Sean is joined by Gregg Jarrett, John Solomon, Sharyl Attkisson, Ken Starr, Matt Towery, Newt Gingrich and Bill O'Reilly to level-set on just how important the Senate race in Georgia is.
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All right, clach you with US Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. Yeah. I was talking earlier how the media's corrupt media didn't care about Russia collusion with Hillary's dirty dossier, or the of course the subpoena emails deleted, and you know, the dirty premeditated fraud and a FISA court. They didn't care about Joe's quid pro quo. They don't only if they can bludgeon a Republican or Trump. In this case, it's just Trump and the American people. They don't care. You can't even ask questions. You have thousands of ballots showing up this week alone in Georgia. Why question it? That's you. You're you're being unfair to question it, which is ridiculous because I'm sure if it was in reverse, Democrats would be saying, we've got thousands of new ballots that appear over two weeks later. Everybody in the media would say it. But I, you know, looked at the whole twenty twenty election campaign, and what do you have the the candidate, the media mob, big tech, the candidate protection program. Biden hides in the basement, they do his dirty work. They slamm Donald Trump twenty four to seven pretty much how it works, and then they don't even allow you the choice of the option of getting information. Now, I was talking about a very small ensemble cast that we put together, and we spent the better part of three years, and we've been proven right on everything that we reported. The mob and the media pedal lies in conspiracy theories, and they were never held accountable because they don't care about fairness. They didn't care about real Russia collusion only if they could bludge in Trump or real quid pro quos unless they can say it's Trump. They didn't care about any of it anyway. Two of the cast members in this whole cast that we put together, Greg Jarted, host of his new podcast, By the Way, The Brief at two New York Times bestsellers, The Russia Hoax witch Hunt, and John Solomon, now editor in chief Justinnews dot Com his book bestseller Fallout. Welcome both of you to the program. In the bigger picture, Greg, you understand what I'm saying here is there wasn't really many of us for that three year period. And John Solomon, you even got it started. But Greg, I'll start with you that were exposing what ultimately turned out to be vindicated and true. Now people haven't been held accountable. That's a separate issue. Well, you're absolutely right. The media hates Donald Trump. They loathe the man, They despise his policies. They were shocked that he won in November of two thousand and sixteen, and so they spent the better part of the last four years trying to vilify and demonize Trump, and many of them still claim he stole the two thousand and sixteen election by conspiring or colluding with the Kremlin in the bowels somewhere, and of course that's utterly been rebutted and disproven. It was actually a hoax that was invented by another other than Hillary Clinton. But the media never cared. They didn't care about facts, were evidence, or proof. They ran with phony fault stories based on bias anonymous sources, and they try to destroy Trump and drive him from office. The great irony is, even though now there is eyewitness evidence and testimony and affidavits of not just irregularities but voting fraud, the same media doesn't want to spend four weeks in courts of law to make sure that this was a free and fair election and not rigged. But as Jenna Ellis, who is a lawyer for Team Trump, said, what the media believes in their opinion doesn't matter. She's absolutely right in my judgment, the media is so biased they are irrelevant. John Solomon, your take, Yeah, I think Craig has it right. I think the media squander whatever credibility and connectivity it had to the American people with its willful ignorance. It's bad reporting, it's bad polls. Let's remember the Washington Post had Donald Trump down seventeen points in Wisconsin on election Day. That's just shameful to be that far off, and they're polling, and I think when you're done, the credibility of the media is there. And I think, you know, when I go around the country and I talk to people, or when people call into just the news, they want to talk to me. One of the things they are just mystified by as an utter lack of curiosity by today's reporters. They're just not interested in talking to Jesse Jacob, the woman who worked in the City of Election City election center in Detroit, who lays out fraud she witnessed it. She says she participated it. She can name the supervisors who told her to do it. They don't interview her. They don't interview the people within the Vada Native Vote Project, where gifts were being given out as inducements to get people to pay. There's just an utter lack of curiosity among reporters. It's willful ignorance, and it's why the old fashioned media are in danger of being swept away as irrelevant. But I don't think you can render them irrelevant when you think of just they have no desire to ever tell the truth on major issues that have impact this country, and that you know, you would think affidavits of American citizens given under the threat of perjury would be worthy of an interview or an investigation, even hard questioning you know, what do you mean you saw this? Can you prove you saw this? Did you take videos of this? Etcetera, etcetera? How did you report this? That would just be simple, fundamental, you know, one on one journalism, wouldn't it, Greg. It's it's media malpractice on steroids, as I've said before, and frankly, nobody believes the media anymore. They have squandered all credibility. They now have a license to lie, and they do it with impunity, and they've shamed themselves, They've disgraced their profession. And you know, look at any poll over the last three or four years, and you know you've got a confidence in the media hovering in the single digits as they've been proven wrong so often. You know, it's it's chicken little. This guy is falling in it. This guy, it turns out, is blue and not falling on anybody. And this is a perfect example. When you have people who signed sworn affidavit center penalty of verjury, who say that phantom ballots, ballots without names or being assigned random names, and those votes go for Joe Biden. When you have invalid tardy ballots that are being deliberately backdated to make them valid ballots for Joe Biden, you know, these are serious concerns. And if if Joe Biden really wants to be considered a legitimate president, he should demand that these inquiries and investigations and legal challenges be had. But John, that's never going to happen. But I meant they let this guy get through an entire election cycle hiding. They helped them hide. They did all the dirty work to smear Trump for him, and they never asked him a tough question. That's where we are, and they never dug in. They never dug in on the Hunter Biden thing one bit. But here's an amazing thing. And I think this is the proof of the power of the platform you have, Sean, with your radio and your TV shows, and with Gregg and his amazing books and just the news. These facts are now getting around the media to the American people. And how do I know it. I've been running poles the last couple weeks trying to measure this. A majority of Americans, I think, like seventy percent said they believed Joe Biden engaged in a conflict of interest with his son in Ukraine. Today we have a poll A majority of Americans believe a special prosecutor should be named to investigate Hunter Biden and Joe Biden shakedown across the globe. They couldn't feel that way if they didn't know about it. And what it shows you is they're getting these messages through new means like Greg's great books, your shows, our site, and other places. So I'm optimistic that this new ecosystem of people that were building truth tellers and new realms can get around the complete blackout that the news media has given to these issues for four years. Okay, let me play that's advocate and let me let me let me be the pessimist here, because with all the low hanging fruit and premeditated fraud on a FISA court and let's see a dirty Russian dassier used as the basis for that, and of course you know subpoened, emails deleted and bleach button who's been held accountable in the past. Why should people listening to us even though we got it all right? Why would they believe that it's going to end any other way except the fixes in on everything. I would remind people of the report that Joe Biden says he will not interfere in any Department of Justice investigations, which means that the Durham investigation will continue to its conclusion. I have faith in injustice, and actually I have faith in Bill Barr and John Durham, both of whom have a record of completing investigations and calling it in a non political, nonpartisan way. And I think there will be people held accountable. And you know, I hope that that will instill a greater faith in our system of justice across America. Look at the report that came out yesterday and that then them to the September twenty third report of Senators Grassley and Johnson talking about deep ties. We're talking about zero experience Hunter and Joe Biden creating counterintelligence and extortion concerns. And Biden was the subject of this staff report, and this is the one that went into the Russian alagarks, the kazakhlagarks, the Chinese nationals, the three and a half million dollars first Lady of Moscow, the money's transferred for a new car shopping sprees. I mean serious allegations. I've seen nobody in the mainstream media. John Solomon just us, the few of us, not a lot of us, a select group. We go our own way. We get to the truth because we get it wrong, we get the crap kicked out of us. So we have to get everything right. We even took our time, when we had stories lined up triple confirmed, we'd still wait to make sure beyond any doubt before we'd go with it. How many times do we do that during this process over Russia? Russia, we did and let me take a look at Greg's books. The incredible footnoting and precision of every fact and is every one of his books in my book was famous. We took great care because we owe the American people the truth, not the half truths or the bogus truths or the fiction. At The New York Times and the Washington Post fed this country for a long long time. And I think that in this process. You know, one of the things that I'm just amazed in watching over the last few weeks. The more the New York Times, the Washington Post and the networks ignore this, the more people become curious and looking at they have figured it out. And when they hear something being knocked down in the media, they're getting more curious. For the first time. It's like, oh, if the media is knocking it down, I better check into it. That's dynamic is going on. I see it in our polling, I see it in the people coming to our site. I think there's a new ecosystem. I'm not as pessimistic as you, Sean. Actually, I want to talk for you, but I really believe there's a new ecosystem where books and radio shows and new websites can get the truth out, and the Washington Post and the New York Times won't matter a damn to the American people in the not so distant future. I think we get there, But how do we get there with this election in particular. Yeah, it's a great question. I think you follow the process established by all state legislatures, and that's a legal process. You file a petition before a court, and you go to a judge and you present the evidence, the affidavit's the eyewitnesses. A hearing is hell. That evidence is then tested and if there it is compelling enough, then a judge issues an order and the rat could be for an audit, it can be for a recount. It could be to discount a certain category of votes, such as votes that came in late. So, you know, the process needs to be played out. That's how it works in America. It's not the media that ordains the president of the United States or coronates him. No, it's the American people through the electoral process. And where there are serious, legitimate questions about the integrity of that process, it needs to be examined. And that's the process that's unfolding right now. Don't have a lot of time left. You watch this today, Greg Jarrett, Republicans, Democrat, left wing media all critical of dominion. Not now? Why not when there's a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury that there's a backdoor to the software that allows tens of thousands of votes to be changed with a click of a mouse or the pressing of a keyboard. So I think this needs now to be looked at in a court of law, the evidence presented, tested, examined, and a decision made as to what to do next. Last word, John Solomon, you know, I think the state legislatures can play a big role here. They have subpoena power. They can get the communications, the records in start exploiting things that are being withheld from the legal teams. I'd love to see the state legislators do what Devin un Is, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, and Lindsey Graham did in Russia on this election. That's the missing component in this investigation right now. But is there time to get it in terms of impact in the race or no? Sure, subpoena can be given a day to five days and you get the documents. It's not that hard. Greg Quick, Absolutely, I covered the two thousand election contest thirty seven days. There's plenty of time to do it. Quick break, we got Cheryl Atkinson Ken Starr all coming up as we continue, all right twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, let's just listen to the media. It doesn't matter how many hundreds of people who sided in affidavit. They don't even want to hear it. The media ignored everything as it relates to this phony trumped up Trump Russia collusion and just outright lied to us for years. If partisan observers is the statutory language in voting, law's sake, and watch the counting, and they're not allowed to watch. They don't care. They don't care at all because they're candidate one, because they're smearing Trump. They didn't care about Hillary's dirty dossier though, they didn't care about spying on a candidate because it wasn't theirs or a president because it wasn't theirs. They didn't care about a quid pro quo with Ukraine because they protect their own and this is just a state of affairs. So if there are legitimate questions and people that say, for example, I'm a here lawfully, I've actually observed elections for twenty years, but I wasn't allowed this year, and hundreds of people testify to that fact, which is in the law. Why would we ever want to hear them. Here's the mob breaking overnight American democracy. Actually it didn't break, but it wasn't for lack of trying. The President Trump a dizzy twelve hour period where the president assaulted dedicated civil servants while simultaneously trying to undermine the outcome of an election. The losers in the Republican leadership should take a page and don't lecture us anymore about patriotism or about putting country over party, or rather putting party over country, which is what they did. I never thought i'd see a day where you saw pretty much an entire party in this country refused to accept election results. This is like a sick, childish fantasy that these Republicans, okay, are basically tiptoeing around Donald Trump. Did they ever accept the twenty sixteen election results, because if they did, I missed it. Or did Stacy Abrahams ever accept her loss in Georgia? I think I missed that too. Cheryl Atkinson is back with us. She's written a phenomenal new book and by the way, the timing couldn't be any more perfect for this, and it's called Slanted. How the news media taught us to love censorship, hate journalism and anyway, best selling author in our own right and journalist has been very outspoken on all of this for a long time. Cheryl, welcome back to the program. It's on Amazon dot com now and bookstores everywhere. How are you. I'm great, Thanks so much for having me. You know, if you let's just look at the last four years. Didn't the media pretty much lie daily with conspiracy theories about Trump and Russia and this collusion narrative, And weren't there four separate investigation saying it didn't happen. Well, in my book, I talk about why I don't use the word lie, but there was definitely a false reporting, rampant false misleading and incorrect reporting, a pattern that cannot really be denied in terms of could it be willful or could it just be accidental mistakes? Well, what about when everything that they said it happened didn't happen. Did they ever go on the record and say we want to make a correction here that our reporting was wrong. No, and I think that's really the tell, the fact that they don't see that their mission wasn't accomplished. The mission was accomplished. If you understand, as I think you do, Sean that in many instances it's not journalism as we thought of it traditionally to get at the facts and the truth and be accurate. It's trying to sway public opinion and forward narratives. So even if they're wrong, in the end, there's no apologies. There are usually no firings, there are no maya culpa. And that's because they accomplished the exact mission that they wanted to accomplish in this case, sowing distrust and chaos and their attempt to undermine if not House President Trump now even and then on the other side of it, to show that they've got an agenda. You know, when you have hundreds of our fellow Americans signing a lawful aff of David under the threat of perjury, a legal document they don't even want to they don't even want to entertain it, or for example, of partisan observers, as the statutory language in election law allows for partisan observers in all the states that we're talking about, and partisan observers one after another come out and say no, I wasn't allowed to observe. I would think that following the law would be critical and crucial to instilling confidence in an election for the American people. But they don't care at all, isn't it because they're candidate one? I think so? I mean, this is what is so telling of the conflicted media. A neutral media would have covered this election and the aftermath entirely differently. We were told, after all, in twenty sixteen that Russia interviewed in the election. China will try and has done so before, it'll happen again in twenty twenty. We know that domestic bad actors committed illegal acts allegedly to interfere with President Trump. So neutral journalists would have had every rational reason to be on the ground, digging and watching for any slight hint of impropriety in these swing states and places where we were conducting an election like we've never done before, with different tactics and rules and ballots. And instead you saw the media kind of on a wholesale basis, stepping back and saying we'll show us the evidence that anything bad happened. You know, there was a time that we didn't expect it to walk up on the door, knock on the door and present itself to us. We would search for it, and we would look for it and not simply declare that it doesn't exist simply because the guilty parties haven't come forward and told us what they did. So this is a whole new world in terms of what the media, how it covers something like this, and how it would have covered it. I think if it were unconflicted, see, I think there's a pattern here, and I think the election. I think your analysis is dead on, but I would argue, for exam Hillary's violation of the Espionage Act, Hillary's deleted subpoena at emails, Hillary's dirty bought and paid for Russian dossier spying on a Republican presidential candidate transition team and then president again. If this has happened in reverse, I think we get a very different type of media coverage. Or even let's look at Ukraine and impeachment. I mean, is it did it bother you? With all the talk about quid pro quos that Joe Biden's bragging on tape he leveraged a billion dollars to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired for the say, then we find out his son is making millions with no experience. Would they have ignored that the way they did Biden if the last name was Trump, and you look at the timeline and that was already done and already known by the time that they accused President Trump of impropride in Ukraine, they knew full well because actually some of the liberal press had done stories on these alleged Biden conflicts of interest in Ukraine and elsewhere, so they knew that at the time they were lobbing these counter accusations against President Trump. But as you said, one set of accusations was covered as if proven true when there wasn't evidence, and the other set of accusations was called a conspiracy theory for which there was no evidence, when in fact there was quite a bit of evidence. So you know, what we've got here is a whole system where there's a crisis of continence in what the media reports, with the Department of Justice investigates how our elections are held, I mean, top to bottom social media. I just think we're at a really scary time and a transition to something else. I hope something better as people recognize what's going on and kind of rise up. Yeah, but I don't think it's going to happen. I think Look, I just think the media is in the pockets of all things radical democratic, socialist, and all things especially anything related to Donald Trump. But really the American people, they just have no interest in representing the other side of the story at all. And I really think that there are very few exceptions. Now, I don't see many people in your profession, and you are a journalist. I'm a talk show host. Journalism is a part of what I do, but it's a small part. We even do investigative journalism, and we do opinion, and we do every were pretty much the whole newspaper when you're a talk show host, is my argument. But the media, I think has been corrupted for a long time, and I think they've chosen sides, and I think it's more obvious every day, and I think people have every right not to trust anything that they're told by them. And you can see this agenda on display. I'll give you another example. Do you think that Joe Biden is struggling cognitively. That's a good question. I just don't have enough information. I will say that I've seen indications visually that yes, he's suffering from something, But I also know that what we see I'm not diagnosing him. I'm just asking if he's If that's the same Joe Biden that we knew even when he left office in twenty sixteen. Yeah, I would say a rational person sees what seemed to be fairly normal signs of aging, as happens to a lot of people, and I reckon, it's fair enough. I'm getting older by the day. We all are, right. So my question is, did the media, by allowing him to hide almost half the campaign in his basement bunker, how many tough questions do you believe Joe Biden really got as a candidate? Because I can name ten off the top of my head that he should have had to answer and he didn't. Is that a fair assessment? Absolutely? And you know if Donald Trump, if we play this substitution game, had been so absent and answered so few questions from reporters and disappeared at crucial times like no other presidential candidate, at least in my time, has done. Right before the election. If he had done that, you know what the headlines would have read, and you know how it would have been covered. So that's the dead giveaway. But why sean that? I think something will come of it. I don't mean the media is going to turn around. I just think something else may emerge. Why do I think that because the media has almost universally been against Donald Trump in a very biased and unfair way in my view, and yet he got more votes this time than any other president in history, than any other candidate besides Joe Biden. They say, so, let's put that aside for the moment. Despite social media universally conspiring against him, despite the media almost universally conspiring against him with false information many times over the drum beat over four years, tens of millions of Americans saw pass that and still wanted to vote for Donald Trump. Which makes me think there are a lot of people not listening to this system or operating sort of outside of it in a way that they think is more honest and more real, and that means there's a market for somebody else to develop that. I think a little bit of that is seeing people go from Twitter to parlor. That's just one example of something that's happening because I think the floodgates are about to open. I think that Twitter is in for a big wake up call now, and I think you know, YouTube as well with rumble, and I can see if a Facebook challenger at some point coming on board, and I think their business model is just right for a competitor. I agree. Now you talk, You've actually had insiders at fake News CNN and The New York Times actually talk to you and tell you about what the atmosphere, working environment is there, and they see what we see in terms of their bias. I actually think some of their on air people believe this crap and they've eluded themselves. But that's my own humble opinion. What are they telling you. We know the whole chapter on CNN, whole chapter on New York Times. I worked at CNN back when it was a news organization, and I can tell you that the CNN ors I know, and some of them are quoted in the book, are horrified at the turn of events at the place that used could be seen as really the best place that we had, where news was firewalled from opinion, and that we were as neutral as it was. Perhaps possible to be, by the way, when we were run by Ted Turner, a liberal billionaire donor who didn't interfere at least. Ever, when I worked there on any sort of daily basis with what we reported, and I knew we were supposed to be neutral, I would never have dreamed of inserting my opinions and diagnosis of any politician. That was done in a very relative few political shows we had, or maybe Larry King Live and Crossfire. The rest of the programs at CNND at the time were non political coverage. There's a lot going on in the world not surrounding these two or three topics we beat to death every day because the propagandists want to put these narratives on the table, and so Yes. In the book, I talked to former executives and current insiders at CNN, New York Times, ABC, MSNBC, people who have worked or worked at sixty minutes, all the networks, and they do see a lot of what we see. But if you understand and they want to keep their job. Last question, Yeah, and I've seed two thousand and seven, two thousand and seven and eight journalism is dead in large. I believe that is more true than ever. Am I right? I do think traditional journalism. I say it's the death of the news as we once knew it. There's something else now, but it's certainly not what you and I came to think of as journalism. Kind of sad, but a lot of depth, a lot of research, a lot of work, and if you really want to understand how corrupt this hall is. Charyl Atkinson has a brand new book out. It's called Slanted, How the News Media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism. You can get it at Amazon dot com. We put it up on Hannity dot com. It's now on bookstores everywhere. Charyl Atkinson, great book. Thanks for being one of us. We appreciate your time. Thanks so much. Sean takes there all right. When we come back the legal case with Ken's Starr, who's been really outstanding on all of this eight hundred and ninety four one sewn you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. Right News round Up, Information Overload, our Sean Hannity Show. Sidney Powell had a powerful close today in this long press conference, and here's what She said, this is stunning, heartbreaking, infuriating, and the most unpatriotic acts I can even imagine for people in this country to have participated in in any way, shape or form. And I want the American public to know right now that we will not be intimidated. American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government, and we are going to take this country back. We are not going to be intimidated. We are not going to back down. We are going to clean this mess up. Now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it. And we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom. All right, Sydney Powell from that pressor from earlier today. Maybe I don't know, after all these years and you see where we are. Did anyone care that the narrative the media and Democrats sold us on Russia was alive for three years? Did they care about the real Russian dossier that Hillary paid for? They did not. Did they care about obstruction with the leaded emails? They did not. Did they care about spying on a president presidential candidate transition team? They did not. The media lied for three long years the American people that the evidence was overwhelming, it was incontrovertible, and it was proven over and over again. Did they really care about a quid pro quel in Ukraine? Well, if they did, how do you ignore Joe Biden bragging he leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars to fire your Ukrainian prosecutor so his zero experience on could be paid millions? Care about you know, Russian oligarch so bad? Why didn't they care about the wire transfers the Senators Johnson and Grassley were able to expose as it relates to Hunter Biden. If they care about being compromised by the Chinese, why didn't they care about the billion five deal with the Bank of China that Hunter got after flying on Air Force two with Daddy or the Kazakh oligarch. You see where the double standard is. The news media has chosen side. It's big Tech has chosen sides, and we the American people are left with. You know, it's if it's against a conservative or Republican, go all in, you know, politics, personal destruction. If it's a Democrat, go all in, defend it, lie, defend ken Star has been watching all of this, and you saw the presser today. I'm trying to get your thoughts on it. How are you, sir? I'm doing great, Sean, Thank you very much. Am I wrong in my analysis about Hillary's dirty dossier about FISA Warren Abuse? Am I wrong about the double standard in Ukraine? Am I wrong about the lead emails with Bleach, etc? No? I think you score an A plus. Uh su Now what I heard? Yeah, professor, I can hear. Yeah what I heard? You go down the list. I couldn't find anything that say, No, Sean, that's that's a little bit off. And as someone who followed the whole special I'll just pick out one the special counsel, the appointment in May of twenty seventeen, the almost two years and ten that report that buses are at Bill Barr becomes the Attorney General in the United States, and what's the first thing that lands on his desk? This four hundred plus page report, and the coverage of the report once it was released was just to me extraordinary. I studied the report, is did you in depth? And the coverage was just shall I say, misplaced, eros concluding that there was in fact, I'm tenot to reporting that there was in fact, I have all this evidence of collusion and so forth, when as you and I know, and I'm harping on this because it was so important for what the first really two and a half years of the president's tenure. Right, Imagine your reaction as the president you've been in office for five months and you're told a special counsel has been appointed to investigate you. As someone who was an independent counsel or special counsel, I can attest that's not good news for the president. It's very disruptive. The point is the Muller report actually exenerated the president with respect to the collusion, just as you said, But of course it was not portrayed that way at all. You know, when you look at what's going on here and you look at you know, I don't know. I try to keep it simple. And if we have election laws about partisan observe and we have example after example, the partisan observers were not allowed to watch the vote count as the statutory language calls for. I don't know what the remedy is, but you know, we have so many people that is not even in dispute, but nobody really seems to care if you're changing laws just before the election, or like they're trying to do in Wisconsin, where they're you know, in the process of even as we speak, trying to change things there in terms of the vote count etc. And giving out absentee ballots when the state doesn't even allow for it. That should be troublesome to America. Why are all these hundreds of witnesses now about a thousand that I know of, and affidavits, Why are they just outright ignored and pushed to the side and nobody gives them any merrit whatsoever. Because my understanding is if you sign a legal affidavit, you do so under the threat of perjury, don't you. Yeah, absolutely, it's a serious thing to swear something under oath. I did one just this day, and I said, oh, I'm going to read this with great care. It was just a routine kind of document. But exactly, perjury is a felony. You go to jail if you've been convicted of perjury. So absolutely, So here's the point. How do we unscramble the egg in light of all of this evidence. Well, that remains a be scene. But here's the key. Let's now prove this facts facts, facts, and one of the things that Sydney Powell and I respect Sydney Powell's well, she's a great patriot. She is a very experienced lawyer, and I don't think that she would just be making accusations. And these are very serious accusations. Where did this software come from, where's the hardware? What countries has been used in the sources of funding. These are all the most serious kinds of allegations. They're troubling. They should go to the core. Since the system was used in what twenty states, we already know it made the software glitch in Atrim County, Michigan and so forth. But this that was small. This is obviously what Sidney Palace said today is very big. And really these are serious allegations, as you and I will fully agree that merit the most serious and obviously quick investigation. What do you see is the best legal arguments that they're making it after the press conference today, I think the best is frankly, what Sydney was suggesting, and the use and the manipulability, and they perhaps built in with the algorithms and so forth. My word, if that is true, and I think that those systems were used, as they say, in twenty states. That's what really got my attention, And let me, can I explain something to you. This is something Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren bitterly complained about. A Princeton tenured professor that's an expert on voting machines complained also and talked about the flaws in this system. The state of Texas in twenty nineteen rejected this system not once but twice, and had previously rejected the system in thirteen. The AP has been critical of it. The New York Times has been critical of this particular system, But yet it's used in twenty eight states. Now, from my just logical brain, I'm thinking, Okay, if everybody on both sides of the aisle think this system is not the best and we deserve better, why was it ever used? Because all it does do is lead to doubt. Because all of these people from all these different political persuasions had been telling us that is extraordinarily serious. That it shows the gravity of what Sidney Powell said, and I think we're all just trying to absorb this. I learned a lot from what Sydney was saying. Again, these are allegations easy to make allegations. Let's prove them. But Sydney and the team, there's terrific lawyers on the team. I think those lawyers have integrity, and that's what they're pushing for, integrity in the system. Now, I'm so glad that you called out the fact that Carolyn Maloney Ride of New York complaint about this. You mentioned Amy Goolbachar and so forth. So why in Heaven's name would it be used? There's no good answer for that. And happily, I'm a Texan who lives in Texas. I'm very pride and no, this is all news to me that Texas considered it unreliable. What we do know is that just as mail in balance can be abused, misused, fraud can be can be right. So two electronic systems, we know they can be hacked, right, We know that, especially if they have a providence Venezuela Maduro. What we were hearing today is just to me quite staggering. So how could we possibly have done this in so many states? And so it is this demands immediate kind of investigation. But we've got to have proof. We've got to proofs. Here's the key. You frequently asking Riley, so what's the remedy. We've got to prove that there's causation. We know that there is wrongdoing, so let's find out those facts and then what does that lead us to? And Rudy made some strong statements today causation. We can prove that the wrongdoing, not just mistakes, but the wrongdoing in fact affected the election in Sydney Powells as you just play the president one in a landslide. That's an extraordinary claim to make. And now she's got to back it up. But let's let's see the evidence. Let's see the fact how much weight in the court and this is your wheelhouse, not mine. When you have hundreds and if not thousands of affidavits signed by American citizens, does that way in playing part in terms of evidence being presented in a case? Yes, well you have the evidence, sport. But all of the courts, of course, are going to be focusing on as the election in their respective states. But six states have been seriously called into question, right, so let's find out the facts on in that respect, There's not a lot of time, to be honest. There's that's the huge challenge. There are too many states, six seriously, right, you might say five, gravely serious, And there's there's not a lot of time, so the clock is running. I have every reason to believe that the president's legal team is terrific and they are working around the clock. But you're exactly right. Time time is the enemy. Yeah, well, I mean I think, yeah, yeah, go ahead. Yeah. And I can't speculate, okay, exactly what is going to happen if there's a doomsday scenario in Pennsylvania or in Wisconsin or whatever. But I do know this. There is authority to invalidate an election, not a nationwide election. Elections are run communities and in states to actually invalidate it was done during the civil rights era when racist jurisdictions would play fast and loose with the vote count. Sound familiar, and so there is in fact caseli out there to invalidate an election. Now what do you do with this? You've got the electors meeting Ryan in December and so forth, and the certification that goes to Congress. I know time is very short, but guess what when the stakes are really high. You and I've talked about this before, for example the New York Times, the Pentagon Papers case from a generation ago. Watergate excuse me, the issues that eventuated in a Watergate, but just the publication of the Pentagon papers case, those issues were resolved in days, all the way up to the Supreme Court. Now this is more complex. I'm just saying it can happen, that there will be a rapid resolution once the facts are in. Let's get those facts. You know what it's like when you're also in the middle of a political firestorm at a high profile case like this. It's not easy, isn't. No, it's not, And especially in light of what you said just a few minutes ago about the the media and the unwillingness to be truth seekers. I was really blessed sewn during the Clinton investigation to have it was a different era, real truth seekers at the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC News, ABC News. Yeah, they had some truth seekers. Whatever, there are not many even then though now there's none. Then now where are they? Exactly? So we have had this move, the shift to we don't even not seek the truth. We simply seek to portray and to present a particular viewpoint, even in our news coverage. And it's just been terrible, terrible. Yeah, No, I mean erosion. It said, well, it's a disservice to the American people. But you know the fact that they just they have no they're shameless in this. You know, the double standard on Russia, the double standard on Ukraine, the double standard on obstruction, the double standard on the rule of law, you know, on quid pro quos. I mean, it is so spectacularly obvious that it just makes you you worry about, you know, whether we ever get back to normalcy or this just gets baked into the culture corruption that is not just Washington, but it's all things democratic, socialist, because the ends justifies the means for them that I fear for our kids, Well, I would say be of good cheer as you as you say, let not your hearts be trouble, because the marketplace works. If there is going to be this incredible bias in non truth seeking, then the marketplace gives rise to truth seekers. Right. It's just the ebb and flow of the marketplace. So we're in a bad patch right now in terms of the great traditions of American journalism, and we're here to find out the facts nor no favor, right, Just the kind of thing Sydney Bow was talking about from the perspective of a lawyer, by the unpopular lawyer, the unpopular cause. But we're going to fight to do this. This is John Adams at the time Auston massacre. This is who we are so market dynamics and courage. All right, I appreciate you being with us. Ken Star eight hundred ninety four one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program, will come back on the other side. We'll get to your calls. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. You want to be a part of the program, quick break right back and we will continue, all right, glad you with us our two Sean Hannity Show, toll free. It's eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn. If you want to be a part of the program. Our friend Matt Tower, he syndicated calmness. He is a polster. He's now the last two presidential elections, pretty darn close, as close as anybody in politics. He has an article he wrote today for Real Clear Politics about the state of Georgia. Just as background. I got to know Matt when I was a local host in Georgia from nineteen ninety two. I'm dating myself here to nineteen ninety six, and he was also did a lot of polling over the years for Nuke. King Rich was a lieutenant governor candidate himself. He was in the state legislature. I don't know if you were, you a senator in the House. I don't remember. I was in the House, okay. And so you write this piece I'm going to speak in Georgian, a realistic primer of the runoffs in the Great State of Georgia, which I thought was interesting. And you know, you talk about the scene in The Godfather where Michael Corleone meets in a small restaurant and he's there with this rival mafia boss and the corrupt cop and he has a gun hidden into the bathroom, comes out, guns blaze and kills the two of them. But in the meantime they had been speaking Italian and not and the cop didn't understand what they're talking about. And then you end this thing with you know how to speak Georgia, which was pretty funny about you know about this race. Now we know the significant importance of Georgia right now and these two Senate races Insider Advantage Fox five Atlanta, which you pull for. You came out with a Poleges moments ago, and I'm looking at it for the first time. You have David Purdue and his race at forty nine forty nine. You have the Democrat Ralphael Warnock, who seems like a pretty radical, kind of extreme left guye up by a point forty nine forty eight over Kelly Lofner. You have the Governor of George's approval rating at only thirty seven percent disapproval of forty four percent. Now you take it from there. You know Georgia better than anybody I know well, So it's it's a very complicated situation in Georgia for your listeners, so they understand. And the demographics in Georgia have changed substantially over the last ten years. It used to be if you had a runoff election after a general election, a Republican nominee would win. Allah Senator Saxty Chamblis had easily won his runoff election back years ago. That's not the case anymore. Georgia obviously was very tight. Biden ended up winning it, although a lot of people in Georgia don't believe that that was a fair election. In fact, seventy three percent of the Republicans we surveyed said they did not believe the results were fair and accurate, and therein lies some of the problems. Sehn. These voters love Donald Trump, these Republican voters. He is, as I said, he's not just a political figure. He's a religion for these Republicans in Georgia. They're very upset about the results in Georgia. They don't feel like they were fair and accurate. That's what the polls saying, and they haven't heard much from their leaders there. They're dispirited and whether or not they're going to turn out at the levels they did for Donald Trump as a critical part of whether these two senators can go from being deadlocked or behind to being able to win. It's a critical part. And right now it's very if he The other thing, that's if he is Rafael Warnock. Yes, he seems to be pretty radical and he has some pretty left of center ideas, but he's doing a great job of packing and packaging himself on Atlanta Television and Kelly Leftler decided that their group decided to run an add early on that took him on with some of his radical positions, which which was fine, except the imagery that they used. The Warnock campaign was able to turn around and say, basically, these are personal attacks. I'm a good guy, I'm talking about issues. I think it was a bad first step for the Leftler campaign. It was not something I would have done because what it does is it puts them on the defensive and it's and it's reflected in these numbers. This is such a big survey that I have, one of the biggest I've ever done in Georgia that I don't think there's much margin of it. I mean, statistical margin of area is three point five percent. But you know my work, Shawn, I'm usually within a one point level or so of my accuracy. I think this is dead on right, and these things are going to be heartbeat type races where Republicans are going to have to really get their act together to keep those two seats in the US Senate. The problem, I would argue too, is that you know, now we have Thanksgiving coming up, right, and then you have Christmas coming up. You're literally talking about how many people vacation Christmas Week or New Year's Week, which is always my long big vacation every year, right, my one big vacation. And you know, and then you come back on Monday, and then the elections Tuesday, January fifth. Now, the Democratic Party, I just speaking anecdotally here is you know, Stacy Abrams has a very solid organization and getting the vote out obviously worked to some extent. Now the accuracy, It was interesting that seventy three percent of Republicans in Georgia they don't think this outcome was fair and accurate. And I guess when you find twenty six hundred ballots and maybe more apparently I just found out today after two weeks after the election. I mean, how does anyone have confidence in the results of any election when they screw it up that badly, knowing that states can do it easily and get it right every day. And yet why do you think the governor's approval rating down there is tanked? Well? I think partially because people look to the governor in the Secretary of State to provide some guidance when President Trump appeared to be just twisting in the winds here and they heard too many stories. I mean, people when Georgia wanted to know why they quit counting vote votes that happened in a lot of locations. And I know that that's been disputed allegedly by the AP fact checkers, But in reality, we had a lot of places just sort of shut down for a period of time and suddenly started counting votes again. I'll tell you the news story just broke across the wire here that the Secretary of State in Georgia is now investigating two instances of potential mismanagement by the Fulton County, which is the largest county in the state's where the city of Atlanta is located their elections aboard. So this is starting to unravel more, and even the Secretary of State, who seemed to be very reticent to question anything, is now having to look into this more than I think they expected. Do we know anymore on that, No, I literally just saw this just as I got on air. Apparently it's two various instances, one having to do with the chain of custody, big shock there or some of the ballots, and then another one having to do with monitors with ballots. But we've heard these stories replete. I mean, I can say because I have so many people in Georgia report back into me. Given the fact that I did serve an office there. I've worked for all three of the network affiliates. I was their political analysts at one time or another. The only one I didn't do was CBS, and I know tons of people there and the stories I heard back and the people who went to monitor it was just a disaster. People were told they had to stand across the other side of the room. There were tables where there were no monitors placed. Some were told to be quiet. One person observed three ballots being counts accounted for Biden that were for Trump. The person who was supposed to check up on it said they were Trump. They changed those, but then at another table, the person who was supposed to check on the balance wasn't even looking at them, just putting him back into a bend. It was a chaotic mess. And anybody who portrays Georgia's recount as being a real check of the vote in that state doesn't know what they're talking about. You had a question in your poll that said signature should match licenses or official registration, and it was an easy win, seventy to nineteen percent. With eleven percent, I'm decided, and I'm thinking now they had this consent decree earlier in the year, after what a lawsuit by the Georgia Democratic Party, the Democratic Senatorial Care Paying Committee, the Democratic Congressional campaign committees, and I guess as part of the consent decree, if you requested and correct me if I'm wrong, a mail in ballot that that you would that application as long as it matched the signature on the ballot, the applications and what was on the ballot, that would suffice, which is different from the database that was used for day of voters. Like if you showed up to vote in Georgia and you know, I guess you need a picture idea in George I'm pretty sure, and then they match your signature up against the signature in the database. So two different systems. And I think lynn Wood has been looking into that as potential equal protection argument there. Yeah, Well the real question here is this. So we've heard numerous statements by the Secretary of State, and he said that all of every ballot, including allegedly the absentee ballots, went through this database process check. But before he said that, they said that every ballot that was applied for online that was absent teque required a photoid. That means the vast majority of the absent tee ballots that were applied for were applied for by mail, and there was a photo ID requirement whatsoever. So already you have one thing, a photo ID requirement for people who show up or go online, but no photo ID requirement for people who just mail en absent tee ballots. And I think Stacy Abrams is saying she has six hundred thousand mail en abs and tee ballots already in her pocket right now that she's going to be delivering. So that's an incredible number of votes. We still don't know. It's never been made clearishan whether those ballots that were sent by mail absent tee ballots, whether the original application where there was a signature was loaded into the Central State database and somehow that was used to check against when the ballot was sent in. If that's the case, well then you have no way of knowing if that's a real person or not. That's the situation that's completely different than someone showing up at the polls signing their signature being scanned into the database. Because that database is of course from the DMB or from the voter registration card. It's an incredibly confusing mess and that's why seventy three percent of Georgians on the Republican side said they don't have any faith in the election. Now, I don't know how in the world anyone can feel good about the job they've done if the vast majority of the party that elected them says that they don't have any faith in the in the results. I mean, this is unbelievable to me, which would mean that court packing and all this other garbage, everything's on the table, Schumer. And you got, you know, people from California now wanting to you know, Hollywood actors and actresses want to fly out there, and Joe Biden's will be in there. I'm sure Obama will be in there, and so on and so forth. Democrats have seemingly an advantage with this built in, you know, mail in ballot system. And I guess Stacy Abrams, I can't Faulter for doing a good job of mobilizing Democrats in the state of Georgia. I just I don't understand why Republicans haven't done the same. Well, everything in Georgia is cooked against the Republicans, even though they control the legislature. And consider this, anyone who's a registered voter can show up and vote. They didn't have to vote in the general. They can still go register and vote. That's crazy the time of the vote. If you were going to choose the worst possible time to hold a runoff, it would be for Republicans January the fifth, right after everyone in this country is on vacation, including you and me. So how do you expect people to show up and vote when you place it at such a difficult time period. And then you have Stacy and I give her all the credit in the world because that's what her job is. She's got this mail in ballot ahead of time, and their ground game seems to be way ahead of the Republicans. Now. I don't want the Republicans who listen to this program to think that I'm saying that the Republicans are going to lose, But I am going to say this. The Republicans right now are a slight in my opinion, underdog in these races. And anybody who doesn't realize that is trying to whistle to the graveyard. This is a very serious situation for Republicans. You have two candidates with different messages. You have an African American candidate who can drive up the African American vote, You mentioned Obama coming to Georgia. That's certainly going to help, and he's actually got very good ads on TV right now. Then you have another candidate in John assaf who comes across as a very novel of the road candidate, sort of a centrist. He's not. He's to the left of center, and I think most people who know him would tell you that. But that doesn't mean that the television audience in metro Atlanta, where we see the suburban white voters begin to actually move to the Democratic Party, doesn't mean that they're going to be scared offer him. So this has got to be handled absolutely surgically correctly in Georgia or you're going to see at least one senacy lost and potentially both. I'm gonna put your article that's on Real Clear Politics and the Insider Advantage Fox five poll up on Hannity dot com and if you're in Georgia, knows somebody send it to everybody you know there. This is real. Matt Towery, thanks so much for being with us, Gladua with US eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Well, with all that we've been through and all that we just went over and covered in terms of what's going on, especially in the state of Georgia. Oh, twenty seven hundred ballots here, twenty six hundred ballots here, another two hundred and eighty four ballots in Walton County. Reports all day have been coming my way that there's even more coming. Waiting for that to come. In New king Ridge, former Speaker of the House. He wrote the best seller Trump in the American Future. He's been watching all of this very very closely. And I thought your comments on TV last night were dead on accurate. How are you, sir, Well, I'm doing great, and we are finished doing a podcast with some key people out in Nevada. And when people hear this at English sixty thing to get blown away. As bad as Georgia is, Nevada is a hundred times worth. I mean, we do not understand as Americans the level of corruption which has entered into our political system. It's just me, I have to tell you, and you've done me a long time run. I am blown away by how sick the system god and how deliberately the Democrats are willing to go out undermine the Constitution, cheat their fellow Americans and simply break the law. It's astonishing. I just got a note from a friend of mine. I think enough things went wrong in Georgia to justify legislative and legal action. You know. Now we had a ninth does and vote swing apparently you know, to Biden because they wrote down the wrong number. This was I believe in Fulton County. But you know, I'm looking at all of this, and we'll get to the Nevada thing in a second. I want to get up to the speed on night. You saw what happened in Michigan last night in Wayne County. But they're finding which we're two weeks plus out. Now, how are they finding not not five ballots, ten ballots, thousands? How does that happen? And how does anybody trust it? And how does anybody have faith in the ultimate result here? Look, nobody should have any faith in any of this until we until we completely clear up the system. And frankly, I mean, as you know, I've spent the last couple of weeks deeply immersed communicating with people all over the country, talking with some of the smartest people from MIT and Carnegie, Mellon and what have you. This is so corrupt. Nothing since the peak of Tammany Hall, which was the economy of crush in New York. Nothing has been comparable to this, And so you start with that notion and you realize that you mentioned briefly what happened in Wayne County. People need to think about this. They had a meeting, there were four election supervisors. The two Republicans voted not to certify, so as it was tied to the two and for several hours, the mob attacked them, called them racist, intimidated them. There are lawyers who are being told if you work for Trump, we're going to destroy your career. I mean, you're looking at mob rule in a Nazi quality, just physical intimidation. That is Frankly, if you'd asked me five years ago, I would have said, this is impossible. We will not degenerate to this level of violence and this level of intimidationment in my lifetime. And I would have been wrong. Because the truth is we're right at the crossroads. Georgia clearly went for Donald Trump, and only the timidity of the governor, the cowardice of the Secretary of State, and the passivity of the state legislature is allowing it to happen. Because The fact is, if any of those three were to step in, it'll be over tonight or tomorrow morning. It is so blatantly obvious what they what the Democrats have been doing, then why won't. Look You're from Georgia nineteen ninety four election day. I was your MC at your big event at the Cobb Gallery. I believe that's how getting old. But I was the MC that night and I lost my voice, but I still to my radio show the next morning. Now, my question to you is, you know time is of the essence here. They've got to be done with this tonight at midnight. The governor has been more calls for the governor to step and he won't. Secretary of State is too busy picking fights with Doug Collins and Lindsey Graham, making wild false accusations other people on the lines that he's just insinuations. So ballots keep coming in. So the bottom line is yours and this is just true. We will never be able to have faith in the ultimate outcome of this. You just can't. That's right now. Until it's cleaned up, it's going to always be at tan election. Look, I would say to every person in Georgia who favors Donald J. Trump, go to the governor's mansion, physically, go to the capitol, physically communicate that you're prepared to stand up for America, and you're prepared to stand up for an honest election, and that you are sick of politicians selling you out. And I believe that's what's been going on. And by Friday, I hear the governor will certify this thing, and the Secretary of State and then frankly, then, frankly, they should beat both of them in the next primary. But between now and then they should challenge the state legislature. Call yourselves in the session. Don't wait for the governor, don't hide somewhere the lieutenant governor who's president of the Georgia Senate, and the Speaker of the House, and should call themselves in the session. Georgia has a long and colorful history of these kinds of things, and just say we're fed up. I don't think we shall allow people who are either corrupt or gutless. You take your choice to allow the presidency of the United States to be stolen because they're too passive, they're hiding, they're not willing to stand up for what's right. And I must say, and some it literally. As you know, my career began in Georgia back in nineteen sixty when I was a high school student. I mean, I didn't work my entire lifetime to create a Republican party whose senior leadership would not have the courage to stand up and fight for what's right in America. And what we're seeing right now is just, I think, absolutely intolerable. We've got these two runoff elections at January fifth, O way, big controversy has emerged today because the candidate Warnock apparently just calls for him to drop out of the race because apparently he gave a sermon when truth meets power and said America nobody can serve God and the US military. Wow, that's pretty radical. Look, I think this is pretty straightforward. If you believe that Fidel Castro is our future, than Warnecks your candidate. If you believe that radical left wing extremism is your future, then Warnecks your candidate. If you believe that anti white racism is your future, then Warnick your Candida. Let's just you know, let's just be honest about what's at stake. The Democrats have nominated two people. Asa, who is essentially a Hollywood, Silicon Valley New York invention, has no real roots in Georgia, no real understanding of Georgia, spends more time raising money in Hollywood than he does instid of Georgia. And Warnock, who has proven if you look at his various sermons over the years, he is a hard line anti white, left wing radical who doesn't like America and is prepared to condemn the rest of us. Now, the only hope the Democrats have, and I'm going to give Stacy Abrams some credit here, she has built a machine, and she is tough, and she's intimidated the governor, and she's intimidated in Secretary of State. And the only hope the Democrats have is to steal the election, because they will lose the campaign. I mean, as people learn more and more about warrenuck canassa, they will collapse. But the Democrats hope is to get enough people to vote, to steal enough votes that they can win no matter what happens in the campaign. And that's the whole story of the next sixty days. So now you got Thanksgiving coming up next week, then you got the run up to Christmas. A lot of people go on vacation for Christmas or New Year's Week, right then you're back on Monday and then tuesdays to the election. I don't like the data this, or the time of this, or every indication is you know, the governor and the Secretary of State have no intention whatsoever of stopping this, and yet there's so much much hinging on this race. I mean it's you know, if you listen, for example, to Chuck Schumer, you know everything's on the table in an including court packing and maybe getting rid of the electoral College and DC statehood, etc. Look. I thought of the Georgian that his formulation was perfect for anybody who wants to defeat the two Democrats when he said, first we take Georgia. Now, I think the idea of the average Georgian, of some New York Liberal describing taking Georgia, that's the episode. Vote Warnock and let Schumer take Georgia. Vote Assif and let Schumer take Georgian. I don't think the average Georgia wants to be taken. I think they want somebody much like Franklin Senator Perdue, who has actually been out there every day for six years serving the people in every single county. He's been in more counties than As has done fundraisers in Hollywood. I mean, it's kind of amazing. I think that the Kelly Loffler proved in the last six months. She's been a solid Conservative, She's been solid for the president. The gap between Purdue and Luffler on the one side and Warnick and Austa on this side has to be the biggest gap in American senatorial history. I personally think the only hope the Democrats have is to steal us. But they proved to us in the last few weeks. They're pretty good at stealing. And if Stacey Abrams get a shot at it, she is going to steal the two Senate seats. What is the Republican Party in Georgian You still have all your friends in contacts there. What are they now doing to combat this? I mean, you're right, Stacy Abrams. You got to give her credits. She organized, she's bragging. She has over six hundred thousand requests for mail in ballots already, which is again, you know where we get into a lot of these problems. So the Republicans going to match that effort? Do they have the ability in the short period of time to mobilize encounter. That is sure, but it's more than maximum effort. What you got to understand is unless you control the identity of the people who get absentee ballots, which under the current rules they have to do on the way out. So somebody applies, there's got to be a Republican that are looking to say is this signature valid, is this address valid? And you've got to do that before they send it to get ballot out there. I mean, I think in that sense, I just say it's based on talking to lots of people. My sense is the accept for the governor and the Secretary of State, the rest of the party gets it. I mean, you have a huge number of people in Georgia who are totally committed to winning this thing, but their problem is that Governor Kemp is hiding in the basement sucking his thumb, and the Secretary of State has solved out totally to stay Abrahams, and so the two people who ought to be doing the job are protecting Georgia have frankly totally caved. Unbelievable. You know, it's just hard to watch all of this and at the end of the day, every you know, seventy two three million people the voter for Donald Trump. You know, by the thinnest of margins and obvious, you know, things that have gone wrong in multiple states. What they get away with it is that the end result. Look. Look, I gotta tell you, as an old friend, as you point out, we go back a long way. I first campaign in Georgia as a high school student in nineteen sixty when my dad was stationed at Fort Penny. I have been involved in that state for sixty years. The idea that we would win virtually everything we have, the legislature, the Congress, the senators, the governor, the sector or state, and we would end up with two guys so totally incapable, whether because of cowardice or for whatever reason, of doing their job. I just can't quite imagine that. I mean, I am actually dumbfounded. And how we walked into this particular trap. Well, and I will tell you I don't think Kemp is the governor without Donald Trump support. Pretty amazing, uh, Speaker of former Speaker of the House, New King Rich. We'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for joining us, all right, Let it skinners, simple man. That can only mean one thing. All things Bill o'reiley dot com. Bill claims to be a simple man. I think he's complicated, mister O'Reilly, Sir by the way, congrats again on your best selling books. Still on the New York Time plist. I see, and that's thanks to you. I appreciate plugs Hannity. Very nice of you, and I think you actually it's not thanks to me. You wrote you this is number fifteen in your killing series, Killing Hannity, I think will be number twenty and in a very grizzly situation. You don't understand. I could see it, well, Bill, O'Reilly, simple man. Now, look, you and I have covered a lot of elections over the years, right and here we are nineteen six. My interest started with Ronald Reagan as president. You're just a little bit older than me and better looking, of course. But now let's see so far. Yesterday we had twenty seven hundred brand new votes from Georgia. The day before we had another twenty six hundred brand new votes in Georgia. Um, I'm watching everything here. All these other states get it perfect, no no integrity issues, full faith confidence in the results. You get the results election night. And then all the states that seemed the matter. Bill, O'Reilly simple man. You know we have all these problems. Is that a coincidence? Well, there states where strongholds are run by Democrats. Not Georgia, not a Democrat state per se, but certain certainly Fulton County, Atlanta, where the majority of Biden votes were cast. Is so. I mean, look, you can make a circumstantial case. And I think that it's worthy to consider that there was massive voter fraud this time around, because the Democrats were very worried that Trump would win, obviously, and I don't mind the President not conceding. I don't think he should. If he believes that the entire vote was tainted, we all should know it. But times running out tonight is the end of the Georgia recount. From what I understand, Biden still leads by about twelve thousand votes. I don't even Bill, We've had three counties in three days now discovered thousands of votes in Georgia. Now count me skeptical. How do we ever have any faith in integrity in that system? If two weeks over, two weeks now after election day, we're still finding ballots, Bill, there's something. There's something that stinks to high Heaven. I think the situation is actually worse in Pennsylvania. Yeah, I mean Georgia. I mean he got ten million votes. Yes, and you know some rural counties, you know, you want to every want every vote to be accurate. But Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia thing really bothers me because remember Trump is up by six hundred thousand on election night, and then I had it. I said, oh, he's got it, he got it locked. I had my little chart, bang Trump wins Pennsylvania. And my prediction was, whoever wins the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania becomes president. So I was taking a keen interest, and then the next day, all of a Biden's head by forty five thousand. So I've called for the Trump administration. I think they should do this to hire the best analytics firm in the world to go in and calculate the odds of that happening. And not only there, but Detroit, Milwaukee, Clark County, Nevada. Bring the analytics guys in, take a look at the raw vote totals, compare them to four years ago, and give me a percentage. Is it a two percent chance that a six hundred thousand vote margin can be overturned, is it ten? I think if you start to do that fact based stuff, that the electorate will then say, all right, we've got to take a closer look at this. But we only have really three weeks before the vote is supposed to be certified. Let me throw something else at you. Because I did not know this until like the next day or the day after election day. I went and I said, let me go look up what the election laws are in every state. The one common thing, and it's written into the statutory language of all these states that partisan observers the word partisan bill are allowed to watch all of the counting of the votes from start to finish. Then you have in one county in Michigan two hundred and thirty four affidavits signed by people under the threat of perjury. That's meaningful to me. It's not five or ten. I don't think people would perjure themselves because of a political view. Maybe a few, but not hundreds. Then you look at all of these states, they did not allow any viewing some people one hundred feet away, twenty feet away, even if you're six feet away. Now they knew that they were going to have to make accommodations ahead of time for social distancing and COVID that could have been done quite easily. The people opening a ballot here, I want you guys to see Republican Democrat opening the ballot. I'm putting the ballot over here. You guys caned it and sign off on it, or not sign off on it, put a question mark on it, whatever you want to do. That didn't happen in any of those states. Bill And to me, that then goes to the issue of integrity and again, how do we walk away from this process believing the result. I'm having a hard time getting to the point where I think Americans. Seventy three million Americans are voted for Trump. We're going to get there. Well. A pole out today's is seventy eight who voted for Trump believed the election was fraudulent to some degree. Pennsylvania Supreme Court, as you know and reported, they rule five to two that the distancing problem with the observers does not rise to the level where they're going to take any action. And I think that will play through. Do you think that's fair? But I forget about what the court said. No, but you have to understand that we're dealing with human beings here, and Pennsylvania does not want to admit to the country that it's screwed up. And what I worry about is that the Supreme Court. There's one more action in Pennsylvania that could mean something here, and that is the votes counted after election day and violation of the Commonwealth's voting law. I think that's going to go to the Supreme Court. The problem with it is that the nine justices understand if they put a stay on the election, there's going to be violence, mass violence in this country. And they know that, and they're human beings. Now does that justify not doing the right thing? It does not. If I'm a Supreme Court justice, I do the right thing according to the Constitution, even if I know it's going to cause violence, which it will. So I'm not convinced that these isn't going to take that into consideration when looking at Pennsylvania, because I think that's a fair analysis. But you're the Pennsylvania electoral votes are going to be taken away from Joe Biden until we can sort this thing out, and that would delay the certification of the election. It just is, you know, look at the other case now, we have out in Clark County. You mentioned Nevada. I'm told that apparently there's an unfolding story in Wisconsin. Will wait and see. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself on it, you know. And one other thing that really kind of shocked me is in twenty nineteen, the state of Texas not once, but twice rejected the software. All George's one hundred and fifty nine counties use this software Dominum we're talking about, and they had had problems during the primary. The New York Times wrote extensively the problems they had with it. The AP wrote about it, you have a believe it or not, a voting machine professor at Princeton, tenured professor. He had a lot of problems with it. And I'm just wondering, if you have liberals and conservatives both on record not saying this is not a good system, how come twenty eight states used it? Bill. I don't know if anything went wrong. I'm not even suggesting, but they obviously had problems in the primary in Georgia. Now they're finding all these votes. I'm suspicious. How's that? Is that a fair statement? You should be and all Americans should be very disenchanted, Yeah, about how this election was conducted everybody, Because you think Democrats want more chaos or do they want to fix it? I would argue they want more mail in ballots, more confusion. So and I would say even I'll quote the New York Times again, they say mail in balloting lends itself to potential fraud. Of course, it does much easier to throw stuff away when it's mailed in. You can't throw stuff when it when you pull a curtain and pull a lever like I did here on Long Island, and I think you did too, you can't, but you may have something in somebody could throw into garbage. It's not hard to do that, particularly if it comes from a Republican county. So but I'm a realist and I believe that we Americans should demand the Congress and pose standards on the states for elections going forward. But in this election now, it's going to be very tough for Donald Trump to prevail. It's gonna be and I'm just telling your audience. You know, I'm a simple man, but I'm also a straightforward, honest man, and it's going to be very very everybody sees it now, maybe twenty. I will tell you that it is. You know, we're the United States of America, Bill O'Reilly, and you know what we send. You know, how long ago do we send people to the moon and come back. That's a pretty bold endeavor, wouldn't you say? And if we could do that, Bill O'Reilly, I am convinced if states like Florida constraighten out their system and Ohio constraightened out their system, and all the other states can get this right, we've got to demand that we have checks and balances and security in the ballot. And right now, I don't think anybody leaves this process with any sense that this was a fair election based on all that we know now. Well, the only way that is corrected is if Mitch McConnell, right after the Senate comes back in January, introduces a bill, the Fair Election Bill, and says that all fifty states, you can still oversee your election, which you have to abide by these tenants and they're listed, and you know, that would be fascinating. We'll see how many Democrats vote for that, because I think almost every Republican would, almost every Republican senator would vote for that bill. Let's see how many Democrats would. Yeah, that's what Mitch McConnell should do, because that's the only way it's going to get fixed. There are certain states that are simply not going to do what they should do. You know, we have all this stuff. Now, we have two companies, and how great is it? By the way, Bill O'Reilly that these are American companies, American Endeavors, Fiza Maderna, and we now have the vaccine for coronavirus and operation warp speed certainly did it. Cuomo's out there blaming drug companies and President Trump for getting to speedy vaccines. I'm like, oh, is that a bad thing? You know, this was a very very impressive achievement by the Trump administration. Yeah, I've seen scant word of the day, scant cargo, it a invisor, those pinheads. They don't announce it until after the vote, when they had it before the vote. And again Americans are sitting there going, you know, give me a break. Please do we have to have this kind of polarization even on a vaccine. Are you gonna take the vaccine? How you when it comes out? I am are you? I would? Then this is a big argument we have a Linda, but I wouldn't a harpy. Yes, all right, I'm gonna take it. And because I'll tell you, why why don't you take it first? And then you report back to us and then I'll follow you. But I want to give you amercing. I don't care if I turn into a zombie, because then I don't have to pay a lot of taxes. I just you'll have an excuse not to pay. Sorry if I turned into his zombie, SR with me, so I'll be first online. I listen. I have faith in the medical researchers and those that you know there are people, Bill, This is pretty fascinating, different obviously than the things we do that the vote their entire lives to viruses, and they've never broken down the sequence of a virus this quickly. January twenty first, this year was the first identified case. What a what a hell of a year this has been. And now we have the vaccine, we have two vaccines. Earlier you talked about going to the moon. This achievement rivals that. And I'll just say one more thing about it, because it's so impressive to me, who knows nothing about medical science. I know nothing. Where are the other countries in the world. They're not close, No longer's close. They're waiting for us once again, America, Once again we come to the rescue of the world. Where is that story? Where is that story? But Bill, you're talking about American greatness and American exceptionalism. That's out of fashion apparently, and get you in trouble with the woke crowd. But all right, all things for Bill O'Reilly and Bill O'Reilly dot com. Sir simple man, thank you very much for being with us. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. You're gonna be having You're gonna be following social distancing mass guidelines and hiding out in your basement bunker or what. No, I'm gonna be throwing pie at people as they walk by your house. All right, stay right here,