Best of Sean Hannity: Kevin McCarthy and Vice President Pence

Published Sep 4, 2020, 10:00 PM

In this "Best of Hannity," Sean visits with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Vice President Mike Pence to discuss the future of the GOP!

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All right, clad you're with us eight hundred and nine for one Sean Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza, all right? So here it is day four, final night Republican National Conveni Convention. We will be on the South Lawn tonight where the President will address the entire nation. And I understand there's probably gonna be about two thousand people there, which is a big event. At least it's gonna have some life compared to the boring, monotonous, dull hate fest of four days of the DNC Convention. And you're gonna see and have the ability now to compare and to contrast competing visions for where we want to take this country. It couldn't be any more clear, It couldn't be any more stark in terms of what the choice is in sixty eight days, when you are the old Toma jury, You've got you got all things extreme radical democratic socialist versus liberty, freedom, capitalism, risk, reward, invention, innovation. You see a party four days of hatred, four days of cult like psychotic rage against all things Donald Trump, versus a party that showed America and it's and it's it's goodness, it's greatness, it's exceptionalism. And the people that make it great were on display every single solitary night. They were the real stars of the convention. And you know, now now we've got Nancy Pelosi, Republicans or enemy of the State. I wouldn't debate, don't tell, don't tell Joe Biden. I wouldn't debate Donald Trump if I were Biden. We're gonna get into all of this year, and I will tell. And you see people from all backgrounds, all races, uh speaking, participating at this convention stories I'm sure many and most of you have never heard before. Now, by the way, in spite of predictions of twenty five percent unemployment, well now the unemployment rate is below ten percent. I personally did not think jobs would be coming back. This quickly came back a lot faster than I thought. There was a Wall Street Journal piece back to low growth. The impact of Joe Biden's tax plan would be less income across the spectrum and a sluggish economy. Later, we're gonna play the comments the one decision alone Joe Biden. If you recall, remember Joe Biden, actually you know described in detail how you know he would shut down all coal burning plants that he would not only am I not opposed to the New Green Deal. My plan goes beyond it. You know, no new oil drilling or fracking on federal lands. Kamala Harris, I would ban fracking. She actually uttered the words, Okay, let me tell you what that means. Let me inpret that for you. That means the lifeblood of the world's economy. Now that we are energy independent for the first time in seventy five years, that means we now rely again on countries in the Middle East, many of whom happened to hate our guts. And what does that mean? They get to charges pretty much any darned price they want to charge. There's a reason now oil prices are so low. And and don't think collusion doesn't happen with the Saudis and other countries and Russia. Russia, Yeah, the hostile nation. It is led by the hostile actor, you know, the one that colluded with Hillary on the dirty Russian dossier full of Russian disinformation that was used in the twenty sixteen election that Russia Putin's. Russia. Yeah, that hostile You know that the mob in the media is ignored. It's like the dossier never happened. It's like the Russian misinformation never happened. It's just like you know, erasing subpoenion emails never happened, and the eating them never happened, and destroying device has never happened. And bleached bit what did that? Never heard of it before? That's the sick world that the mob and the media would take you in. All of this is on the ballot in sixty eight days from today. You know, there's a great story. Where did I see this? I'm trying to remember. I found it somewhere. I apologize for not remembering the liberal media, the mob ignoring one of the biggest stories in the convention, the president of the United States. You know, you think of the speakers at this convention, and you think of everybody, every race, every background, every creed, every religion participating. Did you see what did you see at the Democratic Convention? Michael Goodwin has a good point in his column today. Michael Goodwin, for two weeks I think has been the best writer in the country on analyzing what's going on in these conventions, you know, and that is about law and order and how he says that the President has staked out a position the fender of America. By the way, a little late, but now in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Well, now that the governor finally got up off his ass and is now requested to help, President Trump was more than willing to give to every big city. Well, they were storing law and order, in safety and security for the people of Kenosha that deserve all of that. Every American has a right to live in a safe neighborhood, town city so that they can have their pursuit of happiness. That is basic, That is fundamental. You don't have safety, you don't have security, you don't have law, you don't have order, you don't have a shot. If you were worried about a one year old getting shot in a stroller in a park, or what worried that you know, mom might make a wrong turn into a autonomous chad zone like what happened in Atlanta, or that you might actually leave your house or maybe not even leave your house in Chicago on an average weekend, or know what? How many were now on three straight months of violence in Portland? Are you kidding me? Democrats didn't even mention it for the four days they had their convention. Nine words, Carl Rod reminded me, and he'll be on later today. Nine words. Joe Biden uttered about safety and security in our cities. They did, they didn't acknowledge that this is happening in this country. And back to Michael Goodwin. You know, finally, now I guess Joe's being pressured because well, first of all, why is Joe unwilling to call it what it is? This is anarchists taking over cities. The rioting is organized and orchestrated, that businesses and lives are lost, and policemen are injured and killed, and then they can't even mention a word about it. You know, do we talk about every cop that dies every year in the line of duty? Do we talk about you know, I was the only one that I know of in media during Barack and Joe's eight years that would scroll names that you've never heard before of the people that were shot in Barack Obama's hometown of Chicago, and I'd scroll them. They barely mentioned it, never mind lift a finger to fix anything. I mean, how is that possible that you just ignore simple, basic, fundamental truth and reality? And so you know, all right, Joe. Finally, I guess somebody said, Joe, you got to read this, Joe, you gotta send out this tweet. Joe, memorize ju line. We'll put it in a teleprompt and ready, all right, three two one? Go, am I on, am I on? Yet? No, okay, no, we'll do it again. All right, ready, Joe, three two one? Take off your should I take off my glasses now? Three two one. So he finally says something, How is it? What is the number one job of elected official? Safety Security law order? No, Kamala Harris sure, one hundred and fifty billion. That's a good thing. Defunding the APD. By the way, it's a majority minority police force. Sixty percent of the police force happens to be Hispanic Americans, you know. And not every cop is horrible. There are bad cops. You know who's been advocating all extra training me? The guy that you know is an old person that has been doing martial arts. I'm a student of martial arts for seven years. An hour and a half a day, four or five days a week, minimum of four And why why? Because number one, it makes me strong, It makes me mentally tough, It makes me physically stronger and I can defend myself. And we do everything crab magaw kempo Japanese jiu jitsu uh, we do sticks, blades, firearms, we do situational u defensive training in under any circumstances. Every person in this country wants to be safe and secure so that their kids can grow up safe and secure. They get a big fat f and every one of these cities run by liberal Democrats for decades now. The reason Joe won't talk about it because that might anger the anarchists, that might anger the crazy part of his base. He has spent the entire election so far trying to appease the crazies, you know, Bolshevik Bernie. Now as his economics are aoc is New Green Deals, are you go? My plan goes further than the New Green Deal? Oh great, And you wonder why, Joe. Latest polling released again shows that you got no convention bump, which has never happened. You know, one insider in Biden's game, we expected a surge. It didn't happen. And you know, polling released well yesterday showed Biden and the Democrats zero convention bump following four days of televised events of the DNC. Okay, you got your lunatic fringe base. What about every other every American wants safety and security. Now you got the news media. They're hitting the panic button because the riots might torpedo Biden's poll numbers over there at toddling the rioting. There's what he said. It has to stop. It's showing up in the polling, it's showing up in the focus groups. It's the only thing right now that is sticking. Okay, look, how about we just forget about politics for one second here. How about we keep safety security law in order because it's the right thing to do. I know that might sound like a radical idea. How about we protect families and children. How about we you know, how about that eight year old in Atlanta, This beautiful girl shouldn't have died. The one year old kid inside the stroller in a park in New York City shouldn't be dead today. The seven year old beautiful girl in Chicago dying in a grandma's backyard on fourth of July week, It shouldn't be dead today. We shouldn't have had to had be the first person to even reach out to Horace Anderson Lorenzo Anderson Senior losing his nineteen year old son and his chop and Chad zone. And the media is complicit in this denial, you know, I mean it's a joke, fake news CNN. Literally you have burning everywhere behind their reporter. I mean a city ablaze, cars stripped on fire and burning what is their lower third. It's fiery but mostly peaceful protests. I'm like, look at your own pictures. Are you that stupid? You have? Governor nome Now is giving her speech last night over there at ms DNC. They've they've interrupted seventy one minutes to fact check and theres you know, Roswell Rachel Maddow on her conspiracy Theory channel interrupting. We must now interrupt, and uh, you know, as we said, we will interject when we feel that there's something that's important and deliberate and very wrong that should be corrected, just so that we feel responsible about our broadcast. In this case, Governor g Noam just said from Seattle in Portland to Washington and New York, Democrat runs cities across the country of being overrun by violent mobs. The violence is rampant. Joining us now is the mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin, who said the caricature of major US cities is not only wrong, it's peacefully protest, it's it's purposely wrong. Excuse me, you didn't call Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior first? I did? Mayor? What the hell is wrong with you? You're the one saying this is going to be a summer of love zone. How long is it going to continue? I know it could be a whole summer of love Well, we have dead people in your summer of love zone, others injured in your summer of love zone. Cops and emergency workers begging, we're just here to help the those that are injured, and they can't get through the mob that you allowed to take over city streets in Seattle and every injury and you're all complicit in this. What the hell is wrong with your ability to see simple basic truth reality? How do you deny the images and how do you deny the death and the violence that's unfolding right before your eyes? Open your eyes for crying out loud for the safety and security of all of your citizen read it is a disservice not to protect an US in people that's on the ballot in sixty eight days, all of it all right, We'll be in the South Lawn tonight with our coverage, best coverage on TV and radio. Sixty eight days the ultimate jury. Are you getting what we're up against here? In sixty eight days? Are all of you understanding what's happening? Do you not see what is at stake here? And this mob in the media, they just lie. They've lied for four years. They've been proven wrong with the hoax, their conspiracy theories, their raids, their hatred, their cult like obsessive, compulsive rage against Donald Trump. You decide if this country's gonna buy into this socialist utopia. If we do, bye by capitalism dies with it, freedom and liberty goes away. And those promises of everything free, I promise you this, I promise you, those promises will never be fulfilled. All right, live free or die? America? The world on the brink, and you are the ultimate jury in just sixty eight short days, and this election matters. The stated policies, if ever implemented, would be an unmitigated failure and disaster. And all Joe Biden has done is catered to his left wing base, programming note tonight from the south lawn of the White House where the President now the final night grescendo here of the Republican National Convention Light. I mean, what a difference the adults are in charge versus you know, the the college kidlike podcast that we saw last week, full of rage and hate and and I hate Trump one mantra um. So tomorrow night, by the way, we'll be doing a wrap up. I'm just taking questions town hall. Everybody's invited. Also, I've been able to sign more copies of Live Free or Dive if you want to an autograph copy to Marrows the night to get it. Uh, this is like the last batch of them. Um. But that's a seven Eastern coming the way, and uh, just participate. I'm all I'm doing. The whole time is answering your questions. You know, I'm gonna say, all right, first question boom and go right to it. That's Tomorrow's seven. We'll put the link up at Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com Live for you or die forty percent off support for Black Lives Matters plunge. Now, Uh, this is the group. Remember we make the distinction. New Pole out of Wisconsin shows the support there dropped what they're team percent. Between June and early August Marquette Law School poll sixty one percent of residents approved of the movements protesting. You see, I think I do think there's conflation going on to people complaining things here that there's you know, does black lives matter? The group what do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? Pigs in a blanket, priam like bacon, and you know other controversial, crazy things that have been said by leaders of quote that movement. And then people after the death of George Floyd, peaceful protesters, the majority of them with you know, righteous indignation. There was there was universal agreement that can't happen in this country again. And but they would chant black lives matter different from the group black lives Matter. I just got to make the distinction. The President now will restore order because the governor, after three days and three nights in a row in Kenosha, Wisconsin, finally has requested the President health and the President, yeah, I'm sending federal law enforcement in the National Guard to restore law in order. And guess what last night they restored law in order. I mean, it's I don't think This is difficult, it's not pleasant. Nobody wants to do it. Cops don't want to do it. Cops don't want to be in conflict with residents. But how many now cops are gonna be you know, hit with bricks and rocks and canes and bats and nut and shot at with guns and knives attacking them and molotov cocktails? How many businesses that can be burned to the ground before you realize it's real? Not on fake news CNN, Oh, it's mostly peaceful. What did they say about the Chaz Chop spaghetti potluck dinner Autonomous Summer of Love zone in Seattle? Oh, it's a festive like atmosphere as these idiots on fake news CNN and MSDNC is saying it. The anarchists are saying, this is not a peaceful zone. This is not a festive zone. What the hell are you reporting? And got challenged live on the air by the people that there's Oh, I didn't know. And they walk around in circles because they're kind of chasing them around in circles, almost like a street festival type atmosphere, street festival with a very It is not a festival with a very intentional purpose. It is not a street festival. It is not a street festival. Do not say that for saying that. Shame on you for lying. That's what they said at the time. Oh oh, it's not a festival. It's like festival like atmosphere. Yeah, people dying there. Mayor Durkan dead in your Summer of Love zone. And I did you call Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior and apologize for the death of his son, Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior, who nineteen died in your Summer of Love zone. By the way, Now, guess what You're being sued for three billion dollars and I hope mister Anderson gets every penny of it. After you promised everybody in Seattle that that was a Summer of Love safe zone. When you allowed a police precinct to be taken over where the cops and the paramedics and first responders had to beg with bullhorns to get in to offer help. And that was on the ninth that Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior died. When you get shot, seconds matter, you have a heart attack, seconds matter, a bad bleedout accident, seconds matter, and the police have to beg to get in to do the job. You know what cop want Who wants to be a cop today? Nobody's gonna want to be a police officer. And I will tell you, you know, we should learn from mistakes here. And one of the things I've been advocating for more training. Why do I say that, Well, I just happened to be a student of martial arts for seven years and I could tell you that if you have somebody in handcuffs like George Floyd, you don't need to do anything but manipulate two fingers that you have access to that they can't stop you from taking. And you manipulate them, you don't break the fingers. It's really it's just all a will guarantee compliance, immediate compliance. It's that, you know, It's that simple. How about alternatives? You know, I mentioned, you know Berner their non lethal firearms, that they have a non lethal alternative. I'm not the biggest fan of the stun gun with the wires. I'm just not that's close quarters. You know. One of the good things about like the birth you put a laser on it. You don't have to be a marksman like I. Well, I'm not a Marksman anymore because I can't see. I can't see anything. I literally, you know, I put lasers on all my weapons now because I can't see. I used to be able to see. I had a squeeze and I had to focus and I had a really you know, I'm good at that part. I'm like, okay, there's three people there. I only you know, I just don't see far. I have a hard time reading the teleprompting now when our glasses on, I just can't read it. You know, you get older, I gotta go by. I gotta go see an optometris that what is Yeah? The professional guy? I do. I can't see um. Alice Murray Johnson, by the way, was let's see pardon by Donald Trump was put away for life under the Biden sponsored bill. Alice Murray Johnson will be speaking tonight. I love her. I absolutely love that woman. Gotten to know her. I would say she's a friend, and I hope she would have saved one of the two nice things about me. I don't know, but I think the world of her. Goes to jail life sentence sentence, first time offender. She's the first to admit what he did was wrong. She more than paid for her time. She ran Bible study after Bible study after Bible study. Would counsel these younger kids and thinking she never has a shot at getting out a jet. Donald Trump did it criminal justice for form. It's called uh, you know, just like, oh, you can't have a pardon and put it in a Republican national convention. Why not? Oh, we found out that there were twelve cabinet officials in the Obama administration that were part of the convention in twenty twelve. Oh, double standard again. I mean, it's just unbelievable. It's not hard to restore order. But we gotta give cops more options. There's gotta be more non lethal alternatives. The perfect case would be the Raychchard Brooks case. Okay, you had an alternative rather than this shooting in might if they if we give the cops the alternative, they don't have it. Now, they don't have it. Now, get that we're America, for crying out loud, We have ballistic missiles, they can travel the globe and back, and we can, you know, develop non lethal options so that if a cop makes a mistake, he's got another he's got another option available, another tool in his arsenal. Literally, that won't be taking somebody's life. Let's give that to them so that they can do a better job and and not just have that final you know option. And you know, well, Joe Biden, you can shoot him in the leg that you don't you don't. Oh, he's so stupid. You don't aim. If you have any knowledge of firearms, you don't eat. Let me shoot you in the leg, okay, and then when the bullet ricochets and hits an innocent bystander, good luck with that. Uh. You go for top mass center. That's the target, that's what they're trained to target. But you don't want to get to that point is the poll point? There are there are other options. It is so frustrating to me that we don't, you know, think out of the box. With the United States of America where we are, you know, the heart and soul of nuclear energy, of defense, weaponry, predator drones, we can come up with a non lead the alternative for cops rather than just having one option option the nuclear option to use that which is to pull out a fire and when you pull it out, by the way, guess what you've got. You don't pull it out unless you're gonna use it. It's it's just so frustrating Democrats complaining about a Pompeo. Oh yeah, let's say six. I'm sorry, I said twelve. Six Obama Cabinet of members spoke at the twenty twelve convention. Oopsie, daisy. Let's see we had Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sambilious. You know she's the one that lied about you get to keep your doctor, keep your plan, and save on average twenty five hundred dollars per family a year. Well, just the opposite happened. Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar, he spoke. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Bill Sack spoke, Secretary of Education Arnie Duncan spoke. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Ernie Shinseki also spoke. Karen Mills, administrator of the US Small Business Administration, you know, elevated in the in the cabinet to the cabinet level position in the Obama years. Oh, that would be media hypocrisy again, the mob lying to you. Yet again, we have AOC saying liberals should take the elephant mascot from the GOP because they are compassionate creatures. I don't even know what to say about this madness. Democrats are in a panic because voters are turning away from the left's unending violence. Why is Joe Biden so reluctant because he already adopted the they become the enemy his words. He can run and hide all he wants. He said it. And of course we'll redistribute funds elsewhere that would be defund and Kamala Harris more honest, praising the the defunding of the LAPD by one hundred and fifty billion dollars. Oh so now that they can't get Mike Pompeo over. Speaking at the convention, Susan Rice is saying, well, he's problematic as Secretary of State because he's overtly religious. Oh my goodness, you mean freedom of religion exists in America. It was an interesting New York Post sort of water cooler topic. As we say in talk radio, liberal Democrats are more likely to shut down political talk over disagreement. Yeah, I would say that that would be true. I'd say that is probably mainstream. So it's all at stake, and it's sixty eight days away, and this is the most important election in our lifetime. This is it. It's all on the line. Care about law and order, safety, security? Okay, Wait, who are you gonna vote for? Who do you trust? You care about lower taxes or higher? You want higher taxes? You want open borders or you want secure borders. Do you want the United Sanctuary States of America where we're gonna pay for every illegal immigrants healthcare, education, etc. Or do you want people that get the highly coveted positions three hundred miles of wall Donald Trump built. It wasn't easy. Had to go it alone because nobody wanted to help him, the same people that were all for it in Obama's second term. That would be liberal Democrats, by the way, Vice President Pence after the news at the top of the hour, I mean, so you have day four. Wow, American greatness, American exceptionalism, no one, not a perfect union, but we have a constitution that allows us to right wrongs, correct injustices, and become a more perfect union. And why didn't Joe and Barrock do anything after Ferguson, Well, they did have their own Justice Department exonerate officer Darren Wilson, and it hands up, don't shoot, never happened. Freddy Gray guess what. Not one of the cops were ever indicted. I'm sorry we ever found guilty of anything. I told you that very early on, because I actually did some legwork. I knew in Ferguson and that there would be eye witnesses that back up Officer Darren Wilson's claims. It's like, we're like right with Richard Jewel, Uva, Duke Lacrosse, Cambridge Police, you name it, We're right, they're wrong. Obama and his radical associations guiding his principles. I was right. He just tried to hide it a lot more than Joe did. Now we have Nancy Pelosia. I wouldn't debate Donald Trump. I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him. Unbelievable times we're living in. How do you not mention law and order and the violence of American cities and you want to lead this country? Are you out of your mind? Is America? I mean, on this one issue alone, you're disqualified. How is that possible? You know, Joe makes a list of everything you do with coronavirus. Problem is everything you do on coronavirus? Donald Trump already did an operation. You know, President Trump's Operation Warp Speed final human stage trials for a vaccine, Great Provements on Therapeutics eight hundred ninety four one Shawn, if you want to join us, By the way, Live pri Or Died, the whole case laid out. It's all laid out, and livepri Or Die. America, the world on the brink off Amazon dot Com, books, a million, Barnes and Noble Costco, target Walmart. The heroes who held this fort took their stand for life, liberty, freedom in the American flag, and those ideals have defined our nation. But they were hardly ever mentioned and last week's Democratic National Convention instead, Democrats spent four days attacking America. Joe Biden said that we were living through a season of darkness, but as President Trump said, where Joe Biden sees American darkness, we see American greatness. Joe Biden says that America is systemically racist and that law enforcement in America as and I quote an implicit bias against minorities. When asked whether he'd support cutting funding law enforcement, Joe Biden replied, yes, absolutely. Joe Biden would double down on the very policies that are leading to violence in America's cities. The hard truth is you won't be safe in Joe Biden's America. And under President Trump, we will always stand with those who stand on the thin blue line, and we're not going to defund the police, not now, not ever. All Right. That was Vice President Mike Pence last night Fort McHenry, Day three of the Republican National Convention. What a difference of a week makes a vice as an in pense joins us right now, mister Vice President starts an honor to have you. It was an honor to be at Fort McHenry. It will be at an honor to be on the South Lawn tonight broadcasting Hannity. Wow, what a difference a week makes, Sean great to be with you. Thank you for thank you for being there last night at Fort McHenry. Karen and I were, We're deeply moved to be in that setting, to be among those heroes. I know, I know that President Trump in the first lady felt the same way. But it was it was a night to remember. But also I hope, I hope the whole of this convention has laid out to the American people the choice that we face in this election. As as I said, last night, I honestly believe with all of my heart that while the Democrats said that democracy is on the ballot, I believe that our economic recoveries on the ballot. Law and orders on the ballot, but things much more foundational to our country or on the ballots. Not whether America will be more conservative or liberal, more Republican or Democrat, more blue or red. It's whether America remains America. And the privilege to be there at Fort McHenry, where two hundred and sixty years ago Americans took their stand, defended our nation, defended our flag. To be able to deliver that message is something I'll cherish the rest of my life. It was it's a special place. You went into the history somewhat last night. What I find amazing You know here you have a ticket. I've never seen this in all the years. I'm thirty three years sir in radio, I believe it or not, I look younger right, I'm twenty five years now in the Fox News Champion bet and it's I haven't gone full on white like you, but I'm getting there. But I think you've more stressful job than I do. It's the mileage I have plenty of miles on this old car. But here's my thought. We have we have in this country. How is it possible that nine words, only nine words, were uttered by Joe Biden about what three months of violence in Portland. We see what's happening in cities like New York. We see what's happening in Seattle. You know, in the in the Obama Biden years, I used to scroll the names that nobody ever heard of, people shot that weekend in Chicago, people murdered that weekend in Chicago, and I run the whole list. No, but it names nobody ever heard. If we don't have law, order, safety, security, Mister Vice President, how do you how is it possible to pursue happiness? Is it possible? By everything begins with security. Security is the foundation of our press disparity. And that's why President Trump is absolutely committed to law and order, beginning with standing with the men and women who serve in law enforcement every day. You know, last night, it was my privilege to pay tribute to a fallen police officer, David Patrick Underwood. He was with the Department of Homeland Securities Protective Service. He was shot and killed during riots in Oakland. His sister was with us to be able to be able to express our sympathies and our support, as I know is the opinion of virtually every American. I mean, these police officers put their lives on the line every single day to protect and serve, and everything begins with standing with law enforcement. But the point I also wanted to make last night, and I hope, I hope, I hope we were able to begin to make it with Americans that hadn't heard this yet. With President Donald Trump, we believe that you don't have to choose between supporting the men and women who serve in law enforcement and supporting our African American community and other minorities that live in our major cities. We've done both for three and a half years, and we'll continue to do both for four more years. Sean, you look at the record of this administration, this president. We provided resources for four thousand more police officers through the Cops Program. On the streets, We've provided resources and support the law enforcement. You see police officers unions endorsing President Trump almost every day around this country. And at the same time, though I couldn't be more proud to be Vice President to a president whose economic policies saw the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for African Americans. He signed he signed a record investment in historically black colleges and universities. We've fought for school choice, build the school choice program in Washington, DC that that President Barack Obama and Joe Biden set aside, and add add to all of that, and to all of that that we've we've been standing up for law and order in our streets. And as I said last night, we are going to have law and order for every American in all our cities and towns, and for every American of every race and creed and color. The American people have every right to deserve that. And President Donald Trump and I are are going to continue to stand for that principle. We're going to fight for that principle. And why while literally you have the Democrats who last week in their conventions spoke not one word about the about the chaos and mayhem and rioting in major cities around the country. You've heard one speaker after another address that issue. This is this is this is about the future of our country, and everything begins with the safety and securities American people historically, mister Vice president, after somebody secures a nomination, and I would argue Donald Trump stayed the same. I mean Donald Trump, and you pointed this out last night. He means what he says. He says what he means, and in other words, he didn't move right together a nomination and then move back to the center. But he's now we have Joe Biden. I think it's a position of weakness, has adopted who used to be an outlier Bolshevic Bernie. I call him his economic plan, as the President calls it the Bernie Sanders Joe Biden Manifesto. He not only supports the New Green Deal, but he actually said my plan goes beyond it. He's pledging trillions of dollars to AOC's New Green Deal. To the left of Bernie Sanders is Kamala Harris, who you will be debating. There's never been a major party in America with an agenda stated agenda this radical in this gree Well, to your point, you need to look no further than what Bernie Sanders said. I thought it was important to quote Bernie Sanders in his address at the Democrat National Convention. John when I spoke last night, he said. He said many of the ideas that he had fought for that a few years ago were considered his words were considered radical are now mainstream in the Democratic Party. That's what Bernie Sanders said. I know Bernie Sanders. I served in the Congress with Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders is an unapologetic socialist. And for him to stand up and you look at their unity agenda and for all the things that you said, and we spoke about them last night, the choice in this election has never been clear. Where we cut taxes by more than five trillion, Joe Biden, in the middle of a global pandemic, wants to raise taxes by we're trillion dollars. He wants to bury our economy under a two trillion dollar version of the Green New Deal. I mean, all of the policies, one after another, I think lay out the kind of choice that I relish the opportunity. I'm headed out tomorrow. I'm going to be in Minnesota. We're going to be taken our case all across this country, and I think we're gonna win four more years for President Donald Trump in the White House. If the stated policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are implemented. In other words, Kamala Harris had said that she supported defunding the LAPD one hundred and fifty million dollars. Joe Biden he can run as much as he wants, but he said police become the enemy, and he would reallocate funds away from the police. He said it if that policy if opened borders, if that policy is implement ant, it in free healthcare for people that didn't respect our law, sovereignty, borders, etc. If their plan, Kamala Harris said, I would ban fracking. Joe Biden literally said, no new oil drilling or fracking on federal lands. My plan goes beyond the New Green Deal. We have to shut down all coal burning plants, Joe Biden said. So they promise everything is going to be free from cradle to gray, womb to tomb, and they're going to get rid of the lifeblood of the world's economy. And Donald Trump has brought us to energy independence of where now the world's largest producer of energy for the first time in seventy five years. Would what would the stated plans, if implemented, make this country look like, Well, that's why I said last night, I think the question the issue in this election is whether America remains America. Look, we have built and this president vibe the strongest, most prosperous nation in the history of the world. I mean, in three short years, we went back on the path the Americans have always tried, strong national defense, low taxes, less regulation, develop our natural resources, stand for the values of life, religious liberty, all all the values the Second Amendment that have always been to the foundation, put America first in our foreign policies, stand for law and order. And President the President laid all all of that out over the last three years. And the Democrats right now, Sean, You've said it well. I mean Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have been overtaken by the radical left. I mean their agenda, among other things, is higher taxes, socialized medicine, open borders, abortion on demand. And I must tell you, I really do believe, I really do believe that when the when the President addresses the nation tonight, you're going to hear him. You're going to hear him lay out that choice to the American people. We have some wonderful speakers over the course of this week. I spoke to Senator Tim Scott today, I thought he was just I thought he was just inspiring on Monday night, and the first lady in the Rose Garden, Karen and I were privileged to be there. And then one speaker after another I saw. I saw herschel Walker today who spoke about his thirty seven year relationship with this president and the and the President Donald Trump that he knows as a man, and and their mutual commitment of faith and freedom. But tonight, I think the American people are going to hear You're going to hear this president lay out our record. You're gonna hear this president lay out of vision for the future. But you're going to hear him lay out the choice. And I truly do believe that it's a choice of whether whether we are going to conte you our nation on the path of the ideals and in values that have always made America great and will make America great again, or whether we're going to take a hard left turn away from all of those ideals and principles and take America, take America somewhere other than we've ever been before. And I promise you we're gonna, We're gonna, We're gonna travel this nation. We're gonna take this message, and I truly too believe we're gonna We're gonna win four more years for President Donald Trump in the White House. For stations along the Sean Hannity Show network, we're continuing our coverage with Vice President. Uh, Mike Pencils with us. Uh. It's fascinating to me. So I watched the Democrats and it was pretty much I Hate Trump fest, and I hated it more than you hate him fest. And then they talked a lot about coronavirus. But from the end days after the first identified case, which was January twenty first of this year, I mean, that's how it wasn't that long ago. Ten days later, President Trump put in place to first travel band. There was subsequent travel bands in the first quarantine to want fifty sixty years, and Joe Biden called that travel band historical xenophobia and fearmongering. The rest of the Senate was in the middle of their Ukrainian impeachment hoax, and of course ignoring Joe Biden bragging about his quid pro quofa zero experience hunter but putting that aside, and I look at where we are now. And today, and Joe Biden was asked what he would do on coronavirus, and he gives a list and every single every single lighting me mentioned you guys had already done. Sean. It's the reason why we wanted to talk about this president's record in responding to the coronavirus pandemic last night. I mean, look, we we grieve, as I said last night, we grieved for the more than one hundred and eighty thousand families that have lost loved once in the course of this pandemic. But but I have to tell you that from the moment this president suspended all travel from China before the end of January, stood up the White House Coronavirus Task Force. We have brought up not only a whole of government, but a whole of America response to this effort. I mean, we started working on a vaccine the first week of February when the nih first got the genetic coding for the vaccine. And I just got a report. We had the White House Coronavirus Task Force that met today. I just got another report that that we are making steady progress. We're in phase three clinical trials in record time, and I believe we will have the first coronavirus vaccine tens of millions of doses for the American people before the end of this year. When we started this process, we were doing testing in state of laboratories and CDC labs. When I was asked at the end of February to lead the Coronavirus Task Force, we had done eight thousand coronavirus tests total. Now we do eight hundred thousand tests a day. We've distributed billions of personal protective equipment. We manufactured one hundred thousand ventilators in one hundred days. We've been distributing therapeutics and medicines. I must tell you we mourn with those who mourn, and grieve with those who grieve, and we will never never diminish the losses that American families have experienced. But when I see the way the American people have responded, our healthcare community has responded, and the way that this President has led all fifty states and territories to respond to this, I just I couldn't be more proud of this country and couldn't be more proud to serve along beside this president and all the second guessing by Joe Biden and his running mate won't won't change the fact of what this president did and how wrong Joe Biden was. Your point is exactly right. When the President shut off all travel from China, Sean, I can tell you for a fact, that saved countless American lives. It bought us invaluable time to stand up an industrial response across this country, the likes of which we hadn't done since World War Two. I mean, the truth is, we knew that many people actually died in northern Italy when the coronavirus pandemic struck there because the hospitals were overwhelmed because they didn't have equipment, they didn't have supplies. But when the presidents looked, he looked at the second largest economy in the world, and before there was a first community transmission case in this country, the President shut off all travel from China. He said, We're going to put the health of America first. We're going to stand up Coronavirus Task Force that gave us the opportunity to launch this massive mobilization to make sure our incredible doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers had the PPE, had the equipment, We scaled out the testing to meet this moment, so we're we'll have that debate in the days ahead. But I must tell you that the president's foresight in making that decision as he did in January, made an enormous difference in our national response. And I wanted people to be clear that we're not going to rest. We're not going to relent until until the day comes that we have that vaccine and we put the coronavirus in the past. Last question, mister Vice President, thank you for being generous with your time. Nancy Pelosi's urging Biden not to debate and labeling Republicans enemies of the state your final remarks, and then I know you have to run. Well, I wouldn't dignify the second comment, but but I will tell I understand why she wouldn't want Joe Biden to debate President Trump. I mean, I remember those debates back in twenty sixteen, and this is a president who knows how to communicate directly to the American people. And I'm I got to tell you, Sean, you you know him longer and better than most. And I'm just counting the days. I'm counting the days to the President Donald Trump and Joe Biden on the stage. And I also can't wait to get to Salt Lake City for that vice presidential debate because we've got a we've got a record to share. This president has a vision for this country and the choice in this election has never been clearer. And we're gonna seize the debates. We're gonna seize every opportunity to take that choice to the American people. And I believe with all of my heart and if all of us do we need to do, we're gonna win four more years for President Donald Trump in the White House. It's the vice president. It was an honor to be at Fort McHenry. I'll be on the South Lawn broadcasting tonight as well our TV show. Always generous with your time. Thank you sir for being with us. Thank you, Sean. Great to be back on the program. We will talk, so all right twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean. You want to be a part of the program Live for you or died, don't forget live signing seven Eastern tomorrow. If you're interested in autograph copies and who's am seeing that that would be it's actually going to be somebody from Premiere collectible. Cool. All right, so anyway, and you'll be answering the audience's questions. Audiences questions. Okay for your sign copy. All right, let's get right to it. It is now today, sixty eight days until you are the ultimate jury. Nancy Pelosi, as we predicted very early on, the Democrats are worried about Biden debating Trump, and this is her urging Biden not to debate Trump. I myself just don't tell anybody I told you this, especially don't tell Joe Biden. I don't think that there should be any debates. I do not think that the President of the United States has comported himself in a way that anybody has any association with truth, evidence, data, and facts. I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States. All right, here with reaction all that, we call him the architect, former deputy Chief of Staff, senior advisor or President Bush forty three, author of the book The Triumph of William McKinley, and, by the way, author of Courage and Consequences. Fox News contributor Karl Rove sir, how are you good afternoon? How are you reporting for duty? But we can't see whiteboards on radio, but uh, let's get let's get some board. Incidentally, I have a whiteboard, but I had to buy it myself at the CBS because you keep saying you're gonna be sending them to me, and they never show up. I can't believe somebody keeps stealing it. That's why you know, I'm very concerned about mel and voting. Nothing gets there. It's in the mail, carl Um exactly. So this does not surprise me. Um to me, you know the two weeks I want to get you a comparison d n CRNC convention and Pelosi's comments. Well, Pelosi, look this this is a first of all, if I were Joe Biden, I'd be saying this is not helpful because the American people are going to insist upon a presidential debate. It has been thus since nineteen seventy six, since nineteen eighty four, there have been three debates each and every time, and uh, you know, they're just not gonna they're they're they're not gonna eat bails on this, and it's gonna be a big market. It's gonna any concern that people have that he's not up to the job, that he's too old, will be absolutely confirmed if he does it. And the other thing is, look think about that. Listen to her voice. She hates the president, and she did test the president, and she can't stand the president, and it comes across so clearly that's not what people wanted their leaders. They want they want the leaders of the country. Maybe they've got disagreements, but they don't want them to just be so filled with hatred. And you know what it's causing. It's causing us not to move forward on necessary practical steps that most Americans believe ought to be taken to deal with our COVID nineteen situation. The PPP program, which has been so successful at keeping people in their jobs and keeping small businesses going, is running out of money. And you go talked up on Capitol Hill in virtue, everybody will agree we ought to into it. She is so angry at the president. She's not negotiated that you know, we've got we've got an agreement that we ought to do something. Maybe not six hundred dollars more a week on moment, but we need to do something a little bit more. And for everybody who's out of work, and but she won't sit out and negotiating. I talked to a friend of mine who's part of the negotiations, a really sensible, thoughtful member of the Senate, who told me they walk in and you know, Pelosi would say, Pelosi and Shuman, and Schuman's like her little pool. You know, the purse guy. You know, he's the guy who's carrying her out her purse to the meetings. So they have these meetings and the Democrats will have said, well, we want two hundred billion dollars for this, and the Republicans say, well, we don't want to spend anything, you know, but we'll give you one hundred billion dollars. And suddenly the Democrats say, no, no, no, we want two hundred and fifty billion dollars. Clearly no intention at all of negotiating. And that's what Nancy Pelosi's anger to president has driven her to do. And it's costing her politically, not not to mention it's costing the American people. Well, I think it's even worse than that number one. They're they're asking for three trillion. So there's a difference between the bees and the triple and the teas when get down to it, but the president just acts by executive order. He got four hundred bucks a week for those states that wanted to participate. Let's just get your general overview. Now we've had a week of the Democrats. To me, it was like a bad, you know, college kid doing a podcast most of the time versus what is you know, a very and by the way, a lot of anger. And the whole thing was I hate Trump, we're radical socialists that we hate Trump, and versus what I thought was an incredibly diverse Republican party dealing even mentioning that riots are happening around the country. Right, yeah, look, look, big, big difference. I mean, the production values on the Republicans dimension are much higher. The diversity is not only broad, but also surprising. I mean, you know, you sit there and you know you're the average American and you're looking there saying, oh my goodness, gracious that Kim Scott. He's really impressive. You know, Oh my gosh, Nicki Haley. I didn't know she was Southeast Asian, you know, I mean, think about that one night, two member lines. My father wore a turban and my mother wore a Surrey A series, So I know what I know what it is to face discrimination. And Tim Scott, my family went from picking cotton to Congress in one lifetime. I mean, really exceptional performance. And look, the Republicans are more upbeat and they're more about the principles. You'll notice there's something It's like, Look they had the cop What a wonderful guy, a New Mexico policeman who adopts the child, the infant of the heroin addict. Now what does that have to do with politics? It exemplifies the kind of values at the Republican Party, and the Republicans hold up of charity and compassion. And then the Republican Convention has been filled with moments like that where people are talking about self reliance and about personal responsibility and about patriotism. I mean that young man from North Carolina who's in the wheelchair are ensued to be youngest congressman standing up. Uh was really a powerful moment. I think there's there's been so many of them. And being a part of it and being there, you know when we'll be in there, We'll be in the South Lawn tonight when the President gives this speech and broadcast. That's it Lord over the rest of us who have to watch on good grief. I did have one good grief. You know. I have to take grief from Karl Rove every time I talk to him. So but by the way, I remember I had one of the last interviews with forty three, and I remember I was in the Oval office with him. I said, well, I'm not going to be seeing this place for a long time. I had eight years in exile. Karl, Well, you're gonna be in You're gonna be in an historic moment tonight. Well it'll be My suspicion is the executive producer in the Republican National Convension has arranged a surprise each night, and I think he's going to probably have his best surprise for tonight. Let's talk about the violence erupting around the country, never mentioned at all and DNC convention. How do you ignore you know, you know, eighty plus days of rioting in Portland, or what's happened in what happens in Chicago every weekend? What's happening in New York? By the way, what do all these cities have in common? Krawlrove run by liberal Democrats, for decades. Right. What's interesting to me about this is this, this should not be difficult. You know, there is a gigantic majority in this country who believe that people have a right to protests, and its protests following George Floyd were justified and that people had a right to turn out the streets to demonstrate on behalf of justice. But they also believe that violence is not justified under any means, under any way, shape or form in connection with these protests. So Biden has had the ability to save both things, but he can only bring himself to say the first and not the second. And last night it's a sign of something that they're beginning over there to figure out that it has been a mistake for them not to not to hit that second note that this violence is unjustified. You know, like Minneapolis. I found he had nine during the entire problem in Minneapolis, he had nine words condemning the violence. And we had a week as dishwater command. Last night and it was only because it was in the middle of the Republican Convention and he was getting beat up on this. Now, ordinary Americans are going to look at this and at his behavior of the last several months. By the way, when you say ordinary, that means we smelly Walmart shoppers. But go ahead, deplorable those of us who cling to our religion and our guns. You know, this is a problem for him, and it's to me, it's inexplicable. Why why he let himself be put in this position? And you know what my conclusion is. My conclusion is is that he is surrounded by people who tell him, Joe, you can't do that because that's going to alienate our base. That's why you got to go out there and say you're going to do these things too. We're going to get rid of oil and gas. And that's why you got to go out there and say these things that you know, we're gonna get a wealth tax, and we got four trillion dollars in taxes you got. You got to go out there and appease your left wing base. I'm going to be the most liberal president in history. I mean, this guy used to be known as a centrist Democrat, but he is weak, and he is now surrounded by people who are pushing him to the left, and his party is pushing you to the left. You know, he's sitting up there trying to make certain that Bernie loves him, and that AOC is in his camp, and that the hard left of the Democratic Party is happy with him. All right, quick break more with Karl Rove on the other side. Right, as we continue with the architect Karl Rove, I am saying, this is the most radical, extreme socialist now embracing ticket of any major party in history. So my question is now that he's adopted Bolshevik Bernie's economic plans and pledging trillions to AOC's new Green deal, and he takes somebody even to the left of Bernie Sanders, who was once an outlier in the Democratic Party and viewed as an annoyance. Now he's mainstream. But I don't see any outreach. That's that's not the way things are usually done. Call that you go harder left when you get the nomination. Yeah, well, I think I think a couple of things. One is, I think they think that it's enough to say Donald Trump is a horrible human being and Joe's a decent guy, and that covers up they think of all the rest of this stuff. Now that you know that, maybe that's sort of as I put in my Wall Street Journal, call him a week ago, that's sort of like the you know, four corner strategy in basketball or to prevent defense in football, and you know, they're just trying to run out the clock thinking that that's going to be sufficient. And if the president lays out a second term agenda, and if the president continues to be to do what has been done the last three three days, which is to contrast what he has done and what he believes and what he wants to do with what Joe Biden wants to do, then the President's got a great chance at this because sometimes if you try and run out the clock, it turns out that you're simply running out your chance to pursue a winning strategy. Let's look at the electoral map. You have to run the table of you're a Republican electoral college. Okay, Florida, you gotta win Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, Iowa, you gotta win Arizona. Then you want to look at Nevada, New Mexico, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania. You certainly have to put in play in New Hampshire in the second congressional district of Maine, which could decide at all, right, and the second congressional district of Nebraska, which you which you actually buy television in Omaha, Nebraska to cover Western Ireland. It also has the salutary effect of covering the second district of Nebraska. Those are the Nebraska, Maine or the two states that award their electoral college food by congressional district. So yeah, look, I feel good about Ohio. I think, in fact, the absence of the Democrats playing hard for Ohio says something I feel good about. I feel good about Georgia North Carolina. The President has been doing frankly better there than he's been doing in Florida. I think Florida ends up being in his column because it's his home stadium because the state is trending slightly more Republican, and things like the criminal justice reform and his attitude towards Venezuela and his attitude towards Cuba and his support for charter schools allow him to get Cuban, American, Venezuelan, American, Puerto Rican Americans, and African Americans above the normal number for Republicans. But look, you know this comes down to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Because he had three hundred and six electoral votes. Now we had two faithless electors, so he actually got three h four in the electoral college, but he had he won states representing three hundred and six. He loses Michigan, takes him to two ninety, he loses Pennsylvania, It puts him at two seventy. He loses Wisconsin, he's at two sixty and no longer president. Or even if he wins Wisconsin, if he loses main too or Nebraska, he's at two sixty nine and Biden's at two seventy one. So you've got it, you've got I like the fact that they're talking about playing offense. And you'll notice the president is going tomorrow to New Hampshire. It's his first stop after the convention. Barely lost it Minnesota. You'll notice we had we had the mayor of a small town, a Democrat mayor of a small town, and the Iron Range of northern Minnesota talking about we had a number of Minnesota's on the stage. So that's the signal that they're thinking about it. Not that I want to catch off. Karl Rove the architect, thank you as always, great analysis. I concurred completely eight hundred nine for one Seawan Tolfree telephone number, News Round Up, Information Overload hour. Kevin McCarthy will check in with us. He is the Republican leader in the House. Also Harold Ham on energy and how important that is to this election. Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com forty percent off, Live Free or Die, and tonight from the South Lawn where the President will be Speed Hannity nine Eastern. Please set you a DVR every night, quick break right back, We'll continue all right, News Round Up, Information Overload our eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. It is now day four. Tonight we'll be broadcasting Hannity from the South Lawn at the White House where the President will give his address at the Republican National Convention. What a difference to a week makes by pretty much every measure. Let me go back to Nancy Pelosi labeling Republicans or the enemy of the state and saying, well, don't tell anybody, but I wouldn't debate Trump if I were Biden. We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, and sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and are honoring our constitution right at sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States. They're doing everything they can suppress the vote with your actions, scare people, intimidate by saying law enforce movie there, diminish the role of the postal system in all of this. It's really actually shameful enemies of the state. I myself just don't tell anybody I told you this, especially don't tell Joe Biden. I don't think that there should be any debates. I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States. Anyway. That was Nancy Pelosi joining us now Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, congressman, thanks for being with us. Your reaction her two remarks. It reminds me when Clinton called us deplorable, and now she says we're domestic enemies. And it's not just the president she's calling this, she's calling the members of Congress. She's calling it you, she's calling it your viewers, your listeners, because that's what she thinks of us. And for her to say not to have a debate. It just tells me that she does not want to really reveal the dangerous and disastrous ideas of Biden. They're fearful of Biden going anywhere. How do you run for the leader of the free world and never leave Delaware? How is that possible? How do you think you're gonna win Wisconsin if you haven't been there in more than six hundred days? And how do you think that you just now say something's wrong about what's happening in the streets when it's happened every single night in Portland, Chicago, everywhere else. Well, I think you're raising great questions. What is the real reason she doesn't want Biden to debate Donald Trump? Now, I've been very very clear to me. The Biden that left four years ago, this Biden now seems weak. He seems frail, He seems out of it. Sometimes he doesn't know what office he's running for, He doesn't know what day of the week it is. Okay, he got through reading the teleprompter, the President said maybe we ought a drug test. Everybody before the debate, and the media, of course, their heads are spinning three sixty in projectile Vomit comes out well that's pretty much an average day for them. But you know you're right, three nights in a row Kenosha, Wisconsin, and you know all this violence. Now the President, at the request of the governor, is sending in the National Guard and order and law and order and peace and security will be restored. And had the governor listened to the President from the beginning and the experts that not in just two hundred and fifty national guards, but sin that seven hundred and fifty, we would not be having this problem night after night. This is what the Democrats are most fearful of, showing what their policies actually create. And I will tell you Joe Biden, he should want a debate. He's been in office for forty seven years. He should be the greatest debater of all time in the Senate. But think about how long he's been there. When he first went to the Senate, he served with people born in the eighteen hundreds. That's how long this man's been associated with Washington. And for every time he tells me about a problem, I'm gonna look, you have been there for about my entire lifetime. What have you ever done to solve a problem? We've sent our correspondent Lawrence Jones, the official correspondent of the Sean Hannity Radio and TV show, to all of these cities, and we ask people the same question, what has Biden done in fifty years in the swamp and the sewer and by the way, Biden pillows the insumer, that's one hundred and twenty five years of swamp experience. What have they done? What has Biden done to improve the lives of the American people? Can you can you cite one specific thing he's done to make your life better? Well, he seems nice, he smiles. Uh. That's those are the answers we're getting because there is no answer. I can give you, Kevin, chapter and verse of what Donald Trump did in less than four years exactly, but you could also see what Biden did do to make the problem worse. Remember he authored the crime bill. It was it was President Trump that actually made a fundamental change Obama tried in putting You watched time and again our economy could have grown them, but their policies only harmed us. We watched Joni Earnst last night talk about the successes from speaker after speaker. I'll tell you the contrast between the Republican Convention of the Democrat could not be brighter. The idea that they go get some movie star, and what do we have an American star? The person you see on the streets that wants to raise a family, to have a job, and they just found their life is better. And you know what a lot of those were Democrats, and many of them come from every different walk of life, from gender to color and others. And those are the people that President Trump highlights. Why because those are the people he has listened to and kept his promise for. Let's talk about how do you not mention for four straight nights at the DNC convention nine words? Carl Rod remind us that's it. That was although Joe Biden mentioned about the violence and American cities that have now been ongoing for over three months, and it's like, okay, what here, no evil, see no evil? Say no, Well, how do you stick your head in the sands when people are dying and businesses are being destroyed and you just deny the reality? I mean, actually, you know, when I get back, you know to regular programming, which you know and obviously covering the news, which is what we do. But you have a scene of fake news CNN with flames of flying everywhere, fiery but mostly peaceful protests after police shooting. There's nothing peaceful what's been happening here? No Joe mind should go and get out of Delaware and just listen to families. They're scared. They're scared to walk the streets that they walked every day before. How many reports do you see day in and day out of somebody being beaten to being in a coma but somehow that was a safe protest, or you see buildings being burnt. I mean, what's happening in Wisconsin. That's an Americana city of about one hundred thousand people. And who's coming in and doing that comes from Chicago. We watched her, but what was the mayor of Chicago do? She protects her street and thinks she has a right for her protection, but the rest of the people, their lives don't matter. How is every single weekend we hear a report of a young child or somebody else being shot and killed in those cities? And what's the common denominator? They've had Democrats government, Democrat leadership for number of years, and that's what Joe Biden, how can he ignore that when you watched city after city, American after American afraid. All they want is their way of life back again. They want security, they want safety, and they only see the president willing to stand up for it. The only reason why you're getting National Guard troops down in Wisconsin because the President is pushing and pushing. Same thing happened in the other cities. Well, I gotta tell you something. This is now the biggest choice election in history. I would argue that if Republicans stay united, Republicans lay out a plan for restoring law and order. We see unemployment. You know, they were predicting twenty five percent. Now let's blow ten percent. And I did not expect these jobs to come back this quickly. But there's got the very specific issues of Okay, well, Biden had eight years with Barak, and what do they do. They didn't do criminal justice reform, police reform, opportunity zones. They didn't, you know, create the jobs. It was the worst recovery since the forties. They put thirteen million more Americans on food stamps and eight million more in poverty, and the worst labor participation rate since the seventies. They said nothing about coronavirus when it actually mattered and Donald Trump was acting. They were busy with their sham impeachment trial hoax. You're exactly right. This is a fundamental question. Are we going to go forward or are we going to go backward? Do you believe in hope and cure? Are shutting the shutting those businesses down again? I mean, look what this president has been able to do. We just saw Abbott now come up with a home test for five dollars, and what President Trump do. He bought one hundred and fifty million of them, sending to every elderly homecare, every school, and others to protect America. President Trump's talking about a vaccine while Joe Biden sits in Delaware and says, no, I'm going to shut all businesses down again. When you want about hope, which you see what's happening in the Middle East. Everybody's talked about Middle East beast. You've seen generation after generation talk about it. Something just happened under President Trump that we have not seen in decades, a country recognizing Israel after he moved the embassy to Jerusalem. He was right then and he's right now. We watched the biggest economy race, every single family up, and he's watching that he could do it again. You have a very clear choice. And that's why it's not just and you watch this convention, it's not just Republicans staying together. This president talks about America, the other thing that Joe Biden never talked about. And maybe it's because a hunter China. America is not going to be able to rise even higher unless they're able to confront China. China does want to play in this election. They do want Joe Biden to win, and I guess that's why he wouldn't mention it. But we can never be tied this supply chain again. And that's because President Trump has been working on it. He even warned us when he was just citizen Trump. You know, I'm looking at all of these potential new congressmen and women. I mean, we saw this speech last night from this gentleman that's running in North Carolina. Who would be elected. I guess the youngest, Yeah, I mean ever, Matt Yeah. And then you got I don't know if you watched the viral video of Kimberly Classick. I mean, she she was amazing. And that's just the short list I mean, I can keep going. You got Burgess Owens out, and you tak the fourth congressional district out there that he can win. Nancy Mays, who's in South Carolina, she can win. We have more women running as Republican than in any time in the history of the Republican Party. And that's with President Trump on top. We have more who have won the primary. We have more minorities, we have more veterans. That's because he's opening this party up to be bigger. And that's what you're seeing at this convention that you all have an opportunity. You know, I've always been a big ever a Newts vision of nationalizing elections. We got an election in sixty eight days. It will determine if Donald Trump gets the four more years that I think he deserves, and whether or not Nancy Pelosi remained Speaker, and whether or not Chucky Schumer ever became the Senate Majority leader. God forbid. But you know, to me, it's what my book says, live free or die because their stated policies scare the hell out of me. You are a hundred percent correct, and that's why your book is a bestseller, because that's really the question we have before is not republican or democrat, but as socialism versus freedom, we're going to live free or we're gonna die. Because even Barack Obama says there's no difference between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders and Bernie as a socialist. So you need a real contrast. And if you ask is what we're gonna do, I'm going to tell you in the speech tonight. We're going to renew the American dream. When I talk about the American dream, I think about focusing on the individual. I'm talking about the school choice, the opportunity they're not sitting back, the training, broadband, the freedoms Individually. We're going to restore our way of life because for too long with this COVID, you're wondering what's happening. So we're going to defeat COVID once and for all with a vaccine, with therapeutics and others. We're going to reopen schools, so you go back to your schools. The businesses are going to reopen again, ensuring that you have safe communities that you're not worried about walking down the street. You're not worried in that small business. Is it going to be burned down when you're not. And then we're going to rebuild the greatest economy ever. Why are we ever going to do it? Because we've done it before and we're going to do it again. And as we do it, think about what we've made investment in opportunity zones. So the idea that no one's going to get left behind. You're going to see parts of this community, just as you watched Kim running for Congress in Maryland where she walks through and this has been her entire life in Baltimore, that this is what they have borne into and they can't get out of. We're going to transform that than ever before. And the difference is you have a choice if you want to go to the Dems. I've watched their four days of their convention. What do they support. They want to defund there four days of hate fat there was a hate fast, but we have one minute left, go ahead. They want to defund the police in the border. They want to dismantle our society what's happening in Wisconsin today, And they want to destroy our small businesses. They want to raise your taxes. They hate the President, and they want to defund the police. That's their agenda, all right. Kevin McCarthy is speaking tonight. And by the way, people want to get in touch with you. How do they do it? Take the House dot com, join the team. If you want to retire Nancy Pelosi once and fall and at the end, you'll live free. Are at the end. We don't want the answer of dying. We're going to live free and rebuild this nation freedom verses and capitalism versus the failures guaranteed failures of socialism. We'll be watching tonight, Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican Leader, eight hundred and nine four one sean. You want to be a part of the program, your calls next half hour. By the way, I Live Free or Die forty percent off Amazon dot com. If you're looking for autograph copies tomorrow I'll be back doing in allograph And by the way, you can come to and watch and hang out with us. You don't have to cannot help you. You can come and watch and hang out with us, and you don't need to buy the you know, but we have the virtual town Hall tomorrow night at seven pm, seven pm Eastern. You can join us. It's a premiere Collectibles Live signing. You can get a signed copy of Sean's book. They're all signed autograph copies, and he will be taking your questions to seven pm Eastern. Find out more on Hannity dot com and we will see you there at seven pm Eastern Friday night, twenty five to the top of the hour. A reminder a live town hall taking questions from just just people giving me questions. I'm answering your questions and if you want to get well, I've now signed more as per people asking me of Live Free or Die in America, in the world on the brink, So this will be if you want an opportunity for signed copies, autograph copies, that will be tomorrow night at seven o'clock, or just come hang out with us, ask questions, participate. It's um. I've really come to like these Virtue World town halls and the connection we have with people. It'll be at Hannity dot com seven Eastern tomorrow night. You know, one of the things I'm most concerned about is the policy involving energy. Remember the Green New Deal where we're off of fossil fuels even part of the Bolshevik Bernie and Biden, the ever forgetful Ones manifesto, you know anywhere between ten and fifteen years. Well, just so happens that oil and gas and coal are the lifeblood of the world's economy. How did its lender work out? Side note? And for those of you that live in Pennsylvania and Ohio and Wisconsin and Oklahoma and Texas, I hope you're paying close attention. I want to play Kamala Harris saying that she would ban fracking on public lands by the way. That means by by Pennsylvania fracking and all the millions of high paying career jobs that go with it. Joe Biden saying no new oil drilling or fracking on federal lands. Um, I'm opposed to the Green New Deal, he said. My plan goes beyond it. Wow, And we have to shut down all the coal burning plants. This is what they're saying. This alane is an economic disaster on top of the ninety four trillion that the New Green Deal will cost. Listen, I've argued against any more oil drilling or gastroling on federal lands that we can, and to stop that, I think we should in fact be looking at what exists now and making a judgment whether or not those in fact that are there, those wells that are there, whether or not they're dangerous, or whether or not they've already done the damage, and what we can do from there by trying to change the attitude of the members of the governors of the various state and the state legislatures. Now, we could pass national legislation, but I don't think we'd get it done in terms of getting the votes to get it done. To say, all fracking is going on now ends unless you can show there's some physical security need or worried about explosions, etc. Which is a legitimate thing to worry about, but I would not allow anymore. Also, I just want to point out fairness to you. To the governor of Pennsylvania, he's stopped short. He's moved to regulate and limits and fracking. It stopped short of calling for a statewide band. So just be clear, you would not call for a band statewide on fracking or nationwide. You said stop new oil and gas drilling on federal lands. Yes, you're not saying that you support everything in the original Green New Deal. Do you think it goes too far? As it unrealistic? Promising two months it's not. But here, here's what it is. It doesn't have a lot of specifics, and so the idea. I think the Green New Deal deserves an enormous amount of credit for bringing this to a head in a way that it hasn't been before. It hasn't been But the reason I don't know. I'm not opposed to the Green New Deal what I did when I thought beyond, at least in more detail, what the Green New Deal is calling for, how to do the things we need to do when they have to be done, how quickly we should move, how much we should invest, et cetera. Will there be a point or would you like there to be a pointed? If so, when that everybody drives an electric car or has to drive an electric car, well, I think, look, that's going to be based upon whether or not we can make it economically feasible. And it is economically feasible, because guess what, everybody knows where the world's going. You're not just like you know, we we we we should set out the rules for what kind of plant, you know, coal burning plants. No one's going to build another coal burning We've got to shut the ones down we have, But no one is going to build a new one. Guess what, They're not efficient relative to what else is available to be done. That's why people are going to move and that's why it's going to create so many new jobs for us. There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking. So yeah, and starting and starting with what we can do on day one around public lands, right, and then there has to be legislation. But yes, and this is something I've taken on in California. I have a history of working on this issue. And to your point, and you know that we have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the impact on the health and safety of communities. Yeah, so thank you. Well pretty much spells it out anyway. Here with reaction is Harold Ham is the executive chairman of Continental Resources. It's been involved in the energy industry forever and Harold Ham, I don't know. I mean if somebody, sometimes, someplace somewhere comes up with a cheaper alternative to to easily available energy. Many years ago, I always would go to this invention convention and there was this guy in Louisiana, since passed away, it was an eye idea I found fascinating. I don't know if that would ever be possible, but the theory that he had and put forward was that energy actually existed in gravity and if we could ever tap into that energy would be an endless source of energy for the entire world, which would be transformative. But as of today, no such discovery has been made. And I do believe in science. Your reaction to what Kamala and Joe Biden are proposing here, well, they're they're asking for a miracle. Absolutely that's not going to happen. And you know what we've got from the American energy of renaissances had just been nothing short of tremendous. You mentioned the economy, but it's a lot more than that. You know, we're not beholding that these rogue nations anymore Aboutely our president can have a spine when dealing with my band and Rack and Saudi Arabia, Frank and so if it's given us a h this energy independence has just been tremendous, tremendous what has done for the United States, and and we'll continue to give us not only a great economy as you mentioned, and that's tremendous all the jobs and everything there, but also our ability to deal, uh, you know, with everybody around the world. So you can't have foreign policy, you can't have anything without it. So I was just thinking, the last time I saw you was at the Wilson Basi and Chromium conference. There's been a tremendous amount of good things happened in the last four years since you and I last saw each other. So it's it's a it's it's tremendous, uh, you know, as to what what what has occurred with energy. Everybody talks about practical but really the transformative thing that occurred with technology was our bill to pass all at the tie Red Board with Hordonald thrilling and so horizonal drilling and shell and all. We made so much progress on it, right. I mean, now, I know that you didn't like the dramatic reduction in the price of oil. I hear what you're saying, but you know, cheaper energy is good for consumers. But I do also believe that foreign markets are corrupt and they try and drive American companies out of business, and they're willing to take huge financial losses in the short term to do it. Yeah, they started that in March, and you know, Za Saudis and Russians. Actually we're in a war with each other, in economic war. That began this n turn downturn of all process. Of course, COVID nineteen, you know, took away or demand and brought christ down. But we're saying recovery. We're seeing recovery of demand that airlines back to flying and people driving move and a mirca goes back to work. So prices are coming back and that's good. But you know, it's easy to criticize things. It's like a criticizing and farmer when your mouth is full. It's easy to criticize all and gas when your tank is full and you go down and fill up a lesson two dollars gallon. So anyway, it's it's been a great thing. You'll buy, it's been a great thing for consumers and will continue in the future. And we can't do we can't do without and we can't do without a long gas. California is finding that out right now with always rolling blackouts. You know, you need you need clean burning natural gas, and you know, let's talk about how clean that is. We've had a roll back of the missions and since nineteen seventy seventy seventy percent, we have the cleanest air in the world in America that we enjoy today well and obviously the lifeblood of the world's economy. For the first time in seventy five years. Not only are we energy independent, but we are the largest producer of energy in the world that is on the ballot, Harold Ham in sixty eight days. That alone scares the living hell out of me. Yeah, well it does all of us. You know what we're fighting for. You know this, we're fining pro freedom, the five pro freedom never ends. And here again that's why we're fighting for a way of life. And you're right at it scares the hellhollow us. So it's all about everything that we stand for, our military, veterans, everything. It's the first five hundred days I countada twenty five major things that this play has been to done. You know, keeping his promises, He made the promises, who kept them? So it's commodus Cobsco going on as to the accomplishments of this uh of this president. So John, if we have to u film not only vote for the for the man, but we're voting for all the things that we stand for. Well, Harold Ham, we appreciate you being with us, and we'll see what happens in sixty eight days. The American people the ultimatury, sir, and wishing you all the best. But there is no alternative as of today to what is the lifeblood of the world's economy. Right, let's go to uh, let's see Keith is in Georgia, Keith High. How are you? Glad you called, sir, and welcome to the sewer of the Swamp, Washington, d C. We will be on the South Lawn tonight with our coverage Hannity nine Eastern on Pox GLADU with us, sir, thugis Sean, How are you doing today? I'm good, sir good. Uh yeah, I was just calling um. I was Washington Convention to night, and the story about the young boy who survived because of Donald Trump's Right to Try initiative struck home and I felt need to call one of my best friends. His name was Captain Andrew Matner. He passed away from cancer in twenty sixteen. Before he passed away, he actually met with then candidate Donald Trump at Walter Reid and he called me afterwards before and afterwards he called me. He thought it was supposed to be a photo up and it was far beyond that. He spent a long time with my best friend, and he promised my best friend that he would fix the problem. Back then there was a experimental drug that possibly could have saved my friend, but he couldn't get to it because of the red tape, and Donald Trump fixed it. So I know, it works me up thinking about that he's looking down happy. You know, I gotta tell you something, Well, why not the right to try? Everything else you tried and failed. It's your life, you know what you hear experimental this or that? You you why not? Well, what have you got to lose at that point? Maybe I have young children. Let me try. Before Donald Trump, there was no trying, There was no choice. I think that the woman that spoke earlier in the week of the convention to me was just amazing and amazingly inspiring. But you know, anyway, I'm glad you called anyway South Lawn tonight where the President is speaking night for Republican National Convention. Hannity nine Eastern full coverage as we have had all week on location. Had a great time at Fort McHenry Rose Garden an incredible week. What a difference of week makes right? All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Our final radio day here in the Swamp. Will be back home and the other swamp tomorrow, but we'll be on the south lawn of the White House. Hannity nine Eastern Fox News Channel. Set your DVR. Hope you'll join us. The President speaks tonight, the final night of the r NC. We will be there Hannity at nine straight up. Hope you'll join us. And don't forget Amazon dot com Hannity dot com forty percent off, Live free or die, America in the world on the brink. If you've not gotten your copy, see it tonight. Back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us.

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