AGs Standing Up For America - February 15th, Hour 3

Published Feb 15, 2022, 11:00 PM

Attorney General of Arizona Mark Brnovich, currently running for Senate in that state against incumbent democrat Mark Kelly, has been standing up for his state of Arizona while the federal government continues to lead its invasion across American borders with little regard for the law. He and other Attorney Generals from around the country took to putting together an op-ed on the matter.

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Hey News Roundup Information Overload Our Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine one. Shawn is on number. You want to be a part of the program. So many different issues we are now facing. We're following as we now should begin to follow closely the races the candidates that will be on the ballot in November. And there are certain people that I have openly endorsed for reasons that I have given, just like I endorsed Trump in twenty fifteen and sixteen. And I've gotten to know the attorney general out in Arizona, Mark Bernovich, who's going to be running against Mark Kelly, hopefully assuming he gets the nomination. I think he will, and that is a very very important pickup state for us. We've got to hold Pennsylvania. There is a chance in New Hampshire we'd have another pickup. They're going to be spending tens and tens, if not one hundred plus million dollars against Ron Johnson in Wisconsin. We're watching Ohio, We're watching North Carolina. I think Senator Tim Scott's going to be fine in South Carolina. He's a great candidate, He's loved in his state. But the Attorney General from the great state of Arizona. Mark Bernovich is with us now. I'm not sure how to characterize Arizona anymore. Used to be a red state, but it's been leaning a little purplish bluish. But I think Mark Kelly, I mean, if you vote for Mark Kelly out in Arizona, you're basically voting for Chuck Schumer because he votes with Chumer what ninety eight percent of the time. Yeah, Sean, thank you so much for having me on and thank you as always for having my back. And what people need to understand is Arizona has this great Western conservative libertarian tradition, and one of the keys is we don't trust Washington, DC to solve problems. And is someone that grew up here. I understand that fundamentally, and people like Mark Kelly don't because they're not from Arizona. And in twenty eighteen when I ran for re election as a g Tom Steyer, all these lefties, all these tech guys can't stand me for some reason, maybe because I'm always suing them. But they spent millions, more than six million dollars attacking me in the last six weeks and I still got more votes than cinema Brick Salley. So when we have candidates that are conservative, that can stand up, articulate and defend our values that people know aren't full of it, and they go on the offense like I've done against the Biden administration and before that Obama, we win. And it's as simple as that. I mean, there's so many different issues, and I've had you on the program. I won't repeat what we've discussed in the past, but I can't think of a single issia that we disagree on. You've been in the forefront of suing the Biden administration on numerous fronts. Give us some quick updates on how those cases are going. Well. Just next week. Next week, February twenty third, I will be personally arguing that the US Supreme Court on the public charge rule, and Sean, you know, this is the rule that basically the Biden administration illegally withdrew that says, if you're a non citizen, you've got to be able to support yourself if you want legal status. So we think this is part of the attempt of the Biden administration to incentivize and monetize people coming here illegally. So I'll personally be arguing in that case. We've also sued the Biden administration over its his failure to build the wall. Just this last week, we issued an opinion, first opinion entire country for any attorney general anywhere, saying that the Biden administration has created a border crisis, which legally constitutes an invasion pursuant to Article for Section four of the US Constitution. And we issue that opinion sean because the current crisis on our border is fueling violence and lawlessness by the cartels and gangs, and not just Arizona, but all over the country. And you know, we've talked about the record amount of fetanel and methanphetamine coming into this country. And you know the only thing that's falling in prices are legal drugs because of the Biden administration, but every hard work in American taxpayers having to pay more for food and fuel and everything else. And so, whether it's suing Biden over the remain in Mexico policy, his failure to deport people, that cases the Ninth Circuit that have deportation orders, obviously the case of argut to a Supreme Court. There's just so many cases going on right now because the Biden administration we thought at one point wanted to abolish ice, but what they have done had essentially abolished our southern border and let the cartels he's control of Sean. I call it eighting and abetting law breaking. And I would argue that if I was assisting people across the border illegally entering this country, and I transported these people to whatever state they wanted to go to, if I did that, tell me why I would not be charged with human trafficking. Well, we our office has prosecuted people for human trafficking related charges, and obviously it's a serious issue. Unfortunately, in the nineties, last time there was a surgeon illegal immigration, the Supreme Court had issued cases saying essentially states couldn't use or couldn't enforce immigration laws, and so it sometimes gets tricky with how we prosecute those cases. And one of the things that we lay out in our opinion is that as long as states are enforcing criminal law, a governor ken indeed declare that there is an invasion and then use whether it's the National Guard or other law enforcement resources to deter, catch and expel people that are involved in human smuggling. Drugs smuggling, and gang activity. So there are additional tools in the toolboxes, and I do think and we actually have. You know, we're looking into some of the tech companies that we think may be facilitating through some of their practices online, may be to facilitate human trafficing. So it's something that we're obviously looking into, and we're trying to use every tool in our toolbox, whether it's criminal or civil, to try to solve the problem that the Bide administration created. You know, I've been watching the inflation. I want to get your thoughts on the economy, and I think a lot of the year high inflation is directly related to biden economic and energy policies, and very specifically, I mean Joe Biden has reduced the supply of energy in the world market. It's the lifeblood of the world's economy. I cannot fathom why he gave a waiver for Nordstream to the pipeline for Vladimir Putin while simultaneously firing so many workers in the energy sector all across the country. These are high paying career jobs for people, and wiped it out. He wiped out the energy independence that Donald Trump achieved in the first time in seventy five years. He wiped out America being a net exporter of energy. So now we see the result of all of this. You know, people are paying close to a buck fifty more a gallon for gasoline. We're paying a fortune more to heat and cool our homes. We're paying a fortune for every single product that we buy it, every single store we go to because it costs more to ship it the truck get there. And so everybody's you know, suffering onto all of this. And the answer is obvious. But I don't think Biden has it within him to take on his radical, you know, cult of climate change that now dominates the Democratic Party, exactly Sean. And let's not forget when the Soviet Union collapsed, communism didn't die. All those people just ended up in the environmental movement. And so much of what we're seeing now with progressive policies is an attempt to basically run our lives and make us dependent on central authority. And you know, this issue is near and dear to me because you know, my parents went through World War Two, they went through communism, and any government's big enough to give everything is big enough to take it. Away as very Goldwater used to say. And so what the Biden administration, the progressive left is doing is they want people depending on central government. And we were energy independent. The President Trump did make us energy independent. And then what the administration by canceling pipeline projects, by making it harder for people to explore and drill for oil and natural gas, and how we no longer are in the position we were and that affects our national security. And you know, just as a quick aside, this is an issue where I'm not some Johnny come lay. I literally when I was at the Goldwater Institute, you know, back in two thousand and four, I wrote an essay National Review about how the federal government is the problem when it comes to energy independence because of gas taxes that are used to you know, that have outlived their usefulness, that are basically used to fund pork barrel projects, and that you have all these federal mandates from the EPA and all these restrictions on drilling and exploration things SAIDs caused the problem. Sean and President Trump through a deregulation and through allowing people to you know, build pipelines and you know, explore for you know, natural gas and oil made us energy independent, and that's why prices were so so they were falling and they were lower. And anybody help middle class kid. Anybody who's gone to the grocery store, whether you're buying milk, whether you're trying to say for your kids college, or whether you're putting gas in your car, everyone knows that something is broke with our economy. And I think there's a lot of people. Do you go to the grocery store, You talk to your postal, curious, talk to my mom's friends from church. They are all worried that another shoe's gonna drop, and it will drop unless we make sure that we have a Senate that understands federalism and we have a president that understands that we don't want to settle government socializing our economy and nationalizing our elections. I don't know what the federal gas tax is now. I think it was close to twenty cents or eighteen and a half cents per gallon of gasoline. And then you have a state like New York that piles on top of that, and then you have localities that pile on top of that. Out in California, now far from where you are. I mean, they're paying upwards of five nearly six bucks at gallon for gasoline, for crying out loud. Now, who does that disproportionally negatively impact but the poor in the middle class in this country, very people Biden said he as the most compassion for. He kept saying, well, there's only going to be tax cuts for poor people, and we're gonna we're gonna milk the rich. Well, he's killing the middle class in this country, and he's killing poor people in this country because they cannot afford the inflation tax that Biden has now put on him put on everybody because of his policies, and there's no hope of him undoing it. It's like that, I don't expect the Bill Clinton. The era of big government is over and the end of welfare as we know at moment from him. Yeah. Remember, the gas tax was originally enacted in nineteen fifty six to support constructions of the interstate highway system, and frankly, it's outlived its usefulness and as you said, it's now being used by the progressive left to redistribute wealth and fund their pet projects and to increase the power of government and people in DC. You know, you know the distress Chuck Schumer and Cartel Kelly. They love it because then they get to, you know, support various Port Borough projects and you know, they were supporting bridges to nowhere, paying for you know, bike paths in Rhode Island. If you're an Arizona taxpayer, why why should that be? And so clearly the left uses our taxes to whether it's the gas tax or other taxes, to redistribute wealth and basically engage in chrony capitalism where they pick winners and losers in the marketplace. And this is why you even see some of these big corporations now that are countelling to the left and they're all woke, and they're trying to basically, you know, feed the alligator and hopes eats them. Last. Yeah, well, we'll see my quick break more with now Senate candidate the Attorney General Great State of Arizona, Mark Bernovich with us. This is an important pickup state for the Republicans if they're going to take back the Senate. Right as we continue, Senate candidate now Attorney General of the Great State of Arizona, seeking the Republican nomination for the Senate, Mark Bernovich is with us. Let's talk about the Senate race out there. Okay, so it's going to be Mark Kelly first, let me get there. What is the reaction of Kristen Cinema Ben since she has stood up to the Biden administration. I've got to imagine, knowing the independent streak among people in Arizona, that they probably like it. Am I wrong? I think they like it, Seane, I know they like it. And here's the thing though that we need to keep in context. Is Kristin Cinema. You know, fifteen years ago was a socialist. I mean, she called herself a socialist. She's still in favor of trillions of dollars of spending we don't have, and yet yet she now is too moderate for the Democratic Party. And so she's standing up to Chuck Humor, but Cartel Kelly won't. And I think Arizonas appreciate they appreciate that. But literally, if you turn on your TV here in Arizona, the left is running commercials attacking her. And that's how far and how crazy today's Democratic Party has become. This is not the party of John F. Kennedy. And it's gone so far left that even Kristin SIMA now is considered too for the Democratic Party, and I think it just shows you out of touch the elites in DC are and how out of touch someone like Mark Kelly is because I don't know if he's getting advice from a spaceship or something because he's an astronaut, But it makes no sense at all to me. Is someone that grew up here middle class can that? Why would you be curring favor with Chuck Schumer and supporting policies that encourage crime and lawlessness. Just encourage disorder, encourages chaos at our southern border, makes our communities less safe, That makes people's take home pay less. That we have a record where we were on this track to having record inflation. Why would any Arizona get alone someone in Massachusetts support those kind of policies. Yeah. No, you'ven't done unbelievable out there. And I think this is going to get very interesting. I know you're leading in the polls, but you never know people in primaries, you know, things go sideways. I think it's pretty certain now that Doocy that governor is not getting into the Senate race, which I'm glad to be very frank, I think you're a better candidate and and certainly I think the people of Arizona would appreciate the difference and not having a rubber stamp for Chuck Schumer. I mean, for everybody that's out in Arizona know this. If you elect Mark Kelly, you're electing Chuck Schumer because he votes with Schumer almost all the time. Mark Bernovitch, thanks for being with us. And if people want to learn more about your positions, what's your website? Again that nobody can remember burno forasy dot com, but we remember, Sean. We call it the handy caveat. If people also go to Mark b forasy dot com, if they put that in, that'll direct them to burnofrasy dot com. R. I know, foorasy dot com. I cannot believe you made the worst website name domain name of any Senate candidate in history. He's just you're supposed to make it easy, like Herschel Walker I think has a team Herschel You know. Yeah, I'm not a politician, Sean, that's the problem. You know, Well, that's a good thing. Outsiders to me are the future of fixing the country. So we appreciate you being with us. Mark Bernovich Attorney General Arizona, also running for the Republican nomination. Quick break right back, holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. All right, twenty five now until the top of the hour, gladual with US eight hundred nine one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the PRAM. So we have this scandal, this tidbits of information from John Durham, and it's it's pretty blockbuster, though there's a big collective yawn from a media that lacks all curiosity if it's anything that's not Trump related. I mean, it's really sick. We are now discovering spied on Donald Trump the candidate and Donald Trump the president. And they tried to set this up as as an orchestrated effort to create an impression that in fact, Donald Trump was somehow They hire this tech firm, they pay this lawyer, he hires a tech firm to infiltrate the servers a Trump Tower and the Trump White House. And people say, well, there's no indication they did anything nefarious. Why would they have any spine going on? That's called spying, infiltrating his spine. Well, we're only looking for IP addresses, okay, And why should we believe you, especially knowing what we know now about Drham, especially what we know with the Dorham Susman information that he put out on Friday, Why wouldn't we think the worst If the idea is to create an image, to infiltrate and create a narrative that Donald Trump is connected to Russia when he's not. That is completely consistent what we already knew about Hillary's dirty Russian dossier, all again to distract from her own email scandal and bleach pit and hammers and removing simcards, all things that we on this program talked about at length. Now, The Daily Mail caught up with Hillary Clinton earlier today and asked try to ask her a question she won't answer. Listen, Hillary, Laura Collins, Daily Mail, did you pay to spin in the Trump campaign? What are you going to comment on the spying allegations? Hillary? Did you pay for that and spied on? Well? Koree Jean Pierre Philliam for Jensaki, Deputy White House Press Secretary, was asked about this very question on the Durham probe, And of course you know crickets. Listen. On the second topic, this means about the German investigation. Does the present have any concerns about candidate for president that even computer experts to infiltrate computer systems of computing candidates or even the president elect to you for the goal of creating a narrative? Is that some condidtion? That's something I can't speak to from this podium. So I refer you to the Department of Justice. What was right in that report monitoring Internet traffic? Is that spying? Again, I can't speak to that report. If I refer you to the Department of Justice, generally speaking, that monitoring Internet traffice to second to change, I refer you to Department of Justice. I can't speak to that from here. Oh okay, I can't speak to that from here. Curtis is in the great state of Arizona. Know when Mark Bernovich is uh, are you going to vote for Bernovitch? Oh? Yeah, all the way, Mark Bernovitch. We need some solid support in Arizona at that level. For sure. He's strong, he's tough, he gets things done, he's He's constantly taken on Biden as his administration for its lawlessness, and I give him a lot of credit for that, and he's a solid conservative. Anyway, what's on your mind? Glad you called, Curtis, Thanks John for having me. Um. The reason I was calling is I wanted to chime in on Ron Johnson's what he refers to as the COVID cartel. Um. My wife, Tammy, a fifty nine year old healthy, no drug, no tobacco, no alcohol, athletic, loving mother, incredible grandmother, passed away on the twentieth of this year. And the way we were treated at the local hospital, which completion. When did you pass away this past month, the twentieth of January. I'm calling you to say that people in the America need to know that they need a plan. We're We're a middle upper middle class. We have insurance. We do just fine. We didn't choose to were not anti vax, we were healthy, we had had COVID, so we felt like, based on the news reports that on the Crown and all that stuff was a pretty light deal, that it wasn't going to affect us. We bumped into Omicron over the Christmas holiday four or five days later. We were both doing well because we didn't have a primary physician. About ten days into January or five days into January, she was struggling. We went to the emergency room. They did a COVID test in the emergency room. The emergency room nurse told us it was negative, but they were going to get us a room for her pneumonia because they wanted to treat her pneumonia. They took us to the COVID floor and all held broke loose. They completely isolated us for me from her security had to have me removed because I just simply wanted answers to questions about her treatment. They wouldn't give it to us. They said I was combative. I had to fight to get back in only an hour a day. Can you be with one of these people? She was scared, but she needed treatment. They intubated three days later as a proactive approach to help her loans. This is so out of control. They had fourteen days with her, twenty different nurses rotating sean. Not one hardly nurse that was regular. They were from Germany, India, Spain, Nigeria. Not that those are bad people or anything, but none of them. When I asked, can you tell me what's going on with my wife? They would say I'm sorry, I don't know anything about I'm a rotating nurse. There were no doctors that could support us. We told them we didn't want the remdissevere treatment because we didn't have any good evidence that it was supporting anything. I don't know what she's been giving. We've I've contacted a forensic autopsy people. I've got toxicology programs in place right now to try and uncover what happened to her. But Americans need a plan. They will take power of attorney medically from you. They will isolate you. This card tell of media. Government and big pharma are not taking care of Americans the way they should be, and my wife would be alive today. I believe if she had the leverage and the wherewithal to be able to have the treatment that some of the most elite people get. When we asked for monoclone Lanta body Son, they told us the government had rationed them on this January third. We were there on January sixth. They said she doesn't qualify. They wouldn't give them to her. Yet five floors below, they said she in the hospital, that she had a negative test. But all of a sudden, they were trying to treat her as if she had COVID. I've never gotten a positive COVID test from that place yet, never. This is a scandal beyond and Ron Johnson is the only Senator right now doing anything about this to help bring awareness to this COVID cartel that is taking the lives of good, quote human beings. She was a loving human being with no ailments. No, she was healthy, athletic, sexy, beautiful woman and today she's not here because of that. I want Americans to know, and you have a platform to be able to help get this out. No, I thank you for giving me a few minutes to say, what was your wife's name? Her name is Tammy. Okay, let me let me, let me just say, my heart breaks for you. I hear the pain in your voice. I don't know, I I get it. I understand I've lost loved ones. And what you were saying is happening all over the country, and that is that we have therapeutics. And by the way, you you got this at exactly the wrong time in this sense, up to just before Christmas, there was no problem that I ever had directing people that would you know, people would call the show and because they know I talk about it regularly. What's that thing, Hannity says, to do, ask you doctor about what? And monoclonal antibodies for delta, the best monoclonals were re Generan and Eli Lily amicron, which is probably what you the variant that your wife had at that time. Once Christmas came, we ran out of tests. Once Christmas came, we ran out of monoclonal antibodies. They then then they said, well, Regenera and Eli Lily are not the best, do not work the best on amicron, but GSK satrova mab is the best monoclonal antibody. They weren't ready. Biden even said the words we had we didn't see this coming. She said that why after delta he didn't know of another variant it's coming is inexplicable. They didn't have the anti virals that these people talk about. And what you are describing is so familiar to me. It is why I have taken I have made a decision to spend a lot of time air time on this show to make sure everyone in this audience, at least because nobody else really it talks about it, understands that they need that plan. I hope everybody hears the pain in Curtis's voice because he lost his beautiful wife, Tammy. And the plan has got to be, what are you going to do if you test positive? That's what the question is. The answer is you're immediately going to call your doctor and you're going to ask your doctor important smart questions based on knowledge and based on science. And the first question is, okay, I know that they tell us amicron is not as lethal as as some of the other variants, which is true, but we lost over half a million people worldwide to omicron, so you know what it's. It's far from your average little virus here it is it's become a serious killer. We have yet to determine what the super version, this new variant of omicron is going to do. We know it's more contagious than the previous one, which was the most contagious to date. And the first question people that need to ask the doctors is if they qualify for monoclonal animies, then you're going to have to begin a search to find them. That's why it's better to talk to your doctor before you get a positive test. And I'm so sorry this has happened. To you, but I will tell you what's happening around the country. And I'm speaking through you because we're losing way too many tammis in this world that we can save. Everybody I know that gets monoclonal antibodies, vaccinated, breakthrough cases, fully vaccinated, people with boosters, with natural immunity, they're all getting it. In your case of Boat, you guys both had it previously. I know more people that have had it twice now than I can shake a stick at. So but the problem is, they say, Okay, go home and check your oxygen levels, take your temperature. If you get a fever, take two tile at all. If your oxygen drops to ninety or below, you better get to an emergency room. Now, that's going to happen on either usually day seven, maybe sometimes day six, but usually day seven, and then day eight and nine. It's going to happen in that, you know, six to ten day being infected with COVID area. By the time you your oxygen goes to ninety or at ninety seven the whole week. Then it goes to ninety, then it's eighty eight, then it's eighty four, then it's eighty two, and then you might you know, if it's really bad, you're going to head down to the seventies and sixties and even worse. And the problem is is now you're the damage is done. This is why I support proactive medicine. There's not a single person and I know this doesn't comfort you, Curtis, but but this discussion and people hearing about your loss, you know, might alert people to the seriousness of being proactive with your doctor. Now that everybody vaccinated boostered natural immunity are all getting it as well as unvaccinated people, you've got to have a plan, and you have to have a plan in the hospitals aren't going to Those guys are under the policies and protocol. They operate based on procedures and insurance codes. They don't know the name of the person that they're actually treating. There a houseplant. Half the time in that room, isolated in the dark, and only get one hour visitation. And when you come, the doctors are never available the drugs that you want to talk to them about. They won't explain what they do or how they do them. They just say that it's what's called for for the protocol. The nurses flat out as much as they're good people and kind and loving and want to serve, they say that I can only feel orders. I don't know what's going on. Well, I know of nurses that are whispering in patience ears and whispering to their spouses what to do. They're telling them because they know what works, because they're dealing with this crap every day. And you got to get a handle on it up front, because the cartel is Senator Johnson says, these guys control the media, the misinformation. Upfront, this is you know, easy to deal with them. These are unnecessar Listen, and I'm not saying I know everything about your wife's case, but there are needless deaths occurring, and we're not one. We are not serving people medically the way they deserve to be treated. I mean, you can't believe, you know, all of a sudden, people are getting nowhere. I said, Hi, this is Sean Hannity from Fox News. Can I talk to doctor so and so, and then all of a sudden, now that the alarm bells start going off in their head, that they're gonna get bad pressed, so they'll take my call. It shouldn't take somebody that is in the news business. And I'm not calling in my professional capacity. I'm calling to help a friend, a relative, a stranger, a friend of a friend, a friend of a friend's grandmother. I mean, and then I say, what's the name of your administrator? And I asked those questions, and then all of a sudden, they usually find the monoclonal antibodies that they are rationing. It is beyond nauseating to me. Everybody should be treated with the same dignity, regardless of any status in life. It's just it's insane. I really, I pray for you. I'm so sorry about your loss. Um, well, thank you for letting me talk about it. I am, I don't know. I don't know what to say except that it's happening way too often, and I know your I can hear your heart is broken. I'm I'm praying for you and your family and that God will somehow heal let this hole in your heart. And uh, we're praying for you.

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