In this battle against COVID, Sean has been there throughout the year bringing you the science and real-life impact of this pandemic. Sean is joined by Senator Rand Paul, Senator Ron Johnson, Adam Carolla and some important front-line workers who all share their experiences fighting the COVID battle.
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So I interviewed this guy on tvdeo. Not his name is Anton van Happen and he is an LA restaurant owner. In case people don't know, I lived in Santa Barbara a few years. It's actually warm in southern California anyway, asking government officials are you going to pay my rent? Because they went in give this guy another citation. Now they're shutting down the whole state and that's leading to now this recall petition that apparently has gotten a lot of traction out in California. Listen to this poor guy. This like so many people in the shutdown everything, every hope, every dream, every dollar they ever had, they throw into their businesses only to have the government come in shut it down and destroy their dream. Listen, I follow the rules. I continue to follow the rules, and you are still time after time giving the citations businesses just because of the Health Department have the whole crosser to go through that taste. However, a lot of that taste. I have closed my pay. But who is this decision? Try Jo kills us like putting my tails outside and I re hit her in again. I never saw one single person outside. I did all take out food and delivery to what exactly I was supposed to be doing. That's exactly what I did. I did not break any and it's not the law. I did not bring any rule. Yeah, I'm gonna pay my rent. I'm not closing. It's unbelievable. Adam Carolla, who hosts his own podcast, weigh in on the support of the recall of Gavin Newsom. I listen, I don't know who Newsom thinks he is. He's not a monarch, can't shut down society. You gotta offer some proof. By it's dangerous. And by the way, sheep, wake up, sheep, scary. It's not Newsome. It's all the sheep that just listened to Newsom. I got it. This Newsome recall. Then, what do you think about that? Be nice? Yeah? Yeah, I do think it'll it'll gain some all ground. I think it is gaining some grounds because he's an imbecile and he's incompetent. He's running this state into the ground. So hopefully we can listen, we should recall him and just replace him with one of those plastic owls they put on top of restaurants, a seagulls on the roof, and we would be much better off. You understand, we'd be much better off with no replacement than with Gavin Newson. Adam Carolla joins us. Now, I couldn't tell because it sounded like at an audience there were they hissing and booing when you said that, or they like it. I was going to a friend of mine's restaurant in Burbank, California, who I've known since high school, who's essentially going out of business because the state of California has made it impossible for him to do business. But he said, as long as I'm going out of business, screw it. I'm opening my patio and I'm find the lockdown. So me and my son went there for dinner two nights ago to support him. Good for you, you know, But I honestly, I'm getting like COVID, you know, the COVID role, because I'm trying to support all my friends that own restaurants where I live. I mean, they're dying, they're they're all struggling, and they you know, they'd be happy if they could even break even at this point. And then incomes the government now in southern California, Adam, I think everybody out there understand social distancing wearing the mask. Right, there's nobody that's ignorant of what they're being told, am I Right there? I see the lion share of people. When I say lion share, probably into the mid nineties, wearing a mask walking alone. I see people in my neighborhood, which is a very quiet neighborhood, walking at night alone with a mask on. Okay, but another one I'm trying to get to here. If you get in your car and you're driving, you know the one on one in freeway, or you're driving wherever you driving in southern California, you know they're a risk of driving. Every time you've gotten on an airplane. You know the risk of getting on an airplane. If everybody knows the risks, and then they would choose, for example, outdoor dining in southern California, with whatever mass mandate you have, except when you're eating your food. Why are they not providing the freedom to even make that choice. I don't know. I mean, you think about New Year's Eve is coming up. You know every year a bunch of Americans die driving drunk at night coming home from New Year's Eve party, the most dangerous night to drive a car. So according to their logic, why not just lock it down? Why not just set at ten pm New Year's Eve curfew? I mean people are going to die. I mean, listen. I'd like to say that life doesn't have risks. But I think the government they did their job. They've educated everybody. I'll tell you they even did better than their job. Nobody would have ever dreamed of a vaccine. Trump should get credit. Nobody can ever say one nice word about the guy with operation warp speed and the fact that we have now numerous vaccines. People are getting vaccinated as we speak. But I know people just like your friend. I mean, every single scent they've ever saved in their life and then going into debt up to their eyeballs, and every dream they've ever had, it's being wiped out. And it's just like, oh, check, check check, without any consideration of any alternatives that would provide them a means of even paying the rent and keeping people working. Well, they were closing member. They closed the beaches down here. You know, every time someone tells me to follow the science, I go, what about a couple of months ago when they closed the beaches down? What about after when they closed the beaches down. They said you could walk on the beach, but you couldn't lay down on the beach. Should I have followed that? Science? What science are we talking about? There is no science. Science. Setting outdoors is dangerous, no science. And as a matter of fact, the hell director in Los Angeles County just admitted there is no science. We just want people to stay home. Well, I don't know if that's the job. I don't know if that's part of your job. Your job is to tell us the science, let us weigh the rest, and then get on like American. You know, it's interesting you say this. Now you take a lot of heat just for saying that, just for saying that. Okay, people get the choice, people get to decide. Now. The only thing I would urge other people is you do have to think of those that would be vulnerable, most vulnerable to coronavirus, older people, underlying conditions, compromised immune systems. If you're going to be going out, I would strongly advise you, you know, not to see grandma and grandpa at this time until they get the vaccine and they're safe. Does that sound fair? Absolutely? But we act, you know, when this thing started, we'd say, well, how come the schools are closed. Kids don't kids aren't harmed by this, They don't seem to be able to spread. It seems like one of the safest places in the world. I mean, what's the difference between airport TSA and a tool teacher. The TSA shows up at the airport every single day and see thousands of people go by them. Is that less dangerous than the school teacher standing ten feet away from a class with a piece to lexan in front of them. And who is an essential worker if not teachers? But they act like, well, your kids are gonna go, your kids are gonna be safe. But then they're gonna return and they're gonna give it to their grandparents. They act like seventy percent of Americans live with their elderly parents. That's insane. I don't live with elderly people. I'm the oldest person in my house. I have fourteen year old twins. Reopen the schools call of the science. You know. The thing too, is then it creates this problem for parents because they got to take off work and maybe the work's not going to let them work from home. Then their income is lost on top of it, and then you have a you know, literally, it starts like a snowball running downhill and you don't know where this thing ever stops. You know, but at the end of the day, you know you live in a state where they have a state income tax at thirteen and a half percent. You're watching the biggest mass exodus out of states like California, New York, New Joysey, and Illinois. The problem I have, I don't care. It's and it's all told in the one statistic. If you want a U haul from LA to Texas, it's probably gonna cost you about twenty five hundred bucks. If you take the U haul from Texas and drive it back to California, you'll get it for four hundred bucks. The reason being is there there's a need for people to bring the trucks back because so many people are leaving your state. Well, you know two things. Gavin Newsom, who's a complete imbecile, get an interview I heard on a podcast a few weeks back. He said, Hey, where are you gonna go? Is if people aren't fleeing and going everywhere? Number one. Number two, as you know, Elon must left. All right, here's a little thought experiment, Musk is the smartest man on the planet and he's leaving California. What does that say about California? Five hundred thousand people out of New York City. Now you have big Wall Street companies, Goldman and others taking some of their largest divisions and moving them down to Florida. So they'll go from a thirteen percent state city income tax down to zero and they'll save money galore. Now I'll also tell you what people will never know is the New York government will go in and offer them sweetheart deals that nobody else gets in order to keep the perception that Wall Street is really in New York. Watch that as the next move. But you know, it's very, very frustrating. It seems like nobody really does want to think for themselves. You know, if I did a segment with a doctor from Yale or a doctor from Baylor, or you know, doctor Ozford crying out loud and they said, yeah, let me tell you about the studies that show that hydroxy chloroquim with a zpac and zinc and courcertain and vitamin D three invitahimin c IF taken early shows that it's effective. And now there are numerous studies that have come out since then, just by even exploring a choice for somebody, somehow I'm a bad person for even discussing it. The only two medical papers pulled on hydroxy were ones that were negative towards it because they wanted to rush them out to propagandize people, and it seemed like, well, Donald Trump recommended it, therefore we've got to hate it. Will hydroxy clark Win is a perfect example of the news the media and the bias of the mainstream media. I mean, this drug is a nert It's been around for sixty years. They've given sixty Yeah, sorry, I stand corrected. And here's an interesting piece of information. Because I sit next to doctor Drew and talk to him about it all the time. You know that if you are on hydroxychlorquin and you become pregnant, you don't have to get off it. Now, how could that drug be dangerous if pregnant women don't have to stop taking it. Pregnant women can't drink a glass of white wine when they're pregnant, but they get droxychlorquin. What else you need to know? And of course, the meet the mainstream media could find all this information out in ten minutes on their phone. And of course they choose not to. You know, it's so funny you say that. I mean, you have out there at Cedar Sinai the premier expert in hydroxy Chloroquini is the largest rum of toydoarthritis and lupa's practices in the country, over four hundred peer reviewed articles, and early in April of this year he wrote it and said that the risks of people using it as a treatment are nil. At the doses and the time that he was even talking about using it for thirty or sixty days most people is five, ten or two weeks max. And the recommended doses, the risk is nil. And still these people Daniel Wallace's name, Doctor Daniel Wallace, Cedar Sinai Medical Center. I mean, but still you couldn't even discuss it without having your head chopped off. Well, this is how you know the media is corrupt and you know they have an agenda. If the media was just ignorant, hydroxy clark win and they said, I don't know if it helps, I don't. I don't know that there's any proof that it helps with COVID nineteen, but doesn't seem to hurt anybody if they couched it that way, I would tend to believe that at least they didn't know what they were doing when they came out with a smear campaign to talk about how dangerous it was. That's when I knew they had an agenda. No normal person who looked into this medication for more than five minutes would would come back with that conclusion. And if it is dangerous, as we heard how dangerous it was four months ago from the mainstream media, then where's all the fall up reports on all the Americans that have been injured or harmed or permanently damaged by hydroxy clerk And where's your follow up stories? Then, CNN, where's the follow up? He said it was dangerous five months ago? Good millions of Americans took it. Now we should be having a story about all the Americans that were harmed, right, you'd think so. They'd love to stick it in our face and say they were right. By the way, you're in your twelfth year of your show. Congratulations, you've written a book. I don't even know what to begin to think of the title, I'm your Emotional support Animal, navigating out of all woke no Joe culture. Isn't it really sad that even comedians. I mean, there's like a checklist of what you cannot say. You know, the saddest state is the comedians because the comedians were always there to push back against them man. So think about this concept. You know, Lenny Bruce or Mort Saul or Richard pryor George Colin always there to push back against the man. I am the only comedians I'm aware of who's pushing back against California, and it's lockdowns and Gavin Newsom and the comedians who are essentially cowards. I think that Donald Trump is the man. Donald Trump is not the man. Gavin Newsom is the man. All the comedians live in Los Angeles. Nary a word, not even a joke about Gavin Newsom. I can't watch them anymore. Of comedy. Like Chris Rock is the only one that just lets it rip. And I love him. I love his on stage act, says it all, and he doesn't give a flying you know what, he doesn't care. I mean, it's so sad all of this that's going on. Anyway. Your new book, congratulations on it. We really appreciate it. And it's Adam Carolla's book. It's your emotional support animal navigating our all woke no Joe culture. We need to get back to joking again, even if it's about me. Tear me apart, tear me to shreds. I'd love it all right, Thanks Adam, appreciate it. Eight hundred and nine for one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, quick break, right back, We'll continue. Welcome back everybody to Joe Kanscha in for Sean Hannity on this Thanksgiving week. Yeah, it's a week, a lot of people spreading out celebrations throughout. Perhaps you know you want to keep your older relatives from maybe the younger folks and your family, so I know that you know some people are doing a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday kind of piece meal for lack of a better term, Thanksgiving. So welcome and thanks for joining us today. I am a media opinion columnist for The Hill, also a Fox News contributor, and I want to welcome to the show right now. First time I think I've ever spoken to the Senator, and I've always been a fan of his. Maybe not everything on policy, I don't think that's the way it works, but he's always just so authentic. I think in his convictions and his thoughts and just so for lack of a better term, articulate when making those arguments. So we welcome Senator Rampaul to the program. Kentucky. How are you, sir? Very good, Joe, thanks for having me, of course, So I want to start with this because this really is just unbelievable to me. I remember going on Fox the day after that you were attacked after leaving the White House by a mob in Washington, d C. The Hills offices are right there on K Street, right right where you were attacked basically, and you spoke about at the time that your feeling was there was interstate criminal traffic being paid for across state lines. They flew there by plane, they got fresh new clothes, and they were paid to be there, and they were paid to basically harass and possibly even hurt people. And you and your wife were attacked on a street. It's on video. And then today the dc US attorney said, what said, They're not interested in finding out who find finances these people. In fact, they wouldn't reveal whether they investigated it at all. They just said they weren't going to pursue it. And I asked her the US attorney, district attorney, the TAPTI attorney and said, well, what have you done. Oh, I can't reveal that. I can either confirm nor deny that we did anything. And I said, well, you know, many of the people that were in the video that we're attacking us were also in other cities attacking us. One of them, you know, bloodied a police officer who had to go to the hospital. And I said, what do you have about that person? So I can't tell you anything about that. I got the feeling they had no idea even about the police officer being injured, or that they've done any investigation. The DC judiciary he actually let the guy who assaulted the police officer off on his own recognizance. And MY response to that was, yeah, if you're looking for him, looking Kenosha, because these people are going from city to city, but someone needs to look at with a proper subpoena from a judge, look at who's paying for all this stuff. And you were somebody who has attacked at his own home a couple of years ago, where you're actually and then in a hospital for an extended period of time. I believe you had to collapse along at one point, so that that moment when this was happening, if the police weren't there, you could have been seriously hurt or even killed. It seemed. Yeah, we really feared for our lives, and we thought, even with the police, that we might not make it out. We had initially had three policemen helping us, and the crowd though numbered over one hundred, and they were pressing in on the policeman. They were throwing things on us, different fluid. We didn't know what it was. They were yelling threats to us, and they were pressing closer and closer. And I leaned into the policeman and I said, they know who I am because they were chanting my name. And I said, you've got a call for reinforcements, and he did. But interestingly, I never had any words with the policeman. They were brave and also interesting they were both black and white. The crowd that was attacking us was both black and white, but the police officer defending us, we're both black and white. This isn't a race thing. This is about whether or not you're gonna have law order, or whether or not you're going to have mayhem. And that's that's what it was amazing just a last week last weekend or Trump supporters at a magamarch were attacked. There were twenty one arrests, one man was stabbed, two police officers hurt. And yet, you know, it just seems that all that's going to be forgiven, that that nothing's actually going to happen in these situations. And Joe Biden, who ran on unity in bringing everybody together, didn't make a public statement himself about it. He put out a statement, but it seems like this is something that's going to continue. I want to ask you and work from that. It's even worse than that. The Associated Press reported that this violence was a result of Trump demonstrations, and they never revealed who the violent people were. The violent people were the Antifa people, The violent people were the Black Lives Matter people that were committing these crimes, and the AP reported it as if it was like, oh, there's a little bit on both sides of violence and crime. But the bottom line is it's not safe to go out to eat in DC, particularly for a publican figure, but even for a regular person to go out and DC is not safe. And if they don't prosecute the people that went after my wife and I and they don't prosecute the person to assault it a police officer. You can see how it's going to get worse. No One, you can't eat inside because the mayor won't let you eat inside, and you can't eat outside because a mob will attack you. That's exactly right. And an attack by launching fireworks at people. And look, we don't know. I saw one restaurant I think it was PJ. Clark's Run on Castory where people were reading outside and fireworks were launching them. You don't know if these people are Republican, Democrat, libertarian. Anybody could have been killed in that situation. And again law and order just completely breaks down. We're talking to Senator Ram Paul. I'm curious because you're also a doctor by trade. Ram, like my wife, do masks work? Does what work? Do masks work? In terms of stopping COVID? In terms of stopping coronavirus? Now I wear one. I'll just be from a personal standpoint. You can't go into a store here in New Jersey where I live without wearing a mask. And I don't think it out even doing that. If I'm around my older relatives, I always wear a mask. But then it seems like we're seeing all this conflicting kind of evidence around it, and I don't know if we've exactly are one hundred percent sure what the effect of this is. And I know you have some thoughts on that. There's only two randomized, scientific controlled studies, one from twenty fifteen, and it did not show any benefit from wearing a cloth mask. In fact, the people with cloth mask got more infections than the people who wore no masks. They measured virus sized particles to see what goes through the cloth mask, and virus sized particles penetrate the cloth mask ninety seven percent of the time. Now, the study did find that the N ninety five mask, when worn properly by health professionals, do protect against infection. They found that regular surgical masks did not work. And now there was a recent study, the Danish study, which was a population study, and it showed basically no significant benefit, no statistically significant benefit. The other way to look at this is in large population studies. Look at when Hawaii band or made masks mandatory and banned group groups gathering. Look at when California did, look at when Kentucky did and see if you see any correlation with a drop in the incidence of infections. In fact, it's the opposite. If you look at every mandate worldwide on wearing masks, the incidence of infection went up afterwards after the mandates. And there is evidence that people are wearing masks. In Kentucky, you can't go in a store without a mask. It's probably one hundred percent of people are wearing masks going into public places. And yet the incidence of infections is fivefold what it was in the spring when nobody was wearing a mask. So there's very little, if any proof that this works. And the reason why this is important, this is not a short lived thing. Doctor Fauci wants you to wear a mask for the rest of his life, for the rest of our lives, he said, when the vaccine comes out, he still wants you to wear a mask. So you're gonna have to ask doctor Fauchi's permission five years from now. And I'd say to young people, and particularly young people, have at it. You've got to resist this kind of crazy nuttiness that is not backed by science. Yeah, that that's I believe what doctor Fouch She said. I'm paraphrasing is that even if you have the vaccine, you could still have coronavirus and shed it. You just won't get sick from it type of thing. But to that, if that's the case, then then yeah, I could see mass mandates in public places going on for infinity because the virus doesn't go away because of a vaccine. You just simply have a way to fight it. What are you going to do, Senator Rampaul? And we're talking to obviously the great senator from Kentucky for Thanksgiving? Like, what what's your plan? Then? Everything? After everything that you just said, are you going to have a gathering large gathering at home? Do you do it outside? Is it warm enough? But what? What? What are you going to do? Ours will be underground in a cave with armed guards to keep the governor away. Well done. Oh, the guards have orders to shoot on site ifybody comes to try to stop our family from gathering. And I'm saying that facetiously. No, but we're having a normal Thanksgiving. We are, you know, it's not. It's our business. In a free country, every individual and every society makes their own rules, and we will take precautions for elderly family members. We already do and have been taking precautions, but we are not going to simply say, you know, it's just kind of crazy. These people will not even admit that you have immunity if you've already had it. Even though twelve million people had it, they found five people who might have had it again, and they say, oh, well, that proves they don't have immunity. No, that proves the opposite, you idiot. It proves that the vast majority of people do not get it again, they do develop immunity. And actually all the science now is arguing that you do have immunity if you've had it. The only question is how long. But even the how long question is that for eight months now we are showing it and some of the people that were infected with stars seventeen years ago still have memory immunity. So there's a very good chance that we are going to have long standing immunity. But this is good news not only for the people who had it, but for the vaccine that may not be to take a vaccine every year. It made that one vaccine can protect you for quite a while. It's interesting, and the treatments are getting so much better too, right, so we're seeing this nearly two hundred thousand cases in the US on Friday, Yet the death rate is much much lower than it was in March and April. Senator, Yeah, if we had the same death rate right now that we had in March and April, we'd have ten thousand people dying a day, and we've averaged about a thousand dying a day, which is still terrible, but just we should be thanking our lucky stars. We should be extolling our doctors and thanking them, our doctors and nurses. We should be thanking the president for moving forward with the vaccine. Instead, it's all recriminations and hate towards the President, and I'm just sick and tired of it. They won't report any good news. The vaccine is good news, Immunity is good news. Treatment is good news. The treatment with steroids, with remdessevie and now with monoclonal antibodies has cut the death rate for severely ill from twenty six percent of people dying to about nine So, you know, almost doubling your chances, or a little more than doubling your chances of staying alive when you're seriously sick because of advancements that have been discovered in the last six months. Fear certainly sells. And last question for you, Senator, and it involves Georgia, and obviously those two Senate seats just so crucial in terms of the future of the country, quite frankly, because if you have a blank check from the House to the Senate, right to the Oval Office, with Democrats in charge of all three, you're looking at abolishing ice, You're looking at abolishing the filibuster, You're looking at abolishing the Electoral College, expanding the Supreme Court, expanding the Senate, banning fracking, reallocation of police funds, and I could go down the line with about one hundred other things. Yet in Georgia, we're seeing Hollywood and the media saying, you know, you should move to Georgia, you should vote there to get these two Democrats in. But you saw it in Kentucky right with Amy McGrath and Senate Majority Leader McConnell, where outside influence comes in and suddenly people don't like that that much. When local elections, state elections get nationalized, and we heard that McConnell's in such trouble. You only won by twenty points right, So what do you see happening in Georgia. Ultimately, will Republicans keep the Senate? You know, one of the things that I've been trying to do is talk to libertarians there. We had a great libertarian candidates at Randy got two point three percent of the vote, Shane Hazel, and I think we need to talk to libertarians. There was over one hundred thousand people who voted for the libertarian in the Purdue race. They don't want socialism, they don't want DC to be a state equal to Georgia. So I think there's a lot of common ground, but they're frustrated with Republicans the same way I am. I'm frustrated with Republicans who spend too much. I'm frustrated with all the bailouts have been passing this year. But at the same time, the Democrats are only worse. And I do think that there are things that a Republican majority will stop. You know, I'm one of the most libertarian members of the Senate. I will have more power in a Republican Senate than a Democrat Senate. I will continue to speak out for ending the Afghan War. I will continue to speak out for young people getting a second chance if they make the mistake with drugs. So there are all kinds of things that are beneficial for libertarian leading people, and I hope that they will consider there won't be a Libertarian on the ballot this time. It will be Republican or Democrat. I hope they will consider coming out for a Republican even if they don't think the Republicans are perfect, just because frankly, the Democrats are so darn evil. And we'll have to leave it there. Centator. I hyped you up a lot before this interview, and I'm glad we're able to finally speak for a first time. We covered a lot of ground. I really appreciate you making time for us today. I'm reading on Twitter. I've not confirmed it yet. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled Philadelphia did not violate state election law when they were restricted how close pole observers could stand to buy to watch the processing of mail in ballots because of COVID. How about no, they should have made accommodations knowing considering they were ignoring the great doctor Fauchi. And I'm by the way, I do like doctor Fauchi. I know everybody made a million stakes in this and every model was wrong. Everybody got everything wrong. Nobody did it maliciously. I don't believe that, and I think he worked with the best of intentions. No mask, yes mass, no mask CDC guidelines, This one changes, now one changes. I just think nobody expected the worst pandemic since twenty I've since nineteen seventeen and eighteen for crying out loud. And but with that said, this is where I get into a fight with Linda here and I don't even know if I want to open this store, because this is not going to work in my favor. We got a lot of issues emerging out of this. Governors now ratcheting up all these restrictions ahead of Thanksgiving. I mean there are a lot of them, and you know, some people saying to cancel it all together. California, Pennsylvania, governors, mayors, you know, restrictions and you know, how are you going to eat outside when it's like twenty degrees out? That's that's I'm not going to work well, you know. And then I love Governor Whitmer's husband. He breaks the rules. Gavin Newsom breaks the rules. Who else broke the rules? You know? That's out there lecturing the rest of us. But the big news to me is Operation Warp Speed and the president pushing for a vaccine fast is now paid off because now we've got two of them. We told you about. Maderna's announced me yesterday ninety four point five percent efficacy rate, which is amazing, especially you know, January twenty first was the first known case of coronavirus. If you can believe it, What a year this has been that we had and here we are less than a year later. We've never broken down the sequence of a virus this fast ever in human history. With a vaccine that's ninety four and a half percent effective. I mean, it's and I know that a lot of states now are experiencing what we said would happen, which is it's not if it's when you get a rebound. Talked about that a lot at the time with doctor Oz and our medical a team here. By the way, California authorities with all their restrictions, they're traveling to Hawaii as they tell residents in California to stay home. Governor A. Cuomo ripped for telling others to admit mistakes. But you know, let's not deal with that nursing home decision. I think Governor Cuomo did it on purpose. No, I don't. I think he made a mistake and it was a costly one and can't happen, especially when you had the beds that were built by the president that nobody used. Actually, this is I'm not even making this up. The Blaze has a story today that strip clubs are set to reopen in California, but churches remain locked down. You can't make that story up. Coronavirus death rate for kids has fallen to zero point zero one percent. I mean, that's the strangest thing. People devote their entire lives to viruses and studying viruses and finding vaccines and cures. And you know, like for example and one h one, as Joe calls it, you know, swine flu that impacted kids more than adults. This thing attacks older people more than younger people, people compromised immune systems. Then we have you know, some people, by the way, Sweden member, they had the herd mentality thing. Now they're they're putting on restrictions because I guess it worked, and it didn't work that it worked again. I never bought into it myself, but you know, it's I don't think again. I think people were trying what they thought would work best. I don't think they wanted to kill people, at least I would hope that's at their intention. Biden Is says he wouldn't hesitate to get a COVID nineteen vaccination of deem safe. Well, I think these pharmaceutical companies are saying that it's safe. Then you have the battle on Thanksgiving, and you got, for example, a county in New York is saying they're not going to comply with Governor Cuomo's orders, sighting mass depression and stress resulting from a constant barrage of regulations. This is Fulton County share of Richard Giardino announcing the decision in a skating Facebook post on Saturday. I guess they're gonna come and arrest him, probably by week's end. And you know they're telling some people not to even have Thanksgiving, or to have it outside, or to only have three people. Which family member you're gonna say no to? Good luck with that now. I think it's just the To me, I'm I'm mesmerized, fascinated. I have a lot of friends that are doctors ones a brain surgeon actually watched up front a brain surgery because I'm a lunatic, and you know, anyway, Linda doesn't like the idea of taking the vaccine. We'll get to that in a second. It Doctor Josh Umber is with us right now with Atlas MD. Good friend of the program. Doctor Harvey Reisch is back with us, Yell Epidemiology professor guys, welcome back. Thank you for being with us. Good to be with you always. Doctor Josh, you've been with us the whole time, and doctor Reisch, you too. A great job, both of you. I look at this as like an amazing thing, and half my friends say, under no circumstances would they ever take it. Doctor Umber, you know I agree with you that this is really a miracle of modern medicine and science that we could leverage twenty years of studying this ours family of viruses into a functional, safe, and incredibly effective vaccine in the course of eight, nine, ten months. There's nothing short of fantastic. We stand on the shoulders of all the science that has come before us, and I think this is a great opportunity. Doctor Reich, what you think, well, I think there's a reason to be optimistic. I think that there are some uncertainties, and I think the likelihood of benefit is much stronger than the likelihood of harm, and I think it has to play out, and I think that people who are feeling that they're more at risk will be more willing to volunteer to take it, and they'll become, in a sense, our society's guinea pigs. And that's what it'll take. It'll take some months, three to six months before that plays out more and people become more comfortable with it, and there will be gradual uptake, and assuming that it's found to be highly effective, and that's the transition time where we'll still need to cover the people for whom it doesn't work or who doesn't work well enough, or who can't get it, or we may find out that there are variants of the virus, like the newly increasing the end four thirty nine K variant mutation of the virus, that it may not work for at all because it's got a different protein on the outside than the regular virus. So all are unknowns and we'll just have to work through it. And Doctor Number, I mean what frustrates me too. I mean, I like the phrase Oz used which when he would say that you go to army with the war, you go to the war with the army, you have not the one you wish you had. And that's when we were talking about different treatments like hydroxy claroquin zethro magazine, etc. Or later rem dissevere or now even regeneron or convalescent plasma and all these other treatments. There's still like, for example, a lot of kids are coming home from college they have this thing because it's been spreading like wildfire on some college campuses, which then puts mom and that at risk, and grandma and grandpa at risk. Right, I mean definitely the you know, there's that exposure and as people travel again, they're gonna get it and then they're gonna go back home for the holidays, and which is why we do see a spike of just even normal influenza as as people travel. So I think some of that is preventable and some of it's just not. As we have to go and live our lives. And doctor Rish, I mean, what would be your preferred treatment at this point? I think that doctors now have a repertoire of drugs to use that are very effective in out patients. Used early. Hydroxy chloroquine is one Ivermectin is another, vitamin D zinc steroids if indicated, There's even more. There's there's a number of things that have been increasingly shown to be useful. And these are clinical judgments that doctors make with each patient and is not a cookie cutter recipe, but it's why doctors practice medicine with their patients. The strangest thing that I noticed doctor numbers. Some people, you know that they really fall prey to this thing. Other people get it. And by the way, younger and old are not just younger and they have either zero symptoms or next to zero symptoms. Why is that, Well, I think, yeah, that's definitely an interesting aspect of it, and probably lots of reasons. One, I think we have a lot to false positives on the tests. You know, for example, if it's not a PCR test, it's not as accurate and the airlines won't accept it as an example of the proof that it's less accurate, and so then you have people say, well, I tested positive but didn't have any symptoms, and so you'd wonder if they were a false positive. For the patients who we've seen that have tested positive, on PCR, the vast majority of had you mild to moderate, moderate to severe symptoms, very few hospitalizations. I think that is aspect of a younger, healthier group potentially. But there was an interesting study out yesterday that started to explain why people might be reacting differently, and it's really in some cases it's the body's response to the infection more than the infection itself, much more like an autoimmune illness, and so then the body revs up, it attacks everything, which might give an interesting mechanism of action for the medicines like plaqueil HCQQ. For why they help is because they calm down That body is um inaccurate over response. So I agree we have a lot of ways to manage the people who all spectrums of their response. Last question, Doctor Rich, are you inclined to take the vaccine? I'm thinking about it, um. I personally would choose hydroxychloric when as a propylaxis or I remectan as a propylaxis versus a vaccine. But then again, I'm in my seventies already, and for me, I think the vaccine is less likely to be that strong of you know, protection compared to the medications. But I'm open to it. Well, doctor Josh, well, can't wait to get it? What are you? Oh, you can't wait to get it? So he said, can't wait to get it? Yeah, okay, thank you, And I said that. Now I'm going to be very blunt the fact that I get a flu shot every year. It drives half my friend's nuts. Linda cannot believe I do this every year. And I did it, I don't know whatever two months ago. Yeah, I mean but all right, anyway, doctor Rish, thank you, thank you. There's our answer, Linda. Why are you so resistant towards this? Why resistant towards what? The flu shot? Any the flu shot, the vaccine? You're like, no way, never happening, not gonna happen. Well, I't taking that thing. You know. I think a lot of things that happen in our country can be avoided by self care, self awareness, taking the proper supplements, eating right, working out, and all these other things. I think Americans on the whole are pretty lazy. They don't like to get out, they don't like to work out. What am I wrong? So what you're saying working working out is not going to stop you from getting the virus. This is no you're not listening to me. That's a different conversation. I'm saying just being healthy. So being healthy in general, taking your part in your own well being is one conversation. Then the second conversation is Okay, now there's a vaccine out there. Now, I'm not saying that the vaccine is good or not, because I don't know enough about it. But on the whole, there was a lot that we could do for the American people from the beginning, but we weren't allowed to do because of government restrictions. As doctor Risch just said, there are other ideas and prescriptions and therapeutics that can be used. Hydroxy chloroquine, ivermectin, with the use of selenium and zinc and other items that you would check with your own personal primary care physicians to discuss. Will allow you to be prophylactic and prepare yourself when you first get it. We could have saved people in their eighties and their nineties. We could have saved people with pre existing conditions. And I'm in this group chat with all of these huge Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, you know, practicing at Lenox Hill Hospital. Wait wait, let me finish, And they were able to treat all these people and all these compromised groups, and they were okay, and now we have a vaccine that caused a fortune. Okay. But this is the saddest part. The saddest part was you couldn't even have the discussion exactly my polan politicized it and shut it down. Where Okay, do we have the perfect answer? No, but what do we got to maybe work with and have some hope and try to save these lives? You're right, and that, by the way, I blame the mob for that. A lot of the medium mob couldn't even mention Donald Trump is I think he's you know whatever because he mentioned hydroxy cleric or that he had taken it at one point early on. It's just sad. But then we've made more advancements and it was room dissevere than it was convalescent plasma, than it was regeneron. Then it's right. But the bottom line is they politicized the American people's health period and the sentence, what did ros always say, Politics medicine intersect. Politics always wins. All right, I gotta take a break. Catherine and Florida. Catherine, how are you good? How are you doing Sean, I'm good. What's going on? Oh yeah, I'm John here in Miami. I'm a frontline COVID nurse, a pandemic nurse, I guess you would say. And my husband's a frontline police officer down here in Miami. And we're, you know, diehard Republicans to avoid getting this thing even though you're on the front lines, that's pretty tough. Yes, thank God, Thank God, because let me tell you, I work at a government hospital and President Trump was amazing. From the first week that we got our first COVID case. We had no problems getting ppees, we had no problems getting ventilators. He was an amazing, amazing force to be reckoned with. He protected us like unbelievable. You don't hear about this in the media. He was just a savior. What he did with COVID is unprecedented, and he doesn't get enough credit. And if Biden thinks that he's gonna come rolong and take advantage of all the work that Trump has done, no, we will let him know that is not the case. Long Island next weekend, through NYU and Lang Gone, I know we'll have over one hundred thousand vaccines just next week alone, Nassau County alone. And that's now I'm going to be one of the first ones. Yes, And I'll tell you what I think. I think distribution should be very simple. Frontline healthcare workers like you and your husband, next, the elderly, the most vulnerable, those with pre existing conditions and underlying or compromised immune systems. And I'm not sure why, but I keep reading again and again and again that this is disproportionately hitting and impacting most negatively in minority communities. I'd go there, third, go where the need is, go where it would be most useful. And then the general population at large, and starting with older people, moving down to younger people. Now there's gonna be people that don't want to take it, and they don't have to. They should not be forced. You know. Now you get people that you go from the anti as you know, crazies out there, because I think it's a little nuts. I'm not anti vax, but Linda kinda is a little bit. And but I think people have to have the choice or whether they look. People are going to decide what risks they're comfortable with. At this point, everybody knows about social distancing and masks they know, they know what the risks are. We also know what the options are available from M disovered or in general. You know, make your own decision with your doctor on any of that, or hydroxy chloric win A, zithromiacin and zinc. You know, everybody's got to make up their own mind. And but if you're not gonna I know so many people they call me and ask me, now, what were you saying on TV and radio about this stuff? I feel like I'm like, I'm like, here, here are the articles I most rely on, the ones that I think are the most valuable. Here are the studies that I think are the most valuable, and I pass them on. But ultimately people have to decide, but will you get the vaccine when it's available. Absolutely already tried to be one of the first ones to get the vaccine. And as far as the hydroxy and the rem dizi here, I can tell you firsthand. You know, I'm not a scientist on the front lines, and I've dealt with hundreds and hundreds of patients, and I can tell you that I have seen them circling in the drain, probably going to die. Get rem DIZI here, or get plasma and immediately turn around and get better. It's amazing, happened right before my eyes. I how about hydroxychlorin? Did that work too? Absolutely? Absolutely? It all depends. You know, everybody has a different system that reacts differently to different types of medications that I definitely have seen it work firsthand. I could attest that I have seen it work myself. And it's amazing how the media wanted to politicize the whole thing and make all Americans be afraid to take it because Donald Trump suggested it. Donald Trump has saved none. They've done a great disservice that lands. I think it was the New England Journal of Medicine. Those two those two medical studies that they hold on hydroxy were damaging and then politicizing it was damaging in my view. And again I'm not pushing for it. I'm not advocating it. It's my sixty five year old drug who's the one guy that knows more than anything about it and is dispensed it for forty two years, Doctor Daniel Wallace. I know he convinced me and it's not just him that it's the doctors that I've interviewed from Harvard and Baylor and Princeton and all over the country, and doctor Oz and our medical a team, and they've all said pretty much the same thing in some way. But you can't even have the discussion. And look, if people want to go into a bar in their local bar and they don't and they're willing to take the risk, at this point, you're not going to stop them. I mean, then the idea that you're shutting down these economies again, it's going to have a devastating impact on everybody. You're proving every single day that if you take the proper precautions that you're gonna be okay. And I'm listening to people like you anyway, You're a hero. Thank you, kath So we're chronicling, you know, the real life impact of all of these COVID government shutdowns on real restaurant owners. Now in New York today, they had been at twenty five percent occupancy indoor dining in New York. That has now gone away. We've been We've been bringing business owners on. It is devastating to them. Remember we told you about this New Jersey gym owner. Remember this guy, the cops had to come. They rested him for now Meanwhile, the guy I remember interviewing him at the time, I mean he literally, I mean there's social distancing in the gym. People are wearing masks in the gym, they have wipes everywhere in the gym, they have purell everywhere in the gym, and and people are choosing to go. Now, everybody understands the rules with COVID, social distancing, masks, etc. We've gone over them and knows you do you know the fines against this one gym owner now have exceeded more than a million dollars. It's over for him. His business's dream now. I just happen to know a lot of entrepreneurs and people that risk it all to open that restaurant, open that bakery, open that store, opened, that gym, open whatever, and even though their customers want to go and choose to go. Knowing everything we know, no, I did think one of the coolest things we did see this weekend was the vaccine leaving Kalamazoo, Michigan or they're around there, the Faiza plant there. I think it's importage and getting on their ups trucks and the FedEx trucks and routed down around the country. It is a tribute to medical researchers and scientists and doctors. I mean, it's just an incredible, miraculous advancement in terms of a vaccine. Anyway, you got a couple kicked off of United flight to New Jersey because the two year old little girl on the flight didn't wear the mask the right way, and you know she's struggling to put the mask on. Now, I'm sure there's a way to work with the girl and make that happen if if you have the patience for it. But there wasn't enough patience for it from what I read. You know, the girls in tears in the video, I mean, it breaks your heart to see this, and you know then you've got of course, well, they're actually now looking for a recall petition as it relates to Gavin Newsom out in California, because they've shut down the whole state out there, and the burdens that are placed on Americans. I don't think people really understand. Most people I know that open a small business, everything they have they throw into it, every penny they have their heart and solely throw into it. And it's hard enough to make it as it is. Here's a case for example, if you look at California, now there's a woman who's incredible. Her story would make your cry. Owner of the Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill. Anyway, I've heard her story. I think she was all with Laura in Ingram when I saw the other night. And anyway, she owns her saloon, her store, her restaurant. Nobody's allowed in and right next store, they've got a trailer in an area where they're I guess doing film production and they're in closer contact than anybody would have been in her own restaurant that she has to pay for. But she's now closed down. Anyway, Angela Marston, let me first play some of the comments that she made calling out Hollywood hypocrisy over this. Well, I'm gonna say this. It's it is a sad day when there is a huge humanitarian crisis in your backyard and you want to bicker over who's wearing a mask or who isn't. And that is even not the point, because I actually believe in wearing masks. By servers wear shields, they wear gloves, they wear masks. And if you're going to TJ Max right now, it's past with people inside and they're allowed to be open. You know. So I don't understand why, you know, Hollywood, their careers are made in pubs and bars. You know, you start off as a waiter trying to be an actor or you know, we I have a huge community of the entertainment industry that comes in that, by the way, have been very, very supportive. And the reality is, you know, I've been saying it, saying it for a long time, is that pitting us against each other for survival is not the way to go about this. If anything, Netflix should be starting a fund to help save the bars and help feed the people that have supported their industry right here in their hometown of Hollywood. You know, I don't. I don't understand why they feel they have to be defensive and try to attack me, because it's not about politics, it's about people. How about they just cater out of Angela's saloon and girl, Angela Marsden joins us. Now, first, I'm sorry about all you're going through. I would imagine that everything your heart, your soul, your finances you put into this, this is killing you. Yeah, yeah, Hannity. Literally I'm not rich. I don't come from a rich family. I have a silent partner and his sister actually at the time with a friend of mine, and she was diagnosed with cancer and he was like, look, if I can get us alone, maybe this will help both of us. And we literally took out a loan to pay this bar off. And we've been working for ten years. The first two years I didn't even take a salary. I worked as a bartender just so that we could have a retirement and some money coming in to help both of us have a better life. So yeah, I mean, you hit it on the nail. Every small business c oner I talked to it's the same thing. You know, this is their life savings, this is their retire and and we employee you know, the the Independent Restaurant Association gave me some stats. We appoint a million single parents across the country. You know, we supply so many jobs to the economy. And you know, that's another thing that gets lost is these people, you know, employees that can't pay their rent and the rents piling up and their unemployments running out, and it's just it's a it's a vicious circle of things that are like a tidal way that's about to hit our community. And that's why I don't understand why. You know, we all know COVID's that Actually, I have family members that have gotten COVID, and if my father gets it, I don't think he would survive through it. I myself have had tuberculosis, Hannity. I was told I wasn't supposed to be working in the public, you know, and I've had to work in the public from day one. I'm going to lease everything, you know, at my age, going back home and living at my mom and dad's house with nothing. That's not an option. I mean, I'm just listening to your story. I mean, what I hear and I totally understand is desperation. But your state is now shut down. And then, by the way, you do see your state officials like Gavin Newsom, he's sitting around elbow to elbow, you know, at his own dining table. I didn't see anybody at the table with a mask on. Yeah, I don't know if you know this. As far as I know, Gavin Newsom's wineries have been opened the entire time. I'm actually, you know, thinking about taking a protest there. It's a little far from where I'm at, but I've been talking to people about it. Has been opened the entire time, and it just came out that he has I think something like eight eight businesses that he's a part of of which those eight got like three million dollars in PPP loans. And I know bar owners. You know, I'm going to give a shout out right now to Malley's Sugar Mill, you know, if you want to go and donate to them. That bar has been around forever and it really caters to the music industry and bringing in people, you know, big bands, but also making careers for people. They did not have food, and in La County, if you don't have food, you haven't been able to open for nine months, and the landlords still want the rents. They took out a personal loan, hannity, a personal loan that's almost gone, and their unemployments running out just to try to stave their bar or have a chance to open. God knows who wins, because there's no they're not telling them when they get to open, so they don't even know when they're gonna. I mean, I truly, truly and one of the lucky ones. I say, because I did get a PPP loan, I was able to go outdoors because I have food, you know, or more of a bar with food. One hundred and ten thousand restaurants have been put out of business already. It's just a thousand of us less. It's just a tip of the iceberg. I could listen. All I do now is buy my food as often as I can from all my restaurant puddies. And by the way, I'm gaining weight of it. But I mean, seriously, I just I buy more food than I ever will eat. I know these waiters, I know the chefs, I know the owners. I mean, I mean, think of what you have to pay in rent or mortgage. Think about putting the lights on, think about building out your restaurant, think about you know you need glasses you need already, so thick the margins. How many cheeseburgers do you have? What do you what's your like your favorite thing on the menu that you have at your place? Oh, well, we're we're we are really known for hammers, but we're very known for our chicken wings. You believe it or not. We have love chicken wings. Oh man, Oh we have the best in town. We tell a lot, you know, but you know, can you deliver it to New York can you stick it on one of those FedEx trucks. But you know, but I wish I could, and they would still pastread. You know. But this but the serious side of this, this is your whole life now, and now it's literally hanging in the balance. And I'm probably sure, if I'm guessing right, that a lot of your regular steady customers are probably you know, trying to order you know, pick up, curb, pickup and all up. But it's not the same Anny. When we first did to go, I knew that doing to go, I would lose thousands of dollars, but I wanted to stay open so I could pay some of my staff at least and also keep the community together. And I did everything I could to get my sales up because we're not really known for it to go, and my regular customers did everything they could just support me, and I even did a fundraiser for the nurses. You know, if you bought food from me, I would take it and deliver lunches to the hospitals. Even with that, we were only we were losing ninety percent of our income. We were not We only made ten percent of what we normally would make, and I was taking a hit of about twenty to thirty thousand a month. Do you own the building or do your pay rent? No, we pay rent, as as do most people in LA. That probably means you can't pay you can't pay the normal rent. I mean, then what do you do. I'm already sixty thousand dollars behind in rent, and nobody, the landlords will not work with you. I mean, here's the vicious cycle that you know, I guess and taking it off the subject of small businesses, I don't want to, but this is why I continue to keep talking. It's not just about my pub. I pray and hope that my pub will be here. I've gotten so much love and generosity. But everywhere around me, I'm talking five, like within a mile, five or six businesses that are never going to reopen, that are trying to do go fund these now. But the thing is is, like I have, these are the customers that would come into my patio and tell me what's you know? They're going under They're not making it. We have people in LA. Your rent is say fifteen hundred, right, maybe even more, who can't even pay their rent. Their unemployment has run out, they're on their last check. And the building owners aren't working with them. Because the banks are not working with the building owners, the building owners still have to pay taxes, and they still have to pay expenses. Not they're not not all the buildings. You know a lot of people own little apartment buildings as a retirement as well. They're not getting the way. Linda sent me the article on this. You're right about the winery owned by or founded by Gavin Newsom. Wow, his wineries open. I wonder if they have taste tests on weekends. It's unbelievable. No, can I believe it? Yeah? The answer the answer say at least yeah, I can believe it. Yeah, there's gotta be a happy medium. Now. I've been to restaurants here that we're well now they're all closed. Well in New York, I you know, I've heard twenty one just shut down, you know along twenty one. Now, I gave his speech there. I'm not you've never used to dine there, but I've given speeches how many years Linda's twenty one club in New York. I remembered that, and I broke my heart. Oh my gosh, I've never been there, but you know, here it's happening here. We have the valley in it's been here for fifty years. They're drounning in debt and they don't think they're gonna make it. I can tell you ten places that have been here that long with history that are gone. They're not going to make it. By the way, Linda, just you can say it on air. You can get the credit. I'm not stealing the nineteen thirty nine my credit. Give it to Ethan. All right, thank you. But I mean it's a lot of that's a lot of time and now it's gone, just gone. It's like we're coming up on one hundred anniversary. See you later. I glad you with us eight hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Other news and won't get to all of this with Congressman Jim Jordan here. In a second, Bill Bard moved today to protect the Durham investigation from interference if there were a future Biden administration, and he elevated John Durham now to the role of special Counsel, which means that he would be protected from any interference by any potential Biden administration of any of the Russia Gate hoaxers in the Obama Biden administration end up under investigation and should since Joe Biden took part in that January fifth, twenty seventeen meeting where he Comey Yates susan nice note to self, memo to self, what happened in this office fifteen days ago? Obama said, do everything by the book anyway. The Attorney General made that appointment. Today, a lot of news has been made at the age's comments that the DOJ is yet to find widespread voter fraud that could have changed the twenty twenty election specifically, Although this is a nuanced point, but it is an important one. He's saying that that would be on a federal criminal in the criminal justice system, with allegations that he is saying should be made in civil lawsuits. All of the campaign's litigation, just so you know, is civil in that sense, that really doesn't have an impact on the ongoing litigation distinction important point. But would it be criminal? I think it would be, and I would hope that the testimony we've been hearing all day would be compelling. Jim Jordan of Ohio joins us right now, ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee. How are you, sir, I'm kind sell, I'm going to do with you. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. I did, and I want to talk about that and to say so. Would the Attorney General's announcement about protecting Durham and elevating him to a special counsel your thoughts? No, I think you said it right. Remember Joe Biden was in the Oval Office at that January fifth meeting. Joe Biden's the guy who brought up the logan actor be going to be as they were thinking about using to go after Michael Flynn. Of course that's this, that's the meeting where they had the strategy to go after Michael Flynn, to take him out because he would have uncovered exactly what they had they had done to the Trump campaign. So I think this is a good move. If you look at the letter, though, I think there's there's two interesting points at the letter that the Attorney generals into mister Nadam, mister Graham, Senator Finstein, and myself. And in that letter he says additional information has been uncovered. So what is that information? How's that go? So Germam has obviously found something. The other thing thought. The other point that I would I make from that that cover letter that he sent, he talks about tolling the notification he was supposed to the Attorney General was supposed to tell us this when he made the determination and exactly named um named Durham the special counsel, which took place back on October nineteenth. I wish you would have made this public beforehand before the election. Optually he didn't. But I do think it's a good move because if in fact it the Biden administration, we need to remember Joe Biden was intrigully involved in that key January fifth meeting that you pointed out. All right, have you been watching all of the testimony today if you had an opportunity to watch this, I have not. I've been. I've been in meetings and stuff here on Capital though I'm not now Well, you've been hearing from one whistle blower after another, and I've played earlier in the program. I'll play it later. But I thought Democrats on the media love whistleblowers. But all these people signed legal affidavit's under the threat of perjury, and they're all given a testimony about all the irregularities that they saw and is beyond compelling, including a truck driver talking about transporting ballots across state lines in large quantities of maybe up to three hundred thousand. Yeah, no, I agree, And just step back for a second, son, They're still counting vote four weeks after the election. There's still counting votes in California and New York. Ask yourself this question. If the United States of America, if we sent people to some other country, some country in a different continent to oversee their election, and that country that we were overseeing elections were still counting votes twenty eight days after the election was supposed to happen, we'd say, oh, this is a problem. We better talk to the un about this. We better do something. We've better withhold four and eights that country. But here in the United States, we have two of our two of our four biggest states, California, New York still counting ballots today. So everybody knows something's not right with this election. We can see all the fact that this president got ten million, ten plus more million votes, we won twenty seven out of twenty seven to seats in the House. We kept this in it. We picked up a bunch of seats in the House, he increased his vote with Hispanic Americans, African Americans, and yet somehow comes up short. So we know there's something. And then we have all these people coming forward willing to swear under oath that this is in fact, you know, crazy things that happen. So of course we should look at this. And it comes back to the fundamental question. Why don't Democrats one two? Why do they want why do they want to rush through this? We have plenty of time, and we got two more weeks until the electoral College meets. We got six and a half weeks until until inauguration. So let's get to the bottom of everything. Because something doesn't feel right. And when you have seventy percent of the seventy four million people who voted for President Trump, seventy percent of that number think that something was wrong with this election. That's a third of the electorate. When a third of the electorate thinks something's wrong, it is it is good for the country that we figure out exactly what happens. Well. The President said in his interview with Maria Bert to Romo that if the Electoral College decides that it's Biden, he will abide by that. Um and I don't know if I want to go there yet. I think this process needs to play out completely. You know. I guess if there's a level of frustration to meet Jim Jordan is that they've been accumulating these half of Davids. Why haven't we heard from the people themselves directly sooner? It's a month later. Yeah, Well, I don't know. I'm like you, I wish we would. I'm like you, I want this. I wanted to exhaust every avenue that we can and get to the truth. I do believe we're going to begin to hear from these folks. I certainly hope so. Um, but um, you know, remember those Sean, Remember the lady in in in Detroit, Michigan and Wayne County when she was going to hold off on certifying the elections from that county. Remember what the left did to her, what the cancel culture mob did to her and into her family. So obviously some of these people are are a little nervous. And as you pointed out, it used to be that that, you know, people in Democrats and Republicans supported whistleblower was coming forward. But now no, that's not the case with Democrat The only whistle blow they supported was the one that we weren't allowed to know his name right on that one that was not even a real whistle blower. Wasn't it a hearsay whistle blower? Yeah? Exactly, exactly right. So yeah, but but my guess is that's some of the reluctance on some of these some of these people who signed affidavit and want to testify the thing, they're a little nervous about what the what the cancel culture mob on the level due to them. No, look, I mean you lived this every single day. Um, do we know how many House seats were picked up by Republicans in this election? Yet? Have we ever got in the final number? I know all twenty seven toss up races went Republican. Ye, looks like we're going to get to two hundred and thirteen. I believe the number're going to get to. As you saw, Mike Arcio was just named the winner yesterday in that California See David Valadeo won back to Seatret leaz Eldon won his race. That was done today too. Yeah yeah, yeah, so so I think he won by forty thousand votes. Why are we even here? But Okay, that's a congressional race. But ut so two thirteen, what's the margin the so they got they have five votes, and remember they had ten people, ten people who who are one reelection who voted against Pelosi for speaker. So we'll see what happened. My guest is she she figures out some way to to you know, stay a speak going onto power. Yeah, they can. They can only lose a few votes on the on the House floor that on on important issues, and so it'll be an interesting U interesting? Uh is there any chance that the squad members could win that seed? Well, I mean, I don't know, I don't I don't know. You know, I don't mind when the Democrats are fighting. I figured the more they're fighting, the less they're trying to take away your rights and your your liberties. So, um, if they got all this in finding going on between the squad and between Speaker Pelosi and other members of their conference, I mean, that's fine because that's in the long run, that's good for the country. Less time for less time for them to do damage and raise your taxes and all the other crazy things they want to do. Yeah, now, when you we're looking at like a nine seat difference then between Democrats and Republican I mean that's really close by Every state legislature was held as well, which also brings up you know, again, there's so many spectacular first, don't you find it odd? Jim Jordan? If you when you look at all of the statistics and numbers that were now being able to put together, and you know, this is just the nature of elections. You don't find out a lot about it until till laughter. But when you look at all of this, you know Biden's going to enter the White House as the first incumbent to gain votes the president. Trump will gain eleven million votes but lose the election since Grover Cleveland one hundred and fifty years ago. Right, And then then you look at, for example, he won your state by eight points, Florida by over three points. The two swing states weren't even close. That would make Biden the first candidate in sixty years to lose Florida and Ohio and still become president. Nineteen bell Weather counties that all correctly picked the president each year since Reagan eighteen were Trump by an average of fifteen percent. If you look at Biden underperformed Clinton and Obama and major liberal cities with minorities New York, Chicago, LA. But outperformed Clinton and Obama in swing state cities like Milwaukee, Atlanta, Detroit, and Philadelphia. Is that an accident or just a great lucky coincidence for Joe. Yeah, all the while, while while President Trump was getting a higher percentage of African American vote in Hispanic American vote, and yet somehow Biden does so exceptionally well in some of these key urban areas in some of the key swing states. So yeah, I mean the Bellweather counties that, as you pointed out, the Ohio going by over eight points for the president. Ohio the state that always over the last several years, I think he said sixty. But it's the state that you have to care if you're going to win the White House, and the president carries it by a huge margin. So all those things together, when you just list them all out, you would sink. And there was a great arkland the Federals that put in some of the things out you were talking about, and the headline was why won't it media do the ask the questions about this? I mean that's the job of journalists. You see all these strange things and something tells you why, why did this all happen? And yet somehow Biden wins the White House. It's never happened in history before. We've never seen anything like this, So that should tell us something that there needs to be an investigation. It is. We've actually called from one We've called for Jerry Naddard and Sherwin Maloney of the Oversight community just to do an investigation. We'll help them with it. We'll help them, we'll begin to find outach what happened. Of course, we've gotten silence from from both of those chairmans. You know, I saw that you warned on Friday that the Left is going to target Christmas next after Thanksgiving. I think the funniest viral video in New York that was going around everywhere was a picture of Governor Cuovo peering into people's homes and through the window. I don't know how many accounting how many people might be at the Thanksgiving Day dinner. Now, obviously we have a big wave of corona around the country. Obviously, I think most Americans understand what social distancing and masks are. I think you have a greater risk. All these kids tend to be asymptomatic and many are not getting tested and they come home to mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. That's a danger I hope everybody takes seriously. But I also get the impression that Americans that they have they are going to make their own risk assessment after a year. I think everybody's pretty well informed on this, of course, because we're Americans. There's one fundamental thing about Americans. We hate being told what to do. It's part of our DNA. You know. The old joke always comes to mind for most Americans when they're traveling down the highway and you see the signs in this fifty five miles per hour. For most Americans, that's not the limit. That's the challenge. So that that's just how that's just part of who we are and our heritage people coming here to settle this, this this great country. So now you've got governments. Government. Think about this. In Ohio, you have to be in your home at ten o'clock. In Pennsylvania, when you're in your home, you have to wear a mask. But in Vermont, when you're in your home, you don't have to wear a mask because you're not allowed to have friends over to your home. Government. That's what government is doing too Americans telling them how they have to behave in their own home, their own property. And if you don't think that kicks a lot of Americans off, then this is craziness what we're doing. The crazy rules Gavin Newsom had for for Thanksgiving, oh my goodness, you could be you had to be outside, but outside was defined as you could have a rough and you could have three sides, so you can really be in your garage with the door up, but they call it outside. You can only be there for two hours. I mean, it was rid dick. You could have the only three households, so you and your you and your your family, your mom and dad, and your brother's family could be there for Thanksgiving. But you and your mom and dad, and your brother's family and your sister's family couldn't be there for Thanksgiving. This is just ridiculous, and Americans have had it with the crazy rules, especially the fact that these people make the crazy rules and then they don't follow it. My question is, you know, if we don't fix this, we never win another election. I'm worried about Georgia right now. Yeah, No, I am too. M We got two good syndicatedates there. We gotta do everything we can to make sure they win. But you're right, we got to stop this vote by mail. You can't just be you can't and you gotta you can't. You can't have states do what Pennsylvania did just change the rules at the last minute and they have all these rules in place. You had the legislator passed the law, and then all of a sudden, the state Supreme Court, a bunch of hacks on the court, along with the Democrats Secretary of State and the Democrat governor, they go and change the rules at the last minute and do this massive mail in voting concept. So that's the big problem. We called this and we did a report, mister Colemer and I and our staffs on the two committees, and unfortunately it played out. And you know it was just a few years ago. Even the New York Times are saying, you can't do massive mail in voting. The potential for fraud, the potential for problems is so huge. So we've said many times on if you can protest in person, you can vote in person. Let's vote in person unless it's absentee where you specifically request the Board of Elections knows who you are. Knows where you live, knows you're actually a real voter, and it's done that. How about voter ID, just like you need to get in the DNC. How about signature verification, that's real. Yeah, we have both in Ohio. We in Ohio, the state the presidents have won by eight points, the Bellwether state we have. You have to present your ID when you vote, you have to sign so there's a signature match. We only have absent see that you request for and it can only happen in that thirty day window prior to So we have the kind of system in place that makes sense, that is actually, you know, not fraught with this potential for fraud. So that's how we have to do it. But these states, I mean here and here, I've got a role book, all right, Jim Jordan, We're gonna hit the phones when we get back. Thank you, sir,