Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of 15 instant #1 books including the #1 “Killing” series of histories, and his new bestseller, “Killing the Mob, is here to discuss the crumbling approval numbers for Biden and Kamala. The nation is aware that we have a VP that knows nothing and Biden who is so cognitively challenged many want him tested.
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Right News round Up information Overload our Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one sewn you want to be a part of the program. Still remaining on Jury Verdict Watch if it happens this hour, not likely, I guess at this point we'll let you know. There was a great hearing yesterday and that was the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorcis really getting pounded by many senators. Ted Cruz was one. Senator Marshall Blackburn was another. Here's Senator Blackburn asking may orcus why Biden needs a wall at a beach house but not at the southern border, which I thought was pretty interesting. And then the other Republicans grilling Mayorcis over the southern border. Listen, and US taxpayers are also funding a half million dollar fence around President Biden's Rehobeth beach House. Correct, I'm not aware, and your department is overseeing this construction. You should be aware of that. President Biden obviously likes walls when they protect him. So can you explain to me why a wall is effective and necessary as the White House and the Biden beach house, but is not necessary at the southern border. Yes, I can there are thousands of miles along the southern border, and I agree with what then Senator McCain presented, which was, there are different solutions for the border because of its tremendous expanse, the great diversity in the terrain that it must cover, and therefore the key, the key to border security is fundamentally advanced technology that is the most effective means, because we're not going to construct a border wall on the ragged and jagged cliffs in certain parts of the border. How many murderers have you released. I'm not aware of any murderers whom. How many rapists to be released? I'm not aware of any rapists who How many child molesters released? I'm not aware of any child molesters whom we have released. We've got a president who's implementing a national mandate for vaccines for any employers over one hundred employees and all federal employees. Why shouldn't we mandate that somebody who comes across the border illegally shouldn't be vaccinated or that's a reason for expulsion under Title forty two or any other law. Senator, the analysis for migrants encountered at the border is quite different. Than for the federal workforce. That lets by example, I joining us now as Senator Marshall Blackburn from the great state of Tennessee. You know, I listen to may Orcas yesterday. I didn't find any of his answers adequate, and I found a lot of hypocrisy and dishonesty here. You know, it's just like Jensaki saying, oh, well, we don't need to give COVID test to illegal immigrants. They're not going to be here very long. And meanwhile, the administration is dispersing illegal immigrants all over the country with preferential treatment, no COVID testing, and no vaccine mandate, and it's costing the American taxpayer billions of dollars. You're exactly right about that. And we got no satisfactory answers yesterday. He was ill prepared, he was arrogant, he was dismissive, he was at times a little bit aloof Sean, And it was absolutely so frustrating to hear him be so cavalier about how they're addressing the border, to hear him say this, the border is more secure than ever, to hear him try to punt when we actually read the stats to him from his department, from the Border Patrol about the uptick that we are seeing in illegal crossings at the southern border. Very ill prepared and just you know, when you know that these people are coming across the border, they're there for only a few hours as they come across. And then people's gang, sex, trafficking, human trafficking, labor crews, drugs. They are into every town and every state in this nation. Every town's a border town. And this is why I think the American people are so frustrated with this administration and this border policy. They're seeing crime in the streets, drugs in the streets, They're seeing children die, They're seeing sentinel costs, the lives and the just the sadness and the danger that this causes for so many families. It is unbelievable to me. But I think the most glaring deficiency we have as we had control borders. Yes, Donald Trump's policy stay in Mexico worked, building the wall, work ending you know catch or I now call process and release. That worked as well. Now not only has all of that gone away, Now they're inviting people in, they're processing them, they're in the middle of a pandemic, they're overcrowding. They're putting people in overcrowded cages. And then they take it to another level, and that is that they don't test them for COVID. There's no vaccine mandate. Then they disperse people all throughout the United States in the middle of the night and claim that these are early morning flights. They're aiding and abetting lawbreaking. Now, where I grew up, I was taught that you don't get to pick and choose what laws you want to obey in those laws that you want to break, Senator, well, that's exactly right, and that is what they are doing. You know, when they are choosing to send people into communities with no notification to any of the local or state elected officials, and these individuals do not have proper identification, they have broken the law. When they are saying two people that were separated from a child for either a shorter or a longer period of time many times so this they could make certain to set child was not being trafficked, and they're saying, we're going to pay the child and the adult four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. And if you're two parents two children, that would be two million dollars. This at a time when inflation is running rampant and many people are having trouble figuring out how they're going to make ends meet during the holiday Seawan people are fed up with this, you know. And I asked him yesterday if they were planning to pay people that had lost their lives or had been harmed by illegal aliens that were in this country, And of course he wanted to argue about that, but they contradict themselves. Their policy is to keep that border open and bring as many people into the country illegally so that we do not know who is in this country or what purpose they are coming, so that we have drugs and crime in our streets, so that women and children are being abused, and sex traffic. That is the border policy of President Joe Biden in his administration. So what is the answer. Because I talked to Greg Abbott, I've talked to the Arizona Attorney General. I've even talked to Rhonda Santas about it. Rhonda Santis is actually floating an idea that he's serious about. When they disburse people to Florida, He's thinking of putting him on a bus or a plane and sending him straight to Delaware or maybe Washington, DC. Because these governors, Senator, they don't have the right to enforce the law. That would be the role of the federal government. Yeah, sure, right about that. We've talked about doing that from some of these if they have flown into Tennessee. Is putting him on a bus and sending him up here to the White House. And because you have no control over this, the answer is exactly what's the border Patrol tells us they want to see done. They've set it for thirty years. President Donald Trump gave them what they needed to secure this country. Number one, building the wall, number two, enhancing technology, number three, giving them the agents that they need on the ground, and number four give them the judges to adjudicate these cases. Clear this backlog and let people know they are not going to be able just to walk into this country and send a message to the cartels that they are not going to be able to go out here in charge people ten thousand dollars a person, abuse them physically, sexually, emotionally when they're on this journey, and then have the US taxpayer finished the job once they touch US soil and buy them a plane ticket and send them wherever they're going in the country. Well, I think that's a solid plan. But the reality is, how do we have the legal means? Where is the leg What is the legal means to justify if you're not hearing the country legally to remove people and send them back. Who has the authority to do that? You're a senator, I don't think you have the authority. Governors don't have the authority. The federal government should have the authority. And by the way, even Border patrol agents don't have the authority. So who has the authority to make that happen? The authority does rest with the Department of Homeland Security and with ICE, and it is their job. But as you talk to border patrol and ICE agents, which Sean you've been down there, you have talked to these guys, and I know they have told you, like they've told me, this administration will not let him do their job. That is why they so appreciated President Donald Trump because he allowed them to do their job and to secure that border and to reduce the number of illegal crossings. And he was giving them a wall that they have been asking for for years. All right, quick break more with Tennessee Senator Marshall Blackburn on the other side, and your calls up eight hundred and nine for one Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Still on Jury Verdick, watch in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, well of full coverage tonight on Hannity nine, Eastern Pox News, The Truth, Truth, and nothing but right now, as we continue with Tennessee Senator Marshall Blackburn, one of the area I wanted to talk to you about is on the issue of vaccine mandates. There's now numerous legal challenges around the country. We did have the ruling of the Fifth Circuit. I think that's a good first step. Where do you see these challenges going in the courts. Well, we know that the Department of Labor is going to wave their rule for a while while they are OSHO is going to wave it while they figure try to figure this out. But they don't need to be figuring this out. This is not the federal government's place to do it. I actually have legislation we filed that says if you were an essential worker during the COVID nineteen pandemic, you would be exempt from this federal mandate because all of our first responders, law enforcement, healthcare, grocery store workers, airline workers. They showed up, they did their job, they never missed today, they figured out how to handle COVID and they kept themselves in their families safe, and they should be exempt. But this administration is wanting to make this the litmus test you get the job or you don't get your job. And this is another way they have of controlling people, of trying to federalize healthcare, of having employers do the enforcement, of controlling employees lives from daylight to dark twenty four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days of the year, and their mandate will not stand up to a court challenge. And because of that, we're continuing to work with these groups. And it's legislation like mine for essential workers that is helping to give people hope that they're going to be able to keep their job and not get fired because they won't get a shot from Joe Biden and Sean We've had the United Airlines flight attendants and Chicago police in New York City, first responders, all sorts of unions, Democrat, Republican, Independent, day of all sun come out supporting my legislation that would exempt these essential workers. They were our heroes in twenty twenty, and we need to take care of them now, you know, I agree with you know what. The saddest thing to me is all the nurses, all the hospital workers, all the military, all the policemen and the firemen and the EMTs. I mean, those people were the heroes in the early days of COVID and frankly all throughout COVID even now today. And they go into an environment where they're putting their own lives at risk. They so they did so willingly. Many of them contracted COVID as a result. And our answer to them at this point is take the shot, even if you have natural immunity, or you're fired. You know. Whatever happened to the option that Joe Biden was floating when he first mentioned vaccine mandates, which he said he'd never do, the option of, for example, testing people well, and so many of them have told me, they said, you know, Marshall, I'll take a test. I'll take a test every week or two if they want me to take a test. But I don't want to get the vaccine. I have a medical concern or I have a religious concern and they have asked for an exhiption. They're not trying to avoid accountability, and they're not anti vact they are anti mandate. And I have talked to people who have family members who maybe had an adverse reaction or there's a history of heart disease. There are other concerns that individuals have for the federal government to turn around and say, Okay, if you employ a hundred people, then guess what you're going to be the vaccine police and we're going to require you to do this whether you like it or not. Well, then what is the federal government next going to require employers to do for to their employees. What kind of activity are they going to require them to police? And these are all concerns of individuals. Most people want to keep their job. They love their job, they have worked hard. They understand COVID is not going to be away. This is not something that we're going to defeat. This is something we have to learn to live with, just like we do the common cold, just like we do the seasonal annual flu. This is something we are parents going to do when they finally mandate vaccines against five and eleven year olds, only have twenty seconds. Parents, I hope we're going to stand to children are not transmitters of COVID, and we know that, and parents should say no, let's wait the research. We need to depend on more research, and we need to listen to the science on this, and science says children are not transmitters of COVID. All right, Senator Marshall Blackburn, Great State of Tennessee. Senator great to have you, a great job yesterday. Eight hundred ninety four. One Shawn is our number. If you like me, you suffer from insomnia and you have not discovered all things my Pillow, Well, now is the perfect time to get the premium my Pillow for either yourself or somebody you love, maybe somebody for Christmas, because Mike Lindell right now is offering the lowest price ever on a premium my pillow, the one item that started at all, and that is only nineteen ninety eight. Originally it was sixty nine ninety eight. That's a fifty dollars savings. Now the King Pillow, if you want that, is ten bucks more. When you go to my pillow dot com, you just click on the Sean Hannity square and not only will you get this amazing offer. They have over one hundred and fifty plus My Pillow products, their Geeza dream bedsheets, the my Pillow mattress top, or the slippers. They got it all anyway. They have rotating discounts every single day. So keep going back to my Pillow dot Com, the Shawn Hannity Square, or just give a call asked what the deals of the day are. When you call eight hundred nine nine six zero nine zero and just mention my name and all that sleep that you want, that you need, that you crave, that you desire and frankly deserve those products arrive, it will be yours my pillow dot Com, Sean Hannity Square, All right, twenty five now until the top of the hour on Hannity dot Com. I see Sarah Carter also on her website, has picked up on something nobody else really in the mainstream media is picked up on as it relates to the OSHA. What remember, Joe Biden makes the vaccine mandate argument, and he was going to use OSHA as the vehicle by which he would enforce these vaccine mandates. Well, the Occupational Safety Health Administration they have now suspended work on Biden's vaccine mandate after a federal appeals court. This is the first Fifth Circuit ruling hit pause on rules that would force companies with one hundred or more employees to require COVID nineteen shots or regular testing. One of the big problems is they forgot about the regular testing part, and it's either get the shot or you lose your income and you lose your benefits and you lose your retirement or OSHA pointed to the stay of the US Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit and said that the core fight over the regulation, known as the Emergency Temporary Standard, is an over. The court ordered that OSHA take no steps to implement or enforce and they now are waiting until further instructions from the court. While OSHA remains confident in its authority to protect workers and emergencies, OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement pending future developments in the litigation. Now it's unclear when the notice was posted, but the Missouri Attorney General, Eric Schmidt took a victory lap today and this happened late yesterday. He said. Earlier this month, I led a coalition and filing a lawsuit to stop OSHA's unlawful vaccine mandate, the first states to do so. Now, yesterday OSHA announced that they would suspend enforcement of their illegal emergency temporary standard that mandates vaccines or testing on private employers. This is a huge victory for the people of Missouri and businesses across the country and an important step to completely halting these vaccine mandates. But there's more work to be done, so I'm sure that's going to be challenged in court eight hundred nine. For one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. There is a new development, by the way, in the case of the Attorney General and of course looking into moms and dads at school board meetings as domestic terrorists. Now we find out that this was on October fourth of this year, the Attorney General forwarded a memorandum addressing a spike and harassment, intimidation, threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff. The memorandum then directed each United States Attorney and coordination with the FBI to convene meetings with federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial leaders in each federal judicial district within thirty days of the issuance of this memorandum, we share the obligation to ensure that every individual is able to do their jobs without threats of violence fear for their safety. Now that this can only be accomplished with effective coordination internally between relevant divisions and through effective coordination and engagement with our law enforcement partners and United States Attorney offices. As a result, the Counter Terrorism and Criminal Divisions created a threat tag and they give the name of it to track instances related to threats. We ask that your officers apply the threat tag to investigations and assessments and threats specifically directed against school board administrators, board members, teachers, and staff. The purpose of the threat is to threat tag is to help scope this threat on a national level and provide an opportunity for comprehensive analysis to the threat picture for effective engagement with law enforcement partners at all levels. When evaluating potential threats, we ask that you attempt to identify the following. Is there a federal nexus? Are their potential violations that can be investigated in charge? What's the motivation behind the criminal activity? Now, most of the stems from the fact that parents have been speaking out in school board meetings. At times it gets heated, but a heated discussion is not a threat by any definition. And parents are angry. They want age appropriate materials, for example, taught to their kids. Parents are speaking out loudly against critical race theory. Parents are speaking out against draconian COVID measures and school boards and people like Terry mcculloff have been saying parents shouldn't have a say in their kids education. You know, you would think that they would welcome the input of parents that are concerned and interested and care enough to participate in a school board meeting, which I've got to imagine is pretty dull and boring, but they care enough to involve themselves for the betterment of every kid's education. But apparently not. The government wants to do it their way and they don't want input from parents. And that's exactly what contributed, I think, in a big way to Terry McCullough's loss in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Anyway, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn our number. If you want to be a part of the program, as we say hello to Chats in Texas, Chad, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you joined us, what's going on a whole lot, Sean, A word on the street, and thank you for taking a call. You're my favorite word on the street is that you're in sunny in Florida to give out an award tonight, A word on the street is correct. We're not hiding the fact that we're all down there and everybody from Fox I think is down here in Florida. I've been working, so what do I know exactly? So one more quick word on that, in a special word to you. If you're giving out an award, then that means you're Sean Hannity. So you should receive two awards tonight, you know, just to throw that. I should get an award for give out the awards, well, award Hannity, an award for giving out the award to somebody that is far more deserving than I am. You're giving out the award to whomever. But that means you should re see two different awards from what have you. I've just kind of giving you a little a note there, but shown you're my favorite on radio. And you've got a short week next week for Thanksgiving, I'm quite sure just Monday and Tuesday, So I want to wish you and your family and your team both radio and television, a very safe and happy Thanksgiving. And I just need two things from you, Okay, twenty twenty one turkey ball for our video four fifteen Eastern, have your course light, infrigerator. I'll watch my Dallas Cowboys beat the Las Vegas Raiders. Thanksgiving well, you and my son having to be like the biggest Dallas Cowboy fans and the history of the Dallas Cowboys. My son wasn't alive and Rogers stallback was called quarterback and he can give you every single statistic there is on Rogers stallback, for example. So I really don't have a choice because in New York we really don't have a professional football team. We have two of them, but neither one is worth watching. Um it gets beyond frustrating. But listen, I'm a big fan of Dak I think is a great quarterback. I think is a franchise quarterback for many years. I'm hoping he stays healthy. I know we had we had one little scare with him earlier in the season. Um, but I so you want me to put my turkey frying video up again? And you wanted to be a current one, not the one I put up two years ago. Is that what you're saying that that's correct? Is you know China bris the astor last year twenty twenty. So to see if you've had a new turkey ball prior, to see if there's anything new that you're gonna put to it. But the most important thing is, you know, watch my Dallas Cowboys on their annual national bass team. I am going to be using my man built turkey friar butterball turkey friar. If you haven't gotten when you need to get one used peanut or to put it in there. A fifteen pound turkey takes an hour and it is the juiciest, the single most delicious turkey you will ever eat in your life. So, yes, that is my role. And this year I think I'm gonna cheat and I'm gonna buy an electric um what do you call it? Electric carver? What I have news? What are you ready? Yeah? It's very exciting. I'm exciting. There are three professional football teams in New York not too what's the third one? Well, what are the first two? Which ones? Do you think there? Don't cheat? What's the matter with you with Giants and Jets and the Buffalo Bills. Oh that's right. I didn't think about the Buffalo welcome because I don't care that much about the Buffalo Bills. Because Okay, first of all, Buffalo, Buffalo is in upstate New York, and that's where RF football is, That's where they have snow. I've been beautiful. I was up there one time when my kids were younger. Tennis. We do have a great affiliate up there for a tennis tournament. Okay, the traffic hours before and this is the cool thing now, the weather in Buffalo. By the way, the biggest fan of the Buffalo Bills in the history of the Buffalo Bills was Tim Russer. Tim Russer and I, even though I'm sure he disagreed with a lot of my opinions, was wonderful human. I loved him. He was a great guy. Um. And if you've never read Tim Russer's books, you gotta you gotta read him. Big russ is the first one. Can I tell you. When I first started working for you, one of the first things you said to me. I booked him for the show, and you said, read his books. It's an education. It's an education. I think I was with you three years. His dad was a garbage man. We had very similar backgrounds. And for example, when the family was throwing out broken glass, a lot of people they just you know, take it, throw it in the bag. But because he was in the profession, he knew. He knew that garbage men might just grab the bag from this angle and then might you know, cut themselves wide open. And you know, he would always wrap it up in cardboard so the guys wouldn't get hurt. Uh. And then then everybody else started sharing with Tim their stories of their fathers and how great they were. And then he made it a second book, another huge bestseller. It kind of reminds me what the other book you always tell me to read, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. No. I think My Grandfather's Son by Clarence Thomas. That's another good book. But I also talk about Rick Warren's purpose driven life. If you like a self help book, I think The Road Less Traveled as a classic that everybody should read. UM. I think books like Dante's Inferno, which I've read, Pilgrim's Progress if you want to get into the real classics, the old Harvard classics, UM definitely worth reading. Gotten Man Amity Shoals. Yeah, I'm interested in I'm rand. I'm interested in novels when I have time. I don't have time to read. But Taylor Caldwell was my favorite author um and she's long since passed, but she was so insightful. I love books that talk about life after life and people that that were pronounced dead for a period of time and then come back to their body and they describe their experience in heaven like Heaven Is Is for Real and ninety Minutes in Heaven is another famous one. I love all those books. Well, it's incredible. It's it's sort of the affirmation and the confirmation that you know this is real. And yeah, I'm not going to be here much longer. So when I croak, what's the rule of my funeral? Have a party, don't cry, no crying aloud. Yeah it's okay. I have very expensive mescara. I'm never crying enough. It's never gonna happen, just so you know, no, I said, But and I actually have a line in my I just recently redid my will and I have a line in there. I want it to be a celebration of a life undeserved. Oh that's very nice. But that's what I believe. I like that. Should we get that on a plaque for you and put it up or look for my mausoleum, Hannity's America. Put it right on the door, you know, and just knock very gently. I'll tell you one thing. To come in. I'm gonna get a big one so there's room for plenty of people. But I can't. I can't spend eternity with you next to me. Listen, don't worry. You know you already told me to shut up three times today, so you know we're on a roll. You know, we get on the road. Oh my god, and poor sweet baby James, it'll be he can be next to me. I'm fine with that. Well, Sweet Baby James has that name for a reason. He's very very sweet. He's very kind, he does all you know what The interesting thing is, I was still talking, But go ahead, Sweet baby James is has the kindest heart of any anybody that I know, until you piss him off. See now I've been here, I'm here seventeen years. So what I will tell you, and I will leave this person's name out of this story, although it would be so fun to put it in and you know who I'm gonna who I'm talking about. We get there. We were on the road for a primary, all of TV, all of radio, sitting at a hotel for breakfast. Was very early. None of us are morning people, all right, And someone came over to our table and said that they were unhappy with the amount of noise we were making, which wasn't very much at all. And James and you were there and it wasn't much. Knowing first of all, that's not the point. Okay, I'm loud. I make no excuses for it. It's part of my church. If you were there, there probably wasn't an ordinate amount of noise. But continue. I was on my second, bloody Mary. I'm not gonna oh boy, here we go, but I'll make this short and sweep. And this person was not nice, and you went to get up, and James put his hand on he goes, I got this, and I'm like, the quiet man has risen. I'm like, this is it. It's over. And this person went back to their table and James very quietly went over and he's like the brother that I never had, still talking and um, well, if it took a breath, I might be able to have a conversation. Where did I learn this from? I don't know this time grief, but James went over and had a few words and very from the distinct little bit I could hear, he looked at me, he goes, you, sir, are no gentlemen? Oh I do remember that? Now you know who I'm talking about? No, yeah, I remember that. Anyways, it's time for a commercial break, so the end of that story. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We are on full complete Verdict. Watch for Hannity tonight nine easton on the Fox News Channel. We have our reporters on the ground. Sarah Carter is there in Kenosha. We'll check in with Greg Jarrett and Alan Dershowitz, Leo two point zero Terrell, Judge Pierro will join us tonight. Lara Logan, Congressman Michael Waltz, Jason Chafitz, Clay Travis News. You will never get from the Mob and the Verdict if it comes down today. We'll see you tonight at nine from Florida. We'll be back in New York tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us. You make this show possible. We never forget it. We'll see you tonight, and then we'll see you back in New York tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.