In this "Best of Sean Hannity" episode, Sean replays his interview with Sean Penn. They don't agree on much but there's more common ground than might be obvious!
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Well, will you come here to your city, saying you a concour Well, I'll be desire hi little jail. And if you want a little banging again, you ain't come along. We see that well, we the Democratic Party, we seem extremists dictating radical positions. Hey, back up for a second and just say President Biden has done a masterful job in managing this situation. I just want you to know I may be irish, but I'm not stupid. I married Dominic Jiacoppa's daughter. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution where I'm coming to your city. You want to play our gains and saying you a conscious New Sean Hannity show'd the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number two forty four. Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload. All right, news roundup, Information overload our Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one seawn. If you want to be a part of the program. Two things We're going to hit with our next guest, Cash Patel, former chief of staff of the Pentagon. And what's fascinating in all of this is nobody in the mediu mob really has paid attention to the fact that all these reports Biden's sharing intelligence of Russian aggression and the lead up to this invasion of Ukraine with China, and then China passing it on to their buddy Putin and their friends in Russia. How did that not get widely reported and widely criticized. Listen to cash Btel a colossal good Marie Marie, is a colossal failure of leadership, and it shows another distinction yet between the Biden administration and the Trump administration. The fact that the commander in chief wouldn't answer that question that no one is covering leads me to believe that he took classified intelligence and the reporting is accurate now for multiple sources, and handed it over to our world's biggest enemy, the US's biggest enemy, China, and then, of course China was going to turn around and give it to Russia because Shi Jingping and Putin have paired up and teamed up against the United States of America. The fact that this commander in chief did not know that was going to happen is outrageous. But what is tantamount and disrupts American national security is that we're actually doing that. We as the United States, are actually sharing classified information that jeopardizes Ukrainian national security, his students, European national security interests, and Americans lives. It's being shared with our enemy, who is sharing it with the next biggest enemy of America. It is just something that never happened under Trump, and the fact that it's happening under Biden needs to be fully investigated. You can't even make this up. Cash Betel's with those former Pentagon cheap of staff Sir, A great question. How did that happen and why didn't anybody realize how stupid that is? Hey, Shan, great to be with you, and thanks for covering this important topic that literally almost no one else is talking about. I mean, I'll just flipped the Scriptean. Imagine if President Trump took classified information and gave it to Shi Jing Ping or Putin, we'd be in fifteen rounds of impeachment. And the reason that Joe Biden is allowed to get away with it is because he obviously has a meeting that's covering up for him and that won't cover these issues. But he and his national security apparatus actually convinced him it was a good idea to share classified information with China. My question is did they go through the declassification process before they gave it to shi Jing Ping, Because if they did it, that's a violation of federal law. They charged me and Trump with doing that, But we abided by the process anytime we dealt with classified information. And it's another example of a two cheered system of how the rules applied to a commander in chief. If you're a Democrat and your name is Joe Biden. But the biggest travesty is the fact that our commander in chief thinks or thought, and his team thinks or thought that that was a good idea when you look back now and how the media, for example, this phone call with Zolensky and Donald Trump, and Zolenski even said publicly that I didn't feel any pressure from Donald Trump. The one fact witness. There was only one one fact witness and that whole impeachment. Everybody else was a hearsay witness or an opinion witness, none of which their testimony was meaningless. But then you have Joe Biden on tape admitting You're not getting a billion dollars unless you fire this Ukrainian prosecutor investigating my son being paid millions, who admits on Good Morning America he had no experience and energy, oil gas or Ukraine. And then he's asked, well, why do you think you got all this money? I don knew. Maybe because your dad's in charge of Ukraine for the Obama administration. Probably, so ignore that. But there's something bigger here, and that is this Hunter Biden laptop from hell. Almost everybody said the same thing that this laptop was Russian misinformation. It was two weeks before the election. And if you look at the money that Hunter Biden made and look what's on that laptop, and look at the emails specifically referencing Joe Biden's cut in all of this, and the billion five deal with the Bank of China, or Peter Schweitzer's new book points out the thirty million other moneys from China. When you look at the Russian oligarch and the former first Lady of Moscow and millions of dollars go on a Hunter's firm, you look at Bismund the millions that he made in Ukraine, it seems to me that if the last name were Trump, that the media would have handled us very differently, starting with the lab top two weeks before the election. Yep, it's You're exactly right. Just like the classified information we just talked about, if the last name were Trump, and we're talking about Don Junior, they would have been federal inquiries from now until the end of time, and not to mention all the grand jury that would have been utilized. But at least finally it's now coming out and thanks to you're reporting the continuous, relentless reporting on the truth on this one. That Hunter Biden laptop is not a fiction. And here's the stunning part. You and I knew it long ago. Fifty national security officials, two former CIA directors, and one former director of the National Security Agency all came out and signed a document and said that the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation, and they lopped it over to the left wing media and the fake news ran with it to crush that narrative even though they knew it was false. And it's one step removed from that is these national security officials were not in position to have access to that information. So what do they do? They just guessed because they knew the left wing would lack onto it and the media would report it. And who gets hurt by that type of information misinformation the American people and our faith in our institutions of justice and intelligence, because you see a two tiered system of justice for the likes of Hunter Biden versus the likes of Don Junior versus the likes of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. And that's what ticks off America the most. But it's finally coming out, and it looks like, you know, from my days as a former federal prosecutor, it looks like this investigation in Hunter Biden is still active and is very much ongoing, and they've put people in the grand jury. And I didn't put grand people in the grand jury unless I was bringing a federal indictment for as the March nineteenth Saturday edition of The New York Post had is their front cover spies who lie, the intelligence experts that falsely discredited Hunter Biden's laptop and still won't say they're sorry. That included Brennan and Clapper and people like Leon Panetta and then a lot of names. Michael Hayden was one of them, and then a lot of names that you would know that many other Americans wouldn't know. But these are the people that are at the highest level, fifty one former intelligence officials. They were willing to go with the lie for political reasons, which shouldn't surprise everybody, because these are the same people, many of the same people that pushed the phony Russian dirty disinformation dossier that Hillary Clinton paid for that literally put this country on hold for three and a half years, and it all turned out to be debunked and full of lies. You're absolutely right if it's the same m whether it's Russia Gate, Ukraine impeachment fiasco, Hopes, or Tuner Biden laptop, what do they do? They damn the fact. They say, let's talk, let's get anonymous reporting. Then let's get former federal officials to talk about the anonymous reporting, and then we'll put it on the front page of every fake news publication and we'll say the right wing media was lying the entire time because we have anonymous reporting and completely biased individuals like Komey, Clapper, McCabe and the like, who all are have been caught I believe, lying under oath, doing their jobs improperly fired for doing so. And these are the sources and individuals that the what left wing medias are lying on to prop up these narratives. And they've done it over and over and over again. And we caught him in Russia Gate, we caught him in the Ukraine p hm in fiasco, we caught him during Hunter Biden's laptop nonsense. And I think John Durham's going to catch him all. And why do you believe that? Because I don't have the confidence that that's going to happen. I, for the life of me, I was pretty pissed off that it took Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General, as long as it took him, But he did have referrals, and it was a very for me. It was full vindication of all my reporting, pretty damning for the rest of the media mob. And I would argue that even the low hanging fruit he could have gone after and he hasn't done so why yeah, So, I think you know from my days of the form of federal prosecutor, building large scale conspiracy cases and doing terrorism prosecutions when you involved classified information. I spent three, four or five years before I got to the X on an indictment and he's in year two and if you look at the three indictments he'd leveled so far again the FBI, against the Clinton lawyer campaign and against the Steele dossier source. He's lifted in those indictments by name, dozens of individuals or at least by title, like Jake Sullivans of the world who have had their hand in this conspiracy. And you don't do that as a federal prosecutor unless you put witnesses in a grand jury, unless you've obtained documents, and you're working on the larger scale conspiracy case. And that's the thing that comes at the end these little indictments, and little is not the right word, but these indictments had the precursor indictments that lay out their entire strategy for this prosecution. So who would you see as the natural targets of dorm at this point, based on the little that we know in terms of the direction he's headed with Susman, etc. Andy McKay, the former deputy director of the FBI and the acting earth for the FBI, who signed one of the fizes, I think, well, JA, wait a minute, James Comey signed three of the four fiveses. And we knew by that point, we knew that Christopher still even admitted that some of his dossier wasn't accurate, the subsource deny the entire dossier by the time the third warrant came around, or the second warrant even and then he still did it. In Rob Rosenstein assigned the fourth warrant. No, I agree. Look, I think all those people should be should be indicted. But the problem is that you and I Sham both knows that is there enough evidence to do that? And I just don't think James, comey, wait a minute, doesn't it say doesn't it say that you have affirmed the veracity of this on the top of a FISA warrant? It does, But he can come in and say he was just relying on seventeen people in front of him. He always left himself and out. That's why that guy's the biggest most corrupt FBI director will ever have in US history. He's not dumb, unfortunately, and he knew exactly what he was doing to the detriment of the American people, so he could come out and pump his chest and say he was, you know, the savior of our Republican and what would like say, happened to struck In Page or you know, the Director of National Intelligence or former CIA directors or any of these other people. They're going to be held accountable. I think I'll like to struck in Page Will if I was them, I'd be cooperating. And you know, I'm hearing that they might be already cooperating. M to get the individuals you just talked to, or at least get them in the in the in the report. But I'm hopeful for about six more indictments come the spring and summer about some of the individuals we've talked about about the individuals I investigating. When I ran the Rushigate investigation for chairman nun has An exposed this whole thing. I have some personal stake in this. Shan So struck Page and all those that entire Crew Bruce or Fusion, GPS, Len Sits and all of them. Quick break, we'll be right back more with Cash Patel, former Pentagon Chief of Staff eight hundred and nine four one. Shawn is a number. We'll get to your calls at the bottom of the half hour. Right more with Cash Patel for Pentagon chief of staff is with us. Let me ask you this question because you went before the January sixth committee, and I keep saying the fact that the chairman has said that Nancy Pelosi's off limits, and you were in the Oval Office with five people on January fourth when President Trump authorized you told me up to twenty thousand troops should they be needed for January six knowing a lot of people are going to be in town, knowing we came off a summer rioting, knowing that there's always unsavory characters in any big crowd. So my question to you is you have confirmed this to me. President Trump has publicly confirmed this to me. Mark Meadows has a confirmed this to me. Now, the other two people in the room, if I'm not mistaken, with the Defense Secretary and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, have either one of them publicly said that that's accurate. I believe the Defense Secretary, Chris Miller, has said that publicly. I'm not sure what he said underclosed or testimony, but I've known Chris for twenty plus years, and my camp team saying otherwise because he was in the room. Now, as to Mark Milly, you and I both know what kind of man Mark Milly is still saying do anything including call our enemy China and give them the heads up if we're going to go to war to them, and save time for interviews with Bob Woodward and company before actually strategizing how to get it up Afghanistan, so it WoT it wouldn't shot. So then the question is if we want to And by the way, I want to make sure this never happens again. And I was saying it in real time on January sixth on air on this radio program when it was unfolding, and I said it that night on TV. I couldn't have been more clear. And just like I spoke out about the five hundred and seventy four riots, I believe in the rule of law, and I believe that people that don't follow it deserve to get punished. But the question is, once Donald Trump, as required by law, authorized the calling up of the Guard, then the jurisdiction switched to Nancy Pelosi, the speaker. It's her job to protect the capital and the jurisdiction of Mayor Bowser. And yet neither one of these people are being interviewed by the committee. Why is that, Well, I mean, they call themselves a jan six committee Sean, and I can tell you about my time six hours in front of them. They spent four of those hours talking to me about Afghanistan, the Oval office, President Trump, the media, and they spent less than half that time talking about Jan six So you and I both know it's a political charade to get guys like me rolled up, spend six figures and attorneys and try to stamp out the media narrative. But I'm not taking a knee and why these people being held account of Pelosi and Bowser and stuff that won't happen to you and I both know that shown until the Republicans have the gabble, they're not going to call those folks in to testify. So is you believe in the end it's a predetermined outcome, Yes, a political narrative. Look, the only thing they have to run on right now for the midterm election they being the Democrats and Pelosi is Jan sixth, and up until a while ago, they had no other narrative. And now they're running, you know, somehow on the Ukraine tragedy. They'll they'll politicide that. But that's the only thing they got left because their policies that you've reported they have completely failed American people and Joe Biden on at least on a national security and law enforcems the front American listen beyond them willing you know, to give humanitarian aid and some javelins and stingers. I'm not exactly sure why Joe Biden denied the MiGs to the Ukrainian people that are shown a willingness to fight hard and save their own freedom in their own country is beyond what I understand it. It's certainly not the Reagan doctrine as I understood it, nor was it the Trump doctrine as I understood it. The two doctrines I support the most. But Cash Patel always love having you on. Thank you for being with us, former Pentagon chief of Staff, Thanks for all you do, and hopefully we'll have it back soon. Let me come back more of the best of The Sean Hannity Show. Stay tuned The Sean Hannity Show, A thermonuclear MMBA, A sault on fake news. Hannity is on right now, all right twenty five to the top of the hour. Got a ton of reaction, most of it very positive. Some people didn't like that I had Sean penn On, but I would say ninety five seven percent of people like the exchange, the back and forth, because it's not somebody I would ever agree with on any other political issue. But we talked. We had a discussion about Ukraine. He's very passionate about it. Tiered up a number of times, and it's anyway, it's got such a reaction. We're gonna play some of it here, the highlights here. Then we'll get to the gubernatorial race in New York believe it or not, it's within the margin of error, and then we'll get to your calls. Also coming up at eight hundred nine one Sean. But let me play my interview with Sean Penn It with more. Is the award winning actors oldmaker co founder of Coors. His name is actor Sean Penn. How are you? Thanks for coming in, appreciate it. I want to start this any So I made a phone call to you. I've read that you were there and the story interested me. If you were on this set ninety nine out of one hundred times, we probably would be in full disagreement, right, question about that? All right? So I make the first phone call to you. I don't know if you remember, and I said I'm interested in the work that you're doing and why you were there even before the war started, and this documentary you're doing. Do you remember what you first said to me, I do What would you say? I said that I don't trust you? Is there a reason you didn't trust me? Yeah, there's a lot of reasons I don't trust you, but my trust or your trust, you know, there's so many people that don't trust their spouse. And yet we've got to get on with life. And we've got a situation that I've never felt this way about where our country is and what I experienced emotionally in Ukraine, where it had not We all talk about how divisive things are, how divided things are here, but when you step into a country of such incredible unity, you realize what we've all been missing. And I don't think that I've got time to indulge my lack of trust, which it becomes a petty thing as people and babies are being vaporized, and that these people are fighting for the very dreams that they're the aspiration of all of us Americans. And we talked about that too. We InCred that that we've got to take their example. We'll worry about political disagreements. If you ever want to come back another day, you're always environed enough. Here's what I want to know. You were there in November of twenty twenty one, Okay, were really We're not even talking about the real lead up to this conflict at by that point, right, Why were you there originally to do a documentary? What was it about Ukraine? Or maybe it was about Zolinsky that interested you? Well, I think I was on a better part of the population most Americans in any understanding of Ukraine? What was Ukraine? Who was Ukraine? Where was Ukraine? With the exception of a phone call between Presidents Zolensky and President Trump that was made a lot of and and the fact that President Zolensky had been a comedic actor who had played a character that then became the president and then became the president. We went initially to make a documentary that had would bring home a sense of Ukraine and of a profile of this president, but it wouldn't have been as interesting. And then the next thing you do is you just build up of Vladimir Putin on the eastern side of Ukraine. You got personally a fifty thousand troops and it's one hundred thousand troops and all the military equipment, and you're chronicling all of this, and you develop a relationship with Zolensky. Yeah, tell us. As as this was unfolding, a lot of the world didn't think that Putin would do it. I did think he would. You know, all the experts too, thought that he would. Most of the experts that that were speaking out in the United States Intelligence Agency and others felt that he would. I'll tell you that to the last minute, I think the part of me, the part of me that would want to be in denial of what that would mean to Ukraine and ultimately to the world. I thought that it really is there an upside to this for him. But what I wasn't, you know, really savvy too, was that I gather you and but in particular you know, well so universally the experts on the on Putin felt this was going to happen. And what didn't happen therefore, were the preemptive sanctions on enough of a dramatic level before he was so deep in that the humiliation wasn't going to let it stop, and that you weren't going to have the simplicity of negotiations for regions of the Eastern Maripole to be able to make the bridge from Crimea. And now it was going to be this Fullana salt, and here we are, okay. Prior to Zelenski, I didn't know a whole lot about Zelenski, like a lot of people, until the infamous phone call. I still to this day, I think there was nothing to that phone call. Separate issue. But he had taken Georgia. Putin had taken Georgia. No wait, he annexed Crimea in twenty fourteen. He has shown a willingness to annex takeover land, showing his territorial ambitions. So you get there, you're interviewing Zelensky at this time. Did he see this coming? Did he believe that this was real? Well, it's interesting because we had we had met initially on a zoom call back. You trust him a lot. I was really interested to see who he was. Yeah, and I didn't have the baggage with him. I have with you. But what is the baggage we've never met before? Well, actually I have, I have as a television as a badge of honor in my house. I've got the full screen that I dominated the enemy of the statement before I don't remember it's the true thing. So, but here's what happened is that then because of COVID, once we had gotten a sense that he was very much considering giving us some kind of access and spending some time with us, we were delayed, and we were delayed, and so then we went back. We started in shooting in November. We went to Mariopol on the front lines, and then we also were in kids and talking to um you know, musicians and to get a sense of the culture. But there was the you know, the Wagner problem that was going on at the time, and so the administration was very so we couldn't see him. We came back, and then this thing really escalated. So then we went I think we got there, I don't know, roughly a week before the invasion, and we met him. I met him face to face for the first time the day before the invasion, and then spent time I'm with him in which we documented in the film during the invasion on the day of the invasion. And I don't know that there's a person on earth who could know that they were born for such a day that they could rise to it. I want to make sure my page when you say invasion, was this him taking the two region, dumbass, etc. Or oh there were also rockets coming in. This is also when they this is when they the airport. Fifteen clicks out of kids. So it was it was a game on and so too in him, I saw something that I've never seen before in my lifetime that, like I said, having seen him, yes, prepared for it, yes, hoping against hope it would not happen, But a man who had not yet been challenged with it's happening. And the next day I saw something that is a man, but it's a man with the adrenalized He's the face of something that you see in all the Ukrainians we saw and talked to, whether they were in uniform, out of uniform, school teachers, even children. This extraordinary courage that's come up and it was in his eyes. And it is clear to me that the Ukrainians will win this. The question is at what cost? And so one of the things we're not seeing, we're not seeing by any scale un organizations operating they can. We're also talking about a lot of they talk about security for aid and supplies being resource to civilians and a military, and for civilians in many cases uparmored armored vests are important. So one of the things I want to say just about what it is being there is that, of course there are risks in the conflict zone, but it is not what we picture so often about a bunch of here we come to save the day foreigners. You take one car and one truck is supplies to that border. Give that truck and those supplies to Ukrainians who aren't going to leave if you ask them too, and are going to be at risk with or without our help. So we might as well give them the help. They'll bring the supplies to where they've got to go. How is that any different than I'm saying, supplied the drones, supplied the javelins, supply the stingers, because I'm not talking about anybody's doctrine about the anti missile systems. They need the defense systems, the anti military aircraft systems help, and I would give them the mix. Yeah, so we're in agreement. We absolutely agree and fight the war to win it, and that means to defeat Russia or let them fight it to win it, because they will. Well that's what I'm saying, let the Ukrainians fight themselves. Agree. The only thing we talked about, the only thing we felt, was the deepest sense of heartbreak, first for the Ukrainians who were going to fight, be maimed, be injured, be in a war of attrition. But very quickly I thought, this one, this one, my children are going to feel. If this thing is not one, they're going to feel it intangible ways in their life. Our children in America, this is you and I can argue all day, but I look at you and I think you believe in this country in your way. I believe it in mind, and I think it's at risk because the great dream of it, the aspiration of it, with all its diversity, because Ukrainians, with all their unity, they got a lot of diverse thought over there too. I think we're really at risk if we let the greatest, most historic in our lifetime fight for democracy against a gigantic superpower of a military attimidation done amazingly well and with what they've had out manned out kund Yeah. So that's what I felt from my time there. I talked to the mayor of Kiev, who's Mayor Klitchko, who former world heavyweight champion. Right about this is this was in November. This was somebody who very well could have run against Lensk in the next election and perhaps beating him. We talked to a lot of people and that seemed to be the consensus that this would be competitive. He didn't have a lot of us A praise for the president. Tonight, as we're sitting here, that same very powerful figure Clichko has enlisted in President Zelenski, that commander in chiefs military in He's in the fight. So that tells you everything. I mean, this is leadership. We talk about leadership. We talked to leaders. No one on the planets been tested in leadership. Is your human being? You're really emotional about this. Yeah, And I think the Ukrainians will win. Western Europe and America needs to supply them with the weaponry to win, and if they do, they'll be defeating in my view, evil in our time. And that's following the Reagan doctrine and frankly the Trump doctrine. Even though you don't care about doctrines, you know what the Hannity doctor and has will give it to you quick. If you invade a sovereign country, you forfeit your right to lead a country, and your forfeit your right to live, meaning Vladimir Putin is forfeited his right to live. Last word, well, I think that what would be most interesting about that conversation is to ask those generals, those military commanders in Russia who also have been sanctioned, whose children won't become to the United States for their education, or going to England for their education, or a lot of other places. I am I'm not. I don't. I don't want to invest in a conversation, not that I don't have it privately about my feelings about what should what direct action should happen to a leader who does that. Um. But if there is a god, there will be vengeance beyond all possible comprehension. Vengeance's mind. Say that the lord quote in a very famous book, UM, good luck with your work. I hope that this thing, this war ends soon, and I hope they are victorious, and I hope Putin gets put right back into the grave that he deserves to be in for doing this, UM, And I hope it stops here. And that's that's Otherwise we gotta ask never that'll do what happens that's that's that's a that's a bad answer. On the other side, you're invited to come back and talk, but you'll never talk politics with me on the show. With you, I don't know, because I think we're in a different time. We all have, we all, we all got talk to you. Trust me now more than you. I'm not gonna I'm you know, I'm not going to weigh in on the Putin thing. No, no, you said, you said, I don't trust you. That's what you said to me. Do you trust me that I keep my word? You absolutely kept your word, and I want you trust me. You know, what happens is that there's a lot of physical therapy necessary after a big car accident. Get it all done in today, all right? Um. I wish our prayers are with the innocent victims of this conflict. Yeah, I'm dying, and I wish you Bluck and the heroes who were fighting for But we'll come back next time. We'll battle over Hugo shoffs or something fun. That's an interesting conversation, all right, all right, seriously, thank you for being loosen. Thank you, all right, We appreciate it. That was from my interview with Sean Penn from last night on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. When we get back believe it or not, a pole just came out showing the gubernatorial race in New York between Kathy Hokel, who used to be Lieutenant governor took over for Andrew Cuomo and Lee Zeldon, Congressman is pretty much within the margin of vera dead even. I mean, this is a shocking Paul, that is New York in play. I mean, looking at these numbers, I can I can make a great case that it is. We'll get to that. Your calls eight hundred and nine one Sean. As we continue up back Star Final round Up and Information Overload Hour, they don't forget cats. The best of the Sean Hannity Show every weekend right here on this station. And while you're running errands and doing chores or just relaxing, pay make sure you are listening to the best of the Sean Hannity Show every week right here on this station.