, Jamal Green, fellow colleague, Fox News contributor Democratic strategist Jamu. I know you might have to bolt earlier. I want I want to get this question out to you in this sense, because we're never going to agree on whose economy was better. I think facts on my side and Trump's side, but I want to ask you this. So on January twenty first, we had the first identified case of corona January thirty. First, Donald Trump put the travel ban in effect, and everybody told them not to do it. Joe Biden said it was hysterical xenophobia and fearmongering. And the other Democrats they were busy impeaching president, so they didn't have time to pay attention to anything. It'll all late to the game, and I can't think of a single contribution most of them made. Theyn't even played politics with the money. Here's my question. Now, you say you ignore and negate the records that the president set for every demographic in terms of employment in this country that we've never seen before didn't happen under Biden Obama, and you just negate that. Now the president, if he didn't act and then have a huge medical mobilization, well, I would argue that one decision alone probably saved hundreds of thousands of Americans from contracting the virus and then ultimately exponentially mathematically then dying. Now, the president could have kept that root as this got worse and worse. We now notices the worst pandemic since nineteen eighteen. But he closed the economy down for the most part, and now we're rebuilding it as we're slowly reopening, taking care of the hotspots I said would happen. Well, my question is did you want? I mean, did you not want the president to close down the economy? Did you not want what he did? Son? I think you started off this conversation saying, let's steal in the facts. So you talked about January twenty First, the president was impeached in December of twenty nineteen, so the trial was taking place in January. It didn't finish until early February. President Trump made that one decision to close the borders and failed the American people when that was the last decision he made to address this vibe. Did he made the right decision? Or was Joe Biden right to call it xenophobic hysteria? He made the wrong decisions by not actually shutting the economy down, by leaving that up to governors and local officials. He made the wrong decision by not making sure that we had enough testing supplidn't Did he make the right decision? Were lives saved? Were live saved because of the travel bands, kens who are delayed critical relief and additional funding. And it's because President Trump has held up a bill so that his hotel in DC will benefit. Every decision democratic economy is about help hang on, and I think the amended people have finally started to see that when you have people who are about to be evicted, when you have people who will not be able to pay their bills. And the reason that the Republicans have held up legislation is because President Trump wants a new federal building built outside of his hotel in DC. That is despicable. That is not leadership. There is no humanity in that decision. The only decisions he makes aggressively are to help himself. I think, okay, I think that's a ridiculous argument. You didn't want to answer my question and whether or not the travel bed was the right decision or the medical mobilization in the sense but that Joe Biden wouldn't have implemented. Leo'll let you respond to that. I mean, if you know we're gonna have a debate. One of you guys answered sean question. Want you answer my question about the stemic discrimination and whether or not Joe Biden's common about you any black You guys won't answer you got your using democratic talking point. I want to debate you guys, so I'm loaded to bear My point is this. I'll answer Shawn's questions. The answer is yet it saved life. Look at the congressional hearing Steve Khalife had with doctor Fauschi last week, and what doctor Fausci admitted to that what Trump decisions were, he was in total agreement. Answer the question, Domin Trump, I'm gonna answer your question. I'm gonna answer your question, but ask one of my own. I think what when he said you ain't black? That was ridiculous and dumb and he shouldn't have said it. Now, will you admit that when Trump said there were good people on both sides in Charlotteville, that was kind of a dog whistle to racist no no iticul. Why do you about the suburban comment last week? Was that a dog whistle to what racist? Wait? If we're gonna go about questions, I got a question. I got one. When when let's see Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bill and Hillary Clinton they praised Robert Bird, the former endsmen as their mentor. Joe says, my mentor, I can play it for you if you want. And when integrat and He's the guy that Philip bus did the Civil Rights Act to sixty four and Voting Rights Act to sixty five, and when integration, segregation, those issues came up, Joe Biden was very outspoken that he's worried, didn't want his kids to to, you know, grow up in a racial jungle his words. But I'll let you respond, Leah, I mean we ok one more? One more. Joe Biden's potential VP nominee says, Joe, I was that little girl in the bus and accuse him directly of being a racist. So what you call about me? Because don't talk about Trump being a racist. The racist is in your party, the Democratic Party. Joe Biden asked, kapla Herritt, remember the debate, But you don't want to talk about that, son. I'm sorry, did the President's niece not just say very clearly that the president has used racist terms frequently throughout his life. But I hear you that, y'all, fellas, you want to focus on things that has been said ten twenty thirty years ago. There's a going on right now. There's a global pandemic and President Trump is saying swallow life all you flora. Young people are immune things are getting much better. He's doubling down on medication that doesn't work. This man is killing people in the middle of a global pandemic because he had no idea what he's talking about. I don't care what was said thirty years ago. I care about the hundreds of thousands of life that had been lost because this president. Here's my question. Then, out of that, do we care about results? Because Donald Trump has delivered more for those that were disproportionately negatively impacted by the Biden Obama economy. What and he and he shattered every record for every demographic, that every record unemployment. He's the one that has given the largest amount of money and commitment to historically black colleges. He's the one that created opportunity zones, not Joe and not Barack. Uh. Donald Trump's the one that did criminal justice reform. Remember it was Biden talking about quote predators U and and he's done all of And also he's done police reform that Barack and Joe never did. After Ferguson and after what happened with Cambridge and what happened in Baltimore and other places as well, they didn't do any of this. Nothing The question, Sean is are you better off now? Not if you were better off in February. Country's better off now as a nation is is a direct result of a lack of leadership. And the president in twenty thirteen said leadership means you're responsible even when you're not responding. Right, here's a question for you. Then, Chris, I had heard so tell me in in forty seven years in the swamp, tell me Joe Biden's biggest accomplishment Obamacare. Okay, did millions lose their doctor? Yes, millions lose their plan to replace it? It's use me not one part of the promised talking point was ever fulfilled. Leo Terrell not one the average American pay Oh absolutely Obama's you're recording where he said you're gonna keep be able to keep your own doctor. That was a lie. That was a lie. That was a big fat lie. It never happened. And also during the Obama administration, during Ferguson, guess what was created Black Lives Matter, which is a disaster. So that's the organization that doesn't care if a black police officers get killed or black on black crime. But the Democrats looked the other way. You know why, because black lives matter panders to the Democrats, and Democrats pander any comment on that, any comment on the fact that we lose black on black crime in Chicago, and there's no Alice Sharp, there's no black lives there's no Nancy Pelosi in Chicago, worry about those black kids are being killed. You're gonna go silent on that because that's not part of your Democratic talking point. Leo Leo is really uh. I know that law Leo is very talented, that he's in the race cards, but I think just to go go back to the healthcare conversation. Under Trump, five point four million Americans have lost their health insurance during a global pandemic. He is trying to take away the health insurance healthcare of twenty million more Americans during a global pandemic. Yes, promises were kept because tens of millions of Americans got healthcare. And guess what, there's a reason why Obamacare is so popular. There's a reason why two hundred percent increase in premiums when we were supposed to save twenty five hundred dollars per family per year. And here's another fact that I I didn't bring up. I mean, almost forty percent of the country now excuse me, excuse me, Almost forty percent of the country now has only one Biden Obamacare exchange option, no other options, none, zero, two hundred percent more. Millions lost their doctors, Millions lost their plan. They lied to America with that promise. Republicans have tried their best through the courts through Did they lie? Did they keep those main three promises? Yes? Or no? Obamacare kept his promises by ensuring millions of Americans. We're paying two hundred percent more on average. Millions lost their doctors, Millions lost their care, their plan, millions in the global pandemic. A president who is trying to strip healthcare from twenty million Americans needs to come up with a new plan. And I think the American people on November and they're going to end this disaster. That I can tell you firsthand is a lie. The guy works constantly. Um, by the way, where's if you want to know about work? What does Joe Biden do every day except hiding his basement bunker. Well, Joe Biden showed up at the funeral. Where was the president? Okay, so he's done two press conferences on one hundred and thirty days. Wow, he's really out there and every every every podcast has been a disaster. Change why change? You know, do you think that Joe Biden, do you think that he has the mental alertness, the stamina and strength for the hardest job in the world, Because I don't believe he does. I think Bernie Sanders would, but I don't think Biden does. I do, And I think that you keep lowering the bar for him so that all he's got to do is show up at the debate and not eat the microphone and he'll win. Well, we'll find out. I mean, I'm all for it if he even wants to debate. You know, Yo, look, politics about expectations, and you're doing a great job at lowering expectations for Joe Biden. Very welcome. Let me play Joe Lockhart and what he said about Biden and the debate. The debates are very different. This is the one thing, you know now that we're not really going to have conventions where the public will tune in, you know, you know, fifty sixty million people and they will they will see all of this nonsense from him. He will take the truth and destroy it, and Biden will be in the position of correcting him over and over and over again. I don't think he should give him that platform. It's not really a debate if only one side is willing to tell the truth. And we saw in the debates in twenty sixteen, Hillary Crimton showed mastery of the issues. I think she on every point was more honest than best at Trump. But Trump came out of the debates, I think, doing better because he just kept repeating the same old lies. We're gonna build a wall in Mexico's gonna pay for it, We're gonna keep all of those Mexican rapists out of the country. We're gonna make great trade deals. None of these things have come to pass. And giving him that sort of national forum to continue to spout, you know, to get to twenty one thousand or twenty two thousand lies, I think just asn't worth it for the Democrats or for Biden. Oh you mean the three hundred almost three hundred miles a new wall and four hundred by the by election day, Leo Durrell. They're scared to death to have Joe Biden debate Trump. They are so free to heap have Joe Biden's the baby, because let's be honest, Joe Biden is an empty suit. He's being controlled and managed by Bernie Sanders and the extremist wing of the Democratic Parties. That's why I'm not part of the Democratic Party anymore. I know the playbook. They have ignored law and order, they have ignored quality schools, they have turned their back on black on black crime, and throughout this entire discussion. When you start off with issues about crime in Chicago, that's not going to be discussed by my two Democratic colleagues on this show. They're not going to touch that. They're gonna try to flip the issue. Joe Biden is only trying to run on the issue of if you don't want Trump, vote for me. Joe Biden's not running on policies. Joe Biden doesn't have any policies to run on. This president has done more for people of color, more for Americans than the Obama Biden administration in eight years. And I can't stress this enough. As a result of the racial divide during the Obama Biden administration, we came up with Black Lives Matter, We came up with a big lie of Michael Brown, hands up, please don't shoot. That was a lot because it wasn't. If it wasn't, if it wasn't, a lot those officers to be prosecuted. So the Democrats are running away from their record at the Leo Terrell on Twitter, Chris Han, host of The Chris Han Show, Growing My Leaps and Bounds, Jamy Green, Box News contributor colleague. Anyway you can find Chris's show I Guess somewhere on the internet. Eight and we appreciate you all being one of those guys. Well have you back again? Eight hundred and nine four one Sean is our number when we come back. Well, the Great One is gonna interview me here. Then I'll be on hour or two of his radio show tonight, which is gonna be fun and that and your calls coming up final hour Free for All next. Last night I was on Life, Liberty and Levin with my buddy, the Great One, I call a Mark Levin, and I'm gonna be our Mark's radio show a second hour. That's seven Eastern tonight, one of my best friends. But we wanted to run some of it because it got so much positive reaction. Here is some of that. Your book is called Live Free or Die America and the World on the brink. You have not written a book in ten years. Tell America what motivated you and why you wrote this book. It's the moment. Here's what's at stake. Joe Biden now has stated policies that what he will do to America. He's adopted Bolshevik Berney's entire economic agenda. He's actually plagiarized at taking it word for word. He's pledging trillions, not billion, trillions of dollars to AOC's New Green Deal. Now here's the danger if these plans are implemented. You don't need an m T. Degree, you don't need a Harvard degree to figure out mathematically it's impossible. You know, I have a whole chapter in the book that we can get into it in detail if you want, and that as Socialism and History of Failure. Because everything that has been promised in every other the socialist experiment, no matter what form it has taken, be it you know, Mao or the Bolsheviks, or how's Cuba working out, How's Venezuela working out? Today? Wherever it has been implemented as tried, it is resulted the results have been catastrophic. Let me bring it on a more simple level. There is a psychological and I'm giving you the underpinnings of this election. There is a psychological appeal when politicians or bureaucrats want to take away all the natural stress in one's life. And the way they're going to do that is they're going to promise you, oh, your school will be taken care of, PreK will be taken care of, daycare will be taken care of, a guaranteed government job, guaranteed government wage. We're going to guarantee a government vacation. We're going to guarantee government healthy food. We're going to guarantee government healthcare, We're going to guarantee government retirement. Well, okay, let's look at the history of how government in this country loan is now working. You know, we see the anarchy, we see the violence. New York City, Chicago, Seattle Port, in Los Angeles. It's unfolding right before in very eyes. What do all of those cities have in common? They've all been run by liberal Democrats now for decades. And if you can't provide the most fundamental role the government should provide, which is law and order, in safety and security, how are you capable of doing anything else? Now? Let's go to the next part of that equation. You look at all these liberal cities and these blue states run by Democrats for decades, how is their educational system doing compared to other cities and other states that have not been run by liberal democrats. In almost all of the cases, you're looking at an educational system in ruins. You love Ronald Reagan, you are Edmee's chief of staff. There was a landmark study, a Nation at Risk. What's they said in that study was if this were done to our educational system by an outside entity of force, it would be tantamount to an act of war. Okay, look at Baltimore. I'll pick one city, Baltimore. Third highest per capitas the way I want people. This is all in your book. Oh yeah, third highest per capita spending in the entire country for education for their children. Mark thirteen public schools high schools. What percent There's not a test, It's not a question. What percentage of those students in those thirteen public high schools do you believe are proficient in math? Now? Forty zero? There's not one child proficient in math, very few in reading. Now they fail on safety and security, law and order. They fail on education. What this election is about is now they want to if they failed in all of the areas we have entrusted them with, and all these blue states, that blue cities will run again by liberal Democrats for decades. Now they want to tell us that they're going to do everything for us and that it'll take away every fear you have in life. Well, that's not what this country was founded on. This is where your books are a great you know, primer if you will, or a primer for this this entire endeavor, because you talk about our founders and our framers. But so do you. I do in the first chapter, and I can see you're sitting at your desk writing this book, moving from chapter the chapter, almost because the first chapter is a heavy chapter, the hardest one. Well that in socialism will they thought, okay, that's a soon to be thereafter chapter. But you really look at the founding in the perspective of an average American, a patriot, and you go through the magnificence the founding of this country, and unlike the sixteen nineteen project, you actually tell the truth about the founding of this country in a very understandable way, and in a way I think most Americans who love this country think. Then I can see how your mind's working as you're writing it, and you're moving in too well. And then you're moving into socialism, which is sort of the evil opposite of capitalism and freedom. Socialism smothers liberty. You explain all these things in your book, and then you also bring us to modern times the war on Trump. So basically, the way I see your book, and it's a fascinating book, the way I see it is you build to a crescendo. Here's our history, here's their history. Now we're in the Trump period. And then you have the final part where you're talking about what's going on in the country all the way up to the coronavirus. And this is what I want to talk to you a little bit about the Trump Here's a man who was not interested in politics. He decides he wants to run. People laugh at it. He turns out to be a very shrewd candidate, so they try and destroy him. The Republican Party tries to destroy him. The Obama administration tries to destroy him, the FBHI and the intelligence agencies try to destroy him. The media tries to destroy him. You have done enormous work on this on your Fox program, enormous, second to none. Without getting into all the specifics, as you sit back and look at this, is this not one of the most appalling episodes in American history? Yes, I often wonder no president in our lifetime Mark Levin has ever had to go through what this president has gone through, and I view him as a transformational historical figure. A second term would be critical because a second term would cement in all the great success that he is built up, we already built upon. And now we're talking about the Supreme Court. Now, we're talking about ending a lot of bureaucracy. Now we're talking about locking in changes to our economy now being the largest producer of oil in the world and energy independent. But to get into the more direct answer to your question, is it has been the most unrelenting, mean spirited, hateful. I mean between the media mob, which is ninety nine percent of quote people that say they're objective journalists, they're liars. They smear, slander, besmirched, they libel, the character assassination. They wake up every second, minute, hour of every day. I often say, hating Donald Trump, what did Donald Trump do? He did everything he said he was going to do as president. Nobody's cut the bureaucracy like he has. Nobody kept this promise on taxes, on the judiciary. He even gave us the names of the nominees he would appoint to the street port. He found a way to get the money to build the wall because nobody else was going to help him. And by election day, we'll have over four hundred new miles a wall, and then he's going to continue it from there his new trade deals. You and I actually went back and forth on this a lot. I kept saying he's not a protectionist. I said, Mark, he's a NonStop negotiator. And he knew that they had to believe what he said that there would be punitive action, not a trade war. He never wanted protectionism. He wanted a better deal for America. He got it with China, Japan, he got it with our Western European allies, Mexico, Canada. And what has the result? Ben I like to look at results because we as conservatives, we really believe conservatism, war, lower taxes, less bureaucracy, limited government. You know, Thomas Payne, the great pamphleteers, said where the guides and dictates of conscience irresistibly be obeyed. There'd be no need for other lawgivers. That not being the case. Government in its best state and necessary evil, worst state and intolerable evil. Well, Democrats are offering us that intolerable evil. We've been talking about Marxism now in many respects and how they're embracing it. The point of Marxism and socialism is to destroy the individual. It's to destroy liberty. It's where the government makes decisions to mastermize the social engineers, redistribute wealth, redistribute rights, have a war on the suburbs. They can use race, they can use the environment. You spend a lot of time explaining this in your book, isn't don't you think and I think you've said this before and you certainly say in the book one of the reasons they have such a hate on for Trump is they just figured Hillary Clinton will get that third term and they'd be off to the races for the rest of the time. Isn't that a big part of a big part of it. You lay it out perfectly, and you laid it out in your books. Again, it's psychled as a psychological component to this. Does an appeal Oh, we'll all put our money in one big pot, and we'll spread it around equally, and we'll all live happily. Ever after the problem is, and I go through chapter and verse the Bolsheviks China more modern day. You could talk about any of these socialist experiments. The promises are lofty. They are great cube of the revolution there or Venezuela. Venezuela should be the richest country on the face of this earth, considering all the oil reserves they have. It always ends up in what though mark a powerful government, elite that nationalized industry, destroy incentive and innovation. Let me go a little deeper here that I don't usually talk about. So we have this belief and I can actually where we hold these truths to be self evident is our founding document, our declaration. Biden said, you know the thing, the thing that all men are created equal, endowed by the thing. You know the thing, okay, the thing being God from above, the creator of everything. So that talks about natural rights. This is now I'm getting into a little livent territory here. Natural rights. They're God given rights, okay, they're not government given rights. And those natural rights life liberty in the pursuit of happiness. Right, Okay, what has made Why is America? As Barry Farber once said, my great pioneer of talk radio or other jobs, you know, no country and the history of mankind that accumulated more power and abused it less? And I advanced that, I said, no country in the history of mankind that has accumulated more power and used it to advance the human condition, the entire human the worldwide condition. Then this country. What is it about this country that is great and exceptional. I'm not saying perfect, I am saying what is it that has allowed us to do it? It is the antithesis of statism, socialism, nationalizing industry. It is free market individualism, risk and reward. Look, if you believe in natural rights, mark you believe that, I'll go to my Latin background in a seminary in high school education from the Latin to bring forth from within natural rights endowed by our creator, God gives you talents. Good educational system, which we're not giving most of our kids. We're giving a lot of them. Indoctrination would then bring those talents to fruition and whatever the desire, the creativity, the brilliance in each human soul if we would only nurture them in a safe environment with a good educational background. Here's the thing. That is advanced science, that is advanced math, that is advanced technology. Now I've read this book. I read a lot of books. People say, what do you do for a hobby? I read. I research. That's what I do. Now, don't you do? This is what I do, and I read a lot of books. This is a fantastic book. Honestly, you should not only read it, you should make sure your friends and your colleagues and family members read it. This is the book for this election. This is the book for this time. Because Sean covers history, he goes into current events. He ties it all together. You can see how his brain is working as he works through all these different issues. It's crucially important. This to me is the primer for the election. And as Shan says over and over and over again, this is it because they mean to fundamentally transform America and the president is the only person who stands between us and them. What do you think? I say that on the cover of the Boo book. Let me say this and I'll turn to your audience. If you love your children and you love your grandchildren, and you like liberty, and you believe in freedom. We all stand on the shoulders of our parents and grandparents sacrifice so much for us. Liberty has advanced the world's condition. That is on the ballot. Safety, freedom, security, all on the ballot. I choose freedom, I choose capitalism. I hope everyone else will do so as well, for our kids and grands kid's sake, and just for the fun of it. To watch the medium mob Trumbull when they have to say these magical words. On November third, we can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected to forty fifth president of the United States. Great job, my friend. You know, after I did the interview with Mark, I just said to him, you know, there's opportunity here to marketing. It goes. What do you mean, it's that you are the ultimate jury. Thank the Lord. Oh okay, scot chatting, glad you with us twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. So Karen bass Is you keep hearing her name potential VP selection of the president. All right. I went to Cuba as a teenager, and I went to help build houses. If I had to do it over again, I would not have put out that statement supporting Castro in twenty sixteen. We already knew that he was a murdering dictator by then, there was no ambiguity. Anyway, Now you look at some of the things Kamala Harris has said, there's gonna be a lot of vetting that the media. Let's see if they're ready for it or not. But anyway, here's what she said. First of all, when I went to Cuba over forty years ago, when I was in my teens in early twenties, I went to help the Cuban people. We were building houses. The other reason why I went was to meet and work with Americans from around the country that were involved in a lot of different social issues. I think that over the past twenty years, my involvement in Cuba has centered on healthcare and promoting democracy. Do I know an awful lot more now? Do I understand? That the Castro regime did not have the same freedoms as we do in the United States. Was a brutal regime. They don't have freedom of press, freedom of protests. Which was kind of ironic because when I went in my youth. The majority of us that were there were anti war activists. We were protesting against police abuse and understood then and now that the Cuban people did not have the same freedoms. But I have just a minute left, Congresswoman, and you make it sound as if this was just when you were young and irresponsible. You were young and irresponsible. You put out that message about about Castro's death six years or four years ago in twenty sixteen. Shouldn't you have known by them that Castro's death was not a great loss to the Cuban people. I absolutely would have not put that statement out, And I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida raised those concerns with me, Lesson Learn would not do that again, for sure, would not do that again. For sure. Unbelievable eight hundred nine four one Sean again at the bottom of the hour. The great one Mark Levin will be on his radio show tonight in his second hour, and we're happy Amazon dot Com a now huge discount on the book, which is great, very happy about it. We've been trending what number one two all day on Amazon, which is I'm beyond grateful and thankful. We have on Hannity dot com a lot of fun events we're doing and interviews we're going to be a part of that you can also be a part of and much much more so. We have it all up there, and we also have just an informational election interactive map that can tell you, Okay, when does early voting start in your state? When? And Sean, don't forget also, you know, you know it's not just you know, yes, you can get the hardback cover and Amazon does these you know, discounts from time to time, and it's awesome because you can get great things at a lower price, you know, on certain days. So I definitely wouldn't sleep on that. I'd buy yours today. But there's also the kindle version. There's the audio books. So if you're somebody, if you're a long haul you know, truck driver and you're you know, looking for something to listen to, it's these are things that you can do and you can learn about your country, and you know, you can learn it from Sean who's been doing it for thirty years and loves the Constitution and loves our country and keeps talking about how important the election is. I mean, it's a critical time for us all to kind of rally. I mean, we're in an ideological struggle here with a lot of people in our country. So I think it's very important for people to get your book and to read it. And Ethan and I were just talking to the studio because you know, we're listening to Karen Bass, who's, you know, one of the top contenders to be the VP pick for Biden, and she's talking about Castro. And it's like, in chapter four of your book, you know, you hit that, you talk about Jagovar, you talk about Castro, you know, and these are things that you know, a lot of these millennials that are watching in the stree they don't know anything about it. You know, they're wearing these t shirts with these you know, faces of Jay and these socialists, you know, leaders from our past. And I'm like, you know, you're hearing comparisons of our president to these dictators, and I'm like, do you guys have any idea what these dictators did? Like that is not what President Trump is doing. President Trump, did you know the prison reform bill President Trump is giving to historical African American colleges. President Trump has an incredibly diverse internal team. You know what, what did President Obama do? Nothing? Nothing? There's your answer. I mean then I was saying that in the debata. It's so frustrating. But you know, I don't know. I guess people just ignore, you know, the record. Nobody ever wants to talk about Biden and Obama's record. They don't want to talk about because it's atrocious. Not only that they're misled, our media is misleading them for television. That's who they are, that defines them. When I'm looking at these Joe Biden ads about let's buy America A, let's make America, I'm like, dude, are you kidding me? Right now? You've been in the office fifty years, You've done nothing, absolutely nothing, and now you're stealing the current president's agenda. Now you're using his words. I just it's completely insane to me. I feel like I'm living in some sort of time warp because everybody else not seeing what's going on here. All I can hope is that there's a lot of people like us that are going I'm going to go to work and on November three, I'm going to go to the polls and I'm going to pull a lever for Donald Trump because I believe and having my four oh one k be something that I can keep and that I can have a retirement plan. Then I can put my kids through college and I can pay my mortgage. I mean, you're not going to be able to do that under Joe Biden. Period. All sudden, All right, eight hundred nine one shaw. Let's get to some calls as promised. Let's say hi to Laura's an Alabama. Spent two great years of my life there, Laura, how are you glad you called? And thanks for being with us. Hey, Sean, thanks and you did great last night on Levin. By the way, good job, thank you. You know, he's a great interviewer. I love the format because you get a lot a lot of time to go into depth, which is hard to do. You know. That's why I wrote the book because I knew I could never do it in any four hour show or day. Yeah, you did great, and you really did a good job of staying calm and even keeled, and that appeals to Levin listener. But anyway, there is that the same Mark Levin there goes, get off my phone. Now, Mark's always calm. Mark isn't always calm, but he is on his life Liberty Levin show, which I love. I love the whole. I love everything he does. Get off the phone, you big dope. Well you know you can't take his lime light. Nah, listen, he's uh. You know, Mark's written books and I made this part of my book, but not the way he does it. And I've actually been at Mark's house when he writes books. You have one room in the house that is taken over with piles like a mile high and of research. It's it's pretty amazing. Um. Anyway, So what else is going on with you down in Alabama? No, I wanted to tell you. I'm very thankful you keep the count down going every day. But four years ago, the night that you know, we had election night for President Trump, because I'm right here by the Florida Panhandle and you were on the air, I think you were about to have a stroke, screaming get to the polls if you live in Florida, get to the poles. And of course I had voted first thing that morning, but I kind of realized, oh my gosh, I live really close to Florida. I know tons of people down there, so I immediately started texting everybody I know, telling them, if you haven't voted yet, now get out there. You got two hours and do the same thing. Send this message to everybody you know, because every little vote is going to count. And my takeaway from that was we need to remember to start doing that like now at this time four years later, because Sean, not everybody is registered. Not everybody is going to mark it out on their calendar. And if they have the kind of job or a health condition where they're not sure they're going to be up to going to the polls, then they need to see about getting absentee valoting or whatever they need to do in their county to make sure that their vote is cast. I can tell you this is an all hands on deck moment. Let me tell you something. Some of these states start voting in a little over a month. You know, I'm always nervous. You know, somebody call me yesterday and said, yeah, I have a family member that's been dead nine years and not only got one ballot, but two ballots. I'm like, wow, we already know when there are a lot of things electorally we need to change. Now. If somehow they want to come up with a sure fire way that there could be no corruption with some type of mail in voting and validation that would assure that people are who they say they are. I think we could look at it, but honestly, I just don't trust a lot of people. We've seen fraud in the past, and we don't need fraud. What we need is a straight up, honest vote, and I think a lot of people are afraid knowing that and believing in their hearts, even Democrats, that Donald Trump's going to win this thing. Anyway. Laura, good call, Thank you, we appreciate it. Let's say hi to Joe in New York. Joe, glad you with us the All New AM seven ten w R. Hi. Hey, Sean, I'm with you right here, man. I have a headache though after listening to that last segment that you did with those guys. One of the question I wanted to ask is and I was kind of hoping I would get to ask it when your liberal commentators were on there. You ask the question, would you bring your family to New York or to one of these cities that have had terrible riots or have had an increase in violent crime? Since people will have decided that they want to defund the police departments. How can liberals, how can look themselves in the face and perpetuate this lie that what's going on is quote peaceful protests. I just don't understand it. I don't know how people like, for example, I took a very strong stance immediately on the George Floyd case that went on for nine straight minutes. Did you did? And why? Because that's that's a fellow American. The guy was in handcoffs that that can't happen ever again in this country. Can't happen. And how people can deny the now what two thousand or so police officers injured with rocks, bricks, bottles, molotov cocktails, now fourteen cops dead total? Uh, you know, knives and guns being used, and deny they're they're taking over precincts, commondeering them and trying to burn them to the round federal court buildings that the president not only as a right, but an obligation to protect federal property. They're not in these big cities because these mayors won't let them in and they just keep telling us it's a myth, it's a myth. Well was it a myth? There's a family that lost in Chicago this weekend, a precious nine year old child. I don't know, how do you what do you? How do you ever recover from that? I don't think you can. Just like the seven year old that lost her life in Chicago on the fourth of July weekend, or the one year old in New York in a park and a stroller, or the eight year old little girl that was that was that happened to a mom made a wrong turn. She's in the back of her mom's car. Or Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior. We saw a father's broken heart on my television show How Do You Deny It? The video evidence is overwhelming, incontrovertible, and you cannot deny what the truth is. But they just go out there in a straight face, and they do, and Biden leads the way. There are the enemy. Then defund the police. Since the Blasio cut one billion for the NYPD in New York and pulled off the prestigious, frankly, the street crime unit that did the most, you know, hands on work in the city, it's become an absolute I honor Adam shift. It's been a shift shop New York City is not safe. It's the look at look at the statistics. We now know it's August third, and by the end of July, New York surpassed the amount of shootings and victims in twenty twenty that took place in all of twenty nineteen. We still have August, September, October, November, December. That's that's five more months. What what's the number going to be at the end of the year. Every that nine year old's family from this weekend, the stepfather came up to me and say, put it in a car, get it to the hospital. I say, excuting, what's going on? He said, get it to the hospital. It was her child that has been shock. What can I tell? What can I say to her? You can't bring the child back, can't get the screens out till here. You know what I'm saying. For eight minutes coming down to the hospital, I had to hear screaming because the mother can let it nine, You'll go outside to play. They will never ever see Jannari Ricks again. I don't think I could recover from that. I just don't. Anyway, you get the last word, Sean, I'll tell you. And I wanted to move from there to the shootings over this past weekend in Chicago. That why wasn't that the lead story on every major network, both regular television and cable. I just looked online. I looked at the news feeds online. Nothing. You're a great American a miss Marty. Thank you so much for having me on. I'm miss Marty too, boy, but that means you go back a long way with us. Thank you, my friend Marty. Oh, I wish he was here, all right, Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern Fox News. We are loaded up. We have some some original reporting Lawrence Jones that you've got to see. That's all I can tell you. Auri Fleischer, Mercedes Slap, Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Cotton, Kaylee Mcinatie, Dan Boino, and so much more. Nine Eastern Hannity. Fox News, by the way, again launched tomorrow Live Free or Die. Thank god, you've made us number one on day one on Amazon. Thank you for all of you. We have a whole list of events coming up. Amazon has a third discount. I'm going to be on the second hour of Mark Levin's radio show, and we'll see you tonight at nine and back here tomorrow. Thank you as always for me with us one one one