America's Weakness - February 25th, Hour 2

Published Feb 25, 2022, 11:01 PM

Congressman Pat Fallon of Texas is an Air Force veteran and a member of the Armed Services Committee, and Daniel Hoffman, Fox News Contributor and a 30 Year CIA Operations Officer discuss what we are seeing in Ukraine with a weak America at the helm.

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Where we're coming to your city, saying you will all be desire and if you want a little bang, come along. Everything seems to be in place for Russia to engage in a major aggression against Ukraine. Let me be clear, these are totally defensive moves on our part. We have no intention of fighting Russia. I have only one scene to say from the bottom of my art, President put you stop your troops from attacking the Ukraine. Give peace a chance. Too many people have already died. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution, where coming to your city you want to play our guitars and saying you accounts new show'd the scenes, information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one ninety five. All right, our two Sean Hannity Show toll free. It's eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. We're gonna get into the intelligence side of this. The cybersecurity threat that exists all as a result of Vladimir's invasion of Ukraine, and there are still people that are saying, well, it's not like he wants to take over the whole country. I'm like, look at the map. He's bombed every area of the country. He's now in the process. We expected in the next forty eight seven two hours that he will take over the capital. He's toppling the government. Zelinski will either fly out with the probably a planeload worth of cash like most leaders do, or he's going to be captured and or killed, or captured and or in prison and the government will collapse. That is what is going to happen, probably no later than the time we get on the air here on Monday. It was very interesting. Look, I've had my issues in terms of corruption in Ukraine, and they're all legitimate. There's there's no disagreement. I mean, it's been pretty well chronicled, the whole Barisma deal in and of itself. The real quid pro quo. You're not getting a billion dollars unless you fire that prosecutor that's investigating my son, Hunter Biden, who's being paid millions, the same hunter that goes on GMA and asks It was asked, do you have any experience in the energy sector? No, have you had any business dealings in Ukraine before. Nope, Well, why do you think they're paying you millions? I don't know, I don't know. Do you think maybe because your dad's the vice president? Probably probably you know, a real quid pro quote. But I digressish So I do have issues in terms of corruption, but that's not a factor here. The factor is whether or not a sovereign nation is going to be invaded by Vladimir Putin. And watching what happened in Georgia and o Wait, and watching the annexation of Crimea in twenty fourteen and satellite states set up in Belarus and Moldova, etc. You know how far did these Putin territorial ambitions go? That's the question. Former President Petro Porschenko said. Putin is mad and crazy and then he's come to kill Ukrainians. And by the way, that's what he's doing. Listen, pill deal with Putin like with the man of the Lost Reason. And he's just he's just some met he's just simply crazy. He's just simply heavil to come here to kill Ukrainian Ukrainian who is we lost now about one hundred and thirty Ukrainian soldiers. That's exactly why we shall secure Ukraine today and to support Ukrainian with tent tomorrow. I have a feeling that I am a specific target of the Russian polready eight years, and this is me is just a symbol we are not afraid of them. And just now, while we are here, we have a report for our civil defense that in the five minutes we will have a Russian bombay in the center here. Our Congressman, Pat Fallon of Texas is with US. An Air Force VET member of the Armed Services Committee, Daniel Hoffman, Fox News contributor, thirty year CIA ops officer, spent a lot of time, let's just say, understanding Russia on a very deep personal level. Congressman, let me begin with you militarily. I mean I've gone over the numbers repeatedly, and they're just arms at such a higher level that it's really a David Goliath scenario. And I appreciate the fact that the Ukrainians are fighting back, but they can't win this, can they? No, Well, someone's conventionally no. I mean, obviously the Ukrainians are far outmatched. It's about what price can be extracted, what can they make putin pay? And there's this thing as pure victories. And the world's got to remember the world's a very small place now and all the war crimes. I just saw something on TV where a personnel carey, you just ran over a civilian car and killed the people on FIDE. I have saw that video myself, Yes, Sean, that's awful. So the world will see this on social media as these crimes happen, and I think that'll solidify world opinion against Putine. Okay, so solidifies world opinion. CRIMEA was twenty fourteen. Let's be real here though. In twenty fourteen, what happened nothing and the world and everyone went about their business, and everybody still addicted to Putin's oil. And even Joe Biden and his announced me yesterday he's doing nothing to disrupt energy, oil, gas production and trade with Russia. So that means that the world got addicted to his oil. It got exacerbated. The problem was exacerbated because Joe capitulating to this climate change cult fanaticism that's taken over his party, then cut and ended energy independence in this country. So we can supply our Western European and NATO allies with the energy needs that they have and Putin's get a lot of natural resources. Even there will even be more dependent after this. Yeah, with Joe Biden's weakness and woke this, I am worried. There's no doubt. I mean, the first thing he did when he came in office, he CAMPI the Keystone Pipeline and then he green light the norths from too. That's exactly in reverse. President Trump was putting America first, bidens, putting America left, and we're seeing the consequences of it. And he halted leases on you know, for energy exploration on federal He's got to reinstitute. I don't think he has the brain power to understand the mistakes he's made, but he should reverse those decisions immediately. And you're right, Sean, I don't think he will because he is only catering to his far left base. I said it yesterday on this program. His speech yesterday to the nation should have been I want to inform the American people of a phone call I just got off of with every top producing energy company in this in America, and I have told them, as of noon today, I have lifted any and all restrictions on exploration and production of energy in all forms. I have asked them to as quickly as possible ramp up energy independence and get resources to our friends and allies in Western Europe. Dan Hoffman, that speech is never coming, is it. No, it's not. But it's really a lot larger than that, Sean. We utterly failed to develop a strategy to protect Ukraine. That would have meant demonstrating to Vladimir Putin that it would be prohibitively costly to him in terms of spilled blood and treasure to invade Ukraine. That even after Russia, by the way, that was never going to happen. And I don't support, for example, American boots on the ground, But I think what you're saying is when the Manifesto of July twelfth came out that spelled out everything that Putin was planning to do. Certainly effort should have been should have began in terms of arming the Ukrainians, right, I'm not talking about troops. But we got back even further. You know, when Russian annexed Crimea and invaded dun Vats in twenty fourteen, the Ukraines have been asking for military assistance. We never gave them enough javelins. We didn't give them enough Patriot anti missile weapons or the Harpoon anti ship missiles. So those are things that Ukraine could use right now, now it's too late and the enemy, Vladimir Putin is at the gates of NATO. And if we don't demonstrate that we have the strength that caniction to stand up for our NATO members on the front lines, the Baltic States. You and I have talked about this, Poland, Mania, Slovakia hungry. If we don't demonstrate we could stand up for them, Vladimir Putin's going to test us. We need to be prepared for that possibility because his risk calculus has changed. So if he does go after the Baltics and they're members of NATO, at that point we're going to find out whether NATO is a paper tiger or whether or not NATO is willing to have a ground war, a full on shooting war against Russia. That's what it's going to come down to know. Well, the question is whether Vladimir Putin believes that the United States, the US led alliance. Does he believe that the United States has the capability to leave NATO that you know, he may think is in doubt after we left Afghanistan, the way we did and the way we have not stood up as much as we should for Russia's blatant invasion of Ukraine. Those are things that impact Vladimir Putin's calculus for his next steps. Kigress been you see that scenario on folding, Well, yeah, if we don't the Article five provision is an attack. I wanted an attack at all. And he invades they'd say Lata, then that's like him invading Nebraska. So either NATO exists or not. And one thing I did look up shown which is interesting is twenty nine NATO countries, only ten are spending two percent or more of their GDP on defense, and they a green two thousand and sixth if they all should hit that target at the minimum, and nineteen of them haven't. Countries like Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada haven't done that, and so whop's looking at that as well in Germany because of the Nords from two, he's probably got them in his hip pocket. So I think we have to draw the line in the sand at some point, because otherwise we have a choice if he attacked the NATO country either leave Europe entirely, or we have a hot war with Russia because his appetite is clearly not satiated after as you said O fourteen and now in the Ukraine and twenty two, Well, that would be the line of demarcation that Joe Biden laid out in his mumbling, bumbling, stumbling speech yesterday, Dan Hoffman, and I think that's a big problem. I think that one of the greatest assessments that Putin made was this guy's not fully there, and that the United States does not have the appetite to be engaged in any type of military conflict. And now we have to think about what is President She in China thinking. I think President she said, though this is very different what Taiwan means TuS Taiwan has always been a part of China, so he's he's been telegraphing his territorial ambitions. Does that happen simultaneously, Because if I was an evil if I had the evil mind of a President Chi or Vladimir Putin, I would think probably she is thinking this is the moment to act, you know, he might Sewan. I think what we're seeing right now, and it really gosh, it causes me. The greatest concern is that Vladimir Putin is seeking to impose a new world order. His world order, meaning that only a few countries in the world enjoy real sovereignty. That would be Russia, the United States, maybe in China, for example, but everyone else is just going to have to be part of Russia or China's sphere of influence. If that means violating one country's territory integrity, they're gonna do it. I'll tell you a quick story. I had a conversation once with a Russian intelligence officer, and I asked them, what is it about your neighbors. You know, you guys have so many problems with your neighbors states. He said, look, Dan, if you have a really nice house and I have a crappy one, I'm just gonna go burn years down. That's what Putin wants to do. He wants the Baltic states, who are thriving democracies, economically vibrant nations, for example, to live the way the Russians live, where Putin denies his own citizens basic civil liberties. You see all those protesters being taken away in Russia. That's kind of the way Vladimir Putin wants everybody else to live. Because if they don't live that way, then his regime is under grave threat. And that's the risk we face right now, Sean, when China doesn't believe that the United States will stand up for what's right. I'm looking for a Ronald Reagan moment here. When I was a kid growing up, President Reagan had that capability and to deliver on the strategy, whether it was tear down the wall, mister Gorbachev or you know, the Soviet evil Empire, whatever it was, he framed the challenge for our nation and we stood behind him. Democrats and Republicans were not seeing that right now. Yeah, I don't think we're seeing it, and I don't think we're going to see it, I would continue Congressman Pat Palin of Texas and Daniel Hoppin as with US Fox News contributor thirty years CIA OPS officer. I don't think there's any appetite even among our European allies to give up their addiction to Putin's energy and oil. I mean, look, the most damning thing that that happened yesterday is these new sanctions that were put in place. But the sanctions biden an acknowledge. We're not designed to disrupt Russia's energy exports once he said that, Congressman, it's basically business as usual. He's made Russian and Putin rich again. Are NATO allies by purchasing energy from Putin? They've made Russian Putin rich again? So in many ways they're funding there this battle against themselves. That is that a faulty analysis? No, In fact, I'd like to say President Hannity, because if we had President Nity, we wouldn't have these issues. No, but it was word vomit? What what what Biden with Danish day was word vomit? And Putin is a chess player. He calculated this response instead of something strongly you said, with teeth, denying him swift and insisting on that and cutting off the energy. Because what this ultimately is, and I think Dan would agree, this is an economic siege. And who's gonna who's gonna win is the person that blinks first. And Putin is sleeping at night. I think he's got a solidate hours because he thinks it's gonna be the West, because the West hasn't been projecting strength and years. But interestingly enough, he didn't rattle his stab at a Sean when President Trump was an office for four years, because I really think he feared his strength. My sources are pretty good on this, and I happen to know, for example, there's a reason why when Trump dealt with the Taliban, and I've had this confirmed publicly in interviews with people that heard the calls with Taliban leader, and the Taliban leader was told up front before we have any discussion about any potential deal that we might make, I want you to understand something. I will obliterate you if you don't follow every dotteddy and cross tea. Do you understand me? Trump would say over and over again. No, I don't think you're understanding me. I will obliterate you. And in one particular call, Dan, you'll appreciate this, he says, And I know exactly where you are at this moment, and he told them where he was exactly now. I would imagine that probably scared the crap out of him. You get the last word, Well, listen, Sean, we're going to war with the president and the administration we have, and as a patriotic American, and I'd like to get behind my administration and encourage them to do the right thing. I think there's been a lot of very constructive criticism out there right now about what this administration needs to be doing differently. But I'll just tell you we kind of run out of time. You know, Ukraine is going to lose, and at the very best, I fear we're looking at an insurgency and I'm not sure that this administration has what it takes to support the Ukrainians, you know, fight going forward from an insurgency. And that's I think what I'm looking for, just to close on this one, is congressional hearings, open hearings, open discussion with Secretary Defense, Secretary of State, the d NI, What is the plan, what is the strategy? Why are we not standing up for democracy in Ukraine? And what are we going to do about it? And there the ship is selled. This war is over. It was over before it started. In my opinion, it's the insurgency. I would like to see it. I'd like to think that NATO and European nations would defend themselves, but I don't see that happening unfortunately either. But I appreciate you both being with us, Dan Hoffman and Congressman Pat Fallon. Thank you eight hundred nine san your calls were next. We'll continue. Be sure to check in as soon as you get to your car after work for breaking information you need to know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show at twenty five downs to the top of the hour eight hundred san on nob you want to be a part of the program m. Let's get to our phones. Josh is in the great state of Kentucky, the home of great bourbon. What's going on, Josh? How are you? I'm doing great, mister Hannity, How are you, sir, I'm good. What's your favorite bourbon? H Well, it's always the most expensive, right whatever. Listen, I personally I cannot stand scotch or bourbon. And some of my best friends they just love it and they're like, no, you just have to keep trying it until you develop a taste for it. And I'm like, that's the problem. I can't get to that point. But anyway, I drowned my drinks with you know, water and whatever juice I'm using them of the day. Maybe we don't have to have a taste for it. Maybe they just say, keep playing it to get drunk and then you don't care. Then you probably wouldn't notice anyway, right, anyway, what's on your mind today? All right? Well, first of all, such an honor to be able to speak to you. I've watched your television show, I've watched you on the television and uh, you know, listen to you for for quite a long time. And uh, it's really an honor to speak to you. But what I wanted to ask you was, do you think honestly that Putin would be doing what he's doing, trying what he's Trump will not even trying doing what he's doing if we had the Great President of Trump in office. No. And I think the answer is obvious because we know what he did in two thousand and eight in Georgia. We know what he did with CRIMEA when he annexed that when Biden was vice president, Obama was president, and we see what's happening today. But there is a four year interim period there where nothing happened. You know, if you think back to the media's you know, breathless hysteria over the Trump phone call, when Donald Trump knew all these people were on this call, and then we had the non whistle blower, hearsay whistle blower and no fact witnesses. They only had one fact witness impeachment, and that one fact witness said, now there was no quid or pro a quo. And then you look at the media that ignored the You're not getting a billion taxpayer dollars unless you fire a prosecutor investigating my son making millions with no experience. Look, Ukraine has its corruption problems, that's not it. The answer to your question, very specifically, though, is no, it would not have happened. And I'll tell you why. I think the world feared Donald Trump. There was a certain air of unpredictability because they study American presidents and they also saw a pattern that if he said something, he usually backed it up and delivered. If you look at every promise he made leading into twenty sixteen in that election, he kept every single one of those promises, building the Wall, energy independence, lower taxes, less regulation, I'm going to choose judges from this list. We're going to have free and fair trade deals, piece through strength, I'm gonna end going to get out of these endless wars, etc. Etc. He kept every one of the promises, and so there's a certain predictability coupled with an air of unpredictability. In other words, Holy Adam Schiff. He's crazy enough that he'd do it, and that crazy enough that he would do it. Part I think is actually a good thing now that to the medium caused them to melt down. Every day. Oh my god, he sent out a mean tweet. Oh my gosh, I can't believe he's saying these horrible things. Well, at least we had a president that knew what day of the week it was, and a president that actually projected strength. And you know, we saw this tape this week that I aired here and there he is in the face of the head of NATO, just grilling this guy over the stupidity of their policies, and that is that we the United States, are being ripped off. We're spending all of this money to protect all of our NATO allies. We're paying the bulk of moneys and countries that are in the direct path of Vladimir Putin. We're doing this to protect your up from Putin, and yet they're making Putin rich. Again, he goes, tell me how that makes any sense? And then the guy would try to answer, no, answer my question, how does that make sense to you? Is that fair to the American taxpayer? Because I'm here to represent them. That's the type of president that I want. And you know, but I know, and I may come with a few mean tweets, It may come along with a you know, a few inappropriate remarks. Occasionally, it may come along with a lot of drama of the media hating him. But you know what, the world understood and answers your question. I think anyway, Thank you, Josh, God bless you. Let's stay in Kentucky. We have Stephanie standing by Stephanie. How are you glad you called him? I wanted to thank you for taking my call, my real quick. My fifteen year old son Will wanted to say hi. And he's a huge fan of her. So he's fifteen. His name is Will. Put him on. No, he's not on. He's actually at school. Oh he's he's at school. I thought it sounded like he was right there. You tell Will that, I said, always listen to mom and dad, follow the Golden rule, find what he loves to do and what he's good at, and find a way to make money doing what you love to do if you can, and always try to work for yourself. This is what I tell my kids all the time. Try and try and work for yourself and be your own boss and put in the work and you get the rewards. There you go, He's following in that footsteps of our philosophy. Well, I'm not saying my kids listen to me all the time. I mean, you know, they're like, Dad, you already gave me the speech one hundred times, Dad, Stop stop? All right, go ahead. Yeah. My question is or a cup questions, how do the Democratic constituent steel about guess prices, the economy afflication, and the current international situation under Biden versus what they had under President's Trump's policy delay. The answer is easy, that the base of the Democrat Cratic Party five thirty eight. The website even pointed it out is abandoning Joe Biden and demographically Hispanic Americans, African Americans. They see that his policies aren't working independence, he's at all time low numbers. There's not a single item we can point to. And then they're going to try and make a big deal over this appointment of you know, a radical liberal replacing another radical liberal in the US Supreme Court. Oh that's a success. Not really, and so did they have I mean, so the question is can we change the conversation and they have Fire's remorse, and how's it? Can I affect the Mitchell I think the polls are showing when you're at thirty three percent approval rating and your own party's turning on you, I would say that's Fire's remorse at the highest level. I've never seen anything as bad as this. Here's the question, Stephanie. You know Reagan asked it when he was running for reelection. Are you better off than you are four years ago? Here's the question. Now, can you name one thing that Joe is done that's that that's made our lives better? Because I can't upset? Maybe wiping out? Um, what was it? A leader of like isis? Or you know, Okay, there you go. I'll tip my hat to Joe. Joe Joe done good, he did a good one. Good for him. Or we'll go clop. Yeah, there was one leader. I don't remember the specific leader, but there was a strike probably at Littleton or nothing to do with it is. My guests, remember this is the guy that voted no to get Ben Lauden. Hang in there, Stephanie, Let not your heart be trouble. Hopefully this year we begin the process of turning this glacier around. I don't know how we're going to do it, but it's it's very doable. All the problems that we discuss every day, the economy, energy, borders, you name it, all of them are easily solvable. Conservatism works. You know what is conservatism on the border? Oh, stay in Mexico, build the wall and enforce the laws of the land. What is the conservative position on energy? Don't rely on anybody for the lifeblood of our economy. Be energy independent and a net exporter of energy. Where do we stand on taxes? We want lower taxes. We want less bureaucracy. We want law and order so people are safe and secure, so they can pursue happiness and their God given natural talent. We want choice in schools, and we want free and fair trade and peace through strength and constitutionalists on the bench. And we believe in liberty and freedom in our constitution and capitalism. And we believe in the First and Second Amendment. Also in case this any ambiguity, all right, back to our busy phones. Let's say hi to Roger in South Dakota. Roger, Um, your governor is extremely popular. I can tell you when she's on TV. A lot of people like the listener, Absolutely, we love her. Yes, Um, I guess I was wanting to reach a subject that's probably unspeakable and unthinkable. But two days ago, I guess on Fox News night before last, they were running a stream or something to the effect that Putin had said that, you know, if anybody interferes with him, he's going to do something that's never been done before. Well, likes of which you've never seen before. Yeah, and a lot of people interpreted that that I'll knuke you. Well, I don't think it's sad. What do you think it is similar? Either, it's a emp the technology for a long time to the KNU area four miles above the United States, and it kills all the power grid and Roger. You could be right. But whatever it is, if he wanted it to sound bad, he sent the message out, and I have a message back for Putin. Whatever you do to us, we'll do ten times to you. That's it. You know, Look, if we're totally neutralized, and I understand something like that would kill all the electronic chips and stuff, I mean, there's that would send us back into the stone age, like in a five minute period. Listen, I just don't waste my time anymore on social media. But I had, Linda, you can confirm this for us, I had a general rule that when I decided to engage with somebody like a Jimmy Kimmel or an Alec Baldwin. By the way, the husband of Helena Hutchins who blaming blaming Alec Baldwin was a fascinating interview, but we're in the middle of breaking news. We didn't cover it yet. It wasn't my rule that if somebody hits me and I decided to engage, what is my rule that I hit him back how many times harder, ten times, ten times harder. If they hit me and I'm going to engage, and most of the time I would just let it go because I just don't have time. I'm too busy working. I'm hitting them back ten times harder. I train every single day, an hour and a half during the week mixed martial arts, and if I get hit and somebody attacks me, my training is I hit back ten times harder and in ten different ways and in combinations that most people would never imagine. And we practice it every day. So but you know, the ideally I would run away from a fight. You know, Linda, You've been in situations where I'll say, I literally would say, I'm so sorry, I let me back away. Can I buy you a drink? Apologize? But please don't put me in a position where I have to hurt you. And I try to avoid situations that might trigger people. Anyway, we got a little in the weeds there. Maggie's in Vegas. Maggie, how are you on kadon radio? Hey, mister Hannity, First of all, you hit him until all they can't get back up. One of our rules too, But go ahead. Yeah. I'm an Iraq veteran. I served a Iraq in two thousand and three. I drove from Kuwait to Baghdad in two thousand and three. And right now I have two boys that are ready to jump in boots and go in the military. And before the Ukraine situation happened, and I don't really have a question. I'm more of a comment because I'm pretty sure there's some Congressional members that are listening to this. Yesterday you said to someone on your show, said it's something about Congress is going to have to vote if we put boots on the ground, And I'm going to tell them right now, not only are you going to have some really mad parents in trying to keep a clean Sorry, but no, I'm not okay with this. After what happened with Iraq and Afghanistan. My brother was an Afghanistan. I met my husband in Iraq. We are a military family. The only people that should be voting to put boots on the ground are the parents of the soldiers, the Airmans, and the Marines and the sailors that are going to have to defend our country because I am sick and tired of listening to these politicians making money off the blood of our children that we're sitting tool over money. War is money, that is all it is about. And how convenient that Ukraine, which Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were involved with, that's what we're going to defend right now. And listen, out of all the people in the world, I feel sorry for the people of Ukraine. I pray for them daily. I understand. I've seen what can happen when war happens, and this is not okay. And I am not okay with my children, my friend's children. Because most of the people who join the military have of military connection in their family, and that's all of my friends, children, my children who are going to be in these boots, who are going Why is it that Congress not only gets to vote, but they're also the ones that get to make the money. Dick Cheney and kbr prime example. I feel exactly as you do, and you're talking to somebody that has the utmost respect for the honor of those that serve. It is a calling for most people. It is what they're born to do. People that I know in the military will tell me all the time that this is what they wanted to do since they were young. And I can I can't say, we cannot allow what happened in Vietnam and what happened in Afghanistan. We're all gung ho and we're gonna win the war, and then all of a sudden we get into a drawn out conflict and you know, we're going door to door in Baghdad. You know, we don't we Modern weaponry and technology has advanced to the point where that any war we fight in the future should be in an air conditioned office somewhere down in Tampa, Florida, where we with pinpoint accuracy, push buttons and take out you know, whatever we're going to take out that day. That's the that's the future of warfare. You might need intelligence on the ground, opts on the ground, but not much. And if we would have kept it in Afghanistan, we would have won a man. And if you ever want to drink some bourbon, I'll teach you how to enjoy it. Well, yeah, listen, I'll take the bourbon. I'm in um. Thank you for serving your country. My best to you and your family, your military family, and thank you all for your service and your love of this country because it's the greatest country God gave Man

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