Biden Is Far From Perfect

Published Mar 5, 2020, 11:00 PM

Vince Ellison is a conservative columnist and lecturer and author of the book, The Iron Triangle, and Burgess Owens, is a former NFL player who was part of the 1980 Super Bowl-winning Oakland Raiders lineup, and is now a candidate for Congress in Utah’s 4th Congressional District, and intends to win it back for Republicans after the 2018 election of Democratic Rep. Ben McAdams. Today they discuss the tape that has resurfaced of the former Vice President from 1973, where Biden discusses women and minorities in a derogatory manner. 

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All right, glad you with us two hundred and forty three days till you we the American people decide you are the ultimate jury. You have the opportunity to shock the world again. And you can see the panic in the mob and the media, and they're trying to call us around. Well the candidate. Frankly, let's be blunt here that they're propping up and Joe Biden. I do not see a guy that has the energy, the strength, the stamina, the focus to ever be the president of the United States. He's seventy eight years old. And let me say, by comparat which one seventy eight? I guess Bernie seventy eight and Biden seventy seven. And look, Bernie has the stamina. It doesn't even bother me that he had a heart attack. To be very blunt, that's not an issue for me. A lot of people have heart attacks, they go on forever. We watched that with Dick Cheney. I mean, nobody had worse heart issues than Dick Cheney. He functioned great, incredible strength, stamina, focus that this job requires. It is a legitimate issue to bring up what the hell is going on with Joe Biden. Question it is very odd. It is really strange. It is even unnerving, would be I guess the right way to say it. You know, my argument would be, if he had a fastball, he doesn't have one now, If he had a slow pitch, doesn't seem like he has one now. And I think that the media of the mob and the rest that there's trying to act like that doesn't exist. We don't see what everybody else sees. It's it's not a matter of questioning him as a person in any way. We all get older, we're all, believe it or not, dying. We're all in the process of dying. We're all gonna die one day. But it's a very uplifting show. Well the way it will start the show Annity. And it's sad. I wish, I wish wasn't the case, but it's just a fact. That's why I've I keep saying to anyone that'll listen. You know, we all think we own stuff. We own our homes, we own our cars, we own our clothes, we own our watches. All my friends are into watches. I don't wear a watch, haven't. I can't stand them. I have no interest, no desire in any of that whatsoever. You just think about it, you're not really an owner. You're a renter because when you die, and we're all gonna die, well, somebody else is gonna be living in quote your house, driving quote your car, and likely wearing quote your favorite watch, unless you decide to waste it and get buried in it or burned or whatever way you're gonna go out. So these are legitimate questions. This is the hardest, the most difficult, the most demanding, toughest job in the world, bar none. You see the strength, you see the focus, you see the stamina. Unmatched with Donald Trump. He is a machine. You'll see. Let me fly twenty hours here, let me fly right back from India and then go out the next and do a rally someplace somewhere. Amazing stamina, an amazing focus, amazing strength and really into the job. And you can see it. I see more energy and Bernie than I do and Biden by a long shot. It's not even not even close. We've got tape of Joe Biden now, it's whole tape. It's from a speech he gave as a young politician representing the state of Delaware in nineteen seventy three, Well, why is that relevant, Hannity, He visited the City Club of Cleveland. We have confirmed and confirmed again and triple confirmed that this impact was him. He makes a lot of remarks that I think if it was a Republican would be a big deal in the campaign we have Joe, Oh, I didn't I didn't know any of you women were gonna be here. They said they didn't want you here, apologizing then to women because he's about to use a football analogy, but I heard they didn't want you here. I didn't expect women to be here. A lot of women like football, and I think even back then he actually thinks politicians do more good than doctors, lawyers, and quote Indian chiefs. He admits, Oh, I'm not a particularly moral person and that he would have taken money from special interests. He would have taken it. He then a woman gets up to ask a question, and he refers to the woman as a kiddo and compliments the kiddo on her lovely appearance seen through the prism of a new era. Me too, Well, what happened to Chris Matthews. Then he further goes on to use language that I would consider racist and maybe after hearing it all and I listened to it a few times now and I'm gonna play it at the top of the next hour. I'm not gonna play it this hour. Maybe it explains some of these unbelievable comments that he's made over the years in recent years, my state was a slave state. I'm like, huh, or we're gonna put you all back in chains. Or you know, for the first time ever, you have an African American who is bright and articulate and clean talking about Barack Obama. This is storybook, man, storybook. You can't go or work go to a seven eleven in Dungan Donans and work there unless you have a slight Indian accent. Wow. You know, pretty pretty unbelievable comments. And I think if it was a Republican it would be treated very differently. I think it's coming down to a lot of things. What did I say yesterday? And nobody really has been saying this that I have heard in the media. I just think people have interpreted yesterday's results wrong. I don't think people have factored in that in the leading days weeks into Super Tuesday. What was Bernie Sanders doing. He was doubling down on stupid, indefensible, stupid. It's not that Bernie was a socialist and Joe's not a socialist, and I will explain exactly what I mean in a second with tape to prove it. But it was Bernie defending murderous dictators and regimes that murdered people. The former Soviet Union, you know, tens of millions of people slaughtered under that system of communism. Yeah, at the time, they were the I mean they're a hostile actor. Now their hostile regime. Now, No, that was a that was a murdering country and goes to honeymoon there. Okay, odd, weird, not exactly anyone else's first pick. But then defending Castro and the Castro brothers, what were they Murdering dictators that confiscated people's private property and ran them off the land and killed anybody that resisted them in any way, shape, matter or form. Murdering dictators, murdering dictatorships, regeems. Then Danielle Lordega, you know the communist Nicaraguan you know group that he led. It is pretty breathtaking. That was what led up to Super Tuesday. People say, nah, they wanted to go with the more moderate. Joe and I went through issue after issue. Joe is not a moderate. He's not a moderate on any issues. Yeah, we're gonna put Beto Rourke in charge of gun policy in this country. The guy wants confiscation for crying out loud or his position on the idiotic Green New Deal and getting off fossil fuels and energy, the lifeblood of the world's economy. That's a dumb idea. Everything's free. Oh, he's promising he's going to raise taxes. He's promising free healthcare to a legal limit, grins, and open borders. He has the worst foreign policy record of any of the people there, and he's got a horrible economic track record with Obama. These are going to be the factors. And let me make my point as a friend of mine sent this to me. It's an interview in the twenty sixteen election. It's Biden advocating for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton. So my point is he liked Bernie the socialist, and he's explained, well, if he didn't just call himself a socialist, it would be better for him. But you know, I agree with everything. Listen, No, if Bernie Sanders never said he was a Democratic socialist. Based on what he's saying, people wouldn't be calling him a democratic socialist. That's how he characterizes himself in sort of European terms, the Democratic Socialist parties in Europe. But why is she Well, I think that that Bernie is speaking to a yearning that is deep and real and he has credibility on it, and that is the absolute enormous concentration of wealth and a small group of people, with the middle class now being able to be shown being left out. There used to be a basic bargain. If you contribute it to the profitability of an enterprise, you got to share in the profit that's been broken. Productivity's up, wages or studies as well. It's but it's it's It's relatively new for Hillary to talk about that. Hillary's focus has been on other things up to now, and that's been Bernie's. Uh No one questions Bernie's authenticity on those issues, and well, I think they questioned everybody's who hasn't been talking about it all along. So I mean he's basically yeah, I agree with him, and he's earnest that he's got this. Now I've laid out what I think The biggest challenges for Biden are and number one, whether people want to face facts or not. There is great, deep concern whether or not he has the strength, the stamina, the focus that the hardest job in the world will require. That's issue number one. Issue number two is this corruption with Ukraine. Quid pro quote Joe zero experience Hunter is real. It is heating up in Ukraine, where an investigation has now been launched. The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible to me, that's going to be a problem for quid pro quote Joe. Then we've got quid pro quo Joe, and well that would be He's got a record to run on the Iranian deals. What thirteen million more Americans food stamps, eight million more poverty, lowest labor participation rates since the seventies, lowest home ownership rate in fifty years, worst recovery since the forties, more debt than all forty three passed administrations before Biden Obama combined. That's a problem. And his views are out of touch at the mainstream. That is another problem. Now we've got these tapes that I'll play, We'll see how the mob and the media reacts. My guess is they'll do what they always do, and that's try and ignore it. What do we do that other people don't do. We actually vet candidates. We're vetting Joe Biden, we vet Michael Bloomberg. We did a pretty good job very quickly vetting Michael Bloomberg and holding him accountable for the farmer comments and go home and die comments and where all the crime is because we put all the cops there and we only arrest only minorities. Yeah, pretty bad stuff. Now we've got Joe saying, you know all the things that he's sang, and we'll play that for you. Another big issue. I'm going to really delve deeper into this. Chuck Schumer was very clear in his comments. I want to tell you Gorsich. I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind. You will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. I'm like, really, is that Senator Schumer. Well, he's now threatening to Supreme Court justices. Let me tell you something this and for John Roberts to speak out as he did pretty unprecedented. And John Roberts was dead on accurate and right and correct in doing and saying what he said yesterday. We'll get into all this when we get back. We had a lot to get to. Today, we'll play these tapes of Biden that he gave before the City Club of Cleveland. Interesting, the only people that have picked up on it were Breitbart, we know, the Cleveland dot com. This was May of last year, but very few of which raises questions to me as well. But that's separate and apart the City Club of Cleveland. They released the tapes when asked, and they commented about releasing him in May of last year. How do you interpret it any other way? What Schumer's saying here. I'm gonna tell you, Gorsetch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind. You will pay the price. You don't know what heat, you won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful acts. Now, there are some Democrats, to their credit, that have spoken out about there's not enough. From my point of view, it's a threat. I think Justice Roberts Chief Justice Roberts is right. I think it was right in coming out and speaking out. But I don't think you can interpret it any other way. Now. I've been looking in watching and observing and researching, and we did find um a law that he seems to have violated my interpretation. According to eighteen US Code one fifteen, whoever threatens a federal official quote with intend to impede, intimidate, or into fear with such official judge or law enforcement officer while engaging in the performance of official duties they were hearing the case, or would the intend to retaliate against such official judge or law enforcement officer. An account of the performance of official duties shall be punished by a finer imprisonment of as much as ten years. Okay, was he trying to influence judges on the Supreme Court intimidate them? Yeah, I think this fits pretty well into that definition of the law. I know others have said, well, you know, it's just terrible. Jonathan Turley said, a direct attack on the integrity of the courts. He sounded more like a stalker than a statesman. Even liberal left Trump pater scholar Lawrence Tribe, admonishing Lawrence Tribe and Alan Dersho wots fight on Twitter all the time Schumer for inexcusable remarks. American Bar Association said they would trouble there's no place for threats like this, John Roberts unprecedented saying justice is no criticism comes with the territory. But threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government not only inappropriate, but they are dangerous. All members of the court will continue to do their job without fear or favor from whatever quarter. And then he's out there with his team of political hacks trying to spend it. Oh, I wasn't threatening the judges. I've been talking about them. It doesn't work, Chuck, We've got the tape. Well more on this and the election update on Corona straight ahead, all right, twenty five now to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, So at the top of the next hour, we have obtained this is what we do. We vet and we let you decide past comments nineteen seventy three, the City Club of Cleveland of Joe Biden. We'll let you decide one of the things. Yeah, it's amazing that I have to explain this as often as I do. When you say you're not a journalist, you're right, I say it all. I've said that many times. Well, see you're not. I'm like, you're right. I said it myself. He's so stupid. These people in the media, they're so gullible and dumb and arrogant and full of themselves. And they've they've deluded themselves into believing that they are so morally superior, and they feign their daily Trump outrage and I don't even think they know what they're doing anymore. It's just like, you know, two alca celts, tablets and water, and they bubble in biz And what can we get mad about Trump today? What do I say? I'm a talk show host on radio and television. What is the talk show host? Well encompasses many roles. We do straight news. I can give you hours, produce hours of evidence. Me just doing straight news on whatever an issue happens to be, giving you the news of the day with no opinion, no slants, straight across. And then we do investigative reporting the deep state. We got an update on FISA today too, that we're going to get to FIS a court. Yeah, they're now speaking out and they want and are demanding action because of the premeditative fraud and responding to the Inspector General's report. We'll update that today. But so we do investigative reporting, We do straight reporting. All part of being a talk show host. We give opinion. I am voting for Donald Trump in two hundred and forty three days. I think he is the better candidate. That would be my strong opinion based on facts, I would argue and truth and that we're all better off because of him being elected president and you shocking the world, the American people shocking the world. We the people shocking the world in two thousand and sixteen. So we do reporting, straight reporting, investigator reporting. To the deep state. We investigated at length Hillary Clinton violating Espionage Act top secret classified information on that private server violation eighteen USC. Seven ninety three, multiple categories within the Espionage Act. Then, of course, if any of you ever decided after your emails were subpoenaed to delete them and then forensically acid washed the hard drive with bleach bits so they couldn't forensically be recovered, and then busted up devices that might have those emails on them with hammers and remove sim cards, I would say that substruction. We will write the mob and the media is still ignore it, and thank goodness, Hillary now is going to be questioned in a deposition by Tom Fitton's group Judicial Watch. Good for them. I can't wait to see the new round of answers she makes up, because you've been all over the place with her answers. Then, of course, we did a lot of reporting on the real Russian interference in the twenty sixteen election, and that would be Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for dirty dossier. This is investigative reporting and how the mob and the media ignored it. They only cared about Trump Russia collusion. For investigations later there was no evidence of any Trump Russia collusion, but there it was Russia collusion, and that would be Hillary funneling money campaign finance violation through a law firm to hire an op research firm, to hire a foreign national that comes up with a dossier that not even Christopher Steele stands by, unverifiable, and that very dossier was leaked to the press to influence the election and the American people in their vote, dirty, unverified dossier, compliant conspiracy, theorist media, korn Isakov, etc. Then that dossier unverified says at the top of the fives who aren't verified, it's unverifiable Christopher Steele. I don't know if it's true. And more importantly, they warned repeatedly that it was political, that Steele had an anti Trump agenda and a deadline, and that Hillary Clinton paid for it op research, and they need to be wary of it all. Now, the New York Times eventually came around to realizing that was luckily likely Russian disinformation from the beginning, and then they used it knowing warned repeatedly, not verifying it, confirming it's verified in the four separate applications of the fis of Court. Now, the FISI Court's responding saying, we want answers and changes and we you know, I don't know what the outcome of this is going to be. I would assume now that Durham and Bar have confirmed that spying occurred against the presidential candidate transition team and president deep into the Trump presidency, to quote the Attorney General Bar, that will probably justice will be served. One of the I think more interesting developments as it relates to the deep state is when you dig down deep into the FISA Court and what they're saying, it gets very very interesting because they don't want people that might be under criminal investigation involved in coming up with potential solutions for this give you more details as the show unfolds. So we do straight reporting, investigative reporting, We also do opinion, and then we do news, sports, culture, etc. Et cetera, other stories. That's being a talk show host. I'm in a member of the press, and if I had to make an analogy, I'd say we are the whole newspaper. We do the news portion, do the investigative reporting portion, we do the opinion portion, We have guests op ed portion, then we do sports. We have sports guests on later on. For example, Burgess Owens is coming on, but he's running for Congress. It's more of a political topic. But you want a Super Bowl with the Oakland Raiders, and you know we have plenty of herschel Walker has been on many times. We love him. At Tim Tebow on, we do culture stories. It said, we do them all. We like the whole newspaper. We do. But as a member of the press, I am a member of the press. Whether they like it. You're not a journalist, No, I'm a talk show host. We do I do. You say you're fair, balanced and objective and you're not. They lie and they have spread lies and conspiracy theories, etc. Now, when these tapes come out that we're gonna play, you can go to Hannity dot com if you want a preview what Joe Biden, in his own words say, if it was Donald Trump, I'd say this, it would be a massive, huge controversy that would last all through the election the next two hundred and forty three days. My prediction, they'll ignore it. Remember when we were vetting Obama, I didn't really want to know about Acorn Community Organizing or the Chum Gang, or Frank Marshall Davis, or or the twenty plus years in the Church of ged America and Reverend Right in Black liberation theology and him on Tabor white folks, greed runs a world in need and what black liberation theology was rooted in Marxist socialism, redistributionism, statism, whatever you want to call it. And that I had the only interview with Reverend Right and that was in what two thousand and seven. Never did any more appearances after that. That was it, And we sent even our investigative team to the Church of g D America. They were they knew it, were there. They welcomed us it wasn't me. I wasn't there, but our researches went there and they did their work and we got the tapes. Nobody ever, they only asked Obama one time about Bill Ayres and Bernadadine Dorn September eleven, two thousand and one, of Old Days. They were part of the Weather Underground, a group that bombed the Pentagon, New York City Police headquarters, Congress. And there's Bill Ayres where Barack Obama started as polite le career in that guy's house that he's wishing they the Weather Underground had done more of All Days September eleventh, two thousand and one. That's a domestic terrorist group. How many times do you think Barack Obama got asked by one time and we fed the question to George Stefanopolis on this show the day before. I'm not gonna play it now, but we have the tape. We've played it in a number of times. So that's what we do, and that's what we're doing now with Biden. It's gonna be Biden. Okay, we've vetted Bloomberg. Bloomberg took a big hit because of Ah, you're ninety five. We have to tell them you have cancer. You're gonna not go home to your family. You're done. We're not paying. We can't afford you. We can't afford to pay for treatment for you. That's his plan. Or you know, I could teach anyone to be a farmer. You did go home, put a seed in, put up some dirt over it, water it. Anyone could be a farmer. Just totally ignoring the science, the chemistry, the business of agriculture, the level of sophistication of the most intelligent group of people in the country to feed the country and feed the world. How insulting, how ignorant, and how dismissive. More his comments on justifying I actually support stopping frisk in New York. I would support it in Chicago or any areas. What they do heavier concentration in areas where it's a higher crime, more violence. In other words, you put more resources there. But he's saying, no, Well, people say to me, only arrest minority children from marijuana. That's correct. Why because we put all that's all the cops of minority neighborhoods. Okay, Why he says, well, I have the answer, because that's where all the crime is. He paid a price for that. That goes back seventeen years now. Okay, we're gonna go back and listen to then new senator, young politician Joe Biden speaking at the City Club of Cleveland, and we'll let you decide. It's onhanity dot com. McConnell is calling out Schumer. Contrary to what the Democratic leader has tried to claim, he very clearly was not addressing Republican lawmakers or anybody else. He literally directed the statement to the justice's by name, saying, quote, you go forward with these awful decisions, which who could only apply to the court itself. The Minority leader then threatened to associate justices of the Supreme Court. Wow, that's pretty bad. And I guess when he says, I want to tell you Gorsuch and I want to tell you Kavanaugh, that's a pretty direct threat that you have now released the whirlwind. You will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful actions. And again, eighteen US Code one fifteen, whoever threatens a federal official quote with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official judge or law enforcement officer while engage age did in the performance of official duties they were hearing the case or with the intent to retaliate against such official judge or law enforcement officer on account of the performance of official duties, shall be punished by find her imprisonment as much as ten years. And I wonder if that's going to apply to Schumer. I know some people said, well, we're just gonna go for centure. And by the way, Senator Hawley moved very quickly. And this is not the first time he's been critical of the courts, just like Obama was critical on the I believe the case was the Citizens United decision, and I remember a Justice Samuel Alito saying not true. You saw him mouth the words because he was critical of that decision. Of course, there wasn't a big outcry by the left. They weren't upset at all. The big untold story of Tuesday Night is the following and this now played out. It's played out a number of times, and you and ignore how profound this is, and that is Donald Trump and Donald Trump's performance and what is actually going on here, because it's huge, it's a it's a movement, and it is loud, and it is straightforward, and I don't think it's going away, and it shows the strength that he has in these states. Now, the President won the Texas primary. Now we saw this in New Hampshire, we saw this in Iowa. I think we saw it in South Carolina too. He had more votes in Texas in an uncontested primary then Bernie Biden and Warren combined. Now think about that. That's it. That's that's that's a pretty incredible number. How did that happen? I don't think a lot of people in the media in particular panel on close attention to it. We were on this program because that's what we do. That's a big story, and I don't think anybody in the mob in the media wants to talk about that big story. But it even gets bigger than that, because despite this being an uncontested primary, he received more votes in Vermont, Minnesota, and Massachusetts than any incumbent for the last three or four decades and Colorado. Look at this Republican turnout for Trump again. Nobody really needed to go out Tuesday for Donald Trump. It was greater this past Tuesday than the past three Republican primaries combined. Yeah, Texas, more votes than Bernie, Joe, and Elizabeth combined. You know, well, this is such a big night. No, it really wasn't big night for Trump. And then you saw the same thing. Voter enthusiasm has never been higher. And when you look at it and you start asking the question, well, how do we interpret that? What does that mean? Means that people are fed up of three long years of never ending, non stop attack, lies, propaganda, conspiracy theories, misinformation. That Alabama Trump won, you know, with ninety six percent of the vote. I mean, amazing numbers that he put up on the board. He won. You know, the Republican votes in Alabama this year in the primary, Trump had seven hundred twenty two thousand Republicans vote casts. All those Democrats six hundred and ninety five thousand combined. Wow, I mean that's a pretty bit. Oklahoma Republican primary, Donald Trump, they are Trump won, you know, the majority of the Republican votes cast. Obviously Arkansas, same thing states where as a greater Democratic turnout than Republican maybe Tennessee. Trump won the Republican primary there huge. In two thousand and four, he won with a higher percentage than Bush running in two thousand and four, he won with three hundred and eighty thousand, two hundred and seventy six votes cast Biden one with only two hundred and fifteen thousand votes for him. That was this early call state pretty amazing right hour two Sean Hannity Show toll Freed number eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, mentioned in the last hour that Okay, now it looks like the Biden campaign is angry, and they're angry. You know, Joe Biden has a history of these bizarre comments. And this is separate and apart from the fact that this guy makes a gaff a second here. But if you think back, we're gonna put you all back in chains. My state is a slave state. For the first time, you got an African American and he's he's bright and articulate and clean like it's storybook. Man. I never got over that one. You can't work in a dungcan donuts or a seven eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent. And I'm just thinking, Okay, if any Republican says these sorts of things, there's going to be a very different response. Now with this new Ada out by Bernie Sanders. We now have the Biden campaign pretty ticked off. Co Chairman Cedric Richmond, member of the Congressional Black Hawcus from Louisiana, telling reporters on a conference call the fact that Sanders is on TV with negative attack ads and consistently saying the establishment is teaming up against him. He says, well, no, African American voters have made a conscious decision that we fought and we earned civil rights through blood, sweat and tears, that he said, and so as he rails against the establishment, I didn't know that African Americans in the South were considered part of the establishment. So I don't know what they're suggesting there about Bernie Sanders. I'll let you interpret that. Now. This tape that I've been telling you about from the last hour, it is on Cleveland dot com. They reported on this in twenty nineteen. The City Club of Cleveland put up a speech given by Biden in nineteen seventy three, long time ago. Think of all the people that went after Michael Bloomberg though for his policies and comments going back seventeen years. As it relates to, oh, we only arrest minority kids for marijuana. Why, well, we only put police all police in minority neighborhoods. Why because that's where all nots I all the crime is. And I think became a very big issue for Bloomberg in the disaster that he had Tuesday night. As you hear these comments, it's a younger Joe Biden, by the way, very different cadence, maybe a faster pitch than he certainly has now. And anyway, the way he apologizes to women for using a football analogy, Oh you know, I didn't know there'd be women here politicians to do more good than doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs. He said that too, admits that he would have taken money from special referring to a woman as a kiddo and complimenting her lovely appearance, and then uses language. Well, it's the N word, but not the N word, N word, the other N word. I don't want to say the word. I don't it's offensive to me. But anyway, let's play it. But I don't think anything has assaulted the system and the fundamental makeup of this country as much as this Watergate thing has. And the only analogy I can really think of is a football analogy, and I apologize to you women in the audience for not being able to think of a more appropriate analogy. But they told me here. They didn't want you here anyway, I didn't expect any women to be here. We spend a lot of time talking about the United States being a melting pot. Well that's true quite Frankly, I think it's overrated. We've been able to move forward because of politics, and in my opinion, politics need not necessar seraly be a dirty word. Politics should be the most honorable of professions. Those of you who heard doctors and lawyers and Indian chiefs in the audience, how can any of you possibly do as much good if you're very good at what you do as I can do. If I'm very good at what I can do, you can't. So the point is, this is where the action is to run in my state cost three hundred thousand dollars this time around her between two fifty and three hundred, I don't know the exact figure. That's more money than any Democrat in my state has ever spent. And the young new White Knight he spent it, spent more money than my opponent only because he didn't take me seriously, and he had another ninety thousand dollars left over. He didn't know how to spend it. In the last week when they realized I was a serious candidate, but seriously in trying to raise that money, I fortunately had over three thousand individual contributors. Nobody makes up any more than one percentage point of my total budget. Nobody, for one percentage points gets a hold of that ear. Nobody gets any more than a return phone call for that one. But it's not because I'm particularly moral. It's because nobody took me seriously. Had in the beginning when I started, big corporations or big labor, or big wealthy individuals or big anybody come along and said, here, Biden, we want to contribute twenty thousand dollars to you. I probably would have taken it. Not probably I would have taken it because I had to go out and borrow twenty thousand dollars and put a second mortgage on my house to get that twenty to start. But nobody took me seriously. Yes, sir, ye, Senator, I find very articulate maskuf. The rest is not very good. That's what I thought. That's why, that's why I tried to compliment it if I scary out of it. To the best of your knowledge, Senator, do you believe that the Democratic patty has ever been involved in something as atrocious as bugging? Sure, yes, yes I do. But bugging isn't the question, kiddo. We're not even talking about bugging. You know. The the rumor was that Robert Kennedy used to walk into his office in the morning when he was a Senator and pick up the phone and say, hello, everybody, how are you? And the counter to that was the reason he was able to pick it up and say that, as when he was Attorney General he was doing the bugging. So you know, I'm sure that bugging has gone on, and I'm sure and that's offensive to Everyone's particularly offensive to somebody like me who's being bugged if I am. But as one of my colleagues said, Joe, you're not important enough yet to be bugs so don't worry about it. He's probably right. But really and truly it has been. It has gone on. Say, for some time, I have had the feeling that the Southern senators are warmer now toward the problems of the America. Have you had private conversations with them, or do you feel that way about it, or have they talked to you privately about Yes, Jan's attitude towards these problems. I have had a number of conversations with the Southern senators and then they we get about forty to fifty requests a week to speak nationally. And just as if I were if I're elected with one eye, I'd be an anomaly and they'd want me to speak. I'm thirty. That's not because of any merits. They just because I'm thirty. They want to see if I can talk. And the places that we go that I've told my staff the places I want to go by and larger the South, because I'm most unfamiliar with the South, so I've had occasion to speak in the South fairly frequently. Party and I think the two party system, Although my Democratic colleagues don't like me saying this, I think the two system is good for the South and good for the good for the black in the South. And other than the fact that they still call me boy, I don't think they've I think they've changed their mind all right. There it is Joe Biden nineteen seventy three. Vince Ellison is with US conservative calumnist lecturer, author of the book The Iron Triangle. Burgess Owens, both friends of the program. By the way, former NFL player, part of the Super Bowl winning Oakland Raiders and by the way, now a candidate and for congress and Utah's fourth congressional district and I hope you win. Welcome both of you to the program. Vince, let's start with you. Okay, nineteen seventy three, different place, different time. Does this impact the race because in my imagination, I think if this was Donald Trump on tape would be a big deal. Well, is exactly right. I mean, surprise the PLI surprise. And Joe's been doing this his whole career. He hasn't changed the same thing as black people with his condescending, you know attitude. The verist fact that, uh, they're saying they got the black vote down south. It's ridiculous because they assume that all black people are Democrats. They got the black Democrat votes down South, not the black Independent or the black Republican votes down South. But they say the black vote and they talk about it like as the Democratic momo left. Yeah, you have me and Virgus on your show that proof is out of momol list right there, so you know, and and and when the brains clide went up there. I don't know why they bring him up because the twenty five years since he's been there, his district he started out, his district was of course amost most crime ridden, most ill educated district, and and and then the South and it still is. If you wanted someone to come up there and speak for black people, at least it should have been someone that has done some good for the black community. They look at us as a community that they want to control, that they want to keep ga, that they want to stomp down, and they will put someone up in front of us that has done nothing, nothing but keep us poor, uneducated, and under the foot of the Democratic Party to tell us to keep going in the same direction and in the same direction. And Joe Biden brings them out, push him out in front of black people, say this is our standard bearer. This is what we call progress. This is what they call progress. The poverty, unemployment, games, drugs, terrible schools, violence, prison. They bring Jim Climer out and they activate the Iron Triangle and tell them to get the buses rolling, get the street money out and get the black people to vote for Joe Biden, and bam, they all jump right into order. And this is how Biden sees us. He says, that's people that he can control, people that he wants to do what he tells them to do, and if they don't, they're no good for him. That may bringing Burgess on this into this race. I hope your race is going well out in Utah. And I've known you now for a long period of time, and I think you'd be a great congressman, Um and the people of Utah would be lucky to have you serving that district. What is your reaction to the tapes, you know? And then also a little bit of you know, all these things that he has said, Um, regarding race over the years, which I have found defensive and Democrats, I guess give have two standards for Republicans comments and Democrats comments to me Burgess. Yes, well, let me first of all, Burgess for Utah dot Com support me. Guys. It's going to change our country anyway. You know, I've been waiting thirty years for us to be at this point. We have these kind of conversations, we are experiencing sea change. You know, I've always known from thirty years ago that the Democratic Party looks at the black race as objects. They think that that that we think with our skin. They look at us as something which they can bring out every every four years, use and then put it put us out into the next four years. We're having now an environment which we're now he's thinking, we're racing, We're sprinting off this plantation and so excited to see it, because you're right, people like Biden and I would say this awesome. We have to understand who our true enemy has been. Guys, you know, I watched this for years. Is not getting the white supremacist my my dad generation and the journation before that kick, but they were able to do great things in our country in terms of education, entrepneurship. Leadership has been the black elitist. That's been our biggest problem. Those are those, these these these these markers pull out when they need them, speak to our raids as if they care for us, and then we go out and vote for the same people's been keeping us the misery for for decades. The black elitist, the Black Caucus, the NSDP, those are living in American dream. And then telling the rest of us. We can't do so because the white man won't let us because they're getting paid every single if they get, they get their power, and the fact that they vote for anti black policies they keep us misery. So I'm excited about who we are now. I just want I want to be one American family here, and the President says that in this speech, with one glorious nation under God, one one American family, and the fact that we have experienced such economic prosperity and success at unemployment record lows and etc. Is great for the country. And you guys are both amazing. Got to take a break. We'll come back eight hundred nine four one Sean Tolfrey telephone number. We'll get to your calls coming up in the next hour, and much more, and an update with our medical experts on coronavirus. Straight ahead. All right, our final moments with Vince Ellis and Burgess Owens. I don't have a lot of time, about a minute each. Vince, now that you see all these polls, the president sixteen to thirty four and a half percent approval rating in the African American community, Hispanic community record highs there too, do you think that translates into votes. It will, and people are going to be surprised. Just like Burgess said, it's good for us to have this conversation. People are jumping off the plantation there than awakenment. We are now seeing that the Democratic Party, after what Biden did on Super Tuesday, we are seeing now that they have no plan for us. There mantra, it's one thing. Stay exactly where you are, Stay poor, stay uneducated, stay crime ridden, and we will make sure we're good masters to you. We'll let you eat from the from the crimes there from far from our table, will will, will real, real, will make sure that you stay under out under our control, that we will determine your work. We are better than that. And black people in America are waking up to the fact that everything they want in America. Last minute of this half hour, Burgess owns ken ken't Gleen Moreland what venture said. You know, I'm excited by the fact that the black Americans now voting their values and principles versus party and politicians. And we're waking up. And that's why they're trying to keep this wall down. They know they have to exchange with other people who do not understand our system. Black Americans, love our country, love our families, one of our future, and we're going to be continue to vote for those who support that. And that's what President Trump has done. He's proven three years what the left is not done in decades. So watch out. We're gonna be leading the front to making sure our coach becomes great again. But by voting our values and I love that. But about Commune, a product of all those are standing up and making discussion a much better place to deliver into Shia. So everybody's the best interest we you know, you rise and fall together. We're going to rise and fall as a nation together. Got to be one. At some point, you'd think the virus would you know, that wouldn't be political, But unfortunately it's become political. Burgess Owens running for the fourth Congressional District, Utah. Thank you. Vince Ellison, author Iron Triangle, Thank you eight hundred and nine four one Sean. When we come back, our medical team will update you on the latest on coronavirus and much more as we continue. Pass Force met this morning and brought the President a range of options, and at his direction, we will be doing the following First the President authorized action today to add additional travel restrictions on a RAM. We will be using twelve F. I'm banning travel from Iran. Iran is already under a travel ban, but we are expanding existing travel restrictions to include any foreign national who has visited Iran within the last fourteen days. In addition to moving Iran, we are going to increase to the highest level of advisory, which is Level four, advising Americans do not travel to specific regions in Italy and South Korea from day one. This is what we predicted. This is what we expected. The risk to any average American is low from the novel coronavirus. The risk remains low thanks to the unprecedented actions President Trump has taken and the actions he's announcing today. That risk remains low, but this can change rapidly. We have always said from the first moment that we have spoken about this that we would see more cases. We are seeing more cases. We will see more cases. But it's important to remember for the vast majority of individuals who contract the novel coronavirus, they will experience mild to moderate symptoms and their treatment will be to remain at home treating their symptoms the way they would a severe cold or the flu. For some individuals a smaller percentage, especially those who may be medically fragile, they will require medical attention, including possibly hospitalization. All right, that, of course, the daily updating of the coronavirus. I know a lot of fear and a lot of panic is set in in the minds and hearts of many people. I guess from my point of view, I think a lot of it is because it's been wet. It's politicized. Sadly, and I've said this before, I wish we could cure cancer tomorrow and all heart disease tomorrow. You would think that the health and safety are great citizens of this country, would transcend politics, But sadly, I guess it's impossible. One thing we should all be proud of that we have mobilized the best scientists, the best researchers in the world at the highest level. We will lead the world. Ultimately we get the vaccine. There are twenty current vaccines being worked on four Corona as we speak. Doctor Anthony Fauci says that might be a year. We don't know the answer, but ultimately we will get there. We have pandemics we've had. For example, in the Biden Obama administration, we had a pandemic. It started in April, the first year in office, two thousand and nine. We lost a lot of people worldwide globally. The estimate so it go as high as five hundred and seventy five thousand people died from H one N one, known as the swine flu in the United States of America from April of two thousand and nine to April of two thousand and ten, while they were in estimated sixty million cases, two hundred and seventy five thousand hospitalizations, and twelve thousand, four hundred and sixty nine deaths from the H one and one swine flu in the United States due to that virus. And I don't remember the hysteria back then, but again it's it's weaponized. We live at a different time. But the advances that we make, the progress are scientists, doctors, medical researchers are making every day finding treatments and cures for cancer, new procedures to battle against things like heart disease, medicines to cure to cure these diseases. You know, I lost a cousin from Hodgkin's disease many many years ago, decades ago. Odds are very high, like high that he would survive today because of the advancements we have made in treating Hodgkin's disease. Is just one example. Doctor Mark Siegel is with US Professor of Medicine, New York University. Fox News contributor Doctor Nicole Sapphire is with US Sports certified radiologist, also a Fox News medical contributor, part of our medical team at Fox. I look at the timeline and Nicole, I'll start. I'll start with you, and what I see is okay. They first that the who noticed on December thirtieth eight virus looking type of thing with pneumonia symptoms in China. January seventh of this year, they identified Corona January thirty. First, Donald J. Trump declared a national emergency, and he did something that very few people ever did. We never did this back in O nine or twenty ten, and that was that not only did he put a travel ban in effect, which has now expanded, but he also quarantined Americans coming back from infected areas. That hasn't been done in decades in this country. That's right, Sean, and thanks for having me on This is an incredibly important point to make that we are, you know, responding to this virus in rapid, groundbreaking speed. It is not only the President Trump, you know, start in the beginning having the travel ban everything that you have mentioned, but we already have Maderna has put forth a vaccine that is under review right now and getting ready for clinical trials that is record breaking. Is this the company in Massachusetts that don't mean to interrupt, you know, yes, it is actually and the CEO this morning said some media outlet that they were going to take into consideration and make sure that this is not too expensive looking at other vaccine costs. But one thing that is really important to know is stars COVID two, the virus that is causing COVID nineteen is acting exactly how we expect it to. Within three months in the era of having international travel, we now have cases of the virus all across the globe. We expect that to happen in such the era that we're living in. You have decreased cases being seen in mainland China and Wuhan right now because of increase awareness and the precautions being taken. We're going to continue seeing increased cases aware because it's just gotten to us, so don't panic, and we should expect to see more cases over the next few months. It will likely plateau out and then begin to decrease, Doctor Siegel. Look, there may be periods where maybe it's in the best interests of the country to shut schools for a couple of weeks. Maybe it's in the best interest of the country temporary closings here there. We're tough people. Americans will make the adjustments based on medical experts and what they think. We've dealt with many pandemics in the past. Sadly, I wish we didn't have to ever deal with it. They'll do it out of an abundance of caution. I think the President boldly did something he's not getting any credit for, which is that that travel ban in quarantine was in three weeks now. When I know the Health and Human Services Secretary, I believe in April of two thousand and nine they did say it's an emergency, but Barack Obama didn't declare an emergency until October of two thousand and nine, after a thousand Americans had already died and twenty thousand had contracted H one N one I wrote a book about that the swine flu, and I thought the entire effort was discordinated. I actually had to come out publicly and tell summer camps to give tamiflu to prevent the spread of this emerging virus. And I didn't feel that the public response or the governmental response was coordinated. As you mentioned, a lot of people died, a lot of people got sick. But never mind about that, by the way, to go on to the bowl of a problem in two fourteen, when of course it was spread under the government watch, where not the precautions were not being taken. But you know what, Sean, our group of leaders has learned from all of that. They're messaging a lot better, They're more cautious, errors are not being made. I mean, I have actually never seen a better test or put together. The President gets no credit for that, for bringing Robert Redfield in, who's a famous virologist, or the way he's using Tony Fauci, or the messaging you just heard from alex Azar and hooray that he's banning traveled to and from Iran, a hostile state which is spread and Italy, And interestingly, the President said he's help the Iranians if they need help. Yeah, and Italy which doesn't have a coordinateed, coordinated health response. And here in the United States you're seeing vigilance. Now, one quick thing, the public is misperceiving all this unified vigilance and public health measures and mitigating strategies and isolation. They don't understand the purpose of that is to squash the virus before it becomes widespread. It's not that it's necessarily dangerous to you or me. It's that we want it to not become that dangerous. So meanwhile, with all the political bickering and all the criticism, instead of applauding the president's strategy, that's as you said at the beginning, spreading fear. Well, and Mark, don't forget when we're talking about a bowl of virus. Former President Obama at the time would continuously pride it himself on not instituting a travel ban. But the obolavirus is not an airborne respiratory virus like with the coronavirus. You, No, it didn't make sense for a travel ban, So it doesn't mean that he handled it any better. And there were only twenty eight thousand cases of a bowl and we're seeing significantly more with coronavirus. And the reason there's still such few numbers in the United States is because of that early, early travel ban and the quarantine. And I have to say bravo to President Trump because I think that he has really proven himself and how he has responded to Let me look at let's take a close point. This is a very contagious virus. If Bola wasn't, She's absolutely right. The public health measures led by President Trump are actually working. The number of people, some eighty thousand people in China that have contracted corona now seem to have fully recovered. There's not a lot of attention given to all of that, but anyway, Business Insider had a piece out today. The trend seems to be holding that the number of patients recovering is greater, far greater than the number of people being treated, and as of Monday, there were forty four thousand, five and eighteen recoveries in China compared to thirty two thousand outstanding infections, and the tipping point seems to have been February twenty ninth. According to John Johns Hopkins. The trend has held for the days since and in China, there's been a total of again eighty thousand, one hundred and seventy four. Does that give you any insight to where this is headed? Nicole? So of course it does, and it's showing us that as people have become more aware of the virus and they are seeking treatment or they're being quarantined, that yes, it's following its natural course and they're having fewer infections, fewer new contexts. One important thing to take note of is in Wuhan, about forty one percent of the patient that were infected were infected from being in the hospital with other patients, whether they were the healthcare givers, they're close contexts. So it wasn't like it was rampant out on the streets. A lot of people were in very confined spaces. And when about eighty two percent of the cases are going to have mild symptoms at best, like that of a common cold, of course they're going to be out and they're infecting other people. So now that we have an awareness and we know that just symptoms of the common cold can actually be coronavirus, people are having better hand hygiene. There may be not touching their mouths, there may be staying at home. If they're feeling to stay away from everybody, and I'm a hermit, then I'm a rec close. I think that works for everybody to try that in life. All Right, As we continue, our medical team experts doctor Mark Siegel and doctor Nicole Sapphire. All right, so, doctor Siegel, what do you say two people? I mean the panic in some people, I mean even people I know. I'm like, seriously, are you really that panicked about this? You know the history of pandemics. You know that we lost what nearly sixteen You would know better than nine doctor or seventeen thousand Americans in between two thousand and nine and ten with H one N one. There was no travel ban, there was no quarantining. Sadly these things happen, and I mean that I want cure for everything. Here's what I would say to people's showing. First of all, I would say we should take comfort in courageous leaders. And I think it's one thing that has not been said by anyone is that somehow the president has managed to manage his relationship with President she at the same time, and he's putting a lot of pressure on a spotlight a world spotlight on the country to try to contain the virus, which, as Nicole pointed out, they've actually been trying to do. That's without the help of the World Health Organization, who's a political body that's easily manipulated and hasn't really been of any great value here. So you have to get courage from the President and from the other waves of the task force. The other thing I want to say is that we still have to keep our eye on the fact that even if you see that there's a case in your state or even even your neighborhood, it doesn't mean that it's as prominent as you think. That's worst case scenario. Wing. That's people thinking it's gonna get me next. That's fear. That's emotion, and be careful of the props of fear. If you wear a mask unnecessarily on the street, you're sending a signal you think Corona is coming down the street when it's nowhere near there. You have to we have to message properly and calmly without hysteria, and Nancy Messionary of the CDC messed up with that one day when she said it's going to disrupt community as well. The more we say it's going to disrupt communities the more it does. We need a calm approach to this. It makes sense from a public health point of view to isolate people, to quarantine people occasionally if there's been a case, maybe to temporarily close a school. But we can overreact to this. We have to look to our leaders to guide us. Last word, Doctor Nicole Sapphire, I mean, as we wait for the epidemic to abate, we need to socially distance ourselves a void, crowded areas, hand washed, cover your mouth when you cough, stop touching your face, and if you feel sticked six stay home. These are all important low tech measures. All right. I want to thank you both, our medical team, doctor Nicole Sapphire, doctor Mark Siegel. We'll have full updates on Hannity tonight nine Eastern on the Fox News channel eight nine seawn our number. You're right here for our final news round up and information overload. I want to tell you, Gorzuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay you the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. The women of America are angry and Yes, we will continue to fight for a woman's right to choose. I will continue to fight for the women of America. Now, I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They didn't come out the way I intended to. My point was that there be political consequences, political consequences for President Trump and Senate Republicans if the Supreme Court, with the newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman's right to choose. Of course, I didn't intend to suggest anything other than political and public opinion consequences for the Supreme Court, and it is a gross distortion to imply otherwise. I'm from Brooklyn, we speak in strong language. I shouldn't have used the words I did, But in no way was I making a threat. I never never would do such a thing, and Leader McConnell knows that, and Republicans who are busy manufacturing outrage over these comments know that too. Now, what will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand, a woman's constitutional right to choose, and Republican attempts to invalidate it. All right, news roundup and information overload our Chuck Schumer now in full defense mode. I don't think you could spin out of it. And I don't see the same outrage feign moral outrage among Democrats. There are a few, but not really many as it relates to Schumer, because Chuck Schumer gets away with things. Why because Chuck Schumer is a liberal. It's it's always comes down to that. It always comes out well, of course you get a of course you get a double standard. If your name is Chuck Schumer, if your name is Hillary Clinton, if your name is Barack Obama, if your name is Joe Biden, if your name is anything but Donald Trump. I mean, if you know, for John Roberts to step up and say about this that justices know the criticism comes with the territory. But threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government and not only inappropriate, but they are dangerous. Yeah, a direct dangerous threat to the US Supreme Court. And that is done by Chuck Schumer. Why because he wants to intimidate the Court into doing things that the Court should not be intimidated and to doing. If you believe in a constitutional system of governance and that you know, it sounds like a threat to me, sounds like, okay, what is the price you're gonna pay. You won't know what hit you? Okay, really, I don't know. I think if Donald Trump said it, you'd see a very different reaction in the media by the mob. Anyway, Joe constra Is with US columnists, media columnists, with The Hill, and even Harold Ford Junior said the comments of Schumer aimed at two Supreme Court justices at where we are out at a low point. Yeah, I think that that's true. And people get so outraged over Donald Trump, don't they? Anyway, Joe woke back to the program. Hey Sean, how you doing, a buddy. I'm good, sir. I'm watching for the reaction of Democrats. There's a few, There's not a lot of them. Why is this rhetorical Thursday? Super Thursday? As Joe Biden would put it, Because as you said, you're a Schumer, you got a big D next your name, You're probably gonna get it pass. I saw Jeffrey Tubin actually criticized him. I saw Lawrence Try actually criticized him. But to your point, you could criticize somebody for something, but that pious, self righteous, condescending moral outrage thing is missing from this right. And remember who Chuck Schumer is because he said in that clip, I would never threaten anybody. Oh yeah, I remember twenty seventeen where this guy said on national television, you know Donald Trump's he's criticizing the intelligence community. They could get you six ways from Sunday, And he should know that sounds like a threat for me. If to me, it's sure enough that kind of happened, right, So yeah, I mean this will now go away because without Schumer really having to answer for it, and he does a little speech on the Senate floor, he doesn't even apologize for it. He doubles down. I guess more or less that's just the way things work, and we shouldn't be surprised by it anymore. Yeah, I guess we shouldn't let me go. We've got this new tape that is this is Joe Biden, and I'm just thinking about if if this was in fact Donald Trump, and we've been debating it in the last hour, if this was in fact Donald Trump, I think there'd be a very different reaction to all of that. And you know, he gives us a speech at the City Club of Cleveland. Okay, it's nineteen seventy three, understand, but if this tape again evolved and it was Donald Trump, Michael Bloomberg got hit pretty hard. But because of his past comments about, oh, we only arrest minority kids, why because oh we only put cops of minority neighborhoods all the cops. Why because that's where all the crime is. I think that played a very big part in his failure on Tuesday night. But you got Biden literally apologizing to women because I'm about to use a football analogy, don't don't expect I didn't expect women to be here. Ouch, politicians do more good than doctors, lawyers, and Indian chiefs, and admits that he would have taken money from special interest in the first place. And he then goes on to refer to a woman as a kiddo, complimenting her lovely appearance. Yeah, I mean, you can't make this up, and then uses I think what is racist language, lecturing about what is good for his words, it's the N word, but not the N word. N word. Listen. But I don't think anything has assaulted the system and the fundamental makeup of this country as much as this Watergate thing has. And the only analogy I can really think of is a football analogy, and I apologize to you women in the audience for not being able to think of a more appropriate analogy. But they told me here. They didn't want you here anywhere, I didn't expect any women to be here. We spend a lot of time talking about the United States being a melting pot. Well that's true, but quite frankly, I think it's overrated. We've been able to move forward because of politics, and in my opinion, politics need not necessarily be a dirty word. Politics should be the most honorable of professions. Those of you who heard doctors and lawyers and Indian chiefs in the audience, how can any of you possibly do as much good if you're very good at what you do as I can do. If I'm very good at what I can do, you can't. So the point is this is where the action is. To run in my state cost three hundred thousand dollars this time around, or between two fifty and three hundred, I don't know the exact figure. That's more money than any Democrat in my state has ever spent. And the young new White Knight he spent it, spent more money than my opponent only because he didn't take me seriously, and he had another ninety thousand dollars left over. He didn't know how to spend it. Last week when they realized I was a serious candidate, but seriously, in trying to raise that money, I fortunately had over three thousand individual contributors. Nobody makes up any more than one percentage point of my total budget. Nobody, for one percentage points gets a hold of that ear. Nobody gets any more than a return phone call for that one percent. But it's not because I'm particularly moral. It's because nobody took me seriously. Had in the beginning when I started, big corporations or big labor, or big wealthy individuals, or big anybody come along and said, here, Biden, we want to contribute twenty thousand dollars to you. I probably would have taken it. Not probably I would have taken it because I had to go out and borrow to twenty thousand dollars and put a second mortgage on my house to get that twenty to start. But nobody took me seriously. Yes, Senator, I find you very articulate, mask the rest is not very good. That's what I thought. That's why that's why I tried to compliment it if I'm scary out of it. To the best of your knowledge, Senator, do you believe that the Democratic patty has ever been involved in something as atrocious as bugging? Sure, yes, yes I do. But bugging isn't the question, kiddo. We're not even talking about bugging. You know. The the rumor was that Robert Kennedy used to walk into his office in the morning when he was a Senator and pick up the phone and say hello, everybody, how are you? And the counter to that was the reason he was able to pick it up and say that, as when he was Attorney General he was doing the bugging. So you know, I'm sure that bugging has gone on, and I'm sure and that's offensive to everyone. It's particularly offensive to somebody like me who's being bugged if I am. But as one of my colleagues said, Joe, you're not important enough yet to be bugged, so don't worry about it. He's probably right. But really and truly it has been. It has gone on, Senator. For some time. I have had the feeling that the Southern senators are warmer now to the problems of the New America. Have you had private conversations with them, or do you feel that way about it, or have they talked to you privately about yes M's attitude towards these problems. I have had a number of conversations with the Southern senators and then they we get about forty to fifty requests a week to speak nationally. And just as if I were if ire elected with one eye, I'd be an anomaly and they'd want me to speak. I'm thirty. That's not because of any merit. They just because I'm thirty. They want to see if I can talk. And the places that we go that I've told my staff the places I want to go buying larger the South because I'm most unfamiliar with the South, so I've had occasion to speak in the South fairly frequently. Party and I think the two party system, Although my Democratic colleagues don't like me saying this, I think the two party system is good for the South and good for the good for the black in the South. And other than the fact that they still call me boy, I don't think they've I think they've changed their mind. What's your reaction, Joe Contra, I know it's long, but I think if it was Donald Trump. We got a very different reaction. I never heard that before. I mean I was just mesmerized by that. A how articulate and quick Biden is yeah, a number of years ago. Yeah, by the way, you can compare. What do you think the fallout now? I mean this is pick men picked up this particular place where they we gave the remarks, They released all of this, and I guess my question is, you know on Cleveland dot Com carried it and Breitbart carried it, but that was in May of last year, and now we're calling attention to it as he looks to be the Democratic front runner. I think if I'm using precedent Sean, then I look back at the comments he made about Barack Obama in two thousand and seven. I believe where he said, you know, that's a guy who's clean and articulate. So again, put those words out of Trump's mouth, calling an African American politician clean and articulate. And then of course you have the apocalypse, right or you've you've played this clip before where he says you can't work at the seven to eleven without a thick Indian accent. You know, all these states states a Slave state. Yeah, you know we're gonna put They're gonna put you all back in chains. And it's interesting as he's now, I mean this broken political today, the campaign of Biden brought up race today and bashing Birdie. We can't divide this party like we did last time to allow Trump to get reelected. You know the fact that Senator Sanders is on TV with a negative attack end consistently saying the establishment teaming up against him. No, African American voters have made a conscious decision that we fought and we earned some rights through blood, sweat and tears, and so as he rails against the establishment, I don't know that African Americans of the South were considered part of the establishment. Look, I honestly think you could go into the semantic sub but Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders versus Donald Trump, that the president has a very clear, bold contrast to make right. I mean, Biden will raise taxes on the middle class if he's going to have things like the Green Deal, Green New Deal and free college and all these things that he wants to do. He promised to end the legal immigration detention across the board, right, stay right there, I gotta take a break though, Joe Concho with those media critic We'll get to your calls. Final half hour, Senator Blackburn is going to give us an update on the aftermath of this terrible tornado down in Tennessee and Nashville. Outside of Nashville. Next, all right, Joe Concho with US media calumnists, political pundit for the Hill. Okay, final words. What about the comments he made supporting Bernie over Hillary in twenty sixteen. How big is that going to get? I would think probably not very sean, to be honest with you, I think in the end, it's just that the president's going to be able to say he's going to point to a gallop pole that said six and ten Americans now say they're better offen they were three years ago when that poll was taken during President Obama's first three years, it was fifteen points blow or forty five percent. Until Biden has a clear economic message of optimism and says he isn't going to raise taxes when he is the only guy who ever ran a raising taxes Walter Mondale and he won exactly one state. So all those other things, yeah, those are things that the president can hit Joe Biden on. But in the end, if the economy stays as it is and coronavirus doesn't throw this curveball into it's gonna be very difficult to defeat the president, particularly an incumbent that has a strong economy at his back. Because only Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush ever lost after one term, and they were in recessions. I don't see us going there. So Biden will still be the horrible candidate he has been up until now, and with that at his back, the president with the piece and prosperity, it's going to be very difficult to beat him. But I think that's what you got to hammer him on. What's your economic message? Are you going to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for all these things that you say that you want to implement into our country? All right, Joe Consco, thank you eight hundred nine four one Seawan told free telephone number. We'll have all of these new developments and comments a Biden that have been ignored by the mob and the media Tonight on Hannity nine Eastern, when we come back, we'll update you on the horrible situation in tornadoes down in Nashville in Tennessee with Marshall Blackburn. Then your calls are up next Hannity tonight, nine Eastern. What a show we have on the Fox News Channel, straight ahead. All right, glad you're with us eight hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program, you know, we watch what happened these terrible tornadoes just on the outskirts of Nashville. I love Nashville. I lived just ninety miles south of Nashville when I was broadcasting my first paid radio station in nineteen ninety w VNN and Huntsville, Alabama. Love the place. I just I got to know. That's what I fell in love with country music Garth Brooks at the time. But I'd always go up Oprey Land. I mean, was just amazing, just but also the people, wonderful people. It's grown by leaps and bounds. And then out of nowhere the other night we have these these tornadoes not only touched down there's reports that they touched down state on the ground for you know, an hour, and obviously this all the horrible destruction. The last I saw about twenty four confirmed dead. But the search and rescue mission continues. I've seen pictures and videos. It's devastating. Our heart goes out to the people of Nashville, our friends there. We wanted to get an update. And by the way, Samaritan's purses on the ground already. I was talking to Michael W. Smith the other night, the Christian contemporary singer, a great friend of this program and friend of mine, and they're down on the ground there and they're doing great work. That's Franklin Graham's group. Senator Marshall Blackburn is with us from Tennessee. Senator, I love your state. I love Nashville about I love everybody. They're wonderful people. I'm so sorry about all you're going through. Well, Sean, there are a lot of Tennesseeans that love you too, and they are just so thrilled to be listening to you right now to hear you talking about what we have experienced, because you're so right. This was an E four tornado. There were actually two. One was in there EF three, the other in E F four, and it was on the ground for a period of fifty miles. And I've been through war zones, hurricanes, tornadoes, and I will tell you in Putnam County, Tennessee, and Wilson County, Tennessee. I have never seen the kind of destruction that I saw yesterday, because entire communities are just leveled. There is nothing there but a debrief field and you can see a driveway where and maybe steps or a front porch, but everything else is just gone. And the laws of life, the loss of these precious children people, including children that are hospitalized right now, and then loss of livelihoods, it is just devastating and the destruction is unbelievable. But in true Tennessee fashion, where the volunteer state and people are showing up, we have those sunny attitudes that our tomorrows are going to be better than our yesterdays and with a lot of support people or they're out there working in thousands of volunteers showing up to help. That's what Michael w said. He said there are thousands of people going to the areas that were greatly impacted, and I mean they had more volunteers than they actually had real work for in certain areas because and then the rescue efforts continue. That is exactly right. And here's a great example in Putnam County. We've got a Great Sheriff Eddie Ferris, and I was talking with him yesterday and up walks a big group of American Legion guys, chainsaws in hand, gloves in hand. They said, tell us where to go work. And this is the kind of volunteerism. And you're hearing those chainsaws, you're seeing people that have shown up with scoopers and bulldozers and to try to clear away for people to be able to even get to their homes and to have the ground safe to walk on or to drive a car on or a truck because there's all this metal and debris, and the debris field goes for miles and miles and miles, you know. Anyway, I listen. We just want the people in Tennessee to know. And I know the President I think is going down there tomorrow. Yes, he's going tomorrow. I'm going to be with him tomorrow in the state. And people that are listening to you, that have loved ones in Tennessee that have damage, they can go to the state's website. It is TN dot gov Forward Slash Team at TEMA and that's the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency and they can get help there if they are needing help, and I will tell you Verizon at and T they've been putting towers out so people can have access their charging stations that people can go to at the command centers and at the shelters and charge their electronics. And people are doing everything they can to come stand with individuals who have lost everything, everything, their home and everything in it. All right, Senator Blackburn, thank you so much. We really appreciate you taking time to keep us up to speed. We put Samaritan's Purse website. They're helping the efforts Wonder in Tennessee. So that's Franklin Graham's group and I know them and I trust them for people that want to help out, it's it's pretty devastating when you lose your home and and all your possessions in life that you've worked so hard for. And then of course, you know, how do you out of nowhere? You deal with the loss of a loved one, and that now has happened to twenty four families in the great state of Tennessee. Senator, always good to have you. You're in our prayers. Please let everyone know we're thinking about them and America will be there for them as we always are. Thank you Sean, byebye. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Lizzie in the Great State of Ohio. You're on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, Lizzie, how are you? Hi, Son, I'm good? You sound young? Can I are you a young person? Yes, I'm a sophomore in high school. Really okay, And I'm glad you called the show. How are you doing? I'm good? How are you? I'm good? Now, you're studying hard, you have good grades, yeah for the most part. Okay, staying out of trouble, yeah, for the most part. That would have been my answer. But anyway, I'm glad you called What's on your Mind today. I would just like to say that you've been a really big inspiration for me because this year I have just started studying the Constitution in my ap government class, and I have a couple of liberal friends and they try to debate me all the time, and I mean, I can and have the ability to win because of you, because you have brought up some really good points. And I myself, I used to be a liberal and you have really helped me to come around and see the logic in being a conservative young person. You remind me a little bit of me, because when I was young, Lizzie, I don't know why I was obsessed with politics, and I would stay up late at night my parents screaming at me to shut the radio off, and my father would be I'd hear him, you know, come into my room. I turned it off. He said, I heard it. I told you to turn that thing off. You don't turn it off, I'm gonna smash it. That's what fun. I said to me, Yes, why are you so interested in politics? And have you thought about maybe? And I know it's pretty young for you, but what you might want to do with your life? Is it involved politics? Um? Well, I think that I got into it a lot because my sisters they they are both um liberals, and they influenced my opinions a lot. And once I realized my like their views and like the flaws in them, I started to become really interested in why they were room. And then it's just like strengthened when I got into my government class, Like I assumed that I was going to hate class, like it was going to be really hard, and then I got in the class, and I can't wait to go to class tomorrow. Well, I you know, I'm very inspired by what you're saying. Look, i'm gonna give you a few things they're gonna be when you express political views, just to kind of prepare you a little bit. They're gonna be be people that don't like you, and you've got to be you know, whatever your beliefs are, for your belief in God or Jesus or politics, whatever whatever it happens to be, they are going to sadly be people that do not like you for pretty much no reason at all. And you know, it's very hard. I know, young people want to be liked. And I talk to my own kids about this. It's interesting because my daughter is a senior in high school and I don't think she knows what her dad does for a living. And I'm kind of happy about it because I don't bring my work home. I try not to burden her. Occasionally she sees or hears things and I'm like, okay, that's that's four months old. Don't about it. It's all good. But she's following her interests and she has her own unique you know, she just has her own interests. She has her own things that she cares about. And I don't want to. I want every child to follow their interests in life. If we can ever help you, or if you're in New York with your parents and you want her to come by and see us, we'd love to have you. I would just say, just be strong, have fun with it, and if you're enjoying learning, that's great. That should be a lifelong pursuit. I never stop learning. I'm learning more now. I study more now than I ever studied in any class that I've ever taken in my life. But follow your passion, stick by your beliefs, have fun with it, and you know see where that brings you. I mean, you know, I believe every person's created by God and every person has a purpose. Hey, Sean, can I interrupt to find that? I just want Lizzie to know. Lizzie. I need you to know we all adore you. In the studio, we're all sitting we love Lizzie. See you're the cutest thing ever. We should have we love lizz T shirts made up right, that's exactly right. I want to be like Lizzie. Have you ever been to New York City, Lizzie, I have not, but I do want to go. You do place to go when your spring break? What do your parents do for a living? He did? I asked the question first, Hold on a second, it's my show. It's called The Sean Hannity Show. All right, go ahead. My spring break is very very short. Well when is it? It is? Um, like over the Easter weekend break? All right, we'll talk now you can answer his questions. Well, I'll tell you what. If Linda will agree, because I'm so busy, I will I will pay for plane tickets if both your parents will take you for you to come to New York and you can come see the show if you want, and you could stay a couple of days in New York. I just would advise you be careful, bring a hundred security guards with you. No, um, but if they will, if if they would, if they'd agree to that and want to chaperone you, you and you want to see the city. You know. One of the things I like in my life at this point in my life, because I didn't have a lot of money for a lot of years, is I can kind of do cool things with it. And if if that's kind of a dream, I like making dreams happen sometimes. Would you like that I would love that. That would be awesome. All Right, Linda's your new best friend and we're gonna talk. It's gonna be Thank you so much, all right, God bless you always. That's kind of cool when you can do a few cool things. You're my hero Schwan. When I grow up, I want to be just like you. Why are you lying now? We just had a great calla. You're just lying for your teeth. You know. It's kind of cool that you know me. I love to do stuff. What do I need? I don't need anything. No, listen, you do. This is the one thing about you that nobody knows. You know you do. I don't want to hear this. Incredible things for people all the time anonymously, now that we've done this before. Like Velma came to visit us, Remember that was fun? Yeah? I don't know if that was fun though, because um I love Velma pieces. But finding Velma in the middle of Pennel that was pretty hard. They got lost for a few hours. We had a few hours of concern. Where's Velma and company? Now? All she wants is a spa day for her birthday. That's all I can't argue with the woman you know that that's actually a good choice. Okay. You know what I've never had in my life a spa day. I have in my life a spa day. I'm never gonna do it. I'm never I will never do that. Why never? Of course, I don't like strangers touching me. Simple answer, all right, Ask Ryan and Wisconsin if you would ever want a spa day? Ryan and Wisconsin, would you ever want a spot day? I would have to agree with you. I'm not Ryan, Come on, this is a guy code stuff. I don't get a sister out people touching it. Just I don't know. Okay, Ryan, say your comment. Ryan, Well, first off, I gotta give you give compliments to your staff. They're absolutely awesome. Um and what you did for Lizzie is excellent. Sandy, I just do real quick. I wanted to know what your ceilings are on, you know, the whole Biden, not so much Bloomberg anymore, obviously, but they seem to be fixated on beating Trump over and above anything else, you know, helping the country, what's good for their American people, you know, I mean Bloomberg and on his way out said he entered the race to defeat Donald Trump and now he's leaving to help defeat Donald Trump, and Biden coming back with saying, well, this race is bigger than the candidates and bigger than the politics. It's about beating Donald Trump. Whatever happened to Hey, We're in the race for the good of the country, for the good of the American people. The biggest disadvantage Democrats have in two hundred and forty three days is exactly what you said. They've only hated Donald Trump for three long years and people are sick of it. And Donald Trumps fought back and he's been successful for we the people. His biggest advantage. Now i'd fly to you to New York, but you know you're not a kid that has a dream like that. But anyways, Ryan, thank you, my friend. God bless our friends and and farmers in Wisconsin, you know, the ones with a lot of gray matter. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today tonight Hannity exclusively, Yes, the younger Joe Biden tapes. Sweet report you decide Trump's huge turnout on Super Tuesday. What does it mean? Carl Rob at the whiteboard, We'll get into all of that. We've got now the FISA Court demanding changes and answers, but not from people under investigation. We got a full report, Greg Jared Carter Page, among others. Ari Fleischer tonight, Tammy Bruce tonight. Will see you tonight and back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us. Just two hundred and forty three days to go,

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