Biden May Need To Be Tested

Published Jun 23, 2021, 10:00 PM

Dr. Ronny Jackson, is now a Congressman in his home state of Texas for the 13th district, although he is widely known by the public as the White House Physician. Jackson has been the White House Physician for both Presidents Obama and Trump. Those who are trying to discredit Ronny Jackson as the “MAGA” doctor are mistaken. He was also a Rear Admiral in the Navy, served in the Iraq War, and received several commendations for his service. He has joined with 13 other representatives to call on Joe Biden to take a cognitive test. 

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Thanks to all of you for being with us. Toll free our number eight hundred and nine four one. Sean you want to be a part of this program, we'd love to have you join us today. Plenty of time, plenty of time today for your calls. This is getting interesting. We have Bill O'Reilly later today back from Wyomi. What is it O'Riley vacation in Wyomi? Like, I can't see Bill hanging out with the buffalo roam. I don't know why, but I'll ask him about it. Then we've got doctor Ronnie Jackson. Now, doctor Ronnie Jackson was the White House physician and he took care of both President Obama President Trump, and he is now calling for Joe Biden to take immediately a cognitive test. I remember the media was demanding Donald Trump take it. Donald Trump took it, and I got the whole story during one interview I had with him. I said, so tell me how this all came about. He said, Okay, I'm getting sick and tired of people asking me to take the test, so I'm gonna take it. And he said he talked to the doctors. They said they gladly administer it, but then they also said whatever the results are. Once we say we've given it to you, we have to release them. He said, I'm cool with that. And I've been around Donald Trump. I know everyone that worked with him. He wears everybody out around him. He outworks everybody sleeps maybe four hours a night. That's you know about my average two four or five whatever. And so he took the test and he aced it. He got I think it was thirty out of thirty was the number. And so doctor Ronnie Jackson is saying, look, let's just be blunt here. The only people in denial about Joe being weak and frail and a cognitive mess are the medium mob and big tech. Joe Biden is a cognitive mess if he takes this test, and I don't. I think hell will freeze over before he ever took it, because everybody around him, the people that tell him that he's gonna get in trouble if he answered the question, they're not gonna let him take the test because they know probably a lot more than we do, which raises questions, what did they know about Joe's cognitive state? When did they know it, and why didn't they disclose it as they should have been transparent with we the American people, because that's something I think Americans would want to know. And the media mob and big tech they let Joe hide in his basement bunker. Was the candidate protection program. Now it's the presidential protection program. But it was really bad at the G seven. You know the ten seconds of silence, you know what you call violamer killer? Do you still think he's a killer? You know? Uttamutin laughed at the suggestion that you had called him a killer? Is that still you believe, sir, that he is a killer? As the first question, I'm laughing too. They actually here we go no answer. Well, look, I mean he has made clear that h that what that? What he made clear? What? What did he make clear? Job answer is the answer. I believe he is believe essentially acknowledge that he was. There are certain things that he would do he did do. This is a this is an unmitigated disaster. He's a cognitive mess. He's not going to take the test. Now, here's what's interesting and new today, and we'll talk to Ronnie Jackson later. When New York Democrat congressman the congressman of Congress, I don't know, I don't know Mandara Jones. Do you know, mon, dear Jones, I don't even know who it is from New York. I should know, but I don't. Anyway, was at the White House for a signing of a proclamation making Juneteenth the national holiday last week, and he told President Biden that their party needed more him, more involved in passing voting legislation on the Hill. In response, Biden this quote, this is a Democratic congressman said. He just stared at me, Jones said, describing an awkward silence that passed between the two. Now, why is this, Why is this somewhat important? Because Democrats are saying, oh my gosh, this guy, he's not all there. That's what the congressman saying, you know, and for for Jones this moment, and I'm reading from the AP, the AP's reporting this. You know, a growing number of Democratic activists describing this their called at a lackluster engagement from Biden and Kamala Harris. By the way, Kamala speaking of her apparently now that Donald Trump announced his trip to the border next week, and I will be there. We're doing a town hall with President Trump and with Governor Greg Abbott. I don't know if it's going to be open to the public. When I get details, i'll let you know. Anyway, So finally, after what ten eleven, twelve weeks whatever it is now, finally she's going to visit the US Mexico border on Friday. Finally she finally set al Paso, Texas. She'll go with the Homeland Security Secretary Mayorcas. And you know, the first step, we have to find out the reasons why people are coming. They're coming because you and Joe told them to come. That's why they're coming. How do I know, because we've had investigated with reporters interviewing the people that are coming that you are expediting into the country, turning nobody away, and then in the dark of night shipping out to the States so they can provide food, water, shelter, healthcare, and a free education courtesy the American taxpayers. Anyway, the White House characterized the issue as the fight of his presidency, and this is now happening more and more his own team. I'm not allowed to take questions. If I take questions, I'm going to get in trouble. So it's an you know, the Washington Free Beacon. Now they had the word satire. I'm not sure why, but an awkward Biden suffers awkward, dementious scare and meeting with democratic lawmaker. You know, I don't know what his condition is. All I know is when I show you videos on my TV show, because I think it's more effective than just playing Joe. Although we have great montages of Joe and his cognitive mess of a state, you know, you get to see it and you see how bad it is. It's the problem is the medium mob can protect them all they want, but they're saying privately, even some of them to me, that yeah, we see it too. Anybody I talked to ask me, is he gonna make it these four years? You know, no way he makes the four eras. How long do you think Kamala before she gets sworn in? You know how many times it happens every time I go out, anytime I see people. So I don't think these these rogue nations, these hostile regimes like Vladimir Putin's or President Cheese, or the Mullahs in Iran or Kim Jong un or radical Islamic terrorist groups, then I'm being influenced by the mob in America media or big tech. They're assessing American presidents every second of every day. That's what they do. Now, this uh, this talk, this push now and the filibuster. I actually got a list. How many times have Democrats used the filibusters since two thousand and one? What do you think the answer is that, Linda, you have a guess, you want to give it a shot. Gosh, I don't know a lot. Eight hundred and six times. I would have never got that eight hundred and six. I was gonna guess two and twenty twenty eight. They used it one hundred and fifteen times, twenty nineteen, two hundred and twelve times, twenty eighteen, one hundred and twenty three times, twenty seventeen, seventy eight times. And I can go on and on and on. Wow. Yeah, oh but now it's evil. These are very very hard, difficult, and troubling times. I'm telling you right now, Obama now is out there warning that Republicans may steal the twenty twenty midterm elections. Now here's what I'm having a hard time understanding. If they don't like voting laws as they are, how come nobody but me points out that one state that has some of the most restrictive laws. Is Biden's home state that he's represented. As I've been saying for five thousand years, he's never lifted a finger to create more accessibility for the people the Delaware for voting. They don't have seventeen days of in person early voting like Georgia. They don't have drop boxes anywhere in Delaware, they don't have no excuse absentee voting or voting by mail like they do in Georgia. And both Georgia and Delaware have voter identification standards the same exact ones. So how does Joe Stacy Abrams, Rafael Warnock, how do they get away with this big lie? Jim Crow two point zero? Now Obama seems to now want to weigh in on everything. And now Obama is you know, he's you know, now talking about warning that Republicans are preparing to steal the twenty twenty two midterms. Okay, none of these things that are in HR one or SR one that was defeated by the Republican Senate last night were around and implemented when he ran and won in two thousand and eight, and when he ran and got reelected in two thousand and twelve, this for the People's Actors. They go, No, it's not for the People's Act. It's not that at all. It's the corrupt politicians Keeping Power Act. Anyway, Obama's now urging Democrats to pass this voting rights legislation. He didn't need it to win in two thousand and eight or two thousand and twelves. That doesn't hold any water with anybody. We're now watching a number of things happen. Look, I've said this before. Everyone keeps asking me, are you watching what's happened to Maricopa County? They're doing an audit. Okay, yeah, of course I'm watching. That's my job. Are you watching Fulton County? Yes? Are you where Pennsylvania might audit? Yes? You where Wisconsin might audit? Yes, you wear Michigan might. Yes. I'm aware of all of that. You know. Now. The question is people keep asking, well, what happens if the if the vote count changes and it's reversed. I said, well, I've talked to a lot of constitutional attorneys. I'll bring them on again and we can talk about it again. But there's no written constitutional remedy for an audit that would change an outcome of an election. It doesn't exist. Now, for something to actually be done, you need either one or two things to happen, both of which I don't see happening. One, you'd need legislatively, Congress to act and a president to sign a bill that's never gonna happen. Then, secondly, you're gonna need a court like the Supreme Court to take it up. Sorry to say, but the John Roberts Court is deeply politicized, and there's no way in hell do I see any scenario under which that happens. Now, maybe some of you are man that I'm telling you the truth. I'm just telling you the truth. Is it what I think it should be? No? Is it good to do the audit? Yes? But I stand by what I say. What happens now matters a lot for twenty twenty two. And that's why I keep telling all of you. You know, if you want, if you want the Constitution to work, it says that state legislatures they determine the time, the manner, the place in which elections are held in their individual states. HR One SR. One wanted to take that power away. Five things are needed if you want integrity and elections going forward. One is voter id two signature verification. Three chain of custody, control of ballots so nobody in tamper with them. Four updated voter rolls for every election to make sure they're up up to date. And five most states have statutory language allowing partisan observers to watch the vote count up closed from start to finish. Those are the five things that need to be done now before twenty twenty two. That's where my focus is. That's what has to happen if you want integrity in the election process and to have confidence in the election results. Just like they screwed up Florida in two thousand and later in two sixteen, you put changes in place, you learn from your mistakes, and you move on. That's what's needed now. So New York State gets forty billion dollars in Joe's Blue State bellout. You know, Linda, did you read the New York Post today? They're actually spending money on in New York City on the post pandemic sex guide. Did you see this in the paper today? The city officials put out a guide to have and they want you to get kinky in the era of COVID. This is what they say. I'm reading directly what people all around the country. You paid for this. This this New York City health official guidelines the Department of Health Safe Pandemic Sex. They urge you to get vaccinated and jabbed before engaging in the what some have dubbed the slutty Summer of twenty twenty one. Quote make a kinky. Officials suggest be creative with sexual positions and physical barriers like walls. Walls I'm reading verbatim that allows sexual contact while preventing close face to face contact, or you can do synchronize, do it yourself. I won't go any further than that. Then they said, if you want to engage in, you know, they advise you to avoid sex parties. Did you ever hear these things? I haven't. The guide says for those that insist on having sex parties and you want to get your groove fully back this summer, they want you to get the jab before you attend to get togethers with large groups and having group sex with multiple sex partners, or sex with people that you don't know, and by all means pick large or more open, well ventilated spaces. If you want to be involved in these orgies, Should I keep going? Or is that about enough? I mean, I mean, okay, and then we've got first graders now six year olds. You know, we got cartoons in school showing them, you know, talking about masturbation. Why why are taxpayers involved in this crap? Do people really think that they're gonna read the guidelines and change what they were going to do anyway? You can't make this Adams shiff up twenty five to the top of there. Why is my staff getting mad at me that the headline in the New York Post was Johnson and Johnson, the New York City health officials put out their post pandemic kinky sex guide. I'm don't get mad at the messenger here. It's not me. I didn't pay for it. I'm not the one that suggested teaching masturbation of six year olds in first graders. Good grief. It's like, why am I getting in trouble for this? I think it says a lot about Cuomo and de Blasio, just as an aside. Yeah, but we'll use it. But remember the Blue State ballout. Every other state is contributing to this crap because if they didn't get the forty billion dollars and Joe's Blue State Battout money, they wouldn't be able to afford this crap. That's the point we're all paying for this. Um. You know what's getting a stranger and stranger Joe keeps saying, over and over and over again, I'm gonna get in trouble if if I take a question, I'm gonna get yelled at. My team will at me. This is getting pretty pathetic, which goes into Joe's with the reason his staff doesn't want him to take questions is he's not capable of answering them and he's a cognitive mess. Listen, I don't have it. You gave it to my staff. I carry with me in my pocket. Hey do I have that around anyone? Where's my staff? I gave it away anyway, looking for my mask. I'm in trouble. Am I supposed to speak now? Or is Teren's supposed to speak? I don't know. I don't want to get in trouble here. I'm gonna get in trouble with my pre my staff. Yeah, go ahead, but I pretend that you answer. I'm sorry, I'm gonna just last question I'll take ken. I'm really gonna be in trouble. Uh, I'm sorry. I'm gonna get in trouble with staff. I don't do this the right way. Are multiple black women being considered multiple? Well, you don't get how much that's really hard time I apologize. You can't do that. The black media do that, the white media and black media because my wife has to go on at six o'clock. Okay, what does he mean he's getting in trouble all the time. What he did it two or three times when he was abroad and that disastrous trip. You notice there's no fallout that you know, there's absolutely zero fallout for Rhode Island Senator white House and now being defended by fellow Democrats being a member of what is stated what they're saying is an all white beach club, and he stays in the club and he won't answer the question. Um. There is growing anger among the the squad and the new radical Green new Deal folks. They they they are, they're apoplectic over the failure to get this power grab voting bill through and get their agenda through, and that Joe's They now beginning, slowly but surely, they're beginning to turn on Joe Biden. Biden's going to try and change the topic. He's gonna talk about crime and lighted the nation about the cause of soaring crime rates in the country. And I'm telling you right now it's not going to go well for them because this is one big lie. You know. Now, they're they're not worried apparently that the American people will blame Democrats right up until next year's midterm elections for the anti cop policies, the defund effort, the dismantle effort, the no bail effort. That's not coming from Republicans, that's coming from Democrats. That's Democrats. That's their policy, that's their ideas that they're implementing. That's not a Republican policy. Republicans believe in law and order and safety and security, and they backed the police. This bill that would get rid of indemnification of police officers, would end leasing as we know it because every cop, anytime the cop arrest somebody, they're gonna get sued and they're gonna have to hire their own attorney. So now what the strategy that they've adopted is, well, we're just gonna blame Republicans for all of this. Well, that's not gonna work either. I mean, the White House's answers well though this didn't start on our watch. All the riots. They didn't even mention the riots last year. There were nearly three hundred of them. You know that there's no intellectual honesty or consistency. We condemn the riots all summer, last summer and identify them for what they were. Democrats. The silence was deafening because they didn't want to piss off their base and the lead up to an election, which probably would have happened, but Republicans spoke out. It was Republicans that were urging the National Guard to be called up. All Democrats want to talk about as the quote insurrection of January sixth. That can't happen either, and we've been very outspoken. Both got to protect our institutions, protect our politicians. It doesn't matter what their political point of view is at all anyway. So they're now stressing in the run up to this. You know Joe Biden's speech, I guess Biden's giving that the spike in violent crime began in May of twenty twenty. You didn't even acknowledge at all last summer. Defund dismantled, no bell, those are all radical extreme New Green Deal, socialist, democratic policies. That's their idea that's being implemented. They're the ones responsible for this, By the way, not good for Hunter Biden. Miranda Divine was able to pick up new information from Hunter Biden's laptop from Hell. Maybe a brand new question that circle back Jensaki needs to be asked that one of our White House briefings, why did President Biden allow his sleeves bags son. Apparently, according to Miranda Divine, was using his Joe's money to pay for hookers on Joe's personal credit card. I think Joe might have known about this last time I checked. Also paying for sex as the illegal and every state in the Union that would be prostitution. And Miranda Divine put out all the ugly details and apparently Hunter was having these escapades with with hookers and it's all documented on the laptop from Hell. A glimpse into you know, the debauchery that was his you know, cracket attic life at the time, also raising questions about how much his finances were mingled with Joe Biden. Nobody's asked the question about Joe Biden and the fact that he lied three times saying he never talked to his son, not one time that I ever talked to my son about his foreign business dealings. But now we got pictures from the laptop from Hell of Joe Biden going to dinner with as by his president, with Hunter Biden's foreign business associates. You would think that they might get a little bit of attention there. You got to give some credit to Republicans. Every once in a while, they get something right. They all fifty of them, that includes Romney, Sas, Murkowski and company all blocked the power grab voting bill, you know, the one that would have no voter ID ever whatsoever. So they deserve credit when they do something right. Mansion, by the way, how many times have I said I never trust Mansion? He always ends up caving. He ended up joining the Democrats supporting that voting bill, as did Senator Cinema. Are they going to now cave on the issue of the legislative philibuster because there was an indication in a phone call that Joe Mansion didn't think would ever make be public that he's open to it. So I don't know, I you know, I don't know who to trust, who to believe at any point in time anymore period end of sentence, I just don't know um. Anyway, cuddlo Is ripped Hunter Biden's five hundred thousand dollars paintings. The guy's a crack addict. He's not an artist, he has no training. How do you sell, Linda? That would be like me taking like paint and do some finger painting and putting it up somewhere for sale on a gallery and saying I want five hundred grand I think you should do that and donated to the troops. You think anybody would be the most successful thing we did so far this year one hundred percent. You think somebody would buy a finger painting of John Hannity. Dude, I dare you to do it? I dare you? You want me to do a I can't paint. I don't. I didn't tell you to be Picasso. I'm just telling you. You know you're handed. One time I met Steve Wynn. I was at the staying at the Win. We were doing shows down there. He's a brilliant guy. I mean he's he's extraordinary, just like Sheldon Adoles was extraordinarily brilliant. And when you sit and talk to brilliant people, I learned so much. Anyway, invited me in to say hi. I was in staying in his hotel and he watches the show and I had a great time with him. Then all of a sudden, he opened cigars, were smoking a cigar, and then I look around the room and I'm like, oh my god, I think that's a Picasso. And then I'm looking around the room some more another Picasso and another Picasso and Matisse painting and I said, those are those are real paintings, right, And we were smoking cigars in these exact same room. I'm like, what are you crazy? Oh man, I'm serious as a heart attack. I think he gets some finger paints all right. You know, you have a couple of Voka tonics and you get crazy and then you put it up for seven. Don't drink vodka tonic. I drink vodka water and Rosa's lime juice lately or pineapple juice when I love that too. Anyway. Um, So, Biden, don't lie about the rising crime rate in the country. I mean, that's just standard fair now. Politicians, you know, just like the corrupt politicians act and you can't count on any of these people to do anything that they say they're going to do, which is beyond disappointing. Hunter is obvious. Hunter gets a pass on everything. Imagine a Trump kid using the N word. Imagine a Trump kid using anti Asian slurs. Imagine a Trump kid lying on a gun application. Imagine a Trump kid dumping a gun in a dumpster. Imagine a Trump kid getting millions of dollars with no experience from Ukraine. Imagine a Trump kid getting three and a half million dollars from Russia. Imagine a Trump kid getting a you know, money for an expensive sports car from a Kazakhstan oligarch, one hundred thousand dollars shopping spree from a Chinese national, and a one point five billion dollars Bank of China deal with no experience in that that we can find either what would you know? Or imagine Donald Trump saying you're not getting a billion tax dollars unless you fire the prosecutor going after my son. I'm so sick of the double standard. It's unbelievable. By the way, even Obama's White House Ethics chief says, the bidens are sleazy. You know, there are a couple of honest Democrats, not many, but there's a couple out there. Anyway, we have a rising star Congresswoman gop pointing out that the soaring inflation that America is now suffering is not an accident, and this is the way Joe Biden intends to pay for his out of control spending. This is an interesting theory put out by freshman Congresswoman Nancy Mace and saying that Biden said that he's not going to raise taxes on low and middle income earners. Out of control spending by the federal government is causing inflation, and she contends that inflation is taxation. And you saw the Fed last year. They printed four trillion dollars. They're on part of print four trillion more dollars. And Washington wants to do the infrastructure bill and any expending through the budget reconciliation process because they can't get a majority. They can't get over the sixty vote hurdle that would be needed to do it the right way, so they have to work with the Senate Parliamentary in to sort of ride that razor's edge and spend all this money. But already we're paying tax increases on everything we buy because of the energy policies of Joe Biden. You know, there's a study shows that workers face a three hundred dollars hit, which should be surprising to most people. Tax Policy Center shows the White House plan to hike the minimum rate on corporate taxes to twenty eight percent will effectively hit the finances of lower middle class Americans to the tune of three hundred dollars annually. That doesn't even include the high price of energy. Now there's a poll out today. Eighty five percent of Americans are concerned with rising inflation, according to our Harvard Harris poll that came out. Of course they should be. You know, we're paying about a dollar twenty five more per gallon of gasoline every time we fill up a tank, a dollar twenty five more a gallon. We're paying more to cool our homes, heat our homes. Everything you buy and every store is going up because it costs more to get it there, It cost more to produce it. And no matter how many times I say it, I guess some people don't believe it. But corporations are not going to pay these new taxes. They're going to pass their cost onto us. It's really that simple. And by the way, you know, we've already been watching the massive military build up in China. Now, Biden's defense budget is going to downsize the US Navy at the worst possible time. And Biden is now sucking up to this new president of Iran that's even more extreme than Ahmadenijad back in the day. I mean, it's so stupid. This is all America last. Look at their border policy, look at their power gram policies, look at the you know, soon we'll be debating packing the courts. But the Hill is reporting Democrats think that Biden is running out of time for his radical agenda. They're getting worried. The squad is getting worried. The squad is angry that Republicans stopped this voting corrupt politicians election bill that they had yesterday. And they should be Biden's accusing. Republicans are packing a Jim Crow error for the twenty first century. How about you, Why didn't you lift a finger in Delaware? Joe? Now Joe's allowing asylum seekers rejected under Trump to come back to the US to reopen their cases. That's how much they want illegal immigration in this country in amnesty, and Biden's approval ratings starting to sink. According to a des Moines Register, Pole just released, they found a shop a sharp dropping his approval rating there. That shouldn't surprise anybody. I Leonard skinnerd simple man. That could only mean one thing on the Sean Hannity Show our two and that is all things Bill O'Reilly and all things Bill O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. Uh, congratulations again, sir, number one best selling book in America, Killing the Mob. Um. I'm wondering when the mob is gonna kill you for writing about them being killed off themselves. So you know, whatever mob members remain, I'm not thinking they're liking your book, Bill, No, they love it. What do you wait a minute, We'll slow down. What do you mean the mob loves your book? Well, I did explain that one to me, all right, will h First of all, you missed me last week. I was in Wyoming, I asked Linda. I said, well, O'Reilly, because she goes he's on vacation. I go again. I mean you you take more vacations than anybody in radio and TV. Yeah, my old life's vacation. I was roaming around Wyoming comparing the culture there to the culture that we have in New York where we live in San Francisco. Yeah, there's In other words, you were dealing with normal people for ones in your life. Well, what I found out it is pretty pretty interesting. Maybe we'll talk about it later. But to your point, killing them out six weeks at number one, can you believe it? No, listen, that's so awesome. Good for you, buddy, Um, And it's a great book. I learned a lot. I don't want to talk about it anymore because we've talked at length about it, but I learned a lot. You don't want to be redundant, um, but we talked about how brilliant and good looking you are A lot that's redundant. You're such you're such a all right, you know we should I'll tell you what we need to have this discussion, okay, Bill, O'Reilly. We're kind of old school. We kind of grew up blue collar. We both had dads that hit us with the belt because we freaking us served it. We didn't. We weren't damaged, although an argument could be made maybe we were, but we survived it. And you know, we didn't melt like snowflakes do today. And by the way, I don't use I don't I don't believe in corporal punishment myself for my kids. But anyway, there is this new trend in television that I didn't even know what was going on. Maybe you know more about this than I do. Do you know that all that there is a very high percentage of people on television, in news and other television guys that are getting botox apparently is very fashionable. Um now, Bill, I'm not against people. I'm very libertarian. Do whatever you want. But the idea of ever putting a live virus in my face, it's never gonna happen. Bill, Like I'm never gonna get a manny and a petty. That's never gonna happen either. Have you found this? Um? Number One? I get boat Talk every Tuesday. So that's why you that's why you look why you do? Okay, now makes sense, Hannay, That's what I was you gonna say. God has blessed me with incredible handsomeness. And even though I'm getting older, I'm getting better looking. I'm like Johnny Carson. If you look at Johnny Carson when he was a young man, he was much better looking when he was an old mat That's me. But um, I think, by the way, is this like you get up in the morning, you go mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the best looking anchor of them all? I mean, what do you know? I don't even look in the mirror. I quote Joe name it. I can't wait till tomorrow because I get better looking every day. That's what I do every more. But getting back to the boat talk in in television land, I mean a lot of these people are only on TV because of their look. They're dunderheads. They don't know anything, and they just kind of throw them up there because they you mean, like prompter readers, people that just read a teleprompter. We all know them. I can name them if you'd like, but I'm not going to do that. But that's what that's all about. I mean, all they have is a physical thing. But there's a deeper thing here that I want you to think about. So my philosophy is I came in at the pleasure of the deity. He created me, or whatever you want to do up there. So you're gonna say that God anointed you to be Bill o'rilety, He created me, and then in our Catholic theology acknowledges that I was created and my mother and my father, DNA was handed down to me and this is a gift. Life is a gift. So my philosophy and I don't impose this on anyone else, is that I'm going to go out the same way I came in, which means I'm not going to get a tattoo on my neck, I'm not going to put through my nose, and I'm not getting I just but all right, but focus on one thing at the time. By the way, I'm not getting a tattoo or nose ring or any earrings or none of that crap. I'm just old school. I don't know why, but the idea because I've I actually read about it. It's a live virus that they take needles and shoot it into your face and then apparently it gets rid of wrinkles in your face and apparently some people even have really bad side effects from this, and apparently then you can't even move your face. You're sort of expressionless. And I'm so stupid. I had no idea that this phenomenon was happening until fairly recently. Wow, I'm shocked. I mean, that's been going on for a long time. Um, what happens is that if you have an eye what they call an eye job. You look like an owl. So your eyes are like this, wide open. I'm gonna tell you something. Maybe I shouldn't say this, so you can hang on, hang on, wait, wait, wait, I gotta wore my staff be ready to hit the dump button. Okay, go ahead, yeah, all right. My friend, and he was Peter Jennings. I would have an eye job. He had an eye job, and he regretted it because it did alter his appearance. And you know, there's something to be said for getting older gracefully, is there not? I mean, he looks all right. So how old is Clint east Would you've interviewed Clint. I've interviewed Clint. He was, he must be in his nineties now, right, He's not ninety years old, he's ninety one. But because but I love now, if you look at Clint Eastwood, he's got it. He war his life on his face. He looks rugged, he looks tough. He you know, I doubt he's ever gotten botox. I would be shocked if he did. Okay, so, and I will echo your comments about Peter Jennings. Peter Jennings actually shocked me once. I think it was when my second book, Deliver Us from Evil, came out, and he came into the radio studio and I looked at the book. He had a copy, and he had notes all over the book. He had highlighted the entire book and then wanted to talk to me for an hour off air about the book and why I believe what I believe. His curiosity stunned me. You know who else was like that, Tim Russer. Tim Russer, you know, would call me and say, well, how to conservatives feel about certain things? I mean, that doesn't ever happen anymore, No, because both of those men were very interested in getting different points of view. Getting back to Clint Eastwood, I know him pretty well, as you know. And the advantage that Clint has over everybody else is that nobody would ever make fun of his appearance because he would shoot them and so likely through go ahead, you make my day? Yeah, go ahead, all right. But Eastwood is a good example of somebody who at ninety one, still at the top of his game. He's got a movie coming out in November, I know, okay, And he doesn't give in to age. He does what he wants to do, and he's gonna go out the way he came in. I love that you look at Grand Torino, which was I guess it was a number of years ago. But that was a great movie. All right. So let me let me ask you this. So what is a Bill O'Reilly Wyoming vacation look like? Because I gotta be honest, Bill, I don't really see you as a guy hanging out with a buffalo Rome. I was with the buffalo and they loved me by the way they go down to Wait a minute, they're all fans of The Factor. Were they asking for today's talking points? They loved me on The Factor. They loved me on Bill O'Reilly dot com, and they ordered many copies of killing them up. So what we did was we went out there because one of my urchins had never been to the Tetons and Yellowstone and you got here we go. You're calling your children urchins again, all right? Go ahead, yeah, you know, and you gotta go there. It's one of the most magnificent places I've been there. I love it a time. At the same time, I always working, because I'm always working, and what I wanted to find out was this, And I think the audience will be very interested. Wyoming probably per capita, it is the smallest populated state in the Union, although the tenth largest and land Masks probably per capita, has more guns and homes than any other state in the Union, yet is a in violent crime okay, eighth lowest in violent crime. The culture in Wyoming is we have the right to defend ourselves. And because there are bears roaming around, and because it's a very world, did you run into a beard? Defend ourselves. But this is important. I think they have open correct me if I'm wrong. I remember. I think they have open carry. In other words, you can have you can have a sign arm. I don't know the state law there I have to be, but I do know that very few people in Wyoming locked their doors. They are not afraid of crime because there is no crime. And the reason there is no crime, Hannity, is because the few miscreants are severely punished. So if you are a criminal, a drug addict, whatever it may be, you're not going to live in Wyo. Mean You're gonna go to San Francisco or New York where you can do whatever you want to anyone and no one will punish you. John Lott wrote his famous book, has been numerous updates to it. More guns, less crime. And I think you make a great point here right now that you will indeed visit the US Mexico border until you do it soon, Jeremy, let me tell you something, but yes I will, and I have before. Listen anybody, especially if you're from California. You know I've spent a lot of time on the border and it's both going there physically and aware of the issues. All right, as we continue all things simple, man, Bill O'Reilly on Bill O'Reilly dot com. All right, I gotta ask you one political question. So the Republicans were able to unite and did something good for once. I don't have a lot of confidence in many Republicans. I think Republicans has general, can be weak and feckless, and it's way too accommodating to socialism. But they stopped SR one. I think we need three things. Five things to reform our election laws in the country. Two and so that we have integrity in the process and confidence in the results. Voter ID number one, signature verification number two, chain of custody for mail in ballots number three, updated voter rolls, every election number four and number five. Most states have statutory language that allows partisan observers, people on all sides, to watch the vote count up close from start to finish. Anything I'm missing, mister O'Reilly's simple, men, Just one thing. There has to be limits on the time you vote. And look at New York City mayoral primary yesterday, we're not going to know. I know Eric Adams one, okay, but I'm supporting Curtis Sleewa. He won the Republican ticket, right, Timmy Sleewah versus Adams. But we will know officially for two weeks. That's insane, all right. So there's got to be a start point and endpoint and that's all. And it should be disciplined and otherwise. I concur word of the day with your five, but I would add that I think all of that's good. Now. The next question is, so I'm going next week. I know you're going on your tour, and we talked about it before you went on vacation with Donald Trump in December. I'm gonna be with him. I'm doing a town hall with President Trump and Governor Abbott at the border in Texas only today because Donald Trump announced he was going, did Kamala Harris say she's gonna get down there this week. To me, that's a win for Donald Trump because he made that happen. First thing I said when I saw it, I said, they're scared at Trump. He's gonna go down. He's gonna get a lot of attention. So Kamala's gonna a good down But you know what, Como's gonna make it worse, because very great. If she's not interested, it's just a photo op where you guys with Abbott and Trump and you, um, you know you'll be able to put forward. Look, this is the way it used to be. This is what Biden did, and now this is the way it is today. A lot of people are gonna watch that. By the way, and I told the President, because I just speak to him a couple of days ago, not to comp you hannedy for any of the O'Reilly. So, in other words, if I want to go watch the sold out tour with O'Reilly and Trump in December, you're gonna make me pay. Good career, What is wrong with you? Friends? Don't treat friends like that. I've been nothing but nice to you. I'm nice to you, and this is how you repay me. And anyway, I hope you had a good vacation. You sound rested and relaxed. I got a couple of days off coming up around the fourth and in July, and I love that. I'm hated. How's that? Twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Why would I want to be liked by the mob the media. I don't want to be liked by the mob and the media. I don't they lie, their propagandis they peddle conspiracy theories, hoaxes, disinformation, the very thing they accused conservatives of, they themselves are most guilty of. They claim that they're journalists, they're not. I mean, I think one of the one of the funniest stories to come out was there was a story about Rachel Maddow that came out in this court case and a judge ruling that Rachel Maddow's show isn't news. Okay, that's not a Fox News alert. It is totally completely an opinion show. And I would argue my show is different. I'm a talk show host, I'm a member of the press. We do straight news I can produce thousands of hours of straight news coverage on radio and TV. I can produce thousands of hours of investigative reporting, real investigation reporting where we actually hit real results on both radio and TV. Then, of course we give an opinion and we're honest about what my political leanings are. I am a conservative and my philosophy is simple. I believe in let's see liberty, freedom, capitalism, our constitution, low taxes, less bureaucracy in the government. I want choice in schools. I want free market solutions for healthcare, protecting preexisting conditions. I believe in law. I believe in order and safety and security so people can pursue happiness. I want energy independence, I want secure borders, free and fair trade, and I want peace through strength. That's pretty much it. I wrote a big piece, we put it on Hannity dot Com. It was on Foxnews dot Com asking very specific questions of their top quote journalists so far. Just you know Crickets Part two today ask him questions about Joe and Joe's history on racial issues. Anyway, let's get to our phones. As promised, Larry is in the Great State of Florida. You might have a new neighbor coming down. There's one of these days soon that would be me. How are you Yeah? Sure, hi, Seal. It's a great honor to be on your show, and sure hope that you leave the state of New York to come and join us in sunny Florida. I actually immigrated from the People's Republic of Canada a few years ago under the President Trump's administration, and I really love it there. I actually I'm a conservative immigrants. I actually paid and waited for my green card, un like the people invading our southern border. And I'm really happy for the honor to be on your show. I just wanted to reach out and say that when I immigrated here, it was under President Trump. But this was during the impeachment clown circus of twenty nineteen, and I was stressed, and I started volunteering for the Republican Party of Florida, and for the first time, my stress level went down a little bit as I was doing voter registration and they kind of liked me because then they hired me as a field organizer for the Republican Party of Florida and we actually did pretty good in Santa Rosa County. We doubled our number of registered Republicans. And now that the campaign is over, then I went back to the private sector and I'm a volunteer again, And I just wanted to reach out to your listeners and let them know that there's a lot of things that are going on right now. Even in a conservative state like Florida, we have a writer left leaning school board. We have county commissioners who actually are not so much in you know, in line with our conservative movements. So you got to watch out for these people. And as my focus was all on President Trump's campaign last year, I realized that we have county commissioners that actually not so much in favor of the Guardian program, which is training in our volunteer teachers in our schools. And uh, but we also have like pretty cool stuff going on. We're trying to um name the Navarre Causeway as the Donald J. Trump Causeway. Uh, this is a project we're working on. We're gonna have a huge Trump boat parade uh in Navarre later on on September eleven. So if you want to, if you guys want to come down and see this, uh, well, let me let me tell you what I'm taking out of your call. First of all, you're a great American and you're you're you're explaining something and expressing something that I'm not even sure you intend to express, and that is that by involving yourself in the process and and even getting measurable success, you know, doubling the number of registered Republicans, that you feel good about it. You feel like you're you're progressing, You're doing something. Um well, that's the same in anything in life. That's why you know, it's it's very important that people have a purpose. It doesn't matter. I don't care if your purpose is flipping a hamburger every day. You gotta get up and you gotta serve other people, produce goods and services people want, need and desire, and then you're providing, you know, something of value to people, and that's great for your self esteem. It's it's just healthy. I think to lay around and do nothing and just selfishly pick what I'm going to do for any given day would be a pretty boring existence. But the bigger message here is I hope people are hearing you because they can help too, and they can volunteer also, and if you want, if you don't like the direction, of the country, join the likes of Larry in Florida and go do something. Is that a fair statement, Absolutely, sir. And you know, if I'm an immigrant, if I can do it well, so American born citizens can can do too. And there's a lot of Republican clubs. You all need your help. If you leave. If you live in a very blue state like Oregon or California, I would encourage you to maybe move to a purple state and get an involved in the local Republican clubs and let's make that state read again. There's a lot of things that can be done. Get involved in your school board, get involved with your board of county commissioners, let them, let them know that you're You're alive, and the movement is a law. Even will appreciate you calling keep it up. Thanks Larry, good job. John is in Chicago, John, thank you for checking in. Glad you with us. Hey, Sean Hiji, and thanks for having me on the show. Some Chicago police officer been with a department for eighteen years. The reason I'm calling in is because I want to just let the people know how low them rail is in Chicago. The lack of leadership, we don't have support from the higher ups the mayor. The superintendent who was brought in from Dallas, is basically a puppet for the mayor. So instead of the superintendent run in the department, it's basically the mayor that's running it. Um. We probably have about a handful of aldermen. There's fifty aldermen in Chicago. There's probably a handful that have our acts. We're basically handcuffed. They don't want us to do our job. We're demonized, and you know, cops are pulling back from that. We have working twelve hours shifts. We have our days off canceled, and no, you know, we don't get a Memorial Day off, even if we're off that day, Memorial Day, fourth of July, we don't get any holidays off. Our days are canceled. Manpowers super low. You know our contract expired. Can I ask you a question? John? First of all, thank you for eighteen years as a police officer in Chicago. I look at Chicago now as a war zone. Last weekend, fifty people shot. I mean it's like, you know, gunshots every weekend. The number just varies up. Every Monday, we get a get we get to how many people shot count. Here's my question. Yeah, okay, you're willing to risk your life to serve and protect your community. Why is nobody stop this problem? Because I used to scroll the names of people shot every weekend when Obama was president and Joe was vice president and it's just as bad, if not worse today. Now I know it's not your fault. What what is the cause? Why is this happening? Why? Why why are these shootings continuing? Well, the mayor would say, as she would say, it's um illegal guns coming in from Indiana. That's not the case. The case is we have a radical left district attorney Sorrows funded Kim Fox, and we have liberal judges, the chief judge who it's a revolving door. You get caught with a gun, you're out that same day. Before I even get off my shift, they're out gun repeated gun offenders. Um, they're judges are sending five bond, so they got to pay fifty dollars to get out ten percent. So the problem is that they're not there's not a gun problem, there's a crime problem, and they're not going by the judge are just letting these people go. So so it's basically just like New York Nobel law. And so you rob a bank, you get caught, they let you out. You rob another bank, you get caught, they let you out, and it goes on and on and on. I mean, and just like you know, New York made a decision different counties that even though we have video of people committing arson, people involved in looting and rioting, uh not one of the people are going to be prosecuted from last summer. Well that's a license to go out and burn more buildings, rob more stores, loot more stores, and commit more crimes. So if you're not going to enforce the law, then this is what the predictable result is. My advice to you, how how many years in before you're allowed to retire with your full benefits at age fifty? How you do have a couple more years? Do you know? There's my advice is asked for desk duty, and I wouldn't risk your life much more. You've done, You've done eighteen years on the streets, get your pension and go work somewhere else. That's the way it's going. Gotta's sad. I mean, And I'd give you advice not because I want you to do this. Is because they're not helping you do your job. They're making it impossible for you to do your job. And at that point, what's the what's the point? And every cop I know dreamed of being a cop. You want you're willing to put your life on the line for innocent people, and you have no support. They don't want us to chase nobody. UM put over the radio with you know a vehicle description. You see that vehicle, you pull it over and it takes off. You cannot go after that person. So that person that just shot somebody, you gotta let them go. So you know, dreaming of being a cop when you're younger and doing all the john Let me tell you fine states like South Dakota and Texas and Florida they love cops. They're hiring them from from other cities and other states. Get your pension and go work at a department that will give you the support you you deserve. That's my advice. If I thought you could fix it, I would give you my advice on how to fix it. But there's no way you can fix it. This is out of your hands. This these a bunch of stupid politicians that are institutionalizing failure, institutionalizing lawlessness, institutionalizing shootings and mayhem and murder. I blame them, not you. You're not the problem. If they would use you the right way, you'd be the solution. Stay safe, by friend, Thank you all right, back to our busy telephones. Kevin, Minnesota, up neck, Sean Hannity Show, what's up, Kevin. I've got two questions as far as the revoting, I think in Georgia and is it Pennsylvania. No, well, right now, you have an audit in Fulton County in Georgia. They now apparently don't have any chain of custody records, which is required by the law to keep them. You know, I'm watching the left meltdown. Number one HR one didn't get passed. It shouldn't have gotten passed, which would eliminate all voter ID and no signature verification, no checks, no balances, no integrity whatsoever. It actually has Obama now claiming Republicans are going to steal the twenty twenty two midterm elections. No they're not. And then out in Maricopa County they're doing an audit out there. Now if they're doing an audit for the purposes of learning what went right? What went wrong? How is that a bad thing? I've identified five separate things that are needed for election and integrity. I'll say them again. Voter ID, signature verification, chain of custody, controls, updated voter rolls every election, and partisan observers, people on all political sides, get to watch the vote count from start to finish. You know why why are people melting down over and audit? Now? I've spoken to any many attorneys. I want to be very clear here. I don't know what's going to happen. I know that Pennsylvania is talking about it. I know Wisconsin officials are talking about it, Michigan officials are talking about it. I don't know what's going to happen with these audits and if it comes back that they find widespread fraud that they hadn't found before. I've talked to many attorneys, people saying, well, then that means Donald Trump's president, And I'm like, Noah, doesn't, because there's nothing constitutionally that that I or any smart lawyer that I've talked to. I've asked them that they see that that would allow for a redo of a certified election. There's nothing that I see and I don't see Congress, the Senate, or any court, especially the Supreme Court, that would have the appetite to even take a case like this. So I think, you know, for people that think that well this is this is gonna put Donald Trump backing office, the only way Donald Trump gets back in office from what I can see, legally, constitutionally, and from a practical point of view, is in January of twenty twenty five. And that's but you need election integrity. So what happened the things that they didn't follow the laws, partisan observers, didn't observe, the Constitution wasn't followed, that dual standards of identification for voting in Georgia, for example. You know, you got to fix those problems now before twenty twenty two. Anyway, appreciate the call. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn. If you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back. We'll continue all right, news, round up, information overload hour eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. In a moment, we're gonna be talking with Congressman doctor Ronnie Jackson. Now he had worked for presidency. It was the White House physician for both President Obama and President Trump. And recently he has come out publicly and he has said that he thinks that Joe Biden needs to take a cognitive test. I agree with him. I mean, you've got these Look at what happened at NATO, the weird gap. You know, it was like ten seconds of um um um. He has the most difficult times with names. Um NATO is an unmitigated disaster, whereas even being laughed at by the by the G seven group group. And then when you ask him about names you know, for example, or or take when you ask him about taking a cognitive test, he kind of loses it every time that issue comes up. Listen, I want to thank you second the former general or keep calling him the general, my my h the guy who runs that outfit over there. Representatives, Uh, Shirley Jackson, Lee, Al Greene, Lizzie Finelli, excuse me, Fell? And what am I doing here? For Secretary of Health and Educations? I nominated Javier Backaria. You know, there's two ways American people get inspired. One way did they get inspires by great leaders who are you know, called or supped or better angels from Abraham Lincoln to all the way you know, to FDR to to John Kennedy Bride, they actually, well, look, I mean he has made clear that uh hello, The answer is I believe he is in the past, essentially acknowledge that he was. There are certain things that he would do or did do. But please clarify specifically, have you taken a cognitive No, I haven't taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man, that's like saying you before you got in this program, you're taking a test where you're taking cocaine or not? What do you think? Huh? Are ay? Come on man, it's like as and taking a test. Did you do cocaine? Come on, you a junkie? That would be zero experience hunter anyway, Doctor Ronnie Jackson, he was the White House physician, as I mentioned, for both President Obama and President Trump. Then now there are people out there trying to discredit Ronnie Jackson saying that this is political. But he has called for Joe Biden to undergo a cognitive test. So the Commander in chief proves to the American public after all of these I don't know moments that he has. I mean, it's it's very clear that he's he's a cognitive mess. It's pretty transparent. You don't need a medical degree from Harvard Medical School or John Hopkins or NYU to figure this out. It's it's it's it's pretty discernible. And when you couple that with Joe's flashes of anger gets you know, immediately like a switch goes off. You know, we have a right to know whether or not he is mentally alert enough and has the mental capacity to do the hardest job in the world. Donald Trump took the test and got a perfect score. He was told before he took the test. Because I asked him, I said, when you took the test, what did they tell you? They said, whatever the results are, we have to publish. We have to release them, meaning if you don't if you didn't do well, that will come out. And he said, fine, I'm gonna take the test. He ended up acing the test. I spoke with him after and he said it was not exactly an easy test either. Anyway, Doctor Jackson joins us. Now, Ronnie Jackson, Sir, welcome back to the program. Thanks Son. Place agree with you all right. You're calling on Joe Biden to immediately undergo a cognitive test to assess mental impairment, the very same test that Donald Trump took when the media was demanding it. Okay, he took it. My understanding is he got a perfect score. Is that true? That's absolutely true. You got thirty for thirty on it. And you know that's because he got no cognitive issues. And I submit to you that Joe Biden would not do near as well on that test, and it would reveal that something's actually going on, and would have objective data that something's going on. And that's what they really fear is they don't want any objective data. We all see it. I mean, you know, you don't have to be a doctor, you don't have to be a former White House physician to watch this man on TV and see that something's not right. And so, you know, I'm just out there pushing it, saying, hey, it's time for him to take the test. It's time for him to reassure the American people to the extent that he can that he's capable of being our head of state and our in our commander in chief. He's embarrassed his overseas now, you know, and he sent the wrong message to our allies. He sent the He's embolding and encouraging our adversaries with his behavior. Everyone's taking advantage of him. He's being tested on a daily basis, whether it's a run or China, you know, or a Russia, whatever it is, and he's just not passing the test. And they're going to just keep pushing the envelope and just getting away with more and more. And he's not pulling the strange Sean, He's not. There are other people in the West wing that are driving this ship and he's just out there as a figure hit how many fift days when they can get him out there? But it's time, it's time for the public to know. Okay, the American people can see this. It raises a whole set of questions in my mind, who knew what when about his cognitive struggles. I'm trying to be charitable here. From everything that I've read and every medical professional such as yourself that I have spoken to, especially those that are acutely aware. Most many people may not know still that he had two frontal lobe surgeries and removal, and it was done in the eighties at a time where it tended to result in cognitive difficulties as one ages. I'll let you say it. I'm giving you even the layman's analysis here. But what do you see Because what I he is if he's struggling cognitively, that would normally be degenerative. In other words, it's going to get worse. And I would assume the pressures of the job of being president, the hardest job in the world, would probably accelerate whatever condition he may have. Would that be a good observation? That's absolutely right, Sean. He did have those. He had two aneurysms that were clipped. The first one was found because it was bleeding. He had a himorrhagic stroke, is is what it amounted to. He had a second one later on. You know, if I remember correctly, he didn't even go back to work in the Senate for months and months after the first one because it costs so much disability. Well, that inevitably did some brain damage. It killed certain areas of the brain that you know that didn't recover from that. That's what all strokes do. And so as you get older, you rely on having a reserve in your brain that you can fall back on as other areas in your brain don't function as well. And I don't think he has a reserve anymore. And I think you're right. I know what the rigors of this job are, both mentally and physically, and how demanding it is, and he is not up for the test, and I don't think he has the reserve to do this. And we can see him struggling and felling on a daily basis now. But yes, this test was specifically outlined. And if you look at the reason for doing this test, it's a screening test looking for issues like Alzheimer's and cognitive disability related to strokes, and he has had two documented strokes. Let's talk about the surgeries that he had on each side of his brain frontal lobe surgeries, as I understand that each time doctors that I know that do brain surgery. I have two friends that are brain surgeons. They've given me great detail about about the way the surgery was performed at the time that he had these issues in the eighties. They do it very differently today. What do you know about those surgeries. Well, they went in and he's had these aneurysms and one of them ruptured in blad and so they went in and they just tried to clip the vessel to stop the bleeding. And you know what happens when you do that. When it bleeds, initially all the brain tissue distal to where that injury was. It no longer gets it, no longer gets blood, therefore no longer gets oxygen. Therefore the tissue that's depending on that action can die off. And there's always an area right that's most severely impacted by that that that doesn't recover. And then there's an area called the watershed out around it, you know that that recovers. And so it just depends on I don't know what the extent of the damage was, but there was inevitably some amount of damage related to this loss of blood supply and this loss of oxygen to the brain. And so you know that. Once again, I think that that that's why he's not doing very well right now. I think that he doesn't have that reserve to fall back on at this point. You know, everybody, like I've said this before, I think I've told you this before. Everybody ages differently. We all know people that are hundred and something years old they are sharp as attack, and we all know people that are in the early seventies that are having a lot of difficulty. Unfortunately, he's he's from that from that category that's having a lot of difficulty, and he's not aging gracefully. It's only going to get worse. It's not going to get better. They're trying to roll him out on good days now, get him out for small short period of time, giving him screened questions to ask, giving bullets and talking points from the questions that they know that the press is going to ask from people that they've already identified. And even with that, he's having an incredibly difficult time. So I have no confidence whatsoever right now that he will be able to perform, you know, when he really has to is our president. What's amazing to me is the I always said it during the campaign that he was in the media mob, big tech candidate protection program. Now I argue that Joe Biden is being protected again is the presidential protection program provided by the media mob and big tech Once again. Every single person I talk to sees exactly what you're seeing and what I'm seeing. World leaders. They study American presidents. They watch their every move, they watch every word they ever say. They're being studied at a very high and on a very sophisticated level, and that means America's enemies. That means people like Putin, people like as It enchieved, the iranium, Mullah's, Kim Jong Un, radical Islamic terrorist groups. They're all watching now. They're not being influenced by the media cover up of what is obvious is that Joe is cognitively weak now. The people around him, they also have to know what's going on. If anything, they know, it's a lot worse than what they're allowing us to see because they limit the time that he's available publicly. He averages less than one agenda item on his schedule a day. He disappears every single weekend. If there's a big event that he has to go to, he's missing in action for days and days in the lead up to such an event. That would tell me that they're preparing him and resting him as much as possible, perhaps even treating him. I don't know if there's any treatment. One has to ask that question, is that a possibility? Is there any treatment that could hance enhance somebody's cognitive ability? Are there any medicines that would enhance one's cognitive ability if they were struggling? Absolutely, there's medicines out there, you know, that they used for Alzheimer's and different types of cognitive issues. And those are the questions we need to have answered. You know, has he had to have they had conversations about this? Have they already done some testing that we don't know about, easy on medications to help him, you know, get past this. Those are all questions that the American people deserve to know. Whenever I was President of Trump's physician, we were fully out in the open with every single thing that happened to President of Trump from a medical standpoint, all the medications us on everything involving his mental health and his physical health. And those are the kinds of questions that they need to answer for us. And you're right, his staff and people around him are covering this up. And you know, Sean, my theory is that, you know, back in October, when it looked like there was no way President Trump is possibly going to beat the economy could be beat, the economy was booming, so on and so forth, I think that the Democrats had already conceded, and I think they really didn't care who their nominee was at that point. They thought it was going to be a lost cause this round, and then COVID came out and they capitalized on that and they realized, maybe we have a chance to take this election. But then they were stuck with Joe Biden as their nominee. So I think that they looked around and said, oh my god, what are we doing now? We got Joe Biden as our nominee. So I think that they've been working on a contingency plan of getting rid of him at some point in their future because they know they're going to be forced to because of this cognitive performance. And I told somebody that hadn't ask said, you know what I said, ask me about this a year from now, if he's still there in a year from now, because I won't be the one talking about it. The Democrats are going to do one talking about it too. They will come after him at some point. All right, quick break, We'll come back more with Congressman and doctor Ronnie Jackson. He was the White House physician for President Trump and President Obama. And as we continue, doctor Ronnie Jackson now Congressman Ronnie Jackson. He wants Biden to take this cognitive test. They will have to be a lot of explaining by the people that were around him, and what did they know about this condition and when did they know it? Now, just to be fair to people, I'll look at Bernie's Sanders. Bernie Sanders is as as mentally sharp as he was twenty years ago. He's got a high energy level. People. I can tell you the people because I knew people that work with Donald Trump. He wore everyone around him out. I mean everybody around him was exhausted and he was still ready to go another five hours. How many hours a night did he sleep? He slept between four and five hours a night, nevermore. That's about what I sleep. And I'm perfectly fine. Yeah, I saw him on Monday, and he looks fantastic. Man, he looks great, Sean, if he decides to come back, he's going to be a force to be dealt with, for sure. But my point is it has nothing to do with age. You know, you can have a you can be incognitive decline in your fifties for crying out loud. I know people that's happened to. Bernie Sanders is older than Joe Biden and and he's he's got it together. He's sharp as he's ever been. Right, Yes, sir, that's crazy. But example, he's a crazy, but you know he's still articulate and he doesn't have these brain farts like Joe Biden is having every five seconds. All right, tell me about this test. What would the test consist of? What do you so? It's a screening test, Sean, you know it's not really made. Is a comprehensive tests to look for cognitive you know, to to diagnose or you know, really break down cognitive issues. It's a screening test looking for cognitive issues, the same way that we screen somebody for colon cancer, for heart disease, sort and so forth. This is the screening test for cognitive issues. And so you know, if you don't have any cognitive issues, you should be able to do pretty good on it. I think, you know, a normal score is like twenty seven out of thirty. Like I said, the prison got thirty out of thirty. But you know it deals with you know, can you draw shape? It has like a three dimensional cube and you have to reach all the I'll tell you what we'll do. One day. I think maybe I'll let you give me the test and unless I score well, I'm not going to report it publicly. Um, but anyway, thank you for being one of those. Doctor Ronnie Jackson. Congressman Ronnie Jackson, thanks so much for being with us from the state at great State of Texas. We'll continue a right twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Just your calls for the next half hour. Let's say hi to Judy. Judy is in Texas, and Judy, thank you for calling Hi. Saw how to do all the liberty loving people in a middle past to action? I missed that part. Say that again. I had a call to action. Okay, what's your call to action? I love that. What is it? First of all, I'm a nurse and I think we, like you said earlier, can all do something. We're all gifted in something we can help our community. I'm a full time nurse, but I helped volunteer. I helped kids with homework. That's when I find out what they're in doctorating our kids with. I helped teach the truth. I was a poll worker and speaking of election antiquity, and that's what made me moved to Texas. I was a poll worker in California and got out of there, and so I just say, we all can help our neighbors. We can help our friends, we can help them with their homework, we can you know, do all kinds of volunteer work, or it's an action call. We could be the activists instead of the left wingers. Listen, We've got it. I used to always say, we need to become the media, all right, conservative talk radio. That that fills one one one gap the few of us. And there's not Look, not everybody at Fox, things like Sean Hannity. Let me be very blunt, very open, very honest, but there are a couple of us that are conservative, and there's a lot of people on Fox that I disagree with, which I'm fine, by the way, I'm totally cool with it. I'm fine with that. Nobody tells me how to do my show, Nobody tells me what opinions I've got to take. And I've been doing it twenty five years. They'd pretty much leave me alone to do my show, and we remain independent and we go our own way. We do it the way we want to do it, and I'm grateful to have the opportunity. Now, I would argue the next step for conservatives, and I'm not capable of doing this. I don't have the Linda, to come way in here. I barely have the technical knowledge to download an app, and everybody around me knows it, and it infuriates everybody around me. I don't even have email. I don't have any access to any social media. I constantly am changing telephones even because they always break, and when they don't work the way I want them to work, I just I get another phone because by the time you get it repaired, it takes forever. And so but we need our version of Twitter, our version of Facebook, our version of Instagram, our version of YouTube. And I know their efforts now that are out there. Which one will emerge as the winner? I don't know yet, but I but I strongly support it. Like for a while I thought Parlor was going to be a nice alternative to Twitter. We saw what happened with Parlor. So now that we're kind of back back to the drawing board again. But it has to happen, because you know, we've we've we've done a couple of tests, Linda, you can attest to this. Usually in years gone by, when I would tweet, it'd be like, you know, a whole army of conservatives that would come in with comments supporting me, and there'd be people that hate my guts. And actually, some liberals can be funny, and I'll laugh at even if they're making fun of me. Now it's like one hundred percent Hannity sucks, Hannity sucks Linda true or false. Right, We've actually tested it, and then we went back. Linda went back somehow she figured out how to do it and looked at at tweets from whenever ago, and we look at the comments and like eighty percent of people agreed with me. There's like nobody left on Twitter that's a conservative anymore. I know it. It's actually not that. What they're doing is that they're suppressing. So what they what they can do through their algorithms is they can make sure that certain people's messaging, certain people's conversations do not reach designated parties because they don't want the message to get out. So what conservatives have to do, and what's very hard for conservatives to do, because we believe in capitalism and independent responsibility and entrepreneurialism, we actually need to work together and not everybody be out for the glory and if we did that, we'd be in good shape. So, for example, instead of hashtaging every single right wing thing that you think everybody needs to know about, leave all of it out and you put in something else. Let me tell people this too it and I don't want to take all of Judy's time you stole, whether it's Judy, let me just tell you I've been approached. I have been approached by people to partner financially in some of these endeavors. And by the way, my instincts would be this would be if it's done right with the right people that I trusted and believed in, it would probably be a good investment. The problem then for me becomes, if you really do allow free speech, you're always going to have a bunch of idiots that say stupid Adam shift on whatever the platform is. And let's say, if I own five percent of the company, I'm going to get ninety nine percent of the blame when people say dumb stuff. So that puts me in a bad position. Now I don't even go to visit these sites, so you know, it puts me in a box that I just don't feel comfortable being put in. To be honest, Linda and I have talked extensively about that. You actually agree with me that I'll get all the blame. Yeah, Well, unfortunately, you're in the name. So whenever you have anyone partner, unless they're going to be silent and we're going to be anonymous and they're just going to be a partner in, you know, financially, get an ROI on their equity investment, then otherwise you're out of luck. Yeah, I mean, so my answer is I'm encouraging anybody that's involved in it on the best level that I can. But you know, I want to focus on these two shows that I have. It's an honor to be on this radio program every day for three hours. I love doing the TV show for an hour every night. You make this possible. It's my job to do a good show every day, and I'm going to stay fully focused on that, with an eye on twenty twenty two and an eye on twenty twenty four, because the country is literally hanging in the balance, and I believe that with all my heart. Judy, thank you, You've been great. Pamela California. Glad you called Sean. It's an honor to speak with you, to be on your program. My opinion is that the greatest source of voters suppression is caused by the Democrat policies of decriminalizing crime. It makes people afraid to go out in boat when there's bums and junkies or shotguns in their neighborhoods. And if we're talking about mail in ballots, the mail doesn't get delivered in certain neighborhoods because of the crime. Sad. Yeah. And by the way, we know how to fix the problem. Rudy Giuliani did it in New York. Forget about Rudy's politics for a minute. Rudy Giuliani was able to show that if you, if you, if you hyper focus your limited police resources in the areas that have the most crime. We're not talking about race here, we're talking about where where is most of the crime happening, and you can save lives. Because there were nearly three thousand homicides a year and he drove it down to three hundred. Those are human lives being saved. Does he get credit for it, No, But the policies worked. We can duplicate that if we want to. We don't have to reinvent the wheel. Long we have brave men and women that are willing to serve and protect their neighborhoods and do their job. But they're not getting supported today, and they're getting in trouble for even doing their job. So it's, you know, we're you know, it's it's even gotten a point for me in my life, not that I want to talk too much about me, is you know there are places I don't go because I know the very sight of me in the leftist mind will trigger them. I mean, that's how insane it's gotten. You know, when I see a liberal that, you know, maybe somebody in television, I say, hi. I mean, I don't really give it. I don't give a flying adam shift about who this person is. But you know, apparently that's not their reaction. But you're right, these policies, you know, it's a threat. Now people can't even have a mailman drop off the mail anymore. That's sad. What you're saying is sad. Linda's true or false. Certain places I will not go now where I used to go. That's one hundred percent true. There's I mean, we're riding the subways in fear, we're walking down the street, people are getting hit with bats, you know we have come out of fear. I'm not fearful at all. There's no fear in my body about going right. But you're not going to willingly go somewhere where you know there might be a confrontation, be confrontation, and that I have to be right. I'm avoiding it more for their sake to mind, to be very honest, I don't want to be involved in that. I don't want to be part of that. You know, I'm actually a very peaceful person, and at times when when people have become confrontational with me, I do everything in my power to diffuse it. Can I buy you a drink, which let me take care of your bill? I'll do anything. I'll also none of those people have been around you when your technology isn't working, then because you're not very pleasant. That's not how I'm in a good spot right now. Because I only have one device and it's and it's new and it works. One device that you operate everything else, James dickscare, I don't do anything well. You You do all the social media. I do a lot of it too. I don't do any of this you, Kristen. I mean, I have a whole team that does this. Could you imagine, I mean, would you really want to deal with me on Twitter again to explode? Well, I'd be posting it like three in the morning. I'd be fighting, you know, one of these liberal idiots. And people are like, what is wrong with you? Go to sleep? I'm like, why him fall asleep because I'm on the stupid thing. Well, well, I don't know why you're not falling asleep considering the fact that you're in a dojo for four hours every morning with Glenn. But you know, no, it's only an hour and a half, two hours, that's it. Oh my god, No, it's not. It's so much longer. There's there's the pre talk, there's the chit chat. Then we got to get you in the dojo. We gotta stop, we gotta text somebody. It's like four hours. When all said and done, He's he's killing me every day. I'm a friend of mine. I actually swam in a pool not that long ago, which I rarely do, and a friend of mine goes, what happened to you? And I'm like why because the whole you're black and blue on your entire left side of your body. I'm like, really, and I didn't even know it, and I said, yeah, oh yeah, that's right, Glenn. That was Glenn. But I have black and blues every day. That's just part of my training. It's a little looked up. It's not exactly. I wouldn't describe it that way, by the way. And then we so we were at some event in New Hampshire. I think it was in the last election. It wasn't the last election. Lawrence Jones was with us. So Sensa is there, you know, he's doing security for me, and we're having a dinner. It was a really nice dinner. I usually take the both radio and TV. I take the whole team, even you know, everybody that works on both shows. If you're involved in any way, I invite you and we throw a dinner one night when we're on the road. And so that was that dinner night. And then I stand up and we did a demonstration a pain day. You were there, you remember this. And then I offered Lawrence Jones a thousand dollars to see if he could take it, and he wouldn't do it. He wouldn't take it. Jones is a very smart man. Oh I get I still give him a hard time about it all right. Let's say hi to Jim in Kansas. Jim, how are you? We got about a minute. It's all yours, sir. Hey Sean, thanks for taking my call. It's an honor to speak to great American patriot. Thank you, my friend and Donald Trump's running mate. In twenty twenty four, got a question about Biden shutting down the Keystone pipeline. He said it was due to climate change and stuff, and how can he justify Putin's pipeline? Is it because he wants to line his family's pockets with more money or out of his allegiance to Mother Russia. All I can say is is if any of the Trump kids got three and a half million dollars from a Russian oligarch, the first Lady of former First Lady of Moscow, and then Joe Biden who just signed an executive order that wiped away eleven thousand high paying career jobs in the energy sector for the Keystone XL pipeline and then gives a waver of Vladimir I'm sorry to me. The first thing I would think of, and if it was a Trump the media would think of, is that Joe's compromised because it makes no sense whatsoever. Now we're also paying for our Western European allies defense Visa VI, NATO, the defense, their defense against Russia. Now they are making Russia and Putin hostile actor, hostile regime rich because now they're doing billion dollar energy deals with Putin. Now, how stupid does that make us as a country? It makes us dumb. This is what America Last looks like under Biden. It's America Last, Blame America first. That's where that's the state of the country today. It's it's unbelievably stupid. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at Today Hannity nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Miranda Divine what a column she wrote about Hunter's laptop from Hell New Information, Eric Trump, will way in, Senator John Kennedy has become like one of our favorite guests. We love him. A nurse that's fired for not getting a vaccine, How unfair is that? And Senator Ron Johnson and Moore, please say your DVR Hannity nine Eastern tonight. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us. You make this show possible.

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