Biden Loves China

Published Dec 11, 2020, 11:00 PM

Peter Schweizer, author of Secret Empires, whose research is currently being featured in a new film, Riding the Dragon exposing the Biden family ties to China, discusses the new efforts to investigate the Biden family’s ties to China. 

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All right, it's Friday. We made it Gladia with us right down on toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and nine four one sean if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. One bit of good news. I know that we're all watching the COVID spikes around the country and you know it's I mean, this has been a year a hell when you look at the worst pandemic since nineteen seventeen and eighteen, the impact it's had on so many of us in our lives. We're actually going to talk to business owners later and just you know what they are going through because of government just never ending, just shutdown, shutdown, shutdown, shutdown, instead of being creative learning from the science. You know. Like I saw this place recently. I was passing by. It was actually Chris and Tony's in Long Island, which is one of our favorite restaurants, and like La Pazzetta and Rothman's and Marios we love are certain places. And they actually had these bubbles where you could have like a dinner the two or four people. They got heaters in it, just like a cool intimate bubble. You have your dinner and you know, so they're coming up with innovative, creative ideas and the plexiglass, and you wear the mask even in the bubble, except for when you're eating, etcetera, etcetera. And at some point people are also going to factor in. There's nobody at this point that doesn't know the risks involved in getting on a jet airliner. Is nobody that doesn't understand the risks involved in getting behind the wheel of a car every day. I think it's a fairly accurate thing to say that most Americans now understand completely what social distancing is and what the imperative of masks, and why you can't go to shopping if you don't have your mask on, or you can't go to your local drug store. I mean, all throughout this pandemic, I went to my local grocery stores. I'm my favorite restaurants to usually order out way too much food, and you know, I went to my you know, drug store, grocery store, all these places, and I talk to people. This is what I do. I can't shut up, so I talk to people. And it's amazing that not one person at my local grocery store ever in a year got COVID, not one, and all these precautions were used. Not one person in the drug store I go to ever got COVID. Not one. And now, look it's a controlled environment. In both places. They put in very very stringent rules from the beginning about masts and gloves and plexiglass and social distancing and all that stuff, and it just worked. Now, it doesn't mean when it seems like at least where where we are now that that's sort of like here we go again, as we're back to where we were in the spring. In terms of people contracting the virus and just observing and hearing from people that have been getting it, you know, it tends to be more younger people, a lot of kids from college. It was a USA Today article about it coming back with the virus, and we warn these kids, it kept saying, then, don't bring this into the house to grandma and grandpa. Protect grandma and grandpa, mom and dad, or people that might have a comorbidity or an underlying condition or sometime of compromised immune system. Definitely the death rate is lower, but as of tomorrow, we're now getting logistically, the military now is going to be delivering hundreds and hundreds of thousands and millions of vaccine doses to Americans. What a tribute to medical researchers and scientists and frontline medical workers. And by the way, they should get at first. The New York Times actually on their website, you fill out a form, you know, answer a few questions. Believe it or not, they consider if you're in the media as an essential worker. I guess, because you have to get news and information out to people. I checked the box, and then I didn't check the box. I did it, ran it twice. And in terms of what number I'm on the list after I put in my personal information, I was two hundred and sixty seven millionth in line to get the virus. And in my home county, I'm one point one million vaccine dose is given out ahead of me before I'd get it, or sixteen millions in the state of New York. Um a little less if I say essential worker, but it's still two hundred and fifty seven millionth on the line. Did you did you run your numbers through that lender or no? Did I run my numbers? Yeah, you wouldn't get the vaccine anyway because you're you know, you're anti vax person. But I'm first of all, I am not anti vax all right on this potally anti vax. Come please don't play Biden after me, you junking please? I can't, I really can't, man, all right, But the point is, you know you're not interested, by the way, You're a lot younger than us, So you know, um, I don't want me first on the list scene at any age. We should prioritize workers, frontline providers, We should prioritize communities where there are higher incidents. We should prioritize older, more vulnerable citizens first. That's that's just common sense. So if I'm two hundred and sixty eight million on the list on Hannity, can't even make a phone call and hate when people say that stuff to me, I'm like, no, I'm not going to make a phone call. I can't stand these these jackass celebrities that you here make the phone call? You know, Can I do this? Can? I? Oh? It drives me crazy, But you know so over there at MSDNC, good old Donnie Deutsch, I guess was on one of these shows over there anyway, and he actually said that the president supporters, in other words, we irredeemable deplorables, We smelly Walmart shoppers, those that cling to God, guns, bibles, religion. He called us that fifty million jerks who don't care about Americans dying in the pandemic, you know when it was common and I guess the President's rally and Valdosta and other people discussing the death rate. Look, I hate to tell these condescending jackasses in the media because they think they're just smarter than everybody else, and they thumb their nos that we the people. Everybody is making assessments every day about risks that they are willing to take in their own lives. And I know that the concept of real freedom and freedom of choice might be really alien to the woke population, But there are people that don't live in the exact state of fear that the media does. Now, with that said, I've been very clear, I don't know I'm encouraging people. I said it was going to be short term. I turned out to be right. Wearing masks, I said, if it means I protect granny and Grandpa, I'm gonna wear it. I don't want anyone getting this stupid thing for me. If I get it, I get it, I'll deal with it. It's like so many of you have had to deal with it. And if I ever get to my number two hundred and sixty eight million, I would take the vaccine. But you know, I've just urged people to protect their loved ones and those that might be more vulnerable. So in other words, if you if you're willing to take the risk, okay, but don't take the risk for grandma and grandpa. That would be my only request. You know, I'm not somebody that wants to dictate how people live their lives. Anyway, Here's what Donnie Deutsch said. But maybe we have to get to a point that maybe there are fifty million jerks in this country. Maybe that's the sad truth. And how do we manage that? Because Joe Biden is doing everything right. Okay, fifty million jerks, um, you know. But I've talked to enough business owners, a lot of my friends. I mean, if you're in the restaurant business, you're dying. They're dying. And for most people that own restaurants, you gotta understand something here. And having my dad was a waiter, I worked in every job imaginable since I'm twelve years old. In restaurants, I did it all and I'm just telling you. To open a door, you gotta pay the renter mortgage. Okay, it's a lot of money to open the door. Then you got to decorate the place. Then you got to build the bar. Then you gotta you know, put the tables, chairs in and build out the dining room. Then you got to get the silverware, the cups, the saucers, the silverware, whatever you're gonna get or whatever. Then you got to hire the cook build the kitchen, hire the dishwashers, hire, the bus boys, hire, the bartenders, hire, the waiters and waitresses hire the people are going to clean at the end of the night. Okay. Now that's before you pay one penny. That's before you get one cent back from selling a cocktail or a drink, or a hamburger or a steak or shrimp scampy or whatever it is. The people like to eat, I mean, and the margins on food are ridiculously low. I mean, if you buy fish, well, you better hope a lot of people eat fish than next two days, because at some point you're gonna have to throw the fish out if you buy too much. Or I mean, it's it's a hard, tough business with very very low margins. Now government comes now you're you're shut down. Well they're now, they're done, and everything they put into it don't matter how creative. Even some people get, you know, those that build these little bubbles outside of restaurants that you're gonna have a dinner for two or dinner for four. And the people in the bubble actually stop by my buddies Christ and Tony. They're actually you know, they're wearing the mask in the bubble with the heater in it. Okay, they're isolated. It's you know, it's not ideal, so everyone rather be inside. But they're finding ways to survive. And then incomes the government shut down now, and that's what they're doing, I mean with no consideration of what it takes to run a business every day. I mean balancing, Yeah, you got to balance it all to have all the answers. I don't. The only thing I can say is I am grateful that American medical scientists, researchers, doctors and frontline workers have worked so hard the last year and now that this vaccine begins distribution tomorrow and you know, shots are going in arms and it certainly will build that quote Herd immunity, not the natural herd immunity that everybody talked about, and with a ninety five percent efficiency rate efficacy rate, that is just an amazing testament to American ingenuity and American greatness and invention and risk and reward. And you know, certainly the government backing all of this up financially played a big role in that. For those that don't want to give Donald Trump credit for anything, That's what Operation Warp Speed was about, because it allowed these pharmaceutical companies to go forward with this research at warp speed so that they knowing that they had some financial back up and they want going to go bankrupt as a company as a result of it. All that gave them a lot of flexibility and freedom to go all in faster, which means lives are saved. I listen, I'm knowing people that have struggled with this thing, and I know plenty of people that had no symptoms. I know plenty of people that had like very little symptoms. You know, you just don't know if you're that point one percent or a point whatever percent of people that you know, for whatever reason underlying health condition, comorbidity or whatever. You know, this virus just targets some and pits some people much much harder. I mean, that's the insidious nature of it all. You know, the weirdest thing about viruses is you get these people that devote their entire lives to studying viruses. You know, why is it the H one N one wasn't as deadly, but that tended to impact kids and not older people. Why is that? Why does this one tend to really go after older people not younger people. And then again, the danger of being asymptomatic. You're at college, you're out, you go to parties, you come home, you see mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. That's why I've been telling these kids, stay away from your mom and dad and do the quarantine thing. If you're going to be around them, and especially protect older people. It's the right considerate thing to do. You know, it's just basic fundamental human decency. But can we find ways, creative ways to work with business and not just these broad sweeping shutdowns. When you have people that are willing to work with you and to stay open and customers that want to go to these places, there's got to be you know, there's got to be a balance here. While we get to the point where life gets back to normal, hopefully by like May. The hospitalizations have continued to increase in New York City. We said that we would watch it if the stabilization. If the hospital rate didn't stabilize, we would close indoor dining. It is not. We're going to close indoor dining in New York City on Monday. Outdoor dining and take out continues outside of New York City and in the Orange zones. We're going to watch the indoor dining data. The numbers are down in the chart, but we're going to watch over this weekend and we'll make any adjustments next week if the data suggests I think he's getting another award for his leadership. Amazing. Back to the president now, the President's counsel John Eastman saying, I suspect, And we'll get an update from Rudy on Hannity tonight. But the Supreme Court is going to meet in conference today to decide whether the grant Texas motion to file the original action, and then they'll confront the issues about like whether President Trump can intervene himself eighteen states now, and the president of the United States, you know, this is a real case. These attorneys general are not going to sign on to a case that as week on law or week on constitutional arguments. They wouldn't do it. And it does highlight how important the case. And now you got one hundred and six congressmen also weighing in and how necessary it is. You know, one friend of mine who knows the Supreme Court really well, actually said, well, it may actually just shock everybody and just do the right thing. And if they do, then it's crystal clear what the right thing is. This is not a complicated case on the law or on the constitution. Now do I have a lot of faith in John Roberts. I don't at frankly, I've lost all faith in him. Not exactly sure what happened. We first saw evidence of this during the Obamacare case and then reports that he had changed his mind, maybe more than one different time. And the problem is is when you get away from the mission of what the Court is and in this case, resolving differences between the legislative branch and the executive branch and issues of real constitutional importance. And we'll get more into this in the next half hour. If they just stick to what their job is, these states deserved who have this thrown back at them based on their actions, which should have been crystal clear to them in the beginning, were either illegal or unconstitutional or both. If you follow the law, you follow the constitution, and we've gone over this in great specificity, in detail, then this is not a hard case to run to do. Will they do it? Yeah, that's anyone's guests at this point. So we're really just waiting for the Supreme Court on Texas and the election challenge. Will wait and see what happens. I agree with John Eastman, the President's counsel on the case, and others that I've talked to eighteen states now with the president now one hundred and six Congressman highlighting the importance of on the law, the importance in every other way. Now you've got all these look the court tries to just so you know, avoid anything that is you know, this hotly contested, but it's again, if you stick to the law, it is what it is. You know, one thing President Trump warned a Biden administration would be a play a scandal plagued mess. This is the biggest untold story of this entire election cycle, and that is you remember New York Post Blockbuster, remember the Hunter Biden laptop and Bob o Lynsky and yeah, and and put ten aside for Joe and blah blah blah, unbelievable. And you know it's, uh, they let him get away with it. They let him get away with it. We'll get into that in a second. Anyway, So we have now Michigan. It's it's interesting to watch the states mentioned in the suit by Texas and all these other states now joining and I mean joining the case as the Supreme Court now is going to make their decision. And what's pretty fascinating here is, you know, you've got state legislators now responding to this and they're mad, I mean, but what's funny is the only answer they have is to basically go at hominum. You know, Pennsylvania accuses Texas of seeking to decimate the electorate. Okay, that where's the legal response to what they say? In other words, constitutionally, does Pennsylvania have the right to unilaterally extend or change the voting laws. They do not. That's just the legal, simple, basic, fundamental constitutional issue. Just like on the Pennsylvania case, as we have discussed earlier this week, it's again state legislatures. They are the ones that make the decision. Pennsylvania state constitution does not allow for rampant mail and balloting with specific language in it. This is the problem with the dual signature verification issue in Georgia, this is the problem with Wisconsin. Does not allow early voting, and then they're just setting up these tables all around Wisconsin. Of course, in democratic areas, and the methods by which you know, one county or one state is certifying and vote versus another. Now, when you have four states like this, now it's outcome determinative and that means that, well, they might be disenfranchising people in other states. So thirty nine states now pick sides here, the vast majority of them for defending states, twenty democratic ages, all but one from a Democratic attorneys general and the Republican attorneys general. And you know, they're just assailing it. Oh, it's bogus, it's bogus. But they're not they're not answering the question on the law. You know, the State of Texas is not asking the Supreme Court to pick a winner in all of this, not at all. That's not what this case is about. Although they do offer remedies and as one of my friends said, well, it's going to be interesting to watch. They may actually just do their job and then see where they go, because that's that would be what the law says. You know, it's unambiguous if there's a controversy between two states as far as original jurisdiction that rests with the US Supreme Court is this is their mandate, this is this is And then people are saying, well, what about standing, Well, I would say, because it's outcome determinative, then that means the standing of any of these attorneys general that a Republican are legitimate considering that it would disenfranchise the people in their state that they didn't follow the constitutional rules that applied to everybody else. It's not that complicated in a legal issue. You don't need to go to Harvard Law to figure this whole thing out anyway, eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, I'll tell you the saddest thing that we're now discovering as it relates and I you know, I think I rightly say the Biden family foreign crime syndicate at this point, and the fact that the mob in the media literally, and we're gonna play it again. We played it yesterday and Big Tech just decided unilaterally no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence. And then you have big Tech literally censoring content. You couldn't even find the story and read it and determine whether it was right or not. Now, the whole time, when we were going through the Ukraine thing, I kept pointing out the quid pro quo with Joe and zero experienced hunter. Why because well, the whole argument was by an anonymous hearsay, not really a whistleblower, whistleblower, you know, making the claim about about talking a phone call with President Zelinsky Ukraine and President Trump. It ended up in that case, in spite of the entire impeachment fiasco, that we only ended up with one fact witness in the whole case. All these people we were hearing from I think so. I believe so. I thought so. It may have been they were either a hearsay witness or they were offering opinions. There were opinion witnesses. The one person that actually had talked to Donald Trump said, yeah, he said he didn't want anything, no quid pro quell. No, he never said that. He said He just wants them to do the right thing and not surround themselves with corruption like the last leader. Okay, oh, that he should be doing that as a good steward of all of our money. But there was Joe on tape before the you know, you know, the CMP group or whatever or one of those groups, and he was there saying, you know, you got six hours. You're not getting a billion taxpayer dollars unless you unless you fire this prosecutor, son of them be they fired him. Prosecutor did interviews Washington Post ABC. John Solomon, prosecutor said up is fired because Joe Biden demanded I get fired so that they could get the billion dollars. And then we find out Hunter goes on GMA, no experienced oil, gas, energy or Ukraine. Why are you getting paid all this money? I don't know. By the way, what's on this laptop that nobody's talked about yet is far worse than anything we've ever seen. I've been briefed on all of it. There's not at liberty to share it yet. There's a lot more there, I mean a lot more there. Then I'm talking to somebody that's seen it, so you know that just showed the rampant hypocrisy, I mean, hypocrisy is everywhere. Russian interference matters except for Hillary's dirty dossier. Think about that, Hillary pays for a Russian disinformation dossier. Not one Democrat, nobody in the mob cared, you know, the idea that we're going to use that dirty, unverifiable dossier without which you don't get FISA warrants, according to the people that even signed them, and Sally Yates and Andrew McCabe and everybody else, and they didn't, oh a year and a half after the whole mess, after the country's dragged through hell. Yeah, knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have signed the dossier, you know, mister Hyron or Comy or Sally Yates or Rod Rosenstein all saying the same thing. You know, I wouldn't assigned it, knowing what I know now. Nobody seemed to care that they were spying on a candidate then using Russian disinformation. I thought Russian interference mattered. I thought that quit proclos mattered. They don't. I thought that China was a hostile acker. I mean, imagine the Trump kids, you know, flying on the Air Force one with President Trump to China. Ten days later, they get a billion dollar private equity deal with no experience in it. I think it'd be a big deal. I think it'd be a big deal. How is it that the media decides that they're gonna let Joe Biden hide in the basement for the whole campaign, and they're just they're just gonna let him hide there, not answer any hard questions at all. Ever, we're going to ignore how weak and frail and how he's struggling cognitively. We'll just forget that part. We'll just act like it's not happening, you know, one screw up after another, day in and day out. We'll forget all of that. We'll just tell the American public that there's no evidence, no evidence play, there, no evidence montage. I just want to deal in fact, because there is so much speculation out there and there is zero evidence that Hunter Biden or Joe Biden did anything wrong. Here, we should note again you and I've said this in the arm anytime, there is no evidence that Joe Biden was, you know, involved in any wrong doing. Of course, I want to note that there is no evidence that Joe Biden or Hunter Biden has done anything wrong. I just want to reiterate, and let's be clear for the viewers. There is no evidence Biden did anything wrong. I'll note again because it's important. There is no I repeat no, there is no evidence that either Biden did anything illegal. There's been no evidence, there was no evidence, There's no evidence. There is no evidence. There's not an iota of evidence wrong. There's really evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong. Nobody's ever accused that. I mean, there's no evidence whatsoever that Joe Biden did anything wrong. Got that Joe Biden did nothing wrong. Hunter Biden did nothing wrong. Okay, done nothing wrong. Well, it turns out if you want to know what collusion is, this is it. You want to know why. I call it the candidate protection program of the medium mob and big tech mob, because that's what it is. They protected Hillary. They they didn't care about real Russian disinformation in twenty sixteen. They didn't care that they spied on a candidate or a president. They didn't care that they dragged the country through hell and lied to the country for three years. They didn't care about the quid and pro and quo and Ukraine with Joe and Hunter. They didn't care about the billion five deal with the Bank of China, the millions with Barisma, the Kazakh oligarch and the money wires, the first Lady of Moscow three and a half million dollar wire transfer. They didn't care about the Chinese national and the and the shopping spree of Hunter Biden and his family. They didn't care about the pictures. Remember the picture of New York Post a sleeping hunter with a crack pipe in his mouth. They just ignored all of it. And then the media, all this is coming out prior to the election, and what's the key takeaway and all of this is the mob. The New York Post was right, we were right. Peter Schweitzer was right, Ron Johnson was right, Charles Grassley was right. We're right again, and they're wrong again. I mean, and I'd like to say that I'm doing some really spectacular, you know work. That's that's that complicated. It's only complicated if you're dedicated to tell the truth. It's only complicated, you know, if you're not willing to peddled conspiracy theories like the mob and big tech. I mean, you do understand that that this had the media smeared the New York Post and smeared conservatives. The hunter Biden's story has been real from the beginning. Now, oh, the ones that were telling us the whole time, there's nothing there, We're lying again. I mean, the sanctimony, the self righteousness, the agenda. I mean, is there any doubt by the meeting? Is that not a campaign contribution? Is that not a massive campaign contribution? Is not their own little latest collusion ends justifies the means. As long as they beat Trump, they don't care. Doesn't matter if there's witness after witness, whistleblower after whistleblower, nothing is going to impact them. Now eighty three percent of Republicans, Yeah, I think this election was stolen because they listen to the whistleblowers. They listen to the evidence. They listen to real people tell real stories. That's called evidence. They watched and they looked at, well, why are you dead people voting? Why are underage people voting? Why aren't the voter rolls clear? Why are secretary as a state, you know, just unilaterally bypassing state legislatures and just making up the new rules as they go along. You know, why is this only happening in these states but every other state can get it right. You know. Now, now, what are you gonna do if you know all these people that impeach Trump, how do you not impeach shif it's Joe Biden one day? How do you not do it? It's a feign, it's a family foreign crime syndicate. And an email provided at the FBI pointing out that Hunter and paid taxes on some of the verisment payments. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. But now they're talking about money laundering as well. You know, pretty amazing stuff. I gotta tell you, the amazing times we're looking living in They all have an agenda. You know. The difference between us and them is we're just honest about it. Who we are. I'm a talk show host, I have an opinion. We also do investigative reporting, we do straight news, we do opinion. We'll talk about sports. Facebook is censoring us again, We'll get to that later in the program. We have one Daily Mail article Hunter Biden raked in six million dollars and nine months from Chinese businesses. I never got a penny. The lawyer had to fix up that mess. Well, he does have equity millions of millions and millions of equity Email provided. The FBI shows Hunter had and paid taxes on Barisma. All the times Joe Biden falsely claimed the stories about Hunter were debunked, the media just basically took notes, took to dictation. I wasn't wrong calling it the candidate protection program. That's Joe Biden had at the whole election. Wait, you know, by the way, it's now going to be the if he becomes president's going to be the president protection program. They're not gonna Oh, it's so refreshing. We have somebody he's not Trump. That's all it is for them, because everybody feigned it was so outraged over the tweets. By the way, it's gonna become a common phrase. Get used to it. Do you miss Trump yet? Have buyer's remorse yet? All right, Hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one Sean, you want to be a part of the program on this Friday. All right, let me go to now Peter Schweitzer, friend of this program, long time great researcher, author, He really got this whole Biden family corruption scandal started. And I remember reading his book when it first came out. I think it was January of twenty eighteen, and it's called secret Empires. And by the way, to Peter's credit, he's not really partisan. He's with the Government Accountability Office, and he goes after a lot of Republicans in this as well. But I don't think anyone quite meets the level of corruption of the Hunter zero experienced Hunter pro quote Joe level. And there is credit to be given to people like Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Chuck Grassley for following it. But all of this, when you look at the New York Post and Bob Olynsky and the breakdown and the corruption and then the outright censoring of the information, we've got ourselves a massive information crisis in this country. You know, anywhere between ten and seventeen percent of people said they would they wouldn't have voted for Joe Biden had they known well the media in their mass contribution and big Tech and their mass contribution and allowing Joe to be in the Candidate Protection Program and his basement bunker well and then do the job of pounding Trump every second of every day they did. They did everything any campaign would ever want. He didn't have to leave the basement let me go to a couple of clips here. They won't invite peterback on the program because he's so well versed on all of this. First, I want to start with fake News CNN, and remember Undercover Project Veritas. Great work, James O'Keefe dismissing the Hunter Biden's story, and you got people like fake Jake News, Tapper and crusted On. I'm on poor Oh, there are no facts to support the Hunter Biden's story or Leslie Stall saying that Biden is not in the middle of a scandal. Listen, think on the right Bart New York Post, Fox News rabbit hole of Hunter Biden, which I don't think anybody outside of that world understood last night. Obviously, we're not going with the New York Post story right now on Hunter Biden and which seems to be giving its marching orders to box in the right way inter chamber about what to talk about today. Obviously, Hbiden's lawyer is quoted in the New York Post piece and will just continue to report out this is the very stuff that the President would impeached over, the stuff that the committees looked at and found them wrong. I mean, Joe Biden's interactions jeffitches David on the Barisma story, and we should be awfully careful about that, obviously, but I do think there's immediate story. What in the world are Maggie Angerman and Jake Sherman doing betweeting that story? Mccari. The right wing is going crazy with all sorts of allegations about Biden and his family, too disgusting to even repeat here. I mean, some of the ones I've seen from the President's son and the president some of the President's supporters are just wildly unhinged because me and you, Jake, somebody goes after our kids, you know, you want to you want to go back at them just as hard as they're going after your children. And that's Biden's record. I mean, he gets passionate about defending his kids. I know, yeah, tis verify everybody to look at that, But that's not what we're hearing from. This is one of the most power because he's in watching this a Biden family and you're okay, You're okay with our interest things billed out to profit Joe Biden and his family, when when we're suffering during a pandemic from communist China, keeps doing okays, as you know perfectly well, I'm a journalist and a reporter and I follow the fact and there has never been any issues in terms of corruption. Now, let me ask you this. Yesterday the FBI ABI had that I'm talking about reporting and any evidence. I'm talking to you, now, okay, I would you guys heading and start doing that verifit? No, we're not going to do your work for you. I want to ask you a question, the FBI journalist country. It's a journalist job to find out if this is verified. I wish you would interview Joe Biden like you interview me. It would be so good, you know what you like this? I thought, I thought you But when I watch him walk out of a store and he's walking with a ice cream and the question the media asked him what kind of ice cream? What flavor ice cream do you have? And he's in the midst of a scandal, and what part of the scandal does she not understand? Anyway, Peter Schweitzer is with us, you know now, all of a sudden, the acknowledgement by Hunter that yeah, he's under investigation, and something we've known about for a long time. Peter Um, this is not a small scandal. This is the Biden family foreign crime syndicate. Basically we're talking about and if the last name we're Trump, we both know the coverage would be dramatically different. Now we censor stories, now we hide it from the public. And now all of a sudden, they get him elected, and then they're going to try and what just ease it over like they always do. You're exactly right, Sean, And here's the thing. I mean, the media is telling us the reason they didn't cover this story is because it's no big deal. The fact is they didn't cover this story because it's a huge deal. And a lot of the polling that has come out since the election that describes the fact that that there are a lot of Biden supporters that, had they known what we met with, they now are learning about Hunter Biden because of the blackout from the mainstream media. They didn't know before. But it's Hunter and Joe. It's not just Hunter. Yeah no, that's exactly right. And it's not just Hunter. And this is the key, the key ingredient that the media is also trying to do. They're trying to say this is a Hunter Biden thing. I mean that those clips that you showed earlier, they're talking about Joe Biden's kid. Hunter Biden is fifty years old. He's not a kid, He's an adult, and he's been going around the world meeting and doing business deals with thugs, corrupt oligarchs that if if the Trump's family or other Republicans were doing, they would be reporting. And you know rightfully so that's what they're supposed to do. But the journalistic malpractice that has occurred as shocking. Sean. I remember back this way back the remember back in nineteen eighty four, Gary Hart is running for president of the United States and he told the media, I'm not having any affairs, I'm not unfaithful to my wife. What does the media do. They actually staked out and tried to determine whether it was that true, whether that was true, and they showed that it was not. That he was lying to the media. What we have today with the media is the Biden family has repeatedly lied to them. Hunter Biden going on ABC News and saying I have never received a penny from the Chinese. We know that he got five million dollars from CEFC. We know he got that diamond we know that they got the hundred thousand dollars shopping spree. We know he got an equity stake from Bowhi Harvest, the Chinese government backed investment fund. That's a flat out, bold faced lie, and the media is accepting it. Unlike nineteen eighty four when they said, we're going to try to verify this and see if Gary Hart is telling us the truth or not. When it comes to the Biden, they accepted the Bidens are allowed to lie to them, and they just don't seem to care. It's it's astonishing, it's astonishing. Well, you know, you do deserve a lot of credit because you put a lot of work into this and it's gone back many many years here. But I think the media is smearing the New York Post and frankly, you know, they did everything they could do to ignore you. You want to talk about what real collusion is. There was actually a pretty interesting Post editorial today about this. Yeah, that's their favorite word over the last four years. But you know what collusion really is When you got the left wing medium mob, you got the big tech medium mob, you got a presidential candidate that's in the their candidate protection program living in his basement bunker, never asking this guy a single tough question, and then doing the work or the campaign, the Biden campaign, trashing the President every second, every hour of every day. And that's after four year long years of lies and conspiracy theorys and a hoax one after another perpetrated on the American people. Now I'm just worried about information, Peter. I mean, it's like you're a light in a very dark sky. I mean there's there's a few of us on radio and just a few of us on TV, and that's pretty much it. Yeah, No, you're you're exactly right, Sean. I mean it's it's uh, you've been there from the beginning. Mark Levin has been there. I'm actually doing his Thank Me the Fox Show this weekend for an hour. Mark Levin has been there. A couple of other people at Fox New York. Russia has been there. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, Rush has been That's it, um, And yet the truth stands. And to just draw the contest, I want to really flush out we just said before. Remember when we went into the whole Russia hoax, they had this dossier that of course was paid for by the Clinton campaign, that was anonymously sourced, It had no references, it had no evidence. It was just it was just made up stuff. And they had a meeting at Trump Tower, and that became the predicate for talking about four years of collusion. What do we have with a Biden We have the records of business deals that the Biden family, while he's Vice president of the United States is doing with the communist government of China. That's not in dispute. So the question becomes, which one actually has evidence of collusion. You had no financial transfer involving the Trumps, The dossier was completely garbage. The meeting and Trump Tower was nothing. In the case of the Bidens, the media hasn't even looked at any of it, and they've declared that there's no relationship here to worry about. Yes, they've done business deals together. Yes they're giving the Bidens all of these deals that they have no background and expertise in. But we're just going to refuse to look there. And let me just make one final point on this Sean. Look, Russia is a threat to the United States, but by far a bigger threat to our future and our security is China. We've seen in the last three four years has been this diversion, This building up of China, is this sorry of Russia, is this massive threat? It is a declining economy. Yes, they present challenges, but everybody that knows anything about national security shows that China is the threat we face. And that is the partner that the Bidens have been doing international business with for the last seven to eight years. And that should be the central concern of everybody that it's possible that our future commander in chief is business partners, his family is with our chief rival on the global stage. All right, quick break more with Peter Schweitzer. He got this. He's blown this whole thing wide open from the beginning with those book Secret Empires. We have a link on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. There's no evidence that he's done anything wrong. We all know that Hunter Biden, there's no evidence of any wrongdoing with him. Hunter Biden did nothing wrong, but there's no evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden is completely peripheral here. First, because there's no evidence that Hunter Biden or Joe Biden committed any crime. There's no evidence that Hunter Biden did anything illegal, made it, but unseemly influenced peddling one, Hunter Biden's decision despite no evidence that he has done anything wrong. There's no evidence to support the claims about Joe Biden's son. All Right, as we continue, Peter Schweitzer, he blew all of this Hunter zero experience, Hunter, Joe Biden quid pro quote China connections, Russia connections, Ukrainian Bearisma connections. He blew it open in his best selling book Secret Empires in January twenty eighteen. We continue with him. You know, the thing is is, now, what do the Chinese possibly have on Joe? What do they have on Hunter? It was Joe Biden compromised by the Chinese, by the Ukrainians, as he compromised by the Russians, as he compromised by Kazakhstan, these oligarchs, all these people, all this money. Is he You know, do we now have somebody that that might be the president that's that compromised. I think there's no question that you have to worry about that. I have to worry about Number one, that they are getting favorable treatment from the Bidens because the Chinese government has helped the Bidens become wealthy. Number Two, you have the issue of compromised information. You've got these money flows. The Chinese could basically blow jaw Biden up. Let me ask this, Well, wouldn't they say, oh, there's no evidence. Just like with this election fraud, you have whistleblower after whistleblower, after eye witness after I witness after eye witness. Well, there's plenty of evidence there. Actually, we are following literally bank transfers, wire transfers, meetings, trips, all of it. Yeah, no, that that's exactly right, Sean. And and here's why I think this case is so important. You know, some people in the media are sort of saying, well, this is kind of a tax case with Hunter Biden. This is something far more important than this. If you talk about people that look at financial crimes, whether it's public corruption or money laundering, or you know, the tax issues, you start at tax issues. Why because when you declare that you're investigating tax crimes, we have tax treaties with countries around the world because governments obviously love to collect their taxes and they don't want people cheating on their taxes. By declaring this is a tax crime, this is going to give prosecutors access to financial records and bank accounts and LLCs that we know the bidens have some of them have come up in the financial records that have already been released in court cases. But the bottom line is this is going to give them access to the sort of sinews and nerves of the Biden's financial flow from overseas. And I believe that this is just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg. It's going to begin as looking at tax crimes and money laundering, and it's now going to become other issues related to public corruption. And for that reason, Sean is essential that we have a special prosecutor that is independent of the Department of Justice to make sure that this gets looked into, because if we have a president Biden, he is going to shut down this investigation immediately because this is not just about his son. This is about himself and it's about the entire family, all right, Peter Schweitzer, I mean, it's just an amazing amount of information. Honestly, you have to have to get his book, Secret Empires. We're gonna link it on Hannity dot Com. It came out in twenty eighteen, it's more relevant today. Peter. Thank you for sharing. As always, we'll be watching you on Life Liberty Levin on Sunday. Thank you, sir, eight hundred nine four one sewn you want to be a part of the program. Oh, we've got one of the people testifying before the Georgia's Senate yesterday. We'll get to that. We've got other issues we're going to get to, including smallwalt and everything else on the palette. Quick break, right back. We'll continue all right twenty five till the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I know it's a big as I know that the country's putting a lot of pressure on Republicans and conservatives and patriots down in Georgia. The only thing I could say is, I'm not asking my friends in Georgia to do anything that I myself would not do, and that is put a lot of urgency in the Senate runoff races. And I'm not in spite of your own local officials, and that, of course, being the governor, lieutenant governor in that idiotic secretary of state you have. I understand people's frustration with all that we've learned that went on down in Georgia. I'm not going to go through all of the details. We've been given it out all week. Underage people voting, people that move, voting, people that never reregistered, voting, dead people voting. We have it all chronicled. But that does not anger towards Kemp or any of these other Republicans, does not help the country. And if you support the president, you know it's been four years of a very very heavy lift on hard work, dedication, and just grunt work every day. Does grindwork every day to fight for the changes that he implemented, and all of that hangs in the balance, And it hangs in the balance not only for Georgia but for the entire country. And so it's a big ask. I understand completely. But there are good people in elected office down in Georgia. Those are hearing down there yesterday with Garland Favorito explaining the inconsistent voting spikes for Joe Biden on election night. I do hope that the people of Georgia, the elected officials in Georgia, I hope they're watching chain of custody with these drop boxes, which they I hope they're making accommodations that every vote has partisan observers. I hope they're checking the voter rolls of every single person that makes an application in terms of an absentee or mail and ballot. I would hope that they would have fixed the signature verification system so you don't have two standards. I guess that's too much for somebody to ask for when putting that aside. Here's from yesterday's testimony. This is before the Georgia House in their committee hearing yesterday. Fast forward today twenty two am. A woman with blonde brains braids brings in a skirted table into the room. The room itself. I believe that violates Georgia law for a transparency, but the skirted table, I would think certainly should do that. At nine thirty m, after the delayth on the water main break that never really was a waterman break, it was just a leaky toilet or unital fut journal ballot processing began and it continued through the die. At ten pm everything seems to be normal. The same woman in blonde breads now dressed differently, came out change clothes with a different change of clothes, announced that the processing will stop for the night. You can see back here the observers are present at that time. The observers are still present at ten forty, but everything has been closed up here. The monitors still stayed, and at ten fifty five the monitors and the Fox five reporter leave, but the four workers still remain at least four, maybe more. Eleven o three, the woman in the blonde bridge begins to pull out suitcases from underneath this skirted table. Eleven o four, another suitcase goes out. At eleven o five, the supervisor pulls out another suitcase from under the skirted table. Eleven ten. The scanning of these ballots continued back in here in this area, where there's at least four scanners, they do about three thousand hour. The scanning continued for approximately two hours with no one present, all in violation of Georgia law as near as I can tell. At twelve to fifty five, the scanners leave after scann approximately fifteen to twenty thousand ballots onto memory cards, and one thirty forty minutes later, there is a tremendous spike in the votes for Joe Biden one hundred thousand votes. Five. See how inconsistent this is with everything else. This is the time over here on the left hand side, and this is the votes that went up to the Biden's change and Trump's change by time frame of each of these feeds. What you're hearing there is Garland Favorito, who is now testifying yesterday before the Georgia State Senate exposing what is remember the videotape that we saw. He joins us. Now, Garland, thank you for being on the program. So just to let people understand, the reason you're talking about a woman with blonde braids is because that you're looking at the videotapes that we've all seen. Correct, Yeah, that's exactly right, Sean. She was the woman who came out and put the table out there, and she was also the one who started but the excuse me to take the suitcases from being removed and the whole ballot processing from starting. She was the one also that told everybody that they weren't going to process anymore ballots, and then they continued on for two hours scanning ballots illegally with no monitors there. And by the way, you would be called what's called a whistleblower. Well, what's interesting about this, and I want to really go through this in detail here, is that the media was in the room you mentioned. I believe it was Fox five. You had the regular observers in the room, they're asked to leave the room. Then you go through very specific detail is where the ballots were under the table, They lift them up in the suitcases, take them out, said no more votings going on for the evening. Not only did you watch the vote counting then begin again, but only with the few select people in the room, without the part to send observers. But then you're watching the vote tally go up in and around the same time. That's something that nobody else had tied together before. Well exactly, Sean that technically I was not in the room that particular moment, so I had to observe at State Farm Arena on several occasions, and I was trying to provide context for the legislatures so that they can understand what was going on. But you're right, that was the key piece of evidence that I wanted to provide at the Senate hearing when I was booted off the agenda list by the chairman. I could have tied that back a week ago to show that that that burst of one hundred thousand votes came right after that, all for Joe Biden. But I was scheduled to go up by the president's legal team, but they chairman boot me off a week ago. Okay, so they did. Now, what was the response as you were presenting this before the Georgia State Senate yesterday? Yeah, yeah, it was. It was the House yesterday, Sean, and it was crickets. I was expecting to get a lot of questions and they particularly from the Democrats, but I didn't even get one challenging question on my whole testimony. They just moved right on and kept going. And then they did come back. One of the friendly representatives did ask me a question, but I was kind of I was really kind of surprised. I thought I would get some really really aggressive questions, but particularly from the Democrats. But what's ironic about the whole thing, Sean, is that I was in the trenches with the Democrats last year when we opposed House Bill three sixteen that led us to this disaster that was the Republican establishment last year, and now this year, you know, unfortunately, uh, this system proved to be as bad as what we believe last year. So I guess that might have had something to do with why they didn't ask any aggressive questions. But there's just there's no answer, you know, Uh, there's just no response to this. It's compelling evidence and no one can refute it. You know, it's so interesting that what are you hearing from from fellow conservatives in Georgia, knowing that there's now this disconnect and anger towards the governor of the Secretary of State, Lieutenant governor and others, and yet we have this runoff race. Today's the eleventh in January. Fifth voting starts in three days. We got, you know, Monday in person early voting begins in Georgia for the center runoff. That's a big deal, absolutely, Sean. And it's a great point that you brought up. And there is just tremendous anger down here with the governor in light of the telling evidence that this election was stolen from the president and the governor not calling a special session to you to address the electoral votes of the state of Georgia. The Republicans in Georgia are are really really upset, and there's just a you know, in addition to that, you've got the Secretary of State covering up for these these Fulton County operatives. Who is Pierre Obviously that stole the election. I never would believe that the Secretary of State of Georgia, the Republican secretary of state, would allow the Democrats to steal a presidential election, but that is what they're doing right now. They're in tremendous cover up mode. The Republicans are so upset about this that, you know, and all the governor has to do is call for the legislative session and resolve this issue at the legislature at the legislature on Monday and award the electoral votes properly, because you know, this race was stolen, and I told them yesterday the steal is real and the president deserves the Georgia electoral votes. You know. The problem is is that I think for voters now, they've got to bifurkate and compartmentalize this because and this is what I'm trying to get to the heart of here. Do Georgia Republicans, Conservatives, patriots do they? I'm sure they do understand how impactful these runoff elections are, whether they're they're angry or not. Am I wrong? Listen, I'm not asking them to do anything I would not do myself. And if this was me and this was my state, this was my election. I guarantee you I'd be out there voting literally, right, I mean, all the Republicans want to vote. That's not the issue. What we're concerned is that these same operatives will steal the US in it race. There's still counting votes in Voting County. They'll be counting again in the US Senate, right And if they can steal the presidential race, they will steal the US Senate races, both of them. And that's the concern right now, and the Secretary of State is allowing them to do it. All right, we really appreciate you updating us Garland, thank you, and we're watching very closely. Georgia. It's a big ass. The country needs you. This transcends anything to do with any locally elected or state elected official. This is if you care about the president and the hard work and the agenda that he has accomplished, you got to try. You got to give it your best shot. I'm not asking you to do anything I wouldn't do. I would vote, and I would do it enthusiastically. And it begins Monday. Pretty scary, scary times is really all around. Let's say hi to Mike is in North Carolina. What's up, Mike? How are you glad you called Sean? Yeah? Hey? Since election Day, I've been in Georgia five days as a Republican volunteer and I'm here to tell you, you know, Darlin stoled some of my thunder. But it's a jump ball down there. I can tell you from being on the ground there is the voters are disheartened. They're honestly, there's some apathy. And I think it's going to require all hands on deck the next three weeks to get the result that Republicans and Conservatives want to see in Georgia. It's gonna be razor close. And I just think, you know, we have to make them understand that every Georgia voter is equivalent to fifty to one hundred Americans. They have to understand that. And I'm not sure that message is getting And as you're as you're talking to people on the ground, some people are feeling ampathetic when you talk to them. Can you convince them people like you and I we're so connected to it, We live it, we sleep, drink and eat this stuff. No I know, and not everybody does, which means that you and I are losers. I accept that I'm a loser. I'm not calling you one. I'll speak for myself. Yeah, but in this COVID environment, people that like Garland just said, they feel like to enable Biden to win Georgia, and they lack confidence in the state's ability to secure this runoff. And if you even lose three to five percent of people because of that, that can be the difference, and there is. They're disheartened. Madison Cawthorne in North Carolina just wrote a great message out about how he understands why Georgia voters would be disheartened. He's right, He's got it. We've got three weeks to change that attitude. Listen, I'm sympathizing with the people. I am more angry and frustrated at these so called Republican elected officials in Georgia than I am at anybody else because they, you know, and I'll tell you what, it really is rooted, and they don't want to have to admit they were wrong. They don't want to have to admit they screwed up. They don't want to admit the consent decree was not constitutional. They just want to hide what they haven't figured out yet. Is they're never going to be elected again. But that's separate and apart for what's happening in less than a month now, three weeks. It's ridiculous. Anyway, appreciate it mine, Thanks for all you doing down the We're begging the people of Georgia to please help us, help the country. Please, we need you. And I'm not a mind beneath begging, Linda, No, I'm not. I'm actually begging. Absolutely it's fair. Coming up next our final news round up and information Overload hour. All right, News round Up, Information overload on a Friday, your calls coming up, final half hour of the program today. Um, you know, with all of the new developments as it relates to Corona. Look, I can't I don't have enough good things to say about medical researchers and scientists and doctors and EMTs and nurses and frontline people that have been on the front lines of this now for you know, almost a full year. It was January twenty first this year, the first identified case of coronavirus in the country. I mean, you know, the worst pandemic since nineteen seventeen and eighteen and lo and behold, now we have therapeutics like that literally are saving lives that would have otherwise been lost, like Regeneron and Eli Lily, etc. Etc. And more importantly, now we have the authorization of the vaccine which is going to be distributed at warp speed with military logistics, and now getting out to the people that are most vulnerable and frontline health workers as we should be. And I would argue the next step I actually took this. They have this. You put in your information in the New York Times. We could put it up on our website. Linda, I think I'm on the list. They figure out and calculate where you are on the list. I'm at like two hundred and sixty eight. But now, I mean, you have this case out in California and this poor woman owns a business and she's pointing out, I've got outdoor space with social distancing, plexiglass and everything in between. I'm not allowed to open. But they're producing a film over here. Let me show you the dining room here. You know, I know the people in state, and listen, everybody knows what the rules are. Everybody knows about social distancing, everybody knows about wearing masks. Everybody, and some people are willing you know, you calculate risk in life every day, getting on an airplane, getting in a car. You know, if you want to go to a restaurant indoors, you're making a choice. I don't think anybody can say at this point, this late date, that they don't know as long as you're not going to affect other people, older people, those that really could have a hard time with us. At some point, there's got to be freedom because these businesses are dying. Lou Gallarmino is with us. He's the lawyer for that Staten Island bar owner Danny Presty. I mean, he's running for his life. The other day, two guys jump on his car that tends up their cops playing clothesman's that didn't identify themselves, trying to get the guy off the front of his car. Wasn't trying to hurt the guy, and it turns out he wasn't hurt. Amy hiken End is with us, the owner of cass Rosetta, and her attorney Eric Colin, on us with us about the shutdowns at New York Michigan, respectively. Lou, I had you on the program with Danny, and I'm like, I mean, I feel so bad for this guy, and I love the community wants to rally around him that if they want to take a risk. At this point, I don't think the government needs to send in the police squad, the COVID squad to arrest everybody. Sean had said, you know, I'd like your listeners to picture this. And you're on mainstream America, main street, America, anywhere USA. On one side of the street, you have a pub serving alcohol, the owner is making money, and on the other side of the street, literally you have somebody that has the same type of establishment that can't how about even this, how about a one side of the street is Fox News and one side of the street is CNN, and Fox News is not allowed to broadcast right or even one more example. By the way, this is for people that don't understand what you're saying here. This is real. I mean, it's so arbitrary and capricious, is what you're saying exactly. It's literally happening. How About the guy on the right side of the street can feed his family and buy Christmas presents for a family, and the guy on the left side of the street cannot. That's what's going on in America. Right now, that poor woman that you have, that you have on with us, our heart goes out the heart. But that's happening right here in Staten Island. Also, that's literally happening right here in America. And not only that, how about the guy standing in the middle of the street is the mayor and the governor. And not only are they not allowing you to open, they're mocking you and lecturing you and talking down to you and treating you like they don't work for you. So that's what's going on here at Staten Island. And by the way, when Danny was running and I watched, these were playing closed policemen. Now, by the way, all my cop friends were watching a segment in New York and they're like, that's not us. Excuse me, No, we don't want to do that job. And apparently, I guess it was Comrade de Blasio that's sent in his guys. That's what the That's what they were telling me. But in the report, you said they'd never identified themselves as police officers, right, did not police officers? Day, Let's make that perfectly clear. NYPD and the state troopers want nothing to do with this. And by the way, they let me know loudly. It wasn't them, trust me, And we've been making sure everybody knows. This was the sheriff's deputies that had been conscripted by Deblasio to be his own personal political hit force. They did not. They literally ambushed him two blocks away from his restaurant and he was running for his life. Well, they came out of the shadows twenty five yards behind them with complete Dalco outfits on, with skull caps on and yelled Chris Presty and sprinting towards him. That's confirmed in the police report. So they literally ambushed him. Any American, any reasonable person, would have started running for his car. When the guy was on top of the car, you could see that Danny's just saying, get off my car. He's stopping it, so the guy had an opportunity to get off. He doesn't want a guy, you know, hanging onto the front of his windshield as he's driving. He's given him opportunities by stopping to get off his car. That's exactly what happened, Seohanan. I'm glad everybody had a chance to see it. We're the ones that released a video. He went slow, he was trying to shake him awful little there's a huge There's a huge man dressed all in black with a skull cap on, standing up, grabbing to the grabbing at the front of his car. What would any reasonable person do. I know Governor Cuomo was tougher than the rest of us. Maybe he would have stood and forth with him, but the rest of us would have did exactly what Danny Presty did. Let me go to you, Amy, and you're the owner of Cafe Rosette. Tell me about your business. So yeah, in a word, this is about independence. This is deeper than just my business. One day I finally said no to my abusive husband and decided to go on my own and I vowed never to be dependent on anyone again, including the government. So Kafe Rosetta saved me. I was a single mom, newly divorced with six kids that only knew welfare, and I knew there had to be a better way. Kafe Rosetta gave me a place to focus on my energy, baking cooking barista. Nine years later, I built a successful business. I'm independent and I refused to be independent a dependent on anyone, even the government. It's just it's just not negotiable. Yeah, I mean it's and it's very hard tell everybody the reality of what you're experiencing. Though. So today we're open and we're being fined a thousand dollars a day just for being open, trying to support my family. We have thirty employees. It's been over thirty days now at a thousand dollars a day. The local health department, state local governments are emailing, sending certified mail for the fines. We have court dates. I spent five hours in court yesterday on Zoom just defending myself. Unbelievable, Eric, I mean, is there any remedy? Is there any solution, any options for people like Amy that they can, you know, get their businesses up and running. You know, look, I speak from experience here, and my dad was a waiter on weekends. I grew up washing dishes and bus and tables and waiting tables and tendon bar. I did it all, and I was even a cook for a while. And you know, to open a restaurant, I don't think most people understand You've got to either pay the rent or the mortgage. Then you got to hire the people. Then you got to build out the place. You got to build out a bar, You gotta build out tables, you gotta, you know, make it look nice. You gotta stock everything, and you gotta dock your kitchen. You put in your dishwashers and your cooks, and then your waiters and waitresses and bartenders. And that's what he's all this money pouring out the door, Eric, before you ever sell a single drink or a single hamburger. Yeah, tell me all about it. John. You know I started. I'm actually an advocating not a formal attorney, but I'm definitely an advocate of Amy. Back in April, after the first shutdown, I started a campaign called all Business is Essential, and I got vocal at that time because they decimated my one of my businesses. Jeff absolutely knocked it on the ground, and I raised some money. I did a billboard in a media campaign fighting the unconstitutional mandates that Gretchen Whitmer threw at us. And when Amy showed up at Cafe Rosetta, it's in my town and I heard she wasn't shutting down, I just absolutely felt compelled to help her. And the more I get to know Amy, it's just the more amazed I am by the story you talk about your family, she's absolutely I mean, how do you pay a thousand dollars and find a day to keep your cafe open? Amy? I mean, short answer, set and the short answer is you don't. And uh, I mean this girl absolutely personifies the American dream. And so so how do we do this? We started one of the local neighbor here started a fundraising campaign campaign on Givesend Go. If you go there, Givesend go and search for Amy and Jake, you can contribute to this battle because the fact of the matter is she can't afford to do this on her own. We'll continue with Lou Gallomino. He's the attorney for that Staten Island barrowner Danny Presty, also the owner of Cafe Rosetta. Amy hiken In is with us along with our advocate Eric Cullenan, and much more on the other side, and as we continue the real impact on real businesses with Lou Gallermino. He's the attorney for that Staten Island bar owner. Danny Presty, also the owner of Cafe Rosetta. Amy hiken In is with us along with our advocate Eric Cullenan, one of the things that is kind of inspiring. And I heard the shortcase. I know it's the case with Danny Presty and the whole community in Staten Island is basically to come out to support this bar owner and restaurant owner. And but you know, from what I hear is people are going out of their way to purchase stuff from you. I mean, I'm not gonna lie. I've got all my buddies out here where I live, and I'm constantly ordering food that I know I'm never gonna touch. I'm just like, all right, I don't have a sample or plate tonight, I'll order three meals instead of one, because I mean, it's that pivotal for their survival. They're just trying to survive and not gulp water every day. Exactly, yeah, exactly. We have great support, lots of people coming from all over the state, people calling from all over the country. What do you specialize in? By the way, I'm kind of interested, what is your If you're going to be the baker of the country, what is it? I would call it the Nissu cinnamon role. It's all okay, now, don't take this the wrong way. That is like a drug to me. You cannot You cannot put a cinnamon roll all in front of me without me like scoffing it down, you know, in seconds. And I'm like a little kid. I have to like have a glass of milk with it. It's so pathetic, it's really bad. If I could jomp in here, Sean, I just I don't know if you remember America's Barbara Carl Manky, but with the funds that were raised here in the last four or five days, over forty thousand, now she's been able to retain David Coleman, and he represented America's Barbara Carl Manky, and so we got we got him on board. He's guiding her. But we're expecting this to cost about one hundred and thirty thousand to fight it all the way through the Supreme Court. And so once again as an advocate, I just want to encourage everybody to reach out to give send go and look up Amy and Jake and help her out. I never heard of give send go, and you just look up Amy and Jake and you're gonna find out and you can help these people out, you know. And Lou, I mean with Danny, what is he doing now? I see all these people that want to go in every day. Is he opening? Is he not opening? Is he and take out? What is he doing? Sadly, Sean, there's a shutdown order. They've they've they've closed the restaurant and the city is closed to restaurant. The sheriff's have shut it down. Um, nobody's allowed in it. The public is not allowed in it. My partner and I'm off FONTI are actually fighting that as literally as we speak. Um. But unfortunately, Um, they won't let anybody in the place right now. The city won't allow anybody in the place right now. Okay, but you know a lot of places are putting out and I even say in New York City, you know they're putting up these little tents. They even have little private tents for like a dinner for two or four, and they won't allow him to do anything, Sean, They won't let this guy do anything. So the guy basically and who's going to pay the rent next month? Who's gonna pay the mortgage next month? Well, we're very was the Blasia are going to pay for it? Of course? Not, of course not they We're very grateful that there's been to go fund me and he's got a very very big support from the community, so that might help for a month or two. But unfortunately he wants to do is make cheeseburgers and serves the beer shorn. They won't allow him at all. The city is completely shut down the place like he can't do. He can't do like calling orders and just to get him over a hump, I mean and all a lot of my friends did that for a while. Nothing. They won't allow him to do nothing because he can't even go in his own bar. He can't even walk in his own bar without being arrested. They've made it clear that they will re arrest him immediately if him and his partner walks in the bar. He's become like a symbol because he's like you know, and the town supporting him, and the people of Staten Island, New York supporting him that I'm telling you, it really is unbelievable to me, it really is. Well, I'm like I mentioned Duni show, I'm so proud of the people of Staten Island. Two thousand of us came out and supported Danny Presty. Not a Luda, not a rioter, not a not a They actually cleaned up afterwards showing. Like I mentioned on the show, we a hundred people stayed to clean up the street afterwards. So I'm so proud of the people of Staten Island. But unfortunately we have a big battle on our hands against May the Blasire govern Colmo. They are taking this one personally and putting up every broad box that's imaginable. Yeah, he takes the hardest stand against business people like Danny and if you're going to church or synagogue, that's that's his biggest thing. Unbelievable. All right, we wish you the best. Please send our best to Danny. Good luck in your case, Amy, We're gonna follow you. I hope you guys make it. And I'm very sorry you're living through it. It's tough on you. It's tough on your kids, your family, your business, your life. It's you know, it's these unbelievable times. Thank God, warp speed, Gods, these vaccines. If I think we can hang on through May, well we'll all be back, hopefully getting back to normal. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Well, like every other conservative I mean, we've had these little hiccup incidents a lot, and it's just getting worse and worse and worse. And you know, I've been talking a lot to Dan Bunge, you know about Parlor. We've been talking to Linda a lot about Rumble, talking about Facebook alternatives, Twitter alternatives, YouTube alternatives, Insta alternatives. Because I'll be honest, Um, it's gotten so bad and now now we see the impact on the presidential race. Right ten seventeen percent of people didn't know that. If they would have known all of this about zero experienced Hunter and qui pro quo Joe if the if the mob in Big Tac, just like the mob in the media that said, oh there's no evidence, there's no evidence. There's no evidence. No no, no, no, no, no, yeah there was. I just want to deal in fact because there is so much speculation out there and there is zero evidence that Hunter Biden or Joe Biden did anything wrong. Here we should note again you and I've said this in the air manytime, there is no evidence that Joe Biden was, you know, involved in any wrong doing. Of course, I want to note that there is no evidence that Joe Biden or Hunter Biden has done anything wrong. I just want to reiterate, let's be clear for the viewers. There is no evidence Biden did anything wrong. Well not again because it's important. There is no I repeat no, there is no evidence that either Biden did anything illegal. There's been no evidence, there was no evidence. There's no evidence, there is no evidence. There's not an iota of evidence, no evidence did anything wrong. There's really no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong. If nobody's every accused that, I mean, there's no evidence whatsoever that Joe Biden did anything wrong. Got that Joe Biden did nothing wrong. Hunter Biden did nothing wrong. There always was talking instigation of yourself. But you know, one of the things that we posted on on Facebook page, now I don't do the posting. You know, we have a team. Linda's on the team, every sweet Babies on the team. Everybody's on the team. Everybody has access to my accounts. But I don't want access to my accounts when I want something tweeted, when I want something put up, you know, besides the usual stuff that we put up every day, which is the news of the day, you know, I just send it in and they said put it up, and now Facebook has gotten to the point to day we did our monologue on Hannity and on radio. Is of the those Georgia videotapes came out, Remember the testimony that took place in a real hearing. Well, we took the monolog, we took the real hearing, We showed the real tape. The issue of the legitimacy of that tape is not in dispute, you know, just because some people have a different interpretation or opinion. We just had Garland Favarto on the program and said, went through the whole tape yesterday with the Georgia legislature presenting it and going over slowly exactly what they see happening in that tape. All right, So can people not decide of themselves anymore? Apparently not on our Facebook page? So what's the status of my Facebook account today? So yeah, The larger scheme of things is that basically Facebook has an agenda. As we know, Mark Zuckerberg had their own observers in at all of these different precincts and polling sites. So while Republican observers were not allowed into various precincts Detroit, Michigan, we saw that all the windows were boarded up. When you were allowed, even for the recount in Georgia, they were held behind yellow tape lines and red tape lines, and it was sixty to thirty feet sometimes even more. But people who were hired by Facebook to be a part of the election were allowed in and close and to say that it was biased into an understatement. So what's happened now is Facebook has done what they call fact checking, and so the fact checkers need to be fact checked. And so fact checking basically means if you don't agree with the liberal agenda, if you don't adhere to what we want to say, we will now completely silence you. So we put up your monologue as we do every day, to let folks who maybe missed it or don't have access to see it, so that they can watch it and hear it one face book. So I get an email and they'd tell me we're very sorry, but we need you to take down your monologue and we need you to issue a correction stating that you are spreading misinformation. I said, what misinformation? Well, you're saying that there were suitcases. There were no suitcases. Okay. Quotum Container's final qualum containers. No, that's not true. The Secretary of State has said that this is completely not true. No one was asked to leave the arena, and there is no video of ballots being double counted. And I'm just like, who said it wasn't true. Well Raffensburger did, Okay, Well, Raffensburger can lie? Is it because he's a secretary of State, he can't lie. The video shows very clearly that there were double batches run. The video shows very clearly that things were pulled out at one o'clock in the morning, when a bunch of people were asked to leave. We have the affidavits of people who said that they had to leave. Not to mention the fact that the state the Republicans Senate of Georgia issued a statement saying that anything that is presented to a committee during a hearing is considered evidence. Therefore, there is no way to say that it is true or not true until it is deemed by that committee, which is that body of law overseeing it. So Facebook and Ravensburger have no say on this. It has to be ruled on by the State Senate of Georgia, who has not said that it's not true. You know, why don't we try to call Zuckenberg? Why don't we ask him to come on the program. I think he'll come. Oh yeah, I got him on speed dial our buddy at Jack. He used to be friends with a Jack, don't. I had a serious conversation with Dan Bongino because he actually is one of the is a small owner in parlor. I said, you know, I'd invest in that because I just want to see it succeed. And he goes, I can make it happen. I said, you know what, I have to get permission to do everything in my life by four hundred thousand lawyers. But I mean, honestly, I don't tell you why, because I want these I want these alternatives to succeed. And people would think, well, all that's just going to be a conservative of conspiracy there. Look, I don't care what people write about me or what they want to say online. You know, the idea that we're all offended all the time by whatever people put up there. How many times have I said on this show that when I see, for example, when I when I used to spend more time on these these dopey social sites, which I don't do anymore. How many times would I say, my gosh, people are so clever and funny, even if they're making fun of me. Right, this is actual information. Well that's the point that it's a little different. It's not like we're just calling people know. But but my point is larger than that. My point is is that if you're going to be a provide a forum for speech, then provide the forum. Now, there's gonna be crap on there. The people post that other people don't like, you know. And but I don't want to censor people from calling me any name they want want to call me. I don't care. See, but I use a different word for this. It's not censorship. This is controlling a narrative. This is the present. That's to say, you're missing my whole point. You're missing my whole point. No I'm not. I will pay attime che This is important. I am saying that we have to let everybody put up everything they want, including the New York Post. And that means if you don't agree, or you don't like it, or somebody else on that site wants to fact check it, that you have the discussion and it's free. In other words, there's no censoring of information. Let people decide even if your precious little sensibilities are offended. You know the idea that you know, years ago people be so offended by Howard Stern. Nobody forced you to listen to them or me or i'm as or Rush or Mark. Nobody forces anybody. You know, we can't force people. But but these for these companies to now be making editorial decisions. So what is so we went from how many people seeing our monologues of data? How many people hundreds of thousands of people were able to see your monologue and listen to it, and because they felt that what you said was quote unquote misinformation and misleading the general public into a direction that they do not approve of, they have now throttled the account. So instead of reaching hundreds of thousand, your monologue this morning reach nineteen people, special people. How did those nineteen people like they became the lucky sweepstake winner? So they're probably It's really strange, Like people get like alerts like hey we posted this, and you get like an alert like, oh so and so posted something like when you post a picture or whatever. The difference here is that we say, oh Sean Hannity has done a posting, and typically it would be your monologue, but instead of now letting that posting occur, that's not happening. So people that come and look at it are like, oh, yeah, there's something new here, and a lot of people go to our website as well. But what we want to encourage people to do wholeheartedly is the only change of going to happen is the change that we create, and then we do that with our dollars. So you need to move your eyes, move your dollars, move your accounts to places like Parlor, to places like me we to places like Rumble. Like rumble dot com is not like YouTube. They're leaving everything up so that you can figure out for yourself. Because you are a citizen of the United States and you're able to form your own thought. You don't need them to take down all of the election information because YouTube has deemed that Biden is now our president. Biden is not our proba. And that was my point about me. I wasn't making it about me, but I was saying, like, I have no problem, and I'm again if I'm making a personal that I'm saying, you can unload on me. I want to site where you can unload on Hannity. Now, I hear you, but here's what I want to sit where you're not going to censor the New York Post. I want to site where you can call Donald Trump any name you want, all right. So my point in Sean that if Rachel Maddow wanted to say that Trump hid something on his taxes, and she makes a whole big to do about it on her show, right, and then the day comes and it's all or not there's nothing there, But they will print that story like it's true, of course, and there will be no counter narrative. That is the whole thing is now, that is the real that's the bigger story, even if there is a bigger story on Hunter Biden and Joe right, you know, because that now their donation that became an enkind donation of the Democratic Party. They were withholding information from the public that and they're making that editorial decision based entirely on their own world view. Now, the problem with some people in free speech is freedom of speech goes both ways. And but I actually put a lot of faith in people. You know, there's nobody that I want to know in life that would support any racist posting or anti Semitic post or any of this stuff. You know, these crazy people also getting these sites too. I don't. I don't know what the answer is on all of these. Now we get a little little more deeper in terms of complications, in terms of what you're going to allow content wise or not or people. It just gets it just it adds a level of complication. But I but I'm telling you they're not going to fix it. I have no faith Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram. I have no faith in any of them that they're ever going to be fair to conservatives. I just don't. But it's not about being I'm strongly supporting all of them at this point, right. But my whole point is that it's about a narrative. This is not about just censorship. Like we wouldn't want anybody to be putting things up where you hurt children, where you put pornography, where you say where you say things about, where you use bad language, you know, where it doesn't have a rating. You know all these different things, right, and so at any given point, these are different things that we're doing. This is a completely different thing. This is qual content and censorship. I get it. My point Sean is that we are dealing with something that's bigger than censorship. This isn't just censorship. This is suppression and control. This is wilfully misleading the American people by deleting information, removing information, and telling people this is what you have to think, whether it's about COVID, whether it's about Biden, whether it's about your monologue. Because you're asking questions. We are now a society that cannot ask questions. When did that happen? If someone is admitting something as evidence and a body of law in a state is saying this is evidence and for you to say anything against it, for you to defame this video that we are currently investigating is libel and they say, we don't care, We're Facebook. It's a lie. Ravensburger said, it's fine. What is Raffensburger the end all to beat on? Now. The problem is this has been incremental now for a long time. This is not a once over. This has been building in schools, It has been building in society. It is this wokeness that we all talk about, you know, and maybe it's started with conservatives not liking some content on radio or TV or whatever. You know, not recognizing the obvious, which is you can always change the channel. Well, the same with social media. Nobody's forcing you to be on these sites. But when you take a decided political view at and absolutely silence another point of view at that point, now you are controlling everything. We're in agreement on that. I think it's multi very well, it's multifaceted. Is it's more complicated maybe than we even are describing, but it's simple and complicated at the same time. You know, it's exactly right. And I think to take on speech you don't like like we're having a conversation right now. We're not agreeing on every every aspect of this conversation, but we're ho having it. That's what human beings do. They have conversation. The people just throw and yell at each other. Kidding. I thought you'd like that. All right, I gotta thank a break, welcome back on the other side, and continue. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity Tonight, say DVR nine Eastern watching in the Supreme Court, Kaylee Mcinanny, Rudy Giuliani, Rick Runnell, Joe Concha, Tammy Bruce, Jason Chaffitz, oh and that prosecutor in the McCloskey case and Saint Louis. He is now off the case. All happening tonight at nine Sea. Then have a great weekend back here on Monday.

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