A Trump Sit-down Preview - 1.26

Published Jan 27, 2017, 12:55 AM

Sean's big interview with President Donald Trump is slated for 10pm ET tonight on Fox News.  Donald Trump has made his pick for Supreme Court and Sean previews the battle ahead.  What's the future of ObamaCare?   The Sean Hannity Show is live Monday through Friday from 3pm - 6pm ET on iHeart Radio and Hannity.com.

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. All right, So it's a brand new year, gentleman, and if relationship goals aren't at the top of your resolution list, guess what they should be now starting this year off with a romantic gift from our friends at one eight hundred flowers dot com. Well, that's gonna be the best decision that you make all year. Now. One eight hundred flowers has great deals on elegant and stunning bouquets, and right now, when you order a dozen multi colored roses for just one eight hundred flowers will give you another dozen plus a vase absolutely free, and that's fifty off the original price. So to order a dozen stunning roses, get an extra dozen and a vase for just just go to one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity. Now every bouquet is backed by one eight hundred Flowers on mile guarantee. If you're a loved one has any issue, one eight hundred flowers will always make it right. To order a dozen multi colored roses plus an extra bouquet and a vase for just just go to one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity. That's one flowers dot com slash Hannity. Hurry this offer end soon. All right, glad your weather. The Sean Hannity Show. We're in Washington, d C. One more day today. Are toll free. Telephone number is eight hundred nine four one Seawn if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Uh, we're wrapping up the week here. We'll be back in New York tomorrow. As we spent a full hour with the President today in the White House, including the Oval Office, for a very comprehensive interview. I mean, we talked about a lot. Let me give you and play for you. By the way, poor David Muir, oh my gosh, did you see that interview last night? He it's like they sent a little kid into do Diane Sawyer's job at ABC. It was so bad. He's so ill prepared. He so wants to be part of the end. I'm a journal on a journalist crowd in at New in the New York and and DC parties, and he got his ass handed to him on a planner by Trump and he thought he was being smart. One of the funniest moments. You know the Pew study I've I've often quoted it here about voter fraud in the country goes well. I called the guy that wrote the study, and the guy that wrote the study he said what he wrote in the study is not true and not on t Well, then why did he write the study? It was so funny. Uh, it was a bad interview. It was it did not help David Muir's career. And I'm thinking that, all right, does this guy have enough gel in his hair? As he got that real? Mr Anchor. Look, Brian Williams, I'm Tom BROKR nbcree News. You know one of these guys. And it's almost like he just had no idea what he was getting into. And he went in there with an agenda, and the agenda was to focus on all the issues that would quote be gotcha moments for President Trump. And in the meantime, he missed a whole lot of Now, before I play some of the interview that will air tonight for the full hour on Hannity, I just want to tell you the topics we hit on. We hit on extreme petting, we hit on the executive orders, the refugee executive order banning visas from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, and the State Department to stop issuing visas from people from those countries, and the halt of the entire refugee program for a hundred and twenty days, how it's not a religious test. We get into the issue of immigration and the wall, and the hiring of five thousand more border patrol agents, and how we'll triple the number of ice deportation officers and sanctuary cities, and you know, we get into all that tonight. Tonight on TV covered a lot of ground here. We get into the Supreme Court. We get into whether he should use the nuclear option, meaning Mitch McConnell in the Senate. We get into wo seeing the size of government. He wants a ten percent reduction in and spending in Washington, reduction in the DC workforce. We talk about whether he wants a balanced budget. We talk about infrastructure spending. You know, we talk a little bit about voter fraud, but I didn't feel like repeating. He said, I guess everything you could possibly say on it. Last night we talked about how corrupt the media is in general. You know, both other cable networks CNN, the Clinton News Network and MSNBC, which is worse than the Clinton News Network or just as bad, you know, in the New York Times calling him a liar. I can't imagine them ever doing this to to Barack Obama. So we get into that tonight. We get into other important issues Obamacare, what does he want the alternative to look like? The replacement to look like? Energy? Independence? And education? And you know, we talk about the economy and fifcent corporate tax, and we talk about trade in TPP and bilateral versus you know, big multi nation deals that that some of these guys are making. We talk about evil in our time. We talk about isis. We get into a long discussion about what do you hear? What he has to say on that. I'll play in a second. At least part of it. We talk a little bit about water boarding. I actually addressed David Muir. You know what I said about David Muir. He's pammering the present. First of all, we've ordered boarded three people and one of them was Khali Shake Mohammed. And if you remember, we interviewed the guy on this program that oversaw the entire program, and I asked this guy repeatedly. I'm can pull up the tape if you want. Um. What was his name? Rodriguez? And I asked him many times. Now, if we didn't waterboard the three people, including Khali Cheke Mohammed, would we have gotten to the courier which let us to bed Ladden. The answers, No, he said it so many times to me. And you know what is David Muir gonna do. Let's say he has a kid in his house, and let's say two thugs break in and home invasion, and one of one of the thugs grabs a young child. His child runs out of the house. The other guy runs out of the house. David Muir follows them, tackles the one guy that doesn't have his kid, the kid that the guy that has his kid, you know, speeds away in the car. But the guy you captured knows where your your child is. Really, you're not gonna water boardom. You're not gonna beat the living hell out of him till he talks. I am guilty. I'll do it gladly. I will I'll torture. There's no such thing I wouldn't do in a situation like that. Well, what's the difference. If we've got known terrorists that have information about about attacks and potential threats to our brave men and women in the military, really little water on the face that can't handle it. You know how many people like Ali North as part of their training get water boarded. Now, I'm not saying it's comfortable, but I don't believe it's torture. Anyways, we talk a lot about that. We talk about our relationship and repeat airing it with Israel. Way do you hear that answer? Wait? That was he gave a great right and by the way, it was simple. It was such a great answer. Um. We talked about Egypt and l CSI in the conversation he had, and we talked about whether he trusts the saudiast or whether he's talked to Putin? What would he talk to the mothers and Iran? Would he go to China? Would he talked to them? Um? I also talked a little bit about the power of pardons, and I brought up a name that you know familiar on the show. I won't mention it now you can watch tonight anyway. Let me play some of what happened. That's that's all coming up tonight. At ten. But here's a little part of it. We have evil that looks around the corner without the uniforms. Ours is harder because the people that we're going against dinn't wear uniforms. There's sneaky, dirty rats, and they blow people up in a shopping center, and they blow people up in a church. These are bad people. When you're fighting Germany, and they had their uniforms in Japan, and they had their uniforms, and they had their flags on the plane and the whole thing. We are fighting sneaky rats right now that are sick and demented, and we're gonna win. Will it be from the list that you gave out during the campaign answers yes? Will it be an originalist? I don't want to say that. You're gonna see on Thursday major decisions. I have made my decision pretty much in my mind. Yes. Now I'm it's subject to change at the last moment, but I think this will be a great choice. I'm going to keep as many as I can. You know, politics and stuff. Sometimes you make a promise and for some reason you can't because you have opposition on the other side that raises their hand and make it impossible, but I'm gonna keep a lot of them, and I've kept a lot of them already. Everyone's talking about it. And we're going to do things that I said we were going to do, and we're going to take care of a lot of people that were mistreated by government for many, many years. And that's really how I the election in the first place. Show and you know that better than probably anybody, Chuck Schumer, others threatening We've never had a Supreme Court justice filibustered, but there's a chance that might happen. If that happened, happens. Would you want Mitch McConnell to use the nuclear option? Yes, I would. You would be talking about we have obstructionists. These are people that don't want to I almost think they have. What they did to Jeff Sessions, who's a great man and a wonderful man, and then they delayed it another week because they have a one week delay option. That's not fair to a man. Other people are delayed. Uh, look at Pompeo for see, this is a great choice. Everybody agrees, and they've laid him a number of days also even though he was fully approved and voted on by you know, I mean, very very great choice, and that what why are they doing that? Or It's crucial for me is for the public to understand that Oba Marcure is a disaster, okay, because now the Democrats are saying, oh, it's wonderful, it's it's a horror show. You don't have your doctor, you don't have your plan, you have a hundred and six increases like in Arizona. It's a disaster. It's gonna be worse this year than was last year. It actually explodes in seventeen. And I told the Republicans, I said, look, if you really want to do something, just let it explode. And then they'll come begging us to fix it. Okay, begging, but that's not the right thing for the public because we have to get it fixed. But Obamacare doesn't work. It doesn't work. And President Obama told me something that was I thought terrific, and I believe he means it. He said, if you came up with a better plan, and you could get a better plan approved, he would support it. And I actually believe he means that. I do believe we're gonna have a much better plan. I think we're gonna have a cheaper plan I think it's gonna be a lot less expensive. They said Martin Luther King's bust was taken out of the oval off by me. It's there. So see, that's a very serious charge because they're not saying the bus has taken out. What they're saying is that I'm a racist. That's what they're saying. That's a very serious charge. Then it turned out the bus it wasn't. In fact, I got very angry at my people. I said, who took that bus step? Because I wasn't there? And they said it was never moved. It was in the same exact spot. It was never moved. I said, how could they say? A reporter said that it was taken out. But that's a very very serious charge because that's a racist charge. Then when it was revealed that they were wrong, nobody even talks about it. So that is part of just you know, if you're not playing gotcha, like you know, what have I been saying all week? I've been saying, oh, look at look at the media in this country. What are they focused on? Crowd size? They're they're focused on calling him a liar? That there are times twice this week from page CNN an anchor. I saw on MSNBC some guests and I'm thinking, wow, that And meanwhile, what's so fascinating about this? You have one of the most transformational, substantive, dramatic earthquakes that is going on, and all these guys that they're thinking about are the superfluous you know that every superfluous issue that they can think of to get, you know, to to just get the president. And that's why I was watching David Mural last night. I'm laughing to myself. I'm like, this guy is clueless. He has no idea what he's dealing with here, He has no idea who this president is. He knows nothing about. You know, one of the what the commitments he made to the country, he spent most of his time on water boarding, most of his time on you know, are you telling what was the the issue besides crowd size that they've been debating all week? What I can't hear you now? Not the bus that you know the media is calling him a liar? Oh yeah, the the illegal vot is you all right? So Pew Research actually did something on it and they actually said, yeah, it's true. And I read you that report earlier this week. I won't go over it again now, and it just tells you so. I did an interview with the Hollywood Reporter. I just put it up on my my Twitter account Hannity or at Sean Hannity if you want to go take a look at it and the headline of the story. I'm sorry, the Hollywood Reporter did it dot com and then you can go to at Sean Hannity on Twitter and see it, and the headline is, you know, Fox News is Sean Hannity declares journalism and America is dead. I'm gonna go over some of this interview, but I hope you'll watch tonight. I'll tell you why. I hope you'll watch because I consider myself like you, an irredeemable, deplorable that clings to my God, Bible, religion, and my guns. And the media has contempt for us and me having this opportunity to be in the White House this week and share it with you. You deserve to see this because you made this happen. And he keeps talking about serving the people. I'll get back into this when we continue bringing jobs back to America and getting America back door. This is the Shawl Show. I'm kinda admit I was quite entertained watching David Murror ABC News. I really did. I was texting with a bunch of friends of mine. We're laughing our heads off, and I at one point a buddy of mine goes, it's like they said, a little kid in high school to go do Diane Sawyer's job. It was that bad. And I thought he got his head handed to him personally because he went in he wanted to. He was he wasn't appealing to people, the people that voted for Trump, the people that are interested in fixing the country and getting people back to work, out of poverty, off of food stamps, back into the labor force. That's not what he was thinking about. What about torture? What about you lie? Didn't you? I checked in with a Pew guy on the facts and like, well, why did I read the story, you idiot? That's it's hilarious. So I was interviewed by actually a very nice woman, Marissa Guthrie, and she printed it accurately everything that I said, and I always appreciate that. With the Hollywood Reporter and the headline is Foxes, Sean Hannity declares journalism in America's dead. Yeah, I did. And it talks about how I saw I knew Donald Trump. I saw Donald Trump. Everything that I've seen this week is everything I knew would happen because I've known him all these years, and I he actually, I don't think he has any interest in all the pomp and all the celebrations and the inaugural speeches. I think he's interested in rolling up his sleeves and working. And I talked to him about that tonight, and I talked about how the media pretty much gets everything wrong about him. I talked about, you know, every person that's had a good impact. Well, what do you think of Sean Spicer's Saturday interview? I said, I thought it was pretty awesome, and I thought the media deserved it, and you know, especially on the issue of the MLK bus being removed from the Oval office. And then we talked about alternative facts and crowd numbers and all this. When Kelly and said alternative facts and saying, okay, that's your interpretation, let me show you our interpretation. It's that simple. She wasn't talking about this. Yes, there's only one fact, but nobody has a fact checked actual number. If you look at the pictures it's dramatic, and the crowd was massive, and you know, then a bunch of other things that came up in all of this, and I the very thing that I on that interview on ABC last night is what I was explaining in this article. This guy goes in there and all he wanted was a gotcha moment so that he could show up at these elite journalist parties that I've never been invited to, and and they're gonna pat him on the back and say, what a good little person you are. UM, But it didn't work out that well for him and UM anyway, So the person that I know that I described as a guy that rolls up to the sleeves is fights when he's hit. And if he fights for his country as hard as he defends himself, that's gonna make for a good president for the United States of America. All Right, we'll come back the other news of the day, the interview with Donald Trump, White House and ten Eastern tonight for the full hour. So, like many of you, I used to suffer from insomnia. No matter what I did, I just couldn't get a perfect night sleep. Well, then I met Mike Lindell, the inventor of my Pillow. He got me fitted for my very own my pillow, and it's changed my life. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred four six seven nineteen sixty two use the promo Coach Shawn to take advantage of Mike's two for one offer. Now my pillow is made right here in the USA, has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and day tenure warranty. And by the way, you can even wash it and dry it. Just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred four six seven nineteen sixty two promo Coach Shawn to get Mike's special two for one offer. Broadcasting from Washington, d C back in New York tomorrow the full one hour interview tonight with Donald Trump in the White House. You know one thing I want to say is, and I've said this before, those of us that are irredeemable deplorables, Those that you know are bitter and cling to our God, guns, Bibles, and religion. As Obama once said, um, I've often said about this election, everybody's a spoken the wheel, and people have said to me, thank you for you know, for being my spoke. I'm one spoke at the center. I guess of the wheel is is Donald Trump himself going out there, putting himself out there, taking the heat, taking all incoming and fighting hard to win a nomination because he wants he wants the country. He has a very different vision for the country than as do others. And so I've spent this week now in Washington, and we've been four times now over to the White House. And tonight we will take you into the White House with the interview first cable interview with the President, and then we'll he'll take us on a little tour of the Oval Office and we'll have those images for you. And I want you to know something that, but for all of you that made him the president, this interview doesn't happen. The last interview I did at the White House was the last exit interview with President George W. Bush. In that interview, I said to him, because we already knew Barack Obama was the next president. It was in January of two thousand and nine, just before Obama was inaugurated, just a couple of days before George W. Bush left the White House and I said to him at the time, I guess it's gonna be a long time before I'm back here. At least at that time I knew it was four years. But you know, the one thing I would recommend to you. I know they do have White House tours that are available. I think there's a website. You sign up, you take your kids, and if you can't do it, if it's not realistic, I mean, it's vacation time. Maybe that's not at the top of you vacation list, but at least if you watched like tonight's interview, you get to see things that you made happen and the person you put in there. And that's something that as somebody that looks at myself as a peer of all of you, and we all were one vote trying to get this country turned around. Could you imagine how you would feel today if she was your president. It wouldn't feel good and I wouldn't be here. I can tell you that right now. But it's kind of cool. And uh, Lauren for the first time, who works with the sweet baby James didn't want to go. I can't believe it. Um, he's busy. He's always focused on making sure the technical aspects of the show work on the road, and that's important for him. Um, it's just a pretty amazing experience when you're in there, and uh, I'm glad from that reason alone. I hope you'll watch tonight because you made that happen. The people made that happen. And the day after election day at what did I said, thanked all of you irredeemable deplorables, all you bitter people like me. Um. Now there's a lot of news happening today as a result. We told you yesterday. What was happening the executive orders today, well, you know, banning visas from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libyas, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, in other words, the extreme vetting promise on immigration, the building of the wall, the increase of border patrol agents at five thousand and tripling, the number of ice deportation officers targeting sanctuary cities. UM, and a victims advocacy office for victims of crimes by illegal immigrants. That's all part of it. And yesterday it was kind of cool the President met with and he's been very faithful to the people. He made a promise to in particular those that lost loved ones too, that were killed by illegal immigrants. People I've gotten to know and love. One of them is going to be in our studio here at the top of the next hour. Steve Ronaback his twenty one year old son Grant was working in a quick trip in Arizona and got shot in the face and killed by an illegal immigrant. And uh, in that particular case, this guy had had been guilty of a home invasion and kidnapping and raping a woman for a week, and he got out of jail and we let him stay in the country. Then Laura Wilkerson, a lovely, lovely, lovely woman who lost her eighteen year old son brutally beat and strangled, tortured to death by an illegal immigrant, and he was brought to the United States by his parents, a so called dreamer. All you can't, you can't send the kids home, Hannity, I don't know, Okay, how would you feel if it was your kids? So we'll get into that at the top of the next hour. But so the meeting that was supposed to our car I think it was the thirty first between the President of Mexico and the President and President Trump has now been canceled, and uh, it's interesting to watch a couple of things happen. Well, now we see my initial reaction when the Mexican president decided to cancel after Trump said it's probably a good idea. It tweeted it out this morning, and Trump holds all the cards. Mexico has no leverage here. We don't need them, they need us. And anyway, so the Paso is now tumbling. Meanwhile, the Dow was over twenty thousand. And you know, we see company after company announcing billions of dollars in investment because of the regulations that are gonna be wiped away and the lower corporate taxes that are going to be put in place. Anyway, so the paso's tumbling again today, and it went down after President Nieto announced they had canceled the meeting with Trump, and then Trump responded by saying, good, we'll have a tax on imports from Mexico, and he's gonna push for that. Now. My bed is Mexico will sit down renegotiating after probably and I get into this with the president tonight. He'd prefer to have all bilateral negotiations with these countries now. As part of this, also, Donald Trump is planning to keep the American people informed about the rising tide of crimes that are committed by illegal immigrants in Americans sanctuary cities. And he's now ordered the Homeland Security Department to begin releasing the name and shame list of sanctuary cities, listing the specific crimes such as murder or robbery committed by those who have been released back into communities under these sanctuary policies. I bet you as soon as the public begins to become aware of what's actually happening, they may have a different take. And remember, are the corrupt, all left radical media in this country. Donald Trump has called all Mexicans rapist and murderers when he said some and the fact is that's true. Some are. And you'll meet two parents who lost their children that were killed by illegal immigrants, and that's coming up at the top of the next hour. I noticed that Obama's handpicked border patrol chief has now stepped down. I guess after Donald Trump said he's gonna have to do his job, he said, don't forget it this. You know, they've been ordered now for such a long time not to work. I guess these guys are used to putting up their feet ice cream, hot coco. Maybe they even have massage therapy, pet therapy, crayons, legos, coloring books. Who knows. So um, that's gonna be interesting to watch this whole thing on fold. But the bottom line is is one person in control of all this, and it's Donald Trump. You know, just look at the agenda, look at what he's done with energy independence, the Keystone Pipeline, DA Coda Pipeline tppach Aid Mexico has meetings set up tomorrow with the Prime Minister of Great Britain, for one with the Prime Minister of Canada, the Prime Minister of Israel. I asked him about our relationship with Israel tonight. He gave an incredible short answer, it's really it's it's really good, and I think you'll enjoy that. But you know, and I'm talking to reporters. I talked to John Roberts today and I don't think he would mind me saying this publicly. He said, I've been here for years. I've never seen activity like this in a week ever in my life. You know, for all you never Trumpers out there, you know, next week you're gonna get a Supreme Court nominee. Maybe he's not going to be perfect, but I know that the people on that list were approved by the Federal Society and the Heritage Foundation, all of them. I've been getting some calls from some of my conservative friends, Oh, I hope it's not this one. I hope it's this one. I hope it's not that one. And I went over who seems to be the top three or four at this point. But at the end of the day, none of them or anything like what Hillary Clinton would be appointing. So if you look at the agenda of Trump, vetting refugees, building a wall, um, cutting taxes for the middle class, for corporations, eliminating Obamacare, replacing it with free market solutions. If you look at his position on education, if you look at his position on the military, look at his position on on veterans, look at his position on isis you know what part of this agenda that I know most described as populist nationalist, which is true because he says America first, and he doesn't want to get entangled in foreign conflicts neither. Why especially after Vietnam and the Iraq War, where these guys fight, bleed and die and win, and then we end up giving it back because we don't have the political wherewithal to maintain the victory that they fought so hard for or died for. How do you tell the mother of a of a brave soldier that won Mosul or Ramadhi or for Lusha, Oh we gave it back to isis you know your son? He was great at a sacrifice? Sacrifice for what? At that point, because they politicized wars in Washington. After these guys go do the fighting and the bleeding and the dying, we can't do that to these people anymore. It's it's unconscionable what we do anyway. So, uh, you know, tell me, Mr never Trumper is out there, National Review, Wall Street Journal, Weekly Standard, Billy Boy Crystal, you know, tell me what part of this is not conservative? Tell me what part of the Sean Hannity was wrong about. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this because it's just a waste of time. The State Department's entire senior management team just resigned. How great is that? Because that is the swamp in Washington. The President is now preparing orders aimed at reducing dramatically, and I hope are are f I nancial contribution to the United Nations. I'd love that that would be. That's that's a great first step. I am. The White House is cleaning house. Absolutely, they were fired. You think, well, it's not written up that way. Oh that there's fired. Okay, good, they're cleaning house anyway the way it's reported in the Washington Post. Just so you know, Linda, I don't know if you're talking on air or just in my year because I was just talking in your ear. But yes, WAPPO is supposedly misreported along with a few other sites. And the headline on the Washington Post is the State Department's entire senior management team just resigned. Right. It's it's considered now fake news. And we've just provided some more sources on handy dot com that they were actually fired by the White House. All right, good for that. Now, sanctuary cities, this is gonna be interesting to watch, you know, Comrade de Blasio could lose as much as seven billion dollars in New York. That's great. You got nutball democrats. This was in the UK Daily Mail, The Madonna. I've contemplated blowing up the White House brigade. They want to strip Trump of the nuclear code, Well, who are we gonna give it to Obama's there's these people are absolutely nuts. Hillary praised the let's blow up the White House march, and uh, Trump prepares to fill the Justice Department with biggots, racist and those who support them. You know, all these all these articles that are written are just so ignorant on so many different levels. You want to talk about something pretty disgusting though, So during David Muir's beat down last night by Trump, maybe if he wore a little less gel it would have helped him. I mean, I'm watching this guy and he's like, he's got the perfectly formed anchor look whatever that is. Meanwhile, I'm in jeans every day. I made an exception for going to the White House this week and I wore my suit, and I'm thinking, wow, he he really wants to appeal to that that elitist crowd in New York and d C. Anyway, during the interview with the President, they aired a promo on ABC for a show about the press that being assassinated. While they're airing an interview with the President, you guys have to be kidding me. Did you see this school teacher? This was on Gateway Pundit. I also saw it on Twitter last night. A lot of my tweet friends, my Twitter friends sent it to me. High school teacher in Texas decided it would be a good idea to film herself conducting a pretend assassination of Donald Trump and then send it out to the world via Instagram. What is room with these people? And I guess Madonna would be really proud of this lady. Anyway, this is a spokesman for the Dallas Independent School District told The Gateway Pundit that the district is investigating the video that chose the teacher acting out. She's literally in the classroom what looks like a water pistol shooting at an image of President Trump. I guess that's on the TV or on a screen, screaming, Die Die. She fires the water pistol about a dozen times, point blank range at a large video image of Donald Trump at his inauguration that was projected on the white board of a at the head of a classroom. What is wrong with these people? There's so nuts anyway, So New York, Comrade de Blasio is gonna be in trouble. He could lose seven billion dollars. I want to see if he goes through with that promise. I doubt he will. I don't think he has the wherewithal to do it anyway. Shawn is our toll free telephone number now at the top of the hour. Okay, Donald Trump, remember he said, yeah, some some people come from Mexico other countries illegally and they kill Americans and rape. Well, you're gonna meet two parents that lost their children. They actually met with the President yesterday as the President went forward with the executive orders and went to the Department of Homeland Security and said, you can now go back to doing your jobs. Enforce the laws of the land. We don't have to change the laws, just enforce the ones we have. You'll meet them. The Republicans are meeting in Philly today. The leadership and Donald Trump spoke to them. The President spoke to them to day. And so what is Congress gonna do with the Trump agenda. We'll check in with Congressman Roger Williams of Texas and uh, we'll have my interview tonight at ten. Obviously, Mexico canceling the meeting with the US and then we have more on the snowflakes and the snowflakes superstorm from d C. Sean Hannity, all right, as we wrote along from our nation's capital, Washington, d C. It's a Shawn Hannity Show. A lot coming up today. Remember our full one hour interview at the White House and including a tour of the Oval Office with President Donald Trump. When we come back, the issue of immigration in front and center, with the executive actions, the building of the wall, ending of sanctuary cities, and much more. You'll meet two parents impacted, both having lost their children because of illegal immigrants killing them. And then you'll meet Representative Roger Williams. He is at the confine going on down or combine going out un Philly, and I'll tell us what Republican lawmakers are saying. And I'm very happy about it, and you're very happy about it. From here on out, I'm asking all of you to enforce the laws of the United States of America. They will be enforced and enforced strongly, because people are surprised to hear that we do not need new laws. We will work within the existing system and framework. We are going to rea stall the rule of law in the United States. For these families, it's been one injustice after another, but that all turns around beginning today. We're joined here this afternoon by parents whose children were horribly killed by individuals living here illegally. I will now read these parents names and ask them to stand. Many have become friends of mine over the last two years and have supported me so dearly, and I appreciate it. Mary Anne Mendoza, who lost her son, Police Sergeant Brandon Mendoza. Fred fundering Burgh and his son James, who lost Billy. Billy was Fred's son and James's brother. Billy's wife, Natalie, was also killed by an illegal emigrants, somebody that should never ever have been here. Laura Wilkerson, who lost her seventeen year old son, beautiful Josh. Josh was special. Where's Laura? Good? Laura? Thank you, Thank you. Carrie Louise and Lucia Roussis Jr. Who lost their young daughter Felicia. Thank you, beautiful Felucia, Thank you very much. Thank you. Stephen Ronabeck who lost his twenty one year old son Grant, Thank you, s Tod. And we have many others with us from remembrance and from other groups. And these are incredible people that have endured so much, and I just want to thank everybody for being here, very very special people poking. What are you gonna say to you some of your supporters who might say, wait a minute, I thought Mexico was going to pay for this right at the start. Well, let's say very simply that they are going to pay for it. I never said they're going to pay from the start. I said, Mexico will pay for the wall when this construction began, as soon as we can, as soon as we can physically do it. Where uh the months, I would say in Mantya, I would say, And certainly planning is starting immediately. Alright, our two of the Sean Hannity Show. Right down our toll free telephone number as we continue to broadcast from our nation's capital. It's eight nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. That was the President yesterday speaking before the Department of Homeland Security, and also two families who had lost loved ones that were killed by illegal immigrants in our country. Remember, so much was made when he first comes down the escalator and announces he's running for president, and he said some some have committed murder and rape, which was true, and the media just you know, went off on him as if he was calling all Mexicans race, all Mexicans murderers and rapist. Wasn't true. Now we have an update on the issue. The President and the Mexican President have canceled their scheduled meeting for next week as a result of Donald Trump a building the wall and Donald Trump be demanding that they'll pay for the wall. So they're playing, I guess a little hard to get. But at the end of the day, now that they have lost so many companies that we're going to build their like Carrier in Ford and GM and the Chrysler and all these other companies, UM, I guarantee you Mexico will be back at that table anytime soon and they will eventually take a better deal as it relates to NAFTA, or they have no choice. They're really not in the negotiating position. If they want American dollars, if they want American products, if they want American uh, if they want some of their their citizens to be working in America. You know, Donald Trump, as we have this interview tonight, UH later Tonight on Hannity, we we talk about immigration and building the wall, and we talk about extreme vetting of refugees and his Supreme Court appointment that he will announce on Thursday, and his desire to balance the budget and a ten percent reduction in spending, in a reduction in the workforce, and how much money we can spend on infrastructure, and uh, a little bit on the voter fraud thing, but they went into that also the media bias that is so abusive in this country, and Obamacare and energy independence and education and the growth and how do we how do we get to a fifteen percent corporate tax rate and what does it mean? And trade policy and isis being even what do you hear his comments about isis tonight wow? And its comments about Madonna tonight wow? Um. But anyway, we talk about water boarding, we talk about all of these topics. That's ten Eastern Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Now two of the people that were were with the president yesterday are with us on this program today. Because if maybe it hasn't impacted your life. Now, I went down to the border on I've viewed it on helicopters, horseback, all terrain vehicles. I've seen the tunnels that were built under underground from Mexico to San Diego into an office building. I've seen drug warehouses Florida, ceiling massive room packed with drugs. We know people have had their loved ones murdered. One of them is here with us in our DC studio, Steve Ronnebec. And you heard the President mentioned his twenty one year old son, Grant. Well, Grant was working at a quick trip in Arizona, and it was early in the morning and a criminal came in and wanted cigarettes, and Grant was giving them the cigarettes that he was stealing. And he happened to be happened to have been released by Ice on a ten thousand dollar bond. In other words, he was already somebody that we knew was a criminal. And then he ended up shooting Grant Rennebec and killing him after he shot him in the face. This murderer was a self proclaimed member of a drug cartel, previously accused of a violent crime home invasion and a weak long kidnapping rape attack. And also Laura Wilkerson and I got I've got to know both these people. In the course of the last two years or eighteen year old son josh Joshua brutally beaten, strangled, tortured to death by young illegal by young illegal immigrant, and he was brought to the US illegally by his parents when he was ten years old. In other words, a dream kid, as we keep talking about them. Um uh, Steve, it's good to see you again. I wish I knew you under better circumstances. Thanks, Sean, Uh, you know, it's it's it's an honor to be here. And you've done so much for all of us in the fight against illegal immigration, and we all appreciate you for that. But you know, I said this to you before you came on the air today. I don't know how a parent ever recovers when your child is killed. I you know, I'd like to think I have a pretty high capacity for stress. I have a pretty high capacity of a working hard I do this, what I don't know if I recover or make it. You know, put a bottle of vodka in my hand every day, and That's probably how I'd survive. Yeah, and trust me that that would have been really easy for me to do. And instead of doing that, I decided to start fighting. Um, you know, and that's how I channel my grief. It's it's you never get over losing a child. I've I've never gotten over losing grand You never will and I never will. I mean, I was telling somebody the other day that the thing I missed the most I miss hearing his voice. I mean, I've got pictures, I can see him, but I can't hear his voice. Probably the most awful thing in my life. This is the personalizing of and real life stories of real suffering, real Americans because we have been reckless and have had open borders. Laura Wilkerson, I've I've gotten to know you, love you, think the world of you. I know you have met the President many times, you lost your son. How is everything for you? Yesterday? Yesterday was fantastic. It felt like a relief, if you know, the works just beginning now again in a different sense, but it was the relief. And I always counted on him to do what he said you would do, and yesterday was just the culmination of that. So it was absolutely a great day for us to be there with him during that. You know, it really does bring home to maybe people that don't fully comprehend or understand the issue now what the President is doing is he has now ordered the Department of Homeland Security to build the border wall. He has ordered an increase of five thousand Border Control patrol agents, and executive order that will triple the number of ICE deportation officers, UH in order to target sank to our cities. An executive order that will create a Victim's Advocacy Office for victims of crimes by illegal immigrants. And the order requires captured illegal immigrants to remain in custody and custody until deportation. And UH is that enough for you? Uh, Steve run about absolutely. I mean, it's he's keeping every promise that he made to us. You know, I know that Laura and I both have have met with the President and uh when he was on the campaign trail, and you know, these are things he promised us. This is I'm gonna do this, this this will stop today and yesterday was the fulfillment of that promise. Isn't it to me? It's unbelievable how many of these politicians do not have the courage of their convictions and make promises that are meaningless. And it's like he's going through his checklist at the speed of light, Laura. Um, I was there when he made the promise to you personally. Yes, that's right. We we never doubted he would and it was so so great to be there yesterday. And you know, we've got to right this wrong. We've had a long time of dismantling, you know, our our border. And I'll tell you what. Those men yesterday's board patrol cheered when Mr Trump asked them, are you are you ready to go back to work? You know, like you know how to do. And everyone cheered and it was so exciting because I know their hands have been tired, I mean have been tired, and you know they can go back to doing the job that they were hired to do. And so it was absolutely a great moment yesterday for them as well. You know, Steve, you promoted what's called Grant's Law, the Stop Catch and Release Act, and it would amend existing law demandate the detention of all illegal aliens convicted of crimes. Do you feel that this will achieve that goal? Oh? Absolutely, And you know now it's Congress. It's Congress's turn to turn that executive action and make it a standing law. Um. You know, basically, what it says is that again ending catch and release. Right now, we have over a hundred and seventy thousand illegal alien criminals UM who have their final orders to be removed and they're not being enforced. It's almost incomprehensible, isn't it. I mean it's crazy. There are approximately Laura two point one million legal or illegal immigrants with criminal evictions living free or behind bars in the US. According to ices Secure Communities Office. Each year, about nine hundred thousand UM, if you look at it, nine hundred thousand legal and illegal immigrants are arrested. Seven hundred thousand of them are released from jail prison and it's insane. You know, it's time to get them out. I mean that that would be the very least. To start with the criminals, you know, the ones that have committed crimes here other than just coming in the country illegally. You know, start with them mass deportum and let's get that wall up or they can't come back. Yeah, I agree. Um, how are you doing, By the way, I haven't talked to you in a while. I remember we did the show together and you were amazing. Thank you. I've been good. It's like stead you know, you never get over this but you learned to manage your days. Um, you know, learned to manage the pain. You kind of just learned to live around it. It's always going to be there. But yeah, I'm doing good and I'm getting up and ready to fight this year again. We're gonna do Um. I was asking your listeners to go to enforce the law dot org and we're going to do a pushback against these sanctory city and I'd like them to know a little bit about my story there, and then we want to go around and explain to people what's sanctuary city isn't nobody gets sanctuary from the ball you're going to church, Well, sanctuary means aiding and abetting lawbreaking. But I've got to let you both go. Laura love you and Steve love you too. Um Uh, you guys have made a big difference. And uh, I'm pretty thankful that we have a president that's keeping his words. So absolutely, thank you. Thank you guys, for God is forgotten no more. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, As we continue Sean Hannity Show, we are in Washington, d C. Donald Trump the President for the full hour tonight, Hannity on the Fox News channel. There's hardly a topic we don't touch on, so hopefully you can join us for that. The d v R. We've got Pat in California. What's up Bett, how are you? Yeah? Sean? This is that Hi? Thank you for taking my call. Yes, ma'am, I just got done watching the GOP speech and talk about unity. I'm so I'm so proud of everybody out there doing the best they can do. And but that's not really why I called. I called the event from yesterday in the day before about the Women's March. They did not represent me, and now we're hearing more and more women are saying the exact same thing, which makes me happy. This march totally consisted of loud mouth, immature cry babies that are sore losing Democrats. They are they are. I'm not going to give it away, but I asked him about Madonna's comments about I'm thinking about thought seriously about blowing up the White House. I think you'll like his answer tonight. Good. Great, Well, they are Trump haters. Many of them are non voters, and Sean, some are probably illegal aliens just to name a few. But they're just These protesters are just starving for attention from TV and social far left media and and um. They will never represent or be a voice for many of the peaceful, loving, intelligent, classy, and hard working women in America. And there are many more of us than them. These immature, vagina waiting Democrat think it's okay to act up in public by raising their disgusting signs and speak out such vulgarity that in reality is far harsher than Trump's so called locker room comments. This is asinine, and I hope they grow up as a gay woman. I suggest these protesters stop the hatred and we all should just stop watching the lies coming from the certain Democrat television channels. You know. Let me just ask you, isn't it interesting that, you know, probably the most outspoken person against radical Islamic sharial law are conservatives and people like me, And I keep pointing out they're killing innocent women and men that are gay and throwing them off rules, and people say, well, you don't support changing the definition of marriage. I mean, where are your priorities here? You know, Hillary Clinton has taken money from countries to treat gays and lesbians his way. What is is your reaction to that? I heard all that. I don't know what they're listening to, and and shame on them. I have learned so much just by listening to you and to Trump and to the history that new rage people are putting out there. It's out there. If you want to learn it, you can watch and learn it. If you don't like the source, go find something different. But they do. This whole thing about the gay thing is crazy. It's crazy. Well, I can tell you most people, and I know I think most people are pretty mature in thinking you're an adult. You live in a free society, and it's you want to know about my sex life? Really? Would you want to know about that? Probably not cares you know what I did not it cares about your sex life? Had that's right? Who you know what? I didn't vote for President Trump to get married or to you know, all this stuff is just crap. And you know what, I want to read a Bible verse before we hang up. You got to do it quick, as the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining. It's beautiful verse. Bet God bless you. Thank you for your call, and we'll continue fighting together. Okay. Nine for one, Shawn told free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. When we come back, we'll check in with Congressman Roger Williams of Texas. He's at the retreat in Philadelphia. Straight ahead, we have evil that looks around the corner without the uniforms. Hours is harder because the people that we're going against they don't wear uniforms. There's sneaky, dirty rats, and they blow people up in a shopping center, and they blow people up in a church. These are bad people. When you're fighting Germany and they had their uniforms in Japan, and they had their uniforms, and they had their flags on the plane and the whole thing. We are fighting sneaky rats right now that are sick and demented, and we're gonna win. Will it be from the list that you gave out during the campaign? Answers yes? Will it be an originalist? I don't want to say that. You're gonna see on Thursday decisions. I have made my decision pretty much in my mind. Yes. Now I'm it's subject to change at the last moment, but I think this will be a great choice. I'm going to keep as many as I can. You know, politics and stuff. Sometimes you make a promise and for some reason you can't because you have opposition on the other side that raises they handed and make it impossible. But I'm going to keep a lot of them, and I've kept a lot of them already. Everyone's talking about it. And we're going to do things that I said we were going to do, and we're going to take care of a lot of people that were mistreated by government for many, many years. And that's really how I won the election in the first place. Show and you know that better than probably anybody, Chuck Schumer, others. Threatening We've never had a Supreme Court justice filibustered, but there's a chance that might happen. If that happened, happens. Would you want Mitch McConnell to use the nuclear option? Yes, I would, you would? Would about we have obstructionists. These are people that don't want to I almost think they have. What they did to Jeff Sessions, who's a great man and a wonderful man, and then they delayed another week because they have a one week delay option. That's not fair to a man in other people are delayed. Uh, look at Pompeo for ce A. This is a great choice. Everybody agrees, and they've laid him a number of days also even though he was fully approved and voted on by you know, I mean, very very great choice, and that what why are they doing that? Or It's crucial for me is for the public to understand that Obamacare is a disaster, okay, because now the Democrats are saying, oh, it's wonderful, it's it's a horror show. You don't have your doctor, you don't have your plan, you have a hundred and sixteen percent increases like in Arizona. It's a disaster. It's gonna be worse this year than was last year. It actually explodes in seventeen. And I told the Republicans, I said, look, if you really want to do something, just let it explode. And then they'll come begging us to fix it. Okay, begging, But that's not the right thing for the public because we have to get it fixed. But Obamacare doesn't work. It doesn't work. And President Obama told me something that was I thought terrific, and I believe he means. He said, if you came up with a better plan, and you could get a better plan approved, he would support it and I actually believe he means it. I do believe we're gonna have a much better plan. I think we're gonna have a cheaper plan. I think it's gonna be a lot less expensive. They said Martin Luther King's bust was taken out of the Oval office by me. It's there. So see, that's a very serious charge because they're not saying the bus has taken out. What they're saying is that I'm a racist. That's what they're saying. That's a very serious charge. Then it turned out the bus it wasn't. In fact, I got very angry at my people. I said, who took that bus step? Because I wasn't there? And they said it was never moved. Was in the same exact spot, it was never moved. I said, how could they say that? A reporter said that it was taken out. But that's a very very serious charge because that's a racist charge. Then when it was revealed that they were wrong, nobody even talks about it. All right, glad you're with us twenty two now told the top of the hour. That is just a small snippet and sample of this wide ranging interview. The full hour of this interview with the President Donald Trump from the White House. We also take a tour of the Oval Office that you'll be able to see tonight. You heard him. They were talking about isis a sneaky rats and he's made up his mind on the Supreme Court, and he expects that he will announce it next Thursday. He encourages Mitch McConnell if there's obstructionism, to use the nuclear option. He I asked him, do you plan on keeping all your campaign promises? Yes, he does, repealing and replacing Obamacare. You heard the answer there the press being dishonest. We talk about his executive orders. We talk about refugees. We talk at length about immigration, the Supreme Court, about a ten percent reduction and spending and balancing budgets and a reduction of the workforce. We talk about infrastructure spending, do you pay as you go? We talk about UH for some voter fraud issues. The media in general. We talk about We talk about isis evil in our time? We talk about water boarding. We talk about, for example, relations with Israel and Egypt and l c C and the Saudis and Putin and the Mullas and Iran and China and even Madonna that comes up, and the power of the pardon. We talk about his personal life, his experience now be and in the White House for what is now his sixthful day and joining us. Now there is a retreat. The President, after my interview, went to Philadelphia and he spoke to a retreat of top Republican congressional leaders in the Senate, in the House. And one of those people that are there and has been there is Representative Roger Williams of Texas, was a big supporter of Donald Trump for president. How are you, sir, I'm doing good, Sean, How are you today? You know, if you ever seen I know, uh, you've You've followed politics for a big part of your life. Do you ever see anybody moved this quickly to try and fulfill their promises like this? No? Never, And I think it's just the right thing to be doing. I mean, look at he is a businessman. I'm a businessperson. You've got to get things done, you gotta act quick. He's doing it, and I think he's already said a tremendous tone across the world, across this country that America is finally going to lead again, America is going to be strong. Well, I think that his agenda is the right agenda, and that's why I didn't go through the list. But he ran on originalist for the Supreme Court. He ran on vetting refugees, He ran on building a wall, sanctuary cities, all the associated issues with immigration, healing, replacing Obamacare, reducing taxes seven brackets to three percent, corporate rate, ten percent repatriation rate for the trillions of dollars multinational corporations have abroad, education back to the States, taking care of veterans, building up our military, and defeating ISIS. I asked them every one of those questions. And you know, if we get those things done, how much better of a country will we be. Well, we're gonna be. We're, as he says, we're gonna be great again. And you know, in the speech to gay today at our at our retreat, he talked given, He talked about getting government back to the people and letting the grace asset America has as Americans. Regulation has got to go, and uh, let people compete. Let this country compete, because the we compete, we win. And he's began to show even the people who weren't supporting him that this may be a great opportunity for our country to do great things, and they need to get on board. I totally agree with that. Um, where do you see the Congress? For example, I'm a little concerned if the president's talking about a ten percent spending cut to the budget to get to a balanced budget, which he tells me tonight, and a reduction in the workforce for the federal government. I'm sure a lot of that would be through attrition and other means. He's not talking about massive firings. And you have the Republican Congress that advanced the debt ceiling nine point seven trillion dollars before he got into office. I'm thinking, what's going on here? Well, look at we've played games with this debt for a long time on one of the few as you know, that always votes to get raised into that ceiling. We can't continue to do that. We talk about cuts that cuts always happened twenty five years from now rather than now. Uh. And I think he understands that, you know, to bounce the budget has got to be now and you actually got to cut things. I mean, we've all talked about things like the Department of Education, Commerce, et CETERA better employee freeze. I mean that's gonna cut some things that real cuts have to happen. Now we're going to bounce the books. He gets that, and that's refreshing from a business person standpoint to hear guys say that, what about issues where there might be disagreement? Did any of that come up at the meetings today? No, you know it, it didn't. Uh. The whole room was energized. He energy as people, He empowered people. He talked about the pipeline, he talked about build things built in the United States. He talked about the Mexico City Policy Regulations t p P, A, criminal aliens, uh, going back home, sanctuary cities, all the things he talked about. Congress is very supportive of I say, the Republicans are. So he hit all the hot buns, but he when he talked about it, he was coming from a man that expected results. He expected not to delay, He expected things to happen. And I think that's what he's gonna get. He's gonna get that from me, and I think he'll get that from the rest of my colleagues. Well, that's good to hear, Congressman. So you're pretty confident that we can count on both congressmen and and Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, and the leadership and your confident we can count on Mitch McConnell to uh follow through on the Trump agenda. Well, I can't speak for the Senate, but I can speak for the House, and I think that Speaker Ryan has, as we've seen and as we've heard, has began to embrace this president and things he had the vision he has. So I'm I'm a person that sees the glasses half full. I believe this is the greatest country in the world. So I'm going to believe our colleagues, if they're buying him at all, will fall in line when they see the results were seen already in six days. You're kidding me. Look what he has done in a short period of time. And if if you're a doubtor, I got I think you got to see this is a train you want to be on, and it's a winning train, and uh, I'll be there for sure. You know, if all these companies create these jobs and we have energy independence, and that will create hopefully millions of high paying jobs and careers for people, and and hopefully the average taxpayer will get a massive tax cut when we have a better alternative to Obamacare, and you have all this money repatriated, and you have the lower corporate tax rate, that's gonna incentivize companies to build here and not move there their factories and manufacturing centers overseas. You know, I'm hoping those people that are in poverty on food stamps, that are out of the labor force, that they get the jobs and the dream that they deserve that government has prevented them from having. That's my hope. Well, it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen because now his plan and the plan that I've talked about for years, even on your show, Jump Start America. Look at you have to cut taxes, you have to create cash flow in our country. That's what he's going to do. That's what his program does. And it's going to give us an opportunity to take risk, get reward. It's going to give an opportunity to invest and uh and and those people that have not been able to realize that dream are finally going to be able to realize it because employers like me can now hire people, as I said, take risk, get reward, put people work. We can have a five percent unemployment of four percent gross gun our country will be on the greatest path we've seen in many, many years. It's a great thought and a great prayer, and it is the job of our public servants to get that done. Congressman, you're one of the good guys there. Are you part of the Freedom Caucus? By the way, No, I'm not a part of Freedom Caucus, but you know, I have a lot of friends that are take a look at need to be you need to be you need to be a part of it because they they they're really good guys, and I think you'd be a perfect fit for them. Thank you all. I appreciate it. Thank you, Congressman Williams of Texas eight hundred nine for one. Shawn told free telephone number that interview with the President will for the full hour tonight. We also had a tour of the Oval Office. You know, I I know that most people in their life will never have the opportunity to get to the White House. And uh, Lauren, who's with us in d C. And you know, this was the first time that you had ever been in the White House. And one of the things that I have been very happy about being able to broadcast this week is to bring people inside what is really your house? Um? What was it like for you? This was your first time. The only word I can use is surreal. It was absolutely surreal, and I'm just so grateful to have been able to go. Oh, so that means I don't have to give you a Christmas bonus this year. Correct, That's all I needed. It was just felt. Could you imagine if Linda went in there, we'd have to be Susian her every five seconds, Linda, she would she would give the President I want to see, Mr President. You're doing a great bleep bleep job. Let me say this, Mr President was talking to my friends in Philly. They told me Philly would go come around for you. When they did, they told me that Pennsylvania would come around. Linda just disappeared and walked away. You know, it's funny over here in New York. While you guys are having a good time in the Oval Office and meaning all the dignitaries, I'm actually working. I actually could use a pine Brothers from yelling at you so much. The next Star Final round Up and information Overlord. Alright, as we continue Sean Hannity Show, our full hour with the President tonight in the Oval Office in the White House, Tenny Eastern Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Let's get to our busy telephones here. Debbie is in Georgia. Debbie High, how are you welcome to the program? How are you? I'm good, Thank you very much. It's been a long time since I've called uh. And we don't say we say shut up in Georgia, so you don't say well. I would tell if Linda was in the Oval Office, she would be cursing on I'm like, give her a break. Thank you, Debbie, the first fist of all. First of all, if I was in the Oval Office, I wouldn't give you an interview because you would have to, you know, bleet me every three seconds. Want to tell you what a great job you did in your team during this election time. Y'all are awesome. Thank you. Second of all, every time I listened to Madonna and Ashley Judd, I would like to just punch their lights out. It's so annoying, isn't it, The stuff that spews from those two women's mouths. They are not speaking for us. I say us women. This woman I spoke when I stepped into that booth on November the eighth, and I voted for Donald Trump. This this country has been hopeless for eight years and we are hopeful that. I mean in the past three days. I mean, look at what the man has done. Listen, I gotta tell you, it's been amazing. He's working at the speed of light and it is. Uh. This is the difference between a politician and an executive. And the executive rolls up as sleeves and gets busy. I actually talked to him about that tonight when we're taking a little walk over to the Oval office. I hope you'll watch. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you feel you know, you tell him this Georgia girl loves him. And Mastrup's sun is still in my yard and that's where it's going to stay. Well, Debbie, I I hope. Look. I consider myself an irredeemable, deplorable human being. I consider myself one of those angry, bitter Bible thumpers that clings to my God, guns religion and my church all right. But by the way, I'm not the best Christian. I'm I'm just I'm I'm hoping to attain better, better in my life. But with that said, um, I'm actually honored to be able to bring you into the house that you gave to him, that he is honoring. And if you listen to his inaugural address, what separated him, I think, from Obama wasn't I I me, me, me, I, I I II all about me, all about I, all about number one? Oh my, me my, what I think, what I know, what I like, when I know what I see. It wasn't about that with him. It was about, Okay, we're giving government back to the people. When he went to Philly and the publican retreat today, he said, our job is to give the government back to the people. So it's the people's house. And as one of the irredeemable, the plaurables, I'm just glad you get to see what what he's doing for us while working and serving the public. We'll continue news roundup is next. They said that we couldn't do what we said what we're gonna do. And then on Saturday, all over the country, millions of women like movements, not just here in the United States but across the world. My sisters centered women of color in the march on Washington. I'm gonna second to a year. If you are in a movement and you are not following a one enough color, you are in the wrong movement color. Organizers of the Women's part on Washington across the country that you haven't heard the last of us across the country, car in New York and around in every city, including places like Anthony Alaska wants next two dollars and eighteen. Keep your eyes on the prize because we get a tea party down like the tee shots down in the stream. By this part, the bat up, by what is this? I'm is made up with Donald tomp past bar and order when he wants to in port on every black and balled person here. This is the blood of the people who will die because they don't have accept the healthcare. This is the blood of the serious rescue seas and will not be allowed in this country or because of seen we are ye one a prisoner of his own government. And he said yes, he thought he could happen here. Why say no, I'm Toby hand out here in New York. We need to continue to organize and to reject this individual who lost papular about bionics and Muslims we believe are the sole targets of these orders. These orders are a disturbing confirmation of Islamophobic and un American policy proposals made during the presidential election campaign. Never before in our country's history have we purposely, as a matter of policy, imposed a ban on immigrants or refugees on the basis of religion, or imposed religious litmus tests and those coming to this nation. Ideological and religious questioning imposed on our government agencies by Islamic fods, many of whom are in now in policy making positions, will not make us safer and will instead send a very negative message to Muslims that are not welcome in Americas. One of our nation's darkest moments was during World War Two when we turned away Jewish refugees seeking our protection. We cannot allow religious vigotry to affect our willingness and ability to welcome those fleeing violence and persecution. And the snowflakes. Superstorm continues, News round up, information overload the Sean Hannity Show, Washington d C. We'll get to your calls coming up at the autom of this hour one, Shawn, if you want to join us, I think us now. Jessica tar Love is a Senior director of research at Bustle dot com. Ron Christie, who was a former special assistant of President Bush and a columnist for Sidewire. Welcome both of you back to the program. Jesse, you're gonna are you gonna defend this insane rhetoric in this march that took place this weekend? Oh yeah, I was in it, Sean, Well the New York branch, But yes, absolutely, Um. I thought it wasn't totally inspiring events. There were obviously certain speeches I didn't not agree with, and Madonna calling for blowing her things, she thought about blowing up the White House. Obviously problematic if you think naturally, well, what had happened if Sean Hannity showed up? What if Sean Hannity showed up at Washington for a march of Tea Party followers, you know, those people that were waving their flags and bringing their kids and cleaning up after themselves, and that we're quoting the Constitution and our framers and founders, those guys, And I said, uh, these things that Madonna and Ashley Judge said, Uh, what do you think the reaction would be if I said this? And to our detractors that insist that this march will never add up to anything. Thank you you. It is the beginning of much needed change, change that will require sacrifice people, change that will require many of us to make different choices in our lives. But this is the hallmark of revolution. So my question to you today is are you ready? I said, are you ready? Say? Yes, we are ready. Yes, I'm angry, Yes I am outraged. Yes I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. My name is Ashley John, a feminist, and I bring you words from Nina Donovan, a nineteen year old in Middle Tennessee, and she has given me the privilege of telling you what she has to say. I am a nastty woman. I'm not as nasty as a man who looks like he baits and cheeto dust, a man whose words are a desk track to America Electoral College sanctioned hate speech, contaminating this national anthem. I'm not as nasty as Confederate flags being tattooed across my city. Maybe the South actually is gonna rise again. Maybe for some it never really fell. Blocks are still in shackles and graves just for being black. Slavery has been reinterpreted as the prison system in front of people who see melanin as animal skin. I am not as nasty as a swastika painted on a Pride flag. And I didn't know devils could be resurrected, but I feel hitler in these streaks, a mustache traded for a two pay. Nazis renamed the cabinet electro conversion therapy the new gas chambers, shaming the gay out of America, turning rainbows into suicide notes. I am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny, ignorance, white privilege. I'm not as nasty as using little girls like pokemon before their bodies have even developed. I am not as nasty as you're all the daughter being your favorite sex symbol, like your wet dreams infused with your own jeans. But yeah, I'm a next woman aloud, vulgar, proud woman. Really, Jess, you want to be associated with that, you're proud of that? Well, I just said I loved the conversation by saying that I didn't agree with that. I am proud of the millions of women at Okay So if I were equal pay for equal work, yeah, okay, but that's not what we were. That's not the majority of what we heard. Ron Christie, Uh what if you I went to a rally and they were saying this crap about Obama, would we get away with well, I don't agree with that part. Oh no, we'd be called racist because you know, if you if you are any way against the Messiah, then somehow you must be racist. I mean, you can't have a principal policy objection. You know. As much as we love Jessica, you know, I listened to those clips from those marches over the weekend and think these folks are so delusional Sean that they don't get it. They don't have the pulse of the American people, and I encourage them keep it up. If you thought trump wanting in this past election was one indication of where the country is going. Keep this up with this out of touch liberal Hollywood elitest nonsense, and we're going to see more conservatives coming into power because people are sick and tired of being told by the elites how to think and how to act and go ahead. It's quickly about you know, if we were going to say this about Obama. How do you guys feel about Trump being a leading member of the birth or movement? I mean, what would that? Okay, so what movement movement? That Barack Obama was not an American? And then all the people excuse me? What what was? So let me ask you a question. If I asked you, I said, Jess, hey, listen, you're running for president. We need a copy of your birth certificate. How long would it take you to produce that? Well, I have to talk to my mom because she has it. But my birth certificate, my brush certificate is December thirtieth one in Metropolitan Hospital, New York, New York. And it would take me a second to get you a copy of my version of that. You know, Obama went on for months and months, months and months. How about any form? He didn't give out any form forever. And I never thought it was an issue. I never became a birth but I thought it was stupid for him not to hand it over. But there were tons of people, including the president, the current president United States of America. Are you trying to deflect? Okay, let's start go backward, Madonna Astley Judd, that's no good. I would rather know celebrities helped us anymore except using money. That's all that I want to give money. Remember when if we're gonna talk about Bertha is a let's listen to Hillary. You don't believe the Senator Obama is a Muslims, of course not. I mean that's you know that there is no basis for that. You know, I take him on the basis of what he said, and you know there isn't any reason to doubt that he said. You take Senator Obama his word that he's not aboging. You don't believe that he's No, there is nothing to to base that on as far as uh huh, all right, go back to the march bashing. I'm ready. It's not the march bashing. It's that, you know, unfortunately for you, and I do think deep in your heart, you're you're more reasonable Democrat. You're associated with these idiots and that represents the base of your party. Well, I mean, I do appreciate that, the reasonable comment. That is not why I was at the mark. That's not why people who I went to the march wiz were there friends, so and so. If I go to Louis Farrakon's march and the fact that Louis Farricon Ron Christie is a racist and an anti Semite. I shouldn't be associated with his marks but remarks in the past, because there are other good reasons why people are there. Is that it that that's exactly Sean. Look, there's there's no question that those folks who went out not only in New York, not only here in Washington, d C. But around the world are frankly acting as if they're unhinged and they're delusional, and I'm sorry, they've said some really terrible things as it relates to Hitler, as it relates to racism, as it relates to any number of terrible things about our president that simply aren't true, and Jess comes sorry, my friend. It just happens to be that if you're at a march where these people are making these types of comments, then it's almost by guilt by association, whether you what do you say that you disavowed or not being said in the context of a march that you're supportive of. Are you ready to get out of the media spin room? Well, you've come to the right place. This is the Sean Hannity Show, a right news round up information overload, our Jessica Guitar lov and Ron Christier with us. You know, I guess from the bottom line is this. I don't see that the radical left is gonna get over this little temper tantrum that they've been having. I think this goes on throughout the Trump presidency. Every agenda item he goes to, they are going to squirm, and they're going to wine and complain in march and call names, and the media is going to help them. I don't see anything changing to you. I certainly don't tell you based on what we've seen and heard for the last couple of days of our building wall in Mexico, somehow racist and xenophobic. No, we're actually protecting our national security to keep people out. Oh my goodness. Trump is such an awful person for banning Syrian refugees from coming to the United States. Well, you know what, we have no effective way of vetting these folks and knowing who they are, what their intentions are. So those on the left have suddenly decided that having an open border, having no security trying to prevent a terrorist attack is a good thing under Obama. But now Trump trying to protect America and trying to move us forward and strengthen our economy is somehow bad things. So yeah, that they're there and for it were while shown until they can actually figure out that they're whining and their petulance and their anger is only going to alienate rather than bring people together. Even you have to admit, Jessica, he is keeping all of his promises, and he's checking off the list day by day. It's pretty amazing the speed of light of which he's working, isn't it. Oh that I'll give you for sure. I did not expect for him to be moving this quickly on a lot of these things. We'll see what comes out. You know, certain things can't be done just by executive order, but he certainly went right after Obamacare, the wall. You know, a lot of the key core promises of his campaign, the Muslim ban in it it's fancier, more palatable version. It's not it's not a Muslim ban, it's a it's a it's a it's a vetting of people that come from countries that have radical Islamists to protect the people of this country. Do almost characterize it everywhere either, I mean, you're making it out as if these are policies like and since that are overwhelming, and where do they and where do we excuse me, and where do we end up training these radicals? Where do we know? The training camps are Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. That's where most of the training of these radicals goes on. Is that a fact or not taking it out on refugees coming from war torrent countries? Okay, and now my next question, how do you ascertain when you're interviewing somebody whether they're a genuine refugee or if they're an agent of ISIS or al Qaeda? How can you tell the difference? Not someone who does interviews in these refugees, I'm asking, how can you tell tell us tell us that how we can do it without gambling with the lives of the America people. You're going to have to talk to the people at the UN the people who do these interviews, because I'm not qualified to and you would probably agree with me that ISIS will probably probably train their agents and their killers how to lie to US officials when there be an interview, wouldn't they And it'll go on for two years. So the bottom line is the bottom line is we are you willing to risk American lives and letting in refugees from countries that we know there is high terrorist activity? Why are you willing to gamble with American lives? It is part of the American tradition that we can gamble with lives in this country from what if we take it? And how do we know? How do we know if they come from a country that practice of Shariah they don't want to bring those values with them and oppressed women, gays, Lesbians, Christians, and Jews? How do we know the difference? Is absolutely, there's no way, Ron Christie, is there to determine that, No way at all. There's not There's not a central depository in Syria that has the records of these people who indicate who they are, I mean, are absolute chaos. That's one thing. Secondarily, if you look at the predominant number of people who have flooded Europe and who frankly have come to the United States that Obama couldn't wait to rush them in here. We're not talking about poor innocent children or poor oppressed women. We're talking about middle aged men here. I gotta take a break, thank you both for being with us, Ron Kristy, Jessica Tarlob. We will be back hopefully soon in Washington, d C. But we'll be back in New York tomorrow. The Full Hour with Donald Trump happens tonight. Uh. And he takes us inside the Oval Office, which is pretty amazing, by the way. You'll notice the bust of Martin Luther King Jr. Is there and never left there, and the photos that he put up on the wall. We talk a little bit about President Obama and talk about the nuclear codes. We talk about refugees, his executive orders and immigration. We talk about the Supreme Court, cutting the size of government, how do we balance a budget, um voter fraud, the media in general, Obama care. We talk about energy and dependence, education, you know, explaining how we incentivize business. We talk about trade, and we talk I mean, there's so much we got into. We talked about isis wait to hear his commons on isis Wow and water boarding. We have a big exchange on waterboarding and the people that like Alcisi and the Saudis and Putin and the Mullahs in Iran and China. Um I asked him specifically about the power of the pardon, and I will mention I mentioned to him somebody that whose family we've had on his program often. We talk about Madonna, we talk about Chicago, we talk about you know, personal stuff. With him, it's you know, it's the most comprehensive hour I can have. And you know, I try and let him do most of the talking, because you get to see me every night. You don't get to see him every night. So that's all coming up tonight ten Eastern for the full hour the President Donald Trump on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. All right, let's get to our busy telephones here as we say, Hi, we go to Cogo News Radio six hundred in San Diego, and Sandy is standing by Sandy, Hi, how are you? And welcome to our nation's capital. Hi, Son, Thanks so um. I just wanted to kind of make a little bit of a comment for maybe the rest of the nation just about what's been going on here in San Diego since the Obamba administration took over. I work in the hospital system for about twenty five years now, and being a native, San Diego has always had the Mexican population, but recently over the last several years, We've had just an influx of you know, several different nations and awso Mexico. And I've always had this really big compassion for the people have come over trying for better lives. But the population for the American homeless has just skyrocketed. And um, the people coming out across the border will come and get um free healthcare and then they'll drive back across the border down to Mexico's happening every day in my work situation. And I want to say this with all the love and compassion that I possibly can, and I understand the humanitarian needs that that's around the world, but I'm a firm believer that we have to put our own oxygen masks on. First, we have twenty one year old kids coming in for healthcare exams from America and they're turn away because their exams are like twelve, and everybody else is getting free healthcare from other countries. And um, our population has just gone well. And I asked him about this and what he wants to see in it and things like that. I am just very very convinced. This is the most amazing week I think I've ever seen in all my years observing politics. Remember, I'm not a young chicken anymorel though I'm just I just turned fifty five, I'm not that old. And I've watched, you know, my first vote was for Ronald Reagan, and I don't think I've ever witnessed any president run through a checklist of promises the way he is now doing so. And it is it is fascinating to watch. It's fascinating to see the media implode in the process. It is interesting. It's like you're you're watching the difference between a politician and an executive, and executive checks off his list, get things done, and it's onto the next thing. And I think that is going to be the pace at which he tries to govern. Now things will slow down a little bit. The legislative process is painfully slow sometimes. But I have every belief he's in a very strong position to check off a majority of of the items that he promised and pledged that he would do. Look what he did on immigration. Look what he's doing, you know already on on extreme vetting. Look what he's doing on the economy. Look what he's doing on you know, regulation, Look what he's doing on all of these issues. And a Supreme Court nominee and on Obamacare. You know these were all fundamental promises, building the wall, all of these things he's doing, he promised anyway, Thank you, Sandy, I appreciated e one. Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Heather is in Texas. Heather, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hi? Sound? Thank you so much? Okay? Can I say I love you? Of course you could say you love me. I mean, what would I rather you say you hate me? Well, I've been listening to you for years and years and years I've watch your program. The only thing I just want to tell you abouts bothering me. We need to fight back. We need really to fight back. Remember years ago, a George Bush, what we did to Dixie Chicks. They were top of the list. We need to get out and destroy their CDs, stop going to their movies. These liberal they should realize that they are not billionaire only with the liberals money. We need to void heart all of their material stuff, concert everything, asker all of those. We need to really really fight back. The other thing is bothered me. Someone tell me the kids are born here, They are here for thirty years. What why until now they haven't applied for their parents. They are US citizens because they just don't want everything free. You know what is the waiting for? Regular people are staying a lot fifteen sixteen years for me, for my sister. I know, people not processing applications for two thousand three seven. Where are you from, Heather, You're from around How long have you been in the US since nine? Since the revolution? Wow? Wow? Thank god you got out of there. I'll tell you that. Well. I'm I love you know the country, but I just don't. I just want you to just don't please stop saying. Can you imagine if we would say something about Milania or what we need to say it. We need to tell Rosie o'donnald to shut up and don't make anything saying about that child. You're like d me, people like I tell you what, I switched the channel when I see one Williams and Richards and all of those people. Or they don't have any respect for the office. The moment I used to people is rope. They used to say, we should have a respect for the office. Every day they call him bad name, bad stuff. I appreciate your your kind word, and I appreciate your calling. I'm glad you're here. I did ask him. You New York Times calling him a liar two days in a row, see and the host calling him a liar, MSNBC calling him a liar. I've seen people on their shows and I got I asked him about it today, and I said, why not just change the way you do Meetia. You don't need these people. He doesn't, but I think he's trying to be fair and work with them. But malsuit he does over time. Sally is in Georgia. Sally, Hi, how are you welcome to d C Since City, USA. What's going on? Well? So glad to get through, Glad to talk to you. As far as the Women's March, Madonna and Ashley Judge, they were there because there has been They just need a platform to get their face out there. Madonna is only getting face lift. She hasn't done anything in year interested her to get out in front of the world. I've never been a Madonna fan, but I've seen enough pictures of her. What happened to her face? Beled in every direction? Ten times? Nobody's interested. She's almost not recognizable to me. No, no, yeah, I mean I went to the march. One in particular, um, you know, we've always appreciated each other's differences whatnot. But this one friend today wrote, I don't understand what is going on. I thought we lived in a democracy. I couldn't take it anymore. I haven't said anything because I've been, you know, fear of the backlash, because everyone has felt it. So I wrote her today and said, now you know how I have felt for the past eight years. Holy how I think her head exploded. I mean, you know, I don't remember. I don't remember after Obama winning the Conservatives and Republicans were dressing up as Jenitalia and going out there and cursing and screaming and threatening to blow up the White House. I I just don't remember that moment ever happening, and I don't think it did, and if it did, it would have been ridiculous. But I've got to move on. I truly and honestly appreciate your call. Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Kevin is next in Alexandria, Louisiana. What's up, Kevin? How are you? All I can say is Wow, what a week? What have we have been incredible, really has been being from South Louisiana. We came up to just to witness history. Uh, last Friday at the inaugural, what a matriotic feeling. So the next day was just kind of our decompression day. We knew the march was going on and the protesters were going to be around, so we purposely did not wear any Trump paraphernalia. Uh. We actually wore our l s U colors from the university down there. And we ran into a few people going to the march and being the Southern as we were trying to engage them because all the signs loves Trump's hate and just trying to interact with him, and we had never seen such a file, more hateful group of people without even being able to converse to scare us on anything. At one point, we tried to get into a metro car and the group was telling us, y'all can't get into this car. Uh we Well, I happened to be there Saturday morning and I did Fox and Friends that morning and I was walking in the streets. Sweet baby James, were you were there with us at that time? And this late one lady in particular spotted me and followed me and stalked me and started yelling at me about being a Christian and I'm like, oh, just shut up, and I kept walking and I don't care, and you know, I'm perfectly, perfectly capable of defending myself. But then a few others joined in and I'm like they, you know, they come up with these childish you know, bumper stick or chance, hell no, we won't go blah blah blah, and they just like a bunch of robots repeating it. It was a funny, uh, YouTube piece that I saw about Chila Booth, the actor what's his name, Shaya La Booth. Sorry, I'm sorry, I don't keep up with the Hollywood stars in my life, but uh, and he's just acting like a total idiot. And then whatever he said, everybody followed and they just regurgitated like a bunch of robots. And if it wasn't so pathetic, it would actually be funny. But you know, this is the hardcore left, this is the base of the Democratic Party. They are unhinged. They never expected what's about to happen, and this is not gonna stop and it's gonna keep going. The sad part is is the collusion and the partnership that they have with ABC and CBS and NBC and the New York Times and Politico and MSNBC and the Clinton News Network. They're all colluding in this case. Sean, it's got more behind the scenes inpiration, more contacts than anybody, but more friends behind their church. Sean Harry is on, we have evil that looks around the corner without the uniforms. Ours is harder because the people that we're going against they don't wear uniforms. They're sneaky, dirty rats, and they blow people up in a shopping center and they blow people up in a church. These are bad people. When you're fighting Germany and they had their uniforms in Japan, and they had their uniforms and they had their flags on the plane and the whole thing. We are fighting sneaky rats right now that are sick and demented and we're gonna win. Will it be from the list that you gave out during the campaign? Answers yes? Will it be an originalist? I don't want to say that you're gonna see on Thursday major decisions. I have made my decision pretty much in my mind, yes, and now I'm its subject to change at the last moment, but I think this will be a great choice. I'm going to keep as many as I can. You know, politics and stuff. Sometimes you make a promise and for some reason you can't because you have opposition on the other side that raises their hand and they make it impossible. But I'm going to keep a lot of them, and I've kept a lot of them already. Everyone's talking about it. And we're going to do things that I said we were going to do, and we're going to take care of a lot of people that were mistreated by government for many, many years. And that's really how I won the election in the first place. Show, and you know that better than probably anybody. All Right. That is part of a little snippet of my interview that will air for the full hour tonight on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. That was a question, do you intend to keep all of your promises? As he made up his mind on who he's picking for the Supreme Court. The answers yes, he'll announce it next Thursday. And he was talking about sneaky rats and he wasn't talking about Madonna and Ashley Judd and the horrific things they said. Now in that case, he was talking about ISIS. But he does talk about Madonna and he had a really good comment. Look, we go over everything tonight for the full hour Hannity in the White House, we go into the Oval Office. We talk about everything from refugees, vetting and immigration in the Supreme Court, and the reduction of spending and balancing budgets and and reducing the government workforce and money for infrastructure, and how to incentivize business and and everything. I mean, we talked about a corrupt media calling him a liar for crying out. Imagine if I was out there saying the things that they're saying about Donald Trump about Obama. Back in the day, We've got we talked about Obama care, energy, independence, We talk about the businesses, We talk about trade. We talked about isis evil in our time, Uh, water boarding, black sites. Uh. We talk about Israel, Uh, Egypt. We talk about the Saudias and Putin and Mullas, and Iran and China and the and even Madonna. And we talk about the power of the pardon and Chicago. So that's ten Eastern tonight. I hope you'll watch the full hour. Set your d v R on the Fox News Channel. We'll be back in New York tomorrow. See it tonight at ten with the President back here tomorrow. Thank you, as always for being with us.

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