Andy McCarthy and The Plot to Destroy A Presidency

Published Aug 15, 2019, 10:00 PM

Andy McCarthy, Fox News Contributor, a columnist for National Review and former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, is here to talk about the real ties between Bruce and Nellie Ohr and Fusion GPS. With the release of the memos, Nellie sent to her husband Bruce, who was working at the Department of Justice as Deputy Attorney General. McCarthy’s new book, Ball of Collusion - THE PLOT TO RIG AN ELECTION AND DESTROY A PRESIDENCY, was released just a few days ago, and tackles this and much more.

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All right, glad you with us. We have a busy day. We have a lot of breaking news on the deep state. We will be getting to an incredible new book. I can't put it down, so well written and a great, great accompanying book to say, Jeanine Pierro's book and Greg Jared's book. It's written by our friend Andy McCarthy. It's called Bowl of Collusion, the plot to rig an election, destroy a presidency. We have that on top of the new Judicial Watch release from yesterday providing the Bruce Or providing the FBI with research that we now know according to FBI's own spreadsheet later in the process debunking almost one hundred percent well into the ninety plus range the Steel dossier. But anyway, we now know that Bruce Or was providing the FBI with the research that his wife Nellie was doing on behalf of Fusion GPS that was being paid ultimately by the Clinton's in the DNC. Wow. The Justice Department recently providing some of these documents to Judicial Watch will update you on all of this. One of the documents is that spreadsheets. You know, you think the story of the Russian hookers urinating in the bed was a fabricated, bad enough story, but they basically identified every horrible Russian citizen that it was alive individuals, and they made up links to Donald Trump, just totally out of whole cloth, with no evidence whatsoever. NELLI York keeping tabs on dozens and dozens of Trump associates. But we're now moving into the area that we described with John Solomon yesterday. We'll discuss later with Andy McCarthy, and this is moving a lot faster, a lot deeper. Is going to be at least three major releases. I believe probably a fourth, and well, that's accepting that John knows something that I don't know, which is that will be a separate investigation and report on the issue of leaking. I don't doubt that's going to happen. But we'll get the Coomy report, which we already know about, with more detail where they believe that he was lying or being less than candid or lack of candor, and of course the classified documents that were removed by other FBI agents from Comey's home one month after he was fired. For other people, you would think they would get indicted, but I'm told we'll wait and see that there's a lot of other issues that will impact James Comey's life. He should have taken my advice a long time ago, and that he has the right to remain silent. Didn't appear to want to do so, but you know him thinking is a super patriot. But we're getting deeper and deeper now into the weeds of a story that is really profound and very threatening to what this great democratic Republic is about. And it all starts with the investigation or frankly, the exoneration of a guilty party, where evidence is so overwhelming and so incontrovertible that nobody in law enforcement can look at this evidence and not say that the person involved in this behavior should have been indicted. That's why we discussed at length exonerating or beginning the writing of the exoneration of Hillary Clinton in May of twenty sixteen, when in fact they hadn't interviewed her or any of the other witnesses, even using the term gross negligence, which is the legal standard in the exact statute which would have applied to Hillary Clinton, but well, we'll change that to extreme carelessness as a means of protecting her. That's a huge problem, A huge problem for Hillary Clinton. And then of course we've never I've never heard in my life, it's unprecedented to hear a case of somebody like Hillary Clinton, when she's finally interviewed, way late in the process, after they've been working for months on writing her exoneration, they sit her down. But it's supposed to be an interrogation to the FBI, And the person doing the interrogating is Peter Struck, who's out there saying privately that Hillary should win one hundred million to zero, and I have an insurance policy if Donald Trump does win, God help us. Calling Donald Trump every name of the book, the same Peter Struck referring to Trump voters that he can smell the shop at Walmart because they're smart and want to save money. And Walmart has the same products at lower prices, which just makes sense to save money. But we're smelly Walmart people. So the smelly Walmart guy is interrogating the irredeemable, deplorable person who is allowed, which is unprecedented and unheard of and may in and of itself be some type of federal violation, I am told by lawyers, and a crime. Hillary Clinton with Cheryl Mills and another person people that are also involved in the issue, and then come basically for thirteen minutes, lays out all the crimes associated with the Espionage Act, all the leoni's committed, all the evidence is there. They've got it, top secret classified information put on a private server. And then of course the subpoened emails deleted. Good luck if you try to pull this crap on the FBI or any law enforcement agency deleted, and then cleaning the hard drive with bleach bit. Good luck. We never heard about bleach bit. Hillary Clinton has done more from bleach bit than anyone else that could ever imagine. And then of course having aids bust up devices and blackberries and iPhones with hammers, and the ones they did give to the FBI had no SIM cards in them. They think they're so clever. We found out today, by the way, that in fact, Peter Struck rejected intelligence that was finding that China had likely hacked into hillary server. Oh, Hannity's right again, because we were Our investigations have shown as many as six foreign intelligence services agencies had hacked into her server. Oh, but that's what we now know. When the intelligence community investigators were pressing Peter Struck to investigate the evidence that China, in this case, had hacked in the Hillary secret server, but instead following up on the following up on the finding, the investigators said Struck was dismissive and declined to pursue whether or not the Chinese had hacked her server. Here's what the Washington Times put out. It's pretty funny if it wasn't so alarming. The FBI dismissed claims by two former Intelligence Community Inspector General employees who claimed China may have hacked Hillary Clinton's private server. According to a report released Wednesday by two Republican senators, the two intelligence community watchdogs said they discovered and anomally I can say it anomaly in Missus Clinton z stopp laughing at me and Missus Clinton's emails while conducting a review of her server's contents in twenty fifteen. This anomaly, specifically, what they discovered was an email address tied to Clinton's email that was possibly forwarding her emails to Yes, China, the hostile regime that they are in real time, and they took their concerns to mister Hillary should win one hundred million to zero. Where Smellie Walmart Trump supporters, and I have an insurance policy. Peter Struck, according to notes from their interviews, would senate staffers, but the Bureau wasn't interested in that hacking. Oh that's right, it's Donald Trump. Then we'd care. And now we got so after that part of this, and they exonerate somebody who's guilty of obstruction, underlying crime, serious threats toward national security, then what happens then? Oh, okay, then they take the dirty dossier. Hillary Clinton funnels money Perkins Cooey, a law firm, legal expense, it's not that could be a campaign finance issue. Separate and apart. Fusion GPS research firm hires Christopher Stile, a guy that we now know Bruce or warned about to everybody in the DOJ, everybody in the FBI. And August the twenty sixteen, Kathleen Cavlac, ten days before Comey and Yate signed the first FISA application, we now know that, in fact, they were all warned that the dossier's unverified, that Steel hates Trump, Hillary paid for it. Okay, why'd they use it as the bulk of information? Now? What's fascinating about Andy McCarthy's book is the following, and we'll get to this with him as he joins us at the top of the next Now with the ball of Collusion, he's now saying something that I think questions we've only raised with our ensemble cast on this show and Hannity on Fox News, and that is that in his book, he's claiming the Obama administration quote put the law enforcement and intelligence apparatus of our government in the service of the Clinton campaign and quote, when pressed if he saw collusion between Obama and Clinton, Andy McCarthy, he's from the Southern District to New York. This is the premier prosecuting you know, office in the entire country. They're the best of what they do on the left and the right. They've had the best lawyers, the biggest names that in law today. Rudy Giuliani came from there. You know, some of the most the highest profile prosecutors. These are killers in the Southern District of New York. They're good anyway, So he was there. He went after he successfully prosecuted the blind Shake case. And when pressed if he saw he said, the use of these counterintelligence powers and law enforcement processes in our political process, which is never supposed to happen. And then he goes on to explain that what he saw as the difference in the quality of justice that was afforded the Clinton camp over or emails and the Trump campaigns, the led tighes to Russia that led to the Mueller investigation. He said, at every investigation, investigators always think that they're bad guys, are the worst bad guys in the history of bad guys. And what you always need is the adult supervision of leadership in the headquarters. And then he goes and answers Steve Doocey's question, and that is directly implicating Obama himself, and what he views is the conspiratorial counterintelligence effort designed to take down President Trump. Now think about this, He goes on to say and explain as for the nature of the probe. These counterintelligence investigations, they belong to the president at the time that president would be Obama. They're only done for one reason, to believe, and that is to gather intelligence so that the president can carry out his national security responsibilities under the Constitution. And then he lays it out clear any counterintelligence investigation has to buy its nature be the president's investigation. And then Doocey rightly asked this question, that means it to the West wing. McCarthy's answer, it goes to the president. That's the way it's supposed to work. If it's not working that way, then it shouldn't be a counterintelligence investigation in the first place. But here we don't have to speculate because there's plenty of indication Obama was informed and knew exactly what they were doing. What did Obama and Biden know and when did they know it? That's why this is important. So we're gonna get through at some point. Lindsey Graham has promised that they saved Hillery. Then you've got the dirty dossier. Then it was used as the bulk of information for the FISA warrants denying Carter Pages, civil liberties, and constitutional rights, but also provided the backdoor to spy on the Trump campaign, then the Trump transition, then the Trump presidency, and even over time. Is they just kept using this false information even after the FBI had determined through their own spreadsheet it was false, they still used it as the bulk of information to continue the spying for a full year. This went on three renewal applications four applications in total. And then so we'll get eventually after the Komi papers are released and the Inspector General on that, then we're going to get what is the FI abuse report. It was a premeditated because they will warn fraud committed on a court for the purpose of spying on and impacting a presidential election. Then the other spying that went on in Europe with Joseph misfoot. And then we have Stephan Helper against Clovis, Papadoppolos and Paige and we also now believe after the interview would steal and other intelligence sources that the likelihood is is that now we're going to have to be asking Brennan and clapp are a lot of questions about whether or not they did or did not outsource intelligence gathering that would otherwise be illegal to turning the tools of intelligence on the American people. Did they outsource it to our allies in Europe and elsewhere more specifically Great Britain, more specifically Italy, more specifically Australia to do their dirty work for the purpose of stopping the election of Donald Trump won and two for then destroying a duly elected president with illegal spying against him and his supporters. This is all going to come out. I would say, you'll get the Inspector General report on Comey, then the Fiser report. If John Solomon's right, we'll get another report on leaking, and if I'm right, you're going to get a Barred Dorham report on all how all of this started. Who knew, what, when? And where did it go to the top meeting Obama Biden? Who knew what? When? And did we outsource criminal activity and abuse the power of the intelligence community by outsourcing intelligence gathering and spying on American citizens. My guess is that's all coming out too, all right, if we roll along Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean told pretty telephone number, we um so we're doing our coverage yesterday, and I gotta be honest, And I kept turning my mic off. I'm I'm telling my team and Linda could verify this. I'm telling you something's not right here. I'm telling you that I suspect that there were people in that building. There may be hostages. Now, I did when we went to our coverage, I did say some of that to Jonathan Gillim. I asked questions, wasn't I was I not screaming that last night, Linda, yesterday I was. I kept going, I kept doing this. I'm talking on the talk back and I'm saying, they've got people in there. I'm telling you I can tell and lo and behold, and I gotta give all the credit. I thought that commissioner was amazing. Richard Ross Junior in Philly. It was far worse than anybody knew. It was far more precarious than anybody knew, far more day dangerous for police than anybody knows. Frankly, it's a miracle from heaven above and God that these six guys got shot. They're all gonna be okay, according to every report, and the fact that up until about nine thirty five at night, while we're doing Hannity, that those guys were one floor above where the main shooter was police officers with other perpetrators and other criminals that they'd apprehended with them, and they finally got them out at ninety I mean, that's a miracle, thank God. And the sad part is I'm reading these reports as report ky people taunting the cops. I'll tell you about that next, all right, twenty five now tills the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. So I just yesterday was fairly miraculous in terms of what happened with these police officers, and when you think of what could have happened with six of them shot, and one of the sadder things that I read in this whole thing, and we'll get into this maybe a more detail later in the program is KYW and other people. I'll tell you what happened. It was a Foxnews dot com piece. The headline is Philadelphia police here. We've got hundreds of shots being fired or over a hundred shots here. We have six officers shot here, we have nearly the entire police force of Philadelphia descending on this one area. We have a potential, at least in my mind I thought turned out to be right near hostage situation there where we had officers and people that they had apprehended in one floor above where the one shooter, active shooter remained. It's as bad as he can get. Then we have the at F coming in, government officials, FBI officials, everybody coming in offering help and assistance any way they could. And the only sad thing is that, And I guess there's always going to be the one percent in life that I'm never going to get or understand. But when I read the report how police were pelted with objects, taunted during the shootout the standoff, and I think about what's been going on lately in New York and the frankly the felony assault on officers, which is why I got into the big battle with comrade Mayor de Blasio of New York. I'm like, will you use the videotape evidence and make sure and go after every single person that we can identify on these videos? You don't have confidence in the police on I didn't ask that. I said, will you insist you're the mayor, you're the boss, it's your city that every single person we see in these videos that are assaulting police officers, will you insist that they be arrested? I have confidence in my police that they will do their job. I'm I'm not asking you that. How about giving them a vote of confidence in support? And it's sad when these moments come about. It's sort of like, you know, Mayor Deblasio, you have all these armed police officers surrounding you twenty four to seven. And by the way, I think that's the right thing to do. I think the politicians are politicians need to be protected. The dangerous environment out there for everybody, including politicians, got to protect him. I said this all through the Obama years. I said it down through the Trump years. Doesn't matter if you're a Republican a Democrat. Doesn't matter if I agree or disagree, just the fact, but you have twenty four to seven arm protection. A lot of Hollywood stars can afford arm protection when they are out and about in living their lifestyle of luxury, which I'm fine, They've earned it. They've produced movies that people want to see. They make a lot of money doing it. Good for them, But the point is they're the same people. Though that would in many cases deny us our constitutional rights to keep into bear arms. And I was going through this with Mayor Deblasia. I kept saying, mister Mayor, you have your arm guards. Fine. Does every New Yorker who passes a background check has no issues involving their mental health? Do they have a right to a firearm in their house to protect themselves? If somebody you know tries to break in and hurt them and their family. Every New Yorker has a right to be safe. I said, okay, but do they have a right to have a gun in their apartment in New York? Every New Yorker has the right to be saved? Do they have a right to a gun in New York? Every day? And I'm like, Okay, I'm living in this alter reality here, and the answer to the question really is no, that they should be protected, but we're not going to be protected. But that's not even the worst of it. And I mentioned a little bit of this on TV last night, but it was an ongoing shooting situation. My gut was telling me. And even the first question I remember asking Rick Leventhal, and it was a follow up to what we've been doing on the final hour of this show yesterday. And I went to Rick Leventhal said, Ricker, is there anyone else in that building? They can firm they've been able to sweep that building clean and we know that only the shoot, the active shooter, is in there. He didn't have an answer. No, Rick is one of the best street reporters. I am telling you in the country rock Star, I mean going back to nine to eleven. I'll never forget Rick's reporting on nine to eleven. And I mean dust and dirt and soot all over him, and he's down there in the middle of it. He's been in more precarious situations than a lot of reporters, uh, you know, in one year than they were doing a whole lifetime. He's great. And Rick's down there and I'm asking him and he goes, he can't answer that question. And I and that just that he knew, but he wasn't going to tell me. In other words, he suspected what I suspected, and he'd been there. This is not our first rodeo. And that was to me, Wow, I just knew it. And thank god when the police commissioner, I think it was around ninety during Hannity last night, when the commissioner, Richard Ross Junior, came out and said, yeah, just a few minutes ago, we were able to get out these officers and the people they had apprehended and then narcotics arrest. Like wow, I mean, thank god that the guys shot were safe. Thank god the guys that will hold up there for hours were safe. I did not think this guy would get out alive. I just thought in no way once because as soon as we knew that the building was swept, the options for the police department at that point, you know, go up by a factor of a thousand. If you don't have to worry that there are other people in the building that could become potential hostages or that they are at risk based on any actions you might take. You know, you're now dealing with a situation where if your law enforcement you got handcuffs on, you can't do your job because you've got to think of the safety and security of people that are in a far worse position than you would be going in there. Then you got to worry about, well, did this guy lock himself up, that he set a trip wire of some kind, does he have any explosive material with him or any other weaponry that could end and a lot of other people dying. You just have to always factor in that that's a possibility. And they were able to talk to this guy out of this, and we'll see how this all ends up. One of the more despicable things though, and we saw a little bit of this during the El Paso shootings or what states did Joe Biden say Michigan and whatever other state. He didn't get el Paso right, and he didn't even get Dayton right. And it was just hours after these shootings that occurred, and I'm thinking, Wow, it's worse than not only haven't he's losing his fastball. I mean David Axelrod, God bless, he's not a stupid guy. He actually ripped the idea that now Democrats are suggesting that Biden can limit his gaffs by cutting back events. And Axelrod is not stupid. He said he can either cut it or he can't. And Axelrod is right. Actually met David Axelrod. I met him the night Sarah Palin debated, Um who did she debate? She debated Biden? Didn't she? Yeah, okay, it was Biden. And so I see him at the airport right after the debate and I shook his hand. I said, I know you had a really bad night. I'm really really sorry, okay, and he just looked at me and he's like starts twitching and just like wanted to kill me. And I just I thought it was pretty I think I'm funny when I do that. Linda, you remember we're at um Horaldo's book event. Were you there? I help? You were there? And sweet baby James was there? I remember? Do you remember the guy? Some guy from CNN Fake News comes up to me, Sean, Hey, how are you? And I'm like, Hi, how do I know you? Oh? Yeah, yeah, it's me Oliver. I'm like Oliver. Okay, we met before, and I know Oliver. I don't even remember his name. Somebody from from CNN and I go, oh, CNN fake News and he had had did you see his face? I had no idea who the guy was. Affected me to know him? Is he on air? I know he hates Fox I know. Okay, so he's up there with Humpty Dumpty, Humpty dumpty him that high, he's not well, if you're not as high as Humpty Dumpty, you're really in a low spot. No. No, And so Humpty apparently is gonna write a Fox News book. I mean, after all, his colleague, Fake News, Jimmy Acosta's book did so well in seven weeks old, fourteen thousand copies. We don't call him that anymore? What's up? We call him what's his name? Humpty Dumpty? No, the other one, Humpty Umpty? What's his name, Oh fake news? What's his name? That was right? He writes, he's begging you to come on the show. How many calls do you think you took from book? People begging to put him on the show? TV got the same amount. They're they're like stalking my teams, and we got better things to do than then push a fake news book. And my answers, no, I'm not gonna sell your your phony book. And so it turns out the big selling point is is that. And we were in Helsinki, and when you're there and you're covering the president, they have what's called a pool, and the pool travels in these buses. It's totally it's a total pain in the you know, rear end, and you gotta get in the buses, and you know, you have all the guys that do and they're great people. I don't love the people behind the scenes. The people that I work with now behind the scenes when we're on the road have all been with me almost the entire time I've been a Fox. They were all family. And by the way, how epic are our dinners? Because at the end of every road trip I throw a Hannity dinner, Right, I prefer not to talk about that dinner and I when I just tell the story, what we You got to admit some of these dinners have been epic. You know why I don't want to everything, but why you didn't go? Because there, Yeah, I didn't go. First of all, I was like the highlight of the dinner, Okay, I was the funniest person there. Second of all people a baby I did not know. Well, I had one bite there. One of these staples is reindeer in Helsinki, it was it's a stable Rudolph. Well there's a reindeer, is what? And they were reindeer tata, you know, raw reindeer. I'm like, oh god, I'm I'm kind of grossed out by it. But everybody people wanted to try it. They tried it. We ran into other scene in people there. So we're on this bus and fake news a constas like Hannity didn't have the guts to confront me face to face and tell me what he really thinks of me in the face. Well was I supposed to if I did notice him and I didn't he noticed me. He had every opportunity to come up to me. And I'm gonna tell you something You're not gonna get to me or provoke me into a fight unless you put your hands on me, then you'll regret it. I'm not gonna be provoked in a public fight with anybody. And so what am I supposed to do? Walk to the back of the bus and say your fake news? Acosta, You're a liar, liar, pants on fire, and a conspiracy theorist. I'm gonna look like an idiot. No, anything I have to say I say on my TV or radio show. I'm available. He could have asked me about it when he saw me. He didn't. And if he did see me and say, too bad, what do you want? What do you want me to tell you? I don't like your phony reporting. Um. Anyway, we saw other people there, I guess from CNN. They actually turned out to be pretty nice. I like them, right am. I not cordial to everybody when I'm out, whether they work at another network, I'm always called cordial to them. Yeah, you're very nice. You're very very nice. I wasn't very nice, but you were very nice. Oh did you say something to him? And I didn't know? Did you? You're the one that was you and Haraldo? I can't take anywhere. You guys will start a fight, We'll start a fighting. You can start to fight, I'll finish it. Nah. You know who's gonna finish fights if they ever get started? Yeah, huh. Joe Biden. Elizabeth Warren now in a statistical tie in a new national poll that has come out. I think where we're headed is everybody's concluding that Joe doesn't have it. That if the idea is that that he has to hide because he's a gaff a second, then and he doesn't have a fastball that you know, Axelrod's probably right. He can either cut it or he can't cut it. So that means now they're moving on. You could see a slow drain, and it now moves in Elizabeth Warren's direction, not Kamala Harris. I think Kamala Harris really hurt herself both in the last debate. She's also hurt herself going so hard squad Alexandria Cossio Cortez left and squad left that I'm not sure she can recover no private insurance, medicare for all, the extreme green New Deal, etc. It is um I think it's now becoming inevitable, that it's probably now moving towards Warren. Maybe Kamala and another tier Bernie's is still up there, and watch for maybe Mayor Pete. Oh my gosh, mayor Pete. Please. The guy can't even govern South Bend, Indiana. We've we've sent our cameras there. It's a disaster. We've gone over his record. He can't even manage that. How are we? How are we? Is he going to manage a country if he can't manage it? Anyway, it was sad to see the people that were cordoned off in Philly last night too. H'n go back to that. You know this KYW reporter Alexandria Hoff saying that you know she was harassed during a live shot watching a crowd of people taunt police officers, laughing, yelling at them. She did point out ninety eight percent of the people were respectful and concerned, but there was that two percent, which sadly is always the case. Kamala Harris is there on TV now, we're watching the breaking news CNN. Fake News first reports that at about five sixteen she's on the wolf Blitzer Extravaganza, and she then turns it into well, my policies are in places not going to happen. And I'm like, you don't even know a single thing about the incident. And then that's followed up by you know, other people like let's see, oh yeah, Kirsten Jella Brand and other panids. It's an ongoing situation. They know nothing. By the way, we do have an upstated, an update in the Epstein case. Autopsy broken bones usually more associated with strangulation. I'm not speculating at all. I want to hear what doctor Boden has to say. He was there inside it, when he can talk this painting inside of his house of Bill Clinton in a blue dress and red high heels. That is so creepy. That is so weird, strange and bizarre. What the heck is that all about? It looks like that every Democrat Now, I was praying for a recession with Bill Maher and you see a lot of people worry. Look, there's an even flow of the economy. But you can't deny the massive, incredible economic growth we've had and the success. All right, eight hundred nine four one Sean Andy McCarthy, Well he has he takes this right into Obama's oval office, this whole you know, Russia Gate, deep state, abuse of power, corruption and counterintelligence investigation. He says that has to come from her president. We'll get to that. You are looking for Nellie Or's research, the wife of Bruce Or. Tell me what you're looking for, a congressman, Well, remember Nellie Or part of the Fusion GPS team looking at that opposition research, a lot of which would you know, We've say, we're shared with the FBI, but also with the Diffusion GPS, and that's the infamous doscia. When she came before the committee last year before the Democrats took over, she gave indications she was willing to share that information. Well, we're now going into you know, a must nine months since then and she's not shared and her attorneys have been very vague about hearing this information. What she did was not only investigate the president, she looked at her his family, and the Milanne, the first lady. These are just saying, you know, there's been too much secrecy among this little corrupt cabal. They've had their time of being in the background. It's time for their information to come out and for the American people to realize that there was a problem at the FBI. There was a problem that we see going forward that it's going to go forward not only in the Durham investigations, but also the Horowitz investigations into FIVEES abuse, which we expect that report later this fall as well. You said you did not personally receive documents from mister Or, but the FBI did, is actually correct. And you also said the FBI got documents from a different source than mid September, different source than whom, different source from mister Or. It was not mister Or who provided the initial documents that I became aware of in mid September. So mister Or did not hand you the docier. That's mister Or didn't hand me anything. Mister Or provided information to the FBI that included material that is what everybody's calling the dossier. Again that since again mister provide what he provided some elements of reporting that my understanding is originated from mister Steele. So Bruce Or did give the FBI information relative to the dossier. Yes, it's my understanding that everything that Bruce Or did was approved and known to senior Department Justice officials coordinated close with the FBI. So I think this is something that you know, we'll have to be looked at. I don't know all the facts here, but I think some of the facts that are being purported by some members of Congress may not in fact be the actual facts. Yeah, there's somebody we really can trust. That last voice you heard is former CIA director Brennan. Glad you with us our two eight hundred and nine for one Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. You know, Brennan, everything bruce Or did was approved by senior DOJ officials coordinated with the FBI. Well, we do know. In August of twenty sixteen, it was bruce Or that was warning everybody that, yeah, the dossier was not verified. Was Clinton Boughton paid for? And Steele had an agenda that those warnings went out again from Kathleen Cavalac to the FBI DOJ officials at the time prior to that, we're listening to Peter Struct's answer how Bruce Or provided documents to the FBI that included parts of the Steele dossier, Doug Collins saying, we're looking for documents from Nellie Or, and then we have, thanks to Judicial Watch, a trove of these new documents exposing how SENIORDJ, FBI private contractors targeted Donald Trump, then Canada Trump, then President elect Trump and then President Trump. And how Nellie or herself, Remember she was doing the op research even on Trump's family, but all these Russia connections now was coming directly to Bruce Or from her. Judicial Watch gives three hundred thirty three, three thirty pages of documents showing or member he was at one point the fourth highest guy at the Department of Justice, obviously demoted a couple of times discussing the information all obtained through his wife Nellie or Who's being paid really by Clinton with funneled money through Fusion GPS, and or emailing himself an Excel spreadsheet seemingly from his wife, which has the title Who's Who nineteen September twenty sixteen, purports to show all these relationships and linkages between Trump, his family, criminal figures, many whom are Russian. Now later we would discover that the FBI put their own spreadsheet together debunking over nineties percent of these lies, and Bruce Or providing the FBI research that his wife Nellie is being paid for ultimately by Clinton. In the DNC, Andy McCarthy is with us. He has a brand new book out he's a columnist for National Review of Fox News contributor in this new book, which, by the way, it is entitled Ball of Collusion, The to Rig an election and Destroy a Presidency, It was just released. He actually brings this up higher than anybody else has, right into the oval office of Barack Obama and what he views as a counterintelligence effort that Obama was involved in it and aware of, designed to take down President Trump and help Hillary Clinton. Andy McCarthy, welcome back, Sean. Great to be with you. Thanks for having me. Why don't I just let you go into the whole premise here behind this, because I have asked many times, well, what did Obama know about all this? And when did he know it? Same with Biden. Yeah, Sean, you know, in the years we've now spent talking about this, I feel sometimes that when I try to make this distinction between counterintelligence investigations and criminal investigations, I pity people who have to listen to me drone on about this because it can make your eyes glaze over. But it really is an important difference in it, and it really hits the point that you are raising. Criminal investigations are done for the purpose of building prosecutable cases for court, because criminal prosecution is the vindication of the rule of law in court proceedings, and we don't want politics to enter into it. But counterintelligence investigations are different in kind because they're done exclusively for the president. They're not done for the purposes of building prosecutable cases. The only reason we have a counterintelligence mission, which the FBI handles domestically and the CIA and the NSA and other agencies handle on the foreign end. The only reason we have counterintelligence is in order to supply the president with information so that he can carry out his constitutional obligations to protect the United States from potential foreign threats to our interests. So if you're going to do something by counterintelligence, it's my nature being done for the president. It's the kind of information that, for example, ends up in the president's daily briefing every day. But here, in addition to the fact that it's counterintelligence and therefore it's being done for the president anyway, we have a number of indications that the President Obama did indeed know what was happening in real time as it was happening. They've said again and again that they were aware of what Russia was trying to do to interfere with the election in real time. And I think, you know, one of the big things I try to highlighten the book is this January fifth, twenty seventeen meeting in the Oval Office where the main topic of discussion on the day before there's going a brief President elect Trump on Russia's interference in the election, is what information should be withheld from the incoming Trump team regarding Russia. So it's clear that Obama, you know, it's clear from the acts that he was involved in this, and it's clear from the way they structured it that he was involved in it. You know, now the President said earlier today he agrees with this contention in your book. How would it be possible that Obama doesn't know? President said, it's a very serious situation, tweeting about this can never be allowed to happen again. Drain the swamp. But in this ball a collusion. Now, what does it mean if the whole counterintelligence in Russia hoax narrative that Barack Obama was involved and they get go, what does that mean for him? What does it mean for Biden? With all the talk about okay, impeaching Trump and getting Trump to answer questions. It sounds to me like they're an awful lot of questions Barack Obama now has to answer for. Well, I think there, yes, I think that's right, and I think he should have been had to answer them all along. This is the kind of thing that could not have happened unless he was aware of it and greenlighted it. And Sean, just to turn it around, what do you think the media and the Democrats would say if it turned out that the FBI currently was doing counterintelligence investigations and President Trump was unaware of them. They would make that into the biggest case that Trump was incompetent that you could imagine. And that's exactly what they would say, and they would say it precisely because everybody knows that these intelligence operations are done so that the president can do his job, so of course they're involved in them. But how much it's going to have consequences for Obama and Biden, how much they're going to be pressed on this really depends on how much of an impression what happened here made makes on the country. I like you happen to think it's a big deal when the incumbent administration exploits the counterintelligence and law enforcement apparatus of the government in a political campaign against the opposition candidate. To me, that's a pretty big scandal. So the rest of the country doesn't seem to see it the way we see it. Well, I don't know if the rest of the country has been aware. The rest of the country has been fed by a mob mentality and a media only one part of the story, in the main story, in the narrative, and where we actually have real evidence, real Russia collusion, a really rigged investigation, a real abuse of power, the real intelligence, the powerful tools of intelligence turned on the American people. You know that's all going to be proven real. John Solomon's on for an hour yesterday, Andy, and you know we have a slight disagreement. We know we're going to have the Horowitz report on Komi, which we've been talking about, likely today, tonight, or soon. And we know that we that there was a referral for potential prosecution in that case, and he also showed a lack of candor. He had those documents that were classified in his house that FBI agents retrieved a month after he was fired. That would be one investigation then of course the Pies investigation, after multiple warnings, we know there was premeditated fraud committed on a FISA court on four separate occasions. Those warrants were signed, and everybody had been warned that the bulk of information used in the application is unfair to unverifiabowl. We now know ninety plus percent of it to be outright lies. Come signed three of them. But more importantly, they were warned by Bruce Or and Kathleen Cavalk that Steel had an agenda Hillary paid for it that was not brought to the attention to these judges in any fashion that it should have been brought to their attention. Is that a crime premeditated fraud to obtain a warrant to spy in an opposition party candidate than a transition team than a president? Sean, I think it's a profound We've done this before, I know, but I think it's a profound abusive power. To my mind, an abusive in many ways is a lot more important than whether it happens to violate a provision to Title eighteen. I think these fraud cases are very hard to make beyond a reasonable doubt when you're dealing with people who have a lot of ability under the law to exercise discretion. Whether they've abused their discretion is a lot easier to prove, and to me, it's a lot more consequential. But you know, I think whether it's a crime or it's not a crime, it's still an abusive power and people have to be held to account for it. Yeah, okay, So do you see crimes? Do you see what I see that there was a rigged investigation in the Hillary case to protect her when the evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible in the Espionage Act and the destruction of evidence subpoena at emails and the bleach bit and the Hammers. Do you see that there was a premeditated fraud on a FISA court and there are two separate Well, John thinks there's going to be another report that would deal with the leaking of class off item from by Horowitz, and I see something deeper emerging, and that would be maybe a bar Dorham or a Dirham report or something thereof that will have exposure of those people that outsourced intelligence gathering to spy on American citizens, using our Western allies to do it all in an attempt to circumvent American laws, which I think would be the biggest abusive power part of this of all. Yeah, look, if that stuff gets proved, I agree with you. And the reason I will, will you say, get proved, don't. Don't you think book about this is because I think it's pretty important, and I do think it's a pretty spectacular abusive power. You'd have to parse out the different things you said. The one that really grabs your attention, I think is the fraud on the pies a chord because if they made knowing misrepresentations to the phiz a chord, then people want to hang over that, and that is a crime. That's you know, lying to a chord as a crime. So if they if if I lied to a court, to the court, yes, if I committed a fraud on a court, when I go to jail, Andy McCarthy, if I was prosecuting you, you would And if I showed a lack of candor, I would be treated like Papadopoulos, Manafort, and Cone. But not the way Comey and Clinton are being treated. Well, you know, I mean, lack of candor was the reason they bounced McKay bat of the FBI. Right, and I don't think that's a closed chapter. By the way, I think you know they're going to wait till they finish all of these investigations, and then they're going to decide what is the proof of false statements that they have, And at that point, I think they'll make an evaluation about whether proceed criminal or not. All right, stay right there. A great book just out today. We are featuring it on Hannity dot com. It's on Amazon dot COM's and bookstores everywhere now. It's called Ball of Collusion, The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy Your Presidency. Very well researched, a lot of details, things that I had long forgotten that are very pertinent to this abuse of power corruption scandal. Time here not enough to be fair to our friend Andy McCarthy. We're gonna hold him over to the other side. This book is too important, it's too detailed, it's too well written, and there is too much knowledge in that brain of Andy McCarthy. Still just let him go just yet. The new book is called Ball of Collusion, The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency, and extraordinarily well written, well researched, and I think gives us a really clear eyed prosecutor vantage point view into the what is the biggest abuse of power of corruption scandal in history. So we'll come back on the other side more with Andy McCarthy. We'll love a lot more on all of this tonight at nine Hannity on the Fox News Channel. We'll also get to your calls in the next half hour. You can give us a ring now eight hundred and ninety four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program quick break, we'll come back. We'll continue. Andy stays with us on the other side of this break. Our friend Andy McCarthy stays with us. He just released a brand new book. It's called Ball of Collusion. It's extraordinarily well researched, a lot of facts. It gives us a lot of insight into where this corruption abuse of power investigation by the Attorney General Durham Horowitz is now headed, the plot to rig an election and destroyer presidency. It's up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. All right, I want to go through this one by one. Do you agree with me that the evidence well as outlined by James Comi himself On July fifth, twenty sixteen, that Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act on numerous occasions, certain subsections of that Act all felonies, and that if anybody listening to this program had subpoena at emails and they deleted them, they used bleach bit to clean out their hard drive, they had an aid bust up devices with hammers and took out simcards, that those that most Americans probably would have been charged with the underlying crime, and then obstruction. Do you agree with that part, Sean, I not only agree with it, I would have looked at the case as an intentional mishandling of classified information, and my fallback position would have been gross negligence. I wouldn't have looked at it as a gross negligence case because I think she systematically set up this communications network in a way where she had to know that classified information was going to pour through it. Okay, So that would be basically some very powerful people, including the person that interviewed Hillary Clinton, Peter Struck, who had said that she should beat Donald Trump one hundred million to zero and referred to Trump voters as smelly Walmart people. That would mean James Coma, you, obviously we now know, had a huge bias against Trump and lied on numerous occasions. That would mean they saved the Democratic presidential candidate from what would be certain crimes, prosecution of crimes to allow her to be the favored candidate in the upcoming presidential race. That's a pretty profound abuse a power to me. Well, I say, Sean that Obama in April of twenty sixteen, in the interview with Chris Wallace, publicly made it known that he didn't want Missus Clinton charged. And I think once Obama made that clear, the rest is details. And yes, all these other people were involved in it. They're out front, they're easy to see. But once Obama had to say what he had to say, there was no way the Obama Justice Department was ever going to prosecute Missus Clinton. Okay. Now the next part of this is, in all your years as a prosecutor, now we know the exoneration for Hillary. They began writing it in May of twenty sixteen. We know that the legal definition gross negligence was removed and extreme carelessness replaced it, I believe by design and on purpose. Do you ever recall a situation where people that had been granted certain immunities, involving the very same case when the FBI, as biased as Peter was, against Trump and for Hillary, who should win one hundred million zero. When they finally get around July second, twenty sixteen, the interviewing Hillary, she was allowed two of her aids, including Cheryl Mills, to be in the room to help her. Do you ever hear of that happening during an interrogation or an investigation in the FBI that other people, friends involved in it, witnesses involved in it, are allowed to sit there while the interrogation goes forward. I've never heard of that. No. In fact, Sean, it's not only against common sense and normal FBI in Justice Department practice, I've argued that that was against the law because Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, those are the names I remember with the top of my head. It was Heather Samuelson. Yeah, Yeah, they had been government officials, and as a result, they're not supposed to participate in the advocacy for somebody else in connection with something that they represented the or acted on behalf of the government. You know, they're a statue conflict of interest statutes that make that forbidden. But even if those statutes didn't exist. You would never let somebody who was a witness to the very transaction that's under investigation sit there while you interviewed the main principle, and you certainly wouldn't do an under circumstances where all right, you know, you're letting them beat lawyers for them. It's ridiculous. Now let's go to Jim Comey and the removal of those classified documents, the notes that he had taken after the meeting at Trump Tower one month after he was fired. We know the FBI went to his home, retrieved those documents and interviewed him, interrogated him, whatever praise you want to use, and that they believe he showed a lack of candor. Now I know the Papadopolos, Manafort, Michael Cohen, for example, all convicted of lying under oath. Why is there a double standard considering the IG is recommending some type of criminal referraling in that case, because that seems to me like the exact same thing others were recently found guilty of. Shut Maybe you know a piece of evidence here that I don't hear. What I understand about that is that there were seven Komy memos and that two of them that he says that he didn't intend to put classified information in them. Two of them were, as they call it up classified by the FBI after they obtained possession of them, and we don't know whether, although we think it's probably not true that the one we know he leaked to the press is one of the ones that they consider to be classified. I hadn't heard that the agents thought that he lacked candor when he interviewed them. I'm not questioning you because you may have heard something I didn't, but that is a fact I hadn't heard before. Let me move on to the whole issue of FISA abuse. Bruce Or gave a dire warning to every everybody in twenty sixteen. You know about Kathleen Cavlac at the State Department warning. We now know that the dossier author doesn't stand by his own dossier. We know that the FBI had put together a spreadsheet debunking over ninety percent of it later in the process, but they decided to use the bulk of that unverified dossier that they've been warned wasn't verifiable as the bulk of information to obtain those FISA warrants. The first one being October twenty sixteen. To me, I see nothing but premeditated fraud against the FISA Court for the purpose of denying one individual's constitutional rights and civil liberties, and on the second side of that, a backdoor into all things Trump campaign, later Trump transition, and later even the Trump presidency through Carter Page's email contacts. Yeah. Well, I think that they absolutely withheld material information from the court, and I think if I were investigating this, I would be investigating whether some of the things that they said to the court were black and white lies in the sense that they were not only inaccurate information, but the agents had to have known that it was inaccurate when they presented it to the court. The problem with prosecuting this as an overarching scheme is they say that their theory here was that because Steele had provided them with accurate information before in connection with the FIFA soccer investigation, that they were entitled to assume that he was giving them accurate information this time. Does it say on top of a FISA application verified, Doesn't that mean that there has to be some attempt at verification? And when Steele testified in an interrogatory under oath in great Britain and said he has no idea of any of It's true that even simply asking him would have been due diligence. Sean, that's what you think, and that's what I think. I think that you can't go to a court without corroborating the information. To me, When their procedures say that they have to bring verified information only to the FISA court, what that means is they have to go out and corroborate it. What they're saying is their legal position is they were entitled to rely on Steel's prior record of giving okay, but not long there that might get them past the first FIA application, But then Steele was fired for what lying and leaking? What about the three renewal applications? Then their own argument doesn't hold water, does it? They still didn't. I don't think it holds water shown and I'd go further than that. I would say that you know, when they went in the first application telling the court that they didn't think that Steel was the source of the press reports that they presented to the court in this circular reporting thing they did, that was ridiculous for them to take that position. There was there was like eight ways to Sunday that anybody should have understood that that Steel was the source. And you know, at a certain point when you start to stack up all the things that they withheld from the AARD and all the things that they absolutely should exactly were inaccurate, you know, I think it's a very hard time, especially as time went on, and even you know, they had not even signed the third application when the FBI knew ninety percent of it had been debunked, and that Steel himself denied his own dossier and any truth in it. Let me take it a step further here, because we also have a lot going on with John Dorham. A lot of time I've been told by my sources had been spent in Europe. Then another way that they was sort of a backdoor way to spy on the Trump campaign, transition and presidency was through the use of foreign intelligence, friendly intelligence sources in Great Britain, Italy and Australia. That would be Professor misfied. That means that the Muller report was wrong. He wasn't Russian intelligence but Western intelligence. His role in all of this, The way they went after Clovis, Papadoppolos and Page abroad and then the big question to me is whether they purposely outsourced intelligence gathering of American citizens for the very purpose design to circumvent American law against spying against Americans without a warrant. That case seems to be an even bigger part of the troubles that are coming and the exposure that many have. I think you're right about that, and I also think this is the vexing problem which may prevent us from ever getting completely to the bottom of this. One of the things that's really bothered me from the beginning is why the President didn't disclose more of this information. Now, I know that if he had disclosed that they would have accused him of obstruction, and that was something that he had to wrestle with. But I think the other thing that the intelligence agencies, I imagine are beating him with is that even if terrible wrongs were done here, these are relationships that we have with these Internet l or foreign intelligence services that we are allied with and that we rely on. We actually do rely on for information. That is, I'm all in favor of the best, and I do think our three letter agencies we have the premier intelligence agencies in the world. I think we have the premier law enforcement agency in the FBI in the entire world. I have no issue with them spying to protect us and the dangerous job they do every day, and I have no complaints at all. But I do have a complaint if those powerful weapons we entrust to them are then turned not only on the American people, but used to basically undermine a duly elected president and influence the outcome of an election, and then try and undo the election because they don't like the results. And I think that's the crux of where we are with this. Yeah, you look, you and me both. What I'm worried about, Sean, is that there's so much foreign intelligence service involving in this. My book argues that this scheme goes back to twenty fifteen, and I think it doesn't start with the FBI, It starts with the CIA and Foreign intelligence services. And what I'm worried about is the intelligence agencies are arguing to the President that he can't disclose all this information because even if it shouldn't have happened, we have these arrangements with the foreign intelligence services, and we can't violate if they abuse their power, if they assisted in spying on Americans to circumvent our laws. Well, the American people, I think need to know that truth. That is something that the president would be able to do. That's why I've argued that we need to know what happened here. But I'm just trying to understand what the other side is arguing. And I imagine that that's their, you know, their biggest weapon. I don't think that's going to fly, because the president has full authority to unredact, to unredact anything he wants, and release anything he wants. And if it is going to clean up an abuse of power and a corruption that was used to steal an election or a soft code, then we better see that information and we better fix it, because we won't have a country if we don't. Andy, the book is fascinating. We wish you all the best. Ball of Collusion, The Plot to rig an election, destroyer Presidency. Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores, everywhere. Thank you so much for being will us. Thanks so much. Sean, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. Very disturbing development. Indeed, your former Attorney General of California, what's your reaction to these initial reports and I stress the word initial report. Well, it's just when will it stop? Right? I mean, part of my focus on what we need to do around smart gun safety laws is recognize that we have to have more enforcement around gun dealers. Well ninety percent of the guns that are associated with crime or sold by just five percent of the gun dealers in the United States. And so among the many plans that I have, both in the form of executive action and also in the form of legislation, one of them is to put more sources into the ATF to take the licenses of gun dealers who violate the law. And that includes a number of things, including when they are responsible for doing background checks not doing them. So, but does your plan go from your perspective far enough? Well, they're a variety of things. First of all, let's be clear, I have hugged too many mothers of homicide victims over the years. I have looked at more autopsy photographs than I care to tell you of people whose lives have been ended because of gun violence. We need Congress to act. We do not lack for good ideas, we do not lack for tragedies. The failure of Congress, however, the United States Congress to act on passing smart gun safety laws is the issue. So when elected, I'll give the United States Congress one hundred days to pull their act together on this and put a bill on my desk for signature, and if they do not, I am prepared to take executive action to one put in place a comprehensive background check requirement, to put the resources into the ATF, to take the licenses from gun dealers who violate the law, and three to ban the importation of the song. So just to be precise, and so where Congress fails to act, I am prepared when God willing elected president and is say so, I'm prepared to act through executive action. And let us also be clear, doing nothing is not an option. Doing nothing is not an option. So I'm prepared to do that. I'm prepared to say that we should include domestic terrorism as part of what is the focus of our counter terrorism organizations are federal law enforcement organizations. I'm prepared to say that law enforcement should be allowed to seize the guns of those who are suspected to be involved in domestic terrorism, similar to a tr They're going to have to prove and have reason to suspect that somebody might be a terrorist, but giving federal law enforcement the authority to actually seize the guns of those who may be an imminent threat to their community or their family. So here we are in the middle of all of this yesterday, we're on this program, we're watching, we're monitoring. We don't want to rush to judgment here where we want to lock up facts. We're not even an hour into it, and there's Kamala Harris, not even an hour into what happened yesterday. We had bullets raining down on a Philadelphia neighborhood. We have over a hundred shots fired. We have our brave officers in Philadelphia. By the way, I gotta give a huge shout out to the commissioner there, Richard Ross Junior, who I thought was phenomenal yesterday. This is all an ongoing situation, shooting situation, and literally not even a full hour into it, there's Kamala Harris on CNN, you know, basically saying, well, dot my gun policies, this won't happen, not knowing a single thing about it. And that was literally just only ten minutes prior that they announced it on fake news CNN. We know because we were monitoring it. We had had reports locally, but we were watching the National News Channel. They went on the air with this story at five to sixteen. We came on at five thirty with the story. We wanted to button up our own facts because I can't trust them. The incidents on going. She's already on air within minutes, ten minutes of them even breaking in to talk about it and politicizing it. And you know, think back, we had the DNC, we had Elizabeth Warren fundraising off the incidents in El Paso and in Dayton, Ohio. So this is all happening. We now know, And if you recalled yesterday's coverage here on this program, there's a lot of hesitancy in me and a lot of questions. I was watching this very closely. We'll get to Jonathan Gillim was on with us in a minute, and I instinctively could tell the way this was unfolding that there were still people in that building. Those people didn't get out of that building till about nine to forty Eastern time while we were doing our live coverage Hannity on the Fox News Channel. And what we found out was, yeah, there were there were cops still in that building at ninety on the second floor with people prisoners they've apprehended involved in this, and they didn't get out for all those hours, and so it was far more precarious, far worse of a situation than anybody had known at the time. And you have people trying to politicize another tragedy and raise money off of the it's disgusting, it's irresponsible. Would not be a time to play politics. And she wasn't the only one. And we had let's say, Kirsten Gillibrand and a bunch of us, they all they all start jumping in unbelievable And despite all of this, you know, we have then people in Philly. Remember people used to wear those free Boo Mia t shirts Danny Faulkner police officer killed by Boo Mia years ago. Yeah, there were reports all over the place about how people in the neighborhood were actually some people, not everybody, just a small percentage, I'm sure, taunting the police and happy they're being shot at. Something is so radically wrong. Eight hundred nine four one, Shaun is our number, Jonathan Gillham, Danielle McLaughlin with us, Jonathan, you were on with me. I kept asking you, Jonathan, do you think this might be a hostage situation. It seems to me something's not right here. I could tell by the way they were handling it. Yeah. And you know, in these types of situations where the shooter continues to engage law enforcement, it's a it puts a fluid spin on the situation where tactical units have to be prepared to go in. It's not like when they actually have contact with the guy and they're trying to de escalate the situation. That situation. The fact that they had cops in there yesterday was very, very critical. And the fact that they acted, that they waited for the opportune time, and they handle the way they did, and when they acted, they acted with what we call violence of action. Where they went in there, they did what they had to do, was very amazing. And I just want to say that the Camilla Harris SoundBite that you played, I would challenge her to bring up that statistic where she says that she talked to too many moms about these homicides. How many of those moms and the people that she talked to whose relatives were killed were killed with guns that were illegally obtained, because I can guarantee you if not one hundred percent, it was right at one hundred percent of all the weapons used were illegally obtained. Let me read, Danielle, and please explain this part of it. I want to read from a foxnews dot com report headline Philadelphia police pelted with objects, taunted during harrowing shootouts standoff. Now we know it was far more harrowing and precarious than anybody knew for many, many more hours, but they Philadelphia's KYWTV reporter Alexandria Hoff described that what was happening there how a crowd of people bordering the blocked off active shooters scene, harassing officers. She writes, quote, I mentioned this reported quote, I mentioned this at ten and since I was harassed during that life shot, I'll mention it here too. And she said on Twitter, quote, A major moment of disappointment this evening was watching a crowd of people taught police officers laughing, yelling at them in the midst of the gunfire. Quote. I should add that ninety eight percent of the people on the scene were respectful and concerned. That moment was just as startling, just a startling thing to see in the middle of something so chaotic, she put in a separate tweet, there was a video posted by Breaking nine one one where a woman can be seen shoving an officer from behind as he passes through the crowd. Others in the crowd yell and throw objects at police as they enter the block the off area amid this act of standoff. Wow, And I know it's only a small percentage of people, but you know, how does anyone act that way in the middle of something like this? I have no idea. I mean, that's totally disgusting. The fact that we had six police officers who were shot by this guy. You know, two percent of people are still too many. And clearly that's not something that I'm going to defend. But what I will say, the sisillimare said, the problem here is we had this guy had an unlimited supply of weapons, and he had an unlimited supply of bullets. And I do not believe, as somebody who has pretty as years of experience with the US Constitution, including the Second Amendment, I do not see that this Second Amendment protects these high capacity magazines, hundred round magazines like the daycent shooter used, there is no reason to have that for personal security in the home. We have to have these discussions. We want these kinds of ammun this kind of ammunition out of the hands of the bad guys. Why can't we come together and make some sensible decisions out some restrictions. There is no constitutional right. Well, the first Amendment, the Sickon Amendment, no amendment to the Constitution that is unlimited, and the Sickon Amendment is no difference. Johnathan, interested in your thoughts on this one hundred hour magazine. What do we need them for? Well, you need them for you need him to defend against a tyrannical government for one. But the other thing is it's there. It's our right to have them for defense of our home. And here's the thing that you got to realize is that, yes, yes, listens, listen to this statistic. Okay, there's millions and millions and millions of legally owned guns by US citizens that yesterday did nothing, tomorrow will do nothing, and for their entire life will not use those weapons in a corrupt manner. However, one person yesterday did what he did, and over the past year, you can go to Chicago, you can go to all these other inner cities, You can go to any mass shooting, and the majority of those people are one off. They either do a mass shooting or they're gang related. And you want to stop and change that God given rights that are in the Constitution because of those people. Why wouldn't you want to reinforce the rest of the millions and millions of legal, law abiding gun owners ability to use their weapons in those areas. You wouldn't have those crime areas if that was the case, You're going the wrong way. Now. There is no right, There is no right that is completely unlimited. First Amendment freedom of speech. You know what, You can tell a lie to an FBI agent and you can be prosecuted. That is a restriction on your First Amendment right, shake an Amendment Justice Scalia, two thousand and seven. This is a big case in the Supreme Court, he said, And this is a giant of conservatism, since the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. You can't have a cannon, you can't have an automatic machine gun in this country. And all I'm trying to say, and I agree with you, the vast, vast, vast majority of gone owners in this country, a law abiding, god loving citizens, and I have nothing against somebody who wants to own a gun. My point is this, the guy in Las Vegas had bump socks, actually which to push President Trump, to his full credit, wrote a regulation we don't have bump socks anymore. He had high capacity magazines. He shot five hundred people from a hotel room. I mean, for Danielle, the bad people will always be able to get those, just like you know, kids choke on bread every year. But we can't outlaw bread. We can't go around outlawing and changing the constitution because of what bad people do. You have to go out and develop a way to find those bad people. Yeah, and I look, I'm not looking for a way to change the constitutions. But we have laws. Right. I'm a really good driver. I'm a safe driver. There's still a speed limit which I have to adhere to. I'm not going to go out and ride my drave my car two hundred miles an hour because I'm a good person. There's a speed limit for the bad guys. Right, we have rules, we have laws to protect ourselves from these bad guys. I don't see why we need to have one hundred round magazines and free flow in this country. I think that's one thing we could agree collectively that bad guys are using them, you know, So if you ban that, then the next shooting is with a shotgun or multiple shotguns, and the shooting after that is with handguns, and then the shooting after that is with some other guns. By their very nature, criminals don't obey laws. How does the law abiding citizen protect themselves. Will get back to that Danielle McLaughlin and Jonathan Gillham next, and your calls at the bottom of those half hour. Next half hour, we'll get to your calls. Eight hundred nine for one seawan with Jonathan Gillham and Danielle McLaughlin. Jonathan, I'll let you respond. But at the end of the day, I am all four people being trained in the safety and use of a fire I'm a huge safety nut. The end of the day, I believe in the Second Amendment and responsible gun ownership. Criminals are never going to obey the laws, and there's no law that's going to be written that's going to end the evil in the heart of somebody that wants to hurt us, you know, I asked Mayor de Blasio, my interview, Well you're protected by armed guards. Does every new Yorker should every new Yorker have the right in their own home to have a gun. Every new Yorker has a right to be safe. Do they have a right to a gun? They have a right to be safe. Do they have a right to a gun? They ever right to be safe. And at the end of the day, this argument of well, this gun has to be banned, that they're going to ban every gun, because that's the logical conclusion. You know, banning the Second or even messing with the Second Amendment will not infringe on a criminals ability to have a weapon to carry out the evil that they do. But if you touch the Second Amendment, you will be infringing upon every citizen's ability to protect themselves and to stand against the tyrannical government. That is the most important thing. Rights are not meant to be touched. The Constitution could be amended to make sure everybody has those rights, but the rights themselves should never be infringed upon. Period. Last word, Danielle McLaughlin, I'll give you two examples. You have to get a permit to conceal and carry. That's an infringement on your Second Amendment. You have to get a background chick if you buy it a gun, so that's an infringement on your Seeing Amendment. All I want is something reasonable, and I don't want to take away of guns from people. I want to be very clear about that. All right, Well, ended right there, Thank you both. Well. Full coverage of the aftermath of all of this tonight on Hannity nineties to a lot of deep state news as we've been telling you coming up on the program tonight, and much much more. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean to the phones. We go next and Mark Furman straight ahead, Good morning, Tony. They are expanding and very likely to include that new detail that you mentioned about the guard not being a regular correctionals officer here at the facility in downtown Manhattan. Maxwell is said to be Epstein's ex girlfriend turned business associate. Her current location is unknown. She was more of a partner in his subception, really, and there are allegations that she was involved in having sex with some of these girls as well. Court documents from twenty eleven reveal Epstein controlled several apartments in a building just blocks from his seventy seven million dollar new York Townhouse and allegedly housed young models there, underage girls from all over the world, And yesterday Bar issued this stern warning for anyone who may be evading justice. Let me assure you that this case will continue on against anyone who was complicit with Epstein. Any co conspirators should not rest easy. The victims deserve justice and they will get it well. CBS News has learned that Epstein's a strange brother, Mark was called after Epstein's apparent suicide. He was the one who actually identified the body. New York City Medical Examiner's Office has performed an autopsy on Epstein, but Tony those results are still the update. By the way, twenty three now until the top of the hour, eight hundred ninety four one Shawn is our number. We know that two Manhattan jail guards that were tasked with monitoring they've now been put on leave as the warden has now been removed from that post. But those tasks with monitoring Epstein before he died fell asleep on the job, and the New York Post reporting that they fudged the log entries to show they checked on him and other inmates when they actually did not. That is one of the big investigations. Also, Epstein's comments are getting a lot of attention now when he bragged that I have a lot of dirt on a lot of powerful people, a lot of political names, a lot of Hollywood names have come up. The one person that appears to have been willing to have a public fight in all places the esteemed Palm Beach community of Florida, where I guess your social status means everything. But Trump had no problem throwing Epstein out of Mara Lago what fifteen sixteen years ago. We have a lot of investigations into who might have been on the Lolita Express, one of his apparently many private jets, or orgy Island. And there's a new lawsuit that has been filed that targets Epstein's alleged Madam. There's woman Maxwell that you just heard reported on there. And on top of that, as predictable as the day is long, of course, everything is Donald Trump's fault. And the amount of conspiracy theories that have emerged here one is sicker than the next, but they're out there and they're being pushed by, of course, Hollywood elites and everyone on the media that hates Donald Trump. Anyway, we're looking for the truth and the facts wherever it takes us, as we usually do, and we're not rushing to judgment, and we don't know the answers. We're asking questions. Mark Ferman, former homicide detective, How are you, sir By Sean sounds like quite a story. Well, I mean, the one thing that is certain is what Barr said, and that is that there are a lot of serious irregularities in all of this and he's going to get to the bottom of it. And I believe in when he says so well, I do too. I think he's very sincere. He's also very new, and I think if he would have been in that position in two thousand and eight, two thousand and nine, the federal investigation might have started then instead of waiting until two nineteen. So when you listen to that, though, I think there's a lot of people that are very disappointed that they couldn't prosecute Epstein and possibly others, which would be a great career move for a lot of people, a great thing for the resume and justice. But death is better than forty five years. So if somebody deserved to die, it would probably been Epstein. If it's by his own hand. He just cheated everybody out of justice and revenge. Well, Diddy, or is there evidence that might lead to people having to answer a lot of questions? For example, who attended Orage Island? I would assume that they're probably are manifest that can be gone over. I would assume that anybody that was on as private jet, they probably had a chronicle that I would assume that the FBI we had drowne video and it showed the FBI looking into every crevice and corner in that island of his obviously looking for some type of evidence into this case. What are the things they can look for now that he's dead. Well, you know, you bring up great things that should have been done a decade ago. But let's just take it one at a time. First, you have to go to the crime scene. You have an unexplained death or somewhat of an unexplained death. But all suicides are virtually handled as a possible homicide until you find evidence or direction that leads you away from that end to suicide. So you have a in custody death in a locked cell of a person who's by himself with a camera on the door, whether the guards are asleep or awake, whether they're checking him every thirty minutes, so they're not you could not have prevented the suicide. But wait a minute. The guy tried to commit suicide just a couple of weeks prior. Isn't it seem very irregular that you would not have a twenty four hour watch on this guy. Well, I think you would, but you know, you're talking about logistics, manpower, and time. He had psychiatric evaluations every day for over a week, and so now you're gonna have to look at the psychiatrist that recommended he go off suicide watch, because that is who the recommendation most probably came from. And you know what they're doing now is they're investigating two guards. They have an in custody death. They're put on administrative leave. That would be pretty normal for almost any agency. The warden has been replaced. That isn't quite as normal as any other in custody death, but they found something there that it would probably be better served publicly if they just replaced the warden. So you know, I see this as we're ignoring the crime scene and we're jumping to conspiracies, and we forget that Epstein was out for a decade walking around the world, and if there was somebody that was rich and powerful that really wanted to eliminate him, there was probably a hundred ways that you could have gotten rid of him. And it could have been an accident or a poisoning, could have been a car accident. But there's all these opportunities. So we wait until he's in custody, until somebody attempts to actually create a death, whether it looks like suicide or it's a homicide, then you have to start, including burst these two guards. Well the only way, well that's true, but apparently there are cameras outside of the cell, but not inside the cell. You would think in this day and age we would have figured out that the most cost efficient way of monitoring prisoners at night would be cameras in every cell that couldn't be destroyed, and if anybody was attempting to do so, you have a team go in and stop them. But I guess we haven't figured that part of it out yet. Constitutionally, you can't, sean. I think the only place you can is in a supermax facility somewhat like like Pelican Bay in California, where somebody is isolated from all human beings. Excuse me for thinking that if you commit, you know, horrible crimes, and you commit felonies, that you might lose some of your constitutional rights. You do lose your right to vote, you might lose your right to privacy at night in a prison cell two. Well on it, but I don't think four of these sedral judges are And I don't know the legal standing on that, but it could be nothing more than the lack of being able to update a correctional facility. This one's fairly old from what I've from what I've learned, but it was supposed to be the safest one. Mark. I mean, this is where they held Chapo, and we know his track record of escaping prisons, right, and you know, to keep somebody from committing suicide is somewhat of a monumental task. You have one person that's motivated, motivated to end their life twenty four to seven, and then you have all these other people that are trying to intercede and keep him from doing that. He saw a window, and if he did commit suicide, he was successful. The investigation, I would suspect, and I'm not saying I know but I would say it's the pathologists has probably listed this as a suicide, although you can say a suicide classification to a homicide if you come up with evidence in the future, and quite possibly that might be what they're looking for. I mean, the whole thing is just it stinks to eye heaven. What did you think of that sweetheart deal? I mean, you're involved in the O. J. Simpson case. You know, I'll never forget once you told me that there was blood evidence on the gate and it was ever used by the prosecution. Do I recall that correctly, No, that's correct. It was never recovered once I was sent to the Rockingham estate and the Bundy scene was left to van Adder and Langley never collected the fingerprint that was in blood on the gate, that was right above the footprints of the Brunomali shoes in blood with blood drops coming from the right side of the shoes. So, I mean, it was so consistent, but you know, mistakes are made, and mistakes can either be overlooking it or when did you figure that part out at that time. I'm sorry to digress here, but now you've I'm interested again. Well, two months afterwards, I saw one of the detectives in the prosecution floor going through the book, and I went to said, what that print come back? The print come back? And the blood we have any DNA match And they just got this blank stare. So I went to Marshall Clark and I go, hey, what happened to the bloody finger from on the gate and the blood? They never collected it. So in essence, there was your your whole reasonable doubt case. It wasn't the glove because that was at the crime scene. That was a slam dunk right there. Unbelievable. All right, Mark Furman, thank you. Let's end to our busy phones here James and Michigan. James High, how are you welcome to the program? Says I'm a coal screener. You are a retired corrections officer. That's why mother did for twenty five years. Not an easy job working in a prison every day, sixteen hour shifts. Yeah, Sean, I'm honored to talk to you today. I'd like to take a sick and let's recognize all the staff on both your radio and TV that do such an awesome bringing the tooth of America. I appreciate everything. Thank you for letting us have this microphone and camera every night, microphone every day. Thank you you make it possible, not me, Yeah, Seani. They have four children, they're all millennials. The ages are twenty six to thirty five. And I have something they'll ever have. I got to find bens at pension. And all my children have furrow one keys, and under Donald Trump, the wages in their furrow one are rocking. And when they go to vote here in all over year, it's not going to be climate change or going green or all these social handleuts that where everything's free, it's gonna be those two are going to be one of the major driving forces to get to the election booth. And I don't think that's unique to my kids. I think I think there's thousands of millennials out there that that's going to be a key point to all. This election is going to go through them. Listen, we A you know, I don't take anything for granted, especially elections. I've been around too long. I've seen too many what do you call them October surprises, and I'd been through enough cycles to know we don't know what issues are gonna be in the fourth in the media, in people's minds, in the fall of October and November of twenty twenty. We don't know. Yeah, people saying they're indicators we might have an economic slowdown of our recession. I mean, you just don't know. But I can say this that the policies that the President has implemented, our policies I believe my entire working career. And that's you know, originalists, constitutionalists on the court, securing our borders, the biggest tax cuts in history, the biggest cuts in burdensome regulation ever in history. We see the results of these policies of have yielded incredible dividends, especially for the working men and women in this country. And record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workforce, youth unemployment, and the best employment situation since nineteen sixty nine, and for the first time in seventy five years, energy independence, everything between trade deals and his approach to foreign policy, not dropping bundles of cash to bribe dictators and Mullah's I just don't agree with those appeasement policies. So, you know, I like this president. I'd like to see him reelected. I like to see him cement in a lot of the institutional changes that he's making. I think he'd need a second term to do all of that or else very quickly. Any one of these extreme radical new Green Deal socialists could destroy at all. There's a lot at stake. The recent study was done. It says forty million Americans are on taste to outlive their four O one K. And the four O one is something in the long haul the wages. There's no money at the end of the week if they're not making a decent wage. So this long haul of the four one K, I know exactly how one of my children it's just rock and he's making good money. There's enough money at the end of the week for the wife and the kids in a nice car and a nice house. Done that what we all want, isn't that? Isn't that why you work in a jail. Isn't that why my mother works sixteen hours shifts almost daily in a jail so we could have a better life. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We have a lot of fallout. Not an hour into the shooting yesterday. Of course, people politicizing new judicial Watts Freedom of Information Act requests granted, We'll tell you all about it. We've got Eraldo Bongino, We've got Fitting Sarah, Greg, Jesse, Waters Gorka and Bernie Carrick, all coming up tonight Ninetiestern, Hannity, Fox News, and we hope you'll join us. See you tonight as always, thank you for being with us, making the show possible, and we'll see you back here tomorrow

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