Sean covers the somewhat hilarious; somewhat scary story of AOC trying to explain pipelines. It's a miracle gas prices aren't even higher... they will be.
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All right, day ninety five. That means it is day one oh eight that Joe Biden made a promise not to abandon our fellow Americans, and guess what, he abandoned them and turned the page. And you never hear him talk about it. Ever. You don't hear the media mob talk about it. Ever. They don't care. It is one of the saddest, most preventable instances. This is going to go down in history as one of the biggest military failures and debacles ever. And nobody in the mob in the media holds them accountable anyway. Day two deliberations in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. Can you glean anything from the amount of time that it is taking for the jury to get to a verdict? You can guess all you want. As I've been saying, I think it's a slam dunk case. I think in every instance, Okay, charge one, a guy admitted on the stand star witness prosecution, he took a loaded gun right at Kyle Rittenhouse's head before Kyle Rittenhouse shot him. All right, dismissed, not guilty. Then you got the case. Kyle Rittenhouse, Well, if he was the one that was provoking the confrontation he is, then he loses the right to self defense as an argument. Well, we have one problem with that, and that is we have video images and eyewitness testimony that point out that, in fact, you could see Rittenhouse racing away from a mob that is chasing him down the block, eventually catching up to him and eventually knocking him on his ass and a guy about to take his foot and literally kick him right in the face. You can see exactly where that foot is headed, and it was cocked and ready to go and then boom right into the pavement. That would be a real, genuine threat that any reasonable person would determine could cause death or serious bodily harm. Okay, not guilty, Verdict two. In the third case, you got video evidence of a guide confrontation ramping the barrel of written House's gun. Okay, not guilty. All charges they should be dropped now. Sadly, jury instructions were confusing share a. Sadly the judge at the end of this trial is allowing them to consider lesser charges. Sadly the judge allowed it basically gave a lifeline to the prosecution that put on a horrific case. And that is they can bring in the provocation lifeline, but I don't think it's applicable in this particular case. But we'll see what the jury thinks. And I can tell you haven't been on radio thirty three years. It is not a good thing to go out there and predict which way a jury is going to go, because you really, honestly and truly just don't know. And at this point in time, I guess it's anybody's guests where this is headed. We do have some other developments today that I want to share with you. Jacob Blake, the uncle of the man whose attempt to kidnap his girlfriend's daughter which touched off the devastating riots, remember it a knife in that particular case, and shop by police anyway that destroyed large portions of Kenosha when the riots took place. Anyway, is now complaining that the National Guard has been activated. What are they supposed to do? People are already threatening that there is going to be an uprising of some kind if they don't get the verdict that they want. In other words, this is where the medium mob, this is where Joe Biden. They cause such great damage and harm because just like in Ferguson, just like in Baltimore, just like in Florida, treyvon Martin, George Zimmerman, just like in Uva, just like the rush to judgment Duke lacross all these cases we always talk about, you know, look at the look at the case of this Covington High School kid, I mean, Nicholas Salman. They lied about this kid. This kid, by the way, he's going to be a billionaire. He's gonna be one rich kid because the media was so vicious and then it lies about him. He actually put out an op ed and I think he's going to join us on Hannity either tonight or tomorrow. Sadly, we are here for the Patriot Awards. We're in Florida. But my role now has been pretty produced because I've got to be live on the show tonight so we can bring any latest developments in this case. Anyway, So Jacob Blake's uncle on Tuesday slamming the Wisconsin governor, Tony Evers has a coward and a racist for deploying the National Guard troops. No, his job is to protect innocent people in Kenosha. His job is not to allow rioting, looting, arson, chaos, mayhem, attacks on innocent people. He's doing his job. I mean, I don't think I've ever seen a more competent prosecution in my life then what we saw in this particular case. Now, the jury keeps asking for clarification of the jury instructions. They keep asking for clarifications on the definition of self defense. So you know, who knows what's going to happen. It's very difficult to predict. Yes, ma'am, raise your hand. It's want to let the audience don't let you know that the jury has just rung the bell again in the written house trial, which means that they have either a question or something else going on. I mean, it's happened numerous times today. Yeah, it just happened again. And then you still have people outside the courthouse, you know, chanting if Kenosha doesn't get it, shut it down. That's not good. That is a threat. And I'm sure you know one has to wonder does that influence the jury? Do they hear that? I mean, this is why in high profile cases I am all for it should be standard a change the venue, take it away where emotions are running that high. The medium mob has been disgraceful throughout the entire trial, and the lead up to this trial, you know, you had this one idiot prosecutor actually suggesting that Rittenhouse should have let the mob attack him, because yeah, everybody takes a beating sometimes that takes the way you're right to self defense. And by the way, that is not in sync with what the law of Wisconsin says. He's supposed to be a prosecutor. And then another guy said, oh, he's too cowardly. It was actually the same guy. The assistant da, he's too cowardly to use his fists, and that's why he brought a gun with him. Almost everybody there had a gun with them. And then you have the lead prosecutor, this idiot finger he picks up the AR fifteen, puts his finger right on the trigger, and he starts aiming it at people in the courtroom. Then at one point, you know, written how has brought a gun into a fist fight, and he shows an image from Patrick Swayzy from nineteen eighty nine, a movie where he's a bar bouncer called what is it called Roadhouse? I mean, what the hell are these people thinking? And it's it's very bizarre. Too cowardly to use his own fit Okay, is that what happened? Now? What would have happened with the loaded gun? How do you use your fist to defend yourself when a loaded gun is pointed at your head? Can you explain that to me? How do you use your fists when you're on the ground, a mob is surrounding you and a guy's foot is caught and launched and ready to pound your face right into the pavement and potentially kill you or definitely cause severe bodily harm. Tell me how your fists work under those circumstances, that set of circumstances. Anyway, so we're watching, We're waiting like everybody else. I don't know which way this is gonna go. We do know that In terms of other updates, the jury's first request not unexpected, as they now entered day two and their third round of questions related to the drone footage and the images shown at the trial. They asked, do we view videos in private or in the courtroom? Do we need to know the exact exhibit number of the photos? Speaking to Fox Digital on Foxnews dot Com, longtime criminal defense attorney Julie Rendelman said the jury could have made the request for any number of reasons. We don't know if it's one juror or all jurors. The Rittenhouse jury has asked more questions. At one point they were brought back into the courtroom. Today the jury had two more questions and then the Rittenhouse judge slammed the media for being grossly irresponsible for the handling of the trial. That that's about as accurate as anything i've heard, you know, calling him a white supremacist. You can add Biden to the list of people and offenders out there. The judge said. The jury can view videos relevant to the trial in the courtroom, and the Rittenhouse attorney had told the judge he takes issue with the jury watching the drone footage again because it's subject. It's a subject of a motion to dismiss the trial with prejudice and contain the jury. The federal prosecutor had said that there's almost no chance the motion is going to be granted. The jury also asked the judge a question earlier today, do you need to know the exact number of photos? The exact the exact exhibit number. But the judge is calling everyone back and called everyone back into the courtroom to read allow the jury's question. You have demonstrators. He's even traveling from as far as California to support Kyle Rittenhouse. I mean, you've got to be worried about what the aftermath of this can be. Every nobody should be worried about it, because you see it's beginning to percolate. You see, you know, small crowds. Now then you're getting the words. And I blame the media, and I blame the politicians, the Joe Biden's of the world, because they rushed to judgment. It's the same cast of characters every single time. One demonstrator was seen carrying a rifle outside of the Kenosha County Courthouse and was confronted by the police. If you want to be here, you're gonna have to put the rifle away, an officer said. The man then left and return without the rifle. The you know how long this is going to take, as anybody's guess for practical purposes, In my mind, the longer it goes on, you're either dealing with two things, usually either a hung jury or you have an argument going on about well, I support a guilty verdict, but the lesser charge or the greater charge or something like that, but it's it's all speculation. I don't I don't want to speculate. I'm just telling you you just don't want to be in the jury prediction business. Even if you watch a case start to finish. I've seen cases where they just go totally in any other direction in spite of what maybe some of the evidence has shown. What impact are they hearing the protesters outside? What impact cad that have on their psyche, their mindset? They're all going home every evening, they're not being sequestered. Is that a bad move by the prosecutor? Yeah, you can bring me over my read Thanks in a good a minute. Anyway, So they're they're back at it, and you know, we're just gonna watch, wait and see what happens in this case. We have a lot of other news that we're going to get to. We have a lot of news on Joe Biden in the economy. We got an update contrary to Merrick garland sworn testimony, apparently the FBI did treat parent protesters as domestic terrorist threats. In other words, he lied before Congress. And if that's the case, is he going to have an investigation into himself? Because if it was the conservative that probably would be the mantra of the left. Biden is blaming illegal conduct by oil companies for driving up prices. I can't believe how dumb he is. There's a very strange but funny article in the New York Post by Kyle Smith that Kamala Harris is a very weird person. She's acting strange. There's no doubt about that. The economic news that we now have is not good, and in terms of the Democratic Party in fighting, that's not going well. As Joe manchion now I has said, he's not buying Biden's claim that build back better, New Green Deal socialism will lower inflation. Oh and we're about to hit a record high gas prices starting with the state of California. Record highs. Let me repeat record high. Afghanistan was preventable. Borders were preventable, Inflation was preventable, the high costs of energy and everything we buy and purchase was preventable. Every you know, dealing tougher with China and Russia, you know, being weak, the outcome that was all preventable too. We actually would need a president that's awakened those what day of the week it is, though, that's been a little hard by the way, more people now, a vast majority of Americans understand that Sean Hannity was right. This guy is a cognitive mess. Uh took a little courage in the beginning, standing out there all by myself saying it when everybody else knew it. And as we roll along, we've been spending a lot of time pointing out how the Department of Justice has been politicized under Merrick Garland. And I look at for example, Garland goes after the very accessible voting laws in the state of Georgia, the state of Texas. Joe Biden represented Delaware. They have some of the most strict of laws, but they go after the states with voter accessibility. Well, that's politicizing the Justice Department. We brought up the case yesterday of Steve Bannon. The last time somebody was held in contempt of Congress and dragged in the court was nineteen eighty three. People like Henry Kissinger, Janet Reno, Harriet Myers, Josh Boulton, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Brian Pagliano. That was Hillary's computer guy, Bill Barr, Chad Wolf. How come they weren't dragged before dragged into a courtroom the way Bannon was. We don't have equal justice and equal application of our loss. Now, Biden's Attorney general was caught lying under oath to Congress. If it was his name was Roger Stone, he would get a pre dawn raid, thirty guys in tactical gear, guns drawn in CNN cameras anyway, based on his claim that the FBI never investigated the parents who protested at a school board meeting, you know, as as potential domestic terrorists. But now apparently, Merrick Garland, we don't have We now have a memo from October twentieth and internal email, and that email shows the FBI Criminal and counter Terrorism Divisions instructed agents to apply the threat tag and they gave a specific tag to all individuals and assessments of threats directed specifically at educational officials. He said he did not do that when he went under oath before Congress. So now it's time to drag Merrick Garland right back before Congress and ask him why he lied under oath and if he were to get the treatment of Roger Stone, he'd have thirty guys in his front door at six am tomorrow morning. I had twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We're in Florida today and for a great reason, Foxnation dot Com part of the Fox Family. They honor people that are real heroes that never get the recognition that they deserve. You know, I've said this many times. People don't believe me that I mean it when I say it, but it's absolutely true. I do not believe that fame is healthy. How many times have I said that, Linda A lot? A lot. I don't believe it. Um And maybe I think there's two things that have kind of kept me a little centered. And we're all sinners, have all fallen short of the glory of God. But the two things that I would say that have prevented me from being a total idiot. I mean, we're all idiots. I'm an idiot. You know, we all have our own idiotic side, Yes, even you. I know that's hard waiting. First of all, we're not talking about me. You could say we all do, maybe with the exception of sweet baby James. Oh you admit it, all right, so good. I'm not an idiot though, okay, but you won't let me talk to your pastor and that, first of all, that's fake news. You totally talk to him. I did talk to him finally, but I haven't met him. No, why not one thing at a time. You know, Rome wasn't built in a day. Oh, I bet he talks about that conversation. That's a story in his life. Well, he did a sermon the other day and I actually had to talk to him afterwards because he was like, listen, we all send you know, I have friends that are in this service today and they curse. And I was like, are you talking about me? The answer was probably yes. Like I'm in the middle of a sermon, I'm like, sorry, It just felt very directive anyways, But I think certain things are grounding in life. I do believe, and I don't really care what religion people believe him, but I believe faith. Belief in a God, a creator of heaven and earth is you know. And it's funny because I didn't think I was it was getting through to me. You wouldn't have believed it based on the incorrigible nature of a child that I was. But it's somehow it crept through and I do believe that there's a God. I believe in heaven, I believe in Hell. I believe in that He is the creator of universes within universes. I don't think it's for the human mind to comprehend the majesty and the magnitude of God. And between that and doing real work in my life. And I know I give the list of jobs, I do it in front of you know, my kids don't want to hear it anymore. I know you're a dishwasher, you delivered papers, you were a cook, a busboy, a waiter, a boartender, and then you were a house painter, and then you hung wallpaper, and then you did reconstruction and remodeling, your laid tile, blah blah blah. And they just like blow it off. And then when I do little projects around the house, they can't believe it. Oh my gosh, you know you knew how to do that. I'm like my own children don't even know anything about their dad. They know nothing. I will say, you're a pretty good cook. I do enjoy cooking, and you're a great paper Um, well, no, that's gonna be misleading. Uh okay, I can paint a rule. Yeah, I mean it's you're good, that's not. I'm actually very good at it. And you're good at putting things together, very handy, very handy. And what's the other thing you do, the car thing with the glass paint, like you're really good about cars? Yeah, I used to. I destroyed my lungs painting a van. Look up Imaran one day. That's well. Imaran is a specific brand of paint and I only used a white respirator. Um my lungs burned for months because I was so stupid and I painted this work van. I had my construction work ban but so for me. But I don't think famous healthy just to go back. But I think my faith, my hard work, work ethic, you know, helps keep you grounded. And what I like about this, these are not famous people that are being honored, you know. I can't stand all these awards ceremonies, like you know, the Oscars, which which interestingly nobody wants to watch anymore, the VH one Music Awards, the Emmys. You probably know more names than I do, the whatevers and this, and they're all patting themselves on the back, telling everybody how great they are just because you produce a movie. That's not more important than what a contractor does. It's not more important than what a plumber an electrician does. I think one of the things that you said. We talked about this with the nero and he was really losing his mind over trump bitis and I was like, you are a person who gets paid to read the words that somebody else wrote, So be quiet, keep your opinions to yourself and read your words. That's an interesting, that's an interesting. I'm just about done with your opinion. Everybody's got an opinion, right, are like, all right, and everyone's got one. Um, but I But so this is what's special about this thing tonight. Now. The sad thing for me is and I invited some friends and family, but I can't do it because I had to be live on TV. So my role now is like basically diminished to nothing. And and I'll try and sit there and say hi to some people, and I do like my Fox colleagues, and they're all gonna be dressed up. I'm gonna be on and dressed like a bomb like usual, which I'm very happy and proud of. Nobody nobody even asks it's the construction workers taxedo. Nobody ever, very They don't even ask anymore. They used to ask, but after you've been there twenty five years. Fun, No, they know better. It's not gonna work. I don't care. Like I'm on remote tonight, Do you care a little bit? I'm not wearing a tie on TV tonight. I'm not gonna do it. You're not gonna wear a tie on TV during your show? No, because I'm on a remote. Is that a rule? Is this a new rule? I've made that rule up along. It's a Hannity rule. But you were saying the awards. Yeah, so this and I know some of the people the recipients of this, and it's gonna be very cool. Um. I do like the role that I've been given, but I can't. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna mention it now. But the thing is is that the people that really make this country great, of the people that get up every day, played by the rules, they bust their ass, you know, like if you produce energy, you are providing a needed, necessary commodity, the lifeblood of the world's economy, and all these that's why I'm so angry. All these people lost their jobs, you know, That's why I'm so angry that the vaccine mandate now has become so rigid that they won't allow any option at all whatsoever. When Biden first mentioned this, he said, well, you can either if you have a company of over one hundred people. And by the way, the Fifth Circuit has put a stay on this and OSHA has stopped. We'll get into this later. OSHA is not pursuing as the mandate as a result of the Fifth Circuit's decision. But all these people that do all the there's a moment in the It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy, Jimmy Stuart, Jeremy Jimmy, Mary Mary Um where he actually says, oh, mister Potter, unlike you, they do most of the living and most of the working, and most of this and that, and and don't they have a right to, you know, their own house with a bathroom. What wait, wait for what They'll be dead by the time they have enough money to get a house, and then they've stuck living in your slums because he was a horrible landlord. Um. You know, I think those are the people that make America great. I think those are the people that deserve the recognition. I don't think it's the people in Hollywood. I mean I do marvel at the talent of some people. I marvel at the talent of people that are amazing at a particular support I do you know, we do enjoy going to those games. And what about the construction work, or what about the cop what about all those nurses that dove on COVID grenades and all those hospital workers diving on COVID grenades. Now, my job was to walk into an environment in the middle of a pandemic that was a COVID Petrie dish. I don't think I particularly loved my job during that period of time, But day after day, night after night, people walked into those hospitals, and they were heroic, and many of them even got COVID that contracted the virus. They got sick as a result of trying to save other people's lives. And the thanks we give them now is, here's a mandate. You either do what we say or you're fired and you lose your salary and you lose your benefits and you lose your pension. Same with people in the military, Same with cops. Cops in the middle of COVID they don't know who they're dealing with, whether or not the persons vaccinated or not. What about the Santa's taken all the New York cops. I love it. He's sart already saying, beauty, come come on down to Florida. Come on down, will you respect? Our officers will give you a bonus bring family, five thousand dollars bonus to that's correct to move down to Florida, which is great, And I bet a lot of people are going to take them up on that. And I think, if I'm not mistaken, you actually get to bring the year's served as you do and apply that towards your pension. I mean, it's only four hundred and forty five hundred thousand dollars less than what would you get if you were an illegal immigrant. But putting that aside, it's a wonderful thing to be able. No, No, that's that's garbage. That'll never happen. It's insanity, you know, it's even Joe thought it was nuts until they told him not to think that. But yeah, they told Joe. He told told Joe to change his opinion exactly. Biden is now blaming illegal conduct by oil companies but driving up pump prices. No, Joe, the cost of a barrel of oil is going up because you artificially reduced the supply and you abandon the energy independent policies of Donald Trump. That's what happened. He asked the head of the Federal Trade Commission to investigate whether oil companies are illegally increasing prices at the pump. He's only do it. This is after he's been begging OPEC, begging OPEC to produce more oil, and they keep turning him down. I don't know what's worse, and he keeps begging. It's so humiliating. Mansion, by the way, with all this talk about well they've got this Thanksgiving deadline in the House to get this, you know, three point five trillion, one point seven five trillion, whatever it ends up being. Well, he now you know, is out there saying that this build back better, New Green Deal socialism is not going to lower inflation. It's a lie. Just like when they tell you it's gonna cause zero. It's another lie. Just like they say, well, we don't need to test illegal immigrants for COVID because they're not going to be here very long. Well, they're not going to be in Texas very long, because you're going to give him a free path to whatever other state you're going to disperse them to. But four and the more in the dark of night, and that you call an early morning flight. I mean, just keep lying to all of us anyway. Man should express had nothing but skeptic. They say it's going to lower inflation. He said, yeah, I'll have to check that one. Every single thing that we're facing, from Afghanistan to the borders, to inflation, to the economy, to energy, to the aggressiveness of China and Russia around the world, it's all because of Joe. Joe is viewed as weak, frail, and a cognitive mess and President she knows it, and Vladimir Putin knows it, and the Mulla's gonna Ran know it, and Kim Jong un knows it, and by the way, every Democrat knows it as well, and they don't know what the hell to do. Why do you think that Biden and Kamala Harris are at each other's throats and in conflict because she doesn't want to get tainted with his bad policies and she doesn't. Then, on the other hand, when she ever goes out in public, she does this silly laugh or this dumb friends accent, and it's not working. She's not connecting with anybody, and I don't think she's she's up to the job anyway. Apparently the Rittenhouse defense attorney has requested a mistrial in the case that had happened earlier. I saw that, but thank you for the update. And you know it's these are tough times. I'm looking at an article right in front of me. Everything skyrocketing, record high California gas prices, all caused by It's not OPAC, it's not the cartel, it's not the gas and oil companies. It's Joe's policies. We had energy independence, consumer confidence now plunging to the lowest level in a decade, inflation thirty one year high California ports are delayed even further, and now they're trying to find the shipping containers. Amitim improvement in the back clog? Oh, so their answers to tax them more and punish them when there's no room for them to bring their ship ashore and unload the contents of their ships. Biden Energy Secretary Grant Home and in twenty eighteen videos singing about the end of gasoline and fossil fuels. They actually have a video showing us singing the group song Gasoline Gasoline in the Worlds of Flame, and it says leaving fossil fuels dubbed fossil fuels in the song in the ground. That's our energy secretary. How dumb is she? Biden apparently reportedly begging President She and China to release their oil reserves to help us. Now we're gonna beg China. We're begging Russia, China and OPEC. Okay, I can't think of three other three other groups that hate us more than those three. They're all hostile towards the United States. Cold demand Joe Mansion should be paying attention is experiencing a massive boom. You know, we're getting more for natural gas, more for coal. They're getting more for a barrel of oil, all because Joe artificially reduced the supply. And then there's AOC. You know, the architect of New Green Deal socialism actually confused about natural gas and oil. In a video explaining why the pipelines are bad. You know, she asserted that the Keystone XL and Line three POP pipelines were proposed to increase US natural gas exports. In the video she posted on her Instagram, the two pipelines actually would transport crude oil, not natural gas. I'm like, oh my gosh, be me up, Scottie. There's no intelligent life down here. There's nothing. And anyway, was still on the verdict watch in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. If news breaks, we will go right to it. We got a busy show coming up. In the course of the program, Bill O'Reilly will join us. Coming up next, we'll get to your calls. The next hour eight hundred and nine for one Seawan Masha Blackburn taking on majorcas. She will join us with an update on the disaster of the border