American Ingenuity Will Win

Published May 20, 2020, 10:00 PM

Dave Phinney, famed winemaker Dave Phinney's Savage and Cooke distillery on Mare Island is completely shutting down whiskey production in this time of need to focus fully on the production of hand sanitizer. There are so many people and segments of the industry in need and Savage and Cooke is in a unique position to help. Mare Island, being the first naval base on the Pacific Coast, has a history of protecting our country for generations and now it is our turn to continue that legacy. This is a story of American ingenuity winning the day!

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All right, glad you with us eight hundred and nine four one sean you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Lots to get to today. Interesting I saw this somewhere on Twitter. Blue check mark. JP Morgan has a devastating peace arguing infection rates have declined, not increased in states where lockdowns have ended, even after allowing for an appropriate measurement. LAG Well, that would be good news. The Illinois State Police have sided with the anti shutdown protesters against Governor Pritzker. By the way, Pritzker has apparently like one hundred and thirty seven billion dollars an unfunded pension money that he wants from the federal government. That would be all part of what the Democrats have planned. They want to spend everybody's money in the house. Democrats have now put forth their next biggest most expensive coronavirus package again around another three trillion dollars. And what are we finding. It's uh, yeah, you know, bailing out states, payroll taxes. Oh, they want to literally Affordable Care Act and enrollment protections for illegal immigrants, protecting the marijuana industry, testing, tracing treatment funding. But the biggest part of it is yeah, bailing out the States. The latest news also is thirty seven Planned Parenthood affiliates applied for and received a total of eighty million dollars in loans from the Paycheck Protection Program, and Planned Parenthood is expected to spend forty five million on the twenty twenty election backing candidates that favor abortion. Oh, that's kind of a dumb waste of our money, I would say, you know, it's it's funny, by the way, it's it's just insane how the news media is. You know, we went over there meltdown over Donald Trump and hydroxy chloroquine in detail, and they cannot stand the fact that Donald Trump, You're going to die. It's gotten. It doesn't matter what the experts say. I thought they were the big believers in science. Doesn't matter. The biggest news again from yesterday was the acting DNI director Rick Rannell had another major declassification. And this was the cya email that Susan Rice sent to herself on March the twentieth, the day that the president was inaugurated. Susan Rice to Susan Rice three times in the letter do everything by the book. Barack Obama said, Now, why would you do that fifteen days after the meeting that took place, because that's when she did it, in the final hours of that administration. On the way out the door, she's me memorializing a meeting from fifteen days earlier. Brennan Comy Biden yates Rice all President in the Oval Office about Russia collusion. She writes. President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the intelligence and law enforcement communities by the book. Quote. He reiterated, our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would buy the book, and in a paragraph that was later declassified, Director Comy affirmed that he is proceeding by the book. Why would you feel a need to do that fifteen days after your meeting took place? That seems a little odd, except that she was probably nervous, Except that she probably knows, Oh, some of this might come out, and if it does, it's not gonna make any of us look too good. And I think that's where the fear is among the radical extreme left in every way. Now, what's interesting, there are some new developments on this situation because Fox News were reported as it relates to these emails by by Susan Rice. Now remember too, Susan Rice is an own liar. Susan Rice went out there on five Sunday shows absolutely lied through her teeth about Benghazi. How do we know because the guys that were at the annex about a mile away from where the embassy was, that knew that the embassy was under fire, And we're given stand down orders on multiple occasions, and decided we don't care about your standown order or our career. Fellow Americans a dying and we're going to go in and save them, which, by the way, they did. They saved an incalculable number of lie of lives that day. Anyway, So Rick Rnell has now declassified this. Senator Ron Johnson made a public as of yesterday the section saying that Comey suggested to Obama that the National Security count So might not want to pass on sensitive information related to Russia. But they had no such information because the day before that meeting, this whole issue had been debunked and the FBI was closing the case. That again brings Comy into more of a conspiracy, if you will. And Comey has been uncharacteristically quiet. Maybe he's finally beginning to take my advice, and that is, mister SuperPatriot, mister higher honor, mister corrupt, Jim Comey, you do have the right to remain silent. I do suggest that you use it from a national security perspective, Rice says. Comey said he does have concerns about NSA incoming NSA director Flynn speaking frequently with the Russian ambassador Kisliak. Well, they have the phone calls. It was Comy that, okay, the ambush, that he's bragging about something he wouldn't do in previous administrations. So, but what the danger here? And I think now this was the fear and the reason why Susan Rice was doing this is because this now brings it right into the oval office of Obama. What did Barack know? Joe Biden was there, what did Joe know? And then the fact is all of these people are now going to be called before Lindsey Graham's committee, and I would believe likely they're going to be called be for also the committee of Ron Johnson and Senator Charles Grassley. All Right, and by the way, Mitch McConnell confirming the Senator is taking steps to issue subpoenas to a variety of these Obama officials. Ron Johnson saying that the classified Rice email shows Obama officials quote sabotaging the incoming administration. You know, it is very obvious what's going on here, because if when Obama's asking Comey if the NSA should hide information about Russia from General Flynn, and he's saying potentially, he's seemed to think that Flynn might pass classified information of the Russians, which was absurd, even though he admittedly he admitted that he had no basis for that, which then asked the question and begs the question, well, why didn't you close out the case when you had already had multiple investigations that determined that there was no wrongdoing? And why did you send your agents in something you'd never do in the Bush or Obama administrations or get away with And why are you bragging about sending them in? And why did Andrew McCabe, your deputy FBI director, tell General Flynn that he doesn't need an attorney. Now, this other issue that keeps coming up is this you im perpetuity of impeachment because House Democrats arguing before the Supreme Court that impeachment efforts are continuing now. The way I understood the way the constitutional process of impeachment is the House impeaches, the trial is held in the Senate, and a verdict is rendered. After the verdict is rendered, the case is closed. There's no more venue for appeal whatsoever. But House Democrats, that's not what the tell in the US Supreme Court. Despite the decision by the Senate that rejected the impeachment case not guilty, they want to file new articles of impeachment based on grand jury testimony during the Muller probe, including that of Roger Stone and Flynn. Supposedly, they're not supposed to even know what's in it. If they do, we need to find out how they found out what is in it. We're getting a lot of indications also today that it appears from all the reporting that the intelligence agencies, there's three increase, especially leading into the year twenty sixteen, of unmaskings of Americans, which by the way, violates their Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure. That apparently there are many other people that were unmasked, just like General Flynn. It appears that many in the Trump family may have been unmasked. I'm told that there might be people that have political opinions that differ from James. Comey, mister hier honor, that they may have also been mentioned. My name was mentioned early on how long ago? That was like two years ago, right, Linda, before they released text messages of mine, before my name shows up in multiple three O two's about forty pages worth of three two fifty seven pages, fifty seven pages and three fifty seven pages of text message text messages, by the way, which is well over a thousand. It's like well over twelve hundred text messages. Um, I thought I had a right to privacy. Where do I go to, you know, defend my right to privacy? Uh? And the government not releasing my personal text messages, by the way, if you want to read them, go ahead and read them, you know with the best part of by the way, the best part of the government having those text messages that was in the Manta four case is they got to hear me say to Maniport, how corrupt they are, how they are shredding the constitution, at what did grave injustice? How the process is sick and cancerous and destroying society. If you remember that Friday they came out. I know it was a Friday release. I was off TV that night and all of a sudden incoming you know, James's emails blowing up with incoming emails New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, Huffing and Post, blah blah blah, this place, that place. They'll wanted to talk to me, and I said, this isn't gonna. I had my I had seven lawyers look at this. Remember they were what fifty seven pages London? You read them right? Indeed? I did. Buss Okay, you read all of them? Did And I didn't get through it once. I was on page forty reading the because I read slowly and I want to absorb it and I want to comprehend it and I want to understand it. And I'm on page forty and my lawyer calls me back and he says, oh, we had seven lawyers read it twice. You're good, have a good weekend. Yeah. It was said, did you read it twice? I didn't get I didn't read it once. That annoyed me. That's when we left it. It wasn't the fact that your text messagers were released. It was the fact that people read him to point and then I have to go in and ask the questions, are you sure, Yeah, we're sure. Have a good weekend. And I said, well, okay, yeah, because it was basically your mother called them. I said, how the hell did you read those those things so fast? You go, well, this is what we do for a living. Have a good weekend. Click. I'm like, it's like a phone call with sweet baby James. I mean, you say, James, I need three things? Okay, what is it? One? Okay, got it? Click? You forgot the other two? James, James. I, oh my god, James, is that true? And true? To be honest, they lying aloud at all? There might be a slight amount of truth. Yea, it might be a slight amount of truth. Then I'll call him back with item too. I'll say, sweet baby, I said I need this, I gotta have this. You gotta research this for me. Okay, got it? Clip? I said three things. And then I call him back three, one, two, three. Then I'll go through one and two and I'll say, don't hang up, I'm about to get the three. We give uncle James a hard time. We like, you know what the best part about the release of those text messages were you know what I'm gonna say, Yeah, I know what you're gonna say, Go ahead say it is that there was literally you know, and I forget his name right now. Put the guy over there, mother Jones. You know, he was like, wow, David Corn, he was like, the scariest part about the release of these text messages was the fact that Hannity actually believes this stuff that he says on TV every night, because his text messages are exactly like his momolo. I could take it in more da. But so it was a big headline on fake news CNN and MSTNC, and I can laugh about it now. I mean, it's a it's just you know what it was. It was just another pain in the you know what day. And you know, I don't look, I don't mind paying for all the lawyers that charge massive amounts of money per hour because it's you know, as they're now telling me, it's now the cost of doing business and doing things the right way. And we always do the things the right way. And I always argue with my attorneys over taxes. I'm like, no, I don't want to take that deduction. No, I don't want to take that deduction. Oh guess what you're gonna You're gonna die. I got a letter apparently because I don't open mail. Huh that that says I qualified for twelve hundred dollars from the government and they're gonna send me a check. Fantastic, Can you believe it? No, I'm not taking it, you guys, I said, send it back. I'm not done. Give it to somebody that that needs it and deserves it. And we went through all of our business ventures. In any business that I control, I've said, all right, no, no applications for anything, I'm not doing it. So you how do you send their Ella man moment? Huh that's kind of but no, it's not that. I just you know, listen, businesses have to do it. The whole purpose was to keep your employees hired. And so you know, I have a lot of businesses, and I made sure what did I tell everybody on day one? No firings, no to this, no this, no this. I literally memorialized it. I'm like, okay, no, no, no, no, no, no no. And if you know people are in trouble and truth be told, I've reached out to everybody that works for me in any capacity, and made sure that they were aware that if they are their family member and any difficulties, that I needed them to come to me so I can help them out. And then I realized people are never going to come to me with those problems, right, absolutely not. That's why you got two separate bonuses recently, because I figured, all right, there's got to be somebody here that's having some issue, just doesn't it's probably embarrassed, doesn't want to say it. I think a lot of people are very appreciative. See no, listen, that's that's what we do. That's who we are. That's where Americans, that's what Americans do. We help each other at a time and need. But then we don't, you know, Blue states don't get to rob red states to balance their bloated budgets and their waste and their fraud and their abuse of spending and their unfunded pensions. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour, telling you about the CNBC poll that came out. It's a lot of people, actually, pretty big survey for poles five thousand, four hundred and eight likely voters battleground states plus or minus z era one point nine percent, and it sheds a little bit of light on the battle between basement Bunker Joe and President Trump and the hypothetical matchup. Trump holds a lead in these swing states forty eight forty six over Biden, including a forty one thirty two percent lead over Independence, and leads Biden fifty one forty And who would do a better job of handling the economy? I mean that that can't even be a question in some people's minds, considering the atrocious record of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They just were disasters. Um So anyway, oh, Lynda apparently had a dental emergency surgery today. What happened? So listen, I just I didn't even know you could get emergency. So I have all these caps, temporary caps, and once I get them, I never go back and get it fixed. It's been like three years, so basics, listen, my guy can help you out. So I just got to give a shout out. So you know, we're here in New York City and I have a crack city. I got a crack tooth and it's a hot mess, and I was in so much pain. I've been really blessed my whole life. I've never had cavities or anything. I've always been good. I've been going to the same dentist for eternity, doctor Simon Rosenberg on the Upper East Side. He's awesome and his girl Lisa, and I texted him last night and I was like, listen, I cracked my tooth. I'm in a lot of pain. I know, you guys are closed because of COVID and he's like, we're allowed to do emergency appointments. And I went in. They took my temperature. You know, they scanned me, had me fill out this whole COVID form. I had to sign my life away to get this crack tooth fixed. You know. They had their gloves, their masks, they had these giant visors on. They gave me visors. I mean, it was crazy. But what I can tell you is, like, you know, people like him, like they're they're doing it. They're getting it done so that people can continue with their lives and their businesses during this. So I just want to give a shout out to doctor doctor Rosenberg for hooking me up and Lisa for for helping me out today. And they really did well. I'm glad you did give me a solid man, It's good. Did you get a root canal? Fortunately I didn't have to get a cracked on the top, so I have to get a crown at some point. But right now he just filed it down, which anybody who hates dentistry as much as I do, and I'm scared to death of the dentist. He's awesome. But just the sound of it all had painful and it's like that sound like all the tools against your teeth. It's like nails on a chalkboard. It's just I have had more fill things done. I even had a root canal done once without any novocaine. Come on, swear to God, why I can have the dentist one to prove it? If you even don't believe me? Um, why now at the end it was becoming so troublesome to him. Now I will tell you it blew my literally not not crying tears, but it's like, oh man, dude, it's painful. I mean he went in there with the grinder and he's like, okay, I'm gonna file your teeth down. I'm like, um, is there some sort of novocaine or pay medicine? I'll be getting you he's like, I just don't. I hate the feeling of being them. Couldn't tell the funk like that when you're done. I hate it. I thought that would really actually be fun for today, but no, I'm perfectly normal. He didn't give me anything. Yeah. Um, anyways, thank you doctor r Yeah, thank you doctor whoever you are. You should have taken the day off better pain Jesus shot, what's mean about that? There's nothing? Thank you, doctor, whoever you are. What's wrong with your thank you? I'm well, I'm glad the guy can work. At least, thank god he's working, right. My whole point is that he was able to work in a COVID environment like it can be done, People can do it safely. That everybody's getting it done with the masks. Everybody, look, listen, the masks work, bottom line, and if you want to open the country faster, use the masks. And the only reason I know it works is because none of the people of any of the stores in the middle of the shift storm that I lived through in New York and Long Island, none of the people at any of the stores that I would go to every single week, once twice, three times a week, ever contracted COVID nineteen because they were all wearing masks, many wearing shields, all wearing gloves. Now, do I want to live the rest of my life that way? No. If I'm at a beach and I'm sufficiently quote distance from somebody, there's no reason that you have to wear the mask. I don't think, at least for me, I'm not going to. And but you know, we now know what works and what doesn't work. It's pretty simple. We also have some updated news today from the CDC. I saw that. Yeah, so the CDC is coming out and saying that, you know, this transferability of the virus on you know, inanimate objects is not what they thought it was. So all of these gloves and everything are not necessarily necessary, you know. So the CDC updates. I have this article in front of me. It basically Nounce updating their their guideline saying it does not spread easily an exact quote uncontaminated surfaces, and the disease has always been thought to spread mainly through person to person contact. I'm going to tell you something, and this is no due respect to a lot of the people. The doctors have been wrong. I don't blame them. I'm not I'm not casting aspersions on them. They did the best they can with the knowledge they had at the time, and a lot of what they said and predicted was wrong. They missed a lot of opportunities that could have stopped the spread of the disease. They could have given us better advice. But I don't think they did it on purpose. You know, doctor Fauci is a great case and point. Doctor Fouci got a lot wrong here. Doctor Fauci was saying the risk is nil on February twenty ninth. The end of February was a leap year. And then he was saying, what March ninth, you can go on a cruise if you're young and healthy. And then he was saying, you don't need masks on March tenth. Okay, March tenth wasn't that long ago. And I don't think he did it on purpose. I do think a lot of the people that thought that they were giving the best advice turned out they weren't given the best advice. And again, through in many cases, not through any fault of their own, they are now so timid and so traumatized by the mistake that they're afraid to take any chances opening up now we have a spectacular fail in states like New York, New Jersey at Long Island too, but New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan, where you've got to protect the elderly like they did in Texas and in Florida and in Georgia because they have the better numbers. To a certain extent, Gavin Newsom did, but we're now seeing that Gavin Newsom, Yeah, he didn't have exactly the best track record on protecting the older people out in California, but overall he did a much better job than some of these other states. I think we're now beginning to see an end to the lockdowns. Only because I love my audience. I only tell you the truth and what I believe is the best advice that I have. And I always tell you what I personally decide to do based on everything I know about this virus. My advice to you as you open up your businesses for a while till we know, I would urge you, if you're in close contact with people and you're not distant, to wear the mask. That's that's what I'm going to do for myself, and it's not even really necessarily for myself. I don't want to pass this on to somebody else if I get it. I have been tested out twice for covid um, both times negative, and my antibody test was negative as well, so I never got this thing. But wait, by the way, does that surprise you, Linda, Because I'm a recluse and a hermit, and I never leave the house and I'm a total loser. Oh, are you're talking about your party animal? Okay, I'm a recluse, I'm a hermit and I barely leave my house except to do this radio show every day at a studio right near my house. So it's that simple. Um, But I do it for that reason. Well, you can tell the audience the truth. You can admit that I'm a hermit. Well, listen, I mean you do live a pretty quiet life. I mean you're busy, and you also spend most of your day prepping for everything you're doing this. This is not all you do is read, so you can't really be out and about and read. You have to literally sit there and read all day. Yeah, by the way, that these numbers that are coming out are really pretty fascinating. I'm looking at this on Twitter, and people are blowing up about how, you know, various countries that the pandemic COVID nineteen likely have its own dynamics unrelated to what is you know, the inconsistent lockdown measures that are out there. I'm just telling you, I know people, and I'm reading all this stuff online and I'm telling you people are getting mad. And I can tell when peep start getting mad, it's it's real and anyway, So let me go back to these charts that I have, because I think they're pretty interesting if I can pull them up here. And this is pretty interesting because JP Morgan came out with a devastating peace arguing that infection rates have declined, not increased in the states where lockdowns have ended, even after allowing for an appropriate measurement lag you know, two three week period. I'll mention two states. Georgia, you know, down twelve percent, Florida down fifteen percent. I mean, that is a that is a pretty pretty big what's his name, Carl Quentinila, I don't know who he is, apparently an anchor on CNBC. I'm not being rude. I don't know who this person is. Um, I don't watch CNBC, but anyway, so he starts putting out these statistics today and people are going absolutely, you know, bonkers over it, and uh, it's fascinating to watch. You know, the market is undeniably betting on a v shape recovery. That's what he talked about there. Okay, so he says, JP Morgan has a devastating piece arguing that infection rates have declined but not increased in states where the lockdowns have ended. And then he has a chart. If you want, Linda, you can retweet it on Hannity dot com. And he said the same goes for countries that have ended lock downs, which means that the pandemic and COVID nineteen likely have its own dynamics unrelated to the often inconsistent lockdown measures that were being implemented in the absence of conclusive data. These lockdowns were justified initially, but millions of lives were being destroyed with little consideration that lockdowns might not be not only cause economic devastation, but potentially more deaths of COVID itself. I'm not sure if he's talking about the herd mindset, which I do not agree with, or you know, I would caution people about he said, you know, people will be tempted to use this to blame immigrants, different rays. I don't know what he's talking about here, use the pandemic as a pretext. But the initial response was to downplay the risk. Nobody initially did it. We were all initially lied to what part of that thought. A lot of people understand either, you know, we were all too. There's a big deal unfolding in New York with Comrade de Blasio. He won't open the New York City the city beaches of New York, but he's demanding that Long Island except New York City residents. You know, if my advice to Long Island is not that anyone ever listens to me, is tell New Yorkers to go to their own beach, because that's the way the vast majority of deaths took place in New York City. As a matter of fact, if you look at New York State, you have three hundred and fifty two thousand, eight hundred and forty five cases twenty two thousand, eight hundred and forty three deaths well and again fully a third because of this debacle executive order putting COVID nineteen patients inside of long term care facilities and nursing homes. But of the twenty two thousan eight hundred and forty three deaths, well, you have in New York City alone one hundred and ninety one thousand, six hundred and fifty cases. With twenty of the twenty three thousand deaths, they mostly happened in New York City. New York count New York City counts confirmed and probable COVID nineteen deaths differently. I mean, I don't know what to say about that. But anyway, JOHNS Hopkins has most of the data out there and available. Oh Biden thinks he's very clever. He now has a nickname for the President tweety, President Tweety. As he's sitting there, he comes up out of the basement in hiding. I think today's day sixty six. He's been in complete lockdown, hiding sheltering him place podcast disaster mode. And again he had another, you know, problem with geese making noises on his property as he's trying to do his podcast. You got the sound of it. He's an incompetence corruption. Trump is out there tweeting again this morning. I called President tweeting. Reopened the country. He had those geese on q The problem is Joe was against the travel band. Droe was against the quarantine. Joe was you know, we know what they did with N one h one, as he calls it. They blew that completely. Hundreds of thousands of people were hospitalized. We lost, you know, seventeen thousand Americans before him and Obama declared themselves a national emergency. Was six months later, after a thousand people died. And then of course they never replenished all of the supplies that we ended up needing. And by the way, the lockdown governor of all time, Gretchen Whitmer, is in talks with the Biden campaign for the VP spot, sort of like dumb and dumber. By the way, Biden's going to give a commencement speech despite his plagiarism history. That's interesting. Oh have you noticed what they've done to this woman, Tara Reid. Oh they're bludgeting her, just bludgeting this woman. She had more corroboration the Professor Ford, any of the Kavanaugh accusers, and every all the eye believers, they don't believe anymore. It's such a bunch of phony hypocrites, a whole bunch of them. All right, eight hundred ninety four one sean toll free number. You want to be a part of the program, Bill O'Reilly. Next at the top of the next Hour of Fun with Bill. Also, Sidney Powell, that's General Flynn's attorney, updates us on what she put forward an emergency rid of man Damis to the DC Court of Appeals seeking the immediate removal of Judge Emmett Sullivan from the case and saying that the Justice Department, when both sides want to drop the case because of all the irregularities they found, he should drop it and he should so travesty of justice. This is just the latest in the case of General Flynn. All right, simple man, Bill O'Reilly dot com. All things, Bill O'Reilly. We are one hundred and sixty seven days till the ultimate jury, that being the American people, that meaning you people in this audience, will decide whether or not. In one hundred and sixty seven or sixty eight, depending on what time the race is called, you will finally hear the words. We can now project that Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president of the United States. Anyway, with all that said, mister O'Riley joins us, Now, how are you, sir? And by the way, you're not a simple man, but I want to ask you a question. Do you way? Wait, slow down. Yeah, you come on the Sean Hannity Show. It's not the Bill o'reiley show. It's not excuse me, it's not the factor. You're not talking to talking, you're talking points. You come on the show and the first thing you want to do is ask me a question. It's an exchange of ideas. You know. That's like you being a control freak. But go ahead, all right, do you realize do you realize people hear you now? After you showed that video of you doing kung fu on television? Okay, do you have any idea? Bill? First of all, anyone that says what I do with martial arts is kung fu or karate has no idea what I do. If you're interested, it is an eclectic blend of arts crabmaga, kempo, Brazilian jiu jitsu, boxing and situational street fighting and also a lot of quart training. Well, it's not really interested. So you watched the video and you're laughing at me, Go ahead, no, no, no, I was fearful. In fact, I heard that Jimmy Kimmel went into the witness Protection program after he saw that video. You know, you do know me because we're friends. I've been I've been doing this now seven years. Can you believe it? I cannot. I mean I just see the people that te you off and how I actually need helping advice today? Can I seek your advice on something? Absolutely? And I won't even charge you. So you got Mika and the ever boring pathetic, you know, sell out liberal Joe, and they're trying to entice me into this fight today. I'm kind of tired. We're heading into Memorial Day weekend, and Bill I can pulverize them. I mean, what do they want to fight about? You know, I didn't even read at all, but somebody sent me a text of a tweet that Mika. Mika's all upset because Donald Trump brought up a conspiracy theory, uh, talking about an incident that happened when Joe was a congressman that they did have questions with the corner, etcetera, etcetera. Right, Okay, So anyway, so I have a choice. I can go full on Hannity and start pounding the living crap out of them, and I like to fight and I'm gonna win, or just ignore it. What would you do in this case? I would ignore it because it just helps them a little bit. You're right, we're going into Memorial Day weekend. I'll tell you the most important story today. It's nothing to do with the media. It has to do with how Americans are going to behave individuals are going to behave this weekend. And I'm coming out on Bill O'Reilly dot com tonight. My lead story is we have to open the country now without any asterisks, and I'm going to run down that what has to happen now on Memorial Day weekends is what we all have to do. But here's the overarching, the most important thing in the story, and has nothing to do with fanatics at MSNBC. It has to do with every American should be hoping that every other American, all their fellow citizens, all right, are better off. And the only way we're all going to be better off is if we reopen the economy. Now, we're going to take losses, we are, but it's a war. This is a war, and it's a war for our country, and we cannot absorb any more pain in the economic area. So everybody has to work together and try to get this economy open responsibly. And that's my lead story, and that is really what people want to hear. I think not about Meek and whoever. I am inclined and was naturally inclined to just sit back and say, you know what, I have enough fights going on at war. There's only on any given day, all right. Here is where I completely and totally agree with you. But I've also taken some heat. Every model, every prediction about how many people will die, starting at two and a half million, has been dead on wrong. Then they change it to two hundred thousand or two twenty, then to one hundred and fifteen, and to eighty, then to sixty. Now we're at one hundred. They've all been wrong, all of the doctors. Doctor Fauci said there was little risk on February twenty ninth. We know that he's said on March ninth that it's okay to take a cruise if you're young and healthy. On March tenth he said, you don't need to wear a mask. Where I'm taking some heat is because of what I am observing worked what they did in Texas, Florida, and Georgia worked, and that is they protected the elderly population, the most vulnerable, the opposite of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan. It worked the fact that our farmers are packers, are truckers and those that stock the shelves. Where you live in Long Island, and you know, do you go shopping? You don't go shopping, Okay, your people go. No, I go shopping on my own shopping, Hannity, do you know we're talking about Do you know about automatic checkout or not? Don't lie. No, I don't even know what that is. It's I give them my credit guard and they say, we love you, O'Reilly, And I see that mean Bill, that means you don't go shopping if you don't know about automatic account lest That's where I am, by the way, all right, that's a fair answer, because they do have a checkout persons, all right, So I go shopping every week, and every week, Bill, I talked to the guys in the stores and they all wore their mask and none of them got sick. So where I'm taking a little heap from people, as I'm saying, look, we're opening up. We got to open up. We're a free society. Everybody wants to open up. But for the sake of others. I Sean Hannity have said, I'm going to wear a mask because I learned from the guys that stock the shelves in Long Island of New York that wearing masks works. Yeah, and you don't want to give the thing anybody, nobody. That's the real fighting part of this is you can be asymptomatic and not know, and if you don't have a mask, you can infect someone else. But absolutely common sense, Absolutely, but you just said something that's not correct. Everybody doesn't want to open the economy. The media in this country does not want to open it, and neither do a lot of the blue state governors. And they think that Trump is worse than the pandemic. And the longer we can stay shut, the least chance he has to win reelection or the less chance. So we're not at all together on this thing, and that's we have to overcome. But you know, we're in a place now where I think the folks are starting to understand that the death rate for COVID in America is less than three percent or a million, all right, and those three percent, about two point seven, are over sixty five. So if you are over sixty five a senior citizen, you have to be extra cautious. And that doesn't mean that if you're a younger person you go out to Tybee Island and Georgia and party hardy. If you do that, you're irresponsible. And that's the message that has to get out. We have to know. We all it's a pain in the ass. Nobody wants to wear a mask. It's against You have to wear the mask if you're walking your dog or you're no, no, no, you don't look you're going through a facility of clothes exactly exactly. If you're around other people, just slip the mask on. I'm doing it right, Yeah, And I'm gonna tell you something. The reason I'm saying it's so publicly and so often is because I as I think things through, just like you. I'm like, you know what, I care too much about other people. I know people that have gotten COVID nineteen. You know people that have got it. Um for older people, it's really really harsh, even when they survived. Sometimes people but I want to protect them because I love them. That's why. Further than that, I know some of the grocery starches that you go to, and I've been there and they tell me, Hey, you know, Hannity comes in with the mask, and we really like them much better that way. Yeah, you look, because I can't build him as well. We can't. It's no doubt I look so much better in the mask. I'm totally I should wear the mask on television and my ratings would go up another twenty five percent. You have a lot of those kung fu guys. They wear the mask too, so it kind of blends right into you. Let me ask you a question, would you Bill O'Reilly be willing to train with me a couple of days and then I'd air it on television. You know, I really don't have time because I'm I don't have intellectual things. Yeah, you know, my days of beating people up are kind of over me. But you know what I admire about you, Hannahy doing that number one. You used to be a smoker. You kicked it okay, and I was very I did. I was a heavy smoker. I smoked cigarettes when I was young, and cigars I used to inhale them, right, Please don't smoke or cheat tobacco. Please, So I hannay kicked it. And then you know, you use this martial arts. There's a discipline. It's a discipline because it's hard to do five days a week. Yeah, and and and the discipline obviously relaxes you. It's good you burn off a little aggression so you don't beat Jimmy Kimmel to a pulpe um. And then you know, a discipline life is a much more effective life, you know. So I have a sense. And this guy's got black black belts in every art. I mean, he's an amazing He's a killer. And so I have to go through pain day where I sit there and he literally pounds my forearms and arms to build to get build up calcium. And you know, I have to go through paying day two when when I'm watching CNN or MSDNC. Yeah that's I don't watch them, but once a will have to put on CNN just to see what crazy things are doing. All right, let me get what do you think about the President's announcement about hydroxy chloroquin I made a decision a long time ago that if I got this stupid thing, that I would take it on day one. You know, if you read The United States of Trump, the best book about Donald Trump ever, you will understand why he does these things. He wants to be a provocateur word of the day. And by doing these things, by saying, yeah, I'm taking his drug in your face, he dominates the news cycle for two days. And his people say, that's right. Look at Trump. He's doing what he wants to do. So it's a win win for him. And the other thing is when you look at what he does, there's always a reason. Which did you know, the Trump hater they have no blanking clue, but there's always a reason. He dominates a news cycle for two days. He looks like a macho man. It's in your face to your opponents. And so what he's taking the drug, So what who cares? I mean, it's a prescription drug. You can't I read through sis off. Doctor Daniel Wallace Cedar Sinai, premiere expert in the country, written extensively four hundred peer reviewed articles on it. He said, it is a very safe drug. It's been around sixty five years. He said, do you think they care now? They don't? You know, that's called stay right there, Bill O'Reilly dot com. All things simple man, Bill O'Reilly. All right, as we continue, Bill O'Reilly, all things O'Reilly. It's at Bill O'Reilly dot com. You need to secure simple man, Bill O'Reilly, Yeah, because I think if you makes yeah, I gotta get done on the what do they call the patent office or something like that. You need to know, Just get the website. Blrighty, simpleman, all right, real important. We're one hundred and sixty seven days away. I don't think anybody can predict with any accuracy how this election turns out. I'd like to believe Donald Trump gets re elected, but we don't know yet. Listen, Joe Biden is a week candidate and the Democrats are very worried about him. So what you can see or what you will see in the coming weeks is it's not going to be Joe Biden running against Donald Trump. It's going to be the return of the Obama administration. And that's going to become quite clear to Democratic voters and independence is that. Okay, elect Joe. But you're going to get this package. Here's everybody coming with Joe. So you'll see the vice president. You'll see he'll name a secretary of state. He'll do all that. And Trump's got a chance if he can turn this thing around and get the economy, Perkin, I would bet on him. And that's where the bookie money is going. Do you know that all the betting sites still have Donald Trump in the lead? Those sites tend to be the most accurate by far, but yeah, because it's real money. All right, Well, O'Reilly dot com. Thank you, sir, God bless you. When we come back, Sidney Powell updates us the latest on the persecution of General Flynn and when does he get justice straight ahead. I think we're gonna have a fantastic year next year. I think we will do very well in the fourth quarter, and I think the transition quarter we're just coming up. We're starting it very shortly. The third quarter, I think you'll see some very good numbers, but you're going to see some great numbers in the fourth quarter, and you can end up doing a great year next year. You can see it. Look at the states that are opening up. They're busy, and the numbers interestingly going down. So they're opening up. You look at Florida and Georgia in particular, the numbers are going down. So we're very we're very confident that we're going to have a tremendous, tremendous turnaround. And we had to turn it off artificially, and now we're turning it back on. All right. That was the President talking about opening up the country eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program and this extravaganza opening up the country, opening it up safely. Dave Finney is with us, famed a winemaker and of Dave Finney's Savage Cook Distillery and by the way, completely shutting down whiskey production in this time of need and focusing on the production of hand sanitizer, which by the way, is desperately needed. And I gotta say thank you to them anyway, Dave, thank you for being with us. We appreciate it. How was that working out so far? Because there was a shortage for at least a period of time, there wasn't enough purel or sanitizer to go around anywhere. Yeah. No, it's been uh, sort of frightening and amazing all at the same time. UM, simply because of who we're supplying, UM was was a bit of a surprise and UM it's been great to be able to just kind of continue what's always been done on Mayor Island, you know, since eighteen fifty four men and women there, you know, you know took took the same key we took from the White House, and uh got on board and started doing what we could. All right, So you usually make whiskey, correct, what is what are the do you do it for other brands? Are just for yourself? No, it's for brands. So it's called savage and cook with an E and we produce um bourbon, whiskey and rye. And when are you going to start making vodka? Because I don't I don't drink whiskey or rye. I don't trust, I don't, I can't. I don't mean to be rude. It's not my favorite thing. Well, i'll tell you what, I'll make you deal. We'll we'll start making vodka just as soon as we stopped making hand sanitizing. Well, it's great that you're doing so. You were able to bring back a lot out of your employees. Tell us about that side of this, because I thought that was great that you were able to transition your business temporarily to help people out. Yeah. So we immediately were able to We never let anybody go because we moved very quickly. It was actually about a six day process. And not only did we retain all of our existing employees, we actually hired about thirty five new employees off and on, and primarily from the restaurant community because between the wine and the spirits that we make, we're you know, so connected to them that we wanted to give back a second way. And so that's what we've been doing. Well, it's pretty awesome what you're doing, and you've had great success. You did it, by the way, with the guidance of you know, the government, the exact formulation what is the proper percentage of alcohol needed to make hand sanitize a work because there were some questions early on about that. Yeah, and you know when it's it's you can't just use his vodka unfortunately, Um, it should be denatured alcohol and it should be between seventy and eighty percent. There's different operation ratios between seven and seventy and eighty, but that's what the regulations from. So let me tell you what I have. I have in front of me a hand sanitizer. It's called Purell, well known and it's an active ingredient ethanol alcohol seventy percent. Is that enough? Yep? Yes, you know some Why do you say no, it's not enough, Hannity, you need ours? Make me purchase yours. Um, I know that's not enough. You needed to be all right, well done? Um. Now, how do I know you're helping, especially within the community out there where you are? I guess you're in what Simona County or or or at your or Mayor Island is where you are off the Pacific coast and the naval shipyards there, and you've been able to prove vide a lot of this two different people, uh near the city of lajo And And where else have you been shipping your product? Napa Valley winemakers for example? Yeah? So all over I mean, um, you know there's been a We've had over a thousand orders, of which many of those are local, lots of local police uh and first responders, firefighters, UM, the US post Office. But what we've branched out as far as we sent three truckloads to the state of Florida last week, so you know we were available, you know, across the United States. Basically, as I said, the shock and all part of this is we've we've only reached out to one person to actually sell anything. Um, this has all been word of mouth and just people getting the word out. So um, but you know, free to lay first Republic bank, I mean you name it. Yeah. Well, we want to thank you for what you're doing. It's like our friends at uh my pillow dot com they're producing in ninety five masks as they also produced a great products. They're doing a great job. It's amazing how many companies have been up and involved in doing this, Dave. We just want to say thank you. Keep it up. When you get your alcohol back up and running your production back up and running, oh we'll be you know, depending on how much longer this goes on. We like I said, we've completely shut down. We can do both at the same time, but due to the sort of emergency need, we'd rather just run double shifts and get as much sanitizer as we can out there. And we're even considering setting up, you know, a separate building for it and then having different crews go back to distilling. You have no problem moving your product at all. There's a huge demand for it. Yeah, I mean, we just it's actually now available on the website, and and we ship all over the states, and our goal is to have it within two days. You know what I really do. What's the website of people want to order sanitizer? Oh? Sure, it's www dot Savage and cook with an e dot com. All right, and you should call it hanitizer. You'd probably sell a lot more product. I think you're right. By the way, I be remiss if I didn't tell you my wife is a huge fan. So anyway, you noticed, Linda, when people say that my father's a huge fan of yours, I'm not. He said his wife. His wife, he said, his wife. I know, so he said, Oh, my wife's a huge fan. I'm not a huge fan. My wife's a huge fan. Well, I'm too busy making sanitizer. You know, I don't know. Okay, Dave, that's the wrong answer. Every day at the wrong answer. I'm about to hang up on you and blow up this call. I'm a I'm a huge fan. There you go. Now you're talking. Okay, geez, I'm glad I had that. What's what's your wife's name, Dave? Kim? Well, Kim, we're big fans of you. Yeah, Okay, Kim should have done the interview. Next time we'll bring Kim on forget Dave. All right, Dave, congrats. We'll put it up on our website if people need hands hand sanitizer. At this point, I think it's amazing how companies have made the transition like this and great job. Get to our phones here as we say, hide a gym and ohio, Jim, Hi, how are you welcome aboard? Glad you're with us? How are you today? I'm good, sir? What's happening? I was calling with regard to the proposed bailout of the states, particularly the radical blue states. We've got two big issues with this, and I think I have a solution to the problem. I mean, the first issue is that it seems to me that any Senator that votes to give bailout money to state that have spent their money in incrivolous and illegal manners is condoning that type of activity. And if by giving a kid a second allowance after he went out and blew his first allowance and we have no it's like the prodigal son coming back to his father and the father killing the fatted calf, and my son was dead and now he's alive. And it would be like him saying, three years later on, go back out and do what I did the last time. Can I have the other half of the inheritance and you give it and you give it to them all. Tom Cotton has a great bill that will that's saying that if you fund the illegal immigrants, because that costs millions and millions and millions and even billions of dollars, and for the you know, criminal justice system, healthcare system, educational system, that you do not qualify for any more assistance. I agree with Tom Cotton because I'm telling you what's happening here. All of these states that have sanctuary status, like New York and California, all of these states that have misappropriated funding and taxpayer dollars, waste, fraud, and abuse. You know, solar factor factories that they build that fail, and microchip factories that they fail, and you know light bulb companies that they spend you know, ninety million dollars on that fail. Red states that have a elected, responsible governors and legislatures, they shouldn't bear the burden of bailing out unfunded pensions, the debt, that deficit, all of the zillions of dollars they spend on illegal immigrants. No more money, COVID relief money only. And if you don't want to open your state, then that's up to you to deal with the consequences financially of you being unable to open your states safely. Period. The second issue I have is the federal government is broke, just like the states. We're broke. The states have the means of borrowing the money, just like we do. The states have the means of raising taxes to pay for all of this, just like the fens. Due you're proverbially robbing Peter to pay Paul. And I think the solution to this is instead of just handing money to these states, we loan the money to the states with forgiveness for certain expenses, just like the PPP program. If it's good enough for small businesses, it's good enough for the states. Loan them the money and give them forgiveness when they spend the money on first responders or infrastructure. You know what, I think all the money we've already allocated is enough. I think now it's time to open up. We've learned a lot of lessons about what to do and what not to do, and if the guys that stock the shelves and every grocery store showed up every day with their masks and gloves and never got COVID. That's a good indicator. Just like all the medical manufacturers that never shut down kept working, they were safe with masks and gloves. All the states that protected the elderly, they did, you know, infinitely better than these other states like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan. Let's learn the lessons, open the country safely, and if we do that, then it's up to them what they want to do. All right, good call, appreciate that. You know what this is coming. I'd advise anybody, and I want everyone to know. I'm saying this to my own detriment here because me being the idiot who asked to work in New York and pay all of these taxes and dealing with the most incompetent elected politicians ever, I can tell you that the people that do stay, and there's gonna be a lot of people that leave. The mass exodus is really it's real. In New York. Out of New York to other states, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, California to Texas, seems to be the best route for most Californians. They are going to be dying, and they're going to tax, and they're going to steal as much of the people's money that remain as they can. That's all coming. So I warned people, Red states, you tell your governors, you tell your senators, you tell your congressman. Don't bail out Blue state waste, fraud and abuse. That's not your problem. COVID nineteen relief a different story. The country understands the need to take care of people in a time a need. Very different story. Phones, Bob, Pennsylvania High How are you glad you called? Okay? Uh Sean, I'm good. I'm guy. As you said, I from a Lebanon, Pennsylvania UM lockdown, Lebanon UM. I was calling roughly. I was scanning through the internet last Wednesday when I came across the article of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts being banned from federal UM. The cemeteries by putting flags up, and as I continued to scan the article, I was very surprised that the Department of Veterans Affairs made that decision, because I mean, you know there are there is a push to open the country up safely, and I just thought it would be a great opportunity. I understand maybe the cemetery are the ceremonies may have not been as big as as they might have been thrown a normal Memorial Day weekend, but I just thought it was an it's a missed opportunity to show that you can do things safely, and I just thought the VA blew it by doing just a nationwide band on that. What you're feeling, Yeah, my feeling is very simple. I didn't know about the band and if again, we already know the answer. If you put people in masks, you keep them socially distant, leave them alone. Any any other oppressive government actions beyond that is beyond what the guidelines are telling us. And even in New York, you're allowed to walk around without a mask as long as you're socially quote distant. The idea is if you're around other people, you put the mask on. Now, again, for me, it's not that big a deal because I've been wearing it. You kind of get used to it to be very blunted. It doesn't her fear that much in my life overall. When I go in the grocery store. And I know for some people they just don't want to be told what to do. I'm not doing it because anyone's telling me to do it. I'm doing it because I want to do it. I'm doing it because I know enough about this virus that it's the right thing to do for older people that I might come into contact with. Anyway, Good call eight hundred and nine four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. Sidney Powell coming up, General Flynn's attorney. Is there ever justice now for General Flynn? They weren't after General Flynn. They wanted him to lie about me, make up a story, and with few exceptions, nobody did that do it many people. I watched Katie McFarland the other day. I watched where she was knock Knock FBI, you know the FBI. Okay, this was all Obama, this was all Biden. These people were corrupt. The whole thing was corrupt, and we caught them. We caught them. And what you saw just now. I watched Biden yesterday. He could barely speak. He was on Good Morning America, right and he said he didn't know anything about it. And now it just gets released. Right after he said that it gets released, that he was one of the unmaskers, meaning he knew everything about it. So he lied to your friend, George Stephanopolis. He lied to your friend George Stephanopolis. Well, we know he lied. We know all of that. And at the end of the day, every step taken by the deep State, and that was that they put forward an unverifiable dirty Russian disinformation dossier as the predicate to get a FISA application, without which McCabe says they never would have gotten it. And even after they talked to Christopher Steele's subsource, Yeah, in that case, they knew the dossier was debunked. They went forward with two more warrant applications with the dossier as the foundation of the report, the bulk of information that they used, and that was the last one signed by Rod Rosenstein, who then sent out the Scope memo even months after that to Robert Mueller knowing the truth. Now we know the truth. They withheld exculpatory evidence as it relates to George Popadopoulos. The same is true about General Flynn. We now know a lot about Roger Stone and the miscarriage of justice. I mean, people like McCabe and Comey were there were referrals for them as it relates to lying to Congress and lying in other instances. Nothing happens in their case. So there's a two tier justice system in every way. And now we're learning a lot more about this January fifth meeting in the Opal office with Brennan and Clapper in Biden and Yates and Susan Rice, and then fifteen days later, on Inauguration Day, Rice writing memo to self three separate times in the letter that Obama said, do everything by the book. If that's not a CYA memo, I don't know. In the meantime, we have Judge Emmett Sullivan picking a fellow Clinton appointee judge who has already spoken out on the matter of it relates to General Flynn, and he's prejudiced towards General Flynn, to write an amicus brief as it relates to the court to argue against the federal government now saying excuse me, we should drop the case. Both sides want to drop the case. When that happens, it's a formality at that point, not in General Flynn's case. Well, now Sydney Powell has responded and is demanding that the Judge Emmett Sullivan be removed from this case. And the DC District Court is now being brought into this and hopefully they'll make the right decision, and after a nearly four year nightmare for General Flynn, it will come to an end for him and his family. And then I guess he'll ask the Ray Donovan question, where do I go to get my good name back? Sydney Powell, the attorney for General Flynn, joins us, Now, how are you, hey, great Sean, how are you? You know? It saddens me that you know, General Flynn has been you know, let's see, he's gone bankrupt over this. You had to sell his house over this. If it weren't for the generosity of the American people, you know, being able to hire defense counsel like you that are working for pennies on the dollar, we wouldn't be in this position today. You wrote very favorably about Judge Emmett Sullivan in your book License to Lie? Where is that guy that exonerated Ted Stevens and talked about prosecutorial abuse? What happened here? I wish on you. It's certainly been a shock to me I mean, I've bragged on Judge Sullivan his willingness to enforce Brady for six years, only to come before him for the first time and completely unexpectedly with obvious Brady violations and have him deny every single one of them in a ninety two page decision, even though the government had admitted some of the documents were exculpatory and it only giving us meager summaries of them. He wouldn't even give us the actual documents. I was flabbergasted. And that's when I realized the Judge Sullivan I'm dealing with now is not the Judge Sullivan that oversaw the Ted Stevens prosecution. He determined that there was no Brady material that you were requesting. In fact, there was plenty of Brady material that they withheld, and now you're beginning to get a lot of it. We got our first glim at, the glimpse at the original three h two as it relates to struck in this other agent, and they did ask General Flynn after they ambushed him in that interview now infamous on the fourth day of the Trump administration, the twenty fourth of January, and in that interview they did ask him about the phone call with Kisleyak and his answer was, yeah, I remember talking to him absolutely. I don't remember the details of the call. I don't know specifically if we talked about sanctions and I we might have, but I don't know. And I think if we actually had the transcript and the tape recording of the phone call, we would find that the word sanctions does not appear because anything that he would Sydney, I know you too well, you think if we had a transcript of the call. I think we both know that we likely do have a transcript of the call. So the government does, but we don't, okay, So as the government ever shared it with you? No, No, In fact, they refused to give me a classified designation so I could review the transcript. And I know, how how do you probably defend your client then? Exactly? I mean no, No one should have entered a plea of guilty or encouraged him to enter a plea of guilty without hearing the recording and comparing it to the transcript. The whole case has been botched from every single angle. Nothing has been done right in this litigation. From the get go. The FBI made up the entire charge against him. They made up any reason to investigate him. I think the investigation goes back to twenty fifteen, maybe even as far back as when he was still head of the DIA and spoke out against ISIS and contradicted the Obama administration's whole view of that situation. And he was General Flynn was truthful about it. When he was in front of Congress. He wasn't about a lot of Congress. He told him the truth isis was a big problem, and he said so, and he spoke out about the Benghazi issues. He of course knows where the problems are in that whole situation. He's spoken out of everything. Honestly. You're filing yesterday the emergency written mandamus to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals seeking immediate removal of Judge Sullivan from the case, saying that under appellent precedent set by the Folker Services case, Sullivan or his replacement must dismiss the prosecution as the Justice Department requested. Both sides want this case now to go away because of the injustices behind it. So where does this go? Because I'm not confident about anything with the DC Circuit Court. Well, if they don't get it right, there's still the Supreme Court. And since Justice Ginsburg just authored a unanimous Supreme Court decision that completely slapped down the Ninth Circuit for redefining the issue in a case and soliciting an amicus to deal with it, then I think the same result with a near here. And that's one of the issues that we have raised. His appointment of an amicus and request for briefs from other emesi to essentially take a poll on how people think this should go, and as well as appointing what amounts to a special prosecutor in mister Gleeson to investigate potential obstruction or perjury charges against General Flynn and contempt charges. That's absolutely unprecedented, uncalled for, and off the rails. How is it? Because I've never heard of somebody withdrawing their plea as being as a judge then contemplating holding them in contempt of court. Now Sullivan in this case is considering that now there are extenuating circumstances here, and that is that neither FBI agent when they ambushed General Flynn on January twenty four, twenty seventeen, after the case had already been pretty much dismissed, and they were about to close it out, but struck and call me kept it open. And obviously something went on in that meeting. On January fifth in the White House, the day that Dennis McDonough himself did the unmasking of General Flynn, I assume at the behest of Barack Obama. I don't know why otherwise he would do it. And then January twelfth, the day the ignacious article came out, as also the same day that Joe Biden, who the day priors said he never did any such thing or knew anything about it, but he also unmasked General Flynn. So there was a lot going on at this particular juncture because the case was over what do you think was in that meeting and what did you think of Sally Yates's testimony where she was shocked by the fact that after that January fifth meeting in the Oval Office, that Obama himself revealed to her that he knew the full contents of the unmasked calls of General Flynn. Yes, that whole scenario was quite remarkable. There was a lot going on in late December early January, starting in the middle of December with mister Clapper expanding the rules for sharing confidential secret information among the various agencies. I mean, they greatly broadened the distribution for what should have been closely held information. Lauretta Lynch signed off on that right before she left to expand it. And then, of course we have the KISSLEYAK call with General Flynn. They were waiting for that. The information we've been produced by the government recently shows that Komi himself and McCabe were monitoring and watching for anything Flynn related on those telephone calls. It seems as if they couldn't find anything on him whatsoever. Everything every place they searched produced exculpatory information. Because he's a fine and honest man and an amazing public servant and dedicated military career official. His whole family is a military So when they couldn't find anything, they had to try to trigger something to make something up, and so they were watching for the Kissley at call. They found it. They got the transcript, and then as soon as Komi saw the transcript, he called Clapper briefed him on it. Clapper asked for copies plural of the transcript, which Komie immediately provided. This is all late December, early January. Well, then, by the way, they're both fighting over whether or not one of them told Obama the story, Callmey saying Clapper did it, Clapper saying he didn't do it. And the more fascinating thing of anything else is all of these Obama officials when they went before the House Intel Committee under oath, they all denied any Trump Russia collusion. Adam Schiff went out and lied and said just the opposite. And they went on TV like Clapper did, for example, and they said the opposite on TV, the opposite of what they had said under oath. That's pretty fascinating in this too, it is. I mean, one of the things that absolutely galls me, Sean is how long this evidence has been suppressed, and the people responsible for suppressing it, like Adam Schiff, have truly obstructed justice and caused immeasurable pain and damage to the family of General Flynn. It's beyond an outrage. It should be criminal conduct. It should be all right, stay with a Sidney Powell, the attorney for General Flynn, when we come back the entire last half hour of the program tonight, wide open telephone calls. We hope you'll set your DVR every night, Hannity, Fox News, Will you have a great show for you tonight. I'll tell you about that in a minute, Willie and Mike. He's tweeting again all sorts of crazy things, once again tweeting conspiracy theories about Joe falsely accusing him of murder, talking about the death of a young staffer in his congressional office years ago, and calling him dangerous to walk the streets. And I'll just say, I'll take a point of personal privilege here. That's sick. Donald, You're a sick person. You're a sick person. Do you mean to my little Joey? You're need to stop. It's awful. Did they ever listen? You know what? She's been trying to provoke me into this fight, Linda. And you know, I'm about to take a couple of days off. I've been working really hard. I'm a little tired. Everybody on my team knows I'm tired. You know, I really know. I've been dealing with these lunatics because you know, their ratings suck. They're total psychos. They lie every day every day. They wake up and act like they're outraged, outraged over you know what, Donald Trump did or said if the guy gjured cancer wouldn't be good enough. I have a question for Mica and Mica, was it a good idea that Trump put the travel man in effect? Um, they don't like it when you start digging into Joe's background, but they have no trouble digging into Trump's background every day. Maybe those questions should be asked. There seemed to be irregularities as it relates to certain people involved in that case. I mean, should I go there or should I take the weekend off? It's always such a good time to make fun of them, so I'm on board with making fun of them. I think they stink okay, but it's a lot of work to get in these Twitter fights. I mean, listen, I'm really good at effort. They must fight all night long to get all ginned up for the morning, you know. I mean that show starts really early, before you know the sun even rises. In these two idiot it's already mad at the world. It's it's like network, you're watching them. They kind of they kind of remind me of like the Muppets. Do you remember those old muppets, like from the Jim Henson days. Are just like Wow. They sitting like the balcony seats of the theater, and they just like mumble about nothing. They're just like two angry old muppets. Why is it whatever anybody says about me? I just don't care. There's just too much. We can't keep up with all the hatred. There's too much. But this, you know, she's so she's trying to provoke me into a fight, and I'm like, well, I could win this fight. I could go I could go there. I can go there on steroids. I don't mind going there. Um, I train, I fight. I love to fight. To be very blunt with you, I'm good at it and I'm gonna win. It's not a matter of winning, it's just a matter of you know, how hard all hit them? Because I can hit them both so hard. You know, they're muguratively used to say, let's be figurative here, because you know, the media to lose their mind with what we're saying. Okay, figured I'm talking about a Twitter fight that would because yes, I'm just saying, you know, in this world that we live in of you know, I train as a fighter, so I also do that, but that's very different. But I don't have I don't care what these two people say. You know what the funny thing is is Fox and Friends destroy them. Oh everything to day forget about it. You know usually beat CNN and MSNBC combined. It's you know why, because it's a much better show. We had our buddy what Brian Kilmead on last week. I mean we have Pete hegxaft on yesterday. Yeah, we have Pete on yesterday. I love Pete. I mean they're good people. They do a much better show. They're not these I mean, they got labeled as being Trump supporters. But if you say anything good about Donald Trump, you're you are your character is assassinated. You got this little bubble that these medium mop people live in. And you want to know what I've really concluded. They're all very, very fearful people. They're people that need to be loved and accepted. They are people that want to be invited to the parties, and I don't even know what the parties are. They want to they they look down. They have disdain against talk radio. And you know guys like Rush and Mark and Me and and many many others, Joe PAGs and you know, Lars Larson and all these local guys and regional guys. I can't name everybody. Larry Elder, they hate us, and on Fox they hate us even more because we're so dominant. You know, I look at my ratings on any given night, it's like, okay, that's there. That would be their cumulative rating for the for the entire week. Remember Sean as Ethan just reminded me when we were at ABC, the two these two knuckleheads had a show together at our studio at the Ex Wife. Oh, that's right, And every day they would come in and I mean literally I never saw them there one time that I remember. Well, we were on different chefs. We got in earlier than you because we're prepping the show by the time you got into the studio. Yet when they left radio, they said they were going to come back and syndicate. Nobody listens to them. It was horrible. Nobody listened to them on the on the Ex Wife's day, this syndicating vapidness. I mean literally, they would come in, they wouldn't say hello to anybody, heads down with the sunglasses on, like someone was going to recognize them. I'm like, even if somebody recognizes you, But they're not going to stop. Like, I don't know what is happening right am I missing something that whatever it is is gone. Me caring about these people, you know, like caring about you know, wimple pimple, the guy at the Washington Post. I looked. I think the guy is like fifty some one thousand Twitter followers. You know, it doesn't really matter because probably half of them are pospiracy theorist. I mean, these people are obsessed with us. They follow our every word. I mean they listen every second, minute and an hour of every day. These groups are there are people paid to do this to list right now, there are people being paid to listen to me in the hopes that I say something that they can then bludgeon me with. I mean, you are a loser, whoever you are in your basement, you keyboard warrior and your underpants, you are a total complete loser. Gold live your life. Don't live your life following my life. Jeez, it's pathetic. It's pathetic. You know, the problem is sewn is that now we have a new normal, right so our new normal is whatever we say it's going to be taken. They're gonna find a way to pick out the negative. It does not matter what it is. If it's good, if it's bad, it doesn't matter. They're gonna make it worse. They're gonna make something nice ugly. You know, we had somebody on the show a little while ago and we did something nice for them, and then somebody wrote an article up and said, oh, they shouldn't have done that. They should have asked her before they offered her. And I'm thinking to myself, here we are trying to do something nice for somebody. We had a separate conversation off the air. They were so grateful for the moment, and then I read her write up about it from you know, one of the left stream media idiots, and it's they're just killing it. I'm like, why, why can't you just say all that was nice? Well, I just don't unders. No, they don't have the ability to think outside of the box put themselves in. It's really it's very fun. Get bored because I'm not resting like I should be. On the couple of days off that we have for the holiday, I might take my shots. What a great idea to take off a couple of days, right, No, right, great ideas. It's it's time we need a little break. Yes, we had one hundred and sixty seven days to election. All right, Linda, Pennsylvania, Linda number two, what's up, Linda? How are you? Hello? Hello, Linda, Hi song. How are you you for talking to me? I'm very well, thank you. Well, I'm glad you called. Wow, I can't okay, I have a story about Hijraxi core Quin. Yeah, go ahead and tell us about I heard about it on your show and laur show, and all of a sudden it was everywhere, and I wasn't interested in it about the co advirus. When they said rod his patients took it, I thought to myself, WHOA. So I went to my doctor and I asked him about it. He said, yeah, are we I do have a couple of patients and sit on Matt and I asked him if I could try it, and he said sure. Well, I can only afford a half of prescription. The first time I got it, he said, don't don't be impatient. You have to take it a while. Within two weeks, Sewan, for the first time in about thirty years, I was able to stand up straight first thing in the morning. Wow, that's how it hapen. Great. Yeah, and that's what the drug. By the way, it's been around for sixty five years, Londa, tens of millions of doses. The premier expert on this, I think is doctor Wallace out in Cedar Sinai in Los Angeles. Forty two years of practice. Nobody's ever ever had any complication needed hospitalization, and he said the risk is nil. So you know, I mean, you go with the army you have, not the army you wish you had. And you know, a lot of people that have taken this medicine have told us on this program that it saved their life. And as long as there's no risk, as guys like doctor Wallace say, the association I mentioned yesterday, a physician says, and surgeons, you know what, I understand why the president's using it, by the way, and those that use it also that we're studying will find out eventually if it does have any prophylactic qualities, and if it does, that would be good to know, especially for America's vulnerable population the elderly. Absolutely there's more to it, though, Sean, I actually ran out of peels and because the druggist told me they would probably not have it for a while, and so I went a few days without it, and I'm thought, oh, you know what, maybe I won't get more. Maybe it's all in my head. After a few more days, the pain came back. I told my doctor I got another prescription, and I've been taking it for another week. Now. The pain's eighty five percent gone. Now I'm not saying I'm pain free, but I'm able. I work out like you. I work out like a bandit every day. It keeps my body strong to fight this pain. And this has made my life so much easier. Standing up straight postman in the morning has been It's awesome. And thanks for sharing that information out there. Get your Pennsylvan, your friends to vote. We need you in one hundred and sixty seven days desperately Los Angeles. Cheryl on the Sean Hannity Show, KiB Hello, Hi Sean, thank you for taking my call, and thank you for exposing the left agenda. Dan and day Out. Thank you for giving me the microphone. What's going on? I was a Liberal Democrat for over twenty years living in Los Angeles who left my party because of their continual lives, their socialistic agenda, and just not being tolerant of any kind of viewpoint that doesn't sit there narrative. And I got to a point where it's like by and but I have two questions. One is I see President Trump being bashed every day for anything that he does. Doesn't matter, you know, whatever he does, he'll be bashed. And I don't see any European leader getting bashed for anything. With this COVID nineteen, um, they're all getting a path. And when I look at the numbers, I mean I went to real politics data and we have, unfortunately, thirty ninety three thousand people, you know, deaths in terms of COVID. And you take four countries UK, Italy, France, Spain, they have one hundred and twenty three thousand deaths and their population the four countries together is two hundred forty million versus our three hundred thirty millions. Why isn't anybody bashing mac crown? Not that anybody should be a percentage of population based on the percentage of death. We beat nine out of ten European nations, nine out of ten. Now they're never going to give the president credit. They didn't give them credit for the travel ban. That one decision was massive, but then the president built the hospitals, man the hospitals, converted the hospitals to COVID nineteen, provided every ventilator, provided all the masks, all the respirators, all the shields, all the gloves, all the gowns, and he did it in record time. And these dopey governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, all they did was send COVID nineteen patients into nursing home homes, which resulted in a lot of unnecessary death. Correct. And that's my whole point. I don't again, this was a virus that was brought in by China. I get it. I feel that, you know, leaders in every country are doing the best they can as fast as they can. But when they're comparing when I'm looking at it, you know, with no buyers, looking at the numbers, looking, I'm like, why isn't anybody bringing it up? We have three hundred thirty million people. And then I look at all these billionaire liberals disguised as libertarians, and you know, President Trump put a committee and said, you know, come join us, help us bring a committee, and they go on Twitter like Mark Cuban, Oh, this PPP isn't working I'm sorry it is. I see people around me who their businesses have been saved. So where is he getting that from, just as sitting in a billionaire home in making that assumption. No, it is helping people. Yes, whenever you roll out something very fast and a rush, any business owner notes there's going to be problems. But that doesn't mean money didn't get to the hands of the people. So instead of picking up the phone and calling the president, getting in a committee to help the president, they're all bashing him day in and day out. And I'm telling you I don't because they can't. They they literally they cannot admit that he did a single thing right. And every Democrat needs to be asked in retrospect, In retrospect, wasn't the right call of the president? I gotta run. Thank you, Cheryl Los Angeles. Go get yourself a good in and out burger. Drive up. I get it, Veggie, get it with the lettuce rap and animal style. It's delicious. You're gonna love it. Thank you, all right, thank you, all right. That's gonna wrap things up with today. Senator Ron Johnson expanding the scope of his and Charles Grassley's investigation. We'll get into that. Senator John Kennedy. We have Larry Cudlow on the opening up of the country and doing it safely. Carry qupack from the DOJ, Mark Cuban and Dennis Miller. That's right, Mark Cuban, first appearance that I remember. Could have happened before. I don't anyway, that's tonight. Sell your DVR. Hannity on the Fox News Channel. We'll see you tonight at nine. Have a great Memorial Day weekend. We'll be back on Tuesday. We'll see you then.

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