America's New Danger

Published Jul 27, 2021, 10:00 PM

Mark Levin, is a six-time #1 New York Times bestselling author, Fox News star, and radio host. In his New book, American Marxism, which sold over 400k copies in its first week, he explains the danger America is now facing. 

The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Am coming to your city, seeing you a concos will all beings, I am hi, and if you want a little banging, ain't come along for Are you sticking by your decision to hold any vote on that deal until after the Senate passes a much larger infrastructure package through reconciliation. Yes, it's time for mandates because it's the only way to protect our people. We cannot now go back to where we were. And I am telling you as I sit here, I have told you the facts on COVID from day one. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution, coming to your city, don't play our gettis and saying you a concos Sean had a show behind the scenes, information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. All right, thanks Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of you for being with us. Write down our toll free number. It's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. All right, So you got these hearings going on in Washington. I'll be honest, it's sort of like this is the democratic version of impeachment number three, because and what have I been saying? Democrats I would have liked the commission on January sixth. I also would like a commission on all of the rioting that took place last summer. Unlike Democrats, they ignored the rioting, the looting, the arson, the attacks on police. You know, every night, what were we seeing on our what we show you on my TV show, bricks, rocks, bottles, molotov cocktails being hurled at police officers. We showed you cities ablaze, We showed you police precincts ablaze. We showed you looting in you know, broad daylight and at nighttime didn't seem to matter. And you know, it's only when things become politically expedient for Democrats do they seem to show any concern or care. Now, also, unlike them, we are intellectually honest and consistent and condemned everything that happened on January sixth at the Capitol. That cannot happen in this great country. I said it, then, I'll say it again now. We cannot in this country have our institutions attacked. These are elected officials. They must be protected. And if you enter a capital or government building illegally, you ought to be arrested and and and that's happened. You know. One of the strangest outcomes in all of this is that the Democrats, they have no interest. They wouldn't even acknowledge the rioting that was last summer, that was all over the place. They didn't even want to barely wanted to talk about it. Um, you know, and and okay, and then they put so Republicans try to cooperate. They put Congressman Jim Jordan, Congressman Banks on the committee and Nancy Pelosi throws them off the committee and replaces uh Jordan and Banks with Liz Cheney, Who's she's already come to her conclusion, you know, Adam Kinzinger, he's already She picks the people that will come to the predetermined conclusion that they want at the end of the day. And you know, Cheney, I think she's not politically stupid. I think she knows probably your days in Congress are numbered, and and frankly, at this point she would like to. I think part of her goal is to purge the Republican Party of Donald Trump and the America First, Make America Great Again agenda. It's amazing how the Cheneys and so many others mitt Romney's and another one that they forget. You know, um, do you remember Liz Cheney that they were calling your father a war criminal? Did you? Did you forget the allegations about your father and Halliburton and everything in between, accusing your your father of being guilty of torture and murder and and you know, Bush and Cheney led and people died, and you know, it's amazing. It's like Mitt Romney a misogynist, a racist. This Oh, now we're gonna, we're gonna, We're gonna identify with that group of people. It's it's kind of like invasion of the body snatchers or the Stockholm syndrome. But that's neither here nor there. Now, there's a lot of things that I can tell you ahead of time that are not going to come out, that should come out as a result of these hearings. But the first question is is where are the hearings and when will the hearings be that examined what happened in city after city after city last summer that literally thousands of people were injured, twenty five people died, Arson took place, police precincts were burned to the ground, stores were looted bricks, rocks, bottles, frozen water bottles, molotov cocktails. Heard the police officers, you know, well over two thousand officers injured in the course of the rioting that took place last summer. That can't happen either. Why won't Democrats have a commission on that. The Democrats that were silent as it was unfolding, The Joe Biden that never mentioned it during the Democratic National Convention, you know, the the Kamala Harris that actually promoted a bail fund for people in Minneapolis that were involved in this activity to get them out of jail sooner so that they can get back into the action. You know, it's it's absolute hypocrisy. You know, for example, there was seventy one people shot in the city of Chicago last weekend. I asked this question off and I'll ask it again. Does anybody listening to my voice now do you know the name of one single person shot or shot and murdered this weekend in Chicago, which is now a typical weekend in Chicago, just like a typical weekend in New York, just like a typical weekend in many California cities. You know, Barbara Boxer got assaulted, former Senator of California out in the San Francisco area. You know, because they're not arresting people that's steal a thousand dollars worth of stuff. Oh well, what's happening. People are going in with garbage bags, they're filling them up with just less than a thousand bucks worth of stuff, and they're walking out with it. Well, those stories aren't going to be able to stay open. So the hypocrisy just reeks to high heaven. And really all this is in so many ways is you know, selective moral outrage. Once again, Now, what happened to George Floyd. I was one of those people that said, look, I can speak as a martial artist. The most vulnerable part of the human anatomy is one's neck. When the guys in handcuffs, there's no need to keep your knee on anybody's neck for nine minutes. As a matter of fact, it's it's pretty much an automatic death sentence. And I'm speaking as a martial artist that is trained in self defense at a pretty high level, and that would be a targeted strike that if I if I were to strike the bottom part of your jaw with the target of hitting that and the corodid artery. Just a fraction of a second of the blood cut to your brain by one of the corodid arteries, one on each side, you would likely, knowing what my knowing my art as a student, you would likely go right down. Your knees would buckle, and you would be on the ground. And if you tried to stand up too quickly, guess what, you probably wouldn't make it. You probably would fall down again. And I know because I trained and I've seen it. Put you in a rear naked choke. I'll choke you out in twelve seconds. That's why it's so sudden. That's why I can't hampen. But we only hear about what happened with George Floyd. It can't happen again. It's not the ninety nine percent of good cops. It's the one percent of people that have no business being a police officer. I've offered alternatives, more training, non lethal alternatives. I talked about the burner gun. If you haven't seen it, it's by r NA. I bought many of them. I give them away as gifts now. So many of my friends want them anyway, So I want to be very very clear here. We are consistent. We've been consistent, will stay consistent. Riots of any kind anywhere in any city or our nation's capital, it can't happen. And the only way to prevent it, it's not by defunding and dismantling the police or reimagining the police and sending in shrinks instead of police officers. Because a lot happened that day. If you look at the Major Cities Chiefs Association, it's called the MCCA. You know, that's sixty nine of the largest police forces around the country. You know the data just from May to July thirty first, and it went well beyond that. There were over eighty seven hundred total protest nationwide, an average of over one hundred percity. Five hundred and seventy four of those eighty seven hundred protests were officially declared riots with violence. Now they were over a couple of thousand cops injured. We saw it firsthand, almost on a nightly basis. Seventy two percent of police agencies nationwide reported that officers were injured. You know, we had six hundred and twenty four separate incidents of arson, ninety seven police cars were burned two thousand, three hundred eighty five looting incidents, and that's only half the summer. We had three thousand, six hundred ninety two protests involving illegal acts of civil disobedience. And don't forget the Chaz Chop autonomous spaghetti potluck dinner, Summer of Love Zone, and and my interview with Horace Lorene Zoe Anderson Senior, whose son Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior, was murdered in the in the Summer of Love Zone. And I was shocked to find out that I was the first person to call this family. And I've stayed in touch with this man. He's nobody recovers from that, that kind of thing in life, losing twenty twenty one year old kid. Um. You know you have police officers. Okay, I'm watching the hearings today and they're describing what happened in the Capitol. Now, now we got to ask some tough questions that I don't think this committee has any interest in getting to the answer of. And that is why with all of the separate requests for police, why was the police chief denied on six separate occasions his requests for police assistance. Why who is in charge? And this is a good question that nobody will ask probably their report either who's in charge? We knew the day before that they had massive crowds that were going to be at that rally, and yet why didn't anybody think to maybe prepare the Capitol Because they knew that there was going to be a march on the Capitol and the crowd was going to be massive and tensions were likely going to be high. This was a predictable event. And then we've heard from Mark Meadows at different points that even Donald Trump and his administration had asked the National Guard to be called up to be on the ready. And before this happens, you have the police chief who ended up resigning over this. I don't know why. He seemed like he was one of the most responsible people involved in this thing. He ended up resigning over this for what reason? I'm not exactly sure. That's a question I would like to have answered at some point in this equation. But why did they keep denying that when they would call up Because if you look at Stephens sound is his name, former Capitol police chief, and he said that he made numerous requests before and during this the people unlawfully racing into the capital the way they did. You know that he made six separate requests, six separate times he was denied his request. Now, the House Sergeant at Arms, under the direction of Speaker Pelosi and other presiding officers. The Sergeant at Arms plays an integral role in maintaining order and decorum in the House Chamber, and the Sergeant at Arms, also since gone as chief law enforcement officer in the Senate, is charged with maintaining security in the Capitol and Senate buildings, as well as the protection of members themselves. That would seem to me the question is why didn't they act and prepare for this incident, because they should have. And with all of that said, I still hold people responsible for their conduct and their activity and lawbreaking, whatever form or manifestation it is. You know, it's this is not a hard thing for people to wrap their arms around here. So you got angry Democrats that don't want to focus it on Joe Biden's failures at the border with energy, the high cost of everything going through the roof, a gallon of gasoline a buck twenty five higher. Everything you buy, every good you purchase, every service you that's provided you as costing you more they want to. They don't want to talk about the cyber hacking, Joe's allowing Russia to get away with, or the reunification, geographical ambitions of China, the money he's pressuring South Korea to give to Iran, the inflation that is out of control, etc. You know, they don't want to focus on any of this, So I guess this is this is what their main focus is. But what we're gonna do things that we benefit from Politically, We'll ignore the hundreds of riots where many died and thousands were injured. And I'm saying that, no, we should get to the bottom of all of it. Eight hundred nine sean is our number. We'll get to your calls today, the great one Mark Levin checks in today. This is where everybody needs to understand something here. It's um lives only matter. You know, we get all the statistics every week, and lives only matter to democrats, the mob and the media when they can be politicized. I think every life matters. That's why we scroll the names of the people you've never heard of who have been shot and killed or shot over a weekend. It's the same. Quid pro quos only matter if they can say Donald Trump with a hearsay, non whistleblower, whistleblower, that then it matters. But it doesn't matter when the quid pro quo is Joe and the billion and zero experience Hunter being investigated, fire the prosecutor, you know, then then it doesn't matter. Russian matters if it's Trump, but it doesn't matter if it's Hillary Clinton's dirty Russian disinformation nacier. It doesn't matter if it's Hunter getting three and a half million from a Russian oligarch, former first Lady of Moscow. You know. Oh, let's see violence and rioting only matters if it's not a democratic, liberal city every week weekend. But we're really going to focus on January sixth, when all of it is wrong. But why does its selective outrage? That's an easy answer. You'll hear what everyone really thinks in DC. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, Just think through this for a second. Here. If you believe like I make no bones about it, I am pro life, and I want I believe in natural rights. I believe that rights come from God. The words endowed by the thing, oh you know the thing, God, the creator of everything. Yeah, those words actually mean something, and that rights are God given rights don't come from the government elected officials. We have natural rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those are natural, God given rights. You believe that, then you'd say, yeah, every life matters. I certainly I was as outraged as everyone else. We all saw the nine minute video of George Floyd. That can't happen. The question I have is going back to when Biden was vice president and Obama's president, and it's every weekend in Chicago and all of these people are being slaughtered, and it's just a matter of how many were shot on that given weekend and how many were shot and killed on that given weekend, and they barely ever mentioned it. Why do we only hear about cases that it seems like people can exploit politically? You know, for example, if you really believe Russian interference is a big deal, and that you suspected that Trump was involved in some type of collusion with Russian twenty sixteen, that you spent three years of your life lying about it and spreading conspiracies about it because it was all debunked. But then you find out that Hillary Clinton actually paid for a dirty Russian misinformation dossier. Why aren't you applying the same standards to her? Or if you find out imagine if it was Let's say it's one of Donald Trump's kids that lies on a gun application. Let's say it's one of Donald Trump's kids that throws a gun in a dumpster. Let's say it's one of Donald Trump's kids that's a crack addict. Let's say it's one of Donald Trump's kids that's making millions of dollars from Ukraine when his father is in charge of Ukrainian policy, and that daddy in off, you know, brags about withholding a billion taxpayer dollars to get a prosecutor fired because the prosecutors investigating his son, who admits he had no experience whatsoever in the energy sector or with Ukraine. You know why, if you care about it, quit in a pro and a quote. You got one right there. You got Joe bragging about it on tape, and you got one hundred saying on good Morning America. Nope, I've known experience. Well, why do you think you got the millions of UNU? Could it be because of your father? Probably? Probably, that's his answer. Imagine if it was a Trump kid, you know. So it's like when I scroll these names, which I've done on television, you know, from two thousand and nine on, and these names you'd never hear of all these people shot and shot and killed, and you never hear of these names. Why isn't there more outrage? Why do they Why is there only one case that people focus on? And then the only thing I can conclude is they only focus on the cases that they can politicize. You know, the same thing. Yeah, George Floyd can happen again. But we can't have every weekend in Chicago where you know, it's either thirty, forty, fifty, sixty or like last weekend, seventy some on people's shot and I think it was fourteen dead. We can't have that every weekend either. If all lives matter, Black lives matter, many of our minorities in a lot of these city cases, we care about their lives and I do. That's why I scroll their names. People, don't you never heard of these names before. There are thousands of them, and it's every city, and it's all across the country. It's breathtaking hypocrisy. You know, if you care about any of these these issues, you would apply the standards equally. But we don't, which means politics is in play, which means that this whole commission is a farce. You know, you know, throwing Jim Jordan and Jim Banks off the committee it says everything that you need to know. They don't want to buipartisan investigation. Then you then you bring in the two Republicans that hate Donald Trump the most and fit perfectly into the democrats predetermined narrative and outcome. They can write their final report today and we already know what it is, but they're not going to investigate a lot of aspects of this that should be investigated. And if we're going to investigate all of that, then I would like you know, of the eighty of the five thousand and seventy four protests last that we're officially declared riots with violence by the by the police, a social why are we doing an investigation into that? Thousands injured, you know, billions in dollars in property damage, police precincts burned to the ground. Business has burned to the ground, looting the lore. And then we could also maybe investigate why all of these prosecutors have decided they're not going to prosecute. Oh, we're only going to prosecute the people involved and what happened on January sixth. Why don't we do this where is equals application of our laws? Why is there always selective moral outrage? You know, it's like Eric Swollwell. You know, here's a guy, he's on the Intel Committee, has this relationship with a Chinese spy, Fang Fang. The US intelligence community. They now having their possession a classified report including the intricate and intimate details of the nature of the relationship between Eric Swalwell and this Chinese spy known as Fang Fang, and they won't release it. They're being protected Joe Biden's Justice Department. Now, oh, they're going after the new Georgia law, which is far more accessible than Joe's home state of Delaware. But why why wouldn't they go after Delaware first? Because now we've weaponized the Justice Department. Why are they not going after all the governors that had executive actions that put people with COVID into nursing homes that resulted in thousands and tens of thousands of deaths in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, in Michigan. Because it's politics. We're now, it's we've criminalized political differences at the highest level now in this country. That is extraordinarily dangerous to the future of this great republic. You know, Mark Levin's on at the top of the hour, and you know what did he say? A long time? It's a postconstitutional America. If you don't have enough examples here where one set of standards are applied to one group of people and a whole different set of standards applied to conservatives and Republicans, you go to jail, all right. For example, Michael Horowitz makes referrals in his Inspector General Report about people that led to Congress and Light under Oath. Well, isn't that the reason that they sent let's see twenty nine guys in tactical gear and frogmen with guns drawn in a pre dawn raid with tipped off CNN fake news cameras to arrest Roger Stone. They wanted to put him away for the rest of his life. Well, why didn't that happen to the people that were referred in the inspector General report for doing the exact same thing we do. I mean, it's sad when I have to say this. By the way, even britt Hume said that, Yeah. I mean, listen, you can't deny it anymore. It's just a fact Joe is a cognitive mess. What they've been fathway for c ship. I want to thank you all for being here. Second, by the way, where's mom? Mom? Is she here? Oh? She's watching? Okay, I thought she looked. I said, Mom is out there. It's gonna ask her to stand up. But Mom, you can't stand up. And if you're home, you are such a pain the neck. But I'm gonna answer your question because you know, and he said it for Salon, there's nothing to do with the rack. The answered brit Hume said, these are signs of senility. I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to play one, but it's obvious when I play Joe in twenty twelve versus Joe in twenty sixteen versus Joe in twenty twenty that you know, if you ever had a fastball, it's long gone. It was snapping in that case at I believe it was Norah O'Donnell of NBC or no, I'm sorry, Kelly O'Donnell of NBC. She actually you're a paint in the neck. I take that as a compliment. That was a good reply. Touche good for her anyway, you know, that's that's also part of being cranky, right, does one event a day it's a little scary then the people, you know, imagine if Donald Trump's White House tried to hide the number of breakthrough COVID cases among White House staff, why won't they give that number out? And by the way, America's optimism has dropped twenty points since Biden has taken office. And it's it's not Biden the United it's Biden divider. Starting with oh, let's let's pack the courts, let's do an investigation, Let's get rid of the legislative filibuster. Let's talk about DC statehood and Puerto Ricos statehood. Um. You know, on every single issue he has capitulated. Let's give Russia of summit and the nord Stream to waiver exemption while we're firing Americans from building our pipeline. Why would anyone do that? You know, no discussion, no debate, nothing, I Rand starts enriching more uranium and he pressure South Korea to give them seven billion more dollars. The Chinese are showing their their geographical ambitions, and they're out there and telling Americans whether our our military can land inside of Taiwan o our ally and threatening our military basis. That's going on too. Joe's not doing a thing, you know, all of it. Look at the borders, Look at energy prices, look at you know now planes are having a hard time getting enough jet fuel. I mean, it's it's a real problem. Is in six months we gave up energy independence, which took us seventy five years to achieve. And even Mansion is warning that the infrastructure bill is dying. Prices for young cattle soaring, signaling expensive beef in the future. You know, Feds now are meeting, but the Feds are never going to tell you the truth. All they want to do is keep interest rates low and act like everything's okay, and it's not. American airlines warning about the jet fuel shortages around the US asking pilots to conserve. What does that mean? Conserve what? I'm not gonna I'm gonna push it to the limit, and I'll you know, I'll try, I'll try to not stop to refuel, and I'll try and make it to the destination. And the good luck if I make it. What the hell does that even mean? You know, I'm none of this is good. Lumber prices, food prices, gasoline prices, the prices of anything you buy in any store is going through the roof. And it's pretty unbelievable. And then, of course open borders. You know, Biden, he's now trying to create the appearance, according to CNN, that he's beginning to reverse course on the border. No, he's not, because they're still processing everybody. They're not testing him for COVID eve either, and the few people that are offered the vaccine say no thanks, and then they still give them pre transportation to whatever state I guess they want to go to. You know, the FBI director won't tell Congress how many terrorists and gang members have been apprehended at the border. I'd like to know, why, why why would you withhold that information from the American people. You know, they're trying to think this amnesty bill, inside this reconciliation new Green Deal bill that they're gonna ram down our throats because they get one shot at reconciliation and then they only need fifty votes, and they're going to try and include amnesty for eight to eleven million people minimum. With all the hatred of Walmart, I did notice they pledged a billion dollars to send their employees to college. Did anyone anyone want to say anything good about Walmart and Costco and Target and places like that, because I love those stores. I think they're phenomenon phenomenal. How's it going at the Olympics? Not too well. We've been telling you about the ratings disaster. Olympian Lolo Jones blasting the anthem protests, saying, yeah, there's a balance between sports and social activism. George Foreman, I'll always be proud, he said last night on TV. I'll always be proud to be an American. You have one ESPN writer troubled by the American flag at the Olympics. Which flag would you prefer? China, Russia, you know, North Korea, Cuba, ven as well. Tell me which flag you like better. Why didn't we don't a lot of these countries build walls and prevent people from leaving. We have more people in the world want to come here than leave here. Unbelievable fourth graders, by the way, required to compete complete equity surveys, but then told don't discuss it with your parents. By the way, anytime they say don't discuss it with your parents, go home and discuss it with your parents. First thing I would do. Don't listen to these dopey, agenda driven people. All right, we got a lot to get to. We have updates. You're not going to believe. Now we have the government I told you when they opened Pandora's box last week saying that businesses and universities and schools can mandate mask wearing. Ye, And now we have a government agency doing it. That is now the next step, the mandate part. We'll get to that with doctor George. Doctor George varied coming up later in the program. Were coming to y'all sitting saying you, well, desire hi jail and if you want a little banging, ain't come along. Are you sticking by your decision to hold any vote on that deal until after the Senate passes a much larger infrastructure package through reconciliation. Yes, it's time for mandates because it's the only way to protect our people. We cannot now go back to where we were. And I am telling you as I sit here, I have told you the facts on COVID from day one. Is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution, coming show. I'm the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. All right, an hour two Sean Hannity's show. Thanks for being with us. Our numbers eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Right before I get to our next guest, what happens to be one of my best friends. Let me tell you about this guy. People don't really know a lot about his background, but I know everything about his background. And he was the former chief of staff for ed Meece, probably one of the greatest attorneys general ever in the history of this country in the regular administration. When this whole Iran contra issue came up, I just happened to know as a fact that this brilliant legal mind was working very hard to get to the truth. And that ended up being the probably the best boomerang I've ever seen in my life. Where they thought they had Colonel North and you know, at the end of the day. The American people responded that they loved this man, that this guy was a hero, and that what was being said was false, slanderous, all of the above, and it's it's just something that is rare. His passion, his love is this country. He has a patriotism coupled with a knowledge of our constitution second to none. It is. I've watched him in the process of writing all of his number one best selling books, and I've never quite seen anything like it, where literally entire rooms of a house are you can barely navigate through them. I'll be honest, it's kind of like, I don't know. It's it's like a puzzle you got to figure your way out, amaze that you got to figure your way out of. And it's filled with research. He does his own research, which is very rare. On all my books, I've gotten help with research and as much help as I can get because we're all working so hard. But he wants to always do it on his own, and he takes his time, and he's put together what is now not only the number one best selling book on the New York Times list, but also it is now outsold for the year. The other top fifteen books in the country combined. That's how great they new book book. And Mark Levin is American Marxism. He's a dear friend, a great dad, wonderful patriot, a constitutional scholar, and he lays out a case in this book that if we don't pay attention to it, we will lose this great republic. He once said to me in an interview that we live in a postconstitutional America. I've quoted that often because we now see it's true. Just I've mentioned these some examples today. You only care about a quid pro quo if it's Trump, not Joe, and zero experience Hunter. You only care about Russia collusion, but you ignore Hillary's dirty Russian disinformation dosier or zero experience Hunter making millions for his company through a Russian oligarch while his dad's vice president. Or of course what he the money that he took out of the Bank of China with Chinese military connections with no experience that we see there either, And anyways, it might be the best book ever. He lays out the case of what is going on at this moment. But more importantly, there's only seven chapters. Now. The seventh chapter is over ten thousand words. We choose liberty and that is the answer. And I'm going to start on chapter seven for a reason because I know Mark's been doing other interviews, but this, to me is the most important chapter. We all talk about what the problem is, but what is the solution, What is the answer. How do we stop the New Green Deal socialism? How do we get back to having equal justice and application of our laws in America and remain the great republic that was designed, as Ben Franklin said, if you can keep it great one, Mark Levin, I cannot believe fifteen other books behind you combined and you sold more week one of American Marxism. That is a great accomplishment my front. Of course, all I have to come here more often. I really appreciate your very very kind words, and back at you, my brother, I will say this, it's the public that's responding when you go on Amazon dot com, Sean, if you go there now, there's twenty five hundred, almost three thousand comments, five stars. The book is resonating. This is very, very important because when I sat down to right this, you know, we talked about it every weekend. This was a big undertaking. As you point out, I go through hundreds and hundreds of books, I decide what I'm going to focus on. Ninety five percent of what I read doesn't wind up in a book. And this was a much more complicated book for me to write because I wanted to do two things. I wanted the public to know what's undergirding all these movements that are surrounding us, that are devouring our culture every way where we look, from elementary schools to the border to our economic system. Piecing don't just happen. Why is it that the media or the mouthpieces for these movements, Why is it that the Democrat Party has been devoured by this movement? And on and on and on, and so I decided I needed to explore this because it's not good enough just to say, look what's happening, and then you know, we go and have dinner and also goes. This is not a passing fat, this is not a political cycle. This is the real deal. And I really feel that this is our moment of the generation. We better step up or our kids and grandkids are not going to have the kind of country you want them to have, not very far. And so I decided to dig into this, and I didn't even name the book until about three months before I handed it in. And I didn't want to call it Marxism, because it's more than that. It's American Marxism. It is the americanization, the customization, if you will, of these Marxist ideologies, not in every particular. I didn't call a book Marxism. I call American Marxism. And critical race theory is just one of the latest examples. I explained how that grew out of critical theory, where that comes from, and you can track it right back. These people are not exactly bashful about who they are. Some of them are stolen the closet, but these scholars and the intellectuals, the act of they're not. And same with climate change. There's a reason why I used to be called global cooling. Then they said no global warming, no, no, no climate change, and better yet, green new deal. This is nothing more than half a century worth of a narrative, a war on capitalism, a war on the Industrial revolution. Marx hated the Industrial Revolution. Why because it demonstrated that the masses, the proletary, weren't going to rise up and overthrow the country. They rose up, and they became the massive middle class that defends this country. Marxism is a fraud, in a fake And so I went back and looked at that, and as I went through these different areas, and I quote them and I unravel them, and I explain them, because I think it's very important to understand our enemies, but we can't defeat them. And then when I was almost done, I said to my life Julie, we need solutions. It's not good enough just to explain this stuff. We need solutions. So I spent the next two months writing the last chapters. You point out chapter seven. It's my longest book. It is my most important book because it's really written for the moment. And the last chapter is filled with scores of suggestions. Now, what we might do regarding each one of these corporations which are really run by corporatists, these aren't free market capitalists. Are public schools which are really run by the public sector unions of the educational bureaucrats, all of whom are radical left and in the back part of the Democrat Party. What are we going to do with the biggest problem of all our colleges and universities. And I go through that and it is useful that I have a background on the Constitution in the wall because many of the solutions I come up with are about organized asking about activism one person a group of people having been part of the two party movement in the Reagan Revolution. But it's also how do we take it to these people? How do we take it to these organizations? And they wake up every damn day trying to figure out how to destroy this society. We wake up every day trying to preserve this society. Okay, it's not enough. We need to take it to these people. We need to take it to the teachers, unions, we need to take it to the corporate diss We need to take it to these colleges and universities. We need to put the fear of God in them. Unlike the Left, I'm not talking about malatop cocktails. They use liberty to destroy liberty. We need to use liberty tooth defend liberty. And so there are scores of suggestions, and if you want a couple, you know, explain a few of them in the book. Let me let me point out one thing. And people may think that this is, oh, we do shows, and this is you know, this is something we think about all day and all night and all we can. I mean, it's it's never you never stop preparing a show if you have a radio and a TV show like we both do. There are three really transformational moments for modern day conservatism, as I describe it a little differently than you. That would be the Reagan Revolution. That would be New king Ridge in ninety four. That would be Donald Trump in twenty sixteen, and if it wanted to add a fourth, it might be the Tea Party in twenty ten. And I think the moment that we're headed towards is most similar to twenty ten because we see the impact and the effect of these these draconian leftist, authoritarian statist, Marxist socialist policies that they're now pushing. My question to you is we choose liberty? I tell people, First, get the election laws in your state straight. Second, we will prosecute the case and it'll unfold on its on the failure of socialism. And three, lay out the agenda that will inspire the American people to truly make this country turn it into that shining city on a help. What I'm trying to do in this book is reach to everybody who loves this country. We don't always have to agree whether you have a modern democrat or libertarian republic. I don't really care. We need to galvanize, We need to rally, We need to join together to defend this great country. Because this isn't about liberalism or democratic socialism, or certainly not progressivism. This is much more diabolical than that. The heads of the Black Lives Matter they announced that they're Marxists, the people who are pushing the radical economic agenda, as you'll see in the book, they've announced that they're Marxists. The professors who promote this, many of them talk about how they teach Marxism in the classroom. You hear this word reimagine. Hear that word all the time, don't you Sean That comes from a Marxist professor. She's passed away by the name Anyon. That's what she said. We need to reimagine the economy, you know, we need to reimagine policing. They don't want to reimagine anything. If you have a suggestion, go ahead and put it forward. You have a concrete proposal, let's hear it. We're not reimagining this country. We imagine it to what. And so when you look at this, they never promote liberty. They never promote individualism because they don't believe it. I'll give you an example. In our schools today, there's a whole movement called the social movement theory. And I have this in chapter two, but it just gives you a flavor of this, and it's widely taught. They talk about collective identity, collective beliefs, collective consciousness. In other words, it's all about eliminating individualism and dehumanizing people, diminish the individual. This is Marx. They always talk about why versus poor, the oppressed versus the oppressor, the victim versus stomizer. Again, Marx requires class war. Thearepy in America. We are founded because individuals are supposed to be the focus. If you want to make something of yourself, make something of yourself, If you want to be successful, then be successful. And here's the funny thing, by the way, about critical race theory that needs to be said. When you read the founders of the critical race theory movement, they dump all over Martin Luther King, they dump all over the civil rights movement. Now hear me out. This is important. They do not believe in a color blind society. They do not believe in any progress that was made all through the sixties and since then. They argue that this is nothing more than an effort by the white race to appease everything else that's gone on, and that it intrudes an overthrowing this white dominant society. That's Marx without the racism. In other words, it's Marx who says socialism. He despised socialists because socialism is a halfway measure that prevents us from continuing with the revolution. So he hated the socialist more than anybody else. And so I say the same thing to you, folks. The people who are promoting these movements, they may not be successful, but they're going to do an enormous amount of damage. When you're teaching an eight year old depending on what their race is, what they can expect out of their lives. You are diminishing each one of those human beings. You are making it more difficult for each one of those human beings to succeed, whether you're black or whether you're white, whatever you are. Rather than teaching opportunity and freedom and yes, equality and justice and all, they said, you're not teaching that. This isn't about teaching slavery. We don't teach about slavery. We don't teach about American history, the good, the bad, and there. Absolutely that's not. This critical race theory is teaching racism. And the way I explain it is it's Lewis Ferakon dressed up as scholars, except it's the the undergirding principle is Marxism. That's the bottom line. There's a reason why not one of them will come on. It's like debates suicide. They're gonna get their ass handed to them. Uh, you know, on a silver platter. You know, it's interesting, Mark, because we talk offline, we talk online, and you know the thing is is you've basically touched less than one percent of what people what you put in this book, and that's why I'm urging people. We have it up on Hannity dot com right now on my Twitter handle at Sean Hannity. We pinned the tweet and we also you can get it at Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. Uh, this is an important book for every American patriot to understand how we are going to get our country back on track. Great one. We love having you American Marxism. Thank you so much. We appreciate a quick break. We'll come back. We'll continue just making sure you can get three hours a day wherever you are. This is a Sean Hannity Show now on six hundred and fifty stations. Sean Hannity. All right, So there's now a stampede going why because people are realizing, Wow, I'm going to save a fortune and get the exact same service and coverage using the exact same cell towers as the big carriers like AT and T, T Mobile and Verizon. I mean, I mean a stampede. Thousands and thousands have gotten the word. Pure Talk offers the same service on average family, saving over eight hundred bucks a year, get the exact same things. Keep your phone, keep your phone number. It's simple, it's easy, and all you have to do is dial pound two fifty on your cell say the keyword save now, and you're gonna say fifty percent off your first month pound two fifty keywords save now. Remember they have more plans than the big carriers. Unlimited Talk tech six gigs of data, just thirty bucks a month. That's it. I mean, this is real money in your pocket and you know what money's freedom anyway, So just go to take out your cell phone with dial pound two fifty say the keyword save now from pure talk when we come back. All right, Remember I told you last week when the when Biden gave the nod to universities and businesses and vaccine mandates. Yeah, that it was coming to everybody. It's coming to everybody. I'll explain next with doctor Fred and we'll get your calls in the next half hour. Eight hundred nine one. Shawn driving the Liberals nuts. John Hannity is back on the radio right now. I had twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one. Sean our number. You want to be a part of the program, all right, as promise, Let's get to our busy phones here. Let's say hi to Carol in the great state of Indiana, Heartland, USA. What's up, Carol? Glad you called hi. Sean. You know, I just think that Pelosi must recuse herself from any investigation into the January sixth Capitol hillful fiasco. You know, she failed to secure our capital on January six She put the police there, the Congress in harm's way. She didn't prepare any of them for what was going to happen in the possibility of a breach. So I've not heard one congressman ask for Pelosi's procusal from this breach. Not only is she not recusing, but she's able to pick who will investigate her incompetence and her culpability. On January sixth, listen, remember and I mentioned this earlier. Stephen's son is the former Capitol police chief. He said he requested the National Guard and was ignored six separate times. There is even one video I saw of one of the protesters saying, bring in reinforcements. Somebody, sweet baby James showed me I don't even know what TikTok is, to be honest, barely, but he showed me on a TikTok. But the guys saying, why aren't you guys calling in reinforcements and stopping this. So it really is in the purview that remember it, and the White House had called over. Mark Meadows is on record telling everybody that the President said with all the people in town that you you need to have the Guard on standby. And this is not really a commission, because if it was a commission, if we cared about rioting, if we cared about violence, and we cared about what happened over the summer, if we cared what happened in January sixth, To me, any of this is wrong and it can happen. We cannot have our institutions. He can't have people stampeding through the capital without checks and balances and safety and security. I'm a law and order guy, but nor can we have the same thing in our cities where thousands of people are hit with rocks and bricks and molotov cocktails. Those are the things that the Democrats ignored, And the fact that they wouldn't let Jim Jordan or Congressman Banks on the committee, and they go with Liz Cheney. We already Liz Cheney's already made up her mind. Adam Kinziger already made up his mind. You know, there are two anti Trump, you know, advocates. This is all about. They cannot get over their addiction on Trump. If they cared about violence, then they should show equal concern and should have just as many hearings about what happened last summer. In every riot that took place in this country, we were consistent. I condemn them both. I condemn them today both and but you know the fact that nobody's going to be held responsible for injuring all of these cops and burning down police precincts and all the looting and arson that went on in these cities, and we're going to ignore it, and then we're going to get lectured on law and order. Twenty five plus people died last summer in the case in the Capitol. You know, one death is too many, and there was one death, one person shot, and it just is. But but this is this is not a commission that is about getting too answers that I can tell you. Democrats are not capable of it. They're just they're too obsessed in their hatred. The thing is, Sean is just regular old folks. I'm about twenty minutes south to Chicago. We're watching this and people really want to have some ideas from the ground level about what can they do to participate in stop and because this is not acceptable, but complaining about it is not really doing anything. If you had seventy one people shot twenty minutes from your home last weekend, seventy one Now I mentioned the names of the people, nobody else does. Look, the bottom line is. If Democrats can politicize it, they'll highlight it. If they can't politicize it, they won't highlight it. They wouldn't even acknowledge riots for riots last summer. If they cared about lives mattering, then they would have dealt with the murdering and the shooting that goes on predictably every weekend in your city. You know they would have done it back in the Biden Obama years. They didn't only if they can exploit it politically. And I'm just not falling for their It's a croc it's a sham, it's selective moral outrage. It is quintessential democratic politics and play, and it's well, I hope that the folks out there would call their congressmen about Pelosi's recusal. And she has no right to put anybody on a committee that's going to investigate her. And I guess that let's take off the guys that would investigate why the guard wasn't didn't show up, and let's put in all the anti Trump people we can. It's a predetermined outcome. It's a sham, and you know the Pelosi Republicans is I thought that was the right term anyway, Thank you, appreciate the call. Carol Riches in Colorado, Rich glad you called. Thanks for being with us. Hey, thanks Sean. Quick question for you on that because I've tried watching this so called commission today and boy, what a headache. But a quick question you're on that, because if they're looking for accountability and transparency on this stuff and literally hunting down people to arrest them, is there any percentage that we ever find out of people that may have been paid by someone like George Soros to be there, any agitator or anything, and where they are they anga. I've not seen any evidence that we do know that there were. I know that there was one particular identified member. I don't remember the group. It was either BLM or Antifa or something, but was well known in that group. Now listen, my take is is some of this was pre planned. We know it was pre planned because they had staged places around the Capitol where they were picking up things that they were going to use it for this moment. And that would to me, if we want to get to the bottom of the investigation, that's where I would start. When when you have hundreds of thousands of people that you know are marching to the Capitol at that moment. My question is why didn't you have the National Guard on standby? Because the White House had even suggested it, Mark Meadows had suggested it, the President had suggested it, and that falls on Pelosi. But I doubt this commission is even going to raise that question. That's how it is there any way of finding that out if if something like that did happen, then with other planned agitators to be there, content to a plan, agitators with varying I think mostly I don't know who they are. We never got to the bottom of it, but certainly there was planning. That much we know based on where they had placed certain items. And remember what happened the night before. Remember we got the videotapes of people picking up of things that they were going to use the next day that they had stashed away. So there was planning among some and then I think some people that went to the rally got caught up and it stop it. It was dumb. You know, you're violating the law. Not a thing was smart, good thing to do. Uh. The overwhelming numbers of people that were there that they didn't go near going into the capital, and they were smart, and I know people that were there that saw what was happening and they turned around and walked away. They were not going to be a part of it rightly. So anyway, Rich, thanks you appreciate the call. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn our number. Rick is in Kentucky. Rick, glad you called. Thanks for being will us Hi Sean, thank you for taking my call. I have lived through fifteen the presidential elections. In fourteen of them, we knew who was going to be president on Tuesday night of election night. We woke up on this election on Wednesday with a totally different outcome. So my question is, well, in two thousand we did. In two thousand, it took a long time swinging perforated hanging right. You know, timple Chads, that madness went on too. But my question is, obviously they're going after the swing states with this voting election. They wanted so open that they can vote, like you said, for a long time and be wide open. And we know why Delaware is closed because it's not important in the election as far as a swing state. Do you think they are going after the swing states to get these election laws open so that they can steal another election four years from now. Why would the Department of Justice of Joe Biden ever, you know, go after the state of Georgia, which has seventeen days of in person early voting in Delaware has none. Why wouldn't they go after Delaware? Why would Why would you go after Georgia that has drop boxes in every precinct and Delaware has none? Why would you go after Georgia that you have you don't need to provide an excuse for a mail in ballot or an absentee ballot. In Delaware, you must provide an excuse. Both states require voter ID laws. So that means now that Joe Biden has weaponized the Department of Justice and a and he's using that political purposes as if he hasn't done enough damage to the state of Georgia because they lost the MLB All Star Game, and that's hundreds of million, one hundred million dollars plus a lot of minority businesses also hurt in Georgia because his state far more restrictive. You know, why isn't he Why didn't he ever one time in the five thousand years that he represented the state of Delaware ever lift a finger to change the voting laws in his home state and make them less restrictive and create more accessibility. That shows you how political it is. It's And by the way, why would anyone be against voter ID Why would anyone be against signature verification, updated voter rolls. Why would anyone be against partisan observers from all sides watching the vote count up close from start to finish. Why would anybody be against chain of custody controls so that nobody can tamper with ballots? Why would you? Why wouldn't anybody be against ballot harvesting? These are simple fundamental integrity measures. Democrats don't want them. Why The only reason I can think of, if you have a better one, tell me is they have a various intentions. And I think most people see this now for what it is. Agree. God bless you and God bless America. Sean, all right, man, appreciate it. Rick and Kentucky, thank you. Quick break right back, we'll continue Morerior calls eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Back to our busy phones. Let us say hi to Sharon Is in the great state of Texas. We should be in Texas. But we're dopey and dumb and stupid, and we're guilty of living in the high tax state of New York. But that's not gonna last long anyway, Sharon, glad you called. Thank you. Yes, and I'm very blessed and thankful to be here in the state of Texas. Yes, but um, we have a lot of results going on, very bad results from this big open border. But I'm hauling about the vaccines, and you covered it a lot. You've been covering it. I've heard it day after day on the news, and the thought keeps coming to my mind. Why are we getting this big push from the government to take these vaccines, to push us into some collective group instead of just letting us make our individual choices, as you have been saying day after day, Let everybody make their own choice. Why is the government so enraptured with just pushing vaccines on us, and especially since the border is wide open and the people coming across the border are carrying not only COVID but other forms of diseases that we don't that we don't know what to do with, and we're they're plutting them into our cities and so I think it's just very duplicit us for the government to say that they care about keeping the countdown on the COVID infections when they're letting people from foreign aliens wander into our country and they're just bussing them all over the country, dumping them into our cities. Rather probably they're testing very few of them in the middle of a pandemic. They're also which is incomprehensible to me, they're also putting kids and others in Joe's cages that are literally the people living on top of each other. We now know that they're in the cases where they do offer free vaccination as they process you and they don't abide by the laws and send you back to the country where you came from. They're offering free vaccinations and about a third of illegal immigrants of saying no, we don't want to get vaccinated, and then they, as you rightly point out, then they send them to other states. Well, what is the likely outcome of that. There's a high rate of COVID positive vity among the people that are illegally crossing, So that means now we're going to spread it all throughout the entire country, and with the delta variant and the lambda variant, and whatever new variant shows up down the road. It's not a good idea, you know. I said, we need three simple things for legal immigration. Point one, you absolutely should have a background check so we know you don't have associations that are dangerous. Number two, after a pandemic, in the middle of a pandemic, I think a health check is a reasonable request. Make sure you're not bringing COVID into the United States. And number three, you know we only have so many spots available. You ought to be able to prove that you're able to take care of yourself and you won't be a financial burden on the American people. It's not that hard, all right, Thanks for a good call, appreciate it. Sharon, Texas, eight hundred and nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, quick break, right back, all right, news rounds up, information overload hour Sean Hannity Show. We're saving the last half hour today's program, just for your calls. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program. One interesting statistic I saw earlier today Iceland, which nearly the entire adult population there has been fully vaccinated, and they there are now setting daily records for new infections, mostly among vaccinated. Now this is becoming something that we're paying attention to now. Is the level high? No? Is the vaccine seemingly offering some protection for some? Yes? Is the death rate lower? It is according to the data from the CDC, which we examined and went over in great detail yesterday. But anyway, if you look at the CDC, what they call them or breakthrough in actions, they're rare, but there's been a lot of them, but not according to those If we have about one hundred and fifty five million adults in America that have been fully vaccinated, they have identified about one hundred and fifty three thousand symptomatic breakthrough cases in the US, according to a new CDC document. ABC News reported that news first, and what I told you last week two is once the Biden administration gave the wink and the nod that it's okay for businesses and universities and schools to mandate that people be vaccinated. I said that the floodgates are now open. That was their way of letting others take the heat before them and they'll come in behind them, and now they're going to try and mandate vaccinations or you can get fired, lose your job. They keep saying, follow the science. Well, the science out of the highly respected Cleveland Clinic says that if you had COVID, even if your antibody levels go lower, you still have T cell antibodies, which means that you're if in fact, you had come into contact with COVID a second time, that it would immediately activate the T cells the memory within those cells to start fighting the virus again. And that's what they're saying again, I'm following the science, right, follow the science. Now, the first federal agency is mandating that the Biden Administration's Department of Veterans Affairs is now requiring its healthcare employees to get the COVID vaccine. Well, I mean, what about the nurses and doctors. What about the people that already had it and have natural immunity that maybe, for whatever reason and consultation with their doctor or the research, they don't really want to get. It doesn't seem like that matters very much to people. One California city saying vaccinated employees need to wear stickers if they want to work without a mask. We seem to see now CBS Sacramento is reporting their headline is higher COVID rate found in some counties with higher vaccination rates. Why and what it says about the delta variant. So this is this is now pretty now becoming a pretty mainstream condition and situation that we're seeing. We expect any day now that the CDC will recommend everyone K through twelve, that is in school wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status. According to new guidance. It's the opposite of what they told the American people. But as I pointed out in great detail yesterday on both radio and TV, you know, they keep flipping and flopping and flamling, you know, all over the place, and they keep changing their own standards almost daily. And yet they're telling non medical people like myself that I must tell people what to do when I know nothing about your individual medical history, and I know nothing about your current medical condition. I'm not a doctor. I mean the intensity with which the left in this country and the mob and the media just wants me to play doctor. Are on radio, Well, what if I tell somebody you have everybody everybody, broad sweeping statement. Never mind that there are unique health conditions that wouldn't would warrant that a good doctor would recommend not getting the vaccine, of which we've interviewed doctors that say those conditions do exist anyway, So that's where we are now. It's interesting Andrew Cuomo's claiming now he always told the truth. Okay, that's pretty interesting. And he's saying about unvaccinated people, you know where they live, go knock on every door. Well, what we're gonna have the COVID police knocking on doors. What we're gonna tie people down and jab them whether they want it or not. What does that mean? Comrade de Blasio's out there saying it's time for mandates because it's the only way to protect our people. Okay, I guess they've made up their minds too. And then you have the flipping and flopping Anthony Fauci revising mask recommendations. This is the guy in March of twenty twenty, masks aren't gonna work. You know, maybe it'll stop one little droplet. If mask doesn't work. Then it was one mask, then it was two masks. Then it was if you're vaccinated, you don't need a mask. Now you're vaccinated, you do need a mask, and maybe you're gonna need a mask every year in perpetuity, you know, until you hit the grave. Anyway, we'll get our medical a team here in a second. Let me play you quomode and flip flop Fauci. I think they should also be targeting these same communities in their area, and they should have an effort like what we're doing statewide. Get into those community, know the zip code, you know where they live, Go knock on every door with representatives of the community. Why don't you want to take a vaccine? What are you worried about? Speak their language and talk them through it and get them of a Do you think masks should be brought back for vaccinated Americans? You know, Jake, this is under active consideration. If you're asking that part, am I part of the discussion. Yes, I am part of the discussion. But I think what you are seeing. Even though as of our conversation at this moment, the CDC still says and recommends that if you are vaccinated fully that you do not need to wear a mask indoors. However, if you look at what's going on locally in the trenches, in places like La county. The local officials have the discretion and the CDC agrees with that ability and discretion capability to say, you know, you're in a situation where we're having a lot of dynamics of infection, so even if you are vaccinated, you should wear a mask. That's a local decision that's not incompatible with the CDC's overall recommendations that give a lot of discussion to the locals. Okay, you want to make heads a tail out of that, because I absolutely cannot anyway joining us now as our friend doctor George f Reed and uh, well, I gotta on a personal level say that I've now made numerous calls to doctor f Reed and because he's been on the front line with doctor Tyson and some others, and they they have had incredible success in practicing proactive medicine, and now a lot of studies bear out that they were ahead of the curve. Studies that show, yeah, hydroxy chloroquin taken early eighty four percent of the time does mitigate some of the symptoms. The success that is known as ivermectin, the monocolonial cocktail known as Regeneron and Eli Lily's version of it, and I've called on him. For example, this weekend, I said, doctor Freed, I have a very dear friend. He lives in another state, and he was just diagnosed with COVID, and within twenty four hours he had the regenera on infusion into his body and all of the therapeutics that have proven successful in his practice. And he's doing fine, by the way, doctor Fred, thanks to your help. And you know, he does all of this free a charge as a personal favor for me. But more importantly, I think he really doesn't because he cares so much about people and he doesn't want to wait. You know, in New York, the average person you get COVID, you test positive. Yeah, go home and check your oxygen and check your temperature. If you get a temperature, take tile in all. If your oxygen levels go to ninety or below, go into an emergency room. That's probably day ten and your lungs are shot by that time by not being proactive, doctor Fred, welcome back, sir, Hey, thank you very much, Sean, and thanks for that compliment. You're a great man, and you've been doing what it should be done widely. I'm being a great man. I'm abusing our friendship and I'm calling unite and day no, no, no, no, it's and I'm happy to be of helping any at any time in that capacity because I know what we have done for the last year and a half is so successful. So there you brought up a number of issues that are extremely importance. By the way, I spoke with our mutual friend, your friend, and he's sounded great today, and so he's definitely out of the woods in this in this infection. Ninety nine point five percent of the patients like him that we treat are like him in twenty four to forty eight hours, which is we are going to avoid hospitalization. And so what you brought up is a number of things concerning the vaccines that are being mandated now. And I got immunized at the beginning because I'm on the front line, I assume they would be safe. Now, I don't recommend these vaccines because of their side effects, adverse reactions. I've had two people that are brought to my attention from patients that died within one to two days of the vaccine. And eleven thousand fatalities in our country are too many on any immunization program. But let's just address what is going on, and that is that what you brought out with Iceland, with Israel, with UK. The vaccines are not completely effective. Their breakthrough infections are occurring quite extensively, and I just had two or three yesterday that I've gotten under treatment in very high risk people. They do very well with our treatment, which actually is still not properly recognized. And the variants that these vaccines are creating in people that where the virus is evolving to avoid evade and avoid this immunity, the antibodies from the vaccines creates this delta variant, epsilon variant, other variants that aren't as virulent, not as fatal, but I'm very infectious. So the um whatever created the original virus, maybe by the lab generated modification of the spike protein so it could infect more effectively human cells. In any case, the virus is able to that's evolved, the delta variant is more infectious, but very receptive to treatment. And that's what people need to know that they needn't necessarily get this accept the mandates, and that's what I feel I'm running into a brick wall against unfortunately, because the early treatment is the solution, and it was from the get goal and it still is and it's there is a Wall Street Journal article yesterday that described the problems of why we don't have any treatments, and there is absolutely no mention of what we did and do, no mention of hydroxychloroquine. Only a mention of remdesvere and which isn't very effective and very cost to use as an intravenous injection, and a little reference to ivermectin. But there's still a push by some elements to get this message out there that you perhaps don't have any treatment yet, which we do. So in any case, I just want to touch on those two points that I appreciated you're mentioning the Iceland situation, and it is reflected in other populations where mass vaccination has been carried out and it's led to evolution of variance. And the variance emselves shouldn't be feared because they they're not as dangerous as you point it out also, but they do create problems for people. They make them very uncomfortable and they some of them will deteriorate and require all of what we had to do last year for patients in the hospitals and accepting fatalities. I was just on call last weekend at our hospital and we had two or three COVID patients. None of them got early treatment. They all came to the hospital because they didn't get the treatment that suppressed the viral motiplication so effectively and so safely. Well, I mean, it's it's amazing information. Doctor quick break more with doctor Freed on the other side, eight hundred and nine for one seawn, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, we continue now with doctor George far Reed has been a big advocate of early therapeutics rather than reactive medicine after the fact, and unfortunately too many people ignore him. But he's been right on target the whole time and on the front lines with COVID since day one. There. I don't know why there has been this mysterious reluctance and resistance to being more proactive, and why are these states, even at this point, they resistant or genera on resistant to some of these proven therapeutics. I'll give you the last word. Will know about thirty seconds though. Oh okay, yeah, I think that's absolutely the case. In your point about those who recovered, are they shouldn't be required to get the vaccine. That's they are bad reactions to the vaccine, and many of those that recovered from the natural infection and they have long term, probably lifelong immunity, So that that was such an important point. And I have nurses now calling me because they had COVID nineteen on the front line and now they're being forced to get a vaccine and they don't have an alternative. Actually their looser job. That is terrible. So I have to tell them take aspirin and antihistamines around the time you get the vaccine, if you have to get it, but they shouldn't be required because they're far better immunized or immune than the vaccine would be. Abity GENA rate. Well, I appreciate all that you do, all the help you've given some some people that are important to me in my life. In the case of this gentleman this weekend, he's you know, seventy four years old, and you within twenty four hours of diagnosis, he was able to have all therapeutics already started. And that's proactive medicine. Really, I personally prefer that, and I urge people to learn more about these things as they do their own research and consult with their own doctors. But we appreciate you being with us, doctor Farid, thank you very much anytime. Sean, thank you so much. We appreciate it. I mean that sincerely. Quick break right back your calls on the other side, straight ahead, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, We're gonna take calls for the rest of the half hour. I want to play. One little thing is a follow up to doctor Farid, who we just had on Remember the mantras, follow the science, follow the science. Okay, Well, once we got a hold of Fauci flip flop Fauci's emails, what did we learned? He was told on January thirty first, the very day that Trump instituted the xenophobic, hysterical and racist travel band with China, and only ten days after the first identified case of coronavirus in the US. On that day, doctor Fauci was told that it looked like one of the genomes and the sequencing of this virus was manipulated in a lab. And then a series of flurry of emails back and forth, which we've now had an opportunity to examine show a very nervous doctor flip flop Fauci, because doctor Fauci knew that NIH moneys your money went to fund the virology lab in Wuhan, China, And it's just I couldn't believe it. And then they're trying to say, no, we knew that they were studying coronaviruses in that Wuhan lab. We knew that they were involved in gain a function research. Doctor Fauci flippantly even said in twenty twelve that he supports gain a function research even if it means that a pandemic would break out as a result. That's how nuts he is. Anyway, here's Rampaul calling all of those out, doctor Fauci. Do you still support funding of the NIH funding of the lab in Wuhan, Senator pol with al due respect, you are entirely, entirely and completely incorrect that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain a function research in the Wuhan Institute. Do they find we do not fund Barracks gain a function research. Doctor Barrett does not doing gain a function research. And if it is, it's according to the guidelines and it is being conducted in North Carolina, and I don't thinking during a bad virus spike protein that he got from the Wuhan Institute into the stars virus is gain of function. That is not a minority because at least two hundred scientists have signed a statement from the Cambridge Working Group saying that it is gain of function. Well, it is not. Doctor Fauci, knowing that it is a crime to lie to Congress, do you wish to retract your statement of May eleventh, where you claimed that the NIH never funded gain a function research in Wuhan. Senator Paul, I have never lied before the Congress, and I do not retract that statement. This paper that you're referring to was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain of function. Was let me finish shaken animal virus and you increase his transibility to humans. Right, you're saying that's not gain of function. That is correct, And Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially, you do not know what you are talking about. Okay, you get an one person from the NIH function. This is your definition that you guys wrote it says that scientific research that increases the transmility of transmissibility among animals is gain a function. They took animal viruses that only occur in animals and they increase their transmissibility to humans. How you can say that is not gain a function? It is not. It's a dance, and you're dancing around this because you're trying to obscure responsibility for four million people dying around the world from a pandemic. And let's let's send doctor fact I have to will. Now you're getting into something. If the point that you are making is that the grant that was funded as a sub award from eco Health to Wuhan created sauce COVI two, that's where you are getting Let me finish. We don't know from the lab, but all the evidence is pointing that it came from the lab. You and there will be responsibility for those who funded the lab, including yourself. I totally resent the law that you are now propagating, Senator, because if you look at the viruses that were used in the experiments that were given in the annual reports that were published in the literature, it is molecularly impossible. No one's saying those It is a moleculars virus caused the pandemic. What we're alleging is the gain of function research was going on in that lab and NIH funded it. That is not away from it. It meets your definition, and you are obstruskating the truth. Let me just finish. I want everyone to understand that if you look at those viruses and that's judged by qualified virologists and evolution every biologists, those viruses are molecularly impossible. Results are pemic. We're saying they are gain of function viruses because they were are not whole viruses that became more transmissionable and human And you funded it, and you admit the truth, and you are implying that what we did was responsible for the deaths of individual I totally resent that. And if anybody's lying here, Senator, it is you. I mean, it's just it's just unbelievable to me, it really is. How did this happen? All right, let's get to our phones. Many of you very patient here. Kim is in the great state of New Mexico. Kim, Hi, how are you. It's been a while since I've been there. Glad you called. Wow. Sean Hannity. It's great to talk to you. I've been a fan since Hannity and Calm Days. Oh thank you. My point that I just wanted to get to first before I make it is that the politicization of the vaccines, of the coronavirus itself has just distressed me to my soul. It is just overwhelming in every aspect. You don't know who to believe anymore. Even when you do your research, you don't know what to believe. But the point that I was wanting to make, and it's kind of making me scratch my head, is the mandates. So nothing in life is absolute. There should be areas where people like the nurses in Texas, should not need to get a vaccine, But mandates for vaccinations aren't new. My son is a fourth year student in university. He was not allowed to live in the dorms unless he had proof of vaccination for meningitis. My husband's retired military. I can't tell you how many vaccinations he had to take, and on top of that, they made him take his wisdom teeth out even though they weren't a problem. I just don't see why a mandate for college students or people working is a big deal when it's been going on for years. You and I both because you're my age. You and I both had to take the polio vaccine when we were kids. Sure I say, I no say at that point in my life. Trust me, I know. And I'm not saying that. I'm not advocating for great school children. It's not been tested properly for them. I totally agree with that they don't need to be wearing masks, eater. But I just kind of scratch my head when everybody is up in arms about college students or people going to work with exception without having the vaccine. Remember it's it's still under emergency use authorization. Yes, you know, so we got to remember that part of it too. Now. Am I very grateful to medical science and medical researchers and medical professionals for the hard work and the dedication that they showed and creating the therapeutics there were generons, etcetera, etcetera. Yes, I'm very grateful. Am I grateful that they came up with vaccines that even if if you are a breakthrough case, when you look at the number of people that have gotten the JAB one hundred and fifty five million and about one hundred and fifty six thousand. We call them breakthrough infections. It's still relatively low. On top of that, if in fact you got the vaccine, what things are showing is that your odds of dying from this are very, very very rare and low. Now do we know everything about every side effect and every aspect of this. We do not, and that this is the problem. They're just not being honest with us. They just keep changing the rules every day. No mask, one mask, two masks, no masks indoors, no mask outdoors, masks indoors again, no mask. You know they keep changing. You know they themselves, you know they were wrong on all of their models, all of their expectations, all of their predictions, all of their advice. It was all wrong. And so if there's vaccine hesitancy, you'll use their great words that they're trying to blame conservatives for. I am very pro science, and like you mentioned, I had all the vaccines that you had when when you were young, m I didn't have any problems with it. I'm pro science with vaccinations. But with all that said, for me, it's got to be something that individuals decide. Now, either we are going to be told that if you get the jab, you get the shot, you take the vaccine, they go and do it the door, they bang on the doors. If you're told that, if you get it, life goes back to normal. And now they're saying, never mind, it doesn't go back to normal. Put your mask back on. Now. I want to know why. I want to know why they're they've gone backwards, why they're contradicting what they told us. And we never right to get that answer right. And that was the point that I was making in the beginning, was that I don't know who to believe anymore. It's very much up in the air as to what is true and what isn't. And the politicization is off the charts. But um, at the same time I just kind of have to describe my head about why it's such a problem. Well, this is about your life. This is your family, These are your children and not the government's children. You get to decide ultimately. Now again, we were told once you got vaccinated, if you made that decision, you don't have to worry about what other people are doing. Now, you know, I'm reading these articles about you know this, this's great animosity and anger breaking out among those that decided to get the vaccine. They're they're angry at people that have been hesitant to get the vaccine. And I'm like, well, why are you angry because people because people don't agree with you, you're allowed to disagree in the United States of America. This was in the New York Times. As virus cases rise, another contagion spreads among the vaccinated, and that's anger and many inoculated Americans are losing patients with vaccine holdouts. I mean, whatever happened to medical privacy? Am I the only one on radio and TV that actually thinks medical privacy is important or doctor patient confidentiality is important? Any Am I the only one that believes in freedom that again, take it seriously. You know, I watch people get to death's door with this virus. We lost over six hundred thousand Americans. You need to take it seriously. Everybody knows that everybody knows about mass social distancing. Not everybody knows about therapeutics which are available because there's like a media blackout on that part. And the next thing is is you've got to re search your ass off and make sure that you are informed yourself. Take that responsibility on your own and then talk to your doctor, your doctors, medical professionals, your trust. Based on your medical history which is unique to you, and your current medical condition which is unique to you, you and your doctors will make that decision. Actually, ultimately it's you that's going to make that decision. And as a parent, I would argue that you have the right to make the decision for your child as well. And as a result of these mandates in school, I can tell you if homeschooling is going through the roof, people have decided you're not going to tell me what to do, especially because the confusion and the people that have been the most wrong are the people like Fauci. You know, Joe Biden, fully vaccinated, socially distant, with his wife, fully vaccinated, socially distant, outdoors wearing a mask, and then he goes indoors and visits former President Carter, former frames Lady rossellin Carter. They take their masks off inside in front of the old people, basically get on top of the old people so they can get intimate pictures with the former president and the former first Lady. Now that would be mixed messaging, and that's confusion that they are causing, you know, telling us life's going to go back to normal and then saying, oh, never mind. They're creating that hesitancy, that doubt among people. You know, can you give us a straight answer? Can you tell us? And if you think you were right but it turns out you're wrong, why don't you own that too and say, you know what, we thought this, but now we think differently. That would be the decent, responsible thing to do. But you know, this is government. Don't hold your breath anyway. I appreciate a good call, Kim, Thank you for being with us. Eight hundred nine one. Shaun is our number, and it's gonna wrap things up today. Hannity Tonight, nine eastern on the Fox News Channel. Jim Jordan not allowed on the one six commission. Why he'll join us? Also, Congresswoman Stephonic. We got Haraldo back with Dan Mongino. We'll have the latest on mandating vaccines with doctor Sapphire and doctor McCarty, The Great one, Mark Levin, Leo two point zero, Terrell Larry Elder ninety eastern Hannity on Fox. We'll see him then. As always, thank you for being with us. We'll see you tonight, back here tomorrow. You make this show possible. Lee will never forget it.

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