The “Best of Hannity” closes out 2018 with interviews by Bill White, Eric Bolling, Piers Morgan, Sharyl Attkisson, Senator Lindsey Graham and Camille Paglia. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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All right, So try my pillow dot Com Promo Code topper Promo code topper with this great deal and the best night sleep you ever had. Sean Hannity is on now. This is we will close entry into the country for a period of time until we can get it under control, the entire order, the whole border, I mean the whole border. I still don't think it's going to make a criminal case, because collusion is not criminal. When a man is tough, he's called effective. I get some names called because if you're effective as a woman, then they have to undermine you, because that's a real threat holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution, Sean Hannity Show, I Am the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America coming up next our final news round up and Information Overload hour. You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. If you had to be stuck at an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pans or Jeff Sessions, who would it be. Does one of us have to come out alive. Did you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in the department stop at a cassole station. You get out and you can't get a jock, and you just back on them and you tell them the little gun anymore anywhere. Please don't just come here today and then go home. Go to the hill today. Get up and please get up. In the face of some congress people, Fresh always ask me, don't I wish I were debating him? No, I wish you were in high school. I could take him behind the gym. But Michelwin says that you know when they go low, we go, they go low we can. That's what just new Democratic Carney's about. Carlton is in a Mexican restaurant of all places. Shame on you. Sh sh brothers, grab your little white little really like you're a fighting whitey. Are yet the first moment, mister white. I just wanted to call you this morning. I just want to let you know just when you find your face being eaten off by a leopard, that will be as a result of having voted for the leopard face eating party. Here's hoping that you'll be You'll be happy with your goal plated. Uh, you know, so that everybody can come up and give it a big when you die at your funeral. Uh, you know, because you'll have to kind of you'll have to kind of cash to pull that off. And that's really the important thing, right, mister White, Right News round up Information Overload our Sean Hannity show. That was a voicemail that was a piece the other day in the New York Times how a liberal couple became two of New York's biggest Trump supporters and tells the story about how these these two people, Bill White his husband Brian Jury, are not red stadium evangelicals and die hard right wingers. In fact, for years they were. They were key players among a court, a cohort that mister Trump lows Manhattan liberal elites and mister Trump being an unconventional commander in chief who ran an unorthodox campaign which has unorthodox alliances. Anyway, this couple has now gone through so much like that voicemail that you just heard, and attacks that you cannot believe that is chronicled in this article. And now I know Bill White, How did I get to know you? I don't even remember how you doing, Sean it's great to talk to you. Well, I think it was back when we were doing so much to health Bengans, which you continue to do. And I can't thank you enough. And it's great to talk to you. And I can't thank you enough for what you're doing for our country, to save our country with the president and his team and everything that you're doing has just been inspiring to Brian and me. And it's an honor to talk to you always, you know. And maybe how did you go from being a liberal couple part of me, I'll use the term Manhattan's liberal elite, whatever that means. And how did you how did you why did you make the jump to Trump and now one of his biggest both of you biggest supporters, and how did that happen and what has happened as a result of it. Yeah, it's interesting, Paul. Part of it is because we watch your show every night, and I really mean that sincerely. I'm a patriot. I love my country. When we elected president, he is my president. Whoever that person is is the person that I respect, who I you know, know was duly elected and we get behind that person for the success of the country. You know. My main thing has been veterans all my life, and you know that, Sean, how much I care about our troops and our military and their families, and we're not doing enough for that community. So I knew Donald Trump for thirty years. You know. I went to him when the Veteran's Day Parade was in crisis and he wrote me a check for a million bucks. Everybody used to say, oh, he makes promises, he doesn't follow through. That's garbage. He wrote me a check on the spot for a million dollars save the Veteran's Day Parade. When we launched to sell every apprentice, we did it on the flight deck of the Intrepid. President you know now then Donald Trump lands Pierce Morgan is there, and the first winner was Piers Morgan. He gave the Intrepid Fallen Harrow's Fund almost two million dollars. And then when we built that physical rehab center that you and Don Imus, you know, remember Don and you were so great with that. Donald Trump was a huge donor. So, I mean, I knew Donald for thirty years. I always liked him and respected him. He was always generous to the Intrepid and our veterans causes. So you know, he's a guy who gets things done. I always knew that, so it was an easy and it was an easy move for me because I'm a patriot and I want to support our president. I want him to be successful, and people just cannot believe that I am. We know we are for him and we are with him leading our country. I don't even know where he stands on gay marriage. Where does he even stand on and I honestly, I don't have a clue. I mean, yeah, he's well, first of all, um, you know, his son, Don Junior, who will become very close friends with, had us there and we walked up the president. He said, hey, you two handsome guys, get over here, gave us a hawk, took a picture that the Trump Tent is pretty big, The Trump Tent is inclusive, The Trump Tent welcomed us. You know, Mitt Romney wanted to have nothing to do with Bill White and Brian your and Donald Trump said to that Leslie soul interview, the first you know interview he did right after yours when he was elected, was that's the law of the land, and I'm not going to mess with it. And I believe him when he says that, you know, it's we don't like identity politics, but it's great that he supports us. He's been very sweet too. I think most Americans are like me now, and that is I don't I think most people were so wrapped up in our own lives. Let's be honest. I don't think people really give a flying rip about you know, people's you know, choices, personal life. It's none of our business. And exactly, and you know what, when when I was in my twenties, I was an idiot and I had a different opinion, and I realized how ignorant it was. I know, I'm just being honest, and I don't think you're ever an idiot, soho, but I could tell I was. But okay, and I will give you a lot of credit too, because you're the former president of the If you come to New York, you gotta go see the Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum in Manhattan. You were you were almost single handedly credited for bringing that back from a financial collapse, and it's so important that you did that. I remember my dad and the Intrepid, you know, many many years ago. How many years has it been there now? So yeah, well thirty years were coming up so great? Did you go there with your dad's shown I did. My dad fought in the Navy in World War Two for four years in the Pacific, and you know, I was very proud of him, and I just you know, you look at how these sh are configured in the tiny spaces that these guys sleep in, and they're there for months and months and months. It is a real sacrifice. And for you to be able to preserve that and bring it back to its splendor is a huge accomplishment. Let me ask this. Could you even supported both of Hillary's Hillary's runs for the White House and you know, and then you supported Barack Obama. Now you're supporting President Trump. Where do you stand politically? Because what I like about what the president is doing this these are principles. I've always believed it, and that is the lowest tax as possible. You want to get rid of all the bureaucracy so businesses can build and thrive and create jobs for what I call the forgotten men and women that were that are in poverty on food stamps, that need the ladder and a hand up. Um, we've got to we've got to get every American in a position where they can have a good life, a nice house, a nice car, a Disney vacation for their kids, that sort of thing. And that's what I that's what drives me. I don't don't think Obama's policies were successful, and I give out those statistics all the time, but Trump is successful. No, you're right. I mean the thing that New York Times article did not point out and where everybody seems, you know, to be critical, and I wanted to. I wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk today because when I reached out to you, I really, I really wanted to do this with you, Sean, because you are so so much of a patriot and an inspiration to Brian and me. The taxes being lowered, the job unemployment rate, how many trade deals we're working on North Korea, helping the veterans. Those two things that the President has done about being able to fire employees who do not belong working for veterans, the fact that they can go get at doctor's care instead of waiting online are things that you know, we really support the economy and the GDP is phenomenal. Our taxes are lowered, I'm hiring more people at Constellations group. My company, my husband's getting more clients because people are building and buying more insurance. And on top of it, the military has gotten a pay raise and they're being treated with respect. You know, I could give you fifty other things. You have this great screenshot of all the accomplishments of the president has made, promises, made, promises kept. That's why we're supporting him. Hillary Clinton's second run, I mean I had to bail out because she was driven so far to the left. I didn't know Donald was running for president. If I had known that, I think my choice would have been made a long time ago. And I'm so happy that I'm on the Trump train. There's no if this isn't getting me any more business. Believe me, from the calls I've gotten in the abuse I've taken, I'm gonna lose business. I'm going to lose the income, and I'm okay with that because my country comes first and I want to stand up for my president. Because I see that you do it. I can't imagine the hate mail that you get and the people that are mean and nasty. It's it's pretty awful what people have said to the two of us over the last twenty four hours. Listen, I get that every day, and I don't I don't whine about it. I don't care about it, to be honest. It goes with the territory, does it. But you know, for people that don't get it every day, I find that usually is very very hard and difficult and troubling for them. And you know, I've actually tried to reach out to people in our industry sometimes when I see they're going through it, I'm like, Okay, I'm in this thirty years. Trust me. It's welcome to the club you're now in, ye, But how do you how are you dealing with it? It's it's I've got a tough spine and I was a paramedic and I've seen some tough things in my life. I haven't been to war, so you know, I don't ever complain about my life because I'm not getting shot at um. So I have so much respect for our veterans, to people you know you and I care about, and I'm a patriot. So I'm going to help this president get re elected. I said in the paper. We're going to have a fundraiser for him for his twenty twenty reelected to keep America great. And I'm a man of my words, so I hope we're going to raise five million bucks for him. It will be pretty amazing to have people of the community that you know, really has rejected me. There's a lot of people like me and Brian out there who care about our country, and we're going to bring them to the forefront and help get Donald Trump reelected because he's a great guy, he's a great father, and he loves this country. And anybody who thinks different, I just I just think there's them. Listen, I look at for example, who who has created a better economic environment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, etc. It's been this president's policies. And if you look demographically, you know maybe Republicans get ten eleven percent of the African American vote, higher percentage of the Hispanic vote. And to me, I just think that the more we include Americans in our plans for success, the better off. And Republicans just stay away from just solve problems that impact people's lives, that's all they need to do, and then get out of our way. I think the American people just need the hope and opportunity in the leg up. But I do feel bad for you. I mean, you know, I guess you've been called what have you been called? No, it's been pretty pretty bad. People have said that we're discussing slimes, we've betrayed the gay and lesbian community. I mean, it's it's pretty wild. You know. By the way, those are all my friends, all my friends on the tolerant left. And I'll compare notes with you one day. I'll tell you what they call me. So oh gosh, Son, Well, listen, I just want to thank you very much, and I really want to reiterate. I know you have a ton of people listening to you. They may not agree with me politically or you know, in terms of you know, some of the things that were said about me, But I just want to let you know that you inspire us every day with what you put out there and what you fight hard to get out in terms of the message. And we really appreciate you. Watch you every night. That's going to continue you and we're big fans of Sean Hannity, And thanks for helping the proem Thank you, thank you for what listen. You're a patriot and that's all it is. Where you know, at the end of the day, even if you're a Democrat in a liberal you're still an American. It doesn't matter, you know. But boy, we have forgotten that part right now, and everything is so personal and it doesn't need to be this hard. It really doesn't need to be this personal. And people say, oh, what about your president. I'm like, yeah, Well, the same guy that is fighting and battling, you know, a corrupt news media and a corrupt investigation is also the same guy that's fighting for better trade deals, fighting to protect our borders, fighting to bring companies and jobs back to America, fighting enemies that had been threatening the world like Little Rocketman, and keeping promises to allies like Israel and making Jerusalem the capital and degrading Isis. Nobody ever gives them credit for those things. Yes, so you know, to me, those are those are the big picture items. Safety, security, opportunity, prosperity. That's what matters, right, and then everyone else it's up to them and the economy. Do you not like right? Yeah? All right, Well, Bill White, thanks so much, God bless you. My best to you and to mister Yuray and you guys are welcome on anytime. Thank you, Sean, We love you. Have a great day. God bless America and thank you so much for what you doing. Sean. We're behind you you too, God bless you. Sorry you going through all that. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean told free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. The forgotten man is forgotten no more. This is the Sean Hannity Show. One thing that is not political, it's smoking. That's about people, and there are thirty four million Americans now that smoke, but for many there's not been a clear alternative. Jewel For me has been a game changer. 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Simply Save Hannity dot Com. All Right, we got to take a break here. Don't forget. We have Hannity tonight, a busy Hannity ninety Eastern on the Fox News Channel, and we have a great lineup. We're going to be joined by Lindsey Graham, Senator, Secretary of Homeland Security, Nielsen, Joe de Jennifer Herman, Kane, and much more. That's happening nine Eastern tonight Hannity on Fox. When we come back, Eric Bowling about his event with Malania Trump. You are listening to the best of the Sean Hannity Show, and stay tuned more memorable moments, interesting guests and a lot of fun coming up next. All right, that's gonna wrap the things up for today. Um now, we're gonna put that Eric Boling event when it happens tomorrow on Hannity dot Com. Tonight on Hannity, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirsten Nielsen will join us. Also Senator Lindsey Graham. Tonight, Joe Degeneva, Sarah Carter. We'll have the latest on the caravan, and of course update you on the election results out of Mississippi and Herman Kane Bunch more ninetiestern Tonight Hannity on Fox. Will see you then and back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. This is the best of the Sean Hannity Show. Don't forget stay tuned for more right after the latest news right here on this radio station. Now back to the best of Sean Hannity. This is These are not crimes. He has no authority to be a roving commissioner to find political sins. President continues to dangle a pardon for Paul Manifort, which only adds to the growing body of evidence that the President is engaged in obstructing justice. They live, that's a consciousness of guilt, and I think that is pretty clear collusion holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution New Sean Hannity, more behind the seas, information on freaking news, and more bold inspired solutions for America. Right Hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred ninety four one, Seawn, if you want to be a part of the program. And I've been chronicling how you know, here we have all of these people that you know, you have people in the press just decimate them every single day, presidents in particular, and then all of a sudden, you know, the people that were the meanest, the toughest, the utmost unfair person passes away. And now all of a sudden, you know, they'll say the nicest things, but then they'll sidetrack, and then they'll use characteristics that they can use about the person that just died that they never really liked anyway, or never said that they liked that, just the opposite, and they'll use it to go after the new guy that they hate. You know, is that it we only get nice words when we die, not when we're actually living. Politics is that prominent in our lives anyway. That's happened with John McCain more recently, and also in the case of Joy Herbert Walker Bush. You know, now, it's like, okay, well, at least he was nice. But Donald Trump, forget it. Just played just a few of the highlights of the media's NonStop, never ending destroy Trump mentality. Better be ready for the fact that he might be leading Republican ticket next year. I know you don't believe that, but I want to go on. I understand why so many people voted for him, to understand where you were coming from. I understand why you liked him. But this man is lying to you. Donald Trump is a president with whom there is grave question about his fitness and ability to conduct the office of the presidents. I'll say it again. This Russian connection just teached building, and every time it builds and expand you have to wonder if Trump himself isn't worried about what's swrowing around under the covers. The entire world's watching, and of course, most importantly, Vladimir Putin's watching. It seemed like yesterday was his love note to Vladimir Putin. It is certainly an unusual speech, a weird speech, rocketman in sounting Kim Jong Un. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Of course I want to punch him in a fit. Sixteen tweets today to start the new year, some of them deeply disturbing. These are the messages from a person who is not well. He said he's an excellent hell, but I MEANSANJ. Gupta came out was like, ah wow, Ye'm not so sure about excellent health. President Trump is goading Kim Jong un to test a nuclear missile again to prove its reliability, to show him wrong. The Jeremy saga takes a dramatic turn as the porn star speaks out under alleged affair with citizen Trumps. Any previous president, if you'd woken up to this all caps tweet threatening or with Iran, you'd think he probably belongs in a padded cell. But with Trump, this is kind of business as normal, all right. That we could literally go on an entire program here and play one more insane cut after the other, and the obsession, and it's every second, every minute, every hour of every day, you know. Piers Morgan joins us. He's the head of the Daily Mail UK is also a big TV star in what the name of your morning show? The wake up morning show? You're doing? Yeah, smiling head, who needs espresso when you got Piers Morgan waking you up in the morning and uh and coming out with something that's bounding to piss at least half of Great Britain off on any given day. You know, you wrote a piece about this though, back in August and it's still apropos today. How the media is playing well. You described as a dangerous role writing the lines between opinion and and fact, and you know this poetic license that they take and jumping to conclusion and advancing conspiracy theories with no evidence. It's pretty bad. And they all say their journalists. I say, I'm a talk show host, so um they claim to be journalist. That's the biggest problem to me. Yeah. I think the problem is that there is huge money to be made from Trump bashing. It's as simple as that. And whether you're at CNN or MSNBC, or you're doing one of the late night shows, or you're editing in New York Times, or you're a liberal celebrity who has a very liberal audience. There is a lot of money, a huge commercial imperative to be as anti Trump as you can possibly be, and it drives their news judgment. It warps their news judgment. You know, when I'm in America, which I come over quite regularly, I'm staggered by just how part is an supposedly impartial news organizations have become and the only reason they're doing it is because it's commercially beneficial, And I think that is a real problem, and it's really at the heart of I think Donald Trump's fury about fake news. He's not saying everything they do is fake. What he's saying is a lot of the hysteria, a lot of the ridiculous wall toward twenty four seven treatment of every tweet and everything he says, and everything is always twisted into you know, this guy's the worse time in the world because that's what makes some money and appeals to the audience that in a way, when you add it all together, becomes fake news. It does. And I say that as a journalist who is concerned by that. And I think that Donald Trump, if he took away the tweets, and you and I have discussed before, that some of his tweets have probably a little too inflammatory, and he goes after too many people. And you know, there's a site to Donald Trump where if you punch him, LL punch you ten times back. And maybe as president he should just reign that back in a bit. I would like him to. But there's no doubt that he has come under more attack than any president that there's ever been. It's ninety percent negative, it's relentless. And if you did remove actually the rerstorc and the tweets from Donald Trump's administration so far, I think if this was another president, say it was George Herbert Walker Bush, who would achieved what Trump has achieved in two years, then you would have to say he's made a very successful start in many areas. Both on the international state lightly disagree. I want that last point, and that is there's such an ideological divide, and you have it in your country, it's fairly common that there will never be an acknowledgement that he does anything good. I would contend, well, it might, it might come soon, it might come in you know, twenty five years. Everything comes to listen. I don't think, by the way, if anyone when I ever pass away and all the people that I know hate me. Don't lie. Just say what you said when I was alive, just and I'm sure you would. I will say, well, I will say I like you, because I do like you, and I've always made you think. Now that I've gotten to know you, I think you're riot. I think you're I think you're honest about what you stand for and what your opinions are. It's the ones who are doing it purely because not because they particularly believe it, because they know it's making them tons of money. That's where I have a problem. That's where supposedly serious news organizations. I think you've had their news judgment walked by the lust to Trump Bash twenty four seven and make tons of money. And I think it's a real problem. You knew Donald Trump from the Apprentice, you actually won the Apprentice in a tough year. What was your personal relationship like with him? And do you see the qualities you saw then in him now? Because one thing I think I've noticed in him, and I've known him, you know, a couple of decades now, is that I see that he has really grown into the job and his growth trajectory, I think, and I think I'm being an objective is has been fairly phenomenal. He's yeah, and actually I think funny enough. Even in the last forty eight hours. I think the way that he's responded to George Bush's death has been really interesting. You know, everyone knows they didn't get on. Everyone knows that Donald Trump has been feud him with the Bushes ever since he ran for president. In fact, before that, I've interviewed him in the past where he's been very critical at George W. Bush and his presidency. He then went up to Jeff Bush obviously low GeV and so on. And we know that George H. W. Bush was no fan of Trump and in fact voted for Hillary Clinton. So the normal Donald Trump response would have been rather like his response to John McCain's death, pretty scathing and probably not engaged at all. In fact, he's gone very presidential in the way that many people would like him to be at moments like this, And I'm actually glad to see that, Sean, because the Trump but I knew from Celebrity Apprentice and have known really since then twelve years, has a very warm and decent and charming side to him. I think, for whatever reason, and I understand some of the reasons he's hidden that away as president. As a candidate, he's preferred to be on the front foot, punching away, being very aggressive, being very tough, taking no nonsense. But I do think since the mid terms, I've noticed a slight pivot in him where I think, for example, over the California fires, his immediate gut response was to go on the attack, blaming people. And actually all you had to do was the easy bit of being president. Just be there for the people who were burning to death. Had the debate about forests and so on later, but just in that moment, be presidential. And there are moments when you just need to do that. And I think over Thebert Walker Bush, she's been presidential. Yeah, and he did do it. And I think that that, you know, I think he is as you say, he's learning and evolving on the job. I think he's getting better at the job. I think he gets a very unfair rap. I like him very much person. He's been very loyal to me over the years, gone out of his way to be loyal to me, and I think a lot of what he's been doing, whether it's standing up to Iran, whether it's standing up to China over trade, which has been a disgraceful situation for decades involving America's trade relationship with the Chinese, whether it's forging a piece with North Korea, whether it's demanding that NATO members pay their their due. I think there are lots of things he's doing which are very interesting, very unusual for an American president and act he's right. So I think that he gets completely skewed and lentlessly negative treatment from much of the media, which there's little relation to the reality. A lot of it is because he's very abrasive in combative with them. But if you look at him objectively, I think you would have to say, after two years, Trump is delivering on many of the things he promised him to do, and whether you agree with it or not, you have to accept he's probably achieved more in two years than most presidents have ever achieved in their first two years. I think that it's a blessing and a curse scenario because I would view or describe him as a disruptor, and he is somebody that has literally shaken the bureaucracy what I would often refer to as the deep state, to its core, and it needed it, you know, Republicans. I look, I'm not a Republican. I'm a conservative. A lot of people think I'm a Republican because I usually end up supporting the Republican president because I don't believe in socialism and that represents the modern Democratic party. But I would say he is a disruptor. He is somebody that when he goes in to negotiate, he goes in hard. He telegraphed all of these strategies in the art of the deal, and it NATO, you know, saying that America shouldn't pay seventy two cents of every dollar and Angela Merkel ought not be helping to make Putin and Russia rich again by making you know, energy deals with them. He was right about That's so he's getting better trade deals with our European allies, with Canada, Mexico. We now have progress being made with China, and yeah, you're right on the Iranian deal North Korea. He's a force. He is a force that has to be is the wrecking bull, isn't He's yeah, but in a good way. I think, yeah, Well, I think him anyways in a good way. And I think that he is. It has been really interesting to me to watch him in the last two days. I really think he's reacted in a way he wouldn't instinctively have reacted to the death of George based off of the Bush right round and giving him, giving the plane to going down there, paying respects to and I think the Bush family, to their credit, have invited him, and I think that is that is good to see, you know, we do at some stage. I think in America Sean there needs to be a coming together, right, there needs to be a move by one side, and it could be very intransient. Both sides get very stuck in their ways, very partisan and say it's therefore it's might you know, I'm so on, But people say, let me ask you the practicality of that. When you know, either you believe in secure borders, or you believe in eliminating borders and getting rid of vice, either you believe in lower taxes, less bureaucracy, or or you want to redistribute the wealth again. You know, you either believe in a philosophy that would drop one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currency on the tarmac in Iran for the Mueller's the chant death to America, or you put in the trade sanctions, that's gonna that's absolutely going to squeeze their economy so tight that they're capable of being of a collapse from within. I don't know how you reconcile. What are these differences? Hang on one second, we got a break more with Piers Morgan. If you're just joining us. He is the head of the Daily Mail UK also hosts Wake Up a Grape. So what's that thing on your two due lists that you keep avoiding? Maybe is it going to the gym, getting new tires, cleaning the basement? You know, it's funny how home security is kind of like that. You know you need it. You've got an amazing family, You've got a nice home. You want to protect it, but there's always maybe something holding you back. 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That from my perspective, and it's not. It's very similar to what you see in Britain, and that is you have labor right, yeah, and then you've got a conservative movement, a conservative party and the form completely apart over an issue like breaks it. What's going to happen with that? Well? I think it's it's very intractable. It's a total mess, and both sides have dug into positions where there's no point of agreement. And that's very similar to what we see over Trump in America. But I do think that what is incumbent on everyone in America is to try and find points of agreement, and where they can find it is where you stop the hypocrisy. And this is my real issue about the way that Trump is treated by it certainly by many Democrats and many liberal celebrities, they are rankly hypocritical. To take, for example, the issue of illegal immigration, right, Obama was known as the deporter in chief. He deported over three million illegal immigrants from America, an all time record by any president. And yet you ask any liberal in America or in Britain if they know how many people he deported. They haven't got a clue. They weren't interested, didn't care, they had no thought actually for what he was doing. And you know, there may be very good reasons for every deportation he did. But let's not pretend that somehow Barack Obama was not very, very tough on illegal immigration, because he was. And I think that that's where surely an honest broker on the Democrats side could say, you know what, actually we agree. He sounded like Donald Trump back end of the day to be blind. And by the way, Henry Clinton, as did Bill Clinton. They all they've they've all talked up on this and so this idea that somehow is just Trump's been tough. You know, there was actually an incident I'm sure you've covered this in twenty thirteen at the very same border point, involving a hundred migrants storming the border and being repelled with a form of tear gas pepper spray and tear gas. Yeah. Well, I think I'm the only person to report that. I know that even beside you, Pierre, is always a pleasure. We really appreciate you being with us. I'd love to have you on anytime you're available, and wish you a merry Christmas and a great holiday season for you and your family and shot the very best. Thanks for having me, you bet, Thank you, sir. You are listening to the best of The Sean Hannity Show and stay tuned more memorable moments, interesting guests, and a lot of fun coming up next. More of the best of the Sean Hannity Show coming up. Be sure to check in as soon as you get to your car after work for breaking information you need to know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Volunteering to serve in World War Two. As I was going on a service as ambassadors, CIA director, congressman, vice president, president, whole life of public service. Don Trump has been a life of service to himself. They both believe that the presidency is bigger than themselves, which is not something that this president always adheres to. But I think this is also a twenty four hours of nostalgia about what leadership used to look like in this country. There's a great clip from nineteen eighty when George H. W. Bush is challenged on how tough he is, and he talks about toughness is about having values and standing for them, being principles. Toughness is not attacking them. As a candidate, he said, those who think we're powerless to do anything about the Greenhouse effect or forgetting about the white House effect, And then he signed into law the Clean Air Act Amendment of nineteen ninety, one of the most sweeping environmental statutes ever. Yeah, this president that we have now is trying to unravel everything that he did and Obama did, and we focus on the president police. I don't want to talk about trouble. We're honoring a great I wanted to talk about honoring, but I'm not interested. You're one is I don't care right twenty four now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one sean are toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Uh. Cheryl Atkinson is with us. She hosts her own show on Sinclair Media called Full Measure on Sundays. He's the author of the New York Times bestseller The Smears and Stonewald And Uh, I read a column by you about it was thick. All the examples you had listened listed of all the times Cheryl the media has misreported lied to the American people as it relates to Donald Trump. Um, it sounds like it's It would be the definitive book called fake news, if you will. What was remarkable to me when I started compiling the examples was I was looking for other examples too, like mistakes that came out that were happening to be in favor of Trump. But there there weren't any. I mean, there may still be some, maybe I have seen them all, but all of them, coincidentally, were mistakes that hurt Trump or were intended to hurt Trump, and also mistakes by some of the formerly most well respected news organizations in the world, making Bush League junior mistakes that wouldn't be tolerated in journalism school, but usually with pretty much total impunity. Give me some of the best or worst examples that kind of shocked you. I think one of the most definitive because it set the stage in the tone was the Time magazine reporter that on the day of President Trump's inauguration falsely reported that he had removed the bus statue of Martin Luther King from the oval author But the origin of that mistake was the reporter not even doing the basic due diligence that we learned were required to do in journalism school. And I don't even think you have to be taught this to check your facts. If you think you see something missing or you hear it, you call an ask. And some would have immediately told him that it was still there. He just didn't see it, and they had to issue a correction because that went worldwide. Of course, the correction never travels quite so far as the original misreporting. The reporting. The reporting is on A one. The correction is on page eight thirty seven in the left hand bottom corner with the tiniest print they could ever make up. And in today's terms, Yeah, the mistake is circulated, it goes viral on Twitter, and the correction is not seen. You know, I've been doing now for over a year and a half and I have an ensemble cast that has been helping us, and tonight we have a very explosive report as it relates to a series of email chains have now been discovered and in them. Without giving away all the details of this, top officials knowingly knew that they never verified what turned out to be the lying dossier of Christopher's deal. But it didn't stop them from using the bulk of the information from that unverified, uncorroborated, bought and paid for Russian propaganda of Hillary. It didn't stop them from committing a fraud on a FISA court, but not only once, four separate times in applications. They also purposely withheld the origination of such a report, and they held it out as if they had gone through proper protocol and procedures in vetting, and that they were they had verified it and corroborated it, and they never did. And these are many of the top names, top name people you would know. And I'm just sitting back and I'm watching that. If you or I committed a fraud like that on the court, I think we'd probably be looking at serious jail time. Why doesn't the court care? I think you put your finger on something that people don't understand. I think widely how important it is, because there's something I've written about and I was tipped off to this by someone in the Intel agencies called Woods procedures. These were instituted in two thousand and one because of abuses and material presented to the FISU Court that said, from that point on, this information, every fact presented to the FISU Court must be personally verified by the FBI, not just in a secondhand way or some media reports, personally investigated and verified, and if a single fact is not verifiable, they have to go back to the drawing board. They're not allowed to go to the court. This seems to me on its face, to violate what is a very very serious rule and perhaps a criminal violation inside the Justice Department that nobody seems to care about. That that was instituted in two thousand and one under by the way Muller when he was head of the FBI. How is it possible, I mean, you are closer more of a more in the mainstream media than I've ever been. You know. It's funny people ask me all the time, although they'll make a statement, well, you're not a journalist, and I say, well, I don't view my job description as being a journalist. I think I'm a talk show host. But under the banner of being a talk show host, Cheryl, I can give you hours and hours of radio and television coverage where I was a straight news reporter. In other words, I just report the facts about a story that's unfolding. That's part of my job, A big part of my job. We've done investigated reporting on, for example, Obama's radical ties prior to the election in two thousand and eight, and many most of those stories the media wouldn't go near, they wouldn't even touch them. You know. Imagine that he starts his career in the homes of Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorne, and he only got asked one time. And it only happened because George Stephanopolos was on my radio show the day before and I said, what are you going to ask him about Aris and Dorne? He said, who were they? He had never heard of him, you know. Or the same with the deep State investigation, which I know you have also done some work on. But we've been able to discover a lot of information about the server that Hillary Clinton did have classified and top secret information on it, and we do now have pretty well confirmed that it was hacked by at least six foreign intelligence services, that in spite of what James Comey said that they were writing an exoneration in early May, he was doing it with Peter Struck before they interviewed her in early July, and before they exonerated her, and in the meantime they had changed the legal standard from gross negligence to extreme carelessness. And then we know that they immediately began the witch hunt into Donald Trump with no reason whatsoever to go forward. But they ignored that Hillary bought and paid for a Russian dossier by funneling money through a law firm, to an op research group, to a foreign national. I didn't think foreign nationals was post to impact our elections, and that he got all this Russian dirt supposedly on Donald Trump. It's known as the dossier. That information was disseminated to the American people. It was used as the bulk according to the grass Lee Graham Nuness memos, the bulk of information to obtain FISA warrants against the Trump campaign associate, and then later used as a media leak strategy to bludgeon and delegitimize Trump because they had this plan, this insurance policy in place. Now that sounds a lot worse than General Flynn, who served as country thirty three years and five years in combat, doesn't it? Well, it does, and I've become convinced, based on the evidence that's come out in the past year and a half, that there's something you can either call procedure narrative or I think an operation that was conducted and has been conducted that involves the news media using the news media, that involves leaks, that involves foreign intelligence, that involves our own intelligence surveillance, and all kinds of things designed to controversialize this president and those around him and to keep him, in particular General Flynn, who was going to look at a live surveillance abuses inside the intel community that occurred in recent years to keep them from getting close to that. And it's been very successful in those terms, because any time President Trump suggests getting close to digging around or looking at some of these alleged abuses, they can cry obstruction and do whether it is or not. And with that part of the insurance policy they discussed in advance. So I think all of these things are coming together in a pretty clear way that you would be hearing more about if the tables were turned party wise. It immediately on. We need is one attorney general that believes an equal application of our laws and equal justice under the law, because if we do, then all of these things will be investigated and all of these things will be prosecuted. And General Flynn, who is speaking to is soon to be Russian counterpart after the election, does not represent any collusion of any kind. But meanwhile, this guy lost his house, couldn't afford the lawyers involved, and he now may face a little jail time. It doesn't look like it, but I hope to God not, but a year of his life is gone. You are involved in your memoir, you recalled that a source connected to a government agency implicated a a sophisticated entity that used commercial, non attributable spyware that is proprietary as a to a government agency, either the CIA, the FBI, Defense Intelligence Agency, or a national security agency in a breach and you're suing the Justice Department of the Obama years of illegally surveiling your computers and seeking thirty five million in damage. By the way, the information that they got on General Flynn was obtained illegally. How is your case going, Well, we're still in there four years later, which it's itself an accomplishment because, as you may know, the government enjoys all kinds of automatic immunities, and they've been fighting this case still under Trump, saying people as did under Obama, the Justice Department fighting using your tax dollars and kind of trying to bleed me dry and avoid discovery. You know, we need discovery to get the names of the people who are involved in this operation, which has been confirmed with parts of five different forensics exams. But we can't get the names if they won't agree to discovery. And instead of launching their own criminal investigation, which is what the Justice Department ought to have done long ago, into those intrusions which are confirmed, they're defending the intruders in court. So there is you may know, no press groups stepped forward, no civil liberties groups step forward to assist in the case. And when some attorneys found out that recently, when I spoke of a Fourth Surveillance Abuse conference to some lawyers, they started a Fourth Amendment litigation fund for me. And you know, because this has become extremely expensive, so there is a go fund me related to it, and we're going to keep going as long as we can't. We have oral arguments now scheduled, which is positive for late January in this case to try to get discovery. If we allow the abuse of the powerful tools of intelligence that we entrust to our intelligence community to turn them on the American people like this, and this is when you were investigating issues like Benghazi and some other things, then we're no better than the former Soviet Union in any way. All right, moarward, Cheryl Atkinson. On the other side of this, we'll put that go fund me link up on our website Hannity dot com. Straight ahead, the Final Hour roundup is next. You do not want to miss it, and stay tuned for the final hour free for all on the Sean Hannity Show. Right if we continue with Cheryl Atkinson, eight hundred nine pot one, Sean is our number. So you were able to get some attorneys that took on your case, and you now know for a fact that within the government they illegally surveiled, unmasked, and then leaked raw intelligence on him. And in your case, it's pretty much the same thing. Now you have all the evidence, forensic evidence that one of these agencies systems will put on your computer, and you were hacked for the purpose of your government getting the information that you were producing on topics they didn't like covered. Is that correct? It is? And I think you know my case came out CBS announced the remote intrusion a few months after we had discovered them internally and started investigating them. But my case happened. We discovered it with a helpless and intelli insiders, before Edward Snowden, before Clapper gave misinformation to Congress, before we knew the government had spied on ap in Fox News. So it seems so incredible at the time, But now it's important, not because of me, because I know it's important to me, but why should it be important to other people? It was a symptom of this entire system of surveillance abuse is going on that they are now trying not to let us dig into, which is why I think, at least partly why they did what they did to Trump and his associates. So my case figures in very prominently in that whole alleged cover up of what these agencies have been doing for years, including by the way, under Muller, who's now investigating it. And I'm not saying he's not an honest broker. I don't know him. I know people who like him, I know people who like him less, but he was in charge of the FBI with some of these things were happening, so you know, it's all very twisted and tied up together. I've had people on those programs say that every phone call, every text, email is metadata stored. Now, these are guys that were involved in the system. I've never been able to firm it myself, but it sounds a little nineteen eighty four ish to me. But in your case, you actually have hard evidence that you are specifically targeted and they were using the powerful tools of intelligence that we entrust to them. We'll continue to follow at Cheryl Atkinson, thanks so much for being with us. We appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Sean all Right eight hundred ninety four one sewn you want to be a part of the program. Listen, my friends at my Pillow have done it again, the best pillow you'll ever use in your life. You'll fall asleep faster, you'll stay asleep longer. It'll change your life forever in a great way. Well, now they've come up with the My Pillow Mattress topper eight hundred nine nine six zero nine zero or my pillow dot Com promo code Hannity for the all new my Pillow Mattress Topper. You are listening to the best of the Sean Hannity Show. Don't forget Catch the Sean Hannity Show weekdays right here on this station and stay tuned for more. Right after the latest news, the best of Sean Entity is on Now, this is awe moved with our man is Michael call. He's a weak person and what he's trying to do is get to reduce setence. So he's lying about a project that everybody knew about. This is a political winch hunt. The next two years are about setting up for the election in twenty twenty and dividing, in my view, the Republican Party and Donald Trump from the base of the Republican Party, holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. We've been down show. I'm to see his information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. All right, our two Sean Hannity Show, Happy Friday, gladuate with us right down our toll free number. It's eight hundred and nine for one Seawn. You want to be a part of the program. So we've been following the border and you go back to the election, the news media Barack Obama out campaigning, this is not this is this is just to to racially inspire those those racist Republicans to vote, et cetera, et cetera. No, that's never been what it was about. And now we have a real crisis. Seven thousand in estimated so or so many people in Tijuana. It's now developing into a massive humanitarian crisis. Medical supplies are needed greatly for things like TB and other diseases, which, by the way, I think the US should probably help the people. And the bigger problem is is that Mexican officials and our own Department of Homeland Security have identified over six hundred people that have infiltrated the migrant caravan community, if you will. And there's been there's been assault, sexual assault and other going on throughout the time that the walking and the caravan has been moving. And anyway, the most important thing, six hundred people that we've identified as criminals. There's a daily callerpiece out today. The media never misses a chance to try and paint illegal migrant border crashes as sympathetic, hard working families, you know, women and children, when the vast majority of people are actually men. And for every you know, all the thousands, I'm sure the vast majority of people that want what we often take for granted, which is a better life and opportunity for themselves and their kids. And the problem is there is this report of an illegal alien pleading guilty Wednesday of this week of raping and murdering in Islamic teen last year in a horrifying case near a mosque in Fairfax County, Virginia. Darwin Martinez Torres, twenty five, pled guilty capital murder and rape seventeen year old Nebra Hassana, and part of the deal allows him to avoid the death penalty in exchange for a life sentence behind bars. And Martinez Torres is an illegal alien from El Salvador, a suspected member of the notorious MS thirteen Street gang. According to the Daily Mail, prosecutors laid out the crime in chilling detail. And we had a recent case of a young teacher that was killed by an illegal immigrant, and I think it was Texas last weekend. And in that case, he had already been arrested for a violent crime, and we didn't deport the person. Now, this young teacher is dead, and people talk about family separation, Well you can't use tear gas. Well what are you supposed to do when people are pelting bottles, rocks and other projectiles at our border patrol and trying to crash down gates and enter the country illegally. Senator Lindsey Graham is with a senator, how are you? How is your Thanksgiving? It was good? I hope you had a good one. You know what we you know what we do, which is really I got a butterball turkey friar, No, I swear so like, take a fifteen pound turkey. How long do you think it takes to cook that? Four hours? No? Forty five minutes? No, you literally you just drop it down in peanut oil. It's over in forty five minutes. It's the juiciest turkey. Now, turkey's usually dry when you're done, like, you can't baste it. You baste it it. It has the skin on it. It's not going to penetrate the skin anyway, And but it comes out steep, moist, delicious, the best turkey you ever had. Well, you've just talked to the guy can't boil water, And I'm much better for having learned all that. Oh, come on you, how do you know you can't? But you can't boil wall. You can't make spaghetti. Seriously, you can't frying out. No, I'm a danger to myself and others in the kitchen. But I'm glad that you're good at what you do on the radio as well as doing frying turkeys. Speaking of turkeys, Uh, let's talk about the Democratic response to the caravan. Yeah, pretty bad. Well to Chuck Schumer, I guess got pressure from the left wing of his party for even talking about funding the border wall. And he says, well, maybe we'll just put up a fence. A fence isn't gonna stop anybody. Here's a moment in time for President Trump to drive home the point he's been making for two years that something's got to change. And let's start with a caravan. If you do not deter this caravan, you've got ten more coming. If you don't get it now that people are trying to overrun our border, take advantage of our laws, you're never going to get it. So President Trump, stand your ground. I'm for fixing a broken immigration system. But who is going to allow us to fix this broken immigration system unless you can prove to them you won't have eleven million twenty years from now. And that's what the caravan's about. It's always been in my mind. Secure the border first. Yeah, we never you know how you always, for example, you make these spending deals, you and your friends in Washington, and we always get the tax increased right away, and then the spending cuts. We never get that part of the deal. Never happened, right, you know, right, So we'd get the amnesty, but we're not going to get the wall. Well, so that's what Reagan did. Reagan gave three million people amnesty. We never did the border. We never controlled employment through or verify, We never increased the legal immigration so people don't have to cheat. The one thing I can tell you for sure is if you can't prove to the public that you won't have a third wave by being fair to the eleven million already here. You're never going to get a deal to Democrats who want to fix a broken immigration system. When you ignore the problems created by the caravan, when you make why to the fact that our laws are broken and enticing people come here legally, When you criticize President Trump for doing the same thing President Obama did on the border to protect us, then you're making a huge mistake. You know, Senator, there's two ideas out there that I think I like it. The President so far has been given what three and a half billion of them not correct for the border wall, right, and this progress made. The estimate is we need a total of twenty five. There's two proposals out there. One is if Republicans decide to stick together, they could use the reconciliation process and in the Senate, which would mean that you only need fifty votes. Mike Pence would be the tiebreak, and that we could get full funding of the wall. If not. The President has said he would take five billion is a down payment and negotiate the actual building of the wall himself, meaning it's not going to be waste, broad and abuse. He's going to get somebody to give him a good deal. Right, So Ted Cruise has been pushing this idea. Count me in. We need to do it before the new Congress because we're gonna lose the House. Are you talking about the reconciliation? Reconciliation? So count me in again. I've been beat up for trying to solve immigration, but people never understood where I'm coming from. I want to fix it so we don't have eleven million twenty years from now. I don't want to do a phony deal. I want to do a real deal, and it starts with border security. If you can't control the border, you're going to have eleven million more twenty years from now. So I think Ted Cruise's idea as a smart idea. Let's go ahead and appropriate the entire twenty five billion dollars in the next ten days. I love it. Well, Mitch McConnell, do it? Do you think it would pass? Where are your fellow senators? Because we really can't afford to lose that he I mean, and you're kind of friends with everybody. We won't know do they vote. So the bottom line is that the Democratic Party is missing an opportunity to work with us to give public confidence that we all see the same movie. The most people in this country have no animosity toward immigrants in general, will be fair to illegal immigrants long as they're not fellings, rapist and murderers. But they're pretty upset with their government who cannot work together to stop an invasion by a caravan of people who demand him coming into the country. So let's use the time we have left in Congress to go ahead and get the money and see what happened where. Well, Miss McConnell kind of runs a tight ship over there. Where is he if you have Well, I love Miss mcconnel's fine, but you know, at the end of the day, if they don't give him five DN, he should insist they do, because there's a reasonable amount of money to continue progress on secure in the border. But we do have control of the Congress till you're the third You could, through reconciliation, pass money appropriated for border security as a standalone proposition. I don't like doing things like this, but I don't see an option to it if they don't work with us. No, I agree with that wholeheartedly. I think. I think you're right. I guess my biggest fear is is that you know this opportunity is going to pass. Look, you're going to have a bigger majority in January for the Senate, but the House is never going to go along with it. So this is a short window that we have available here for us correct January the third, So you know, I want to be home for Christmas and all that good stuff. And listen, it's not like I haven't tried to work with Democrats to fix a broken immigration system. But here's the frustration for a guy like me. You know, I've had my ass kid trying to fix this problem. And Trump is right about the care Evan. Because Trump says it doesn't mean it's wrong. He's right to stand up to the care of then and to draw a red line in the sin that we're not going to allow slam laws to be abused anymore. You're not going to come to America, get released and never show up for your hearing. You're gonna stay on the Mexican side of the border. And to the Mayor of Tijuana, if you ever listened to this program, you got a friend in Lindsay Graham, and I think Sean Hannity, it's the mayor of Tijuana, Mexico that's the biggest advocate for one of the caravans not working. You know, we pretty much know what is going to happen in the House next year. Democrats, they're going to be investigating, investigating. Nancy Pelosi said that their first bill is that President Trump must release his taxes. That's not going anywhere in the US Senate. So the President who campaigned for Marsha Blackburn and Governor Kemp elected in Georgia and DeSantis and Scott and you know, helped defeat Claire McCaskill with Josh Holly, and helped defeat Joe Donnelly with Braun, and helped defeat Heidi Hi Kemp. That's now gonna pay huge dividends for him having the sen You are very clear if the Democrats go down the road of endless, NonStop investigation, you're all right with that, because you're just going to do the same thing in the Senate. What do you mean by that specifically, Well, let's just play this out, Okay. McCabe blied about matters that allowed him to be fired. Nobody has threatened to put him in jail to have him talk more about what he knows about the twenty fifth Amendment and all that other stuff. So the zeal that Muller has to break people to try to find out if they know more than they're telling us was never present during the FBI DOJ debacle. We never had a special counsel. So if you're going to spend all of your time in the House looking at twenty sixteen and looking at Trump, I'm in charge of the Judiciary Committee, Ron Johnson's charge Homeland Security. We've got plenty of opportunity to look at a cabe me Lynch all of these people about what they did with the FASIL warrant and what they did about to clean email investigation. What about uranium one? Well, I mean I think you can start with I think the exoneration of Hillary. I mean, she clearly, with that mom and pop shop bathroom closet server of hers violated the Espionage Act. Why do I Why do I think, Senator that if I had subpoena emails and I deleted them, and I cleaned my hard drive with bleach bit, and I broke up my devices and I had to go before your committee, why do I think you guys would probably handcuffed me right there and send me to jail for the rest of my life. Well, number one, don't try this at home. Ye try the Turkey thing, but don't try to cl email thing. Yeah, don't, it's not gonna work out. Well, how come it works out for her? How do you get to commit You know, she's she paid for Russian lies that were disseminated to the American people. How many people didn't you are? So here's what I'm gonna do. The FISA warrant process seems to have been abused that the Democratic Party, along with Clinton, paid a foreign agent to collect information against President candidate Trump. Foreign agent that was used to get a warrant, and none of the information is reliable. How could you get multiple warrants much less one. If we don't find out what happened there, then we're letting the whole system down. So I'm gonna look at that. Senator. You wrote a memo with a co authored with with Senator Grassley, and it's the grass Le Grand memo. I don't know why he got top billing. You need to talk about that. And I think that the bulk of information for the FISA warrants? Was the phony dossier? Isn't it? Isn't that a fraud committed on a FISA court and they purposely didn't tell the court that she paid for it? Well, where is the fis the courts outrage? Number one? Number two? If there was a paid informant, a confidential informant used as a counterintelligence operation that was paid to talk to the Trump campaign about connections to Russia, what did the confidential informant find and why wasn't that information used to get a warrant? So here's what I'm suggesting to you that the confidential informant used by the FBI to look at the Trump campaign didn't find anything about Russia, because if he had, it would have been part of the warrant application to surveil quarter page. Well, I think you're right on all accounts, And the only thing that I might adds the uranium one debacle. You know we had it, We had infiltrated Putin's network. You know that Hillary got the kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation. You know that Robert Muller just happened to be the FBI director and the FBI infiltrator was informing his bosses, that bribery, extortion, money laundering, and kickbacks were going on, and they still approved that uranium one deal, twenty percent of our uranium, you know, ending up really in Putin's hands, and they knew everything. But I mean, what people in your program believe is that when it came to Clinton misconduct, there was really no Zella seffort to find the truth. That the people investigating Clinton headed out for Trump and wanted her to win, that de Faza warrant was more political than it was legal, and that that whole group got a pass, and that they're going after Trump like there's no tomorrow. And I don't know how you tell people that they're not right to believe that. I'm gonna have to let you go here, Senator. We do appreciate what you're doing. I think you're gonna be working pretty hard next year. I hope you get some downtown over Christmas, and maybe we'll get that reconciliation bill first. That would be awesome. Didn't fund the wall eight hundred nine four one Sean told free telephone number. Hey, listen, I am telling you the best, most delicious, boldest, greatest blends of coffee come from one come black rifle coffee. You won't regret it. It's the best Sean Hannity. You are listening to the best of the Sean Hannity Show. Working every day to remember the forgotten man. This is the show. This president that we have now is trying to unravel everything that he did and Obama did. And if I ever become a one issue voter, it will be about pollution and the greenhouse effect, and we focus on the president. Please, I don't want to talk about trouble of school. We're honoring a great Please. I want to talk about honoring but I'm not in listed in your one is. I don't care. Way, We'll be right back. After that little fight, apparently, according to some news reports, I think it was page six, they actually got really nasty behind the scenes. Actually were at each other's throats with names that we can't even use on the show legally. So yeah, Well, we love Republicans as people on the left, just when they're dead. Uh, comeal Pallias with us, back with us, provocateur, iconoclassed and uh. One of the more interesting people I've ever had the chance over the years to interview, how are you Hi? Shan As a Democratic I'm embarrassed by the behavior of my party for the past few years since the election. For heaven's sake, there was a duly elected president and now it's incumbent on my party to clarify its agenda and find a strong candidate can appeal from coast to coast. And there's all this endless, almost hallucinatory obsession with tearing the president down and thereby weakening the image of America in the world. What is in your view, I look at the Democratic agenda is almost singularly focused on destroying Donald Trump. We know where they stand. They want open borders, they want the crumbs back the tax cuts that President Trump passed. And I don't hear any policies that I think would benefit the American people. I say, the forgotten men and women that are struggling and out of work, in poverty, on food stamps, et cetera. And I think I don't see an agenda that's going to be one that's going to help make the country better. No, it's like a cloud of hysterical emotionalism that's coming from I think this complete isolation and detachment of the educated elite and the urban media in the United states. I'm speaking as a professor of media studies. The self destruction of journalism itself over the past few years is going to have a terrible effect in the long run on our democracy. When the President says fake news, or I say fake news, or because I think a lot of it is fake. My analysis said, I can't really watch a whole lot of it, but we do for pure I guess entertainment and political purposes. Pick out. But it seems like it's every second, every minute, every hour, every day, it's Hay Trump and without any exceptions, on some of the cable networks. Well, and I had to. I had to stop watching TV news completely. Well at Hannity's on at nine, professor, that's so not fair. What are you doing? What do you do? I got to put food on the table. You know, you're telling me, what's that about? I thought we were friends. Well, I used to watch the network News and CNN all the time, and now I tune in CNN for the hurricanes. And that's it. Because it's absolutely unbearable these people living in their bubble in Manhattan and Washington and Los Angeles. I teach you Philadelphia, but I live in the distant suburbs, and I try to observe actual social reality in the United States, all right, I think that's you know, what's pouring out of the you know, the major media is absolute. What can I What can I say? It's almost like a Spanish inquisition. These people are are twisted, truly mentally twisted people who are so focused, okay, on tearing down other people's beliefs, you know, without presenting a coherent agenda of their own. You know, I like to I really like conservatism, and I'm a conservative because I like the ideas that I believe when implemented work, piece through strength works, lower taxes, less burdensome regulation works. I've never I can't really point to a left wing polo see that I can embrace and say, you know what, that's a great idea that's going to help people, because all they've done is frankly created more dependency. Yes, I mean, I'm you know, I voted for Bernie Sanders or in the in the Democratic primaries last time around. But I'm well aware, okay, of the impracticality of UM of the socialist proposals that are endorsed by particularly many of the younger UM now elected officials who appeared to have no clear grasp on the economics okay, and how in fact a nation's wealth is generated. So I think there's just a kind of a lack of practical understanding there. There's too much adherence to buzzwords and compassion as as a general flag instead of the GEOP at least has has a sense of m of um, you know, the way economies actually work in the modern world. Yeah, I don't think the GOP really has it. I think Trump has it. I think a few Republicans have it. I think real conservatives have it. But I have more contempt for the Republican Party that frankly has just become a watered down version of the Democratic Party. And the thing that I hate the most in life is I don't see courage. I don't see these people fighting and taking a stand and they say one thing on the campaign trail and they do something entirely different when when they get in a position of power, and that frustrates me. I think healthcare was a great case in point, but Obama's president, sixty five times Republicans vote to repeal and replace than when it mattered. They're nowhere to be found or absolutely. Yeah. I mean I was one of the few Democrats criticizing Obamacare before it was ever passed, trying to warn the party don't be going down that road. I think, you know, essentially, Nancy Pelosi even pulled out, you know, a plan they had been in the drawer, you know, for years, and was saying things like, we'll find out what's in it once it's passed, and so on. All of the problems in Obamacare. I think we're very very clear way down the road. You know. Look, the promises were and kept, keep your doctor, your plans, save money. Millions lost their doctors and plans. Now they have only one option and nobody saved any money. What do you think of What are your observations about Donald Trump? One thing that I do like about him is the world feigns, you know, outrage at every word or tweet that he sends out there. I think it's selective and phony, and I think they're all pretending. I don't think we're a bunch of snowflakes that have not heard these words before or known people that are combative in our life before. I love that he fights, and when he's fighting for the American people, that's good. But what are your general thoughts about him, his presidency and his enemies that want to remove him from office. Well, he's a practical man of business who was brought in essentially from outside all of the party structures. There has been a civil war going on inside the Republican Party as well as in the Democratic Party for years now. And I you know, I think that he represents a wave. It's obvious, it's happened in Brazil, it's happening in Europe as well. Of the electorates are are sick and tired of politics as usual and wants someone to come in and deal with the problems themselves outside of ideology. And that's essentially what he brings. That there's a kind of whatever chaos. Uh. You know the media are you know, have been decrying in the Trump administration's coming from the fact that he doesn't he was not a politician. He doesn't have a huge cadre of um of you know, allies and supporters in the political establishment, so he's been basically feeling his way. Um. But you know, I think the news media has failed spectacularly and its attacks on him for the since since since the election, the more they attack him, the more they they're driving the country away from themselves and towards Trump. That's what That's what I see. And if if the economy continues strong, I've been saying, it seems to be no doubt that Trump will be re elected. I hope to vote for a Democrat, but they have to give me a nominee I can vote for, and not a crust Who would Hillary you wrote you wrote a piece about how Hillary wants Trump to win again? Who would be who? Why do you say that? And who would be the person you would most be inclined to or most interested in hearing more about at this time? Well, you can you can see by her behavior, by this hogging of the spotlight okay, that she's been doing, Okay, that she's been essentially cutting out, you know, delays from from all the Democratic candidates. Who would who would like to build up a national profile? I mean, I think her behavior or fellow Democrats has been absolutely appalling and classless. Well, I would I had, you know, high hope so for for Kamala Harris, Okay, but I heard that her behavior has certainly not been such in the last year or so that I would believe she could draw votes from the broad you know, midsection of the country. So I've been looking at candidates, possible candidates, for example, Governor Steve Bullock of Montana and also a Congresswoman Sherry Bustas from Illinois. This is the kind of you know, the kind of heartland manner, a warmth without the sarcasm and the sniping and the elitism that's so characteristic of an Elizabeth Warren, you know, or of a cursing Jillibrand's all over the map. You know. I find President Trump hilarious, Like, for example, I look at your writings, and you know, a lot of times I'll laugh out loud, and I think I can I know you now well enough. I think that I know that you'd like to push people's buttons and make them think. I can only imagine what you're like in the classroom. I frankly would love to sit in on a lecture and watch that endeavor unfold, because I'm assuming you're teaching a bunch of snowflakes and there's shock and awe of their precious little value system getting challenged. I've got to imagine that's a pretty interesting experience. Well, I'm I teach at a practical vocational art school. Okay, so I don't have as many snowflakes as are pouring into the elite school. Well, but still, you know, I hope there's a little shotgun on you know, the best teachers I had. I had a really great professor at a Delphi University when I went there a year, and he was a sociology guy, and he's just out of his mind. Okay, if you want me to say communism is great, and I'll get an a Okay, I understand the game. I can play that way, and or I can just stand up to you and say you're an idiot and I can't stand your stupid book that you're making us by and I'm wasting my time in this class, and then you suffer and you get the appropriate grade of daring to challenge the views of the professor. Right. Well, my voice and my views are available to the public, and my new book is Provocations, okay, which is a collection of essays and a huge variety of things from Hollywood to politics to my long standing propos that religion comparative religion be made the core curriculum of undergraduate education. I mean, as I believe that only by understanding the great world religions of the you know, through history. Can people really hoped for any kind of multicultural understanding of Earth today? Yeah? All right? Camille la Palia is with us. A new book is called Provocations, a seven hundred page essay collection including well her best, her choice satires of Hillary Clinton, all listed in the index. If you want to get up a copy, we'll put it up on Hannity dot Com. I'll take a quick break, we'll come back right back. We'll get to your calls. Final half hour of the program today, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is our number. You want to be a part of the program as we continue. The final hour of the Sean Hannity Show is up next. Hang on for Shaun's conservative solutions. Rachamel Palia is with us the latest book, Provocations. All right? Is humanity losing its sense of humor? Because I see we're losing oursel? I mean, don't you When people make fun of me right, which they do, I love it. I think it's the greatest form of lottery. I have people that I know in the business that I work in radio and TV. Somebody says one bad thing about them. Saturday Night Live mocks them and they lose it. They bubble and fizz like Alka seltzer and water and they can't handle it. Why is that? Well, comedy is one of the great genres of American culture. I mean one of they, the cultural heroes of my college years was Lenny Bruce Okay, who it was arrested repeatedly for pushing the limits of comedy live comedy all and some I regard humor as healthy. People who are humorless or who are thin skinned, hypersensitive to the offensiveness of comedy and so on, they have a mental problem right now. Unfortunately, our universities have institutionalized the state of neurotic hypersensitiveness. You know, I don't know if you watch comedy shows of these specials like on HBO or maybe some of the older comedians like Richard Pryor was hilarious. I think Chris Rock is probably the most energetic, gifted, um storyteller, econoclastic, tell it like it is, uh comedian out there today. Um, I've watched all these guys and the more raw, the better for me. The more the more politically incorrect, the funnier they are. But there are a lot of comics that are afraid to go there because of where we are in society. And you can't say this, and you can't offend that one or that one. Oh, absolutely, Yeah, the comedian depends on the sense of transgression. You have to have boundaries seeing you to violate. But I am am a believer in free thought and free speech, okay, and that in comedy should always be unfettered. We're in a very very puritanical period right now. That is very dangerous, okay, because it invades the mind, It intrudes on the mind, it holds you hostage. Were you worried the way Judge Kavanaugh was treated? Oh? I thought it was absolutely appalling, absolutely appalling. But but the Democrats shot themselves in the foot. Okay, but good lord, okay, have you ever seen, okay, such an irrational it was? It was. It was like a Salem witch trial. It really was, all right. Camir Paullia. Her book Provocation, seven hundred page essay including her best work, is on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. Com. Here we'll good to talk to you. I have a sean, Thank you so much. I have a great vacation. I assume you going on vacation, having a break. All right, I never have a vacation, but happy holidays to you. Okay, with you too, Thank you. Hey, listen, sorry to spoil the surprise, but if you're going to get a gift from me this Christmas, everybody's getting Black Riflecoffee dot com slash Sean gift certificates. I'll tell you why. It is the best greatest coffee experience I'll ever had. Black Rifle Coffee dot com slash Shawn fifteen percent discount. We'll take a quick break on this Friday. We'll come back, we'll continue, and when we do, we have Jonathan Gillham and Maria Elvira and much more straight ahead. This is the best of the best. This is the Sean Hannity Show.