Acquittals Again

Published Feb 15, 2021, 11:00 PM

Bruce Castor and Michael van der Veen, two attorneys on President Trump’s defense team, talk about the acquittal of the President and the evidence they brought forward. 

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All right, glad you with us. Happy Monday toll free on numbers eight hundred and nine for one Sean you want to be a part of the program. We've got the lawyers for the president coming up during the course of the program today. What a beat down Michael Vanderveen gave the CBS anchor. That was pretty amazing. And Bruce Canter also, David Shoone, he did the portion of the case where he literally lit up the whole room with the montage as he played. So we'll go through a lot of what was going on behind the scenes as we speak. Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, under huge pressure former Governor Pataki, now floating the idea that this cover up of the nursing home deaths is such a big deal that they want. He wants the state to take a hard look at at a recall effort, which New York does not have a means to do like California does. Cuomo is now out there trying to in this again. He's claiming it's not his fault. We've got to give a shout out to our friends in Texas today. As Joe Bistarti warned us late last week, things have gotten really bad down there weatherwise, with snow, low, low, low, historically low temperatures. You have pavement ice. They don't have anything that resembles a plow or sander or salting machines. Nothing. And there's a state of federal state of emergency has been declared in Texas. Governor abbitted Cruise. I spoke with both of them, and they're all over it. And but for those of you down there, it might be time to check on your elderly neighbors and friends. Make sure everybody's okay, everybody has enough heat, they're warm. Maybe you have a generator, you have an elderly neighbor, you might want to invite them in and get them nice and warm if their house is cold. They just don't prepare for things like this. Good news in the media front, and that being that Parlor is back, thank goodness, And they apparently have now have bypassed everything. Hold on anyway, but Parlor's back. They've resumed their social media app. They've secured a new new computer servers. Not a not an easy process from everything I know, Uh, you got YouTube. Not only were they not only were these big tech companies a lot of them cancel any story by the New York Post um but then then now deleting portions of the dislikes when people comment on Biden videos, Oh that's spam. Okay, can you prove it spam? I'd like to see. That is a big story I'm gonna I want to tell you about. There's a smoking gun email that has finally come out if John Durham is still awake and doing anything that resembles any real investigation. But anyway, it was an email from Komey to James Clapper in January of twenty seventeen. Now by that point, the FBI already knew, having interviewed Christopher Steele. Steele told them that, Yeah, I did this whole thing dossier thing to hell Pillory and remember Sally Yates and people who else said it. Andrew McCabe had said that without the dirty Russian dossier misinformation Clinton paid for dossier, we wouldn't have gotten the FISA warrants. Well, now we see in this email that Comey wrote to James Clapper, we're not able to sufficiently corroborate the reporting as it relates to the dossier that was that he signed three warrants four verifying the authenticity of the information. And he sent this email the day that he renewed the FISA application, the first renewal, and then he did one even after that. We're not able to sufficiently corroborate the reporting. Just the news dot com is reporting. Wow. Can you imagine that We've got a lot of news on the Biden agenda, which we're going to be getting into. Now he's going after your Second Amendment rights. Now they're refusing to call Israel an ally unbelievable. Then you got this Deputy Press Secretary was only suspended now apparently is now resigned. Then of course nobody pays attention to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act at Republicans Democratic senators refused to outlaw that. I mean, it's it's pretty sad. So and then we got this whole impeachment thing. And on top of it, then you got that Democrats cannot quit Donald Trump was a red state article. They can't quit him. Democrats have a new plan on how to get Trump after the acquittal that took place. Republicans, though, are now finally going on offense, which is a great thing. You have House Republicans demanding Nancy Pelosi answer some questions about the Capitol riot. Now, what have we learned? What was a big part of this whole snap impeachment collapse had to do with the fact that they rushed to judgment, They did no investigation, and they did their snap impeachment, no due process, no defense, no presumption of innocence of any kind. All right, that's that's a big problem that this is now going to open a door. It's going to be easy to impeach the president pretty much for any reason whatsoever. But rightly so, if the FBI knew, if court documents now show, if Congress want to Concio Cortes knew a week in advance that this was all likely to happen. They sent a letter guys like Jim Jordan and Devin Newness and Rodney Davis and a few others. James Comer to Pelosi saying that many more important questions about her responsibility. She's the head of the sergeant in arms in the in the house. Why if everybody else seemed to know, and the FBI knew, and even fake news outlets like the Washington Post and see an Enter reporting it, why didn't they do anything. I mean, this can't happen to this country in a post nine to eleven world, as I've been saying, So they're demanding answers for Pelosi on her security decisions. Mark Meadows was on My show Friday night and he confirmed no, the President offered days in advance to bring in the National Guard if they wanted it, and then the media is saying, no, that's not true. He well, okay, I've never known Mark Meadows to lie, especially on something as important of as that. There is great, frankly justified anger against Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham was on Fox News Sunday dealing with this, and there's a even a poll out today. Look, if you fracture the Republican Party, which could happen, but if it did happen, it's it's it's not that the Democrats would love it, trust me. And as Lindsay said, I don't know who McConnell was trying to impress, but certainly wasn't the people that voted for him. He's right on that comment. And if Senate Republicans ever hoped to reclaim the majority, job one needs to be what I think probably getting new leadership. Considering that the leadership of the Republicans has lost touch with the base of their party. That's not going to end well for anybody. Graham said, I think Senator McConnell's speech he got a load off his chest, but unfortunately put a load on the back of Republicans. You know, that speech, you're going to see in twenty twenty two campaigns against Republicans. And I would imagine if you're a Republican running in George Arizona, New Hampshire, where we have a chance to take back the Senate, they may be playing Senator McConnell's speech and asking you about it. Then he added, I think McConnell's speech was an outlier regarding how Republicans feel about this. Obviously, Mitch McConnell is way out of touch. And you know, you need somebody that actually understands the base of their party and what people want, you know, And there's this one whole thing here that nobody seems to be getting. The whole process here should scare every American, starting with Pat Lahey presiding, a guy that already said on the record that he believed Donald Trump was guilty, How did he get to preside over this this shift show charade that took place. Now, it always was a predetermined outcome. I told you that I was right about that. We're not wrong about that. How did that happen? How does that in any way represent any fundamental fairness of any kind in terms of any type of of proceeding for somebody on an important question like impeachment. It was a big deal that John Roberts said, now, don't drag me into this post presidential impeachment shift show charade. I don't want any part of it. And he was right. All rules of evidence, evidentiary standards were thrown out the window, just eviscerated, you know. And when they started, when David Shoon started showing those montages of the incendiary, insurrectionist language of Democrats. Well, there's a point to be made here, and that is that if you apply these exact same standards that the Democrats are using, if you apply that too, Democrats, guess what they'd be impeached, including Kamala Harris, and they would be put on trial. And really, Joe, I want to beat the hell out of the president. That might rise to the level itself. Certainly, Chuck Schumerner's threats to Gorsage and Kavanaugh, but Kamala Harris after the police precinct burned to the ground Minneapolis, supporting a bail fund so that quote, insurrectionists that are arrested can get out of prison. And some did, and some committed a lot more crimes that we've chronicled here on this program, chronicled on TV, you know, I mean, it was a powerful case. Is you don't have snap impeachments like this is why you don't. And now that we know that it was pre planned and that all these groups is that a new one understood that it was pre planned. But if you apply the standards, it's exactly the same. I thought one of the funniest things. I mean, I never thought it would end the Democratic politicians fight fight fight, fight fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. We gotta fight, we gotta fight, we gotta fight. We gotta fight, fight like hell. We all gotta fight like hell. We're gonna I'm gonna fight like hell. Let's fight like hell. And it shows that they're not applying the same standards in in this case to other people. They just they're not and they won't and pup can feign all the moral outrage she wants. But she's part of the problem too with her comments about when the Wisconsin state capital, remember what took place there, and she was cheering that on herself at the time. The rules don't apply to Democrats. The rules don't apply to Kamala Harris or Joe Biden, or Chuck Schumer or Maxine Waters. It looks like the censure movement has died. Nancy Pelosi said, no, he deserves much more than that. We we censure people for using the wrong stationary. I'm like, okay, and this is what this is what we get. This is what the American people get. Lindsey Graham's saying about this double standard on Fox News Sunday, Well, if you use their model, I don't know how Kamala Harris doesn't get impeached if the Republicans take over the House, because she actually bailed out rioters. So now we've opened up Pandora's box here, and it's sad for the country. He's right, but you know, and then I we had this this attorney for the President, Michael Vandervey. Oh man, it was just it was a brutal takedown of the CBS reporter um. Now for the Republican senators, the few of those that actually voted guilty, this massive backlash back in their home districts. Even though Richard Burr was leaving anyway. And then you have Senator Cassidy Louisiana, and then you had Pat Toomey, he's out as well. You know, they felt, I guess was politically safe for them. M That's another sad thing is that people. It just shows how corrupt the whole swamp is. You know, maybe we should do a one and done Congress one one one term as senator, maybe two terms as congressman or a woman, and then you're out term limit everybody so they don't spend all their time playing politics as we roll along. Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, you know, revenge and vengeance, forever Democrats and never Trumpers and the rest. You know, they just they cannot and I'm predicting right now. Donald Trump has been pretty quiet. He did release a statement Saturday, but the President has been pretty quiet. And the President, you know, did talk about the sad commentary in Our Time and that is when and this has gone on for the entirety of him running for office and his presidency. And you know, we now have a smoking gun email as just the news dot Com reports today on James Comey. He knew not to trust the dossier, but signed three applications saying it was verified, and now he's saying the opposite, saying he can't verify it. It's just sad. It's that one party can, in so many different ways abuse their power, be this corrupt. You know, look at the whole quid pro quo joe issue. You know, zero experience, You're making tens of millions of dollars, you know, at one point five billion dollars, Russian oligarchs, Kazakhstan oligarchs, be Resma, no experience whatsoever. And it is it is we've gotten to the point where all of this gets pushed under the rug and all these weak Republicans. This bothers me that go out there and where were they during Operation Crossfire Hurricane. Where were they fighting the last impeachment with truthful examples of abuse of power and cashing in on a family name. Where were they then? And And that's why I don't think they seem to understand why people are so angry about this, and also publicans have lost their fight. They could have learned a lot of lessons from Trump. Okay, you don't like his style, got it check, you don't like his tweeting check. But the American people liked that he gave promises, he followed through on them, he implement mended them every day, and he didn't back down on them. There's a lesson to be learned for any politician if you have views yours sincere, even Bernie Sanders isn't sincere all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. I don't know how Kamala Harris is going to feel about this. In Minneapolis, you have officials there. This is where this whole defund the police effort movement, if you will, started. They actually wanted to disband remember the entire police department. Then we found out the people voting that way. Oh yeah, they were using taxpayer dollars to pay for their own private security. How ironic, right? Anyway, they're planning now in Minneapolis to spend six point four million to hire dozens of police officers at a time, and you still have city council members and activist groups advocating to replace the police department, which I believe they already cut, and they voted unanimously Friday to approve the additional funding the police requested. The department says it only has six hundred and thirty eight officers available to work, roughly two hundred fewer than usual. I wonder why who's going to want to work there? The mob continues to obsess, you know, and this is the great hypocrisy too. We can't ever allow what happened at the Capitol that ever happened again, I've been saying it every day and every night. You can't allow that. How did they breach that? And then the fact that we had intelligence and that at the FBI knew, and that congressmen and women knew apparently, according to Congresswoman Accio Cortez, well what did they all know? And when did they all know it? And why didn't they all say something? And if they did say something, who did they say it too? Because then we would have had the proper security to protect our capital, the people's House, our institutions, and yes, every elected official needs to be protected everyone. This isn't about politics. But you know, he just had. For example, by my account, we've had what ten left wing protests in New York City in the last what nine months? As you know, we had, you know, things, we're getting out of hand again. Police arrested eleven people in New York who allegedly bit a CoP's leg when an anti cop protest turned violet in New York City on Saturday, hundred people, I'm sorry. On Friday, one hundred people converged on Midtown, New York, defund the police, a demonstration organized, according to the New York Post by Black Lives Matter. Six women four men charged with disorderly conduct obstructing government administration. One guy was arrested for kicking one officer in the foot while and biting another officer on his I okay, well they have no bail in New York. You know that means they arrest them, they put them in jail, they let them out. I mean, it's it's insane that this is happening. It's it's madness. And it's not just of course. In Portland, Portland you have you know, leftist activists pelting police now with snowballs. Well, I guess it's better than bricks and Molotov cocktails and better than frozen water bottles. Like we watched all summer, you had a hundred protests out there f and then you know asteris asterist ask us twelve you know that was in let's see in midtown Manhattan, and then you had F twelve are anti police terms that mean f the police a reference to some police TV show Adam twelve one Atom twelve one twelve. Remember that anyway, And like Barney Frank was another police Barney Miller rather was Barney Frank a former commerceman. Barney Miller was a former police show from New York City's twelfth Precinct. Anyway, that's apparently fairly well known. I didn't know it until I read it today. You still have Cuomo just you know, going out there. This is getting really bad for him. George Pataki, former governor, now thinks, yeah, the issue of you know, this nursing home death cover up should result in him being taken out of office. But they don't have any recall effort like they do out in California. And that's that's taken on a lot of urgency out there. There's now there's a lot of talk and a lot of studies that have been coming out of the damage that is done to people families. The AP had a big report that for many couples, for example, that we're going to be getting married, the pandemic as reeked havoc on their wedding plans, bolstering you know, I mean putting a lot stress on relationships where couples already married, it's posed a you know, a lot of new tests, some get closer, some people have you know, fallen apart, and marriages that that is now resulting in a lot of divorce around the country becoming an epidemic. As they give a lot of details in this piece. In December, Biden promised Americans that he would only call for masks until April. And anyway, that was his declaration. Remember he's gonna he's gonna vaccinate three hundred Americans in the summer. He said it twice last week, three hundred. We're gonna have four to six hundred million doses, but we're gonna be only gonna give the vaccine to three hundred. Um So people are pretty angry. Anyway. Cuomo now has Republicans and Democrats calling for his resignation in New York and there is one politician now calling for his emmy to be taken back. An Award wrote the book about leadership in the process, his longtime nemesis, Comrade de Blasio calling for a full accounting of Cuomo's alleged nursing home death cover up. I'm not even alleged at this point. Now we have a real whistleblower with a real identity that now has come forward and said, yeah, all of this is in fact has happened. So a lot going on there now, which you watched Joe Biden's agenda. You know it's funny because now the Democrats they want to they want to go into more investigations into Donald Trump. I found a pretty interesting Red States headline. They can't quit him. Democrat's new plan on how to get Donald Trump like Syria. We had another plan he's out of office. Nancy Pelosi ruled out censure because she said it's a slap in the face to the constitution. It lets everyone off the hook. And then she's we censor people for using stationary for the wrong purpose. Am okay. House Democrats issue a stark warning about their own party In twenty twenty two. Some Democrats see that This is not going good for them. Joe Biden's team, apparently behind the scenes, is in a bit of a panic because, you know, we're going to spend the entire first year of the Biden presidency, maybe the first two years, always talking about Donald Trump, meaning his Democratic supporters. I mean, if you look at Joe Biden's agenda, Senator of Blackburn, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee warning Biden that China is not our friend when she said she hopes Joe Biden understands the threat that China is now posing. That's what former Secretary of State Mike Pompeio was saying as he was leaving that position. China is not our friend, she said, They are our adversary. They practice civil military fusion. You never know where one piece ends and the other begins. And he's you know, a lot of warning going out Biden to Congress. Now, this shouldn't surprise him at anybody. Remember he was gonna make Beto Bozo O'Rourke as guns are Daily Wire as a piece today about Biden to Congress and act major restrictions on the Second Amendment, on your Second Amendment rights, Well, that came up in the election too, demanding gun bands and new laws that will allow people to sue gun manufacturers. That's part of it. Why would you get to sue unless unless somehow the gun like backfires, it doesn't work properly. People that misuse a firearm, that is a crime. Why would you hold the manufacturer that sells the gun responsible with people that don't use Are you going to sue knife manufacturers or baseball bat manufacturers or tire iron manufacturers? If people misuse the products they are what they're intended for, let's say, target shooting, hunting, self protection. Right. He's now calling on Congress to enact these gun reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, which pretty much happens now, banning every assault weapon with high capacity magazines, eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers. Now the way they define an assault weapon, that probably amounts to a call for banning all semi automatic firearms. There was no language included in the statement. And if gun owners are not allowed, are we going to be allowed to keep the guns we have? Or is this going to become a mandatory gun confiscation program. Can't wait to get the details on all of this. Jen Saki, the White House Press Secretary. You know, she's circling back apparently a lot. But you know, we saw what happened on day one when they was at the ambassador. Twitter account to Israel changed dramatically, and anyway, it looks like the hostilities. We're going back to the Obama Biden years on the treatment of Israel. There had been no president ever that had supported the state of Israel, the only democracy in the region, our top ally anyway, So now Biden is refusing to call say they're one of our best allies. How did Trump get all these these deals done with the Emirates, and you know, deals that were unthinkable because the Egyptians, Jordanians, the Saudis, the Emirates, Israel, the US have already figured out that a nuclear armed Iran and Iranian hegemony in the region is going to result in a disaster. Pretty scary times we live in. Then, of course, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act on Democratic senators refused to outlaw that, which is pretty sad. So Biden calling on a Congress to ban assault weapons and institute major gun restrictions. In Puerto Rico, the governor is saying Congress is morally obligated to act on the statehood vote. DC is probably first. Biden's DHS Department of Homeland Security is about to release twenty five thousand plus migrants into Texas and California communities. That's just the beginning of open borders and amnesty, which through executive order and bypassing an entire branch of government that Biden has been involved in that most people haven't been paying attention to. Texas Sheriff is saying clear evidence illegal immigration is soaring under Joe Biden. Why not because people know that amnesty is coming. Why that's like an invitation. I'm not sure if people are following his masked mandate when the country is entered illegally Biden Polo season now or forcing the release of some migrants in West Texas in a border community there, and then they can't do their job. I mean, it's this is all the stuff we worried about, you know. The smoking gun on just thenews dot com on Coomy is pretty amazing because the very day he signed the first renewal, Remember, Comey signed the first FISA application unverifiable as it is, and it says that the type of a top of a FISA application verified. He signed that first one, you know, when Donald Trump was a candidate. Now, as Sally Yates has said and Andrew McCabe have said, without the dirty Russian misinformation dossier that Hillary paid for, there would have been no approval of the fise of the application. On the day he signed the first renewal, there were three renewals. He was writing James Clapper, we're not able to sufficient corroborate the reporting home he said about yes, the dirty dossier anyway, that was finally made public through open records lawsuit by the Southeastern Legal Foundation. Well that's a big deal because then he signed a third fise the application, the second renewal. I got to give a shout out to my buddy Dan Bongino and his partners a parlor. They have now resumed the social media app. That's good news, and the new CEO saying the platform will remain true to its free speech roots and has insulated itself from future cancel culture. I'm sure it wasn't easy to do, but for those of you that like to use social media on your own, I am banned by my staff. Linda never given me an explanation as to why I am banned. I think the audience knows. Why do you? Okay, what's the reason. Why should I say it? The audience already knows. The audience knows why I don't have any access to my social media accounts and I don't have an email. They know that. That's correct. Do you think they understand completely? I do? Actually, yeah, they probably do. They really, they're wonderful people. I don't even I couldn't get on if I wanted to. You guys have made it so I can't possibly get on anything. That's true, taking me years to perfect this, years and years. I'm very proud of this work. Oh man, can you put up like a disclaimer? Hannity has no No, Hannity has no access to his own social media accounts. Yeast thy staff, so they know. They know. Hannity dot com puts up great news every day that that's access to. You can't prevent that. You can see it and get it on my phone. You can read it. I can still run my head and staff. No, I don't have access to posting anything on it, that's correct. That's a good point. I have access to read it, that's right. Yes, I probably could have access to read my Twitter account. I just don't do it. This is true. You could reach place I want to be us on Twitter. I don't care. I just don't care. Days are fifty seven, the yay's are fifty seven, the nays are forties three. Two thirds of the senators President not having pretty guilty that he Senator judges that responded, Donald John Trump, former President of United States, is not guilty as charged the article's impeachment. All right. That was Pat Lakey on the acquittal of Donald Trump over the weekend, and it was a pretty These are are sad and dangerous times when you could literally now hold one party to one group of set of standards and another party another set of standards. It is extremely it's extraordinarily dangerous when evidentiary standards are completely bypassed. It's dangerous. When Pat Lahey is presiding over the shift show, Charadas, I call it, while he himself is ready on record saying Donald Trump is guilty. That doesn't represent anything that is that resembles due process, presumption of innocence in any way. None of these videotapes that were used by the House managers would ever have been admissible in a court of law. Now add to that, there's a great exchange between one of the president's attorneys, Michael Vanderveen as CBS anchors as well. You know, there's only a little thing, a little They literally altered evidence now that in any other real court of law, who would be considered a huge problem. Listen to how this exchange went down. Man, your question is I want to be clear for our viewer. Listen, I want to viewers about saying doctor and evidence. The media has to start telling the right story in this country. The media is trying to divide this country. You are blood thirsty for ratings, and as such, you're asking questions now that are already set up with a fact pattern. I can't believe you would ask me a question indicating that it's all right, just a doctor, a little bit of evidence. There's more stuff that we uncovered that they doctor. You have won the acquittal of your client. If you'd like to continue to talk about this conversation, we can have that discovered. But for me to ask a question, a slanting question, a slanted question that was set up to say it's okay for them to cheat. That was your question. Isn't for them to cheat a little bit said it was that's what you said. You got to live by your word. That's the problem. The media has to start living by the truth and not trying to create a narrative. Michael Vandervene, thank you for joining us. I do appreciate Yeah, okay, I see you taking off your microphone now, all right, joining us. Now, Bruce castors with us, Michael van derven Now, they had other whole other team of lawyers too that deserve to be recognized. And David Shone has been on this program many times. Uh, guys, welcome to the program. Um. You know, I first, I want to start with Bruce Um and Michael. You and Bruce are partners in this law firm. Correct, Yes, and yeah, you know I was critical of you on day one, and then when I got the context of what had actually happened, I felt like I was unfair to you based on you weren't scheduled to speak at that moment at that time, and it was I just got concerned because I felt like opening remarks would always be fairly scripted and tightened up. And now that I found out the circumstances surrounding it, I think my comments to you were unfair. So my humble apologies on that because what you guys were able to put together in ten days and then when this acquittal is is just a remarkable legal feat eight day seun we had. I'm the fake media, I got it wrong eight days. But you know, let me let me let me tell you about what happened that first day and explain what Bruce pulled off when we got into that Senate chamber and they put on two hours of video and audio, and you gotta understand, they got a Hollywood production company to put together audio and visual that would move people and play on people's sympathies rather than actually dealing with the facts and the allegations of what is incitement under a legal definition, uh, particularly as it pertains to impeachment. But what the and then one of the gentlemen presenting, you know, spoke of his um recently deceased child and injected a lot of personal emotion uh into into the into his presentation. When he stopped, the air in the room was really thick and full of emotion. So we walked out on our break and Bruce, uh you know, leading the team, said, look, I'm going to call an audible here we have to. We were about to do just two hours of a dry jurisdictional argument, which by the way, they'd already voted on like a week before, and we weren't going to win anyway. So Bruce said, I'm going to take about thirty minutes and and change the temperature in that room. David, trim yourself down for two hours to an hour and a half and win a roll that way. He had been working on his opening, but it wasn't due to be presented yet, so he hadn't finished it. Um, and as you saw, he just went up there, uh and um, you know, in a kind of a real person way, started to talking to him. Could have his tempo been better or his rhythm been better, sure, but what he went out there and did was a bold move. It was an experienced trial lawyer move, having read the room, and it was it achieved the effect. It was the right decision to achieved the effect, cooled down the room and allow us to proceed with the jurisdic jurisdictional argument. It worked. It may not have been the prettiest thing, but it worked. We would do it again. Um. It's just so unfortunate how the media you know, really just gave him a beating over it without having any real solid understand That ought to be my first clue anytime I echo anything in any manner that might be alignment with them, considering they're so wrong so often, and what note taken here? You know, I'm watching this whole trial, Bruce, and I'm watching. Let's see, they're staging of photoshoot, they're altering evidence. They and you guys did a great job, I thought with these montages that you put up of how what actually the President was saying on January sixth versus what the house managers showed because it was deceptive, selective, editing at a very high and sophisticated level. Again, nothing rules of evidence if applied, normal rules of evidence in a court of law, if applied, none of this would be admissible. Am I correct? Yeah, that's that's true. And worse than that, if Michael I had done that back home, that we'd be standing in front of the Supreme Court explaining to the Chief Justice why we shouldn't be thrown out of out of the are I mean, it's just awful stuff, and it's it's indicative of the the world of Alice in wonderland that we found ourselves in when we walked into the Capitol building. I watched this interview Michael very closely over the weekend with the CBS anchor, and I was you eviscerated her in terms of the arguments. I was blown away. And that doesn't happen enough in the media. Good for you, I'll tell you that that thing has gone viral. I mean, you know, I think I spoke what millions and millions of people around the world's feel, Sean, And you know, I actually, when I look back and I've seen the tape now myself, you know, with the time delay and that kind of thing, it appeared like we were talking over one another a little bit more than we weren't than we actually were. But it's really the content of what I said. I was saying. And know, the media when I was a kid, you watch the news and you get all the facts, and you know, not too much opinion, and it's kind of flipped a little bit, and and you know, I think the press just has to do a little bit of a self audit and you know, take be a little self reflective and see how they can help cool the passions in the nation. As well, and how they can help bring you know, the left and the right a little bit closer together, just to find the common ground of the national priorities and you know, really move us forward on infrastructure, and move us forward on the economy, and move us forward on Michael, I've been doing this economic equality, all that stuff. You know, I've been on thirty three years. I've been on Fox twenty five years. It's not happening. I mean, you think of Trump's presidency, and for three solid years we got nothing but a conspiracy theory, a full on hoax. Now that it has been, every single thing we reported on these shows of mine we got right. They got it wrong. They got Uva wrong, they got Duke Lacrosse wrong, they got Ferguson wrong, they got Baltimore UH, and Freddie Gray wrong, Richard Jewel wrong. I could keep going all day here, and I pride myself in getting things right. I'll tell you what we found down there was in a big way, Washington is broken and UM and UH. And they really catered to the media. I mean, they are so concerned down there about what the media cycle is and what they you know, how the media will react. We were all very surprised about you know, we're in the novice. We're not politicians. We're just the lawyers, were citizens and uh and you know we weren't we we weren't at dept at handling all of that, but you know we were first. I think as far as the Child team's perspective, you know, from Bill Brennan to to Bruce Caster and myself, you know, we were were all pull that. Um, what we did in defending the Constitution and defending Bedrock constitutional provisions that it set that Senate's eyes a little bit more focused on, you know, the problems that that that this country has moving forward in as I said, infrastructure or education. I know people on both sides of all these issues, but they need to work together and find the common ground. You know, UM, and any Democrat at any point ever come up to you and say you did a good job. I doubt it. Well they actually did. Actually you know what, UM, one person did one of the representatives hang on that we lost somebody I think we lost. Her name was Stacy Plasket. She actually gave a very smooth and uh, a very good presentation in her case, and she came up after a couple of days and introduced herself. UM. You know, it was complimentary of the efforts we were putting in. UM and you know the passionate zeal we had. We also gave her, um, you know, uh compliments and were civil with her. But you know, you're right. She she was the only one. She was a real class act um, Um, Miss Plaskett and uh. And it was refreshing for us. Yeah, you know, you would imagine the publics were very the Republicans were very hospitable to us. They were very polite. Um. The interaction we had with the Democrats directly, UM was almost non existent. There was a lot of back room channeling between um, you know, various staff members in this and that when we were talking about witness stipulation and whatnot. UM. But uh, you know, we're just we're just child lords. We went down there to do our case and get out of there and UM. And so you nearly ran into buzz saw with witnesses and we thought for an hour or two, I guess on Saturday that we had John. We we handle them on that they they they they were they were more afraid of witnesses than anybody. UM. And the whole silliness about and actually it's just unconfionable to say that we sent a letter to Donald Trump to have him come in and participate and to and to bring exculpatory evidence. Well, that's not the way it works. If they wanted mister Trump in there, they could have suppeated him, and they and they chose not to because they know they didn't have any right to and it would be the wrong thing to do in a judicial process. As far as him bringing exculpritory evidence, it's their burden. They made accusations that he insied incited the attack on the Capitol lead false. It was premeditated. It was pre and by people far on the right and far on the left, not where the mainstream of married ninety five percent of the American consciousness is. And they and they carried up there. Let me give let me give Bruce the last word here, because they're just running out of time in this segment. A lot more on TV on Hannity tonight. Both of you will join us. Bruce, you want to give the last word here. We were prepared for that issue with witnesses. We had made a list of three hundred plus witnesses. We had them all ready to go and even had their names down, and it was, in fact, if you look at the tape, when the witness issue came up, Mike and I leaned over and we were discussing, why don't we just stipulate to letting her say whatever she wants to say, because no one's going to believe anything she has to say anyway, because it's a triple hearsay, So so what let's just let it in. But that was a decision that we figured we need to take by the whole team, and so we took a breaking and that is ultimately the idea we floated, and ultimately that's the decision that they came down with. Thank you, Ruce cantor, thank you Michael Vanderveen will have you both on Haniday tonight. Congratulations, it was eight days and you guys were successful. Congratulations. Not an easy task for any attorneys. Thank you all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. One of the other things Linda G. Graham said about Mitch McConnell over the weekend, warning that McConnell's words and listen this is the Republican establishment in their minds. Now, there's a poll out today that about sixty five percent of Republicans actually want another party. If that happens and the party fractures, you got a huge problem. Okay, what's the huge problem is now you're siphoning all votes. Can it be done successfully? Yeah? But I think I truly believe that the establishment wing of the Republican Party, as embodied by the likes of Mitch McConnell, that it would be for some reason they never they watched, but they didn't learn. And I'm not saying you have to take on Donald Trump's style. There's very few people like him. He's a disruptor, he's an iconoclass. But the agenda and also there's one important ingredient here that this is where they've never learned. Their lesson is that, you know a lot of politicians, both parties, they go to the swamp, they go to the sewer, maybe even have the best of intentions, and then they get there and then something happens. They love being called senator, they love being called congressmen, and then you get the swampy you know, the Gang of six, eight, ten, twelve or whatever. Deals that are Republicans pretty much caving, and Republicans never unite and have the same commitment to fight like the entire Democratic Party, and people are fed up with it. I mean, I think the great is the example of what I'm saying is all those show votes in the House of Representatives to repeal and replace Obamacare. Well that's what Obama was president, and Obama would never sign that into law. But then when they had the chance to do it, they didn't get it done. They didn't even have a plan that they all were united behind, already ready to go. And we had given them so many suggestions Concierge's care for every American health savings accounts, catastrophic insurance coupled with Concierge's care like like Atlas MD and doctor Josh Humber Wichita, Kansas. And then the Senate in twenty fifteen they vote straight line Republicans, Yes, we would repeal Obamacare's ritch straight repeal bill. Then seven of those Republican senators two years later, when it mattered and Donald Trump would have signed it, they were nowhere to be found. They switched their votes. And this you know, and programmed to rightly point out that McConnell to load on Republicans back with his anti Trump speech after this whole thing went on. Is just completely out of touch with where his party is. And had there been a vote, I would argue, if there's a vote among Republicans, do you believe in America first, make America great again that agenda or you want Mitch McConnell. I think he's out of touch. He probably would lose nine to ten if he even could get ten percent. And it's sad that, you know, Republican why didn't he Where was he during the entire crossfire Hurricane Russia, collusion, lie conspiracy theories? Where where was he? Where was Senator John Thune? Where were most of these Republicans? Senators? They were quiet, staying off TV, saying nothing. I mean, it's it's it's sad. Democrats they're a lot better at staying united and fighting than Republicans are. But that is that old style establishment republican Ism is a by gone error at this point. You know, it's funny because conservatives were told often well, for the good of the party, you know, well, it's a lesser of two evils, vote for John McCain, a liberal Republican or are you gonna get Barack Obama? Okay? I John McCain was not my first choice, but John McCain was a lot better than Barack Obama. Same with Mitt Romney. All right, let's go to the great state of Florida, where everybody seems to be moving these days, especially out of New York. David, Hi, how are you. You're on the Sean Hannity Show. I'm doing great, Sean, thanks for taking my call. So I was seeing your show on Friday and you played a clip by Cuomo. He was basically bragging about his states numbers for the coronavirus, and I was like, that doesn't sound right. So I went to the CDC website and you know, Sean, what do you know? He was right? And that is because the states numbers for coronavirus's death her one hundred thousand are separated from the city of New York. And if you combine those numbers to together, would it shock you to know that he's either number one or number two Union? I mean that just I would love for you to follow up. You know, that's one thing I had not picked up on. Nobody said, but I tell you this effort now to remove him is real. This is now taken on a momentum in the state of New York. Former Governor of New York George Pataki literally floating the idea of removing Cuomo from office and saying that you know, his conduct regarding this nursing home cover up has been reprehensible and that you know, the cover up of nursing home death. And he said, I think it would be appropriate to take a hard look at the idea of removing Cuomo from office with a recall movement. We see it now. It's taken on a ton of momentum out in California. But unlike California, New York has no legal procedure for recalling elected officials in the middle of their term, and a serious effort to create such a process was instigated by Patak. He pushed for a constitutional amendment years ago. Didn't happen. But I mean that there is a lot of anger here. Biden now is telling Americans that they're gonna have to wear face masks until twenty twenty two. A record high number of Oh, go ahead, yes, sir Sean. They're talking about, you know, shutting the state of Florida down and I'm just laughing, you know, I mean, it's we Our governor did everything you should do. He didn't shut the economy down. He put lockdowns on nursing homes to protect our elderly. It's just it's just one more example where the left absolutely abuses statistics and the fact checkers. You know, the lady the other day who went viral for going from paying sixty dollars for her sons died her first son's influence to three hundred dollars on't if you saw that story? So I clicked on it, watched the video this woman's and tears paying hundreds of dollars more? Would should be surprised that Facebook check a fact check that isn't that fascinating? And they wanted to correct the fact that Biden had not actually rescinded this, He just put it on hold. That's really easy to say when you're sitting in a Facebook fact check office or wherever you are, and it's really easy to say, oh, that's not that bad. Well, that's great for you when you don't have to pay thousands of dollars a more. Just my point is is the amount of bias's I knew it was bad, but it's getting unreal. Shot, And I'm grateful for you, and I'm thankful for you. I'm thankful to be here every day, trust me, and we're on to fire every second of every day. All right, Dave, appreciate it by Cuomo. Now, this is bipartisan condemnation he's getting, and many calls for his resignation. And you have politicos now saying he should give his Emmy award back, and even Deblasio no their natural enemies, and he's calling for a full accounting of all of this. And what a New York business is doing well. They're following New York residence and getting the hell out of Dodge and moving their businesses down to Florida too. Mike and Ohio, Hey Mike, how are you? Hey Sean, I'm doing well. How are you doing. I'm good? Sorry, what's going on? Yeah, thank you for your time. I appreciate it. You know, everybody's running around right now just wondering how to use Trump. You know, he's been acquitted and such. I've got an idea and I think it's pretty strong. I think you run Donald Trump for a house seat. You run Donald Trump in a House seat in a red district somewhere. I mean, the Democrats have been able to get an AOC in there, They've been able to get it to leave in there, They've been able to get who knows who they wanted in there. But you run Donald Trump for a House seat, and right now, in today's political climate, it is the best place for him to sit. And then you dangle the carrot. You dangle the carrot in front of seventy four million people that Donald Trump is going to be your next Speaker of the House. And if we can win five seats, five seats is all we need. Shawn. You know, we got to figure out a way to pull seventy four million voters together. And the way you pull seventy four million voters together you put Donald Trump back on a ballot. It's interesting what you're saying. Look, there's no president though, that is ever ever going to and I'm not trying to be insulting to House members, that is ever going to say, Okay, let me run for the House. Now that I've run for president and I've been press it's not unprecedented, Seahn John Adams was, I've been very aware, but it's just I don't. Knowing Donald Trump as well as I do, I don't think that would be an option for him. Look, he was he was clear, He's been very quiet. He put out a statement on Saturday after the acquittal, and and it was clear in that statement that he has a lot to share in the months ahead. And I think he's been given a little bit of time for some I think self reflection. I think a little time to let all this pass, and a little time to you know, watch. It's not going to be long until people start saying miss me yet hashtag Trump twenty twenty four. I could see that happening any day. And because the policies as we've been going over Joe Biden are so radically left, that's where we have to get rid of. I mean, I'm really worried about twenty twenty two. I'm not worried about twenty twenty four. I'm worried about twenty twenty two. And to to make a move like that, it would be the boldest, strongest. Listen. I love I love creative thinking. It's it's pretty, it's pretty genius and innovative on your party. I give you a lot of credit. I do because you're thinking through it. I don't think that would happen. I think he's either going to make a decision run again or not run again, and not when that decision comes, I don't know. It's from the GOP standpoint, why wouldn't you put your best player on the field for a must win game. A must win game is in twenty two we have to win the House and or the Senate, preferably both. If he gets up and breaths on any given day, the media is going to cover it that he I think he is already the most powerful force today. He is in the Republican Party, and I think he'll main so, and he has indicated in the past that he's focused on twenty twenty two, and I think we'll probably be out helping a lot of people in a lot of ways. Again, I don't have a crystal ball, can't say, but I think that's what his intention is. And honestly, after four or five never ending years of running, you know, a thousand miles an hour every second of every day, I think he probably is taking a well deserved break. And you know, I wouldn't I wouldn't doubt at some point a book comes out and he tells his story when he's ready, you'll do it. I mean, it's kind of very uncharacteristic to him to be quiet this long. And I'm sure when he does talk, he's gonna have a lot to say, knowing him as well as I do. All right, back to our busy telephones. Let's say, Hi Henry in New Jersey. We got a minute Henry for you. Hi Sean. First thing, God bless you, Rush, Thank you all you guys are really working for us this country, and we really appreciate it. And prayers especially for Russian Trump. Anyway, anyway, I could talk to you for an hour if I mean, but I know, I know, I can't. Um. You know, I've been interested interested in politics for over fifty years. I'm your age, but my dad got me into politics. The Republicans have never done what they've said they were going to do in all those fifty years. Trump's the only one that has. And uh, you know, I don't know whether the Republicans are cowards, they're stupid, or they're complicit in all this because uh, you know, Trump showed them how to fight and they just don't know how. They still don't know how. They still don't know how. I agree with you one hundred percent. They don't know how. I'll tell you. There's another part of it too. It's hard to fight. And there's a side of being in the public eye that I've lived through my whole career. I promise you that's not pleasant. And having a cancel culture that has existed pretty much all my career. Um, that is real, being under attack, under fire all the time. It's you know, a lot of people don't have the stomach for this, and I do, and Donald Trump does, and there are you know, notice how few senators ever go on television. Do you think that we don't reach out to them? We do, They don't want to come. They there, and there's a there's a lot of timidity in them. There's a lot of fear in them. Doesn't mean some of them are in good people. It just means that it is what it is. They're not there to fight. Um that you heard the montage that went on ten minutes long in the trial. Democrats fight fight, fight fight like hell, Fight like hell, Fight like hell, fight fight, fight fight like hell. Fight you. They seem to have more of a willingness to go in, go in hard and Republicans, you know, lay back, and it's unfortunate because the only way you're gonna get things done is you've you've got to convince people that your ideas will work. I believe conservatism, lower taxes, energy independence, less bureaucracy, secure boarders, better schools, law and order, safety, security, constitutional justices, free and fair trade, and piece through strength as a winning agenda. I don't think it's hard. Go out and tell the American people what you're gonna do, then do it, and then run again saying I got I kept my word. That's how you know politicians should be. But it seems they make it a lot more complicated. Anyway, my friend, thank you for a good call. When we come back, David Shown, he's the one that laid out all of that videotape in the trunk defense on Friday, he will join us and explain all coming up as we continue straight ahead, all right, news round up in information overload hour eight hundred and nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. Now, we have spoken with the attorneys that got the acquittal over the weekend, and this latest impeachment shift shows charade which we all told you from the beginning. It was a predetermined outcome. A friend of this program, our friend David shown, literally whacked the Democrats with incredible montages for lack of evidence. And you know, one of the big issues here is, well, if the FBI knew, as now we know from court documents and FBI investigators and Congress Homan Acacio Cortez and even the mob the media as we have been telling you reporting that oh yeah, they this was all planned in advance. Here's what David played last at the end of last week. The house managers, facing a significant lack of evidence, turned off into press reports and rumors during these proceedings, claims that would never meet the evidentiary standards of any court. In fact, they even relied on the words of Andrew Feinberg, a reporter who recently worked for Sputnik, the Russian propaganda outlet. You saw it posted. By the way, the report they cited was completely refuted. The frequency with which house managers relied on unproven media reports shocked me as I sat in this chamber and listened to this. And there's a lot that we don't know yet about what happened that day. According to those around him at the time reportedly responded Trump, reportedly, reports across all major media outlets major news networks, including Fox News reported reported reportedly summoned reportedly reportedly not accidental, according to reports, President Trump was reportedly who reportedly spoke to the Guard and was widely reported media reports. According to reports, reported reportedly as any trial lawyer will tell you reportedly is a euphemism for I have no real evidence. Reportedly, there's not the standard in any American setting in which any semblance of due process is afforded, and accused reportedly isn't even here is some circumstantial evidence. It is exactly as reliable as I googled this for you. And if you're worried you might ever be tried based on this type of evidence, don't be. You get more due process than this when you fight a parking ticket. Wow. Powerful statement. David Shone, civil rights attorney who joins us now. Honestly, as soon as you have finished, I don't know which ones I like bet are like the ten minute fight fight Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, fight fight like Hell, filight hell fightlight Hell, fight like Hell, or the Democrat's own insurrectionist incitement language themselves or if I like this one. But this is why David, you don't do snap impeachments reportedly reportedly, this is why you don't do snap impeachments for reportedly. Well, you're exactly right. But the first point I want to make is you've paide me a supreme compliment because I learned this from the master from studying your shows to do this so effectively, And it's not a gimmick. It's using people's own words to demonstrate exactly what the facts are. And people seem to get it better when they see it in living color. Yeah, this is a real part of the snap in judgment snap impeachment. Can you imagine the idea of impeaching a president of the United States based on this? Guy Feinberg or media sources and the house managers told the Senate that we just don't have all the facts, while at the same time Jamie Raskin told them this is a very fact intensive investigation. You need to consider all the facts. That is a horrible abuse of this politicized, weaponized impeachment process. Never should have happened. The American people deserve much better than this. Yeah, and this is the frustrating part of all of this, never mind, I could not believe Mitch mc connell's comments and take on this and the idea that and this was I thought brought out by you as well. If this is going to be the Democratic Party standard, you can't have two standards, David. You got to hold every person in elected office accountable. They've got to be held to the same exact standard. Now, if you mentioned Maxie Waters, or you mentioned Chuck Schumer, you mentioned Kamala Harris, and I can keep going. They would all they would all be impeached and put on trial based on their own standards. And that too. You made a great point approving well listen, you know there was a question during the I wasn't able to tend to question answer period because of my sabbath observance, but I was able to hear one or two of the questions before the sabbath began, and one of them was a question Ted Cruz and others asked, and that was whether it was thought to encourage incitement when a public official bails out the rioters. I think the answer that our side gave was just yes, but that wasn't adequate. The real answer to that is, you know what Donald Trump has been a law and order president for the entire term he was in office. He gave a consistent message for law and order all the way through. When you have Democratic members of the Senate, Congress, House, other public officials on the Democratic side appearing to endorse or support or justify or otherwise bailout rioters and that sort of thing, it sends a very different message. And the message there is violence can be okay. That can be the message violence cannot be okay in political advocacy, well agreed. And you know what that was where conservatives were consistent and Democrats weren't because all summer long, as the rioting went forward in this country and major cities, day after day, night after night, there was not only was there not widespread condemnation, the silence was deafening. And then Kamala Harris, they're not going to stop. They shouldn't stop. We shouldn't stop. You you'd take note on both levels, you beware, I'm like okay. And then fund, you know, then supporting a bell fund to get rioters out of jail so they could rejoin their comrades in the insurrectionist activities. If we applied the standards to Kamala Harris, would she be impeached and would she be put on trial? Sure, if you applied the same standard, I mean, you'd have more than a handful of folks on the Democratic side being impeached. And I don't think that's the right answer either, But that's it just illustrates also why this there never should have been this impeachment proceeding. With all due respect, I mean, Mitch McConnell was way at a line, way off base, and what he said, there's no possible way anyone could come to that conclusion, to the conclusion that this speech or any other conduct by the president incited a riot. Number one because it's not true. And number two because at a very minimum they've acknowledged they don't have the facts. The facts are just starting to come out about a completely separate agenda planning by very bad, vicious criminals. You took on Jamie Raskin from the Democratic House managers that were making their case and the Senate floor, and Jamie Raskin, interestingly himself, on his third day in Congress, stood up to oppose Donald Trump's election. Oh he wanted his own audit. Pretty interesting hypocrisy, but also you hit him on his you know, for staging this photo shoot with the New York Times and the manufactured tweets. Let's play it. We have reason to believe that the house managers created false representations of tweets, and the lack of due process means there was no opportunity to review or verify the accuracy. Consider these facts. The house managers, proud of their work on the Snap impeachment, staged numerous photo shoots of their preparations. In one of those, Manager Raskin is scene here at his desk reviewing two tweets side by side. The image on his screen claims to show that President Trump had retweeted one of those tweets. Now, members of the Senate, let's look closely at this screen, because obviously Manager Raskin considered it important enough that he invited the New York Times to watch him watching it. Now, what's wrong with this image? Actually, there are three things very wrong with it. Look at the date on the very bottom of the screen a Manager Raskin's computer screen. When we zoom into the picture, the date that appears is January third, two thousand, twenty, not two twenty one. Why is that date wrong? Because this is not a real screenshot that he's working with. This is a recreation of a tweet, and you got the date wrong when you manufactured this graphic. You did not disclose that this is a manufactured graphic and not a real screenshot of a tweet. Not to be fair, the house managers caught this error before showing the image on the Senate floor, so you never saw it when it was presented to you. Wow. I mean, how do you manufacture evidence like that? I mean it all started out where the presiding judge in the case said already predetermined and stated publicly his vote for guilt. That wouldn't happen. You talked about evidentiary standards, you know, admissibility of evidence. None of this would be admissible in any any real court of law, would it? David? Absolutely not? And I think the first point you made there is probably the most important. Can you any American imagine facing any proceeding in which your life or liberty is an issue? And here what was at stake was trying an effort to bar President Trump from ever running for office again and to disenfranchise over seventy four million voters who voted for him and would want to cast their vote again. And for these proceedings, they had a judge of the fine fellow this center Lais and a fine man that spoke to him during but he issued a press statement, but listen. He on January twenty seventh, he entered an oath, and the oath said he swears to be impartial in his consideration of these issues. Except two weeks earlier, in the thirteenth of January, he issued a press release in which he said President Trump is definitely guilty, and he's going to vote to convict, and everybody else, including Mitch McConnell and the Republicans, have to vote to convict. Then, he said, as a judge in the case, who has all decisions on evidence that comes in, and as a juror who has a vote on an acquittal or conviction, that doesn't happen in this country. You know, I watch all of this and I just cannot believe that this is our country. Yeah, I can. I cannot believe that we've descended into a process where there's no due process, there's no no assumption presumption of innocence. There there is not equal application of standards, like there's no equal application of laws. I mean, you know, you've been all over with us this whole issue of the deep state, and you know, the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal. Nobody's paying attention today to the fact that in a January twenty seventh email to James Clapper, the Intelligence chief, the former FBI Director Comy, you know, the very day he signed Defies a surveillance warrant saying everything's verified, and Christopher Steele's dossier remember Andrew McCabe, no dossier, no FIES application, and writing Obama's outgoing intelligence community chief, a very different assessment of the British spies intelligence on Russia collusion. We're not able to sufficiently corroborate the reporting he wrote in his email to James Clapper that was declassified and made public. I mean, this is the smoking gun email. But then he presented it not only had previously signed DEFIES application, signed one that day and signed a third one knowing that they couldn't independently corroborate it. And now we know that Steele denied it was its voracity and the subsource denied its voracity. That's America. Yeah, you know, I'm glad you do the parallel by the way, because I do think there is one here. My first reaction was the Democrats just seemed to be tone deaf. You had a Moller commission in which the head of the commission was a partner in the law firm that represents Hillary Clinton. He put on there the most bias of folks who politically biased folks. He put on his commission a lawyer who personally represented Hillary Clinton in her email scandal, and of all things, an investigations implicating the president of the United States. They put Andrew Weissman as the lead investigator, who's simply, in my view, the most ethically bankrupt prosecutor I have ever encountered in thirty six years. That's the thought. What can you expect the American people to believe from a commission like that? Now you see this impeachment, no due process. You tell us you don't have the facts, but they should convictim and borrow from all because anyway, but it goes beyond being tone deaf. It goes it's an utter disregard for the American public. Frankly, it's saying, we don't need you to worry about integrity of the process or anything like that. Just listen to what we tell you. We're going to be vicious enemies of Donald Trump, and we're going to use your constitution and your process to go after your president. But don't worry about it. Just trust us. We're doing what's best for you. That's a horrible, un American approach. Oh, good job to you, Good job to everyone on your team. And I know you didn't even have a lot of time to prepare. I mean, unbelievable. Thank you, David shown as always eight hundred and nine four one sean our toll free telephone number, all right, twenty five nounce at the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, Lindsey Graham said a lot on Fox News Sunday this weekend. Number one, you know, if we did a poll, ask yourself and the poll was okay, do you support Mitch McConnell's version of republican Ism old established wing or do you support Donald Trump's America First agenda? If a poll was taken today, what would the number be? Eighty five ninety percent Trump maga America First. I mean, it's it's unbelievable. It's that the Republican Party just has this. The establishment wing of the Republican Party just never seems to learn what it is that the American people want, and what the American people want is not complicated. We talked all about it last week. And the other thing about Republicans is they never seem to know how to fight. Where where were most of these Republicans during this whole deep state FISA application, FISA abuse, premeditated fraud, Russia collusion, lies, Ukrainian hoaxes. Where were they? How come with all of the tape that we have from let's see Schumer, Pelosi, Joe Biden, Maamala Harris, all the tape we have Maxie Waters, where are they ever holding Democrats to the same standards that they're holding Republicans too? Why don't they ever do that? Anyway? Here's Lindsay Grammy was on Fox News Sunday talking about Okay, Kamala Harris, you apply the same standard as I've been saying. Guess what she gets impeached and put on trial. He's the first president the ever impeached, be impeached without a lawyer, without a witness, with our ability to confront those against him and the trial record was a complete joke. Heresay upon hearsay, And we've opened Pandora's box to future presidents. And if you use this model, I don't know how Kamala Harris doesn't get impeached at the Republicans take over the House because she actually belled out rioters and one of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody's head open. So we've opened Pandora's box here, And I'm sad for the country. Okay, is it? They're not gonna stop. This is right after the police precinct burned the ground in the middle of writing. That's been that was breaking out over the country Minneapolis early in the time, and raising money for people that go out and yeah, then commit more crimes because we don't keep them in jail because the bail fund that she was a part of. All Right, a lot of you want to wag in. Let's make that happen. Let us say Mo, the liberal from Brooklyn. This is Mo. Mo has been calling the show for years. Moe thinks I'm the most dangerous guy in America. Do you still believe that, Sean? You get more dangerous by the day, My friend, if I was that dangerous than Donald Trump would have won the last election and he'd be president right now. If apparently I'm not as all powerful as you would you would suggest that I am. Well, Sean, I picked the election on at ten thirty on election night when I saw what was happening in Arizona and Nevada, and yeah, there wasn't much anybody could do. You know, Donald put himself on the line, and you know, I don't know how many votes we won by, but it was at least seven million. And you know the problem is, and even you should be concerned about this. And Democrats, you know, as long as they got the result they wanted. But when the laws, the statutory language says the partisan observers should be able to watch the vote count start to finish and it doesn't happen, that should concern you. When a when a state constitution like Pennsylvania has very strict limits on mail and voting, and then they don't they bypassed their own constitution, that should concern you. Same with Wisconsin state law. Go ahead, Sean Man, I was a poll watcher. I know what happens at the polls I've been there. Voting should be much more accessible to Americans, all Americans. And about voter ID, do you support voter ID? No, I don't support voter ID because my mother was able to vote. She's ninety eight. She has no VALOT, she has no valid ide. Your mom. Well, we can get your mom valid ID. I promised there's a way to do it in New York where you are. That's fairly easy, even if she doesn't want a driver's license. And I'm sure you'd be in the loving son that you are, you would help your ninety eight year old, wonderful mom. I already talked to Chuck Schumer. He said he'd take care of it if we needed it. We were more concerned about her the last time she left the country. They weren't going to let her back in because she only had her citizenship papers from nineteen forty eight with her maiden name. Oh yeah, yeah, we gotta get your We gotta get your poor momm up to speed with some ID. I think you can't get into a Democratic national convention without photo idea? Did you know that you can't get Look, Suan, I work in secure places all the time. I know what the idea is. He'd be nice. So if we want integrity and confidence in election results. We should have voter ID, we should have chain of custody, very strict, rigorous standards. Um, I think I think mail in voting, if you're gonna do it, you gotta have voter ID. We need real signature verification. And I think that's to protect the integrity on both sides, so that people will have confidence in election results. And I think that would be a good thing for the country, don't you. Well, I agree that election should be above and well, you know, there's always been. It's a famous story of Kennedy. Well, Nancy Pelosi complained bitterly that twenty sixteen was stolen. Hillary said that Trump was an illegitimate president. Stacy Abrams still hasn't conceded her race. I don't see anybody upset about them complaining. Did you did you know what happened with Kennedy and West Virginia when he was running? How about Kennedy? Yeah? How about Kennedy in Illinois? Yeah, I know all about it. In West Virginia, his campaign manager sped through every small town in West Virginia and gave the sheriff five grand if he get them to vote for Kennedy and they won. So you approve of such things? Is that what you're saying, Moe from Brooklyn? What's that you approve of this? Well? I I think elections should be run fairly, and well you can't. How do you then? If you want them fair? Partisan observers should observe, chain of custody should be respected, signature verification and voter ID. It's pretty simple. It's not that it's not that rigorous a standard, Sean. Everybody knows what happens at the polls. You know, the lady who I go in and side assigned over for thirty years. I look at my signature over all the years I vote, is they're all different. Sub I'm never gonna I'm never gonna change your mind, but I'm trying. I've been trying, Moe for years. All Right, you'll give you the last word. The last squord I gotta say to is Sean, is I am so happy that you've done so well over the years since we've been talking. And I'm really proud and happy whenever I get a chance to call in and say hi to Yet, you know, I can't hate Mo. For the people in this audience. MO has been calling me for years, and we've been arguing for years, and I still look. There's something about the quality of your voice. It's just the sincerity that is infuriatingly nice. All Right, we God bless you, my friend. God bless your mom too. Okay, let's say hi, let's let's go to Texas. Maybe we can get some some reasonable viewpoints in Texas. Andrew, how are you. I'm good, Sean. Thank you for thank you for you do for a country every day. Man. And that previous college just reminded me of your dates with Alan Colmes. It was it was pretty cool just to just to hear that. Being By the way, we're praying for our friends in Texas. I know you guys. The temperatures are really low, the streets are really dangerous in a lot of places. A lot of prayers for our friends in Texas, and uh, hang in there. The temperature will come back and melt the ice and etc. Well we appreciate that. Yeah, we've got about five inches of snow down here in San Antonio and some ice too, so we're not used to that. But now I know, I know, and be careful with that ice. If it's on the pavement. You can't see it and so driving it can be treacherous. Just be careful. You know, if there's an older person living on your block, maybe you go make sure check in on and make sure they're okay. Maybe they if that power goes out, maybe you can lend them a space heater if you have one. Just you know, everybody helps everybody. Well, we will do that, man, Thank you, Thank you, Sean. What else is on your mind? Well, my question is I understand that since the acquittal this weekend, I'm looking at this in two parts. One, since Justice Roberts didn't preside and Senator Lahy is not Chief Chief Justice, we understand it is unconstitutional. But my big question is is that how is it that we can go forward, either as the American people or as you know, representatives and senators in Congress where they can bring a litigation suit all the way to the Supreme Court to clarify how Congress can impeach presents going forward. And the reason why I'm saying this is because I know we can't do anything about it now, but looking to the future, I know that's very murky, you know, in the Constitution of how how it has to be and it's very limited on the language of explanation of impeachment. So it's like, we can just impeach just to impeach. And what it does is it makes our country weaker, and it also makes our country weaker in the eyes of our enemies because we are just playing this political game. And then, you know, say in two years, we don't like what's going on and the Republicans get back in, we can just impeach you know, Joe Biden, we can impeach you know, Kamala Harris, We can impeach whoever we want. And I think, you know, we're setting a dangerous precedence going forward, um and not understanding the integrity of why it was it was done to begin with with our founding fathers. Look, is this all dangerous? Have we now? Have we now opened Pandora's box that impeachment is going to be at the drop of the hat if there was, If if the same standards used by Democrats where used by Republicans against Democrats, the answer would be yes. Do I expect Republicans will ever do that? No? You know, the one thing they didn't never learn from Trump is that you gotta fight hard, and Trump fought them hard. That's one of the main reasons he's so hated and exposed Republicans and Democrats Listen. I would argue that Donald Trump's election in twenty sixteen was as much about the Republican Party being weak and feckless and visionless and incapable of keeping promises that it created the door, the opportunity, the path for a disruptor to knock out seventeen other prominent Republicans win the nomination and then win the presidency. And you can see the passion by which people support Donald Trump in large park because he made promises, he kept him and he fights back. Now a lot of people are offended by him fighting back, and they feigned their outrage in the media, but Democrats usually stay pretty united. That's one big distinct. Anyway, Hang in there in Texas to Andrew. Praying for our friends down there, Eric and the socialist utopia of California. Next, Eric, how are you. I'm doing good, Sean, Thank you very much, and thank you for taking my call. Thank you. Try to keep it quick here so and get your answer first of all. Yeah, socialist California, but I'm not one of them. But we have to get out of here one way, one way or the other. But after the just complete sham of the impeachment and stolen election, my wife and I are you know, we're very conservative Republican patriots, but we are thinking of leaving America and we're not actors. And let me give you a quick background before I get your opinion on this. Um, my dad and my uncle were freedom fighters in the Hungarian Revolution of nineteen fifty six and they literally had to escape or they would have been killed for sure. And they did come here as legal refugees, became legal citizens, you know, the whole whole whole nine yards. Um. I've been going to Hungary since I was aged seven, so I grew up in a communist country. And um, besides, besides the election and the impeachment, Uh, just all the hatred and division in this country. And I don't see it going away going away anytime soon. UM. I mean, we're just we're just heartbroken. It's what that happened, you know. Okay, go ahead, sir, I'm sorry. Now in Hungary, UH, they have probably some of the safest borders in the world. Freedom of speech, capitalism, you know, no PC, none of the new words every day like canceled culture. I can you know, I can't even keep up. You know, it'd be like moving back to the thirties forties, and you know, we just want peace. And let me look, I don't have a lot of time, and I want to give you a full answer because you deserve one. I would rather fix this country because I don't think there's a better place on the face of the earth in America, and we need a strong America for the world to succeed. There's been plenty of articles written about the fact that twenty twenty, you know, we have more Americans now doing exactly what you're suggesting. The first half of twenty twenty broke a record of five thousand, four hundred and nine Americans again the first six months. They gave up their citizenship for a variety of reasons, and a lot of you know, it's taxes, its regulations, it's a lot of reasons. And I'd rather fix the country. I think the left is already overreaching, and I'd rather keep all hands on deck, focus on the things that we as conservatives know would work and be good for the American people, and to fight. To quote, all of the Democrats in a ten minute montage played last week. Fight and fight with all you've got for the principles that guide this country to success and prosperity and freedom. Liberty. The cause of liberty and freedom is it never stops. I would like to stay the United States of America. That's my first choice by far. All right, Hannity tonight, say edbr nine Eastern Fox News. We're loaded up. We have the three attorneys for Donald Trump, David Shoon, Bruce Caster, and Michael vander ven who had a big fight. Man, it was g just eviscerated this anchor on CBS over. Oh, just a little bit of manipulation of evidence. Okay, it's actually funny. We'll show it to you. Don Junior tonight, Dan Bongino tonight, Jason Chaffitz, Matt Gates, Janis Dean on the coronavirus New York Scandal. Nine Eastern say edbr. Hannity, Fox will see you then, thanks for being with us. Back here tomorrow,

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