Sean recounts America's retreat from Afghanistan as news of a Taliban-led parade of US vehicles made headlines. Plus, the latest on the Rittenhouse trial. Is it a slam dunk? Sean thinks so...
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Day number ninety six, day ninety six and one hundred and nine days since Joe Biden lied in promise he wouldn't have abandoned our fellow Americans and their families and military family members and Green card holders, thousands of them. We have hundreds of Americans still there, and of course our Afghan allies. One hundred and six days since he made the one hundred and nine days since he made the promise. Ninety six days. Last night I was in Florida. I'm back in New York now. Sorry to say I should have stayed there and never come home ever. Maybe one day I will. But I got to meet This was a very tough moment for me. Actually, I got to meet two of the families that lost Remember we lost thirteen military personnel at Kabble International Airport. And I looked at these families. They lovely people, by the way, and they I don't know how to explain it, except you just see it, you know it, you feel it, you sense it. It's a pain that for a mother and a father and a sister and a brother that's not gonna go away. It's gonna be just it's indescribable and it's so sad, and we were so honored that they came and we're a part of this and for me to meet them, and all I wanted to do, you know, was comfort them. There are no words that you can use that are going to do that except to say that we're so sorry that should never have happened. It was so preventable, and we can never let this happen again. You know. I know that people don't like when I say, well, you know, Joe can start fixing this. I'll tell you how I'd fix it. I tell the Talia band, We're gonna kick the living them shift out of you and bomb you into smithereens in every place we can unless you let us go in and take our fellow Americans home, including family members left behind from the military, and take home Green Heart cardholders eligible to stay in the United States. They should be protected too. And for the Afghan allies that they're assassinating every other day, yeah, we ought to take them. They don't have to come to America necessarily, but we did promise them we'd get them the hell out of there. I don't know where to take them. There are countries that are willing to work with us, but we need to get them out because they're killing them and women are back to being treated, you know, horrifically. It's pure evil women getting beaten in the streets. You have in the middle of the day, anybody found that had associated with the US, They're being assassinated right in the middle of the street. You know, we think all the time we have problems. You know, I've I've made this mistake throughout my life, and I'm always you get shocked back into reality when you meet somebody that's really suffering, you know, somebody that lost their legs, their arms, sacrificing their lives for their country. What is so infuriating about this is everybody's turned the page. I'm not turning the page. I'm going to keep counting it down and keep counting the days, and keep reminding people that we abandoned our fellow Americans. That's not the country that I was taught we live in. You don't abandon your fellow Americans. And the worst part for these poor families is Joe could have easily withdrawn in May, which was the plan that Donald Trump had left him. He could have kept the cars. What's the name of the Bugram Air base. He could have gotten everybody out safely in March, April, May, June, July. While the Taliban was on the march, he should have been pushing them back, driving them back with drone strikes. He didn't do that either. He waited until they surrounded the perimeter of Kabbal International Airport. They didn't even have a list of how many Americans were there, and they still don't. It's unbelievable. I met these families, and if any of them are listening, it was my honor to meet you all last night. I met a lot of law enforcement last night too, and I feel bad for them. Look at what cops go through today. Who wants to be a cop today? Ronda Santa spoke and he said, yeah, we're going to give five thousand dollars next year to people. And let me tell you, that is a brilliant deal. I'll tell you why. Because it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to train a New York City police officer. So you give him a five thousand dollars signing bonus. Hit fully trained, they're ready to go to work. It's a great deal for Florida. And you watch these cops are going to take to Santa's up because I think they're also working out a way where they, let's say they're five years into the job, ten years into the job, that they bring their pension with them, or at least the years that they accumulated their pension, which would be great for the police. Anyway, it was a very special we met. I can't even mention all the special people I mentioned I met last night, but it was an honor. Let me give you an update on the trial. The judge just slamming the media for their irresponsible reporting on the preceding, you know, describing it as really quite frightening. We are now in day three of jury deliberations. People are asking me everywhere I go, well, why is it taking so long? And the answer is, I don't know. I just do know. My experience with juries is it's it's fullhearted to to to think, guess what's going on, what's going through their mind. They had a lot of pages of instruction to go over. Now that they judge opened the door to lesser offenses, now you got to discuss of that. To me, it's a slam dunk case based on the law. If you look at Wisconsin, law, if you feel your life is in jeopardy imminent danger. If you feel that you're an imminent danger, a reasonable person would conclude your in reasonable danger of being of serious harm bodily harm being happening to you. Anyway. The written house defense yesterday demanding the mistrial over the drone video, and now we have two mistrials, one with prejudice, one without prejudice, because the prosecutors ended up giving them three point six megabyte version of their drone video from that night, while the version they kept for themselves had amounted to eleven point two megabytes, And they said the resolution of the file they received came in at four hundred and eighty by two d and twelve pixels, whatever the hell that means, I don't know, compared to nineteen twenty by eight hundred and forty four that the prosecution had. In other words, they had a much clearer version of the drone footage and they withheld it from the defense, which is a violation of the law, and they only got it in the final days of the trial. The Left keeps bringing injecting a race into the trial. We had Joy Reid sparking a fury over at MSD and C calling Rittenhouse a Karen who uses male white tears to defend herself himself from getting caught, and compares the team to Justice Kavanaugh. This went viral, those comments by Joy Reid, and you know, it's just outrageous because that's NBC News. And then NBC News gets even worse because then we found out earlier today looks like the jurors in the Written House trial are being subjected to intimidation. They're hearing the protesting and anyway the person the jury was followed. Now the jury's leaving every day in a bus. The buses windows are covered so that the jurors do not see what's going on outside. I got to imagine with all the noise out there, and what led up to all of this is that probably keenly aware of the pressure and the magnitude of what their verdict is going to be. And I think it's undue influence and undue pressure. I've really come to believe that you need a change of venue for these high profile cases. I really believe that it doesn't mean all pressure will be removed, but I think to have it in the community it might be a better job. A jury of our peers would I think be represented anywhere in the United States, you know, or somewhere else in the state, knowing state law, that might be more appropriate. Anyway. So the person doing the following was identified as a producer for NBC an MSDNC and the judge presiding over the court that as no judge Brusos Schrader's the guy in charge anyway, They claim to be affiliated with this national news outlet. They're following this bus with the jurors. Well, that would be viewed as an intimidation effort anyway. Police suspect this person was trying to photograph the jurors. Now, these jurors are in a high profile case, emotions are running high. You have people swearing that they're going to have unrest if the verdict doesn't go their way, and all of a sudden, police suspect now that this producer is trying to take photographs of the jury. I imagine if it was yeah, exactly, and the incident is being investigated. The judge in the case now has banned all NBC reporters from the courthouse due to what has happened here. They've been barred from the courtroom and the producer stopped by the police after running a spotlight because he wanted to stay keep following the bus. So I don't know how that's ultimately going to end up the Rittenhouse defense. Though this demand for a mistrial over the drone video, I think they've got a good case in terms of a mistrial again, and people are saying, well, why isn't the judge ruled on the mistrial because both sides need to file motions to the judge that the judge will read their arguments, because we know the judge had been admonishing the prosecution repeatedly, like, for example, you know this is law school one O one. You don't everybody knows for decades about miranda and the right to remain silent, and you don't bring that up against a defendant as and use it as something again, well, why haven't you spoken out before this because you have the right to remain silent and it was an inappropriate question there. So I do think the possibility of a mistrial is very high here, and a mistrial with prejudice, which would mean that Kyle Rittenhouse would never be retried on these charges anyway. The prosecution now not turning over the full resolution video until two days before closing arguments began. Well, that's withholding evidence by any definition and a violation of law, and it could have altered their entire approach to the defense of Kyle Rittenhouse. That's another reason for a mistrial. There's so many reasons for a mistrial. Anyway, the prosecution does this, and we'll see what happens over this drone video. I know there are people saying, you know, I think Greg Jared said it very well last night. There aren't any red flags even though there's no verdict after two days. Now we're in date three. In other words, questions that could indicate what the jury is thinking, we really don't have that. They wanted to see more video, they asked for some they wanted the jury instruction sent to them, They asked for more of the videos to be sent to them. They asked for the definition of the law to be clarified for them. This is all pretty standard, but it seems like they're going over every charge with great, great care. But now that there's a possibility of a lesser charge, now you got to go through the initial charges, and you got to go through the definition of other charges, and then you got to ultimately come to a decision. Could be a simple case that there's one or two holdouts. That's a possibility too, and you could even end up with a hung jury here. I mean, you know, it's anybody's guess. Anybody that says they know is lying, they don't know. The only people that know are the people that are in that jury room. And I don't think i'd want to be one of them today because I think there's an awful lot of pressure, a lot of you know, it's a big sacrifice for people to do this. A reason everybody wants to get out of jury duty. It's not a bad reason. By the way, if you work for me, apparently it's very easy because everybody that works for me, what do you do? I work on the Sean Hannity Show. I work on Hannity's TV show. You're dismissed. It happens every single time. They dismissed instantly. There's not even a question. I worked for Sean Hannity. Goodbye, nice knowing you. I had just a row along Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. So the judge talks about last evening a person identified as James J. Morrison, who claimed that he was a producer of NBC News and under the supervision of someone in New York for MSDNC. The police, when they followed him, stopped him because he was following in the distance of about a block, went through a red light, pulled him over, inquired of him why he was going on, and he gave information. He stated that he had been intrud by his supervisor in New York to follow the jury bus. Then he said quote, I have instructed, I have been instructed. I have instructed that no one from MSNBC News will be permitted in this building for a duration of this trial. Jonathan Turley writes this, the seriousness of this incident cannot be overstated. If true, it is not simply because the police thought MSDNC may have been trying to take their pictures. If the jurors believe they were being followed, let alone photographed, it could add to their unease about voting in the case. Now. Cortez Rice, a BLM Activism Minnesota, previously shown in a videotape saying that jurors ward being videotaped being followed can add an intimidating element for a jury in a city previously subject to extensive violence and rioting. The optics are particularly bad for NBC given the network's criticism of the trial. Tiffany Cross, for example, an anchor called for the judge's removal called on a calumnist to discuss the matter. The calumnists stated earlier this month that white, non college educated voters supported Republicans using their guns on black people and getting away with it. Not surprising, as written this trial off as a sham, and then of course Joy read this may have a massive impact, all right. Twenty five to the top of the hour, Miranda Divine wrote a piece in The New York Post calling it the ten debunctanous lies of Kyle Rittenhouse. One that he killed two black BLM protesters. No, all three of the men that he shot in self defense. I think they made the case and within the law of Wisconsin during the violent riots in Kenosha were all white, So that's not true. He crossed state lines. That's another lie. He lived twenty miles from Kenosha in Illinois his mother and sisters, but his father, grandmother, and uncle, cousins and best friend live in Kenosha. He had a job as a lifeguard in Kenosha and worked a shift on August twenty fifth before helping clean graffiti left by rioters at a local school, and there he and his friend were invited to join other adults who had been asked by the owners of a used car lot in Kenosha to guard the property after a hundred cars had been torched the previous night when police abandoned the town to rioters. Remember the summer of twenty twenty, Whiz Liz Cheney's commission on that Oh, that's right, it doesn't help purge Trump from the party. Sorry, so joined forces with the people that call your father a liar, a murderer, a war criminal, and pretty much guilty of financial fraud anyway, So that was a lie. And Kyle took his gun to protect himself since the rioters were violent and armed, including for instance, Antifa medic the one that aimed the gun at him. The lead prosecution witness number three, Rittenhouse, took an ar fifteen across state lines. Esquire accused him of terrorist tourism. That's false because he kept the rifle was kept in a safe at his best friend's stepfather's home in Kenosha. The gun was illegal, as we now know, that was wrong because under Wisconsin law he was entitled to possess the weapon he had as a seventeen year old. The judge dismissed that charge, which the prosecution never should have brought. It could have actually measured the barrel, because it would have been he would have broken the law. Was a short barrel gun. It was not Rittenhouse. His mother drove him across the state lines to the riot. Well. I interviewed Wendy Brittenhouse, and she never went to Kenosha. She slept late the morning of August to twenty fifth after working a sixteen hour shift at a nursing home where she lives in Antioch, Illinois, and Kyle had already gone to his job in Kenosha when she woke up six He was an active shooter who took his gun to a riot looking for trouble. Well, she says, quote a seventeen year old kid just running around shooting and killing protesters at Joe Scarborough, who drove across state lines with an AAR fifteen and started shooting people up on Friday. After evidence in court already had been debunked. In terms of Joe's talking point. Scarborough called Rittenhouse a self a point in militia member unloading sixty rounds. When the defense called out the lion closing arguments, Scarborough then had the goal to tweet that he was embarrassed for the lawyer. These people know. Remember, for example, the guy that Elite the Star witnessed for the prosecution, the point at a loaded gun at Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse fired at him. Remember he only shot once and he only injured that guy anyway. Number seven, he was a white supremacist, as Joe Biden labeled him, and a tweet showing the teenager's photograph. When the White House Press Secretary Jen Circleback Saki Propagandists extraordinaire, was asked to explain why she recently you know, slimed written House again without naming him. Well, our general policies on vigilantes are well, basically you're saying, is a vigilante. One story. The intercept used the term white supremacist sixteen times. The accusation has become you know you used by so many. But I said, show me the evidence. Nobody's provided any. The FBI scoured his phone found nothing about white supremacy or militias, and the court heard that all they say were pro police, Blue Lives matter, that is not white supremacy. As a matter of fact, that many cities in America, you may not know it, but they have a majority minority police force. Anyway, A kid who had been with the police and fire department at Cadet wanted to be a police officer paramedic. One sat near the front of a Trump rally that was enough to brand him a white supremacist. He flashed white power signs with members of the group the Proud Boys. I still don't even know what this group is anyway, But after spending three months in jail, Kyle was freed on two million dollars bail after his eighteenth birthday last year and went to a bar for a beer with his mother and other adults, which is legal in Wisconsin. He posed for selfies with strangers at the bar, who the media say are part of this group the Proud Boys, pictured making the Okay sign with his thumb and forefinger. By the way, I do I put my thumb up a lot? Did I make? Is that a bad sign? Am I not allowed to go thumbs up. I got better stop doing that, you know, when people sending you a tweet and the thumbs up, got it? Got it? Anyway, that was false again, and it comes from a twenty seventeen hoax on on the website for con to punk liberals who keep falling for it. Biden uses the gesture frequently himself. It says it's she says it's unwise to pose for photo. But how many people have took photographs with last night that I don't I don't know a single thing. I don't know one thing about them, hand in this morning, just this morning, just trying to get here. Unbelievable. He wore surgical gloves to cover his fingerprints. Well, the purveyor of that information some guy Matthew Modine or something and another celebrity. Anyway, Kyle wore gloves because he was giving first aid to protesters, which even the even the prosecutors noted, but they mocked it. Oh, he put a bend aid on somebody, and the judge is a trumpy racist bias towards the defense. Well that's not true. It's you know the fact that he would not let the prosecution use the term victim. That's a common practice when the jury is not ruled on a case, you know, and it's ridiculous. He was the judge in this case as a Democrat, as run as a Democrat for the Wisconsin Senate, was first appointed by a Democratic governor. Oh excuse me, I hate. I hate to break your lying narrative. Anyway, So we're in the middle of days three. We don't know which way this is gonna how this is all going to play out, but we shall find out. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn is a number. You want to be a part of the program, I'll tell you. There's a lot happening in the political world, a lot of stories now emerging Democrats question whether Biden will actually run in twenty twenty four. You know, the news yesterday was not good for Joe Biden. As now the majority now we have almost a majority of the American people seeing him as a cognitive mess Gee took out people what ten months we were saying it before the election, and nobody had the courage. Very few people were willing to say what I was saying. But it was obvious. Everybody told me behind the scenes they saw it. But I just spoke publicly on it. I'll play this later in the program. This ongoing battle with the White House seems to be putting all the blame on Kamala Harris. New poll out all time low, Joe at thirty six percent. Harris had a whopping twenty eight percent. She says she doesn't believe she's being underused or getting things done. No, they are getting things done. They're emboldened China to take over Taiwan, Russia to take over Ukraine or parts of Ukraine there. They've brought us now, a disaster at the border, more dead people from COVID in twenty twenty one than twenty twenty. They brought us inflation. They can point to that and yep, the highest energy prices in a decade, and inflation a thirty one year record. Anyway, she repeats the lie that build back better, new Green Deal socialism will reduce inflation and it won't cost a single penny. She blames the broken immigration system for her failure at the border. Well, I thought he was supposed to fix it, Madam, borders are give me a break, plays coy about the payments to illegal immigrants. Remember, Joe didn't know about it. But now he's the biggest advocate of it. People that don't respect our laws, sovereignty and borders unbelievable. Even when Texas Democrat is calling for a new borders are Henry quay Are is given up on trying to work with Kamala Harris. She's done nothing. It's a New York Post column out yesterday. Kamala Harris is a very weird person. You know, every time she's opens her mouth, people are wondering, what planet are you from. It's pretty clear from everyone in the White House that they hate her, blaming leaking to every reporter around in the hopes of emerging from this explosion in this stink bomb factory without carrying any failure fragrance. You know, that's actually well written, very very entertaining. But ken Wright, Biden, run Jen Saki's waiting on this. You know now that the answer is they're claiming racism and sexism or what's driving the criticism and the low poll numbers of Kamala Harris. How predictable is that? Um now they're saying and they're even suggesting that, oh well, well Joe likes Poopoo Buddha Judge now better because mayor Pete, you know, got the infrastructure money. Then we got this report on this Saul i'm a Rova apparently was involved in retail theft. She stole money from a TJ. She stole items from a TJ Max. There's a great candidate for you, Biden in New Hampshire. How do how do I cross the bridge in a snowstorm? What if there's a fire on the other side. It is getting so bad now. Merrick Garland has become an issue shoe based on the fact that it appears his October testimony. As I mentioned yesterday, he lied in as it relates to the memo on moms and dads at school board meetings being labeled domestic terrorists. I forgot to mention that the Moscow State University confirms they destroyed the only copy of Saul Amarova's dissertation on Marxism ahead of the confirmation hearing to be Biden's Controller of Currency. Whatever was in there wasn't good. Would have disqualified her. You know what that means? She needs to be disqualified anyway. We'll play some of the interview with Georgie Stefanopolos later in the program. Today, the economy is not good. And Joe is actually blaming record high energy prices. I remember OPEC has rejected him and rejected him again and checked in him again, And I mean, how many it's like, you want to ask a girl out on a date, or I'll take her to a dance. How many times when she says no? Do you get the message? No means no on going out on a date or going to a dance or a prom or whatever it happens to be. Joe has begged OPEC. Now he's blaming high energy prices on oil companies and calling for an investigation like the clip we had from the campaign where he wants to go after the CEOs and put these guys in jail if you're part of an energy company. No, Joe, the reason that we have high prices that an energy is because you abandon these successful Trump policies two dollars a gallon. And you know now we're paying a buck fifty more a gallon, Joe, because of your policies on oil, gas and coal. And if you return to the Trump policies, guess what, we'll do a lot better. But the real fear that has emerged for Democrats now is the CBO scoring this either three point five trillion one point seven five trillion, you know, new Green Deal, socialism, build back better plan, because they know damn well that the CBO is gonna say, yeah, it doesn't cost zero. By the way, the Reconciliation bill gives a big amount of money to big media. Why not, I mean they payback unions, a teachers unions, labor unions. Why not payback the media mob for all the good work they did in helping Joe Biden in the candidate protection program leading up to the election. Schumer is saying massive spending will create more jobs and fight inflation. No, just the opposite, Chucky, just the opposite. House scheduled suggests Thursday debate for massive social spending bill. Remember, Nancy Pelosi will not have a vote if she doesn't have the vote, will not hold a vote, haul for a vote if she doesn't have the votes. New York Time contributor says inflation panic is driven by rich people flipping. They're beep over devalued assets. Oh, I guess all the money that you work force saved and earned, you might want to keep it now. Inflation is impacting the US readiness for war. According to a Defense secretary, Lloyd Austin. That's how bad this is impacting everybody. CNN is being called out for mocking working class Americans, just like MSDNC. You know, Humpty Dumpty is now facing heat for mocking people that vocalize their concerns about the supply chain and other economic problems. You know, it's pretty unbelievable. Caption essentially stated that there's an amazing and overflowing supply of groceries despite all the talk of the supply chain crisis. That's like the Biden Well, you might not get to choose from fifteen colors, but you'll get war. You should be able to find something. Why did we never had its supply chain crisis before they created this? Biden's Energy secretary will play it later is in a video from twenty eighteen, singing about ending gasoline. The same lady that's blaming OPEC and the cartel for the shortage. They no, they caused all of this. They caused Afghanistan. They they did a horrible job with COVID. They caused Biden inflation and the bad economy, the high cost of energy, the disaster at the border, that's all because of These are all self inflicted wounds, political wounds, and it's all fixable, but it's gonna take some bold thinking on their part. Go back to the Trump policies that actually worked at the border, Go back to the Trump energy independence policies, go back to low taxes and limited bureaucracy of the Trump era, and you'll do a lot better. That's the last thing they'll do.