America In The Middle - January 31st, Hour 2

Published Jan 31, 2022, 11:01 PM

Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House and host of the podcast"Newt’s World"and author of Beyond Biden, talks with us about the weak and feckless man we have sitting in the Oval Office. While Trump draws thousands of supporters at rallies, Biden only draws international chaos and enemies. America finds herself in the crosshairs of mayhem with the Middle East, Russia, China and our own Southern border. Pathetic. 

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Where we are coming to y'all city, saying you an, We'll all be desire and if you want a little banging again, ain't come along. Person I will nominate and that person will be the first black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Courts. It's long overdoon mine. Is there any scenario in which the President would select his vice President Kamala Eras for the Supreme Court? Again, I'm not going to speak to any considerations, preparations lists. The system continues to fail us. We are not safe anymore, not even the members of the service. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution, coming to your city. You want to play our gains and saying you a conscious New Sean Hannity Show behind the scenes information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one seventy at our two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Kind of amazing. It's a hundred and seventy days since Joe stabbed Americans in the back. In the back and abandoned them, and it's actually one hundred and eighty three days when he promised he would never do that. Then over the weekend, on Sunday, Joe called for the release of a US hostage in Afghanistan or the US Navy veteran Mark Frankes is his name, he was taking hostage in Afghanistan nearly two years ago. Go, here's the problem. He didn't mentioned all the other Americans he abandoned, or military family members, or the thousands of people with green cards eligible to live legally in the US. Never mind our Afghan allies, or the billions of military equipment. You can't even make this stuff up. It's it's pretty unbelievable. Now a lot of people are, you know, Democrats are saying they're coming up with a plan for sanctions against Russia if Russia and bade Ukraine. All right, Well, this weekend, the Biden administration, you know, keep saying, oh, there's going to be consequences. Well, it reminds me a lot of Joe Biden suggesting that we have all the leverage with Afghanistan. No, they have all the leverage. They have Americans that are hostages Listen through the enormous consequences if he were to go in and bade as he could the entire country, or a lot less than that as well for Russia, not only in terms of economic consequences, political consequences, but will be enormous consequences worldwide. The President has been very clear, and we as the United States, are very clear if Putin takes aggressive action, we are prepared to levy serious and severe costs. Period. We've been clear, if any Russian military forces move across Ukraine's border, that's a renewed invasion. It will be met with swift, severe, and a united response from the United States and our partners and allies in terms of sanctions. What we have laid out is a very clear message to the Russians, and we've done so in concert and unison with our allies, that if they do further invade Ukraine, there will be severe economic consequences and a price to pay. Okay, this is the same guy that used the word minor incursion into the disastrous press conference. Former Speaker of the House, Nuke Gangwige is with us. His best selling book is now in bookstores everywhere, Amazon dot com, Hannity dot Com. It's called beyond Biden. We can't get there fast enough. Mister speaker, wilcome back. There's only one way that I can tell that you can have a real impact with Putin. First, you need a strong leader that believes. Okay, if you understand the Vladimir Putin, fifty percent of his economy is rooted in energy, oil, and the nord Stream two pipeline exemption waiver that Biden gave Putin while simultaneously firing Keystone Xcel pipeline workers. That's fifty percent of his economy. If I were a president, which i'll never be, my approach would be, Okay, I'm going to bankrupt you. And the way I'm going to bankrupt you is I'm going to outproduce energy. I'm going to pull back the waiver, and I'm going to supply our Western European allies all their energy needs so they don't ever have to go to Russia again. Well, that is exactly what Retigan did to the Silvie Union. He understood going in any one that the only major source of foreign earnings was oil, and so he set out on a strategy with the Saudis, who were very mad at the Russians, for having invaded Afghanistan, and they deliberately drove down the price of oil. I think it got as well as two dollars a barrel, and they literally cut off all of the hard currency that the Civil Union counted on to be able to buy weapons and to be able to invest in research and development. And within five years they had bankrupted the country. And I think if we had followed the President Trump's policy of energy independence, and if we were right now producing all the oil and gas we could putin, would be a lot poorer. The Germans would have American natural gas to rely on to offset the NOIDS team too, and we'd be a much stronger position. So you know, it's very ironic to me that you have Biden and his team pleading with Russia and the Saudi Arabia to produce more gas and oil at the very time that they're talking about bringing pressure to bear on Russia, whose biggest single pressure point is the sale of oil. Well. As a matter of fact, the Biden administration is digging in deeper. They're going further into more restrictions on energy production in the country. In other words, they're really doubling down on inflation. Stupid and I don't really see any way out of it short of getting a new Congress and a new president. But a lot of what he's doing he's doing by executive action and an executive orders. He's not even going to Congress. So people I have to be confused. These are deliberate policies. These aren't accidents, they're not examples of incompetence. You have a bunch of very left wing, big government socialists who are very woke in their social values. And for example, somebody made the comment to me earlier today that they're worried a lot more about the American border with Mexico than the Russian border with Ukraine. And I just had to make the point that you know, this is not because they're incompetent. This is because the Biden, Pelosi Schumer team want to have open borders. They want to have millions of people entering the USA illegally. They're happy to see them not get a criminal record check, not get a COVID check. And so we shouldn't be confused if this is some mistake, this is their policy. But what they're saying is and if you listen to any of the left wing commentators on any program over the weekend. You know that they're all saying, oh, this is a great opportunity. Now he gets to pick a Supreme Court justice, and this is exactly what he needed, he needed to win. And meanwhile, they're kind of ignoring the fact that a poll comes out showing that what nearly seventy six percent, actually seventy six percent of Americans don't think he should have gender race qualifications as the reason to pick a Supreme Court justice, and they would prefer that Joe Biden, in fact, you know, open himself up to maybe any qualified candidates so well, in other words, of Americans are rejecting identity politics. Sure, but this has been very steady. I mean, when we did a survey on big government socialism versus free market capitalism, it was fifty nine percent for free market capitalism in sixteen percent for big government socialism. If you do if you do a survey, for example, when whether or not kids ought to be taught the truth about American history, it's overwhelming. If you ask them whether the Martin Luther King's position that the content of your character is more important the color your skin, that's ninety one to six. What you have is a hard left minority trying desperately to use the power of government to force the rest of us to do things profoundly don't believe in. And it's all of course crumbling down, and they have a chance of having the worst election for Democrats since nineteen twenty. I mean, I just you can feel the tsunami building. And it's a combination of both performance failure. You know, just go to the gas station or the grocery Storeman close and I were in a story grocery store yesterday and there were entire shells that were empty because no product was this. She was trying to buy something this morning online. It's not available, And I'd have a whole just plane out performance failure, and you have an ideology failure, And if the Republicans are smart, they'll spend a lot of energy tying the two together. We did a little video at American Majority Project dot com where we have big government socialism just doesn't work or isn't working, and we showed you case after case after case after case, and in three minutes you get sort of tired of hearing it, but you're pretty well convinced it's true. And this is I think a huge problem for the left that their ideas don't work. They can't get with them. They're stuck with them, and they're stuck with them no matter what the public thinks. All right, So they're not going to change the policy on COVID. I mean, running out of the tests is unforgivable for me. Running out of monoclonal antibodies is unforgivable, especially amicron specific ones. We got a super variant of omicron. Apparently he's made its way into the US. Now we're watching it closely. They not mass produced the anti virals that every doctor I talked to praises. Then we've got the issue of the border. Then we've got energy dependence issues, which Donald Trump had gotten rid of. Now we've got inflation at a forty year high. Seventy plus percent of Americans blame Biden for inflation if he doesn't adjust his energy policies. Tell me, how is it ever possible to get out of inflation with the FED raising interest and cutting down money supply. I actually think now we're headed towards stagflation with those policies. Oh, I think it's very likely you're going to end up with crippling the economy in trying to defeat in place. Remember when Jimmy Carter's inflation got way out of control, they had to come in and raise infest rates so high that they crushed the economy for two years. It was only when the Reagan tax cuts finally began to return money to the American people that they began to pull out of a very deep procession in nineteen eighty two. And I think that we have the same thing going on here, the inflations out of control. It's going to get worse. All of their policies and energy guarantee, it's going to get worse. The crises building around the world. And remember the price of oil translates into the price of a series of things in agriculture. So now agriculture prices start going up and you begin getting food shortages. I mean you, you wouldn't have thought five years ago it was possible, so mismanaged the American economy that there are shortages of beef or a chicken or a pork. But that's what's coming down the road. I mean, it's just astonishing to watch and to watch prices going up, and if you go out to eat for dinner, you're now very often are paying twenty percent more than you used to because all the different factors to go into a restaurant are driving the prices up. I tell my audience all the time, I do my own grocery shopping. I don't know why people are so surprised at that, but you know, I like to go grocery shopping. I know exactly what I want to buy, and I now I'm on a pretty much a paleo diet, and I'm from my own experience. It is a dramatic increase in beef prices, in pork prices, in chicken prices. You now have instances where restaurants are adding chicken thighs to the menu, not the most popular part of the chicken, because it costs less to produce. So, I mean, I'm seeing it with my own eyes, how real? This is the cost of produces through the roof if you're buying produce whatever, you buying fruits and vegetables. And of course they don't have a clue. And on top of all that, they're following George Soros's radical pro criminal, anti police policies all across the country, and so in addition to all the shortage is in addition to all the inflation, you have a rising murder rate, carjacking rate, robbery rate that it really takes us back to the nineteen seventies. I mean, we haven't seen anything like this in the last fifty years. All right, quick break, We'll come back more with former Speaker of the House New king Rich is new book Beyond Bidenhannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. I'm more a former Speaker of the House, New king Rich get to your calls in a minute eight hundred and nine for one Shawn his new book, by the way, available Beyond Biden. And it can't happen soon enough? How does this end? And is there and maybe I'm missing something, Is there a way that that Joe Biden is able to get out of this malaise? I'll use a term from the Card of Years, because if he adheres to the rigid leftists, your green New Deal policies of his base, which he seems to be doing, I don't see how he gets out of the situation. Well, I doubt if he does get out of it. I think it just gets steadily worse. And these things tend to compounds. It's like watching a team that once it begins to fumble and it begins to throw interceptions, they just get more and more and more and gradually. One of the I always used to tell people, governing is at least ten times harder than campaigning, because things come at you all day every day. You never know what the next crisis is going to be, and you never ever know. You know you have much weaker tools to change it than people think. And so I think they've got themselves a gradual slide all summer and fall to an election which I think literally could be the biggest. All right, when you won in Martyson's twenty twenty in the first midterm of Obama lost I think sixty eight House seats and some what seven eight nine Senate seats When you became speaker, how many House seats did you win that year? We picked up fifty four House seats and some Senate seats, all right, But you started with how many only how many people were? We were much lower. We were probably about one ninety. So McCarthy's starting with almost a majority. I think he's virtually guaranteed doing this. It's hard for me to imagine a circumstance where you don't end up with Speaker McCarthy next year. Yeah, And you know, and I think the same thing is going to happened the Senate because when you get these tsunamis what happens is not necessarily year candidate does much better, but the other team gets killed. So this is what happened in New Jersey in that state Senate president of race where most people didn't know who the Republican was. He only spent twenty three hundred dollars and he was an independent trucker and he didn't have any big name ID. But what they did know was who the state Senate president was, and they walked in and said, not him. Well, they elected a guy who in a normal year wouldn't have had a chance suddenly wins a decisive victory. That's going to happen all across the country this year, and you can see people who nobody thinks can win suddenly showing up as an incumbent. We could have won New Jersey's governorship, nobody paid enough attention to it. We tried, but we came in too late. Mister Speaker, love having you. His book is out Beyond Biden, Amazon dot Com, Hannity dot com bookstores everywhere, Quick Break right back, driving the Liberals nuts. Sean Hannity is back on the radio right now, all right twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be part of the program. I would ask Linda this question, but she has zero knowledge of any of it. Jason is a huge NFL fan. You've got to admit the last two weekends, Um, these playoff games and the championship games you know yesterday have probably the best two weeks back to back. Every single game was phenomenal. If I had to pick a favorite, it probably would have been the Bills in Kansas City. What do you think, Jason? No, I agree. I mean, even going back to week eighteen where the Sunday Night game went down to the very last second and that decided if the forty nineties even got into the playoffs or not. It's been it's been a wild, wild time. Um. We had a cool moment in Kansas City, and I'm I'm a fan of my homes like everybody else. I think he's you know, just young, gifted, talented, and he's got got got it all Um. Anyway, he Um, he lost yesterday and a really close another close game, they won the coin flip again if he would have gotten a touchdown, like the Bills never got to touch the ball in overtime the week before because they got a touchdown. That's the rule of which, by the way, I think there's an argument for no, you gotta get both teams at least one shot at the ball. U and uh. Anyway, but that's up to the NFL. But anyway, at the start of the game, and this had happened in the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs last year, and it wasn't the who started It wasn't the Islanders who started it, That's right. It was the Tampa Bay Lightning started this. And then the Islander fans picked up on it and it really became like a very cool movement. So before the game started yesterday at yad can't the a woman was singing the national anthem. I don't remember her name, um beautiful voice, but the mike kept cutting out. So then the Kansas City Chiefs fans, well, they just took over and started singing it themselves. By looks so brod? Why life? Who was right? Stop? Who the banyas? We wild? Yeah? And the street. Then that an you did? Who say the stars both away and the free? And there I I but it was a shot they wasn't it. Jason new sang that right, So then they confirmed that she had technical issues, but a beautiful voice she has. And how cool is it when the crowd gets involved. It's um, you know what it's It reminds me of And I'm not making a comparison to Nazis, but when people just automatically love their country, and I think a lot of this is a backlash to wokeness, and I'm not making any comparisons, but remember the scene in the Sound of Music and the von Tromp family singers, and they had this plan to escape and anyway, mister von Tropp, they had Nazi soldiers ready to take him away, and he as a encore, started singing the Austrian national anthem. Correct me if I'm wrong on this line. I'm going from memory here. And it was just so sort of a powerful movement because Austria knew, you know, what the Nazis were all about. Now there's no comparison here to what I just love when when countrymen, you know, I think America has now had it with wokeness very different from what they were dealing with in Austria. Okay, to be clear, but it's just at moments certain anthems take on special meaning, like Kid Rock Rock's new song has just gone viral. Um you know, be an anti vACC anti mask, anti everybody in f you and drop dead and it's like the number. Well, I'm going to disagree gently with you. I have two things to disagree on. I don't think her mic was that bad. I don't understand what everybody's talking about. I think the crowd was just moved and wanted to be patriotic. I mean her she sounded just fine to me. I could hear her just fine. Even if she sounded fine, I heard a couple of blips in the sound letter. Yeah, but it wasn't like the Islanders were like forget about it, they took over you know that girl. She just needed to stand there and let them sing. This was like they were singing together, which is awesome. I'm happy to see Patriot does them wherever we can get it. As far as what's happening with Kid Rock, it's not that he's anti VAXX, is that he's anti mandate. He doesn't want people to have to, you know, acquist to anything, which I love. He's pro freedom, and I think that's the reason. Exactly exactly he said exactly. By the way, did I make clear enough that I'm not making an analogy. I just think, you know, it makes me sad that you have to I'm like, is that really? I'm like, clearly, we're just talking about moment, you know, yeah, like that the comparison is only on this level specifically, and only that at that moment, the anthem meant something. I think there's a backlash to all of woke ism and and everything politically correct. Now crowds are saying basically, let's go Brandon to everybody, and by singing loudly and proudly the national anthem, I think they're sending a loud message. I was shoveling I like store on Saturday. Yeah, and I was out there shoveling and my neighbor came over to help me because it was a lot of snow when I was by myself, and he came over and we started talking. And I've never talked to this man in my life about what his politics are. The person talk about your accent and you started talking when you was well, I mean, everybody in the neighborhood knows I'm from New York, so it's not a secretum. But we started talking and he was like, he's like, yeah, all I need is a shovel that says let's go Brandon. And I'm like, oh, hello, I got a nice neighbor here, right, So I'm like hey, I'm like, you know, I liked you before, No, I really like it. You're not just helping me shovel. Now we're talking politics, and it was it was interesting, you know, just he's like a regular guy. He's not in politics, but he's just like, I can't stand to see my country torn apart over just complete and total ideology. He's like, where are the freedoms? Where is the freedom to disagree? And I'm like, yeah, I hear you. Man. It was pretty interesting. You know, Listen, I don't really care what other people's views are. I don't care how left or woke people w on a bafe. That's your If that's your thing, you go be left, you go be woke. But I think the country's had it with all of it and all of the misinformation and all of the shifting UH standards and demands for testing all the government and competence with COVID. There's nobody I know in my life that trust Fauci, Biden, Kamala, the NIH, the CDC, nobody. And by the way, they've earned our distrust. They've earned all of it in my opinion. All right, let's get to the Yeah. I think I'm right too, for once in my life, I'm right. Can you believe it? Now? You are? You're right? Anyway, Let's go to let's say hi to Barbara's in Maryland. Hey, Barbara, how are you glad you called? Hey, Sean, thanks for taking my call. How are you today? You sound great? Thank you? I feel good. Life is good, except for all the people I can help with COVID because there's no there's nothing, there's no therapeutics available for anybody, not something. But you know what, God is good and we're going to get through this. First of all, I just like to say I love to speak again. Rich had to say, and I'm just very pumped up about this the upcoming twenty twenty two election. He talked about people who maybe you never thought they could win before. I never hear in Baltimore. We's got people who have had very low profiles, who are real America first candidates that have been kind of pushed aside. And I want if you know people who hear me here in Baltimore County, I say, all the incumbents, a lot of these incumbents that have been around, these throwbacks and retreads. It's time to We need new blood and people who are going to really put our county and our country first. So with that said, I would like to tell you what has really been bothering me about President's decision to insult the black women on his list of Supreme Court nominees. I am so disappointed when he first said it. I couldn't believe my ears that he actually said that. Now, I'll tell you this about me, Sean. I went to college. I was a very competitive person. I wanted good grades. I worked real hard for my grade. I graduated right at the top of my class, not number one, that pretty close. And I went at night, worked in a full time job during the day. But I was competitive and I did well, and I wanted to do well, and it just made me start to shape. What would the person anywhere, How can you take this nomination? How can you accept it after him saying that, look, whoever gets it's going to accept it that there are qualified people of any race, background, etc. Here's the bottom line. But you want to be selected for your qualifications, even if that was his intention, and Democra Crats over the weekend was saying, well, Reagan said he wanted to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court. So, um, I don't I hadn't remembered that. I guess it's true. I don't know. I just think the standard ought to be the single best, most qualified person you can find and the one that fits your judicial philosophy and views. Well, I wish he had said that, because, you know, it made me start thinking as a black woman, you know, what do you tell people like, yeah, well you know they picked you because you were black? Anyway, you think that that people won't say that to her or think that of her. Yes, And I think what he did was poison the wells. What he did. He just he didn't have to say it. He's such a racist that everything he does. You know, when he starts talking about race, it just comes out. And this is to me an instance of it. Uh, you know, when you start taw what do you tell your kids. My qualifications were good, but the President of the United States picked me because I'm black. Come on, I honestly, well in this case gender and African American woman. I really the bottom line is he's only going to pick somebody that has, you know, a radical view that kind of dismisses coequal branches of government, believes in legislating from the bench, that is a judicial activist, and we just know what philosophically he's going to look for Democrats. Interestingly, Well, I think all of that is true, Sean, all of that's true. But I think the first what he was thinking very selfishly about was using this issue to stop the flood of black people who are leaving the Democrat Party because of his lousy policies. Well that's one was here. I think you got a talk show in your Barbara. Thank you for a good call. We appreciated eight hundred nine one, Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, feel the difference. My backbart busy phones Mark Indiana Next, Sean Hannity Show. What's up? Mark? How are you hey? Sean? That's not hon to speak with you as always. Thank you, my friend. What's going on? Hey, I've been I've been involved in the trucking industry my entire life and I've been my passion since I was a kid. And sadly, sixty and a half years ago, I was involved in an accident on my motorcycle out of the truck was left me legally blind. And as a result of that, now, you know, yeah, it makes it hard because I can't get a job. Most companies are afraid to hire me because of my vision impairment, which is not saying much but about them. But the result of that, I get disability, and you know, it tries me nuts because you know Joe Biden and his inflation is I live on a fixed income for the most part, and it's not helping him that he's running all the prices of all the food and as you've been talking up, and it just doesn't make my life easier, and it makes it tough one people like myself. And it's frustrating when I see and talking and people are just talking about everything from supply chain to whatever, and I've forgotten more about supply chain and trucking than they'll ever know. You know, by the way, if American truckers this is how we paid back frontline medical workers. We said, yeah, you better get a booster. We're going to fire you people that were diving on COVID grenades and working in COVID petrie dishes, you know, for two years. And the same with truckers. If truckers ever stopped. We see this trucking rebellion, we I'm going to talk to some of them, these truckers at the bottom of this half hour. You see what's happening in Canada. If that happens here, if truckers didn't truck New York would have died during the beginning of this pandemic. They kept trucking, and you know what, we weren't asking them if they were had a vaccine or a booster. They bravely went out there. They did their job. And now this is how we repay them. The people that you know, are so critical to our daily life and every every product we bias thanks to them. Now in terms of people like yourself that are on a fixed income and have a disability, it sucks. I've lived there at the point of my life where I could barely pay my rent. It sucks. And now you know, I go in and I do my grocery shopping. You can't afford the stuff you used to get, so if you maybe, if you like protein, well now maybe you're getting you know, beans and rice instead of you know, chicken and pork or whatever you happen alike. And those are real choices that real people are making. It's sad, and it's all preventable. That's the whole point of this. But anyway, my friend, God bless you and hang in there. If we could ever help you with a job search or anything, let us know. We try to help people whenever we can. Go

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