Alliance for Free Citizens - November 15th, Hour 3

Published Nov 15, 2021, 11:00 PM

Kris Kobach, general counsel for Alliance for Free Citizens (and candidate for AG in Kansas) who is leading the charge on this lawsuit they just filed against the Biden administration over the vaccine mandate for businesses with over 100 employees. They're representing two large North Dakota companies — DTN Staffing and Miller Insulation Company — along with their CEOs and several of their employees.

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Amery Good Trapped behind Enemy Lines, day number ninety three three. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. All right, news rounds Up, Information overload, our Sean Hannity's show, Yes we are on. While closing argument Verdick the Alert n Kyle Rittenhouse case of news breaks, We'll let you know the success in the Fifth Circuit as it relates to stopping the vaccine mandate is one of many cases now working its way through the court system. Others are bringing up medical exemptions, religious exemptions. There are a lot of lawsuits. If you recall the day that Biden made the announcement, the first words out of my mouth is this is going to be a legal nightmare. Now, if you listen to the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi and Jen Saki and Rochelle Willlinsky and Joe Biden and Anthony Flipflop Fauci, all of them told us that we weren't going to have mandates. Here's what they said. No, I don't think you should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand to be mandatory. Perhaps the federal government should step in and issue mandates. And if not, are you putting the needs of unvaccinated people ahead of the needs vaccinated. Well, I think the question here one that's not the role of the federal government. That is the role that institutions, private sector entities, and others may take. We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not what we can do. I am all for more vaccination, but you know, I have nothing further to say on that except that we're looking into those policies, and quite honestly, as people are doing that locally are those are individual local decisions as well. I don't think you'll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public. I don't think you'll ever see a mandate for the vaccine, especially for the general public. I can tell you what parents are thinking now that those pushes on and some clip cases now mandating kids as young as five to eleven. You know that this will now be the their future mandated vaccines. To date, we've lost one hundred and sixty two kids between the ages of five and eleven, comparable numbers to the average year flu. In other words, the one thing they actually did get right is COVID nineteen disproportionally impacts older people, people that have obesity, people that have pre existing conditions, compromised immune systems and code morbidities that they've been very clear. And then you have Fauci now out there saying the unvaccinated or to blame for new COVID variants. Now he's gone, and this is why he should be fired, on top of everything that he knew about gaining function research at the wu Han Virology Lab and the NIH funding the Eco Alliance in part knowing what they were doing with that money, sending it to China, sending it to wuh, sending it to the rology lab where everybody knew coronavirus studies were going on and gain a function studies were happening. Listen to Fauci now, well, our unvaccinated people the reason we're seeing these new streams and will an increase in vaccinations mitigate the virus morphine in multiple ways? Well, that's a good one because the answer is short yes. All right. We are joined now by Chris Kobak. He's the general counsel for the Alliance for Free Citizens. Also, by the way, a candidate for the Attorney General in Kansas. I think he'd be a great candidate and a great attorney general for the state. He's out there. They're leading the charge in this lawsuit that they just filed against the Biden administration over the vaccine mandate for businesses with over one hundred employees. Anyway, Chris, welcome back. I thought originally because we see, I think the debate over vaccinating not vaccinating is kind of over in this sense. I think most people have made up their mind. Do you agree with what I believe? I absolutely agree, Sean, You're absolutely right. You know, we've seen we're all two years into this now people have and we're a year into having widespread availability the vaccine. People have made their own individual decisions based on discussions with their doctors and their families. This is the last time you need the federal government coming in and demanding that eighty million people and that's the approximate scope of this OSHA regulation. Eighty million people work for employers other hundred people or more. And so you're basically telling a quarter of the American public, no, we're going to make the decision for you. We your federal overlords, have decided what's good for you. You're not smart enough to make that decision yourself. And it's extraordinary because it just obliterates the limits on government power that our founding fathers put in the Constitution. So when you go back to Joe Biden's announcement, in my prediction that this would end up in the courts, that on a major level, I was not wrong. He did offer another option. And what I'm concerned about is because I was somebody in my life that struggled to pay my rent and didn't have any financial backing. But there are people that are so passionate and their belief. Maybe they have a pre existing condition that is rare, maybe they have a religious belief that prevents them from getting the vaccine, or maybe for whatever reason, they've decided it's not for them. Maybe they have natural immunity and they feel that's enough protection for them, and they're following the science, for example, out of Israel, and we're waiting for that to be peer reviewed. So whatever reason, I don't think there's anything Fauci, Biden, Kamala or any of these democrats can say that's going to convince people to change their mind. Now we've got tens of thousands of people, people in the military, nurses, other hospital workers, police, firemen, EMT, first responders. They've made a decision that they're willing to give up their paycheck, give up their benefits, even give up their pensions that many have worked a long long time for because they believe that passionately in this now. I don't want to see working people lose their jobs, especially nurses and medical people, and policemen and the military, most of whom we're diving on COVID grenades at the worst moments of this pandemic, many of whom got the disease while protecting others. There's got to be another way that would at least another option. Biden had originally said, or you can get tested. Nobody talks about that part. Is that a viable option for you? No? Not really. There is an option in the OSHA regulation for an employer to allow testing as weekly testing instead of getting the job. But the problem with that is the employee has to pay for it every single week. You'd end up spending over seven thousand dollars a year just to exercise your free exercise of religion or to exercise your Fifth Amendment right to control what medicines you take. So the so called testing option is one that makes it very expensive for Americans to exercise their freedoms. Well, that's pretty outrageous considering that that was not mentioned that the time. You know, the sad thing to me is we're taking the heroes of this pandemic and basically saying, yeah, thanks, but you know, get lost. It was sort of like all these nurses and first responders and medical professionals that came to New York at the height of this Adam shift show in March and April and May of twenty twenty. Yet all those people that came from out of state risk their lives. Then, you know, Andrew Cuomo, the governor at the time, hit them with a tax bill, a state tax bill for the money they got paid while trying to help save lives at the worst moment New York was experiencing all this. It's just like a slap in the face. I don't like the idea of it either, but I'm trying to find a way so people don't lose their income, their benefits, and their pensions that many of them spent years building up. That has a lot to give up. And it seems that you can balance having a safe work environment with the concerns of people that are vaccinated and want other people around them vaccinated. I think that's the only option I can think of short of them losing their careers. Well, that's exactly right, Sean. And one of the plaintiff groups that I'm representing is Dakota Travel Nurses Staffing, which is a company with over four hundred nurses that travel all over the Upper Midwest serving various healthcare facilities. And about half of those nurses have decided, based on their own medical experience, that they choose not to get the vaccination for whatever reason, health having observed a consequences of the vaccine, and some of the people they treat, whatever. But that's their free choice. And they are the ones who've been on the front line. And yet the Biden administration is, like you say, slapping them in the face, saying, we don't care what you've done for this country so far. We're going to tell you what to do. And many of them are now having to make if the OSHA regulation stays in the books and isn't struck down by the courts in the end, they will have to make that choice. Do they give up their job, a job that they've loved and practiced for their career, or will they have to succumb to the government's coercion, and hopefully they won't have. Every one of these lawsuits is critical, and I think the more of the merrier, to be very frank and yours is going before the Eighth Circuit, and I've been reading the motion for a stay pending review and I think it's well written, well done, Chris Koback. We're going to follow this General counsel for the Alliance for Free Citizens, also a candidate for Attorney General for the Great State of Kansas. Sir, we always appreciate you being on. Thanks for the update. My pleasure eight hundred and nine for one Sean you want to be a part of the program. Dale is in Pennsylvania, Dale, How are you glad you called? Sir? Good? How are you good? What's going on? I just want to ask you a quick question about if OSHA has a mandate now that they can mandate you to get this COVID vaccination, do they have a mandate that they won't let you be employed for a chicken pox measles, any of those items that they haven't If you're asking if this opens up Pandora's box, I think the answer is obvious that it does. Yes, outrageous. They never mandate anybody before to go and have a chicken pox vaccination. Got to get employment somewhere. Well, I've been through this before. I just played a tape of the head of the CDC, of Jensaki, circle back, Jen Saki, the White House propagandists, of Joe Biden, of Nancy Pelosi, all of all of these Democrats on record flip flop, Fauci himself, all saying that they would never. They don't have the right to it's not our responsibility. They all said the same thing. They didn't have the ability to put the mandate in place in the first place. Now they've changed their mind again. So when the issue, for example, of vaccine hesitancy comes up, well, most people were told if you got the vaccine, then you're protected. And then the delta variant became a game changer. And then governors like Rhonda Santis now they've got a problem where fully vaccinated people are contracting COVID nineteen. So he goes to the monoclonal antibody centers that he's set up all throughout the state, and then Joe Biden mentions at one time and then starts rashinging something that we don't need to rashing. We have plenty of it, which made no sense. So it's there's a lot of frustration. Look, if you look and you take and maybe I should just do this one day. I can do it an entire hour special on this. You take the CDC's recommendations, then recommendations on this date, recommendations on that date. Same with the NIH and you can see the shifting, you know, recommendations, They're all over the place. And then they blame conservatives for vaccine hesitancy. Well, I happen to believe in science and the science of vaccination. I don't trust them. They have they have earned my distrust at this point. They're very confusing for everybody. Yeah, and it's not fair. And I just cannot believe we would treat nurses, doctors, first responders, military personnel, cops and firemen this way. I just can't believe it are people that were diving on COVID grenades the entire time. Yeah, thanks, Sah, you're a hero, but get lost pretty much. I just can't believe it's. Come on, man, it's taken me forty seven years to perfect doing nothing. I had to become president. There's Joe. Yeah, I could do that better than anybody. Joe, but the most dangerous man in America. This is the John Hannity Show. All right, Keith in California. Keith me up about a minute. It's all yours, go for it. Happy Monday, Hey, Happy Monday to you, Sean. Thanks for taking my call. Listen. I was listening to you all last week about this Written House thing, and I think you know, no one's going to disagree with you about the self defense. You know, if he's being attacked that you have the right to defend yourself. But I guess my question to you is you don't feel that the Rittenhouse takes any culpability for the fact that he just went to a town that isn't even his broad a gun, thrust himself into a volatile situation. I don't even know how he was going to help, you know, really, what was he going to do? And then too, there was testimony that he was helping on a lot of fronts. All of that came out as evidence, and there were a lot of people with guns. But you got to look at the situation that evolved. The situation was people threatened him. He was running. We have videotape of all of it. We saw him threatened. Literally, you have testimony one guy says I pointed a loaded gun at him. First, then you have and then you have videotape evidence of a guy about to stomp on his face and pounded it into the pavement, clearly a life threatening situation by any objective measure. And then the case of you know, this guy with a track record second to none as it relates to the threat that he posed to Kyle Rittenhouse, I would not be surprised if it's not guilty on all counts. But with that said, I don't like to predict what juries are going to do. It's just too unpredictable, right if I'm looking at this really close myself too, Like, Wisconsin is my hometown, and it kind of strikes me personally that someone just came to that town with a gun to try to protect whatever he was going to do. He's not in law enforcement, he's not there, he has no legal authority really to do anything, and I'm just afraid that if he gets off on this on all counts. By the way, how do you feel about Antifa and some of these other groups, Well, you know, or the people in the group Black Lives Matter that we're chanting, what do we want dead cops? When do we want him now? Yeah? No, I don't listen. I don't agree with any of that. Let me just tell you this. Half of my family is in law enforcement, and so I will sign with law enforcement usually every time. But I have seen in my own personal life that the use of excessive force has become out of control, especially around here where I am at in California. So I understand their grievances, and like Martin Luther team said, right, what is rioting is the voice of the unhurt. It's been going on for a long time now. I do not condone any of the rioting. I don't condone any of the burning of things down. Anybody that did that should be held to account and should be prosecuted. There was a lot of people, hard to catch them all. But I think because I am a Democrat, I think that you know, you kind of lump us all in that we all agree with this stuff, and I don't. I agree that their voices needed to be hurt. I agree that they should have gone out and protested, but I don't agree with any of the violence. It's not the way to go, and I think they should all be prosecuted. Yeah, it's sad that they chased this kid down the block. I don't know what would have happened if it didn't have the means to defend himself. It doesn't look to me like he might have survived. And we've seen that happen sadly. And I also think we ought to be prosecuting all the people we have on videotape in the summer of twenty twenty involved in riots. Listen, if you're asking my advice, anytime there's a situation like this, stay the hell away, that would be my advice. Eight hundred nine four one, Shauns number. When we come back, we'll get to your phone. Call straight ahead, I promised the next half hour, all calls straight ahead, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Thank you for being with us, eight hundred and nine for one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Diane is in Long Beach, California, apparently a city that Joe Biden had a hard time remembering. With a record number of cargo ships waiting to get the dock to unload their cargo that's creating such a supply chain mess for the entire country. Diane, welcome to the program. Thanks for the people that work hard on the docks. Sean, thank you so to you. And I just want to know, first, not everyone in California as Democrat. I don't know a seople a person. They didn't vote for Trump, and I don't in my view, California and I think New York are pretty far done. Things can change, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. It's really sad, Sean, because like I said, I don't know anyway. And if that he wanted just to recall, they didn't happen. And I see people having to lead because they don't want to go along with the vacine mandate for their children. But that's anyway I want that last caller what he said about that's fine that that people want to protest, but that's not the way it ends up, and that's not the way the media covers it. I think that every suspecting you're happening right now is the result of our correct mainstream media. And at what point did they get held accountable. They they talk about the judge yelling at the prosecutor. They wasn't in front of jury, so there's no judgments conduct, and I think they're I think they're purposely trying to intimidate the judge so that I mean this prejudice and that's what he should do. But no judge wants the media march showing him home, so he I get the impression that judge is going to hold the line on what he believes. Um. I think the prosecution, by petitioning the judge to bring up lesser charges at this late hour is a tacit recognition of their failure to make their case and overcharging. Remember they charged him I think within forty eight hours. And then the rush to judgment by the Democrats, then the rush to judgment by the mob and the media, and even with all the evidence that we have, you know, they're all complaining because it looks like it may not be the outcome they expect. It's very hard to predict jury outcomes. But to me, the defense created all the reasonable doubt you would need, and with I thought the gun charge might be the one vulnerability Kyle Rittenhouse had that has now been thrown out, and rightly so. But I just the evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible. He was running as fast as he could away from angry people chasing him down the street and then catching him and about to stomp his face into the pavement. That would be a threat of serious bodily harm, which meets the law, the very definition of the self defense law in the state of Wisconsin. Yeah, do I happen in here a second? Yeah? Go ahead. I just I wanted to see. I was a curator for thirty years in Carson, and I just think in the real world, the prosecutor would have taken a sidebar as soon as the evidence can happen to self defencing, have asked for the case to be met, and you break it up on me a little bit, Diana. I'm having a hard time hearing you. I'm not cutting you short, I promise, but hopefully he can call us back. Joe. Lene is in Texas. Jolene, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. You for taking my call and being a crusader for truth. I have one quick question, how in the world are they going to vet all of these people getting four hundred and fifty thousand dollars to see that? If I mean they're not eligible to start with, But how do we know not more people are going to be coming up and claiming this same thing. When you're a criminal in this country, you get separated from your children. They're no different. So how are they going to vet them to really know that they were separated from their children? You know, you raised a great question and I don't know the answer. But I don't know what it was worse either, because when Peter Deucey confronted Joe Biden, he said it was garbage, it would never happen, and the next day he's out there passionately defending. I don't know if it's worse that he didn't know what his own administration was, their own policies are, or the fact that he supports this madness. These are people that did not respect American law. They had no respect for our borders or sovereignty. They had no business being where they were the consequences of family separation. That is not America's fault that they broke our laws. They cause that to happen, And why anybody thinks we should financially reward them for their lawbreaking is you know that you can't make up such stupidity in my mind alive? Can I hear an amen on that again? Thank you for being a crusader for truth. You're about the only trying every day, and you make it possible. We all got to be spokes in the wheel right now. Uh, let's say hi to Sonnies in South Dakota. Sonny, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hey? How you doing? Sean twenty five year listener? Um? Oh wow, thank you, You're welcome. My question is, Um, you know they're they're trying to get Trump for inciting a riot during January sixth. What I don't understand is every day, I mean it's every day we hear the news media about this Kyle Rittenhouse uh trial. You know, Oh, there's gonna be blood in the streets. There's gonna be how come they aren't being held accountable for the same thing they're causing panic, burn burn down, plea stuent doing the same thing the season Trump is Although Trump did not incite anything, I mean he told the people to peace police protest. He went again, we're having just some phone problems today. Let me just answer your question and we'll put you on hold. The President said very clearly that many of you will now peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol so your voices can be heard. And okay, and the Democrats they want to turn that into he caused it, he incited a riot. He okay. First of all, we've already had a post presidential impeachment. This is an attempt by the Democratic Party and the Trump paiters in the Republican Party. That's why they kicked off Jim Jordan and Jim Banks to purge all things Trump from the Republican Party, to go back to the days of the establishment. You know, Liz Cheney thinking she might have a viable chance to run and win the Republican nomination is a joke. I don't believe that's ever gonna happen. I can't even see her getting three percent of the vote if that. But you do raise a good point here. If you look at every single case, high profile case where there has been a rush to judgment by the medium mob, that's and they're wrong. Ferguson comes to mind. Which other case, Baltimore, Maryland comes to mind, Other places come to my hands up, don't shoot. There were numerous eyewitnesses African American eyewitnesses one after the other that said it was Michael Brown that reached into the patrol car of Officer Darren Wilson and attempted to strip him of his weapon. That's when the first shot went off. Michael Brown ran, then he turned around, according to multiple eyewitnesses, charging at Officer Darren Wilson. And it was at that point his life in danger and it was not a situation of hands up, don't shoot. That became a narrative of the left the media. Now, after they create this expectation of a verdict, of a result and it doesn't happen, then people get angry when it doesn't go the way they were told by the leadership in the media and leadership in the Democratic Party. When it doesn't go the way that they told them it would go, when they rushed to judgment without any evidence and without any due process, then people are genuinely frustrated and angry, and they have a tendency to then believe that there is a great injustice that took place. Now, but the people that literally rushed to judgment that you know what, I would argue, they themselves are partly responsible for creating false hope and false expect the responsible position would be our position, which is we don't rush to judgment, we allow for due process, and we believe people are innocent until they're proven guilty, and that has consistently put us on the right side of every one of these issues. On the Russia Trump conspiracy hoax, on Ferguson, Missouri, on Baltimore, Maryland, and UVA Cambridge police, the Duke Lacrosse case. We actually spend time, make phone calls, find people that give us information, sources that give us information, and then we use that information because I knew early on in Ferguson that these witnesses existed, because my sources in contacts told me beyond any shadow of a doubt, and I had numerous sources confirming it that in fact, there were numerous eyewitnesses that would appear the same thing down with George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. And in that case, these politicians cannot help themselves. They must you know, they're trying to use it for political advantage, and the harm they do is real. They create a false expectation. Let's say hello to Sonny, Well, we lost Sonny Samm's in Louisiana. Sam how are you. You're on the Sean Hannity Show. Thank you, Sean, thanks for taking my calls showing it's about the liberal media. Yes, sir, I'm sitting here watching this to keep watching, and you talked about it, you all around it, and so has all the other callers. The spin on this is that the liberal media is pushing their agenda, hoping, hoping that this young man will be found guilty, which he should be, and that way we can have riots in the street and damage to cities so they can increase their ratings. That's what this is all about. I've seen it before and it's happening again, and they want to do it now. They create a false expectation. In my view, I'm not in the business a jury predicting jury outcomes. I'm just not. It's too complicated. You know, it may be a very different scene inside the courtroom watching this case, you know, beyond a reasonable doubt and then the law that we have examined upside down, backwards, sideways, and every other way in between. But Wisconsin law is very clear when it comes to the issue of self defense that if you are that you believe that you have a legitimate belief that your life is in jeopardy or seriously bodily harm will be coming to you. I believe that the defense did a phenomenal job proving that he acted within the law of Wisconsin. I believe that whether or not the jury sees it that way, I don't know. Now you have this other thing that we don't really talk about a lot either. You know, this jury was not sequestered. Now they're told not to follow an into the coverage, but I tend to believe that probably most do, and not that they're bad people, but probably just out of pure curiosity or they just can't miss it because it's everywhere the coverage. And that puts an enormous amount of pressure on the jury because now they got a factor in or at least subconsciously, it factors into their mindset. Oh my gosh, what if we find this kid not guilty. What's going to happen? Because they have seen what has happened in other places and and but you know, they've got to stand by the rule of law otherwise our system collapses. And I feel that, look, this is this can go a lot of different ways here. This is going to be very very interesting anyway, I appreciate the call. Eight hundred nine one Shawn as our number if you want to be a part of the program MAC in Michigan. We got one minute. It's all yours euroupe. Next Yes, they're mister Hannity. How are we doing. I just wanted to thank you from all of us patriots out here in UM everywhere in the in the United States, and real quick. I'm just a regular guy, you know. I went to college, but it was for deesel mechanics and welding and machining. And I'm tired of what's going on, and I'm listening to you and the other voices on the radio. I went down last week and I went to my local GOP office and I got on the ballot for a precinct delegate. Sir, and we can do this. We can get back to basics. We are Americans, not Americans. Let's stand up and fight for what we believe in. This is a critical moment. It's a tipping point for the country. These two elections in a year from now and then two years after that, these two elections twenty twenty two, twenty twenty four, I think of the most important in my lifetime, and it's going to be an all hands on deck. Everybody's got to be a spoken the wheel, and everybody's going to try and just do their part. If we do that, then we'll have the ability to get on the right track again. And I believe that we're headed in that direction, and I hope I'm right. Anyway, appreciate your support. Eight hundred Mac, thank you, eight hundred nine f one Sea on our number. Hannity Tonight ninety stood on the Fox News Channel. Lookity knows you're tired of government overreach and Big Brother watching your every move. Now it's time to take back America. This is the Hannity Show that's gonna wrap things up at today closing argument day in the Written House Trial. We'll have full coverage Greg Jarrett, Alan Dershowitz, Leo two point Terrell, Pam Bondi, our legal team, also Scott Brown, Kaylee mcina, any new King Rich or a Placier, Laura Trump, nine Eastern News. You'll never get from the media mob that's almost always wrong. Anyway, Monday edition of Hannay Tonight. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. As always, you make the show possible. We can never thank you enough. See you tomorrow, see you tonight.

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