President Biden and Vice President Harris are in a race to the bottom of the polling numbers. Sean covers the latest story that has Biden a full 10% points higher at 38 to Harris' 28%. It truly is a race to the bottom.
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Day number eighty six, eighty six, ninety nine days since Joe Biden promised he wouldn't leave a single American behind. Latest report there are hundreds of Americans still trapped behind enemy lines. They're families, thousands of Green card holders, people eligible to be in this country. And then of course are Afghan allies that are being hunted down and murdered on a regular basis. When you look at the disaster that is Afghanistan, and it was a disaster, it's amazing how the media, just like Joe Biden, they just turned the page as if it didn't happen, the single biggest preventable debacle on foreign policy ever, and they turned the page. If Donald Trump abandoned Americans behind enemy lines like this, you don't think every program in America, every single liberal voice in this country wouldn't be screaming bloody murder that Donald Trump abandoned as fellow Americans. They would be how is it whatever happened on the disaster that is you know, Joe Biden handed three vaccines monoclonal antibodies that he's only mentioned on one time that I've heard about a month ago, and then when it was working in Florida. He starts rationing something that we have plenty of, we don't have any shortage of, which is monoclonal antibodies. We have more Americans dead from COVID this year with Joe Biden as president than Donald Trump all of twenty twenty. And that's you know, the little that we heard from Joe Biden to candidate hiding out in his basement bunker. It was all about COVID. Aren't try, I'm holding aren't. I've got my Nurst guard and hang on, let me do it over. It's just a disaster. Then you look at the energy. I'm gonna get into this energy issue, and the Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm in a minute, um that inflation, a lot of it is connected to the high cost of energy. How much when's the last time you filled up your gas tank? How much more is it costing you? Because I know people twenty twenty five thirty bucks more each time you fill up, you know, an average person paying a buck fifty more a gallon. Jennifer Graham said, yeah, it's going to cost more to heat your homes. It doesn't have to be that way. But the American people now looking at inflation, look at the economy, looking at the borders. They have had it because every one of these issues has been and is completely preventable, And these are problems we could solve instantly. Now Joe Biden would have to bring back to stay in Mexico policy, start rebuilding the wall. You'd have to get rid of this idiot policy of process and release into the country. You'd have to get rid of this insanity. I mean, we'll get into this whole idea. Joe Biden is asked by Peter doocey, are you paying four hundred and fifty thousand dollars for illegal immigrants? That's garbage? People like, that's your spewing garbage. Then it turns out Joe is now its most passionate, ardent supporter. I don't know what's worse the fact that Joe didn't know his own administration plan to pay four hundred and fifty thousand dollars to illegal immigrants, illegal being the key word. People that did not respect our laws, our borders, and our sovereignty. Why would we pay them four hundred and fifty thousand dollars each? And then Joe is now passionately out there selling it this is madness. We can't afford it. Number one, Well, you see it. We have USA today. They came out with a poll yesterday Biden's approval at thirty eight percent. Perhaps even more interesting to me because they're now numerous polls have Biden in the mid thirties, Kamala Harris only at twenty eight percent. That speaks volumes about the person that I guess everybody thought would be the likely successor to Biden. Assuming that Biden just is not going to have the strength and the stamina to run in three years from now, I don't see how it's possible. You have a few honest Democrats waking up. George Norcross, for example, South Jersey insurance executive, who leads one of the most powerful Democratic organizations in the country. You know, he told political he had no idea that Phil Murphy's victory would be that close in New Jersey. There are a few people in the Democratic Party that are work waking up. But for the most part, the Democrats seem to be just doubling down on dumb and dumber and you know, pushing now again the new Green Deal socialism. It's it's pretty unbelievable even reporters. There was a report out we're laughing as Biden scolded them for not explaining the supply chain very well after he blames COVID. The media sees it. Now, the world sees it. You know. Vladimir Putin now is saber rattling, building up his troops right along the Ukrainian border. Here we go again. Then you got China now making mock ups of US ships that they can play war games with and take them out of the water and flying over Taiwan's airspace with fighter jets pretty much anytime they choose. And the reunification talk it's even louder, you know, seventy you know, it's just unbelievable. Sixty four percent of registered voters want to dump Biden in twenty twenty four. That's also part of the USA Today survey. Now we have a flood of Democrats being reported by the Hill today. They're bracing for the possibility of a major wave of coming in twenty twenty two, one year from now. So there are a lot of them now are saying I don't need this, and they're thinking of retiring. Fourteen House Democrats have already announced that they will not seek reelection in twenty twenty two, especially after what happened in Virginia and what happened in New Jersey. I think the handwriting is on the wall, and a lot of Democrats don't feel like living through it. And now that the Democrats answer to this is to double down on stupid. You know, at what point here what is worse? Ask yourself this question. Is it worse that Joe Biden didn't know his own administration was paying illegal immigrants, that they were contemplating a policy of THEIRS four hundred and fifty thousand dollars if there was separation of family members. They weren't supposed to be at the border, they weren't supposed to enter the country illegally. They're supposed to respect our laws, our borders, our sovereignty. Why would we ever reward people that don't respect our laws? Pretty unbelievable. And I don't know if it's worse that Joe didn't know or the fact that now he's passionately defending that which he didn't know last week. I don't know what's worse. You know, we had Ronda Santis saying that the Biden administration has landed dozens of secret flights carrying illegal immigrants to his state. You know, these states now are put in a position, what are they to do when the President of the United States decides to pick and choose what laws he's going to support and enforce and what laws he's just going to ignore. And remember, not only is a preferential treatment, and now we're talking about payouts to illegal immigrants, but there's no COVID testing, there's no vaccine mandates for illegal immigrants. They're now getting preferential treatment and they're not even getting burden the same way the American people are. It appears to mock America's intelligence questions whether they understand supply chain issues. Yeah, we know, you screwed it up. That's what we know. As is now, approval rating is just cratering. It was an interesting piece in USA today. What do Americans want Joe Biden to do now? Because all of these problems I'm mentioning are fixable. We can go to Afghanistan and we can get our American Americans abandoned home. We can bring back stay Stay of Mexico policy, rebuild, start building the wall again, and end process or release. We can go back and return to energy independence if we want. Joe Biden has no intention, as clearly indicated by his Energy secretary, we can thus by doing that we do, we go a long way to ending the inflation problem that again Joe Biden is causing. You know, listen to Jennifer Granholm from last week laughing when I asked about what she's going to do to increase production of oil. Listen, what is the grand home plan to increase oil production in America? It's hilarious. Would that I had the magic wand on us. As you know, of course, oil is a global market. It is controlled by a cartel. That cartel is called OPEC, and they do made a decision yesterday that they were not going to increase beyond what they were already planning. What she she's clearly not qualified for the job. They inherited energy independence. They inherited it, and then as policy they decided to abandon exploration in places like Alaska. They decided to end the Keystone XL pipeline. And by the way, they're now moving in the direction of getting rid of another pipeline. I mean, I was shocked to see this. Sources are telling Politico today that the White House is doing a deep data dive on understanding what would happen potentially if they shut down Enbridge's Line five pipeline, which would impact fuel prices in and around Michigan. We already know the answer. Why are we begging OPEC when all you have to do is ask Texas, Oklahoma, Alaska, North Carolina, North Dakota. Let's start there there. Gladly step up and help the American people out, you know. And the idea that you're blaming ope OPEC is laughing at Biden and laughing at the United States, and they're taking advantage of us because they think and know that we're being really stupid. They know that we have more energy than they do. Joe Biden, he made the decision to capitulate to the New Green Deal radical socialists, and that's why he fired people that were working on you know, in the energy sector all over the place. You know. Jennifer, Jennifer Granholme's answer this weekend is that you the American people should expect to pay more for gas and oil. Here's what she said. Americans will likely vi a cold winter, most of them are expect to pay higher prices for heating their homes. Yeah, this is going to happen. It will be. It will be more expensive this year than last year. We are in a slightly beneficial position, certainly relative to Europe because their chokehold of natural gas is very significant. They're going to pay five times higher. But we have the same problem in fuels that the supply chains have, which is that the oil and gas companies are not flipping the switch as quickly as the demand requires. And so that's why the President has been focused on both the immediate term and the long term. You can fix Afghanistan and go save our Americans you abandon, You can fix the border, and you can fix the energy problem by going back to Trump's energy and dependence problems. It's that simple, you know, if you look at the impact on the economy every single thing that we purchase and buy, starting with filling our gas tanks, heating and cooling our homes, every store you go to, every item you buy in every store you go to, we're now paying unnecessarily high prices. And the Americans that are hurt the most are the ones that Democrats claim to have the most compassion for, and that's the poor in the middle class. Because they pay in fifteen twenty twenty five bucks more to fill their gas tank and heat their home, maybe five hundred to one thousand dollars. They can't afford it. They cannot afford this. But then you know, you'll have people on TV make fun of a family of eleven that can't afford to buy milk because the price has gone up nearly a dollar a gallon. Unbelievable. All of this is fixable. You can resolve all of this, I know. But the media would be so upset because they'd have to deal with a few mean tweets from Donald Trump. I'll take mean tweets and energy independence and secure borders and lower taxes and respect on the world stage from all these hostel regimes over this cognitive mess that we've got. Joe Biden, I never thought it could get this bad this quickly, but it has. And what's frustrating is you can reverse course. That is not going to happen because now they're pushing even harder for their new green deal, So consumed were borrowing accelerated by way more than expected this past month. September an increased twenty nine billion, up from thirteen point eight billion in August. Why do you think that is because Americans now have to borrow just to sustain the level of living that they have grown accustomed to. They're borrowing to do it. And yet the Senate now still facing they still want to ram this new Green deal right down your throat as they push even harder for this. Look, Jennifer Granholm, I can't be any angrier at her because it's not funny. Prices of regular gasoline now in the United States have risen to now a seven year high. New data to the Triple A as elevated crude prices uptick in gasoline. This is a self induced crisis. It's not a laughing matter, Jennifer Grandhall, you know now, now why at this moment with the Biden administration reported by Politico, do we a deep dive and understanding how potentially shutting down another pipeline? How about you shut down Vladimir Putin's pipeline because he's getting rich off your stupidity. And then the only answer, you know, oh, I'm gonna blame the OPAC and the How many how often are they going to beg OPAC and Russia to produce more energy? This is literally they declared war on fossil fuels, but only in America. So that means countries in the Middle East they get rich again. Countries that hate our guts get rich again. Russia gets rich again, you know. And then all Grandholme can do is laugh and say, yeah, people are gonna pay a lot more to heat their homes, and I hope gas doesn't hit four dollars a gallon. Well maybe if you take your foot off the throats of the energy sector in this economy, guess what, well, increased supply instead of the artificially reduced supply as demand has remained constant. Now they're going to shut down another pipeline and it's going to cost more. Our answer is, oh, that's run by a cartel. No, their decisions cause this. They're the ones that stop the Keystone XL pipeline, They're the ones that stop exploration. They're the ones responsible for the high cost, the seven year high now that we have in gas prices. And then our answer is, oh, you just have to accept that it's going to cost what five hundred to one thousand dollars more to heat your home this winner? Are you kidding me? I thought they cared about the poor in the middle class. Apparently not. They don't give a damn All right, twenty five nowntil the top of the hour, we have James O'Keefe is going to join us on Hannity tonight. This is getting very, very interesting, and I'm going to tell you why I have a great interest in this case. If you look at Project Veritas and the undercover work that they do, I'm sure that you would argue that this is a whether you like it or not, a journalistic operation, or they are members of the press in the sense that they're breaking news stories. Look at, for example, for years sixty Minutes to find Itself by doing undercover investigations, or the popular show To Catch a Predator I guess was on Dateline or one of those shows on NBC. So what's interesting is the same FBI that never got involved when President Donald Trump's confidential tax returns were leaked and published by the New York Times because I don't remember or I don't recall an investigation into that or an investigation into the president. Then President Trump's calls with leaders from all over the world, and literally the phone conversations verbatim up put on the front page of newspapers all around the country. This issue has to do specifically with Joe Biden's daughter and a currently a missing diary and over. Starting on Friday into over the weekend, the FBI I guess rated the offices of Project Veritas and the home of James O'Keefe. There's a lot of interesting aspects to this. There had been some reports that the diary was stolen, other reports that it was left behind after a sale. I've not been able to confirm which one it is. We will, I'm sure, over time get the answer to all of that, maybe tonight with James O'Keeffe. O'Keefe says somebody shopped the diary to his organization, Project Veritas, claiming that Biden had left it somewhere that I so at some point on the periphery, I don't remember who or when or where. You know, I had heard something about a diary and that there were bad things in it. But it's sort of like Hunter's laptop. I just you know, you hear all sorts of things, and now I think Miranda Divine is going to open up, you know, Pandora's box on the laptop from Hell. Anyway, so O'Keefe says it was shocked to him, and they never used it because they couldn't verify it. And whether or not it was in his possession or not, I don't know. I'll ask him tonight. Um, there apparently was one outfit that did publish it, Linda, do you know the outlet that did publish it, because I do not. Epic Times did the Epic Times did they give the details of what was in the diary? They did not. They did not, but they just said it was there. Yeah, there's been correct there's been some there's been some reporting about what has happened to James about the obstruction of his you know, his First and Amendment rights and his rights as a journalist. Um, but no one is really talking about the diary itself. So anyway, they do this right on Project Veritas and James O'Keefe Keith's House, journalists can't be prosecuted. If if you want to know that finding case, it's the Pentagon Papers. You may recall it takes you back. Now, that's the name given to the Department of Defense. A study of our involvement politically militarily in Vietnam and as the war dragged on, more than five hundred thousand troops in Vietnam. By nineteen sixty eight. There was a military analyst by the name of Daniel Ellsberg who had worked on the study looking into the war, came to oppose the war, decided the information that he put together top secret Pentagon Papers, should be available to the American people. He photocopies the report. In March of nineteen seventy one, he gave it to the New York Times. Then the New York Times ends up running a series of articles showing the content and what was quote top secret about the Pentagon Papers. Anyway, At the request of the Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, team of analysts working for the Defense Department prepared this classified study of the US political military involvement in Vietnam from the end of World War Two until that point. Now the official title was the Report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Vietnam Task Force later become became known as the Pentagon Papers. In preparing the study, which was labeled taught secret, analysts drew unclassified material archives from the Department of Defense, State Department, CIA, etc. They completed this I think it was in nineteen sixty nine. There were forty seven volumes, three thousand pages of narrative, four thousand pages of supporting documents, and Daniel Elsberg, who served in the Marine Corps worked as a strategic analyst at the Rand Corporation and Department of Defense, had been an early supporter of our involvement there, and his point of view changed anyway, so an incomplete version of the Pentagon papers was published in a book, but putting that aside anyway, Ellsberg had come to believe that the war was unwinnable, and he also believed the information and the penting On papers about decision making in our government regarding Vietnam should be more widely available to the American public. He photocopies secretly large sections of the report. He approached several members of Congress, none of them took action. Some of the most damning information indicate that in John Kennedy's administration they had actively helped overthrow and assassinate the Vietnamese president that was part of it. In nineteen seventy one, while working as a senior researcher associate for m I. T. S International Studies, Ellsberg gave portions of the report to the New York Times then the New York Times published a series of front page articles based on information contained in these top secret papers. And anyway, so this becomes a huge Supreme Court decision, a precedent setting case, and it was the New York Times versus the United States. The New York Times joins forces with the Washington Post for the right to publish. The Supreme Court then ruled six to three in their favor that the government had failed to prove harm to national security in the publication of the papers, was in fact justified under the First Amendments protection of freedom of the press. I would imagine there's some similarities here. I would imagine, Okay, so you have Project Veritas. They seek help, support and volunteers that they can break news stories for whatever. I don't know who. I'll ask him tonight where he got this quote diary, if it's even the real diary. He decides not to publish it because he wasn't able to confirm it. I doubt James O'Keeffe himself went and stole the diary, or obviously it was given to him by somebody. Now he has, you know, an obligation to protect his sources or else. You don't have a news organization if you don't protect your sources. So it's gonna be it's just gonna be interesting to watch how this all goes down. But anyway, so O'Keefe says someone shopped the diarrhy to Project Veritas, claiming Biden had left it somewhere, meaning Biden's daughter. His outfit wouldn't use it because they couldn't verify it. He says he informed law enforcement of the entire thing. That raised his questions, well, why didn't they just go to his house and ask for it? But anyways, He also is outraged that the FEDS urged him not to go public with the subpoenas, but someone dropped a dime to The New York Times, which started calling for comment an hour after the first raid on Thursday morning. Now, journalists can't be prosecuted for publishing stolen materials based on this Supreme Court decision that I'm referring to, and journalists regularly published material that has been leaked or even taken consider you know, the Times running Donald Trump's tax returns as the latest example. So this is not a good look for the Biden administration. And I think it's gonna this is this is going to be interesting. That's all I can say. So we'll talk to James O'Keefe tonight and get the latest on what's going on there. You now have a few Democrats that looked at what happened in Virginia in New Jersey last week and are saying this is not going to end well. One of them we told you about last week, James Carville. I've known James Carville for years. Actually like James Carville. He's a fun guy to hang out with, fun guy to do a debate with. He is He's got crazy ideas, but he's not dumb. And if you look at the Adjustment Bill, Clinton made the era of big government being over in the end of welfare as we know it after New Kingbridge one to ninety four. He had a big say, in a big hand in that. I don't see any active voices really in the Democratic Party today that would advise, nor would Joe even listen to moderating their positions, because AOC in the squad pretty much control the entire Democratic Party. As a matter of fact, AOC took to Twitter slamming Carville, and others were blaming the party's wokeness in terms of what happened in Virginia and New Jersey. How could news outlets even attribute words to me that I didn't say, she said, questioning a tweet linking to a report and another tweet from ABC News thirteen in Virginia which quoted the New York congresswoman as saying that mcculloff lost the race because he was not woken of, meaning Carvel said it. I said there are limits to trying to mobilize a campaign with one hundred percent moderate strategy without mobilizing the base. Said nothing about wokeness, which is a term almost exclusively used by older people these days. By the way, so she's taken a shot of James Carve will be an old school But James Carvill's track record, I think speaks for itself. But you did have the squad vote no on the infrastructure bill, which now raises the question, why again did Republicans bail out the Democrats? Now remember, for two straight months, Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans said they would not raise the debt ceiling and that we got close to the deadline within forty eight hours. Mitch McConnell caved and got ten other Republicans to cave with him, and the Democrats needed that and had bought the more time. Even National Review got it right as well, and they often get it wrong. They seemed outraged by the thirteen rogue Rhinos in the House that rushed in now to save the infrastructure bill. Even they called it a betrayal because there was no need to save his infrastructure bill. We can't afford the infrastructure bill, and we certainly can't afford the New Green Deal. Now, they only needed three no votes on the Democrats excide, and Pelosi lost six. The only thing that saved that bill with the thirteen Republicans that swooped in to rescue Pelosi, kind of like the way Mitch McConnell swooped in to rescue Chuck Schumer. I mean, this is where the Republicans, you know, all these establishment guys. This is the old establishment way of doing things. This is why those establishment figures that want to purge the Party of people like Trump, they're not going to be successful because whenever they yet power that you know, they buckle, they cave, they give in. They say they're going to do something, they don't do it. They get they have all the swamp ways that guide their every decision. It's not going to work, this new Green Deal socialism. I'm telling you right now, Democrats keep up with this, it's her I don't. If they don't change their views on all of these issues, I don't see any hope for the Democrats if they don't change, they don't fix the mess they caused in Afghanistan, if they don't get a better handle on COVID, more people dead this year than last year. If they don't bring us back to energy and dependence, if they don't get control of the border and implation, how do you running get reelected to anything. I don't. I don't see this ending well for the Democrats in any way, shape, manner, or form. But again, it's interesting. You know now, of course, you know Biden is defending illegal immigrants being paid four hundred and fifty thousand dollars, the same guy that said no, why do you keep bringing up the garbage? Listen to what he said to Peter Doucey on day one reports that we're surfacing that your administration is planning to pay illegal immigrants who are separated from their families at the border up to four hundred and fifty thousand dollars each possible eave a million dollars per family. Do you think that that might incentivize more people to come over illegally if you guys keep sending that garbage out. Yeah, but it's not true. So this is a garbage reporter. Yeah, Okay, four hundred and fifty, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars per persons. I was you saying that was separated from a family member at the border under under the last administration. That's not gonna happen. That's not gonna happen. Joe never heard of his own administration's policy. Now, the same guy that said it was garbage and it wasn't going to happen, now was saying this. But where do you stand. You said last week that there's a report about migrant families at the border getting payments with garbage. I say, that's get straight. You said everybody coming across the border gets five hundred, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Was what you had a pronumberdizer for. Now, here's the thing, if, in fact, because of the outrageous behavior less administration, you coming across border, whether it was legally illegal, and you lost your child. You lost your child, he's gone. You deserve some kind of compensation, no matter what's the circumstance what that will be. I have no idea. I have no idea. Well, we know what the plan is. Four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. He said it was a garbage report, and he said it's not gonna happen. Now he's passionately defending it. I don't know what's worse the fact that he didn't know this was his administration's position, or the fact that he's now defending it and going on And who's in charge here? Who made that decision, because he obviously knew nothing about it. Pretty unbelievable. On top of the fact that people were talking about that didn't respect our laws, our borders, and our sovereignty. People didn't try to enter this country illegally, none of this would have happened. And we're going to now pay people that broke our laws. Unreal, just like special preferential treatment, no COVID tests, no vaccine mandates if you enter the country illegally because quote, we're told they're not going to be here very long. That's another lie.