A New Kind of Social Media

Published Oct 9, 2020, 10:00 PM

 Julie Kelly, is a political commentator and senior contributor to American Greatness. She is the author of Disloyal Opposition: How the NeverTrump Right Tried―And Failed―To Take Down the President, she has been writing about the effort by long time members of DC and the swamp to subvert our election results. She is also closely monitoring the efforts of big tech and social media to block and minimize conservative media to control the messaging available to the American public and Amy Peikoff, Chief Policy Officer, of Parler - talks about the platform and how it aims to maintain freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights always on their platforms. Particularly at a time when huge social media companies are shunning conservative thought.

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All right, thanks Scott Shannon. Happy happy Friday, man. I feel like I get hit by a truck every Friday, don't you feel like that? Guy. Everyone's looking at me and they're all shaking their head. These weeks are rough, they're tough, they're just you know, these are heavy times we're living in. Anyway, thanks for being with us eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, I will tell you what I see emerging. I see a real fear factor in all things institutional against Donald Trump. I can see the Democratic Party scared to death. I could see the medium mob scared to death. I could see the Rhino Republicans. They're scared to death. I can't tell you how this election is gonna play out. I can't. I mean, by the way, more people than ever galloped at a survey. They the confidence in this election's integrity is now at an all time low. Can you blame any body with all these last minute rule changes that have taken place in so many swing states and all the court battles that have emerged out of such You've got new reports in the Washington Examiner that post office mailboxes have been vandalized, mail in ballot application shredded, The people that have long been dead are now receiving ballots. None of it should be a surprise. Now less than six and ten Americans have competence that votes will be accurately counted in next month's election. You know, I pointed out the Heritage Foundation almost a thousand convictions on voter fraud in just recent years alone. We've gone over the specific examples. I won't do it again now. Overall, just fifty nine percents that they have confidence in the accuracy of the election and voting and vote counting. Alow, since you know, once before in two thousand and eight in that election, Republicans, Republican leading Independence are expressing confidence than the Democrats and democratical leaders. Of course, why wouldn't they, Why would they Democrats? They're the ones that want to change all the laws. The Texas mayoral candidate arrested on eighty four counts of mail in voter fraud. This is just the latest example. This guy, Zul Muhammad, running for mayor of Carrollton, Texas, arrested Wednesday night, now facing felony voter fraud charges after he allegedly sent eighty four mail in ballot applications. The Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, nice guy by the way, announced that his election fraud unit assisted the Denton County Sheriff's office and arresting this guy. Eighty four counts mail in ballot application fraud, twenty five counts unlawful possession of an official mail in ballot. This guy faces now up to twenty years for the charges. And mail in ballots are inherently insecure and vulnerable to fraud, and I'm committed to safeguarding the integrity of our elections, Paxton said. We need every attorney general and every state doing it. And it shouldn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican. Do your job. Every American has a right to that has a right to cast a vote, ought to be able to cast it in a free and fair election anyway. US Appeals Court blocked the extension of Wisconsin absentee ballot's deadline. A federal judge granted an injunction requiring the Ohio Secretary of State to allow ballot drop boxes. That's I mean, in every single day now, it's like every swing state is in the middle of a fight over this. It's pretty unbelievable. We have an Investor's Daily poll that has come out today. By the way, people, so the president's on my TV show last night. He cough twice. Okay, we all cough. Oh he sees still say. The president sounded like as energetic as anybody that I know in life. This president works like twenty four to seven. Ask anybody that is ever around President Trump. I have been around him a lot. He has the energy of thirty people. I mean, he wears out his staff, trust me, because he's working and he works and it's NonStop. Anyway, So he sounded great. He was on with Rush today for two solid hours. You know, from what I heard, he didn't cough once. Good grief. It's like that's how insane things have gotten anyway. Id Investor's Business Daily the Tip Pole, which was one of the few surveys that predicted the result within two points in twenty sixteen, now has at forty eight percent likely voters for Biden forty six percent for Trump, well within the margin of error, and that happens to be a five point six point It's a five point six point drop for Biden's numbers since their last poll was released September twenty First, I just listen. I just at the end of the day. I know you're gonna have your hardcore Trump haters, But at the end of the day, everybody sees what I see. There's just very few of us that will say it. And that is Biden is weak. He is frail, which is why he calls a lid on campaigning most days between nine and ten am in the morning. You know how convenient that the Commission on Presidential Debates, Oh, you can't we unilaterally decide no second debate except it's going to be virtual. Well, the president is right not to be partaken that. You know, the campaigns are supposed to be consulted. And all of that to me is like, oh, okay, really you don't want you don't want him to have a free and fair debate. And I'll tell you what it is. I suspect there is great fear that Joe Biden can't keep it together. You come on, a man, you're a junkie man. We all these choose to me some having and old man and women have created equal endowed by old that you know, the old old thing. And it goes on from there. Can you get tested for cocaine? Man? Come on, man, you're a liar man. What where does this come from? Anyway? Joe Biden is now saying he won't reveal. Listen to what he says here. Now. I actually thought in the debate that the other night with Kamala Harris and Vice President Pence, and he just eviscerated her. But it wasn't the debate moderator that asked the question. It was Pence that brought up the issue of court packing. And I thought, for a second, Okay, they're gonna dig themselves out of this hole, and they what do they do? They dug a bigger hole. Listen to the part of the debate when Pence pressed on this Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed with the Supreme Court of the United States, Are you and Joe Biden, if somehow you win this election going to pack the Supreme Court to get your way? Joe and I are very clear. The American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime. Thank you? Isn'tator Harry Susan are voting right now? They'd like to know if you and Joe Biden are going to pack the Supreme Court if you don't get your way in this nomination, let's talk about that. Once again, gave a non answer. Joe Biden gave fine answer. You Now, people deserve a straight answer. She wouldn't answer, which just so happens that an interview with The New York Times that Kamala Harris gave she is open to pack in the Supreme Court. Listen, were you able to take expanding the size of the Supreme Court? I am open to that discussion, to an elaborate on that or leave it there. No, I'm just I'm open to it. I'm absolutely open to it. Let me tell you what their non answer is. Their non answer is they're going to pack the US Supreme Court. This will be the largest constitutional unconstitutional owners the great one says, a post constitutional America power grab. Every It's twenty five days out of the election, and then Joe Biden says, I'll give you my answer after the election. What listen to this all figured court packing when the election is over? And hello, I know it's a great question, y'all. And I don't bring you for asking, but you know the moment I answer that question, the headline and every one of your papers will be about that, other than other than focusing on what's happening now, Okay, really that's pretty unbelievable. So that means that they're going to pack the courts. Now, understand what that means here, and Chuck Schumer's out there saying everything is on the table. Now, there's been twenty nine openings in election years in spite of a Blincoln be an honest abe. As we pointed out yesterday, it was lying kamalaw on the issue of the case of a Blincoln because the Senate was out of session, and then he did nominate after the election anyway, when the Senate was back in session. But anyway, so how far do they go here? So this means they want jurists, They want people that serve for life, unelected bureaucrats on the court that will literally shake up the constitutional separation of powers that's existed one hundred and fifty plus years and so that they will have a court that will legislate from the bench rule by executive fiat, thus usurping the constitutional authority and power of the legislative and executive branches. Of government. In other words, it will be their power grab of all power graps. Everything's on the table. Legislative filibuster chucks out. You think you think I'm running for this position so I could be filibuster, that's gone. They'll pack the courts, they'll eliminate the filibuster, and that means all bets are off on everything. And I can guarantee you they'll be adding states where they believe they're gonna get two more democratic senators, like for example, DC or Puerto Rico, wherever else they might be thinking about but not telling us about, so that you would have a Senate Democratic majority in perpetuity. This is now. This will They can then shift this country and alter it in ways that I'm telling you are not only extraordinarily dangerous, but would render this country, based on their stated radical views, unrecognizable. That's the end of Look, they're already said that you know everything's going to be free. They're lying about taxes, they're lying about fracking. Because we've played all the tapes. They're lying and hiding and they're not being transparent on their real agenda, and they're hoping the American people will just say, Okay, we trust you, well, I don't trust them. I don't trust Biden either. And the fact if that should be disqualifying in and of itself, if you're not going to answer these questions anyway, the pole in Florida insider advantage. That's our friend Matt Towery, and no, he does it for Fox thirty five in Orlando now has a three point lead for Trump in Florida, which I hope holds. I just I keep standing by. I cannot tell you what the outcome is going to be here, but I can tell you you should be very alarmed at the idea that they'll be legislating from the bench things that liberals know that they could never get done at the ballot box, never accomplish legislatively. By eliminating the filibuster, packing the courts, adding a perpetual imperpetuity of Senate majority of Democrats, it is then one party rule in this country, and it's the radical left rule, because we all know that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the most radical ticket of any mainstream party ever in the history of this country. Now, twenty five days from now, you are the ultimate jury. You will make this decision. I can only inform you of how high the stakes are here. Because believe Chuck Schumer when he says it's all on the table. Believe Biden and Kamala Harris that they're open. Not only they open, they're telling us they're going to pack the US Supreme Court. Don't be surprised if they win, that all of this transpires, and if it does, God help this country, because I don't think I don't see a way to recover, to be honest with you, and then you're gonna have open borders and amnesty. And you know they they want one party rule in perpetuity, which is what this is all about. I'm glad you have a Sean Hannity Show eight hundred nine for one Seawan Media trying to make a big deal. So in radio and honestly, we have to use our dump button. How many dumps do we actually have in our system? About seven of right, So we have a forty second delay. All right, this show what you're you're hearing my voice in forty seconds later on delay because you have a delay system. Now, when you have Linda as your executive producer, she drops more f bombs than anybody in the history of mankind. You need you need the forty seconds because it gives you about six or seven shots at dumping it. But depending apparently it went out on a radio and said, hey, don't have with us or else you're gonna feel the might of the United States. And it's but it did go out on Russia's did ocam apparently, and the media is trying to make a big deal about it. But you know, ask yourself this question. Do you want the world to hear a president like Biden and sucking up to Mullah's and Iran with a hundred and what fifty billion in cash and other currency? Or do you want people to say, We've got the military might and we will eviscerate you for the cause of liberty and freedom and protecting the American people in it And fundamentally, this is really what it's all about, you know. It's I like the one thing that I cannot understand in the minds of either never Trumpers or Rhino Republicans or Democrats and the medium mob. And by the way, you should hear the media mob when they talk. Everybody curses. I curse. I've admitted it many times, not as much as Linda, but I'm just telling you. It's like America, you're laughing because you Oh it's true. And I wouldn't even go near half the words that you use. I'm my own first of all. First of all, nothing, you can't excuse yourself. I'm not trying to excuse myself. I'm proud of the way I speak. If I have some do we want to president? We want president? That's tough, right. The answered for me is yes, do you want a president that is a fighter for what he says he's gonna do? Yes? Or do you want a guy I'll tell you how I feel after the election. Yeah, we'll send the psychologist in with the police officers in the middle of the crime. Yet work out wonderfully. I do not understand that he said Bill Tree Tower at strength, and I'm like, no, this is an evil world. You better be strong. I twenty five to the top of the hour in twenty five days, and you are the ultimate jury. Um. By the way, Linda wants to give a shout out to a good friend. World War two VET one hundred and two years old. What do you oh, yeah, he was just one hundred and two this July Sewan you had him on last summer. Yeah, and you know, he has great friends in his neighborhood that also listened to the show and gave me a little dropped me a line and they were like, hey, just one to let you know, even though we're having this crazy pandemic, what he's walking around the neighborhood staying strong and just you know, getting ready to vote for Trump. One hundred and two years old, World War two vets just awesome. One thing I can promise you, I'll never make it to one hundred and two. It's not gonna happen. We're sending you off to the woods early, not with the average stress stay that we have around here. Anyway, eight hundred. I don't understand. I'm having a hard time comprehending how there are people that can just accept that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will not answer a fundamental question about court packing, something that would profoundly alter the constitution order of co equal branches of government. I mean separation of powers, because when you think about it and everything, if if you listen to what Chuck Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, Kamala Bolshevik Berney, this is now their ultimate power grab. There may listen, there may never be a competitive presidential race again if they are able to achieve what they're trying to achieve here. I mean, because think about this. You know, you assert the power and authority of two other branches of government. You know, are we talking about packing the court with eleven justices or we're gonna put eighteen, or we're gonna put thirty five liberal activists justices that will rule by executive fiat, that will cite foreign constitutions. You know. Then you then you and the legislative filibuster. Then you have, okay, how many new Democratic senators can we add by by declaring this is a state, this is a state, and this is a state like DC, I mean, And then how far do you go from there? Do you just eliminate the electoral college at that point and let you know, states like New York and New Joyse and California and Illinois and Oregon and Washington State pick the next every president? And where does it end? Where does this end? And to just so arrogantly, just steadfastly refuse to answer such a fundamental question about what is the the the principal concept of coequal branches in separation of powers it will now be the power that would that once existed with the with the legislative branch of government and the executive branch of government. Just the courts will take it all over, depending on how radical the extremists are that they'll put on the court, which they'll do. And they're saying that it's all on the table. They're saying they are telling you they're going to do it. Their non answer is an answer. And I'll tell you, the great fear that Biden and Kamala have is, yeah, we just can't say it because then we'll totally alienate our radical left wing base. So you go, He'll Joe Biden, I'll tell you after the election. Let me play this again. I'll tell you the moment I answer this court packing question the headline and every newspaper. Okay, how about you tell us what your plans are for the country before you before we have the election. Well, some people have voted already, so it's too late. While you are hiding in your basement all summer long, are you kidding me? I hope people are paying attention. This ought to scare the living hell out of you. It really should. Well, we're scared of Donald Trump. What are you afraid of? What is it that that just makes the liberals and the mob and the media bubble and fizz like Alca Sultzer and water at the very mention of Donald Trump's name. I mean, it is now that psychotic, and they're so full of this rage and so lacking in any any sense of rationality when it comes to Donald Trump. What did Donald Trump do as president? Everything he said he was going to do. He told you who he'd put on the Supreme Court. He told you he would cut taxes. He did all of those things. He told you he'd eliminate burdensome bureaucracy. He told you that he would find the money, and he found it and build a border wall. You know. He told you that he was not going to get lost in foreign entanglements for years and years and years. But he'd been defeated the caliphate that Biden and Obama couldn't do. He took out Solomoni, Kamala, Harris and Joe never even said a word a good word about it, took out Baghdaddy and associates, took out the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. He moved the capital in Israel to Jerusalem. It's rightful place. So many presidents promised. He delivered. He fulfilled this promise, historic peace deals with the UAE and Bahraine, you know, better trade deals with the entire world. And yeah, to get better trade deals, they actually have to believe that you'll put the tariffs on them. And yeah, they believe Trump. I don't think they're gonna have any fear of Joe Biden. Well he cursed on Russia's show. Oh too bad, Get over it. Like And that's the other thing. They feigned this outrage all that. It's not real. They're not outraged. The media mob is not outraged. They fake it. Oh, it's like they have the vapors. Pretty funny front cover New York Post today. She's cuckoo, coup, coup, Russia, impeachment. Now Pelosi floats the twenty fifth Amendment. Well, if Joe is as cognitive struggling cognitively like I think he may be, I don't know fully yet, Well that might apply to him down the line. There's there's new commission she wants to create. I mean, it's unbelievable. Who we have to worry about? Who accepting the results of the election under no circumstances. Should Joe Biden concede the election? Wow, he played Kamala Harris. She's absolutely open to packing the courts. Are you open to expanding the size of the Supreme Court? I am open to that discussion. To an elaborate on that or leave it there. No, I'm just I'm open to it. I'm absolutely open to it. Of course, I'm open to it. She supports it. Every position she has is radical Medicare for all co sponsor, New Green Deal co sponsor, no private health insurance eliminate that. She supports it. Core packing, she's open to it. Scary executive order action to get rid of the Second Amendment, she's open to that too. I hope you're paying attention. I'm trying to. It's like you know, here, we are trying to warn everybody. I hope you take this information and bring it to your family and your friends and your co workers and let them know there are people that are not ingrained in the political world. And you know, they see the fake news media just trashing this president every day. They won't talk about record low unemployment for every demographic group. They won't talk about the promises he's made and the promises he's kept. They won't talk about any of the success of the Trump years. They'll lie to you about coronavirus. We let on Corona. No, you didn't. He cared more about what China thought than protecting the American people. For two months, they didn't mention masks or ppe or social distancing, didn't do a thing. Trump did that ten days after the first identified case and the subsequent travel ban and the first quarantine in over fifty years, and when they realized that the stockpile was non existent. Yeah, they mobilized the Defense Production Act and they kept America up and running. Worst pandemic presidents told, what, we had to shut down the economy or two million people are going to die? Is one life precious? Yeah? We Actually I'm pro life. I believe every life should be protected. Unbelievable. Now, it didn't take long for the Trump painting, you know, Democratic governor of Michigan to start blaming the President for encouraging the plot to kidnap and kill her by these by these crazy people. Remember when when the Bernie Sanders supporter guy was firing at Republicans that were playing in that ball field, I said, you can't blame Bernie. Bernie doesn't support that. But at liberal their logic is just the opposite. They'll say, oh, is it Trump. Well, it turns out, by the way, apparently at least some of these people hate Trump and we're not, you know, right wing militia members. They're an anarchists whitner, you know. And the medium mobs not even telling the truth about that. One of the plotters in this whole thing apparently at a YouTube channel railing against Donald Trump. In one video, trump is not your friend, dude, sounds like, come on, man, come on, man, I'm telling you so much. At stake twenty five days. What else do we have today? Oh? We got other news. Let me get it, pull it out here. Oh and Kamala did lie about on a state. You do know that. When we confirmed all of this, Washington Post even did a pretty sharp rebuke entitled little history lesson and as it relates to honest Abe and dishonest Kamala, Harris and Harris said. In eighteen sixty four, Lincoln was up for reelection, and it was twenty seven days before the election and a seat became open on the Supreme Court. Abe. Lincoln's party was in charge, not only the Senate in the White House, but honest dab said, it's not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States, and then the person will be able to select who will serve on the highest court. Even the Washington Post had to point out, Yeah, according to Lincoln historian, Congress was in recess until December of eighteen sixty four, so there's no point in making a nominee. He'd lost the election. No evidence that he wouldn't have filled the spot in a lame duck session. Dan McLaughlin was the first to point it out to give proper credit here on National Review Online. Still a few decent people there. Now, it's funny, and this is part of the pressure that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are facing. This is why they can't answer the packing the court question, because you've got radical left wing party. They they're the ones in charge, they're the ones that are making policy, and they're firing back at Kamala Harris. We tried to reassure voters that Biden's a moderate, which is a joke. No way, said the squad and their fellow travelers as they released a set of socialist policy objectives. Their new vision for America includes free public healthcare, a jobs program for sixteen million people, retroactive hazard pay, defunding the police, which they describe as reallocating policing resources, which, by the way, we know Kamala and Joe have also been on record saying medicare for all, on and on and on. So they don't want to tell you the truth about any of this. They just want to get through the next twenty five days. They'll have the mob in the media protecting them, not demanding answers to constitutionally relevant questions, and and then hope that they can just you know, win, and then then spring it all on us. God help this country because their views are absolutely nuts and it's getting nuttier by the day. Really is no wonder why people are just scared to death. Now. Look, fear can be a good thing, because you know what that means. By the way, the Portland Democrats just dropped charges against seventy percent of those people that were writing, well, I they that's also part of the Biden Burnie manifesto. I am telling you it will alter this Their stated policies and of course their secret agendave policies. Because they won't answer the question, you have to assume that they do it. You just have to, all right, eight hundred and nine one Sean is our toll free number. We have call Rove the Architect coming up. Also, there is now a huge effort to silence conservative voices on social media that's gotten so out of control that it's now, as far as I'm concerned, becoming an in kind donation for Biden and Harris. And I'll explain why I think that's the case and what the alternatives are now for conservatives in terms of social media. You know, I know this guy, Steve Scully, I guess the Commission on Presidential Debates is saying that his Twitter account has gotten hacked, and you know he was asking apparently thinking it's an instant message with Anthony Scaramucci, we all know doesn't like Trump anymore, which is fine. I've known Anthony a long time. I still get along with them, I just don't we don't talk politics ever. But they're now saying that he was compromised or hacked. I've known this guy. The guy is actually a nice guy. I saw him in Cleveland. I don't know. I just don't know. You know, it's he tries to be fair on c SPAN to give him the benefit of the doubt. Karl Rove is next, all right, an hour two Sean Hannity's show. Glad you're with us eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean. You want to be a part of the program twenty five days. You are the ultimate jury and you get to decide. You'll have the final say and who is elected. Now we have this big controversy with the Commission on Presidential Debates unilaterally saying you know what, We're gonna have a virtual debate and we're not even open to any discussion with anybody about it. I'm like, why not? I mean, what gave them all of this power and control that they they just unilaterally changed the rules at the last minute on their own. The President said, no, I'm not going to participate in a sham virtual debate. He wants to have a real debate. Joe Biden has already made plans to go on ABC into a town hall there, and they've thrown the whole thing in a flux here and then now we have another controversy where the debate moderator. This was supposed to be the second debate next Thursday. Steve Scully, Oh, I happened to know. I met him. I like him. He seems like a nice guy. Is asking Anthony Scaramucci, who we all know does not like President Trump, which is perfectly his right, how he should respond to the president. Now he's saying that he was he was hacked and compromised. I don't you know. I've had it happened to me. So I don't know anyway here to weigh in on the final stretch of this campaign. Somebody that knows campaigns well is our friend Carl Rove, the architect. Sir, how are you fabulous about well? First way in on the Debate Commission, because I'll be honest, I mean, don't get me started. Don't get me started. That's why you're on the program to get you started. There we go two thousand and four, as I recall, well, actually two thousand and two, three and four, we scheduled a meeting, big international meeting that you know happened annually, was scheduled for the fall of two thousand and four, and the Debate Commission ignored the fact that it was on the books and instead scheduled to presidential debate. And we tried to gently suggest to them that the President of United States had a longstanding agreement to hold a foreign meeting abroad. Could they be a little flexible and move the meeting a day or two early, or a day or too late and then later. And they said no. In fact that they didn't even respond. They merely reaffirmed that these were the debate the dates. So, you know, they act in an imperious manner. I don't think they understand that they have a special role and a special responsibility and that requires them to be a little bit cognizant of the fact that they that they shouldn't act abruptly. And the decision, the unilateral decision to make this a virtual event, which which immediately causes people to look at and say they're trying to keep Biden so that he can be sitting in his basement and they can have a teleprompter laid over the camera lens so that if a question comes up, they can pop up the talking points, just as we know has happened during the spring and over the summer. Uh, you know, they didn't they didn't seem to take that into account, and if they had concerns about the presidents, you know what, is the president gonna be shedding virus by next Thursday. They ought have had their their health experts talk to the president's doctors and health experts and find out if that was a real threat before they made a unilateral decision. And you know, the ultimate victims of this the American people. But another victim of this, if it doesn't come off, is going to be the Debate Commission, because at some point sometime people are going to say, you know what, we've had enough of you people. Nobody elected you, you passed, you passed. When the vacancy comes up on your board, you guys make the decision about who who fills that vacancy and who gave you the right to do this? Nobody? What are your thought thots on this? This Twitter controversy involving the moderator of the next debate apparently, I guess Steve Scully from c SPAN, nice enough guy. I actually saw him in Cleveland. I had no idea that he had once intern for Biden. I guess that's okay if he's going to be fair. But it does seem Republicans end up often debating the candidate and the moderator at the same time. Yeah, I could be wrong about this. I know him. I don't claim to know him well, but have known him and been around him a long time. He strikes me as a guy with a lot of integrity, So I don't believe it when I felt the same way. He's always been nice to me, and he's gone out of his way to be nice to me. I have to be fair, and look, I think he has taken the role of c SPAN very very seriously. And remember if you if you're a c SPAN attic, you've seen that guy because he moderates the call in sessions and he's very good at it. And you can't detect from the way that he handles the questioners and the way that he steers things you can't you don't. I don't see obvious us here. So look, my my issue is this. They say that it was a compromise, account was compromised. If he says it, I believe it, And okay, I think that. You know, I'd like giving people the benefit of the doubt call because it does happen. And you know, we've had more attacks on my website and every social media platform. I've now been off them. I have no access to any of it and having for years, which I actually want to talk about in the next segment. All right, so we're twenty five days out now. Joe Biden said something yesterday that I and I was stunned at the debate with the Vice President Mike Pence when he was debating Kamala Harris, and she said she I thought she was actually going to give an answer on the issue of packing the courts. Let me let me remind people of how that exchange went down. Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed with the Supreme Court of the United States. Are you and Joe Biden, if somehow you win this election, going to pack the Supreme Court to get your way? Joe and I are very clear. The American people are voting right now and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime. Thank you, Senator Harry Susan. Are voting right now. They'd like to know if you and Joe Biden are going to pack the Supreme Court if you don't get your way in this nomination. Let's talk about now once again, gave a non answer, Joe Biden gave answer you. Now, people deserve a straight answer. Now let me tell you what we also have. We have Kamala Harris saying she is open to this. Listen, are you open to expanding the size of the Supreme Court? I am open to that discussion. Do you want to elaborate on that or leave it there? No, I just I'm open to it. Okay, I'm absolutely open to it. All right, then, Joe Biden doubles Darren and arrogaly states that you'll find out his position after the election. Here's what he said, Well, packing when the election is over. And he look, I know it's a great question, y'all. And I don't brand you for asking, but you know, the moment I answer that question, the headline and every one of your papers will be about that other events other than focusing on what's happening now, Carl Rove, what else are they they scheming that they're not telling us about. Well, first of all, let's let's be clear. Vice President Pitts nailed this issue. They are going to be committed to overturning the requirement that that laws can be taken up and considered in the center only with sixty votes to consider them and a majority of pass him. They're they're going to do way with that rule, and they're going to pack the Supreme Court. You know, the fact that they won't say yes or no tells us all that we need to know about it. They're going to pack the Court, and they're going to blow up the United States Senate and change our system of government in a fundamental way. And then they're going to follow on by passing a whole series of the radical proposals that are outlined in the Biden Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations one hundred and some odd pages and in the Democratic Platform. Repeal right to work, pass a big tax bill, put taxes on wealth, put taxes on companies, put taxes on savings, put taxes on retirement. You know, past all kinds of goofy new government measures, phase out the use of natural gas power plants, drive up here utility bills. Within a very short period of time, I mean, all kinds of crazy stuff will come roaring through the Congress that would otherwise be stopped, considered compromised, modified, made better by the process that we have had in place for almost two centuries. And that is the House is the represents the people that, through members elected for two years, and the Senate, by having its members elected for six years, is the saucer that cools the House's passions. And we're going to we know exactly that. But there's also one more thing here, John, there is an utter contempt for the intelligence of ordinary Americans. They think that they are so self important and they are so above it all that they can say, if you want to ask me a question, you don't deserve an honest answer, and you can just shove it. And I got to tell you the contempt that is represented in their attitude that we're not going to answer that question because and yesterday you'll know my opinion on court packing when the election is over. No, No, we know your attitude now, and we're going to make our voices heard about it. You know call. Will they get away with non answering the issue on court packing, ending the legislative filibuster DC Puerto Rico statehood. I don't know whether they begin an effort to work laws unit, you know. No, their electoral college is that next New York and California will decide every president moving forward. Yeah, Well, they're going to go after the electoral College. The good news is is it because of the Constitution prescribes the method by which it can be amended. It's on likely that the you know, the large number of smaller states are going to say, yeah, we want to we want to turn this all over to popular vote and surrender our role and have and wave at the airplanes of the presidential candidates as a fly forty thousand feet over the center of the country. So yeah, I think, I think that's They'll try it, but they will try and undermine it, but they know they can't change it. But but look, this is they do have contempt. He may be, you know, sort of Scranton Joe and try and be the ordinary guy, but this shows what he really thinks of the American people. You are so dumb, you're so ignorant. I can get it. I can get away with this, and and you're not owed a fair answer, a straight answer. I'm not going to tell you where I am because you're the little people, and I have spent forty seven years in American politics at the highest levels, and I know better than you. Here's the question. When we get back, we'll continue more with the call Rove of the architect. I want to know, you know, if history is any indicator, this would not fly in years past. Now, if you told me that you'd have a presidential candidate that would not answer a question about packing the Supreme Court, something again hasn't been done in one hundred and fifty years. And by the way, as I pointed out the night of the debate with the Vice President Kamala Harris, it's honest, abeen dishonest, Kamala, she got it wrong on Abe Lincoln, but we'll put that aside. Now they have doubled and tripled down on not telling we the American people. Now, I don't know, all my political instincts tell me, Karl Rove that they're going to pay a heavy price for hiding their agenda and not being transparent. I think that's right. And if the fact that the Supreme Court is that the Supreme Court confirmation fight is coming up, and I think that Justice Barrett is going to come through that with the American people saying, Wow, what a remarkably able woman that we're honored and privileged to have on the Supreme Court, and we give her our trust and encouragement. I think that's going to hurt him as well. I want to correct you in one minor thing. The court was not packed in eighteen sixty nine h it was increased to nine. Uh uh Ulysses S. Grant had just come in. There was at that time no Court of Appeals, no DC Circuit Court of Appeals, so the justices of the Supreme Court actually heard cases. So the six justices turned out to be an inadequate number given the volume of cases in a rapidly growing and expanding country. So the thought was, we need more judges, let's increase it from six to nine. So there was this was not an attempt to sort of say, let's pack the court. It was literally it was a non controversial measure at the time it was. It was passed overwhelmingly. The full intentive it was to have to have enough justices to to to Let me ask you this final question, how do you see this race in twenty five days? Carl Rove? I cannot tell you the outcome today. I wish I could. I don't know. I can't either. In fact, I was on with a prominent Democrat this morning on a on a call talking about this, and we both agreed. You know this is not a normal campaign. It is not a normal time that has not been conducted in the normal conventional fashion, and we have two atypical candidates, and anybody who thinks that this thing is over, he's behind today. He's got to shake up the race. He needs to have some good debates. He needs to turn this thing into a contrast in the last twenty four days, not a referend, a contrast between his views and Biden's views. But Biden's given him the opportunity to do so because by saying you'll know my opinion on core packing when the election is over, he's saying, you'll know my opinion on being able to decrease the kids to pass my agenda through the Congress without opposition on fifty votes. Remember, he doesn't even need to get fifty one votes in the Senate for any of his bills. If he passes, if he changes and gets rid of the sixty vote rule, if they have fifty Democrats, it's a tie, and the tie is broken by the Vice President United States. If he were to get elected, all he needs is fifty votes in the Senate and Kamala Harris in the chair banging the gavel and say she's going with the eyes. This would be the most radical power grab in one hundred and fifty years. That's just the reality. What are the closing arguments in the last minute I have here with you. Well, at President's got to find a way to say, look at what I've done. Economy was strong. Spend a little bit of time on that. Spend more time on here's what I want to do, particularly the things that I want to do to reignite the strong economy and the prosperity that we enjoyed in the first three years and two months of my administration. And then he's got to spend most of his time saying, here's the critical difference between me and my opponent. And we saw somebody do that Wednesday night in Salt Lake City. Mike Pence gave the presidents a template to do that. I thought Mike Penz was fabulous This week, all right, Carl Row architect, twenty five days game time. Can't wait to see what happens. I hope it works out right for the American people, because this agenda of the non transparent ever week and frail and confuse Joe scares the hell out of me. Carl Rove, Thank you, sir, eight hundred and nine four one sewn you want to be a part of the program. Social media companies where a lot of people get information are censoring conservatives more and more every day, and what should conservatives do about it? It's next all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, and only twenty five days until you are the ultimate jury. Assume this election is the closest, the tightest, the most difficult to ever win. And if everybody looks at it like an all hands on deck moment, well you can shock the world again. Wouldn't that be great? One thing? Look, I have been banned by my staff now going on, Lynda. How long is it since you've taken away all my accounts and I own nothing and I can't get on. I don't have any passwords, I don't have any email, I don't have any anything. How long it's gone on for a long time now, right, Yeah, I mean we're heading into the better part of six years now. I don't think it's been six years, because I think I had My last fight was with Jimmy. Yeah, that's when you got it from somebody else on the staff who went behind my back and decided to give it to you and then I had to change the password again. That that's that is actually true. That is a true story. So I don't know if that is any of my platforms. Now, that's when I do want to send out a tweet or something, um, I have to run it by a squad, if you will, of which you are one of the leading members of the squad. And Blair, you're the leader. Maybe I'm the leader, baby, I don't know who you know. You're the leader of the squad that I would say, the oppressive squad. Here's the problem though, they Now you got Kamala Harris now saying Twitter should ban Donald Trump. Uh, you've got Jim Jordan's been all over this how big tech is out to get conservatives. We talked about shadow banning and all these practices to minimize the reach of prominent conservatives and their message to people. Now, they are supposed to be in the business of providing a platform for the free, for freedom of speech, free association, etc. Etc. They're not supposed to be in the editorial business. And Jim Jordan talks about how House Republicans have been shadow banned by Twitter. But I want you to listen to this because let me tell you something. What's going on with Facebook and what's going on with Twitter, and now there are competitors that are rising to fill the void. Remember a lot of these if they're viewed as a platform to put content up, they get special legal protections. Now if they're going to go editorial like the media mob, well the protections, the liability protections they have, well, just by pure logic should go away. Anyway, listen to the first Kamala, then listen to Jim Jordan. This is a big issue, especially with just twenty five days to go, because so many people get their news and information from social media. And I called on Twitter to suspend Donald Trump's account. That you did not agree, and I would urge you to join me, because here we have Donald Trump list sixty five million Twitter followers and is using that platform as the President of the United States to openly intimidate witnesses, to threaten witnesses, to obstruct justice, and he and his account should be taken down. This is a matter of corporate responsibility. Twitter should be held accountable and shut down that site. It is a matter of safety and corporate accountability. I'll just got to the chase Big texts out to get conservatives. That's not a suspicion, that's not a hunch, that's a fact. July twenty, twenty twenty, Google removes the homepages of Brightbart and The Daily Caller. Just last night we learned Google has censored Brightbart so much traffic has declined ninety nine percent. June sixteenth, twenty twenty, Google threatens to demonetize and banned the Federalists. April nineteenth, twenty twenty, Google and YouTube announce a policy censoring the content that conflicts with recommendations of the World Health Organization. I think about that, the World Health Organization, the organization that lied to us, the organizations that shield for China. And if you contradict something they say, they can say whatever they want. They can lie for China, they can hill for China. You say something against them, you get censored. June twenty, Amazon bands President Trump's account on Twitch after he raises concerns about defunding the police. June four, twenty, Amazon bans a book critical of the coronavirus lockdowns written by a conservative commentator. May twenty seven, twenty twenty, Amazon Smile won't let you give to the Family Research Council and the Alliance Defense Fund, but you can give to Planned Parenthood. Facebook June nineteenth, twenty twenty takes down posts from President Trump's reelection campaign. November first, twenty eighteen, Facebook Silence is a pro life organizations advertisement, May nineteenth, twenty sixteen. Facebook. Former Facebook employees admit Facebook routine Lee suppresses conservative views. And I haven't even mentioned Twitter who we actually invited, mister chairman. We asked for you guys to invite him as one of our witnesses. You guys said, no, I haven't even mentioned them. Two years ago they shadowban two members of this committee. Four members of Congress were shadowban two years ago, four hundred and thirty five in the House one hundred and send five hundred and thirty five, only four, only four Gates Meadows now as Jordan, only four get shadowban. And of course what did mister Dorsey tell us? He said, oh, it was just a glitch in our algorithm. Just to ask him, what'd you put in the algorithm? The name is Gates Meadows noon as Jordan, I mean if I had a nickel for every time I heard it was just a glitch. I wouldn't be as wealthy as our witnesses, but I'd be doing all right. Great powerful arguments by our friend Jim Jordan. But this is a big deal. More people now get a lot of news from social media, a lot of people, and if they're now going to be in the business of being like a newspaper and being able to edit and decide what content is appropriate what's not appropriate, I'm not talking about crazy people that make threats. There's got to be some common sense applied to this. Why would they just because you don't like people's political views, you don't get to it then becomes an inkind donation for all things Socialist Democratic Party, which pretty much is the entire media mob anyway. Anyway, joining us to discuss, we have Julie Kelly, political commentator senior contributed to America American Greatness, wrote the book Disloyal Opposition, How the never Trump right tried and failed to take down the President. And by the way, she's monitoring a lot of the efforts by big tech and social media to minimize conservatives free speech. Also with US, as Amy Peakoff. As with us. She's the chief policy officer of Parlor, which is now a competitor to Twitter to talk about the platform and how they plan on maintaining freedom of speech on all their platforms. Welcome both of you. Amy, I'm gonna be honest. I know I have a parlor account. I don't have access to any of my accoun ounce because my staff just you know, they don't trust me enough to have the pass codes. But I know, I don't know what you call it. It's not tweeting. What do you call it? On parlor? Yours? A parloring? What do you call it? Oh? Thanks for having me on ton We call it par lane par lane. Okay, now I'm getting hips with others. Okay, So my question to you is, you know Twitter does this and they're doing it more than ever. Correct, it seems that way. We're getting stories all the time. Okay, what is the policy of parlor? And because I would imagine if somebody puts up a death threat that that would be something that you absolutely would have to take down. Right. Oh, yes, no, absolutely. We do have a terms of service and we know of course ban illegality from our platform, but we, unlike our competitors at Twitter and Facebook, have a set of community guidelines that is animated by the First Amendment to our Constitution, and so we truly believe in free speech. On our platform. We do not remove any content based on viewpoint, whether it's philosophical, political, or religious. Otherwise, we don't ban hate speech, etc. And moreover, we have very objective enforcement through a community jury that tries to violation cases. Okay, so let me so what do you do in the case like I find people that are racist repugnant, I just I can't stand these people, or white nationalists or people with those views. You do you are they allowed to post even the most offensive things? Or maybe people like you know, what do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? Or pigs in a blanket prime like Bacon, like some of the group Black Lives Matter, their chance that they've had over the years. People are allowed to have hate speech, even what is called fighting words on our platform. We actually side with those legal scholars who think that fighting words themselves are not you are not actionable in terms of criminal action if they're on social media platforms. So those are allowed. But what we do is we put tools into the hands of our community members that they can themselves from their feed ban that content. We have a mute feature, we have a block feature, and so we leave this up to the individual user to curate his or her own feed. All right, now, let me bring in Julie Kelly. I don't know. Look, there's plenty of things that I see on Twitter when I used to look at it, I don't really look at it anymore about me that were grossly, really offensive. But some of it was actually funny. I mean, you gotta laugh at some of the memes and other things that people put up in the amount of time they put into even making fun of me and say the worst things about me. I can live with that. Your thoughts, well, you definitely need a fixed skin to deal with Twitter. Maybe Linda can come and locked on my accounts too, that would be a big favor. But as far as Twitter is concerned, it's you know, there is this seamless relationship between big tech oligars and the Democratic Party. The public policy director for Twitter just left a few months ago and went to join Joe Biden's transition team, So that to tell you a lot of what you need to know about what the platform is planning. In September, they announced something called their Civic integrity policy as we get closer and closer to out of shrugged reality, that will flag tweets as we've seen by the President that raises any concern about mail in ballots, absolutee ballots, as we're learning at the same time all the corruption related to mail in ballots. I mean every day, every hour, we're seeing new instances of this, and so they are flagging these tweets, they are going to censor them, especially really crarect down after the election because a lot of these big tech oligarchs are involved in this Transition integrity project. Yeah, all right, So now, I mean it's become so powerful. Now where are you in terms of how many people are on parlor amy if you're allowed to disclose that information. Yeah, So we've got over four million community members at parlor now, and I anticipate that it's going to grow precisely because of the problem that Julie was just talking about, which is the planned information brown out as we're calling it in our competitive platforms of Twitter and Facebook. What we're doing is we're applying our business as usual free speech policy to the problem that's presented by getting information during this contentious election period. And we have a Transparency twenty twenty campaign where we say we are not going to edit, to realize we are not going to flag. We are going to give everybody who in our community or anybody who wants to go look at parlor information that is unfiltered and let them think and decide for themselves what's credible and what's not. You know, I do like the freedom of choice. And you know, look, I think a lot of people feign that they're so outraged. I actually think when you shine a light on people that are are so grossly offensive, do you have and have you had instances where people make threats on other people's lives? And how do you handle that? Of course we do, and then if we actually have, you know, we have real threats, we take them down. Those can be reported through our community jury system. We have a whole bunch of volunteer jurors who adjudicate the cases. It's a quorum system, and having a threat is an automatic takedown. But of course, the thing you have to say is something hate speech, is something just fighting words, or something a threat. We treat our jurors what the distinction is clean me so that it's objective, all right, So I think it's very clear and very plain. I want to get to the liability question on the other side. Then we'll have our news round up information overload hour. This controversy with Stephen Scully and you claiming that I guess he was hacked on Twitter true or not, I don't know. Don't forget our friends at job Creators Network or sponsoring what they want to become the biggest All right, final love moments that we have here only have about thirty seconds each for Julie Kelly and Amy Peakoff is with us from Parlor. So should these companies that are shadow banning editing content, should they lose that liability protection? Amy will start with you, Well, arguably, anything that they are doing that constitutes editorializing content they should have liability for. And I think that's true even under the current section two thirty. I don't know that you even need to amend it to achieve that. That is only if they're acting as a plot form and so far as they're not a mere platform, they should have liability. You know, I think it's time maybe that people make the switch. Julie Kelly, your thoughts. I have argued that I think there was a lost opportunity again. I would like to see these companies left with campaign finance dilations of major magnitudes, because that's exactly what this is. It is straight up election interference. It's beyond censorship, and I would like to see them tagged with millions of dollars in fines for interference and having to calculate their in time contribution to the Democratic parties. All right, Amy, thank you, and Julie, thank you as well. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn Tolfree telephone number, twenty five days to go. Now the Debate Commission unilaterally decides, oh, it's going to be a virtual debate. That more as we continue. Sean's new book, Live Free or Die is now available. Feel free to grab your copy in stores and online. Every Are you aware Cree or die? My twenty five days? You are the ultimate jury? Glad you're with us? Eight hundred and nine for one, Sean. You want to be a part of the program, News Roundup and information Overload our now. Nancy Pelosi was actually a very funny cover on the front page of the New York front cover of the New York Post Today, one of the tabloids in New York. She's coup cuckoo, you know, which is pretty funny play on words. It is a tabloid. It is what it is, Russia impeachment. Now Pelosi is floating the twenty fifth Amendment to remove Donald Trump, and she's announcing this legislation to set up a Commission on Presidential Capacity to discharge powers and duties of the president. It's not about Trump, she's trying to tell us. It's not about the election. She's trying to tell us listen to crazy Nancy today. Again, is my honor to welcome Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland, a constitutional scholar, as he introduces legislation to establish a Commission on Presidential Capacity to discharge the duties and the powers and duties of the office. This is not about President Trump. He will face the judgment of the voters, but he shows the need for us to create a process for future presidents. The twenty fifth Amendment creates a path for reserving stability if a president suffers a crippling physical or mental problem and is unquote in the Amendment, unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and transfers his powers. Specifically, Section four of the amendment empowers Congress to set up an independent body to confront such a crisis. Congress has a constitutional duty to lay out the process by which a president is president's in capacity and the president of any party is determined. This bill honors the duty by creating a standing commission of top former executive officials and medical experts selected in a bipartisan bi camera way. A president's fitness for office must be determined by science and facts. This legislation applies to future presidents, but we are reminded of the necessity of action by the health of the current president. This is a president who has been This isn't about anything to say we got to do something like this about the election. It's not about the election at all. Okay, I don't think there's a person listening to that that believes a single word she's saying. It's hate Trump every second, every minute, every hour of every twenty four hour day, every week. All. I mean, this is what we've had for four years. I mean, you get a bunch of lunatics, radicals, extremists involved in a plot to kidnap Governor Whitman. I blame Trump. Trump said this I'm like, okay, you know, these people have lost their minds. You know, Mike Pence brought this up at the debate with Kamala Harris this week. Is that you talk about not getting over an election loss. They never accepted that Donald Trump won a free and fair election, and they've been trying to undermine him every step of the way. Russia, Russia, which we now know is manufactured from the get go by Hillary Clinton and the Steel dossier by a known Russian operative of the FBI for over a decade. You know, then we got impeachment, but will ignore quid pro quote Joe and zero experience Hunter. Now we'll float the twenty fifth Amendment. We'll try and convince the American people twenty five days out of an election that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump. They're losing their minds. Anyway. Here to weigh in on this and more, Joe Conscha. He's an opinion calumnist for The Hilm. Mark Simone is the host of the top rated morning show on our New York affiliate AM seven ten WR. Welcome Bothie back to the program. I don't I tell you when I saw this today, Mark Simone, you know what I'm thinking. Okay, she just set up Joe Biden if he ever won the election, because he doesn't seem too together to me. Well, you know, just because he's bumping into walls and he doesn't know where he is. I don't go by that. But be honest, if you were the emergency room doctor and somebody walked in looking like Nancy Pelosi, you'd get that little light out and shine in her eyes and say, here, follow my finger. Something looks wrong with her. I think she's telling the truth when she says this is not about Donald Trump. It's about and some people think this is to take out Joe Biden if they ever have to. I think it's to protect Biden in the second debate. They figure Donald Trump will hit him with his mental state. He's incapacitated. He's losing it that way. By the way, do you know when the second debate is occurring, because I'm as far as I know, it's not happening virtually. Well, I think third debate, this one may not happen. The third debate will become the second debate. That's some way they'll do one more. And this way that's Biden's response. Well, I'm not the one that's being investigated. And when she talks about a commission, you can already picture like that ghoul Ari Emmanuel or doctor Zeke Emanuel, those people. Uh yeah, I've asked every doctor about these meds. They can cause mood swings. And I said, well, how long does that side effect last after you're off the drugs? And they said about five minutes maybe, So he's already off them. He's yeah. I heard him with you last night. He sounded great, how much? And he was with Russia earlier today sounded great. Also. You know people said coughed twice when you were interviewing him, Hannity, from what I heard what RUSSI didn't cough one time. Um. And you can hear the energy level mark. And we all work in radio. We all know radio is all about energy. You can't do it any other way. And you know we got guys like you that do this for him. You got sonar radar. You can hear when anything's wrong with a guest. And there was nothing wrong with him. It's well said Joe Conchi. You're take well, I'm going to monitor both of you right now. I think you're being very unfair to Nancy Pelosi. Her hair looked great. Okay, no one's talking about the hair. How good that looked, because when you can get into a good salon and get a good hair cut in radio to fascinating, she wasn't wearing the mask. And the video that I saw, I mean a chief for people that are you know, if you're Donald Trump made the biggest mistake of the campaign when he held the rally in Tulsa. Don't you think, Joe conscha He should have just called it a protest. Then it would have been okay that that seems to be accepted, right, And that's when we've seen New Jersey all the time, my governor here, protests are fine, but you know again, indoor gatherings very scarce, So what bothers me? Most Saturday Night Live has an indoor in studio audience right for their shows, and broadways shutdown till May of twenty twenty one. You can't go to a movie theater in New York, so that's kind of funny. Anyway, before I go off at a tangent, you did ask about the debates and what's going on there. I actually spoke to the Commission on Presidential Debates the co chair. His name is Frank Koff, and he told me before that in regards to this debate moderator and Steve Scully and his Twitter account being hacked, he said that he was hacked and he has no direct knowledge or evidence of that is what he added. So let's think about this now. He have Steve Scully saying that he was hacked, which means that whoever hacked him said, you know what, our first order of business is to send a tweet to Anthony Scaramucci about Trump. I mean, your only explanations You're not buying it, are you? You're telling me you're not buying that lie. Well, no, I have two suspects here, Carlos Danger and Pierre de Lecto. Those are your two people you gotta look at as far as you may have hacked it. You know, I've known the guy for a long time. I've seen and I've watched him on c SPAN and he seems pretty even handed. Now. Apparently he was also a Biden intern at one point. I actually saw him in Cleveland at the at the presidential debate. Um. You know, he tried. I find the guy to be a nice guy. We had one issue. What was the exact words Twitter used with us, Linda, when when we had our issue with something, what was it? What did they say? We were compromised? We were compromise? What does that mean? It means Listen, people are always trying to hack into accounts, and it's our job to make sure they don't get in there. Okay, So you don't think we were hacked. I know we weren't hacked because so but can every day Sewan, Just for the record, there are people trying to hack your account every single day, your website, your Twitter. You why you took it away from me? That's why you're afraid I'm going to hack into my own. You're my weakest. So I removed that problem. I took you away, all right. So I want to give people the benefit of the doubt, Mark Simone. I mean, do I think maybe there's some truth to it? Yeah? Probably? Do I want to give the guy the benefit of the doubt? I actually do. Maybe I'm maybe I'm being too fair here. Oh you're too nice. Hey, I've been on with him, a very nice guy. But uh, this is joy reedish this I was hacked stuff. And if he was really hacked and so stunned he got hacked. Why didn't that get announced that five minutes after this tweet came out? Why don't we have to wait till the next day to hear about that? I think you just a mark. And he hasn't put out a statement yet either. Steve Scully hasn't denied this. Only the Commission on Presidential Debates thinks that he was hacked, and c SPAN said that they did an investigation, but Scully hasn't said a thing. Who does that tell you? Why why do you leave that tweet up to your point for hours? Right? If you weren't hacked? Saramucci responded as if like so nonchalantly, as if they were in the middle of the conversation. You notice then, So the whole point was he thought it was an instant message kind of conversation up to be public. Right, that's what it looks like, right, But here's the that's what it looks like. But all right, So is it true? And maybe Linda has to answer this because I don't have access to my accounts in case I didn't tell you guys, Um, is it true that people on Twitter get hacked? Is that real? Linda? So? But basically happens on Twitter that people can go on and other people are able to guess their passwords. Most people that are prominent and have verified accounts have two factor authentication, which is something that we have. We also have something else that scrambles everything. So in this case, I know all about this technology. I can barely download an app go ahead, but you know to to just sort of, you know, double down here, I think that I am, and I call I call bs here. I think he's lying through his teeth. When people hack into your account, they're not going to tweet at one specific person like hey, what do you think. They're going to try to get people to donate money, They're going to put out some weird picture. They're going to hack into your direct messages. They're not going to say, hey, what's up Scaramucci. That's not going to happen. Well, maybe it was possible to guess Steve Scully's password like I would guess. Biden twenty might be the best where I love I love Biden, Yeah, I love Joe. I'm with Joe. Yeah, I'm with Joe. A better question, though, is if you needed advice on how to properly respond. The last guy would ask is Anthony Scaramucci, who was fired for the worst response ever the New York Times. All right, let me go to both of you. Here. We are twenty five days out core packing. I'll tell you after the election, ending the legislative filibuster, Chuck Schumer, everything's on the table, DC, Puerto Rico statehood. I don't know if it would include an attempt to go through the constitutional amendment process and get rid of the electoral college. But they won't answer. Now, Joe Kanscha, I don't know all my political instincts, and I've done this thirty three years on radio. Tells me that's not going to fly with the American people. And this is a big unforced error by Biden and Kamala Harris. Huge. This is the number one question. I couldn't believe that Susan Page, the vice presidential debate moderator, didn't bring up that question, will you pack the courts? It was up to Mike Pence to actually approach that topic. Didn't even bring up Antifa as well, didn't bring up abolishing the filibuster. But yeah, when you want to change the third branch of government and change one hundred and fifty years of president you know what this does. If they pack the court and then Republicans get the White House back in the House back, then no packet, It'll look like a football roster, will have like a fifty three deep Supreme Court. So yeah, no one's gonna no one will support this. But again, if they win, they control the House, there's a good chance they bring back the Senate, or they take back the Senate, and then you have Biden. The White House is basically a puppet will sign everything, and they'll probably go ahead and do this because out of revenge over Amy Cony Barrett, you're a great political observer, Mark Simone, how do you see this campaign shaken out? I keep saying to my audience, I cannot tell you how this is going to end, and I'm being very honest, I don't know. We know how this is going to end. Just like it did in two thousand and sixteen, everything is identical. I went back and looked at October twenty sixteen, Poles showed Donald Trump behind sixteen seventeen points, and the same articles about how they were in chaos at the White House. The GOP has given up. They think it's lost. Same exactly though, and by the way. I think the reason they don't say what they're gonna do about packing the court is if they say they're going to do it and President Trump's reelected, then he's got the okay to do it. They said it was all right to do. I think that a point. I want to do it. Joe, What should take with twenty five days out? How do you see it? How do I see the election playing out? I look at polls too, you know me, I scour over them. I always look at the state polls and the Real Clear Politics Index of polls. That's where they take eight major polls and they averaged out this way. Can't just cherry pick one. Donald Trump is running ahead of what he was polling against Hillary Clinton and about a half a point. Yeah, so he's in better shape. So you're gonna tell me that he's going to lose Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio. I don't think so. And if he could just take one more state back of those three that he won that Nolan thought he would, Michigan, WISCONSCTA, Pennsylvania. Hey, however, if they're not running fracking ads all over Ohio and Pennsylvania, they're making the biggest unforced error of the campaign. Because but as Joe and Kamala are on record saying that they would ban fracking, eliminated is Joe's words? All right, More with Joe Concha, More with Mark Simone on the other side, Your call's final half hour coming up on this Friday, eight hundred nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program Hannity tonight, say you DVR nine Eastern Fox News Quick Break right back, we'll continue, all right, we got to wrap up here our final moments. We're gonna get to your calls next half hour. But okay, so you're both on record, Mark Simone and Joe Concha. Trump wins? How big predictions? Joe Concha, Oh, I'm not going to say you wins. I'm just saying that he has a much better chance than people are saying. Remember the news cycle moves so quickly that a thousand things can happen between now in them. I just say that he has a puncher's chance fifty fifty right now, and if he does win, it'll be very very close. Sean, what do you think, Well, we're supposed to say it's close. Anything can happen, so we don't want to discourage turnout, but I'd say Trump wins big three hundred and sixty three electrical quotes. All right, Joe Concho, Mark Simone, thank you both. Always be great to have you on the program. Eight hundred nine four one sewn you want to be a part of the program. We'll get to the phones next half hour. Want to remind you, and I don't have to tell you, we're in a fight now for the soul of this country in twenty five days. And yeah, the people that would want to pack the courts and then the filibuster and put it in a majority in the Senate of Democrats and perpetuity by creating statehood all over the place. The very same people that you are literally willing to turn the Constitution on their heads. Look at what they're doing with the New York Times sixty nineteen project. The other side knows like you do that our country has done more to achieve and advance the cause of liberty and freedom than any country in the world ever. Best way to fight back our friends at Hillsdale College. They teach truth. We can all learn the true story of this great country, America from the college that's better at teaching it than any other. Hillsdale College. Our friend doctor Larry arn his team of excellent professors all at Hillsdale. They actually have a free online course. It's powerful. It's called the Great American Story, a land of hope and by the way, which is what we need right now. That's America's real history and how our constant tuition was designed to be a vehicle to correct injustices, so we always are pursuing a more perfect union. No other country in the history of mankind has provided a means for such hope and equality and advance the human condition. You can get inspired, you can get informed. Sign up Sean for Hillsdale Sea nfoar Hillsdale dot com and you'll get this free online course. And that is America, the last great best hope for man on earth. Just go to Sean for Hillsdale dot com. All right, twenty five now to the top of the hour. Twenty five days. You are the ultimate jury. You know, I'll say one thing, This Commission on Presidential Debates, this is so egregious, such a power grab, it's such an assist to Biden, it's so corrupt. It really should be abolished. It has to be abolished. And the fact I'll show up for the third debate. They want to get them out of these debates anyway they can. This has nothing to do with any real health concerns. And the fact now we're not even going to reconsider our decision. They consult with nobody, and they make this unilateral decision. And I'll tell you what, I think it's rooted it more than anything. And maybe the president, you know, was aggressive to the point where Joe might have messed up more. Joe was getting a little antsy and a little aggravated, a lot annoyed. Shut up, and you know he's a clown. And you know, come on, a man, you're a junkie. Just think, take a trip down memory lane and ask yourself, do you think this man has the strength and the stamina and the mental alertness and acuity to be president? Just just listen to this, because nobody in the mob plays it, whether you think or anybody thinks you're going to stick to a message. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man, that's like saying you before you got in this program, you take a test where you're taking cocaine or not? What do you think? Huh? You got more questions, But I'd tell me if you have a problem figuring out whether you're from me or Trump and you ain't black mindal Caucus, No you haven't. You're a line dog faced pony soldier. I want to see these beautiful young ladies. I want to see them dancing when they're four years old or too. Visit you clap for that. What you all know, but most people don't know. Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community. And I had a nurse at at nurses at Walter Reed Hospital who would bend down and whispering my year and go home and get me pillows. They would make sure they'd actually probably nothing ever taught in you can't do it in the COVID time, but they'd actually breathe my nostrils to make me move. You are actually trying to diminish your second amount of right. I don't know which one of them are my favorites here, but it's that bad. By the way, Linda wants to talk about Joe and me. What do you want to talk about Joe, Amika, for I have no problem with Joe Amika, I don't care that they're big liberals. How do you not have a problem with Joe and Mika? I honestly don't have a problem with Joe Amika. I don't care. I have a problem with them. I have a problem that they have any time on TV. It's it's offensive. There's something wrong with the media people that The great thing about television is you got a lot of options. You know, I can't force people to listen to this radio show. I'd like to if I could, but I can't, and then say anyways, you know, so we're thrilled about that. So what do you so? Why are you all jazzed up about what Joe and meek or We know they hate Trump, we know they just love the tenseness between them. Jason, can you just play that one cut where they're like freaking out over each other Trump, Kamala Harris, I think I think Rudy Giastro's try to make sure communists. At this point, I'm just saying, yes, thank you, okay, okay, by you all. It's very good. Yeah, excuse me, excuse me, I'm speaking still ahead. It's been quite a week for President Oh my god, Actually, really are going to interrupt me, Derek Cole, this is throw the rock at the police cruisers so quickly, and of course those are the type of people the Yankee sign. Yeah, this is what lost the debates. Would never do that. And we were the first team. You check it. We were the first team to integrate. Again't even say that, go ahead, You're in big trouble. It's been President Trump. He called his coronavirus diagnosis a blessing from God. So Willie Um, you know, Meek and I we have rules before we come on this show. I'm not allowed to talk about baseball for long periods of time. Nor am I allowed to talk about our loss decade in Turkey. You and me Um, what that's about? A decade that was by the way, okay, so, but but for her, I have not allowed her to utter the phrase twenty fifth Amendment. But you know, because every morning she has wanted to. I've been right all along twenty fifth Amendment. And Isaiah, Honey, you can't say that every day, And she says, Honey, I can if I feel like it. Well, what I mean, you don't think that's amazing? Like He's basically sounds like basically they were in the living room and they're just having a TV show around. Oh, that's definitely not the family. You know, a family squabble. I promise you their living room is louder and more hostile, with a lot more words that we're not allowed to say on the air. Also, can I come in on one other thing? Because it's Friday and they hate they hate Donald Trump? I get yeah, but that's not even the point. They hate each other. It's star I don't believe that. Oh, calme on man anyways. So the other thing, it's got to be hard if if you're married to also do a TV show for three hours a day with each other. I mean, they didn't have to get married. They were doing a TV show before they got married. That was their choice, you know, they just they just I mean, she's trying to revoke his First Amendment. Right. Let me just say one thing here. I have you noticed I've not spent a lot of time talking about the Steve Schmidzt and Nicole Wallace's Oh I know, well, but and here's here's my thoughts on it. Okay. The only thing I take issue with is that they say they're either Republican or conservative because they're not, and I just I don't have to not everybody has to agree with me. Just enough, so we get two hundred and seventy electoral votes and I'll be happy. I'll be happy with that or disagreeing. What's happening is is that it's it's what you and I talk about a lot of times off here. There's just no civil discourse. For example, like you're talking about, you know, the Debate Commission, and how I'm not that civil all the time either. I mean, I'm guilty as charge, but you're the big interrupted I've ever married. I mean, if Mica ever did a show with you forgot about it, she'd lose our mind. She jumped out the window. She'd be like, I'm done, I'm good. She'd be happy with Joe forever. But no, wait, wait, one comment. I just want to make this one comment nice. You know, be nice. I'm being very nice. I'm super nice. This is very nice. I just wanted to say about the Debate Commission. I think the best response is it is to say, you know, we keep hearing from the left that science matters, the facts matter. Okay, great, So if science matters and the facts matter, then if Neither person on that stage has COVID. The whole room has been COVID tested. And we're all massed up, and we're behind plastic partitions, and we're more than six feet apart. Then why on God's green Earth can we not do a real debate? We can? This is Joe from from what I just played to protect throw on their face. This is a science matters conversation. Listen, it certainly matters. Look, this is just the reality. Now I'm going to be serious for a second. The institutional forces of the medium mob, and they are a mob, and the institutional forces of the Democratic Party. And I'll add to that the institutional forces within the Rhino Republican movement or the never Trumper movement. They are so fiercely anti Trump. I mean, they've lost all sense of perspective proportionality. They are raging Donald Trump. And the one thing I'm noticing that is emerging. Look, I can accept if it's a free and fair election. I can accept losing. If I had my way, John McCain would have beaten Barack Obama. If I had my way, Mint Romney would have beaten Barack Obama. I didn't win. I wasn't it just it wasn't meant to happen. I did everything I could to pick the better candidate. Now, what bothers me about the never Trump of people is that they would always tell conservatives like me, you gotta suck it up for the good of the party. It's the lesser of two evils, all of that crap, and I would i'd look at the choices that were not ideal. I like John McCain personally, but I did not agree with John McCain on a lot of issues. I like mc romney is a very decent up to the point where he lost was a He just exudes decency. And now the very people that were calling him a racist and a misogynist, you know, are now praising him, and I'm like wow. And then the people that went out and fought for him and supported him and wanted him to win, people like me, and I really believe he was more conservative than McCain. I mean, I can't see on policy where he would disagree with President Trump, but he can't get over his hatred either. And I think a lot of people that lose the presidency, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John McCain, even Mitt Romney. They also lose their minds. They can't believe they lost. And I've noticed this too over the years. Every candidate thinks they're gonna win. They all believe that, and they're devastated when they lose. I'd say, well, what are the pole show? I'm down twenty And it's not like in a case where Donald Trump, who I think is uniquely in a position that he just does not poll accurately. So I have no faith in the polls that are out there now. I did have faith in Matt tower He's inside or advantage pole in Florida, because he explained the methodology to us yesterday. And I just think that I don't even I think they believe they're doing the will of God at this point. If they remove Donald Trump, I think that's how nuts it's gotten, un't I don't disagree with you on many of these points. The one thing that I will say, first of all, for anybody who didn't see it, Matt Towery's pole that he did for us is an awesome pole. Is Freddie dot com and it's plus three, right, It was a plus three pole. Yeah, So that's very interesting in Florida, which is obviously a key state, Panhandle, et cetera. But I think the one thing that you know, there's a lot of conversations you knew. Katie and I talk about this a lot with the Quallers, and what everybody says is we do not have to have dinner with Donald Trump. He's not coming to our house for the holidays. We're not celebrating any big moments in our lives with him. What we are doing is we're bringing jobs back to America. Our four oh monkeys are blossoming. Everybody is able to prosper. He put three and a half million dollars into black entrepreneurship. He reformed the prison crime bills that all the Democrats put in. Alice Marie Johnson is a freewoman. We got Jack Brewer and Burgess out there talking all the time. These people should be the ambassadors and the surrogates for the minority communities to understand how many good things have happened under Donald Trump. You may not like his message, but when you look at the data on paper, he has done more for more groups of people than any other president before him. And maybe you might not like the way he says it. Okay, fine, you know what there's a lot of people I have to work with every day that I don't like, but you do it. You it's just including you. Some days, it depends other days. I love you, oh, thank you so, and vice versa. There's a lot of dames down to this. I don't know. I mean, this is an illusion that people think that Republicans and Democrats get along. They don't. The Democrats wanted to destroy Trump. They've done everything they've can from day one to destroy Trump. I happened. I think they're all part of the swamp. I think Donald Trump stands alone in a party of his I think this is what clearing the swamp looks like, and it's not pretty. I really will and you, But how do you say that the guy that is putting conservative justices on the court, the largest tax cuts in modern history, eliminating burdensome regulation, better trade deals, he wasn't a protectionist. I told everybody he wouldn't be. Foreign policy that actually wins and defeats the caliphate and serious Solomoni Baghdaddy and associates the al Qaida leader in Yemen, building up our nation's defenses, fixing the broken healthcare system of the VA, finding a way, fighting to get up the wall, money to build four hundred new miles a wall, fighting to get NATO and our allies to finally pay their fair share, fighting for these trade deals that he's got. Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight Now. I happen to like fighting. I've trained as a fighter. I'm a student of martial arts. We really fight. Um. I like a president that's out there fighting. I don't need to have tea and crumpets with the guy, exactly, I don't. That's not what I'm look I want a president that is tough, that fights for the promises he makes. Just remember Joe Biden was the guy who left our men to die in Benghazi. It was on his watch. Remember Toomey and the deep State was also on his watch. That's right. The logan act good morning against Flynn. It's a it's a hot mess. Listen, you're more confident than I am. And he's gonna win. He's it's gonna be it's gonna be a knockout. But that doesn't mean we're complacent. That means we go and we vote, and we vote. I listen, I'm more irish than you are, apparently, because I just I'm I'm thinking in my head that we're six points down and we got two minutes to go. My analogy, that's what I'm playing, that analogy so much. You gotta go eighty yards, no timeouts, crossed the plane, kick the extra point. Absolutely, all right. That's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel, loaded up, Dan Bongino, Aaron Parini's gonna join us, Pete Hegseth Rines, previous Tammy Bruce, Ben Carson, Greg Jarrett, Pambandi News. You won't get from the mob twenty five days until election Day, and when we get back on Monday, just twenty two on Tuesday, it'll be three weeks away. Monday Edition. We'll see you then the Sean Hannity Show. We'll see you tonight at nine. Thanks for being with us, Have a great weekend.

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