Herschel Walker, former NFL player for the Minnesota Vikings, Philadelphia Eagles, and New York Giants (as well as former bobsledder, sprinter, and mixed martial artist) joins the show to discuss his advocacy work for the U.S. Military and first responders and his partnership with Rocky Ridge Trucks, all of which is incredibly important as we learn of NIKE’s political statement with Colin Kaepernick. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.
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Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code Sean and you get Mike Glendell's special four pack. You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere Pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recrupititive sleep you've been craving and deserve my pillow dot Com promo coach on all right, sixty two days hope. The pressure is beginning to build in your heart, your mind, your soul, and you're beginning to absorb everything that is at steak um. You see it in the Kavanaugh hearings. I mean it is that we know so much more now than we knew yesterday, and it is just the typical radical left wing Democratic Party and and all of all of their shenanigans on stage. There is not a single thing anybody. If I opened up the phones only took calls from Democrats for three hours that you could tell us now, I know, that would be a bad show. That wouldn't be a good show. Lett shake it ahead, No, No, don't put me through that. I've been there, done that. We're way beyond that that level. Um. But if I did, it would be hard pressed to get any positive visionary agenda that's gonna help the lives of the American people. That's gonna make the country better than it is now, and all of the economic success we've been having now, and you know, we see it on display. You saw yesterday what the Senate Democrats interrupting the Kavanaugh hearing seventies six times, inviting all their radical left wing friends into the hearings, and one by one whenever a Republican speaks out, they go seventies six times the Senate Democrats interrupted the Kavanaugh hearing yesterday. You have every other second you watched the the angry protesters, you know, on display. And that's how judges build up a system of president over time, by deciding one case at a time and not trying to do more than they can or more than they should. Judge, don't you think that it was It was all orchestrated, It was all planned. NBC News, Uh even they exposed how a call had taken place led by Chucky I want to impeach Trump sooner than later. We have that on tape. Now, if you doubt what's gonna what the midterm elections are all about, you had seventy people arrested yesterday. You had senators interrupting themselves sixty three times just before lunch yesterday. And then you have the more bizarre conspiracies unfolding, where you know, liberals accusing a woman sitting behind Kavanaugh being a white supremacist, that she was holding up a signal behind Judge Kavanaugh of white supremacism. You know, I'm like, what are these people talking. Turns out that she's actually a Hispanic descendant of Holocaust survivors. There's there's no positive agenda that's going to improve the lives of the American people. And it gets even more it you know, the fiasco that we're watching today, and we watched yesterday Democrats trying to shut down the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. You know, it was all Chuck Schumer's compromise plan that hours before Kavanaugh arrived for a Senate confirmation hearing yesterday, Schumer and all of his frustrated fellow Democrats. They know that Kavanaugh is going to be if Supreme Court justice. Anyway, they're debating, well, we're gonna lose, maybe we'll stage a mass walk out and or not show up at all. And those discussions, you know, culminating during a Labor Day conference call on the Senators in a way the drastic protest measures, but opted against them, worried about what the you know what would come next and whether the fallout for a made for TV moment like that would undercut their efforts to defeat the nomination. I actually think they would have been better off not showing up or walking out, because this minute by minute, you know, their ties to radical is um on display every single day, and so this is what they decided over the Labor Day weekend. So with this whole travesty that you're watching today and yesterday, I guess in their view was the tame and more responsible version of what it means to be a Democrat, which is basically, let's just blow up the whole process and let's follow the Ted chap Aquittic Kennedy model, and let's work Judge Kavanaugh. It's not going to work as hard as they try. Or let's let's let's find something and we can, you know, treat him like Clarence Thomas or any other number of of of more originalist or conservative justices. Which is why elections have consequences, which is why in sixty two short days, it's gonna matter what happens to the country based on how you vote this mid term will have enormous consequences. We also found out that it looks like, you know, a lot of these people are in that hearing today and yesterday. Apparently, according to reports, there are witnesses that identified people getting paid to show up and protest. I know what. Immediately as they interrupted after the Democrats on the committee did their thing, and but about one minute into the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Truck Grassley's openings were marks for the whole hearing. You know, the protesters in the back, protecting the rights of people with disabilities. We need to protect this and protect that. At one point, Senator Diane Feinstein leaned over to grass Lee and guesses that the protests will go on all day. I wonder how she knew that anyway. But the bottom line is at the end of the day, he's going to be a Supreme Court justice, and all these liberal groups out there, they're not having the success that they had hoped for. And we do know that all the documents, in fact, we've got five you have in terms of documents that that Judge Kavanaugh has handed over more than five times, I'm sorry, more than the last five nominees documents totals combined, and dever, we're not getting enough documents. But they don't even read the ones that were put that they could go and look at that had some either sensitivity or privilege associated with them. They had the opportunity to do it, and they don't care. And despite of what was long held as the Ginsburg standard, no hints, no forecast, no previews, she's not gonna respond to any specific question. And she's one of the most liberal judges on the Supreme Court. Anyway, there was a couple of reports out there that there are a couple of doctors that were online waiting to attend the confirmation hearings for Kavanaugh and they witnessed troublemakers being paid in cash, and NBC News reporting the Capitol Hill correspondent preplanned all of these outrageous protests in the beginning. So you got basically Gateway Pundon saying, according to one report, you today's orchestrated attempt by Democrats, including cash payoffs and Democrats you know, rent a protester uh squads that they hired actually witnessing and photographed by people who attend in the hearings giving money and getting paid. I'm sure that Robert Muller will be looking into that any day. Now. Sure that's gonna happen, um, but it's still part of the obstruction. This is what you're gonna get endless hearings if in fact, the Democrats win in sixty two days, and that is that is it. There's no vision to help the economy. There's no vision for the forgotten men and women in this country. There's no vision for economic growth and prosperity and job creation. There's no vision. Oh, there's no vision too to get people off of food stamps. Four million since this president has gotten into office. We have some other breaking news that I want to get to today. We'll have a lot uh later on in a program when Sarah and Gregg joined us, herschel Walker will join us on the Colin Kaepernick controversy as well today, Uh, and Colin Kaepernick can do whatever he wants, Nike can do whatever they want. They lost four billion dollars in a day and cap share as it relates to Nike stocks down nearly four and it's a disaster if your own Nike stocks. Uh, why would you take somebody that wears cops or pigs socks and and and make him the face of your company. Yes, it's up to them. Now we have two reports. One is that the President is expected to declassify what a lot of Congress and and people like myself and others have been calling for. What are the redacted twenty pages of documents from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant. I believe this is the last warrant. In particular that I've been told repeatedly that there's shocking information in. There's information that should blow this entire Mueller you know, witch hunt out into the open, and that it's pretty damning, and how it allowed the FBI to spy on, you know, a Trump campaign associate and the lead up to a presidential election. On top of everything else that we know, we also know today that Mark Meadows sent a letter to the d o J and Jeff Sessions demanding the Inspector General Michael Horowitz and this Utah guy that was appointed d o J attorney John hubert Um they want to now interview d o J official Bruce Or and investigate the critical violations as he was the conduit with the FBI's handling of the Russia investigation as it relates to Christopher Steele, as he had contacts both before and after the election, before and after Steals firings, and it's very revealing, some seventy plus contacts that we know of now, and he testified before varying committees last week, you know, revealing that he knew that the Steel dossier was not something that it could ever be revealed in court. I think what is really shocking about this is now we discovered that, in fact, there is a direct tie from Bruce Or and him being the conduit for Christopher Steele and taking that information and feeding it over to Robert Mueller's team visa v Andrew Weisman, you know, Robert Mueller's pit bull. And yet that information we all know was Clinton bought and paid for with funneled money through a law firm, through a group called Fusion GPS and our research firm hiring Christopher Steele to get Russian information that turned out to be Russian lines. And the question is, how how in God's name did we get here that you have now? Andrew Weisman and the whole Mueller team caught up in this mess of Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for phony Russian dosier when they are supposedly looking a Russian collusion. I mean, at this point, it's almost a bad, sick, twisted, ugly joke here and Meadows the chairman of the Freedom Call because member of the House Government Reform Oversight Committee releasing the les here encouraging both Sessions and Uber to investigate corruption in the FBI? Arerowitz to investigate the new findings on Bruce Or demoted twice his wife Nellie, you know, their ties to Fusion GPS, their relationship with Christopher Steele. They're pushing a phony Russian dossier and Bruce Or back channeling forced Steele, who was dismissed by the FBI as an informant, now also taking its way all the way to Robert Mueller's office, or testifying the Congress that neither he nor his wife had been interviewed by the Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Well, why would they because they were having regular contacts and conversations. Apparently, if you believe this new information has one headline and it was on Fox News, d o j's Bruce Or kept Mueller Deputy Andrew Wiseman in the loop about the anti Trump dossier. And this is the same Weiseman that had leaked just prior to being appointed by Mueller. It was leaking to the A P and other news media anyway, or testifying that neither he or his wife was interviewed by Why would Muller need to interview him because Bruce Or is being a conduit for Christopher Steele's Clinton bought and paid for lies, a guy that has said repeatedly never wanted Donald Trump to be president, just like Lisa Page and and and Peter Struck. I mean, this whole thing stinks now to high heaven. And now we got the whole Special Counsel's office tainted by this garbage. It is. It raises massive concerns about Or and Steel and their role and their connection. And Hillary paid for lies to influence the American people, used to obtain FISA warrants and then used apparently to back channel information. Well, I hope the firewalls hold. I I hope that we're not caught. Um, I don't want to be exposed. And by the way, that did the special to your friends at the Special Council get the information. And I'm sending this is Christopher Steele fired Christopher Steele phony doci a Christopher Steele. He's given information or to give to Robert Mueller's team. Told you this guy Wiseman was a bad guy from the beginning, and if you want to have an honest investigation, that's not the guy you want on your team. It's like you don't hire Clinton's former attorney for her Clinton Foundation. He did that too. It's unbelievable. Which Hunt. That's just the least of it. When are you gonna get some fairness and equal justice under the law. Maybe we're making progress. Maybe then, And I don't by saying they'll accept some written answers. Maybe they now see that all of these guys are gonna be implicated here, so they'll say, okay, so wash, okay, uh, here's a report. We're done. Let's get out of this and never talk about it again. And hope the Democrats winning all these investigations and they get to shut up people like Kennedy and and Greg Jarrett and Sarah Carter because nobody will pay attention to us, because there won't be members of Congress that will investigate it with only a kite a house key and wet hempstring. Benjamin Franklin captured lightning in a bottle over two hundred and sixty years later. With a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, We're not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we're storing it, ensuring Americans have the energy they need whenever they need it. Learn more about the nation's leader and energy storage at next era energy dot com. Some of the important highlights from the Meadows Letter is a transcribed interview with Bruce Or that he points out raises grave concerns related to his role as a conduit between Christopher Steele and the FBI as Steele compiled what turned out to be phony Russian information that he wouldn't even stand for, wouldn't even stand up for himself already seems to forget that part as they were disseminate eating this false information to influence the American people and basically robbed votes from people because of their propaganda and lies, and then using it to to get warrants in the in the case of Carter Page, but Or was flagging instances in which the FBI and the d o J broke from established protocol to further their investigation of the Trump campaign. Or Is testimony revealed that he had recorded how the status of his wife as a contractor for Fusion GPS presented yeah a conflict of interest. Also said how they understood Steal's dossier would never hold up in a court of law. Then how did it become the basis of a FISA warrant? Because in August before the fives A Chord approve the fives application of surveillance on Carter Page, Well, Bruce Or recorded this apparent conflict of interest in firsthand evidence of Steele's bias, and according to Or's testimony, none of this was included in the FISA application given to the secret courts. Now you've got Comy, You've got Sally Yates, you got Rod Rosenstein and other high ranking officials of the d o J signing off on these PIES applications and subsequent renewals um and then it's being fed to Andrew Wasseeman. We find out the way we operate in the Department of Justice. If we're gonna accuse somebody of wrongdoing, we have to have admissible evidence and credible witnesses. We need to prepare to prove our case in court, and we have to fix our signature to the charging document. That's something that not everybody appreciates. There's a lot of talk about PISA applications, and many people that I see talking about it seemed not to recognize what a FIES application. FIES application is actually a warrant, just like a search warrant. In order to get a FISA search warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears that the information in the affidavit is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Uh. And that's the way we operate. And if it's wrong sometimes it is. If you find out there's anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences. Mr President. A lot of people are frustrated. A lot of your supporters are frustrated with the d o J. With Jeff Sessions. There are rumors that you're going to fire him after the midterms and Rosenstein. They also want these documents. They're wondering if you will use your power to get these documents released at the right time. I think I'm going to have to do the documents. I didn't want to, but I think I'm going to have to this such corruption before I got here. It's from before I got here. It's the Obama administration, and you look at what happened they surveilled my campaign. It's very simple. The Fiser report, the phony Fenstein signed, the last Fighter. It bothers me. It's always will you fire him? Will you fire session? Well, i'll tell you what. As I've said, I wanted to stay uninvolved. But when everybody sees what's going on in the Justice Department, it was put Justice Now with quotes, it's a very very sad day. So what's gonna happen? I think? And Sarah Carter, who's gonna join us later in the program, was hinting at is it's pretty clear. It just is so obvious now that they're gonna the President's gonna unredact those twenty pages. Now, Rod Rosenstein saying, well, we we you need to know we sign off on. Are we the full faith and credibility of anybody that puts their signature there? Why don't I think those words are gonna come back to bite him? Because if it's true that the bulk about of the of the fies of warrants, that was an interesting answer by the way, that the bulk of the information for the fies of warrants, the predicate of it was all the steal dossier. Then they've got to answer very important question, how much vetting of the dossier did they ever do, if any, because if they put their full firth and credit their name behind, all of those are professional law enforcement, an organ restriction person, and I love law enforcement. By the way, all these guys, dare you to do that on TV tonight? Oh, I do this all the time. I dare you to do what you just did that is not available to our radio making the face of there's a visual aspect to that sound making. Well, I do do it on TV. I go. We put together a great montage for TV tonight, you know I do the Democrats go from crisis to crisis to crisis the crisis. I think we've got our best montage ever. That's visual. That's one thing you can do on TVs. You have to paint pictures, unless, of course, we could do our Twitter live events. How many people love conservatives by the way, in Twitter, so you know why not? Well, apparently there are reports to the contrary. Here's a hot seat today, hot seat where oh, for a capital hill for Jack. You know I saw that well, you know he needs the only thing I got out of him, I thought he was trying to be fair. He made a crappy comment about me. He did not, He did not resolutely didn't know it was taken out of content. I didn't go on to be on with Hannity. I just want to read he was saying, was I am sticking up for him? First of all, I have talked to him. Don't you go work for him at length? Okay, by Singapore with him. But it's so annoying that you're defending the guy. I'm not defending him. I'm giving you a different point of view. You're defending him, and there's no defense of the comment that he makes me. We were nice to him, We asked a fair question. I agree with you that the way in which it read as opposed to the way in which it was said, Okay, get me the audio. Pull pull the audio audio. It's a print auticle. It's a print auticle. So so what happened was he meant to say? What he was trying to convey was he liked my audience, but he didn't like me. He was saying, listen. My dad's a Republican. He's hardcore. I've listened to Hannity, I've listened to Rush. I know all these people, but their audiences deserved to hear from me too. So whether you like him or you don't like him, there are people matter. Everybody matters. You're welcome. I don't agree with anything she just said, but rather than waste the whole half hour on this, we'll move on. I don't think it's wasteful at all. So in the wake of the reports that the Justice Department official Bruce Or is feeding bogus intelligence and then Candidate Trump to future Muller prosecutor Andrew Weissman, and how long did that go on for? Because that now taints Andrew Wasteman worse than Peter Struck in LEASA page that worked on the Mueller team. I mean, at some point here there's gotta be some you know, you think of the Jeff sessions were accusal, and then you put this through. You never would ever get a fair investigation. You never hire somebody that has the track record of the people that Robert Mueller is hired. And this has now emerged into oh loan applications from years gone by, and tax returns for years gone by, and you know, indicting you know, uh, the equivalent of CIA officials in Russia that you're never going to get to the United States. There's never gonna be a trial on those indictments ever. And then the Russian bot companies, they never expect at a response. So what did they get a response? Well, Judge, we would like to withhold discovery on these companies. That's not gonna fly in any courtroom. If in fact you're gonna charge them, they have a right to see the information, the evidence that you've got that you want to charge them with. It is standard operating procedure, or the case is gonna blow up and it's gonna be thrown out of court. But on the other hand, if they really are Russian companies, and by the way, I'm not defending Russia and the hostile regime that Russia is, or the nefarious activities that they are involved in, or the undermining of our elections in our electoral process. But in all fairness, this happened on Obama's watch, And in all fairness, this is the same Obama that says Latimer flexibility after the elected My last one more more flexibility under I conveyed to Latimir immediately. Yeah. Really, And what did Obama do about any Nothing? And it's gone on as far back as when he was running for office. Devin Noon has warned specifically in about the twenty sixteen presidential elections and Russia and what Russia would do to create chaos and our elections on the good news is that our system kind of held up, didn't impact any of the numbers. Were told again and again, but it still is. Why is it happening? And the person that's put the toughest sanctions on Russia's Donald Trump? I mean, you know, I guess you can say that there is a concession in the works here, but I'm not so sure that I trust anybody involved in this whole process. Why should we trust them? You know what? What What what have they done to earn our trust in this in terms of the investigation now, I'm guessing as as as this now moves closer and closer, they not only Rod Rosenstein. If we get those twenty pages he signed off himself on the last visor warrant, and if the twenty pages are just the Steel dossier and the rest is smoked mirrors and total bs. Then the very comment of him putting his full faith from Conford Insurant through you know, our credible Loier's law enforcement buying. Then he's got a problem. Andrew Weissman was getting the Christopher Steel lies through Bruce Ore funneled to him, and he's part of Team Mueller. Well that's another big problem for them because now it goes right to the Mueller investigation. Now let's start where it started. Hillary Clinton and her team, they set out, they funneled money the d n C Hillary Clinton to a law firm, Perkins Cooey Perkins Cooey, then funnels it to an OP research firm, which shows up, by the way, on campaign finance reports as a legal expense, not an OP research expense, by the way, equal justice under the law. Maybe if it was Michael Konan did it, or maybe if it was Paul Manafort that did it. I guess they got their sites. Now they're they're pulling in Jerome Corsi to I guess they're setting their sights on Roger Stone next. Roger Stone wasn't a part of the Trump campaign. Roger Stone, I'll repeat, was not a part of the Trump campaign. I was there, I knew, I followed it. I was actively involved all the time in the lead up to the election. It was one of the few people that said Trump can win, and I was. My obituary was written a thousand times over if in fact he had lost trust me. But back to the point, So it starts with Hillary and and and d n C money. She's controlling the d NC money at that time. According to Donna Brazil, they funnel the money to a law firm legalist expense on the campaign finance reports. That would be a lie because that money was then funneled over to Fusion GPS. They then hired Christopher Steele. I thought foreign nationals weren't supposed to be influencing our elections. He comes up with a fake phony, fraudulent dassier, full of Russian lies, solacious lies that would never verify to corroborated. Okay, that information is not only disseminated to the American people in the lead up to an election because they want to influence the election. They want you to vote against Trump. They've already gone way eep in for Hillary, their favorite candidate. All the people in the Russian investigation hate Trump, steal on record hating Trump, russ Or hates Trump, his wife Nellie works for Fusion GPS, page and struck. They hate Trump and they want Hillary. Oh, and Comey obviously hated Trump. And then you've got all of them exonerating her, enabling her to get to the point where she can pay or funnel the money into the law firm, into the oper research firm, hiring the the foreign national to get Russian lies to influence our elections. But now you gotta go back even further. And then you got, oh, well, this relationship with the fired Christopher Steele, the guy that in his own country, under the threat of perjury, wouldn't even stand up for his own freaking dossier and said, I don't know if it's true. I have no idea. Maybe fifty is ruin telligence. Well, then he's still feeding this information of the FBI after he's fired for lying in leaking, and bruce Or turns out to be the conduct. Remember his wife, Nellie works for Fusion GPS. And now we're discovering that, Oh, all of these messages. Jeez, I hope the firewalls hold. I don't want to be exposed. Did you get in touch with your friends at the sc That would be the special council. Well, who's the contact of the special counsel? Well, now we know it's Bruce Or, and Bruce Or kept Mueller's deputy, his pit bull, Robert Mueller's pit bull in the loop about the phony Russian dossier. And so you can't make this up. It's so bad, but it's all true. Quote Whiteman was kept in the loop on the dossier, a source said, while he was chief of the Criminal Fraud Division, now assigned a special counsel Robert Mueller's team. Now, when are we ever gonna ask the FBI again? Not rank and file. I always want to make the distinction because it's not fair to rank and file. Remember, they pulled this comy, pulled us out of the field offices. Now we've got to ask the question, how much effort did they, if any, did they ever put into verifying and corroborating the steal dossier that Hillary paid for with the funneled money, etcetera, etcetera. Because if they didn't try to verify it and corroborate it, and they still used it as the basis to get a FISA warrant, to spy on an a campaign associate of Trump. We know they didn't tell the court that Hillary paid for it. They knew it, but they didn't tell her. But then if they don't verify or corroborate it, they're still putting their name to it and attaching their name to it as Rod Rosenstein are full free from credibility of all. Okay, well, that would mean they didn't do their due diligence, and they were doing it because obviously they had a desire to destroy this president. Do you understand that this is this is what it's always been about. They saved Hillary, the favorite, the anointed candidate here, and they set out in every way to destroy Trump. And they bought into this phony docier that Hillary is the originator of, and it's now making its way into the Special Counsel's office. You gotta be kidding me. This is unbelievable. And I think Or is probably nose. He's facing jail time. Sounds like Or is singing or composing. Probably just singing. Is based on the fact that he has all these notes, I would assume the notes corroborate what he's currently telling Congress, So we gotta get that information we also got to get the rio two's. In other words, the conversations that were recorded. That's some have alleged and told me that may have been changed. Linda is actually eating real food of French fry. That is shocking. What is it a stress steak news? I don't know what you're talking. You're eating a French fry. You're gonna like I have a bridesmaid stress. What is she wearing? Wearying? What is she eating? Bridesmaids dresses on both and she eating French fries or not? They appear to be French fries. I mean, I don't know what they appeared. Jason, what's eating? I can't see it's way she's all the way On the other side of this is your opportunity to step up. What is she eating her first week on the job? Here? No idea? Welcome? Wow, you just put your Jason really a too brute. I'm looking at you, man, It's like I don't have time to look at what other time to look in that thing? Anything else but you and a sparkling you're eating French. I'll take a picture and show the audience. Are you jealous? No? I don't want any French, do you think my food is disgusting, I'll pour some salt on them. Surprised you haven't put like orange puke on it, like you usually want to throw up right now, and we'll tweet it out. There's something green that looks like Linda Blair tactile. Alright, glad you're with us. Our to Sean Hannity's show one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. It's a pretty fascinating development in that a as a op ed in the New York Times, I am part of the resistance inside the Trump administration. New York Times sabotaur inside the White House. It's interesting how the New York Times set it sets it up. The Times Today is taking the rare step of publishing an anonymous op ed essay. We have done so at the request of the author, a senior official in the Trump administration, whose identity is known to us and his job would be jeopardized by its disclosure. We believe publishing this essay anonymously is the only way to deliver an important perspective to our readers, especially sixty two days out of an election. Um we invite you to submit a question about the essay or are vetting process here, not that they care. And it goes on to President Trump is uh presidencies unlike any we faced special council looms large. Well, there's all evidences, there's no evidence of collusion. I could take this apart sentence by sentence. Or that the country is bitterly divided over the president's leadership. Uh, that's happened many times in our history. Or the party may lose the House, uh to an opposition party. Hell been on his downfall. That's not his fault. The dilemma which he does not fully grasp. Yes he does, Yes, he fully does, is that many senior officials this party doesn't know in his own a ministration of working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations. I would know. I am one pretty amazing, stunning betrayal. But to be clear, ours is not the popular resistance. So the lap we want the administration to succeed and think that policies have already made America safer, more prosperous. Now that's not going to be the focus. That part and then we have but it goes on. We believe our first duty is to the country, and the president continues to act in a matter that is detrimental to the health of our republic. What has he done? What is the president done that is not healthy? And then it goes on to say the problem, the root of the problem is the president's amorality. Anyone works with him knows he's not more to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making. This is where this is obviously all political, because this president, more than any modern day president, it has it adhered to every single promise and fought to keep every single promise he has made. And it goes on this this tangent about well that nobody likes that he says enemies of the people. Fine, okay, understood, But then it goes onto this whole thing about Russia and North Korea, et cetera. Is it that we don't get the hostages back from North Korea? Is it that we don't get back are the bodies of of brave men and women that that died many decades ago? Is it not good that Kim Jong uns stopped firing his missiles? And they're wrong too. There's nobody that's been tougher on Russia then Donald Trump that this is the environment we live in where people think they themselves are bigger than others. New Kingbridge, former Speaker of the House, joins us, how are you, sir, doing well? And I think everybody in the audience needs to understand what this person writing their Times is saying, is that just because the American people, by the millions selected somebody to be president has new impact on them. That they are taking on themselves the moral authority to break the law, to repudiate the commander in chief, to basically repudiate our whole constitutional process, and they are now going to decide what they think is right. It's it's really, if you think about it, it is an amazing statement of their willingness to make themselves bigger than the entire American system. And it tells you what people mean when they talk about the swamp and they talk about the deep state. I mean, here's a person emerging anonymously in the New York Times to say, in essence, yet I am the deep state, and I am going to do everything I can to make sure that President Trump cannot perform the job that the American people gave him. Now, if you think about it, that's an extraordinary statement of arrogance on the part of some person who didn't win the election, didn't run for office, has never told the rest of us what they believe in. But they've now decided not only that there's an undermine the president states, but they're going to go to the New York Times until the rest of the country how proud they are of undermining the American president. You know what's amazing because it does remind me a lot of like Peter Struck and his arrogant attitude and came and some of these other people that have acted in ways that they show that they think well. Peter Struck in his own words, they're smelly Walmart people, Trump supporters and that, you know, or irredeemable, deplorable, as are people that cling to their God, guns, Bibles, and religion. There's a contempt for the American people and their decision in the selection. I've never seen a president that that works so hard to stick to the promises that he's made, and it's just faulty on so many different levels. But this person has an agenda, and the agenda is to make themselves look good and and hurt the president. But there's a SuperPatriot mentality here, and tell me if I'm wrong. That they think they are better, that they think they are smarter, that they think their decisions are more important than what the American people think. It's a contempt really for the American people, a hatred of what they want and what they voted for. Well as you look at the contempt for the entire process of honest, open self government. I mean, you can like President Trump, you can dislike President Trump, but in a hard fought two year campaign, he beat sixteen other Republicans for the nomination, He beat Hillary Clinton, a billion dollar campaign, and the left wing news media for the presidency, and under our constitutional police us him doesn't agree with him, the correct answers to resign, and then we have a system how you can say that I find the side to be so unacceptable as presidents, I am resigning. That's totally honorable, uh, and will be out in the open. And this person is basically saying the whole country, I am taking on the right to sabotage the American government on behalf of whatever my whack out values are because I've decided that I am smarter than American people. I am smarter than Donald Trump, and that therefore I have every right to screw up the whole system. As you think about it, that is an extraordinary a series of things. For something to say, if this person is discovered and found out, would there be consequences besides being fired? Why don't you start with firing? And I think that's a good starting point. Um, there might be consequence of the whole government. As you were pointing out about Peter Truck, the whole government is riddled with people who buried their burrowed their way in, who are sitting with absolute contempt for the American people, absolute contempt for President Trump, and a genuine willingness to sabotage us every chance they get. And this is an ongoing, continuing pub That's what happens when you get a genuine change election and the grassroots Americans rise up and decided the sick of the bureaucrats and they're sick of the elites, uh, and they want to have a little change where you have to expect that the elites and the deureacrats are going to claim the power as long as they can. And the job the rest of us have started with the president is just loot them out and get rid of them. Let me ask um. Now that we've got a lot more information and there's a lot developing on the deep state today, and what do we find out that Bruce Or and Christopher Steele that they're talking about firewalls that they set up and in a preview of James Comey's testiphony before Congress, and they're talking about, well, we hope we don't get exposed. And now we're discovering that in fact, Christopher Steele is asking Bruce Or, did you get the information to your friends at the SC the Special Council? And now we find out that Andrew Weisman was getting materials from Bruce Or that was funneled to him through Christopher Steele. And if you chase that back to where it all originated, it's all Hillary Clinton and money funneled through a law firm into an op research firm that hires Christopher Steele and ends up with Russian lines. Now it ends up right on the lap of Mueller in terms of they're taking in the lives of Christopher Steele, who himself in an interrogatory wouldn't even stand behind his own dossier. Well, maybe fifty fifty. It's raw intelligence. I have no idea if any of this is true, and that's the basis of four FISER warrant applications, and granted what FISA warrants. Someday, when we can get enough distance, somebody's going to write this book and do this movie that are going to be absolutely unbelievable. I mean, but who's gonna play you and who's gonna play me? That's all that matters. I'm kidding were bit players compared to the thing. But here's my deeper point. Here's my deeper point. People are going to realize someday that the system was so corrupt that the effort to stop Trump became so desperate, and the effort to proper Hillary became so desperate. If so many different laws are being broken by so many different government employees, that sorting this out is going to take several years, and frankly, even today, partially because of the failure just Justice Department, which is the more of the real UH castles, a few will citadels of the deep state and possibly take the House and Senate Republicans just are aggressive enough. You don't know how bad this is. Devinoon isn't to giving credit. Has worked to stale often and taken new seat and continued to push. But there should be a much bigger, concerted effort to dig into this and kind of how bad it really is. I think it is so sick that when we fully understand how bad it has been, when we realize how close to came to having our system is corrupted in a way that would not have survived. Let me ask you about the election sixty two days from now. If you look at the polls, generic ballot, Republicans are down. If you look at the news cycle, I mean, Bob Woodward's book comes out, all the the outrage of the day, the feigned outrage of the day, everything goes on. So I guess the question is how do Republicans win in sixty two days? Um? And what are your feelings about it? I don't really have a feeling yet of how this is gonna turn out. Well, I have a paper you'll get a copy of the next day or two on the two thousand and eighteen, the election, And as you know, somebody who helped design nineteen eighty and helped design and a few other campaigns. Live view is really simple if the Republicans have the guts to raise the really big issues and make this a really big choice election. They will break the Democrats. They will gain seats in the House, and they could gain as many as eight seats in the Senate. Now, the problem is is looking no Republican consultant who has a vision capable of imagining that outcome. But the truth is, when when Reagan ran in nineteen eighty and I helped put together the first Capital Steps event in history, and we got all those cantus up on the steps, we picked up twelve of US Senate seats. We won six of them by a combined total of seventy thousand votes. Now I mention a campaign this fall exasn ex season, which has a very similar pattern. Let me give an example. Eighty four percent the country believes that sanctuary cities increase the risk of crime. And of course, just this to tremendous crime in Houston where four MS thirteen gang members chopped to death, literally chopped into pieces. Uh, somebody who has been collaborating at the Houston Police Force. So let's start with that. Why do we take a quick break? I gotta come back, but I really want this strategy laid out New King Rich with US eight nine one Shawn Toll free telephone number. Uh. And his book, by the way, does spell out all the success of the Trump administration. None of these other books do. Right. As we continue New King Ridges with US UM, I just want to let you free associate in the sense of sixty two days. I think one of the most important mid terms. Democrats want to impeach, they want open borders, get rid of Ice, keep Obamacare, they want their crumbs back. They want endless investigation, but not into the deep state. How do you win? How do you get people that that voted for Trump to understand that their entire agenda is in jeopardy here? Well, I think you make it a good story selection and you hammer away at the things that matter in people's lives. Uh. You say with Democratic nominee Gavin Misson, universal free Health team UM, which means that you know the planet was a disease to come to California. I mean, if you explain that the people of California soon would be gone and we have had a revolution in the whole political power structure in the country. If you take the Feinstein Bill for open borders, which Every single Democrat in the Senate has co sponsored m Every single one of the Democrats is up for re election to be a trouble. Is not a state in the country that has people favoring open bullers payment sense. Americans understand that in the age of the jet airplane and the age of the Internet, if you had open borders, you'd have forty sixty million people showing up. He's totally unsustainable. But I'm going to say, this is who they really are, this is what they want to do. They make them own their slogans, and I think the Republican Party that is willing to go toe to toe to like Margaret Thatcher or Ronald Reagan, you want to go to this what prompted the Hillary in October of nine or two thousands expanse I've got a run. But Mr Speaker, we're gonna stay on this all throughout the sixty two days leading up to the most important election, mid term election in our lives. I thank you for being with us. Herschel Walker. Next, he's put his money where his mouth is, nearly a million dollars to community efforts to be a bridge builder. Familiar with the gentleman by the name of Colin Kaepernick. Colin Kaepernick the pastball player. Right, do you know who Colin Kaepernick is? I have no idea who that is. Watch television. I probably won't even watch this. Like he just announced they made Colin Kaepernick the new face that they're just do it there in the anniversary campaign. You think they made a good choice. Yes, because I think he digitly does protests in a good way. I think they made a good choice. Um, just talk to me in about a month and their stocks go. Now. I never expect what he does. I think everybody should have the choice whether they want to stand up or not. I personally don't agree with that type of protest um. But if Nike chooses him and they think he's the best one and so be it, do you think that to be smart for businesses to stop with the politics. To my mind, yes, But but again it's like where do you draw line? All Right? There was Tommy larn asking people last night on Hannity what they think of this controversy we now have, after what the thirtieth anniversary of Nike just do it, And now they have Colin Kaepernick, you know, believe in something and you know he acts like he's the big victim in all of this, which isn't exactly true if you look at his record. Now, it's a pretty interesting development. And as much as I don't support Boycott's but I look at Nike, and I look at last night. We showed you on television Colin Kaepernick wearing socks depicting police officers as pigs, and I'm like, okay, uh, why why abroad sweeping generalization against men and women, the vast overwhelming of which every day go to work to protect and serve and put their lives on the line for us and to keep all of us safe. And it seems why would why would Nike in any way want to get involved with with Colin Kaepernick in that controversy. Now, it's fascinating on an economic from an economic standpoint off your own Nike shares and stock. You're probably not a happy camper today because after they announced that, you know, the cop bashing and take a knee when the national anthem is playing, kind of washed up quarterback calling Kaepernick is going to be the new face of the company. Well, their stock took a four billion dollar nosedive. I thought the whole idea of celebrity endorsements was to add to company revenues. What do I know? I hope. I don't own any stock and Nike have no idea. I don't like the stocks period. I don't even know what I own. I let the financial people do all that stuff. I have no clue. I don't I have no idea anyway, Nike shares fell through three point two percent and joining us now is one of the greatest NFL players of all time. He also played for Donald Trump's team, the New Jersey Generals years ago. One of the best athletes I've ever met in my life. Played for the Vikings, the Eagles, the New York Giants, and now he's a mixed martial artist. He actually got in the octagon, which I can't believe he did. And Herschel's partnership with Rocky Ridge Trucks. How are you my friend? Hello? How are you doing? I'm good? How many push ups are doing every day? I've done fifteen hundred this morning? So I've done push up this morning? You did hundred pushups? How many setups? Third? You know? I kind of I'm proud of the fact that I do a hundred hundred and twenty push ups a day, I do. I've been telling you that's a start. That's a start. Well, I do about one. I still have the video when you were in my radio studio. Well, we'll actually put it up on Hannity dot com now. And we did push ups together, and I think you were surprised I could even do them. You know, I was very impressed. I was very impressed. Your conditioning is incredible. And I was so impressed. And I've told everyone, I said, you know, Hannity is in shape. I said, you know, uh, Sam televison almost almost every night, and okay, what I always thought you were in shape. But having an opportunity to be there with you and and see it from myself, I'm impressed. I would love I trained four to five days a week with my sense and doing mixed martial arch. Well, it's an eclectic blend of of crabmaga, kempo, jiu jitsu, boxing and street fighting. That's what it really is. It's situational um. You know, how do you respond to blades and firearms and sticks and and how to defend yourself and you know, if you have to protect yourself, how to win and win very quickly I'd love to train with you. If you're in New York one day, I'd love to have you come out and hang out with us. Listen, I know you could kick my ass, but it doesn't matter. I still will take the hit. Well I do. That's what So breat that you said you're stiffing me and do it. I think that's I think that's awesome and you. I become a big fan to close with that because Gama big martial artists been in almost four or something years and until all kids, I think every kid in America should have a take a martial arts class. Got nothing to do with fighting. I think you got to do it discipline, because it is a martial art. It's not and it's not just about fighting. It's about confidence. It's about respect. And I think every every kid in America should do that so we can learn some respect in this country. Listen, every single solitary session I've been now six years at this, I we bow in and we show respect. If we're working with any type of weaponry, you know, you hold your weapon down. You make sure that your partner at the time that there is full complete acknowledgement. We pay very close attention We're not trying to kill each other or hurt each other, but we do go full force and somebody taps you, you let up immediately and we all tap all the time, you know, if we're just practice a new technique. Respect it's about. Yeah, it's a lot of it's a lot of respect. You don't want to hurt your training partners in any way. So I hope you. I hope you remember when you come out and train with me that you don't want to kill me, because I think you probably could. You. I don't want you to kill me and put it on Listen me getting hit in the face by Herschel Walker would only be good for me. And you know there'd be so many people saying Herschel's my hero. I love him even more than ever. Um, let me ask you about Colin Kaepernick. Why did he go one on eleven? I guess the last year of his career as a backup quarterback. He did have a couple of good years. Um, he was a running quarterback, but the you know, NFL defenses, they kind of caught on to how he played and and they they he didn't seem to adjust well from my position. He thinks there's a conspiracy against him. I didn't like the socks that he was wearing, and I don't like the idea. I think that if we really just stop and think about all the Americans that have fought and bled and died to give us the freedom to either play football or watch football on Saturday, college on Sunday pros that we ought to respect the flag and that ought to be one thing that we all agree on. Now I have, um, all four people protesting. I'm all for social justice, all for righting wrongs and correcting injustices. Um, but I still think that the flag is should be sacrosanct. And for me, it's just become you know, I don't even tune into the NFL anymore. I watched football on Saturday. Well, it becomes a sas situation to me. He becomes a sass situation because I love our military, and our military is a reason were the best country in the world. And you know, they first started this, you know, some of the players has got nothing to do with the military. And I said, no, no, no, it does. You gotta do it all flag, gotta do it our what we are, what we are as a country, and you know, and I go back to Colin Kaepernack, and you know, I don't know him. We never sit on him, we never spoken. But I always come out with the question that you know, he was not just starting quarterback when he decided to protest. And I said, if he was a starting quarterback, would he have done what he's done? Now? What I was insulted by the chest last night. I was assaulted when I heard someone compare he what he was doing to Muhammad Ali, and I said, now that it's totally and insult, is a totally insult because Muhammad Ali did what he did when there was a very a lot of racism going on. Mohammed Ali was the world champion, I mean the world champion. He he did give everything up, He gave it all up. He did he did, he gave everything up when and I'm not putting covering back down. My problem that I have is don't say you gave up everything for your voice and then your voice is what your voice. Every police officers is not a bad guy. You know, you have a small a small small amount amount of guys that may have some problems, that may be a rotten apple, but every officer is not a bad person, and I think that's the problem I have. And the problem I had also is to put him to put on his sock that police officers are pigs. Whenever there's a problem, who do you call? You call the police and they show up. Well, these guys put their life on the line every every day. They have their families. You know, they give up so much to protect these citizens. And for us to now to have people that protesting against that is an insult to me, because y'all love this country. And I said, we have to stop what we're doing. One of the problems we have to stop. And I'm not gonna get political here. We have all politicians that we have a man that we've voted into office. We need to respect that office. We need to respect the White House, and thought to stop everyone thinking that they have a vorce, everyone thinking that they have to this election is old. One the thing that is beautiful about this country, and it was done by our military. Is a fault to give us the rights to vote. They fault to give us the rights to vote. So if you don't like this president, vote him out in the next election and then you can get someone new. But do not do not disrespect him why he's in office. The same thing with Kevin calling Kevin not right now. If you have a problem, do it in the right manner. And my problem I have with that I'm not and I don't notice for a fight. I read this that there has been teams that have offered him an opportunity to play and it just didn't work out. Well. Why didn't work out? Why did you not want to play? Well? For Nike to say he's going to become the faces, is he becoming a faith for a political statement, or is he becoming a faith for an athlete because he's not playing. You know, I watched Tim Tebow. You know, a lot of teams didn't want to take on Tim Tebow because he did bring attention, because he expressed his faith on the football field. Now a lot of people don't even know this, but I think one of the great things about football is you've got gladiators and warriors out there that are the top fittest athletes in the world, and they go out and they play their hearts out for us, and then at the end of the game they other teams. Everyone gets in a circle, a lot of them, and they say a prayer at the end of the game, which I think is actually really we don't we don't pay enough attention to that kind of camaraderie. You know, I watched Raphael Nadal last night win seven five and a fifth set, nearly five hour match that he that he had in the quarterfinals, and um at the end of the match, he showed such respect to his opponent who took him and pushed him and could have gone either way at the end of that match, and that's why he did. He went over there and hugged the guy. And you know, I actually think that there is a way to thread this needle, and that is that if well I think the way to thread it, let's let's get back to the way that it should have been threaded at the beginning. And you know, people got to get angry at me, but I want to talk the truth here. The way it should have been done is the commissioner should have been the leader. First of all, you gotta get good leaders. The commissioner should have stopped it at the beginning and said, if this is a problem, we were handed this all. This is a football field, is not a place to protest, and his thoughts out with the leaders, and I and I take this. You know, our president makes some very difficult decisions. A lot of people don't like a lot of people don't like what he said. A lot of people got a lot to say, but he made those decisions where the commissioner or the NFL when this first started, should have said at that time, no, everyone was staying. And even today, no one want to come out and say, what did the right thing to do? Everyone stays. Everyone want to be politically correct. Well, let me become the commissioner and I would say everyone was staying or you will be either fine or you'll be off the team. That's what's gonna happen. You can't do certain things. You can't do certain dances in the end zone or certain gestures on the field, and you can't put anything you want on your uniform. They are all sorts of NFL prohibitions against free speech. I gotta take a break. We'll come back more with my friend herschel Walker on the other side. Eight hundred nine for one. Shawn is our number. Sarah and Greg new big information. This whole Mueller investigation looks like it could becoming tumbling down right as we continue with football grade, our good friend herschel Walker is with us. I did have a conversation with Robert Crafting and he apparently at one point told us team, if there's anything any cause you feel strongly about, tell me about it. I'll work with you. We'll go into the community and I'll match you dollar for dollar. And I thought, you know what, to me, that would have been the answer. We could have done. A lot of good could have come out of this for people that need help. Well, that's that's exactly what I'm saying, is that it is. It is interesting because this is football and if you want to protest protests outside of that, why is everyone want to protest during football season? What happened during the all season? This matters been going on. So why did you not protest outside of football? Why don't you wait till the season to start the protest? Why it become a big issue here? And you know this is my opinion police officers. There's a few bad apples out there, yes, but the majority of all old policemen great great people. The majority of all policemen are great, great people. Then national anthem means something to by the way, in fairness, the majority of these majority of NFL athletes are great people that worked so hard to get where they are, like you did, yes, and you know, and we'll pay well all to do we do and we have to become leaders. And there's no doubt. Becoming a leader means you want to have a voce, you want to speak out, and there's no doubt people gonna disagree with you. But in instance like this, when you protest against the police department, policemen that put their lives on the line, because I know at night when the the policeman that's about to stop a car and he's by himself, he's by himself, he's no idea, there's no idea what's coming up. But I'm gonna have to run here. But about this country, one thing that's great about this country. This country was built on loans. And I think we've forgotten about the lows this country were built on. And the way we can become a better country is to continue to bide by the low. And they have no doubt. Should we improve certain loans, yes we can improve them, but we don't improve them by doing what we do him right now, all right, the great horshall Walker, my friend, thank you for being with us. We always love having you on eight hundred nine for one, Shawn toll free telephone number, News round Up, Information Overload, Sarah and Gregg explosive new details. It looks like the Mueller Uh team has been caught red handed doing things that they shouldn't be involved. And that's next right News roundup and information overload our Shawn Hannity Show. Right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, It's eight hundred nine f one Seawn if you want to join us. Like a lot of news breaking today as it relates to the deep state. Number one Congressman Mark Meadows sent a letter to the Department of Justice Attorney General Jeff Sessions demanding the Inspector General Michael Harrowitz, the recently appointed d o J attorney this guy out in Utah, John uber Uh interview did now in battle d o J official Bruce or and investigate critical violations in connection with the FBI's handle of the Russia investigation, the bureaus process to obtain a highly secret warrant to spy on a short term volunteer for the Trump campaign. The letter was released today, encouraging both Sessions and Uber to investigate possible corruption in the FBI and for Harrowitz to investigate the new findings on Bruce Or, who has now been once the fourth highest ranking official in the d J, demoted twice, his wife Nellie working with the Clinton paid for op research firm with funneled money through uh Fusion, GPS, hiring Christopher Steele, etcetera. But the new documents revealed that Or had this long time relationship with Christopher Steele. He was becoming the conduit he's he dealt with Steal both before the election, well after the election, before his firing, after his firing. And we just learned in the last few days that the Department of Justice Bruce Or was keeping Andrew Weissman, who's on Robert Mueller team, in the loop about the Steele dossier, which now makes sense because in some of the text messages and correspondence that went back and forth between Bruce Orr and Christopher Steele, not only was Christopher Steel scared to death of grass Lely's investigation, he was hoping the fire walls would hold when Comey was about to testify before Congress, and he feared being exposed well, and he wanted questions, and he wanted information funneled through bruce Or to the Special Council. Now we know that apparently bruce Or kept Mueller's deputy his pit bowl in the loop. In all of this, it gets very, very troublesome. Sarah Carter's article today goes through all of that, and we'll get to some of the highlights of meadows letter in a second. Here. Uh, Katherine Harridge also has a report out on Fox News. She is reporting about Mark Meadows asking the d o J on this very specific topic. We also know that the President is expected to declassify. They were dacted twenty pages of documents from the final visor warrant application that have never been made public, which allowed the FBI to spy on Carter page. This was long after they knew that Hillary had paid for it. They never told the court that and a number of other discrepancies and omissions um that that are very troubling on a whole lot of levels. Anyway, Joining us is Sarah Carter is a investigative reporter. Fox News contributor Greg Jarrett three weeks and running the author of the New York Times bestseller number one best seller, The Russian hoax. Welcome both of you to the program. Sarah, let's start with two of your reports here. Well, I think there's just so much happening today and I expected to get a lot busier as the weeks come up, Sein, because there is a strong belief now and President Trump himself has made a couple of statements already that he will declassify twenty pages that were held top secret and classified of the Visa of the Carter Page fifth A warrant. Now, remember, over four hundred pages have been turned over heavily redacted. The fifth A warrant itself was heavily redacted, and there was a big battle between Congress and the d o J over the last three or four months. In particular, was when they really intensified over getting these twenty pages basically redacted so that the American people unredacted, so that the American people could see them, uh, and then they could expose what was actually happening. We do know that a number of lawmakers have already made statements that there was significant exculpatory information that was withheld from the Fifth Court, that is, from the top secret court in the land, that the FBI and d o J purposefully withheld that information because they knew about it, and a lot of that had to do with Bruce Orr and his relationship with Christopher Steele. I have also been told I have also been told this is new news, that there is going to be information in those documents that will shock all of us, something that we will not expect now because it is highly Are you talking about the twenty pages or I'm talking about the twenty pages, I'm talking about the twenty pages. Well, Sarah, I know you've long enough. We've now we've now been on this case for twenty years, and when you say something is going to be shocking, you already know what it is. I wish I could tell you. I wish I didn't know what it is, but because I have an idea, and that was only from my personal guessing, from our our work and the research that we've all been doing. Greg Jarrett, can you give us, like a headline what it might be about or who it might be about. I was told it's something that will shock the conscience. Okay, Um, let's go to Greg Jarrett. Look, I respect the fact that Sarah protects her sources, and there's a whole process by which you you you get to break these news stories. I've heard the same thing Sarah has heard. Uh. The other thing too that I'm hearing Sarah's beyond the twenty pages, that there are a number of three O twos that could be released, and there has been a lot of discussion almost from day one, that some of them have been altered. That's absolutely correct. Those three O two's are vitally important. Whether or not they have been altered, that remains to be seen. I know that the most important three O twos that they're looking for right now are Bruce or Is three O two interviews with the FBI. Remember, this is something that the Senate Judiciary Committee has been fighting to the nail since July to try to get these three O two's out there. They believe there's extraordinary information in their information that the American public needs to be aware of, information that Congress needs to have to conduct oversight and in order to actually see what was going on, Sean, because we have a system here and it appears, based on all the evidence that has come out that the FBI violated, just as Meadows said in his letter, critical violationsical protocol and possibly violated the law and I know, Greg Jarrett can explain that in the legal terms, but there is a lot of information here that the American public is still not aware of. And I believe that in the next few weeks what has happened over the last two years will become crystal clear to the American public. So this will be the glue that ties it all together. Absolutely, Greg Jarrett, I'm hearing the same thing from my sources. I'm pretty confident different from your sources. But they're saying you don't like my sources. Are you questioning my sources is better than your sources. No, I don't want to get into that, but my my sources are telling me the exact same thing, that this will blow the Russia hoax wide open, and that simultaneously, the fact that Andrew Weissman was in on the hoax was well aware of the improperly illegal use of the dossier to spy has now irrevocably taint did Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, and uh, and now that is imploding. And my theory is this is why Mueller has finally relented in his demands to interview the president, and that he'll take a few written questions on collusion only, not obstruction and rapid Well, I think that's a big development. Do you think that is a retreat by the Special Counsel to absolutely because he knows it was bad enough that Peter Struck painted Bob Mueller's investigation and was fired because of it. But now we have learned that Andrew Weissman was in on the hoax. He was a participant. Ah he White. Well, in the case of of Struck, we know that that that Mueller finally said get out. Why is he not doing it? In the case of Andrew Weissman, who I always thought you can't have any objectivity or any sense of fairness when you have Genie Ray and Drew Wiseman on your team. Well, I think Mueller is hoping to wrap this thing up so he doesn't have to fire Wiseman. Uh. You know they're all thick as thieves, these guys comy Uh and you know White, Struck, the I mean and Rosenstein. All they're a little cabal of power that has wielded that power, uh in violation of the law repeatedly. And now you know Mulder has been caught. You know he had the band of Uh. You know seventeen partisans that he put together for this investigation. Andrew Wiseman's the head of the list. And now Wiseman has been implicated by Or so Wiseman would have known Steele was not credible, virulently biased against Trump. The dossier was fabricated. Uh, and yet they went after Donald Trump using that does like Bruce ord told the truth? Is that why we got here? I think so because he's in legal jeopardy. I mean, or knows that what he did and withholding information about his wife's role in creating the phony dossier is potentially a crime. He was profiting financially from that document while peddling it as as useful and truthful, and it wasn't. And it's a felony to use your office for personal financial gain. Yet that's what he was doing. So now he's saying like a canary because he's trying to save his own butt. And but Sean, if you read the letter from Meadows, what's so incredible here is that Bruce Orne knew there was a conflict of interest. He documented that, He documented that, and people knew that he felt there was a conflict of interest with his involvement in this investigation, So he himself implicates himself. And why then, why didn't he tell his own Department of Justice? He says he told the FBI, And and more important, um, why did he remain in contact with somebody who apparently testified to the House committees last week that he knew was not credible? Christopher Christopher Steele. Absolutely, And let's just go back to another thing. His boss, Sally Yates signed off on the FISA the first fight. That was his boss. Are you telling me she didn't know? I would want to read. I would want to question her. If I was Congress, I would want to question Bruce or again, I would want to get to the bottom of that. And the very last FISA, that fourth FISA renewal was signed off by none other than Rod Rosenstein. So Rod Rosenstein had all of that information he signed off on that FISA. This is this twenty pages, This is Rosenstein's FISA. This is Rosenstein's fighter, nobody else's. So when it comes out and classify these twenty pages of the final FISA, which was a culmination of all those other fisas the other three it they had put in, this is rosenstein SPISA. So not only is Weissman already discredited the Muller in you know, special counsel investigation, but Rosenstein himself, who is supposed to be overseeing this on the final FISA, you might be giving us hints into what the twenty pages could reveal. I'm very interested in what you're saying, all right, Right, as we continued, Greg Jarrett and Sarah Carter with us, a lot of big developments here. I want to go back to the heart of this, this letter that was sent by Mark Meadows, and he talks about a transcribed interview with Bruce Or raising grave concerns related to his role as the conduit between Christopher Steele the FBI and as Steele compiled in an opposition research dossier and behalf of Hillary in her campaign, and how he revealed that he had recorded the status of his wife Nelly the contractor refusion GPS again they were they were again building the dossier. But I think the most important development here is the connection that Bruce Or would take Christopher Steele's information and we now know was feeding it to Andrew Weissman, the lead guy on Robert Mueller's team. So we have a direct line for Hillary bought and paid for lies about Russia being fed to the Mueller investigation. It's it's almost unimaginable. It's like you can't you can't even comprehend it. You couldn't even write this if you tried, because people wouldn't believe that all these connections would just be falling on top of each other once we started raveling, like used to say, the onion, you know, peeling back the layers of the onion, or unraveling this ball of yarn. Let's go back, Sean, and this was something that you know, put out a little bit last night on your show, Um when we were talking about it. But remember it was Andrew Weissman, remember that who was basically contacted the AP or had made contact with the Associated Press on the Paul Manaford case. Remember that while he was still ahead of the Criminal Fraud Division and set up a meeting between the FBI and the Associated Press. We broke this story on your show and was trying to get or share information on Paul Manafort before he was ever appointed to the Special Council. Now, the reason I bring that up is because the FBI agents that were sitting in that interview about a month and a half before he was appointed to the Special Council, sent a letter to the Department of Justice, which has never been released yet, but we know it exists. Sent a letter complaining about Wiseman, complaining about the fact that they put him in front of the ap. Apparently, Wiseman had told the FBI that the Associated Press was going to share information with him and with them, and the Associated Press said no way to sharing any information. But apparently, according to my sources, Wiseman was actually sharing information with the Associated Press. So nobody has ever gotten down to the bottom of that story. But Wiseman has been involved in this from the beginning, from the time he was head of the Criminal Fraud Division. He was getting information for more And remember that note or put at the bottom of his He had been writing these handwritten notes and he was specifically saying, um, you know, there's basically nothing on Trump, but we got to keep going after im. Stay right there. We'll continue with Sarah Carter Greg Jarrett on the other side of this break a few more minutes. We'll also get your calls in here one Sean or toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program Quick Break, right back and we will continue more of these details tonight. We'll spell it all out and break it all down for you on Hannity on the Fox News trucks. A lot of people are frustrated, a lot of your supporters are frustrated with the d o J. With Jeff Sessions. There are rumors that you're going to fire him after the midterms and Rosenstein. They also want these documents. They're wondering if you will use your power to get these documents released at the right time. I think I'm going to have to do the documents. I didn't want to, but I think I'm gonna have to this such corruption before I got here, it's from before I got here. It's the Obama administration. And you look at what happened. They surveilled my camp, and it's very simple. The Fiser report, the phony frozen signed, the last Fiser. It bothers me and so always, will you fire him? Will you fire second? Well, I'll tell you what. As I've said, I wanted to stay uninvolved. But when everybody sees what's going on in the Justice Department, it was but justice now with quotes, it's a very very sad day. The way we operate in the Department of Justice. If we're can accuse somebody of wrongdoing, we have to have admissible evidence and credible witnesses. We need to prepare to prove our case in court, and we have to fix our signature to the charging document. That's something that not everybody appreciates. There's a lot of talk about FISA applications, and many people that I see talking about it seemed not to recognize what a FIES application. FIES application is actually a warrant, just like a search warrant. In order to get a FISA search warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears that the information in the affidavit it is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Uh. And that's the way we operate. And if it's wrong sometimes it is. If you find out there's anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences. I wonder if he's talking about himself. That was Rob Rosenstein back in May. I wonder if he's going to eat those words at some near future date perhaps. Anyway, Glad you're with us twenty five down to the top of the hour, Mark Meadows sending a letter to the d J the Attorney General demanding the Inspector General Michael Harrow. It's the recently appointed d o J Attorney John Houber investigate what we now know to be Bruce Or and of course his connections to Christopher Steele, and now their attempt to apparently there was some type of collusion relationship that was ongoing with Andrew Weissman in terms of information that was being backdoored or being the conduit for Christopher Steele to give his phony dossier information Andrew Weissman, who was the lead guy on Robert Mueller's team, I think that pretty well sums it up. Greg Jarrett and Sarah Carter continue with me, Greg, Yeah, you're You've summed it up quite nicely. Um, this is a corrupt endeavor to frame Donald Trump using faulty documents that were knowingly false, in fabricated false intelligence. And all of the people including Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Weissman, all part of the Mueller investigation were involved, uh, Peter Struck as well. And so I think when these documents are declassified by the President, maybe as early as tomorrow, though it will then take several days before them to be released. I think it will blow the whole thing wide open. And I think Robert Mueller's investigation, which has already been corrupted and tainted um will implode, which is and he knows it, which is why he's trying to wrap it up now conceding that I'm not so sure that that's necessarily Is he trying to wrap it up? Or did he want a subpoena the president? And it was the Justice Department that said, no, this has gone on far enough. We're not gonna approve that tactic. And then he had to come back with, well, we may accept some written answers from the president. Well you can just you can see Bob Muller and Rod Rosenstein sitting down with a case of the for reals, as I call it, and saying, what are we going to do now to get ourselves out of this? Well? Wait a minute, why why would they finally do it? I mean, we already have gone through the history of Andrew Weissman. Nobody seemed to give a damn up to this point, but he gave a flying rip that the Clinton Foundation lawyer Jeannie Ray was appointed by Robert Mueller Nobody cared that he had struck on his team. Nobody cared that it's you know what's fifteen of the sixteen people are all Democratic donors to Obama and Hillary, and nobody implicated uh Andrew Weissman until Bruce ord did a week ago uh and and Armed with that information and knowledge that the president was going to declassify these incriminating documents, they realized that they're corrupt at We're about to be exposed. Do you believe it? Let me ask Sarah, is do you agree with Greg's theory on this? Because I'm not so sure. I'm not. I'm not. I'm look, maybe I'm more skeptical. No, you look, I do only for for these reasons. I believe that they just never expected that there would be people out there with the tenacity like Greg Jarrett, like what we've been doing, other reporters out there, Daily Caller, a few others, not many, to continue to pound this into the ground, to continue to search for the truth, and every day more and more information came out. I don't believe when Robert Mueller accepted that position from his friends, by the way, to be the special counsel. I think in the beginning, he was like, yeah, I'm gonna do this. I don't think he knew for a hot minute how bad it was. I think he understood that there were some issues and that he was gonna maybe saved some But like Greg said, you know, he's probably gonna go out there and save a couple of his friends, you know, fight for Comey, the last thing he's gonna do is bringing in Jerome Corsi to to try and what entrap Roger Stone? I mean is that the next legged this whole thing, it's just ridiculous. There's nothing to go after. This is what's so crazy. He has to try to make cases, to put some notches on his belt, to just salvage his own legacy. He jumped into I don't know, I have never ever believed and I'm listening to both of you, and both of you been right the whole time, and I think this is the first time our our point of view may be diverging here. I've seen no evidence at all whatsoever that they are ever gonna stop until they can manufacture some crime or some roadmap to impeachment that will be their report that would be issued either before the election or after the election. Should the Democrats win, or maybe to assist them in winning. That's their dream. Wants the evidence. Two things in the report will be one um exculpatory of Bob Muller. He'll try to justify his existence and his work is legitimate. Uh, look at all of the criminal charges we brought. We got a conviction on Manifort and a couple of guilty Please. But the second part will be that he will give a little tidbit of information for liberals and progressives to pursue an impeachment proceeding. He'll say something that the president's behavior was I don't know, I'll just grab a word suspicious in the the in how he dealt with General Flynn and the firing of Comy. He doesn't need to try to win. Diet is sitting president because he knows he can't. Uh, you know, he can't go any further than that, other than to file a report. Uh. He wants to give a little something to come gris and that will be the two parts of the report. Listen, I think that is definitely a strong possibility. What happens to we just played the tape of Rod Rosenstein. Whatever happens to a guy like him? And all of this. Rod Rosenstein, I think realizes that he's in deep trouble because he signed off on a FISA warrant in his own words, vouching for its authenticity, when he he either knew or should have known that it was a false document, that he didn't do his due diligence, or you know, he'll blame somebody else, he was misled, or he trusted somebody else's diligence, But the fact is he fixed his signature to it, so he is ultimately responsible. So he's looking at things like abusive power, depriving somebody of their rights under color of law. He's looking at perjury. I mean that's that signature is under penalties of perjury, uh fault to misleading statements, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to defraud the government. So you know, Rod Rosenstein, you know, I suspect will be looking at some serious potential legal jeopardy, which is one of the reasons why he and Sessions will likely be fired. Do you think that anybody gets indicted in all of this and will there be any charges against anybody? Or is it if Robert Mueller says, okay, we look bad in this, We're gonna We're gonna land the plane safely. We'll give you one out, You give us an out. Is that what's gonna happen, and everybody moves on happily ever after, And we don't have equal justice. If there is an honest prosecutor who presents the incriminating evidence in front of a grand jury, I think there will be indictments. Yes, of who. Well, first of all, look at all the people who signed off on the UH the warrant applications using phony evidence. That's James Commey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein. If Peter Struck contributed to it, he's in jeopardy too. So just the use of the dossier to spy is serious felony. Sarah. I agree. I think that if John Hubert does his job, if the Inspector General collects enough evidence and refers it, that there will be prosecutions. I think more importantly, Sean, I hope and I believe that if another Attorney General is put in place, that they should appoint a second special counsel to investigate all of this, including Hillary's role in the past and her involvement with the Bleach bit and email server scandal everything. We need to clean our house out and we need to know the truth. The American people deserve that. I think if that were to happen, that would also mean we have to go back to the beginning. And the beginning is Hillary Clinton and the and the crime she committed and the fix that was put in and the investigation into our We also now know for a fact that it was Peter Struck that wrote the initial draft on Hillary Clinton, which means it's James Comey that made the adjustment from you know, the legal standard, as we have discussed many times, into a non legal standard. He's the one that thread the needle on July five when he exonerated her only three days after Peter Struck interviewed her. But the fix was in, and then you go on from there, and then we have to talk about FISA court abuse, and if we're really going to get to the truth, uh, then we've got to look at the massive surveillance abuse, not only within the Trump campaign, but the surveillance of Americans, the amasking of Americans, the increase against American citizens in an election year. And if we're really going to care about the truth, and we really care about Russia and Russian influence. Well, then we've got to ask the question, Well, we had a spy inside of Putin's network for all the years that they were involved in bribery and extortion and Monday money laundering and kickbacks. And even though we had a undercover you know, uh FBI agent watching the whole thing and reporting back to his bosses, the whole thing that Vladimir Putin was able to achieve his dream team, which was a foothold into the uranium market in America, and then follow the money after that point, and all the people associated with that deal end up donating up to a hundred forty five million back to the Clinton Foundation. So if we really care about equal justice under the law, are we all gonna really do we really believe we're gonna get to the bottom of the all that, because I don't think there's a shot in hell. Well, that's that's why the first step would be to get rid of and I am not senticons in Rosenstein. Now, you're absolutely right. And because Sessions among his first duties was to reopen the Hillary Clinton email case. Uh, the evidence was obvious against her. She committed hundred ten different felonies representing a hundred and ten classified documents on her private unauthorized on security email servant. I'm sure the Chinese and the Russians had all those documents and probably a bunch of guys in their basements here in the United States. I mean, it was easy to access that information. She jeopardized national security, and other people have been prosecuted for a whole lot less for doing the exact same thing. He should have been reopened. Sessions didn't do it, Yet another reason why Session should be fired. Hey Sean, thanks a lot. Uh, you know this turning into I'm sorry, guys, but does it like a broken record to all of us, us me and a like minded people that are out here watching this thing happen, watching rule of law be kicked at the side like it's absolutely nothing, and as everybody's waiting, you know, something has got to happen. Uh, the chief law enforcement officer of our nation is sitting on his hands doing that thing while it's evident all of us that that you know, horrible things that are happening here to to try to steer our government into the direction that the majority of the voters of the factory didn't want to go what is going to happen and when is it gonna happen? What can the president do to write this thing before things get really ugly? What what what could be done? Let's get some answers. We'll start with Sarah, what do you how do you answer that? For Steve? I mean, this is the question that everybody has been asking. Everybody is so frustrated with. You know, it's almost as if they want to exhaust us so that we stop investigating, so that we don't talk about this anymore and allow it to happen. I think the most important thing is one see if we need the president to declassify those documents. The truth needs to get into the hands of the American people first and foremost. Uh Second, these investigations need to continue, and unfortunately, if come November people aren't voting, these investigations will cease to continue. On the congressional side, we need to hold the d o J accountable. We need to say what is John Hubert doing. We want to make sure that he's doing his job and that Inspector General Michael Horowitz gets out that report expediently and with all the facts so that we understand what's going mind? Put answer from Greg, and we gotta let you go. Thank you, Steve Well. Governance of buying for the people is only as sound and effective as the people who run it. It's susceptible to abuse and dishonesty, and that's exactly what happened in the Russian hoax. So these people need to be replaced. New and honest people should be their replacements. All right, thank you both of being with us. We appreciate it. Greg, Sarah, great work. All right, Hannity tonight nine eastern. Hope you'll join us new Gingrich j Sekulo, John Dowd, the President's attorney, will be with us, Ted Cruz, Sarah Carter, Joe Degeneva, Gina Loudon, and much more. All coming up Hannity tonight, nine Eastern on Fox. Don't miss it. Have a great night. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow,