America Needs To Unite Around Victims

Published Aug 7, 2019, 10:00 PM

Reverend CL Bryant, author of The Race for Freedom and Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks and Geraldo Rivera, Fox News Legal Analyst and author of The Geraldo Show, debate and discuss the pushback from the left as the President and First Lady make their way to the victims in the state of Ohio for their suffering. Instead of uniting around the victims the Democrats are focused on fundraising and creating more pain for those already suffering.

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All right, glad you're with us. You know, just when you think it can't get any sicker, it's sicker. I want you know. I'm watching Joe Biden. We're gonna put y'all back in chains. There's crazy, sleepy, creepy, crazy Uncle Joe. And you know those comment Biden saying about Trump is fanning the flames of white supremacy. You have got to know and see this for what it is. This is just the latest in a series of United talking points put together by both the psychotic, rage filled medium mob and a Democratic Party that, for two and a half years they combined, have spread more lies, more disinformation, more propaganda, more conspiracy theories, more of a hoax than has ever been perpet rated on the American people before. It's no different than their entire Russia. Russia, Russia, Stormy Stormy Stormy, Peachman, impeachable, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, pempeachment, peachable, peach the Russia investigation, putinclusion, Deult film actress Stormy Daniels, Stormy Daniels, No Stormy Sagar to Stormy Daniels affair, Deult film star Stormy Daniels's Buller is there a difference if the President said, House, do you think these countries are boso? Donald Trump has turned the Oval Office into hope. It is who they are. It defines them. It is what they do. They're not going to change. It's deplorable. It's despicable. They've taken it to an entirely new level as it relates to the events from this past weekend. Now, if we think like them, then we would we would be saying things that I know and you know that don't make sense and we don't believe. I played earlier in the week I played it on TV as well tapes of me when Bernie Sanders supporter, you know, started shooting up Republicans like Steve Scalise and others in that baseball field. He was a big Bernie Sanders supporter. Bernie Sanders did not inspire, did not support, is not responsible for what that shooter did to Steve Scalise and others. To say so is intellectually dishonest. I said it at the time. I'm consistent today if we are to take their logic and the standard they're trying to apply to Donald Trump, and he's responsible for our pastle But let's not talk about Dayton because Dayton was an Elizabeth Warren supporter. I'll get to that in a second. Then we would blame Bernie Sanders for the shooter involved in the incident of the baseball field with Steve Scalise, if in fact, we take their logic to it's next conclusion, and then we're gonna say, oh, in a minute, here, I know that the Dayton mayor decided not to show up at You know, when Donald Trump tries to go and comfort with Milania the people in Dayton, Ohio, this is who they are. The President is there to help people. The person involved in that shooting was a big radical, extreme leftist socialist Elizabeth Warren supporter. Now if we thought like them, where we played political games like them, or if we wanted a politicize tragedy like them, and we don't, we would say Elizabeth Warren is responsible, she's not. That would be a lie you have. You know, we've learned a lot more about this lunatic, and we know a lot about the one to know Opasso, But now we're learning more about the lunatic and Dayton, and what we're finding is is that this particular lunatic in Dayton has a history of supporting the most liberal causes and the most radical views of pretty much anybody. And you know, Dayton shooter has called Antifa's first mass killer. According to the New York Post and a column today that they had out a shooter and Dayton was this, Connor Bets lunatic. You know, these are evil people. You can't be a well person if you're willing to hurt innocent men, women and children. You're not well by definition, you're insane. Now, with that said, not guilty by reason of insanity is a very different measurement because I don't believe that either. And the President has said this is happening too much. The President has condemned white supremacists numerous times. I don't know how many times he needs to say it before people would believe it, and he's condemned Antifa and other hate groups out there. But the double standard is flagrant, and it's also part of a political process, a history that I have chronicled many times, both on radio and on TV. But the New York Post goes on to say, this guy, Connor Betts, has a long express support for Antifa. By the way, don't forget in Obama's White house, one of the co founders of Black Lives Matters? What do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? And you know, pigs in a blanket, fry him like bacon. We do know that one of the co founders of the Black Lives Matter group was actually in the Obama White House. Imagine if Donald Trump invited such an extremist. Remember too, that for eight long years, the Democrats successfully hid the picture of Barack Obama hanging out with smiling with Nation of Islam, racist and anti Semite Louis Vericon. And they hid that from the public for eight years. And let me tell you something that was probably not an easy due but they did it. Now we know, and nobody in the press is bothered to ask Barack Obama, who's now lecturing Donald Trump, why were you hanging out with a virulent racist and anti semit like Lewis Farakhan. I'm sure that question is coming any day now. But anyway, back to this bets guy and the guy responsible for the death and murder and mayhem that took place in Dayton, Kill every fascist, he declared on his Twitter account, echoing a rallying cry of Antifa ideologues. Over the next year, he's tweeting became increasingly violent. Nazis deserved death and nothing else. Wow, a lot of any conservative that ever runs for office. What have I told you? Every two years, every four years, Republicans Conservatives a racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, is lomophobic. You know Obama said their plan is dirty air, dirty water, Then it's of course we want dead children. Although we don't support during birth or after birth abortion. Most of the pro choice people that I know don't support that. Democrats do when they're fighting for it. What ten states now and even the governor the Great Commonwealth of Virginia said so that would be called murder infanticide. But anyway, this guy went on, Nazis deserved death, nothing else. He had tweeted all of this out. He had reached out to the Socialist Rifle Association, apparently, according to this article in the New York Post, an antifa gun group, to comment about bump stocks, and he got response from the SRA. He expressed a longing for climactic of confrontation. He had a response from an intercept writer, Hey, let's defeat impeach Donald Trump? But what if he doesn't leave the White House. Well, the shooter from Dayton wrote, arm, train, and prepare, And by June of this year, he was tweeting, I want socialism. I'll not wait for the idiots to finally come around understanding, promoted post that demonized Ted Cruz, Bill Cassidy's resolution against Antifa extremism, and then an Antifa militant fire bomb by the way last month the Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility and to coma wash Ington, we reported it. I don't think the media reported it a lot. And then we go on and we find out that well, while he didn't have a quote manifesto, he did have a lot of tweets that we can look at to give us some insight into a sick, ugly twisted thinking. And he talked about his comrades taking up arms and confronting the ascendant fascism of the state. And one of his tweets he extinguished the lives of nine fellow Americans. And he responded to a person asking, you know, is that a villain or a martyr? And the shooter and Dayton said martyr. So I guess we have some insight into that. But this is their history. I have gone through every the history of what Democrats do every two years, every four years. You know, we'll start with the We'll start in nineteen ninety eight Missouri Democratic Party radio ad elect Republicans. Well, black churches are gonna burn, crosses are gonna burn. Then we have, of course the James Bird dragging death that was evil perpetrated on an innocent man. And George W. Bush Well, he supported the death penalty for that person. But then the ad came out when he's running for president. It was like my father was killed all over again because he didn't support hate crimes legislation, or you've supported the death penalty. He wanted the evil s ob dead for the murder of an innocent man. Yes, and then of course we could take it. You know, Republicans don't even want to count you in the census. Al Gore or Joe Biden, I'm gonna put y'all back in change. We're gonna get lectures from Biden, the guy that's that's supported segregation. We're gonna get lectures from the Clinton's. Hillary's mentor is the former clansman Bird. We're gonna get lectures from Bill Clinton, who praised and gave the medal of honor to a known segregationist, his mentor, Jay William Fulbright. You see this every two years, every four years. We have chronicled this on this program all the time. Even claimed Mitt Romney was a racist. They claimed John McCain, who the media loved except when he was running for president, he was a racist. Any conservative that runs for office is going to be called a race Not true. Now we also have decades and decades a liberal rule and many big cities in America. Let's see what's happening. This past weekend, fifty nine people were shot in Chicago and many dead. It happens every weekend. I don't see the media madness. I don't see the cries of racism. Why aren't these Democratic leaders solving the epidemic, the cancer of violence against our fellow Americans? How is that even possible? It happens in New York, it happens in Chicago, it happens in La San Francisco, and it also happens in Baltimore, which has now been front and center, and yet nobody fixes the problem, nobody even ports on it hardly anymore. You know, I'm scrolling names during the Obama years of people and these the people who's in Chicago have been shot and those that have been murdered, nobody pays any attention. That was Obama's hometown. Nobody's lifted a finger. Clinton's best BF dead fisher manual running the city. How many years were you there? Eight? He didn't fix the problem. You know, it is amazing that under Biden Obama policies, the people that are impacted negatively the most are minorities. They say they have a monopoly of compassion, They say they care about minorities, and all their policies do is create more poverty. Thirteen million more of our fellow Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, worst recoveries since the forties. We're gonna get lectures. Okay, what have we had in the two and a half years of Donald Trump? Now that's racist, racist race. Well, we've got last Friday, yet another record low set in terms of the employment of African Americans in our country. That's our family going to work, having hope, opportunity and a ladder up a standard of living, increasing record low unemployment the best employment situation since nineteen sixty nine, the lowest unemployment ever records African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace. But he's a racist. No, he's trying to help every American achieve the American dream. And yes, he wants to control the border. By their logic, Bernie's responsible for the shooting of Steve Scalise and others by their logic. Elizabeth Warren's responsible for the shooting in Dayton, by their logic. The four thousand hma sides plus in a two year period by illegal immigrants against Americans. That would be on those people that don't want to build the wall with the door. As long as we can vet we know the one percent is one percent. We worry about, not the ninety nine, But we want people to respect our laws. The ninety percent of heroin that crosses that border, we lose three hundred Americans a week. By their logic, we blame them. They don't want to build the wall and protect the wall and protect the country. We got to go even further. Sexual assaults, filing assaults. By their logic, we blame them. It would be intellectually dishonest to do so. I refuse to go down this road because it's a lie. But they do it, and the people have not picked out coffins and burial sites, and these people are raising money. It is so sick, It is so deranged, ugly twisted. It is beyond anything I've ever seen in the thirty years I've covered politics. It shouldn't be happening. They don't care. Lugend Trump, lugend Trump, bludge Trump. What we needed to hear from the President were words that he's incapable of speaking, which is I'm sorry, I apologize. The President of the United States has to stop, has to stop igniting the flames of hatred and big a dream. These shootings were clearly, at least in part, a result of his racist rhetoric. That's clear. For those of you who are funding Donald Trump's reelection campaign, you may want to take note that because you keep writing checks to this president, it's on you. It really is. It's all on you because you're funding this white supremacist campaign our commander in chief, and he is encouraging this. He doesn't just tolerate it, he encourages it. I want to say with more moral clarity that Donald Trump is responsible for this. Is it fair John to tie the president to this violence? Well, Dan, whether or not it is fair, he's going to have to answer those questions. It's also worth noting that last week we asked whether President Trump's racial resentment rhetoric was a political issue for Republicans. Now I have to ask whether his harsh words are actually inspiring violence. But he has used his megaphone, his platform as a means to enable and encourage a lot of that side of public discourse, and he bears the responsibility. There's an eerie similarity between what we're seeing with white hate radicalization and Islamic violent extremist radicalization to jihad. And they see in the President a mentor or a similar figure to that type of Muslim cleric that calls people to violence and jihad. How can we bludgeon Trump on the back of a tragedy. That's how sick these people have become. All right, twenty five now until the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one, Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program. I've played this history of the Democratic Party. I have played the comments of about let's just go down memory lane and what It happens every two years, every four years, this compulsion of the left for political reasons. You look at the cities, the big cities where Democrats are ruled for decades. What do we see? Misery, poverty, high murder rates. They do nothing, but they'll politicize a tragedy and blame Trump. Now, remember when you hear sleepy creepy uncle Joe. Remember he compared Trump to the ku Klux Klan. But he once said Robert Byrd was a very close friend to his. Many Republicans talking coded racial language about takers and losers. They demonize President Obama and encourage the ugliest impulses of the paranoid fringe. If you accept the support of clan sympathizers before you are president, you will accept their support after your president. He's gonna let the big banks once again write their own rules. Unchain Wall Street, You're gonna put y'all back in change. It's wrong what the leader of the Republican Party and this Congress are doing in blocking an accurate census because they don't want to count everyone that they don't think they can count on. They are in favor of affirmative action. If you can dump the basketball or sink a three point shot. But they're not in favor of it. If you merely have the potential to be a leader in your community and bring people together, don't tell me we've got a color line society. Seven nineteen ninety eight in Texas, my father was killed and beaten, chained and drank green mouse Tuesday, all because he was black. So when Governor George W. Bush refused to support hate crimes legislation, it was like my father was killed all over again. When you don't vote, you let another church explode. When you don't vote, you allow another cross to burn. That is your modern Democratic party. That is the politics of race that now it used to be every two years and every four years and during well, we are in the middle of a political campaign. Let's be honest here, um, are they gonna talk about some of the things that Barack Obama has said over the years, some of the friendships, some of the associations of Barack Obama, you know, because they didn't vet him in oh seven and eight, but I vetted him. I remember New Gingrit's called me and said, you're going too far. You really just this is gonna come back. People think this is crazy, but you gotta stop may hurt your career, he said it, And I said, well, if that's the net result of me telling the truth and vetting somebody that wants to be president, then I guess that's gonna be my fate. What did we discover that he had a radical socialist extreme indoctrination his entire career, and I predicted at the time that Barack Obama would not he was. He seemed to me to be a president that read teleprompter as well. He had a lot of energy, a lot of enthusiasm, hope and change slogans. They all sound great, keep your doctor, keep your plan pay less, none of which happened. False promises, just like the New Green Deal false promises. But he also learned from Frank Marshall Davis and his radical leftist status views. He learned, you know what was a community organizer or acorn or you know had you hang out in the church? She said, you're inspired by black liberation theology. And then that pastor of twenty plus years on the Sunday after nine to eleven, America's chickens have come home to roost and no, no, no knock, God bless America, America USK, I'll get to that gd America, or you start your career in the home of unrepentant domestic terrorists, members of the leaders of the Weather Underground. How would you why would you ever hang out with those people? Airs and Dorn September eleven, two thousand and one, Morning Edition New York Times, before the attacks of all days. Airs and Dorn quoted, is you know at which we did more bomb New York City Police headquarters, the Capitol, other places. That's what the Weather Underground did, And then of course we got not until he left office. The picture of him with Louis Furricon and and just him quick memory let's go do memory lane on Obama pionary people who want like that. It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Porto Prince see in a year where white folks greed runs, a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere. Talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to him, whether they're independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with him and get in their face. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They canna come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back. I'll put I'll put mister Burgess up against Sean Hannity. They'll tear him up. You got their plan, which is, let's have dirtier air, dirtier water less people without insurance. You don't negotiate by putting a gun to the other person's head, or worse yet, by putting a gun to the American people's head, by threatening a shutdown. That is, of course, the person that's now lecturing us on civility and in the country. Yeah, I just watched Biden Biden comparing Trump to the ku Klux Klan today and white supremacists. It's now their political talking point in a political season. And as I'm laying out for you, this is predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. That is how predictable it is. It happens like clockwork. And in the case of Donald Trump, after two and a half years of never ending well violent talk against him and his family and trying to destroy him and his family, and hauling him every name in the book and wanting to punch him in the face and blow up the White House and having dreams of such. After two NonStop, you severed heads of Donald Trump, like in a terrorist beheading incident. It goes on and on. There's the people that were responsible for impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, Russia, Russia, Russia, collusion, collusion, collusion, and on and on and on, slsle Stormy's, Dormy's, dormy, racist, racist, It's just another day for them. It's, you know, well manufactured, crisis, manufactured, whatever it is. If you take it to their if you take their way of thinking, which is so intellectually dishonest, which is so full of this rage and psychosis that they have, and you apply it to them, they are as or more guilty than Donald Trump by a long shot. And by their standards, Bernie's responsible for the baseball shooting. He's not, but he would be by their standards. Elizabeth Warren and all the radical socialists would be responsible for what happened in Dayton. It's not true, but they're logic. And then we can look at the violence, the one percent that crossed the border. The reason we need the wall is because we need people to respect our constitution, our sovereignty, our borders, our laws. It's pretty simple. The same people that now say they're immoral, the same people that say they're unnecessary, the same people that say we don't have a crisis that is manufactured. Most of them sounded like Donald Trump in Obama's second term and voted as such. So it is this is all about a sick, ugly twisted brand of politics. Now. At the end of the day, for me, politics ought to be about service. You ought to be serving the public that votes for you. You run for office, you make promises. And the best thing that I kind of like about Trump as he fights to keep his promises. Many Republicans they don't fight to keep their promises. You never hear from them. They seem to shy away from any controversy. They can't stand it if one negative things ever said about them. Donald Trump has it every second, minute, hour of every day, and he doesn't care. He cares about the results and cares about keeping his word. Republicans can learn a thing or two. They didn't need a spine transplant. Half of them, well more than half of them, these are Republicans. But the bottom line is he said he'd put originalist justices on the court. That's what he's done. Here's the list. I'm gonna pick from this list twice for the Supreme Court. He's done it. For lower courts, He's done it every other time. Then the biggest tax cuts, then ending burdens and regulation, and then renewing trade deals, fair and free trade he wants. I know so far it hasn't worked out yet with China, but it seems like we're making progress. Seems like they're beginning to cave and capitulate. Seems like the President on paper is right. We have free trade, but it's not fair trade. Nobody's ever demanded fair trade, and I'm a free trader. I don't want tariffs. I don't want these battles going back and forth. And I think eventually, like we saw with Canada and NATO and Mexico, I think eventually everyone's gonna see it's in their best interest not to have a trade war and to be a little bit more fair in their trade practices with the United States. And of course, record low unemployment, the best employment situation that we have had since nineteen sixty nine. But it's just typical, predictable standard politics, as you usual, say whatever you need to say to get elected. And when these people get elected, well we know what Biden can do. Biden ended up in a disaster on foreign policy. Biden ended up with a disaster economically with Obama. You know Obama. Biden now says he's coming for assault weapons. Here we go again, you know, blaming the gun. You know, it's interesting all these people that have their own bodyguards, or these Hollywood elitists that have the ability to hire bodyguards because they got the money. Those bodyguards are armed. But I guess we're just sitting ducks if they have their way. And the reality is we need responsible gun ownership. And you know, I know that idiot Trevor John Stuart wannabe I'll do. I was gonna tweet this, but I just I stopped doing it in the middle because it was wasting my time and it needs joking about. Well, Hannity's plan is to make sure that the perimeter of every school in mall in America, no, most to these places a gun free zones. And if you don't want another school shooting, and America is not going to give in on their Second Amendment rights because of the actions of a few while. Why don't we give the kids in every school and every city and every state, every school in the country the same protection politicians and Hollywood stars get, which is armed security. And I said, let's empower retired military, retired police secure the perimeter of every school ad metal detectors, so no kid's gonna get a gun into school. And then in the halls of every school there's going to be a first responder because the problem is, I don't care how quick a police department is able to respond. By the time they get to the school, it's over, it's done. But if you have people there prepared, and I said, we don't even have to pay them. If they volunteer fifteen hours a week, have out they pay, no property taxes, no state taxes, no local taxes, and no federal income tax. Fifteen hours a week, they got to donate to the school, to church, whatever. And guess what, We're not going to have a school shooting problem. It's going to go away because it's going to be the same protection we give the politicians and Hollywood stars. I mean, for Joe Biden today, it's a joke, Joe Biden saying about the former clansman Robert KKK Bird. He's a very close friend of mine, one of my mentors, the same guy that was fighting for segregation, Joe Biden, just like Hillary Clinton. Her mentor was Robert KKK former clansman Bird. I mean, you know, it's it's all predictable in the wake of all this, you know, Bernie Sanders, I mean, it's kind of funny. Bernie's actually saying, well, don't We're gonna blame Trump for what happened in Olpasso, but we're not gonna pay any attention it at all to what happened in Dayton, Like, huh. You know, the president goes to visit and offer comfort from the President of the United States, and of course, oh, this is terrible. No, it's not terrible. He's responsible. He called No, he didn't. President's never called for violence. He has, on numerous occasions, as we've played on this show, condemned white supremacy, Antifa and other groups like this. And by the way, I'm not confident the red flag gun controlled bills that any government can get that right. In other words, yeah, I like the idea that if you see somebody who poses an imminent danger, I'm a little bit worried that that's going to be used as a weapon by people against other people with no evidence. We are a nation or rule of laws, and no politician should be blamed for another's evil intention in spite of what these Democrats do. President made a good point. Nobody's talking about the Dayton shooter supporting Elizabeth Warren. You know there was thirty seven mass shootings under Obama on it. I didn't hear George Bush condemn Obama for Sandy Hook. And by the way, for all those that think on the Democratic side, this is working for them. Well, the President's at fifty percent in the Rasmus and Pole. I don't think your hate Trump agenda is gonna work. As a matter of fact, it's backfiring, just like Muller did. But you're too dumb to see it. You know, Corey Booker, Trump should stop all campaign rallies. Yeah, I bet they'd love for him to stop campaign rallies because they can't get those crowds. But of course where the smelly Walmart people that voted for him. Where the irredeemable deplorables that supported him. We're the ones that cling to our God above our creator. Our Bibles and our guns and religion. We're angry. According to Obama, it's pretty obvious to me and anyone who's listened to the president and will look at the facts that his anti immigrants rhetoric, not just the things that I cited, but calling asylum seekers animals or an infestation. Now, you might describe a cockroach or termites as an infestation something less than human. You might hear someone in the Third Reich describe a given people based on their characteristic as an infestation or subhuman. But that's what the President of the United States is doing right now. We have a president who made his career politically on demonizing Mexicans, and now we're seeing reports that the shooter yesterday had his goal as killing as many Mexicans as possible. You don't have to use a lot of imagination to connect the dots here. All of the evidence out there suggests that we have a president who is a racist, who is a xenophope, who appeals and is trying to appeal to white nationalism. We have a president of the United States who uses the microphone, which is probably one of the most powerful tools in the hand of the president of the United States and uses that microphone in a way that is about sewing hate and division in our country. He is not only egging on white supremacy and white nationalism, but he has one himself and believe that the President is fostering fostering hate in this country. The manifesto that apparently this shooter wrote that says that Hispanics are taking over the state of Texas and changing the country. This echoes the kind of language that our president encourages. Oh no, no, there's no question that's a dangerous game. There's no question that his reddich has contributed to at a minimum, at a minimum of dumbing down the way in which we as a society talk about one another. Donald Trump is responsible for this, all right? Our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred nine poll one Shawn Tolfrey Tillipo number. What's amazing about this is there are people that appreciate that the President took the time to go out to both El Paso and to Dayton today to deal with the families and the victims of all of this. Now, the trouble is that we have a logic problem, and we have a lack of intellectual honesty and consistency problem. For example, two El Paso shooting victims blasting local Democrats for snubbing the president. Today, One Deborah Entrenado has lost a brother and a sister in law to this deadly mass shooting. Anyway, she they were murdered in Walmart and Andre was killed when he shielded his wife and his two month old son from the killer's gunfire. It's amazing in every instance of just utter evil and inhumanity. You see greatness in humanity at the same time giving his life for another. No greater love hath any man. Right. Anyway, Tuesday, Deborah posted a Facebook a post blasting the local Democratic leaders snubbing the president of the United States. Well, they also, we know the mayor of Dayton wanted to politicize this, and the mayor of Dayton is saying, you know, encouraging residence to protest Donald Trump. He's there to comfort families, they're there to politicize things. But if we take this now to its ultimate conclusion, what they're saying is the Bernie sniper that shot Steve Scalise and others on that ball field, that would be Bernie's fault. Again, that's their logic. The Dayton shooter that showed support for Elizabeth Warren, Antifa and all things radical, extreme democrat and socialist. Okay, then I guess Elizabeth Warren is responsible for that. We've talked about a two year period that we had four thousand homicides committed against Americans by illegal immigrant criminals. We had thirty thousand sexual assaults, violent sexual assaults. We had one hundred thousand other violent assaults against Americans, again criminal illegal immigrants in this country. So I guess if we add that to the ninety percent of heroin that crosses into our country, ninety percent of America's heroin comes across the southern border, and now a significant portion we don't have numbers in yet, but significant portions of fetanol, the deadlier drug that that is also coming in because we have open borders. But again, if we're gonna use their logic, which is sick and ugly political and twisted, and I don't agree with it, and I said so at the time, I don't blame Bernie Sanders for what happened in the ballfield, but I'm using their logic, not mine. That that would mean that every homicide, every rape, every child that is trafficked into prostitution, every heroin overdose overdose death, and every sexual assault victim and violent assault victim again by an illegal criminal. Only one percent of the population that I think of people that want to enter this country. I understand people want the American dream. I'm just saying, listen, we'd love to have you. We've got to vet you. You've got to be able to take care of yourself financially. That's not a whole lot to ask anyway. But if we follow the logic, then we're gonna blame those people that won't build the wall, because they're to blame based on their own standards. This politicizing of tragedy and fundraising off of tragedy is a disgrace. It's a predictable disgrace, and the same old, same old. Oh, let's confiscate guns, let's take away Second Amendment rights. No, I don't think that's the answer either. You know how many school shootings, mall shootings, How many of these schools and malls are gun freeze zones? Anyway, here to weigh in on this twisted, sick, ugly logic and politicizing a tragedy, we have a pastor see how Brian is with us. He's the author of the Race for Freedom, He's a senior fellow at Freedom. Works were brought back our friend Haraldo Rivera, who had the worst microphone problem in the history of television last night. No no worries, you know. See, I'll let me begin with you. I believe every human being on this earth has a propensity towards good and evil or evil, you have a choice. I believe human beings do have that choice in life. You decide in your heart. Now, there are some people that are mentally ill, some people that are sick, whether they are to blame or not blame. I'm not a doctor, and I'm not going to play one on the radio. But most people are good people. Most people recognize that every human being on this earth, as I know you believe, and Haraldo believes, and I believe, we're put here, created by add that loves us and has given us more freedom, more opportunity in the United States than any other country ever ever created by man. And I look at this game that people play with tragedy and it just sickens me to It is so despicable to me, I can't even express it in words. Let me see if I can chime in, sean evil and crazy has no racial preference and it has no color. Back when the DC shooter John Muhammad, who had all of us living in fear, we didn't hear half this type of conversation. Only now that race has become a political football again, do you hear these leftists carrying this type of water for progressive liberalism. It is not Donald Trump who has caused these problems. And by and large, if we look at the atrocities get go on across the country, including Dayton and Baltimore, you will see that it is the people who have elected the same old, same old politicians to do their business that is by and large responsible for this type of lunacy. We've wasted tens of millions of dollars on education that has not educated and we want to blame this president who's been in office for nearly three years now for all of the world's ills. It is hypocritical and it is something that I do believe will in fact backfire on each and every one of those who choose to use this line of rhetoric. Although this is not even serious anymore on their part, It is so intellectually dishonest. But if we apply their logic, they're responsible for every border related death being drugs, cartels, gang members. The one percent that we need to not allow into the country, not the ninety nine percent. You know how I feel about immigration. I want a big door. I want to invite as many good people. I don't care where they come from, if they want to be a part of our family. But there is one percent that we can't let in. You know, just on immigration. Very briefly, show on the President and I was very impressed. Cited our very very low unemployment level and said American needs our factory feed, our industry needs legal immigrants. So he, I think, very smartly, is making a move to announced to the world that he's not antiimmigrants. To what he is is pro process and you know, pro order. I don't think that there's anything unreasonable about that. There has been some inflammatory language, especially in the recent past, that I don't approve of, and you know that. But I really think that the President, in the wake of these tragedies has behaved in a spectacular patriotic way. He has reached out to the victims. I think we should have a rule when the president of the United States and the First Lady of the United States go in their capacity as healers intrigue to the scene of one of these awful tragedies. I think that we can suspend, or should suspend, the rapid partisanship and the and the insulting, and the labeling and the stereotyping that usually is unfortunately part of America's political discourse. For God's sakes, let the victims have at least the consolations that the President of the United States, the leader of the free world, and his lovely wife have taken their time to show these victims, with their their hearts and their language, that they are comfortered, that they're not alone. That is a thing that that's not politics. Now, that's that's the office, the majesty of the office, the sincere already of the person that holds the office, going to a person who had suffered this horrible I was with the President the evening after he visited and the First Lady visited the victims of the Parkland massacre. You sent me down there. I was in Palm Beach. The President and I were head to head, and he was shaken. John, he was visibly shaken. He wanted to do something. He and the first lady described the well the president described the severity of the wound suffered. In that case. He was there not as the Republican president or the conservative president. He was as the president of the entire countrys journal I think that give it a break, give it a rest. They're never gonna give it a rest. This is the problem we you know, we've had how many violent threats. I've got the tape, I'll play it if you want, you know, wanting to blow up the White House and thinking a lot about it, and when the last time actor killed a president, maybe it's time for you know, another instant James Wilkes booth against Lincoln. So that's Johnny Depp or the severed heads or everything else. You know, you'll consideration from Hollywood. Those those folks are professional haters of anything that doesn't smack up woke liberalism, of the most extreme kind of liberalism, which includes open borders, I mean, your your favorite issue, and other similarly implausible kinds of theories like reparations and things of that nature that the mainstream would never ever in a million years go for us. You don't ever expect Hollywood to give you any breaks when it comes particularly to President Trump. Now, President Trump is not without blame. I mean, and you're an eye as friends have to remind the president that language matters, don't well, you know, Haraldo. I would take this more seriously if we didn't spent two and a half years with every Democrat, every fake phony medium mob member slashing and burning and accusing him of everything under the sun, and the rhetoric and by the way it is, they exhausted so much of their credibility on the Russian hope. They seamlessly went from the Russian hopes, which turned out to be a delusion of the collusion delusion they went right into. Then the next was stormy, stormy, stormy collusion, collusion s s hall racist, racist that they wake up hating this man. You know, cl I know you're a pastor, You're a man of the cloth. I don't see the medium mob, the Democrats and their rage and psychosis ever accepting that Donald Trump can do anything good. I think if he cured cancer, they would hate him. Sean, the Judeo Christian ethic that this nation was based upon is still very much in effect, and what the President has been doing over these last two and a half years is letting us all know that we are a nation of Americans. You hear it often said that we're a nation of immigrants. No, that once was true, but now we're a nation of Americans. And anyone coming to this nation wanting to be a part of the American experience, especially if they're wanting to call themselves citizens, they must become Americans. There's nothing racist. There's nothing wrong with being proud and having pride in a nation that is the greatest nation on the face of the planet, the greatest success story the world has ever known. A right, let me give fifteen seconds last word, HOLDOLDO. I think that while Keene Castro did in releasing the names of the donors to the president's campaign, was really a very low blow, low down end dirty. I didn't like I think Bato or roor so absolutely condemning and accusing the president to basically being a co conspirator in this mass murder the height of reckless irresponsibility. He should be ashamed. That should be both desperate moves and they should be held account All right, guys, thank you very much, appreciate it. Eight hundred nine for one Seawan Tolfree telephone number. We do have other news we'll get to next on the deep State as we check in with Kimberly Strassell and Greg Jarrett and our news round up Information Overload hour. Back to our top story coming up straight ahead. Twenty sixth of your report, you talk about the Internet Research Agency and how tens of millions of US persons became engaged with the posts that they made, that there were some eighty thousand posts on Facebook, that Facebook itself admitted that one hundred and twenty six million people had probably seen the posts that were put up by the Internet Research Agency, That they had thirty eight hundred Twitter accounts and had designed more than one hundred and seventy five thousand tweets that probably reached one point four million people. The Internet Research Agency, he was spending about one point two five million dollars a month on all of this social media in the United States, in what I would call an invasion in our country. Would you agree that it was not a hoax that the Russians were engaged in trying to impact our election? Absolutely, that was not a hoax. The indictments we returned against the Russians, two different ones were substantial in their scope using the scope word again, and I think one of the we have underplayed to a certain extent in that aspect of our investigation that has and would have long term damage to the United States that we need to move quickly to address. That was, of course, Robert Muller. And what's fascinating is you listen to this him testifying a Jackie spire about the indictments made against Russians in the Russia investigation. By the way, we'll get back to the news of the day and the politicizing a tragedy and everything else that's been going on all day in a minute. But what's so fascinating about this is what Robert Muller did not talk about. What Robert Muller's report did not deal with, choices that he and his team not knowing Fusion GPS, not knowing Genie Ray worked for Clinton, not just on the peripheries. Do they discuss the issue of the dirty dossier? And so what was Mueller trying to hide? How do you get how do you get to well, it's important about loan applications, taxes and and by the way, pay your taxes. If you don't pay taxes, you're gonna go to jail every year, my accountant, I give them the same message that I have all my adult life. Pay it, pay it, pay it, pay it, pay it, pay it. Now. I think I pay more than I should. They think I pay more than I should. They think I should be a little bit. Well, this is what most people would take as a deduction. You're not taking it as a deduction. Well, I just kind of always knew, and it's true, and it's happened that I would be scrutinized more and it's absolutely been the case. But guess what I pay my taxes. Don't lie on loan applications. That means you're committing a fraud to get money from a bank. Bad idea. You do these dumb things, and it's gonna bite you in the ass, unless, of course, your name is come or Hillary Clinton. But the fact that the dirty dossier bought and paid for, that the New York Times now suspects it was greatly Russian disinformation from the get go and ignored by Muller and the partisan hit team of his Andrew Weissman the Pit Bowling Company, is very revealing. What's also revealing is what now the Attorney General and of course the Inspector General and this prosecutor from Massachusetts are now engaged in a real investigation, and I think at the end of the day you will see a full examination of premeditated fraud committed on a FISA court to spy and a presidential candidate transition team and a president. You'll see multiple avenues of spying, outsourcing of intelligence gathering to circumvent American laws not to spy on American citizens. You will see that allies that Joseph misfid, the guy that we were told in the Muller report is probably Russian intelligence, No, was probably Western Italian intelligence. And also how other countries have been outsourced to do things that would otherwise be illegal by our intelligence community. Now that's not our intelligence community, the nine it's not the ninety nine percent of the FBI. But they've done damage here thinking they know better than we, the smelly Walmart people that cling to our God, our guns, our Bibles, and our religion and we are irredeemable deplorables. Greg Jarrett with us of course, Fox News Legal analyst number one best selling author Kim Strassell. She writes for The Wall Street Journal, a weekly column, Potomac Watch, and appears on Fridays on Wall Street Journal show that they have on Fox News and others. Glad you're both with us. Kimberly, let's start with you. You haven't been with us in a while. Just want to get your take and where this is all going and Coomey's reaction to what's happening to him. Well, first of all, you were talking about Bob Muller's testimony, and the thing that was most striking to me about that is that, in addition to him doing what he was actually asked to do as part of this investigation into Russian interference, that was half of the report, the other half we now know was about protecting the FBI and building on Jim Komey's stories so that they didn't blow up the entire FBI fiction that somehow this was legitimate, And that became incredibly clear as Mueller was testifying, in which, as you mentioned, he refused to answer any questions. All these things that had to do with the dossier were supposedly outside of his purview. How could they be outside of his purview? As you know, Congressman Matt Gates pointed out he said, Christopher Steele has acknowledged that Russians gave him this information. We now know all of that information was false, that obviously potentially was disinformation. How could it be outside of your purview to ask if the dossier was itself a Russian attempt to interfere in our election and so discord and undermine a new president. So, I mean, this shouldn't surprise anybody. By the way, Bob Muller, other than Herbert, other than Huler, was the longest serving FBI director of all time, and the idea that he was ever going to go do a legitimate investigation that looked into Komey's actions and how this mess began was beyond the realm of possibility. And your reaction, Greg Jarrett, Well, I agree. He not only said that it was beyond his purview, then he said he dismissed any investigation into the Clinton campaign and Christopher Steele and the dossier as well that occurred, those events occurred before my appointment, which is incomprehensible since his entire collusion investigation predated his appointment. So that made no sense. And quite frankly, so much of his testimony made little sense. And I think that's not only a reflection on the fact that he didn't write the report and he wasn't really in control and command of the investigation, but also the fact that it was severely biased. I certainly agree with Kim, But now we have what I think is the real investigation. And I know a great many Americans who believe that the President was indeed a victim of a witch hunt and a hoax are frustrated that it has taken so long. But if I may paraphrase the late Felix Frankfurter, the great Supreme Court justice, when he said, justice too often never comes, so we ought not to reject it because it comes late. Now, this is late, but it is never too late to hold those accountable who engaged in corrupt acts and lawlessness. Well, the thing is, do you have confidence in Dorham? Do you have confidence in Bar? Do you have confidence in Horowitz? Do you have confidence that every aspect that I go back to the series of questions. This is Lindsey Graham as asking the Attorney General Bill Barr? What is important? What's not important? Here? Is this exchange, which I think is critical. Do you share my concerns about the FISA warrant process. Yes. Do you share my concerns about the counterintelligence investigation, how it was opened and why it was opened. Yes, you share my concerns at the professional lack of professionalism and the Clinton email investigations something we should all look at. Yes. Do you expect to change your mind about the bottom line conclusions of the Muller report? No? Do you know Bob Muller? Yes? Do you trust him? Yes? How long have you known him? Thirty years roughly. Do you think he had time he needed? Yes? You think he had the money he needed? Yes? You think he had the resources he needed. Yes. You think he did a thorough job. Yes, And I think he feels he did a thorough job and had adequate evidence to make the calls. Do you think the president's campaign in twenty sixteen was thoroughly looked at in terms of whether or not they colluded with the Russians? Yes, and the answer is no. According to Bob Muller, that's right, he couldn't decide about obstruction. You did, Is that correct? That's right? You feel good about your decision? Absolutely? Kim Strassel, That to me was the tipping point. Then, of course, Muller testified. We saw what a disaster it was. Where do you see it going? You look at those three individuals you mentioned, Sean, I think in terms of Bill bar we should have the confidence that he is going to get to the bottom of this, and not just because of comments like that, but if you listen to other interviews, he's given two things event very encouraging to me. One is that he seems to have already a significant knowledge of events, which is more than you can say for Muller, not even claiming to know who Fusion GPS is. But he also seems to have an understanding of the gravity of what is being accused here, of our intelligence agencies essentially meddling in an election and not being forthright with fives the courts, and not being forthright with the public. So I think that's important. Durham will see what comes. But he has an excellent reputation as a guy who is not afraid to go after even our own intelligence agencies. That's history, and I think that's encouraging. Those are rare prosecutors who are willing to go against members of their own as it work and hold them to account. And then Horowitz, look, I'm very very encouraged that he sent that referral about Comby regardless of the Department of Justice's decision not to pursue charges. The fact that Horowitz was willing to go there suggested he is also not afraid to speak truth to power, and that the individuals he's investigating here will be held to a bar and a standard, regardless of how famous or infamous they are now on Twitter or radio talk shows or TV shows. Let me ask you both, because I think the big bombshell I'm surprised is this whole issue of Peter Struck now suing the FBI and the DOJ. I know you saw those or in the queue at Fox, Greg Jarrett, what is your reaction as Struck. It's kind of humorous to me because we now know all the things that he's done. I think he's now opening himself up. He's claiming that his termination was politically driven and illegal. McCabe has done the same thing, protesting and resisting his own firing for Line. This seems to be a matter of course. There is a wealth of evidence that both McCabe and Peter Struck deserved to be fired, and they were. I don't think that goes anywhere. By the way, I agree with Kimberly about John Durham and William Barr, and I'll point your attention to the very revealing interview that Bar did with CBS News, and I'll quote him. He said, these counterintelligence activities directed to the Trump campaign were not done in the normal course and not through the normal procedures. As far as I can tell, it has to be carefully looked at, he said, because the use of foreign intelligence capabilities and counterintelligence capabilities against an American political campaign, to me, is unprecedented and it's a serious red line that has been crossed. End of quote. Now that tells me that both Durham and Bar have wised up, they know what was going on here. It is disappointing to some people that after a criminal referral by the IG on Komey to the Department of Justice, they have apparently reportedly declined to prosecute. I would say only this, Not all corrupt acts by government officials can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt as crimes. It may very well be that Barr and Durham feel they have a stronger case to be made in the near future against Komey for something like Faisa abuse. I'd stay right there Kimberly Strassell, Greg Jared with those news round up information overload at the top of the hour. Well, I wrappen things up here with Kimberly Strassell and our friend Greg Jared. Just your quick reaction to Peter Struck suing the FBI and the DJ Kimberly Strassell, Well, it's ludicrous. Obviously he's shown more than enough cause to have been let go. Mueller himself removed him from the team, which was your first indication if even if he was too big a red line for Bob Muller, you know that he didn't have a future at the FBI. Look, I think the more important thing is when we get this horror which report, is accountability, Okay, And I would just I would like to kind of second what Gregg said that the real reason we should be fighting for this is information so that people held accountable, and that might not always mean an orange jumpsuit, all right. I would prefer to have the entire story of what happened here, to have reports that pointed out where people violated rules and regulations and acted inappropriately in their official capacity. To make examples out of them, and so that we can also have some guidance for Congress going. Well, if you if you premeditated or fraud on a fizer court and you'll lie to a court to denying somebody their constitutional rights, if you rigged an investigation, if you turn the powerful tools of intelligence on the American people, those are crimes, Kimberly, other people went to jail for far less, didn't they. Some of them are crimes. All I am saying is that whatever comes out of this report, whether there are whether everyone is held to a crime, or whether some people are targeted for crimes, I think the important thing that we should all be caring about is getting the full story, and that is what I hope to see come out of us. Thank you both. Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn toll free telephone number. News round Up Information overload as we continue straight ahead. All right, News round up Information Overload. Our Sean Hannity Show. By the way, Build A Blasio is on Hannity tonight. We have a lot of other news we will get in in the course of the hour. So the President goes to El Paso, the President goes to Dayton, and even when the President is out there trying to help at least comfort people that have had the worst loss that you can ever imagine in life. And people are in the process of making funeral plans and buying coffins and getting plots and so on and so forth. Well, we have Democrats. All they want to do is politicize it. Now, if this is going to be the logic that the media takes the mob towards towards events like this, and if their logic is going to be that they politicize tragedy, if they're gonna fundraise within hours off of tragedy, if that is, if that's going to be their way of thinking, they won't get away with only thinking that way when it is convenient for them politically. Now, look at if we're gonna look at this and we're gonna apply the same standards, so that means every big city like Chicago. Fifty seven shootings this weekend, Actually Lawrence said it was fifty nine. That was Lawrence Jones that we just came in with. Lawrence Jones interestingly has gone to these cities now, He's gone to San Francisco. He's seen the drug addict shooting up a mile away in one direction from Nancy Pelosi's gated community and one mile away from her office. But they're shooting up right in the streets. They're disposing their needles right in the streets. That's a danger to everybody that people have not ficees, so they're urinating and defecating on the streets, but not making it up. We've played the reports many times. The stench and the smell from the feces is beyond comprehension. According to all the people we've interviewed, we sent them to the LA encampments. Well now we've got literally LA encampments, bigger than we've ever had before. How is this happening in the cities that have been run for decades by the most compassionate, the ones that claim a monopoly of compassion, love, and inclusiveness. What are they doing to help minorities the poor in their own communities. I've often said liberals are only generous with other people's money. So then you go to Baltimore because the line was these are concentration camps, that is the detention facilities. Look, I wish we didn't have any detention facilities when we finished the wall, hopefully soon one day well, won't need the detention facilities, but we did send Fox cameras down there. Griff Jenkins went into one of the biggest ones and what did we see. Well, we saw people that were getting food, water, medicine supplies, cots, blankets, pillows. They were also getting medical attention. We're paying for all of this, and children are getting diapers and baby formula and anything that they need, all the medications they need. They have soccer fields. We also saw telephones available, phones, TV's available, other recreational facilities. And while nobody wants to be in a detention center, I had a choice of being there or in some of the worst parts of Baltimore and the worst parts the high crime areas of Chicago where fifteen and nine people were shot this weekend. I think I choose the detention facility if I had to make only that choice. But that is this is decades of liberal rule that has gone on here. But if they're gonna blame as they are here, president Trump is responsible for El Paso. Uh No, he's not responsible. And the President has condemned, as we have been telling you all week on so many occasions, white supremacists, and he's also condemned Antifa and those that say, what do we want dead cops? When do we want him? Now? Pigs in a blanket, fry him like Bacon, one of the co founders of Black Lives Matter. Well, they actually got an invite to Barack Obama's White House? Does that mean Dayton? Now we've gone over the whole Dayton issue and we've gotten deep into what happened. But you know, I know Dayton, Ohio's Democratic mayor. Encourage residence to pro test, not mourn, not give the attention where it belongs to the families that have suffered so dearly, not to help them. No, they want they want to politicize it. Elizabeth Warren fundraising off it, the DNC fundraising off it, off it. Then you've got, uh, Julian Castro's campaign manager brother, he's busy trying to get let's see, oh people to go after Trump donors, given away their addresses and doxing them and letting people that's that's private information. What is the objective here? What do you hope will happen to the forty four private citizens whose names you posted? You want people to boycott their companies, protest outside their homes, what's the goal here? No, that in that was never my goal. Like I said, my post was actually as a San Antonio and my family has been here since nineteen twenty two. It was a lament, so it wasn't meant as a boycott. It was meant to target these people. It was meant to draw attention to the fact that we've got a lot of people in our community who are respected by San Antonio, who are contributing to this guy that's using their money to fuel hate. And so what I hope is that this has started a conversation about what exactly Donald Trump is doing with these people's money. And I hope that these donors in San Antonio and donors throughout the country, unless you support the white nationalism and the racism that Donald Trump is paying for and fuelling, then I hope that you, as a person of good conscience, will think twice about contributing to his campaign. But Congressman, as you look at this list, I know you say you didn't put their addresses out there, It's easy to find them. These people undoubtedly are already being harassed online or perhaps face to face in some cases they could be What do you say to those people this morning who said I made a campaign donation and now I'm going to be harassed. I'm going to have people protesting outside my business or perhaps even my home. What do you say to them, Do you want them to repent for their support for Donald Trump or what do you want from them? Well, the first thing is that I don't want anybody harassed or target They will be because you put their names in public. Look, that was not my intention, but that's most things are. These things are public. No, what I would like for them to do is think twice about supporting a guy who is fueling hate in this country. But if you agree that rhetoric can lead to incitement, even if it just triggers one person to do something terrible, does it give you any pause about putting these people's names out in public. Well, Willie, they're already public. They're already out there. They're a Latin retirees and one homemaker who are not public, and this was already circulating. I shared it, so I didn't create the graphic. No, I think, if anything, I think what I am concerned about is the distraction from the fact that people are grieving in outpostles that these folks just got killed, and there are funerals that are being planned right now, and the world in the country should be focused on that, and on the country coming together and healing, in the country unifying. So I'm concerned about all of that. I don't want anybody on the left or the right to be a target of any crazy person, of any person who means them harm at all. That's all. I don't see any of that in the public eye that people knew about, nor should you. What are you saying target them all? These people that are blaming Fox News, are they putting a target a bullseye on people like me when they do that, or are we gonna we're gonna apply the same standards. In other words, So, if the Democratic mayor is encouraging residents to protest, not mourn, I think they'd be better off going to church, praying, bringing in the families, dinners, showing up at the services, just giving the general love, hug, support, flowers, anything you can do to make them feel better. No, they want to turn this into a big political brouhaha. Okay, if that's the case, then we're gonna have to look at the Dayton shooter and then we're gonna have to revisit the Steve Scalise ballfield incident. We're gonna have to say, Okay, if that's your logic, then Bernie Sanders is responsible for what happened to Steve Scalise. I said at the time, that's not true. I said, I don't believe Bernie wants or thinks that. And Bernie's got some of the whackiest views out there. And Sean, just a reminders for our audience. I mean, yesterday you did everybody a big favor because you reminded everybody about the rhetoric that Barack Obama had when he was president and all the things that he said and all the things that he insinuated, and nobody blinked an eye. And here's a president going with the first lady to think, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's not about black, white, red blue. It's about the loss of life. No, it is about it is not for us, for them. But then that should be the telltale. Well then then then, if if we're gonna apply the same standards, then Bernie's responsible for Scalisa's shooting, so is Elizabeth Warren. And I don't believe that, but but if we're gonna apply their standards, they believe that if they're going to apply the standards to a of al Paso, to President Trump, then we've got to look at the New York Post and their headline today in a column that says Dayton shooter Connor Bets, maybe Antifa's first mass killer, and they go on to report the Connor Bets, who, by the way, supports Elizabeth Warrens, who, by their logic, you would blame Elizabeth Warren for what happened in Dayton. He didn't leave behind a manifesto, but we do have his extensive social media footprint, which provides a lot of clues into his thinking and the things that inspired him. He had long expressed support for Antifa accounts and causes and individuals, and Bets promoted extreme hatred of American border enforcement people. They're just enforcing the laws of the land. Quote kill every fascist, he declared in twenty eighteen on Twitter, echoing a rallying cry of Antifa ideologus. Over the next year, his tweets became increasingly violent. Nazis deserved death and nothing else, he tweeted last October. Then he goes He frequently flung the label nazi on anybody who disagreed with him online. By December, he reached out to Twitter to the Socialist Rifle Association and Antifa gun group to comment about bump stocks, and the SRA responded to this guy and in recent months, leading to his rampage. While he expressed a longing for climactic confrontation, he said in an essay in responds to an essay by an intercept writer. Yes, let's defeat or impeach Trump, but what if he doesn't leave the White House? The shooter wrote, arm train and prepare. Oh, that's the Elizabeth Warren guy. I mean, the president has not been shy. He's not been saying this behind closed doors. This is out in the open. You know, all people of one religion inherently defective. It should be banned from the shores of this country. The only modern Western democracy that I can think of that said anything close to this is the third Reich Nazi Germany. And anyone who is surprised is part of this problem right now, including members of the media who ask, hey, betto do you think the president is racist? Well, Jesus Christ, of course he's racist. He's been racist from day one, before day one when he was questioning whether Barack Obama was born in the United States. He's trafficked in this stuff from the very beginning, and we are reaping right now what he has sowned and what his supporters and Congress have sowned. We have to put a stop to it. All right, glad you are with us. Let me go back to the points I'm making here about if this is the standard, and the last thing I'll add here, which I think is important, is if we're going to apply this standard, then every death that is caused by a criminal illegal immigrant, which I think again is the one percent, not nine percent, want the American dream, But we have to vet everybody. I believe you can have a border wall with a door, That's what I've said many times, but we have to. But every single overdose, every death from heroin, knowing ninety percent of heroin crosses that border, every violent murder because of the one percent, every single sexual assault, violent assault, and I've given you those numbers again and again. Then by their logic, you have to blame them because they're not solving the problem. All right, We'll get to your calls coming up here in a minute. Don't forget to build the Blasio is on Hannity tonight and we'll continue at twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Right to our phones, we do have a number of callers from El Paso and Dayton, people the community in communities that are mourning, but also people that are mourning in Chicago. And that's every weekend, fifty nine shot this past weekend. Every weekend, it happens every weekend. It goes on all of these big liberal cities run by the most compassionate people on earth. So they tell us, the most inclusive people on the place of the earth. So they tell us, And what is decades of liberal rule got in Chicago or San Francisco a mile away from Nancy Pelosi's house, or La or New York or Baltimore. Not a hell of a lot. And if they really cared, they would be looking in the mirror and they'd be taking steps to clean up their own cities. But of course everything's Donald Trump's fault. Christy, El Paso, Texas, Christy, First, our thoughts, our prayers are you know, I know how hard. This is, this is hard on everybody. And then to see people politicize this, I'm sure you find nauseating. Absolutely, Sean, it's infuriating. Um. I don't a life long I'll pass when I'm Hispanic, and I happen to agree with a lot of President Trump's policies. But mister Rourke and mister Escobar, she Um, just because I agree with Trump's policies, they are lumping me like I'm a white supremacist. And to hear that it just boils my blood because I love this country, I love my community, and for them to have the audacity to do that is just it's it's it's infuriating, Sean, it really is. It's sad that you know. Look, I know because when you become let's say, the adult in your family in this sense, although I have my sisters to help me, but you know, others to help me. But you know, I know what it's like to have to pick out a coffin. I know what it's like to be in a funeral home to make arrangements. I know what it's like to have to purchase a plot of land for somebody. I've been there, I've done it. These families haven't even made they likely haven't gotten there yet, and if they've gotten there, it's traumatized them even further. Absolutely, I mean we've had I mean, we have um, you know, wonderful um. There's a funeral home that has um you know, taken on the responsibility that is anybody wants, they will provide the cost of the burial. I mean, that's just how amazing our community is, you know, you know, And I just want to give kudos to our mayor and Dmargo and the fact that President Trump is coming here. It's it's it's it's wonderful. And he just needs to keep on doing what he's doing because a lot of us we feel like we're in this silentment, you know, m because especially here in ol Passo. Well, I'm gonna tell you something that you know, this president has taken more incoming. It's like the medium mob Democrats wake up hating this guy and they just unleash whatever the talking point is of the day, manufactured crisis in a racist racist stormy Stormy collusion, collusion, Russia, Russias, assholes. Listen, this is what they now do. This is every second, minute, hour of every twenty four hour day. It is sick. My prayers are with you, Victor also El Paso, Texas. Victor again, to you and to everybody in El Paso, our love, our support, our prayers, and especially those directly impacted by evil this past week. Thank you, mister Hennity, and it's a pleasure to speak with you. And I just wanted to comment that I don't understand why the media and the Democratic nominees want to speak out for Hispanics when they have no idea what it's like. I myself just as the last color Hispanic Conservative, and there's only one person to blame for the massacre on Saturday, and that's Patrick Cusis. President Trump is not a racist. He has done so much for Hispanics. I know that the issue of the border wal has been has been mentioned so much, and I have been here on passive for ten years and I have not heard one person complain about the border war because it works well the probably you know, everybody forgets the big door part. Everybody forgets. You know they've been when I sat in in your state of Texas with then Governor Rick Perry on a security briefing, with all the statistics I've shown it on TV many times. I've played it here on this radio show. But in a seven year period, six hundred and forty two thousand crimes were committed against Texans by illegal immigrants. Now, I think Texas deserves better than that. Many of these crimes were horrific in terms of their brutality and and murder and rape among them. Now, do I think this is the average person that's trying to migrate into America and the average person that's at a detention center now because they didn't respect our laws and sovereignty. No, I think the average want a better life. I don't blame them, just we're asking that you do it legally. Yes, and the only thing we're saying, do it legally and one yeah. At one more point, I wanted to make a As I mentioned, I'm an American citizen and I work for a Christian ministry, so I don't have health insurance because I live off what people can give me. And I went to I got a stomach in section. I went over to the clinic and they told me that they couldn't see me. So I crossed over into Mexico to be seen by a doctor. When I came back, I saw the video of every single Democratic nominee raised in their hands for free healthcare for immigrants, and I thought to myself, well that is that's wow? Isn't that something? Because an American citizen could not be seen and I had to cross over for to Mexico, and these people want to offer free healthcare. You know, I'd like to give away million dollars to every person on earth. I love to give away ten million dollars to people, every person on earth. Unfortunately that's not financially ever gonna be possible. The best way to raise every single American standard of living is our natural resources, which are energy, natural gas, oil, clean burning coal that has been resisted, this mysterious resistance to being to unleashing the power the wealth that we have as a country. If we do that, we won't need the government's help and assistance on all the things they say they will give us, which they can never afford. Our many prayers are with you, Victor. Much love to our friends in El Paso. What is a very tough time. Marty is in Dayton, Ohio. Also our love, our support, our prayers. Marty, thanks for checking in the President's been there and I know it meant a lot to many people, but of course then you have your mayor and everybody else that wants to politicize things. Amen to that, Sean. Thank you for what you do. I don't know how in the world you've put up for thisccessful day in and day out. I've been exposed to it the last few days because of the unfortunate incident here. And I first call him a couple of days ago. Didn't get through and I told the screener, man, I just sound it good to bad the ugly. But I have to add to that today, Seohn, because now at two days have passed, then there's just more and more that I've seen. Now I have to say the good to bad, the ugly, and the evil, because just gets worse and worse taste. In point, the first day, I was so upset because I heard Sharon Brown Sean, there was still blood on a sidewalk, wasn't cleaned up yet, unbelievable, bodies were still warm, and he chose to do nothing but gets Trump and tell everybody how it's his fault. This is a politician, right. I couldn't believe it. So a couple of days go by and I got a lot I could share, but you know, I know you have limited time. Today, I decided I'm gona goo Damn town, just to those around a little bit and see what's going on. My granddaughter went down and she took a picture in just flowers and you know how that looks, And she just thought, how how sad this was. I thought, well, I'm gonna go Damn too and do the same thing. But I wanted to get down because I wondered whether or not President Trump would be there on the street. Smart guy. He elected to go to the hospital instead, and I'm glad he did that. John, If you would have seen the way those people were ready for him. Now, on the first day, I was ready to do nothing, but the plot our mayor boy, I am a lot in a line, went up politically. But my gosh, I thought she did a wonderful job. And I would have been on a stump praising ear name that changed. Watched her unfold, I under unfold the next four days. I personally saw he case its coaching people on the street. He was talking to this poor young girl who was obviously upset. He puts his hand on her forearm, you know, like you know, very very silver tongue devils do. And he just said it's okay to cry now when they come and if and if you want to break down in tears, that's okay, And it's okay. You all have to be heard. And he's saying, after this crowd that's gathering and fevering up, you know what I mean. You got the picture and the mayor did the same thing. You have a right to be here, You have a right to be heard. And never once that either one of them applied Donald Trump. They're not gonna you know, the things that have been said, the attacks against him, the attacks against his family, the witch hunt included, but just the words, just the actions. I want an awful lot about blowing up the White House. And you know when the last time an actor took out a president, maybe it needs to happen again, or severed heads on TV, that's only the tip of the ice, blowing up the White House exactly. Or I want to punch him in the face. I'd love to punch him in the face. Why don't we just play a little reminder. Let's remind them, Okay, you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for what you care about. That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. If you had to be stuck at an elevator with either President Trump, Mike pens or Jeff Sessions, who would it be. Does one of us have to come out alive? Yes, I'm angry, Yes I am outraged. Yes, I have thought and awful lot about blowing up the White House. Do you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a departments to at a casole station. You get out, and you get a jog, and you get back on him, and you will gun anymore like anywhere. Please don't just come here today and then go home. Go to the hill today, get up and please get up. In the face of some congress people for when he was elected, what I wrote on Twitter was we should impose martial law till we make sure that the Russians weren't involved in the final tallies of the vote. And people were like, martial law, what's wrong with you? You're a lunatic Here. He wants to send the military to the border, so I would have send the military to the White House to get him. You know, I had a dream the other night about that. I was playing golf with Donald Trump, and I was standing beside him with a club in my hand, and I was, you know, considering my options when I suddenly woke up. You know, I was one of the dreams when you want to just get back to sleep so you can finish it. And I've put mister Burgess up against Sean Hannity. He'll tear him up. I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to him, whether they're independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with him and getting their faces press. I always ask me, don't I worshire or debating him? No. I wish here in high school I could take him behind the gym. That's what I wish. What we've got to do his fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets. Ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals, who have made the difference. They've marched, They've bled, Yes, some of them have died. This is hard. Every good thing is we have done this before, we can do this again. Pause. I'm concerned that teapot it can go straight to hell. In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin's polster. Oh along, there's going to be our saving grace. You know, when he's about to nuke Finland or something, She's gonna walk into the bedroom. And you know, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. He's a punk, he's a dog, he's a pig, he's a con, a boat artist, mutt, he's an idiot. He talks how he wants to punch people in the face. Well, I'd like to punch him in the face. Trump, it's no longer. And in that orderly and formal way and lawful way, we need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump. You know, when they go low, they go low, We can go right. That's what just new democratic arties about h it is. It is who they now define themselves as. These are radical, extreme socialist I'll tell you it is like a It is evolved into a psychosis of hatred and rage and a lack of intellectual thought. And if they could just stand outside themselves objectively, for even a minute or two. What they would see is they are as bad or worse than anything they're accusing anyone else of All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Oh he's on tonight. Yes, Bill Deblasio, mayor of New York City, wants to be president. But first we have to tell working people in America are hurting that we're gonna be on their side every single time against those big corporations who created this mess to begin with. It should be fun. We also have Pete Heigsath, Tammy Bruce, Laura Trump Tonight, Trey Goudy, and John Solomon nine Eastern Hannity Box News. Hope you'll join us

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