America’s Comeback Tour

Published May 25, 2021, 10:00 PM

Nigel Farage, stops by to talk about his participation in “America’s Comeback Tour” with FreedomWorks. Joining him is the Reverend CL Bryant, Host of the CL Bryant Show, author of The Race for Freedom and Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks. Together they talk about what they have seen across the nation, and how we can continue what President Trump began.

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All right, thanks Scott Shannon, and then thanks to all of you for being with us toll free on numbers eight hundred and nine four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. Linda has been making fun of me because I have and by the way, do not take this as any financial advice what so ever. I'm not the expert. I'm a novice. I have two friends of mine that are just obsessed with cryptocurrency and bitcoin and ethereum, etc. Etc. They have been working on me on this topic forever, and finally last week I said, all right, you know, they explain the ups and downs and volatility in this, and I just dipped my toes in a little bit. And you know, my recommendation is don't bet any money that you want or can't afford to lose. Is what I would tell anybody off the top of my head. I'm not an expert, But why do you make fun Why is this? Like? Why the fact that I'm into this and that I have so many long hours and hours of discussion about it does that? Is that surprise you? Because you act like I'm become a lunatic or something. Well, what are you into about it? What do you like about it? It's just interesting because everybody tries to figure it out. And I look, we understand what a cryptocurrency is. It's a currency. It's a different form of currency. It's not government based, it's separate and apart. There is only they'll only be mining at a finite number of in this case bitcoins, and and you can use it to pay people. You know, for example, when the when the dollar and inflation was through the proof in Venezuela, people weren't allowed legally, but they were all using cryptocurrency. And it is for some hedge against inflation, stagflation, things that they see, you know. And and then you listen to the analysis. Then you look at the past trends, you watch the growth of this. People have been telling me about this for years. But everybody that was, for the most part telling me about it was always smart, but a little crazy. So I kind of like, okay, because I like crazy people. I really do. A lot of my friends are nuts. But but and then a lot of them are brilliant on the other hand. But you know, the two friends of mine that I'm talking about, both of them are really really great engineers. One's also an inventor, incredible inventor. Uh even even one a massive award for his invent one of his inventions. The other's a you know, scholarly attorney, and and they just, I mean, that's all we ever talk about. Now, that's all that we've been talking about for the last six months. And well listen, I have some um, I have some monopoly money, and I got boardwalk and uh, you know now that they're saying now that they're like, now that you dipped, you dipped into the crypto market and bitcoin, you need to put laser eyes on your Twitter handle and your and on your website. And I'm like, you mean like Tom Brady, Paris Hilton, Elon Musk, etc. Now some smart people really really making some amazing analysis on this. But we'll do We'll deal with this another day. You know what I'm gonna do. There are people that can explain it better than me. Now I can explain it, but I'm not going to do it as good as them. So I think it would be better if they explain it with, of course, a disclaimer that I'm not telling you in any way of shape or form what to do or whether you should in any way do this but you know, it's just interviews are not endorsements. That's what we like to say. Yeah, that's one way that that's actually a really good way of putting it. The one guy that seems very interesting on Twitter about is this guy Michael Sailor. You know, if you ever hear about that guy, mhmm, okay, well maybe we'll put him on one day, let him give his I was talking to his guy today and we are going to try and get him on the show. You know, if an Elon must fascinates me, any guy that's thinking about going to Mars, any guy that has put together what he's done with Tesla, any guy that is that brilliant an innovator, I'm fascinated by brilliant people like I couldn't believe why was there even any controversy over him hosting Saturday Night Live when he's making successfully electric cars? Why wouldn't liberals want to embrace that part of what part of him is it that they don't like? I don't get that part? Do you know? Technically the carbon footprint from the electrical car is larger than the gasoline based car. Right now, you can't win technically speaking, He's but at the end of the day down the field, make the advancements that will be fine tuned over time. But I mean, that's the same thing. Even he'd pulled back and said, Okay, we're not going to use cryptocurrency for the purchase of Tesla for now because of environmental concerns. And this guy Sailor apparently I guess recently met with him, but I don't know. Let me stick to Some people are just upset for the sake of being upset. That's the Wolke nation's job is to be upset about whatever the you know, whatever it is much a prepper. Let's be honest here. I mean, I've got food, I got water, I've got I'm like a hoarder. When did you get your toilet paper, because we you know, got toilet paper. I got all of that. Yeah, And lets us say, I have a pretty good collection of self defense mechanisms within the house, scattered all around the house everywhere. So don't forget about your clorox or your lightsol wipes. Don't forget Okay you can. I'm not worried about dirt. You're the one that's paranoid about the dirt. Uh. We do have this is pretty amazing. You know, we have now gone through this pandemic and I think it's time and I try to Linda. I even was criticises for giving Fauci a little too much latitude by people and so how you're late to get to the criticism of Faucci because I felt, to be fair that there were people that were trying their best and they didn't know. I never thought it was nefarious. I never thought it was sinister. The fact that so much, especially early on in COVID, they got wrong. The models were wrong, the predictions were wrong, the you know, the comments on masks were wrong. You know, they didn't know what they were doing. We haven't had a pandemic like this since nineteen seventeen and nineteen eighteen and so, but you know, early on and we tried to you couldn't even talk about therapeutics at a time that we had nothing to offer people without being accused of whatever. He couldn't even listen to doctor Daniel Wallace, the foremost expert on hydroxy chloric win for the last forty five years and has prescribed it for forty five years. And the risk is nil if you take it, and he's the lead. He's had two hundred and fifty reviewed peered paper, peer reviewed science papers, and he's had you know, he's the largest rheum rheumatoi, arthritis and lupus practices in the country. He's worked with anti malarials, he's written extensively about all of it. And one of the biggest drugs that he's been prescribing over all these forty five years of his career is hydroxy chloric win. He said the risk is nil nil, and he's been prescribing it all these years. Sixty five year old drug, et cetera. You couldn't even talk about it without people wanting to rip your head off. So when issues came up, if you remember we well, I bet most of you, I know, I didn't know at the time what a wet market is where in China they sell these exotic animals and including you know, you know, member bat corona viruses is not our first run with a coronavirus. You know, sars is a is a coronavirus. So science has had an opportunity at least study coronaviruses for a period of time. And then, of course, you know, to me, the biggest, most damning part of China in all of this is the fact that they put their own travel ban in effect while criticizing ours, which is you couldn't travel from Uhan Province to any other part of China, or from China to any to Wuhan Province, that was forbidden, but you could travel from Uhan Province and you could travel from there to the rest of the world. And now we're beginning to find out that that, in fact, even Fauci's dismissed it, and it was a conspiracy theory um that that somehow that this information about this laborate tory Mouhan is where this thing originated from, one of the origins of the coronavirus. Well, now we know a lot more than we knew then, and it's it's pretty damning. And the liberal media now all of a sudden, a year after the left wing in this country and around the world, we're trashing the theory that COVID originated in this Wuhan lab When Trump supported the suggestion, the liberal media now all of a sudden say, oh, it looks like it's a possibility. Now we know that the first fatality fatality of COVID was reported by the Chinese state media in January of twenty twenty. But now there's a reality that they they had people going to hospitals back in November of twenty nineteen. November of twenty nineteen. I mean, it's pretty unbelievable. It was May Onet of twenty twenty. Trump said, with a high degree of confidence, the virus escape from that lab. The New York Times, fake news, CNN, MPR, they were mocking his comments as they usually did. There was never anything wrong or risky. Look at Daniel Wallace, the foremost expert on hydroxychloroquin does it work? They are now studies that showed taken early, that in fact, it could be helpful. The two studies that said it was dangerous, they were rescinded from prestigious medical journals. That hardly ever happens. Washington Post, New York Times dismissive of Donald Trump's position. Trump often turns out to be right on a lot of these fronts. Here in a World Health Organization report, you know, raised questions. They were nothing but the pr wing of for China at that point. But anyway, if you if you go back and you look at the Anthony Fauci's of the world and others they were. They were so wrong, they were spick calcularly wrong, and unfortunately we all paid a price as a result of them being that wrong that often. And that's not good for anybody, because you need the truth in moments like this, and for people to dismiss it, well, I think that that in and of itself. Now we have this u turn liberal media a year after trashing the theory that COVID originated in this Wuhan lab because Donald Trump said it suggested it. Now America's woke media, as the Daily Mail put it, suddenly start asking, oh is it true? Well, we know a lot because of this. Now even Fauci is saying the nation's top public health official, he says he believes it's a possibility. Of course, it's a possibility. It made sense from the very beginning that it was a possibility. And now the Biden administration there answer to this is we don't want to get ahead of the WHO investigation. Why are we paying a penny to the WHL They failed the world in this entire mess. You know, US has no means to confirm if lab workers got sick. Well, we now have reports that they were sick as early as November of twenty nineteen, and the media, oh wow. The conspiracy theorist Glenn Greenwall called the media to task for all of this, and and he's right, they do this all the time. Maggie Haberman over at the New York toilet paper Times blaming the Trump administration, but for hard newspaper discrediting theories of COVID nineteen origins. You know, same New York Times that said after the travel ban, who says it's not safe to travel to China? Yeah, I wonder if anybody followed that advice how that worked out for them. Leak documents show the mystery disease outbreak did in fact happen in this Uhan lab, and it's clear that the Chinese government knew it, and Pompeio wasn't quite either. He said, Fauci had the same information I had when he dismissed the lab leak theory. And then on top of it, by the way, Whitmer had to apologize for leaks showing her at a local bar, no mask and no social distancing, just like Nancy Pelosi. You have to wear a mask or you get fined. Then she goes to the White House, no mask, no social distancing, and Whitmer now has rescinded the COVID nineteen ruled only because she got caught. First, her husband got caught trying to take out his boat when it was banned. Then she lied saying that she didn't go to Florida while people in Michigan were not allowed to go to Florida. And when she decided she's above, you know, the mere the people of Michigan. This is what you get from democrats, nothing but hypocrisy. Hey, what really ticks me off is you know when circle back Jensaki, whose press secretary, says, I think you're misunderstanding the process, snapping at Peter Doocey of Fox H on the COVID origins. Uh, it's it's the who's job, not the US's job, to investigate. Yes, it is how many Americans died. Yeah, we have an obligation to get to the truth, you know, and then being told we are repeatedly have called the WHO to support an expert driven evaluation of the pandemics origins that is free from interference. What it's it's basically another way of saying it's not our problem. You know, the Wall Street Journal had a reporter in a village in the mountains of southwest China loan surveillance camera and they you know, they were there taking pictures. In April twenty twelve, six miners got sick, fell with mysterious illness. Three died. Anyway, longs long story short, the Communist Chinese detained a reporter from the Wall Street Journal who snuck into a cave in southern China where the Wuhan Institute of Virology collected coronavirus samples approximately eight years ago. After six miners became extremely ill, three of them later died. After cleaning out the caves f feces, guess what they did, Yeah, they detained the reporter and destroyed the picture. Now does that sound to you like China's trying to cover it up, Because that's what it sounds like to me. Twenty five to the top of the hour, Tull Frere numbers eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program, let me take you give you a quick flashback here. New York Times, February seventeen, twenty twenty. Senator Tom Cotton repeats fringe theory on coronavirus origins. USA Today, April eighteenth, twenty twenty. Trump says US investigating weather coronavirus spread after China lab mishap, but cites no evidence new research Washington Post, June twenty fifth, twenty twenty. New research explores how conservative media misinformation may have intensified the severity of the pandemic Leipsie Daisy I would say, it's time for a dramatic flip flop fail. How about an apology? Three years of Trump Russia collusion lies? You impeach Donald Trump over an anonymous hearsay whistleblower with opinion witnesses and hearsay witnesses and one fact witness who exonerates President Trump on a call that many people listen to check out the headlines fake news, CNN March of twenty twenty one. Lab leak COVID nineteen theory is something out of a comic book, virologists says in May. New information on Wuhan researchers illness furthers debate on pandemic origins. It's pretty much everywhere Forbes. No science clearly shows that COVID wasn't leaked from a Wuhan Lab. I mean you just compare Reuters. In February twenty twenty, China Lab says conspiracy theories hurting efforts to curb virus. Now they're saying at Reuters, Wuhan Lab's staff sought hospital care before COVID nineteen outbreak was disclosed. Glenn Greenwald. Major media outlets spent a year demonizing the lab leak theory as an insane conspiracy theory. Fact Checkers pronounced it false. Those suggesting it was it were. It should be banned online on grounds of disinformation. Mainstream outlets are now forced to admit its viability. Is there any accountability? Good question? Usually the answers, No. Three years of Trump Russia collusion, Russia collusion, Russia collusion, Russia collusion didn't happen. Well, actually that there was some collusion. Hillary paid for a dirty Russian disinformation dossier in Ukraine. There actually was a quit and a pro and a quo with Joe. You're not getting a billion less you fire a prosecutor investigating Barisma Holdings and my zero experience, son hunter, you got six hours, son of a bee. They did it. They fired him. Yeah, there was one. They ignored that part. You see how corrupt the mob and the media is. It's corrupt. They're just dishonest. They accuse everybody else the conspiracy theories that which they themselves are guilty of. I mean, this is a really dangerous time. Big tech steps in and decides Hunter Biden's laptop is needs to be suppressed. Donald Trump. You know, think about their love of whistle blows. The media loved the anonymous hearsay whistle blower, but they didn't want to pay. They didn't want to hear from one person that signed a legal AFFI David under the penalty of perjury about anomalies that they saw during the election. I don't know. I don't know about you, but I'm not signing anything that's not true at the risk of going to jail. I wouldn't do it. Did all the people that signed affidate w You think they were all lying maybe somewhere, maybe some out of political legend. I don't know. Did they deserve to be heard? What happened to the love of whistleblowers? This is the environment we live in. You know, where I see collusion with Russia, I see Joe Biden compromised by Russia, Joe Biden shuts down the Keystone XL pipeline in this country and then gives a waver of Vladimir Putin to build his pipeline. What the hell is going on? The guy that has just moved his troops closer to the Ukrainian border again, what is it going to be crimea all over again? The same guy that's providing weapons to the Iranians set that they're delivering to Yemen to fight their proxy war in the Middle East, That same Russia, the same Joe Biden that is afraid to take on China on the origins of the coronavirus when we're close to what six hundred thousand dead Americans? And what what the wreckage that has been done to this country and that China knew about it was protected by the World Health Organization and anybody that told the truth. Your conspiracy theorist you know, you know spreads conspiracy theories constantly? Is the mob the media? You want to know what a conspiracy theory is? How come they didn't cover Hunter Biden's laptop. By the way, there's still more on that laptop, according to my sources that have seen it, a lot more should be coming out over time. I'm told we'll see if I'm right. Wasn't wrong about Russia, wasn't wrong about FISA, wasn't wrong about a Russian disinformation DASI a Hillary paid for that was full of lies, Russian lies used as the basis to commit premeditative fraud numerous times on a FIZ accord, even though they knew damn well it was not true when they interviewed the subsource, when they interviewed Christopher Steele, they peddled that those lies in conspiracy theories for three years got a we got a problem, got a big problem in this country, an information crisis like we've never had before. Do they ever admit that they're wrong? Do they ever retract their past reporting. Maggie Haberman blaming the New York Times coverage being wrong again on the issue of the Wuhan origins the coronavirus origins of the Wuhan virology lab in Wuhan Province. He's blaming Donald Trump because her pathetic, agenda driven newspaper got it wrong. Donald Trump's fault, really, Maggie, unbelievable. What if it turns out that these audits that are going on in now a number of states. What if it turns out that there's fraud that maybe we hadn't picked up before. I don't know that there is. I'm you know, I worked my sources, I get conflicting reports. I don't know. I don't know what if it's true, what's the media you're gonna say? Then? Shouldn't there be in the job of seeking truth? When people say that they want standards for elections moving forward, including voter ID, why are Democrats so adamant against voter ID laws and signature verification laws? Why are they so adamant against cleaning up voter rolls every election year? Why are they so adamant and protecting the integrity of the chain of custody of ballots once they're in in the custom of whatever district they happen to be in, both sides having access to it. Why would they be adamant against partisan observers observing Is there anything there? Because you need picture? I need to do pretty much everything in life. If I needed to buy a six pack of beer and get in the Democratic National Convention, and needed to get into the Capitol, and needed to get into the White House, you would think you needed to vote. It'snot and should not be that controversial. I can feel what's happening. People are waking up. They see the overreach, they see the radicalism. They see the net results of the New Green Deal socialism already. They see HR one for what it is. SR one for what it is. They see what packing the courts is really all about. They understand stand it. Ending the legislative filibuster. They get that too. DC statehood, they know exactly what that's for. The same with Puerto Rico statehood. They see what Joe did to the energy sector. We were finally energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. Now we're paying more per gallon of gasoline, and we've paid in however long more to heat our homes and cool our homes, and it's only going to get higher. Add to that inflation. Americans are figuring out two that corporations don't pay taxes, and that all even more to the bill highest inflation rate in thirteen years. This issue Joe Biden pushing the rest of the world for a global tax hike. Why because they're afraid the businesses that are leaving states like California, New York and droves are gonna and leave the United States, because that's what's gonna happen. There's a piece in the Daily Mail California Nightmare, how high taxes, rampant crimes, suffocating wokery what they call it, streets littered with homeless attics, and years of liberal policies are blamed for ruining the Golden State. And thousands of families are fleeing to Republican Texas and Florida. People are leaving the most economically powerful and populous state in droves. It's seeing its population decline for the first time in the states one hundred and seventy one year history. Families are being driven away by the cost of living, fear of crime, taxes, wildfires. That's all accurate. So now they wanted a global tax hike so that there would be no safe haven for corporations to move their businesses too. Anyway, looks like Great Britain saying no thanks, We're not interested. Even the European socialist think Biden's going too far. UK Express a source at her at her Majesty's Treasury has said the government will not rush to sign any proposal from Biden. Why would they, Why should they Obama's Treasury secretary is now even sounding the alarm over Biden's inflationary spending. It says, Lauren Summers is not an idiot. I'm not a fan of his, but he is the former Treasury secretary, not a dope. I don't agree with everything, but he's not dumb sounding the alarm about inflation and economic overheating amid the explosion of spending. This is not just conjecture, he said in the Washington Post. In an op ed, he said the consumer price index rose at a seven point five percent annual rate in the first quarter. Inflation expectations jumped at the fastest rates since inflation index bonds were introduced to je narration ago. Already, consumer prices have risen almost as much as the FED predicted for the entire year. Treasury Secretary under Let's see Bill Clinton, director of National Economic Council for Obama, writing new conditions, required new approaches. Now the primary risk the US economy is overheating and inflation. Yeah, I'd say that's about right. Republican states bringing back jobs quicker than Democratic states. Does that surprise you? Because they've given up on the added benefits of not working Biden's stay at home bonus, as I think the I think then I don't know. Maybe it was the Daily Times where this was constant newspaper. President Biden is paying workers to stay home. Many small businesses in southeastern Wisconsin have reached out to tell me that they're hiring, but they cannot find workers met. This guy has an incredible manufacturing facility in New Jersey, says yeah, I'm only at sixty percent of my workforce and he starts people out at twenty two bucks an hour. That's not bad. People don't want the job right now. Price of everything is skyrocketing. A lot of that is based on the cost of energy, a lot of it anyway, Jen Psaki says, Old Joe is so energetic she can hardly keep up with him. Do you believe that lie? Because that's a lie. Even the New York Times in Washington post him that Joe is getting slower. Takes a lot of work behind the scenes to get him ready for any public comments. Yeah, you think he got incoherent again yesterday in another appearance, will play it tonight is weakness is now threatening national security? Comments by Marco Rubio Chinese communists since opportunity in the Biden error, and he talks about the sense of opportunity that these other countries feel. He's right, it's a thousand percent right anyway. Eight hundred nine four one Sean is our number if you want to be a part of the program. Hundreds of former Biden staffers demand Israel be punished for killing Palestinian civilians. Did they not see the thousands of rockets fired into Israel to kill Israelis? In other words, of war started? I guess they might have missed that part our two Sean Hannity Show toll free on numbers eight hundred nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. I've been doing this now thirty three years on radio, twenty five years on and you get a sense for when there's a movement. Could you could feel it in twenty sixteen with Donald Trump? You could feel it even with Obama in two thousand and eight that now Republicans could have put forward a better candidate, and I think they would have done a lot better. Certainly, the financial crisis at the time had an impact on events, especially the election two. But you can see that with this massive power grab. Hr SR one and changing the voting laws and no voter ID and no voter integrity or competence. Yeah, people see this for what it is. You can see the chaos on mitigated disaster at the border, and people are making obvious conclusions on that. You could see getting rid of the legislative filibuster and getting rid of and packing the courts and DC statehood. Yeah, everybody sees the power grab there too. On energy independence, yeah, everybody's is feeling it now and their wallets and their purses because we're paying more for gas, more to heat and cool our homes. We're also paying more for every consumer good that we're buying because of the higher price of the lifeblood of the world's economy, that would be energy being giving up energy independence, which we had finally achieved for the first time in seventy five years. And you can feel it in terms of every single aspect. Add to that, four point two percent inflation, the highest number in thirteen years, and that means what is inflation? We're paying more for everything. And I noticed that two friends of this program have joined forces, Nigel Farage and our friend Reverend cl Bryant, and they are having America's comeback tour. They're going to go to nearly a dozen states over the next month and tell people that there is a different future available for the country should we choose in twenty twenty two. I believe that if the Republicans and for the principles that I've been laying out every day, I won't repeat them now, the simple conservative principles that we know work the America First, make America Great Again agenda, that they'll take back the House, They'll win Senate seats in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Arizona and Pennsylvania. I believe as well. I believe that could all happen, and then things will dramatically change for the better, and that will make an obvious choice for twenty twenty four won't be any more clear to the country. And you know, look, I mean, if you want to, I even haven't mentioned the police. Yeah, how's that defunding, dismantling the police working out? Gunshots interrupted Minneapolis an AP reporter giving a report on the at George Floyd's Square. Yeah, gunshots breakoutison of this, Well, look, it's not going to be signed in time, at least according to the timeline that the White House and US President Joe Biden had, they wanted this bill of comprehensive police reform to be just gotta be careful here with some gunshots. As us it sounds like gunshots. I let you know what that says. This seemed to be gun shots. Where is that? We're okay, okay, We're okay, We're just gonna go. Yeah. How's this all working out for you America anyway? Nigel Farage, Reverend cl Brian, two friends of the program joining forces. Welcome back both of you. Nigel, how you been. I haven't talked to you in a while. No, I'm good. I tell you what. Sure, we've been busy in the UK over the last couple of years. We were in a terrible position in twenty nineteen, three years after Brexit, Brexit hadn't been delivered. We launched a massive I had a massive grassroots fight back. And hey, don't you know what we've now got Brexit. It's got seventy percent approval. And and here's the lesson for America. The Labor Party, the socialist Labor Party in England is dead. It's unconscious on the floor. And the reason is they went way too far to the left. They stopped being patriotic, they weren't bothered about border controls, and they embraced cancel culture, which threatens free speech and poisons education. And I so you come with a message of hope. Has what you've experienced you see unfolding here? I hope, I do absolutely and I think that just I just you know, reading the opinion polls and you can see on issue after assue, the Democrats have moved a long way away from about fifty percent of their voters. But you know, people ultimately when they divide in politics, it used to be about economics. It's now about do you believe in your country or are you a globalist? It really is that simple. Uh. By the way, just so you know, Nigel Farrage, we call Reverend cl Bryant Reverend cl heavy foot Brian because apparently gets pulled over by the by cops like one hundred times he's gotten pulled over, never one time has gotten a ticket. Because he starts telling asking the cop, now, have you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and savior? He's using he's invoking the name of our Savior, Jesus Christie a word? Oh is any part of this all right? How many times have you been pulled over? How many? Tell? Tell Nigel, I'm gonna right now, And how many times have you gotten a ticket? I have not gotten a ticket? And how many times have you said have you accepted Jesus into your heart? While while while the cop is talking? That's a natural thing. I'm gonna ask you that, John Good. I mean, I can hardly wait when you get to the pearly gates somewhere long way down the road and you're gonna have to explain invoking the holy name of Jesus to get out of a ticket. Don't y'all believe a word of it? Well, I'm glad you guys joined a joint forces. Reverend, You're two people that I really strongly appreciate toos. Look, I think I just laid out a quick summary what's happening. I think Nigel gave us a good summary of what well it was happening, and how the people of our great friends and Britain responded. I see the same thing unfolding here. It is unfolding, Sean, And you know your show has been a barometer in our country for movements that are occurring and Freedom Works and folks go to FreedomWorks dot org. We have launched this America Comeback Tour and our British cousin that Nigel Barrage, is giving us a very good look at ourselves from the outside. And you know how it is, Sean, when you and I are close upon this on a daily basis, sometimes we're looking at it too long, sometimes too most and sometimes fresh eyes or what's needed in order to give us a fresher look at the direction we should go. And one thing that Nigel is saying on the tour and our people are very hungry for it, is that we are America is looked to as the leader of the free world, and we need to understand what's going on right now to our country in the eyes of the rest of the world. And so this tour we are looking forward to building, motilizing, and educating the largest grassroots movement in the country, and Freedom Works is about doing that. Go to FreedomWorks dot org and Sean, thank you so much. And hey man, you ought to join us on one of our stops when we come back here in July. Listen, I'd consider doing that. Because I think it sounds like one big party. I've hung out with both of you and Nigel and I will drink a little more than you do, but I mean, I'm up for the party part. You know, Nigel, I watched this and you're right. I've been watching what's been unfolding, and it's like you're a barometer of maybe a preview of coming attractions, hopefully what's happening in America. Then all of a sudden, I see our mutual friend Piers Morgan. You know, I'll have this row on his number one rated morning show. Did he get fired or did he quit? Oh? No, I think that the woke agenda, the cancel culture at ITV where he works, basically said you can't criticize Megan Markle because she's black, so please apologize for saying you didn't believe a word of what she said. No, Piers got sacked, Piers got canceled, and it was a big show. And it's outrageous that that's happened. But you know that's what we're seeing here too, isn't it. I mean, look how mainstream media have covered up for China, have never told the American public the truth that black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization. It's the same game on both sides of a channel. But the truth of it is, you know, we used to be America's mother country, but America now is the mother country to the entire Western world. And this battle, this battle that needs to be fought, this is about saving Western civilization. And I've just been saying to all my conservative friends, come out of mourning and the depression and the negativity, let's get post. Let me ask you this. I'm one of the few people that will just say what's obvious, and that is that Joe Biden is a cognitive mess. He's weak and he's frail. And I think the only reason you see the Russians on the Ukrainian border again and that geopolitical nightmare unfolding, that you see a holy alliance Russia and China providing arms to the Iranian Mullahs that are shipping them to fight a proxy war in the Middle East through Yemen. We see what Iran is doing. And I think that the world is looking at a weakened America under Joe Biden because they see that he's a mess. Am I wrong? Well? I think if Donald Trump was there very few of these things will be happening. I also think we can add to that list. You know, Taiwan is now in a very very vulnerable position as Communist China increasingly flex their military muscles. And I think there sort of shades of the shades of Jimmy Cassa about this. I mean, cass was probably more competent than Biden. But you've got all these things happening in the Middle Eastern else where. You've got inflation coming back into the American economy, You've got a week leader, and you've got a party, a Democrat party that is moving way further left for where their voters are. So I think there's every reason to say, you know what, We've had a tough six months. We've got some huge battles to to fight, mountains the climb, but this can all be done. We can storm back to victory in twenty two and twenty four. And I actually I have to tell you, I really believe that this will happen. Right as we continue, Nigel Frage and Reverend cl Bryant joining foes with Freedom Works and announcing their tour going on this summer actually through the month of May. You know, Reverend. I'm listening to Nigel and it's it's almost you know, let not your heart be troubled. You know, we have had these these lurches to the left, and America always springs back center right because we are a center right country. And America will is learning very quickly open borders and all the power grabs of all the Democrats and their radical new green deals, socialism and reckless spending and irresponsible you know, foreign policies not going to work. I think I think most people have already concluded that in this very short period of time, in times like these, Sean, it's amazing how American exceptionalism begins to shine forth. And without any apologies to any of our allies, I do believe that our nation, Sean is the greatest nation on the phase of the planet, the greatest success story the world has ever known. And we feel it slipping away from us, and we're being slapped awake by a tour like this by one of our British cousins who's telling us. He's just told us that we are looked to as the leaders of the free world, and Americans we have to push back against anything, we have to stand up to anything that would rob that from us. We must not be robbed of our future, for our children and for our posterity. And so the go to FreedomWorks dot org. Become a part of a movement. If you want this to come to a city near you, and hey, if you want Sean Hannity to join us on one of these stuff, be sure to let us know that three people will show up if drag Hannity into this thing. You know, Nigel, one of the things that you're you're saying without saying is that you never give up. And I say it a little differently. I say, the battleful liberty and freedom never ends. And as Reagan said, freedom is but one generation from extinction. How many years did it take your country? Then? You led this effort a big part of it, to get from the Brexit vote, to get out to getting out. How long did that take? Well, it took us four and a half years. Because the globalist community, most of our political class and mainstream media fought back against it. We would due to leave under British law in March nineteen. We didn't leave, and many people said, oh, well, that's it. The British people know they've made a mistake. And you know I had a grassroots army out there, that people's army. I was able to activate them, mobilize them. And two years ago, yesterday, Theresa May resigned as Prime Minister and that was my scalp. There's no question about that. And that's why I'm here Sean with Freedom works because everybody underestimates the power and the importance of grassroots communication. Nothing can be better than that face to face conversation. And that can be at the breakfast table, or it can be in the bar of an evening. But I know, I know that you meet it and that you're passionate not only about your country, but about both our countries, as I am passionate about your country. UM, listen to my last word of advice, Nigel, whatever you do. If you rent a car, don't let cl drive. Don't let him drive, because not only you're gonna not only will you be speeding, you're gonna get pulled over by the you know, by the cops. And UM, I don't know if it's gonna work every time he's I think he's been lucky up to this point. But we're gonna put it up on Hannity dot Com. They including the tours in Ohio, Illinois, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Jackson holl Um. Anyway, we're gonna be following you closely, and maybe one day I will come on out and say hello to all my friends with you. Okay, thanks guys. Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn our number, quick break right back right twenty five to the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls here. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean our number. You want to be a part of the program. Maybe the biggest lie ever told by Circle Back Jeddon's Saki. White House Press Secretary Joe is so energetic that you know, I can i can hardly even even keep up with him. I'm like, even the New York Times and the Washington Post said, no, that's not true. You know, last night he devolved completely into rambling incoherence as he was at another appearance, and I'm like, you can't even make this up. I mean, I just I watched this and I just cringe in It's like so painful to watch and to listen to. It's just incoherence at a level that you can't even imagine. But this is what they're telling us now if you look at where their priorities are. Remember, remember Vladimir Putin, let's have a debate, Joe, let's have it before the weekend, basically saying, so, I know you don't have time to prepare, and there's no way you're physically mentally alerted enough to actually do it and be ready for it, and I'll kick your ass. And then he says, yeah, I'd rather that by weekend, freest Let's do it before the weekend. No response to Joe, and oh and I hope you feel better. What do you think Vladimir was saying there? Because I think he was basically acknowledging that I see Joe Biden is week frail and a cognitive mess. I think he's just telling the truth. And frankly, it is embarrassing listen to Jen Saki. Biden is hard to keep up with. When I asked about his fitness routique, what more can you tell us about the Preston's health regime? We hear he's lifting weights, what sort of weights is he lifting? To the other personal trader? And what happened to his pets on bike to the White House. I didn't know where this was going, but I'm intrigued by it. Um. I will say I have nothing to read on on the president's private exercise regime, but I can tell you, having traveled with him a fair amount, sometimes he's hard to keep up with. He's hard to keep up with. Does anybody believe that? Because I don't believe a word of it, and she doesn't leave a word of it either. I mean, even the New York Time is acknowledging that. Yeah, his aid say it takes a hell of a lot behind the scenes work to prepare him for any public speaking and to project an assured demeanor. I love the Washington Post. I'd Linda too. He played this last night. They release an old video of Joe from seven years ago and he's on the phone and he's he's doing curls while he's on the phone. And the purpose was to create the image that that's him today, it's not him today. And then I showed video of Joe in twenty twelve. Last night, I showed him the video of him in twenty sixteen. We showed the twenty what fifteen video of him, you know, on the phone and doing curls. Tough Joe which I'm sure was just a camera pose. For the most part, I gotta say that really sounds like toxic masculinity in me. Yeah, it's just a lots atracious. I gotta. I gotta keep up with my work woke terminology and vernacular. They're every every you know woke human beings should be out there just yelling about him doing what it's about toxic masculinity because I guess something accused of my mixed martial arts videos. Forget it, I'll be in big trouble. I don't know the advocating violency. Look look at the Look at the sport he's practicing. Um oh, and then yeah, so we got time for Putin. You know that Putin's gonna roll them. There's no way he doesn't get rolled. Now, Probably he won't have any one on one talks with Putin, is my guess, because he's gonna need blinking and everybody else to cover for him. But anyway, it's not like they're gonna deal with the border. Kamala Harris Jensaki saying there's no plans to visit the border, kids in cages middle of a pandemic. Just now, we just got to make sure that the half a million people plus this year that are here illegally that they let in with the promise of amnesty, that we will be providing food and shelter and healthcare and education to you know, being parceled out all over the country. No, consider no, no, there's no, there's no those weren't riots last summer. There's no crisis at the border. Listen, question, is the vice president planning I'll going to the border. I know she's handling this. Why hasn't she been there she was planning in the future to go and see what's going on firsthand. Well, the vice president is overseeing exactly the same portfolio that the President did when he was vice president, which is North, the Northern Triangle and engagement with countries in the region about how we can work together to reduce the rate of migration and work together to address corruption, address the root causes of why so many people are traveling to our border. I expect she will make a trip to the Northern Triangle at some point soon, so that would be where she would travel given her purview. And then the big question, now that we know so much more about the Whan lab and the origins of COVID. You would think that that Joe might be willing to take on that very important issue now that we know that there were confirmed cases in Wuhan Province in November of twenty nineteen, and they they hid it from the world, but they put their own travel ban in effect. Couldn't travel out of Wuhan to any other place in China, couldn't travel from any place in China to Wuhan Province, but you couldn't travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world. Didn't infect the world, which they did, no plans, uh you know, no words of condemnation from the Biden administration on the origins of COVID nineteen, even Fauci's finally coming along. I thought it was interesting when Pompeo said he had the exact same intelligence at the exact same time. I did listen. But Americans, at what point does President Biden say, we don't want to wait for the who we don't know what they're doing. This needs to be an American led ever to get to the bottom of what happens. Well, first of all, we need access to the underlying data and information in order to have that investigation. But he talks all the time about how he's the own president she for a long time, So why can't you just and we need them for that information. I think you're misunderstanding how this process actually works. An international investigation led by the World Health Organization is something that we've actually been pressing for for several months in coordination with a range of partners around the world. We need that data. We need that information from the Chinese government. What we can't do, and what I would caution anyone doing, is leaping ahead of an actual international process. We don't have enough data on information to jump to a conclusion at this point in time. Yeah, and the who has been nothing but the propaganda Pravda of all things China. We're going to wait on them. Unbelievable. Matthew is in the great state of Alabama. Matthew, glad you call. Where in Alabama are you, sir? Birmingham Metro, How are you doing? I'm good. I lived about an hour north and Athens, Alabama, just outside of Huntsfelt. What's going on? First of all, I want to thank you for bringing truth to the airwaves. And my concern getting to the point is with the democratic influence, with the machines and the voting systems. In your opinion, how do we ensure voting integrity. I've been very clear and very consistent every state, and that's why I'm telling people. We don't have time for people to wallow. And that's one of the reasons I'm kind of glad that Nigel Verage and c O'Brien are telling people, Okay, stop feeling scared and angry and demoralized, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game. Because that's life. Life is difficult. You take hits, you move on, all right. Every state we learn that that certainly that state law, laws, state constitutions normal standards for voting to ensure integrity and confidence. They were bypassed all over the place and not adhered to. Every state now needs and we've got to insist before twenty twenty two that we have voter ID for every single voter, that we have signature verification for every single voter, that we have chain of custody controls so that both Republicans, Democrats, Independence, anybody from any party has the right to make sure that there's integrity with the chain of custody when ballots arrive voter rolls every voting year need to be cleaned up and made sure that they're up to date. And then the law that is statutory for most states that allows partisan observers to observe the vote count is adhered to, and that constitutions like the one in Pennsylvania are followed, and that consent decrees like the one in Georgia never entered into again, that has one very lack standard for mail in balloting and one very rigorous standard for in person balloting, and they have mostly cleaned it up, but they need to get back to and add the signature verification standard in Georgia. That's I've been very clear going forward, it's up to state legislatures. The time to get them to do their job is now, and that would be every state that matters. I answer your question for the most part. Part of my concern is like in the case of Georgia, they changed midstream on what they were requiring and it opened up the proverbial floodgates to other questionable acts. If you know what I mean. How what the Secretary of Stated Georgia did was beyond reprehensible and stupid. You know, he's sued by the Georgia Democratic Party, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and he went along with a really dumb consent agreement that never should have been entered into, and he should have fought it in court and they would have won. You know, standards needed, you know, laws need to be followed. It's like this idea that we just pick and choose what laws we're gonna follow. Good luck with that if you try that in your life, because I'm not doing it in mine. I'm I don't like the amount of taxes I pay, but I pay them because if you're a conservative, you go to jail. If you're a liberal, you can do anything pretty much and get away with it. Thank you, Matthew. All right, back to her busy phones. Garis is in Michigan, Derris, how are you glad you called? Yeah, A lot of people that I've talked to you in the area is especially in the area that I live in, and as family members, friends and strangers. It seems like they want socialism, but they don't realize what they want. You know. It's like they always compare Canada and I go to Canada because I'm a struck driver. I go to Canada three times a week. And I know I've talked to Canadians and they say, you know, like we have to go to the grocery stores, spend one hundred dollars, only get five things in our cart. It's like, you know, it's kind of surprising that people they say they want socialism, but they don't know what they're asking for. You know, Russia always had a good line on this. It's hard to compete with sam a clause right now. But if you think and just an inch below the surface, you ask yourself this simple question, what is government doing correctly? For example, blue states that how are they? How's their educational system? In most Blue states? In America, where we spend more per capita than any other industrialized country, they would get a big fat F failure a disaster. How are the states doing with their promise for law and order so people can safely and securely pursue happiness. They get a big fat F on that too, defund dismantle the police. How are states? How does that Obamacare thing work out? You keep your doctor plan and save money? Millions lost their doctors and plans. Then we're all paying about two hundred and fifty percent more, how's social security doing, how's medicare doing? Because they're both headed for insolvency. Then ask yourself, then why would we trust the promises of the same people that fail on a spectacular level with previous promises with more controls over our life. So when you get a little, a little inch deep, but below the surface, free may sound great, but nothing is for free, and socialism is great till you run out of other people's money, as Margaret Thatcher would say. So, you know it's going to take a little bit of explanation and warning and abbonition and probably the pain of unfulfilled promises. And you know the idea, for example, that they're trying to now convince Americans that that infrastructure equals daycare, infrastructure equals free college, infrastructure equals guaranteed wage and guaranteed government job, none of which is true. You know that we're being lied to repeatedly. Look at their track record. These are empty promises that will lead to poverty, more misery. They'll never be fulfilled, And then we'll have to calculate how much of our personal freedom we gave up in the name of false security, because that's what it comes down to Yeah, even Jesus says, the house kingdom, ordination divided against itself will not stand. And I'm hoping that uh, you know, the Lord keeps his hand on this nation and uh, you know, brings us back, so we you know, we can beat the socialist monster, this dragon that we're slaying right now because we're you know, we're we're facing an ideology ward you know, everything that's kind of opposite of what the Bible says. He you know, God created man and woman. But you know, you know, they say, well, we're not going to listen to that. You know, you can be born a woman, you could be born a man on the inside when you're actually the opposite. You know, well, let me let me just go to something, you know, people ask. You know, I do believe that this country has been blessed more than any other country on the face of the earth, and we've accumulated more power, abused it less. We're not perfect, but we strive to always be a more perfect union, but we've advanced the human condition. It was after nine to eleven, I think it was Franklin Graham's daughter was said, well, why does God let these things happen? And our answer was, well, God's a gentleman, and we've thrown him out of the schools, we've thrown him out of the public square, and he's not going to force himself on people. And there's a message there is that you've got to embrace the principles of goodness every single day, and it's a choice that we as a people make, and we as individuals make. Anyway, appreciate you being with us eight hundred and ninety for one sean you want to be a part of the program. I don't know why evil things happen. The one unique experience to mankind is I believe we're all created by the same God. We all have talents from God, and that we also have choices to make all throughout our lives and a propensity towards good or end or evil. And sometimes people can are conflicted others to vote themselves to one or the other. Eight hundred nine pour one shaw on our number. Quick break right back to that end. I informed President of boss An earlier, Prime Minister Natanyahu that the United States will notify Congress of our intention to provide seventy five million dollars an additional development and economic assistance for the Palestinians in twenty twenty one, will also provide five and a half million dollars an immediate disaster assistance for Gaza and a little over thirty two million dollars for emergency humanitarian appeal. This new assistance comes on top of significant support that the United States has recently committed and resumed to the Palestinian Authority, to Palestinians, to different different agencies, in groups. In total, we are in the process of providing more than three hundred and sixty million dollars in urgent support for the Palestinian people. All right, Tony blankn I mean it's pretty amazing Secretary of State announcing US give me more than three hundred and sixty million dollars in urgent support to the Palestinians. I guess we're the only show that has gone over this. You know, it's a little too late. We have some squad members finally condemning the anti Semitic attacks that we have now seen been going on worldwide. I mean, Hitler and Satan were trending on social media, but they'll cancel Donald Trump. I mean, it's it is beyond repulsive to me. Democratic socialist Alexandria Cassio Cortez, the real speaker of the House, Pelosi speaker in name only anyway, is speaking about the conflict in Gaza. The development of the ceasefire is a welcome development, but it's not enough. It doesn't address the actual ongoing dehumanizing conditions that are leading or rather continuing to the outbreak of violence. And we've heard the comments and we've chronicled them of Congresswoman Omar and Congresswoman to leave and through bb Netanyahoo, you have a racist who is now running that country, and the United States must acknowledge its role in the injustice and human rights violations of Palestinians. Many members of Congress have instead fallen back on a blanketed statement defending Israel's airstrikes against civilians under the guise of self defense who will continue to fight for our rights in Palestine and in Fergus. We stand with you in solidarity. I arrive today to recognize the deep trauma and loss of life perpetuated by systems of oppression here in the United States and globally. We must acknowledge and condemn the disproportionate discrimination and treatment that Palestinians face versus others in this region. Palestinians are at best third class citizens in the nation of their birth. The Prime Minister of Israel has repeatedly stated he is committed to ANAXI in Palestinian lands. As long as the message from Washington is that our military Jerry support for israelis unconditional, Natiyaha's extremism right wing government will continue to expand settlements. It's frankly shocking. We have hate crimes around the entire globe, anti Semitic crimes on the rise, and the deafening silence from Biden and Pelosi and Schumer. It's it's beyond anything I've seen. We put an article up on hannity dot Com today, hated Home, the terrifying story of a Jewish family attacked in the streets of New York City, Yav's pro Israeli rally attacked in Illinois. Quote chanting killed the Jews. It's frightening anyway. Former Speaker of the House New Ingrich is with us to talk about this and a lot of other things today, Sir. That's a pretty chilling assessment of how radical this Democratic Socialist Party has become and how much power the squad members really have. Well, I think we have to confront a really sobering reality which I recently did a podcast about, and that is the nature of Hamas. The idea that the US is about to become the largest funder of terrorism in the world is something people ought to be thinking about and talking about. There can be no peace in between Israel and a neighbor who says not a single Jew will remain. So Hamas is at the very core of this. I ran support for Hamas is at the fourth core of it. And instead of talking about a two state solution, as the President did the other day, they need to remember that Hamas is in favor of a one state solution by eliminating everybody from Israel, and Hamas has no interest in a two state solutions. So I think I don't see how you begin negotiations when they have in their charter a call for the destruction of the state of Israel. So I'm not sure where you begin the conversation. How about they have to remove that charter first, then we can talk about any any discussion down the road. They Congress are to pass a bill that says no money can go to Hamas or any agency that works with the muss until they accept Israel's right to exist. This is what you just described is not complicated. You know, now we have an unholy alliance too, Russia and China, we now know providing Iran with weapons that are being transported to Yemen, but the proxy war they're fighting in the rest of the Middle East. Why is Joe Biden opening up hundreds of millions of dollars that we know is directly going to fund this Well, look, explain to me how Biden can justify approving the Russian pipeline while canceling the American pipeline. I mean, this is an administration that seems to me exists in a fantasy world that has no relationship to the realities of the world. And that's why I think, frankly, that Hamas is a great test for this, because the truth is that Hamas is dedicated. Oh, as you point out, I think there are thirty eight articles in their original constitution of Hamas that actually refer to the destruction of Israel. Let me look at the broader, not only geopolitical situation that we have, because I believe that our enemies see Joe Biden as weak and frail and a cognitive mess. And I'm not being shy about saying it. I also believe that when you look at what's happening at our borders and the lawlessness that is being aided and embedded by Biden and the Democratic Party, when you look at what they've done on energy, and yeah, you're right, we shut down our pipelines, but we give a waiver so Russia could build theirs and supply the lifeblood of the world's economy to our allies in Europe. One of the dumbest things I've ever heard in my life. And then I look at the power grab hr one and packing the courts and DC in Puerto Rico statehood and ending the legislative filibuster. Then I look at the higher taxes, Then I look at the inflation. Then I look at all of the above, and I'm thinking, we've got ourselves an unmitigated disaster. Mister speaker, it's only May twenty fifth. He only started this job on January twentieth. You know we're talking. We're not talking about a long period of time here. Well, but I think, in all fairness, Biden is from me to be the Jimmy Carter standard for incompetence and destruction. And I think if you look at the economy, if you look at if you look at the various rules they're adopting, this is going to be a total mess by early next year. And the question now is does it become so dangerous internationally that you have a real challenge literally in terms of survival. I mean that's not too strong a word. You end up with a Russian Chinese coalition taking us on, and I'm not at all sure we can win well. I mean, I think there's been two loud voices now for the last number of years that have very articulately and rightly discussed the biggest geopolitical foe we have, and that of course is China. Now I'm not I'm not underestimating Russia in this equation, or the Irradium Malas or even Kim Jong un. You know that their hostile regimes to the United States, and the only way to deal with hostility on the world stage, I believe is through strength. But I do believe now more than ever that China is actively trying to emerge as the world leader, surpassing the United States and all things and creating an unholy alliance with Russia and Iran is probably the most frightening development I've seen since World War Two. You're the historians. I think you know. Look, I think you're right. And there's just an announcement yesterday that the Chinese and the Russians are going to jointly develop an artificial intelligence battlefield in which they hope to literally be in a position to dominate the battlefield against the Americans. And the Russians have some things they do ruling really well. They're not as big a threat as the Chinese, but remember they have five thousand nuclear weapons, and they're very aggressive tactically. You'll notice that they supported Belarus in forcing down the commercial airliner the other day. They are still in Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine. They're constantly aggressively pushing. And if you take Chinese production and the Chinese economy and Chinese science, and you add it to Russian military capabilities and Russia's very intense investment in things like artificial intelligence, I just think the combination of two there is a point where numbers annihilate. The US Navy is now smaller than the Chinese navy. The two countries having a boy to cooperate so that Russia can be threatening in one zone, will China threatens in another zone. We currently don't have the capacity to deal with it, and we need to ununderstand that now before you end up in a truly disastrous environment. Let me talk about the political side of this. So earlier in the program we had on Nigel Farage and Cel Briant and Nigel. I like Nigel a lot, and he's a fighter, you know, ever since Brexit passed across the pond and took him four and a half years to finally get it implemented and get that accomplished and over the finish line. And he's doing this tour about you know, America's come back to her and he's saying, Okay, stop feeling sorry for yourself, pick yourself up, stop being angry and demoralized, dust yourself off. The battle for liberty and freedom never ends. And freedom's but one generation away from extinction. And I quoted that to him, And the reality is you have been able. There's three waves of conservatism in the modern era, and that's Reagan, you and Donald Trump. And the reality is they can be a fourth wave or re engagement of the third wave, whichever way you want to describe it. But it's based on an agenda that's got to be the make America first, make America great, America first agenda. I think it's simple. I don't think it's complicated. Well, look, I am actually an optimist. If the bid administration doesn't cripple the United States internationally, we will win a huge election in twenty two, and we will win in twenty four because these people are so far to the left, they're alienating so many Americans. Look, I just saw a survey this morning seventy two percent of African Americans flavor school choice. That tells it the entire Democratic Party coalition is starting to break up. And I think that's what we're up against, is that we need to get through the next year and then the next two years after that from the foreign policy by frankly, trying to find ways to limit the ability of the Biden administration to cause struggle and to weaken the US in the world. And that's what I worry about the most. Domestically, We're going to beat them. People think that the idea that we're systemically racist is crazy. They think that having a children brainwashed is infuriating. They are against policies that raised the place of gasoline, and they realize that the hidden Biden taxes of inflation are going to lower the standard of living adversely every American. So I think we do have a chance here, much like Reagan in nineteen eighty. Reagan comes along and all of a sudden people figure out that Jimmy Carter really is a disaster. And the result is Reagan, who looked like he couldn't win in seventy nine, when is the largest electoral college victory against an incumbent president in American history. And it's because people just reached the judgment, and the judgment was Carter can't get the job done. My life's going to get worse, and I need to be in a position to protect myself. And the only way you could protect yourself was to fire Carter, you know. And we had a caller in the last half hour, very interesting call and talking about the wide appeal of socialism and everything's free, you know, and our dear Fred knew we missed rush. You know. I had a great line about this. It's hard to compete with Santa Claus, but and I said, it's going to take people thinking and getting an inch below the surface before you realize that the promises of Obamacare failed, Medicare, social security of bankrupt states, can't educate our kids as colossal failure, and they can't even maintain simple law and order. So why would you believe all these other new promises? But the reality is there is truth competing against everything's free. It's that sounds good too many people, yeah, until they begin to realize that, first of all, it's not free. Particularly young people need to realize in their lifetime with compound interest, how much they're going to have to pay because of the depth that Biden is leaving them. This is this is a sena clause who uses your credit card and uses your credit card or compound interests, but would like you to like him until the credit card comes due. Remember one other thing too, that these are all great points you're making, and you know, socialism is great, Margaret Thatcher saiduntil you run out of other people's money. And all right, mister speaker, we'll have you back again as always. Oh by the way, don't forget you your podcast. If people want to hear it, how do they find it? Does it go to Gamewich three? Sixty and I think also, I'm going to be with you tonight. Okay, awesome, mister speaker, will see you tonight, nine eastern on Hannity Fox News Quick Break, right back your calls on the other side, straight ahead twenty five to the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls in just a couple of minutes. Here. Now, Linda has cut me out of all things social media. I do not have access to my own Twitter account. I have no access to Facebook, I have no access to Instagram none, whatso I don't even know the passwords of any of you. Are welcome. Okay. Now, if I want something posted, like yesterday, I put up a picture of Joe sippy cup that somebody on my TV staff had had custom made and purchased, we should tweet that out again today because it's very funny. I have to I have to grant permission, and my handlers have to handle it because they don't think it's good for me to be involved in these late night Twitter wars, which I used to enjoy but became a full time job. But you know, Alec Baldwin and people like Jimmy Kimmel, um. But there's so much funny stuff, sweet baby James today, and I know he shared it with you. Linda came across this TikTok. I don't even know. Hold on, I'm interrupting. First of all, I sent this guy to you a month ago and he was doing a Trump impersonation. Here. I'm very defensive. I want credit O had first said it a month ago. I didn't recognize it till today. It's a different one. Today. He puts new ones out all the time. Anyways, pay so this guy now. Young people love TikTok, and I gotta be honest, it's funny as hell. And you know, everybody thinks I don't have the hypersensitivity of all of my colleagues in the in the media or on TV or whatever. I just don't give a flying rip. I don't give a shift when it comes to when it comes to stuff like this, people making fun of me. As a matter of fact, I actually find some of it hilarious and I laugh. And you guys like to send it to James to show me because I don't have access to anything anymore, um the funny stuff. And what do I usually do? I usually laugh at it if it's well done and it's funny. I love funny. Chris Rock was right last week, but not nothing's funny anymore. These these late night shows suck. They just suck because they're not funny. I don't care if they slant left, but be funny. And they're so afraid. Everybody's so afraid. This guy tells this impression of Python. I had tears in my eye. Let's play it. What's his name, Austin? How do you say, Austin Nasso? Nasso? Okay, Austin Nasso on tikatok go ahead. I remember when I was just a little born in the years nineteen o one, how was this being? I remember our deliminated two by four and I would ride this a little snail out of work. I would deliver newspapers and it was an incredible thing. I had a friend, he was an aunt. He told me said, Joe, one day you're in man, come on a little folks. I remember when I just turned twenty five. Man. The year was fourteen ninety two. I lived in an eggshell. I had a good friend named Popcorn. He was a beatle the size of the moon. Hey. He told me, he said, Joe, you know, one day we're gonna get out of this year? Is here a town touncil? And we did. Man, it was amazing. He would play in my nose there. And the funny thing is that he does visit. He's got like, this is a very tired look to this the whole thing, and he's he's captured it. He's better visually. Maybe I'll show this on TV tonight because it's it's just unbelievably hilarious, very funny. Um, I'll tell you it wasn't funny. Did you see that? What was trending on Twitter? Hitler and Satan? I guess it was whatever congresswoman's name is made a made some reference that has gone viral, and and then I'm like looking at all the anti semitism and I'm like this is insanity. I mean I had numbers, what was it, It was like seventeen thousand mentions on Twitter on like how Hitler was right? Did you see that, Linda? Yeah? The problem is the people. We have an entire generation of people that are being told that too. But there's a lot of people. You knew Ethan and I talk about this a lot with his wife being an educator with the Locke Foundation and all that they're trying to do to get people to understand this manipulation of history. And so when you're looking at you talk about Auschwitz and you talk about Holocaust. Articles of the New York Post seventeen thousand tweet, Hitler was right. Big Tech barely reacts. Can you believe that? Yes? I can? I can't. Can you forget where? You know? Where we're located here in New York City? There are people outside of the studios wearing pro Palestine shirts. And because I had the fortune, the good fortune and travel with you and meet the Prime Minister of Israel and see what Hamas did with all of the money that that country was given. They instead of using it to build infrastructure and electricity and give all of the homes and in their territories water running water, they built concrete tunnels so that they could get back into Israel and kill them. I'm brad to help that lady get up the hill. It's like sixty sixty feet underground. It's unbelievable, but it's horrible. And this is what they're taught. Bradley is in Louisiana. Bradley, You're on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called sir, Hey, Sean, I appreciate you having me on. Um. Look you guys, are you're nailing it. Um. I wanted to say thanks. First of all, your staff is absolutely amazing, and I appreciate you give given the microphone to the American people so that they can they can fill in some gaps that you may be missing. And I think one of them is that it's so easy and it's so prevalent across the board in the media right now to redefined terms and what keeps happening. And I've seen it in CNN, MSNBC, every single one of them is redefining terrorism and calling it a conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, and it's not a conflict. That would be like saying domestic violence is just a marriage spect and that's not what it is. You've got terrorists who are attacking citizens and we're calling it a conflict. And I even to Linda's point, just now, you know, you go back to the nineteen thirties and forties and how we've redefined the perspective in the history books of Hitler himself and the tweets that are going on. We've got to stick to the black and white of this is terrorism. It's not a conflict. And I think what makes that really easy, and this leads me to my second point, what makes that really easy in America is that there is an undertone of anti Semitism that exists. And I think even just in terms of Christianity and Catholicism across the country, in how Christians view Judaism. Um. I might disagree with you on this point. I think the biggest defenders of Israel are are Christians, and I wouldn't especially you know, now there are these radical white nationalist racist groups that hate people that are Jewish people, they hate people of other races, they hate Catholics. Uh, they just they have this this whole white nationalist insanity. Um. Anti Semitism is real, but it's on the rise worldwide. Similarly, we have, you know, a rise in in hate crimes against Asian Americans, and it's happening elsewhere as well. We see a significant Now Republicans, to their credit, actually did something right. This was in the Washington Times. They've introduced a resolution today condemning the violence against Israel and Jewish people, linking it to a surge in this poisonous anti Israeli rhetoric is led by Josh Hally. Now Senate Democrats are on the spot because they have been their silence has been deafening. Joe's silence deafening, Chucky's silence deafening, Nancy silence deafening. There's a great fear of the Squad among all three of the leaders of the Democratic Party because the Squad, remember they're following the New Green Deal agenda of the Squad. This virulent anti Semitism is straight from the Squad. And none of the three leaders in the Democratic Party want to take on the Squad. And I'm kind of Nancy Pelosi knows she'll be out of speaker. Chuck Schumer is afraid of being primaried by AOC and Biden. I don't think he knows what day of the week it iss, so he's gonna just do whatever he's told. That's how you're Yeah, there's a silent majority though. And the reason the reason I know this is because my wife actually lived through the twenty fourteen war in Israel, and her and I work a lot to help to help Israeli's Jews and the the ask for to make Aliah. And then I actually work with a lot of Christians and believers to help them understand that Christianity in its truest form is a Judaism. You can't separate the two. And so there's a silent majority of Christians, I would say, the large swath of Christians across America who don't fully understand the roots of their Christianity. As a result, they don't. I disagree at that point because if my understanding, for example, I consider myself a non denominational Christian, one that wants to be better and get better. Now, you know, people have this impression when you say you're a Christian that you're think you're wholier than that. No, you're just saying you want to be a better person and you need forgiveness. But the fundamentals are number one, Jesus Christ is Jewish and the founder of the Christian faith. And that God's chosen people biblically speaking, where the Jews are the Jewish people or in our now tate today um And that Jesus's sacrifice and Jesus dying on the cross, rising from the dead, reconciled mankind to God the Father, in the hopes that that people can get into into paradise, which otherwise would have been shut down for everybody because we've all sent and fallen short. Yeah, that's I think that is basic fundamental Christianity and what their beliefs are. Linda, you go to a denominational church. You won't give me the name of your pastor or the name of the church. But is that what I'll give you the name of my pastor when what is it? Right now? His name is pastor Tim. Okay, that doesn't mean crap to me, Pastor Tim. And first of all, don't use the word crap. That's nice vernacular when we're talking about my pastor. Okay, your pastor has heard you curse. Like I said, we're not talking about me right now, we're talking about you talking. So you won't give me the name and phone number of your pastor, all right, But the point is is that your understanding and your non denominational church, because that's what I've always believed. Yeah, you're hundred percent right us. That is exactly what my pastor. Yeah, I mean, and remember Jesus Christ was was Jewish. I don't know, but this, listen, this is a hatred of mankind. Take it. Let's let's take all religions out of this for a second. If you believe as I do, in natural law and that that we're endowed by our creator, that is very different than rights coming from a government. It's it's these are natural rights, that are God given rights, and that that that's our framers, our founders, our declaration, etc. Right now, If you believe that, then we're all created by the same God. And that I believe God puts in every human soul talent and it's unique to every individual, just like every fingerprint is unique to every individual. And that that talent, you know, ultimately, in the course of your life you develop it and bring it to fruition to serve other people. And that and this transcends all racist does every human being. Now with the with the proclivity towards good and evil, that's the curveball, and that that's where that's where choice comes in for the individual, and that you get to choose between good and evil. All throughout your life, you're going to be making choices. You make the right choices, you benefit from right choices. You make the wrong choices, you pay the price. I've made wrong choices at times of my life and I regret it. I know, you know, I've always known I've had a conscience. What makes me aware when I know I'm doing something wrong, Well, there's something inside my my soul of where mind, body and spirit that tells me what I'm doing is wrong. That makes that Does that add up to you? Because you're you're you're saying something entirely differently. You don't think Christians have that belief. I do believe that they do. No, I know you're you're spot on. But what you're saying right now is that is as much as Christians across the board say that that's what they believe, there are still undertones and there's a majority of Christians who they will say something as simple as this right that because of the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the Cross and through and through the passover sacrifice of what Christians call Easter, that the law has been abolished and grace now is applied. But Jesus himself said in Matthew five that he did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. And all I'm saying is that because Christians don't understand that Christianity is a Judaism, meaning that in order for Christianity to be true and Jesus to have not been a liar, then it has to be the same God and the same laws that were applied through the Old Testament were fulfilled in his sacrifice in his personhood. And so feel like we're getting deep into apologetics here. You know, I'm probably the wrong person, but I just like to keep it simple. We know what's right, we know what's wrong, make the right choices, you know, follow the Golden rule. I'll even break it down more simply, love God with all your heart, mind, body, and soul, and your neighbor as yourself. Treat people as you want to be treated. That's simple, all right. That's gonna wrap things up for today. The origins of the Wuhan virology virus, which now all evidence appears to point there. Why no interest by Joe and his administration? Joey may be tired and also is the media going to admit that they lied about this? Like everything else anyway? Doctor Nicole Sapphire, Kaylee mckin eighty, We'll check in with Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Dan Bongino, the Great One, Mark Levin, and Leo two point zero Terrell, that's all happening tonight, Ninetiestern Hannity, Fox News say DVR, We'll see you then back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.

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