Another Project Veritas Bombshell

Published May 24, 2021, 10:00 PM

James O’Keefe, Founder and CEO of Project Veritas, is breaking big news tonight on the world’s largest Big Tech oppressor of free speech; FaceBook. Tonight at 8pm James will have news from two whistleblowers who were inside of Zuckerberg’s monopoly. 

The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Happy Monday. Thanks to all of you for being with us. Right down our number, it's eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this program. I'm beginning to sense, say, revitalization in the spirit of great American patriots all across this country. And what I'm sensing and what I'm seeing and what I'm hearing is good to hear. People have had it. They've just had it. They've had it with this power grab. They've had it with HR one SR one, They've had it with you know, packing the Supreme Court. They've had it with DC Puerto Rico statehood. They've had it with open borders. They've had it with amnesty. They've had it with you know, all the states now feeling the impact of Joe's open borders and then facilitating law breaking and then transporting people to all states all across the country and saying here, you take care of people that need food, water, shelter, education, healthcare. Don't worry, take care of it. They're they're tired of laws being ignored and people on the left just picking and choosing. They're tired of this promise of everything is free, free, free, free, free. They're they're tired of this New Green Deal insanity. They're they're tired of You've got this left wing mobs squad out there, I mean Ted Cruz has literally accused the squad of being press secretaries for hamas Um, ignoring watching on the world's stage hostile regimes led by hostile actors like Vladimir Putin and the and the President for life and China, President Chi and Mullah's and Iran and Kim Jong un and an alliance with Russia, China and Iran, and then people taking Hamassa's side and and and abandoning our number one ally in the Middle East. You know, the people, everybody I'm talking they've had it. They've had it with the crime out of control, the attacks and defunding and dismantling, the police madness. They see inflations, they see the cost of everything going through the roof. And they also see the weak, frail, you know, cognitive mess that is Joe Biden. And they've had it. Now. If this plays out the way I suspect, then twenty twenty two. If I'm not a Republican, I'm a registered Conservative. If never underestimate some Republicans to be weak and dumb and stupid. Um. Never underestimate their ability to lose and do dumb things and and pander and be weak and not put forward in an agenda that's that's viable, that would win, and that the establishment thinks they're getting back in power. They think that, you know, this Trump hiccup is just that, a hiccup, not a real phenomenon. And they don't even realize that the rise of Donald Trump can in large part be attributed to them and their weakness and and the fact that they didn't have a spine and a backbone, and they didn't fight to protect and to keep the promises that they made up. The biggest example of that is all of the phony show repeal and replace votes on Obamacare, sixty five of them, and then when they had a president that was ready to sign the bill, they didn't even have a plan. And we've been talking about plans for our healthcare solutions, free market solutions forever on this program, free market solutions, healthcare cooperatives. You know, poor doctor Hunger in which Chita Kansas, we probably have stolen hours of his time explaining these these co ops or help. I'm sorry, what's up, I'm Josh number sorry. I know he's our friend and I'm sorry, Josh. I love you in Wichita Atlas, MD. You know we've given you so much information healthcare savings accounts. You know what year did Musgrave and Goodman come out with health savings accounts from the Cato Institute. And then when the moment came, we had seven Senate Republicans in twenty fifteen voted for a straight repeal of Obamacare, straight repeal. They're presented with the exact same bill in early twenty seventeen. Seven Republicans. Now, when it meant something, when it was real, and it wasn't a show vote, that changed their mind. If that week Republican party, that's the establishment wing of Republicanism. If you believe in America First and the make America Great Again agenda, and you're fed up already with all of this insanity. You know it's not complicated. You know, we see what the left is trying to do now. They always make their divisive appeals. They divide this country rich versus poor, old versus young, white versus black. You know, Republicans a racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, seine of phobic, islamophobic transphobic, want dirty air and water, want to kill grandma and grandpa. Okay, we got the message. Now that's pretty much played every day. You know, look at Delaware, most restrictive voting laws in the country. Joe Biden represents the state, never lifts a finger to change voting laws. Georgia far more inclusive than Delaware ever even thought to be. And here Jim Crow two point zero, if you vote for Trump, you ain't black? What the kind of part with the klansmen? Right? Okay, we're listening. People have had it and it's you know, the same government here that wants this new Green Deal, radical socialism, This effort led by the squad that wants let's say, pre child, free childcare, free pre K education, free college education, student loan forgiveness, guaranteed wage, guaranteed government job, guaranteed government healthcare, guaranteed government healthy food, guaranteed government retirement. These are the same people that promised keep your doctor plan and save money. How did that work out? The same people that can't keep their cities or their states safe and secure and established law and order. The same states that have atrocious, failing track records on education because of their unholy alliance with teachers unions and the corrupt money that is funnel to keep them in power. The same people that bankrupted social Security and medicare. Now they're going to come in and what offer you all that stuff for free? And we're gonna take it from those people, the rich people. Okay, what are the rich people gonna do? They're not going to invest their money. You put burdens some bureaucracy, new Green deal. Every everything is now costing more. I mean it may not seem like a big deal to some people. Inflation the largest that's been in twelve years. That's only the beginning, and that What does inflation mean to you? It means everything you pay war costs more. You know, with the higher cost of energy oil, gas, diesel, What does that mean to you. It means you pay more when you fill up your car. It means you pay more to heat and cool your home. Inflation is sorry. Biden administration comes up with a plan, you know, they what do they want to do? They want to raise corporate taxes. These corporations aren't paying their fair share. That keeps telling everybody corporations don't pay these new taxes, they will pass them on to you, we the American people. That's why is the administration fixated on this global minimum tax rate. We got inflation soaring, price of energy soaring because of this idiocy of Green New deal ism. You got these economic morons now actually urging every other world government to have a minimum global tax rate of fifteen percent because they know, like you know, New York, New Joysey, Illinois, California, you know, they're all losing population. Why because of burdensome taxation and regulation. You know, Okay, at fifteen sent to the four plus percent four point two percent of platient rate, add to the higher cost of fuel, you can see where we're headed here. Now. They're proposing a global minimum tax of at least fifteen percent to level the playing field and stop what Secretary Treasury Secretary Janet Yellens called the race to the bottom. So they want basically all the socialist utopia Green New Deal nations around the world to unite and have this minimum tax rate of fifteen percent. Of that, corporations can't leave the United States go offshore because it's more profitable for them to do. So what they're not realizing is, well, why are we chasing people away in the first place. That's what Donald Trump was able to untangle in his time as president. Fifteen percent just a starting point. The Treasury Department says they're going to push for the rate to be higher and higher. Well, there's going to be countries that tell you to go pound sand and that's gonna be where countries go to. Then the next step will be then they'll tax those countries. They'll put tariffs on them. And then all the countries that want to accumulate all the power, they're all going to unite together. Okay, great, food prices are exploding because of the high cost of energy. About two thirds US shoppers now are noticing the prices of red meat and chicken are soaring since the start of the year. And if you like meat like I do, well, you've been hit the hardest rising food costs. Out of the two thousand grocery shoppers surveyed and conducted by Morning consult A poll found that sixty five percent said red meat is more expensive now, sixty percent saying chicken is more expensive now. But everything you buy in every store is costing more now. The price a lumber is soaring because of shortages. Then you had the work shortage, which is pretty much all across the country, and that's because of the extended benefits, unemployment, etc. Etc. That some Democrats are even proposing we keep in perpetuity. I mean, hey, are you kidding me? None of this is any good? What kind of weekend was it in Chicago and in New York and in Saint Louis. Twenty nine people shot in New York City over the weekend twenty and not to be outdone, in Chicago forty seven shot, nine shot and killed. Pretty bloody weekend in Chicago. How's that defunding and dismantling the police policies working? How is demonizing the police working out? You should see these videos now that are existing cut. They're not gonna do anything. There's a guy in a car. We played it the other day on Friday. Guy gets out of his car, gets hit and says, the police are there. There's a huge crowd building. They're not going to do anything to us. They're not afraid. Well, why because they can get if they want, they could just you know, damage and vandalize the cop car and then after that they can just douse the cops with liquids. A cop know if it's acid that's mixed in with the water that they're pouring on and said, no, I doubt he has any idea. Now Chicago's releasing accused killers with anko monitors. And I thought New York's Nobel laws were dumb, this is even dumber. You got a hundred accused killers in Cook County, Illinois, out on the streets instead of jail awaiting their trials for murder in the middle of a surge of violent crime. Ninety four defendants all charged with taking a person's life or out of confinement. Okay, why would why would we hold people responsible? I think this is going to end. Well, no, but it could end with a conservative agenda, which we'll get to right as we roll along. Eight hundred nine Pole one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Now we're letting accused killers, murderers out Nobel unbelievable. Now, the Texas Governor, Gregor Gabbitt said he's going to sign a bill to prohibit cities from defunding their police departments. So how is this all in the end gonna play out? How is this how is this all gonna end? Now? They've so overreached This is such an unprecedented power grab. The agenda is so extreme and so radical, it is so unsustainable. People can see, you know, quality Just notice, how is defunding the police working out? How do you think it's gonna work out? Everything's gonna be free? How do you think the corporate tax increases are gonna work out? How do you think energy prices are going to work out? How do you think two million illegal immigrants coming into this country that we're all going to have to pay every cost associated with How is that going to work out? What is the net result going to be? It's going to be an opportunity for the Republican Party, but they better get their shift together. The Party of liberty, freedom of capitalism, and our constitution, low taxes, less burdensome bureaucracy, law in order keep every American safe and secure, free market solutions to healthcare, choice in schools, constitutionalists on the bench, secure borders, energy independence, free and fair trade. And also, I would argue, the biggest, baddest, toughest military on the face of the earth to protect and preserve liberty and freedom for future generations. That's it. And you support your constitution the first and second amendment. Oh one other thing, integrity and confidence in election results. That would be voter ID, signature verification, chain of custody controls, clean the voter rolls, and partisan observers observe every vote count both parties. Who could ever be against that, unless, of course you wanted to cheat? Will continue all right twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sean. If you want to be a part of the program, I mean, this is going to be the year twenty twenty two that we can write the ship. It's all got to start with. You know, we've got you gotta have integrity at our elections. You got to start there. Then that includes the things that I've I've listed. Voter ID you need, you need picture ID for everything. Why did Democrats not want picture ID? What possible reason other than something nefarious? Could they not want to picture ID? What? You know? What's why not signature verification? Why not make sure you protect the chain of custody as ballots arrive? Both parties ensuring that the integrity of the chain of custody, cleaning the voter rolls every year, to make sure everybody on the voter rolls should be on the voter rolls and make sure that they're updated on a regular basis so there's integrity your partisan observers. That's the statutory language in most states. Not that complicate, not radical. If that's radical, then I guess we'll get rid of voter ID to get it into the White House or a picture ID or picture I need to get into the Capitol or picture I need to buy a pack of cigarettes or a six pack, or a jewel pod or picture. If you need picture ID for everything, it's hardly anything I can think of that you don't need picture ID for and being ensuring such. So that's got to happen sooner than later, and hopefully most states will will make the move to do so, and many are. I mean, I'm looking at what's going on just on law and order, and cops no longer want to do their job. And I have to be very honest with you. I don't blame them because they're not going to get backed up if something happens. You know, look at this case, I mean a terrible situation. Young woman has a knife loaded to be thrust into another girl's chest or neck, and the cop has made a fraction of a second to decide, and look at Lebron James's, for example, reaction to that case. A life was saved because of the professionalism of that officer. Look at the video tapes of cops, you know, being taunted and pelted with bricks, rocks, bottles, molotov cocktails, and worse. Look at the the hundred and twenty plus police officers already this year killed in the line of duty. And I'm pretty sure and pretty certain most of you can't mention name even one of those police officers. Look at the innocent people that are shot and killed every weekend in cities like Chicago and in New York, New York. This past weekend, twenty nine people shot over the weekend in New York, struck by gunfire, some died. And the hours you know after Saturday. I mean, this is an average weekend. And now in New York City, how's that defunding, dismantling the police, how are those efforts working out? Chicago this weekend forty seven shot nine killed. Can you name one person? Did you hear the name? Now? I've read the names, I can I can scroll the names. I've done it many many times. That's why Texas Governor Abbott is saying that he will prevent cities in his state from defunding the police. I don't think that's working out. There's no bell insanity in New York. You get arrested, no bell needs to be posted. You're instantly released to go commit more crimes. Had bank robbers, you know, caught, they get caught robbing a bank, they get released, no bell. They got caught robbing another bank. I think one guy did it five or six times at one point. Why should he stop? There's no reason to stop. Why do we allow it? Why aren't we protecting innocent people? He had a brave good samaritan throwing himself at a guy wielding a knife to save a woman that was being stabbed in a New York City subway attack. Then blast Bill Comrade de Blasio over soaring crime. When you survey most people, they want police and want policing. Most people know that what happened in the George Floyd case is not the norm. It's the annot It's the one percent, not the ninety nine percent. Many of the cities where this defunding insanity is going on, many of those cities have majority minority police departments rise. You know, I'm looking at Saint Louis for example. Take a look at this. You know how much innocent blood? At some point are people willing to accept at pretend that America's cops are what's wrong with America's cities, because that's not the case. We do have bad apples. They need to They ought not be policemen, but we can figure out who they are. I'm all for more training. I mentioned the Burner technology. It's a gun that you use that shoots tear gas and two separate pepper sprayses. It seemed very effective. I own them. I bought them. I just I just purchased five more. I give away to friends. That's what I do. I haven't even taken them out of the box yet. I just bought five more. Well, Hannity, you're pushing it because you own the company. I don't own the company. I don't have anybody invested in the company. Nice try, I don't know. People always think I just found it and liked it, and it's and they keep improving. It gets better and better. Unbelievable, but at least it gives cops another option. And the other thing is because I can fire this sucker from forty feet away and hit my target. You can even get it with a laser if you want a laser. I mean, because I can't shoot firearms like I used to, because you know, I'm pretty severe hearing loss from all these years in radio and TV. And these headphones are so loud. If you ever heard what they're really like, Linda, hell loud on my headphones. They're unbearable. What do you mean they're unbearable? Sounds fine to me. I hate testing your headphones. It's horrible. You can't you you can't actually put them. All I have, I've literally put them on my head and then I close your ear drums out. No, I hold them away from my head and then people like, you know, five houses down or four doors in the hotel I did have my hearing testing. It's terrible. It's pretty bad. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, sweet baby, he'll confirm that. Sweet baby. He's shaking his head. I'm look at him right now. He's like, yeah, I usually make him do it. I'm like, go ahead, do it. He's like, oh, don't make me. Well. The worst part is is like when we go on the road, a lot of you know, affiliate stations, for example, but very generous let us come and visit and we use their studios, but they we've got to bring our own amplifier, usually because otherwise I can't hear it. I know, it's it's bad. It's a lot. It's what's up, It's a lot. Scott Shannon don Imus before he passed away, Bob Grant. Anyone who's done podcasting for over ten years experience is what you experience? Is that true? Do you know that? Oh? Well, I mean I worked with a lot of guys who did who do sports, sporting events and an NBA games. I know one in particular. He would always tell the engineer on site, I want to hear the sound of the basketball going through the hoop. So you can imagine how loud that is. And it has to be that way because he's got twenty thousand screaming fans around him, so that's the only way he can hear. Yeah. Look, it's just it goes with a ritory. Everything has his ups or downs. I guess if I was woke, i'd probably sue any company that allowed me to work with a lot of headphones. Blame them. Well, I've kind of been warned about. But anyway, it is. Support for Black Lives Matter is now plummeting since its peak last year following the George Floyd murder. And it's you know, everybody forgets the group Black Lives Matters different from people that were chanting the Black Lives Matter, but the group radical as it is pigs in a blanket. Fry him like bacon. And what do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? And you know we also see an agenda there if and this is the irony of everybody that buys into the big lie of socialism that the government is going to provide all of this to you. Well, they can't even keep you safe and secure in your town and city. They provide the the most atrocious education with the biggest, most colossal waste of money. You know, we spend more per capita than any other country in the industrialized world with the worst results. And then we find out that teachers unions are dictating to the CDC in the middle of a pandemic what they want as policy. If you want to talk about vaccine hesitancy, well, when you politicize the CDC, no wonder they got everything wrong. The Chicago Police Union has approved of no confidence vote against the mayor and police chief. Do you think one thing we're paying a lot of attention to is a dramatic rise in anti Semitism. It's not just in the US, but it's around the world. And Ted Cruz had really strong statements for the Squad. He said that, and we've been chronicled the statements of Squad members and what they've said and siding with Hamas, a terrorist organization with the charter, the calls for the destruction of Israel, and he basically called them press secretaries for Hamas. Congresswoman Omar accused Israel of carrying out acts of terrorism. It's it's a lie. He's right, it is a vicious lie. And the Squad, he says, is acting more like press secretaries for Hamas terrorists than they are for the US. He said this on Judge Denin's program. And you have all the squad. Squad runs the Democratic Party today, they're in charge. There's a story on the Blaze that is beyond disturbing, out downright scary. Florida police investigating a hate fueled incident, group of young men terrorizing a Jewish family. We're visiting from te Neck, New Jersey. The men shouted anti Semitic threats at the family and you know, including a man with a gun and chasing off anti Semitic group terrorizing this family. Die jew. That was quoted in the in the Blaze article. It's an interesting article about what is behind all this hatred towards Asian Americans? What is and this now rise in radical anti semitism worldwide? It's real. I don't know. Well, the boy six year old, six years old shot dead in California on the way to school. What was it? Road rage, good grief? I say it very simply. What are you going to do? If God forbid somebody wants to hurt you and your family? How do you What is your plan? Do you even think about what your plan is? It's not I know what my plan is? Are you not going to telegraph what my plan? But I'm I'm prepared. I hope it never happens to anybody. But there are there are evil people in this world that have evil intentions. You see evil governments, you also see evil human beings. That's part of the human experience. Okay, we're all created by the same God. That the distinction the difference in human beings and the human soul is a proclivity towards good and evil, and which you know whether whether you make a choice, you make choices in life. By the way, GOP senators have launched a probe into the Biden administration's COVID collusion with the teachers' unions, that that's actually a good idea. Fauci now says he's not convinced COVID nineteen developed naturally. Are you still confident that it developed naturally? Know? Actually, no, I'm not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out, to the best of our ability exactly what happened. Certainly the people who've investigated saying it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could have been something else, and we need to find that out. So you know, that's the reason why I said I'm perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus. Wow, not mean doctor Fauci has now become a conspiracy theorist that we were talking about what they call these wet markets in China. Then the Wuhan you know, virus center of Center for virology that they have out there, and anybody that talked about it was usually attacked. Or if you called it the China virus or the Wuhan virus, that's racist. I don't know. We grew up saying German measles. Is that now politically incorrect too. Maybe we should have a you know, some type of book that we all can carry with us at any given moment. But the reality is all the evidence you need is they shut down travel from Wuhan to the rest of China. They had their own travel band that was hysterical xenophobia, and then from the rest of China into Wuhan, but you could travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world. Now they're talking about people at that very Wuhan Barologies Center that they were sick in November. We didn't hear about this till December. Unbelievable. Look at look at what it did to the world. Kay An hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one seaun You want to be a part of the program. So James O'Keefe is going to join us in a minute, founder CEO Project Veritas. He's got breaking news. Now we're not going to get all of it, but it has to do with Facebook, and it will drop likely on my show at nine pm Eastern on the Fox News channel. And anyway, we do have a little bit of a tease of what it is, so I'm going to try and price some information out of James in a second. But anyway, here's what they're saying. They now apparently have spoken to and had undercover Facebook insiders discussing their vaccine hesitancy algorithm. And I'll explain what that means in a minute. Facebook us these classifiers and they're all big ins two determines or content to be what they called vaccine hesitante, what they called vaccine hesitancy without the user's knowledge, sign a score to these comments. It's called the VAH score vaccine hesitancy score. They're based on that score, no dem world depending on the content within. You seem to think that they've already rolled this out. Why do we believe they've already rolled this out? Vaccine includibible such astics languages and did they firstee, it's did the diploma chief conclusion to want me to be the school points they would open, did you know as many languages as they could cut their hands off in the nerdve being get the vaccine that actually is good for you. Everyone shoulget and if you don't, you will be single about right any of society. They want to build a community where everybody compause, now where people can have opened discourse and dialogue about the most personal and private anything to make decisions that anybody could ever face. Some the lfle the policy is going to keep expanding until anything can buy with it. So now we're talking about something as significant and as serious as a vaccine. And it sounds like to me that if you have a different point of view, you don't get the use of the platform as massive as Facebook unless you're saying what they deem that should be said and nothing contrary to that, just like canceling all things Donald Trump or all things concern Ovative. How many more people are going to get banned by at Jack at Twitter? How many more people are gonna get kicked off Facebook? How many more people will be censored? How much you want to talk about an in kind donation of monies to one political cause, party agenda that would be the Democratic Party, Democratic New Green Deal, socialism, anything conservative gets you know, trashed or banned or censored. James O'Keefe is with us, founder CEO of Project Veritas. You know, don't take this the wrong way. I've known you for over ten years and a big supporter of the work that you do, and you've taken a lot of heat and very courageous, but you're totally you know, a pain of my you know what today by not giving me the story now when I want to hear it now. Well, Sean, thank you for having having me on again and hiring this that we're releasing it tonight where we're still for putting the finishing touches. There's two whistleblowers inside Facebook that are set to go public inside Facebook and have given us secret documents. These documents, it really takes censorship of a different caliber. It's huge. We have evidence that this new policy has already been rolled out to almost three billion people to combine Facebook and Instagram, and these are secret documents that Facebook does not want you to see, Sean. In fact, this is like the third or fourth Facebook bombshell that we've done them last years, and Facebook has already given us a comment. I reached out to them for comment over the weekend. They did, so they're changing their policy as a result of what we are about to expose. You may be wondering what's in the stuff. Well, I've come on your program right now just to tease what we're doing tonight. And in these documents, they admit to censoring information that this quote actually true, actually true events or facts unquote, in order to protect a narrative. So these are explosive documents. They relate to COVID, they relate to the vaccine stuff, but it's unbelievable ranking systems, they have tears, and they're so ashamed of what they're doing that they won't announce this publicly. So we're going to announce it publicly. And there's two individuals inside Facebook that are going to be talking and you'll hear more about that tonight. Now those people still working there, I mean, obviously you disguise the person's voice. I assume you're protecting the identity of these people. But I've got to imagine that there's probably going to be an attempt to find out who the whistleblowers are, and I would assume they'll probably be retribution. Am I wrong to assume that they're going to try I mean they're going to try to talk about They're going to try to find out the identities people. We're going to protect their identity. There's multiple people, and they may very well go go completely public in the coming days ahead. But they have given us documents that are marked confidential internalized only, and Facebook has responded to us saying they're going to change their policies the result of what we're about to expose. Now today I just came. I was with Governor de Santis at a press conference in Miami, where I am, and he signed a law, a Florida law against TECTA censorship that was signed today in the state of Florida that will allow people to sue these companies for their censorship and bias that will find these companies. So I think we're getting to a turning point. I think Facebook is scared of what we have coming out. Sean, I wish I could help say more, but just wanted to announce to your audience that this will be launched tonight and on your TV show. In the video and you could see the documents, it clearly shows a bizarre Orwellian ranking system. Even if what you're saying is true, factually true and accurate, they'll censor you. So hopefully this provides ammunition to lawmakers who want to do further reforms. Well, I mean it's very very interesting, and I think Josh Holly's right about this. This is now time. I don't know if the answer is to break up the monopoly. I don't know if the answer is for conservatives to get their own platform and compete. I think once conservative platforms, I believe if they became successful, which they probably would at that point, then they would try to limit the influence. But not prior to that, because right now big tech is securely in the radical New Green Deal socialist you know, basically in their pocket, and it's an information crisis that we've never had before. We saw it happen in the lead up to the twenty twenty election, we see it happening even still today. I've got to imagine that. You know, Listen, there are friends of mine, James O'Keefe. I am not anti vaccine. I'm pro vaccine, but I'm also not a doctor. But I'm taking I'm telling people to follow them, saying be careful take this, Take this all seriously. You don't want to get sick and eye, you don't want to have a ventilator put in, and you don't want to infect other people, especially older people, people pre existing conditions, comorbidities, weakened immune systems, or compromised immune systems. You've got to be careful always around grandma, grandpa, mom and dad, older people that are more susceptible to getting you know, the worst cases of COVID. And then I don't know anything about people's medical conditions, so they've got to do their own research. I strongly urge people to study everything about the Maderna visor, Johnson and Johnson vaccines and then talk to their doctor or doctors, and then talk to the medical professionals they know in trust. But if you're going to be a content provider and you're going to decide what the content is, well, now we get back into the whole debate over Section two thirty, which is the liability protection that content providers are afforded when they're not. For example, newspapers and news organizations, they're not afforded the same liability protection as these big tech companies. They're protected because they're just supposed to allow people to put whatever content, point of view, etcetera, etcetera. With basic standards. They don't get to decide what people get to read or not read, especially in something as important as a as vaccine. And to me, it's it's just they've now proven as having been pushing a political agenda that liability protection should go away, and the next thing that should happen is well, yeah, well, Sean, let me just be clear that this is endeavors of the vaccine issue. That the story that we're doing here is it trenscends the whole anti vax or pro vaccine issue. The censorship examples in these documents, which you will see player today, curbing user's speech will shock people. It is so damning because of the nature of things that are even true that Facebook says, well, even we know that this is true, but we're still going to censor it. And it's you know what, I was with Florida governor and he signed a bill today and he talked about this, and we're not clear about some of these other things. Some of the impacts these things have had in the beginning of COVID. Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, has changed his stance on medical issues a number of times. So even Mark Zuckerberg's own words would be prohibited on Facebook. So this is a slippery slope for sure. But but the documents and what they're saying in these documents are so damning Sean that Facebook's Andy Stone is the spokesperson. Facebook actually replied to my email today and gave me a statement. They actually treated me like a journalist. They issued a statement to Project Veritas because they were so afraid of what the state. What is the statement? What does it say? The statement says is they're going to change their policy as a result of what we've exposed, and they're going to make more public what it is that they're doing, Sean, And we'll have that statement out la later this evening. My position is it pertains to section to thirty is I just want the companies to be honest about what it is that they're doing, even if they're doing something wrong, be honest about it, say here's our position, you know. And and I think that that's the discrepancy between what they do in public and private needs to be narrowed. It needs to be need to be transparent. That's the solution. Before you even get into. Well, it's the same thing with what I deal with too. When people ask me what I do for a living, most people don't really get it right. Antony claims to be a journal No, I'm not. I don't claim to be a journalist. I don't. I am a talk show host. I'm a member of the press, and my job as a talk show host is like the equivalent of the entire newspaper. I could produce hours, thousands of hours of straight news coverage, no opinion whatsoever, and the news of the day. I could produce thousands of hours of investing to reporting Barack Obama's radicalism, the deep state, uh FISA Warrens, premeditated fraud, FISA court, stuff that nobody else does. M I am honest that I am a conservative. I'm honest in my political views. I don't hide where I stand. I'm not shy about sharing those either. And then we talk about sports and culture and woke America, et cetera. Cancel culture. We're the whole newspaper, you know, like all these people that do opinion shows just lie about what they do. And no, no, I'm a journalist. Okay, if you're just a journalist and you're not allowed to give opinion. Why are you giving opinion? Be honest about who you are. And it's not like the audience doesn't get it anyway, but they just hold firm to a lie. Well, it's the it's the discrepancy between what they do in public and private, and I think they fear being exposed. I think, I think, why stamp out entire sides of conversations? What are they afraid of? So I've said this to you for years, it's all coming true. We have two brave souls who are very articulate. There's a lot of documentation. They have a tier ranking system. It is something like out of nineteen eighty four, the fictional nineteen eighty four that you will see tonight. And with this revolution of I guess you could call it insiders and whistle blowers, brave people. That's it. We have to expose on the inside of these companies. And I think that it will shock people. Shown people say won't shock people, People can't be shocked. I disagree. I think people are very passionate about this issue. Yes, people disagree on the vaccine thing, but the public town square, these companies have more power than the Supreme Court of the United States at this point in time, and we have to retact the town Square, and we're going to use these heroes, these whistle blowers, these insiders. I hope that they actually go on the record out of the shadows. But in the meantime, they got smoking gun evidence. You'll see. It's an. I just want to thank you, Sean for being the tip of the spear and getting this out to so many people because it really really matters. All Right, that report tonight exclusively Hannity nine Eastern with James O'Keefe on the Fox News Channel. We'll see you then, sir, thank you, Thank you eight hundred nine for one. Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. You know, how long have we known James O'KEEFELNDA almost fifteen years? Okay, he's never done this before. Where it's like, we have the biggest story, but I can't give it to you until well, I'll be honest with you. I went back and forth with him. He has been kind enough to give me embargo copies and I will tell you it is shocking. Well you told me that, which is now and I'm listening to him he's he's he gave us more than he wanted to. He did, and that's because he's so open him up. What's that he's very grateful to you, Sean, because a lot of people are afraid. They're really afraid. I'm not you know why they're afraid because and this is the strange thing, because he gets attacked constantly. He's never lost a lawsuit. Now he's suing all these people, which cracks me up, Like the New York Times and who else these fake news CNN. He's suing them all. He has a good chance of winning some of them, in my opinion, than the fact. Well, to be fair, to be fair, he's countersuing because what happens is they think they're going to use their standard big brother tactics and scare him. And he says, Oh, you're gonna sume me for telling the truth, No problem, I'll see you right back. And then they get caught with their pants down the New York Supreme Court ruling that they move forward to the discovery phase. That's only the sixth time that that has happened the Light of Times versus Sullivan. Same thing with Governor Sarah Palin. And this is listen. This is classic sixty minutes. This was old school Mike Wallace, Morley Safer, Harry Reisner, probably half this audience. There's no idea who I'm talking about. That's not good. All Right, eight hundred nine one sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program, quick break right back, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one sean, if you want to be a part of this program. So much going on today, so much happening. It's like every single day, there's no such thing anymore as a slow news day. It just isn't. I mean, everything so busy. Things couldn't get any worse. I hate bringing bad news to the program. You know this, Let's push a global minimum tax of fifteen percent. Oh so corporations. What they won't leave that you're trapped worldwide with high corporate taxes. They're not going to get every country to go along with this, And the next thing out of that will be, well, if you don't buy into the corporate global minimum tax rate of fifteen percent, then what we'll do is will make it impossible for you to do business with the countries that do align and abide by this unholy agreement. All of this is to you know, it's all based on the principles of radical socialism, which is, let's protect it, let's let's take away any opportunity for real liberty and freedom to exist anywhere in the world. Food prices exploding as Biden's implation puts the squeeze on middle and lower income Americans. I thought Joe said that they're not going to pay taxes. I'm pretty sure that's what Joe said, right, Everybody remember Joe saying that, Yeah, Jeff Landry, American life and American energy are inextricable, inextricable. Biden is seeking to destroy both. I'm telling you, mark my words, You're gonna watch with the price of energy soaring, everything costs more. With corporate taxes going up, that cost will be put onto us, the consumers. They lie when they say that that's not the case. They're just lying. It's not true. It's not helping anybody except them, because that that creates dependency. Dependency creates a voter base and every and yet they never can fulfill their responsibilities now like social security and medicare, you know, law and order, educating our kids, Obamacare. How did all those promises work out? Not too good? All right? Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to join us, let's say, how to Mikey's in the great state of Texas where we should be. How are you, Mike, Glad you called, sir? Pretty good? How are you doing today, Sean, I'm good, my friend, Glad you called. Well, here's and this is close to my heart because I always think about it. You know, we didn't get here overnight, and you know, the globalist fund everything, the propaganda media takes everything and twists it, or I can say canceled it. How do we reverse this because in almost you know, our judiciary and our legislative has somewhat played into this. I don't know by accident or by design, but it seems like there should be a way that we can, for lack of a better way to explain it, reverse engineered this and go backwards and undo this. Look, at the end of the day, everybody makes choices. I could tell you as somebody that is dependent on an audience to do this radio show and an audience to do a TV show, It's dependent on putting on a show that enough people want to watch when these companies insult our intelligence, mock and and ridicule our values, like for example, I mean, do you ever ever watch any late night show anymore? I mean Greg Gutfeld is beating the networks for crying out loud in late night comedy. And why are so many people tuned out to the A Night Show and the Late Show and to this show Because they're not funny anymore. And they've decided to turn these political shows into, you know, a socialist, happy indoctrination show, and they've lost any sense of being funny. And then they put so politically correct that that takes all funny away, if there ever was even funny you know the day. I mean, I used to love Late Night, right, Johnny Carson, I like Letterman back in the earlier days. And Jay Leno, Lena Leno was funny. I don't think len Leno has a political bone in his body. He made fun of everybody. Johnny Carson, same thing. Johnny Carson would put conservatives on, you know. So basically the answer is you are going to make decisions every day about what you watch, what you consume, what you don't watch, what you don't consume, and you know these wold corporations that you know, I still cannot get over that Coke, Delta, American Airlines, all these corporations bought into Joe Biden's lie about George's George's new voting law, and a lot of people I think are really pissed off the Yeah, Now, I don't believe in boycott's so I'm not going to call for a boycott. But I do make decisions every day, and I'll make them accordingly, myself included. And that's what I do. I don't and I guess the point that bothers me when you do get the truth and it comes through um and I know, you know, almost having to bring new new blood into the system because you know CNN and MSNBC and all they are so to the left that you get absolutely no. Um, you don't get anything that's true. You get you get a lot of either. Like I say, they say, you're crazier. You don't have the facts, so then how do we And you've got it because I think there are a lot of people that are just about set up with all the Shenani Well you can see it now. When when there is a politically advantageous time for Democrats or the haters of Donald Trump for example. Yeah, okay, so they all had a spike in the ratings. All those spikes are gone and Fox News is back to number one. You know, Oh my gosh, Foxes don't know. I've seen this play out so many times over the years. There is you know, after elections, people are tired. If you lose, you're you're kind of pissed off. You don't want to talk about it, think about it for a while. But now people are re engaging, thankfully again, because it's an all hands on deck moment. Twenty twenty one has to be about election reform before twenty twenty two, because we don't get the reforms in exactly so, but make all this happen. You know, we needed We need an active We need Americans, enough of us that care about integrity, fairness, checks and balances, things that really even shouldn't be deemed controversial. Thing controversial about the Democrats is they don't want any voter ID, any signature verification. They want all mail in balloting, and that system just lends itself. Even the New York Times acknowledged and the Baker Commission after two thousand just lends itself to corruption, fraud and integrity issues and no confidence and results. We can get it right because there are a lot of states that do get it right. You make your choices, Mike. Everyone's got to decide. I got a roll. Thank you, my friend. God blush you George North Carolina, what's up, George? How are you? Sir? Oh? Let me let me tell you Sean. First of all, thank you for hearing me out right. You know what's really sticks in my crawl these days that Democrats do not want to listen to anything that's contrary to what is in their brain. Kamala Harris is one of the most arrogant politicians I've ever seen. If a border wall, you know, she wouldn't know a border wall she saw unless it fell on her. Um. I get more disgusted every day. I don't care who I make mad anymore because things have just gone to hell in a hand basket. Uh. My wife won't even listen to the news because she gets so angry. At least I can you know, I can temper mind? Um And oh God, I see what you're describing here is what is going to crescendo. I believe if I'm right, and I'm usually cut my predictions. I have a pretty good track record. Your your what you're expressing here well, crescendo into a Republican House of Representatives in twenty twenty two. It will christian endo into hopefully Republicans taking control of the US Senate. It will crescendo into a backlash against cancel culture, wokeness, big tech, corrupt, the corrupt media mob, the corrupt Democratic Party, and hopefully we then can write the ship because there's too much going on now that is so dramatically bad. If we don't do it quickly, I then begin to worry that we're never going to be able to undo the mess they're creating. Well, you know, I hope you're not right about some of those things, Sean, but I believe in my own heart that someone's going to turn a fan on at the next election and something's going to hit it, and it's not going to be good for Democrats because of their arrogance and the way they're treating people and the way they're they want to tax us to death, and the way Kamala Harris has a feeling, Yeah, now is the time to change the direction on how we live and how we work and how we do everything. And you know what, it's not up to Camela Harrison and Democrats to decide what to do. We the people. We the people better take charge. We the people have to take charge. First step, election integrity, voter ID signature verification, chain of custody controls, partisan observers get to observe, and we have clean voter rolls. Why would that even be considered remotely controversial? Good call, George. All right, back to our busy phones, Steve and Maryland. What's up, Steve showing a pleasure to talk to you, long time listener. Thank you, my friend. Glad you're with us. Yeah, calling from the People's Republic. We have a governor down, Larry Um. Yeah, you're losing. We're losing your line here, Steve. Let me move on to let's say, how to Donna Is in Oklahoma? What's up, Anna? How are you? I'm good? How are you the home of Toby Keith and Garth Brooks? Beautiful Oklahoma? What's going on? Yeah? A lot have a questions for you. Thank you for taking my call. I'm a small business owner, so of a travel agency, no less, so it's been kind of a rough year, by the way, Yeah, it had to be rough year. I'm sorry about that. I thought travel agencies were kind of becoming somewhat antiquated anyway, right, because don't people like go online and buy like Priceline and all that stuff, which those are just big travel agencies. You know, that's true, that's that's a good point. But people like concierge travel agencies. Do you run like a concierge service. Basically, I do a lot of humanitarian travel for groups that's awesome, like people building homes and stuff in medical and it's very specialized and so it's it's a niche that you know that I've had for like thirty years and continues. But it's also one of those industries that's going to be hit for a good another. It's going to be at least another eight or ten months before it comes back because well, one, because you have to have a COVID test to get back in the country, and personally think that if you're vaccinated, you got to be able to get back in. That would speed our business recovery up. Yeah, listen, I know, I know We've got the world is behind us. Remember we are the people that discovered and put together and manufactured these vaccines, and now we're sharing it with the rest of the world. I think I read last week that some twenty or thirty million doses we were sending abroad, which by the way, is quintessentially American. We're not hiding it. We're sharing as quickly as we can those people that want the vaccine to help out other countries. I don't even think we're charging it for it. Maybe we are, but I'm sure it's a nominal fee. We're not going to be price gouging. I wouldn't imagine, I hope not. That wouldn't be the right thing to do. And um, you know, we are fundamentally a good people, a generous people, and you know, but for the United States of America, you know, we have we have advanced the human condition more than any other country in the history of mankind. We're not perfect, but we've done a lot of good too. We do a lot of good. Some of my question is, you know, the the unemployment, actually we couldn't we couldn't get PvP, so the unemployment actually helped us help me because otherwise we probably wouldn't have made it through this. But and I'm I totally support like the ending of the supplemental unemployment, even though that directly impacts me. But I mean, there are help wanted science anywhere. I mean, I continue everywhere, every single person. I know. Yeah, I mean, but so I still have to I'm I'm keeping my business up. It's going to it is going to come back. I mean, it is gut signs of coming back. It's just taking a while because of the restrictions. So well, I have to run. But let me just say this. I want to look. I want life back to normal. I was a really pretty good group of people when was it last week? And nobody had a mask on? And I said, isn't it once nice to have life back to normal a little bit? And that would include travel, that would include your business, that would include people getting back to work. It's good for the soul to work. It's not good to stay home because you're making more money from the government. And that's only hurting the economy. That's hurting growth, it's hurting businesses. Everybody needs to need a purpose in life. I don't care what the purpose is. It makes you a better person. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn. If you want to be a part of the program Quick Break, Right Back, all Right, News rounds up, Information Overload hour eight hundred and nine for one sewness a toll free telephone number. You know, we now have had two record months. We're on twn. I have a record year. Foxnews dot com says they've identified another migrant caravan on its way to the southern border. Why because we have open borders and a promise of amnesty, and everybody that gets to the border is getting in and they're not even getting catched and released, that is getting caught and then put on a bus to or getting transported to one of the forty eight states. We had Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee on and a lot of states to say, no, don't do this, we don't want We don't have the financing to take care of people that need food, shelter, healthcare, education, etc. We don't have the financing for any of this. Has been however, many days, sixty some odd days. I guess now that Kamala Harris is supposed to be in charge of the border issue, she's busy doing the rest, pretty much all of Joe Biden's jobs, talking to foreign leaders, etc. Kamala Harris took charge of diplomatic outreach with Mexico in the Northern Triangle in March. When you go back to twenty eighteen, well, she hasn't even visited the border at all since taking on this role, and she's come under fierce criticism from Republicans that why don't you take the time to go down and look at the cages that you and Joe are building with our money? And what are you going to do in the middle of a pandemic putting kids on top of each other that way? And then the media, of course, media protection program. You know that that remains in full effect if it was Donald Trump building the new cages for kids. Trust me, we dear about it every second, every hour of every day. She was appointed what in early March by Biden, supposed to lead diplomatic talks with Mexican and Northern Triangle leaders in order to solve a surge in migration. It's not hard. Just put back in place to stay in Mexico policy, start building the wall again, and eliminate catch and release, and make no more promises of amnesty, in other words, rewarding those people that don't respect our laws. Our borders and our sovereignty. It's not that hard anyway. Our friend, who is the Attorney General, Mark Bronovich out in Arizona, he's been all over this and he says the Biden immigration policy is going to tear this country apart. Here's what he said. What the Biden administration is doing is, I believe, long term wise, is undermining immigration. When the Biden administration is talking about sending three ten million dollars to Central American countries to prop them up, that's our tax dollars. When they talk about how's it paying eighty seven million dollars for contracts to house people don't have legal status here, think about that next time you got to write your check for your mortgage. And so this actually is creating I think a great division or a country. Not sure what the Biden administration is doing, but long term wise, I think it's going to tear this country apart. All right. Joining us now is Attorney General Mark Bernovich of Arizona. Okay, you now have stepped out and said she needs to be removed from this role. Tell us where you stand. Well, very clearly, Sean, she has failed to do her job. She seems to be more interested in sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Central American countries than trying to protect our American communities in any other place. I guess this is what they do in Washington, DC. If you fail, you get fired instead. She keeps getting more and more responsibility, and this crisis continues to grow. And you know, we just we just started depositions. As you know, we've got three lawsuits against the Biden administration, one saying that they illegally stopped construction of the wall, two they illegally rescinded the remaining Mexico policy, that they've illegally stopped the deportation of the one point two million people in this country that have deportation orders. And now as a result of our lawsuit, we're the first state we're getting this discovery. We just deposed last week the acting director of Phoenix ICE and literally Sean. What he said is that people with criminal warrants and large arrest removals, these detainers are important to public safety. And because ICE is not doing that because the Biden administrations, you know, political agenda, this likely will result in harm to the public. And don't just believe him. Look at Since the interim guidance was adopted, the number of detainers issued nationally has fallen from ten thousand a month throughout two and twenty to five thousand in February to less than twenty five hundred in March and April. And what every one of your listeners should know is what that means is the Biden administration is systematically not enforcing the law. They are letting people that break the law suffer no consequences. You know, as you just played in that clip there, they've provided out financial incentive for people to come over here. In every single person, every single person regards where you come from, needs to understand. Even here Arizona, people, if ICE detainers are being released from prison Sean, they have convictions for arson assaults, actual crimes, and ICE is not picking them up. Because of the Joe Biden administration, people are gonna get it hurt, people are gonna get it die. And the cartels are making all this money, and all these countries like China and everything else are laughing at us because we are becoming a joke because we can't even control our own borders. Well, I mean, it seems pretty basic, fundamental and simple here. The point is, you know, we're now on track to bringing one two million people to this country illegally this year, all of which will need food, shelter, healthcare. They're going to need educational services, including you know, learning English, which is specifically expensive and challenging if English is not your first language. And you know, and again, people that didn't respect our laws, didn't respect our borders or our sovereignty. Now, I happen to believe in legal immigration and people that come into and follow the process, they should be rewarded. Now, I also think we all have standards. I believe in merit based immigration. I also believe that in light of the pandemic, we ought to have some health checks for people coming into this country number one. Number two, I think it's fair that we do background checks to make sure people don't have radical associations. And third and lastly that if we're going to give one of these highly coveted slots to somebody and welcome them into our country, which by the way, we're happy to do our nation of immigrants, but we've got to be smart about it. We can't afford to take care of everybody. People have to be able to provide for themselves when they get here and prove to us that they will be able to do something, then I don't really care where you come from. Welcome to America. And if you're on a visa, welcome for the time that you hear. If you want to apply for permanent residency, follow the law, follow the process. If Democrats don't like it, they have the option to changing the law, not ignoring the law and forcing other states to aid and a bet in their law break king. Imagine if I broke the law. I don't think it would work out. Well, I don't know if you know this. One day I was covering the border down in Arizona and I stepped into Mexican territory. Literally, they took one step over. There's a state representative down there that wanted me arrested for entering re entering the country illegally. That's how, you know, very different standard than they're applying today. Well, the problem, Sean, and you know this better than anyone, after all the unnecessary attacks that you've had to sustain, is that the left they cannot see the forest through the trees. And a big part of this is because this all goes back to the kind of hardcore left, neo Marxist progressive agenda that really doesn't like the United States, doesn't like our free enterprise system, and wants to essentially undermine it from within. And unfortunately, there's a lot of people that are good, hard working Democrats that don't realize that they've become useful idiots for the aocs and the hard left of the Democratic Party. And I will tell you you know, so, I think I've mentioned this on your show before. Sean. Look, I'm a first generation American and just to your point, look, I didn't even grow up seeing English in my first language. I spoke Serbo creation I'm Slavic, And you know, when I went to school, it was like basically my parents like you got thrown into the classroom and you had to figure it out. You had to learn. And because my parents wanted me to assembilate. Now, of course, I still go to the same church as a lot of immigrants. I still speak the language. But I appreciate it that people leave these countries, they leave oppressive countries and they come here because they want to be American. Because this country is founded on the idea, it sounded on the ethos that it doesn't matter who your parents were, how you spell your name, that you have an opportunity to America. And what the radical left is doing is they are trying to undermine that American dream and the name of equality. What they're doing is they're basically lowering everyone's ability can get ahead. And if you play by the rules, this country was all about you play by the rules, you work hard, no matter what you do, you can get something for yourself. You can make something to yourself, make something your family. And what breaks my heart is, I think the aocs the humors of the world. They're completely undermined the American dream. The reason why so many people want to come here. Bottom line on this is you just alluded to two million people will illegally cross our southern board at least this year alone. That is like the entire population of Wyoming, Alaska, and Vermont combined. Now think about that, you know, or just the entire state of Nebraska. So we're talking about a huge, massive influx. When you talk about the cartels and all their money they're making, and make no mistake, they are loving this because they make money off every single person that's being exploited to going across that border. They're making money off all the junk that trash, the heroine and the setting, all that's coming across our border where you've seen dramatic spikes and law enforcement that's can end up undermining and poising our neighborhoods. You know, the cartels are laughing at us, and it just breaks my heart that the Biden administration is creating this chaos. And then you know, you talked about we've talked about just the cost. How fair is it to an American taxpayer when you see ICE and DHS spending tens of millions of dollars to provide you know, childcare and travel in a hotel expenses for people that broke the law. And look, we are a very generous country. We are nation immigrants, but the rule of law means something here. You are incentivising people if people the work gets back. Once you get here, they let you in. Once they get here, they'll put you up in a hotel. And when we've been looking at the budgets for hotels alone, you also get access to free healthcare, you get free education. We're incentivising people not to follow the law. And not only are we incentivizing it. With facilitating it, we're aiding and abetting with law breaking. All right, as we continue, Attorney General Mark Bernavich is with us. This is what really amazes me. If you don't if the left doesn't like the laws, they can change them. We have a process for that, that's called the legislative branch. You know, sanctuary city, sanctuary states, Joe Biden's policies, all the above facilitate eight in a bet, law breaking. Well, I don't think I, as a conservative, get to pick and choose what laws I want to obey and what laws I don't want to obey. And why do I believe as a conservative, if I break the law, I'm going to pay the price. You know, it seems like when the government institutionally does this, it's it's mind numbing to me. States like New York, New Jersey, Gavin Newsom does it out in California. Not only is it a sanctuary state, for example, in California, but now you're getting checks when you didn't respect follow the law and respect our borders, respect our sovereignty. We're rewarding illegal activity. And then you know, ultimately you say, okay, well, not only that, then we're going to give you citizenship. Well, what about the people that tried to do it the right way and follow the law and respect our sovereignty and borders. They're not getting in. They see everybody else is getting in, and they're probably gonna throw their hands up and say, I guess that's the way we really should do it. Without a doubt, when you don't enforce the law, you will get more of an activity. And that's essentially what the Biden administration is done. As they have decriminalized and they've empowered the cartel. So we know that. We also know Sean, as you just alluded to, we pay our taxes. And then when people see the Biden administration avertly trying to give benefits to people who just recently illegally across the border, I think it offends people, whether the Democrats or Republicans. And you know, one of the lawsuits we have right now, we've petitioned for the search the US Supreme Court. There's been a public charge rule that's been in our statutes for a hundred years that basically says, if you want to come to the United States, if you want to get a green card, if you want citizenship, you have to be able to support yourself. The Trump administration interpreted that basically to say that if you are in government benefits more than twelve months out of thirty six, but you're ineligible. What the Biden administration did is rescind that. Not only that, they dropped the case while I was pending at the US Supreme Court, which is highly unusual, which once again demonstrates that this is all about politics for them in changing American society. And as a result of that, the Biden administration is essentially saying, look, we're going to give healthcare, We're going to give childcare, We're going to give all sorts of other government benefits, unemployment benefits to people literally that just cross the border illegally. And look, regardless of what you think about immigration, that is fundamentally unfair to every single person that pays their taxes. And so I just going back to what we're talking about with Kamala Harrison, I don't know what the hell the Biden administration is doing, what they're thinking. The only thing I can think of is that long term wise, they literally are trying to overwhelm our system, overwhelm our country, and get a bunch of people whether they're recently arrived here or whether they cross the border illegally, dependent on the federal government and the Democrats for their very existence and livelihood. So this is a radical attempt to fundamentally alter what this country is all about. And if we don't do something, that's why I keep fombing. These lawsuits were deposing people. I keep talking about it because this truly is an existential threat to our country, and not because it's because of the way it's going on. It's because of the way the system is being overwhelmed financially, the way the cartels are being empowered, and it is going to be a problem right now. It's it's a huge problem. It's going to be a disaster, or it is a disaster, it's going to be a terrible tragedy when someone gets hurt or people start getting hurt. But it is going to be a generational, fundamental shift in the relationship between people and the federal government. And that's why we got to do everything we can to stop it. Now. All right, I appreciate you being one of us. We are going to continue to advocate for the laws of the land, and our message to the left is consistent you don't like the laws, change them. If you can't change them, then that's too bad. That's why we have elections. You don't get to pick and choose which laws you care to abide by and which ones you don't. Although I guess they do get away with it. You know, you can commit premeditated fraud and a fives the courts buying a president a presidential candidate. Nothing happens to them. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. We'll get to your calls also in the next half hour. Quick break right back I twenty five till the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls in just a second. Here. We have some really big Senate races in twenty twenty two. Now, obviously getting back the House of Representatives is going to be huge for the Republicans if I'm right, Republicans, if they if things keep going the way they're going in the radicalism and the squad of radicals remains in control, it's gonna be perhaps a tsunami bigger than even twenty ten with the Tea Party. That's what's coming. And Republicans have every opportunity to take back the House. They have every opportunity to take back the Senate. I mean we've got Senate races. I mean this will be the bellweather of all bellweathers, if you want to look into a crystal ball for twenty twenty four. I mean, Florida is up a Senate seat. Marco Rubio Seed, he's running again. Georgia, we're watching herschel Walker. He might be a candidate against Raphael Warnock. Tim Scott is up in South Carolina. Nobody's determined yet who's gonna run in the state of North Carolina. Then you got New Hampshire. A lot of talk of Governor Sanunu running, but he runs, I think he'd win, and I think he'd win that state easily. Ron Johnson is being targeted by the Democrats and Hollywood more than any other candidate. Republican candidate running for the Senate in twenty twenty two is being attacked already. Then we got the state of Ohio. We're not sure who's going to emerge from there. We're looking at people. Then you've got Arizona and this is gonna be a huge year. And I'll add to that the state of Pennsylvania. Think about those states and how much they all matter to me. It's very simple. If Republicans want to win, it is the America First, make America Great Again agenda, and what is that. We believe liberty, freedom, capitalism and our constitution, lower taxes, eliminating unnecessary burdensome regulation. We believe in law and order, safety and security, simple basic fundamentals, choice in schools, free market solutions for healthcare that protect preexisting conditions. We want our borders secure and safe. We believe in energy and dependence. We believe in free and fair trade. Constitutionalists on the bench, and we need the biggest kick ass military on the face of this earth because we want to protect the American people and the cause of liberty and freedom for generations to come. That agenda wins. It's pretty much the agenda I believed in my whole life. And Republicans unite around that agenda, then I think they'd have every chance of winning all of it, and it could be a broad sweep. We have been following what's going on in Pennsylvania. I mean, we've interviewed Kathy Barnett says she's running, and we love Kathy Barnett. She's a great, great human being. Kyr and Skinner's thinking about it now. Sean Parnell, another great guy. We've been friends. He's been friends of this program for a long time. Retired Army Infantry captain, now a candidate for the US Senate in Pennsylvania. My whole life has been about serving this country. Ladies and gentlemen, I've got to tell you, America is on the brink. This country stands on a very thin line between hope and darkness. Your taxes are rising, our debt and deficit is skyrocken. Our border is flooded. Our energy industry is being crushed. Our second event is under assault. Our first amendment is to the Democrats, arn't shy about their agenda. And let me tell you this, it is our duty and our responsibility in twenty twenty two to stop. You know, in the military, they always tell you that leadership must about going to where the contact is heaviest, where the fight is the toughest. The fight for the heart and soul of this country is going to happen right here in Pennsylvania. So, ladies and gentlemen, I am officially declaring my candidacy for United States Senate here in Pennsylvania. Together, we are going to win in twenty twenty two. We are going to win Pennsylvania, and we are going to save America. Thank you. Now you have officially announced you're gonna run. I'm in the race, and Sean, you hit the nail on the head. I mean, we've got a rally around the America First agenda. And one of the things that I've learned since being out of the military is, you know, I've fought for freedom surrounded by death and hell. You see, you get a chance to see just how precious freedom is, and that freedom has to be fought for and defended by every generation. But the fight for freedom in this country right now, in twenty twenty one and leading into twenty twenty two, is not going to be held on a foreign battlefield. It's going to be held right here in this great, exceptional country. And really, I think round zero for that fight is the state of Pennsylvania. That we've got an open seat here for the first time in a very long time, Republican Senator Pat Toomey is retiring, and we have got a hell of a shot to hold the seat. And in fact, I would say We absolutely have to if you look at some of the things that the Democrats are doing, Like what I tell people is your taxes are rising, are and depthicit is soaring. Our border is flooded, Our police are being defunded, Our energy industry is being crushed. The Second Amendment is under assault. The First Amendment isn't far behind. The Democrats are trying to pack the Supreme Court, make Washington, DC estates that they can have a permanent, permanent majority in the Senate. They're talking about nuke in the filibuster so they can remove any dissenting voice from the minority. The whole, the whole movement behind the radical left is to fundamentally transform this country a road our protections in the Constitution that by the way, are granted to us by God, not government. It's a wholesale war on the American way of life, and that my top line mission, Sean is to protect and preserve the American way of life. And in the American you put your life on the line for that too. I mean you're wounded in action. I mean I think you are outnumbered ten to one and battling in an enemy pretty much in point playing range. This is back in two thousand and six. You're retired, highly created captain, two bronze stars, one for Valor purple Heart. So I think you know what a what a fight looks like. And yeah, I think Pennsylvania is hard. Let me ask you one question on election integrity, because I know you were active and involved post November third, But the legislature in the state of Pennsylvania, because you have a state constitution that clearly states very limited and very specific instances in which you can have mail in balloting, the legislature didn't go through the more difficult process of amending their constitution and they just passed a law circumventing the constitution. To me, that was unconstitutional. Is the state legislature going to fix that? Will your Governor Wolf? Will he fix that? I don't think there's any chance that Governor Wolf is going to sign on to a piece of legislation that Appeals Act seventy seven. I certainly I agree with everything that you said your spot on in your atment. In fact, our case made it all the way to the Supreme Court. Why the Supreme Court didn't take it, I don't know. We had three justices the sent and agree with US goorsets Alito and Thomas. But unfortunately, Yeah, I believe it's unconstitutional, but Governor Wolf's not going to sign anything to repeal it. And I would also add that this case, like our case on Act seventy seven, it was one of the only cases on election integrity that was heard on the merits in a court commonwealth court in Pennsylvania. When we presented the evidence, we won on the merits. Now the PA Supreme Court five two Democrats supermajority in the Supreme Court. They didn't take our case, they dismissed on technical technicalities, or didn't take it at all. But Act seventy seven is clearly unconstitutional. But unfortunately, I think that system is still going to be in place in twenty twenty two. But one thing I know that the legislature is moving on is voter ID. So even if Act seventy seven still in place, like, voter ID is a real simple way to fix all the woes that we experienced. It has no voter identification whatsoever. No, And then and I think it was two point four million million bouts in twenty twenty and what was a two hundred thousand in twenty sixteen. Yeah, yeah, and and oh, by the way, and by the way, you're right, the Supreme Court should have taken that case up. They should have. But but oh, by the way, Sean, sixty days before the election, the governor removed the signature verification requirement any semblance of a deadline. Election day became election week, that then became election month. Right, Um, they removed any postmark requirement all at the same time that Zuckerbucks and this CTCL funding came in to fund remote satellite voting facilities and drop boxes and heavily democratic areas. Now, I say, like, why don't Republican chairs all across this great state of Pennsylvania apply for the zucker Bucks. We've got sixty four out of sixty county sixty seven counties here in the state of Pennsylvania that are heavily Republican. Let's put drop boxes in every gun show, every car show, every far arm show across the state of Pennsylvania. Watch how fast the Democrats don't like drop boxes. I'm telling you if wemut saying we do anything illegal. Two best legal cases, well I think there were three. One was in Georgia by having two signature verification standards and two voting standards. One rigorous if you voted in person and you needed a voter ID and you your signature was verified on the state database that was waived in this consent agreement that was made by this you know, Secretary of State Rathsomburger, which was the dumbest consent agreement I've ever seen in my life, and it created a very lenient method of people voting by mail. The next big case and that was the four three decision with the Chief Justice or the Wisconsin Supreme Court in a brutal takedown of the four justices that were on the other side. It was a four three decision saying that we have laws, and until you have the courage to force them, this is never going to stop happening. And then I thought the best legal arguments were that the state legislature did not have the constitutional authority to bypass your state constitution. And I think on the merits, you win that case easily. Absolutely, I mean, and truthfully it was it was. It was based on two hundred years the Pennsylvania Supreme Court case law going all the way back to the Civil War. And so if you look at the field, is its developing here in Pennsylvania. Like, the number one quality that Republicans want is somebody that is not afraid to stand up to the radical left in fight not just the radical left, but also stand up to our own party when they're incorrect. I'm the only person that's been able to do that. In two weeks before I even got in this race, Sean, you had Chuck Schumer in the DSCC running ads against me in Pennsylvania when I wasn't even a candidate, and then when I got in the race, they start sending all these email fundraisers like, oh, Parnell's in the race, we got to start raising money and help our candidates. At the exact same time, Google started sending swering my campaign website. So if you plug in my website on Google, like you can even search Sean Parnell Senate Pennsylvania, my campaign website will not come up now you put it into Yahoo Bang or Duck Duck goa. It's the first thing. But it is important for people to understand that, Like this is if you think that big Tech does not have their finger on the scale of this thing, kilting it in favor of the radical left, you're wrong, because if you punched in any of the Democrat candidate to a running for Senate in the state of Pennsylvania, their websites pop up first. Now, why is that important? Like, I raised the vast majority of my money in twenty twenty, and we broke all sorts of fundraising records here in Pennsylvania. We raised it online for forty five thousand individual donors. We weren't beholden to any political party, we weren't beholden to any corporate interests we raised. Have you thought about a lawsuit that this is an in kind campaign contribution by big tech? We are thinking about it, Like, if we can't get this situation resolved, that clearly is the next step. Because if people like people are listening to me on your show right now and they say, I kind of like that dude Parnell, he's a good guy. They punched my name into Google. I like that guy Parnell, But that guy Hannahy is a total jackass. But go ahead. I don't think people that are listening to your show are going to think that. But I'll look. All I know is that they're going to punch my name into the website into Google. They're not going to find me and think that maybe I don't have a website. If you think that that doesn't hurt as a concern, I know, it's everything. I totally agree with you, and it's uh, you know, I know you have Parnell for Senator. I think is the domain new grab. But I look at this, that is an in kind donation. Just like protecting Joe Biden and Hunter Biden with the laptop story prior to the election, that was an in kind donation. Well, anyway, Sean, we appreciate you being one of us. You've got some great people in the Republican Party and it's not Pat Toomey. Frankly, it's time to replace him. And I'm looking forward to watching this primary. You've got some amazing, amazing opportunities there and I'm hoping that Republicans will be smart enough to capitalize on it. Yeah, Sean, I can't thank you enough for giving me a little bit of time today on your show and access to your audience. Then glad to do it. I mean, we need people like you. I thank you for I thank you for you know, getting wounded in action for our freedoms. Thank you, well, it was an honor serve You're worth it, and so is this country. That's gonna wrap things up with today. We got a busy Hannity ninety Eastern tonight. You do not want to miss it. Governor Rhonda Santis, Ted Cruz, Ricks and Torum can By Fake News, C and N, Lindsay Graham, James O'Keefe, Devin Newness and more, nine Eastern. Say your DVR Hannity, Fox News. I promise as news you won't get from big tech or the media mob. Hope you'll join us tonight. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. As always, Thanks for being with us. One four four

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