John Lott, President, Crime Prevention Research Center and author of a the new book “Gun Control Myths” which was released on 7/4 and Leo Terrell, American civil rights attorney and talk radio host, find him at @TheLeoTerrell on Twitter, and Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, 21 year veteran of the Dallas Police Force, President of the Dallas, Texas National Fallen Officer Foundation and now a U.S. Congressional candidate in Texas CD30- our three guests discuss the suit from the NY AG against the NRA. In the midst of high crime, stunted police officers and riots in the streets; it seems to be bad timing to disarm law abiding citizens.
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All right, glad you with US eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program eighty eight days and you are the ultimate jury. Starting with a thanks the launch, Live Free or Die America in the world on the brink, it's it's about what is at stake in eighty eight days. Thank you for launching it at number one. We appreciate it. Oh, I have great news. Amazon dot Com is now discounted the book forty Why do I say that? Because I admit that I am a a smelly Walmart Trump supporter. I love Walmart, I love Sass, I love Kmart. Can I finish? I love Kmart. I love all those big Bucks store I love them all. Why they have every possible thing you could ever want. I mean, it didn't bother me in my life when I bought my furniture Walmart. I didn't care at a super Walmart. Yes, Lindo, Yes, I apologize, but I just wanted to make one very special announcement and I want to make sure you do it today and I don't want to forget. So next week, starting next week is when we start the virtual tour that was going to be in real life, but will now be virtual. And the really special part about this virtual tour with all these awesome book retailers that we've partnered with is that the books are signed by you. They are signed by you. You signed thousands of them. Oh yeah, everybody gets a signed book. So it's pretty cool. All right, thank you for that. But anyway, now you can finally actually walk into a bookstore if your bookstores are open. And as I said, Amazon dot Com forty percent discount. So yeah, I like, yeah, I love that you could save money. And by the way, don't buy mom and dad, just share your book with them. That's awesome because this is about winning in eighty eight days. This is like we want to It's liberty, freedom, capitalism, free markets, risk reward, energy independence, border security, national security. It's about the courts. It's about higher or lower taxes, more burdensome bureaucracy or less. It's all there. By the way, you want to know a preview of coming attractions, there is a and we honor Adam shift every time you say this, a total shift show all throughout the state of New York and the City of New York. I mean, this article comes out on Fox Business Today headline New York City relocations accelerating at a substantial pace. Local movers are saying. Moving experts say they've not been able to keep peace with demand even as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases leveled off. That's the people are leaving. Now. You've got a billion dollars in NYPD cuts, you get rid of the prestigious street crime fighting unit in New York City. Those are the guys on the front lines protecting New York City residents. You have the dopey mayor, this horrific response from the governor coronavirus with you know, sending COVID nineteen patients into nursing homes and long term care facilities. You know, that's why you know, Look, yeah, we had a hotspot in Flower oh rond de Santas blah blah blah. Rohn de Santas protected the elderly. If you look at the total number of deaths in Florida or the total number of deaths in Texas, and you look at the worst day in New York State, the total for the whole pandemic doesn't match one of the worst days in New York Because of that, because they made the decision to protect the sixth the elderly, those with compromised immune systems and underlying conditions. Anyway, as according to by July fifteenth, OZ moving book to capacity for the remainder of the month. I mean, that's a big Apple moving company telling Fox Business that the volume of moves continues to rise at a substantial rate and a drastic spike in storage compared to years prior. Meaning they're emptying their apartments and ain coming back, and they're figure out figuring out what Plan B is going to be. One thing this virus is gonna do is it's gonna dramatically shift you know, people away. Tell a working is here, It's the future. Tell a medicine is here, It's the future. Failed public schools, guess what You're gonna have competition? You know what it is? Online learning. Tell you know, education is going to be real. You know, parents ought to be able to bypass the failing school districts in these failing you know cities run by liberal Democrats for decades with a K through twelve curriculum that it followed, and we'll get their kids, you know, the fifteen hundred or whatever on their SATs or the thirty five on their acts that they ace and allow their kids to go to the best colleges as a result of academic excellence. That's all happening. Roadway Moving president said to Fox Business it is the busiest summer they've ever had in their history. They are insanely busy, and for the last past three months, we cannot keep up with demand to accommodate movers who have left New York City, They said. They have recently introduced an absentee move, where employees can carry out a move when residents are not even there. Company said it's becoming one of the single most sought after services. Another word, there aread he moved. Can you go back that crappy apartment I used to live in? Paid a fortune for him? Take all my crap out of there. I'm done. You know, look at the price of leaving California with a U haul van is you know, twenty five hundred bucks if youven going to Texas, you want to take it from Texas to California, Yeah, you can get it for about four hundred bucks, maybe less. So you know, there's a reason that Andrew Cuomo's at least on this front, He's not stupid. Andrew Cuomo delivers a devastating blow by saying, please come back to New York pretty please, I'll buy a drink. Who also lived here or in their Hudson Valley house or in their Connecticut weekend house, And I say, you got to come back. When are you coming back? We'll go to dinner. I'll buy you a drink. Come over, I'll cook. They're not coming back right now. Tax the rich, Tax the rich, tax the rich. We did now, God forbid the rich. Leave. The rich are leaving. Come on over, buy a drink. You know we can go to dinner. I'll cook your dinner. Well, if you do it, it's gonna cost your hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why, because you get the extra city tax of Comrade de Blasio. Now, so he's begging people to come back. Now, he's saying it's time to reopen the schools. And because he understands the impact all of this is having on his state, New York City is in a it's a disaster. There's nobody dumber. Nobody. Then Comrade de Blasio and his marks's roots on full display yesterday pretty much tell wealthy New Yorkers in other words, taxpayers, because the top ten percent pay ninety percent of the taxes. You know what, those that left because of the disaster of Corona and the handling of that, and then also stayed gone because of the lawlessness and the anarchy that he wouldn't stop, and then following it up with a billion dollars cut to the NYPD. Well, he's he's taking a very different position than the governor. And he goes on to say, to the point about the folks out in the Hampton's, I have to be very clear about this. We don't make decisions based on the wealthy few, he said to reporters. I was troubled to hear this concept that because wealthy people have a set of concerns about the city, that we should accommodate them, we should build our policy and approaches around them. That's now not how it works around here anymore. He said. This is this city is for New Yorkers. This city is for people who live here, work here, fight to make this place better, and fight through this crisis. A lot of New Yorkers who are wealthy or true believers in New York City and will stand and fight with us. And some may be fair weather friends. But we must build our policies around working people. Well, he might not know what the reality is the working people their tax to death too, and the price of those expensive Upper Eastside apartments. The working people can't afford to pay for people that work for me, and they start out they're living in like that, you know, four hundred square feet sleeping where they cook with a little tiny bathroom. I mean, it's unbelievable, and that is insane. By the way, Congresswoman Acascio Cortez nominated for an Emmy or a Green New Deal film. You can't even make this stuff up. There was a meltdown by crazy Nancy Pelosi, as the President calls her with Judy Woodruff. Okay, she's not a conservative, you know during an interview, See you're a GOP advocate. You want to be an advocate for them. Listen to what the facts are. She got ticked off. She's having like her own little Joe Biden meltdown moment. The other point Republicans are making, as they are now showing flexibility in money for state and local governments. This is again a difference. Democrats want more money, Republicans want a lot less. They are saying they're willing to show flexibility, and they're also saying a lot of the money that was passed in the spring, Madam Speaker has not even been spent yet. Well, I want to be a dinners kid for them, if you want to be an advocate for them. No, that's not what the fact I'm playing devil's advocation. I ask you for your position. Wow, unbelievable, everyone's melt of Joe Biden. We'll go into all the details. Had a horrible week. Now I've got some good news. I know it's hard to get good news these days, right, Job growth nationwide roaring back in July despite weeks of hype by the mob and the media. Democratic Party, a coronavirus resurgence. You know what, I'll shut it all down again, shut it all that and can't shut it all down again, You're gonna get hotspots. I always said it's when, not if. US economy is now added a better than expected one point eight million jobs added last month, Bureau of Labor Statistics saying today unemployment rate now down to ten point two percent. Bure of Labor Statistic payrolls increased one point seven sixty three million. Well, ahead of what Wall Street and the consensus forecast was. And by the way, the gains cut the unemployment rate from eleven point one to ten point two. Hourly ray wage is up. The economy is providing more resilience than many people thought. The jump in payrolls now in this particular report, investors had been concerned about that a weaker reading of the private sector job creation published by ADP on Wednesday, the twenty first consecutive week of one million plus people filing for unemployment, that that might have been a softer July reading turns out not to be the case. Retail sector adds two hundred and fifty eight thousand. But New York's not going to see this. You know, when Obama assumed off as the unemployment rate was, you know, it topped out at ten percent. That's where we are now. That is like the quickest recovery ever in history. Will be third quarter, I guarantee you, and we'll get those numbers before election day. And by the way, we need one debate before anybody cast a ballot. The President's right anyway, So the President's recovery told you this was going to happen. I told you it happened. I didn't happen think it would happen this quickly though, I did not. So this number is massive, and you know, now ten percent unemployment after you know, eight months after Congress passed there the first part of the stimulus plan for Corona. And remember Obama Biden, they did their own crazy new Green Deal cylinder and all this other wasteful spending, fraud and abuse. But anyway, if the current growth continues and we now putting out we've seen now a flattening of the curve, and now the decline has begun in Texas and Florida according to all the reports I'm seeing. That means you'll have the precipitous drop off if the pattern holds true like it did in other hotspots before. But it's gonna be an amazing comeback, and that would all be because of the President, not because anything the Democrats have done. Biden is in full, full freak out mode over his comments yesterday about oh yeah, legal immigrants, free healthcare, and you know, yelling at the reporter, well, come on, man, we want to get T shirts. Come on man. Anyway, well come back, we'll give you more on that. Coronavirus update Mike de Wine does not have it. It was a false positive. We have the latest on the defund and get rid of the police insanity. Don't forget Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com for election News, Amazon dot com for week one to discount the book forty percent is amazing. It's it's now forty percent off if you go to Amazon dot com. I love that. Thank you for making it amazing. Week It'll be being bookstores everywhere. Live Free or Die America in the world on the brink, we have a lot of announcements coming in regards to this on Monday. Come on, man, come on, come on? Did you did you get a test for cocaine? Are you a junkie? Come on, man, you gotta play. This is now my favorite Biden's and pay close attention to the end when he tries to say fitness. But please clarify specifically, have you taken a cognitive No, I haven't taken a test. Why that would I take a test? Come on, man, that's like saying you before you got in this program, you take a test where you're taking cocaine or not? What do you think? Huh? Say to President Trump, who brags about his test and makes your mental state an issue for voters. Well, if he can't figure out the difference between an elephant and the lion, I don't know what the hell he's talking about. Did you watch that? Look? Come on, man, I know you're trying to goad me, but I mean, I'm so forward looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president and debates. There's gonna be plenty of time. And by the way, as I joke with him, you know I shouldn't say it. I'm going to say something I don't I probably shouldn't say anyway, I am. I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical and mental film, my physical as well as my mental film fitness, and to you know, to make a judgment about who I am. Hmm, come on, man, yeah, test Now, here's another little problem for the ever forgetful Joe. He gave a different answer just a few weeks ago. Listen, have you been tested for some degree of cognitive decline? I've been testing on, constantly testing. Look all you all I gotta do is watch me, and I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I'm running my answer, I can't wait. I'll I have an idea before a single vote is cast. But in in other words, early voting, how about we have a debate show you can hardly wait? Well, the moments here and by the way, I thought you were tested constantly test. Of course I haven't been tested more. Next, All right, twenty five nowns at the top of the hour and Amazon dot com now it's forty percent off. Now finally in bookstores if you're out in about this weekend. We have a lot of announcements coming on next week. But you've got now. Come on, man, it all started with that and the meltdown, and you know, just a bizarre I can hardly wait. You know, I can't wait to debate Trump. Well, you don't have to wait, Joe, Donald Trump wants to debate you now before a single vote is cast. We also put on Hannity dot com or Electoral Information Map, and that is okay. When does early voting start? How do you register? What about absentee ballots, all of which are in play. I mean, all of this matters, and a lot of people don't know. And you know, unbelievable, you know, unbelievable that we can't even get information from anybody in the media mob. I mean, I'm telling you it's we have such an information crisis. But you know they ignored on all of these news channels and so called news. They're all fake news, lyne conspiracy theory channels, just like the Works and just like the New York toilet paper, Times and Company. By the way, Biden now finding himself literally now trying to walk back his comments. I made comments about diversity in the African American and Latino communities that I want to clarify, he wrote on Twitter. In no way did I mean to suggest the African American community is a monolith, not by identity, not on issues at all. Throughout my career, he writes, I've witnessed a diversity of thought, background and sentiment within the African American community. It's this diversity that makes our workplaces, communities, and country a better place. You know what this is, It's just total spin, political bs, that's all this is. This is a politician that is caught and trying to get out of trouble. I hate to say, I mean just being honest here, We've seen this happened time in and time again. You know, we've gone over his atrocious record on issues involving race, and they are atrocious. And if Donald Trump had these positions and had said all the things and taken all the positions and praised the former klansman the way that Joe Biden did, a guy that that was there filibustering the historic Civil Rights Act to sixty four against the Voting Rights Act in sixty five. I mean, if imagine if any of those positions happened to be Donald J. Trump, Imagine for just a second. By the way, the president, you know, he went after this whole you know, common and controversy yesterday and the black community lacking diversity, and what he found is literally said, after yesterday's statement, he said Biden is no worthy, not worthy anymore of the African American vote. And you go through the record, it matters. It wasn't Barack and Joe that set record. And after record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, in African American youth unemployment, they had eight years, it was Donald Trump who did all of that. They left us after eight years, with thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. When are they going to be held to counta when's the mob ever going to tell you that story? So anyway, you know, I remember what a President Trump say the last time, what have you got to lose? Which is a statement in and of itself. In other words, they come every two and every four years and ask for votes. Okay, historically greater percentage of the African American community vote goes to Democrats. What have they done? Cities run by liberal Democrats for decades, they can't even provide basic law order, safety security, ie the city of Atlanta, New York City, Shook Cogo, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, let's start there. I mean, it is, you know, the same Joe Biden that praised the former Clansman that that Philip busters the Civil Rights Act. See he also supported an anti busting amendment by the former Clansman. You know, that's he who did all of this. He was worried about his children that if integration took place, that they would grow up in a racial jungle. His words. NBC News were reported on it. Lies about marching in the civil rights protest, lies about the NAACP supporting him. He's the one with the crime Bill ninety three referring to inner city youth as predators. That's him, said brags, Well, my state was a slave state. What the hell does that mean? I mean, it's unbelievable. It makes the comment. You know, what did he say at the time? He said, whatever? I mean, this guy, you know you ain't black. I mean, where does this all come from? You know, poor kids are just as smart as white kids. The guy that you know again like every two and four years, they're gonna put you all back in chains. Wow, said that too. Unbelievable Barack Obama. I mean you've got the first, not the second and the third. No, the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy. I mean that storybook man. He loves Come on, a man, he loves the man. Thing. Can't can't go to a seven level and dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking. Unbelievable. Imagine if this was Donald J. Trump. You know, I think the President is right who did the crime bill, criminal justice reform? Was that Barack and Joe? Was it Donald Trump? Well, that was President Trump who did police reform. And they could have done police reform in eight years, right after Ferguson, after after Baltimore, after Cambridge. No, they didn't do that. Donald Trump did it. Who's committed more money for the longest period of time to historically black colleges. That's Donald Trump, not Barack and not Joe under who created opportunity zones from majority minority communities in the country, That's Donald Trump. On top of record low unemployment, record low uneployment. By the way, it was interesting to watch the Attorney General of the United States, Bill Barr literally got stopped his motorcade and got out of his car and at a thank you pro police rally. That's the ninety nine percent of brave men and women that serve and protect their communities and risk their lives every day. Those are the people over two thousand injured, fourteen dead with all the anarchy going on. Those are the ones we're watching being hit with bricks and rocks and molotov cocktails and canes and bottles and hockey sticks now and being blinded with lasers, knives, guns, all the cops attacked in New York City. It's anarchy in these cities. You know, you want to you want to believe the promise of liberal Democrats and the Green New Deal. Everything's free, everything's free, everything's free, free, free, free. Okay, all the cities that have been run by liberal Democratic mayors for years, all the blue states run by liberal Democratic governors for years. Well, how are they doing with law and order and safety and security? Not? Well, that's the number one responsibility. How are those same liberal cities doing with education? They usually have the worst record on the planet Earth. They're failing our kids the most run by liberal Democrats for decades. These things, these issues, law and order, education, they are on the ballot in eighty eight days and sooner if you're voting early. Hannity dot Com for our election interaction map. Anyway, the Attorney General saw this and he said, you know you're driving in Virginia. Attorney General spots a group of people in front of a police precinct showing their support for our brave men and women. EG tells his FBI security detail. Can we make a quick U turn? I want to jump out and thank those people. Crowd was thrilled. You hear the expression with the expression of support. This is awesome, one guy said as the Attorney General greeted each person. Another woman said, we love you. One of the pro police protesters can be heard complimenting the Attorney General for his performance last week during the Total Shift show the Democratic Ledhouse Judiciary Committee clown show, did a wonderful job on your testimony, as another woman chimed in spectacular I thought that drew a chuckle from bar. I mean, these are crazy times and the mob and the media will never tell you the truth about any of this. It's sad. Now you got protesters police clashing again outside Portland precinct. The mayor there saying please stop, please stop. This is hurting Joe's reelection. To Joe's election chances like wow. Justice Department send federal agents to Saint Louis and Memphis. DHS chief detailing the attacks by writers on lawn horsemen in Portland with sledge hammers and i eds now are being used and he said these attacks on law enforcement in Portland are ongoing. Says they saw rioters bring sophisticated weapons in Portland Portland police described front lines of the violent protest gone on now for what nearly two months as this idiot Portland mayor up and the police chief, you're attempting to commit murder. Think seriously, President keeps begging them for help. Governor Kemp and Georgia signed a new law to protect police and other first responders. Portland now records the deadliest month in nearly thirty in thirty years. Are you surprised, I'm not. Oregon Democrat wants to replace cops by using unarmed teams like funded via medicaid hike. Okay, that's dumb. Milwaukee police chief demoted over tear gas use. He should sue because that was he was trained to use that to disperse crowds, like every other police department. Portland mayor condemns the rioters for attempting to commit murder. Oh a little late two months later, rioters vandalized set fired at a Portland Police Association office. Yeah, great job, Mayor, you're doing great. All you liberal governors you're doing great too. Guess what now you're chasing your citizens the hell out of your cities and your states. And if you're one of those people that are smart enough to get the hell out of there. Don't bring your liberal policies with you and destroy the red state that you're going to end up in that's safer and has a better economy in lower taxes and less burdensome regulation. Biden flip flopped again, this time on defunding the police. I don't want to defund the police. I want to get police more money. Huh. Okay. We change every hour of every day. Maybe it doesn't remember what he said the last hour. I don't know. It's pretty pathetic though. By the way, the president is DHS. The border wall is continuing. Two sixty five new miles a wall built. They expect well over four hundred miles by election day. It's a lot of new miles a wall. And he didn't get any help from anybody in Congress on the Democratic side, even though they supported it. In the second term of Obama and Biden, President announced he will signed executive orders to accelerate the economic recovery, and he went on to say that when I asked about the executive orders, well that means basically, I'm not waiting for Nancy and Chuck and they're insane demands for everything other than help for people that still need help as a result of coronavirus. I'm just gonna tell you this is you know. By the way, new Gingrich had some advice for the president. My opponent won't rule out raising taxes, but I will. I think Trump's I think it's a great position, especially with the new information on the economy. The recoveries happening more quickly than I imagine it could happen. Good news for America, good news for the country. Final stage trials as it relates to a vaccine for coronavirus. By the way, Governor Dwine Ohio would reportedly tested positive. It was a false positive, So we'll see what happens there. The President is doubled down on what he's going to do with these executive orders because the Democrats that playing politics is always upon departing the Oval office, I noticed my staff continue to work payroll tax cut, eviction protections, unemployment extensions, student loan repayment options. That's because they don't care. The Democrats, the playing politics, that's what they always do. That's who they are, that defines them, GOP senators. You know, okay, good for those that need unemployment as long as the economy is coming back. Look at these numbers today, they're amazing, and thank god, thank god, that's that's pretty darn good. We can we can have some good news for once final stage trial testing for vaccines. Who would have ever thunk it, just in eight short months from the first identified case on January twenty first travel band January thirty first, All right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show. All right, loaded up John Lott at the Leo Terrell, Sergeant Amitrick Penny. We're also going to keep him for the hour. I have a long discussion about all the issues we're now facing and the anarchy in the cities and how to be safe and uh, we're gonna let you call in and ask the three of them questions. By the way, I'll be on The Great One Show on Saturday night on the Fox News Channel. Maria Barrett to Romo's gonna be on Sunday night. Amazon dot Com now forty percent off of Live Free or Die America in the world on the brink. I'm excited that they discounted it. It's in bookstores everywhere around the weekend. Got to take a break. We'll come back and then later. Also, David Limbaugh, author and columnists, will join us as well. Sean's new book, Live Free or Die is now available field free to grab your gabby, in stores and online everywhere. Live Free or Die. All right, now, we're two Sean Hannity Show. Thanks Scott Shannon eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Thank you for an amazing launch week Live Free or Die America in the world on the brink. I believe all of that is true, and there's a lot on the ballot, as we've been going through our lists all week long, and it is the biggest tipping point election we'll probably ever see. I've never seen such radicalism adopted by a major political party as Joe Biden partnered with Bolshevic, Bernie and Bozo and Pelosi and Schumer and pledging trillions to this green new deal madness. It's nuts anyway, all the details on Hannity dot Com. By the way, finally, the book is actually in real bookstores if hopefully your bookstores are open where you happen to live this weekend, if you're out and about anyway, So we have a lot to discuss this this hour, among which is this lawsuit with just eighty nine days yesterday to go before, you know, to go against the NRA, and the NRA, I can only imagine, was ready to spend millions and millions of dollars because of their advocacy of the president, who stands strong. They said, the strongest president ever as it relates to the Second Amendment, the only president, by the way, that ever went to a right to life rally, not one other president had ever gone to one. And that we've never had a better president better to the state of Israel or religious freedom than Donald J. Trump anyway, So it comes out of nowhere, and I'm thinking at a time when you're in the middle of a pandemic, and by the way, I've got to imagine that there's going to be a lot of lawsuits filed based on the executive order of the Governor of New York to send COVID nineteen patients into nursing homes and into long term care facilities. We'll see. And of course, we have all the violence in New York and the streets aren't safe, and police are being attacked, and a one year old child killed in a stroller outside of park in Brooklyn, New York. I would think those might be the priority. So the timing of this lawsuit by the Attorney General of the State of New York is somewhat dubious to me. I want to play that, and then I want to play of course, we know Joe Biden is for defunding the police. He said, so we'll reallocating, let me get the terms correct and or reappropriating. And also that he's the guy that called the police saying them now become the enemy, and he picked his You know, what are you supposed to do if your police, like in Seattle, the police chief is saying, well, we're not going to be there because we've been literally you know, we've put had handcuffs put on us and we can't even use the traditional tools to disperse rioting crowds. So I'm not going to put my officers in harm's way. And if you're a resident or a business owner, you're pretty much on your own because that's what happened anyway, So what do you do. Well, many has been gun buying at a record pace around this country since all the unrest started. And then of course Joe Biden bragging yesterday, Yeah, he is going to come and take your AK forty seven. He already pledged that with his relationship with his guns. Are Beto, Bozo or Rourke? Hell yes, he said in that debate, I'm coming to get your guns anyway. Let's play first the Attorney General in New York and then we'll play Biden and Bozo. Improper expense documentation, improper wage reporting, improper income tax withholding, failure to make required excise tax reporting and payments, payments in excess of reasonable compenensation to disqualified persons, and waste of NRA assets, amongst other offenses. For these years of fraud and misconduct, we are seeking an order to dissolve the NRA in its entirety, to require mister Lapierre, mister Phillips, mister Powell, and mister Frasier to make full restitution for funds they unlawfully profited and in salaries they earned while employees while they earned while employees, and pay penalties. To remove mister Lapierre and mister Frasier from the NRA's leadership, and to ensure none of the four for individual defendants can never again serve on the board of a charity in New York State. It's clear that the NRA has been failing to carry out its state admission for many many years and instead has operated as a breeding ground for greed, abuse and brazen illegality. Hell, yes, we're going to take your A R fifteen, your AK forty seven. Gonna got to this last year. See to this guy, you're gonna take care of the gun. Follow with me. All right there it is, his guns are joining us. Now. We're going to keep him for the hour so we can get deep into this discussion. John Lott, President Crime Prevention Research Center, author of the new book Uncontrolled Myths, which was released in the early July. At the Leo Terrell Civil Rights Attorney. This is two point o Leo Terrell and Dmitrick Penny is with us. Thank you all for being with us. Well let me start with you, John Lott. We've been spent a while since we've had you on. But this will now be like everything else to every other position. Biden is taking the most anti Second Amendment president ever in history, if he's ever elected. Look, I agree with what you said earlier that this so many things are on the balance this year, and I've never seen such an important election to determine whether or not people are going to be able to own privately owned guns in the future. I mean, just look at the courts. People talk about the number of judges that Trump has confirmed, and he's had two hundred judges on the federal courts, but he's just been able to bring the federal courts into rough balance. The Democrats control the circuit courts for twenty four states. In the District Columbia, which is considered the second most important court, the Republicans control it for twenty six. But the thing is the states that the Democrats control the circuit courts for, they control a lot of those state governments, and they're passing one crazy gun control law after another. And if you're going to want to have any hope of having California's gun control laws or New York's restrained in any way, you're going to have to have Trump be there for another four years to hopefully begin to be get those courts under control, because right now, the circuit courts there are approving all the gun control laws, no matter how restrictive they are for people living in those Saints You know, Leo Terrell I had Comrade de Blasio on my show once and I won't play it again. Now I played it a number of times, and he comes into my studio. As for armed New York City police officers, he's now cut the budget by a billion dollars and got rid of the Street Crime Task Force, which was the most effective in terms of stopping crime on the streets of New York City. And so I ask you, you know, you see this, this rush to get firearms. You hear Joe Biden say he's gonna get rid of them. You hear Beto o'roura kellier we're coming for your guns. How do people then protect themselves? They're not going to have police departments, Seattle police chiefs saying no, not gonna be there. What do people do? I mean, how do you how do you pursue happiness if you're not safe? How do you protect yourself? You can't sure. Even while I with Leo Terrell one point, Oh, I was very strong Second Amendment. I am. I believe in the Second Amendment, the right to bear armed. So this is something that is very very important when you talk about democratic cities, you know, the taking guns away from law body citizens in these cities that are game plagued and the Democrats years are turning their backs on these democratic cities as far as law and order. I'm telling you this is an assault on the Second Amendment. That Attorney General, no question, this is politically motivated when she talks about the years of corruption. The years of corruption is when the NRA has been fighting to maintain Second Amendment rights for every American. It really seems to me that the Democrats are trying to take away an issue from the NRA. I eat does help Trump. They are now trying to distract. But the key issue is in the Second Amendment is the only WEDS to protect law body citizens from the criminals. You know it's a little bit scary, Sergeant Penney. I know you're running for the congressional District number thirty in Texas. I gotta tell you you're you're out there. You've been twenty one years as a police officer. How do I know how I protect myself? I'm not depending on anybody a phone call. By the time the phone call gets there, even if it's the quickest response time in history, maybe all be over by the time the cops get here. Absolutely absolutely, That's why we want to encourage our residence to continue about to purchase their gun. And look, the n r A has been around for one hundred and fifty three years. We can't forget that. And I've been a long time member of the nra A, so I'm gonna be a lifetime But what I will tell you is they couldn't get the gun by going through a formal amendment procedure to revise the Constitution. They couldn't do it that way. So instead they're gonna try to use this legal process. So this New York Attorney General, Lukisha Jane, she's been a long time Democrat. She's a Democrat, so we know them. During the election cycle, she's gonna use every political will that she has to go after the Republican institutions or to go after Republican candidates. Look that hurts candidate. I gotta tell I don't know anything about the NRA's finances. I don't know any I don't know a single thing about it. And by the way, you said you encourage citizens in where you are to get their own firearm, I I would I also add to that whatever firearm you want to get. And I've been a marksman and a pistol marksman, and not a rifle marksman. Since I was, you know, eleven years old. Ten eleven years old when I started taking lessons, my mom was a prison guard. There were guns in the house and they didn't have the fingerprints safes that opened today, so they wanted to make sure they're incorrigible. Ten year old adventurous son didn't take that gun and do something stupid. So they taught me guns safety and brought me to the range again and again and again, and I was I was taught in guns safety from day one. So I'd urged people to get proper training with whatever they get us. And that's I mean, the time to learn how to use a gun is not when something happens. Oh I just bought this gun. How does it work? You know? Look, I've been I've been police officers for twenty years here in Dallas. Since I've doing this apartment, my babies were my kids were a young adults now, but they were kids this whole time. I had a gun in every room in his house, and my kids never even never even thought of nessa with my guns. I would even take them to the range so they can understand how to use Guess this in case they had to. So look, with this nonsense going on, I want to be the first person to stay right here, right now. I want to encourage the NRAA to pick up their their backs and move here to the state of Texas. We love them. And Sean, I point out one of the things you mentioned to blows here with his security detail. In LA they try to define the LAPD and guess what it was exposed at the council president. She had a police detail twenty four to seven until it was in the news that this ye had to get rid of it. So these Democrats talk one way, but they live another way. They love security, they love department. What's past point eighty percent in the most recent Gallup poll of black support more police. So I mean it's a it's a it's a disconnect between the democratic leadership ATIFA black lives Matter in law and order body democrats in Minneapolis, where the city council voter unanimis lead to defund the police department. Whatever that's gonna mean. The city council is also spending seven thousand dollars per week per city council member to have private arts, private security. What a joke? Right? Crazy? All right? Stay right there. We'll come back more with John Lott at the Leo Turell, Twitter, Dimitric Penny running for the congressional District thirty. Don't oh, I meant to tell you Amazon today forty percent discount on Live Free or Die America in the world on the brink. Although Leo gets a free copy. Because Leo is now mentioned it so many times on the air, makes me seem like a cheap skate friend. I'm not. But it's it's in the mail, Leo, We're sending it. Just give Linda your address, all right. I want you to all save money. That's why I like the fact that Hannity dot com Amazon dot Com forty percent off. I'm really happy about that. I'm a smelly Trump voting Walmart chopper Proud one. All Right, we're gonna keep them for the four John Lott, Leo Terrell, Sergeant Dimitric Penny with us. We're also going to bring in your calls for them in the next half hour eight hundred and nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, I want to remind you that look, early voting is starting in just a couple of weeks in some states. If you need to find when do you need to register to vote? Where do you register to vote in your state? Who's your congressional candidate? What about early voting? When does that start in your state? How do you do absentee voting? And ballots? All that information on Hannity dot com an interactive map. It's just an information map, that's all it is. To make you feel better and make you understand more about this, you know, messed up electoral process Sadly that we have short segment here, John Lott, you know you know study guns more than anybody, and you come under fire because you know your first big hit was more guns, less crime. How is that true? Well, you know, anybody who's read my academic work know that I think police are extremely important. I think they're the single most important factor. But has just been talked about police themselves. Understand, even in normal times, they virtually always arrive on the crime scene after the crimes occurred. The question what people do when they're having to confront a criminal by themselves, And it's not rocket science. Just as you can make it riskier for criminals to commit crimes with higher rest rates or higher conviction rates, and that deters criminals. You can also make it riskier for criminals to commit crime by letting victims defend themselves. I'll give you a simple fact here. Every place in the world that's banned either all guns or all handguns has seen murder rates go up. You would think out a randomness, you'd get one time where they banned guns and murder rates went down or at least stayed the same. And there's a simple reason for this, and that is when you ban guns, it's the most law abiding, good citizens who obey the rules and turn in their guns. And to the extent that you disarm law abiding citizens relative to criminals, you actually make it easier for criminals to go and commit crimes. And the thing is, if my research convinces me of anything, it's basically the most vulnerable people on society who benefit the most from owning guns. People were relatively weaker physically, women in the elderly. Oh, listen, they have no means to defend themselves. But listen to good news is I'm not rushing you. Stay right there. John Lott at the Leo Terrell Twitter Sergeant Penny running for the congressional District thirty in Dallas forty percent off on Live free or diet, which is pretty amazing on week one. Very happy about that, Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. If you're out in about this weekend, Quick Break will come back your calls for our guest eight hundred nine four one sewn next all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Very happy Amazon dot com by the way, for launch week. This is huge. They have a forty percent discount today which I was shocked about. Very happy though. Bookstores everywhere if you're out in about this weekend, and we have an announcement Monday about a bunch of fun things that we're doing and hopefully you want to be a part of anyway. So we'll continue with our guests John Lott at the Leo Terrell and Sergeant Dimitric Penny with us now running for the thirtieth Congressional district twenty one years on the job in Dallas. Let's go back to Joe Biden, and of course the police become the enemy and Lauren Bobart who confronted Bozo, hell no, you're not taking our guns, after Bozo said, hell yes, we're coming to get take your guns. Listen, sir, plus military equipment for law enforcement. They don't need that. The last thing you need is an up armer in humvee coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody to become the enemy. They're supposed to be protecting these people. So my jineering point is that we agree that we can redirect some of the funding. Yes, absolutely. One of the things that we also need to be doing is fun mentally changing the way, and I'm pushing it for years, changing the way we deal with our prison system. I am here to say hell, no, you're not. I have four children and five foot zero, one hundred pounds cannot really defend myself with a fist. I want to know how you're going to legislate that, because a criminal by defense breaks the law. So all you're going to do is restrict law abiding citizens like myself. Wow, she's now running for Congress in Colorado. Let me go back to the Leo Terrell. Now we're gonna take your calls this segment as well for the for our guest, Leo, you wanted to respond to that. Yeah, you know, even though it's amazing. Shot. You know, I'm a political nut. I love politics, and Joe Biden used to get tremendous police support from the police unions. He's gone so far left just is getting all the police support Donald Trump police union. And I'm listening to this tape and I'm saying, this guy is not even in control. The extremist taking over his entire policies because they have they're basically attacking police officer. It's just shocking to hear this. Bernie Sanderd and TIFA, Black Lives Matter have hijacked the Democratic Party and Joe Biden no longer is a friend of police. It's amazing. All right, let me get some calls in here because a lot of you have a lot of questions, and for our guests, let's first start with Tim and Ohio. Oh Tim, We're gonna be paying close attention to the Buckeye State in eighty eight days. Glad you're with us. You're on with John, Leo and Demitrick. Thanks for calling, Hey, Sean and joy your program. Leo, welcome to the Welcome to the fight. You know of all this gun control stuff going on in the NRA and stuff I was just wondering. You know, I'm hoping you could get me a list of all those social workers that are just jumping out and volunteered to still in the gaping of the police, won't go, are afraid to go, right. But you know, it's interesting to bring that up because in the same interview that you just played a clip from Sean, there was another discussion where the journalists there was saying talking about the Atlanta shooting with the Brooks guy and saying that wouldn't it be great if we could just replace the police officers with social workers, and Biden agreed with him. You know, he was saying that if we could just have replaced the police doing the call with social workers, then there wouldn't have been a shooting there. Anybody who watched the video knows that the police behaved very courteously. By the book that was there, the guy was a head taller than either the police officers and probably had at least seventy pounds on them, and he attacked them and despite them being very courteous, and took the stunt gun from one of them, fired once and was about to fire the other one when the officers shot him. I'm not sure what anybody could have done. But the police officer was fired and uh he faces uh felony charges for murder and faces the death penalty. Uh. You know. The thing is, Biden thought it was a good idea of replacing the police officers with social workers there. What would a social worker have done in that situation. They're not trained to go and deal with somebody who's much stronger than them in terms of violencephant, the elephant in the room is very simple. Biden is not all there. He does not have the mental alertness every day. He gasped. So we're all pretending, not not foing Sean, we're pretending that Biden is all there. He is not all there period. All right, Dmitrich go ahead, No, no, just real quick. I want to I want to appreciate that call up with saying that, because at the end of the day, these social workers are not equipped to go in and deal with these volom behaviors of individuals. You have to have law enforces to be able to counteract the these bolling behaviors in each community there. Since two thousand and eight, there have been nearly four hundred thousand shooting shooting deaths in the United States, more than three quarters of those incidents have been instances where the victim didn't have a gun. They would they were victimized by these criminals. So if you gotta if you start putting guns in people's hands, people can start defending themselves. And that's that's what I'm gonna be the BIS biggest advocate for is promoting more more citizens owning guns and more officers being on the streets because we have to deal with this criminal element and get back to some level of rugal law in this country. Back to the phones, Colorado, we have an important center race Corey Gardner. We'll be watching Colorado. It's another state that could potentially be in play for the president. I would hope Aaron and Colorado. You are on with John Leo and Dimitric Glad You called yeah. Mine is about emergency services in the IRS, we pay taxes for their services. Can we go to an opt out program? That way the people that don't want police to be funded, you know, and then the government can't again take the money away from those services and reallocate it. The RS can tell you tell the police who's not paying for emergency services? I want to opt out that way I can stay opted in to pay for police services. Wow, well said uh Leo. You know what, it's a novel idea. We should explore that. As a lawyer, I'm listening to it. It's very good. But hey, let's see what happens to this upcoming election. What do you what's your take, Demetric, Yeah, Look, I'm i'm I'm I'm looking at this situation where um, I don't I don't know about anyone anyone opting out. Look, I don't think anyone wants to opt out. But look if they want to opt out of these little mayors and and and uh and governors want to opt out of services that opt out others of them. Stills, if I say something, these states and these these uh, these things that have allowed individuals to be victimized, I think that they have a real legal issue on their hand where the victim people that have them victimized these communities should be falling lawsuits against them against the local estate government because they failed to protect them. And every person has a right to there that before teach the member of the right to equal protection under the law. And they are being victimized in their communities, and we got to find a way to get people to start fighting back using the court system. All right back to our phones as we say hi to Rodney in Virginia, Rodney Uron with John Leo and Demitric glad you called. Thanks for taking my call. Yes, you know. I see it a further slide into socialism with all this turning to the government again to find answers for us, and I just want to I want to emphasize that I'd like to see the Republican Party emphasize that we are a nation of businesses, and we can make businesses more relevant, more benevolent, and more prevalent in the community where in a high profile way where people will stop turning to the government. Here's an example. I teach the inner city school. I teach inner city school, and we've got kids doing auto mechanics who don't know anything about the industry for auto mechanics. They see themselves as wanting to become rapstar artists or criminals or basketball players. We're reaching out to but we're reaching out to Bubble Wallace of NASCAR to come and help officiate a NASCAR event with inner city kids and suburban kids. A go cart race where you have cash prizes and all and get introduced to the NASCAR industry, which is a huge industry. I get introduced to. I have kids, they don't even know what NASCAR is. Let me tell you, every kid. When I was a kid, all me and my friends, we love cars. We just I mean, I mean, when I got my license, it was like the it was freedom Day. And then I got into fixing cars, and you know a lot of friends and we just you know, did our best. I learned how to do tune ups and breaks and you know, starters in alternate There's nothing big. I didn't do training or engine rebuilds, but I learned a lot and I'm glad I did. It's such a good idea. And you know, I think I think every kid would love loves cars, especially fast cars, cool cars. I think we all love that. Anyway, let's get some response. Let's see, John, you haven't talked in a while. What do you think. Look, I am at a loss to understand why blacks vote for Democrats. I mean, you know, you look at the schools, the failing schools and the inner cities. Who's being hurt by that and wants to get rid of charter schools and he wants to Can I just finish? I understand. You know, he wants to get rid of charter schools, he wants to go and end voucher programs like the scholarship program in DC. But you know, on the gun issue too. What the other point I was going to make earlier is that the other group people who benefit the most are the people who are most likely victims of violent crime, and that overwhelmingly tends to be poor blacks who live in high crime urban areas. It would be great if the police could be there all the time, but the police can't be there, so the people who are most likely victims benefit the most. But yet Democrats keep pushing for rules that make it costly for people to have guns. In Washington, DC, where you have background checks on the private transfers of guns, it cost one hundred and twenty five dollars to do the background check. They may not stop Sean or myself, for the other people on the phone here, Leo or Dmitri, but pore Blacks who need them the most, one hundred twenty five dollars may be the difference between whether they can legally buy a gun to protect themselves and their families at Fort Democrats and the former drinking Democrat. I can tell you why, because there's poverty pimps in the black community. There's the Alice Sharpton's, there's the Jesse Jackson telling people you need us, you need the government, and blacks have in condition. I broke away from that mindset this year and telling people we need to educate them that there's an alternative. But you're talking about fifty years of profiteering by the same people who are trying to help us. They're hurting up. These are the profit here is They're going on for fifty years. We got to change that mindset. Brian and Los Angeles. That's at the Leo Terrell's home turf. Brian say, how to John Leo and Demitric glad you called, sir big fellas. How you doing? Thanks Sean for taking my call. Hey, I just want to say, there's an old fashioned saying out there. You know, you have the freedom of choice, but you don't have a freedom of consequences. And I think people need to reflect on that a little bit more. And then the other question I had for you, Sean, because I know you're a lawyer. M No, actually I'm not a lawyer. Why would you insult me? You know, the two things you could say that all really insult me. By Hannity called me congressman or a lawyer, that'll insult me. Well, sorry, Leo, no offense, but I mean not to insult anybody. I'm a good lawyer. Listen. I hired the best. Let's see. I got Charles Harder as my lawyer. I got Lyndon wood is my lawyer. I got Jay Sekulo as my lawyer. David Limbaugh's my lawyer. I got a lot of lawyers in my life. Well, there's a great question. Maybe you can pass it on to them. Can they sue Black Lives Matter and Antifa for actually kind of causing this and looting and all the you know, the philoss to fires to be talking about the group, and there's a distinction the group that chance, you know what, do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? And pigs in a blanket fraym like bacon and then the people that were peaceful had said Black Lives Matter, they're not associated with the group, And I think the distinction needs to be made. Leo, your thoughts, that's a good question. I agree with you. First of all, to answer the question, you can anybody can see w anybody as far as prevailing on that case. No, because you're blaming black lives, these extreme black lives, for all the crime and going all the crime going on these democratic cities, and there's a lot of people responsible. So suing them yet, Winnie not a chance. But Sean is right. There were peaceful protesters, but there were a criminal element out there who were attaching themselves to the peaceful protesting. That is another reason why I left the Democratic Party because they wouldn't call them out. Wait, let me respond to that real quick. Sean, you bet, yes, yes, in theories you can because I sewed them back in twenty sixteen. I'm not talking about suing individuals. I'm talking about suing the actual father one c three organizations that exists that has organized. If you have these house party, what individuals are coming out and people get hurt at your horse at your house party, that house party is your responsibility. You are lied before it. That's essentially what I'm saying about these organizers or Black Lives Matter, actually Black Lives Matter movement, who has their own asso in their own website that group can be libed before I hadn't happened, by the way, they made millions of dollars. By the way, all right. Dmitrick Penna, twenty one year vet Dallas Police Force running for the thirtieth Congressional District in Dallas. John Lott, President Crime Prevention Research Center, author of new book un Controlled Myths, just released a togo at the Leo Terrell two point zero on Twitter. Anyway, thank you. I'll hope you have a great weekend. We appreciate you being with us eight hundred and nine four one sean if you want to be a part of the program. As I mentioned, David Limbaugh not only my attorney but for thirty years, but a friend author in his own right columnist. He had a great column about Biden out today. We'll get to that. Don't forget Live free or Die now in bookstores everywhere today forty percent off on Amazon dot com. Very happy about that because I'm a smelly Trump supporting Walmart shopper, and I like Walmart because you save money and you get every single thing you can imagine. Is there? All right? News roundup and information overload and thank you. Amazing week I've enjoyed all of these incredible events. We've had a lot more announcements, so things we're doing next week on Monday on this program. Amazing stuff and it's a lot of fun and connected with so many people on these virtual events, some of them you know, a million, two million people viewing them, and we're really excited about it. As we now enter these eighty eight days, I think I think I'm going to do a lot more in terms of you know what, it's very easy to connect with people, easier than ever, and you know, maybe we'll do like a weekly twenty twenty forum online and some weeks maybe we'll just take questions from all of you about the state of the race, what's going on in your city, your state, and maybe we'll do him. I'm gonna try and do as many as I can because it's I didn't realize how much fun it is. Number one and number two just an opportunity to get out news information, election information that the mob of the media will never give you. For example, I mean this is now blown up in Biden's faces. You know, he has a whole history on this issue of race that we talk about. Imagine if Donald Trump supported the guy and praised the guy that literally was responsible for filibustering the night nineteen sixty four Civil Rights Act, and then of course it was against the sixty five Voting Rights Act, and then of course joined with Biden, joined with Robert the former clansman KKK Bird. As it relates to issues involving segregation and integration of schools, Biden say, not wanting his kids in schools that will become a racial jungle. Those are his words. Imagine again, what if it was what if it was Donald Trump that said that. I mean Biden literally supported the anti bussing amendment to the federal bill. He led the charge NBC, I've quoted a lot on an issue that kept black students away from the classrooms of white students. And then more modern day stuff that he said. Let's listen to some of his hits if you will. I think the two party system, although my Democratic colleagues an't like me saying this, I think the two party system is good for the South and good for the good for the black in the South. But aren't you a living example. I am an anachronis I'm a twenty nine year old odd ball. The only reason I was able to raise the money. Is I was able to have a national constituency to run for office because I was twenty No, I'm like the token black or the token woman. I was a token young person. But don't matter what you're intent, there are going to be those who say it's a it's a segregated things, it's a question of race, and that you have set back the movement of disegregation of schools. How would you answer what I answer that is, I predict that the young black leadership of America will overwhelming to decide with me. I predict that in nineteen eighty and eighty four, and my position will be totally vindicated by the sociologist and by the civil rights after. You know, I come from that side of the track. That's where I'm from. I was a defense lawyer, I handled civil rights cases. I sat in Unroute forty. I mean, you know, I'm not from the other side of this. And I happen to think that the one way to ensure that you set the civil rights movement in America further back is to continue to put bussy because it's a bankrupt policy. It doesn't matter whether or not they're the victims of society. The end result is they're about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons. So I don't want to ask what made them do this. They must be taken off the street. We should focus on them now, not out of a liberal instinct for love, brother and humanity, although I think that's a good instinct, but for simple pragmatic reasons. If we don't, they will, or a portion of them, will become the predators fifteen years from now, and Madam President, we have predators on our streets. I think the concept of bussing, which implicit in that concept is the question you just ask, or the statement within the question you just ask, that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learned grow up with one another, and all the rest is a rejection of the whole movement of Black pride. Although I and my colleagues behind me revered the Senate Robert C. Bird elevated the Senate. Well, if there was ever a Senator who was the embodiment of his state, there's ever a senator who in fact reflected his state, it was Robert c bird in Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans. Movie from India. You cannot go to a seven eleven or Duncan Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. What kind of a chance with a Northeastern liberal like Joe Biden stand in the South better than anybody else. And you don't know my state. My state was a slave state, My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. He got the first sort of stream America. Who is articulate and brave, clean bicycle guy. I mean, that's a story unchained Wall Street. You're gonna put y'all back in chains. It's a long way into November. We got more questions. You got more questions back Terry. If you have a problem figuring out whether you're fremire Trump and you ain't black? All right? News found up in Information Overload Hour. We're joined now nationally syndicated columnists. Friend of mine, attorney of mine for many many years, and author Best New York Times best selling author in his own right many times over. David limbaughs with us. A new column is out. How long can the media cover for Biden's racial gaffs before I ask that question. Thank you, by the way for hosting the event with us of the virtual town all online. I can't believe how many people watched it, and we're very grateful, and you were great at it. And I know I talk a lot, but you know right now, I've got a lot to say with eighty eight days to go, and you're a dear friend. So how long can the media cover for Biden? Thank you great to be on it with a lot of fun last night for your great book. I hope we talk about that in a minute. But I don't think that this can go on forever that they're not The public will not allow him to be in the basement throughout the election. It's going to become so obvious. COVID can only be a cover for so long. Plus he comes out, and every time he comes out, he makes a gigantic mistake, and he can't recover from these mistakes. The only thing is that the media can do its best to cover for him and make false excuses about what he's saying. But what he's saying is completely racist, and he has a long history of racist comments. Trump has no history of racist comments, and they twist things Trump says, Biden overtly says racist things about Indians, about Blacks, about Hispanic and the media doesn't care because they want to elect a leftist or a guy who can be manipulated by his puppet masters. And by the way, Sean, he will be manipulated by his puppet masters if he should be elected, because he is mentally incompetent and getting worse every day. So whoever's running him and who's ever trying to hide him in the basement, it's a horrifying thing because they will be pulling the strings, the people who are condoning, but he's identifying who they are. He's already signed on the Bolshevik Bernie's Economic Plan, AOC's New Green Deal. He's pledging trillions for that madness. Beto Bozo. Hell, yes, we're taking your guns as his guns are. And Pelosi and Schumer, we already know, we know who that, we know what the agenda is. He's stating it publicly, and that's the problem. It's the most radical platform of any any quote mainstream a party running for president ever in history. You know that's so true, and you make that point in spades in your book It's ironic that they almost nominated Biden by acclamation, As you recall, he wasn't doing well in the primaries that he won. I guess it was South Carolina North Carolina, and all of a sudden, all the people started endorsing him. It was as if they had a Star Chamber meeting and said, look, we can't afford to be associated this clearly with AOC and the squad and Bernie. We have to put the face of Biden out there because at least he's perceived to be more of a moderate, and now he's nominated by acclamation, and he turns out that he's even coming right out front and adopting leftism in our face anyway, So if they did have a strategy to go more centrist, they have totally failed. And so I don't think people realize how America is still conservative. Ultimately, it's still law and order, and they're seeing these kinds of this kind of anarchy and chaos out in the streets and the Democrats enabling it. I think they have a lot to be fearful about. Especially, And by the way, another thing that's great, this economy's coming back. Who predicted it would come back? With a lot to lose by getting his going out on a limb. Trump Trump said it's gonna come back when we reopened, and they have tried their best to keep it from reopening, and it's still The numbers are amazing. They're astoundingly good. By the way, the press is trying to deny how good these figures are. Are you excited about this comeback? Listen? I got I've went over those in great specificity, in details earlier in the program. Remarkable, and yeah, we don't want to open schools. It's so funny because you know Cuomo, they're bleeding literally, residents in New York State and city. They're getting the hell out. I'll cook you dinner, I'll buy you a drink. And then Cuomo comes out and the reason is people are leaving because they have pushed people out. I mean, there's a story out today. Moving experts say they've not been able to keep pace with the demand of people not just leaving, leaving forever. And a day after begging New York tax players come home, Well, if he did buy you the drink and cook your dinner, you're gonna be paying one hundreds of thousands of dollars extra and taxes off of the pleasure of living in that Schiff hole. When you say that in honor of Adam Schiff, you know, and that's true. And what gets me about these numbers ten percent unemployment in relative terms. Has anybody made this point? This is like beyond full employment when you consider the people, I mean as a relative matter, when you consider that so many people have taken themselves out of the public eye. They're afraid to go and rightfully so in some cases, the older people afraid to go out and intermix. And yet we've still got ten percent that I guarantee of twelve percent of the people have voluntarily limited their economic activities, and yet and their unemployment, and yet we've got only ten percent. I just think it's beyond belief how good that is considering what's happened and how and we're just on the upswing. We've just started that getting this economy gone listen, and I only think it's going to get better from here. So, you know, Biden is doing like baby step campaigning and this week spend a disaster the comments that he made about well, number one, he's doubled down on amnesty. He's doubled down on illegal immigrants getting free healthcare. He's doubled down on Bolshevik Bernie and AOC's you know, Bolshevik Bernie's economics and AOC's new Green Deal madness. He's doubled down on eliminating you know, the lifeblood of our economy. He's doubled down on raising taxes. And then you got this other thing, which is, okay, the ever so frail and weak looking Joe. And he does look frail and weak. I mean, this is nothing like a traditional campaign. And the rigors of which we I think we would we by now would have seen that he's just not up to the job. But even poking his head out of his basement bunker for a couple hours here and there is not working out well at all for him. No, it's it's this COVID in a way, is a double edged sword. That is, it's terribly hurt the economy, and that hurts Trump if we're just looking political terms, it is what it is. But on the other I mean, and and it also it keeps I can shielded. It gives him an excuse to stay in the basement. But what I find is amazing is well, well, let me think to make the other point, the devilised Sword part is that it has created an atmosphere of despair and depression, and it was kind of provided, kind of acted as kindling for these riots. And these riots are going to read down to the detriment of the Democratic Party. So so on balance, they're in trouble. I don't care what anybody says. And let me make another point. What is I'll tell you what can you make? The other point? On the other side of the break, we'll continue. David Limbaugh, author Calumnists with Us eight hundred and nine four one sean our toll free telephone number. We'll get to your calls final half hour on this Friday, eighty eight days till Election Day. Live Free Die now in bookstores finally as of Tuesday everywhere, and if you haven't picked up a copy, we have them online at Hannity dot com and Amazon dot com all weekend, Amazon discounting it at thirty four percent, which I like a lot. Saving money is a good thing in my view. And as we continue, David Littball, author Columnists with Us on the twenty twenty election. Again, thanks for the virtual town hall that you're gracious enough to host for for our listeners and viewers. It was a lot of fun. Let's talk about where do you think this ends up? Because you know what, the polls have tightened all the swing states. We saw that with Zogbye earlier in the week. Where do you see this race going? Of course, I'm scared to death and I'm always nervous when it comes to these elections, and the stakes couldn't be higher. In fact that we either preserve America has founded are we don't. And we can see that with how radical the left has become and wanting to do such insane things has defined the police. But it's because of that, ultimately, and because the Republican Party Republicans conservatives overwhelmingly support Donald Trump because he has an incredible record in every objective respect including handling the virus that you document in detail in your book that he had an incredible record before the virus hit. He handled the virus well, the spikes, the fraudulent misrepresentations that the media has made about his coverage of it, about his family. Listen, I think that you've nailed it. It's all on the ballot. Everything we liberty, freedom, capitalism versus the predictable failure of all things radical socialist. David Limbaud, Thanks so much, your dear friend, great columnists, great author, great writer, and thanks so much for being with us. Right eight hundred nine for one Sean Tolfree telephone number, Live Free or Die Week. As we continue, just go to Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. Finally, it's going to be in a bookstore if you're out in a value of bookstores open where you happen to be. I'd be great if you can pick a copy up and share it with your liberal friends. We'll continue all right twenty five now until the top of the hour on this Friday. What a great week it'd spend. Thanks for the amazing launch of Live Free or Die America in the world on the brink, and I believe all of that is true, the biggest choice election tipping point election will ever have. By the way, not a good couple of weeks for Biden. And by the way, Amazon just discounted the book forty percent off. If you're out and about now and maybe you get home, you can get a nice discount. I love that. Also, it's now finally in bookstores if you're also out and about this weekend, we have announcements on Monday, we'll bring you. Let me start with Biden. I mean the positions he's taken. What have I been saying. We've never had a more extreme, what you know, a so called mainstream that's not major political party that is this radical. And this is the week Biden talked about, Oh, undocumented immigrants should have subsidized healthcare and all abolish the filibuster if Republicans don't compromise after he said he wouldn't do that. And unlike African the African American community, the Latino community is diverse. Stupidity, you know you ain't black if you're considering voting for Trump all things that he said, and then, of course are Joe biden montage on issues involving race, which all beyond disturbing. Yeah, Gene Robinson, I'm curious what your take is on Joe Biden's comments. And yes, I think they may have been an artful but but it's the first time that the Democrats that I've heard a national Democratic leader actually say what he's been saying. Aaron, let me start with you. Is it a very insulting Did Joe Biden disparage and insult the black community. He's trying to make the point, and maybe he didn't make it as articulately as he would have liked that. I believe if the point he's trying to make is it most African Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats. And if you travel the country and you go to Florida, for example, you have the Cuban American population, or you might have a Puerto Rican population that has moved to Florida that has a different view than say a Latino and Nevada Arizona. Is it disparaging and insulting what the former vice president said? Yeah, I think that that that is right, John that that that was maybe a artful u contrast that the Vice president was trying to make. And then obviously you saw President Donald Trump seizing on that. You know that kind of in our full remark, did present kind of an opening for President Trump. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian Americans. Movie from India. You cannot go to a seven eleven or a dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. Not much jug what kind of a chance with a Northeastern liberal like Joe Biden stand in the South better than anybody else. And you don't know my state. My state was a slave state, My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. You got the first sort of mainstream cical American who is articulate and brave and clean Bicican guy. I mean, that's a story for unchained Wall Street. You're gonna put you all back in chain. Yes, and by the way, what you all know, but most people don't know. Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things. You go to Florida, you find a very different attitude about immigration in certain places then you do when you're in Arizona. So it's a very different, very diverse community. Should undocumented immigrants also be able to get subsidized healthcare If they are working in the United States America and they are paying taxes, they should have access to healthcare. They should have access to what everybody else's has access to. A should undocumented immigrants also be able to get subsidized healthcare If they are working in the United States America and they are paying taxes, they should have access to healthcare. They should have access to what everybody else's has access to. The way Trump, the way China will respond is one and we gather the rest of the world that in fact and vision and in open trade and making sure that we're in a position that the world that we deal with who It's a long way into November. We got more questions, You got more questions. But I tell me, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're a fremire Trump and you ain't black, I mean, I think it all speaks for itself, speaking in his own words. All right, on this Friday, let's get to our busy phones. Let us say hi to Lisa Marie is in New joy Zy. What's up, Lisa Marie? How are you glad you called? Hey? Sean Hannity, I may hey, Lisa Marie, what's happening? Hi? Everything's okay. Um. I'm a recently retired school teacher, and I'm calling about any teacher, union or politician that isn't fighting to return to the classroom because teachers are essential workers. And may I share something? Sean? Yeah, go ahead, Okay, So not too long ago. I'm walking up and down the aisle as the students are doing their work, and a third grade boy, super quiet, really sweet little boy, taps my arm. He lifts up the bottom of the leg of his sweatpants and he shows me a red welt across his cap. He didn't say a word, he just went back to his work. And it was heartbreaking, Sean. So I called dishus that day, and then it's like the Department of Children's Services. Correct, Yes, that's correct, they came. They took him and his little brother out of that house, and they don't give you, you know, like updates on the case. So I didn't know what was going on about two weeks later. And I'm sure, by the way you're agonizing, did I make the right choice, that I do the right thing, or did I make a mistake? You know, I can imagine that's but if you see a welt, and I mean, I don't even think you if tell me if I'm wrong, I bet you don't even have the flexibility to ask the child, do you. No, Well, I didn't even go to my administrator. I went right to the phone myself because I did not want to get caught up in anybody else's decision making process. If you know what I mean. So anyway, so a couple weeks later, he walks in. I was the music teacher. So he walked into the music room, big old smile on his face. Sean gives me a quick hug, doesn't say a word again, and goes over to his seat. And I came to find out that they were placed with a grandparent. And what a difference. So my question is that my heart is breaking because what's been happening and what will happen to children like this if we don't reopen these schools. Sean, I don't know the answer. I don't know, and all I know is anecdotally. I'm again, I'm not the scientist and I'm not the doctor here. And you know, Corona is, you know, talking about a real, invisible enemy, and it's very difficult, and all the experts got it wrong and all the models were wrong. I look at all these twenty two countries that we've discussed, and they're opening schools and they're doing it safely. And so I'm not telling people what to do, but you're talking about real challenges because real parents that don't have money for babysitters or Nanni's or whatever, you know, all pair or whatever it happens to be. I mean, by the way, the A Parent program it is in existence because it's really really sort of like a win win where kids get to experience the United States. Not kids, but you know what I mean to me, if you're twenty years old, you're a kid, and it doesn't cost a whole lot of money, so it makes it a lot more affordable for people. And I know it's an option that many parents use, but it still cost you knows, on some level money and some people just can't afford it because they're underwater anyway, and not having the schools it creates complications for parents that you know, we can't even you know, begin to fathom. And then what usually ends up happening is parent can't quit working, so the parents going to go to work, and then the kid's going to be, you know, at home. And I know, whenever I was home alone with my incorrigible friends, me being incorrigible with them, you know, we always got in trouble. Now, he played sports that kept us out of a lot of trouble, but our parents had no idea. I mean, it's a very different world. You don't get off the school bus like I did when I was young, and I'm gone and I'll see you know when it turns dark. They didn't know. My parents didn't know where I was. They had no idea. They didn't even ask where I was. You know. If I got in trouble and they found about found out about it later, I got you know what was coming to me. But this is a real problem in this day and age. Parents just can't do or raise their kids the same way. Now. My parents did it the way every parent did it back then, very different time now. When I got in trouble, I got whacked with the belt and most of my friends did too. It was it was common and frankly I deserved it and more every time it didn't damage me. I'm not that frail now, I myself. I never hit my kids. I just took their stuff, you know, from a very young age. My kids love electronics. They get in trouble, I take their electronics. That's simple. It's not that complicated for me. So you know, I don't know the answer. But you know, it's sad that you have to make the report, you don't have any options, and then you can't get any follow up and you care about your the kids in your school. It's hard. By the way, good teachers like yourself. Guess what you're You're a diamond in the rough, You're a You're a rarity, You're a You're a precious gem in a sense that you know, one good teacher can literally change kids' lives. And I just hate this unholy liance with teachers Union in the Democratic Party. I don't I don't think you can fix the public schools in these big cities, you know. That's why I was talking to Hugh Hewitt and one of my events this week, and I said, up, what I would propose is bypassing the teachers Union and come up with an amazing kid through twelve education, reading, writing, maths, stick to the basics. And if kids are not in schools that are educating them at the level they need, then if you have a loving parent or a loving grandparent or aunt or uncle or neighbor or somebody that will grab ahold of these kids and spend the necessary time from kindergarten through twelfth grade and they follow this curriculum that they're gonna they're gonna ace their act and their SATs when it's time for college. But you gotta start young, you know, when you have kids that can't read, you know, nope on a proficient level, or do math on the same level. And we're spending more money than any other country in the industrialized world. Something's radically wrong. And these big cities have failed our children at a spectacular level. Well, they are a national treasure and they're a future. So it's it's daunting what you're bringing up here. But on the other hand, I just gotta say, Lisa Marie, thank you for all you do every day. Well, thank you, Sean. And you know, the things that you're talking about are real, and there's threats all over. If you think about like the active shooter drills that we have, when the students are huddled in a corner of the room, right, I have the door locked, the shades pulled, keeping them calm, and I would tell them afterwards that if there was ever any real danger, I would put myself between you and the danger, and sometimes saying that would be the only thing that would cause some of these children should be less anxious and so we could get, you know, get on with the school day. And my point is there are teachers and coaches that have actually had to do that and have put themselves in harm's way and even lost their lives. We have mass shootings in this country, but we didn't shut the schools down for the mass shootings. I mean, I'm not saying that this is a threat too, because this virus is a threat, but I disagree that the best answer is to close the schools. Sean, you make a compelling case, and uh, you know, if you know, we got to learn what countries do right and what we did wrong. What Cuomo did and what de Blasio did was wrong. Rhonda Santis and Governor Rabbit not perfect because the virus is a real, vicious enemy, but they protected their elderly populations, thank god. And the President's travel band, thank god for that, and subsequent travel bands, and then of course and of course be an attack for it, and then the first quarantine in fifty sixty years. Anyway, thank you, Lisa, Marie, Joe and Elija have known Jeff Joe for almost thirty years now. Joe and ellij how are you, sir, Sean? I am doing great and I love it. I'm so fired up about your book. My goal is to make you the number one nonfiction best selling book in history. I'm telling everybody to buy it. Oh boy, all right, easy with the pressure, easy, easy than everyone got. It's the best, John, It is great. And I'm telling everybody in laj and I've got four thousand Facebook friends, I'm telling them to all buy. I've been on two or three talk shows. I'm telling everybody I know to buy the great John Hannity book. You're very kind. Listen. It's some forty percent discount, that's all I'll say. On Amazon dot com. And it's now in bookstores this weekend for the first time. And we have a lot of fun events we're going to announce next week and hopefully Joe and elloj you'll join us. Okay, Sean, you're great. Keep up the great work. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for this weekend. Again, thank you for launching Limfrey or Die America in the world on the brink, debuting it thanks to you, number one on most of the week and pretty amazing and by the way, forty percent off now on Amazon dot com. It will be in bookstores if you're out and about this weekend all around the country. Bartons and Noble Books a million costco whatever all those bookstores. We'll have them available, but forty percent off now if you go to Amazon dot com. Also, I'll be on The Great One Mark Levin Show on Saturday Night on Fox News, Maria Burr to Romo Show on Sunday. We have big announcements on Monday about fun, cool events I hope you can want to be a part of. But have a great weekend when we get back on Monday. Only eighty five days till election Day. We got a lot to cover. Have a great weekend. Thank you for everything. As always, we can't do this without you. We'll see you Monday, and have a great time with your family this weekend.