President Donald Trump visited Israel today and his message was nothing short of refreshing as he reminded the world that the United States will always consider Israel an Ally. Trump went on to speak strongly against terrorism and he absolutely drew a line in the sand in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism. The Sean Hannity Show is live from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarrantee and a ten you warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to Go Anywhere pillows for forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow all right, class you with a Sean Hannity Show right down a toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. I actually think I'm at a point in I just dropped all my papers. Hang on, I've doubt under ground on my knees. I'm pulling up the papers and I got not look at Sunshine and there she wants to race in and help the old man. Uh, which is hilarious. Um. I think we're doing some of the best and most important work that we've ever done in our career. And it's not like a pat on the back type of thing at all. It's just I know what we're doing is so important. I know what we're doing that we're on the right track. I know what we're doing is so counter to everything else you're hearing, and it is to me, Um, it is. It is great satisfaction to work hard and to be digging deep. I'm not sleeping a lots up at four thirty in the morning, texting and writing and talking and and talk to a lot of different people. And so let me just sum it up this way. We have two, well three stories that were really following for you today. Uh. The first is what happened and twenty two people were slaughtered at this Ariana Grande concert last night. We're gonna get into that. And what's so disgustingly evil about this is the fact that this is now targeting you know, I don't know the age group of kids that like Arianna Grande. I know my my daughter at some point did. I don't know if she still does. But it's kind of like what you know, between like six and seven years old and sixteen years old, is that about right? Maybe eighteen years old, so teenagers and kids that are younger than teenage years And so this was targeting young children in a just an evil, dark, sinister way. And it is amazing that it comes on the heels of what I think is the best speech the President Trump has given as president. Then we have all of the issues we have been following with a huge update today as it relates to Russia collusion, Russia collusion, Russia collusion, Russia collusion, and no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, and by the way, nobody would ever report. I don't mind if there are if there is at some point some evidence, as it is helpful to the family. Uh. There have been reports out there that I never reached out to the family. That's not true, that is, and I'm not going to tell who and when and where and how. But I have all the evidence I need going back to the end of last week reaching out to members of the family. And I'll get to that at at at some point down the line, because I think it's very, very important. Um Now, I want to start with what happened. And we've got to understand something here. The threat of radical Islamic ter is real. You know. I wrote a book and I said this on TV last night and two thousand and four Cold Deliverers from Evil. And I know that it's very hard for good people and that's all of you, I'm sure listening to this program or to wrap their heads around the fact that there are evil people in the world. But there are evil people in the world, very evil. And when I did the my study, I knew about the Gulags and the former Soviet Union and Stalin and and obviously Hitler and Nazism and fascism and imperial Japan and the killing fields. But I started researching it and it blew me away because it's it's I. I took a deep dive in confronting truth when I wrote that book. And there is evil in the world, and I know it's hard for good people to wrap their arms around it because it's not your nature. You don't see it, it's not who you are. You don't identify with it. Now we see it on a small level. Is it not evil? If somebody is guilty of rape, is it not? Is it not evil to hurt and abuse children? Is it not evil? I mean, I can go through a whole list of instances where somebody just kills somebody out of a rage. Is they're not a darkness and evil associated with that? I mean, if you believe mankind is mind, body, and spirit, Okay, there are really good people in this world. But there are some really ugly dark people in this world. You know, is it really evil if you make your money and life selling heroin and crack cocaine and drugs to children for a profit, knowing that you are helping them kill themselves. You're profiting off death. That's evil to me that if you look at the big picture, and this is just the research, the fact acts that I've come up over a hundred million souls in the last century, we're killed evil. You can look at Russia, the Gulags, Stalin, you can look at Adolph Hitler, you can look at fat Nazism, fascism. What about when we dug up all the skulls, the killing fields in Cambodia. If that's not mass graves of Saddam Hussein using using chemical weapons as he did in the occurreds again the North, in Iraq or more recently Bashir al Assant. We've talked on this program. There's evil genocide, Christian genocide. In this day and age. Evil exists, and what you saw last night is evil. It is a modern day evil. Radical Islamic terrorism. Now the irony, sad irony, and all of this is we have not paid attention. October lone Wolf ongoing terror. I mean, you know all the virtually all the Western terror attacks you know that have been out there. Okay, we can go to the lone Wolf um ongoing counter terrorism failure. In October, the Sydney hostage taker case known Wolf UH syndrome, as p J Media and Patrick Pool say, you know in a in a timeline they laid out or jan that was December January, the Paris terror attack, UH February three, French police terror attack. You know known wolf syndrome, Copenhagen, Jihadi John. Remember we saw the beach decapitation, mass decapitation, James Foley, all of these instances. I can run through it all. Then I can look at America and we can talk about Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the Sarne Brothers, the Boston bombing, the Pulse nightclub, and every other case that we hear about nine eleven, two thousand and one, all in the name of jihad, holy war. And then we have a tell of two presidents. We had President Obama on his apology toward about the same point Donald Trump is now in his presidency. Compared to what Donald Trump did before fifty Muslim leaders this past weekend, it was the most powerful speech that I think any president has ever given in response to radical Islamic terrorism, and the fact that he did it with no apologies, no political correctness, no happy talk. That he drew a line in the sand that he specifically said and framed the fight against ISIS and Islamic terrorism as a battle between good and evil. As he said, you know, a better future is only possible if your nation's drive out terrorists and drive out extremists. He said, to all of these Arab leaders fifty countries, drive him out, Drive him out of your place as a worship, drive him out of communities, Drive them out of your holy land, drive them out of this earth. Deny all territory to the foot soldiers of evil. Our friends will never question our support, America support. This is a new America leading from the front, not behind. And he's calling these people out for duplicity, financial support, and and a lack of moral clarity. And before Donald Trump gets on the scene, what did we have before that? Basically one world leader on the world stage that an American president was undermining and hurting. And by the way, I know we're not supposed to try and influence elections, but try to influence the elections in Israel and defeat the prime minister there who does have moral clarity, who's not the appease or Obama was, That is is certainly not the peace in our time, Chamberlain, that Obama was, but he's the instant Churchill of our time that understands it. And one of the the the ironies of Obama's horrific deal to the Iranians with you know how many billions of taxpayer dollars, is that it created a possible alliance that nobody really thought was possible. And Donald Trump is now trying to do something that never happened before that, and it's emerging on its own. The Israelis, the Saudis, the Sunni Saudis, the Jordanians, the Egyptians, the Emirates and other countries that don't want Iranian hegemony or a nuclear armed Iran are now uniting. Now. If you think this isn't tied, it's tied. If you don't think we'll have Nigel Farajan in the next hour, If you don't think you should pay attention to the Islamaization of Europe and the the dramatic increase in attacks that have taken place in that con in it and think that that can happen here, then you're not recognizing the truth of human history. The evil that I studied and wrote about in my book, where imagine a Nazi soldier every single day of the week, his job is to. You know, people pull up in trains, they get off the train and they say, how many of your carpenters plumbers? Uh? Seamstresses this that whatever it's going, oh, come forward, we're gonna need your help, and then walking those people to their death and lying to them so they stay calm and organized. How does an evil human being like that go home and justify what they did that day and have dinner with his own family. That's evil. There's evil today that would go into an arena in Manchester in England and try and kill young girls between anywhere between I guess five and eighteen h targeting them with the most despicable shrapnel, put in a bomb that when we played it last night, I could not believe how strong that bomb sounded. It was horrible. Must I go, Oh my god? Now I say this is that I hope and I pray that we have a new resolve and we understand. Listen, I don't care what your politics are, I don't care what your views in life are, but you certainly have a right to life liberty in the pursuit of happiness any way you choose, and every human being does every I believe every human being was created by God, and evil, for whatever reason emerges in different form Communism, fascism, Nazism, and now we've got radical Islamism. And it's a clear and present danger to every man, woman and child on this earth. And I admire the President for taking such a strong stand. And I'm gonna say this, if we don't unite and defeat it, how many millions potentially will die? How many human souls will be lost in this century? How many individuals? How many mothers and fathers need to suffer, like the twenty two parents that don't have their children today, or the however many injured at this point, how many back Our other top story of the day, Huge, huge developments as it relates to Russia collusion, Russia collusion, Russia collusion. We're going to lay out the case that there's no evidence and that there is another narrative that is emerging, and we are asking the questions in spite of massive intimidation to silence me and others. Tell you about that, issues etc. Dot Net a podcast for social conservatives issues, etc. Dot Net abortion, gay marriage, Islamic terrorism, issues, etc. Dot Net Radical feminism, embryonic stem cell research, religious liberty, issues etc. Dot Net, Physician assisted suicide, judicial activism, hate crimes issues, etc. Dot Net when you serve the web tonight, check out issues, etc. Dot Net. Have you ever requested that a U. S person's name beyond mass A former CIA director Brennan. He did on mass people. We have a investigative report on the program today with Sarah Carter, John Solomon and uh Kirk we Be, And you don't want to miss where this is now going about unmasking, about surveillance, about intelligence leaking, and about the dramatic increase in the times that people in the presidential election cycle, how many people were in fact surveiled and unmasked, and the level of all of this. Now, I'm gonna set this up for the next half hour, and what I'm going to do is we are going to get into this hole Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, tin foil hat conspiracy theory, Russia, Trump Trump, Russia, Trump, Russia. And I have new information today that I have to share with you. And I am going to play the Democrats saying no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, including Brennan today, and then we're gonna ask the question how is it the media continue used to advance a conspiracy theory with no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, And then we're gonna look at what is available out there that we should the questions we should be asking the people we need to talk to, or at least try to talk to. How the media has failed you. How it is the greatest example. This now has the chance of blowing up into every single media outlet. Every hour they devoted to Russia Trump, Russia Trump conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy with no evidence for months and months and months, do you realize if it ever turned out to be anything else, and it's a possibility, I'm only asking questions now, they're attacking me if it turns out to be something else, that this is Dan Rather National Guard on maximum doses, lethal doses, a human growth hormone and steroids, and we'll confirm that which I told you in two thousand and seven and eight, journalism is dead. It's amazing how many liberal journalists reaching out to me right now. My advice to you sit back, roll your recorders, and for all you in the liberal destroy Trump media learned something, learn to think a new learned to open your mind, learn to stop being the sheep that most of you are. Will continue to the top of the hour. Toll free telephone number on the Sean Hannity Show is eight hundred nine for one. Shawn Nigel Faraj, who was the one of the leading move movers and shakers in the Brexit movement. He's going to join us European Parliament member. I'm going to talk about the the attacks last night, the sad latest example of radical Islamic terror, and we're gonna go back to and talk about the words of President Trump over the weekend. His best speech by are not covered because of the conspiracy Trump Trump, Trump, Russia, Russia RuSHA, Russia, Russia, Russia conspiracy, which is where I want to go. Then we've got breaking news with Sarah Carter, John Solomon, and Kirk Weeby on well the issue of unmasking and the issue of basically telling you what you need to know about the CIA testimony. He confirmed unmasking earlier today and he acknowledged through Trey Goudy, which is where I'm gonna get to in a second, there's no evidence. Now Here's where we're gonna start here. So for months we have heard about this Russia Trump collusion story months. It has been a narrative on cable news, major newspapers, blogs, news sites everywhere. It has dominated the news in such a way that I would argue it's it's it's actually gotten in the way of the president doing his job, fulfilling his promises to you, the American people. With all that said, let me start at the beginning, and I know that we have liberals in the media now listening to this program, I'd like to formally welcome you to the Shawan Hannity Show. We're here three to six Eastern Standard time every day. Three hours a day of listening is all we asked. That's not too much. And because you are a bunch of sheep, almost all of you, if not all that need crayons and legos and coloring books and therapy dogs and aroma therapy. Because Donald Trump got elected and you didn't see it coming. Because many of you and your publications and your cable channels colluded with Hillary Clinton, has proven by wiki leaks. I understand that you want to prove yourselves correct, and you seem to have an aversion to looking deeply into the truth and getting out of your group think mentality. I am under as much fire as I have been when I went after Barack Obama and vetted him and as radicalism and Airs and Dorn and Olinsky and black liberation theology and the Church of Reverend Right, and he is like family to me, and Acorn and Frank Marshall Davis and you know the New York Times christof for the first rate, Accent said, the call to prayers is the most beautiful thing at sunset, the most beautiful thing in the world. And the fact that I mentioned it meant so many different things in the minds of the left. So let me start at the beginning. We have been hearing Russia Trump collusion forever. Now let's let's listen to democrats, ending with Diane Feinstein last week and Brennan this morning. No evidence. Listen to the Democrats say that there's no evidence, and then as you listen to this, ask yourself, well, why is the media been spending endless hours if we don't have any evidence at this point? But Mr Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge, there was no evidence of collusion between members Trump campaign and the Russians. We did not conclude any evidence in our report. And when I say our report, that is the n S A, FBI, and CIA with my office, the Director of National Intelligence, that had anything any reflection of collusion between the members of Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that in our report. Was Mr Clapper wrong when he said that. I think he's right about characterizing the report which you all have read. We did not include any evidence in our report. And I say our that's n S, A, FBI, and CIA with my office Director of National Intelligence, that had anything that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report. Can you say definitively that there was collusion there were people affiliated with the Trump campaign. We're working with Russians to time the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton that had been had been hacked, either from John Fidesta or the d n C. I don't think we can say anything definitively at this point. Have you seen anything either intelligence briefings, through intelligence briefings, anything to back up any of the accusations that should have made. They have the documentation that they did the hacking. The hacking right and on some of us. You know that the collusion though we have not. Do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign? Not? At this time. Have you seen anything that suggests any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign? Well, there's an awful lot of smoke there, let's put it that way. People that might have said they were involved, to what extent they were involved in, what extent the President might have known about these people or whatever. There's nothing there from that standpoint that we have seen directly linking our president to any of that. Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracity between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors at the time you learned of efforts. I don't know whether or not such collusion that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know. I don't know. No evidence, no collusion, no evidence, no clue. Then why is the media gone insane with this? Hour after hour after hour and day after day after day after day, leading to talk of impeachment and the five thirty you know, document dump Big Live like by the Washington Post numerous times proven to be lies, liars about for example, well, the Deputy Attorney General threatened to quit. No, we didn't threaten to quit. Oh, Comey asked for more money just before Comey was fine, No he didn't. The New York Times story that was proven false too. They get it wrong, and they create an environment which is just breathless hysteria and breathless reporting. Now I actually did something. The one person that would know the answer to who where the information from Wiki leaks came from is Julian Assange. Now, by the way, if there ever is any evidence, I want to see it and I'll report on it. If there's evidence of collusion, I will report it. I promise you. I haven't seen it. They haven't seen it. Now, Julian Assange, I've interviewed what how many times? Four times on the three times, four or four times, and we had him on TV. All these reporters were off for Christmas. I was actually taking time out of my vacation. I went to London and interview Julian O Sang and was it Russia? So in other words, let me be clear, Russia did not give you the podested documents or anything from the d n C. Not given anything. Now, some of you might say well, Hannity, you're trusting Julian Assange. The country didn't like Julian Assan. You years ago said bad things about him. I've changed my opinion, as I said, okay, he would know he's the one guy. Has anybody in the meat you gone there? Anybody asked him? Anybody have they tried? I have. I'm not going to report on my sources much. I know much more than I'm gonna say today. Let me put it that way, and I'm not I'm not holding back on you now. Julian Assange. Pay very close attention to the Dutch interview he gave where he talks about whistleblowers and brave people that risk their lives and without skipping a beat, unprompted, unprompted mentions, seth Rich listen whistle. I was going to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. As the twenties seven year old that works for the d n C who was shot in the back murdered just two weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington. So that was that was just a robbery, I believe, wasn't it. No, there's no finding so what you're socing. What are your suggesting. I'm suggesting that our sources take risks and they become concerned to see things occurring like that. But is here one of your sources done. I mean, we don't comment on who our sources are. Why make the suggestion about a young guy being shot in the streets of Washington because that we have to understand how high the stakes are in the United States, and that our sources face serious risks. That's why they come to us so we can protect their anonymity. But it's quite something to suggest a murder. That's basically what you're doing. Well that others have have suggested that we are investigating to understand what happened in that situation with seth Rich. I think it is a concerning situation and there's not a conclusion yet. We wouldn't be willing to state a conclusion, but we are concerned about it, and more importantly, a variety of we hearque sources are concerned when that kind of thing happens. Okay, he's the one guy that knows the source. He's it. Now Hillary is implied, Oh wiki leaks, oh Trump and the Russians. She's gone that far, then the narratives is gone and gone and gone and gone and gone. Is it all a big lie? Now? You gotta understand something here. When he goes whistleblowers take great effort and great risks, and unprompted, goes into seth Rich, unprompted, and then sort of realize, oh, maybe I'm not going to reveal all of this. It sounds to me. My logical interpretation says, wow, it sounds like to me, And I can't confirm, and I'm asking the question, and don't you know, I'm such a horrible person for asking the question. Was he saying seth Rich as the person? Is it possible that it was never Russia the source for wiki leaks? Is it possible because Julian said it wasn't Russia, it wasn't any state. Is it possible that there was a disgruntled Bernie supporter in the d n C that had evidence of corruption at the highest level, an attempt to absolutely deny a fair shot at their candidate to win the d n C nomination, and that that person was able to accumulate evidence and wanted to get it out. There is a whistleblower, a truth teller, a brave individual. Put take seth Rich out of this for a second. By the way, these reports that I haven't talked to the family are not true. These reports that I have not reached out to the family, I have evidence going back to I think Friday. Not true. Now here's where it gets even more interesting. There is a and I love these guys like Julian and Kim dot Com is in New Zealand kind of like a Julian Osan controversial figure smart. He was able to break in I think, into NASA one of those one government office at sixteens was like Julian broke into the d D and NASA, you know, at sixteen. They're so smart, these guys. Now, the interesting thing about them is they have this this this ability, and people hate them. But they've been warning us for so long that there is cyber security vulnerability in this country and at some point our government never fixed it. Shame on you, Shame on you, Shame on you. At some point it becomes shame on me that our government can keep getting hacked into. Now, Kim dot Com, in an interview with Bloomberg in May said this, So what Julian Osange is doing, He's putting a spotlight on all these secrets. How often do you talk to him? Look, I like these guys, you know, I look up to them. I think they are very brave. They're going through a very hard time, you know, and they chose to do that for the betterment of all of us. So yeah, I love to talk to them. So you said you're going to bring the Internet Party to the US and why what's your goal? Well, because I think there's a big group of people out there that disagree with what's going on. You know, they want to have their privacy back. I want to have internet freedom. You tweeted that you were gonna be Hillary's worst nightmare in how so well, I have to say it's probably more Julian, but I'm aware of some of the things that are going to be roadblocks for her. So you know, if I can provide some transparency with with these people and make them part of what the Internet Party stands for, then you know, I will be happy to do that. You're saying, Julian Assana just gonna be Hillary's worst nightmare, and well, he has access to information. Hi, Larry hates Julian. She is just an adversary of I think internet freedom and Kim dot com was right way ahead of the curve. Kim dot com and I'm not going to reveal anything that I know beyond what I'm about to tell you now. Kim dot com has released a statement today. I'm going to read it to you now. For those that accused me of of of pushing a conspiracy theory, you are the biggest bunch of phony hypocrites in the entire world, because all of you in the media that are saying such a thing are as guilty of that as anybody with Russia Russia Russia collusion, collusion, collusion. So I don't need lectures from people that went off half cocked, half ast that our agenda driven, ideologically driven. That's number one. So he writes, I know that Seth Rich was involved in the d n C league. Seth Rich was a hero. I know this because in late a person contacted me about helping me to start a branch of the Internet Party UH in the United States, a party that he was supporting in New Zealand. He called himself Panda, and I now know that Panda was Seth Rich. By the way, I have confirmed through another source that that in fact was an email or communication of Seth Panda advised me is working on voter analytic tools and other technologies that the Internet part he may find helpful. I communicated with Pandora and a number of topics, including corruption the influence of corporate money in politics. He wanted to change that from the inside. I was referring to what I knew when I did an interview with Bloomberg in New Zealand in Mayo. In that interview, I hinted that Julian Osang and Wiki Leaks would release information about Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election. The Rich family has reached out to me to ask that I'd be sensitive to their loss in my public comments. That request is entirely reasonable. I have consulted with my attorneys. I accept that my full statement should be provided to the authorities. I am prepared to do that so there can be a full investigation. My lawyers will speak with the authorities regarding the proper process. If my evidence is required to be given in the United States, I would be prepared to do so if appropriate arrangements are made. I would need a guarantee from the Special Council Mueller on behalf of the United States of safe passage from New Zealand to the US and back. In the coming days, we will be communicating with the appropriate authorities to make the necessary arrangements. In the meantime, will make no further comment now, just to just to close the circle here. I never I the families actually on the Internet saying they want to find the truth. I I feel so badly for this family and what they have been through and what they are going through, and my thoughts and prayers are with them. This issue is so big now that the entire Russia collusion narrative is hanging by a thread. If in fact take Seth out of it, there was a whistleblower within the d n C, a truth teller that actually was the source for Wiki leaks, and not Russia working with the Trump campaign. That are These are questions that I have a moral obligation to ask, and I will do the mainstream media's job like I have most of my career, Like we got it right on Obama, his radicalism, his record, on Trump having a chance to win, on Michael Brown, Entrey von Martin, on Cambridge police, on Baltimore, We're right, they're wrong, like I was right in Atlanta in the jewel case. When everybody else said, oh he fits the profile of a lone bomber Richard Jewel. I was right then too, Oh my gosh, something what's going on? Oh my god? Every woman to screaming and so insane that it could be a bombing. Do do people shout into the kids? You He looked out into the wa out of satisfying people and as as we went out and to the concourse, like to get out of Dave and as alas this is the body's guid about everywhere and just STI wons on the floor he run. It was all the traffic was a standstillery which running through the road and oh it was It was just chaos, quick which right, Coody's get down on this quick hors and a massive band and then everyone just started putting too rather screaming, and I didn't know what I got on. Everyone was like traveling over us and it was just really confused. There's big bangs, small smoke. Everyone was screaming and crying and it was just hard to come around him. Didn't him know what was going on? Twenty seats all around me, it was all children with just a parent m like freedom for kids and just want parent accompanying them. What weether has done this the norm that it's a concert, what's mostly for kids? I'm exiting the building. We then though crowds of people and children devastated. We went to the car which was ten seconds away. As soon as you got to the car you could smell the burning coming out. Then the quite a fluid operation. There were people around us, The children were devastated. Are terrible moments like these. It is customary for leaders, politicians and others to condemn the perpetrators and declare that the terrorists will not win. But the facts that we have been here before and the fact that we need to say this again does not make it any less true for us. So often, while we experience the worst of humanity in Manchester last night, we also saw the best. The cowardice of the attacker met the bravery of the emergency services and the people of Manchester. The attempt to divide us met countless acts of kindness that brought people closer together, and in the days ahead, those must be the things we remember. The images we hold in our minds should not be those of senseless slaughter, but of the ordinary men and women who put concerns about their own safety to one side and rushed to help. Of the men and women of the emergency services who worked tirelessly to bring comfort, to help and to save lives. Of the messages of solidarity and hope, of all those who opened their homes to the victims. But they are the images that embody the spirit of Manchester and the spirit of Britain, a spirit that, through years of conflict and terrorism, has never been broken and will never be broken. There will be difficult days ahead. We offer our thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of those affected. We offer our full support the authorities, the emergency and the security services as they go about their work. And we all, every single one of us, stand with the people of Manchester at this terrible time. And today, let us remember those who died, and let us celebrate those who helped, safe in the knowledge that the terrorists will never win, and our values, our country, and our way of life will always prevail. Now, of course, to Rita May, commenting on the terror attack, we now have twenty two dead and so many others injured. Yet another in a long series of attacks against innocent men, women and children, and what made this so dark and so cruel and so sinister as every life matters, but the targeting of young girls that are not even teenage years and those that are teenagers in an attempt to slaughter innocent men, women and children to advance a caliphate, to advance twenty two dead. Isis strikes again. They say it's only the beginning, and the world, the free world, finds itself once again under attack as this culture conflict, this clash of cultures now continues. They've identified this fan as twenty three years old. Saman Obedi and his parents were Libyan refugees. Loud Islamic prayers in the street. The the girls killed literally this. If this had gotten inside the arena, I shuddered to think this bomb was made to maximize and damage death and injury. That's what all that shrapnel is about. Isis is warning a car ramming, will will will follow. Talking and listening to the eyewitnesses, Blood is everywhere, skin is everywhere. We have all the recent attacks. I can go through them all all throughout Europe. I've warned of the Islamization of Europe. We've discussed at length in this country and it was a big part of the election, the whole issue of national security, calling evil out for what it is, radical Islamic terrorism. We've talked at length about the need to vet refugees from countries that have opinions and values that directly contradict our constitutional values. If you grow up under Shariah, and you're a man, and you think you have a right to tell a woman she can't drive a car, do you think you have a right to tell her how to dress? You know, I'm not even bringing up the brutality of genital mutilation by some groups and countries. You bring up the issue of women can travel abroad, can't leave their home like in Saudi Arabia without a male relative. You bring up the killing of of gays and lesbians just because they're gay and lesbian, the persecution of Christians and Jews in many of these countries, the practice Shariah. You can't build the temple, you can't build the church. Nigel Farage is a member of the European Parliament and a leader of the Brexit movement. Was in Manchester last night. He's a friend of the program, a friend of mine, and I want to reiterate Nigel what I said to you on TV last night. My thoughts, my prayers. You know, we love our friends in Great Britain, our friends especially tonight and today in Manchester, and our thoughts and prayers go with you. And I'm hoping for the day we don't have to talk about thoughts and prayers anymore because we've defeated this modern day evil. What I would like to think so too, Sean, though I suspect it may be a long time incoming. I mean I have, as you well known, for many many years, given warnings, not just in the United Kingdom but across the whole of Europe to to say we were making some very bad mistakes. Mistake number one multiculturalism, encouraging people to live separately in our communities rather than mixing in together. A mistake number two allowing in huge numbers of people across the Mediterranean about the ability to security check a single one of them. So I look at what happened last night and I almost begin to sort of tear my hair out, thinking when are our leaders actually going to do something? Now? You played the clip of the reason A and yes she was very statesmanlike. But let's just remind listeners for becoming prime minister. She was our Home Secretary in charge of our Home affairs for six years. And I have seen, I been honest here about my own country. I have seen very little attempt to stop radicalization in our schools, in our prisons, and I have not seen an immigration system that sufficiently vets on a security basis. And sure, and I can tell you that what happened last night has really shocked people. You know, going for young girls coming out of a concert is a new low. And I think that what the British public are now going to be demanding is what are our leaders now? Not? What are they going to say? What are they gonna do? Well, it's a matter of that. And you know something, one of the things I think I love more about you than anything else as well. I love your spirit, I love your fight. I love your ability to take hits and you take it with good humor. And you're funny, and you're a good guy to hang out with. And I'd love to go to a pub and hang out with you for hours and hours under better circumstances. But but and with the thing that I admire the most about you, as you so love America and you so care about our future, and and the relationship between Great Britain and the United States has got to always remain that strong. I care deeply what happened last night in your country. You care deeply when things happen here. But you have steadfastly warned my fellow citizens in America don't make the mistakes that europe is making. Absolutely, and I'm want to reasservate that point today as strongly as I possibly can. We now in this country have three and a half thousand suspected Jaddi terrorists. I say suspected. Belgium, which is a relatively tiny country, has eighteen thousand people. When you start to get to numbers like that, no security service is big enough to keep tabs on it. And I just want to say once again two Americans, do not make the mistakes that we've made. Encourage people to live and work together and not to be in separate communities in our towns and cities, and be really careful who you let into the country. And when I see your president who tried, who tried so hard to make sure that from seven countries, you rethought the methods by which people could get in, and to see American judges trying to stop this from happening. You know, we've got a problem here. We've we We've got institutions in America, in the United Kingdom who are trying to stop us protecting our children. Something there is wrong, and I I know that Trump won't give up. I know that in his heart he wants to keep America safe, and I play that he does. So it is. It is beyond incredible. I think he gave the best speech of his presidency in Saudi Arabia before Muslim leaders will go over those words when we get back. Nigel Farage is with us. He is a member of the European Parliament. Fox News contributor, leader of the Brexit movement, and has been sending one admonition after another to this country so that Americans may be safe and not make the mistake that Europe has made. The path to peace begins right here on this ancient soil, in this sacred land. America is prepared to stand with you in pursuit of shared interests and common security. But the nations of the Middle East cannot wait for American power to crush this enemy for them. The nations of the Middle East will have to decide what kind of future they want for themselves, for their country, and frankly, for their families and for their children. It's a choice between two futures, and it is a choice America cannot make for you. A better future is only possible if your nations drive out the terrorists and drive out the extremists. Drive them out, drive them out of your places of worship, drive them out of your communities, drive them out of your holy land, and drive them out of this earth. For our part, America is committed to adjusting our strategies to meet evolving threats and new facts. We will discard those strategies that have not worked and will apply new approaches informed by experience, talent, and judgment. Saudi Arabia also joined US this week in placing sanctions on one of the most senior leaders of Hezbollah. Of course, there is still much work to be done. That means, honestly, confronting the crisis of Islamic extreamism and the islamisists and Islamic terra of all kinds. We must stop what they're doing to inspire, because they do nothing to inspire but kill, and we are having a very profound effect. If you look at what's happened recently, and it means standing together against the murder of innocent Muslims, the oppression of women, the persecution of choose, and the slaughter of Christians. Religious leaders must make this absolutely clear. Barbarism will deliver you no glory. Piety to evil will bring you no dignity. If you choose the path of terror, your life will be empty, your life will be brief, and your soul will be fully condemned. And political leaders must speak out to affirm the same idea. Heroes don't kill innocence, they save them. In light of what happened yesterday, how profound I talked yesterday about a tale of two presidents. Here is Donald Trump. Terrorists do not worship God, they worship death. And he goes on. You know, here's the beauty of what he did before Arab leaders. No apologies, no political correctness, no happy talk. This is good versus evil, and he said it. He framed the fight against ISIS and other terrorist groups as a quote battle of good versus evil. Drive them out, Drive them out of your places of worship, drive them out of your communities, drive them out of your holy land, and drive them out of this earth, why so innocent young girls are not going to be targeted at an Ariana Grande concert, and that they in their their sick, evil, demented, pushed towards a caliphate can't kill innocence anymore. Told how people, how people have spoken to the police here, the advice we've received, his trainline, people have been injured. There were my thoughts and prayers, the advice we've received from the police service here, and for the Mayor's obviously to carry on business usual. I'm they going to speculate as to who is responsible. I'm not going to speculate as to how the police in New York should react. What I do know this part of parcel of living in a great global city is you've got to be prepared for these things. You've got to be vigilant, you've got to support the police do an incredibly hard job. You've got to support the security services. And I think speculating when you don't know the facts is unwise. News that we're getting from the Manchester Police this morning, the statements that they're putting out of mothers that they found who are still looking for their daughters, and daughters that they found who are still looking for their mothers and they can't find the rest of their families. And I think that's what is making Europe is getting used to attacks like this. Maker we have to because we are never going to be able to totally wipe this out. As isis gets east in Syria and Iraq, we're going to see more of these kinds of tax plate taking place in Europe, and Europe is starting to get used to that. None of us are used to having children targeted in this way, young girls targeted in this way. And Martha, you said the people in Manchester determined to kind of go back to daily life, but this is also likely to inflame anti Islamic sentiment across Britain across Europe. Insure could Georgia know? Manchester itself is a very multicultural city. There's a large Muslim population with many there for generations, so head scarf attracts little attention there and notably Manchester did not vote in favor of Brexit. But an attack like this, as you said, is much bigger than Manchester itself and will likely create backlash. Do you understand the insanity that was about a year ago the Mayor of London London Zadecan actually saying, well, you know, we gotta get used to these terror attacks. Then it's NBC's Katy k so, oh, We've got to get used to these terror attacks. And there's Orgie Stephanopolis Clinton sycophant that he is, and discussing with somebody worried about anti Islamic backlash after the Manchester terrorist attack. Nobody wants any backlash against innocent people. What we want is an end to radical Islamic terror. How hard is this for people to wrap their arms around? This is one of our two top stories today. We are also following the unfolding issues the statement by Kim dot com and more evidence Brendan today former c i a UH director, Oh no, we don't know evidence, no specific evidence. I suspect but no evidence, no evidence, no evidence. All the Democrats no evidence, no evidence, no evidence. How with there's no evidence and Democrats keep saying no evidence. How have we had months and months and months and months of conspiracy theories, months of it without any evidence, a conspiracy theory advanced and by me asking questions about whether or not is it something else besides Russia? Because Julian Assan said it's not Russia and Julian Assans talked about brave whistleblowers that take risks and immediately transition to the name Seth Rich. Is it really so horrible and awful and mean that I asked, Well, was that the source? That's all I'm asking? And I am under fire, ah, way away under fire. There are people that don't want me on the air anymore at all, anymore asking questions on your behalf or pointing out that they lie and that they have an agenda to destroy the president. I'm gonna born about this at the top of the hour. Also Sarah Carter, Senior National Security Correspondents Breaking News. Patrick Poole is the National security corresponding PJ Media and also joining us. Chris god Bats is with US National Security consultant Vice president of Understanding the Threat. You may remember chris is strong testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last year and will full blindness the consequences of the agency's efforts to the emphasized radical Islam and combating terrorism. And welcome both of you of the program. But Chris, tell us about what you testified about and what you did, as I understand you, actually you know we're an intern with the Council on American Relations CARE in Virginia. Oh seven, Yeah, thank you for having me when I when I was working at with CARE. And I want to emphasize for the audience I posed as the most I'm actually echience, but I posed as a muzen conquered to get into inside of the mastering businesses SPIT. And what I testified in front of the U. S. Senate last year is very applicable to this morning and today after the Manchester attacks, which is that the Muslim Brotherhood who is working to influence our Senate Intelligence Judiciarian Homeland Security Committee, has the exact same ideology as the Islamic state in al Qaida, which is to establish an Islamic state under Shariah uh. That is why they are fighting, whether it's in Manchester, whether it's in Syria, or whether it's care influencing our homeland security right here in the United States. Well, we have to accept reality, John, and reality is is that all these jihadi groups all over the planet tell us they why they're fighting. And it's interesting to me that all these groups, whether it's Islamic state outside of the Taliban both oramash about the Muslim brotherhood still in the blank. How is it that they're all getting their version of Islam long in the exact same way. So what we have to acknowledge is that Islam, they are fighting for a law, and they are waging jihad, and they are the basis for all of their fighting is the Shariah, which is derived right out of the Koran and right out of the sun of their pat the Mohammad so Uh is the root of the problem. At some point we have to aplause that or we're going to continue to host this wol. Let me go to you Patrick Pool and get your thoughts on all of us well, Sean. Interestingly, just last week in the UK, historian Tom Holland UM did a program on Channel four, one of their channels over there, addressing this issue about um how much of Isis' ideology is actually rooted in historical Islam. And I mean it was very carefully crafted, it wasn't an attempt to demonize, and yet still he just have got viciously attacked last week in Islamophobe, etcetera. And this is the pattern that we see anytime that anybody tries to raise an issue, including Muslims. Themselves, you know, and I think Dr Zvi Jesser Uh you know who's UM here in the United States, has tried to raise the issue. Look, you know, we've got a problem, and he gets denounced from from UM from the pulpit of his own mosque out there in Scottsdale, Arizona. UM and we've got to find a way to break through. UM then engages the Muslim community, but but begins to deal with the fact that UM that this problem is not going away. And if the Muslim community says that they're the ones to solve it, well, you know it's time for them to deliver. Yeah. Absolutely. One of the things showed that we have to see from the national security perspective is fifteen years after nine eleven and we still have not identified the enemy that they are why they're fighting, even though the enemy and the sport tells us that there Muslims aging toy Hive and the blueprints that their doctor and the reason that they're fighting is the Sharia to establish the Sharia all over the planet, and that we see at over the last fourteen hundred years of Islamic history. And to Patrick's point, we have to have that conversation nationally. We have to start discussing that. And part of the reason that these terror attacks are so effective is that it shuts down the discussion. And that is why the Muslim Brotherhood worked so hard in this country to shut down you know, the company that I work for understanding the threat. We train law enforcement on the enemy threat DCTRI in Sharia, the jihadi network here in the US, which is primarily the Muslim Brotherhood, and then we train law enforcement how to investigate jihadi groups in their community. And groups like CARE and the Muslim Brotherhood fight viciously and slander and smear us everywhere we go so that we can't even get in the room to train law enforcement. And if and if law enforcement doesn't understand this threat from military doesn't understand the threat, then you can't target an enemy that you refuse to identify, and therefore you can never see what we see here with this Manchester bombing again is this pattern of UH A known wolf, already known to officials. And we've seen this pattern already this year. UH six out of the seven terror attacks UM in Westminster, in UM, the Orly attack in France, UM, the Stockholm UM, UH nuhicle attack where he ran down a bunch of people on the street. Every single one of these cases and no wolves. And it's not just over in Europe. Here in the US. We had the Fort Lauderdale Airport shooter UH here back in December, who again was zoned to authorities. The guy who bombed in New York and New Jersey back in September. Again, his father had flagged into the FBI um as as a non wolf Orlando. They had done two investigations on him previously. In my hometown of Columbus, Ohio, we had Mohammed Berry Um who went into an Israeli dilly with a machine and began slashing people. UM again, he had been previously investigated by the FBI for terrorism the Garland terror attack, which I think is one of the most unreported terrorism stories here in the US in the past couple of years. Where the two suspects were they had an FBI undertover agent inside the cell Um who did nothing apparently to prevent the attack. Uh and one of the suspects have been charged previously um on on terrorism. I've got to take a quick break, guy, stay right there. Patrick Pool, Chris go bats All, right. As we continue, Patrick Pool is with us, and we also continue with Chris go bats who's here? All right? Um, let me just go back to have all of you followed. And Patrick, I know you have this whole narrative about Russia Trump collusion and the issue, and I played montage after montage Democratic Democrats saying there's no evidence, including today, including last week, Diane Feinstein. How does the media get away with advancing this narrative night after night after night after night, Russia, Russia, Ushier and Russia when they all admit there's no evidence. How is that possible? Sean? I think one of the things that we see is that there's no punishment for the media being wrong. I mean, time and again we see these stories fall apart within hours of them, you know, breaking news, and you know we see all the blue check mark people on Twitter. You know, this is an outrage et cetering. Then the story falls apart. There's there's no repercussion for the media when they get it horrifically wrong. Acent, there's no repercussions at all. I mean, you know, I guess maybe Chris, you can relate to it in this sense because you know, here you infiltrated radicalism. What was that experience like for you, Well, it was a life changing experience. And one of the things that I noticed when I was working inside specifically CARE, was that the level the cozy relay ship that the Muslim Brotherhood has with the media. To her point, um, how does how does the media get away with this? Well, they're working in this particular incident a day after Manchester. I can promise you from my experience working with the Muslim Brotherhood that CARE is working with all of their media contacts right now to get the narrative out there that this attack has nothing to do with Islam, and so the media is more than willing to work with groups like the Muslim Brotherhood who have the exact same ideology as the Islamic Data or al Qaeda to shut down any discussion about Islam being part of the ballum this war that we're seeing right now, Sean, we see this war as one line of operation where it's people pulling triggers that it's blowing things up, and it's awful, it's terrorizing, and it's barbaric and it's savage. But the big war right now is the war of narratives. And when the media is constantly talking about Russia, necessarily we are not having the discussion about the real problems like border security, like uh jihad, how to defeat jihad. We're having those discussions. We are on this show because you're you have the curse. I actually talk about this, But other media outlets out there, they're asking the opinions of groups like the Muzzle Brotherhood and Care what they think about this, and of course they're going to direct the line of conversation away from the real threat, which it is such a scary, scary thought. And you know, one of the most frustrating things from my part is is that at the very least there is success among the liberal ideological, destroyed Trump media and the left in this country, especially the deep state and Democrats, that all they want to do is money the waters to such a large degree that they prevent the president from actually doing his job. Now he's not so far been distracted from that. House Republicans are I mean congressmen and senators. Republicans, they're weak. That's problematic, you know, I mean, Patrick, you and I have discussed that many times. Absolutely, and um you know we see that with the budget with um you know which President Trump has just rolled out and Congress hasn't acted on virtually all but two of the appropriation stills. They're they're they're in the process of boxing meant him into a continuing resolution in September, along with the that ceiling where all the bad things gets funded and none of President Trump's agenda gets a dime. It's unbelievable. All right, Chris, thank you, Patrick, thank you. Told free our telephone numbers eight hundred nine f one. Seawn, you want to be a part of the program when we come back. Our good friends, Sarah Carter, senior national security correspondent CIRCA dot Com, Kirk we Be, former senior analysts n s A n s A whistleblower, join us to discuss what's really going on here behind the persistence of the Democrats and this Russia Russia, Russia Russia Russia collusion agenda. Quick break, right back, we'll continue, all right, News round Up and information overload our on the Sean Hannity Show. Hang on him sending a um. All right there it is eight hundred nine for one, Shawn number. All right, now, News round Up. I want to just go back to We've got two big stories where allowing today one is the incredible bravery and the strength, and how Donald Trump absolutely eviscerated the entire world and blew them away with no apologies, no PC, no happy talk, and drew a line that this fight against ISIS and other terror groups as a battle between good and evil, because it is a battle between good and evil, And how we talked about Arab nations and a new policy of principled realism that is rooted in finding partners, imploring the leaders of more than fifty average Arab countries to their face, deny all territory to the foot soldiers of evil. Drive them out. This is what he said, drive them out. The path to peace begins right here on this ancient soil, in this sacred land. America is prepared to stand with you in pursuit of shared interests and common security. But the nations of the Middle East cannot wait for American power to crush this enemy for them. The nations of the Middle East will have to decide what kind of future they want for themselves, for their country, and frankly, for their families and for their children. It's a choice between two futures, and it is a choice America cannot make for you. A better future is only possible if your nations drive out the terrorists and drive out the extremists. Drive them how, drive them out of your places of worship, drive them out of your communities, drive them out of your holy land, and drive them out of this earth. For our part, America is committed to adjusting our strategies to meet evolving threats and new facts. We will discard those strategies that have not worked and will apply new approaches informed by experience, talent, and judgment. Story one, a President that understands and the battle of good versus Evil. Story number two is again today on top of montage. We keep playing no evidence, no evidence, has all the Democrat no evidence of Russia collusion with the Trump campaign. But Mr Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge, there was no evidence of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. We did not conclude any evidence in our report. And when I say our report, that is the n s, S S, A, FBI, and CIA with my office the Director of National Intelligence, had anything any reflection of collusion between the members of Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that in our report. Was Mr Clapper wrong when he said that, I think he's right about characterizing the report which you all have read. We did not include any evidence in our report. And I say our that's n S, A, FBI, and CIA with my office the Director of National Intelligence, that had anything that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report. Can you say definitively that there was collusion there were people affiliated with the Trump campaign who were working with Russians to time the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton that had been that had been hacked, either from John Podesta or the d n C. I don't think we can say anything definitively at this point. Have you seen anything, either intelligence briefings, through intelligence briefings, anything to back up any of the accusations that you would have made. They have the documentation that they did the hacking. The hacking right and on some of us, you know that put the collusion, though we have not. Do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign not? At this time have you seen anything that suggests any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. Well, there's an awful lot of smoke there. Let's put it that way. People that might have said they were involved, to what extent they were involved in, what extent the president might have known about these people or whatever. There's nothing there from that standpoint that we have seemed directly linking our president to any of that. Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors at the time you learned of twenty sixteen efforts. I don't know whether or not such collusion, that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know. All right, that's it. And leading up to today, that was Brennan Today. Sarah Carter, senior national security correspondent Circuit dot Com. John Solomon, I guess is he's the big editor in chief of circuit dot com and uh kirk Web as with those former senior analysts with the n s A n s A whistleblower. Welcome all of you to the program. And I understand Sarah, you have some breaking news today. Again, tell me what you got. Yeah, John and I both have been working, you know, diligently on these stories regarding unmasking. I mean, we've tried to focus on the facts, and one of the things that we've discovered and we were able to publish today is that the fact that the c i A is actually one the greatest and masters of American in all of the agencies. So their documentation to prove that. Um, John and I both have been working on this. This is something that we had heard, but until we actually have the documentation, we didn't want to move forward with it. So it's very interesting today that at the hearing you hear, you know, Director John Brennan, he is directly asked by Trey Goudy did you unmasked Americans? And emphatically he says, yes, I did. And unfortunately those questions didn't go a lot deeper and a lot further publicly, but I'm sure that there will be more questions in UH in a classified briefing. Have you ever requested that a U. S person's name beyond mask That is a stunning admission. Now, just to remind everybody, and John will throw those to you, there is incidental surveillance of Americans. General Flynn case some point they were monitoring legally his soon to be counterpart in Russia, the Russian ambassador General Flynn was on the line. In the case of that type of incidental surveillance, they're supposed to what minimize the process of of the American They're never supposed to unmask the name. It's unless there's a special request. You also had earlier reported there was a dramatic increase in twenty fifteen and sixteen as it relates to unmasking. Now that's the political cycle. Remember we started the process of of choosing a Republican presidential candidate. What was the percentage increase? Oh, it was a threefold increase in the searches of NSA data looking for Americans names or Americans data. So from sixteen we saw a three fold increase And there's only I thought it was six Am I wrong in my numbers? It was it was a threefold three about um. But you know, there's only two explanations for it. One is we suddenly let a whole bunch of terrorists in the company country. Now we have thirty five thousand terrorists walking around. I don't think that's true. Or there's a sudden consumption of data that wasn't necessary to view before that now people want to look at and I think that's always been the fear when you gave the intelligence community increasing backdoors, So look at this data, which is that eventually they'd use it too much. Kirk, Before I get to you, want to go back to Sarah for just a second. Here. You said you have evidence that not only did Brennan admit to unmasking today, but but now John talks about the umasking at this unprecedented level during an election season. And if you had a third component to this, I would ask, do you know, based on what you've seen in the evidence you're gathering, that the unmasking had a lot to do or seemingly had a lot to do with political operatives or people in politics versus those that are national security threats? You know, Sean, I think that that's exactly the concern here. Um. The concern is was is it the concern or do you do you know? Do you know the names? Do you know the people? We were still looking into this. We can't talk about everything that we're looking at right now because we do have stories that are coming out with regard to this and with regard to the evidence, uh that that we're able to obtain and share with the public. UM. I think that there is a number of people that are concerned. There are a number of people concerned. Of course, we are concerned with how far this went. One of the things that John and I reported on UM was that in two thousand and fifteen the rules were loosened in so much as that you know, it extended not only to unmasking people for national security purposes that you would expect to be unmasked, but with within those rules there were contained instances where the FBI as well could also unmask people such as journalists, clergy members, doctors, lawyers, people that you would think would have and essentially stronger rights to privacy because of the information or because of their work of what they were doing. So we've we've seen that you've seen that these rules were loosened. We also know that a number of people, UM, politicians, lawmakers as well as others have been very concerned about the fact that some of this has led to what they believe is political leesbionage. I think the evidence as it unfolds will reveal what this was used for, and I think we have to be really careful, and that's why we're peeling back this onion, one layer at a time, and making sure that everything we have is what the American public is getting the facts the straight back and then and then how far these investigations choose to go in the future based on new facts will reveal even more. That's pretty unbelievable. What is your take, Kirk, based on your background as a senior analysts for the n s A. And then I say whistle blower instinctively, I honestly feel that there's so many great people in our intelligence community, but I do feel that there is a deep state, highest level group of people, small percentage that I believe that time will prove have not been honorable in their use of the tools that are given them, and especially their responsibility for protecting the constitutional rights of Americans. In my own no, you're not, Sean. When I hear all of the bits and pieces that Sarah and John are putting together together with the other other articles we've seen in this entire morass of corruption, I up as this way, we are witnessing a coordinated attack on the political system of our nation, and this whole Russia thing is a red herring design to put the focus there and not here. How else do you explain the lack of ongoing investigations squarely on the d n C, the Clinton server, the Clinton Foundation, the unmasking, Where is it. It's it's like it's buried, It's nowhere to be heard of. This is what's your Sarah heard you that I hear you sign that's pretty unbelievable. Well, I think this is that's a very valid point. And one is a journalists that I know, John and I have brought up a number of times if there was evidence out there, Shine, we would report it if we had by the way I would report it to. I would report it to absolutely. And you know, based on the sources that we have, the information that we've gathered, based on the fact that Clapper Brennan sally ate everyone, no one has ever said there was collusion and there was proof of evidence that President Trump or his associate associates colluded with the Russian in the in the election. Based on that fact alone, we have not been able to find evidence. The evidence that we have found. The evidence that we have found is that people have been a math at an extent we would not have known had these leaks not happened. The fact that there are people within federal law enforcement and within the agency's intelligence agencies that are so concerned that the information that was being obtained is being used for political SPIONI wow, this is so unbelievable. All right, stay right there, Sarah Carter, John Solomon, and Kirk Weeby and Sarah is gonna be on Hannity tonight. I'm not sure if John Solomon can make it, because you never know, he always you know, he tries to go to bed by ten o'clock. Al Right, as we continues, where does all of this Russia Russia, Russia Russia collusion story go when we have no evidence up to this point. There seems to be surveillance unmasking, intelligence leaking that we've never had before, and it seems to be connected to politics. John will start with you. You know, in the intelligence community, there is a practice called subterfuge, where you can throw a head fake and try to get people took user. And I think some of the most outrageous headlines of this scandal have been head fakes, have been subterfuge. John Brennan today gave some very political testimony what was supposed to be in intelligence hearing. They asked him did you have evidence? And he said I was concerned. Well, that wasn't the question. We didn't ask you if you were concerned, We said, did you have evidence? He kept bobbing and weaving, and a normal intelligence professional would give very factual answers and they'd be a boring witness, right, But Brennan sort of gave a lot of head fakes and nods to something that right now currently hasn't been proven. There isn't proof that Donald Trump's administration or team coordinated with Russia. And if they're going to great extents to keep that story alive, you have to ask what are they hiding? And I think what Sarah and I are reporting honor some of those concerns, and in the next twenty four hours we're gonna have something that's gonna undercut a lot of the defense of unmasking. There's been a lot of talk about the legality of unmasking, and I think you should stay tuned in the next twenty four hours because we're gonna be able to punch a hole in that for the first time. Do you know how explosive that is, Sarah, Yes, we do, And I think it's necessary. I think the stories that we've been working on UM that should concern all Americans, and it deals with our Fourth Amendment rights. It deals with our rights as well to privacy and everything else in our protection. And these are things that UM that I think in all of this subterfuge, just as John had laid out that, you know, you stick with the facts, you stick with what's truthful, you stick with the evidence. And that evidence has not led us to see that collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. If it's out there, I promise you, I promise you fine, I will write that story. But I have not seen that yet. What we do see is that there is something going awry inside the intelligence community with unmasking, with searches into Americans uh and and the unmasking of means and the leaking of evidence. That is something that people need to take a hard look at because it involved every single one of us. And we will be breaking something within the hours that will make that very evidence. Kirk. When you add that to what's happening in terms of you know, there is an emerging story with the possibility that it's a d n Z operative wiki leaks potential, and it's only a potential and we're only investigating. And I'm being very clear, what does that mean? How deep is all of this? How scary it is? All of this it's extremely scary. Um if we allow it to be. The nation is under threat of being split down the middle. We know it is politically, but once the government disintegrates along those lines, we're really in trouble. We're on the verbs of entering some chaotic period yet to be envisioned and described. But it doesn't bode well if we don't have brave people within governments standing up right now. The truth has never been more important? Is this is why Sean Hannity, more than probably at any point in his career, is being slandered and smeared this badly. And it's not about me. But are we getting a little too close to the truth perhaps for some people? Absolutely, Sarah, you're not going to defend me. I don't. I'm not even gonna ask you. I've got brought I have broad shoulders. Thank you well, thank you all for being with us. These are two of the most important stories I think I've ever covered in my life. And we're not gonna stop, and I'm gonna lay out exactly this. Kim dot Com connection and his statement and what it all means next now till the top of the hour, our toll free telephone numbers one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza with so much going on today, I want to go back just a little bit of you just joining us and I don't know the answers. We're trying to put together the answers and the pieces of the puzzle as it relates to who you know. For months and months and months, do we have the montage of all of the Democrats saying the Russia collusions story that there's no evidence up until last week, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence. Listen. But Mr Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge, there was no evidence of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. We did not conclude any evidence in our report. And when I say our report, that is the n S, A, FBI, and CIA with my office the Director of National Intelligence, that had anything any reflection of collusion between the members of Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that in our report. Was Mr Clapper wrong when he said that? I think he's right about characterizing the report which you all have read. We did not include any evidence in our report. And I say our that's n S, A, FBI, and CIA with my Office of Director of National Intelligence, that had anything that had any reflection of collue usion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report. Can you say definitively that there was collusion there were people affiliated with the Trump campaign who were working with Russians to time the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton that had been that had been hacked, either from John Podesta or the d n C. I don't think we can say anything definitively at this point. Have you seen anything either intelligence briefings, through intelligence briefings, anything to back up any of the accusations that you have made. They have the documentation that they did the hacking, the hacking on the right and on some of us. You know that put the collusion though we have not. Do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign not at this time. Have you seen anything that suggests any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. Well, there's an awful lot of smoke there. Let's put it that way. People that might have said they were involved, to what extent they were involved in, what extent the President might have known about these people or whatever. There's nothing there from that standpoint that we have seen directly linking our president to any of that. Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors at the time you learned of twenty sixteen efforts. I don't know whether or not such collusion, that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know. I don't know. That's another word of the way of saying no evidence. I was watching Brennan today. I don't trust Brennan. I don't trust Brennan at all. I think that there is a stench and a stink in our intelligence community at the highest levels. Now, let me be clear, I do believe there are really, really good, good people that are doing great work in this day and age to protect our country, our homeland against evil operatives all over the world. And it is a thankless, difficult, hard job. And they do the hard work of keeping us safe and secure in our homeland. I'd even go this far. It's probably, but there are deep state operatives that have been undermining this president and we don't get to the bottom of it. I think their goal is to do as much damage and prevent him from accomplishing his promises to you, the American people. The two biggest threats now are a news media with their rabid, inaccurate, tinfoil hat conspiracy reporting with no evidence. Now, by the way, I am open save all these. I am open to if any evidence does emerge. If there's any proof, I want to see it and hear it of Trump Russia collusion. I want to see it, which leads us to Julian Assange. And I keep going back to this. I interviewed Julian Julian was it the Russians? Now, you don't have to trust Julian Assange if you don't want, But I have to point out Wiki Leaks has not been proven wrong on the information they have given out in eleven years, not one time. And believe me, they are Everybody that doesn't like wiki leaks wants them to be wrong because they see you cannot trust them fake news. It has never been. They're not CNN because that's what CNN does, That's what MSNBC does they advanced this false narrative, lies, conspiracy theories. And when I asked Julian about Russia, here's what he said. So in other words, let me be clear, Russia did not give you the podested documents or anything from the d n C. Nothing from the d n C, nothing at all. Now, Julian Assang, pay very close attention to when he talks about whistle blowers. In the beginning of this tape, he's on Dutch TV taking risks and and how they do this, and watch he doesn't skip a beat as he goes doves tails, dovetails right into the death of Seth Rich. Just listen to the the the talk about those that are whistle blowers that take risks, and he mentioned seth Rich because that, to me, is key to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. As the twenties seven year old that works for the d n C we shot in the back, murdered just two weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington. So that was that was just a rubbery I believe, wasn't it. No, that's there's no finding. So your socing what are your suggesting. I'm suggesting that our sources take risks and they become concerned to see things occurring like that. But what is he one of your sources then? I mean, we don't comment on who our sources are the suggestion about a young guy being shot in the streets of Washington, because we have to understand how high the stakes are in the United States, and that our sources face serious risks. That's why they come to us so we can protect their anonymity. But it's quite something to suggest a murder. That's basically what you're doing. Well that others have have suggested that we are investigating to understand what happened in that situation with seth Rich, I think it is a concerning situation. There's not a conclusion yet. We wouldn't be willing to stay a conclusion, but we are concerned about it, and more importantly, variety we heving sources are concerned when that kind of thing happens. Wow, now my interpretation, and I can only give my interpretation. He adamantly denies Russia as the source. If there's one person in the entire world that knows who the sources, it has to be Julian Assange, and the media pays no attention to him at all whatsoever, in any way, shape, matter of form. Now back in November, and I'm sorry, May of twenty fifteen, Kim dot Com in many ways, he's like a Julian Assange figure. He lives in New Zealand, he's got a copyright issue with the United States, etcetera, etcetera, kind of controversial figure at sixteen. Remember Julian Assange at sixteen hacked the d O D hacked the NASA. One of the things I said, with all of the hacking that has gone on all of the years, and that our government has not put as a priority cybersecurity, at some point, we've got to blame our government because at some point they knew they were hacked all of these times. And Julian is one example, and Kim dot com is another example at sixteen. When sixteen year old kids keep hacking into government agencies and you don't do anything to fix it, it then becomes the government's fault that they're not doing their job protecting America's secrets. I'm sorry, it's just like fool me once twice, three times. Shame on you, fool me a thousand times. Shame on me, and that's what's missing here. And in the case of Kim dot Com, he predicted in May in a Bloomberg interview and that Julian Assange would be Hillary Clinton's biggest nightmare. Wow, how did he know? Here's what he said in the Bloomberg interview. So what Julian Assange is doing, He's putting a spotlight on all these secrets. How often do you talk to him? Look, I like these guys, you know, I look up to them. I think they are very brave. They're going through a very hard time, you know, and they chose to do that for the betterment of all of us. So yeah, I love to talk to them. So you said you're going to bring the Internet Party to the US. Why what's your goal? Well, because I think there's a big group of people out there that disagree with what's going on. You know, they want to have their privacy back, they want to have internet freedom. You tweeted that you were going to be Hillary's worst nightmare in how so Well, I have to say it's probably more Julian, But I'm aware of some of the things that are going to be roadblocks for her. So you know, if I can provide some transparency with with these people and make them part of what the Internet Party stands for, then you know I will be happy to do that. You're saying, Julian Osana just gonna be Hillary's worst nightmare in sixteen, Well, he has access to information. Why Larry hates Julian. She is just an adversary of I think internet freedom. And ah wow, Kim dot com has been talking about and and without going into my sources, methods, details which the media would love to know. I'm just gonna be quiet about that for now. Kim dot com released the following today and you're gonna have to look into it. You're you know, the media, now remember this, no evidence I just played all of them, no evidence of collusion. They ran with the story anyway. Okay, now we have Julian Assange and what he said about Seth Rich and could is it possible I'm really asking a question, is it possible that there was a honest, truth seeking broker at the d n C. Let's take all names out of it, a whistle blower that saw the horrid treatment of Bernie Sanders and the cheating of Bernie Sanders and the betrayal of Bernie Sanders supporters by the d n C. Remember wiki leaks resulted in Debbie Wasson and Schultze's other people. They're out on the eve of the convention, and maybe the source for wiki leaks from the very beginning. Maybe I'm saying, maybe pay attention media because you're very slow, and maybe that's the source of the wiki leagues. Leave now if that's true. If that's true, I gotta be careful because a bunch of CNN people don't know how to comprehend if that's true, and I'm trying, I'm asking questions, which is what a smart person ought to do. Something they don't do. They just report fake news and conspiracy theories with zero evidence. As the Democrats say, If that's true, that means the whole Russia conspiracy theory is blown out of the water. I don't have I don't have a hundred percent confirmation yet, but I'm sharing with you all the information as it becomes available to me, as we put the pieces of the puzzle together together. Kim dot com rights, I know that seth Rich was involved in the d n C league. Seth Rich was a hero I know this because in late a person contacted me about helping me start a branch of the Internet Party in the United States. That's a party that he was supporting in New Zealand. He called himself Panda. I know that Panda was Seth Rich by the way. I have confirmed this through other sources that he used this this name, other sources beyond Kim dot com. Panda advised me that he was working on voter analytics tools and other technologies that the Internet Party may find helpful. I communicated with Panda on a number of topics, including corruption the influence of corporate money in politics. He wanted to change that from the inside. I was referring to what I knew when I did an interview with Bloomberg in New Zealand in Maya. What I just played you In that interview, I hinted that Julian Osang and Wiki Leaks would release information about Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election. The Rich family has reached out to me to ask that I'd be sensitive to their loss in my public comments. That request is totally and entirely reasonable. I have consulted with my lawyers. I accept that my full statement should be provided to the authorities, and I am prepared to do so. UH to do that so there can be a full investigation. My lawyers will speak with the authorities regarding the proper process. If my evidence is required to be given in the United States, I would be prepared to do so if appropriate arrangements are made. Meaning he's got this copyright issue is my interpretation. I would need a guarantee from the Special Council Mueller on behalf of the United States of safe passage from New Zealand to the US and back. In the coming days, we will be communicating with the appropriate authorities to make the necessary arrangements. In the meantime, I will make no further comment. This is a piece of the puzzle. This is not This sounds very if you are a journalist and what they're gonna do is what they do to Julian. They're gonna smear him. They're gonna smear this guy, just like I have been smeared. How bad has it been the last twenty four hours for me, Linda on all of this, Because I care to ask, you know what the amazing thing the conspiracy theory media CNN is the worst, NBC is the second worst. They have peddled a conspiracy lie, as we point out, with zero evidence, for all these months. And then they say, Hannah, he's peddling a conspiracy theory and he's hurting the family. Are you kidding? I care about this family. Um. I try to be the best Christian I can be. Of course I care about people. And I just make a note that the parents released to thank you note with regard to the go fund me page that his brothers started. That's one on a second. His brother started that page in March of seventeen. So for a family who wants nothing more to know about what happened to their son, they certainly aren't acting like it. So I'm not really listening to the d n C spokesperson who says he's with the family. Okay, neither of I and I've not confirmed that. By the way, Umn, you know something, all my career, I have done things and investigated things, and I usually get proven right. I don't know what the outcome of this is, Ladies and gentlemen. I don't, but I'm certainly looking deeper and I'm asking more questions, and I'm working harder than everybody in the media, the sheep, every sheep out there combined that has lied with no evidence for months and months and months because they got a political agenda to destroy the president. Yeah, you know, like everybody said when I was investigating Obama. Yeah, Hannity, you're risking your career asking questions. This is a risk to my career. Okay, I can live with that. I can live with myself. I'll sleep well at night, and getting to the truth is all I'm trying and desirous to do here because I don't think we're being told the truth. I think the Russia Trump narrative is a lie and has been a lie from day one. And I think one last point, if this, if this blows up in their face, the media, it will be literally the Scarlet Dan rather on human growth hormone steroids, and they're done. They will never have credibility again, nor do they deserve it. We'll see what happens. 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You start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recruitative sleep you've been craving, and you deserve my Pillow dot Com promo code Hannity. It every day he's got something new. Seany is on right now. All right, that's gonna wrap things up today. Full coverage tonight on the latest that has happened out of England, and of course the Deep State, and yes, the Russia Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia computer conspiracy narrative. Dr Gorka tonight. Also Monica Crowley, Jay Sekulo Tonight when we check in with Sarah Carter, John Solomon, breaking news and much much more, Michelle Malcolm and Lou Dobbs ten Eastern Set your DVR. Probably the most important monologue I think I ever do in the history of the show. Tell your friends, roll your tape, see you back here tomorrow.