Sean reviews all of President Biden's statements around "America's Back..." and reviews some of the real questions nobody will ask President Biden.
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Where We're coming to your city, seeing your cons will all be desire hi jail and if you want a little banging, ain't come along. The Biden administration is trying to do hard things. That's the business of governing. They are on a very big losing streak. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, all of them with tears in their eyes for the departure from our democracy that is happening right now today. We must not be complacent or complicit. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution where I'm coming to your city. Don't want to play a conscious New Sean show behind the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one fifty eight and day one seventy one, since in fact, Joe Biden promised that he wouldn't stab our fellow Americans in the back and abandoned him as he has. One hour from right now, Joe Biden will be holding his second press conference. I think it's the first time in I don't know, eighty seventy sixty nine, seventy eighty days, whatever the number happens to be. Um, you can almost We're gonna go through a list of questions that the mob, the media won't ask because it's all let me, let me. They told me to go to so and so from this news organization. First, I can't answer. I get yelled at every time I answer a question, they get mad at me and everything. It's it. There's so many questions that won't be answered for all of us. It'll be frustrating. Some of it will be entertaining. You know, Biden's staff, his entire team right now is you know, Adam schiffing in their pants, scared to death of him botching this up, even though he's at what fivefold days of doing nothing except I'm sure behind the scenes preparation for this thing. The things that we're going to hear are going to be, you know, quite predictable. You know, some things we could start betting on. We could start a betting line. Is he gonna yell and scold us and lecture us and call us racist? Or is he gonna do the whispering Joe, Joe, get a mask, get vaccinated, Get a mask, get vaccinated. Um, you know, you just never know. We can count how many times he's gonna blame Trump or the previous administration or lie and say America is back. And and I'm told to start with this this reporter from this news organization. Oh, and he'll make a big deal. We're sending out free tests, four per household in America, COVID tests. Yeah, but we didn't see Amicron coming. And when Americans needed the tests two years into the pandemic, there were no tests available. I mean, starting our beginning, our third year. Um, and we're gonna give away free mask now too, free government masks. Oh that that'll help us a lot a little late, Joe. Um, he starts with a thirty three percent approval rating. And it looked as there's my prediction, by the ways, he's going to do fine. And inasmuch as he's going to get softball questions that he's already been prepped to death to answer, and he's going to avoid probably the real questions, which is why we have our own questions that were we've put together, you know, And it's frustrating. Is Joe going to brag about Afghanistan? Joe, you said only one hundred and seventy one days ago that you would not abandon Americans in Afghanistan. You abandoned Americans, even military family members. You abandoned you know, thousands of people with American Green cards eligible to live legally in this country. You abandoned our Afghan allies, something we as a country promise we would never do. Why didn't you keep your word? Joe? Joe, we have a forty year high in inflation. How is how is that possible? Joe? Your energy and economic policies now are costing the average family with a higher cost of energy. Gasoline at buck fifty more a gallon just to fill your tank. That's twenty twenty five thirty bucks every time you fill up. It's gonna be another thousand dollars a year for most Americans to heat their homes. This winner, and you gave a waver of Vladimir Putin, And you know this is now costing every single item that every American buys at every store. It's causing inflation at a forty year high. Why don't you go back to the energy policies of Donald Trump? I wonder who's going to ask that question? Joe? How do you describe your policy at the border? The law of the land is that people that don't respect our laws and our sovereignty and our borders are not allowed in the country. Why did you eliminate Donald Trump's catch and release? Why won't you continue building the wall that he started with? What five hundred miles worth? And Joe, why don't you deport illegal immigrants? Why are you giving preferential treatment to illegal immigrants by not COVID testing them? Jensaki says, it's because they're not going to be here very long and you're not. There's no vaccine mandate for illegal immigrants, and then you're transporting them into states all around the country. You've been pushing hard and calling basically Jim Crow two point oh the election laws in this country. Yet your state of Delaware, which you've represented all those years decades, they have some of the most restrictive laws in the country. We can't find a single time that you ever lifted a finger to make voting in Delaware more accessible. Why didn't you do anything to help the state of Delaware? Joe? Do do do you think any of these questions are going to be asked? Joe? Why did we run out of COVID tests? What do you mean? What did you mean when you said, we didn't see Amicron coming. You know, why have you not? Now we have breakthrough cases fully vaccinated people vaccinated and boostered people vaccinated boostered and with natural immunity people all getting COVID nineteen and testing positive. Why haven't you mass produced monoclonal antibodies. We didn't have a shortage under Trump. And why didn't you produce these anti viral medicines that have been available and that you've known about now for some time? Joe? Why do you work so little? Why why do you average less than one event per day? Why are you spending twenty five percent of your time fully in Delaware? Now? Jensaki says you're comfortable there, You're like to be there, and that your your wife and your son are buried there. Is that the reason? And why are you not? Why are you not? Why are you withholding records of the people that you're meeting in Delaware? Why won't you be more transparent? I mean, just a few few questions that you know, I guarantee you will not come up today. So I know this is going to frustrate some of you, but you might as well know ahead of time, because it's supposed to start literally in forty seven minutes from right now, and we'll see if it does. Why did you tell people that they're not going to get COVID if they got vaccinated? Do you now admit that your advice, your medical advice, Doctor Biden, was wrong. Do you admit that that doctor Fauci has gotten things wrong from masks to the vaccine preventing the people from contracting COVID nineteen? You know, they're just very simple, simple questions for Joe that I don't think he's going to be able to answer. You know, you just go keeps us go right on down the line. Why did you say, Jim Crow two point zero? You never lifted a finger your whole career. You've been against getting rid of the filibuster. Why are you now supporting it? You know why? For example? You know, I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from. Joe, Why did you say you would unite the country and then basically refer to anybody that disagrees with you on ending the filibuster for your voting rights were formed. Compare them to George Wallace and Jefferson Davis. Why would you be against voter ID you have it in your state. Why doesn't your state have seventeen days of in person early voting like Georgia. Why doesn't your state have any drop boxes? Why in your state do you have to provide a reason to get an absentee ballot, which you don't need in Georgia or Texas. Why do you have the most restricts some of the most restrictive laws. You know, Hey, Joe, you said that anyone we're gonna You said that anyone who is responsible for two hundred and twenty thousand deaths should not remain president of the United States. Will you hold yourself to that same standard? Will you resign? Because we've had more dead people from COVID in twenty twenty one under your watch than twenty twenty under President Trump. Why have you not warped speeded tests so we have them readily available. You know it's a little late now I for omicron, but maybe you can predict for the next variant and so you won't have to tell us that you didn't see it coming. What where's warps operation warp speed from monoclonal antibodies and anti viral pills. You said that if you get the vaccine, you're not going to get the virus you turned out to be wrong? Did you give misinformation in the American people? You know you once called the lack of tests under Donald Trump a travesty. Okay, it's year three. How did you not predict with the holiday season coming in Hanukkah and Christmas and New Year's Eve and people getting together that they would likely be a surge in cases? Why didn't you do that? Will you commit Joe to a cognitive health test like Donald Trump did and released the results to the American people. Kamala Harris had a hard time answering the question if you'd be running in twenty four do you plan on running and do you plan on having Kamala Harris as you're running mate? I mean, there's a lot here. It's a lot of things that you've said that turned out not to be true. You've mentioned many times that you were arrested during the civil rights movement, both here and in South Africa. Will you now admit that that what you told people is not true? And I still want my favorite question asked. You know you've partnered with a former klansman, Robert KKK Bird to stop integration to schools because you didn't want public schools and your words to become a racial jungle. So do you regret those remarks? You know? How do you call other people racists so freely and suggest they're racist when you have that history yourself. You know, we have the or people like a twenty twenty five year high of the illegal immigrants coming into the country. Why did you let that happen? You know you're facing every crisis possible. You promised to unify the country. Why do we have a forty year high with inflation? You know, your vice president and others. Why do you support cashlist bail all these democrats? Why do you support reducing sentencing and charging of of of criminals? By the way, will you now admit that you've met with people when you said that you didn't know anything about Hunter Biden's business foreign business dealings, Will you now admit that what you said to the American people is not true? And there's there's there's a lot to chew on here. Now here's the problem. None of what I just laid out, and I'm only touching the surface here is ever gonna be asked of this president. None of it's going to be asked And it's it's going to infuriate many of you, but it is. It is what it is. You know, a record number of people entering the country illegally, a record increase in inflation and consumer price index. Your approval rating is at thirty three percent. How is that possible? You know, it's the labor participation participation rate. Yeah, pretty much unchanged number of people not in the labor force wanting to work. You know, it's pretty significant. You know, what do we do now that fully vaccinated people with boosters and even natural immunity are still getting COVID passing COVID on to other people? Does that mean that the unvaccinated should not be shamed? Will you take back your claim that this is a this is mostly a problem for the unvaccinated, because that's not true anyway. One hundred nine four one, Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, we expect this to start in forty minutes from right now. By the way, for stations along the Sean Hannity Show network, we will carry that press conference in full and have complete analysis afterwards. Is on as we roll along. Eight hundred nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Now there's other things happening today. We probably expect this now, by the way, it's we're now thirty three minutes away from Joe's big presser for stations along the Sean Hannity Show network, we are prepared to take it the moment it goes live, even if it's during the top of the hour news. So please be on standby. And so tonight there's going to be a vote in the Senate on abolishing the filibuster. Now we already know where Joe man and stands, we know what Kristen Cinema stands. There should be no ambiguity to this. But there's a whole process to all of this. And I've got this great breakdown analysis from Chad Pergram who puts out he calls it the Hitchhiker's Guide to all Things Washington, DC. And rather than me reading it to you, I'm just gonna put him on at the bottom of the hour so he can explain it to you. In other words, the nuclear option that's going on today as we speak. We have evidence that Joe Biden, in fact, a Daily caller came up with these new released documents detailing Biden's rush withdrawal from Afghanistan. That actually contradict what the President was saying and proved that he was lying to the American people when he insisted last August that he was following the advice of his top military people. We now have a Department of Defense was warning the Afghan Air Force would collapse without hope from the u US months and months before Biden announced the country would withdraw from Afghanistan. It's just the opposite of what he told us. And anyway, the report highlights the fact that they were warned months ahead of time before the collapse of the Afghan Air Force. They were warned that all of this would happen, and anyway was written by a Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction was given to the Department of Defense in January twenty twenty one, and it warned that the US had not adequately trained support staff for the country and that the Afghan Air Force wouldn't be able to keep up aircraft without our help. And by the way, now the Biden White House is warning the long threatened Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent. Told you, what did I say? Three things to watch for this year? This is Number one, Putin is not amassing two hundred thousand troops on the Ukrainian border for no good reason. Number two after the Olympics, watch what happens with China entire Wan. And number three the Iranian Mullahs are getting more emboldened by the hour, and Joe doesn't have a plan for any of those crises anyway. All right, we're half hour away from Biden's presser. We'll get to that, then we get reaction. Big day, stay with us continuing to build a foundation for conservative victory. Victory. Now back to the Sean Hannity Show. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, so we will carry the president's press conference. We expect it's all Presidents are usually a little late, but we'll carry it in full as it starts at the beginning of the next hour, and for stations along the Sean Hannity Show network, we will be running it in full without any commercial breaks. Feel free to take any break as you deem necessary. All right, So rather than me explaining what will be unfolding tonight, likely when I'm on the air nine pm Eastern. We have the Democrats now moving forward, knowing they don't have cinema or mansion, but moving forward with a possible nuclear option for the purpose of getting this voting quote rights bill as they call it, through our friend ched program. As the Guy of all Things Washington, DC calls it the hitchhiker's guide to what's going to be happening today and tonight. From my understanding, and I talked to two Senators today and both of them confirmed to me there's no way in hell this thing passes. That's right, Sean. Well, again, here's how this works. You have to have a failed vote and the filibuster, So Republicans are going to filibuster this, and then what you can do, and these are the nuclear options as they're called. You're on Capitol Hill that we saw in twenty thirteen done by the Democrats and then by the Republicans for the Supreme Court in twenty seventeen. You take that failed vote and you say, oh, we want to overrule the chair. We don't agree that this is the policy of the Senate. And if you have a simple majority fifty one votes, you can in fact overrule the chair. Now Democrats in a perfect world to do this, because it's fifty fifty in the Senate, they would need all of their members on board, including Joe Manchin and Christian Centerment, and have Vice President Harris cast the tie breaking vote. Now one rank will here. The magic number is not fifty one. The magic number is a simple majority. We are living in the time of COVID. Brian Shots, a Democratic Center from Hawaii just last week put me here. There's no remote voting in the Senate. So the Democrats didn't forge ahead with this over the weekend. If for some reason there are absence senators on the Republican side of the aisle, Democrats could conceivably muscle this through. But we don't think that's going to happen again. You'd have to have a lot of senators on the Republican side out for something. My sources in the Republican Party in the Senate said, nope, they're all there. Most of them were together at the time I called yes, So we're not expecting that. But that's just one little wrinkle that we always watch, watch that watch, and I probably wouldn't even talk about if we weren't in the middle of the pandemic. So basically, this is a vote that is zoomed to fail. So what Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, is starting to do is turn up the heat on the Republicans, saying this is your fault, you're filibustering this, but also starting to turn up the heat on Joe Mansion, Christian Senema. He went after them, not by name on the floor today, but he said there are some in our caucus who believe that this helps bring a few people together. He said, I don't see any evidence of that happening. Bernie Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont, the socialist, He said, I would very much hope that those two Democrats, and he did use their names, Cinema and Mansion, will rethink their position. He called their opposition to breaking the filibuster on this quote pathetic now the way, then he threatened a primary Mansion and Cinema, and then Mansion responded by daring him to primary him. Yeah, and obviously you might have a little more of an issue in Arizona with Cinema. Reuben Gayego, who was a Democratic congressman, he was pretty critical of Cinema on the House floor last week, and it's been noted that he might in fact try to primary her. Talking about primaries and talking about election, somebody who came out today who faces a tough reelection is Mark Kelly, the Democrat from Arizona. He indicated today that he would change the filibuster quote if campaign finance and voting rights reforms are blocked again this week. So that is a vote by Mark Kelly tonight. He'll be on the record twice that people will look at on both sides and in both wings of the Democratic Party. And by the way, he is in for a very tough general election. Republicans will have a primary. The front runner out there is the Attorney General of Arizona. That's Mark Bernovich. And he's done a phenomenal job. He's very articulate. I think he even he got more votes than the governor in the last race. I'm not mistaken. You probably know better than me. Yeah, I'm I don't know that. I'll stop my head, but that is going to be one of the top races to watch. I thought it was very interesting in Mark Kelly's statement to try to finesse this to talk about campaign finance issues. It's just not the voting rights issue. For him, it's that you know, another moderate Democrat who's been converted here is John Tester, a Democrat from Montana, and he said, you know, as far as the filibuster go, those times change and things change. And he's willing to vote on this today. And it will also be interesting to see in the next hour or two what President Biden says about this and whether or not this changes the equation on Capitol Hill. Well, is he gonna to compare anybody that disagrees with them to George Wallace and Jefferson Davis again the mister uniter. And the other question is is some of the most restrictive voting laws in the country, as you well know, Chad or in the state of Delaware. They don't have seventeen days of early in person voting like Georgia. They don't have any drop boxes like the Avan Georgia. In Georgia, you don't need to provide an excuse for a mail in ballot. You do need to provide that in Delaware, and both states require voter ID and never once, he never once moved to make voting more accessible in Delaware. And you see what's starting to happen here. Sean is that Democrats are starting to attack one another. There is this chasm between the moderate Democrats and the liberal Democrats. And what you're going to see after today. Obviously the President, you know those remarks in Atlanta last we didn't make any difference. You know, we talk about every baseball team in the country wants a good closer. You know, they looked at their bulletin. President by certainly here to four has not demonstrated that he's a good closer. He's come to Capitol Hill three times in the past several months and left empty handed, at least immediately on the bills that he's been trying to get past. This was the case last week when he met with the Senate Democrats. He's not a closer. He has not been able yet to close the deal. And that's why there's this incendiary warfare inside the Democratic Party. And you're really going to have the left wing groups start to amp up and dial up the heat on Mansion in cinema and so far, any of those tactics, none of those tactics have worked. It didn't work on build back better and so you know, does that ever move the meter? That remains to be seen. But so far that has not worked at all. All right, we're gonna watch very closely. What time do you expect those vote to take place? Time? Well, Chuck Schumer has noted that there's two votes. There's the you have to have the first failed vote to break the filibuster. He says, that's thirty This is like soccer here on Capitol Hill. You know, there's injury and booking time. So I think probably closer to seven o'clock that vote starts, and then there's there's some mechanical things they have to go through. I won't get in the weeds on that. But then later tonight you talked about your show on at nine o'clock, maybe eight o'clock, nine o'clock, they have that vote, a failed vote on the nuclear option. That probably happens eight o'clock nine o'clock or so. All right, so when we have you on TV tonight, then you'll be able to give us hopefully the answer or what the pending answer at that point, will know definitively. But according to my sources, there's no way this is going to happen today. Yeah, we really don't think that that's the case. You're absolutely right, your sources are good on that. But you know, I did talk to somebody who knows this process very well just to confirm that we had all the you know, I always do my homework here and if you did have absence, if and I'm going to underscore that about three times, but we don't think that's going to happen. I will say this shown sometimes what you need to do in politics is get issues to ripen. Now, if Democrats think that this is really something they want to do over time, whether it be later this year or next year or in ten years or something. I mean, you know, you had Jim Kleber and the Democratic with the Day talking about how you know it took you know, there was a more than fifty day filibuster to get the voting rights excuse me, the Civil Rights Act of nineteen sixty four through that took you know, several months, and then because there were delays on that, they passed the Voting Rights build the next year in nineteen sixty five. And so this is not particular to voting rights or civil rights, but sometimes it takes issues a while to ripen, whether or not you agree or disagree with the issue. So while this might be dead now, it may not be dead forever. All right, Chad Pergram, thank you. We'll be following that closely and more. Only seventeen minutes away from the schedule law start of Joe Biden's set what second pros conference, We'll be watching that and with great interest, and that I'm sure he's gonna you know, for those of you say, what do you mean he's going to do fine, because he's been doing nothing but practicing for the last five days. Hannity, how do you know he's been practicing because he always disappears before one big event that they know he's going to have to struggle through. But even still, I guarantee his staff is adam shipping in their pants right now, scared to death about Joe going out publicly. He's only going to call on friendly reporters for the most part. It would be interesting to see if Peter Doocey at least gets one shot he didn't get at the last time in the first press conference. So this issue with Bernie Sanders that Chad was referring to is real. He's now threatening to primary both Mansion and Cinema in twenty twenty four, the next time they're up for reelection, and Sanders suggested that he'd support primary challengers. Sanders told reporters that he thinks there's a very good chance that Mansion and Cinema would face those challenges in their states, and he said home state voters would be disappointed that the pair have refused to support changing the Senate rules. I don't think so in either state. Let me tell you what's happened to Joe Mansion since Bill back Broke was stopped by him, his approval ratings went up nearly double digits. And I would argue that the person that is most at risk in terms of being in the Senate in Arizona, especially with Joe's horrific policies on immigration and open borders and voting with Chuck Schumer eight nine percent of the time is Mark Kelly. And he's got a strong opponent opponent in the Attorney General Bernovich out there, so we'll see. Mansion responded to Bernie Sanders, and he made it clear that his party's pushed to isolate him, and kristin Cinema is not going to force his hand on a rules change. And you know, Mansion's a pretty tough guys. He actually seems to welcome the isolation. He told reporters ahead of the Democratic Caucus meeting he would not go along with instituting a talking philibuster, which would be used to evade the Senate sixty vote threshold, nor would he entertain a rules changed by a simple majority, and Kristin Cinema used equally strong language. Asked about the party's prayer already's, Mansion said people are most worried about inflation and coronavirus, and he added that he'd welcome a primary challenge over his filibuster position if he runs for reelection. I've been primary my entire life. That's nothing new for me. The majority of my colleagues and the Democratic Caucus have changed their minds, Okay. I can respect that they have a right to change their minds. I haven't changed mind I hope they respect that too. I've never changed my mind on the filibuster. And remember was Chucky Schumer who said, you know it's going to turn us into a banana republic. One reporter saying, people say, you're making it so that they're not going to be able to vote in the next election. Mansion's answer, the government will stand behind them and make sure everyone has a right to vote. They're just lying when they say that. We act like we're going to obstruct people for voting. That's not going to hamp it. The reason that Democrats are fighting so hard for this is they because they see a political advantage of it in it, you know Democrats now and you can see as goes you know, states like Vermont, New York, California, so goes the rest of the country, or so they hope. New York City just implemented a law that allows illegal immigrants to vote in municipal elections. It's only the beginning, and we have the issues in Vermont and other states talking about it as well. Now. One of the thing that's happening is fear is growing among congressional Democrats that Biden is leading this entire party to the slaughterhouse, you know, with their political fates on the line, and midterms this year approaching fast. Democrats on Capitol Hill losing confidence in Joe's political acumen. Even fake news CNN. This is three days now in a row, and I'm sure the fact that they can barely crack six hundred thousand viewers is the reason. In any one given hour, that's even in prime time for crying out loud. That is, let me tell you, I wouldn't survive in cable news if that was my viewing all Adi. Anyway, it's not just that Biden's approval ratings have tumbled, This is fake news CNN. Those in charge of keeping Democrats empowered doubt that Biden's team understands how to improve his political fate and with it. There as one senior Democratic elected official in Washington complaining, it's hard for me to believe that the president knows how little his political shop is doing to support Democratic majorities in the Senate and House. All of us believed the President would be shocked to learn how little the White House political team is doing. Senior Democrats, including some White House aids, describe a West Wing lacking both a political strategy and discipline to execute one focused groups are giving party operatives nightmares. Biden is coming across as an old absent They as old and absent, they say, real and perceived fumbles play into the deep fears he's not up to the job and Democrats are incompetent, and few Americans can say, you know what was in massive bills that he signed, though many have heard the Democrats in fighting and what he has inside privately they're petrified. That's all true anyway, So we're you know, we'll see when he starts as press conference frustations along the Sean Hannity Show network. We'll carry it in full without commercial in eruption, and then we'll have full analysis on the other side of it and get to your calls. We have a brand new poll out by John McLaughlin. He'll check in with us along with Matt Towery, the Polster Myfrustations along the Sean Hannity Show network. We will be taking Joe Biden's press conference in full without interruptions, so make adjustments as needed on your end. We're having like a fun drinking game, although we're not drinking. You know, how many times is it Joe going to say, We'll given out free COVID tests and free masks and everything, but they didn't see Amicron coming. I'm not drinking, happens, I'm drinking when he says, come on, man, how many people on the staff will actually Adam be Adam shifting in their parts anyway? As he starts us and is he gonna yell or whisper he's been practicing five days, so I don't know what the answer is. How many times will he blame Trump in the previous administration? Will he lie and say America's back, which would be the biggest lie of all. They told me to start with this person, or I've been told to do this, or that there's a lot of there could be potentially a lot of betting games going on. We should have an entire line on this thing. Anyway, we'll carry it in full. Coming up, Joe Biden speaks out of some fake bunker straight ahead