Best of Hannity: America's Future Depends on Georgia

Published Dec 25, 2020, 11:00 PM

As we get closer to January 5th, Sean is focused on the Senate race in Georgia...the results of which may dictate the next 10 years of America's future! In this "Best of Hannity" pollsters and politicians alike visit to discuss these important races.

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Joining us now, people that really understand the great state of Georgia. You got Craig Kashician is with us. Educated Cornell Princeton, Yale Law served on the White House staff of President Reagan. Matt Towery back with us. This guy nailed the twenty sixteen election the twenty twenty election, knows Georgia as well as anybody. He alone puts interesting because Trafalgar's Robert Kaheley, same thing. I mean, they're both from Georgia. Matt Slatist Pole Insider Advantage has a forty nine forty eight lead for Purdue of Razor Thin Kelly Leffler forty nine forty eight one point race there, Matt Towery, welcome back. What is the state of this race? Looks very very tight to me, too close for comfort. Yeah, Sean, it looks really tight. And you know Georgie as well as I do. And you've elluted many times for the fact we could easily have an ice storm in Georgia. They could wipe out the voter turnout that day, which which is all the more reason for people to go vote early and to get their vote in and count. In this race, I can't tell people in Georgia, particular in the rest of the country. How close these races really are. It's amazing. I'm looking at the turnout numbers and I calculated today, Sean. I think right now the Republicans are between one hundred and one hundred and ten thousand votes behind. Now, they were certainly at that level of not more in the general election, where you have a slightly larger turnout. So that doesn't mean that the Republicans can't win, but what it means is that Republicans have to get back out and vote like it's a general election, or they could lose both of these Senate seats in Georgia. What's your take, Craig as you analyze these two races, the runoffs on the fifth the same as Matt. Matt and I are teamed up on this one, and he's a great partner, and I will tell you what Matt said is absolutely the case. Georgia Republicans have to vote like they never have before. Their future and the country's future is dependent upon it. I see some positives. I see that our citizens are coming back into the polls. We need them now more than ever, Senior citizens of Georgia, we need you and you need to vote Republican on this point too. I do see another big moving item here, and Matt touched upon this. Actually Matt uncovered it. We see that the radical left positions on no bail at hoc prisoner release, closing down the Atlanta City Jail and turning it into some sort of playground are deeply disturbing. The Republicans and Democrats and African American women of all political affiliations are worried about this, as whites are, as everyone should be. This is a matter of public safety, and if you can't sleep soundly in your home at night, then what the heck is government all about? So yeah, these are the things that you know that drive polls and should be driving Republicans to the polls. He I mean, there's so much on the shoulders of the people of Georgia, and by the way, I don't think it's been particularly helpful. I mean, the only changes I see that they've made since November third is apparently these drop boxes now are being viewed and monitored. All right, thought's an improvement. I don't know that if they haven't changed the signature verification issue that came up during the general election, and this was part of a consent agreement that was made with the Secretary of State and the Democrats that were suing the State of Georgia, Matt Towery, And they're not changing any of the other other considerations that were given, which means that in person voters voting, if you're there, you have to have an ID and you have the stringent signature verification requirement that has your signature has to match what they have in the state database. That standard does not exist for people to do mail in ballots. They haven't fixed it. It's ticked a lot of people off. Well, you know, to allude to Georgia, that's all gone with the wind, so speak, because if nothing is going to change, the Secretary of State hasn't changed anything. And I had anecdotally yesterday late conversations with some members of the General Assembly who said they're seeing ballots ying around once again. Things not secure. I think there's an effort on the part of the GOP. And I want to give some credit to David Schaeffer, the chairman there. He is, he is very smart. He liked Joe Gruders, who you know Joe, he's the chairman in Florida who really helped deliver the win for Donald Trump. These are the sort of chairman that you need, people who are are savvy and know what they're doing. And I think David's doing the best he can to try to secure the ballots and get people out. But the problem is he's a Republican chairman who's very true, true to his party. But you've got a Secretary of State who really is fighting to instead validate something which can't be validated, and that is that he did the right thing in signing the Consent Agreement, in creating those drop boxes and allowing to have this disparate treatment of ballots where you don't need an ID if you're mailing in for an absentee ballot, but you need an ID if you're going online or if you're going to appear in person. That none of that makes any sense, and it hasn't really changed. So that's why the voters have to make sure they get out and participate in this thing, because we don't know if the quote unquote cheap factor is zero or if it's the three point whatever percent that our colleague and friend, Robert K. Hayley's foot to it. We just don't know, right now, and so it's it's a very iffy situation. The other thing I want to know real quickly is that we also don't know we've seen an uptick in the early voting a bit versus the runoff. What we don't know is if the Republicans are voting now early vote and they won't be that bigger vote on January fifth, or whether we'll still have a lot of the Republican vote on January fifth. All of those are variable that will really change the way these polls might turn out to be reality one way or another. You know, if you look at Okay, so, what are the issues that are resonating the most? I mean what issues will get Craig people out and inspired to vote. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, it's every one of Donald Trump's accomplishments. It's whether or not investigations will continue. It's absolutely by the way, Georgia, your vote here, you'll end up to bail out New York, New Jersey, California and all these states that have not been as fiscally responsible as you all have been. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, because it's absolutely true. Open borders, that'll happen. Free healthcare for illegal immigrants, that will happen, energy independence, that will stop liberal activist justices. There will be many of them. Nobody will be there to stop them, except if the people of Georgia, Conservatives, patriots, Republicans all get out seeing the magnitude of severity here and voting. I mean, I'm like begging the people of Georgia. I hope they understand what's at stake. Craig oh Sean, you couldn't hit it more accurately. In fact, it's worse than that. There are ideas on the ground now in Georgia about giving everybody a guaranteed income in the city of Atlanta. That means the taxpayers of Georgia have to pay for the federal bailout and also for their citizens who are going to be on the So the meta issues you just spoken to are right on, and Georgia patriots of all political stripes, whether you're a conservative or a moderate, please don't fall for the hat trap that that Warnock and ass Off are moderates. They are not. They want to change the undergirdings of American society as you know it, and the United States will not resemble its former self once the Democrats get control. So that's the big picture. But when it comes right down to the hearth again, safety, security, living in your own home, and you know, without having gangsters and criminals who are out on the streets thanks to liberal policies like this come right smack home, and Georgians have to realize that they have to perform not only a service for their country but to themselves too. But the service to the country in terms of keeping these people out and keeping Republicans in check is the is the greater duty, the greater cause. I hope they hear this. I think, will your take, Matt Towery, what are the arguments that should be made by Leffler and by Purdue on these closing days. I do like the fact that both of them are racing around the states as many counties as they can get to, and I think Purdue promised one hundred and twenty five. Kelley Leffler said something similar last night on Hannity. Yeah, so I start with the basis that don't run away from Donald Trump. Donald Trump, as I've said many times on this program, is not just politics. He's a religion in Georgia and in South Georgia, Central Georgia and North Georgia. If anybody thinks they're gonna win without having Donald Trump helped draw these people back out to the polls, they don't understand the difference between a regular politician and President Trump. That's number one. Number two, I agree with what Craigs talked about. I think the campaigns in their latter days need to become more localized. We've had a lot of ads running in Georgia that are national in nature. You had Mitch McConnell on and we've had all these discussions of socialism and the like. But until you start talking about, hey, they really are shutting down to jail in the city of Atlanta, is that really what you want to see happen in your community? They really are talking about universal income a pilot program in Atlanta. Do you think people are going to be able to afford that along with everything else? The Atlanta Braves there's a talk about changing the names of the Braves now. Our colleague Robert Daily talked about that just the other day. These are issues that actually move people, and I think when you take the minatality and you reach out to the various areas where their affect. There's some then you put meat on the bones of what are just saying someone's a radical and a socialist. And sometimes I don't like those terms because people get used to just like they used to get used to the to the term libberal and now nobody as you call somebody a liberal and they just roll their eyes. Craig, absolutely sorry. Would you recommend these candidates be talking about yeah, directed to me, I mean, I would certainly recommend that they'd be talking about those sort of issues. But I think Craig could also add to that crime, taxes, your your your business is getting shut down in perpetuity. Remember you see you're seeing this on the national stage. Mandates, restaurant I live in California, Sean restaurants are dying on the vine. Small business owners are crying in their hands. That's going to come to visit Georgia if you'll let the Democrats run the show. That's what's going to happen, is too true. Authoritarian government from the top down need to impact every small town, every medium sized city in the state, every resident. You don't want that. It comes right down to the quality of your life, and that's what's going to be compromised. That's what I would be running on, not to mention the national issues, but the micro issues that affect your way of life. Higher taxes. I'll tell you about the micro issue that every Georgia needs to know. You'll be bailing out every fiscally irresponsible blue state in this country. You'll also you'll permit them to change laws in ways you've never dreamed of that will impact every American. I mean, you like Donald Trump. Guess what. They'll harass them into the grave. They'll never stop. If they had control of the Senate, that's one every accomplishment, they will undo it on day one if they have the power to do it. They need to understand it, all right, Thank you both, Craig, we appreciate it. Matt, thank you. Well. I'm not going to stop talking about it because it's that important, and that is eighteen days from now, and that is actually ongoing within person voting in Georgia, and it is so crucial, it is so pivotal. Is the consequences of which are way beyond anything that I think I could really even fully completely explain more than I have, And consequences for the president, consequences for the entire country. Rafael Warnock. Listen, we have new tape on this guy. I mean, you want to talk about somebody that has been radicalized. It's you know, it's so amazing to me that all of this information exists and these guys think that nobody's gonna care. I mean, this is a preview of coming attractions. This this is what life would be like because he will be a rubber stamp for all things radical, democratic, socialist. It is what it is. It just is, you know, reality, and this is radicalism from a guy. You know, they're literally if you want to preserve the president's hard work, if you want to protect the president's family, if you want real investigations and to real abuse and power to continue, well, then George is going to be important to you because radicalism awaits. I mean, listen to the twenty seventeen sermon. Warnock is preaching about wanting to dismantle the American Empire, to set the cop that's free to priest a year of the lord's freedom. In other words, I came to dismantle the value system of the empire. But here's the problem. The religious folk who should be fighting with me getst the empire are in Coho with the Himpire. It's religious who are trying to steal Mother from the poor and give it to the rich through this terrible touch spill, this jacked up theology coming from American pulpics. And then again, this is a guy we know about his extremist pass praising Louis farre combination of Islam, comparing the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin at Yahoo to George Wallace, repeatedly disparaging law enforcement officers, claiming Americans can't serve both God and the military. Wow, and you got the other extremist, John Assoff. Oh, he now appears to be taking his quids from Congressman Swalwell and from quid pro quote Joe and zero experienced hunter because in a new ad that David Purdue is put out, they're exposing some of Ausof's troubling ties himself to the Chinese Communist Party. Remember Christine Fengg, his girlfriend, He didn't say heard about the nature of the relationship, raises money, gets interns in his office. You gotta be kidding me. You know he's on the House Intelligence Committee. Got to be able to trust him. What did he tell her and when? And we have a right to know, not because of any period interest of any kind. We just need to know if he's compromised. I already think Joe and Hunter are compromised by China and other places. Anyway, Listen to the new ad news reports recently uncovered the John Ossoft's being paid by the Communist Chinese government through a media company with ties to a tech giant accused of spying. Unbelievable but absolutely true. John Ossoff won't hold China accountable. He works for them. Now we're finding out, in spite of denying it, that Raphael Warnock, by the way, defended this guy. Reverend Wright brought him in as a guest speaker at his church, and twenty fourteen flyer for the event found on Facebook advertised Reverend Jeremiah Right guest preacher Warnox historic Ebenezer Baptist Church. Campaign spokesman for Warnock's rival, Kelly Leffler, blasted the move. Not only did he praise Reverend Wright, mister g. D America himself. He thought it was so great he invited him to preach in the pulpit and at his church. Pretty amazing. What's the state of this race? Matt Towery he's with insider advantage polling syndicated calmnist John McLaughlin Polster McLaughlin and associates. Look, we've been going over this race. Is this new information comes out, I've got to imagine Matt Towery and you're from Georgia. This has got to have an impact on people. Well, I think so. I mean, Sean, you're from not from Georgia, but you spent a lot of time there. You know that stayed on TV or radio. It's going to be tight. We know that I am seeing some signs that things are shifting a little bit in the direction of the Republican Some of these demographics says that we can watch the turnout on a day by day level, and some of the demographics that they need in order to win are beginning to come into line. So I'm a little more optimistic about the Republican chance. On Democratic side, though we've yet to see exactly the degree to which the combination is the way they count votes in Georgia or don't count votes, combined with the rather brilliant efforts of Stacy Adrams, how much effect that's going to have. He clearly has had an effect. There's been a long a strong turnout early on in the early voting, in the absent te voting among the African American community, and that's a lot of her work. But we'll have to see if the Republicans can catch up. It looks like they're beginning to do so, all right. So my question is, Matt, there's one hundred and eight thousand mail in ballot requests from people that didn't vote on November third. That concerns me that number. Yeah, And let me address something that's going around the media today to your point, Sean. There's a discussion about how the Secretary of Stay in George is now going to have a signature check of every county in Georgia. That's not really true. What it is. It's going to be a sample signature check done by the University of Georgia. I don't expect to see anything out of that that would equal what would have happened if we'd act he had a real live signature audit. So, yeah, there's a lot of question. There are a lot of questions out there related to how these votes are counted, where they're coming from, these absentee ballots, and whether there's going to be any integrity in them this time, because there was a lot of question about the integrity the last time. You'd take John McLaughlin and you're following you closer yourself. That's true because I'm watching Matt's poules the inside of Vanderpoles, when when I'd worked for Governor Deal in the past there, I'd worked for Doug Collins in the past there, they were always spot on. And Matt's last poles have a one point lead for both Senator Purdue and Senator Laflow. That's way too close, way too tight. And we know from the November third election that the states Hecretary of State didn't keep records of the six hundred thousand votes that were cast in dropboxes that were funded by Mark Zuckerberg and strategized by Fluff who was who was Obama's campaign manager. And it's amazing the Secretary State, without authorization from the legislature, signed a consent decree to allow these drop boxes to exist, where you know that's the tool for ballots fraud, and the Republicans here are struggling to keep up with this, and they stole the election from an effect I'm told the drop boxes unlike the November election are being monitored in real time, and they're also being videotape. That's what I'm told. Is that not true or is that true? Well, if you videotape them and you have no signature verification, you're seeing people go up there drop twenty thirty, forty ballots into these things and you don't know where they came from. Well, I don't think are people legally allowed to drop thirty ballots in a drop box? Who's gonna they're just going up and drop Well, it's gonna be on video. Then you you'd make an estimate of how you zoom in, you find out how many they're dropping in the box, and then you render them not legal. I mean, you don't get thirty votes. Nobody gets thirty votes. But John, just think about how much video helped us with State Farm Marina. I mean, we actually saw a video of all kinds of things going on there. And even when they saw the video and it was right in front of their face, oh it's fine. It was declared fine by the Secretary of State and everyone else. So, yes, you're not supposed to drop thirty ballots, But is that going to happen very questionable. Yeah, by the way, nobody stopped them last time. They don't have records, and we have a post election survey where the twelve percent that voted in the drop box voted for Biden seventy three twenty seven. Now those are live people that we actually talked to. God knows what they did, and there's no lock. So after the drop boxes the ballots get picked up, before they get returned to the Secretary of State, what do they do with them. They don't particularly like me in the secretary of State's office or the governor's office. They just tend to not return my calls. I don't know why. I'm a very nice person, but they won't return my call. But I'd like an answer to the question about whether or not the envelopes with the signatures on them are going to be retained for this election, which they weren't in the general election. Number one. Number two, I'd like to know if the partisan observers, according a statutory language that are allowed to observe the vote count start to finish, if they are making concessions and taking into consideration social distancing so that there can be real observation of the vote count. That does anyone have an answer, because I'm not getting answers. I have absolutely no answer, and my entire roots in my company or in Georgia and Atlanta, I just simply don't know. I don't think any really anybody really does know. I know this anecdotally. This is anecdotally. A state elected official told me yesterday that their ballot was sent in the avantee ballot. He scribbled his name allegibly and to see if it was rejected, and it was not rejected. Now I don't know if the actual check occurs now or if occurs when they actually count the votes. That it's hard to say. No one can give you a straight answer about the way Georgia elections operate, including the Secretary of State's office. That's the really alarming part of this. But the good news is I think there will be more vigilance this time. They know the heat is on, and I think that will new it to the benefit of these Republican candidates. I don't think they'll get the treatment that Trump head in the general not quite as bad. I got to believe that there's got to be some concerted effort this time to protect the integrity of the vote and that would include voter ID now on mail in ballots. Is there any need for voter ID John McLaughlin No, there's a need for signature verification. And the voters in Georgia wanted to have a special session for signature verification fifty eight percent to thirty eight percent, and Governor Kemp didn't call it. And the country's watching this. We have a poll this week where we said it's on our website McGlocklin online dot com. Do you believe there was election of voter for in the presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump back in November And among all voters in the United States they said forty six percent yes, only forty five percent no. So people are seeing this that President Trump. I saw the President last week at the White House and he said, you know they stole the election. I said yeah, I said it yesterday on Hannahy Radio and he said, he keeps saying, keep saying it, and it's like your listeners understand. The more evidence that comes out, this was a national scandal where the two candidates, Biden and Trump are separated by forty three thousand votes in three states Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin. Out of one hundred and fifty eight million votes that decided the election, thirty seven electoral votes. So this election easily was stolen. And these drop boxes and the dominion systems, the voting system are definitely the culprits. And the more evidence that comes out that gets examined, the voters in the United States are seeing that there was fraud in the election and Georgia needs to stop it right now before January fifth. All right, I'm posters, John McLaughlin, Matt Towery. We continue looking at a very very two very close runoff races in the great state of Georgia. January fifth, early voting going on now now. I did ask Kelly Leffler, and I did ask even Produe this week if they felt confident that the efforts were being made for poll watchers and lawyers and chain of custody issues and the drop boxes. They seemed assuring that there were what four thousand I think Kelly Leffler told me that they had four thousand people volunteering to be partisan observers of the vote counting. The only question is they going to be six feet back, twenty feetback, one hundred feet back. Are they going to be let in the building or not? Are they going to be kicked out of the building that we're going to have ballots and suitcases this time, and only certain people get to stay after you throw out the media. I mean, I'd like to know the answer to these questions before the fifth but you know, the people of Georgia don't have the luxury to sit it out and wait for the answers. Matt Sewn to your point. It hasn't been publicized in the newspapers in the light, but I've actually read the letter. Fulton County, the elections board decided to fire one of the individuals who was actually working as a poll worker, as someone who was helping look over how votes were being counted. They let her go after she testified at the Senate here that was held that Rudy Giuliani and others testify at just a few weeks ago. She's coming on the program right in the next hour. Okay, well, now you know so, so that tells you they're not letting up. This is going to be hardball all the way to the finish. Yeah. You know, the thing about Democrats is when they get committed to something, they commit Republicans. Oh, they're just they're so unfocused. And you know, the President sent out a tweet. The Republicans need to learn to fight. The one lesson that the Republicans should have learned from Donald Trump is that if you make promises, keep them, If you fight for what you said you were going to do, they will reward you with more votes. In other words, talk doesn't get you there. And for too many politicians, swamp creatures John McLaughlin, that's all we get is talk talk, talk, talk talk. And that's why the voters of Georgia need to get out and vote for Luffler and Perdue because if we don't get out and now Matt and I know, Robert Kahley, the other pulsters, I think they're putting in a fraud factor. We need to overcome that with real people getting out there and voting. Because there were five million votes on November third, there's already one point one million votes cast in Georgia, either in mail or early in person so far. And if our Trump voters don't get back out, it'll be a terrible thing for the whole country. And what is that about the same percentage? I mean, you're not expecting a vote turnout similar to Election Day. Are you I think it's going to be getting stronger? Sean? Yeah, Do you think this is going to be stronger than on Election Day? No? No, no, not stronger than Election Day, but it is getting stronger. I thought it was weak to begin with, but now the turnouts beginning to look strong for a US and a runoff in the wintertime and that but in the words, to the benefit of the Republicans. So that's that's why when we started the show, I said, I'm beginning to see some indications. They caused me to think the Republicans are picking up a little bit. But what we got to watch this The early voting has to stay strong, and Republicans like to vote on election Day. You've alluded to it several times, Sean. What if we have a winter storm, what if something happens, can't get to the polls. So the more people would go to early voting for the Republicans, the better they do. Waiting till election day is probably not a smart idea. All right, I'm gonna let you both go here, Matt Towery and our friend John McLaughlin, and I don't know how many ways times I can say it to the people of Georgia, but your country needs you right now. Even if you're angry and frustrated at local politicians, state officials, it doesn't matter. We've got to try. As the great movie Braveheart says, we continue with a lot more information on the state of Georgia. One thing that has really frustrated me in the course of this entire election, in post election, is that we were told when impeachment occurred at the if you can believe it, almost a year ago, that's what we were talking about, that we were told that whistleblowers were brave, whistleblowers were courageous, whistleblowers were patriotic, and the whole impeachment debacle, and it was was based on an anonymous and it turns out to be not even a real whistle blower, a hearsay whistle blower, non whistle blower. And with one fact witness, everybody else is either an opinion witness or hearsay witness. The one fact witness said, now the president said no, quid pro quo said it, ignoring, by the way, the breathtaking example of quid pro quo Joe firing the prosecutor and zero experienced hunter. But I don't want to digress. All of these people that have signed affidavits under penalty of perjury, all of these people that have told their stories. Noticed, they're not being called heroes, they're not being called courageous, they're not being called patriotic. They're being ignored by the mob. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them. We have not ignored them. I have found their stories believable, compelling, enlightening, and yeah, they've been courageous in telling these stories. Has even been some blowback for many of them. Bridget Thorne joins US. She is a Georgia precinct manager for AC thirteen John's Creek and also a poll tech. She was certified interestingly by Dominion, who subsequently fired her for speaking out about what she saws and fractions that she observed on the day on election day and the days that followed. Susie Boyles is also with US. She is the Georgia State director National Board of Directors who also worked on the day of the election November third, longtime poll manager in Georgia says she suspected fraud based on what she observed in the hand audit process. We bring back Garland Favartos with us to discuss the findings that he has talked about with us in the past about dominion and some other things. Now, Susie, you're a going to start with you. You're a longtime poll manager and you suspect that, and you suspect fraud based on things you saw. Now did you sign an affidavid? I did sign an affidavid. And you know that's under penalty of perjury if you lie on that, right, that's correct? M okay? And you tell us what you said. You served over two decades. I understand it. As a Fulton County poll manager, tell us, if I can take just one second, or oath actually says I will use my best endeavors to prevent any fraud, deceit, or abuse in carrying out the same and the same means the election and it goes on from there. And I took that oath very seriously. I saw issues with a lack of chain of custody throughout from the Sunday prior throughout the election. Seals were broken, seals were non existent. Doors with memory cards did not have the proper seals on them. Our pull pads were not programmed properly, and that was one thing that bothered me, because they reprogrammed them as they would my Apple computer. But I'll skip forward to where I was recounting. I was s to in quotes audit ballots on the starting on the fourteenth and anticipated through the following Wednesday, that would have been Saturday through Wednesday. The first box we were given there again, it was just taped clearly together, I mean with clear packaging tape. It had the Secretary's seal slapped on the top, but nobody had signed it, so there was no evidence as to who had handled that box last where it has been handled, and we were given a seal to seal it again when we were done. But we went through this box and all of a sudden, these were set together in batches of a hundred and one. Particular batch. When I pulled it out, was just such a stark contrast. It didn't have any soil from your hands or no little bending of the pages. They were stark white. They were seen white with no folds in them. And this particular batch happened to have had a hundred and ten in the batch, which was unusual to begin with. You know. I mean, I'm listening. I'm listening just to your voice. And you know, doing talk radio for thirty three years, you get you get to know a lot about people on their voice. You hardly sound like the type of person that is going to sign a legal ALFI David, under penalty of perjury and lie about what you saw. So these ballots that are separated and apart are pristine. I I'll use the word I believe you used on TV and no folds, no bent edges, and you believe that that was a sign of fraud because the stark difference between the rest of the ballots correct well was the first thing that made me pay attention to this batch right the second the second thing was the way they felt. They just felt differently. And I been doing this for over twenty years, so you know, you know how things feel. So and that's based on your experience of doing in two decades. Bridget Thorne, let's talk about your experience. Oh gosh, where do I start. You got fired, by the way, I'm sorry to hear that. If you got another job, Well, I was just a tenth employee. I'm a precinct manager. I've worked about nine years as a Fulton County Precinct manager, and I decided to get certified to be a tech worker and be trained by Dominion, and then I got camped down to the warehouse to work as a pull tech. And you know, down there I just saw things like real ballots from early voting that weren't secure. You know, they just came in by the thousand from States Farm Arena, and just anybody in the warehouse told just open them up, jump them in suitcases. People left, went to dinner. You know, they were just everywhere. But I was told, you know, don't worry about it. You know, there was no no two people at a scanner. They weren't stealed. When I left at ten o'clock at night, you know, some of them were still just sitting on the floor and shootcases. The next day I came back. Is that normal in all the years you've been doing this, to see ballots and suitcases? Why does that strike me as very suspicious? Well, as a manager, if we open up the ballot box, we have to announce we're opening the ballot box. There has to be two of us there. You know, there's a box, not a not a suitcase, right, right, But we put them in a transport suitcase at the end of the night and we have to steal it and then we take it to two people have to take it to the check in center because it can never be left alone by itself. So it was just kind of appalling that there's these people they and most of them were friends and family and dominions that were working down there, except for the poll techs, and they were just taking ballots and jumping them out everywhere, and I don't know, I was concerned. I expressed my concern, and I was golded that they've been doing it all week. Don't worry about it. And then I was in charge. My job down there was the print test ballots, and we printed real ballots on real paper and they would go loss, they would go missing. I could print whatever ballot I wanted to print. And one night, late at night, I found people printing random ballots at the stations. So that was just kind of a concern. And then the day of election, we aren't given emergency ballots in our precincts. My precinct got four hundred emergency ballots, and these emergency ballots are also atte provisional emergency ballots so they can be used for all three purposes. And mine didn't show up. For my four hundred, they gave me just cheap, simple yellow paper ballot, so when I called the warehouse, they couldn't find him. And they still to this day they I don't know where my four hundred absentee provisional emergency ballots are. So that was kind of a concern, and I went through the proper channels I felt. I felt my concerns were bipartisans concern So before the election and after the election, you know, I sent email to the Fulton County Elections. Never heard back. I contacted the Secretary Estate before and after the elections. I never heard back. I called into the State Board of Elections meeting and I was muted after fifteen seconds of speaking. The first time. They don't care. Let me tell you what it is. Isn't that sad? They don't care. Yeah. The first year back is two days ago when they told me I was no longer needed as a precinct manager after ten years. You're done, no more help from you. Yeah. I'm sure you get paid a lot of money doing that, don't you. I do, just yeah, loads the same person that sent me the letter to tell me I was no longer needed. It's the same person that prior to the election, I wanted to know if I'd be interested in instructing other coal workers. All Right, as we continue with real whistleblowers, you know, the brave, courageous, patriotic type that the mob has been ignoring. Bridget Thorne, Susie Boyles, and Garland Faberto were with us. Let me bring in Garland. And you know, on top of your story, which you've told us on radio NTV and you're hearing all of this, you know, the one thing that stands out in my mind, and really I find extraordinarily frustrating, bordering on rage at times, is nobody wants to hear from the Susie Boyles, the Bridget Thorns, with the Garland Fabarritos of the world, and you know, the brave patriotic label of whistleblowers goes out the window. Your thoughts, well, thank you, Sean, and you're right. I'm really upset about what happened to Susie and Bridget because I know them both personally, and what is really frustrating me. Let's add a little bit more to the story here, that just minutes before we are recording this actual show, the Secretary of State says that he is issuing a call and for against the firing of Bridget and Susie. But what he didn't do this was political cover because what he didn't do, he didn't open an investigation into why they were fired. What he did was he put out a press release. So I just want to make sure that it's not just Fulton County. It was bad enough, but the Secretary of State is still continuing to cover up for Fulton County and that's just totally unacceptable, you know. Um, listen, I will tell you that it is. It is just an amazing thing as you as you all watch this. Bridget, you get fired, Susie. You've been doing this for decades and nobody wants to hear from you people. Um. I always thought the American people were the heart and soul of everything that makes the country great. And you're just trying to tell you a story, all of you signing these affidavits, and I'm like, nobody does anybody from the media in Atlanta asked to talk to you besides me. I guess it's too far away, um Sean, that's That's a great point because there is a blackout here of this whole issue by the local news media, and we have to go to folks like yourself to actually are coming, and we're stuck with you, Hannity, You're all we got, go ahead, making me feel great, Garland, I'm feeling great about myself. Go ahead, Well you used to live here. But yeah, So that it's very frustrating because we have all these sworn affidavits, and then you'll get a news organization to just polly part whatever the Secretary of State says. It's when it's unsubstantiated and it has no basis in fact or substance, and they'll quote that and then they'll let these all these sworn affidavits that we have made just go down the drain and be ignored. So it's very very frustrating for to get local news media compa chere. Unbelievable. Well, the only thing I can say is thank you to all of you. You know, I think I can hear a lot. You can hear somebody's heart in their voice a lot. They always say that radio is a heart medium, and I'm sure it's not easier, but most of you or none of you would ever signed a affidavit before, but you did hear because you thought it was that important. And so many others, hundreds and hundreds around the country have only to be ignored by a news media that only seems to like anonymous hearsay whistle blowers, not the real people would real eyes on the ground, that a real experience in some cases decades, and the irregularities that happened in all of these states. The sad tragedy in this is that we get to a point the American people don't have faith, trust, confidence, and a belief that there's integrity in our elections, and we got another one on January fifth in your state. Anyway, I'm going to give you a final thoughts, Bridget, what do you want to tell people new I just want everyone know I'm reluctant to go to the media. I'm not a public person that I'm just forced too when there's been no response from anyone in charge. I finally got the chance to testify the Senate hearing. I thought somebody an election would respond instead of Senator tweets Bow that she seems to force to listen to Bonker's conspiracy theories, and now instead of addressing the potential fraud, they've decided to hire the whistle blow. Or where does a concerned citizen go. I mean, it's just so frustrating. Is anything going to be seen? I really begin to wonder. You know, the trust I have in institutions is now almost completely eroded away, And all my thoughts over all these years that it can't happen in America, it happened. That's sad. Bridget thank you, Susie Boyles, thank you Garland, thank you. We appreciate you telling your story. No, it's a big ask. I know that the country's putting a lot of pressure on Republicans and conservatives and patriots down in Georgia. The only thing I could say is, I'm not asking my friends in Georgia to do anything that I myself would not do, and that is put a lot of urgency in the Senate runoff races. And I'm not in spite of your own local officials, and that, of course being the governor, lieutenant governor in that idiotic Secretary of State you have. I understand people's frustration with all that we've learned that went on down in Georgia. I'm not going to go through all of the details. We've been given it out all week. Underage people voting, people that move, voting, people that never reregistered, voting, dead people voting. We have it all chronicled. But that does not anger towards Kemp or any of these other Republicans, does not help the country. And if you support the president, you know it's been four years of a very very heavy lift on hard work, dedication, and just grunt work every day. Does grindwork every day to fight for the changes that he implemented, and all of that hangs in the balance, and it hangs in the balance not only for Georgia but for the entire country. And so it's a big ask. I understand completely. But there are good people in elected office down in Georgia. Those are hearing down there yesterday with Garland Favorito explaining the inconsistent voting spikes for Joe Biden on election night. I do hope that the people of Georgia, the elected officials in Georgia, I hope they're watching chain of custody with these drop boxes, which they I hope they're making accommodations that every vote has partisan observers. I hope they're checking the voter rolls of every single person that makes an application, and in terms of an absentee or mail and ballot, I would hope that they would have fixed the signature verification system so you don't have two standards. I guess that's too much for somebody to ask for when putting that aside. Here's from yesterday's testimony. This is before the Georgia House in their committee hearing yesterday. Fast forward to day twenty two AM. A woman with blonde brains braids brings in a skirted table into the room. The room itself, I believe that violates Georgia law for a transparency, but the skirted table, I would think certainly should do that. At nine thirty EN, after the delay from the water main break that never really was a waterman break, it was just a leaky toilet or unival excuse me, jurnal ballot processing began and it continued through the day. At ten pm, everything seems to be normal. The same woman in blonde bread is now dressed differently, came out changed clothes with a different change of clothes, announced that the processing will stop for the ninety You can see back here the observers are present at that time. The observers are still present at ten forty, but everything has been closed up here. The monitors still stayed, and at ten fifty five the monitors and the Fox five reporter leave, but the four workers still remained at least four, maybe more. Elwe oh three, the woman in the blonde bridge begins to pull out suitcases from underneath this skirted table. Eleven o four, another suitcase goes out, and eleven o five the supervisor pulls out another suitcase from under the skirted table. Eve ten. The scanning of these ballots continue back in here in this area, where there's at least four scanners, they do about three thousand hour. The scanning continued for approximately two hours with no one present, all in violation of Georgia law as near as I can tell. At twelve fifty five, the scanners lead after scanning approximately fifteen to twenty thousand ballots onto memory cards, and one thirty five forty minutes later, there is a tremendous spike in the votes for Joe Biden one hundred thousand votes spike. See how inconsistent this is with everything else. This is the time over here on the left hand side, and this is the votes that went up the Biden's change and Trump's change by time frame of each of these feeds. What you're hearing there is Garland Favorito, who is now testifying yesterday before the Georgia State Senate exposing what is remember the videotape that we saw. He joins us. Now, Garland, thank you for being on the program. So just to let people understand, the reason you're talking about a woman of blonde braids is because that you're looking at the videotapes that we've all seen. Correct, Yeah, that's exactly right, Sean. She was the woman who came out and put the table out there, and she was also the one who started but the excuse me to take the suitcases from being removed and the whole ballot processing form starting. She was the one also that told everybody that they weren't going to process anymore ballots, and then they continued on for two hours scanning ballots illegally with no monitors there. And by the way, you would be called what's called a whistle blower. Well, what's interesting about this, and I want to really go through this in detail here, is that the media was in the room you mentioned, I believe it was Fox five. You had the regular observers in the room, They're asked to leave the room. Then you go through very specific details where the ballots were under the table, They lift them up in the suitcases, take them out, said no more votings going on for the evening. Not only did you watch the vote counting then begin again, but only with the few select people in the room without the part of to send observers, but then you're watching the vote tally go up in and around the same time. That's something that nobody else had tied together before. Well exactly, Sean that technically I was not in the room that particular moment, so the I had did observe at State Farm Marina on several occasions, and I was trying to provide context for the legislatures so that they can understand what was going on. But you're right, that was the key piece of evidence that I wanted to provide at the Senate hearing when I was booted off the agenda list by the chairman. And I could have tied that back a week ago to show that that that burst of one hundred thousand votes came right after that all for Joe Biden. But I was scheduled to go up by Little President's legal team, but they chairman bied me off a week ago. Okay, so they did. Now, what was the response as you were presenting this before the Georgia State Senate yesterday? Yeah, yeah, it was. It was the House yesterday, Sean, and it was crickets. I was expecting to get a lot of questions and they particularly from the Democrats, but I didn't even get one challenging question on my whole testimony. They just moved right on and kept going. And then they did come back. One of the friendly representatives did ask me a question, but I was kind of I was really kind of surprised. I thought I would get some really really aggressive questions, but particularly from the Democrats. But what's ironic about the whole thing, Shine, is that I was in the trenches with the Democrats last year when we opposed House Bill three sixteen that led us to this disaster that was the Republican establishment last year. And now this year, you know, unfortunately this system proved to be as bad as what we believe last year. So I guess that might have had something to do with why they didn't ask any aggressive questions. But there's just there's no answer, you know, there's just no response to this. It's compelling evidence and no one can refute it. You know, it's so interesting that what are you hearing from from fellow conservatives in Georgia knowing that this now this disconnect and anger towards the governor, of the Secretary of State, lieutenant governor and others, and yet we have this runoff race. Today's the eleventh in January. Fifth voting starts in three days. We got, you know, Monday in person early voting begins in Georgia for the center runoff. That's a big deal, absolutely, Sean. And it's a great point that you brought up. And there is just tremendous anger down here with the governor in light of the compelling evidence that this election was stolen from the president and the governor not calling a special session to you to address the electoral votes of the state of Georgia. The Republicans in Georgia are are really really upset, and there there's just a you know, in addition to that, you've got the Secretary of State covering up for these these Fulton county operatives, who is peer obvious that stole the election. I never would believe that the Secretary of State of Georgia, the republic and Secretary of States, would allow the Democrats to steal a presidential election. But that is what they're doing right now. They're in tremendous cover up mode. The Republicans are so upset about this that, you know, and all the governor has to do is call for the legislative session and resolve this issue at the legislator at the legislature on Monday and award the electoral votes properly, because you know, the race was stolen, and I told them yesterday the steal is real and the president deserves the Georgia electoral votes. You know. The problem is is that I think for voters now, they've got to bifur kate and compartmentalize this because and this is what I'm trying to get to the heart of here. Do Georgia Republicans, Conservatives, patriots do they? I'm sure they do understand how impactful these runoff elections are. Whether they're they're angry or not. Am I wrong? Listen? I'm not asking them to do anything. I would not do myself. And if this was me and this is my state, this was my election, I guarantee you I'd be out there voting literally, right, I mean, all the Republicans want to vote. That's not the issue. What we're concerned is that these same operatives will steal the US Senate race. There's still counting votes in Voting County. They'll be counting the votes again in the US Senate, right And if they can steal the presidential race, they will steal the US Senate races, both of them. And that's the concern right now, and the Secretary of State is allowing them to do it. All right, We really appreciate you updating us Garland. Thank you, and we're watching very closely. Georgia. It's a big ass. The country needs you. This transcends anything to do with any locally elected or state elected official. This is if you care about the president and the hard work and the agenda that he has accomplished, you got to try. You got to give it your best shot. I'm not asking you to do anything I wouldn't do. Would vote, and I would do it enthusiastically. And it begins Monday. Pretty scary, scary times really all around. Let's say hi to Mike Is in North Carolina. What's up, Mike? How are you glad you called Sean? Yeah? Hey. Since election day, I've been in Georgia five days as a Republican volunteer and I'm here to tell you, you know, Garland stole some of my thunder But it's a jump ball down there. I can tell you from being on the ground there is the voters are disheartened. They're honestly, there's some apathy. And I think it's going to require all hands on deck the next three weeks to get the result that Republicans and Conservatives want to see in Georgia. It's gonna be razor close. And I just think, you know, we have to make them understand that every Georgia voter is equivalent to fifty to one hundred Americans. They have to understand that. And I'm not sure that message is getting And as you're as you're talking to people on the ground, some people are feeling apathetic when you talk to them. Can you convince them people like you and I we're so connected to it, We live it, we sleep, drink and eat this stuff. No I know, and not everybody does, which means that you and I are losers. I accept that I'm a loser. I'm not calling you one. I'll speak for myself. Yeah, but in this COVID environment, people that like Garland just said, they feel like fraud and able Biden to win Georgia, and they lack confident in the state's ability to secure this runoff. And if you even lose three to five percent of people because of that, that can be the difference, and there is. They're disheartened. Madison Cawthorne in North Carolina just wrote a great message out about how he understands why Georgia voters would be disheartened. He's right, He's got it. We've got three weeks to change that attitude. Listen, I'm sympathizing with the people. I am more angry and frustrated at these were so called Republican elected officials in Georgia than I am at anybody else because they you know, and I'll tell you what, it really is rooted and they don't want to have to admit they were wrong. They don't want to have to admit they screwed up. They don't want to admit the consent decree was not constitutional, They just want to hide. What they haven't figured out yet is they're never going to be elected again. But that's separate and apart from what's happening in less than a month now three weeks. It's ridiculous anyway, appreciate it, Mikeke, thanks for all you doing down there, and we're begging the people of Georgia to please help us, help the country. Please, we need you.

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