Congressman Michael Cloud of Texas, 27 and Select Committee on the Economy, Ranking Member Congressman Bryan Steil of Wisconsin, 1, talk about Biden’s failed policies at the border and on the economy. Nothing this administration has done is helping the American people one bit.
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Right Hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine point one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. One of the things that is emerging is Jen Saki, the chief propagandas of the White House. Remember she said, well, we don't need to give COVID test to illegal immigrants because they're not gonna be here very long, you know. I mean, there's there's more lies than we could even mention in the course of this program. But anyway, she was questioned by Peter Doocey and Peter Alexander on the issue of sending Kamala Harris to the Supreme Court. Now what's fascinating about this is she refuses to outright deny Kamala Harris is being considered as a possible nominee. It's been widely reported that they're not getting along. We can kind of see that Kamala is the only one that has a lower approval rating than Joe Biden at twenty eight percent. Joe's at a whopping thirty three percent. But here's Saki going back and forth with Peter Alexander and Peter Doocey. Is there any scenario in which the president would select his Vice President Kamala eires for the Supreme Court. Again, I'm not going to speak to any considerations, preparations, lists, And as we've stated earlier, and you've heard the President say it is there's a long history of Supreme Court justices determining when they may retire, if they retire, and announcing that, and we're going to that remains the case today. Thank you. When you were asked about the place President possibly being selected as a Supreme Court nominee, you said you're not going to speak to any considerations. Does that mean she is being considered? Again, Peter, I'm not going to speak to the reports of a Supreme Court justice retirement that hasn't been announced. So theoretically would someone who theoretically, I do like that you preface, and I appreciate just wondering hypothetically, theoretically would someone who was an attorney general of a large state and who served with many key Senate votes be unattractive Kennedy to the president for an open Supreme Court. I see what you did there, Peter. But the President has every intention, as he said before, of running free reelection, and for running for reelection with Vice President Harris on the ticket as his partner. But again I will just reiterate that I have nothing more to offer in terms of specifics or information on the reports this morning. All right, here for a reaction, we have Joe PAGs, our buddy, host of The Joe Pag Show, Joe Concho, Fox News contributor columnas for the Hill, and the guy that should have the media program on the Fox News channel because he's so good at it and he's the only one that's not part of the the media mob Twitter blue hashtag cult that has emerged where they only talk to each other in this little bubble. Anyway, Joe, I found that fascinating. Actually, I see that you tweeted out about it as well. I did. And do I tell you in crypto for the promotion or do you just take benlo in regular I'll take I'll take crypto, especially at today's right. I think they're gonna go back. I'm I'm laser eyes. I think they're going up. We're one elon musk. Hey, this thing could be good after all. Statement from the going up a billion points. I agree, it's true. By the way, Yeah, don't give I don't give medical advice and I don't give financial advice. That might be a good idea. But yeah, Jen Saki, you know, say what you will about her, and I agree with you that she does not get enough criticism for all the lies that she's told, and she's said at that podium. You know, Republicans want to fund the police. Huh hey, Bill back ba will calls zero dollars. You know, we could go on and on. And obviously the example that you mentioned earlier as far as migrants being flown to different parts of the country and her, you know, claiming, oh, we don't know anything about that. But I would think that when she does make a statement like that, when she's asked about Kamala Harris possibly being on the Supreme Court, it should have been just so easy just to say, wait a minute, Kamala Harris is the vice president of the United States, Joe Biden is the president. They will run in twenty twenty four and they will win something like that, and then that puts it all to rest. But now she's left door open, and it makes total sense to your point, when you want to get rid of somebody by somehow promoting them, so there egoes aren't hurt. So you kind of look good in the process you check off that box of putting a black woman on the court or a woman of color anyway, then then it all all makes sense. And then he could bring in you know, hey, if we listen to Tom Freeman, it'll either be Liz Cheney or if we listen to Bill Crystal, it'll be Mitt Romney, which makes total sense when Joe Biden once said that Mitt Romney wanted to put black people back in chains. Yeah, that's your vice president now. I mean, it's so ridiculous what we're seeing, but I've heard crazier things. As far as Kamala Harris being the Supreme Court nominee, the question is she even qualified. I mean, I guess she was a district attorney and an attorney general. But now she would be the first Supreme Court justice that failed the bar exam. That would be an interesting distinction. Let's get Joe Pags's take. Joe, what's going on, Sean. I've heard that it's gonna be Oprah, it's gonna be Stacy An's sister, it's gonna be Kamala Harris. Can you think about the overt race system that we're dealing with in this story? It is so unbelievably overt. I want to give you a sports analogy, if I may, Michael Jordan comes out of North Carolina, he's ready to go in the draft, and some idiot says, you know, we got eighty percent blacks in the NBA, we probably need a white guy here. Let's bypass the best candidate and let's put a white guy on our team. That's how stupid this is. How do we get the best candidate? We stopped playing this race game. Every media outlet ABCNBCCBS, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, they're all outing the praises of Joe Biden promising to choose somebody by their race and their gender, and we have no clue how they would be on the court. This is nuts in a post equal rights America, guys, where this is what we're accepting as okay and somehow normal. And Kamala Harris, come on, her party didn't even want her to be the nominee. Where did you get three percent or six percent? And she's failed miserably in every step of the way as the vice president. Can you imagine putting her in the court. Hey, look, we've got a black woman, look like that solves something. It doesn't. It's nuts. It's overt racism in twenty too, I didn't think we chieve this. Well. Look, I mean he's being called out on this. Now, you made the promise. James clyburn is saying it. Jensaki is saying, Biden standbys the promise to nominate an African American woman to the Supreme Court. And I'm sure there are dozens of highly qualified people that fit the bill. To me, the criterias should be who is the best person to serve on the Supreme Court period? But anyway, Biden now promised, you know, Representative Clyburne. Without Clyburne in South Carolina, I don't know if Joe would have even won the nomination. How far will they go in terms of hard left. I think that they will put somebody hard left on the court, a judicial activist. I don't think any of that is in question. That's standard operating procedure. Democrats never seem to get it wrong, though they don't have many David Suitors in their background. Joe concha. And the thing is also even if they do play the far left activists on the court, that's somehow you know, it gets through the Senate where a mansion or a cinema doesn't oppose. I remember Mansion said back in twenty eighteen, and Mansion was the only Democrat to vot cavan All, by the way, that he wants a centrist from the court, so he could blow this whole thing up too, which is just delicious, you know. I mean, that's the most powerful Joe in the country, right Goo's mansion tags Piscopo, peschisn conscien. But yeah, those are powerful Joe's. But all of that said, I don't think this is a game changer in any way shape performed. I'm watching MSNBC and CNN yesterday and they're positively giddy, like this is the victory that the president sorely needs and he could turn everything around. Now, It's like, wait a minute. Let's say it's a six three game in baseball and you're trailing in the eighth ending and you want to keep the score sixty three, so you called it a bullpen, and you bring in a lefty reliever and that lefty reliever keeps the score sixty three. That's basically what's happening here. It's a liberal replacing a liberal. This isn't Amy Comy Barrett coming in to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, where you suddenly have now changed the court even more conservative. So all it does is hold serve and you know, democratically, don't gain anything out of this. Is Fiden promise it, He'll keep a promise, but that doesn't that's not going to change anything. When you talk about inflation and crime in the border and education going south on them, that's still going to be what's going to be dragging them down going into the midterms. Of why Aritsunami's coming in November, you know, there's a lot of talk. There was a headline one Fox news dot com article Joe PAGs that said Republicans are gearing up for a Supreme Court confirmation battle. Why do I not believe that's true? Why do I think that the Republicans are just pretty much gonna cave and whoever Joe nominates will probably have a pretty easy time of it, because they always do, Sean and you know this by covering it group for as long as you have, they always do. The Republicans and Conservatives and those who believe in traditional American values talk a good game and never do anything to back it up. But let's take Big Tech for example. They have all violated Section two thirty. They're all publishers. They're not they're not platforms at all. And guessed after guess after after guest on your show, on my show that Joe has talked to these people all promised we're taking them down. We're gonna stop this. It's a free speech issue. We're not going to allow them to be the arms of the government. And every single time they never come through. You know why, they're afraid to lose their position. They're afraid to lose their invitation to the tea party or to the margaritas for lunch. These guys will will say the game, they'll they'll they'll speak to speak, they won't walk the walk, though, they'll talk it all day long. And you're right, they're gonna let this listen. As Joe said, this nominee doesn't really matter that much. It's the exact same makeup of the court afterwards. But what happens with the next one, what happens with the next one after that, Well, they really stick to their guns and really take this thing home and do what they promised they would do. They are very good at saying it, they're very bad at doing it. And you know why, probably speed, the speed of the leader. Mister McConnell is the leader. Just look at him, that his wishywashee, you know ways, you know he talks a good game and then that he does absolutely nothing. Click preak more Joe Paggs and Joe Concho on the other side, then we'll get to your calls. The eight hundred and nine one Sean right back to Joe Paggs, host of The Joe Pegs Show, Joe Concho, Fox News contributor Calmness for the Hill. Let me go back to Jonathan Turley's and remember Jonathan as a Democrat. He said the pledges that Biden has made, meaning he's only going to choose an African American woman for this role, in an African American woman as vice president. The pledge amounts to this, no matter how qualified men or in this case the Supreme Court women who are not black, maybe he will not consider them as candidates. And presidents have always been careful to state that while they seek diversity among their nominees, they would appoint the most qualified person regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, but in a single declaration, Biden quickly dispensed with even the pretense of equal consideration, imposing an absolute requirement that a nominee be of a particular gender or races, effectively an affirmative action pledge. It's precisely what the Supreme Court already declared to be unconstitutional discrimination. Does this become an issue or is that just a conservative fantasy? Joe Concha, I wonder, let's say you're and I hope I'm pronouncing this correctly three Servossian right, And I hope I'm pronouncing that right. He is an Asian American, right, and he is somebody who is immensely qualified for the Supreme Court. Why do the Asians always get scrut in these situations? You know? I mean, oh yeah, if we're gonna start like checking off boxes, you never hear. I want to put the first Asian American on the court to answer your question. And I'm not really avoiding it because maybe I am, because this really isn't my purview. But I think Turley makes a good point. I just don't see to Joe Pags's point, like Republicans really pursuing this that hard to say that this is unconstitutional and so on. I think they'll just kind of get out of the way so they can get to the mid terms without looking like a party that opposed a black woman on national television. Does that makes sense? What should take of Turley's analysis? I thought it was pretty hard hitting. The National Review, just to add a little more to this, similarly said, Biden eliminated a generation of progressive jurist with a different racial and gender label and these unwisely limited as options by preemptively declaring all of this during the twenty twenty campaign. And they rightly point out it's unconstitutional too. I mean, forget about Congress and advising incent in this instance. Joe PAGs one to ask to wonder if there would be a court challenge to it. Well, I think that there could be. Eternally is absolutely right about this. The bottom line is they are literally violating the equal rights promised in this country by making an announcement as to race and gender or sex of who the next person's going to be. And you're right, they are eliminating everybody else's who have worked their faces off who don't happen to be a black woman in this entire thing. And if we're looking at actual demographics of our country. Let's say that that relates directly to to the demographics of those who are available, and it might not, but black women in America are seven percent of the population. Are you literally saying to ninety three percent of the population you have no chance to be in the Supreme Court under Joe Biden? Is that really what America? Is? The answer? The question we know is yes. And again I'm saying this fully acknowledging that there are definitely qualified people and all backgrounds, all races, all religions, etcetera, etcetera. But there's no but never been a president that has made race and gender the defining factor. That's the difference here. Joe, do you think they will have a boomeranging effect at I'm sorry, I thought somebody chose on this call. I'll ask both of you. Actually, I'll become the interviewer. Do you think they'll love a boomerang effect where people will no conscient can't help himself? Joe Pagsy, I'm sure you've had him on as a guest. He does this crap all the time. I mean, go ahead, Joe, take over. You do what's your question? Thing? You said, I should know it's a shallow better no better time than the president. I'm just wondering if it has a boomeranging effective enough people just see through this as being phony and just as an olive branch to try to rile up the base and really eliminating all all different people that are qualified for this, whether you're male, whether now. But I think by now everybody's used to the Democrats playing identity politics. Look, I always said, for all these years, Joe PAGs not contract. I said for all these years that every two and four years Democrats. You know, they have their playbook for Republicans, racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, zemophobic, as homophobic, etcetera, etcetera. Right now, it's like every day, every hour of every day, and it's I think at some point that might be this backlash. I'll give you the last word in the segment. Well, I've got to wonder why do they keep doing it? John, Why make this announcement beforehand? Why do this woke a garbage every single day? Is it like a conservative listener, viewer, a person who takes in the news is going to say, Wow, Biden's going to put a black woman on the Court. I'm now liberal. I'm not going to start voting their way. What exactly are they doing? Is this about raising money? Is this Is there somebody on the fence somewhere in America that said, you know, if he goes with a black woman on the Supreme Court, I'm gonna vote Biden. Well, Demographically, he's he's losing support among the Democratic base, among which losing a lot of Hispanic Americans, African Americans. I don't know if if look, I think it all, I think it all goes down to Bernie Sanders cornered him in a debate, and he made the statement, and he's got to stick with it anyway. Joe Contra, Joe PAGs, thank you both. Eight hundred nine one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. We're gonna update you on the economy and the border quick when we come back with two congressmen. But we'll also get to your calls in the next half hour. Eight hundred nine four one Sean is our number, quick break right back. Be sure to check in as soon as you get to your car after work for breaking information you need to know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five now until the top of the hour eight our number. You want to be a part of the program. Let's go back to last Tuesday. First. Now, the RNC put out an ad and it is devastating, making the case that Joe Biden is a cognitive disgrace and just it's it's beyond humiliating for the country, beyond embarrassing for the country, but even worse than that, it's dangerous for the entire world. This is what the RNC put out. The political coverage. It looks on some of the political players and some of them let me ask a question. No, I mean, it's a devastating ad. I mean, and it goes on for fifty minutes. That's a short version of it. He was at a round table yesterday, um with CEOs and it's just as bad. Listen. Yeah, I'm always talking about Corvette. I don't make ford to anybody else upset, but um, I might point out, you're when I went to Dearborn driving that you know I was up there. I don't know, man, it I think the press thought I was crazy. I enjoyed so much going up and uh, you're a new EV factory in h and that that hummer, Uh, it's pretty embarrassing anyway. Joining us now is the ranking member of Congressman Brian Styles with US Wisconsin District one. All right, you saw the press conference, you saw the ad, you saw the president yesterday. Do you think this president is mentally up to this job, cognitively up to the job of being the president of the United States. I'm incredibly concerned with where the president's at. He's completely disconnected to the problems Americans are facing. At a time when prices are rising, increasing by over seven percent. His plan is to send more money into the economy. He's ignoring the crisis on the border. He refuses to address the crisis in crime. We are seeing a president completely disconnected from the challenges every American is facing. You really got to wonder what's going on, you really do. What's your take, Congressman Cloud, I mean, I'm watching this and frankly, it's embarrassing for the country from my perspective, and it's humiliating, but it's also dangerous if you have a president that cognitively weak. Do you think he is strong enough cognitively for this job. Do you think he's up to the task of taking on the toughest job, arguably in the world. Well, you know, when you're calling a lid at three pm on a day where we're facing potential conflict in the Ukraine, uh and you're out having an item, it's just you're not really taking these issues seriously at all. And the American people tires going crisis to crisis to crisis to crisis. And that's what we see coming out of this administration right now. Well, I mean that's that's a pretty scary thing. Let me play for you both. I wanted to get an update from both of you on the issue of what's going on um at the borders. Now. Border agents confronted uh DHS Secretary may Orcus and he actually admitted yet it's never been this bad in twenty years. Everybody supping important to ups here, crush out fifty more busts that come into the take many people here as they can, say, anyone to see how it really is down here. Why do we keep setting as many people eys their coot up here as we can before they get here. It's not really going what it is. I'm not that exactly shot fall sod the full area back here before he come down, before anybody come down as senator, doesn't matter. They put as many out here as they can do. Whatever other sector and commitment remains. If we'll keep fighting and let me let me just say, you can turn your back on me, even I'll never turn your back on my back on you. Your take. Now, he keeps saying that. But we've had a record year. Donald Trump, you know, was able to lower it. We had a thirty year low of illegal immigration thanks to his policy stay in Mexico, build the wall, Uh, getting rid of catch and release. Now we have a president that well, he got rid of the stay of Mexico policy. He's not building any barriers. And forget catch and release, it's process release, it's preferential treatment, no COVID testing because they're not going to be here for a long time. There's no vaccine mandates, and you get a free transportation to the state of your choice. That sounds to me like a president congressman style. That is aiding and abetting and lawbreaking. This president needs to be held accountable for what he's doing at the border. I was down at the border recently speaking with border patrol agents, and you see what this administration is doing. They're sending a message to the entire world that our border is open, and it's exacerbating a problem. Not only are they refusing to build the wall, there's areas of the wall that they're actually deconstructing. They're making the problem worse, and they continue to send the message that our borders open. We need to hold this administration accountable and we need to restart construction of the border wall immediately. I'll get your take, Congressman Cloud, Well, the only thing remarkable about the leaked audio is the fact that you have somebody from the Biden administration, albeit and a private meeting, admitting that there's a problem. The fact is is that we've known there's a problem here in South Texas. I met with Border Patrol just a couple of weeks ago and asked for an update on State Third Country and how that was going since it's been core ordered to be reimplemented. They literally laughed out loud. I said, we've got no direction, no orders, no memos, nothing, And so you see this administration just doing barely enough to be able to point to an isolated incident. But the truth is that they are doing exactly what you said. The cartels are bringing them to the border, and then we're tax paying funding the next step until they get to the process, and then the cartels pick up the relationship at that point and continue to view the lives of these people and to rec havoc throughout communities here in South Texas but around the nation as well well. Pretty scary, and we see what's happening, and states like Pennsylvania, I think rightly in Florida and others are saying, no, you're facilitating the law breaking, not us, and then you're just dropping people into our state. We're going to send these people to Washington, DC or Delaware and Joe's state can take care of it because we're not going to be part of the law breaking and basically an accessory after the fact. Let me move on to the economy, congressman style. We've got a forty year higher with inflation. You know, Joe Biden's been out there attacking specific industries like the meat industry. I know Darry is big in your state of Wisconsin, and he's been attacking other industries. Isn't the real cause of inflation that Joe Biden's decision is economic policies coupled with his energy policies that has caused us to end energy independence, being a net exporter of energy and now relying on foreign imports, which has now dramatically raised the cost of everything we buy and every store we go to raise the cost to fill our gas tanks, raise the cost to heat and cool our homes. I can't go anywhere without people coming up to me in the grocery store at the gap complaining about higher prices. Let me add one, is not only terrible energy policies by Joe Biden, starting with him killing the Keystone pipeline on day one. Is not only the fiscal policies of Joe Biden, where all problems, in his opinion, should be solved by more money, which is driving up the cost of everyday goods. But we also have a monetary policy from the Federal Reserve that's pumped in and built a balance sheet up of four trillion additional dollars in the past two years, one hundred billion dollars in the last eight weeks. And so when you couple the energy policy with the fiscal policy, with the monetary policy, you enter the nightmare scenario that every American family is feeling when they fill up their car with gas when they grow to the grocery store, when they're out shopping for their family. Well, I mean, every single person I know is feeling it, feeling a big time. Congressmen, Cloud will give you the last word. Well, you know, here in my district, we have a number one oil and gas export port in the nation. And to see how the Biden administration's policy have caused gas prices to go up. But also we have a lot of agin so I'm talking to farmers who can't afford fertilizer or pesticides and those kind of things, and what that means to food prices for the American family. It's just a policy issue after policy issue after policy issue, much of it driven by the green New delusion ideology being used to just take control of our economy. It's just it's devastating the American families. People are saying it prices at the pump, prices at the grocery store. We've got a reverse course, all right. I appreciate both of you for updating us on all of this. Congressman Cloud, thank you. Congressman Style, thank you.