Best of Hannity: What Will Happen To Cuomo

Published Apr 2, 2021, 10:00 PM

This "Best of Hannity" focuses on the future of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

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All right, thanks Scott Shannon. Happy Friday. Every Friday is happy, right, Glad you are with us? Right down our toll free number. It's eight hundred and nine four one, sewn. You want to be a part of the program, you know which I'm talking to my staff about the vaping incident that is viral now TMZ even put it up, which makes me crack up. It's not the first time, this is now the second time. Nobody people seem to forget that part. I remember the I think it was the Daily Mail. They literally frame by frame by frame, and that contase that. I go, Oh, I wasn't pain until I was reading something and I had my IFB half out. I know, I could be like liberal Democrats though. Remember in the summer, all the writing, that's good. What do you mean writing like? Okay, open your eyes, you can see it's happening. Take a look, you know, the fake news CNN reporters standing in front of a fiery inferno, city of blaze and mostly peace protesting. I mean, just deny the truth, just deny all reality. You know, we could play that game or the denial. Oh, there's no crisis at the border, you know, all the video of all those kids that now we know are taking turns sleeping on the floor in their tinfoil blankets provided to them. That's not happening either. No crisis at the border. Who why would you ever call it a crisis. I know we're gonna have more illegal immigrants this year now anticipated in the last twenty years. And that's what Biden's own DHS secretary Mayorchis is saying. If it's if it's the highest, and twenty years, probably that'll end up being the highest, and forty years. Just to gas based on prior experience. If they say twenty it means forty, we could deny that reality. Never forget the fake news MSDSC reporter during the riots. You know again, they're mostly peaceful protesting going on round here. They're in the Chop Chaz autonomous Summer of Love spaghetti potluck dinner zone, and they mostly peaceful people. And the guy goes, no, this is not peaceful. We're not here for peace. Whoo oh okay, okay, kind of chasing the guy round in a circle. Unbelievable. Um, all right, let me just deal with this issue. If you haven't seen it yet, it's on Hannity dot Com. Joe Biden going up the stairs Air Force one. He fell, not once, not twice. The third time he trips and falls. Well, I'll tell you there was one moment there. It looked like he hit his head pretty hard to me, but I don't know. Yeah, he had an event later. I don't know. I didn't get to watch because I'm busy prepping for the program. I didn't get to watch the whole thing. Nor do I really want to. My great team on radio and TV, they'll tell me, oh yeah, another flub today, Another flub here, another flub there. We have flubs everywhere, Like yes, today, President Harris, I'm like, oh boy, here we go again. Do we believe that speed deficiency must be matched with fairness and equity? Now? I'm President Harris, and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona not long ago. You know, I'm gonna say something and some of you might get mad at me, but I'm willing to take the heat. That's what I do. I just I have to be honest at all times. I actually am beginning to feel sorry for Joe Biden, and I'm saying this sincerely, but I'm also beginning to worry about the country. And before we get to any of this, because the media mob's going to do what they always do. Hannity see got through his d his tele prompt almost perfectly for fifteen minutes, and there you were saying, he's he looks weak and frawl and he's struggling cognitively. He's got no cards. Everywhere he goes. The Fluffball interview with Georgie Stephanapola, they cut out the parties that I'm going to carry these cards with me. They actually cut it out, and we pressured then, we were putting pressure, We'll give us an answer. Why did you cut it out? And they said, well, no, we're putting it up on the website any moment now. And I think they might have put it up since then, and we'll probably show you tonight. And but before we even get started on this, you need to understand here that you know all of these questions of age. Oh, they brought up about Ronald Reagan regularly. It was the age question, That's what it was. The mob, the media, then you know the Sam Donald's, the world mass, the president did you train arms for does? And Reagan would cut his ear walk to Marine one and act like I didn't hear it. He was maybe didn't hear it. I think he had lost hearing later in life, like us. Anybody that does any broadcasting had been a broadcaster at some point in his career. And then it was the same with John McCain. But it was also the same with Donald Trump. This is how recent this is. In Juna twenty twenty, New York toilet paper Times, a column questioning Trump's health. Remember the walk down the ramp and the rain at West Point. Now, I actually went in and asked questions about that. I said, okay, what was the deal with the ramp? Because I've been around Donald Trump. No, Donald Trump. Donald Trump has the energy of a hundred guys that are thirty years younger. And there's no issues involving his mental alertness, mental acuity, nor does he look weak or frail. But what happened was, and I don't know why they should have set it up differently. It was a rainy day, it was a wet ramp, and he had slippery shoes on. It's that simple. Under those circumstances, like, for example, I've been in New York City and if I have my nice shoes on which I rarely wear, and you try to walk and slush ice and snow, and just who you're slipping and sliding all over the place. Depending on what kind of shoes you have, rubber, soul shoes, you're not gonna have the problem. You have sneakers, You're not gonna have a problem. So there was so much brought up as it relates to Trump's health after the walk down the ramp. You know, Trump's halting walked down ramp raises new health questions. That was The New York Times and then The Atlantic in September twenty twenty their article how Trump masks his incoherence. Really have they done the story about Joe yet? Newsweek November thirtieth, twenty seventeen. You know, Joe Scarborough, our buddy, claiming that Trump was in early stage dementia. Has he ever said that about Joe anyway? Firing back at Trump on the air, he's you know, someone during the campaign close to the campaign told me, a close source that he had the early stage dementia. Anybody at the MSDNC playing all of Joe's awkward, pathetic, incoherent moments, No, we do it and now the polls are showing over fifty percent of Americans can see exactly what I see him. Now we know that Vladimir putencies it too, which is not good. Now we've got Newsweek reporting you know that early stage dementia completely detached from reality, Scarborough said in September twentieth. On sorry September two, twenty twenty, New York Times publish a piece as he questions as opponent's health, Trump finds his own health under scrutiny, and The Guardian publishing in October twenty twenty a piece published how healthy is Trump? Years of misinformation make it difficult to know. Oh, if you've got to judge somebody's health by whether or not they have a high energy level, that they're mentally alert. I don't think Joe Biden could ever do one of the Trump I wouldn't call him press conferences. I don't think they could do one of the Trump rallies. To you if he did, well, maybe it be a great, great option to offer free sleep therapy for everybody in America if you ever tried it. Jennifer Rubin publishing in June of twenty twenty twenty, Trump is in denial about his and others' health. It's a legitimate topic for the campaign. Now they're doing all of this, saying all of this while Joe Biden is hiding in his basement bunker because he's being protected by these same people. In October twenty twenty, ABC News, Trump has taken pains to hide medical records, equating sickness with weakness. According to critics, are they asking for Joe Biden's records? In January sixth, CNN reporting twenty eighteen. January sixteenth, doctors were calling for a mental examination of President Trump. Can we have a cognitive test on Joe Biden? Forbes mag is in June fifteenth, twenty twenty, questions continue about President Trump's health and I can keep going on and on and on here. And even Joe Biden himself last year, you know, was boasting that he runs up ramps while Donald Trump stumbles down ramps. You know, he said that at the height of the presidential campaign. By the way, he didn't even run a campaign. Today, Joe Biden fell three times climbing one set of stairs three times. Whip strip whops strip ups, you know, makes Gerald Ford look like I don't know somebody that's like a gymnast for crying out loud, and he mocked Trump over the slippery ramp descent. Okay, there really wasn't a lot to do in that particular case because the ramp was soaked, he had dress shoes on and it was slippery as hell. Okay, But now, but we're gonna ignore everything involving Joe Biden. I'll tell you what's scary here and sad here, because there's no way that the people around Joe Biden don't see what more than half the American people are willing to say. Now. The mob and the media can protect Joe, the Democrats can protect Joe, Big tech can protect Joe and protect Hunter, and they can hide information. But our own eyes, we have compared Joe from twenty twelve to twenty twenty. We've compared Joe from twenty sixteen to twenty twenty one. We've done all the comparisons. It is night and day. I don't think my observation that Joe looks very weak and frail and is struggling cognitively is even an issue for debate. And we've got all the tape that we can play over and over again to show that he's struggling cognitively. Now, the question is how bad has it been? When are we going to get a full report on it? Will he have a cognitive test of some kind, one that we can trust, one that's objective and not political. And I'll tell you it. The Biden Blitz, as they're calling this, is not working out very well for any of them. You know, Biden even struggled in the fluffball interview with Stephanopolis, trying to answer basic questions, had the help of his cheat sheet, had his little cheat sheet in his hand when he was before the CDC just a little while ago, given a you know, five ten minute thing. And you know, one of the worst things is he calls, okay, during that interview with Stephanopolas, he calls Vladimir Putin a killer. Oh, I actually agree with him. Putin's a hostile actor. He's Russia a hostile regime, China hostile regime, president chie hostile actor, the mullahs in Iran, that he's trying to pressure South Korea to give seven billion dollars to hostile regime. Hostile Muller's Kim Jong un North Korea hostile regime, hostile actor. So what does Putin do well? He then turns it on Joe basically says, yeah, you're a murderer. Let's debate it. The same interview, Putin responds challenging Biden to a debate. I don't want to put this off for long. I want I want to relax a little this weekend. So maybe we could do it tomorrow, meaning today or Monday. We're steady ready at any time convenient for the American side. Now, why is Vladimir Putin immediately calling for a debate with Joe Biden? What have I been saying? They've been studying Joe Biden. Now, they're not influenced by the medium mob in America. Trust me, they don't care what they say. They've got their own observations and they're facing the reality now that most of America is facing is you've got somebody that is physically weak and frail and is struggling cognitively. And here's the dangerous part. All of America's enemies, all of the world's hostile regimes, all of these hostile actors, they're all seeing what over fifty percent of the American people see. And I would even argue it's probably closer to a hundred. And that is everything we've been telling you, and I don't think that's a good thing for the country because of the hostile actors. This is an evil world with evil regimes and evil actors, and we can't have it. That's why you can't have a candidate be allowed to hide in their basement bunker. That's why you've got to ask questions to find out and you know what the radical answers are and core packing and everything else. The world needs a strong America. The world desperately needs it. And it's hard to present a strong national image when your commander in chief is falling down three times, climbing up stairs and can't even remember his own tax plan without a cheat sheet and struggles cognitively. The way this guy is struggling, it's now a problem. And I want to know what really is going on here, and did they purposely try to hide something from we, the American people, and who's responsible for that and why are they allowing it. We knew during the campaign that there was this week Browl cognitively struggling, but this is during the campaign we would point it out. Listen, scale, Scale, I don't know who school men is what the scale of the loss was staggering. It's been two months. As kind of giving that money. It's just men, you could even thanks so much for tuning in. Book tomorrow, Superstar Tuesday, and I want to thank you all. I tell you what I'm rushing ahead, aren't I? We all these truths to be self evident, all many women creative and go you know that you know the thing is Joe Boben, I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over. You'd like to see help out, you agree with me? Go to Joe three oh three three. We choose truth over facts. Play the radio, make sure the television excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night. Make sure the kids hear words. That's the tip of the iceberg for this. Before the campaign, this book that came out, Lucky put the crazy uncle in thet then the basement, hide the crazy uncle in your basement strategy campaign. The mob and the media protected him, The Democrats protected him, Big tech protected him. Those around him coordinated it against hiding the truth from us. Wettle Moore on the other side, glad you will us all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn you want to be a part of the program. One of the reasons, I just love free speech. And I said, I've said many times, I don't want to live in a country where people that don't like me hate me, can't you know, attack me, say what they want to say, make fun of me, make memes whatever. I just don't care. I like living in the country where people can do that. Although the whole vaping thing never happened, just like the riots never happened. Just like there's a crisis at the border, it's not happening. Just like Joe falling three times on the climbing the ramp to the Air Force one today never happened. I mean, Ida, have you've been watching social media? Obviously, I guess he's not hurt because he had the some meeting with the CDC today, And I don't want the president to get hurt. The president of the United States, we wouldn't know anything. Well, I mean they would probably, we wouldn't know any either way. Good point, um, But he doesn't seem which it was. Oh my gosh, did you see the one where Donald Trump takes a golf shot. You see the ball go flying and the right to Joe Biden and like they have a golf ball that they've been certain So how do people do this? I mean, I know, and make fun of the people that monitor our show every day and they're in their their basements and their underwear and you know, a bunch of keyboard warrior losers that have nothing better to do than follow our lives every day, which is kind of humorous to me. And they did have something better to do before the government decided to shut all their businesses down. Yeah, that's true. Well I'm talking about the psycho well, the ones that are paid, oh, the ones that do it for a living, that's yeah, the ones that are paid to, you know, destroy us every day. I was talking about the creative genius that did the golf ball video within record time. That's the thing that is amazing to me. They do it in record time. I mean, the vape thing that didn't happens, didn't happen. There's no crisis at the border that didn't happen. Nope, it's the funniest story ever. By the way, all my friends, they're wickedly funny. The stuff they're telling me last night and today it's so funny. But it's just I mean, my own kids get to get in on it. And then my daughter writes, Dad, one word, Dad, that's all she wrote. And I had to write back, Okay, I know, I know, I wrote back. I know, I know, I know, I wrote classics that you got to admit it was pretty darn funny, and she goes, it was hilarious. It is hilarious. And the scarier part is that we're spending more time talking about that and anything else. It's well, I mean, but we could talk about not me and you, but I just mean, like, you know, yeah, kind I've looked across all of the media sites today and you're very popular. Does anybody remember Jewels an advertiser on this program. You don't forget that part. Good grief. But anyway, my son, my daughters like, maybe it'll make bar stools again, Dad, and I'm my own. They can always hope. That's that's the there's no measure of success. Last year we set a record that probably will never be beaten again, the highest rated most viewers ever to a cable news show in the history of all of cable news. We set the record last year we beat bull. O'Reilly, I don't know. We haven't brought that up with him. We should bring that up. I'm sure he would love to hear about that. Oh he doesn't care. He doesn't care. So you think it's a simple man cares about things like that, because I mean, you're still guesting. I mean nothing. I don't think so Republicans, you know, we have a work ethic. We like to be the best. You know, we're not lazy liberals, you know, copying other people's work. That's true. A lot of people copy our work. So you know, oh, by the way, when somebody copies Mark Levin, and by the way they do, oh my gosh, yeah, we'll hear that idiot didn't even get it right. He's so funny, he cracks me up. Um So, anyway, so I just played Going to the Break. I played Joe Biden during the campaign. Now there's a serious side of this thing, and I'm not lying. And I know people won't believe me when I say I watched this today. I'm like, oh my gosh, I kind of feel sorry for this guy. You know, you see how hard it is for Joe to even read a teleprompter. You know, you see, you can feel the tension even in a fluffball Georgie Stefanopolis probably given the questions topics interview and I got brought my card and then I'll edit that part out for him and so on and so forth. But you know, even let's just go back the last month. But then there's a part of me that is mad because there are people around him that know, why didn't anyone step in and say, you know what, I don't think this is a good idea. At some point, does anyone in his circle care about him? And I'm raising that question because I do believe that this hide your crazy uncle in the basement bunker strategy is that book Lucky says is exactly what they did. But I also think that you know, look, look how long he disappeared before or a debate, just it disappeared. And you know what was happening is never ending preparation. Every second he could lots and lots of rest, sure, lots of coffee and whatever energy drinking happens to like and whatever else you know. I mean, it's it's pretty pretty sad, It's like and now they're pushing him and by the way, this blitz is not a blitz. Donald Trump, you know, doing six rallies in a day, that would be a blitz. Joe could never handle. I don't think he could handle one rally the length of time that Donald Trump did, you know. And now I'm getting worried when guys like Vladimir Putin are challenging him and mocking him or you know. Also, this week, not a lot of people paid attention, yeh, the first bilateral meetings between China and the United States. Secretary of State Tony B. Lincoln, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, they're in this meeting. It took place in Anchorage in Alaska, and anyway, so they bring up the issue of Hong Kong and Taiwan and cyber attacks on the US and economic oresion towards our allies. And then the Chinese just stepped back and they just say, yeah, you're in no position all lecture us, but these you in the United States have deep seated human rights problems, and we hope the US will do better on human rights than the lecturing US. And then and then they bring up the issue of black Lives Matter, the challenges facing the US and human rights are deep seated. They did not just emerge over the past four years as Black Lives matter. It did not come up only recently. Lincoln countered that a hallmark of American leadership was that the US was willing to admit its mistakes. Are you apologizing for America again? I'm like, here we go. These countries are hostile, you know. The last the serious side of this is there is a serious issue here. If you don't have the strength, the stamina, the mental alertness, the acuity, the acumen, this is the hardest job in the world. And I don't see the guy Joe Biden was in twenty sixteen even exists today or twenty twelve for sure, or over the many years, and it's through I don't even through no fault of his own. But then this, this whole effort of managing handling, managing handling, prepping, prepping, prepping, practice, practice, practice, that's what's going on behind the scenes. How long is he gonna be able to keep this up? Even doing the bare minimum we're talking about fifteen minute speech. Okay, good job Joe practicing. Here's just the last month of Joe buzz. Let's just listen to the last month, and you decide for yourself the idea that over five card I carry a card to me every day with the total number of folks who have been effected as incredible talent. Now am I supposed to speak or as swat? You're going to say something I was told I was going to Here's a swat and it's amazing. Indian descent Americans are taken over the country. You, my vice president, my speech writer. When I I tell you what the last thing we need is neander Foal thinking that in the mean time, everything's fine. To take off your mask and I'm happy to take questions if actually I'm supposed to do nance whatever you want me to do. The vast majority of economists left, right and center, from Wall Street to the to the private, private economic polling initiatives. I want to thank the second the former General, I keep calling him General my the guy who runs Do we believe that speed deficiency must be matched with fairness and equity? Now, President Harrison, I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona not long ago. I'm only playing just the tip of the iceberg of all of this. It's becoming a real issue emails now show blaze a reporting that the Biden's planning to implement his Green New Deal again through the back door. Who who needs a coequal branch of government, the legislative branching out the back door executive orders, etc. Etc. But apparently two trillion dollars federal spending. New reports out show that Democratic attorneys general are now conspiring with left wing radical climate activists to implement this Green New Deal through the back door and anyway. They among the first actions the office several executive actions on the Green New Deal, the more radical elements of the Green New Deal co two emissions, everything that's going to destroy business in this country. Emails obtained by Chris Horner, energy policy advocate, reported by the Wall Street Journal show in twenty nineteen, Democratic state attorneys general consulted a Biden administration bureaucrat on strategies to regulate CO two through the backdoor without Congress's approval. Supreme Court ruled an O nine that the Clean Air Acts general definition of pollutant covers greenhouse gases. The backdoor plan is covered by the Wall Street Journal. Former Obama EPA officials is now in charge of Biden's greenhouse gas regulations. Does any of this surprise you? Pack the courts, DC, Puerto Rico, statehood and legislative philibuster. There's no end to this desire for power. That they have no end, and they're put hart question is a Republican is going to be united? By the way Nancy Pelosi says that Joe Biden has Southern the southern border situation under control. Don't believe your own eyes. Listen. So that is to back up again and say that Biden administration has this under control. It will take it has changed, and it will take some time. But it is values based, humanitarian and its aspects pragmatic and how with a plan to get things done and not just a diversionary tactic on the part of the Republicans because they are bankrupted ideas on how to improve the lives of American people. They run to the border. Ye, now we had to stay in Mexico policy. We don't believe in sanctuary cities and states. We don't believe in catch and release. We don't we do believe. Yeah, you can't take OVID positive people and put them in hotels and then just say good luck. We're not putting kids in cargo shipping containers. None of that was happening under Donald Trump, and we had full control of the border. Build the border wall. We're on track now to have more illegal immigrants than we've had in the last twenty years. Now Republicans are calling for hearings on the border crisis. I know that what are they hiding? Ted Crue sent out a tweet next week he's bringing fifteen US Senators to the border so they can see for themselves. Houses now passing to immigration bills as this crisis intensifies. You know it is. You know, the pair of bills are the first immigration proposals leading away towards amnesty. That's what they are now pushing for, step by step incrementalism, but as quickly as they possibly can. If a loving parents sends their children to the border, we will not expel them. We will care for them. Loving parents don't send their children off into some other country alone. I don't define that as love. It's extraordinarily dangerous, with gangs and drug cartels and coyotes and human traffickers. It's nothing good about this here. We'll let you take him. America. Governor Rabbit has accused Biden of COVID cover up. And they won't even let the State of Texas Department of Family Services look at the three thousand kids that are in the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Building Center, whatever the place is called. You had a previously deported convicted rapists discovered among illegal immigrants. We have now people on the terror watch list that we know. And the thing is is they all say the same thing. Joe said it's okay because he did say it. No, he'd lied about it to George Stephanopolis, I mean may Orcus says the decision not to test immigrants for COVID was a mistake. You think you think maybe giving border patrol now top priority for a vaccine might be an important step here, Well, it's a crisis. Jed and circle backsack, he says, Then she backs backtracks on her own statement. These are this is a this is Biden's policies have caused at all. But they all lied to He was I don't know Donald Trump did this. No, Donald Trump did not do this. We'll talk to Greg Murphy later. He thinks we all to send the National Guard troops at the Capitol to the border. I don't think he's wrong. You have nine GOP members voted for the DAKA amnesty. With the Democrats, you got five Democrats. They're even voting allowing even illegal immigrants that they've determined their members the gangs. We're not even putting those controls on things. According to a report I saw him bright part right Hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Er, well, three falls in a row, but it didn't happen. The riots over the summer, they're not riots. And what are you talking about? It's mostly peaceful. There's a fire behind me that didn't happen either, me vaping on TV. What are you talking about that didn't happen? What you mean you really thought you saw something that you didn't see. I mean, that's how insane this all is. It's crazy. But anyway, we'll get back to all of this. Eight hundred nine four one Sean is our number. Crisis on the border, no crisis, Jensaki admits as a crisis, and then backtracked. No crisis. You can listen to her. Vaccine was given where their expectations set with the Mexicans that they helped deal with the situation on the border. There have been there have been expectations set outside of unrelated to any vaccine doses or request for them, that they would be partners in dealing with the crisis on the border. You said crisis on the border, challengers on the border, Okay, but so that a reflect any change and administrations a few things. Nope. Yeah, we have b Linda Sanchez out there saying it's not appropriate for journalists to be in migrant children facilities. What we We're not going to allow Texas and Family Protective Services into the Kabilly Hutchinson Center where three thousand immigrant children are are being housed. We're not allowed to look the cargo shipping containers. We can't get a look inside them either. The kids sleeping on the floor, those social distancing taking turns, sleeping on the floor with their tinfoil blankets. Oh, we're not allowed to look at that either. He's serious. Listen, but are all of our reporters down there have been asking NonStop to get into these facilities where a hundred Miracas just said, are not meant for children? The CBP facilities. Are you concerned at the lack of transparency from the administration not allowing any journalists inside. I will tell you that under the Trump administration, members of Congress were not allowed inside these facilities. So if you want inside it doesn't you know, that doesn't mean anything. Now, respectfully, congresswomen, I mean clearly you were upset about that lack of transparency. Are you concerned about this lack of transparency? Sure? Well, again, when you have numbers in the numbers that we see, and we have facilities that are appropriate for children, but because of COVID protocols, you can't feel them to capacity. You have to have social distancing. They are trying to process children as quickly as they can and know these detention facilities that the boarder were not meant for children. Children are meant to be in licensed facilities. But because of the numbers and because of the social distancing that's required, they are doing the best that they can. And I don't necessarily think that it's appropriate for journalists to be inside centers that are that are not permanent places for children. That children are not placed there permanently, their processed out of those facilities as quickly as possible and as quickly as the facilities will allow. And we got DHS Secretary majorcas migrant surge at the borders is the greatest number we've seen in twenty years. The same guy that said two weeks earlier, there's no crisis at the border. Your statement yesterday acknowledge that the surge of migrants encountered at the border is a crisis in Mason constitute a twenty year peak. Correct, Congressman. I believe my language was in fact that the numbers that we are seeing could be the greatest, if in fact they materialize as they are trending, could be the largest numbers we have seen in twenty years. You know, I got criticized this week saying, well, Hannity's saying, well, how much is this going to cost? Okay, the largest influx of illegal immigrants in the country during a pandemic, seventeen million Americans out of work, pink slips going out, left, right, and sideways for the entire energy sector, and I'm not allowed to ask. And then, of course, now we see the human traffickers, the drug traffickers, the gangs, the cartels. You know, they're they're operating more freely, freely than ever because our border patrol. They're a little too busy dealing with all of the undocumented unaccompanied miners in every other distraction, and we have guests, even people on the terrorists watch list crossing the border. Oh, there's not a crisis on the border. What are you? What are you talking about? Hannity? You didn't vape on TV? Oh I guess they kind of did. Anyway, joining us now, as Congressman Greg Murphy, North Carolina's third district, vice chair of the GOP Doctors Caucus, introduced a bill this week to it's called the Guard Our Border Act, and that would reassign National guardsmen or scheduled to go to DC and send them to the border to help address the real crisis there. Anyway, Congressman, welcome back to the program. How are you, sir? I'm doing well. I hope you are. I'm doing great. Um, all right, so our eyes can see it's like we saw riots in the summer, but we have the media mob democrats well saying we're not seeing what we're seeing. We see what's happening at the border. We see Joe Biden week and frell and struggling cognitively and falling three times today. Your thoughts, sir, well, you know our National Guard. The whole reason they were ever accepted was to help with domestic crisis as crises and to be pulled up in times of national need. You know, what happened in January sixth was a tragedy, was a national tragedy, and you know rightfully so attentions and alarms went up. However, the ten foot razor wire that Dictator Pelosi has put forward with twenty three hundred National Guard now here guarding something that's only a political maneuver, whatsoever there is as the Capitol Police well state, there is no credible threat here. So you have the you know, the brave men and women who have sacrificed time away from home standing around here literally doing nothing. There is no crisis in DC. The only crisis is in our southern border. Because Joe Biden has opened up the door. He has let you as you parked out, pointed out, the drug cartels now are able to do so much because the attention has now been turned to unaccompanied miners and everyone else. So I'll tell you what we do, what we should be doing in America. Let's use our resources smartly. So let's take the individuals here who are guarding a ten foot razor wire fence for no reason, and let's put them down there where there is an actual crisis. Even the Biden administration today slipped up and said it was a crisis, and so why don't we do things smartly. Let's put our National Guard down where they're needed. Okay, I agree with you. It's common sense to me. And if you need additional security at any time, We've got to protect our institutions. We got to protect the capital, we got to protect our elected officials. It's not about politics. I don't care if you're a liberal Democratic Democrat or a conservative Republican, doesn't matter to me. Protect our elected officials. That's just mandatory, one on one. But you're right, this is happening. It's at the border, and on top of it, I'm not even mentioning the opioid crisis, the human trafficking crisis, the impact on our economy. People need to be housed, people need to be fed, healthcare needs to be dispensed, Educations will be forthcoming, all of which you know the American taxpayer cannot afford to do now. And yesterday the Democrats passed sweeping immigration law that gives the amnesty to everybody. So those individuals coming across the border today will be granted amnesty. Those individuals who are down in other countries now will say, hey, look if we go across the border now, because the door is wide open, we can come to that country and immediately get amnesty. So the Democrat, you know, Mantra has been a nation without laws. We've seen that since the day one of the inauguration. And I tell you guys, it's a really scary time for our nation and China, Russia, all our other enemies are just simply laughing at us, laughing at us right now. We have a president that's providing no leadership at all, and you know, we're in troubling times and it's time to fight back. Let me ask you your thoughts. You know, I guess I was the only one dumb enough or brave enough, depending on which way you may look at it. I didn't like Joe Biden's basement bunker campaign, and I felt I called it the big tech media mob candidate protection program. But even the few times Joe would would poke his head out of the basement bunker, what did we see. I've been comparing Joe Biden and how he looked how we sounded in twenty sixteen, how we looked how he sounded in twenty twelve to today. And what I see is somebody that is weak, and somebody that is frail, and somebody that is struggling clearly cognitively. And we saw the terrible fall today, and I got to be honest, I felt sorry for him. I really did look like he crashed his head in one case, right into the you know, right into one of the steps. Do you believe that there are issues going on there? And do you believe that the media is protecting Joe and not disclosing fully to the American people whether or not there are some significant issues here. Yes, I do, without a doubt. And I actually, you know, I've been a physician for thirty years. I raised some com questions last year about this. You know, I sit in a doctor's lounge and we talk about these things because I'm still practicing a little bit. Without a doubt, there is generally, I mean, there is definite concerns over Joe Biden's condition mentally physically and given his question his ability to actually be the leader of the free world. And no doctor congressman, I know you're a doctor too, What kind of doctor are you. I'm a urologic surgeon. I take care of a lot of older patients and have done so for thirty years. I'm not a doct A lot of folks, yeah, go ahead, sir, go ahead. But there's general consensus that there is reason to be concerned. I mean, look at the rigorous chuncle as president United States has to go look at what Donald Trump did. Laugh. I mean he was he was boundless energy, and it's just literally the opposite. So you wonder who's really pulling the strings. You know, the man's not had an open press conference since he started. Everything's been from a teleprompter. I think we have reason to be very concerned. I really, to be very honest with you, I felt sorry for him today falling up. You know, we all trip, we all fall those, but we fall in a seventy eight year old that has a lot of a lot more consequences. So you know, I didn't look to you the way it did to me and pointed out during the campaign they're trying to hide him now. It looked like he hit his head, I mean it, and it didn't fall once. He fell three times. Yeah, yeah, I couldn't get. I feel sorry for the guy, really did. I did too one thing, so sorry forgot another one to be the leader of the free world. Well, I'll tell you if people, if people knew and they tried to hide this from the American people, to me, that is a massive fraud committed and perpetrated on the American people. We have. This is the toughest job in the world. I did not like what was happening yesterday. It was kind of embarrassing also to me as an American that I felt that Vladimir Putin was mocking Joe Biden over this very issue. Did you hear what Putin had said? I wouldn't doubt it. Is a very smart, very shrewd individual. He knows how to exploit weaknesses, and this is definitely a weakness in our country right now. Yeah, all right, doctor, we appreciate it. Congressman Greg Murphy, North Carolina's third District, thank you, sir for being with us. We appreciate it. Thank you so much. All right, to our busy phones on this Friday, we've got let's say hi to Michael in Ohio. Michael, Hi, how are you glad you called? Sir? How you doing today, Sean, I'm good, sir. What's going on? Hey? First, I just want to real quick say thank you to everyone you know that's fighting for the truth to be brought to light in the media. You guys are doing our country a great justice with your continued fight on that. I just want, by the way, you're a part of this fight. Don't. Every single person is a part of this Amen, And that's to my point. You know, I want to say that I feel all constituents at every level need to get involved, even if they're I don't care if they're for the Biden administration. I don't know who is. I'n't talked to a single person in Ohio yet it is. But I want to encourage everybody to get out there, contact or local elected representatives and let them know we do not want this tyranny in our government. We do not want communism, We do not want socialism. You know, we are a democracy, a republic, and we need to continue to be such. I mean with the attacks on our First Amendment, you know, the silencing of the President of our United States by Big TEG, the attacks coming on our Second Amendment, with all the legislations and being introduced. Excuse me, we also have HR one being introduced, which basically turns us into Venezuela. We're never going to have a free and fair election again. So I just encourage everyone to do their due diligence, stay educated like our forefathers asked us to, and continue to protect this republic by by means of civil discourse. You know, all you got to do is have a civil conversation called an elective representative. I know it's hard. I do it every day. I've called Jared Brown three day to leave a message and ask him, please, Sarah Brown, be a hero. You can be the deciding vote in a house, you know, a Senate that separated. One senator can stand up on the Democratic side and stand for unity in our nation like Joe Biden called for through his campaign. And I hate to tell you, I don't put a lot of faith in it. The amount of pressure being brought to bear on every Democrat is beyond anything we'd understand. I wish they did have the strength, the backbone, the principle to do so, but time will tell. I'm not going to put my faith in it, I'll tell you that. But anyway, with my friend God, bless you a good call. Well, have a lot more calls coming up as the program unfolds here today. When we come back, we'll get to your call straight ahead. Final half hour, eight hundred nine four one sean, you want to be a part of the program as we continue all right twenty five to the top of the hour, Happy Friday. Thank you for being one of us. Eight hundred and nine four one sean, you want to be a part of the program. I haven't given you now it never happened. All the I see all the trending Hannity vapes on TV, but that didn't happen. The riots didn't happen. What we see at the border isn't happening. Why are they Why are they making this up? Like it's so strange? Actually, I mean you would think they saw it with their own eyes and like thought that they could trust that. I'm like, this is really strange. Why does America think that they should believe what they're seeing? I mean, clearly, the Biden administration does not see any crisis at the border. Therefore anything we're seeing is not true. So that whole thing of you vaping on cameras that never happened. Oh, that never happened. It never happened, and you saying, oh, that never happened, never, absolutely didn't. You know, it's funny and obviously we're having some fun here. It's it's like my favorite thing. That just it just I can't say it any better than what you watch and see with your own eyes is fake news CNN, MSDNC. You know, you see a reporter you know, behind him and like it looks like the whole city it's an inn and and and he's reporting and it says at the bottom, uh, mostly peaceful protests, mostly peaceful, peaceful. It's ridiculous. Here's the even more scary part, if I may, the reporting on your vaping has taken front page news across many platforms today. Five year old crossing the border alone, doesn't even know how full vocabulary doesn't matter, walk across the street by himself, crossing the border. That's not what you can't see that. We can't get into the actual facilities holding these children. We can't see anything full transparency. No, we can't see that. Oh wait, full transparency. It's not there's no crisis at the board, Linda, what are you talking about? See this is problem again, thinking that I'm seeing things. There are no kids in cargo shipping containers, all the overcrowding kids taking shifts to sleep and on the floor with the tinfoiled blankets. What are you talking about? We're unbelievable. I really do need to get to an optician. Something's going on. An optician and a psychiatrist to straighten all this. I mean, you know, you know. I got one letter say it's so disappointing to see you do this, and I'm like, I've been doing so people are so high and mighty. I just can't. I really can't. I'm like, what do you want? I don't know. I don't know. Why don't you move out of that glass house before you start throwing stones? You know, I will say my daughter is mature. The first time I got busted on TV, some really funny videos came out of that. They're hilarious, and I'm laughing at it like everyone else. My phone blows up and I, oh, no, here we go. I just started cracking up with all my friends and they're all being all wise asses, and they're all taking shots that they're all taking their turns. And even Laura last night with the water, Oh my God, was hilarious. It was so funny. But she was right. It's that's just people being real, Like, oh, you mean he puts on his reading glasses, three notes and he's texting his producer what he wants to do next, and he's having a smoke. Yeah, that happens. That's called real life. It's called real life. Um. And you know what's you can't even get? You can only buy four pods of jewels now, four cartridge boxes. That's it. They limit them. You can't. I'm surprised you can buy it all. You can't get salt, you can't get soft drinking anything like good grief. Um, unbelievable. All right, let's go to Paul Is in California, the United Socialist utopia that is now recalling Gavin Newsom. Hey, sir, how are you glad you called Happy Friday? Yeah, that's pretty good way to put it. Absolutely. First off, thanks for your support of law enforcement. Thirty five year veteran in multiple counties, And thank you. You guys have a hard job. Yeah, you know, and that's kind of what I called two things. The thing at the border frustrates me because you know, I've done my shirt child abuses and some violet sexual predator cases, and you know, watching it, and not to get sidetracked on that, but you already have an overwhelmed law enforcement system in southern California. You have some of the outstanding men and women still saying yes to the profession, which I'm at the end, I'm SIMI retired, and I don't know if I'd still say yes. I probably would, but these kids are still jumping in. You know, I have family members that are still saying yes to the military is still saying yes. Two very busy Sambardino County, La County agencies and they're still smiling. And what I was going to say is the fact that you know, back even when I was working process, a lot of these people are trafficked, and a lot of them are from south of the border, and a lot of them are exploited. And we're that, Paul, It's not just prostitution. We're talking about young children. We're talking about pedophile rings and human trafficking of children for sexual exploitation, destroying the souls of innocent kids. And when I look at it as a grandparent with kids at that age, it both breaks my heart. But here's the hard thing. Somebody's going to have to intervene, and it'll fall on those cities, It'll fall on those counties, those deputy shares, the brave men and women are still out there pushing around a black and white which I don't do very much anymore. And already the child and family services units of the counties, they're overwhelmed. There's a good possibility that if you have to take one of those poor children into custody to save them, into protective custody, that takes an offer out the street for sixty eight hours, which means he's not out patrolling. And what happens. So the crisis that they've created with regard to the human factor, you know, from the spiritual side of my life, it frustrates all of us. And it also goes into what else is going on in southern California with the decriminalization. It's Sean, it's a free for all, you know, it's turned into a free for all. I'm telling you it's you need to get the hell out of there. Hate to tell you you'll save a ton of money. Um yeah, we've we've we've we've found a jump a place to jump off to and the deserts of a surround of a neighboring state, which does all good for in fact, all our law enforcement. We all disappear and go right our motorcycles, and yeah, it's I want to join your motorcycle. Okay, I want to. I want to be a part of it. I want to be an honorary law enforcement motorcyclist. Um. Anyway, Paul, thank you for all you've done. And you know, it's sad and it keeps happening, and the saddest part of all of this it is we had it all under control. We had it handled. We had to stay in Mexico policy, we eliminated catch and release, we were building the border wall. We were building it expeditiously. We were getting the whole job done. Oh, come on in if you're when I get elected president, will you come and come? Well, they came, and they're coming, and more are coming, and they're all saying they're coming because Joe told them to come. And now we have the we're not prepared for anything. But yeah, we're gonna have to find housing and food and provide healthcare and education. And it's it's just a self created disaster. And then people will be competing for the very few jobs that open up as we now try to hopefully wind down the pandemic. Travis, South Dakota. Hey Travis, how are you happy Friday? I'm doing well shown how are you? I'm good, sir. UM so quick knowing. I got a grammar that lives in California and she's she's signed a petition. She's not a racist, she's you know, she's just tired. She's tired of it. Um. And you know, with that being said, I live here in South Dakota and it's it's a completely different world. Um. You know, the kids are going to school. Um. And I actually asked my ten year old, you know what her favorite thing about school was the other day, and she said the routine. Um. She's joined volleyball. You know, she's learning a new sport. And it's just it's so important for kids to be around other kids, um, for socializing, for of course learning, but um, you know, and just to get that confidence and to understand, you know, um, how to be with other people in society and how to treat other people. And when you're locked up at home, it's it's tough to do. Um. We know. You know, some families that have that. I've tried the virtual learning and their kids fell way behind. It's it's a burden on on the parents as well, you know that have to work and um, yeah, it's just we don't understand it. Here. You know, we're free and open and we love our governor and yeah, we're just thankful to be here. Listen, you never shut down in South Dakota. No, you had your moments, you had your hot spots. Remember the meatpacking plant in South Dakota. I remember you went through a little bit of a tough time. There a couple of other hot spots. But the governor's approach in South Dakota is everybody knows the rules. You know about masks, you know about human social distancing, you know, protect the old people, the elderly population. And you guys did great. Now geographically, it's a little bit less challenging than say a New York or a Florida. But you know, you did your job. Everybody did their job in South Dakota, led by a governor that believes in something called freedom. Now, everybody knows what the rules are and every look, I don't even care about the kids going down in Florida for spring break. The kids are not did not at the level of danger by any stretch of the imagination. And it's older people, compromised immune systems, comorbidities, underlying health conditions. We've got this down. That's what makes what happened in New York, New Jersey, what happened in Pennsylvania, Michigan, California, is so outrageous. And that's why Florida did so much better. They did better because they used every state agency to protect the most vulnerable, and they did not shut down the rest of society as a means of somehow stopping the spread. And they did much better. There's a reason why Cuomo now politically is in deep trouble. Beyond the sexual harassment, you got, you got the nursing home scandal, group home scandal, then of course the all the allegation scandal, and then you got the same thing now in New Jersey. You know, the health officials, the governor would told people will die with this executive order, and people in New Jersey died by the thousands. Same thing in Michigan, and the same thing in Pennsylvania. Innocent, the most vulnerable died unnecessarily. And now the truth is out there, and now people rightly are angry. They should be. And then those governors that did listen to the science. The science is one thing they always consistently said, never changed. Old people, the most vulnerable. Protect them. Back to our phones as we now say hi to James's in Washington. Hey James, how are you? Thank you for joining us? Happy Friday. Good how are you doing. I'm good, sir. Yeah, Well, I uniform to work. Oh you're a border patrol. Now you say you put on a green uniform every day. I'm assuming border patrol, Am I right or wrong? That is correct? All right? Some some sheriffs where where green uniforms just saying oh, yeah, that's true. I didn't think about that. I would have to say the collective barrel in the area I'm and went, you know, from a decent high to lower than low. With the events of January twentieth and in the signings of the executive orders, you know some things people don't think about is they're sending hundreds of agents from the northern border down to the southern border to help out with the crisis that was created. I mean, it took Trump two and a half years to get it under control, and he had it under control, and in less than thirty minutes it went to a big disaster. It's that quick, you know. And I happen to know. I've been over the years until Donald Trump solved the problem, when I stopped going to the border, I'd been down there fourteen times. I've been on ride along as I've been up on helicopters, on boats, on horseback, on all terrain vehicle, on foot with Border patrol guys. I watched people get arrested. I've seen the tunnels built, I've seen the drug warehouses. I've seen it all. I've been there when gang member were arrested. The guys that I know that do your job, they're willing to put their lives at risk. They want to get the humans traffickers, especially of young children. They want to get the drug smugglers. They want to stop the cartels, and they want to stop the gangs. They don't want to be managing this massive influx of children because Joe Biden has shifted the policies. And I can imagine that they're all frustrated, because I'd be frustrated, absolutely huge frustrations. And like I said, they're sending people down a month at a time. So you know, they talk about separation of families down there, all the separating families up here too. Seriously, I mean it's sad because you guys are willing to do You're willing to do the dangerous work, and you do it successfully. Anyway. Listen, I'm glad you told our audience. Tell all your guys, I said, hi, and I also send my many thanks for what they're doing, and I sympathize with their frustration. I get it, and so do the American people. Eight nine Shawn, Yeah, thank you, oh investigative reporter. Justinnews dot Com editor in chief John Solomon, What do you hear is new deep State news. We have not given up. We're still following, but it's it's it's every day it gets worse than ever, corroborates everything we had reported straight ahead. Coming up next, our final news round up and Information Overload Hour. All right, News round Up, Information Overload Hour. Thank you, Scott Shannon. Happy Friday to everybody. We'll get to more of your calls at the bottom of the hour. You know, I've had to face some truths about the reality of what the deep state is. The swamp is that I didn't sort of like the I didn't think it could happen in America category. Let me give you a couple of quick examples here. I never thought that America would get so bad that they would actually you'd have big tech, medium mob democrats literally coordinating to hide a presidential candidate in a basement bunker, answers next to no questions whatsoever and get away with it. I would think that there's somebody in the media that says, we gotta ask this guy questions. We got to where does he stand on all of these issues we were talking about court packing and ending the legislative filibuster and DC and Puerto Rico statehood and in the use of executive orders and overreach and all of this stuff. I never thought that if we have statutory language in the law, like for example, that says partisan observers can observe, and it's in pretty much every state, that those laws would totally be ignored and nobody seems to care at all. Very few people some many of us did, but very few people and they got away with it. You know. I never thought that you'd have a situation where a state constitution, a state kind of this case Pennsylvania that is totally, incompletely, utterly set aside and they just pass a law rather than go through the arduous process of changing the constitution with a constitutional amendment, and that nobody would seem to bat an eyelash. We have this court decision in Michigan this week as it relates to the laws on mail in balloting in that state, or the four three Supreme Court decision in Wisconsin, two states that do not allow massive mail in voting, but they did it anyway and they got away with it. Or having two sets of standards for voting, one by mail, one in person. In person, you have a you have to have voter ID. In person, you have a signature verification system that is in a state database this is Georgia, but you don't need it if you're doing a mail in ballot and you know things like this. Probably my biggest disappointment is we've spent a lot of time on this program getting it right. The things that we talked about regarding the deep state, we got right. And our incredible ensemble cast, our incredible staff, we worked three years on this. In fact, there never was any Trump Russia collusion. It never happened. The only Russian disinformation in the twenty sixteen campaign was Hillary Clinton's dirty dossier that we now know. Christopher Steele even admitted that he made up to help Hillary distract from the legal troubles involving her email server, or that the subsource for Christopher Steele said to the FBI in January of twenty seventeen, No, none of that is true, but yet or a smoking gun email James comitted Jim Clappers saying I can't verify this. Meanwhile, the top of a fine application says verified and that it would be presented to a court premeditated fraud. Four separate occasions, you'd have hearings where people like Comey and Yates and Rod Rosenstein admitting, yeah, what we know now, based on what we know now, we never would have signed those visa applications, and nobody's held accountable. Or a system of justice where if you lie at a Congress, just like the Horowitz report referred high ranking FBI officials for lying to Congress. But if you're a Republican, you know you get thirty men in tactical gear in a pre dawn raid and frogmen and CNN cameras and literally, you know, they want to put you in jail for the rest of your life. I never thought we'd have a dual justice system like that. Now, it's a little off topic here on a Friday, but we have an update on this, and this is getting a little bit you know, I still get asked it's John dorm ever gonna hold people accountable? We're ever going to get a report? Are they ever gonna be indictments? And i'd my answer now as I don't think so, because I don't think if you're a conservative and your jaywalker spit on the sidewalk, they want to put you in jail for the rest of your life. If you commit premeditated fraud on a court and you're a liberal Democrat, you're gonna get away with pretty much anything. Anyway. Our friend John Solomon's never stopped. He keeps digging deeper and deeper and deeper, and he has discovered a lot again as usual. He's the editor in chief of just thenews dot com. And what we now know is one secret FBI Informant reports reveal wider ranging operation to spy on the Trump campaign, and John Solomon's here to give us more of the details. It's a phenomenal read. It is like, Yep, we were right the whole time. Not that it means anything, I guess, John, because nothing seems to happen ever. Yeah, that's the frustrating part. Well, this story really gets to the truth of what the FBI did and has never been willing to admit you. It was spying on Donald Trump, and it was spying on Donald Trump's camp in a large, wide dragnet. So we've always been told, listen, we just focused on Papadopolis. Then when the Steel Dacier came in, we focused on Carter Page. We kept this narrative narrow, and we weren't trying to intrude in the election. When you look at what they told Stefan Helper the day they brought him in in August of twenty sixteen, three months before the election, they told them their mission. What they wanted him to do was to look for anyone, anyone in the Trump campaign who might have a tie with Russia, who might be able to get into a position of receiving derogatory information about Hillary Clinton. Think about that. First off, anyone isn't narrow. Secondly, any connection to Russia whether lawful or not lawful. They should be looking at only unlawful connections to Russia. And third, what is it the business of the FBI to be worried about whether Donald Trump got dirt on Hillary Clinton. That's a political issue, not a criminal issue. And then you go through the Helper reports and you see they're not asking just about Papadopolis and Carter Page. They're asking about Jeff Sessions, and they're asking about many other executives, Mike Flynn, the Sam Clovis. They are doing a wide sweep fishing. They're phishing faces, and counterintelligence investigations were not designed to be phishing expeditions. They're supposed to be narrowly targeted, civil liberty protecting. I took all these documents. I went to the former intelligence chief of the FBI, the guy that worked for Robert Mueller when Robert Mueller was the FBI director, and this is what he said. He said, this was unlawful, This investigation was unlawful. It wasn't properly predicated. It's a phishing expedition. And the only explanation I can come up with for why it went on and continued all these years, and the appses of evidences. There was political bias, political intention inside the FBI. That's from a gm en. That's how important these documents are. Okay, and now the courses. I know you have a ton of sources. Why don't you just give us a little bit more detail? Because Helper provided significant exculpatory evidence to the FI including the transcripts of conversations he recorded with targeted Trump advisors. And we knew this happened with Papa Oppos. Remember Papadappos had said no, no, nobody's talking to the Russians, that if they did, I would consider that treason. But yet they still went after this kid and put them in jail for two weeks. Halper records carter Page denying in August, before they ever went to the FISA court. He brings carter Page to his farm in northern Virginia and he starts asking carter Page, did you meet with these two Russians? He keeps asking him time and again, these are the two Russians that Christopher Steele claimed carter Page was meeting with. And carter Page says, no, I don't even know these guys. I never met with him. I don't have that level of access. They then go two months later, don't tell the court that and instead said, we have good reason to believe that Carter Page met with these two Russians. They knowingly and willfully lied. In fact, Stefan Helper's information as it relates to Papadappus and Carter Page particularly, was some of the most damning evidence of innocence. That this investigation should never have gone forward, and all of it was kept from the court. Now next week we're going to be talking about Stefan Halper again. I'm going to break a big story next week. Knew get classified documents that show when it came to staff on Halper and Michael Flynn, the FBI determined early on that some allegations and information to Steffan Alper gave them was inaccurate, erroneous, and yet they continued to use the allegation as a basis to investigate Michael Flynn. When you see what the FBI was writing and telling itself internally, people will be floored that Michael Flynn ever came under investigation because these documents show they knew the original allegation was false. So we're gonna get to that next week and what did I say the whole time, the biggest abuse of power, corruption scandal of American history, and we were all right. Let me go back to a moment when Doug Collins questioned Robert Mullard. I want to get your reaction to this, Is it true the evidence gathered during your investigation, given the questions that you have just answered, is it true? The evidence gathered during your investigation did not establish that the president was involved in the underlying crime related to Russian election interference, as stated in Volume one, Pag seven, we found insufficient evidence of the president's called culpability, So that would be a yes without pardon, that would be a yes, yes, yes, thank you. Isn't it true? The evidence did not establish at the president or those closed him were involved in the charge Russian computer hacking or active measure of conspiracies, or that the president otherwise had unlawful relationships with any Russian official, Volume two, page seventy six. Correct, I leave the answer to the report, So a yes? Is that any true? Your investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with Russian government and the election interference activity. Volume one, page two. Volume one, page one seventy three. Thank you, yes, yes, thank you your reaction to that, and the irony is Hillary paid for a Russian disinformation said that became the basis just by on the Trump campaign and presidency. If the Muller investigation had done its work well, it would have been looking at Hillary Clinton for conspiring as Russian sources and a foreign source by the name of Christopher Steel. But they didn't look that direction. It was a one sided direction. But when I hear that, I'm reminded of the one of the most explosive documents that came out last year. FBI agent William Barnett. He was one of Mueller's main guys that worked on Flynn and other things, and he testified to the Justice Department last September, we got these documents very quickly, right after it happened. He said, we never had any evidence of collusion ever, not at any point in the investigation that they have evidence of collusion. And then he said, really, what the FBI and the Muller team was doing was playing a bad game of clue. Put two people in the same room and say, aha, we have collusion. That was the FBI agent mocking his own agency. Saying we did the most awful investigation you ever saw. It was a joke. But when you hear Mueller kind of stumble over his words and try to be careful and loyally, the FBI agent who worked right under him, William Barnett, said, listen, I'm going to be straight with you. We never ever had any evidence of collusion, and yet the American people on Donald Trump went through three years of health. It's unreal. Right as we continue, John Solomon with us the latest information. He'd never given up. I give him so much credit. Editor in chief, investigated reporter just Thenews dot com. Whatever happened? Now, remember when the Comey to Brennan email was discovered very late, obviously at the end of the Trump presidency, and he says, yeah, I can't verify any of this. Wasn't that email after he had already sworn to the FISA Court that it was verified, and prior to him swearing twice more to the FISA Court that in fact, it's verified and true. Yes it is. January twelfth, twenty seventeen, will be a day that if John Durham brings criminal charges, it will be a day that people will remember why three things happened. That day James Coomey signed the first renewal of the FISA Warren saying, I affirm the information in here is verified, including the stuff about Christopher Steele. That same day he writes James Clappern's as, we've not been able to sufficiently verify anything in the Steel campaign. And then that same day the CIA comes in and says, hey, guess what fellas We've now confirmed some of the information in the Steel dossier is not only wrong unverifiable, it came from Russian intelligence as a disinformation campaign. That same day, all three things happen, and you have to ask yourself, how could any lawman, any lawman go ahead and go to the FEISTI court when you just learned those two things. You had to knowingly and willfully mislead the court because you knew what you were about to say to the court wasn't true. The CIA was telling it wasn't true. So I think January twelfth, twenty seventeen, will be a day that lives in informy if and when the Durham investigation ends with more account do your sources have any idea what the hell Durham is even doing? And what's taking so long? And do you believe that the people that we know did all of these things will be held to account. I don't know, as a nobody knows whether he's going to file charges or not. But I will tell you something I affirmed a couple of weeks ago. I've got it from multiple sources. A central senior FBI official who worked in the inner circle of James Comey, between James Comey and Andrew McCabe and Peter Struck and Lisa Page, began cooperating a few months ago. He's become critical to John Durham's investigation. The delays a lot of some of it was COVID, as we said, but there were there have been grand jury subpoena fights where witnesses are trying to fight having to turn over evidence, and that's what's delayed John Durham. But right now they're at the final stages. I'm told that they've made a lot of progress. They've won some of these grand jury subpoena cases. And this cooperating witness, who was very senior in the FBI. Don't know his identity, have some guesses, but this senior FBI official has provided really valuable information to understand the mindset and intentions of people like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, one potential person, Bill Priestet. Well, he's certainly won that they ought to be looking at. I don't think he's the cooperating witness. I think it's someone else. All right, Well, John, you've done phenomenal work the whole time. Look forward to the next up. I'm not going to give up. And then one day America is going to realize by not having equal justice an application of our laws, just how damaging this is to the foundation of this country. I wish I wasn't saying that, but it's all true. John Solomon, just thenews dot com. Thank you for being one of us. Great work is always have a weekend. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour on this Friday. More of your calls coming up eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, I want to tell you about a lawsuit now in the US District Court for the District of Maryland. I saw this in the Federalist Northern Division and alleging that the county in the state has an improper election scheme that violates the fourteenth and first amendments to the Constitution. Now it says Howard's Howard County's school Board's election process is something out of the movie Election see that with Rhese Witherspoon. Anyway, put that aside, anyway, Public Interest Legal Foundation president Jay christians Adam says, children in Howard County are given more political power over educational policy than the adults. You can't make this up. Now, the Board of Education, comprised of eight members, currently includes one student member. Now, this minor is elected by his or her peers between the grades of six through eleven at district public schools. The student election process run by the school boards and the teachers. They nominate the student to run for office in the first place. Anyway, So this Legal Foundation Public Interests Legal Foundation. They filed the lawsuit on behalf of a woman named Lisa Kim and her son who was unable to cast a vote because he attends a religious institution. The other plaintiff, William Holland, a parent of two students in Howard County, wishes to be able to vote on the eighth spot of the Board of Education. But the law in the lawsuits states in part they defended Howard County Board of Education is operating a system of election and governance that violates the fourteenth and First Amendment by allowing children only attending public schools but not religious schools, to vote for public officials, allocating political power improperly to minors, and deluding and causing a missappropriation of political power appointment of political power. Anyway, Jake Christian Adams is with us. Okay, Now, parents make the decision. They're stuck. They pay their property taxes, they pay all the state taxes, they county taxes. Whatever they pay, and whether they send their kids to public school or not, they're still paying for it. And many choose to send their kids to a private school, religious school, whatever, that's their choice. They're paying more, but they've given no say whatsoever. Hey, thanks, Sean, you're right. And in Maryland, they're giving children the right to vote, and they're giving children the right to run their own election. It's like I said out of a movie, and a child gets four seats, four seats on the board of Election in this county, an adult only gets three. So they are represented by four separate votes on the Board of Education. And Sean, you should know that this fourth vote this child member of the school board voted to keep schools closed and over COVID. So that's where it shows up. I mean, it's it's kind of breathtaking to me. Now, I would think this is a slam dunk. But you and I both know it's not our first rodeo that if you get the wrong judge, you're not gonna win a case like this. Then you're gonna have to take it further. Where does it stand now, Well, it's the case was just filed. It was assigned to a judge who once found the Bladensburg Cross to be perfectly okay on a public park. So you know there's a history here. But children shimply voting. That's the bottom line. Is Maryland to set up a system that normalizes child voting and giving children actual votes to elect shot children other children to a school board that oversees hundreds of millions of dollars. This is not just like an advisory position. This is a voting position on a school board. I mean, it's pretty unbelievable. I would think it's a slam dunk, but I can't predict anything in any court system today. I mean, you know, I don't know if you've noticed with HR one, the Democrats literally as part of that bill, which I would argue as unconstitutional many ways, as surping legislators, surping constitutional authority, state legislatures putting that aside, and allowing felons to vote, no voter identification whatsoever. Massive malon voting would lend itself to zero confidence or integrity I think in any election moving forward. And you know so I look at the move but they also built in court shopping. Yeah, if you want to file a constitutional challenge, you'll have to use the the DC District Court of Appeals. I'm like, really, now you're gonna tell us where we file the lawsuit? Oh okay, Yeah, not only riggs the election in riggs the litigation, but sean HR one that you just mentioned also has child registered voting registration provisions. So this is part of a national trend to normalize the voting age at sixteen years old. Of course, in Maryland and the lawsuit, they vote in sixth grade. It's not just sixteen year old, it's eleven year old who are electing school board members in Maryland. Let me ask you, how do other cities and other school districts prevent this nightmare from happening. Well, the first thing we got to do is you have to win the lawsuit. I mean, if you're a kid in Catholic school, you're not getting a vote for this or a religious school, even though the Howard County School Board does things for those schools, like they have bussing agreements and so forth. Or if you're an adult living in Howard County, you only get three seats. But the kid next door to you who goes to the public schools, who's eighteen years old, still he gets four seats on the board just because he is a kid. It's insane. It's upside down world. And so what we have to do is we have to say that is. You know, when I was at the Justice Department in the voting section, if we had political power being a portioned this way, at least under the Bush administration or Trump, we would have swept in there and filed lawsuits because this malaportions political power and gives power to children. Well, look between the unholy alliance with Democrats and the teachers unions, and they're whacked out radical socialist beliefs. They we're gonna let anybody. Why don't we just do the same thing in prisons. Why don't we let the prisoners control the boards there too, and they can vote into things that they want. All right, Jake Christian Adams keep us up to speed. Appreciate it. Thanks. Sean. By the way, there's a story I saw on the Blaze this week. I didn't get to Baltimore High School. Student made it to senior year, passing three classes only eight point average zero point one three. The district has been investigating the school since twenty nineteen. The principal and assistant principle placed on paid administrative leave to the tune of three hundred and sixty five thousand dollars so far. I mean, you can't make this up. I mean you pen I think that the second highest per capita per student spending with the worst results thirteen public high schools kids. Not a single kid is proficient and reading in math. It's unreal. All right, let's get to our busy phones. Let us say hi to Cornelius in Georgia, Sean Hannity Show, Hey Cornelius, how are you, Henny? How are you man? I'm so glad I got through. That's my grandfather's name and my uncle's name was Cornelius Case Your interested. Oh yep, yes, sir, that's cool man. Hey, um, shout out to Linda. I love a voice. I wish I could pay the talk and Cathy the phone screener offer Hey. But I just wanted to say, man, we got to try to clean out the rhinos like Liz Cheney and people like that, because they're destroying the movement. Trump was the best thing ever happened to the Republican Party in my in my opinion, on my forty seven years in the world, He's the best thing man. And I was so angry that a lot of Republicans were fighting him and in his way. I mean, we had two years where we could have did a whole lot of work, man, and they just stood in this way. They helped the Democrats. How can you say that you're a conservative and you actually go along with Marxist people on the Democrat side. I don't understand that. You got Mitch McConnell fussing about Trump, you got Liz Channey, you got these people Mitt Rodney who hate him. And I'm saying to myself, like, this is ridiculous. Now, it's even worse than that. I listen I'm just venturing a guest here, but I'm pretty confident in my guest. It's an educated guess. I bet you they voted for the radical socialism of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden just because they hate Trump. Now, look, if you don't like Donald Trump's style, okay, I can understand why. He's a disruptor. He is a fighter, he is an iconoclast. He you know, he's gonna he's gonna mix it up. American knew what they were doing in twenty sixteen, and the twelve million more people that voted for him the next time, they knew what they were voting for. They knew who they were getting, and that's what they wanted. We had unprecedented success. Even now through the rear view mirror, we're beginning to see all these you know, governors that were being praised, the Cuomo's, the Murphy's, the Wolves, the Whitmer's, the Gavin Newsom's of the world. Yeah, it was Donald Trump. His administration bailed them out. Just like Joe Biden's vaccine thirty six everyone said one hundred million vaccines and one hundred days was impossible. Trump was already on track to do that and more before he left, and thirty six million had already been you know, shot some people's arms. Look, it's it is. We're going to now live through a period what we told you, so not that we're rubbing it in. What we did. We tried to warn you. And then you're gonna we're gonna get a great lesson in how conservatism works and how radical socialism fails, and then how much it costs and what it means to your life and to your freedom. Because that it'll be the greatest contrast America has ever seen before. And it was pretty it was a pretty stark contrast with Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. It'll be nothing compared to this anyway. Good call, Cornelius, Thank you, appreciate you being with us. Joe, Ella, j will stay in Georgia. What's up, Choe and LJ. Haven't heard from me in a while. Joe's been calling me Atlanta days. What's up, sir? You always have a great program. I just want to say that this border crisis, that's one of the many things that Biden's doing wrong. It's gonna cause I think the Republicans to win a huge landslide victory in both the House and Senate in two twenty two. I've never heard so many people saying they're upset with Biden's border everything, he's doing, the gas prices. So I think we're going to have a huge, a huge victory for the House and Senate. Sean, of course you're gonna help us make that happen. And I want to thank you for all you do. You're great. Well, we're all in this together. Joe spokes in the wheels. I always say, right, every one of us, yep, third, every one of us matters here. All right, my friend, God bless you. Let us say hi to Mike and Arizona this Friday. Mike, how are you glad you called? Hey? Sean? How are you a long time listener? First time caller? Welcome on board, sir, Happy Friday. Brief background, um, former military, been in law enforcements close to over twenty five years. I just want to throw something out there about the border crisis, and it is a crisis, as we all know. It's kind of a way to challenge what's going on down there as far as the human smugglers and the profits and the cost that it's uh you know how it's affecting American taxpayers. You know, the migrants are coming, they're here, they're crossing. We all know that the Trump administration slowed it down and did everything he possibly could, and it's you know, with all the safety measures and the policies that were in place, and it seemed like it was under control. It was at that point I suggest, I suggest the US government now act as why can't we be coyotes. Why can't we have the migrants pay us instead of paying smugglers. Why can't we take that money and you know, use it to ID these people and photograph them and take DNA and provide a tax ID number to them. You know, I mean, I think it's would be in their best interest to pay us instead of paying a smuggler for false promises. You know, at least they'll get something for their money. They're going to cross, they're coming. If they're here, it's gonna happen. I think, America, I gently disagree with you. We've got to control our borders. We get to decide. I like the idea, for example, of merit based immigration, and right now we don't. We don't need a situation where our Americans are trying to get back to life as normal and they're fighting to get their jobs back. Now we're firing people that have good, high paying career union jobs and the energy sector. Now they're competing for jobs. All of these businesses and people associated and network for these businesses now that have had to close because of draconian shutdowns, they are now seeking new jobs. Now you're going to legalize x numbers of millions of people, they will be competing for jobs. And we know what the outcome of this is going to be. It's gonna be fewer jobs, lower wages, and less prosperity for the American people. It's just like they you know this this whole big line. Well, you know, if you're not going to raise taxes, if you make over two hundred thousand dollars year, it's only in taxes on them, or a couple of makes four hundred thousand dollars a year. The problem with that is, well, you're paying more at the pump because of their stupid energy policies. Right, We're paying more to heat our homes, we're paying more for cooling our homes. Where we're paying more money for every product that's delivered to every grocery store that we go to and every other shop that we buy from. Those are all taxes too, and corporations past those taxes onto us. Anyway, you're getting me, Why are you getting me worked up? It's the end of a week. We got a great Hannity tonight, nine Eastern Fox News. Oh, we're gonna lay out the case. Yeah, Joe fell three times and people knew he was struggling. They've been in denial. We're telling the truth. All right, that's gonna wrap things up with today, all right, Busy Hannity tonight. Yeah, Joe Biden's team now they are blaming the wind for Joe Biden tripping and falling three times climbing up the stairs. The wind did it? Joe conscious, Steve Miller. We have former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Tom Holman, Candice Owens, Matt Gates, Nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. Hope you'll join us. We'll see you tonight. Have a great weekend. Back here on Monday,

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