The upcoming transportation bill is reported to cost $1.75 Trillion but estimates coming in are talking about the possibly costs being higher than $3 Trillion. Sean has the latest....
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All right, day one on nine. Can you believe it? In the media, they've they've moved on. They don't They don't seem to care a lick about the fact that we abandoned Americans, green card holders, military families, are Afghan allies. They just don't care and they don't report on it. It was Donald Trump, they would, but of course that's not gonna happen because that's just not the way they roll, is it. Um, We've got a lot to cover today. We have some numbers out. Biden's polling numbers underwater in every single battleground state. Morning Consultu Polling calculated Biden's approval rating with registered voters in every US state. The finding Biden is currently underwater in thirty two states, while he has a positive net approval rating in just eighteen states. Let me guess California, New York. When you zoom in on the battleground states, things look even worse for the White House. In the eleven states that port and considered battleground states in twenty twenty, Biden's approval rating is underwater and every single one of them Iowa minus eleven, Ohio minus ten, Arizona minus nine. Those battleground states, followed by Wisconsin minus seven, Pennsylvania minus five, Florida minus five, North Carolina minus five, Michigan minus four, Nevada minus three, Georgia minus three, New Hampshire minus two. If in fact that held for three years, he'd lose in a three sixteen to two two two electoral landslide. Majority of likely voters. Also, if you look at the Trafalgar pola just came out, that's Robert kahlier friend. Majority of voters in fact, blame Biden for the divisions among the American people. Anyway, to what extent do you believe Biden is responsible for the divisions of the American people? Yup, fifty four point two percent of likely voters Biden was responsible for these divisions. By the way, he did not get a particularly warm reception when he went to Minnesota yesterday. You know, let's go Brandon and f Joe Biden signed pretty much everywhere. Younger Americans, a key part of the Democratic Party socialist basse, have soured on Joe. Polling now, despite winning roughly three and five voters under the age of thirty, Biden's approval rating now slipping below fifty percent among the youngest segment of the electorate, according to a new Harvard Youth poll released earlier today. I mean it's there's nothing good here. There is no good, nothing good happening. By the way, that this guy Nie, who's the famous for being the science guy and a children's educational program back in the nineties, appeared on a TikTok video to promote the you know, multi trillion dollar Build Back Better, New Green Deal socialism bill. And during the eighty two second video, he's joined by Biden, who he referred to as Amtrak. Joe. Infrastructure is cool, he declared, video provides that's almost as bad as Kamala Harris hiring child actors, firing or communications director, just like Joe did. And then also, you know, it's the dumbest video I think I've ever seen any politician. Do you know, Biden again is out there lying claiming sending your kids to preschool will cause zero under build back Better will cost maybe zero for parents, but it's going to cost the rest of you know, this whole Marxism to each according to their need, from each according to their ability. That's not gonna work. Let them buy cars. Buddha judge by the Way has been blasted for urging Americans to get electric cars to save on fuel costs. Well, why don't we go back to the energy independence policies. That's the thing about Afghanistan. We no rescue. We can make a deal with the Taliman if you let our Americans out, or we're gonna bomb you into smithereens. We'll destroy you. We could do that. We can control the border. Just bring back the Trump policies, stay in Mexico policy, build the wall more, you know, end catch and release or process and release. You can do that too. You want energy independence, you want lower energy prices. You want to pay a buck fifty less at gallon. You want to save a thousand dollars heating your home. This winner, we'll just go back to being a net exporter of energy. We'll get rich, high paying career jobs in the energy sector. Let's get a bit back. Maybe we can and then stop Vladimir Putin's waiver, and we should be providing our Western European allies with all the energy that they need. Of course, we an't going to do any of this. It's you know that they can't admit that. When do you think most of the implation is coming from high cost. They're all associated with energy. It's a single best thing he'd have are due for the economy. We have information out that is pretty fabulous actually, because we've been telling you about all of these accounting tricks that are being used by the Democrats and they're build back better, New Green Deal Socialism. Now the gold standard is according to the Democrats, that would be the Congressional Budget Office, the other ones that concluded now three hundred and sixty seven billion dollars in costs and debt that we're going to put on our children and grandchildren. That's on the one point seven five trillion. Anyway, pen Wharton hardly an institution of right wing radicalism. They put together a budget model and this is on the Committee on the Budget in the Senate. And anyway, they issued a statement after the CBO committed to providing an extended ten year analysis of the provisions in the reckless New Green Deal Socialism bill. Please that let's see the CBO will be scoring build back better. But we already know the answer. But anyway, when the analysis was applied by the pen Wharton and we're talking about Wharton Business School, you pen talking about you know, an Ivy League education here. These people are a lot of things. They're not stupid anyway. And the Committee for Responsible Federal Budget independently, both these groups concluded that a ten years score in terms of the actual costs of the bill are not what Joe and Kamala and Jen Saki have been telling us that it doesn't. It costs zero one point seven five trillion, that's all it is. No. What they're saying is if you don't allow for sunsetting, in other words, using the accounting trick, Oh, well, the bill lasts for ten years, but we're only going to include one, two or three years factoring in what the cost of it is. When you actually put in the real cost and stop playing accounting games, it's over four point five trillion, rather than the one point seven five trillion or the zero that Democrats have been claiming. And these two separate groups again Penn Wharton their budget model and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget their budget model, and the CBO's initial three one hundred and sixty seven billion dollars estimate if the spending programs, you know, up to three trillion. By the way, they concluded three trillion off the spending programs are not sunset, so anywhere between three and four point five trillion, that's not zero, Joe Kamala, Jen, it's not zero. You're lying. There's like you're lying when you say, oh, what do you mean the four hundred and fifty thousand dollars to illegal that's never good. That's a garbage question. You need to stop talking about. And they start finding out, Oh, that is our policy. Who knows what's worse? Just like, oh, we don't need to test the illegal immigrants either, for COVID andre not going to be here very long. How many more of these lies are we going to take in the dark of the night, dispersing people with preferential treatment that are illegal immigrants that didn't respect our laws and sovereignty, the idea that we would pay them money if in fact they had family separation issues that would be their problem for coming here illegally. They cause that, but we're going to give them four and fifty thousand dollars that we can't afford. And then you can add you know, all of this together is a disaster for the country anyway the bill is written. If in fact, you get away with if you take out the accounting gimmicks. You know, one point seven five trillion becomes four point five trillion and increases the deficit three trillion. Oh, I guess that's going to cost us zero, right, Joe. It's just a big, fat lie on every level. And this is your new modern liberal Democratic Party. Now. One political issue involving this, and I had mixed reports on this today, and that is, you know, the Washington Post reporter that Mitch McConnell is open to a debt ceiling deal. And remember when was it September? He had been saying, the Republican said for four months, we will not assist the Democrats and raise in the debt ceiling. You know, then we're getting up on the final hour and Mitch McConnell caved. If Mitch McConnell caves this time, Mitch McConnell needs to not be the Senate Minority leader. We need a new We need some leader that will actually keep their word. Now, there is a conflicting report to be fair, because the Washington Post said one option to avoid the debt def vault scheduled for Friday, but Janet Yellen says it's the fifteenth of December is to work out a deal with McConnell in which Republicans were framed from filibustering and increase in the ceiling that Democrats would pass on their own outside the reconciliation process, even if Republicans won't vote for it. Now, you'd think McConnell wouldn't let that happen because he has the procedural parliamentary maneuvers that could prevent it. But when Punchbowl News asked McConnell about it, he seemed oddly conciliatory, saying he's discussing it with Chuck Schumer. All this is doing is buying Democrats more time to get their new Green Deal, radical socialism through the very opposite of what we ought to be doing for the country. The economy a thirty one year high with inflation, high energy costs, high heating costs, and everything else cost him more because of Joe's not only economic policies, but his energy policies. Now, on the other hand, publicly, Mitch is saying something else, and this was on Fox Business. He says, since Democrats decided to go it alone, they will not get Senate Republicans help with raising the debt limit. I've explained this clearly and consistently for over two months. But you know this now goes back to him making the same promise before I've explained it. You know, we do not have divided government. Democrats don't need our help. They have every tool to address the debt limit on their own. McConnell's comments up the ante between the two parties, and in the end, last time they McConnell caved. The Freedom Caucus has written McConnell and said, today the House of Representatives will pass over our objection, a continuing resolution to fund the government without ending any of Biden's very damaging, Unamerican and worst cases, unlawful vaccine mandates. As you know, the current government funding mechanism expires Friday night. Thus Senate Republican Conference enjoys the important leverage against those mandates. We therefore write to request that you use all procedural tools at your disposal to deny timely passage of the cr Continuing Resolution that it prohibits funding in all respects for vaccine mandates and enforcement thereof. I think they're onto something that's actually called fighting now. My guess is, and by the way, Donald Trump is urging McConnell not to cave again. He rebuked McConnell for having giving the Democrats a pass the last time. Mitchell Republican senators had them beaten. Didn't know it. We ended up with an unfrastructure bill which is only eleven percent infrastructure and morrise. He allowed a splitting of the bills with nineteen votes, including himself, which makes the Democrat rat's path or even a worst bill much easier. Use the debt ceiling. Mitch shows strength and courage. Our country's being destroyed. President's right, We'll see what happens. Stay tuned. I don't have a lot of faith in Mitch McConnell, and this is the last draw for me. Mitch McConnell caves on this again or doesn't procedurally stop it, it's the same thing. Eight hundred nine one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program I had if you roll along, Sean Hannity Show fed chair Jerome Powell yesterday. It's actually happening while we were on the air, retiring the word transitory and describing inflation. What's the White House's reaction They use the word transitory and temporary. You can't even make this up. Joe Biden is using every weapon in his arsenal to fight inflation. No he's not, Jensaki. No he's not begging OPEC and Russia to increase oil production when all you have to do is ask Texas and other states that would do more to reduce the thirty one year high in inflation than any other single thing you can do. By the way, home prices now an annual increase in nineteen point one percent. In September, Pelosi and Schumer blasting Trump for high gas prices. How could you blast Trump for high gas prices? Anyway? We found some tweets, this one in May of twenty eighteen from Chucky Schumer. Are you creeping along on fumes because hashtag gas prices are so high? I'll join Senator Cantwell, Senator Menendez, Senator Markie and push potus meaning Donald Trump to start fighting for lower gas prices for hard working Americans live in a few minutes, then we have Nancy Pelosi June thirty at twenty eighteen, Prescription drug prices are skyrocketing, Gas prices continue to rise, healthcare costs and premiums that through the roof wages are stagnant. What is the solution with Trump and Republicans in Washington proposed more tax cuts for the ultrawealthy. You can't make this stuff up. We're paying on average of buck fifty more gallon and paying more to heat and cooler homes, and paying a fortune for every single thing we buy, and we're gonna you know, now, you can take those words, those tweets, and you can eat them anyway. We'll continue hi twenty five now to the top of the hour. I didn't see the interview. We were just talking about it in the break. Apparently Alec Baldwin gave an interview. I assume Stephanopolos, right, he's the usual left suck up on ABC News. Can always count on Georgie, Little Georgie, you know um. All right, So he gave his interview and he claims he didn't fire a weapon. Yeah, this movie, it's really this this audio is so strange. Yeah, let's play it. If it wasn't in the script for the trigger pulled, well, the trigger wasn't put I didn't pull the trigger, So you never pulled the trigger? No, no, no, I would never point a gun anyone a pull a trigger at them? What did you think, how did a real bullet get someone put a live bullet in a gun bullet It wasn't even supposed to be on the property. I didn't pull the trigger. I would never aim a gun at anyone. Well, then, how the hell did this happen? Because every report up to this correct me if I'm wrong, there was that. You know, he thought it was a safe gun, was told it was a safe gun, and now he's saying he never even pulled the trigger. Yeah, he'd never ever point a gun at anybody. This feels very, very odd, and I there's also multiple witnesses who said that they saw him point the gun. So I'm just like, are they now going to be all recanting? I mean, I just something's really off here. I didn't pull the trigger on the firearm that killed one person wounded another. I would never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger at them. Never. In his first upcoming interview with Georgie Stefanopolos, all right, that is that is weird and that is bizarre. I mean, that's really bizarre. But you know, I will say this. He so we have a history with Alec Bold. He doesn't like us. I don't know, you know, and I'm not sure why we used to have these epic Twitter fights when I used to go on Twitter. I don't go on Twitter anymore. You know, I will say this, you know the few times that sweet baby James will print it out, and it's Twitter is not the same every conservative we used to have like eighty ninety percent of people on Twitter would like what we put up. Now it's like ninety hate. And I think the reason is conservatives have abandoned it in droves. They've just said they've had enough. And it's now now with this new CEO being, you know, a content censorer even worse than at Jack, it just it makes no point. Look, I don't know whose parlor looked like it had a lot of promise and it kind of didn't work out. There are other efforts of other people to put together a competitor to Twitter. I don't think the answers government government regulation. The problem is, you know, when you have freedom of speech and you want to really have this free speech form, Okay, what do you do when people post something that's so obviously bigoted, hateful and racist? What do you do then? What do you do? Do you just say that's part of it. Now they're saying on Twitter that, like, let's say you're at you know, one of the five hundred and thirty five riots that won't be investigated by Liz Cheney because she only cares about one where we lost dozens of Americans, thousands of cops injured, billions of dollars of property damage, arson and looting, etc. We're not going to investigate those. And you have the predetermined outcome of the January sixth Committee. It's predetermined. As soon as they kicked off Jim Jordan and Jim Banks, it was over and put on they put on Kinsinger and Liz Cheney. You know, Liz Cheney's sole motivation seems to be in life is to purge the Republican Party of Donald Trump, and if that means aligning and partnering with Nancy Pelosi and every Democrat that wanted to put her father and Scooter Libby in jail for the rest of their lives, the very people that called her father a war criminal and a murderer, the very people that called her father a crook. You know, I guess that shows where they stand. They seem to care so much about foreign policy, where's the criticism of Joe Biden's not standing up for Taiwan and Joe Biden's you know now that we learn from Miranda Divine's book sitting in meetings doing business deals with the communist Chinese or of course I'm gonna you're not getting the billion until you fire the prosecutor investigating my son being paid millions with no experience, not interested. Russia is now putting more troops on the border with Ukraine. Clearly it looks like another crimea in the making. That's another bad situation. Where's those Channey on that you live in Pennsylvania, Linda, So, did you happen to catch Doctor Os last night on the TV show? Yeah? He was great. I mean, you know, I think one of the interesting parts you know about Doctor Oz and him running for Senate and quite frankly, I'm all for any private, you know, practice, business person, truck driver, you know, average Joe. I'm not a politician running for office because I think they're going to be a lot more in touch with their constituents than any politician that is running around, you know, in office, and they're just in there for perpetuity. They don't care anymore, you know, somebody like a doctor Oz. You know, that was the wild card of Trump. So I had a kind of similar experience, a little bit different than when Donald Trump was thinking about running. And you know, i'd known him for you know, however many years, twenty years maybe at the time, I don't remember. And anyway, and he was thinking about running, and we had these you know, never ending conversations. At one point it became almost like nightly and this was him and him and I just talking about issues. And there were things that he actually, you know, convinced me of good ideas. For example, if we're gonna fight interract and they we ought to take their oil, for example, I'm like, yeah, we ought to give it to the families of those that have fallen aiding in assisting in Iraq getting their country back. Yeah, I agree with that. They should have to pay us, just like China should have to pay the whole world for this virus that they unleashed on everybody. And and Fauci, frankly is knowledge. He just keeps lying. I think Ted Cruz and Rampaul have been phenomenal on it. There's some one thing that really stood out, and he said this to me many times, in the course of the discussions because I said, listen, doctor Oz, and I got to know him during the early days of COVID because we'd all, you know me, I don't sleep, so i'm it's two or three o'clock in the morning, and he would always be making calls, you know, to European countries early late night, Eastern time, early morning their time, and ask questions about anecdotally, what do you see working, because we had nothing to work with at the time. I think it was April and twenty twenty when doctor Daniel Wallace, who works at Cedar Sinai, who had the largest lupus and rheumatoid arthritis practice in the country and was the premier expert on hydroxy cleric when said that the risk of taking it is nil. Now. There was no evidence at that time except anecdotally, that it might help. Turns out, now there are multiple studies, starting with the henry Ford Hospital study and then many other studies eighty four percent effectiveness in mitigating symptoms. I personally believe that monoclonal antibodies are by far the best and most underutilized weapon for people vaccinated and unvaccinated. They cake COVID but anyway, so I got to know him then, and then at some point you started thinking about this political career and we just started talking about politics. And I don't know, Linda, I think you probably remember, wasn't that long ago. Many people that I told people in twenty fifteen and sixteen that Donald Trump, if he was elected, would govern as a conservative. Remember I said that, Yes, you did. I really should name names because you know who they are. I mean people that said they were my friend, or people that I had helped in their career in some way, or you know, had a good relationship with. They were like eating me up and spitting me out. Yeah, it was repulsive. Well, but the difference was and I in a lot of ways. You know, my job is to be honest with my audience. And I knew the conversations I had and some of them were harsh. There was a back and forth on issues, and I wanted to know for sure if he was really if he really believed in lower taxes. I wanted to know for sure how we really felt about the bureaucracy and helped care and energy. I mean, we had so many discussions about energy, and we remember we did build you know, drill here, drill now, save pay less right with new Gangwige. We've done this. How many years ago did we do? We did get America back to work. I mean that was a huge project that we did, the Job Affairs. We did that in twenty ten to twenty twelve. Then we did the Conservative Freedom Caucus and Conservative Solutions Caucus. You know, we wrote that up in twenty fourteen. I mean, it's been non stop, and I've been consistent. I'm like, so I would say that. And then he governed more conservatively than any president by far in the modern era. And that means the Wall, and that means energy independence, and that means better, free er, fairer trade deals. I think foreign enemies, adversarial countries, hostile regimes. I think that a genuine fear of him. He beats the Caliphate, takes out Sloomani in an incredible, you know, display of our military might, Baghdaddy and associates the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. I mean incredible accomplishments. The economy pre COVID was what record after record low unemployment rate for every demographic in the country. Because conservatism work. So when I put my conservative credentials on the line, I don't do it lightly. Now. I have made mistakes. You know, Ben Sas the ass is probably one of them. I mean, he convinced all of us. But there's something about doctor Oz that really impresses me his knowledge level. I mean, I've talked to a lot of people that want to run from office, run for office that have never been in politics, a lot of them. And everything that he said on the border last night, everything he said on COVID about COVID last night, everything he said about the economy last night, everything he said about judges last night, everything he said about energy independence last night, I agree with. And conservatism is not that complicated and the policies work. I keep saying Joe could fix all of these problems, and that all these problems we're now facing crises if you will, we're all preventable. But there are also something we can fix. You know what As a conservative, if you haven't heard my one minute speel, it's I believe in liberty and freedom and capitalism, our constitution. I believe in low taxes, limited government, less bureaucracy instead of putting a stranglehold on business. I believe in choice and education. Let the parents decide. I believe in free market solutions to healthcare, medical savings accounts, healthcare cooperatives. Of course, we're going to take care of the poor and people that can't afford it, and those with pre existing conditions or compassion in a country. I believe that, you know, we need conservatives on the bench, constitutionalists that respect the role of the other co equal branches of government. I believe in free and fair trade, peace through strength. I think parents should have a role in our education. You know, I believe in putting my hand over my heart and standing for the pledge of allegiance and proudly saying, when you know, one nation, under God, hopefully prayerfully indivisible, we can resolve our differences. Liberty and justice for all that we are guaranteed life, liberty in the pursuit of happiness, not equal results. I want our boarders controlled. Is not complicated stuff. And the thing is is, every time we use conservatism and a conservative philosophy, now is he like Sean Hannity, know, he comes at it from a very different perspective. And anybody that's willing to give up the millions of millions and millions of dollars that he can make and syndicated television. Syndicated television is usually like the highest paying jobs in TV, because he wants to serve the country. And he went into this long explanation about why he feels compelled and called to run, and what this country has done for him, and how broken the system is, and how he basically sees, you know, the problem is the same way that any conservative would. I mean, what did you take out of it? I think one of the most important things that I took from what he said. And I respect him. I mean, he was terrific on the show all through COVID and came on every day no matter how little sleep he had gotten or how much work he had done. But I think the part where he said he wanted to give back to a country that had given him so much, and that, yeah, he doesn't have to do this, and yeah it isn't because you know, he really does feel calling, you know, And that to me was very reminiscent of trying. First I said to him, I said, why would you want to put yourself through that? Hell? Yeah, because everybody they're just gonna trash him every day. You're gonna get the crap kick Thattie every day. You know, he's answering, and that's the He goes to me, well, you get the crap kick Thattie every day. And I said, yeah, but I'm missing that ship. That gives a damn. But you also, you signed up for this, like you love the media, that's what you sign up for. Obviously he does too. He has clearly a very successful you know, multimedia enterprise, you know, doing what he does. But I think more thing he said, I want to serve. Yeah, that struck me because all these politicians they don't, don't they don't view themselves as servants, public servants, they don't. Oh god no, they could kill us